The Daily Titan Special Edition - Tuffy on the Town

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October 13, 2011


CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan A bartender at the Commonwealth Lounge pours a cocktail for a customer.

Thoughts in a bar JESSICA DRUCK Daily Titan

Seven girls walk into a bar, a bar consisting of a five-to-one male ratio. We’re in for it. I just know. It’s the kind of bar with a tiny dance floor, playing reggaeton and Britney Spears in one corner, while all 7 percent of the girls

there are dancing and about 70 percent of the men are huddled around nodding and undressing the girls with their eyes. I gave in (this doesn’t leave this paper) for half a song until I realized I needed more alcohol to turn me into the Saturday night fever that seemed to consume all my friends. I back away with friend No.

1. We get drinks. We drink. We drink faster. We pray it gives us the momentum to get down with our bad selves. We squeeze through grabby hands to get back to friends three through seven. My drink gets spilled all over me by some girl who thought she was in a J.Lo video. I stand still for a second until I realize the drink was two bucks– life goes on and I hate J.Lo. My phone vibrates so I back away from waving arms and whipping hair. As I’m standing against the bar, I feel a hand grab and squeeze my waist. I knew it wasn’t one of my friends, at least not this time. I turn to my left. Flat-billed hat with sticker on it, check. Four inches shorter than me, check. Grinning so much I thought his eyes were going to explode, check. I just stare. He just stands there, staring back. Insert disgusting look. Insert incessant staring. No. Of course, this lame bar has one bathroom and every woman

here is in line for it. As the door opens each time, all I can see is a mess of girls who are putting makeup on one another and drunkenly texting their friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, whatever, all in a single bathroom–while the rest of us are ready to just die. So we book it to a place that understands a one-stall women’s restroom is the stupidest decision for any bar owner. Ever. Time passes. What seems like an hour is only 10 minutes. Next bar. Last bar. Lines to get in, why? This isn’t Hollywood. We all get in, only after a fight with a stranger in line about soand-so’s something or other. We grab some booths. We get drinks. It’s packed. It was like Club DV8 meets Taco Tuesday. Is the DJ wearing a lucha libre mask? Why are there balloons here? Did we crash a birthday party? Confusion occurred. I wanted to click my heels, but they weren’t heels, they were flats. And they weren’t red, they were blue. Some of my friends go to an-


other table while I stay with one who came later. He (the “he” part is important shortly) gets up to get a drink and close the tab. I look down for what must have been a second and five guys swarm the booth. Really? “Please leave.” “No.” “Go away.” “No.” Friend comes back. Looks of more confusion. I try to channel what I’m thinking to him. I know what this looks like, but help? “Seriously, go away, this seat is taken.” “OK, OK, OK. But can I get your number?” So smooth. So debonair. I wonder how many numbers are in this person’s phone as “random girl at bar who I think had blond hair, I think.” They leave, pissed of course. Idiots. I’m sure they prowled the room for more girls who would be left alone for a mere minute. Last call. Girls leave the bar, at least what’s left of them.

October 13, 2011



1. 2. 3. 4.


Wear high heels that you can’t walk in for longer than 15 minutes Forget to close your bar tab at the end of the night Drunk text or dial, you will regret it Mix your alcohol (ie: beer with hard liquor, tequila with whiskey, wine with anything else) 5. Drink on an empty stomach 6. Wear a skirt or dress so short you give everyone a free show 7. Get so drunk you can’t function 8. Use lame pickup lines to get girls 9. Wear clothes that look like glitter threw up on them; we are in Fullerton, not Vegas 10. Wear your sunglasses in the bar or club; you’re not Jack Nicholson

1. 2. 3.

To do or not to do: A guide to bar-hopping JESSICA RUBIO Daily Titan


Check out the best happy-hour spots See who has live entertainment that night Make sure you have a DD if you aren’t within walking distance of where you’re going 4. Pregame with your alcohol of choice and music to get you pumped up before you go out 5. Make friends with the bartender and tip well; it will pay off in the future 6. Dress appropriately for where you’re going, keeping comfort and style in mind 7. Apply deodorant, wear perfume and/or cologne 8. Arrange a ride home before you go out if you plan on drinking 9. Ladies: bring a clutch or wristlet only big enough for your cash, ID and lip gloss 10. Have fun, but know your limit


October 13, 2011


Surviving a night out SHANDELL QUIBELL For the Daily Titan

On a night out, some of us just want to have fun, others just want to relax, and some just want to go crazy, but the one thing we all want to do is survive. Whether your interpretation of this word is literal, or you simply don’t wish to die of embarrassment, there are some tips that could really help you through an evening out. First things first, when getting ready for the night, be smart. Ladies, this means a couple of things. One, wear underwear under that crotchlength skirt. Second, if you’re going to be dancing or doing something that keeps you on your feet, then forget the six-inch ankle breakers. Falling flat on your face in the middle of the street is an excellent way to die of embarrassment, or from a speeding SUV. Gentlemen, getting ready is a bit simpler for you. Put on deodorant. This brings me to a gender-neutral tip. Pack some gum. This will help a number of people survive the embarrassment problem. You won’t have to figure out why no one is talking to you and your friend won’t have to break the news to you. Both men and women should also remember to have their ID on them for the night. What if you get accused of public intoxication? I say accused because I know you only appear to be passed out on the ground. In reality, you were just looking for your contacts, right? Nonetheless, being caught drinking without your ID is illegal. Don’t give the police another reason to dislike you. Trying to re-enact the gun scene from Superbad will probably be enough. Along with gum and your ID,

bring cash. If your night out isn’t everything you dreamed about, you may want to leave early. If your friend drove, the only escape route is a taxi and they’re costly. That being said, never leave your friend alone. Aside from the obvious potential danger of being by yourself, you don’t want to be absent when your friend finds two cute singles. Trust me, when you hear the story the next day, you’ll be really angry that you missed out and your friend had twice the fun. This is also why it’s better if you have a big group for your night out, no matter what you’re doing. Remember, there’s safety in numbers. Maybe your night out consists of some karaoke. If you have a big group, there’s a likely chance that someone there will be a worse singer than you are. Perhaps your night out is more about literal survival. Say you went camping for the weekend. If you’re with a number of people, you’re almost guaranteed to be a faster runner than someone else with you. This will come in handy when you get a visit from Yogi Bear. The point is, don’t ever be alone on your night out and never leave a friend alone. Another important rule is to treat your drink as you treat your friend. No, I don’t mean take a hundred pictures with it to post on Facebook. Bad idea. I just mean never leave it unattended. You never know what a bartender or stranger could do to it. When it comes to surviving a night out, the two most important things to remember are simply to have fun and be smart. If all else fails, think of everything the boys from The Hangover did, and then do the exact opposite.


October 13, 2011



Confessions of a party girl LISA HOSBOYAR Daily Titan

Sneaking out, sneaking in and some dirty dancing in between: sit back, relax and grab a vodka tonic, because these are my Hollywood confessions. For the most part I’m not much of a wild child. I like to stay in, go to small dinners and spend time with family, that kind of stuff, but have you ever met anyone who just brought something out of you that only comes out when they’re around? Well that was the case between me and my best friend. “Mary,” or at least that is what we’ll call her for the purpose of this article, just in case her fiance stumbles upon it, was the ultimate party girl. She could give Paris Hilton a run for her money. Except Mary did not have much money, a famous last name or a sex tape, but that did not stop her from leaving her mark on the Hollywood nightlife. Her greatest skill was networking with people to get us invited to the best afterparties or make friends with a promoter so

we could sit and drink at his table for free. If there was a famous person at that club, Mary was already flirting her way into the VIP area. It worked every time because she was beautiful and had a killer body, fake breasts and all. We used to call her our video vixen just to get under her skin. I was her sidekick for the most part. I followed her to the table, grabbed a drink and minded my own business. I am not a natural flirt like my best friend, so for me, sitting and trying to look pretty was my best bet at fitting in. I didn’t mind because my role came with some pretty nice perks: free drinks, a place to sit at over-crowded clubs and celebrities. One night we ended up at Paris Hilton and Brody Jenner’s table, another night we had drinks with Jason Statham from the Transporter movies (who, by the way, is way shorter than he looks on TV), but the greatest, most exciting person we came across was the beautiful Leonardo DiCaprio. Even though he refused to take pictures with anyone, he was a lot nicer than I expected.


After Mary got engaged, things started to slow down, and eventually, it all came to a halt. One look at her new ring and she went from Lindsey Lohan to Betty Crocker. We stopped going out at nights even for nice dinners, which was disappointing at first but didn’t take long for my homebody self to get used to. Months had gone by without even mentioning the word Hollywood to each other, so you can imagine my surprise when Mary

decided she would kidnap me in the middle of the night to go clubbing. Confused? Let me start from the beginning. It was Friday night around midnight and I had just gotten home from a Duffy boat ride and dinner with two of my girlfriends, when Mary texted me saying she was about to leave a late dinner with her co-workers and wanted to come over. Continued on page 7

October 13, 2011



CONFESSIONS: Party all night long ...Continued from page 6

Courtesy of Lisa Hosboyar / Daily Titan Paris Hilton and Lisa Hosboyar at Myhouse nightclub in Hollywood taking a break from dancing while her then boyfriend, Doug Reinhardt, snaps a picture.


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I found it odd but knew she had been under a lot of pressure lately, so I figured she needed someone to talk to. Exhausted from the day, I changed into my gray Hanes shirt, sweatshirt and Rainbow sandals. I left my black leggings on out of pure laziness. An hour later she finally arrived and told me to come to her car. I grabbed my cell phone, house keys and explained to my mom, who was about to go to sleep, that I would be back in five minutes, not knowing five minutes would turn into five hours. As soon as I sat down and shut the door, my crazy best friend drove off in full speed, leaving me confused. When she told me we were

going to Hollywood, a full panic came over me like a bucket of cold water. I tried to reason with her. I told her by the time we get there everything will be closed, but she just shrugged and said the nightclub Playhouse would be open until 3:30 a.m. and that we could just go there. I asked her to please take a look at my outfit and that there was no way I could get in with sandals and a sweatshirt. She thought about this for a while, then with a smile on her face suggested I wear an extra pair of heels and crop jacket she kept in her trunk. By this time we were halfway there and I realized there was no turning back. I took off my sweatshirt, put on the crop jacket over my pajama shirt, re-did my face with her makeup, teased my hair so high it looked semi-done, and replaced my brown Rainbows with a pair of black pumps. I had to admit, I did not turn out so bad given the circumstances. We parked on the street and started walking to the club when it hit me that I had no ID on me. When I had left the house all I had taken with me were the keys and my cell phone. How was I supposed to know I’d be in Hollywood when an hour earlier I was half-asleep in my bed? I had to think fast because post45-minute drive, I wasn’t going to turn back around and go home, plus my makeup and hair looked fierce and were a distraction from my half-pajama outfit. When we reached the bouncer I whipped out an old trick from my under-21 days. I told him I had forgotten to close the tab at the bar before I left and my credit card and ID were still there, so I needed to get in to the club in order to retrieve them. Works like a charm every single time. He let me in and Mary came in behind me. That night we danced until the club closed and then some more at a Hollywood Hills after-party. By the time we got back to my house in Orange County, it was 5:30 a.m. Praying that my parents did not notice I was gone and would not wake up, we slowly snuck in and made our way to my room. I breathed out a huge sigh of relief when we were both in my room and safe from my parents ever finding out about our spontaneous little adventure. What a night it had been. The shock, the ID situation, the fear that my parents would wake up and notice it had been way over five minutes was all worth it because nights like this are what make great memories.

October 13, 2011



Downtown Fullerton has more than bars and restaurants Harbor Boulevard is home to several vintage stores that sell some one-of-a-kind pieces MARIBEL CASTANEDA Daily Titan

I’ve studied at Cal State Fullerton for three years and have never gone out into the city and really explored it. I heard about the great nightlife in downtown Fullerton, the awesome bars, good restaurants and cool shops—but no one ever mentioned the vintage trend it had going on. Walking along the narrow street of Harbor Boulevard and looking

at the cluster of shops, each with its own unique character, next to bars and restaurants all promising a good time can be so overwhelming that you almost miss three quiet little vintage shops: Buffalo Exchange, American Vintage and Stray Cat. Buffalo Exchange, “Not the usual thrift store,” lives up to its name. As I walked into the small intimate store

and saw its eccentric collection of clothes, I knew I was going to get the deal of a lifetime. It’s not often that you find a thrift store worth shuffling through all the racks. Needless to say, Buffalo Exchange was a rare commodity. I was elated and overwhelmed by all the choices but my heart sank when I saw the prices. A used jacket for $40? My friends and I were shocked. Surely this was a mistake until I looked closely at the sign

I was clearly standing in something special, so I got over the prices and started digging. out front reading, “New & Recycled Fashion.” A thrift store calling their clothes fashion, oh yeah, this was no regular store. But it was actually a hybrid store combining regular retail and more modern vintage. I was clearly standing in something special, so I got over the prices and started digging. I finally made my way to the shoe rack (saving the best for last) and saw the perfect pair of leather boots I had been searching for for months! The boots were the most beautiful shade of coffee brown and I got to them before anyone else saw them. I was not about

to let them out of my hands. But the drawback of finding them in a thrift store hit; there was only one size and it was two sizes too small for me. Sadly, I didn’t walk out of the store with them but I did leave with an overpriced, one-of-a-kind jacket. Encouraged by the success at Buffalo Exchange, I hastily made my way to the next promising vintage store on Harbor Boulevard: American Vintage. This store surprised me immediately. It was large, organized and furnished. American Vintage had more than just vintage clothes, it had furniture, accessories, luggage and props. It was more vintage than Buffalo Exchange, but just as good. I spent hours going through each rack meticulously. After circling the store twice, I made my way down the street to Stray Cat, which was hands-down the oddest, coolest, funkiest store there. Stray Cat Vintage & Costumes had an array of unique merchandise and anyone could find something they’d like. Even the window displays which showcased its creative styles was a sight to see. And an added feature are the racks of vinyl ranging from punk rock, to indie, to ‘80s flashback; it was enough to have me hooked for hours. My first trip to downtown Fullerton was a success, filled with vintage shops that made thrift stores cool again, and it surely will not be my last.

Birthday bar hop guide CAMYRON LEE Daily Titan

Downtown Fullerton has a variety of great bars to choose from, all conveniently located along Harbor Boulevard, which makes bar-hopping fun and effortless. For these reasons I chose to host my birthday “bar-hop” downtown this year. I asked a few friends for some advice on the best places to go, and this is the list that I would recommend after having a great experience hittin’ downtown Fullerton. The first bar we went to was Matador Cantina, located conveniently along Harbor Boulevard in the middle of downtown. The dimly lit atmosphere, extensive oak bar and deep-set corner booths made the bar a perfect place to start my night. They have a great list of wine and beer, but if you’re feeling adventurous, be sure and sample one of their signature Mexican cocktails. I chose the Mango Dulce, which is similar to a mango martini with real mango puree and a chili-dipped rim. Next we made our way to the Continental Room, which is located in the south of the Commonwealth (SOCO) District of Fullerton. The bar is lined with booths opposite the bar, the ambient atmosphere is complemented by antique chandeliers and it’s packed with people dancing to the song choices of the live DJ depending on the night. The Continental Room has a full bar and is a great place to go dancing, making it a nice way to change up the evening. Heroes Bar and Grill was our last stop. Regardless of the rowdy environment, it’s one of my favorite bars in Fullerton. The kitchen is open late, and they have an extensive variety of beers from all over the world. It’s casual with a great beer selection and if you’re lucky enough to swoop a table, the waitress will bring you bags of peanuts, which you can freely consume before tossing the shells on the floor. The shell-covered floor adds to the fun, casual atmosphere the decor and friendly staff create. Feel free to steal my birthday bar-hop agenda point-blank. I enjoyed it and I hope you will to!

October 13, 2011



WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan (Top left): The New Limb, (Top right): Micah Brown, (Middle right): The Alternates, (Bottom right): Chasing Kings, at the House of Blues in Anaheim.

October 13, 2011



WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan (Top left): Kiev, (Top right): Kiev, (Middle left): Railroad to Alaska, performing at The Galaxy Theare in Santa Ana.

October 13, 2011



Debate: Gay vs. straight clubs Which social environment should girls go to on their night out? One stands out more than the other for singles looking for a fling


It’s finally Friday and you have been waiting all week for this day to arrive. You survived the big midterm Monday only to fall asleep in your Tuesday lecture class. You’ve endured the group project Wednesday and barely lasted through the long lecture Thursday on the ethics of whatever. The weekdays seem like a mere blur now as you apply your eyeliner, careful not to get any makeup on your freshly curled hair. It’s the weekend and tonight you are hitting the nightclub scene with your girls. As you finish getting dressed and slip your feet into the highest, most painful-looking pumps in your shoe collection, you stop to take a look at yourself in the mirror. Move over Megan Fox, because those last few days at the Titan gym sure paid off. You think to yourself, “I am looking good tonight, well, except I can really work on my stomach, legs…” NO! I must leave the mirror before my insecurities creep in. The girls come to pick you up 15 minutes late, but as long as you don’t have to drive you don’t mind their tardiness. Once all the hello’s, hi’s and compliments are out of the way, the four of you start discussing places to go. You, “feeling hot hot hot” as the band Arrow would say, suggest the hippest, most happening bar in town since you are very single and, dare I say, desperate to mingle. Another girl says she wants to go to a gay club. While gay clubs are super fun and all, they’re better to attend with your gay guy friends, not with a group of girls. Regular clubs or bars are better because there is an opportunity to meet a possible love interest. Going to a gay club is a lot like going jewelry window shopping at Cartier; you might spot some nice eye candy but it’s a total disappointment knowing it’ll never be yours. It’s a lot safer going to Macy’s where at least you know you can obtain some pieces. Because ladies, let’s face it, all the good guys are not taken. They’re gay and they taunt us with their perfectly moisturized beautiful

faces and sculpted bodies with sixpack abs. While your average, quintessential straight guy sits on the couch watching David Beckham smack around the soccer ball, the gay guy hits the gym and tries to look like David Beckham. For girls, gay clubs are a place to unwind, relax, joke around and get complimented over shoe selections. But sometimes they can get somewhat cheesy. Even The Abbey, which was voted as the best gay club in the world by Logo, according to their website, can sometimes feel like a production instead of a place to socialize, with their waiters in white, skin-tight outfits and wings attached to their backs. The male striptease dancers are fun to look at at first, but soon become quite tasteless and tacky. Gay clubs like the Abbey are accepting to all people who come through

Gay clubs are fun once in a while, but regular clubs are where all the single ladies and men should be spending their weekends ... the doors. David Cooley, president of the Abbey, makes sure everyone feels welcomed. “Anyone who walks through my gate is a VIP. Everyone is going to be treated the same. I think that’s really part of my success. That mantra has led to the bar’s heavy crossover appeal, not only among gays and straight people, but across age and race demographics,” Cooley told the Los Angeles Times. Regular clubs and bars have a more subtle atmosphere with a classier setting, for the most part. There is no big show or distraction, so it becomes easier to meet people and talk over a drink. According to UpgradeReality. com, straight clubs and bars are one of the top five places to meet men or women. Gay clubs are fun once in a while, but regular clubs are where all the single ladies and men should be spending their weekends to have have a flirty drink in search of that special someone.

October 13, 2011

Frisk Me




“Let’s get personal” After 21 years of waiting pa• When my friend told me that to drink. I once wrapped my arms tiently, I finally celebrated my the band at our bar had just fin- around his neck and told him birthday with eight others at an ished playing the Talking Heads’ (several times) I didn’t want him authentic Irish pub in Santa Mon- “Psycho Killer,” I began singing to get in a car crash and die on his ica last month. the chorus at the top of my lungs way home. I had the best friends, the desig- in the bar’s restroom. • I speak louder than I think nated driver, the old buddies from • I suppose when I’m drunk, I I do, as a circle of acquaintances high school and the networking will do anything to see two very (at least one of them a complete chum. I also had the drinks— good-looking men make out. And stranger) heard me whisper into brain hemorrhage, buttery nipple, by “anything,” I mean I made a my then-boyfriend’s ear that I chocolate cake shot, sex on the pact that I would make out with wanted desperately to take advanbeach and two adioses to complete and get to second base with a fe- tage of him. the night. male friend of mine. All just to • When two male friends of I had the success of getting cut see a little mustache-to-mustache mine were trying to carry my pissoff at the bar, and I had the mis- interaction. drunk ass to a bed so I could go fortune of puking AMF out my • I bluntly told two of my to sleep and call it a night, I told car window while my designated friends and my designated driver them that I had envisioned my driver was doing 80 on the free- that I would bang them, except for rape fantasy starting out this way. way. Oh, and thanks to my friend Jackson. I admitted that I would • On several occasions, I burst Jackson, there is now a YouTube only have sex with him if I were into tears about how heartbroken video (of me being in a drunken a lesbian. Guess the logic made I was over a guy whom I thought stupor, not vomiting). sense to me at that time. I meant something to, when in reIt wasn’t anything humorous • A bartender once came to my ality, he had just used me for sex. at the time, but my I prefer to keep these friends were excited to girly kind of emotions see me wasted because to myself, when, in a All in all, I consider myself lucky that of the hilarity that sober state of mind, tends to ensue when I I try to consider the I have very little regrets—none of the decide to let the alcosituation something above being one. But that doesn’t mean you hol take over: really not worth cry• I once dubbed a won’t if you let yourself get carried away. ing over. mini-salted pretzel I • I told my smokfound in a bowl of ing hot Italian friend party snacks as my new whom I had not seen best friend. And after about an table at a restaurant to check my in three years that if the opporhour or so, when a friend told me friends (who were of age) and me tunity arose, I would definitely I had eaten it, I cried for my loss. for our IDs. As long as I reim- f--- him. And while that may very • My best friend tried to feed bursed them with cash, they were much be the truth, for professionme wheat bread to help absorb more than happy to discreetly buy alism’s sake, I had no intention of some of the alcohol in my stom- drinks for me, but we obviously him ever finding out. EVER. ach. Instead, I took small nibbles got caught. As I was only 20 at the • I briefly made out with my and told her I hated eating the time, I had to pretend I left my ID best friend before slowly coming bread’s butt. at another bar, and he apologized to the realization that kissing is • After numerous attempts of for having to kick me out. “You not something we’d be comforttrying to win sober, I was able to don’t need to apologize,” I seduc- able doing any other time. I had kick five other peoples’ asses in a tively whispered in his ear. “You’re to sober up when I held her hair riveting game of “Apples to Ap- just doing your job.” Then I gave back while she barfed tomato soup ples.” Apparently I am much more him a reassuring pat on the back and breadsticks from Olive Garsuccessful in trying to associate and took off. den into the toilet. obscure nouns with even more obAnd while reminiscing about • Highlight of my life: I had sex scure adjectives when I’m slurring the good ol’ days is pretty funny, with a guy I had been crushing on my words. I’ve had my fair share of moments for five years. Having the honor of • I sat behind a couch with two that I don’t exactly think I would taking his virginity, when I could other girls while we spent 15 min- mind taking back just because of think of countless other girls who’d utes drunkenly telling one another the embarrassment and impaired love to sleep with him, the sexual how pretty we all were. I can nei- judgment that comes along with experience was probably one of ther confirm nor deny the fact that getting this wickedly drunk. the best I’ve ever had. Downside: some tears may have been involved. Moments like these are good It sucked waking up next to him • As it is in my nature to be times to know exactly what your naked and remembering virtually a courteous host and walk my limits are and knowing when you nothing about just how awesome guests to their cars, I lost my bal- need to cut yourself off: the sex was. ance and fell backward down my • I cried hysterically into a buckAll in all, I consider myself lucky driveway. My friends then had to et out of fear of vomiting from too that I have very little regrets— carry me back up the driveway, much booze. none of the above being one. But into the house, and tuck me into • I tend to get extremely para- that doesn’t mean you won’t if you bed before they were finally able noid when my friend Benny leaves let yourself get carried away. Please to go home. a party, even if he’s had nothing drink responsibly, dear Titans.

Courtesy of MCT Everyone has a different story to tell about the 21st birthday. Some may be crazy nights out.

October 13, 2011



Drink up and be merry L.A. : a great getaway to go bar-hopping, especially in Hollywood’s Thai Town


CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan Mixed drinks may be a precursor to some crazy nights full of adventure and fun.

Nestled in Hollywood, in a little area known as Thai Town, are some of the best dive bars I have ever been to. Sure, the area is a little seedy, with vacant lots and dirty, dimly lit streets, but if you can find the hidden gems in the walls of Hollywood’s dilapidated buildings, I can pretty much guarantee you a memorable night. I visited Hollywood’s Thai Town back in July for a friend’s 26th birthday. Two friends and I traveled on our own to meet up with a group of 14 other celebrants at Harvard and Stone, which was the predetermined birthday spot. The bar was difficult to find among all of the darkened buildings and could only be identified by a small sign hanging about the threshold with a lone bouncer sitting outside. When we walked up to the front, IDs were flashed and we were escorted through a small hallway into the bar. As we walked into the bar, it took a second to take everything in. The interior of the dimly lit venue can be described as a cross between your great-grandfather’s Appalachian hunting lodge and a WWII industrial factory. The dark, wooden bar takes up most of the first half of the room. The rest of the area is filled with couches and chairs for patrons to mingle on, however, empty seats are very hard to come by. The scene at Harvard and Stone is very hipster-oriented. The night that we went, a live DJ was playing but no one was dancing. Bartenders in black vests, rolled-up jeans and

‘50s-style pompadour hair served drinks that showcased American spirits and had names like Baby’s First Bourbon. After a while the birthday girl disappeared with some friends, so our group of 14 decided to move to another bar. Yelp recommended the “World Famous” Jumbo’s Clown Room to us, so off we went. The bouncer at the door was friendly and made us wait outside for a few minutes while they set up accommodations for our large group. We were finally allowed in with the pretense that we would all buy alcohol. As we were walking into the bar, the bouncer asked us to refrain from taking pictures of the dancers. Barbara, one of the two girls that I originally drove over with, stopped and asked, “Wait, there are strippers in there?” To which the bouncer answered, “No, just performers.” The Clown Room is a special little hybrid of a burlesque bar and a strip club. All of the seats in the bar face a small 8-by-7-foot stage lined in light bulbs, and a pole sits in the middle. The first dancer to come on the stage wore a scandalous black bikini and danced to hardcore rock music. Lights flashed, she did the splits, dollar bills were handed over and the show was over. The next dancer to come on wore a less revealing baby-doll polka dot clown dress and danced a little less suggestively. Halfway through her dance, however, the dress came off and we were all face to face with a bare-chested dancer. Needless to say, this was not a place to bring your mother.

TUFFY ON THE TOWN 15 Finding a bar free of sorority and frat folk

October 13, 2011

Bars can be filled with your typical college douche bags or slutty girls who are looking for a one-night stand JOEY SZILAGYI Daily Titan

Oh, how I hate what MTV and VH1 have done to the bar scene. It’s frustrating that people who either have just turned 21 or are on the verge of 21 think all bars are kickin’ like the ones on Jersey Shore. They’ve become a place where your stereotypical airhead frat boy and bimbo sorority girl swarm to to “socialize,” drink more than they can handle, and stumble out making a ridiculous spectacle of themselves. The trendy bars in downtown Fullerton are filled with them, and people like me who care less about posting “cool” pics on Facebook have to search a little harder for a spot free of stupidity, a place where people can casually drink and not worry about how much their bro or “lil sis” had. There are bars stupidity-free, trust me. Bars where you won’t have to worry about flagging down the bartender as others push and shove

their way through for drinks because these bars aren’t packed. There aren’t any douche bags or skanks slopping around on the verge of yakking, only calmer adults who aren’t attention whores. Moreover, you won’t have to worry about a trio of girls twirling around a karaoke mic stand as if it were a stripper pole, lip-syncing to a Katy Perry song. Plus they always have cheaper drinks too! You won’t have to pay $10 for a cocktail or $8 for a single shot.

There aren’t any douche bags or skanks slopping around on the verge of yacking, only calmer adults who aren’t attention whores. Another nice touch is that the music is calmer at places like these and there won’t be any strobe lights. If you’re into that, well, then low-key bars aren’t for you. And if you like the chaos that takes place at a Jersey Shore-type bar like Karma, well, then maybe you should audition for the show.

Courtesy of MCT Luckily, not all social environments are swamped with guys like this one. Some are much more casual.

October 13, 2011



Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only 10 I see.

Did you clean your pants with Windex? Because I can practically see myself in them. Baby, I’m no Fred Flinstone, but I can make your bed rock.

I lost my number, can I have yours? Pickup lines are some people’s favorite go-to when it comes to picking up women, but they won’t land you a date


We have all been subjected to the horror of bad pickup lines making you cringe as you walk away wondering, “Why, just why?” Pickup lines are never the way to go, even if you’re looking for a one-night stand. At the time you might think you’re clever or grabbing the attention of a fine young lady or gentleman, but you’re not.

And these rehearsed one-liners certainly don’t make anyone feel special, let alone insinuate that you’re striking up conversation for one reason. Regardless if you are or not, try not to make it ridiculously obvious. Here are just a few of the worst offenders. “Your feet must be tired, ‘cause you been running through my mind all day!” This humorous line was once in an episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Therefore, it needs to stay

in the ‘90s. “Do you have a mirror in your pocket? For some reason I see myself in your pants.” Not only is this lame, but too much confidence will probably get you a slap or a drink in the face– either one is sufficient. “No, I will not make out with you.” At one of my many part-time jobs, a perfect stranger decided to say these choice words to me. While I was getting him a fitting

room, no less. Perhaps he thought he was going to get lucky. Nice try. “I am from out of town. Can I have directions to your apartment?” The only directions you will probably get are directions to the nearest exit. “Is your name Candy? Because you’re looking sweet.” Yes, my name is CANDACE. I do not care for nicknames, let’s just leave it at that. “Can I buy you a drink? Or do

you just want the money?” This one is just offensive. Claiming that he/she is cheap or on the lookout for a sugar daddy will probably not play to anyone’s advantage. Unless, you’re looking for that kind of arrangement, then you got lucky. “If I wrote the alphabet, I would put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together.” Word to the wise–If you’re trying to intrigue someone, do not utter a line that insults both the intelligence of you and your potential hook-up. “Let’s help the environment and save water. Shower with me.” Although this is slightly out of the ordinary and a little humorous, you might want to save this one for when you’re in a relationship with someone. If you can, avoid this last one for your own self-respect. “I bet no one has picked you up like this before (tosses condom onto table).” The poor person you use this one on will either be too shocked to respond or so angry that you end with a few bruises. Don’t be shocked if you’re escorted out of the building or defamed on social networks. Pickup lines are always fun to share with friends, but keep them as inside jokes. As cliché as this might sound, just be yourself.

October 13, 2011

TUFFY ON THE TOWN you out of your misery. Don’t waste that weekend night sleeping! Here are five things that can keep you happily entertained at home into the late hours of the night. Bad Horror Movies on Netflix

CAMILLE TARAZON / Daily Titan No, this article does not suggest chewing on a pen and staring blankly into the ceiling. If that’s amusing to you, no need to read more.

Filling up empty time ANDERS HOWMANN Daily Titan

All your friends are out of town. It’s raining outside and unusually cold. Your significant other is staying at home with his/her

family this weekend. The worst part: You are sick and tired of perusing through status updates on Facebook. There is absolutely nothing to do and out of desperation, you are cracking open your history book so that sleep can put

If you haven’t perused through the horror section of the Netflix’s streaming service, you are in for a treat. There are tons of awesomely lame movies just waiting to be ridiculed. Some of these include Mutant Vampire Zombies From the Hood, Moby Dick 2010, Children of the Corn IV and Megashark Versus Crocosaurus. I mean, who doesn’t want to see giant crocodiles fight sharks and a giant whale flop on boats? And if you haven’t seen Jeff Goldblum in The Fly, it is hilariously bad. There are also highly rated movies such as The Exorcist and Paranormal Activity if bad lines and special effects aren’t your style. Catch Up on TV Shows Chances are that with all of your hard studying and work during the week, you have missed all of your favorite shows. A slow social night is the perfect time to catch up on Breaking Bad, Mad Men and The Office. If you live in the dorms and you don’t have cable, you can always look up shows on Hulu. If you are a South Park fan, almost

every episode is available online at Play Video Games

Playing Call of Duty with your buddies across the country is one of the best late-night pastimes. There are few things better than talking trash, nailing no-scopes and catching up with old friends who are going to different universities. Plus, all of the best games are coming out this fall. Chances are if you are a gamer, your unfilled hours are probably devoted to this already. It’s an excellent way to fill the lonely hours. Start a Blog Blogging is one of the ultimate cathartic activities. Jotting thoughts down in a digital journal is easy to do, it provides a release for the stresses of the week


and it sharpens writing skills. The intuitive interfaces of Tumblr and Blogger mean there is no excuse not to join the blogosphere! Call Your Grandparents Yes, you read correctly. Call them up! They are the reason you are here today and they won’t be here for the rest of your life. Ask how they are and it will make their month. Do Your Homework It’s a last resort, I know. Using your free time to get ahead on your studies is probably the most productive way to spend hours that would otherwise be filled with boredom. Plus, since you are ahead you will have more time to go out with your friends another day.


October 13, 2011


Coffee Shops

(Top left) Max Bloom’s Cafe Noir, (Top right) McClain’s Coffeehouse, (Bottom left) Eden Cafe, (Bottom right) Monkey Business Cafe

SUSANA COBO / Daily Titan

October 13, 2011



SUSANA COBO / Daily Titan

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