4 . 2 01 6
12 Made for sport: the Mercedes-AMG C 63 S CoupĂŠ
12 TOTA L S P O R T As the sportiest variant of the C-Class, the CoupĂŠ displays its driving enjoyment-oriented character in an emotive and at the same time formally distinct design.
6 THE BEST OF MOBILIT Y AND RESEARCH The New York city police get smart; futuristic sunglasses, and a high-rise zoo.
26 H E S AYS , S H E S AYS Who gets to take the wheel and who rides shotgun? Natacha Le Jeune and Jim Gabaret have everything worked out for their jaunt around Nantes in the C-Class.
3 0 R E D - H OT S T Y L E The spectacular Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 concept vehicle shows what the future might hold for the legendary luxury brand.
32 TOTA L LY E N E R G I Z E D With the new generation of electric drive vehicles, smart is now the first automobile manufacturer in the world to offer all models in both combustion-engine and all-electric versions.
20 T H E F O R M U L A F O R E F F I C I E N C Y Innovations are changing Formula 1 at breakneck speed. A selection of the best leading-edge ideas.
25 P. S . Musician Amy Macdonald describes the moment of inspiration.
35 I C O N S
36 F O R E V E R YO U N G An actor gets to experience the fascination of a classic car in the R 107 model of the Mercedes-Benz SL.
INTELLIGENCE The best of technology, mobility, and research
SI ZE DOES MAT TER As we all know from the movies – or maybe even from personal experience – US cops have a formidable reputation as powerfully-built guys with big mustaches, big guns, and a permanent air of menace. Of late, though, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) seems to have decided to project a softer, less militaristic, friendlier image. That is certainly the impression given by the vehicle many of them can be seen driving since this summer – the smart fortwo. There are already 150 of these diminutive cars operating on the streets, and soon their numbers could increase to 650. Compared with the three-wheeled scooters the cops have been using up till now, the smarts are safer, more comfortable, faster, more eco-friendly – and also cheaper. Some officers are even considering buying one for themselves. And there can be no denying that on the congested New York streets, the smart fortwo is unbeatable in terms of sheer maneuverability. Even so, it is unlikely that you will see cops driving smarts in high-speed chases anytime soon – the NYPD has plenty of bigger models in its fleet of more than 9,000 vehicles. The smarts are to be deployed for less glamorous tasks: school crossing supervisors and parking enforcement officers use them, police officers patrol in them – and there is even a smart to be seen doing the rounds in Central Park!
SMART Officer Ralph Jefferson poses proudly with his new vehicle.
GOING UNDERGROUND Following the completion of the Gotthard Tunnel, Switzerland is embracing another major new transport project: businesses, logistics companies, and the Swiss authorities are proposing a new vision of subterranean freight transportation. Goods will be carried automatically at 30 to 60 km/h (18–37 mph) to an elevator at their destination. The first 70-kilometer (43-mile) stretch is due to open in 2030. CARGOSOUSTERR AIN.CH
s m a r t f o r t w o (66 k W ) Fuel consumption urban/extra-urban/combined: 5.0/3.6/4.1 liters/100 km (47.0/65.3/57.4 mpg); CO2 emissions combined: 96 g/km (154 g/mi); efficiency class: B
It may be hard to imagine, but even a zoo can be radically redesigned. In their study for the city of Buenos Aires, British architects Williamson & Partners have come up with the idea of a gigantic tower shaped like a tree as the zoo of the future. Most animals will find their particular biosphere in the branches, while monkeys and birds will move around freely. Visitors will have to take an elevator to view the inmates up close. W E S T O N W I L L I A M S O N . C O M
PICTURE PERFECT You wake up to it projecting the news onto your bedroom ceiling. Later it trundles into the dining room to show you a film while you have breakfast. Tipron is a self-propelling robot projector with a wireless internet connection that can project films onto a space measuring up to two meters (about 78 inches) diagonally. It automatically adjusts its height and adapts to the projection surface available. TIPRON.CEREVO.COM
Sociologist Mankowsky works for Daimler as a futurologist – designing the mobility of tomorrow. His current focus is on how motor vehicles can be made into zones of healthy well-being.
BIRD’S - EYE VIEW Drones are getting increasingly sophisticated – and cheaper, too. Now even amateur photographers can take to the air – with impressive results, as can be seen from the entries in a competition jointly organized by online platform Dronestagram and National Geographic Magazine. Out of a total of 6,000 submissions, the panel of judges chose this picture by Danish photographer Michael B. Rasmussen as the winner in the “Nature” category. Taken during one of his first ever drone experiments, it shows a stand of pines in an otherwise barren area. D R O N E S TA G R . A M/2 016 - I N T E R N AT I O N A L - D R O N E - P H O T O G R A P H Y- C O N T E S T
THE SK Y’S THE LIMIT Lufthansa has been flying from Frankfurt to San José in Silicon Valley since July, and one of the flights was host to an unusual premiere: the first ever airborne technology conference. Using virtual reality headsets, passengers were able to travel through virtual worlds and listen to talks filmed on board and transmitted live to their tablets and smartphones. One of the speakers was Natanael Sijanta, Director Marketing Communications Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars, who explained how Mercedes uses remarkable photos and varying perspectives to achieve a stronger presence on Instagram than any other auto manufacturer. The direct flights are particularly convenient for him, as San José Airport is just ten minutes away from the Mercedes Research and Development Center (see p. 36) in Silicon Valley. For insider’s tips on trips to San José, see: M E R C E D E S . M E / M Y G U I D E
What do you mean by that? I’m thinking of how you can link up various sensors. If the vehicle sees that traffic is backing up and the weather is deteriorating, it identifies this as a potentially stressful situation and reacts by dimming the internal lighting or increasing the air quality in order to reduce driver stress levels. Physical data could cause the vehicle to ask how the passengers are feeling. Will the car communicate with wearables such as pulse readers or fitness armbands? Yes, it will also capture body-related data – but of course only with the person’s permission. It could conceivably be done via the steering wheel or by using special hand rests in a fully autonomous vehicle. Cars will probably also be capable of reading on-body health measurement devices, for example warning you if your blood sugar level indicates that you need to have a break to eat something. But it will also be able to communicate with you to make sure your racing pulse isn’t just the result of listening to an exciting sports commentary. What will be the benefits of all this – apart from in real crisis situations? If you combine individual measurements with data from other vehicles and evaluate them using artificial intelligence, the car will soon know when driving through a certain area is likely to be an unpleasant experience and can then, for example, suggest an alternative route that passengers will fi nd less stressful. When will this onboard de-stressing become reality? I can imagine that it might be possible within about five years.
Mercedes-Benz recently presented a moving car seat. Is driving turning into a wellness application? That’s merely one example of the scope there is for increasing people’s sense of well-being in cars. Motion Seating does this by shifting the backrest and reducing the strain on your back. It’s an example of a “hands on” approach to your body, but there’s also a lot of scope for improving health through digitization – in other words, by networking cars.
GETTING THERE IS HALF THE FUN Safety, comfort and well-being are part and parcel of the DNA of every Mercedes-Benz. In the future, though, the luxury brand from Stuttgart could also take on the role of a personal fitness coach, according to Alexander Mankowsky. Even today’s models boast an array of onboard functions and features that take the strain off the driver and keep him or her fit. A brief overview:
SIT BACK For Mercedes, comfortable seats are not enough. The company now offers state-of-the-art seating that actively protects your back, including adjustment options designed to match the ergonomics of your body. Some models even have multi-contour seats with air cells that adjust to your anatomy, as well as a massage function with seven separate zones.
SEEING THE LIGHT As long as they play plenty of soccer during the day, young people in the Rio de Janeiro favela of Morro da Mineira can continue their match until deep into the night as well. British manufacturer Pavegen has fitted 200 kinetic tiles into the surface of the pitch, each of which can generate up to five watts of electricity when a player runs over it. The energy flows to a storage unit on the sideline which – once fully charged – can provide floodlighting for at least another two hours of play. PAV E G E N .C O M
TA K E A B R E A K When the coffee cup symbol appears on the display, it’s time to take a rest from driving. How does the vehicle know that? The so-called Attention Assist function monitors over 70 parameters, including movements of the steering wheel that indicate typical signs of tiredness and inattention, the duration of the trip, or the use of the radio and the like, and it also triggers a warning if the driver is in danger of nodding off at the wheel.
B R E AT H E D E E P LY Mercedes-Benz is the only automotive manufacturer to have received the Seal of Quality of the European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation (ECARF) for its cars. The company has fitted them with state-of-the-art filter systems that protect the interior from particulate matter, pollen, and unpleasant smells. In models with the Air Balance package, a pleasant fragrance also encourages passengers to take take a deep breath.
GOOD VIBES The lenses are there to protect your eyes, but the real kicker in these sunglasses is the arms, which enable the wearer to listen to music without using earpieces. The sound is transmitted by Bluetooth to the arms, whose imperceptible vibrations are then passed on via bone conduction to your ear. The sound waves bypass your middle ear and are transferred directly to your skull and then to your temporal bone. A mini-microphone even means you can make telephone calls with the Zungle Panther – if you don’t mind looking as though you’re talking to yourself. Z U N G L E I N C . C O M
“Artificial intelligence is better than natural stupidity – but human intelligence wins hands down.”
IN FULL SWING It comes with a refrigerator built into the dashboard, a golf ball holder under the instrument panel, and two pedals marked + and − for accelerating and braking. Many of the delightful details of this golf car only reveal themselves on closer scrutiny. But what is obvious even at first glance is the sensual purity of the design idiom that has been applied for the first time to a golf vehicle. The Mercedes-Benz Style Edition Garia Golf Car has a large, curved windshield, a carbon fiber roof in a contrasting shade, and a sporty-looking rear spoiler that doubles as a golf bag holder. A typical Mercedes feature is the fact that the buggy comes with an integrated touchpad that displays not only vehicle information but also an electronic scorecard and the layout of the golf course, including the driver’s current position.
Nowadays, human chess players have little chance of beating a computer. But Wolfgang Wahlster, Director of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), still doesn’t see machines taking over soon. He notes huge differences in social intelligence and the enormous efficiency of the human brain, which enables us to learn things after being shown them only once or twice, whereas machines need thousands of tries.
Madrid Seville
ALP-822 Cabo de Gata San José
ROUTE – from San José to Cabo de Gata via the ALP-822 LE NGTH – 24 kilometers (15 miles) C URVE S – 30
STR AIGHT TO PA R A D I S E By the time you reach the magnificent five-kilometer (3.1-mile) straight along the Gulf of Almería, you have already enjoyed a spectacular drive. The first, longer section of this 24-kilometer (15-mile) route winds through mountainous terrain with hardly a human being in sight. Then, during the descent to Cabo de Gata, a superb view of the Mediterranean unfolds before you take the final straight section past the Iglesia de las Salinas to your destination – the former fishing village of San Miguel, where it is well worth stopping to savor the delicious grilled sardines.
B O N V O YA G E !
B AY W I N D O W Halong Bay in Vietnam is already a World Heritage site – and now it has a record-breaking aerial tramway as well. Each of the double gondolas can carry up to 230 passengers across the bay – more than any other cable car. And at 188.88 meters (620 ft) one of the two masts is the biggest of its kind in the world. As it so happens, eight is a lucky number in Vietnam.
Not many people would relish living in a car. But what’s wrong with business travelers or vacationers spending the night in surroundings that offer the same levels of comfort and design as a Mercedes? This is what Mercedes-Benz Living @ Fraser offers. Visitors to London and Singapore can book apartments that offer the sort of luxury accessories associated with Mercedes – a Burmester sound system and a massive media wall with an integrated Mercedes-me app. In Singapore you don’t even have to forego the pleasure of driving a Mercedes – an AMG simulator is available for guests. M E R C E D E S - B E N Z . C O M
D I G I TA L Inter net
WEBSITE FOR TOMORROW ’S WORLD Taubenheim 13 – the address at which Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach developed the first fast-running gasoline engine in 1883 – is the name given to this website that focuses on innovation. As well as reading about new Daimler projects such as stationary energy storage systems, you can also find general information on issues of importance for the future such as augmented reality or the digital economy. TA U B E N H E I M13 . C O M
W h at s A p p
KEEPING UP WITH AMG The new WhatsApp newsletter from Mercedes-AMG sends driving info straight to your smartphone. Text the word “Start” to the AMG telephone number, and you will automatically receive the latest information about Mercedes-AMG products, vehicle launches, and events. M E R C E D E S - A M G . C O M/ W H AT S A P P Instagram Stories
Snap chat
MOVING PICTURES “Stories” on the Mercedes-Benz Instagram channel is ideal for anyone who wishes to look behind the scenes of lavish photo productions all over the world and accompany creative people on the road. Once or twice a week, a new Mercedes story appears on the app – usually as a movie and only available for a limited period of time.
BE AT THE CLOCK About three or four times a month, Mercedes fans will find new photos and videos on mercedesbenz, the company’s global Snapchat channel. They are usually impressions of events such as vehicle premieres, trade fairs or races. Mind you – if you want to see them, you have to be quick: posts on Snapchat disappear after 24 hours.
I N S TA G R A M . C O M/ M E R C E D E S B E N Z
S N A P C H AT. C O M/A D D/ M E R C E D E S B E N Z
HEART AND MIND The Mercedes-AMG C 63 S Coupé invites you into a world of thrilling design and modern luxury. This is a car with sportiness in its every fibre. P H O T O S : E T H A N M A N N , A R T D I R E C T I O N : C AT E WA R D E , FA S H I O N & S T Y L IN G : C H LO E B O S H E R
A B E AU T I F U L C O M PA N I O N As the sportiest variant of the C-Class, the CoupÊ displays its driving enjoyment-oriented character in an emotive and at the same time formally distinct design. A sporty striking front section featuring a diamond radiator grille and a long bonnet – the new CoupÊ is 60 millimetres longer than its predecessor between the firewall and front axle.
A B E AU T I F U L C O M PA N I O N Athletic and sporty, the vivid, sensuous design of the new Coupé cuts a fine figure on the road, and embodies modern luxury. At the same time, its interior elevates beauty and style to a sporty level.
A DRIVER’S CAR The C-Class Coupé comes with a dynamically configured chassis, with optional air suspension that forms the basis for a high level of suspension comfort, low road roar and tyre vibration, agile handling, and driving pleasure. The lightweight construction helps reduce weight, while the excellent aerodynamics and high-performance, efficient engines play their part.
EFFICIENCY FORMULA 1 is a fast-changing world. High-power combustion engines have given way to intelligent drive units with integrated hybrid systems now running at 47 percent efďŹ ciency (up from 29 percent in just three years). But that is only one of countless innovations and improvements. Here are just a few of these. P H O T O S K I L I A N B I S H O P/S C N
E NERGY BAR Formula 1 is a sport that demands sky-high levels of technical performance. And that also applies to energy generation and usage. For example, a heavy braking maneuver produces enough energy to boil up no fewer than four full kettles of water.
81 %
EFFICIENCY expressed in a rather different way. Advances in this technology have reached the point that a Silver Arrow now regenerates enough energy during a Formula 1 race to meet the needs of an average family home for 24 hours.
PU 106C is the code name given by Mercedes-Benz to its Formula 1 power unit. A key component is the lithium-ion battery, which is fully charged and discharged more than 70 times during a grand prix. Spread the battery cells out on the ground and they would cover a volleyball court.
*Kinetic Energy Recovery System
COMPUTING GENIUS An intelligent system with sophisticated software is required to control the interaction between the many hybrid processes in a Formula 1 power unit. As evidence of the complexity involved, the processor inside the race car carries out more than 43 trillion calculations over the distance of a single race.
1,000° C (1,832° F) and more is the temperature reached and exceeded by the exhaust gases from the 1.6-liter V6 combustion engine fitted in a Formula 1 racing car. They drive a turbine which is connected to a compressor. In between is the MGU-H (H = Heat) hybrid unit, which sources its energy from the exhaust gases produced by the engine. This energy is stored in the battery along with the electricity generated under braking by the MGU-K (K = Kinetics) unit.
95 PE R C E NT efficiency is the astonishingly impressive level the KERS system has now attained in carrying out tasks such as storing the energy generated during a race in the battery system. In 2007 the system could claim just 39 percent efficiency. Despite all the intelligent software solutions, however, it is the driver who ultimately decides – using a switch on the steering wheel – when the additional electric power should be deployed.
MORE THAN 40 different candidate fuel blends are created by Petronas for the Mercedes Formula 1 racing cars over the course of a season. The fuel used plays a major role in teasing the greatest possible output from a race engine while maximizing efficiency.
ELEPHANTINE ONE LAP of a grand prix sees the engine hosting 46,000 combustion events, during which small improvements add up to significant overall gains. Indeed, they have resulted in the latest Mercedes 1.6-liter V6 engine producing the same power as the old 2.4-liter V8s, which could claim efficiency of only 29 percent.
37,000,000 ignitions take place over the course of four F1 races. That’s how long the latest batch of race car engines has to be able to survive. One single error during these 37 million ignitions could be enough to cause the engine terminal failure.
The six cylinders in the Formula 1 combustion engine operate under extremely heavy loads. Incredible as it is to imagine, the gas pressure acting on every one of them during a single combustion is equivalent to the weight of four elephants.
PRESSURE POINTS The compressor in a Formula 1 engine pumps air into the combustion chambers. It compresses the intake air to around five times atmospheric pressure.
DOWNSIZING is what has led to the Formula 1 engineers developing a new electric turbocharger. In a departure from the norm, the turbine (driven by the exhaust gases) and the compressor unit, which shovels air into the combustion chambers, are not housed in a single casing. This separate construction has led to increases in efficiency.
I N S P I R AT I O N for the development of the turbocharger was drawn from helicopter turbines and truck turbos by the Mercedes experts. AMG’s Hot V concept, which locates the turbocharger in the vee between the two banks of cylinders, allowed the engineers to save space within the very tightly cut rear end of a Formula 1 car.
100, 000
P. S .
THE MOMENT OF INSPIRATION is impossible to describe, let alone control or force, says the Scottish singer. There’s no such thing as creativity on demand. Good ideas take time.
t’s as if someone flips on a light switch. That’s the only way to describe those sudden moments of inspiration. All at once that little bulb above my head comes on and I get this overwhelming urge to reach for my guitar. It can happen anytime, anywhere. Not so lang ago I was playing a concert in Colmar, France. The show was near-perfect, and the atmosphere in the audience was brilliant. At that moment I suddenly felt totally happy and deeply inspired by everything and everyone around me. There are many explanations for how artists received inspiration, depending on the culture. In my own case I feel it’s something that comes from my subconscious. What I do know is that being a musician, and therefore always looking for inspiration, I’m a lot more observant of my environment than I otherwise would be. The world has become so fast-moving that for many people life is just one long, mad rush, with no time to sit back and think. Yet there are so many great stories if only you look more closely. A lot of my inspiration comes from ordinary, everyday things – maybe something I saw in the news or that happened to my friends or family. I’ve written songs about my grandmother, or about football or the San José mine disaster. My new album is like that, too, with lots of different themes. One song is about how it feels to lose someone you love. There’s another one I wrote for my best friend, who moved to New York last year and was terribly homesick. I visited her there a few times. It was
“THE BEST IDEAS come to me when I’m just doing the ordinary things I always do. Nothing is ever too unimportant for me to make a song about it.” time, that there’s no such thing as inspiration on demand. Try to control or force it and you won’t create anything worthwhile. If you don’t believe in something yourself, who else is going to do so? It’s funny – I can’t really explain where I get my creative streak from. Nobody in my family is artistic in any way. Maybe that’s why I didn’t start writing songs till I was 14. Music means a lot to me, but at times I do wonder whether this job really serves a useful purpose. I only have to think of my sister, who’s a doctor and works really hard. Nobody thanks her: they just expect her to be there, helping people and saving lives. It’s crazy how celebrities get idolized, yet someone like my sister, who’s doing great and valuable work, doesn’t get any attention. Her job’s much more important than mine. I’m not < clever enough to be a doctor – I only wish I was! 25
AMY MACDONALD signed her first recording contract when she was still just a teenager. In the meantime she has sold more than nine million records and won numerous awards. Macdonald, who lives near Glasgow, is engaged to Scottish soccer player Richard Foster. Her fourth album is due out in early 2017.
amazing – New York in the depths of winter is totally different than on a scorching summer’s day. I enjoyed leaving Glasgow for a while and absorbing all those new impressions. But though travel can be inspiring, I’m not someone who has to travel to find inspiration. The best ideas come to me when I’m just doing the ordinary things I always do, like walking my dog, driving around in my sports car or watching a Rangers match. Familiar themes mean people can identify more with my songs than if I wrote about distant, exotic places many of us have never been to. Also, I can be much more precise in the songs if they’re about things we can all relate to. Nothing is ever too small or unimportant for me to make a song about it. That moment of inspiration is impossible to describe. It’s as if everything suddenly starts happening of its own accord. My mind just takes off on a journey. Unfortunately you never know when to expect it. Something happens and it just triggers a feeling inside me – it may be positive or negative. This can happen perhaps four times in one week, or just once in a month. And sometimes the inspiration just dries up altogether. My colleagues always say that’s one of their biggest fears. I try not to let it get to me by telling myself that good ideas take
C L E A R LY D E F I N E D R O L E S Natacha and Jim ready to set off. While she enjoys being in the driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seat, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s looking forward to getting to know the C-Class as a passenger.
H E SAYS, SH E SAYS ONE CAR, TWO POINTS OF VIEW. She’s a musician and always wants to go her own way. He’s a lecturer in philosophy and is happy to lose himself in his thoughts. Natacha and Jim tested the Mercedes-Benz C-Class in Nantes. W O R D S L A U R A S C H W E R DT N E R P H O T O S X AV I E R B É J O T
Musician and DJ
Philosopher and author
Kilometers per month
Kilometers per month
800 (500 mi)
500 (310 mi) – as a passenger
Cruising is a goal in its own right.
Driving means living for the moment.
atacha Le Jeune lives in Paris. She has recorded three albums with her bands so far and regularly performs as a DJ in nightclubs. When she’s on tour, she clocks up as many as 75,000 kilometers (47,000 miles) a year in her tour bus. Jim Gabaret also lives in the capital, where he teaches philosophy at the Sorbonne. Last year he made some documentary films as well and wrote his first novel, which is due to be published in 2017. We invited the two of them to try out the C-Class – not in Paris, but in the city of Nantes in western France, with its mix of traditional houses and modern architecture. Even before the start of the test drive, it was clear that they had quite different approaches to traveling by car. While Jim was content to ride shotgun, Natacha wanted to take to the wheel. Each of them had good reasons for their choice, which they told < us about as the day went on. 27
NATACH A I KNEW from the get-go that I wanted to be behind the wheel. N ATA C H A L E J E U N E
HEADING DOWNTOWN Natacha and Jim check out the center of Nantes in the C-Class.
M O S T O F T H E T I M E I N P A R I S I get around on a moped, but when I’m away I rent a car as often as I can. I like to travel on my own and without spending too much money; it’s the quickest way to get to know the country and the people. When I’m driving, speed doesn’t matter so much to me, I just like to watch the countryside go by. Even as a kid I loved traveling around the twisting backroads of Corsica, with the mountain face on one side and the steep cliffs on the other. Back then I felt instinctively that I was safe, and I had that same feeling this morning when I got into the C-Class. I knew from the get-go that I wanted to be behind the wheel. I like to be in control and decide where I’m heading. When you’re young, you’re happy to leave the responsibility to others and just go with the flow. That might be quite easygoing, but as time goes by, you value your independence. In life and in the car, I like to decide for myself where I’m going and how I will experience the world. When I get into a car I’m not familiar with, I look out for three things: the gearchange, the audio system, and how comfortable the vehicle is. With the automatic transmission in the C-Class, the gear changes are like a knife going through butter: you simply don’t notice them. The seats are very pleasant, and the air conditioning is gentle but effective. I always have some music with me, and as soon as I got in, I plugged in my USB stick. The sound from the loudspeakers is really good, with a deep bass. When I’m recording a new album, I always listen to the result in the car. In the studio we work with audio equipment that’s very precisely calibrated, but nobody actually has stuff like that. Testing it in a car audio system is a good way to find out what our fans will really hear.
i C 220 d Engine / Output 2.1-liter 4-cylinder diesel, 125 kW/168 hp at 3,000–4,200 rpm; Max. torque 400 Nm at 1,400–2,800 rpm
Transmission 7G-Tronic Plus 7-speed automatic
IT FELT as if I was in a hotel armchair on wheels JIM GABARET
Fuel consumption Urban/inter-urban/combined: 5.6–5.3/4.1–3.6/4.6–4.3 liters of diesel/100 km (42.0–44.4/57.4–65.3/51.1–54.7 mpg)
CO2 emissions combined: 121–109 g/km (195–175 g/mi)
Efficiency class A+
I S P E N D A L O T O F T I M E S I T T I N G I N L I B R A R I E S , reading, carrying
out research, and, as it were, going on voyages of discovery in my mind. Although it’s very satisfying to immerse yourself in the thoughts of great philosophers, now and then I feel like getting out into the real world. Often, it’s enough just to meet up with a few friends over dinner, but what I enjoy most are proper road trips that go on for several days. I’m happy to be a passenger. It’s a luxury to be driven and be able to focus on the conversation and your surroundings. Especially if you’re sitting in a comfortable car. In the C-Class it felt as if I was in a hotel armchair on wheels. There was nothing more I could ask for: the temperature was just right, the seat suited me perfectly, and we were listening to Natacha’s Nancy Sinatra playlist. The car felt powerful, but at the same time gave off an unmistakable impression of luxury. You could see the quality of the finish in details such as the upholstery or the satisfying clunk of the doors closing. And of course the miniature cameras offering a 360-degree view around the car were fantastic. Looking at the screen inside the car, it was as if we were being guided by a drone the whole time. I find it fascinating to see how involved in driving you are, even as a passenger. Not only because you’re helping the driver find the way, but also because you’re concentrating on the traffic conditions all the time. In such a comfortable car my body even seems to be aware of the speed it’s traveling at. How else can you explain why, when I feel like reading < in my armchair on wheels, my body just wants to look out at the countryside?
RICH SOUND Professional musician Natacha is impressed with the speakers in the C-Class.
STUNNING FIGURE The show car interprets classic design afresh and thrills with trailblazing technology.
AN ELECTRICALLY POWERED gullwing coupé of breathtaking proportions: with the new Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 study, designers show what the future might hold for the legendary luxury brand. WORDS HELGE BENDL
ust a few minutes to go before the vision becomes reality. The man responsible for the design of all Daimler brands and products clutches a black cloth that has so far concealed his latest project from prying eyes. Flashguns flicker, cameras roll, and a few bloggers have their smartphones trained on it for live streams. Gorden Wagener has taken up his position in the “Star Lounge”, the Mercedes-Benz base for the spectacular Concours d’Elegance in Pebble Beach, California. Once a year, the golf course’s green fairways become the stage for classic gems from the history of motoring. At the world’s most exclusive vintage car event, the spotlight is firmly on rarities from the past. But in the lounge today, the Mercedes designers are looking ahead with their very own vision of the future. And in the process, they completely steal the show. The cloth slips off, and now everyone can finally behold what you can achieve when you dare to live your dreams: an absolute dream of a car. And within minutes of its unveiling, the new show car has become the show star. While the spectators can only marvel at it, Wagener enjoys the privilege of being able to touch it, too. He gently strokes the car’s wings with his hands. “In our latest study, we took the car’s proportions right to the limit,” says the 48-year-old with a smile.
dials with real needles: “There’s a clear yearning for authentic analogue luxury – as can be seen in the resurgence of vinyl records and classic cameras.” The vehicle can be piloted manually, too. “The concept car does allow you to switch to an autonomous mode, but let’s be honest: this coupé is a vehicle people would surely want to drive themselves on occasion.” 550 kW (748 hp), from zero to 100 km/h (62 mph) in under four seconds, a range of over 500 kilometers (300 miles) and a rapid charging function providing 100 kilometers’ (62 miles’) worth of electrical power in just five minutes. And because the car is propelled by four electric motors, it has all-wheel drive, too. In a salute to the legendary 300 SL, the Mercedes-Maybach Coupé features gullwing doors. With its sleek, aerodynamic shape and
With its elongated hood, low-slung roof and rearward positioning of the cabin, the Vision Mercedes-Maybach 6 is a statement on wheels, and a mighty lengthy one at that: at 5.7 meters (18.7 ft), the coupé is longer than the current Mercedes-Maybach S-Class. Wagener explains how the Mercedes-Maybach brand aspires to deliver the ultimate in luxury. He outlines his philosophy of sensual purity, and describes how vehicles bearing the threepointed star should be both ‘hot’ and ‘cool’ – in other words, captivate with extraordinary styling while at the same time serving up plenty of surprising and intelligent innovations.
Elegance and sex appeal As he speaks, the design chief’s personal way of seeing things certainly becomes apparent. “The radiator grille reminds me of a pinstripe suit,” reveals Wagener. You can tell that the study isn’t just another project for him. For all his unflappable professionalism, Wagener admits that when he first set eyes on the full-size model painted in a fiery zircon red finish, it set his heart racing. “I thought: wow, this car has an abundance of [sensual] appeal!” The vehicle’s interior was designed in the style of a luxury lounge. A glass trim panel spanning the car’s entire width serves as a display. Drivers, meanwhile, are greeted by circular
THE VISIONARY With the Maybach study, Mercedes Head of Design Gorden Wagener presents the ultimate in luxury. It electrifies with its bold front end, which shapes the brand’s trademark profile. For more information, simply scan this QR code.
M B M A G . M E/ M AY B A C H 6
touches such as the split rear window, it is also reminiscent of luxurious art deco speedsters such as the 540 K Autobahnkurier, another star of previous Concours d’Elegance events. “This is not retro design, though,” Wagener clarifies. “Rather, it’s a reinterpretation of classic design principles, blended with new ideas and forward-looking technologies.” The place that provides the backdrop for the most beautiful and luxurious vehicles from motoring’s glorious past is now the setting for a sneak peek at what such a car might look like in tomorrow’s world. Ultimately, though, a show car is nothing more than that. How much of all this will eventually make it into production depends on a host of different factors. “I can quite easily imagine developing new models for Mercedes-Maybach. Or using styling elements from the study in future coupés,” Wagener says. When asked whether a decision has perhaps already been taken, the chief of design just smiles – and keeps < the answer to himself. 31
ENERGIZED THE ARRIVAL OF THE NEW ELECTRIC DRIVE GENERATION means that all smart models are now available in an all-electric version. The two-seater, the cabrio, and, for the ďŹ rst time, the four-seater as well. W O R D S M I C H A E L M O O R S T E DT
INTRIGUING With more power, a longer range, and faster charging, the electric drive models raise the bar in every way.
GE T IN THE KNOW FAST Further information on smart electric drive can be obtained by scanning the QR code.
E L E C T R I C FA M I LY From two-seater to cabrio and four-seater, smart embodies versatile electric driving.
smart fortwo electric drive Ever since it made its debut in 2007, the smart fortwo electric drive has been paving the way for electric mobility. Following its premiere in October, deliveries of the new model are due to start in the USA before the end of this year, while it will hit the European market in the first half of 2017. Electric power consumption combined: 12.9 kWh/100 km (62 mi); CO2 emissions (local) combined: 0 g/km (0 g/mi); Efficiency class: A+
smart cabrio electric drive Here’s a unique selling point if ever there was one: the smart fortwo cabrio is the only all-electric cabriolet on the market worldwide. The electric drive system complements the tritop fabric soft top’s fully electric operation to perfection. It will be introduced in the first half of 2017.
W O N D E R F U L LY I N D I V I D UA L Long gone are the days when electric mobility meant making sacrifices. Two styling options with the special paint color electric green, and the smart Brabus tailor made customization program mean you can personalize your smart as you please. 34
160 km
or 100 miles. That’s the range offered by the smart fortwo electric drive (coupe). A full battery charge is perfectly adequate for extensive day-to-day driving in urban areas, despite repeated braking and accelerating. Intelligent driving modes boost efficiency. The ECO setting governs the top speed, while throttle response is adjusted so that less energy is summoned when the pedal is pressed with the same force. Radar sensors monitor the traffic flow ahead and adapt the settings for brake energy recuperation to suit the current situation on the roads. To maximize range, the top speed is also electronically limited to 130 km/h (80 mph).
Electric power consumption combined: 13.0 kWh/100 km (62 mi); CO2 emissions (local) combined: 0 g/km (0 g/mi); Efficiency class: A+
smart forfour electric drive More driving pleasure for more passengers: now entering its fourth generation, the electric drive family is being extended by the arrival of a fully battery electric version of the smart forfour. It will be launched in the first half of 2017. Electric power consumption combined: 13.1 kWh/100 km (62 mi); CO2 emissions (local) combined: 0 g/km (0 g/mi); Efficiency class: A+
AGILE AS EVER An extremely tight turning circle and an impressive 160 Nm (118 lb-ft) of torque make the smart electric drive models zippy city cars.
L AYA B O U T The pygmy possum holds the record for the longest hibernation period – 367 days – albeit under lab conditions. In the wild, the northern birch mouse can lie dormant for six to eight months, longer than any other mammal. Hedgehogs get a mere five to six months’ sleep in winter.
SILENCER Muzo is the name of a tiny gadget that sticks to your desk, a window or any similar flat surface, then transforms the area around it into your personal quiet zone. It does so by minimizing sound wave vibrations and emitting opposing sound waves that then cancel out excessive noise.
VA N I S H I N G AC T White patches on an online map of the world are how the “White Spots” app reveals the nearest area with no cell phone coverage. Another app, “Offtime”, assigns downtime to a cell phone according to criteria that have been preselected by the user, during which the network’s access to the phone is blocked.
B R E AT H TA K I N G Using meditation and yoga, Denmark’s Stig Severinsen can fill his lungs with 14 liters (3.7 gallons) of air, then hold his breath for 22 minutes. He set the world record in 2012 during a dive. In February, Spaniard Alex Segura Vendrell broke that record, managing to hold his breath for no less than 24 minutes.
B R A I N WAV E S Neurofeedback, the graphical representation of brain activity, is now available for private use. Mindwave, consisting of a headset, ear clip and EEG electrodes, enables users to monitor – and supposedly control – their level of relaxation. Theta waves, generated during deep relaxation and daydreams, are what they long to see.
ON THE HOUSE Its exterior and roof are covered with photovoltaic panels, the basement is full of hydrogen tanks: a multifamily dwelling in the small Swiss town of Brütten is the first residential building to supply all its energy needs independently of utility providers. An array of electricity storage systems makes it possible.
Q UIET, P LEAS E! A single push of a button is all it takes to switch engine modes on any Mercedes-Benz plug-in hybrid. Select full electric mode, and you’ll be gliding soundlessly through the city streets. But there are also plenty of fascinating off-road opportunities to simply switch off. Here are a few examples. 35
THE 1980s classics from Mercedes-Benz are more popular than ever. On his drive at the wheel of a 280 SL from the R 107 model series, actor Marc Benjamin discovers the fascination of a form of motoring whose popularity endures to this day. WORDS HEIK E KOT TMANN PHOTOS ALE X ANDR A K ING A FEK E TE
NEVER LET IT OUT OF YOUR SIGHT The Mohr Life Resort in the Austrian town of Lermoos offers a suite with a builtin garage. There can be no better way of appreciating the SLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aesthetic appeal.
The older the car is, the more respect you should have for it. MARC BENJAMIN
YOUNG AT HE ART To read the online version of this article, scan the QR code or use the link below.
Built to last forever “Today, so many cars have a cookie-cutter feel to them. There’s not much to distinguish them apart from the brand. But you can recognize an old Mercedes from a long way off,” enthuses Marc Benjamin. This is no doubt one of the 38
M B M A G . M E/ R107
reasons why the generation of cars from the early 1980s is currently enjoying popularity. Hardly any other brand can match the role played by Mercedes-Benz in this regard. The cars are valued not just as design classics: vehicles from that era were already being built to last. The beautiful styling of the body, the view along the seemingly endless engine hood, and the consummate comfort of the car’s interior combine to make the SL model series totally unique. So it’s no surprise that the R 107-series SL was in production for longer than any other model from Mercedes-Benz apart from the G-Class. And it’s also little wonder that lucky owners would prefer to keep an eye on it at all times: to cater to their needs, the Mohr Life Resort in Lermoos even has < a suite with a built-in garage available.
ou can hear it coming long before it comes into view. As the Mercedes-Benz SL approaches on the bend, its rich, throaty sound rumbles along the road, while the car itself blends almost perfectly into the landscape: the sky over Lermoos is blue, highlighting every one of the surrounding mountain peaks with razor-sharp clarity. The light blue bodywork catches the sunlight and seems to be a seamless extension of the cloudspeckled skies overhead. The original standard paint finish is called “Labrador blue”, and that name alone captures the whole aura of style and romanticism that this vehicle was suffused with from birth. Beauty might be enough to catch the eye, but to become etched in the mind, it is real character that counts. This SL has both in abundance. The photo shoot with actor Marc Benjamin takes place in the Tyrol region, and everything comes together perfectly on this fine day: Benjamin was born in 1986, and the Mercedes built in 1983, making it three years older. But while the car is currently having its second lease of life, the actor is celebrating his international breakthrough. Most recently he appeared in the US hit series Homeland. “Driving is now more than just getting from A to B,” claimed the original SL model series brochure, and that promise has most definitely been fulfilled. Taking a seat in the car feels like coming home: everything seems instantly familiar. And because you are immediately aware of sitting at the wheel of a piece of automotive history, you are filled with an uplifting sense of majesty. Perhaps that’s what makes it feel as if the car is floating along, despite the remarkably sporty, taut suspension that keeps it firmly in contact with the road. The vehicle’s original motto is also an apt description of how the fans of such classic cars live their lives. They are part of a technology-savvy generation that chooses its means of transport carefully. Given the wealth of travel options available these days, motoring has once again become far more than just getting from A to B. It is a conscious decision to travel around in a car that underlines your own individuality. At a time when the functionality cars have to offer is becoming increasingly uniform, this individuality is more desirable than ever and is something that rubs off on the driver.
OLD FUNCTIONS REDISCOVERED A whole host of technologies were firsts in the SL, such as the safety door handles and the dirt-resistant tail lights on the R 107.
“So in the evening, you can admire your classic car through the window while sipping a glass of wine,” grins Marc Benjamin – although the idea doesn’t seem absurd in the least. In a classic car, you focus more intently on the task of driving again. There are hardly any technical aids, at least not by today’s standards, even though the SL was a technological pioneer back in its day, boasting air conditioning, power windows, automatic transmission, ABS, airbag, and trip computer. Parking assist systems, Distronic, crosswind stabilization and the like were, of course, still a long way off back then. So driving an old SL also means getting back to basics. This is particularly appealing to the generation that got to discover the world from the back seat of a car. Those people who grew up with Polaroid cameras rather than the flood of digital images, and who taped over cassettes twice instead of hoarding music tracks by the gigabyte. Polaroid cameras are also making a comeback at present despite all these advances, or perhaps because of them. “I like it best when I can savor the full sensory experience of the car journey.” For Benjamin, this includes treating the vehicle respectfully but without being awestruck. The R 107 is easy to
S TA R R ARITIES Too old, too rare or too soughtafter – some cars can’t simply be ordered from a catalog. To assist enthusiasts in their search, the Mercedes-Benz Museum has set up a trading platform called All Time Stars for the brand’s vintage and modern classic cars. No matter whether it’s a Mercedes-Benz C 123 built in 1982 or an elegant fintail W 111 from the 1960s, a team of advisors always ensures each car’s history is completely documented. The full range of models can be found at: alltime-stars.com
drive, and it doesn’t take a great deal of expertise to get it moving along just nicely. “Of course, the older someone is, the more respect you should show them; and the more peculiarities they may have perhaps, but that’s exactly what makes them so special and endearing,” says the actor. He is starring in two movies in 2016. One of them, a German film whose title translates as Our Time is Now, is based on the life story of Stuttgart rapper Cro, who also just happens to have Mercedes ties: two years ago he did a very unique paint job on a CLA Coupé. The expectations of the car have not diminished, their focus has simply shifted. The technical advantages of the SL-Class still pay off today. The 1971 R 107 was the first Mercedes model to be fitted with exterior mirrors that could be adjusted from the inside. It also came with an inertia reel for the seat belt, and new tail lights which barely picked up dirt thanks to their shape. As the sun slowly sets in Tyrol, the inviting aroma of herb infusions wafts out of the spa. Now it’s definitely time to park the car in the garage, or rather the hotel room. After all, you should never let the beautiful things in life out < of your sight. 39
EMC joins Mubadala World Tennis championship 2016 Tennis village entertainment amplified by Emirates Motor Company’s new Mercedes-Benz Mobile Showroom ABU DHABI Another stellar name has been confirmed for the Mubadala World Tennis Championship with another addition to the sponsor line-up: Emirates Motor Company (EMC), the authorised Mercedes-Benz distributor in Abu Dhabi and flagship company of Alfahim Group. Joining for the first time as auto sponsor in the nine-year history of the tournament, EMC will bring an exciting new range of Mercedes-Benz fan experiences to the season-opening tournament, in addition to providing luxury player transport to and from the tournament. Adding to the electric event atmosphere, the addition of the Mercedes-Benz Mobile Unit Showroom to the tennis village will see fans interact with the latest models, including the E-Class, C-Cabriolet and GLC Coupé . Furthermore, for the first time, Mercedes-Benz owners will receive exclusive onsite parking via a dedicated VIP car park. Speaking after the announcement of the new sponsorship, Frank Bernthaler, CEO Automotive of Al Fahim Group, said, “We’re thrilled to be partnering with one of Abu Dhabi’s most premier exclusive events and helping to shape what will be an even more exciting tournament with EMC’s involvement. The Mubadala World Tennis Championship is a highly prestigious event, which brings the top
tennis players to the region year on year, an opportunity we needed to be involved in. We eagerly await giving fans the chance to get to know Mercedes-Benz a little better throughout the tournament via installations such as the Mercedes-Benz Mobile Showroom, as well as car displays in the tennis village that people are sure to love.” John Lickrish, CEO at FLASH Entertainment, added, “We welcome EMC to the Mubadala World Tennis Championship team and eagerly await the new opportunities the partnership brings to the tournament. The tennis village always provides fans with an exceptional entertainment experience,
boasting close contact with the players and interactive activities to prolong overall enjoyment. We are thrilled with the new activities that EMC will offer this year, which will result in an even more exciting experience for fans and members of the public. Mercedes-Benz is a highly reputable automotive brand and we trust that they will not only transport the players in safety and comfort, but also in true luxury style.” Boasting a player line up line-up that is shaping up to be one of the best yet, the annual tournament promises to bring edge-of-seat entertainment for sporting fans with thrilling entertainment both on and off the court. Fans are promised world-class sporting entertainment with performances from world number 2, Andy Murray; world number 4, Milos Raonic; and world number 14, Wilfried Tsonga – just three of the six star players who have already confirmed their attendance this December. With a reputation as one of the UAE’s unmissable events, the Mubadala World Tennis Championship will run from December 29 to 31 at the International Tennis Centre, Zayed Sports City, Abu Dhabi. In the unique ‘winner takes all’ format of the championship, the victor will claim $250,000 in prize money after battling it out in the New Years’ Eve fi nal.
Mercedes-Benz E-Class masters the art of letting go 20 key industry influencers were invited to test drive the car at Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi
ABU DHABI To welcome the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class, the most intelligent executive sedan complete with the highest form of technology, an exclusive day event was held on October 31 at Yas Marina Circuit, hosted by Emirates Motor Company – the flagship company of Al Fahim Group – in partnership with Mercedes-Benz. At the event, 20 key industry influencers were invited to test drive the car of the future. Guests arrived at the Fairmont Bab Al Bahr hotel on October 40
30. After a dinner, hey were chauffeured to a private villa named “The Let Go Lounge” after the car’s special features, for breakfast and a safety briefi ng session before being divided into groups of two and departing to Yas Marina Circuit. Two Mercedes-Benz Driving Experience Drivers, Matthias Beckwermert and Bianca Uhlhorn, took guests on the driving course for the four-part Mercedes-Benz trust drive. The Intelligent Drive included fi rsthand experience of the new E-Class’
unique intuitive control, such as the Drive Pilot and Active Brake Assist. The Slalom Drive taught correct observation, steering techniques and the driving dynamics of the E-Class, including ESP and Active Steering. The Avoid Break Drive showed the proper way to react when sudden obstacles appear and how to use the PRE-Safe feature in the new E-Class to prevent a collision using a mix of view guidance and specific steering. Lastly, The Guided Drive took place on the Yas Circuit race track to understand the racing line and how to properly apply the correct braking, relenting, angular and deflection points while enjoying some adrenaline-induced speed. Director of Marketing & Communications at Al Fahim Group, Ramez Youssef, said, “The E-Class has been the most sought-after model in the Mercedes-Benz line-up at EMC in Abu Dhabi. It’s the core of the Mercedes-Benz brand, redefi ning the premium standards. We are confident that the new E-Class will be an even bigger hit in 2017.”
EMC and Jordan’s Elba House to build luxury coaches Collaboration will manufacture custom-designed coaches for Mercedes-Benz’s OC 500 RF 1842-fitted vehicles ABU DHABI Emirates Motor Company (EMC), the Mercedes-Benz authorised distributor in Abu Dhabi and the flagship company of Al Fahim Group, is partnering with Jordan’s Elba House, the pioneer automotive bus builder in the Middle East, to build custom-designed coaches for Mercedes-Benz’s OC 500 RF 1842-fitted vehicles. OC 500 RF 1842 is a bus chassis model reputed for its efficient engine, exceptional safety systems, ride quality and stability in every driving condition. The fi rst bus manufactured under the new collaboration was dispatched from Amman to Abu Dhabi and was handed over to EMC on 16 August, 2016. Bilal Al Ribi, the General Manager of Daimler Commercial Vehicles of EMC, said: “Our partnership with Elba House will ensure that EMC is consistently able to provide local fleet operators with best-in-class buses and coaches to meet the growing demand in this segment. Mercedes-Benz
buses have long set benchmarks for safety, quality and future-proof technologies. We are confident that our synergies with Elba House will give us a decisive edge over our competitors.” Ricardo Khoury, Chairman and CEO, Elba House, said: “We are pleased to collaborate with EMC
to provide its clients with tailor-made transport solutions that ensure optimized performance and maximum passenger comfort. In meeting the stringent quality standards of the renowned Mercedes-Benz buses and coaches, we will rely on our experience of more than two decades in the commercial body building field to manufacture coaches that meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.” Mercedes Benz buses and coaches are among the most recognized automotive brands worldwide and offer practical and advanced solutions to meet future challenges – always ensuring that its clients remain one step ahead of the competition. The company, which built the fi rst-ever bus back in 1895, offers economically efficient, environmentally friendly and innovative vehicles, tailored to the dynamic requirements of its highly discerning clients.
Mercedes-Benz stuns at Arab Fashion Week 2016 Vehicle combines signature luxury with cutting-edge technology for unparalleled comfort, style and safety DUBAI Having become well established as a world-renowned event that threads together the region’s best designers and the epitome of fashion in the Middle East, the catwalks of the Arab Fashion Week are as elemental to the fashion world as those of New York, London, Milan and Paris. During its sponsorship of the Arab Fashion Week, Gargash Enterprises stole the show with the presentation of the CLA 250 and the A 250 to a crowd of influential trendsetters. Luxurious and stylish, these irresistible cars embody the historic design philosophies of Mercedes-Benz, while stretching the imagination and limits with their latest innovations and technology. Meanwhile, at the front row, the VIP guests of the show arrived in pure style as they were chauffeured in a fleet of Mercedes-Benz GLE and S-Class vehicles.
New Mercedes-Benz GLS launched at Mirdif City Centre New model effortlessly combines ultimate driving comfort and performance both on and off the road DUBAI Mercedes-Benz continues to reward customers with the unforgettable driving experiences. The September 2016 introduction of the all new GLS to the public was quite a personal one. The GLS was launched through a weeklong display in the Central Galleria at the Mirdif City Centre, where customers, shoppers and passers-by could get up close and personal to observe the world-class features of the new GLS. During this time, visitors to the activation were invited to schedule test drives for a chance to experience the GLS from the perfect point of view – behind the steering wheel. Those who visited the stand and took test drives were able to immediately experience the bestin-class technologies of the GLS. Pushing the boundaries for performance and comfort, yet increasing energy efficiency and safety is no mean feat for the GLS, yet it is possible thanks to the embodiment of Mercedes-Benz’s SUV philosophies. The GLS effortlessly combines ultimate driving comfort and performance both on and off the road through its instantly recognizable Mercedes-Benz spirit.
Compared with its predecessor, the new generation of the Mercedes-Benz GLS features improved efficiency, a nine-speed 9G-TRONIC automatic transmission along with extended
DYNAMIC SELECT transmission modes, the latest air suspension system AIRMATIC with enhanced damping system ADS, state-of-the-art assistance systems, and the latest telematics generation with internet access. A new dynamic exterior and revised luxurious interior clearly underscore the impressive character of the GLS. With the facelift, the designers have adapted the full-size luxury SUV to the current Mercedes-Benz design idiom. On the exterior, the focus has been placed on a redesign of the front end, while the rear has been modernized primarily around the bumper and tail lights. Eye-catching highlights in the interior include the newly designed instrument panel with semi-integrated Media Display, a new three-spoke multifunction steering wheel, a modified center console with touchpad and a fresh palette of colors and trim elements. As it has done for years, Mercedes-Benz continues to lead the way in innovation, and the new GLS is a testament to meticulous attention to detail and commitment to delivering the ultimate driving experience on any terrain.
Gargash Enterprises introduces ‘Score for Charity’ This first-of-its-kind initiative in the region aspires to add more value to those with special needs
DUBAI Gargash Enterprises, the authorized general distributor of Mercedes-Benz in Dubai, Sharjah and the Northern Emirates, reaffirms its social commitment by introducing ‘Score for Charity’, a fi rst-of-its-kind initiative in the region. In a unique collaboration with Al Ahli Football Club, Gargash Enterprises has announced a contribution of AED 1,000 for each goal scored by the Club’s fi rst team players during the Arabian Gulf League 2015-16 Season to the Rashid Centre for Disabled in Al Barsha. The proceeds generated throughout the season will enrich the lives of the children with special 42
needs associated with the center through education and therapy initiatives. Maryam Othman, CEO of Rashid Centre for Disabled, said, “Rashid Centre, along with our management and board members, would like to thank Gargash Enterprises and Al Ahli Football Club for their unfl inching support and compassion. With this initiative, we look forward to raising awareness of particular issues and promoting positive change to help make a meaningful difference to the lives of the children at our center.” Shehab Gargash, Board Member of Gargash Enterprises, said, “Gargash Enterprises has always
been accountable and benevolent toward society. ‘Score for Charity’ aims at bringing together all of the players to encourage them to perform better and volunteer to raise funds for Rashid Pediatric Therapy Centre. We are glad to join hands with Al Ahli Club yet again and unite to transform our shared vision of brightening lives into a beautiful reality.” An exclusive mobile app will provide the users comprehensive and real-time updates comprising game schedules, team scores and total funds pulled together by the Score for Charity initiative. Gen. Obaid Saeed, Vice-Chairman of the Board, CEO of Al Ahli Football Club, said, “Owing to the long-standing partnership with Gargash Enterprises and Mercedes-Benz, we feel privileged to bond again. This is a great way to motivate the players to score for a cause. Their passion for the game will be doubled due to the Score for Charity initiative and that is what will help them accomplish maximum goals during the season.” ‘Score for charity’ aspires to bring to light the various issues that need attention and add more value to those with special needs.
CONTACT US topceo@mediaquestcorp.com I TEL: +971 4 369 7573
Juffali participates in EXCS 2016 GLC Coupé, S-Class Cabriolet and C-Class Cabriolet were the highlights
PU BL ICAT ION DE TA I L S Published by Mediaquest on behalf of Daimler Middle East & Levant
JEDDAH Juffali Automotive Co. (JACO), the exclusive distributor for Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has completed its participation in the EXCS International Luxury Motor Show held recently in Jeddah. Three all-new Mercedes-Benz models: GLC Coupé, S-Class Cabriolet and C-Class Cabriolet were the highlight of the event and were intro-
duced to visitors by Basim Wali, National Marketing Manager, JACO. During the four-day exhibition, a team of Mercedes-Benz sales consultants were available at the Mercedes-Benz stand to answer visitors’ questions about the state-of-the-art technologies and the high specifications of Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Also, a wide variety of Mercedes-Benz accessories were introduced to visitors. “We are more than happy about the positive feedback of visitors who came by our stand. We showcased various models of cars launched this year. It was a good chance to reveal the three new models during this luxurious event, which takes place every year,” said Safi Kobeissi, General Manager, JACO. As a pioneer and an innovative and prestigious company, Mercedes-Benz always steals the spotlight at auto exhibitions with its dynamic designs and advanced technologies.
www.mediaquestcorp.com Editorial Editor-in-Chief Ali Kherallah Deputy Editor Yamen AlAgha Editor Elizabeth McGlynn Senior Sub Editors Hassan Soukar, Karthik Subramanian Studio Design Manager Aziz Kamel Creative Designer Sheela Jeevan Contributor Sandy Farah, Yasmina Taki Mercedes Magazine Middle East Daimler Middle East & Levant FZE DaimlerChrysler Street P. O. Box 17880, Jebel Ali Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 883 3200 Fax: +971 4 883 3201 mercedes@mediaquestcorp.com
She’s Mercedes launched in Jordan T. Gargour & Fils Co. launched the initiative at King Hussein Club
Advertising MEDIALEADER Tel: +971 4 369 7573 ayman@mediaquestcorp.com Printing Raidy Printing Group, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 340 5144 Rights: Reprints and use, as a whole or in part, only with the express written permission of Daimler AG. No responsibility can be taken for unsolicited texts and photographs. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher or the editors. No guarantee is given for information on vehicle equipment and accessories. For binding information and prices please refer to the official Daimler AG sales documentation. All other content in this magazine has been compiled to the best of our knowledge, but no guarantee is given. Mercedes-Benz Magazine appears quarterly, with editions published under cooperation or license in 40 languages. 62 nd year of publication
JORDAN Mercedes-Benz Jordan is now part of the global community of She’s Mercedes. T. Gargour & Fils Co. has launched this initiative on September 28, 2016, at King Hussein Club, inviting 150 women for an outdoor movie night event under the stars to share the launch of the She’s Mercedes initiative here in Jordan. Featuring videos of four local inspirational women with great success stories to share and to inspire
others with, the luxury carmaker wants other exceptional women to help this innovative new platform to evolve even further, to become a community that is both an inspiring and a useful addition to women’s daily lives. To find out more about the initiative, or to contribute your own experiences, opinions or perspectives, like the global page of ‘She’s Mercedes’ on Facebook and follow us on Facebook. 45
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03/10/2016 17:57