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It is hard to believe this is our 8th sale of this popular sales series. The concept was to create a way for breeders to market embryos from top animals and to allow others to invest in new and different cow families. The sale is very popular because there are amazing embryos and donors offered of all breeds. Over time this sale has allowed for the sale of hundreds of embryos and many successful donors and choices. The success stories are too numerous to list but dozens of buyers have started great foundations to their herds by purchasing embryos at this sale. Almost every lot in the sale is the quality that resulting females can go to any sale in the country. Many buyers purchase a package of embryos and put resulting calves in sales to pay for their investment and have one to work with at their own farm. Donors that have sold through this sale have been foundations for many successful operations.
This sale is no exception. Our lead off Lot is a former HM Grand Champion at World Dairy Expo that is Ex 96 and we have embryos from every hot family in the business. Doc, Footloose, Shakira, Anna, Snapple, Adler, Hattie, Tequila, Turbo, Beth Red along with great Jersey lots from the best cow families in the business. We even have a few lots of Brown Swiss, Guernsey and Milking Shorthorn eggs for your consideration.
We thank the consignors to this sale as we feel it is not only our largest offering but maybe the best one yet. There is something for everyone!
We hope you will join us for the evening of August 1 on Cowbuyer as this sale always has lots that are tremendous value that anyone can afford.
The Alliance: Tim & Sharyn and Chris & Jen
Special Terms and Conditions for Embryo Sales
1. It is the responsibility of the BUYER to pay all shipping costs associated with getting embryos to the location of their choice.
2. The SELLER will be responsible for transferring ownership to the buyer.
3. Should a buyer want embryos exported, please contact the seller directly,prior to the sale to determine exactly which countries the embryos are eligible for export to. All testing, health charts, charting and shipping fees will be the responsibility of the buyer.
4. No embryos will be shipped, or released from any facility until complete settlement has been made with sale managers.
5. Emails and contact phone numbers of each consignor have been supplied on each lot for buyers to contact sellers regarding shipping and handling.
6. All announcements sale day will take precedence over printed material.
7. Buyer assumes all risk and reward.