June 22-26
Youth Show Juni or Champions or Champions Open Show Juni
Keystone Futurity Winners
Premier Breeder and Exhibitor
pions Grand Cham Youth Show
Open Show Grand Ch ampions
Periodical Do Not Delay - Timed Material
00 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
Table of Contents (USPS 437) (ISSN: 08878498) Official Publication of the Pennsylvania Association
Volume 37ð No. 4 NOVEMBER 2019 “The Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles” is published four times a year, February, May, August, and November, by the Pennsylvania Holstein Association, 839 Benner Pike, State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-234-0364 • Fax: 814-234-1698 PUBLICATION OFFICE 9964 Buchanan Trail West Mercersburg, PA 17236 Subscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year and in Canada $20.00 per year. The Profiles subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new. Advertising rates available upon request. Address all communications to : PA Holstein Profiles, Debbie Cornman PO BOX 619, 107 Third Street Boiling Springs, PA 1700 Cell: 717-609-2155 Email: dacpainter@comcast.net Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Mercersburg, PA 17236 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles 839 Benner Pike, State College, PA 16801. Edð & Adðg Mðgð Debbie Cornman Exð ð Kenneth I. Raney ð ð Sð David Lentz Oð Timothy Sturgeonð President Connie Troutman ðVice President Jeff Ansell ð Treasurer Mðy 2020 ðdð Að 5th, 2020 CONTENT/COPY: Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content is truthful, is not defamatory, is not invasive of the privacy of others and is in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. However, Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time.
4 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
Greetingsð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ken’s Comments by Ken Raney ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PA Holstein Profiles Subscriptionð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 “A Time with Tim” by Tim Sturgeon PHA Presidentð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2020 National Convention Opportunities ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Junior Spotlightð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð10-11 Save the date – 2020 National Holstein Convention ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2020 National Holstein Convention Toursð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 PA Fall Championship Show resultsð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð26-28 All-PA resultsð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð29-33 PA Regional Championship Show results ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð34-42 Index of Advertisersð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Sales, Coming events, Showsð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Officers and Directors ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
On the Cover
Tð Lefð - Open show Junior Champions L-R: Sean Johnson, Judge, Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess, Mackenize Raynolds, (for James and Nina Burdette), Junior Champion, Holly Hlavaty, (for Ella Hlavaty), Reserve Junior Champion, Samantha Haag, PA Alternate Dairy Princess. TOP RIGHT – Youth Show Junior Champions L-R: Nathan Thomas, Judge, Brooke Emery, PA Dairy Princess, Ella Hlavaty, Junior Champion, Brooke Carey, Reserve Junior Champion, Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess. MIDDLð LðT: Premier Breeder and ðxhibitor – Windy-Knoll-View Holsteins, Burdette ðamily. Front: Joel Phoenix, Brinkley Burdette, Lela Burdette, Reese Burdette, Mackenzie Reynolds. Middle: Justin Burdette, Claire Burdette, Jordon Thomas, Corey Popp, Mikey Barton, Jim Burdette (holding Oliver Burdette). Back: Gary Yorton, Nicolas Yotopolis, Steve Shaw, Danny Hardesty. MIDDLð RIGHT: Keystone ðuturity Winners L-R: Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess, Ashley Kauffman, Futurity Winner, Analise Stover, Youth Futurity Winner, Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess. BOTTOM LðT: Open Show Grand Champions L-R: Seth Johnson, Judge, Kara Shultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess, Denise Pease, Grand Champion, Justin Burdette (for Tyler Shaw), Reserve Grand Champion, Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess. BOTTOM RIGHT: Youth Show Grand Champions L-R: Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess, Nathan Thomas, Judge, Matthew Boop, Grand Champion, Nolan Kummer, Reserve Grand Champion, Brooke Emery, PA Dairy Princess.
Greetings, Pennsylvania Holstein Breeders ð Fall, the season of change, is in full swing. The leaves are sharing their beautiful colors and the harvest will be soon coming to an end. You maybe wondering why the November Profiles are arriving later than usual; several key folks had personal family issues so we moved the issue back a couple of weeks. Thank you for your patience. ð The summer and fall show season is complete. We have many great ads this issue from members celebrating their show accomplishments and recent classifications. In this issue we are sharing the results from the Regional Championship Shows, PA Fall ðebbie Cornman Championship Show and the ALL-PA Winners for the 2019 season. ð We are getting closer to the National Holstein Convention – Pennsylvania Holstein Association will be hosting the event in Lancaster, PA. You will find in this issue of Profiles more information regarding the National Holstein Convention, advertising opportunities in the convention booklet, tour schedule, and the various committees. If you would like to volunteer, there are many options to help make the Holstein Convention a success. Please contact the Volunteer Chairperson, Penny Ulmer at 570-233-2897 or the Pa. Holstein Office 814-234-0364. ð You may have heard that there are a few changes with the PA Profiles. At the summer board of directors meeting in July, the board moved to reduce the PA Profiles by 2 issues. The motion was made and voted to have a fall issue – November and a spring issue – May (this issue goes to the National Convention). Watch other agricultural media outlets to receive your information regarding the PA State Convention Sale, Convention tickets and schedule for the next PA State Convention. ð The next issue will be May 2020. This will be the National Convention Booklet and we are hoping you will participate with an ad from your farm. Ads for the May issue of Profiles will be due at the beginning of April 2020. ð Wishing you Joy and Peace during the coming Holiday Season. Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas! - Debbie
The Future is Bright
Penn Dell Mcuthen Romaine VG-87 2-02 365D 30740M 4.0% 1232F 2.9% 888P
Dam: Penn Dell Gldwyn Romance-ET VG-87 LIFE 2449D 240,290M 4.8% 11,515F 3.1% 7396P
Granddam: Penn Dell Mandel Recipe EX-4E LIFE 3058D 239,030M 4.1% 9740F 3.0% 7079P
Romaine is a beautiful cow to admire, a wonderful contributor to the bulk tank, an overall amazing cow to work with. Romaine was the 3-year-old Futurity Winner at the Centre County Grange Fair, having us believe our future is bright at Penn Dell Farm.
Kristen and Kurtis
RHA 29,558M, 1,180F, 915P BAA 108.6 11/17 PBR 46 YEARS
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The HOUSER FAMILY FARM is located at 470 Immel Road, Spring Mills, PA 16875 CENTRE COUNTY
Visitors Always Welcome
Jim & Teresa Houser
November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 5
Ken’s Comments by Ken Raney
subscription application
Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles The Pennsylvania Holstein Association 839 Benner Pike - State College, PA 16801
October began a new membership year for our Association. We are continuing our coupon program again this year. We have five (5) companies participating including: NASCO, Premier and COBA Select Sires Inc., PaulB Hardware, PBS Animal Health and Richard Mellinger Semen Sales. We will send out coupons to paid members who then can receive discounts through the companies listed above by presenting the coupons to the company’s as you do business with them. Please be sure and thank these businesses for their support of our membership program. ð We would like to thank all our supports and donors who financially support our many programs and activities during the year. We have many companies and individuals whose donations help make our programs and activities a success at both the local and state levels. Their generosity enables us to conduct our programs throughout the year to benefit the dairy industry! ð Pennsylvania Holstein Association is hosting the 2020 National Holstein Convention in Lancaster, PA from June 22-26, 2020. We are still looking for volunteers to help with activities in Lancaster during the convention week. If you would like to be involved, please let us know, so we can get you matched up with a committee that needs some
Name ð___________________________________________________________________ Address ð _________________________________________________________________ Cityð ________________________________ Stateð___________ Zipð________________ Enclosed find:
❏ $15.00 for 1 Year ðubscription
help. PA Holstein is looking at “Leading the Holstein Vision”. We will be highlighting the Pennsylvania dairy industry and the rich history found in our state, with visitors from across the country. There will be plenty of information available throughout the coming year, We will have ticket information and a complete schedule of events in the farm press, on the 2020 Convention website: www.2020nationalholst einconvention.com and on facebook: PA Holstein Association ð There are opportunities for our membership to promote your farm and business to the many visitors who will be coming to Pennsylvania next June. Check this issue of Profiles for advertising and promotional opportunities for the May 2020 issue of Profiles, that will be sent and used as our National Convention magazine. ð Pennsylvania junior members are reminded that most contest deadlines are January 1st. If you need any contest entry forms please contact your local Youth Chairperson, the state office or
❏ ðew
❏ ðenewal
check our website at www.paholsteins. com for contest entry forms. We hope junior members will participate in as many of the contests as they can. Participation is easy and the recognition at the Junior Convention is a lot of fun, we hope to have many new Juniors active in our contests this year. ð Plans are well under way for our State Conventions to be hosted by the members of the Central District. The Junior Convention will be February 2123, 2020 at the Ramada Inn, State College, PA. The Adult Convention will be March 6-7, 2020 at the Holiday Inn, Williamsport, PA. Check the farm press and www.paholsteins.com for convention information. Mark your calendars and plan to attend, the conventions and annual meetings are your opportunity to have your thoughts and ideas presented and discussed. ð We encourage you to become involved in your Association; your ideas and actions are what make this Association work. We hope to see you at a local activity this winter.
Advertise in the Profiles National Convention Issue Ad Deadline is April 5, 2020 For information contact: Debbie Cornman, Editor 717-609-2155 dacpainter@comcast.net 6 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
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A Time With Tim
From the President’s Desk — by Dean Jackson
The membership drive is beginning. start developing into information teenagers and toward this convention please forward your to If you have paid yourthe dues 2012, young adults whom you are extremely PHAfor office. thank you. If not, pleaseð doThe so as soon asdistrict proud of. hosting the State Conventions Central will be possible. I believe your membership is a While you may not feel like it, you, this year. They always do a great job hosting this event. We Together, we have valuable part of your farming operation. “Mr. and Mrs. Dairyman” are included in looking forward to seeing many from membership come through an As a member, you arearerepresented at a talented group of our individuals. The there. where we unbelievable year — many other organizations tenacity and determination it takes to ð I would like to take a moment thank the members an extremely wet attempt to positively influence the dairy keep a dairyand running smoothly is spring, a very dry industry. Our membership is theon backYour There’s work ethic, that serve our stateunbelievable. executive board. manypassion phone bone of As and we begin a for your and positive outlook keep ðsummer, and again,Fall is upon us. For many it’sthe oneAssociation. of calls meetings that go inwork to holding this position. At extreme amounts ofthere favorite times of new year, why not ask someone to join? you from giving up. Sometimes year. Harvest this coming State Convention two board members these term rain this fall, making it New members can join for half price the truths are forgotten, but being reminded is going strong, the summer heat is will be up. I want to personally thank Jim Houser and Rosie very difficult for first year. Make sure you invite them to of your qualities is “just what the doctor now an after thought, and the beauty Zaginaylo for serving on the board. There get leadership and timely planting and harvesting. Battling an activity, banquet or picnic. Many ordered” when times tough. The offields God’ssure creation its many to have an open mind, as issuesofcome mud and making ruts in takes is showing local clubs have their willingness annual meetings most important aspects your up, life did are colors. In the western part ofthe thewinter state months. not We go have unnoticed. Also, I want to thank Kenand Umble, the fun out of the fall harvest. Through it during a lot the irreplaceable people thingsas—a all, we will prevail. Holstein breeders who probayour children, it’s been a good falloffor harvesting. pastwould president he serves onspouse, the board as well. grandchildren I have always At this time, the late fallthe and winter wet spring bly joinand us ifearly someone they knew Ken. simply andpast faith. Everything is After extreme respected Over the several years Ielse havearound got to you know meeting schedule is summer in full swing — asked them. It is to everyone’s advanreplaceable. Your family is not — that it’s nice to work in favorable him much better. He is a goos man that I am blessed to call Executive Committee, State Directors tage to grow our membership base. wife who works by your side without weather. It was actually easier to make dry hay in September a friend. and standing committee meetings, just If you have excess cattle to market or faltering; your son who may not always than it was in June. ð contact This issue is of the Profiles a little bitter sweet for me, to name a few. As members of the PA are looking to buy, please David listen, butislooks at you with admiration ðHolstein The show season now is allisbut I attended as it willthrough be the last — one willgood be writing, as my you termand as Association, the wrapped time to up.Lentz. Privatethe treaty marketing seeI the that surrounds All-American show year and watched our grandchildren is coming toset a close. For upon thosethe of you that will contact anyone in athis leadership position your State AssociationPresident is an excellent your sites positives. Do not not to express While relevant Construcwaymany to benefit your thisgrow compete. we concern. were there we got to see friends bothbeyou ableand to attend yearsweary convention, I want take in doing good,tofor at this the tive criticism can be a very thing association. Please give the staff the timeenjoyed you willthe behonor rewarded if you that we unfortunately don’tgood get to seeifas often as we would moment to tell you, I proper have truly as serving not taken personally. my job to listen opportunity to assist you in your cattle do not give up.I can’t say enough good like. I always leave It’s there so impressed with the animals as President of this organization. and convey comments and ideas to the marketing program. If youAfter areserving wondering what PA exhibited, but more than that is the enthusiasm of the things about the staff at PHA. two years as Vice appropriate committee. Now that the holiday season is upon Holstein Association can do for you, call youth. President and two years as President, it’s hard to put in to The county annual meeting and us, take time to slow down and surround me at 570-297-2838. Let me help you to ðbanquet The 2020 National Convention approaching. words and my appreciation the hours they putorganization. in to making schedule is beginning to heatis fast yourself with family, friends loved findforyour place in this It Many working hard thisbehuge ourall Association I would likea to leave you with some up. It iscommittees my desire toare attend as many as planning ones, and thankful for your manybetter. may give you shot of enthusiasm and possible.Something My term as will be takesblessings. blessevent. of president this magnitude so muchYou timecan’t count adviceyour I have been given over An Amish friend energy thatthe youyears. may have been lacking. done in February, want to give ings unless you stop in told yourme tracks, look As we “Never continue to planmore for the future to prepare for. so I Iappreciate allit my that people are doing when I got married, freshen cows in all until then. I just need to know ahead around and take in what is good, true of our association, we would appreciate to make this a great convention. Along with the time deer season than your wife can handle.” My grandmother of time. Every banquet, annual meeting irreplaceable, like that promising any out, inputcooking and/or ideas fromMy our memcommitment of the planning committeesand it also takes a told me, “Kissing wears don’t.” mother or picnic that I have attended has been a young cow tied at the end of the barn bers as to new programs or adjustments financial investment. beenkeeps monetary toldchanging me, “Don’t afraid to admit you are a Christian.” great opportunity to seeAlready differentthere parts has that growing and intoever be to current programs to serve our donations frommeet agribusinesses, individual farms, and even ð Iyour would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a of the state, many wonderful the cow you envisioned; favorite members better. Again, please contact some clubs have to donateoldmoney. If any Newyou Year!!! be Executive looking forward to seeing many peoplecounty and promote thepledged best state Excellent cow whoHappy just gave a I will me, an Committee member or organization the country — like Theto make beautiful heifer calf; your kidsat(who at businesses or in individuals would a donation of you the upcoming Conventions. a State Director in your county. Have a Pennsylvania Holstein Association. times frustrate you) eventually get older, Great Day! — Dean Jackson, PHA President
- Tim Sturgeon
PA Holstein President
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PAGE 16 - NOVEMBER 2011 - PA PROFILES 8 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
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A full-page ad will get you on the map! We will have the Pennsylvania Map on a two-page spread to place your pin where you are located. The map would include your name, address, Facebook page, website. (i.e by corresponding number on the map)ð The map will also be put on the convention website and facebook page ðeserve your ad page today with Debbie ðornman, get a head start on your ad for the 2020 National ðonvention Booklet. The commiðees and ðheir chairs for the 2020 Naðioðal ðolsðeið ðoðveðioð: Chairman - Reid and Diane Hooverð Youth Chairman - Dr. Jim and Irene Osborneð Treasurer - Rosie Zaginayloð Secretary - Michelle Cornmanð Financeð - Ken Umbleð Banquet - Jed and Sue Beshoreð Booklet - Debbie Cornmanð Commercial Exhibits - Keith and Debbie Deckerð Dairy Bar - Donna Werley and Karen Mohnð Golf Outing - Jim Tarantoð Hospitality - Bob and Jan Peppleð Host Day Tours- William and Lolly Lesherð Family Night - Michael and Jill Ammonð Non-Delegate program - Glenn and Karen Brakeð Pre-Convention Tours - Wayne and Dana Cessnað Publicity- Jean Kummerð Registration - Cindy Schafferð Sale - Michael Yoder and Randy Wolfeð Transportation - David and Phoebe Bitlerð Social Media - Rebecca Shawð Pre-Sale Meal - Gary and Barbara Lentz/Kirby and Sheryl Horstð Decorations - Holly Hlavatyð Volunteer Coordinator - Penny Ulmer
JUNð ðNðNTðN ðTTð and ð: Jim & Irene Osborne - Jr Convention Chairs Jennifer Dickey and Kathy Klink - Jr. Registration Michelle Smith-Lentz - Jr. Welcome Night Pat Kitchen - DJM Luncheon Duane & Kathy Nolt - Host Day - Hershey Park Sara Horst & Callie Curley - Publicityð Mandy Arrowsmith - Workshops Meranda Sellers - Contest Coordinator Dr. Bob Cloninger - Dairy Bowl Luncheon Robyn Bechtel - Sale Night Jr. Activity Ben & Elizabeth Cashell - Jr. Awards Luncheon Joy Widerman, Josie Riser, Carol Nell - Farewell Event Duane and Andrea Stoltzfus - Wednesday Jr. Activity
SUPPORT THE NATIONAL CONVENTION – VOLUNTEER TODAY!!!!!! Contact Volunteer Chair Penny Ulmer 570-233-2897 or PHA office 81-234-0364. November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 9
The Junior Spoðlighð Abby Stoltzfus Growing up on a farm has driven my passion for the dairy industry and has changed my life in ways I’ll never be able to understand. I am a third generation farmer with my sisters Lizzy, Kaitlyn, and Sara and my younger brothers, Caleb and Charlie. My grandparents, Harvey and Mary Jane Stoltzfus, along with my parents, Andrea and Duane Stoltzfus, and my dad’s brothers and their families, moved their Pennwood Farm operation west to Somerset County in 1999, to farm in Berlin, Pennsylvania. I got my first Holstein calf when I was five. Dancerella never had a huge pedigree, but she was a great way to start my Holstein herd. I was nine when I received my first 4-H calf, Kandelite. Kandelite and I made it all the way to states and even into the second round of showmanship at the PNJS Showmanship Contest. I have been a member of the Pennsylvania Junior Holstein Association since I was five. I joined the Somerset County Dairy Bowl Team when I was nine. Ever since I watched my sister win the Jr. Distinguished Junior Member award at the Jr. Holstein Convention, I made it my goal to win the same award. When I was 13, I wrote my first Intermediate DJM book. I was a finalist, but didn’t win. I tried again in 2018, but once again failed to achieve the high standards of the DJM. In 2019, when I walked on the stage, I could feel myself shaking and wondered if everyone watching could see it too. They called my name as a 2019 Intermediate DJM winner beside one of my good friends, Quinn Dum. I was beaming from ear to ear as they took our picture. That same year, my Intermediate prepared speech was third place, I won the Senior Division Art Contest, and our dairy bowl team was 4th place, the farthest we’ve ever made it in the competition. I hate leaving Jr. Convention, knowing I won’t be seeing most of those friends
until the Championship Show in March and then not again until AllAmerican in the fall, but it is always a weekend to remember. This year, I am proudly serving as the secretary of the Pennsylvania Jr. Holstein Executive Committee. I am so grateful for everyone who has influenced my passion and love for the dairy industry, and specifically, the Holstein cow. From Day 1, I’ve loved public speaking. Everyone said I talked too much, so I decided to put it to good use. I was in 4-H prepared speaking contests and the first year I participated in the extemporaneous speech contest at the Jr. Holstein Convention, I could barely say the name of the contest, but I got third place. In 2017, I was second place in the prepared speech contest and I was so excited. You can imagine how excited I was when my mom said we would go to the National Holstein Convention in Seattle, Washington. Nervous, I gave my speech and had so much fun on this trip. Since then, I have given speeches at FFA contests, the state dairy princess pageant and every PA Junior Holstein Convention I have attended. I was crowned the Somerset County Dairy Princess this past June. I have been involved in the Somerset County Dairy Promotion since I was three years old. When I was little, I looked at the girls’ pretty dresses and shiny crowns, and as a little girl obsessed with Disney princesses, I knew I wanted to be just like them. Then, as the years went on and I grew older, I realized it wasn’t about the crown placed on top of their heads. The crown was a bridge to close the gap between farmers and consumers. I finally understood why I had to be the dairy princess. I knew that the year would be busy, exciting, and exhausting, but as last year’s princess placed the crown on my head, it fit perfectly and I knew I was meant to be a dairy princess. I knew I
couldn’t stop at a county title and I had to do my best at the state pageant if I wanted a spot on the state royalty team. I admired Brooke, Sammy, and Kara all week at seminar in July and when state pageant came around, I knew I had prepared as hard as I could. When my mom and I were brainstorming ideas for my skit, she suggested a brilliant idea: Indiana Jones: The Search for Dairy Treasure. To add some more fun, I wanted to somersault onto the floor when I entered the stage. I was afraid of what the floor would allow for at the state pageant, but it was perfect. I rolled right in front of the judges and it must’ve made enough of an impression on them, because I was runner-up with my skit. As I accepted my certificate, it hit me. I was going to have to perform my skit in front of everyone at the pageant later that night. When I stood outside the door, about to run down the aisle and onto the stage, I felt as if I couldn’t remember a single word of my skit. But, with a deep breath right before I started speaking, everything came back and everyone loved it. Despite my nerves during the interview and giving my skit on stage, I held my breath as the MC called my name for the top 7 finalists. And as I proudly
Sponsored by Donald Krall, Locust Ridge Holsteins 10 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
held the mic and answered my onstage question, I knew I would be happy for whoever won that night. I have made countless friends through the princess program, especially Stephanie Younker, Veronica Kiner, and Paige Peiffer, and I can’t wait to see what doors open for me in the future. Instead of stressing about state pageant the week before, I was at the All-American Dairy Show with my red and white spring yearling, Pennwood Jordy Beautiful- Red. I started my red and white herd two years ago, buying a bred red and white heifer at the JustaBeauty Dispersal sale, Justa-Beauty Diamndbck Melanie (Beauty)- Red. My little brother Charlie and I bought her together so that when she had her calf, Charlie could have the calf. Pennwood Jordy Beautiful-Red was a pretty little March calf and she was Jr. Champion at the Western Champ show in 2018. My mom told me I should show her this year as a yearling, to help my little brother since she outgrew him. I’ve never had a calf go anywhere other than our county, district and state show. However, when my cousin asked if I had thought about taking Beautiful to the PHA Spring Championship Show, I was so excited. She didn’t do that well, but I was just happy to be there. This year, she was Res. Jr. Champ at the State 4-H Dairy Show. Beauty was just recently classified VG-88 as a three-year-old. I am excited to continue to grow my Holstein herd and add new genetics to my pedigrees. While we were preparing for the Spring Champ show, my basketball team was setting school records and the week before the show, we had made it into the Elite 8 Playoffs. If we won that game, we would be going into the Final 4, just two days before the show. Well, life throws curve balls sometimes, and before we knew it, we were going to the State Final game. So, after the Final 4 game, my mom drove me to the show. I showed my heifer on Thursday, March 21, drove home in time for the pep rally at the school, got on the charter bus, and drove back to Hershey. And on Friday, March 22, the Berlin Mountaineers Girls’ Basketball team won the first State Basketball Championship in school history. Showing up to the pep rally in my show whites was worth it. In school, I am in the National Honor Society, FFA, chorus and school musicals. I am also a four year
member of the cheerleading squad and basketball team. I continue to spread my love for the dairy industry at my job, the local Ice Cream Station. I am serving my third term as the President of the Milksquirts 4-H club and am a member of the Somerset County Dairy Club. I have always been active in my church’s kid’s ministry and this year, I was the co-chairmen of the Berlin Community Vacation Bible School. It was held for a week in the summer, but it took months of planning and preparing to teach over 60 kids, all ranging from preschool to fifth grade, about the importance of Jesus’s love. Overall, I would like to thank my
mom for supporting me in everything I dive into. She is always there to assist in any way. As well, I would like to thank my family for waiting for me and letting me drag them to dairy promotions with me. I cannot thank God enough for putting me on a farm, giving me the dairy princess title, or giving me the friends I have made, from Lawrence, Butler, Crawford, to Perry, and Berks counties, I am eternally grateful. And finally, we all have God to thank for the Holstein cow. Someone once said to me, “Those Holstein people, they are the most genuine and wholesome people anyone will ever meet.” And I could not agree more.
Build a trusted team of advisors to help improve profitability and enhance performance.
Establish a succession plan to smooth the road for transition to the next generation.
Work with a team of experts to plan and execute a major transformation for your dairy.
November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 11
O ur Homebred Girls Do It Again! RESERVE JUNIOR ALL-PA FALL YEARLING IN MILK Millwork Byway Kaden-ET NC 2019 Show Season: 1st Fall Yearling In Milk Grand Champion at PA Junior Dairy Show 2nd Fall Yearling in Milk Premier National Junior Dairy Show Best Bred and Owned 2019 PA Junior Dairy Show 1st Junior - PA Fall Championship Show Dam: Millwork Kayla EX-90 3-06 334D 22,110M 4.2% 934F 3.4% 745P GrDam: Millwork Drake Kerri VG-88 6-06 347D 30,880M 4.3% 1,338F 3.1% 963P
Millwork Ava Blitz-Red
1st Junior 2 Year Old PA Junior Dairy Show 2nd Summer Junior 2 Year Old Premier National Junior Show Dam: Millwork Crwn P-RD Beca-Red GP-82 2-10 289D 19.50M 3.4% 645F 3.1% 584P
work Holstein l l i s M Joel and Sara Mills Bryanna, Isaac, Tabitha 650 Jonestown Road Thompsontown, PA 17094 12 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
Visitors Always Welcome! Joel’s Cell – 717-729-5281 Home – 717-535-9983
These Rookies Are Looking and Performing Well Glennview Daniel Robby – VG-85 @ 2-08 305D 22,896M 4.1% 969F 2.9% 677P Glennview Silver Danielle – VG-85 @ 2-07 Projected: 24,317M 4.2% 1,074F 3.0% 730P Glennview Kingboy Flora VG-85 @ 2-02 Projected: 31,352M 3.7% 1,164F 2.9% 947P 10 – 2 Year Olds were scored 83 points or higher at our recent Classification!
Some Veteran Players Glennview McCutchen Glenina VG-86 @3-11 28,817M 3.6% 1,022F 2.9% 883P Dam: Glennview Fever Glena VG-86 Lifetime to date: 138,874M Grdam: Glennview Bolton Genita EX-90 Lifetime: 162,233M
CONGRATULATIONS TO THESE YOUTH and the SUCCESS they had at CHESTER COUNTY 4-H SHOW. ð Glennview Artist Very – 1st Spring Calf and Reserve Junior Champion ð Shown by Annika Ranck ð Glennview Denver Jolene – 2nd Spring Calf ð Shown by Ryann Allen ð SBR Kenosha Grace – 3rd Winter Calf – Best Bred and Owned ð Shown by Sophia Ranck ð Glennview Crush Queen – 5th Spring Yearling Heifer ð Shown by Alaina Davis Glennview Farms Glenn & Lois Ranck Sophia & Annika
Cochranville, PA 610-998-0672 RHA 28,082M 1,063F 852P BAA 105.0 PBR 3 years 14 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 15
Berks County Sponsors Kutztown Fair Banners!
Breeder Premier Family Schroeder e h T , rm a TBM F
Premier ð x hiðitor Pure Spring Fa rm, The Grum bine
Colleen Continues To Give Thru Her Offspring!!
Bucknell Coby Colleen VG-87 EX-MS Lifetime: 102,000M
Dam: Bucknell Shottle Sherry – Topped the first GTI Sale 11 Generations – VG and EX Colleen’s has 6 daughters and granddaughters – averaging 25,500Milk, 991Fat, 800 Protein
Railcrest Holsteins
16 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
Paul Weaver 155 Old Bowers – Mertztown, PA – 610-823-9882
d n a y e l k Oa y M Oh
2019 All-PA & Junior All-PA Senior 2 Year Old
Her Awesome Winter Calf
Luck-E ðrush Oakðy VG-86
onfidence Holsteins
Lauren Eslary (724) 757-5352 Morgan Eslary (724) 757-7956
2019 Show Season: 1st Junior - Sr. 2 Year Old – PA Holstein Spring Show 2nd Open – Sr. 2 Year Old – PA Holstein Spring Show Senior and Grand Champion – Mon-Valley District Dairy Show 1st Open – Sr. 2 Year Old – PA Southeast Championship Show Senior and Grand Champion YOUTH – PA Southeast Championship Show 4th Sr. 2 Year Old – Premier National Junior Show 2nd Junior Sr. 2 Year Old – PA Fall Championship Show
ðnfidðncð ðwðsðmð Oh ðy-ð
2019 Show Season: 1st Winter Calf &Junior Champion – Mon-Valley District Dairy Show 1st Winter Calf & Junior Champion – Supreme Heifer Champion – Westmoreland Fair 4-H Dairy Show 8th Winter Calf – out of 42 – Premier National Junior Show.
Trick Daughters at Eden-View Duckett Lou Trick-ET EX94 2E EEEEE 2-03 2x 365 32,530M 4.0% 1,289F 2.9% 805P 3-02 2x 364 34,050M 3.2% 1,101F 2.9% 998P 4-09 2x 365 37,620M 3.2% 1,211F 2.9% 1,098P 6-02 2x 365 42,618M 3.9% 1,667F 2.7% 1,162P
Life: 1,541D 149,510M 3.6% 5,382F 2.9% 4,310P 2012 Grand Champion Pa Fall Championship Show 2012 Reserve All-American 5 year old Atwood Tiara – VG-86 Fresh 1-18-19 – 2nd Lactation – projected 305D, 27,070M Armani Trinket NC – Fresh 1-12-19 1st lactation Projected 305D 19,577M – Due 12-23-19 to Doorman Armani 403 – Due 12-23-19 to Silver Airlift 396 – Fresh 8-12-19 – Segway-P Bull calf- Polled
Bulls for Sale – Some are Polled
Eden-View Holsteins Eric Niswander • 1045 St.Thomas-Edenville Road • St. Thomas, PA 17252 • Cell: 717-729-4169 Franklin County Sð 2018 RHA 25,373M 949F 820P 9/18 BAA 108.3 November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 17
Thankful! 1st Jr 2y All-American National R &W Show 2019
Honorable Mention All-PA Fall Yrlg. 2019
LAKE-EFFECT JUSTRIGHT-RED (NC) 1st Jr. 2y South Central Dist. Show 2019 Supreme Champion Franklin Co. Fair 2019 Nominated Jr. All-American Spring Yrlg. 2018 By Defiant and from 11 generations VG or EX. She has RED daughters by Applecrisp, Diamondback and Jordy. She is due in March to sexed Warrior-Red. Owned by Daniel Benedict
LAKE-EFFECT LETMEWIN-ET 3rd Fall Yrlg. Premier National Jr. Show 2019 5th Fall Yrlg. Eastern National Show 2019 1st Fall Yrlg South Central Dist. Show 2019 By Gold Chip X Solomon. Next six dams EX-91 Pronto, EX-90 Durham, EX-92 Storm, EX-94 Ches St. Lue, EX-93 Star Lulu, EX96 Tora Triple Threat Lulu! Due in Dec. to sexed Diamondback. She sells in the Nittany Lion Fall Classic!!!
All-PA Spring Calf 2019 (Tied)
3rd Summer Yrlg All-American National Guernsey Show 2019
RICECREST SCARLETTE-ET 1st Spring Calf & Jr. Champion South Cent. Dist. Show 2019 7th Spring Calf Eastern National Show 2019 By Solomon X EX Gold Chip. Her maternal sister is Ricecrest Chrome Chevette, the 1st Unfresh 2y PA Spring Show 2019. Backed by 10 generations VG or EX, from Luke Lauren family. Thank you to Ricecrest for letting us take out these special individuals!
ROCKY-HLL SENATOR LAVANA By Senator X Copper. 2nd dam Coulee Crest AP Lilith VG-88 3y (10 VG or EX maternal sisters), next dam Nick Lorilyn (EX-91), EX-90 Lori, EX-92 Lana, EX-90 Laura and EX-90 Leslie.
Lake Effect
Jeff, Gayle, & Becky Benedict 6340 Wayne Hwy. – Waynesboro, PA 17268 717-263-6705 email Lakeeffectfam@gmail.com
18 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
We praise God for his goodness. We are thankful for these incredible creatures we get to work with, and for the wonderful family and friends who share this common bond. We count ourselves blessed to work for and serve dairy families in Pennsylvania.
ð-Pð WðTEð CðF - ðTH & ðPEð
Sðoð-Mar ðndðniðd ðoyal-ET 1st Winter Calf – 2019 PA Spring Show 1st Winter Calf Open and Youth – 2019 PA Western Championship Show Junior Champion Youth – 2019 PA Western Championship Show Reserve Junior Champion Open – 2019 Pa Western Championship Show 4th Winter Calf – Premier National Junior Show
Show-Mar’s Awesome Show Season!
Premier Junior Breeder (Heifers) 2019 Western Championship Show Premier Breeder (cows) 2019 Western Championship Show
HðBðE MEðTð ðTH - SPðG ðEðG
ðylan Top Showman Dylan won the Senior Division 22 Annual Youth Showmanship Contest
Sðoð-Mar Cruð Evðryonð 1st Spring Yearling – 2019 PA Western Championship Show 3rd Spring Yearling – Premier National Junior Show Crush Everyone is due June 3rd, 2020 to Warrior Red Dam: Ex-90 – currently milking 187 lbs. – projected 305 41,353M on her 4th lactation. Her 3rd lactation record 51,859M in 347 DIM ð-Pð Jð 2 ðEð ð – ðTH
Wðlðy First ðed & White Wesley place highest in the ðed & White breed ðntermediate ðivision 22 ðnnual ðouth Showmanship Contest
Other Mentions: Sðoð-Mar ðrðuð 2nd - 2019 Western Championship Show 5th - Premier National Junior Show ðESEðE ð-Pð ðM & ðGHTEð Show-Mar Gingersnap 1304, Show-Mar ðiamond 1357 Show-Mar Wooden Penny 1356 Reserve Junior All-PA 5 Year Old Show-Mar Gingersnap 1304 Reserve Junior All-PA 150,000 lb cow Sðoð-Mar Minni Pðnny ðG-86 @ 2 yðarð 1st Jr. 2-year-old –Youth – 2019 Western Championship Show Reserve Intermediate Champion – Youth – 2019 Western Championship Show Honorable Mention – Open – 2019 Western Championship Show 1st Jr. 2 year old – Premier National Junior Show Recent record 305D 39,879M Dam: EX-91 Atwood – a 466 DIM 74,867M 3rd lactation Royal and Minni Penny dam are sisters 20 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
ðecent Classification: 11 New EX – 6 New VG – 1 NEW EX-93 BAA 111.9
Show-Mar Holsteins
Mark, Jelena, Dylan and Wesley Brantner Jelena’s Cell #717-609-2097 – Mark’s cell # 717-609-7937 markbrantner1161@gmail.com – RHA: 31,296M
November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 21
ds, Dear Frien
ention lstein Conv r 25 o H l a n o ti a e The 2019 N is over and now, aft ns la in s P n ! o n in Wisc ania’s tur bsite lv y s n n e P e years, it is alized, our 2020 w n n.com are being fi lHolsteinConventio ilding. na bu 2020Natio d the excitement is n a , is online us in days with meeting w fe a d n e Plan to sp lunteering, touring, . vo es Lancaster and making new on , old friends ing ign-up com s r e te n lu a vo Watch for rd soon. look forwa d n a t u p in e your in We welcom ith all the PA Holste w g in to work members. iane Reid and D e n Jim and Ire
Saðe the
June 22-26, 2020
Volunte ers Needed !!
FðRM ðOURS SðRðSBURG RðILROðD Pennsylvania’s Best Genetics offered for sale!
LðNCðSðR, Pð 22 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
2020 Natioðal Coðveðtioð
Host ðour Days – Wednesday June 24
ðll tours have been confirmed – and there is something for every interest! Check out the farms’ Facebook pages and websites to learn more about them, or contact tour coordinator ðolly ðesher at lolly@wayharfarms.com or 484.239.3305, for more information. 1.ðhe P ðrail – ð Breeders ðisit ð ð ð ð
Breakfast on the Farm – Brook Corner Holsteins, Lebanon, Lebanon County – on Facebook Windy Knoll View – Mercersburg, Franklin County – on Facebook Mercer-Vu Farm – Mercersburg, Franklin County https://www.mercervufarms.com/ Burdette Ironworks – Mercersburg, Franklin County https://www.burdetteironworks.com/
2.ðPð Diversity from ðmish to Progressive ð ð ð ð
Breakfast at Shady Maple Smorgasbord - East Earl, Lancaster County https://www.shady-maple.com/ Star Rock Farm – Conestoga, Lancaster County – on Facebook David K Stoltzfus– Old-order Amish farm - Peach Bottom, Lancaster County New Holland Equipment – New Holland, Lancaster County https://agriculture.newholland.com
3.ðCows to Cones – a ðalue-ðdded ðour ð ð ð ð
Breakfast at Shady Maple Smorgasbord – East Earl, Lancaster County https://www.shady-maple.com/ Klein Creamery – Easton, Northampton County https://kleinfarms.com/ MerryMead Farm – Lansdale, Montgomery County https://www.merrymead.com/ Birchrun Hill Farms Cheesehouse - Chester Springs, Chester County http://birchrunhillsfarm.com/
4.ðHerd Fun in the Sweetest Place on ðarth ð
Hershey Park – Hershey, Dauphin County https://www.hersheypark.com/
November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 23
Reserve All PA Winter Yearling 2nd Place Winter Yearling, Reserve Jr Champion PA Holstein Spring Show 1st place Winter Yearling Western PA Championship Show 1st Place Winter Yearling, Jr Champion Bedford County Fair 1st Place Winter Yearling, Reserve JR Champion Central PA Championship Show 2nd Place Winter Yearling All American Dairy Show 2nd Place Winter Yearling PA Holstein Fall Show 6th Place Winter Yearling International Holstein Show World Dairy Expo
24 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
EX-92 EEEEE (Max Score)
All PA Senior 3 year old 3 Place Senior 3 Western Championship Show st 1 Place Senior 3, Intermediate Champion, Central Pa Championship Show 3rd Place PA Futurity, PA Holstein Fall Show rd
Doorman x VG86 Atwood x Ex Durham x C-Cove-NV Reflect Lexus-ET 3E-94
Thank you to our partners, Buck and Dana Cessna, and the rest of the C-Cove Crew for housing Luxury and always having her looking her very best at the shows. She is due back for the summer shows and will be IVF’d this fall. Let us know if you’re interested.
Jeff & Nicole, Lily, Luke, Liam & Lincoln Ansell 292 Leisie Rd, Renfrew, PA 16053 Jeff’s Cell: 724-433-2447 │ Home: 724-481-1024 November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 25
2019 PA Holstein Fall Championship Shows Youth Championship Show September 16, 2019 Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA Nathan Thomas, Judge – 170 Head Shown
Junior Champions – Youth Show Junior Champion – BV-CW Doorman Lexi-ETS (Fall Calf) Sire: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET Owner: Ella Hlavaty, Ephrata Reserve Junior Champion – Plum-Line Diamond Earing (Winter Calf) Sire: Mr D Apple Diamondback Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville
ðntermediate Champions –Youth Show Champion – Heart & Soul Dempsey Raely (Summer Junior 2 Year Old Cow) Sire: Lirr Drew Dempsey Owner: Matthew Boop, Millmont
Grand Champions – Youth Show Grand Champion – Heart & Soul Dempsey Raely (Summer Junior 2 Year Old Cow) Sire: Lirr Drew Dempsey Owner: Matthew Boop, Millmont
Reserve Champion – Windy-Knoll-View Pabby (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: Apples Absolute Red-ET Owner: Nolan Kummer, Evans City
Reserve Grand Champion - Windy-Knoll-View Pabby (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: Apples Absolute Red-ET Owner: Nolan Kummer, Evans City
Senior Champion – Youth Show Champion – Eastriver Goldwyn Deb-ET (150,000# Cow) Sire: Braedale Goldwyn Owner: Matthew Boop, Millmont
Best ðnimal Bred and ðwned – Youth Show Heart & Soul Dempsey Raely (Summer Junior 2 Year Old Cow) Sire: Lirr Drew Dempsey Owner: Matthew Boop, Millmont
Reserve Champion – Heart & Soul Armani Rachael (Five Year Old) Sire: Mr Apples Armani-ET Owner: Hayden Weaver, Ephrata
Youth Show Junior Championð Nathan Thomas, Judge Brooke Emery, PA Dairy Princess Ella Hlavaty, Junior Champion Brooke Carey, Reserve Junior Champion Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess
Youth Show ðntermediate Championð Nathan Thomas, Judge Brooke Emery, PA Dairy Princess Nolan Kummer, Reserve Intermediate Champion Madison Weaver (for Matthew Boop), Intermediate Champion Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess
Youth Show Senior Championð Brooke Emery, PA Dairy Princess Nathan Thomas, Judge Matthew Boop, Senior Champion Hayden Weaver, Reserve Senior Champion Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess
Youth Show Grand Championð Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess Nathan Thomas, Judge Matthew Boop, Grand Champion Nolan Kummer, Reserve Grand Champion Brooke Emery, PA Dairy Princess
26 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
Reserve Junior Champion – BV-CW Doorman Lexis-ETS (Fall Calf) Sire: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET Owner: Ella Hlavaty, Lititz Intermediate Champions – Open Show Champion – Sweet-Peas G Chip Alex-ET (Junior 2-Year-Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owners: Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna
Beðt ðnðmal Bred and Owned Matthew Boop
Open Championship Show September 17, 2019 Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA Sean Johnson, Judge – 164 Head Shown
Junior Champions – Open Show Junior Champion – Windy-Knoll-View Cat (Spring Calf) Sire: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET Owner: James & Nina Burdette, Mercersburg
Grand Champions – Open Show Grand Champion - Sweet-Peas G Chip Alex-ET (Junior 2-Year-Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owners: Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna Reserve Grand Champion – Linden-Loch Atwood Pokey (Junior 3-Year-Old) Sire: Maple-Downs I GW Atwood-ET Owner: Tyler Shaw, Williamsburg
Reserve Champion – Linden-Loch Atwood Pokey (Junior 3-Year-Old) Sire: Maple-Downs I GW Atwood-ET Owner: Tyler Shaw, Williamsburg
Best ðnimal Bred and Owned – Open Show Sweet-Peas G Chip Alex-ET (Junior 2-Year-Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owners: Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna
Senior Champion – Open Show Champion – Luck-E Powerball Addict-ET (FourYear-Old) Sire: View-Home Powerball-P-ET Owners: Brad & Amy Hoover & Boyd Schaufelberger, Lebanon
Keystone 3-Year-Old Futurity ðinner All-Glo Gold Chip Kappucino Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owners: Justin & Ashley Kaufman, Berlin
Reserve Champion – Oakfield Gold Chip Dare (Five-Year-Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Sarah Campbell & Evan Creek, Ford City
Keystone 3 Year Old Futurity ðinner- Youth Kul-Wave Defiant Finley Sire: Scientific B Defiant-ET Owner: Analise Stover, Carlisle ðremier Breeder and ðremier ðxhibitor Windy-Knoll-View Holsteins, James & Nina Burdette Family, Mercersburg
Open Shðw Junðr Champðnð Sean Johnson, Judge Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess Mackenzie Reynolds (for James & Nina Burdette), Junior Champion Holly Hlavaty (for Ella Hlavaty), Reserve Junior Champion Samantha Haag, PA Alternate Dairy Princess
Open Shðw Senðr Champðnð Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess Evan Creek (also for Sarah Campbell, Reserve Senior Champion Boyd Schaufelberger (also for Brad & Amy Hoover), Senior Champion Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess
Open Shðw Intermedðate Champðnð Sean Johnson, Judge Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess Denise Pease, Intemdeiate Champion Justin Burdette (for Tyler Shaw), Reserve Intermediate Champion Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess
Open Shðw Grand Champðnð Sean Johnson, Judge Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess Denise Pease, Grand Champion Justin Burdette (for Tyler Shaw), Reserve Grand Champion Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 27
Keystone Futurity Winners Kara Stultz, PA Alternate Dairy Princess Ashley Kaufman, Futurity Winner Analise Stover, Youth Futurity Winner Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess
ðen ðhoð Best ðnimal Bred and ðned Samantha Haag, PA Alternate Dairy Princess, Denise Pease
Premier Breeder and Premier ðxhiðitor Windy-Knoll-View ðolsteins, Burdette Family Front: Joel Phoenix, Brinkley Burdette, Lela Burdette, Reese Burdette, Mackenzie Reynolds Middle: Justin Burdette, Claire Burdette, Jordon Thomas, Corey Popp, Mikey Barton, Jim Burdette (holding Oliver Burdette) Back: Gary Yorton, Nicolas Yotopolis, Steve Shaw, Danny Hardesty
Total dairy product use has reached its highest per capita levels since 1962, even though fluid milk consumption has declined.
Milk and beverage trends
How is Dairy Checkoff Driving Demand? Checkoff is working with powerful, category-leading foodservice, retail and fluid milk partners to focus on innovation, product assortment, merchandising and marketing to meet consumer demand. For every $1 checkoff invests in partnerships, partners invest more than $10!
94% of U.S. households purchase milk. 3% of households purchase plant-based drinks exclusively. Less than 3% of households don’t purchase any milk. Milk still outsells plant-based imitators by a margin of more than 11 to 1!
Consumer trends Consumers still understand the nutritional and taste benefits of real milk. However, growth comes from understanding the wants and needs of consumers, and innovation, packaging and merchandising are what drives beverage demand. Societal changes – 70% of households don’t have children, and 83% of families with children live in urban and metro areas where they have lots of beverage options. Changing breakfast behaviors – most people are not sitting down for breakfast therefore the reduction of cereal consumption has driven 20% of milk’s decline. Growth of out-of-home channels – people require “consumption on the go.” 90% of retail beverage growth is coming from grab-and-go products. Innovation in other beverage categories – 315.472.9143 bottled water is milk’s biggest competitor! AmericanDairy.com
28 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
2019 All-Pennsylvania Winners Spring Calf
All-PA Redcarpet Doorman Tempus-ET Tom & Erin Uber, Adamsville
Winter Calf
All-PA Show Mar Undenied Royal-ET Dylan Brantner, Evans City
Reserve Heart & Soul Vogue Highroller Matthew Boop, Millmont Hon. Men. Ken AM GC Aeyna Amanda Kennedy, Columbia Cross Road Hon. Men. SCO LO Avanche Revenge Andrea Bednarski & Smith Oak Farm, Avella
All-PA Ricecrest Scarlett-ET Dale & Fred Rice, Chambersburg
Fall Calf
Reserve BV CW Doorman Lexi Ets Ella Hlavaty, Lititz
Reserve Windy Knoll View Cat James & Nina Burdette, Mercersburg Hon. Men. MS Dinas Doorman Daniela Robert Landis & Olivia Gold, Lancaster
Summer Yearling
All-PA Windy Knoll View Perkey James & Nina Burdette, Mercersburg
All-PA MS Campbell Run Hez Kora Sarah Campbell & Evan Creek, Ford City Hon. Men. Heart & Soul Get Out The Way-ET Matthew Boop, Millmont
Hon. Men. S-Creek-Acres Dback Today Weston Taylor, Allenwood
Spring Yearling
All-PA Sweet Peas Solomon Kelsey Madison Soden, Susquehanna
Reserve Heart & Soul Dback Racey Matthew Boop, Millmont
Reserve J&K Vue Dback Guiness-ET Matthew Boop, Millmont
Hon. Men. Cedar Crest Crush Lollie Kyle Welk, Peach Bottom November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 29
2019 All-Pennsylvania Winners Winter Yearling
Fall Yearling
Junior Best Three
All-PA Mases Manor Dback Luxury Makenna Mase, Cochranton
All-PA Windy Knoll View Windy Knoll View Prayer James & Nina Burdette, Mercersburg
All-PA Keystone Solomon Allstar Ella Hlavaty & Luke Seipt, Easton
Reserve C-Cove Airlift Comet Cessna Brothers, Clearville
Reserve Rise N Shine Rudy Paisley Amanda Voll, Springville
Windy Knoll View Cat
Hon. Men. Lake Effect Let Me Win Daniel Benedict, Waynesboro
Windy Knoll View Perkey
Hon. Men. Coredale D Back Icelyn-ET Cory Thompson, Dover
Yearling in Milk
All-PA Windy Knoll View Potatochip Reese Burdette, Mercersburg
Reserve Sweet Peas Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna
Reserve Windy Knoll View CreamcheseBurdette, Hawbaker & Conroy, Mercersburg
Hon. Men. Heart & Soul Douglas & Jennifer Boop, Millmont
Hon. Men. Sweet Peas Defiant Aja Madison Soden, Susquehanna
30 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
2019 All-Pennsylvania Winners Summer Junior 2-Year-Old
Hon. Men. Sweet Peas GC Affection Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna
All-PA Heart & Soul Dempsey Raely Matthew Boop, Millmont
Junior 2-Year-Old
Reserve Ken Joda Diamondback Layla Ken & Rhoda Reist, Lebanon
Senior 2-Year-Old
Junior 3-Year-Old
All-PA McWilliams Defiant Josie Sam McWilliams, Somerset All-PA Kul-Wave Defiant Finley Analise Stover, Carlisle All-PA Windy Knoll View Poser Reese Burdette, Mercersburg
All-PA Luck E Crush Oakley Lauren Eslary, Bolivar
Reserve Sweet Peas Gchip Alex-ET Denise Pease, Susquehanna
Reserve Spungold Dback Clair Dale & Deanna Bendig, Gettysburg
Hon. Men. Keystone Doorman Jealosy Tim Seipt, Easton
Hon. Men. Midas Touch DM Chinks-ET Jaylene Lesher & Jeffrey King, Bernville
Hon. Men. Linden-Loch Atwood Pokey Tyler Shaw, Williamsburg
Reserve Luck E Diamond Allure-ET Dunns Pride Holsteins, New Ringgold
Senior 3-Year-Old
All-PA PA-A-Plus Doorman Luxury-ET Jeff Ansell & Wayne Cessna, Clearville
Reserve All-Glo Gold Kappucino Justin & Ashley Kaufman, Berlin
Hon. Men. Brook Corner Doorman Ashley Brook-Corner LLC, Lebanon November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 31
2019 All-Pennsylvania Winners Four-Year-Old
Reserve App Sham Alxander Baby Spot Joshua Waddell, Townville
All-PA Luck E Powerball Addict-ET Brad & Amy Hoover & Boyd Schaufelberger
Hon. Men. Windy Knoll View Peep-ET James & Nina Burdette, Mercersburg
Reserve Rokeyroad Brokaw Dottie Justin Smith, Reynoldsville
All-PA Heart & Soul Armani Rachael F. Hayden Weaver, Ephrata
Hon. Men. Oakfield Gold Chip Dare Sarah Campbell & Evan Creek, Ford City
Six Years & Over
All-PA Rader Astroid Sugarfree Shelby Rader, Conneaut Lake Reserve Ms Apples All In-ET Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna
150,000 Pound Cow
All-PA Brooke Corner Atwood Woozy Brook-Corner LLC, Lebanon 32 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
Hon. Men. Walk Le Brokaw Jasmine Walk Le Farm LLC, Thomasville
Reserve Eastriver Goldwyn Deb-ET Matthew Boop & Taylor Wolfe, Millmont
Hon. Men. C-Cove Phoenix Lulu Cessna Brothers, Clearville
2019 All-Pennsylvania Winners Best Three Females
All-PA Windy-Knoll-View Holsteins Windy Knoll View Peep James & Nina Burdette, Mercersburg
Windy Knoll View Poser
Windy Knoll View Posies
Produce of Dam All-PA BVK Atwood Abbie-ET Sweet Peas Holsteins, Susquehanna Reserve Walk Le Farm LLC Walk-Le Holsteins, Thomasville
Reserve Walk Le Brokaw Jasmine Walk Le Farm LLC, Thomasville
Hon. Men. Heart & Soul Holsteins Douglas & Jennifer Boop, Millmont
Hon. Men. Russellridge Monta Lexis Adria Russell, Alexander Hon. Men. J&K-Vue Goldwyn Glamour-ET Heart & Soul Holsteins, Millmont Hon. Men. Brook Corner Atwood Woozy Brook Corner Holsteins, Lebanon
Dam & Daughter
All-PA Walker Le Brokaw Jasmin Walk Le Farm, LLC, Thomasville
Reserve Show Mar Gingersnap 1304 Show Mar Holsteins, Evans City
Hon. Men. Walk Le Brokaw Jasmine Walk Le Farm LLC, Thomasville
Walk Le Solomon Jazz
Show Mar Diamond 1357
Walk Le High Octane Jamica
Congratulations to the 2019 All-PA Winners! November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 33
Pennsylvania Show Reports 2019 Central PA Holstein Championship Show
August 10, 2019 Huntingdon County Fairgrounds, Huntingdon, PA Adam Sonnen, Judge – 111 Head Shown Junior Champions – Youth Show Junior Champion – MS Stultz Jordy Misty-Red (Winter Yearling) Sire: Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red Owner: Rylee Stultz, Williamsburg Reserve Junior Champion – All-Glo Sidekick Mollie (Spring Calf) Sire: Walnutlawn Sidekick Owner: Caleb Stoltzfus, Berlin Junior Champions – Open Show Junior Champion – Sco-Lo Avanche Revenge-ET (Winter Calf) Sire: Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche Owner: Andrea Bednarski and Smith-Oak Farm, Reynoldsville Reserve Junior Champion – C-Cove Airlift Comet (Winter Yearling) Sire: Canyon-Breeze At Airlift-ET Owner: Cessna Brothers, Clearville Intermediate Champions – Youth Show Intermediate Champion – Globe-Run McCthn Brooklyn (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174-ET Owner: John Foster, Petersburg Reserve Intermediate Champion – Tom-Glow Diamondback Carrie (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: Mr D Apple Diamondback Owner: Colton Coffman, Petersburg Intermediate Champions - Open Show Intermediate Champion –PA-A-Plus Doorman Luxury-ET (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET Owner: Wayne & Dana Cessna and Jeff & Nicole Ansell, Clearville
Junior Champions Youth Show Adam Sonnen, Judge Denae Hershberger, Bedford County Dairy Princess Rylee Stultz, Junior Champion Elizabeth Stoltzfus (for Caleb Stoltzfus), Reserve Junior Champion Cassidy Bumbaugh, Huntingdon County Dairy Princess
34 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
Reserve Intermediate Champion – Globe-Run McCthn Brooklyn (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174-ET Owner: John Foster, Petersburg
Best Animal Bred & Owned – Open Show Dryhouse-M Goldchip Fortune (4 Year Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Natalie Yoder, Belleville
Senior Champions- Youth Show Senior Champion – Dryhouse-M Goldchip Fortune (4 Year Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Natalie Yoder, Belleville
Heifer Show Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Lakevue Holsteins, Couch Family, Huntingdon
Reserve Senior Champion – Tom-Glow Acme Kara (4 Year Old) Sire: KHW Elm-Park Acme-ET Owner: Katerina Coffman, Petersburg
Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Dryhouse-M Holsteins, Yoder Family, Belleville
Senior Champions – Open Show Senior Champion – Dryhouse-M Goldchip Fortune (4 Year Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Natalie Yoder, Belleville Reserve Senior Champion – C-Cove Phoenix Lulu (150,000Lb Cow) Sire: Windy-Knoll-View Phoenix-ET Owner: Cessna Brothers, Clearville Grand Champions – Youth Show Grand Champion – Dryhouse-M Goldchip Fortune (4 Year Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Natalie Yoder, Belleville
Youth Show Senior Champions Adam Sonnen, Judge Cassidy Bumbaugh, Huntingdon County Dairy Princess Natalie Yoder, Senior Champion Katerina Coffman, Reserve Senior Champion Laurel Fogleman Centre County Dairy Princess
Reserve Grand Champion – Globe-Run McCthn Brooklyn (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174-ET Owner: John Foster, Petersburg Grand Champions – Open Show Grand Champion – Dryhouse-M Goldchip Fortune (4 Year Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Natalie Yoder, Belleville Reserve Grand Champion - C-Cove Phoenix Lulu (150,000Lb Cow) Sire: Windy-Knoll-View Phoenix-ET Owner: Cessna Brothers, Clearville
Youth Show Grand Champions Adam Sonnen, Judge Cassidy Bumbaugh, Huntingdon County Dairy Princess Natalie Yoder, Grand Champion Rachel Foster John Foster, Reserve Grand Champion Laurel Fogleman Centre County Dairy Princess
Best Animal Bred & Owned - Youth Show Dryhouse-M Goldchip Fortune (4 Year Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Natalie Yoder, Belleville
Junior Champions Open Shows Naomi Diehl, Mifflin County Dairy Princess Adam Sonnen, Judge Andrea Bednarski, Junior Champion William Smith, Junior Champion Evan Creek (for Cessna Brothers), Reserve Junior Champion Vannika Rice, Blair County Dairy Princess Youth Show Intermediate Champions Adam Sonnen, Judge Laurel Fogleman Centre County Dairy Princess Rachel Foster (for John Foster), Intermediate Champion Colton Coffman, Reserve Intermediate Champion Naomi Diehl, Mifflin County Dairy Princess
Pennsylvania Show Reports
Senior Champions – Open Show Senior Champion – Mt-Glen Damion Felicia (4 Year Old Cow) Sire: Erbacres Damion Owners: Dean & Rebecca Jackson, Columbia Cross Roads Reserve Senior Champion – Pencroft Aftershock Tisha (5 Year Old) Sire: Mr Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET Owners: Chase & Alexis Cashell, Towanda
Open Show Intermediate Champions Adam Sonnen, Judge Cassidy Bumbaugh, Huntingdon County Dairy Princess Wayne Cessna, Intermediate Champion Rachel Foster John Foster, Reserve Intermediate Champion Naomi Diehl, Mifflin County Dairy Princess
Heifer Show Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor – Lakevue Holsteins, Couch Family Front: Lydia Couch, Emily Couch Back: John Couch, Mary Lou Couch, Travis Couch (holding Kensington) Rebecca Couch (holding Rowynn), Justin Kaufman, Ashley Kaufman (holding Avery)
2019 Northeast PA Holstein Championship Show July 30, 2019 Alparon Park, Troy, PA Justin Burdette, Judge – 64 Head Shown
Junior Champions – Youth Show Junior Champion – Reyncrest Savannah-Red-ET (Winter Calf) Sire: Riverdown Unstopabull-Red Owner: Dakota Fraley, Muncy Open Show Senior and Grand Champions Adam Sonnen, Judge Vannika Rice, Blair County Dairy Princess Natalie Yoder, Senior and Grand Champion Dana Cessna (for Cessna Brothers), Senior and Grand Champion Naomi Diehl, Mifflin County Dairy Princess
Reserve Junior Champion – Knonaudale Lite My Fire-Red (Winter Yearling) Sire: Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red Owner: Kaila Stoltzfus, East Earl
Reserve Grand Champion – Leona-View Guthrie Lola (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET Owner: Landon Jenkins, Columbia Cross Roads Grand Champions – Open Show Grand Champion – Cashells Atwood Contessa (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET Owner: Benjamin & Elizabeth Cashell, Towanda Reserve Grand Champion – Mt-Glen Damion Felicia (4 Year Old Cow) Sire: Erbacres Damion Owners: Dean & Rebecca Jackson, Columbia Cross Roads
Junior Champions – Open Show Junior Champion – Reyncrest Savannah-Red-ET (Winter Calf) Sire: Riverdown Unstopabull-Red Owner: Dakota Fraley, Muncy Reserve Junior Champion – Ken-Am GC Aeyna (Winter Calf) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip Owner: Amanda Kennedy, Columbia Cross Roads
Youth and Open Show Best Bred & Owned Natalie Yoder
Grand Champions – Youth Show Grand Champion – Leona-View Frizz Sour-Red (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Garden-State Ladd Frizz-Red Owner: Kendal Jenkins, Columbia Cross Roads
Intermediate Champions – Youth Show Intermediate Champion – Leona-View Frizz SourRed (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Garden-State Ladd Frizz-Red Owner: Kendal Jenkins, Columbia Cross Roads
Junior Champions – Youth Show Justin Burdette, Judge McKenzie Slater, Bradford County Dairy Princess Dakota Fraley, Junior Champion Kaila Stoltzfus, Reserve Junior Champion Audrey Starkweather, Tioga County Dairy Princess
Reserve Intermediate Champion – Leona-View Guthrie Lola (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie-ET Owner: Landon Jenkins, Columbia Cross Roads
Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor – Dryhouse-M Holsteins, Yoder Family Front: Taylor Heeter, Maria Yoder, Grant Yoder, Cade Yoder, Payton Heeter, Keara Tice, Jordan Anderson Back: Hannah King, Paul Yoder, Natalie Yoder, Michael Yoder, Melissa Heeter, Jason Heeter
Intermediate Champions – Open Show Intermediate Champion – Cashells Atwood Contessa (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET Owner: Benjamin & Elizabeth Cashell, Towanda Reserve Intermediate Champion – Mt-Glen Jonah Dior (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: Mt-Glen Adolph Jonah Owner: Katie Jackson, Columbia Cross Roads
Junior Champions – Open Show Justin Burdette, Judge McKenzie Slater, Bradford County Dairy Princess Dakota Fraley, Junior Champion Amanda Kennedy, Reserve Junior Champion Audrey Starkweather, Tioga County Dairy Princess
November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 35
Pennsylvania Show Reports Best Animal Bred & Owned Open Show – Cashells Atwood Contessa (Junior 3Year Old) Sire: Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET Owner: Benjamin & Elizabeth Cashell, Towanda Youth Show - Leona-View Frizz Sour-Red (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Garden-State Ladd Frizz-Red Owner: Kendal Jenkins, Columbia Cross Roads Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Mt-Glen Holsteins, Jackson Family, Columbia Cross Roads
Senior and Grand Champions – Youth Show Grand Champion – Rag-Em Awesome Alley-Red-ET (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Awesome-Red Owner: Aubree Route, Canton Reserve Grand Champion – Rosedale Something In-Red (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: Hylite Barburme-Red-ET Owner: Aubree Route, Canton Grand Champions – Open Show Justin Burdette, Judge Ben Cashell, Grand Champion and Best Bred & Owned Elizabeth Cashell, Grand Champion and Best Bred & Owned Katie Jackson (for Dean & Rebecca Jackson) Reserve Grand Champion McKenzie Slater, Bradford County Dairy Princess
Senior and Grand Champions – Open Show Senior and Grand Champion – Pristine-Vis Reba-Red (5 Year Old) Sire: Tiger-Lily Ladd P-Red Owners: Randall & Meredith Shores, Towanda Reserve Senior and Grand Champion – She-Ken Apple Dumple-Red-ET (Aged Cow) Sire: Hylite Barbwire-Red-ET Owner: Craig Shedd, Columbia Cross Roads Best Animal Bred & Owned Youth Show - Leona-View Frizz Sour-Red (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Garden-State Ladd Frizz-Red Owner: Kendal Jenkins, Columbia Cross Roads
Intermediate and Grand Champions -Youth Show Justin Burdette, Judge Kendal Jenkins, Intermediate and Grand Champion and Best Bred & Owned Landon Jenkins, Reserve Intermediate and Reserve Grand Champion McKenzie Slater, Bradford County Dairy Princess
Intermediate Champions – Open Show Justin Burdette, Judge Elizabeth Cloninger, Intermediate Champion Katie Jackson, Reserve Intermediate Champion McKenzie Slater, Bradford County Dairy Princess
Best Bred & Owned-Youth Show Kendal Jenkins
Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Mt.-Glen Holsteins, Jackson Family Front: Brooke Ward, Tauryn Gillilan, Rebecca Jackson Back: Clark Jackson, Dynah Jones, Abbie Evans, Kyle Jackson, Dean Jackson, Katie Jackson, Zach Root, Rebecca Jackson
Open Show She-Ken Apple Dumple-Red-ET (Aged Cow) Sire: Hylite Barbwire-Red-ET Owner: Craig Shedd, Columbia Cross Roads
Junior Champions – Youth and Open Shows Justin Burdette, Judge McKenzie Slater, Bradford County Dairy Princess Dakota Fraley, Junior Champion Kaila Stoltzfus, Reserve Junior Champion Audrey Starkweather, Tioga County Dairy Princess
2019 Northeast PA Red & White Show
Alparon Park, Troy, PA Justin Burdette, Judge – 42 Head Shown Junior Champions – Youth and Open Shows Junior Champion – Reyncrest Savannah-Red-ET (Winter Calf) Sire: Riverdown Unstopabull-Red Owner: Dakota Fraley, Muncy Senior Champions – Open Show Justin Burdette, Judge Chase Cashell, Senior Champion Katelyn Nolt (for Chase & Alexia Cashell) Reserve Senior Champion Katie Jackson (for Dean & Rebecca Jackson) Senior Champion McKenzie Slater, Bradford County Dairy Princess
36 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
Reserve Junior Champion – Knonaudale Lite My Fire-Red (Winter Yearling) Sire: Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red Owner: Kaila Stoltzfus, East Earl
Grand Champions – Youth Show Justin Burdette, Judge Katie Jefferson (for Aubree Route), Grand Champion Aubree Route, Reserve Grand Champion McKenzie Slater, Bradford County Dairy Princess
Pennsylvania Show Reports
Reserve Junior Champion –Walk-Le High Octane Jamica (Winter Calf) Sire: Stantons High Octane Owner: Brianna Walker, Thomasville
Best Bred and Owned - Youth Show Kul-Wave Defiant Finley (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Scientific B Defiant-ET Owner: Analise Stover, Carlisle
Junior Champions – Open Show Junior Champion – Ricecrest Scarlett-ET (Spring Calf) Sire: Walnutlawn Solomon-ET Owner: Fred & Dale Rice, Chambersburg
Best Bred and Owned - Open Show Spungold Dback Clair (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: Mr D Apple Diamondback Owner: Dale & Deanna Bendig, Gettysburg
Reserve Junior Champion – Heart & Soul Getouttheway (Fall Calf) Sire: Walnutlawn Solomon-ET Owners: Matt Boop and Jackson Cloninger, Millmont
Grand Champions – Open Show Justin Burdette, Judge Meredith Shores, Grand Champion Randall Shores, Grand Champion Amanda Kennedy (for Craig Shedd), Reserve Grand Champion McKenzie Slater, Bradford County Dairy Princess
Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Walk-Le Holsteins LLC, Walker Family, Thomasville
Senior and Grand Champions – Youth Show Grand Champion – Heart & Soul Dempsey Glitz-ET (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Lirr Drew Dempsey Owners: Matt Boop and Taylor Wolfe, Millmont Reserve Grand Champion – Kul-Wave Defiant Finley (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Scientific B Defiant-ET Owner: Analise Stover, Carlisle Senior and Grand Champions – Open Show Grand Champion – Cherry-Lor Ladd Ripple-Red (Five Year Old) Sire: Tiger-Lily Ladd-P-Red-ET Owner: Matt Boop and Cael Hembury, Millmont
Youth Show Senior and Grand Champions Matt Hawbaker, Judge Matt Boop (for Matt Boop & Taylor Wolfe), Grand Champion Analise Stover, Reserve Grand Champion Veronica Kiner, Cumberland County Dairy Princess
Reserve Grand Champion – Heart & Soul Dempsey Glitz-ET (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Lirr Drew Dempsey Owners: Matt Boop and Taylor Wolfe, Millmont
Best Bred and Owned – Youth Show Kendal Jenkins Open Show Senior and Grand Champions Matt Hawbaker, Judge Jen Boop (for Matt Boop & Cael Hembury), Grand Champion Matt Boop (for Matt Boop & Taylor Wolfe), Reserve Grand Champion Veronica Kiner, Cumberland County Dairy Princess
Best Bred and Owned – Open Show McKenzie Slater, Bradford County Dairy Princess Amanda Kennedy for Craig Shedd
Youth Show Junior Champions Matt Hawbaker, Judge Madison Weaver, Junior Champion Brianna Walker, Reserve Junior Champion Veronica Kiner, Cumberland County Dairy Princess
2019 South-Central Championship Holstein Show August 8, 2019 South Mountain Fairgrounds, Arendsville, PA Matt Hawbaker, Judge – 61 Head Shown
Junior Champions – Youth Show Junior Champion – Coredale Beemer Itawamba (Spring Yearling) Sire: Pol Butte MC Beemer-ET Owner: Madison Weaver, Ephrata
Open Show Junior Champions Matt Hawbaker, Judge Becky Benedict (for Fred & Dale Rice), Junior Champion Jen Boop (for Matt Boop & Jackson Cloninger), Reserve Junior Champion Veronica Kiner, Cumberland County Dairy Princess
Youth Show Best Bred and Owned Matt Hawbaker, Judge Analise Stover Veronica Kiner, Cumberland County Dairy Princess
November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 37
Pennsylvania Show Reports
Junior Champions – Open Show Junior Champion – S-Pine-Lawn Atwd Limabean (Winter Calf) Sire: Maple-Downs I GW Atwood-ET Owner: Schuler Farms LLC, Fleetwood Reserve Junior Champion – Dunns-Pride Vogue Cadence (Summer Yearling) Sire: Jacobs Vogue-ET Owner: Dunn’s Pride Holsteins, New Ringgold
Best Animal Bred & Owned Open Show Brook-Corner Atwood Woozy (150,000# Cow) Sire: Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET Owner: Reid Hoover, Lebanon Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Brook-Corner Holsteins, Hoover Family, Lebanon
Senior and Grand Champions- Youth Show Champion – Luck-E Crush Oakley (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: Maverick Crush Owner: Lauren Eslary, Bolivar Open Show Best Bred and Owned Matt Hawbaker, Judge Deanna Bendig Veronica Kiner, Cumberland County Dairy Princess
Reserve Champion – Welk-Acres Armni Cammie-Red (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Mr Apples Armani-ET Owner: Jarrett Welk, Quarryville Senior and Grand Champions – Open Show Champion – Luck-E Diamond Allure-ET (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Mr D Apple Diamondback Owner: Dunn’s Pride Holsteins, New Ringgold
Grand Champions - Youth Show Adam Liddle, Judge Khristyn Maurer, SUN Area Dairy Princess Mikayla Davis (for Lauren Elsary), Grand Champion Jarrett Welk, Reserve Grand Champion Paige Peiffer, Lebanon County Dairy Princess
Reserve Champion – Luck-E Powerball Addict-ET (Four Year Old) Sire : View-Home Powerball-P-ET Owners: Amy & Brad Hoover & Boyd Schaufelberger, Lebanon Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Walk-Le Holsteins, Walker Family Front: Charlene Walker, Brianna Walker, Brenda Walker, Conner Walker, Wyatt Pieper, Brooke Walker Back: Josh Sanders, Brad Walker, Leroy Walker, Jacob Pieper, Cody Walker, Melissa Berdick
2019 South-Central Youth Exhibitors with their gift sponsored by Premier Select Sires
Best Animal Bred & Owned Youth Show Welk-Acres Armni Cammie-Red (Junior 3 Year Old) Sire: Mr Apples Armani-ET Owner: Jarrett Welk, Quarryville
Grand Champions - Open Show L-RAdam Liddle, Judge Stephanie Younker, Berks County Dairy Princess Jimmy Dunn, Grand Champion Boyd Schaufelberger (for Brad & Amy Hoover), Reserve Grand Champion Khristyn Maurer, SUN Area Dairy Princess
Junior Champions – Youth Show Adam Liddle, Judge Michaela Freney, Delaware County Dairy Princess Ella Hlavaty, Junior Champion Luke Tanis, Reserve Junior Champion Stephanie Younker, Berks County Dairy Princess
2019 Southeast PA Holstein Championship Show
Best Bred & Owned – Youth Show Jarrett Welk
August 20, 2019 Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA Adam Liddle, Judge – 81 Head Shown
Junior Champions – Youth Show Junior Champion – BV-CW Doorman Lexi-ET (Fall Calf) Sire: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET Owner: Ella Hlavaty, Lititz Reserve Junior Champion – Milk & Honey Vogue Tally (Fall Calf) Sire: Jacobs Vogue-ET Owner: Luke Tanis, Nazareth 38 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
Junior Champions - Open Show Adam Liddle, Judge Paige Peiffer, Lebanon County Dairy Princess Melissa Dunn (for Schuler Farms LLC), Junior Champion James Dunn (for Dunn’s Pride Holsteins), Reserve Junior Champion Khristyn Maurer, SUN Area Dairy Princess
Best Bred & Owned – Open Show Adam Liddle, Judge Amy Hoover (for Reid Hoover)
Pennsylvania Show Reports
Reserve Intermediate Champion – McWilliams Damion Grace (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Erbacres Damion Owner: Sam McWilliams, Somerset Senior Champions- Youth Show Senior Champion – Plum-Line Reginald Velour (Five Year Old) Sire: Regancrest Reginald-ET Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville
Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor - Brook-Corner Holsteins, Hoover Family Front: Diane Hoover, Brad Hoover, Amy Hoover Back: Ethan Himmelberger, Tim Seipt, Boyd Schaufelberger
2019 Western PA Holstein Championship Show
July 20, 2019 Lawrence County Fairgrounds, New Castle, PA Jamie Black, Judge – 152 Head Shown Junior Champions – Youth Show Junior Champion – Show-Mar Undenied Royal-ET (Winter Calf) Sire: Our-Favorite Undenied-ET Owner: Dylan Brantner, Evans City
Grand Champions – Open Show Grand Champion – MMT Pockets Zola-Red-ET (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Awesome-Red Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville Reserve Grand Champion - Plum-Line Reginald Velour ( Five Year Old) Sire: Regancrest Reginald-ET Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville
Reserve Senior Champion – Rader Astroid Sugarfree (Aged Cow) Sire: Kingsmill Gdwyn Asteroid-ET Owner: Shelby Rader, Conneaut Lake
Best Animal Bred & Owned-Youth Show Show-Mar Minni Penny (Junior 2 Year Old) Sire: Scientific B Defiant-ET Owner: Dylan Brantner, Evans City
Senior Champions – Open Show Senior Champion - Plum-Line Reginald Velour ( Five Year Old) Sire: Regancrest Reginald-ET Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville
Best Animal Bred & Owned-Open Show Plum-Line Reginald Velour ( Five Year Old) Sire: Regancrest Reginald-ET Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville
Reserve Senior Champion – Oakfield Gold Chip Dare (Five Year Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owners: Sarah Campbell and Evan Creek, Ford City
Premier Breeder Show-Mar Holsteins, Brantner Family, Evans City Premier Exhibitor McWilliams Holsteins, McWilliams Family, Somerset
Grand Champions – Youth Show Grand Champion – MMT Pockets Zola-Red-ET (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Awesome-Red Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville Reserve Grand Champion – Plum-Line Reginald Velour ( Five Year Old) Sire: Regancrest Reginald-ET Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville
Reserve Junior Champion – MS Lyn-Haven Blk Covergirl (Winter Calf) Sire: Walnutlawn Blake-ET Owner: Oliva Claypoole, Worthington
Youth Show Intermediate Champions Abigail Stoltzfus, Somerset County Dairy Princess Brooke Carey, Intermediate Champion Dylan Brantner, Reserve Intermediate Champion Elizabeth Lucks, Warren County Dairy Princess Jamie Black, Judge
Junior Champions – Open Show Junior Champion – MS Campbell-Run Hez Kora (Fall Calf) Sire: Paradise-R Doorman Hezekiah Owner: Sarah Campbell and Evan Creek, Ford City Reserve Junior Champion – Show-Mar Undenied Royal-ET (Winter Calf) Sire: Our-Favorite Undenied-ET Owner: Dylan Brantner, Evans City
Youth Show Junior Champions Sara Lang, Butler County Dairy Princess Dylan Brantner, Junior Champion Olivia Claypoole, Reserve Junior Champion Elizabeth Lucks, Warren County Dairy Princess Jamie Black, Judge
Intermediate Champions – Youth Show Intermediate Champion – MMT Pockets Zola-Red-ET (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Awesome-Red Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville
Open Show Intermediate Champions Elizabeth Lucks, Warren County Dairy Princess Brooke Carey, Intermediate Champion Sam McWilliams, Reserve Intermediate Champion Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess Jamie Black, Judge
Reserve Intermediate Champion – Show-Mar Minni Penny (Junior 2 Year Old) Sire: Scientific B Defiant-ET Owner: Dylan Brantner, Evans City Intermediate Champions – Open Show Intermediate Champion – MMT Pockets Zola-Red-ET (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Awesome-Red Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville
Open Show Junior Champions Elizabeth Lucks, Warren County Dairy Princess Sarah Campbell, Junior Champion Dylan Brantner, Reserve Junior Champion Sara Lang, Butler County Dairy Princess \ Jamie Black, Judge
Youth Show Senior Champion Shelby Rader, Reserve Senior Champion
November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 39
Pennsylvania Show Reports
Reserve Grand Champion – Promise-Haven LA Clover-Red (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Adonis-Red Owner: Olivia Claypoole and Shawnee Comstock, Worthington Senior and Grand Champions – Open Show Grand Champion – MMT Pockets Zola-Red-ET (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Awesome-Red Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville
Youth Show Grand Champions Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess Jamie Black, Judge Matt Boop (for Brooke Carey), Grand Champion Brooke Carey, Reserve Grand Champion and Senior Champion
Premier Exhibitor McWilliams Holsteins, McWilliams Family Molly Moffet, Jill, Kopfer, Katie McWilliams, James Hoffman, Sam McWilliams, Charlene McWilliams, Michael Bosley, Kyle Natzke
2019 Western PA Red & White Holstein Show
July 20, 2019 Lawrence County Fairgrounds, New Castle, PA Jamie Black, Judge – 30 Head Shown Junior Champions – Youth Show Junior Champion – Show-Mar Kamara-Red (Winter Yearling) Sire: Mr. Hotstuff Hypnotic-ET Owner: Dylan Brantner, Evans City
Youth Show Best Bred & Owned Dylan Brantner
Reserve Grand Champion – Promise-Haven LA Clover-Red (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Adonis-Red Owner: Olivia Claypoole and Shawnee Comstock, Worthington
Reserve Junior Champion – Lu-JaDo Awesome Dorito-Red (Winter Yearling) Sire: Luck-E Awesome-Red Owner: Erica Caldwell, Saegertown
Open Show Junior Champions Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess Janna Miller, Junior Champion Anthony Liddle (for Sarah Campbell), Reserve Junior Champion Sara Lang, Butler County Dairy Princess Jamie Black, Judge
Junior Champions – Open Show Junior Champion – All-Glo Dback Seasalt-Red (Spring Yearling) Sire: Mr. D Apple Diamondback Owner: Kevin & Janna Miller, Somerset Reserve Junior Champion – Golden-Oaks Prissy-Red (Fall Yearling) Sire: Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red Owner: Sarah Campbell, Ford City Open Show Grand Champions Abigail Stoltzfus, Somerset County Dairy Princess Jamie Black, Judge Pat Carey (for Brooke Carey) Grand Champion Brooke Carey, Reserve Grand Champion and Best Bred & Owned Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess
Premier Breeder Show-Mar Holsteins, Brantner Family Seated: Dianah Dunston, Claire Stoltzfus, Cara Stoltzfus Standing: Wesley Branter, ShiAnna Branter, Dylan Brantner, Mark Brantner, Jelena Brantner, Chris Hackett, Nikayla Peters, Melanie Stoltzfus
40 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
Senior and Grand Champions – Youth Show Grand Champion – MMT Pockets Zola-Red-ET (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Awesome-Red Owner: Brooke Carey, Titusville
Youth Show Junior Champions Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess Wesley Brantner (for Dylan Brantner), Junior Champion Erika Caldwell, Reserve Junior Champion Sara Lang, Butler County Dairy Princess
Youth and Open Show Senior and Grand Champions Nikayla Peters, Crawford County Dairy Princess Brooke Carey, Senior and Grand Champion Olivia Claypoole (also owned by Shawnee Comstock), Reserve Senior and Grand Champion Jamie Black, Judge Abagail Stoltzfus, Somerset County Dairy Princess
Pennsylvania Show Reports 2019 Northern Tier Championship Show
August 1, 2019 Harford Fairgrounds, New Milford, PA Donovan Hollingsworth, Judge – 70 Head Shown Junior Champions – Youth Show Junior Champion – Higher-Plains Ava Barbara-ET (Winter Calf) Sire: Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche Owner: Ian Briechle, Susquehanna
Reserve Intermediate Champion – Sweet-Peas Gwy Amelia-ET (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Braedale Goldwyn Owner: Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna Senior Champions – Youth Show Senior Champion – Josan Atwood MnM (5 Year Old) Sire: Maple-Downs- I GW Atwood-ET Owner: Emory Bewley, Susquehanna Reserve Senior Champion – Brandt-View Hefty Janet (Aged Cow) Sire: Brandt-View Hefty-ET Owner: Emory Bewley, Susquehanna Senior Champions – Open Show Senior Champion – Mr Apple All In-ET (Aged Cow) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna
Reserve Junior Champion – Sweet-Peas Def All About-ET (Fall Calf) Sire: Scientific B Defiant-ET Owner: Madison Soden, Susquehanna
Reserve Senior Champion – Josan Atwood MnM (5 Year Old) Sire: Maple-Downs- I GW Atwood-ET Owner: Emory Bewley, Susquehanna
Junior Champions – Open Show Junior Champion – Ms Opportunity Amanda-Red-ET (Spring Yearling) Sire: Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche Owner: Lloyd & Denise Pease and Matt Hawbaker, Susquehanna
Grand Champions – Youth Show Grand Champion – Luck-E Awesome Jacuzzi-Red (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Awesome-Red Owner: Ian Briechle, Susquehanna
Reserve Junior Champion – Higher-Plains Ava Barbara-ET (Winter Calf) Sire: Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche Owner: Ian Briechle, Susquehanna
Intermediate Champions- Open Show Intermediate Champion –– Sweet-Peas GChip Alex-ET (Junior 2 Year Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna
Youth Show Junior Champions Donovan Hollingsworth, Judge Ian Briechle, Junior Champion Madison Soden, Reserve Junior Champion Kaelyn Traver, Luzerne County Dairy Princess
Reserve Grand Champion – Mr Apple All In-ET (Aged Cow) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna Best Animal Bred & Owned - Youth Josan Atwood MnM (5 Year Old) Sire: Maple-Downs- I GW Atwood-ET Owner: Emory Bewley, Susquehanna Best Animal Bred & Owned - Open Sweet-Peas GChip Alex-ET (Junior 2 Year Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Sweet Peas Holsteins, Lloyd & Denise Pease Family, Susquehanna
Reserve Grand Champion – Josan Atwood MnM (5 Year Old) Sire: Maple-Downs- I GW Atwood-ET Owner: Emory Bewley, Susquehanna Open Show Intermediate Champions Donovan Hollingsworth, Judge Denise Pease, Intermediate Champion Matt Oechsle, (for Lloyd & Denise Pease) Reserve Intermediate Champion Kaelyn Traver, Luzerne County Dairy Princess
Intermediate Champions- Youth Show Intermediate Champion –– Luck-E Awesome Jacuzzi-Red (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Awesome-Red Owner: Ian Briechle, Susquehanna Reserve Intermediate Champion – Ms Bittersweets Bearcat-ET (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Walnutlawn Solomon-ET Owners: Emory & Gavin Bewley and Ella & Claire Hlavaty, Susquehanna
Grand Champions – Open Show Grand Champion - Sweet-Peas GChip Alex-ET (Junior 2 Year Old) Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET Owner: Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna
Open Show Junior Champions Donovan Hollingsworth, Judge Denise Pease, Junior Champion Ian Briechle, Reserve Junior Champion Tammy Bonnice, Williams Group, Sponsor Kaelyn Traver, Luzerne County Dairy Princess Youth Show Senior Champions Gavin Bewley (for Emory Bewley) Senior Champion Emory Bewley, Reserve Senior Champion
Youth Show Intermediate Champions Donovan Hollingsworth, Judge Kaelyn Traver, Luzerne County Dairy Princess Ian Briechle, Intermediate Champion Emory Bewley, Reserve Intermediate Champion Gavin Bewley, Reserve Intermediate Champion
Open Show Senior Champions Evan Creek (for Lloyd & Denise Pease) Senior Champion Emory Bewley, Reserve Senior Champion
November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 41
Pennsylvania Show Reports
2019 Northern Tier Red and White Show
August 1, 2019 Harford Fairgrounds, New Milford, PA Donovan Hollingsworth, Judge – 18 Head Shown Junior Champions – Youth Show Junior Champion – KW-BHL J Strawberry-Red-ET (Winter Calf) Sire: Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red Owner: Madison Soden, Susquehanna Reserve Junior Champion – Castlemont Jo Scarlet-Red (Spring Calf) Sire: Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red Owner: Katelyn Farley, Montrose
Youth Show Grand Champions Donovan Hollingsworth, Judge Gavin Bewley (for Ian Briechle) Grand Champion Ian Briechle, Grand Champion Emory Bewley, Reserve Grand Champion and Best Bred Owned
Open Show Junior Champions Donovan Hollingsworth, Judge Denise Pease, Junior Champion Heather Soden,(for Lloyd & Denise Pease) Reserve Junior Champion Kaelyn Traver, Luzerne County Dairy Princess
Junior Champions – Open Show Junior Champion – Ms Oportunity Amanda-Red-ET (Spring Yearling) Sire: Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-ET Owner: Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna Reserve Junior Champion – Sweet-Peas Jordy Donut-Red (Fall Calf) Sire: Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red Owner: Lloyd & Denise Pease, Susquehanna
Open Show Grand Champions Tera Hoyt, Williams Company, Sponsor Megan Oliver, Williams Company, Sponsor Chad Johnson, Williams Company, Sponsor Denise Pease, Grand Champion and Best Bred and Owned Evan Creek, (for Lloyd & Denise Pease) Reserve Grand Champion Donovan Hollingsworth, Judge Tammy Bonnice, Williams Company, Sponsor
Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Sweet-Peas Holsteins, Pease Family Front: Donovan Hollingsworth, Nate Oleniacz, Tyler Soden, Jordan Henning, Lloyd Pease Denise Pease, Paige Henning, Madison Soden, Heather Soden Back: Todd Allen, Ryan Wheatley, Evan Creek, Matt Oechsle, Matt Pease
Grand Champions – Youth and Open Shows Grand Champion – Luck-E Awesome Jacuzzi-Red (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Luck-E Awesome-Red Owner: Ian Briechle, Susquehanna Reserve Grand Champion – Starmark HP Ruby-Red-ET (Senior 3 Year Old) Sire: Mr Apples Armani-ET Owner: Gavin Bewley, Susquehanna
Youth and Open Show Grand Champions Donovan Hollingsworth, Judge Kaelyn Traver, Luzerne County Dairy Princess Ian Briechler, Grand Champion Emory Bewley Gavin Bewley, Reserve Grand Champion
Best Animal Bred & Owned – Youth and Open Show Empet Diamond Tamale-Red (Senior 2 Year Old) Sire: Mr D Apple Diamondback Owner: Alex Empet, Kingsley
Youth Show Junior Champions Donovan Hollingsworth, Judge Madison Soden, Junior Champion Katelyn Farley, Reserve Junior Champion Kaelyn Traver, Luzerne County Dairy Princess
Youth and Open Show Best Animal Bred & Owned Alex Empet
Congratulations Show Participants! 42 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 43
Breeders Directory Excelsior Farm REGISTERED HOLSTEINS
Paul & Nancy Semmel and families
Jerry R. Fleck, Farm Manager 3620 Excelsior Road, Schnecksville, PA 18078 610-799-3489 • LEHIGH COUNTY Home to Excelo, Jerlian & Meadow-View Reg. Holsteins
Rolandice Registered RON & CANDY COONEY Holsteins 811 Hickox/Ulysses Road, Ulysses, PA 16948 Phone: 814-848-9706 • Fax: 814-848-7454 Potter County • Email: rccooney@verison.net
13015 Mount Pleasant Road, Mercersburg, PA 17236 FRANKLIN COUNTY Marcus E. Martin Phone/Fax: 717-328-2557 Cell: 717-496-1419, 717-496-1345 Chester D. Martin Shaina E. Martin Ferguson mlmartin@innernet.net
Paul, Angie, Silas & Jacob Neer
43 Starlight Lane, Belleville, PA 17004 Mifflin County paneer@embarqmail.com 717-935-5608 717-994-1636 Paul 717-935-2675 Fax
Kenneth & Jane Benner Jim, Irene & Katie Osborne 1001 Pfoutz Valley Rd., Millerstown, PA 17062 PERRY COUNTY • 717-589-3015
Misty-Z Holsteins Dale, Barb, Jordan & Jeremy Zimmerman 1445 Main Street, East Earl, PA 17519 717-445-4680 LANCASTER COUNTY VISITORS WELCOME!
Penn-England Farms Dr. Barry M. & Diane England Fred & Cindy England
10363 Fox Run Road • Williamsburg, PA 16693 BLAIR COUNTY • Phone: 814-832-3661 Email: benglandvmd@yahoo.com
Dave Burket & Sons RD 1, Box 579, East Freedom, PA 16637 BLAIR COUNTY 814-239-2260 BurketFallsFarm@aol.com
Keith E. Decker & Family
1126 Popetown Road Knox, PA 16232 Clarion-Vernango County
814-667-2373 Barn 814-599-0272 Travis’s Cell lakevuefarm@gmail.com
Phone/Fax: 814-797-5136 E-mail: kedecker@windstream.net
Quality Holsteins/Red & White Holsteins
•Dale-Pride • REGISTERED HOLSTEINS Alan and Robin Hostetter Vanessa and Brandon 445 Hostetter Ln., Annville, PA 17003 LEBANON COUNTY 717-867-2002
Doug & Bonnie Seipt Tim, Margaret, Courtney & Luke 1445 Raubsville Road 610-253-9918 Home Easton, PA 18042 610-984-3613 Cell NORTHAMPTON COUNTY
Glen Valley Farm
KENNETH, MARILYN and SCOTT 5138 Lower Valley Road Atglen, PA 19310 Chester County 484-678-5707 Email: kmumble@gmail.com www.holsteinworld.com/glenvalley
Jim & Nina Burdette Justin, Claire, Reese & Brinkley Burdette
8926 Corner Road, Mercersburg, PA 17236 FRANKLIN COUNTY • 717-328-3222 • 717-328-5234 fax 717-860-4521 Jim • 717-860-3747 Justin • 717-816-9462 Kyle wkvburde@innernet.net • www.windyknollview.com
Reid, Diane and Brad, Amy Hoover 400 Mt. Wilson Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone: 717-867-2648 Reid-717-507-0162 Brad-717-507-7976
Haniko #3 udder comp., Kix-Red #4 udder comp., Piranha-P (RC) #2 proven udder composite. Presently marketing 12 bulls over 4.00 type! Call Richard N. Mellinger @ 1-877-530-2687 “Get A Good More For A Good Deal Less”
Peach-Vale Farm Registered Holsteins
Robert & Lisa Peachey 100 Peach Vale Lane • Belleville PA 17004 717-667-6672 • Mifflin County
Keep the Cows Happy – Use
LIRA GOLD – DIRECT FED MICROBIALS Keep the cows milking and eating through stress, and calves and heifers growing. PAUL E. MILLER Serving PA, Maryland & New Jersey 1432 Pine Tree Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17112 717-469-7195, Cell 717-497-2834
DUNN FAMILY 31 Zions Stone Church Rd. New Ringgold, PA 17960 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY 570-386-3724 Fax 570-386-4253 INQUIRIES WELCOME
Ad Deadline for the Convention Issue of PROFILES April 5, 2020 Contact Debbie Cornman, Editor 717-609-2155 or dacpainter@comcast.net 44 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
John & Travis Couch 13723 Greenwood Road, Huntingdon, PA 16652
Mt. Glen Farm 4156 Wetona Road, Columbia Crossroads, PA 16914 Ben & Regina 570-297-4530 Dean & Rebecca, Courtney, Katie, Kyle and Clark 570-297-2838, Fax 570-297-4696 Email: Mt-Glen@Epix.net BRADFORD COUNTY
Polled Holsteins The Solution to Your “Horny” Problems
Cows for Sale
S-PINE-LAWN FARM DJSP SCHULER 182 Schuler Road Fleetwood, PA 19522 BERKS COUNTY 610-683-6431
– Salð –
– Sðowð –
ðarch 6, 2020 PA Holstein Convention Sale Holiday Inn, Williamsport, PA
ðarch 26, 2020 PA Holstein Spring Show Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA
ðpril 4, 2020 11:00 a.m. Delaware Valley University Green & Gold Sale DVU Equine Arena, Doylestown, PA
September 12-16, 2020 All-American Dairy Show Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, PA
– Comðg Evðtð – November 19 6:00 p.m. Chester County Holstein Banquet Dutchway Restaurant, Gap, PA November 22 7:00 p.m. Berks County Holstein Banquet Virginville Grange, Virginville, PA November 22 7:00 p.m. Centre/Clinton Holstein Banquet New Hope Lutheran Church, Spring Mills, PA November 22 7:30 p.m. Jefferson County Holstein Banquet The Bellamauro, Reynoldsville, PA November 26 10:30 a.m. Central District Nomination Meeting PA Holstein Office, State College, PA December 6 7:00 p.m. Lebanon County Holstein Banquet Fairland Brethren in Christ Church, Cleona, PA December 12 10:30 a.m. PA Holstein Board of Directors Meeting PA Holstein Office, State College, PA February 21-23, 2020 PA Junior Holstein Convention Ramada Inn, State College, PA ðarch 6-7, 2020 PA Holstein Convention Holiday Inn, Williamsport, PA June 22-26, 2020 2020 National Holstein Convention Lancaster Marriott & Convention Center, Lancaster, PA
Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles Full Color ðds Ad SpaceBreeder AdsCommercial Ads Full Page$250$400 1/2 Page150225 1/4 Page 90 150 Per Inch (black & white) 15 per inch 15 per inch
– INDEX – American Dairy Association ð 26 Berks County Holstein Assnð 16 Brook Corner Holsteins ð 3-44 Burket Fallsð 44-47 Campbell Run Holsteinsð 13 Center for Dairy Excellence ð 11 Confidence Holsteins ð 17 C-Cove Holsteinsð 22 Country Wayð9 Dairy Agenda Todayð 43 Dale-Pride Holsteins ð 44 Debbie Cornman Studio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Dunns Pride Holsteins ð 44 Eden Brook Holsteins ð 44 Eden-Viewð 17 Excelsior Holsteinsð 44 Glen-Valley Farmð 15-44 Glennview Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Golden Rose Genetics ð 19 Keystone Holsteinsð 44 Lake Effectð 18 Lakevue ð 44 Landis Marketing ð6 Lira Gold, Paul Miller ð 44 Locust Ridge Holsteinsð 10 Martin-Dale Holsteinsð 2 Mellinger, Richardð 44 Millwork Holsteinsð 12 Misty-Z Holsteins ð 44 Mt. Glenð 44 PA A-Plus Holsteinsð 23 Peach-Vale Farmð 44 Pencroftð 44 Penn-Dell Holsteinsð 5 Penn-England. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Railcrestð 16 Rolandiceð 44 Santee-Acres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 S-Pine-Lawnð 44 Select Sires ð 48 Show-Mar Holsteinsð 20 ST Geneticsð 7 Stonehurstð8 Two-Top Holsteins ð 44 VanderFeltzð 44 Windy-Knoll-Viewð 44 November 2019 - PA PROFILES - 45
Pennslvania Holstein Association 2019 Officers and Directors 839 Benner Pike, State College, PA, 16801 • 814-234-0364 • contact@paholsteins.com OFFICERS
President – Timothy Sturgeon 748 Bates Road, Fombell PA 16123ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð724-624-4679 Vice-President – Connie Troutman 590 Railroad Road, Mohrsville PA 19541ð . . . . . . . . ð610-926-3075 Treasurer – Jeffery Ansell 292 Leisie Road, Renfrew, PA 16053 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . ð724-433-2447 Past President – Kenneth Umble 5138 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310 ð . . . . . . ð484-678-5707
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE James Houser, 278 Orndorf Road, Spring Mills PA 16875ð . . . . . . . . . . 814-349-5960 Justin Kaufman, 1683 Wills Church Road, Berlin PA 15530ð . . . . . . . . . ð814-442-7796 Donald Krall, 200 Flintville Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð717-949-6836 Tom Uber, 3321 Rocky Glenn Road, Adamsville PA 16110ð . . . . . . . . . ð330-853-9297 James Younker, 77 Richmaiden Road, Fleetwood, PA 19522 ð . . . . . . . ð610-944-9634 Rosalie Zaginaylo, 125 Kachinka Hollow Rdð, Berwick, PA 18603 ð . . . ð570-764-3621
Executive Director – Ken Raney, 839 Benner Pike, State College 16801 Director of Sales – David Lentz, 589 Dix Hill Rd., New Bloomfield, PA 17068 • 717-329-9202 • djl1018@pa.net
State Directors Adams ð Armstrong/Indiana ð Beaver/Lawrenceð Bedfordð Berks ð Blair ð Bradford ð Bucks ð Butler ð Cambria ð Centre/Clintonð Chester ð Clarion/Venango ð Columbia/Luzerneð Crawfordð Cumberland ð Dauphin ð Fayette ð Franklin ð Huntingdon ð Jeffersonð Juniatað Lancaster ð Lebanon ð Lehigh ð Lycoming ð McKean ð Mercerð Mifflinð Montgomery ð Northampton ð Northumberland/Montourð Perry ð Potterð Schuylkill ð Snyder ð Somerset ð Susquehanna ð Tioga ð Union ð Warren ð Washington ð Wayne ð Westmoreland ð Wyoming/Lackawanna ð York ð
Joshua Sanders, 670 Mehring Road, Littlestown 17340 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð732-406-4949 Sarah Campbell, 1155 Campbell Run Road, Ford City 16226 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 814-859-2850 Wade Sturgeon, 748 Bates Road, Fombell PA 16123ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 724-333-5723 Wayne Cessna, 3099 Beans Cove Road, Clearville PA 15535ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814-767-9698 Jason Rice, 97 Wieder Road, Kempton, PA 19529 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 610-756-6574 Andrew Bechtel, 147 Bechtel Lane, Martinburg PA 16662ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 814-793-2635 Jeff Jenkins, 818 Jenkins Road, Columbia Cross Roads 16914 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 570-529-0265 Joshua Geissinger, 2800 Old Bethlehem Pike, Quakertown 18951 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 215-536-3296 Jean Kummer, 310 Watters Station Road, Evans City PA 16033ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 215-872-9662 Ashley Hoover, 601 Carroll Road, Patton, PA 16668ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 717-513-7284 Nathan Ulmer, 148 Musser Lane, Bellefonte, PA 16823ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 814-280-5459 Jane Pepple, 172 Street Road, Oxford 19363 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 610-932-3975 Jeff Jones, 14210 Old Route 8N, Titusville 16354 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 814-827-4386 Jan Jurbala, 1933 State Route 254, Orangeville, PA 178595ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570-458-0232 Daniel Dickey, 10145 Church Road, Espyville PA 16414ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 724-927-2298 Aaron Cornman, 128 E Old York Road, Carlisle, PA 17015ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 717-448-1707 Mike Miller, 6843 Fishing Creek Road, Harrisburg 17112 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 717-599-5818 Clinton Allen, 144 Allen Lane, Smock 15480 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 724-677-2589 Glenn Brake, 7100 Renninger Road, Mercersburg 17236 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 717-328-2239 John Foster, Jrð, 8874 Globe Run Road, Petersburg PA 16669 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 814-667-3567 Christy Lyle, 108 Cyphert Road, Brockway PA 15824 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 814-371-6929 Joel Mills, 650 Jonestown Road, Thompsontown, PA 17094ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717-535-9983 Richard Mellinger, 2212 Forry Road, Lancaster 17601 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 717-390-2855 Gary Lentz, 1179 Greble Road, Lebanon, PA 17046 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 717-933-4782 Paul Semmel, 3620 Excelsior Road, Schnecksville 18078 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 610-799-3489 Lisa Sonnen, PO Box 437, Millville 17846 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 570-458-4081 David Stratton, 2572 East Valley Road, Smethport 16749 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 814-887-2244 Michael Uber, 384 Grove Road, Mercer, PA 16317ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 724-866-7196 Dustin Kauffman, PO Box 83, Reedsville, PA 17084 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 717-667-3938 Vernon Seipt, 1442 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale 19446 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 215-368-1046 Timothy Seipt, 405 Stouts Valley Road, Easton 18042 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 610-984-7912 Randy Wolfe, 40 Ridgeview Colony, Milton 17847 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 570-713-4902 Irene Osborne, 1021 Pfoutz Valley Road, Millertown, PA 17062ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 717-589-3015 Mark Bachman, 439 Pushersiding Road, Ulysses, PA 16948ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814-848-7262 Garth Campbell, PðOð Box 285, Gratz 17030 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 717-365-3718 Cindy Shaffer 268 Brick Plant Road, Beavertown, PA 17813ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 570-658-7776 Duane Stoltzfusð 1689 Salco Road, Berlin PA 15530ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814-267-6711 Denise Pease, 7073 SR 492, Susquehanna 18847 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 570-756-2142 Denise Hartranft, 398 Webster Road, Covington 16917 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 570-549-2144 Doug Boop, 1070 Ranck Road, Millmont 17845 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 570-922-1835 Willard Hitchcock, 3364 Old State Road, Russell 16345 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 814-757-8047 Patty McMurray, 190 Seal School Road, Eighty-Four 15330 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 724-239-2759 John Wetmore, 39 Happy Hollow Lane, Honesdale 18431 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 570-253-6995 Keith Walters, 168 Walters Road, New Alexandria 15670 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 724-468-5274 Wayne Sherwood, 619 SR 4015, Meshoppen 18630 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 570-833-5724 Daphne Lang, 6631 Fair School Road, Glen Rock 17327 ð . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð 717-235-5269
John Burket, 1321 Polecat Hollow Road, East Freedom 16637 ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð 814-239-2260
Holstein Association USA, Inc. Austin Milligan, Regional Sales Representative – Phone: 724-877-5154 – E-mail: amilligan@holstein.com David Reynolds, Regional Sales Representative – Phone: 717-321-4011 – E-mail: dreynolds@holstein.com 46 - November 2019 - PA PROFILES
Att ractiv e
Burket-Falls Attractive-Red-P EX-90 @ 4-06 1-10 344D 2x 17,671M 4.4% 771F 3.4% 602P 3-00 332D 2x 23,398F 4.1% 963F 3.3% 772P
Sið: Apples Absolute-Red Dam: EX-91 2E with 204,000M at 11 years old, from the Sophia’s “Attractive” lives up to her name. Her maternal brother, Burket-Falls Done RightRed-P (EX-92) is siring an eye-popping group of daughters. Done Right is available thru Triple-Hil-Sires and Richard Mellinger. Attractive calved in June with a Red, homozygous polled, A2A2 Son, and was 1st 4 Year Old, Senior and Grand Champion at the 2019 Morrison’s Cove Dairy Show!
BURKET FALLS FARM Dave Burket & Sons 1321 Polecat Rd., East Freedom, PA 16637 814-239-2260 • burketfallsfarm@aol.com www.burketfallsfarm.com
POLLED FOUNDATON COW Burket-Falls Elevation Sophia EX-93-4E GMD DOM Life: 241,534 4.1% 10022 The solid foundation of our Polled program
Polled Holsteins: The Solution to Your “Horny” Problems
CODE NO. 14HO7770 250HO13267 7HO12788
TPI +2811 +2758 +2731
NM$ $978 $935 $970
PTAM +2,254 +2,798 +2,158
CFP +213 +229 +165
DWP$ ® $960 $878 $1,159
Call Your COBA/Select Sires Representative Today!