July-August 2020
New York Award
If you build it, they will come.
FOD Loves Cow Families That Transmit 91HO5902 QUIET-BROOK-D PBAL 12183-ET Reg. USA 840 3126700102 PTA +592 +.07%f +42F +.13%p +53P +2.4PL +.5DPR 7.1%SCE PTA +1.62T +1.92UDC +.21FLC Powerball P x VG-87 Ladd P with 2-11 3x 365 30,714 4.4 1350 4.0 1230 from the Cookiecutter MOM Halo-ET (VG-88, EX-MS DOM) family back to Dellia (2E-95 GMD-DOM)! aAa: 3-2-4 – Open – Tall – Strong
(Robinson) (Robinson)
99HO10768 AOT HORACE 1087-ET Reg. USA 840 3147987835 PTA +1209M +.10%f +72F +.07%p +56P +887NM$ +7.5PL +2.0DPR 2.81SCS 4.5%SCE PTA +2.61T +2.68UDC +1.46FLC aAa: 2-3-1 (Tall – Open – Dairy)
99HO10767 AOT WHITEY 1092-ET Reg. USA 840 3147987840 PTA +1417M +.13%f +90F +.06%p +60P +903NM$ +6.4PL +.4DPR 2.77SCS 5.7%SCE PTA +2.33T +2.44UDC +1.10FLC aAa: 3-4-2 (Open – Strong – Tall)
We love our Mommy Easy calving bulls Habitan is a top 100 Cow of the Century
COOKIECUTTER DTA HABITAN-ET (VG-89, EX-MS @ 2y) 2-04 3x 258 26,513 4.6 1214 3.1 817 (Inc.) Delta x Day x Man-O-Man Halo, Global Cow of the Year Nominee 10th generation VG or EX, ALL with EX-MS in the “Dellia (2E-95 GMD-DOM)” family. Many call her the greatest young cow in the Holstein Breed today!
♥ Getting the Job Done Right!
Gary and Janet Tubolino & Family 41 Grove St. • Adams, NY 13605-1203 Fax: 315-232-4153 • Gary’s Cell: 315-405-1588 www.fieldofdreamsgenetics.com
Whole milk is 97% fat free. 3% of the fat is good for bones, teeth and brain development. Whole
From National Winners...
(Fisher) (Fletcher)
3-06 2X 357D 26,872M 3.2% 866F 3.1% 836P 1st Aged Cow Northeast Fall National ‘16 2nd Aged Cow & Res. Sr Champion World Dairy Expo Jr. Show ‘16 2nd Aged Cow World Dairy Expo ‘16 Daughters by Goldwyn, Dundee, Avalanche & Doorman just reaching milking age.
RICHARDO DUNDEE DAWNETTE EX-95 3E 1* 8-00 2X 365D 32,057M 4.0% 1268F 3.2% 1010P Reserve All-American 5-Yr-Old 2010 Reserve All-American Jr. 3-Yr-Old 2008 2x HM All-Canadian Dundee x 4 VG/EX dams Daughters: by Goldwyn 3E-92, 2E-93, VG-88 & VG-87 by Reginald VG-88, by Sid VG-86 by Goldsun VG-86, by Gold Chip VG-85
...To making their mark as brood cows Todd and Cooper Galton & Family 2146 Mill St., Nunda, NY 14517 Phone: 585-739-9958 tgalton4@frontiernet.net
Our Nominees for Cow of the Century NYN July-August 2020 - 3
CONTENTS Departments
(USPS 382-940) (ISSN 0279-8611) Official Publication of the New York Holstein Association To promote the Holstein breed for the economic and social benefit of junior and senior members. Volume 75 July-August 2020
No. 5
Published monthly, except February and August, 1st of each month. News and advertising forms close 25 days in advance of publication date. Livestock advertising rates upon request. Melissa Hart, Editor 840 Hanshaw Rd., Suite #5 Ithaca, NY 14850 Phone: 517-398-1957 farm.writer@hotmail.com NYHA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Jason Pullis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315-794-6737 1st Vice President Beth Keene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607-345-0031 2nd Vice President Jason Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518-231-1731 Secretary Chelsea Hanselman . . . . . . . . . . . 607-437-5866 Treasurer Luke Getty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518-428-5880 Cam Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Harkenrider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Curtis Nolan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
410-984-0315 607-279-3160 315-212-0032 518-222-5692
Subscription price in the U.S. is $25 per year; $35 first class mail Canada and overseas standard delivery; $55 overseas first class air mail. Single copies $2. Payable in U.S. funds only. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to inform us of your new mailing address. The New York Holstein News (ISSN) (02798611) (USPS 382940) is published monthly, except February and August, for $25 per year by Cayuga Press, 215 South Main Street, Cortland, NY 13045. Entered as periodical matter at the post office at Ithaca, NY 14850 and other locations. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the NEW YORK HOLSTEIN NEWS, 840 Hanshaw Rd., Suite 5, Ithaca, NY 14850. Due to uncertainties in the mail, NY Holstein News cannot assume responsibility for prior delivery of issues carrying advertising of sales scheduled for less than 21 days after our issue date, which is the 1st of the month. 4 - NYN July-August 2020
July-August 2020
Junior Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Club News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Executive Manager’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
NYHA President’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Features Top 101 NY Cow of the Century Announcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three New York Youth Make the Final DJM Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patsy Gifford Receives Distinguished Service Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HAUSA Honors Outstanding NY Junior Breeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 22 23 26
About the Cover New York women dominate the Holstein scene as three of them made the final cut in the Distinguished Junior Members contest and Patsy Gifford was honored with the well-deserved HAUSA Distinguished Service Award. See their stories on pages 22 & 23.
From the Editor He grew up in rural Connecticut, “I knew a little about registered cows, but not that much,” commented Barrie Potter as he explained that he was never in 4-H but the summers of his youth still included fun on the farm. He continued, “I wasn’t in 4-H or anything like that but as soon as we got the first cutting hay done on the farm, we would go on vacation.” Barrie’s family headed north to visit relatives in Maine. His MELISSA HART uncle was a herdsman on a small farm, and one summer, they were in the middle of haying, and Barrie hopped on the hay wagon to help his cousins. “Something broke on the baler and we had to go back to the farm for a part,” he recounted. “We got in the back of the pick-up and the kid driving hit the accelerator and my cousin and I fell out of the truck and next thing I knew I had a broken wrist.” Laid up for a few weeks in Maine, Barrie found himself ringside at the Winter Place Sale in Winslow, managed by Hanover Hill Sales and Service. At that time, Lou Porter was the farm manager. “I had only been to one other cow auction before. Winter Place was beautiful with cedar walls and shavings everywhere.” He continued, “Bob Shore was the auctioneer and all the top guys in the business were there. That was the first time I had ever seen Dave Younger, and it was a pretty lively sale, so he was in full form.” Barrie Potter’s passion for the Registered Holstein business was sparked that summer and his love for it continues today as he enjoys reminiscing about the early years, influential cows and those icons who kept the business colorful and charismatic. If you enjoy those nostalgic stories, then you will enjoy the new column debuting in the next issue, “Looking Back with Barrie.” In this issue we pay tribute to those outstanding winners who were recognized by HAUSA. Patsy Gifford, Emily Mikel, Gabriella Taylor and Natalie Fredericks. Also, the much awaited top 101 NY Cow of the Century Nominations have been announced! Be sure you vote for your favorite! I look forward to seeing everyone in Greenwich in September!
NY Holstein Notifications ◆◆
Upcoming Shows ◆ ◆ OHM County Show
July 24th, 2020 at Fonda Fairgrounds
Tri-County Show
July 29th, 2020 at the Schaghticoke Fairgrounds
Nioga County Show
July 31st, 2020 at Genesee County Fairgrounds
Cortland Classic
August 8th and August 9th 2020 at Cortland County Fairgrounds
St. Lawrence County Show
August 13th, 2020 at Gouverneur Fairgrounds
Delaware County and Schoharie County Show
August 15th and August 16th, 2020 at Cobleskill Fairgrounds
Lewis County Show
August 14th and August 15th, 2020 at Lewis County Fairgrounds (this is a closed event)
NY Holstein State Show
September 4th and September 5th, 2020 at Washington County Fairgrounds, Greenwich NY
Cows of the Century Contest Don’t forget to vote! Head to https://tinyurl.com/nycentury to vote for your ten favorite #NYCowsoftheCentury by November 1st.
(a compilation from previous News articles and online sources) 1. Preparation- You cannot expect to walk into the show ring with no preparation and expect your cow to walk perfectly. Spend time with her in the weeks leading up to the show. Learn her; what are the signs she gives before she is going to act up; what are her strengths and weaknesses- how can you maximize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses. 2. The look- Wear white pants and a white shirt with a belt and work boots. Keep your lead strap neat in your hand; do not loop it through the metal part of the halter where the chain meets the leather. 3. While in the ringa. When entering the ring walk frontwards, with your left hand in the halter and your right hand pulling throat. When all of the animals have entered the ring turn your body around and walk backwards presenting your animal. b. When pulled into line turn around and walk frontwards, walking faster than you do around the ring but not running to your spot in line. When you reach the line turn back around and walk backwards into line, keeping your animal straight and watching them get set up in the line. c. When you are in line the animal in first should be set up as if the judge is on the outside of their animal. The animal in last should also be set up as if the judge is on the outside of their animal. This means the first and last place animal should be set up opposite, but almost as “bookends” to the line. Everyone else in line just needs to have their animal set up with their animal looking her best, you do NOT need to be switching feet back and forth when in line, the goal is to just keep your animal together, balanced and looking her best. 4. It’s about the animal- Too many show people get too worried about how they look and do not focus enough on how their animal looks. It is important to make eye contact with the judge but only after you’ve ensured your animal is lined up first. 5. Learn from the best- Spend time watching experienced showman, either in person or on live news feeds. Pay attention to the little things they do that make them stand out from the rest of the crowd. Also, don’t be afraid to ask others how they do something or why they do it.
The mission of the NY Holstein Association is to promote and add value to our breeders and members through events and activities, and build a strong fraternity of individuals with a passion for NY Holsteins.
Chelsea Hanselman Executive Manager Cell: 607-437-5866 - Office: 607-273-7591 Email: chanselman@nyholsteins.com Jennifer Ginzery - Office Manager Email: jginzery@nyholsteins.com Stacie Sherman - Office Assistant Email: ssherman@nyholsteins.com
State Office Address: 840 Hanshaw Rd., Suite #5 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ph: 607.273.7591 • Fax: 607.273.7612
Melissa Hart Editor 517-398-1957 Email: Farm.writer@hotmail.com Holstein USA Field Representative: Mike McCaffrey, NY - 724-877-5154 NYN July-August 2020 - 5
Lulu’s Lasting Legacy Tiger-Lily Lawnboy Lulu Red-PO VG-87@2-00 2-1 365 24750 4.4 1084 3.5 857 4-7 365 37720 4.5 1705 3.3 1226 Cow of the Century Nominee Lulu was a great polled influence on the breed through sons in AI 007HO14160 LUSTER-P at Select Sires Zipit x Kingboy x Supersire GTPI +2702 NM$532 Milk +935 A2A2 566HO1333 LIVE NOW *PP at IPS Presley x Bandares x Supersire GTPI +2658 NM$ 582 +81F
3633 County Rte. 32 Oxford, NY 13830 (607) 843-5881 • Fax: 9172
e-mail: tigerlilydairy@frontiernet.net Follow us on Facebook! Visitors & inquiries always welcome!
in History Lew Lin Highlight Hotstuff EX-94
Lo-Pine Jet Bianca 2E-95
Clark and Lois Woodmansee & Family 319 Route 165 Preston, CT 06365 6 - NYN July-August 2020
Congratulations to the Breeders! Thank you for the nominations!
00 - NYN July-August 2020
expecting, but it is what we were handed. So, as we all adjust to our new “normal,” I hope that you are all able to find the silver lining, no matter how slight it may be.
Hello everyone! I hope that you are all still doing alright throughout all of the chaos that has occurred this year. I understand that many of you may be feeling pretty upset about the loss of the show season, and even though I only planned on showing at our county fair, I share these Danielle Herrick feelings about not being able to show my animals. Usually I would simply say “look on the bright side,” but this time I am having a hard time finding one. If I had to come up with a silver lining I could mention all of the efforts that other people are putting forth to try and give the youth a chance to have some of the experiences that they are missing out on this year. I have seen a few options that have been put forth about virtual shows, and I have even heard of a few small inperson shows that some communities have put together. One of the events that I have had the chance to partake in are the statewide virtual dairy judging classes. Though it pales in comparison to being able to dairy judge, it is great that the dairy community has been able to rally together and still provide this opportunity to the youth. I will fully admit that I definitely needed this extra bit of training though because I am not the best when it comes to judging cows. Another plus that comes from this is all of the extra time that we have to work with our animals. Even though we cannot take them to shows, all of the training that they have this year will be very helpful when it comes to next year’s show season, which will hopefully make up for the train wreck that this year has been thus far. To continue the positivity that I tried to highlight, I am very excited to be able to go to college this fall. Most of you are probably hoping for your local school district to open back up in the fall, and for your parents’ sake, I hope that happens as well. My mother is a teacher and she has been praying to be able to go back to school, which rarely ever happens. I know that there are a few of you who either attend Cornell or will be attending like I am, and I am sure that you share my excitement for being able to have in-person instruction. There are a lot of differences that we are going to have to get used to as life moves forward, but at least we are starting to have a small return to normalcy. I think that the most difficult new habit that I have had to learn is taking a mask with me everywhere I go. The good news is that I have a cow print mask that many people have complimented me on. This was not at all the 2020 year that we were 8 - NYN July-August 2020
Delaware County Junior Holstein Club News By Meredith and Delaney McCann
Although the past few months have been a lot different than previous years, and surely not how we all envisioned our 2020 summer show season, we are still finding ways to have fundraisers. At the very beginning of the pandemic, the Delaware County Spring Sale was scheduled to happen. At this sale, many juniors work alongside the seniors, for long tiring hours on the days before the sale. During this time the juniors help prepare animals for the sale, which includes washing, walking, and watching to make sure they stay as clean as possible. On the day of the sale, the juniors lead the animals through the sale ring, prepare them for the ring and also sell refreshments. At this sale, many juniors purchase animals that will have a huge impact on their life. Whether it is the beginning of their show herd or the animal that will take them to the top of the classes, many memorable moments start with animals bought from the county sale. The juniors also work together with local semen representatives to hold a semen sale, which takes place during the auctioning of cows. As a result of COVID-19, we weren’t allowed to hold these events. Our club worked together to still make something happen. The seniors still worked very hard advertising the sale lots so that members had a chance to still buy an animal. The juniors worked hard on the semen sale and, through the use of Facebook, we were able to hold our semen sale. This year we raised about $900. We thank the representatives who donated and helped us make this fundraiser a success. Craig Countryman-ABS donated 10 units of Victor (94Ho19431), Eric Whittaker- Genex donated 10 units of Renegade (1Ho11863), Jim WoodSelect Sires donated $300 toward any conventional semen, and Cassie Chittenden-ST Genetics 10 units of buyers choice ( Milio, Neon, Upgrade, Maker, Royal Crush, Mooligan, Chief, Rapid, First-Grade, or MonoployRed) The Delaware County Junior Holstein would like to say ‘Thank You’ to the donors for their support, and all the bidders for their help making this a success. A special thanks to Erin Johnson for helping the junior club do this fundraiser.
It’s calf raffle time for our Junior Holstein Club members! Cookiecutter Holsteins has donated the beautiful calfCookiecutter Haylett-ET. Born 12/19, she is a Crushabull X Cookiecutter Mac Halmaci-ET 2E-93, then 6 VG/EX dams, then Snow-N Denises Dellia EX 95. If you are interested in supporting the Juniors and purchasing a ticket reach out to any junior executive or junior member - you can also now purchase calf raffle tickets online at https://www. nyholsteinevents.com under the “Juniors” section. Tickets are 1 for $1 or 6 for $5. Thank you for all your support!!
Special thanks to the Menendez family for taking such great care of her and snapping this gorgeous photo.
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NYN July-August 2020 - 9
Executive Manager’s
Hello, and Happy Summer! I hope all of you are doing well, and I hope your cows and crops are growing beautifully! I can’t CHELSEA HANSELMAN believe it has already been a month since I started this new position. It has been a busy first month, but I am enjoying the career change and loving the opportunity to work with all of you. I can’t thank the executive committee enough for their patience and guidance over the past month. Also, a huge thank you to Kelly Reynolds for helping me transition into this role and for remaining a support to me when needed. It seems like folks are starting to adjust to life post- COVID outbreak and get used to the new norms in this chaotic world. This past month has certainly been a test for many, as tensions are high, and there are growing divides among those when discussing politics, COVID, and the Black Lives Matter movements. Despite all of the opposition and uncertainty, though, I know I have found comfort in knowing that I am part of a community that, although not always in agreement, has one common love; the Holstein cow. I hope you are able to remind yourselves of this too when it seems like there is conflict all around us. I am so excited that several of our county clubs have been able to put together shows for us to look forward to despite all county fairs in New York and the NY state fair are canceling. For those attending any of these shows, please remember to adhere to all COVID related guidelines, be patient with your hosts, and enjoy the opportunity to show off your hard work. I hope to see many of you there and get the chance to meet youplease don’t hesitate to introduce yourself if you see me! You can see a complete list of the upcoming shows, as well as show tips on page 5. In addition, I am happy to announce New York Holstein will be hosting a state show at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Greenwich, NY, on Labor Day weekend. Justin Burdette will be judging the Holstein show, and Sheri Boardman will be judging Showmanship. Additional information regarding the show is on the New York Holstein website. The Juniors will be present at the show with their booth selling merchandise along with calf raffle tickets. This year’s calf was donated by Cookiecutter Holsteins- born 12/19, she is a Crushabull X Cookiecutter Mac Halmaci-ET 2E93. Thank you to Denise Dickinson and Kyle and Luke Getty for generously donating the calf. You can see great pictures of her on the New York Holstein website and Facebook page. A huge thank you to the Menendez 10 - NYN July-August 2020
family for taking care of the raffle calf and for capturing the great photos of her! Unfortunately, National Convention was canceled this year, but our New York juniors excelled in the National Distinguished Junior Member contest. Emily Mikel from Stafford NY was recognized as a National DJM finalist, and in the youth area, Gabriella Taylor from Newark NY and Natalie Fredericks Little Falls NY were recognized as finalists. Congratulations to these outstanding Junior Members! Also from New York, Patsy Gifford out former NYHA Executive Manager was awarded as the 2020 Distinguished Leadership Honoree. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this award. Patsy has truly been a gift to the dairy industry, the Holstein Association, and the farmers and breeders of New York, and I strive to be able to give back to each of you as she has. In closing, I want to remind all of you to check on your family, friends, and neighbors. It seems like in today’s world, we are all so busy and being pulled in so many different directions that we lose sight of what is most important. I recently lost a close friend who always put others first and somehow still made a point to check in on others. His loss has reminded me that this seemingly small gesture can prove to mean so much to others. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your summer and I hope to see you soon! Be well, Chelsea
Thank You
to my New York Holstein Family of Friends for nominating and supporting me to receive the 2020 Holstein USA Distinguished Leadership Award. I appreciate it so very much, Patsy
From The NYHA President Jason Pullis
Hello New Yorkers. Another month is in the books and August is here. A month that is normally filled to the scheduling brim with trips to the county fair, a quick family vacation, or picnics with friends after chores has chosen to follow in the footsteps of the five previous months with all of our New York fairs being cancelled, travel still seems a little more complicated than it should be, and the whole country seems pretty well divided on well, just about everything. But there are some bright spots on the horizon. There are a number of shows popping up on the schedule, school will hopefully soon be back in session, sales featuring good cattle continue to be strong and recent Holstein Association USA classification programs through
parts of New York have netted breeders some very impressive results. On Friday, July 24th the OHM Holstein Club hosted their annual show at the Fonda Fairgrounds and chose to open the show to any member of New York Holstein. Being the first show in New York for the year, show organizers really weren’t sure what to expect for entries or spectators. I was there on show day and it seemed like exhibitors were happy to be out with their animals and spectators were excited to be out doing a “cow thing”. More club shows are on the schedule for the next few weeks and I am sure that excitement for them will be just as high as what we saw in Fonda. Hopefully you have all heard that New York Holstein is planning a state show to take place at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Greenwich for September 4th and 5th. With the state fair being cancelled, this show will give members a chance to all
come together and compete against the best that New York has to offer. Granted, Washington County is not a central location for all members, the facilities at the fairgrounds are spacious, comfortable and top notch. If you haven’t made entries yet, they are available by calling the state office or going to our website. Also new to the show calendar this year will be the North American Open Show to be held at the Erie County Fairgrounds in mid-October. Several New Yorkers are taking vital roles in planning this show and early details indicate that this will be a high quality event that will be one you won’t want to miss. I would encourage all members to participate in any or all of these shows by either being an exhibitor or by simply taking a day and going to watch. I hope that the rest of the summer treats you well. Together we will all get though the challenges that this year has served up to us. Brighter days are coming for sure.
NYN July-August 2020 - 11
r u o Y t e G l l i W This Family
! g n i p m Heart Pu
photo: Beth Herges
Cookiecutter Mont Hadley
Reg# 3126132529
2-02 317 33,788 1301 3.9 1047 3.1 GTPI 2525 Born 8/24/2014
photo: Lea Jordan
photo: Beth Herges
10th generation EX-MS Montross daughter of Cookiecutter Epic Hazel (2E-92-DOM) x MOM Halo (VG-88-DOM).
Two Daughters Welcome Tel Frazzled Heart VG-85 Reg# 3138818111 VV++V GTPI +2687 • Born 2/10/2017 Sire: Melarry Josuper Frazzled
Welcome -Tel Manton Halina VG-85 Reg# 3143104749 VE+G+ GTPI 2643 • Born 3/21/2017 Sire: Bacon Hill Manton
Two Granddaughters
design: Holstein International
Welcome -Tel Honda Hedley
Reg#3151783887 GTPI 2839 • Born 2/9/2019 Sire N-Springhope Honda Dam Welcome-Tel Frazzled Heart Pregnancies by Alphabet, Lariat, Zazzle, Ragnar, SpotLite, Moonshiner, Ahead and Faneca
One Grandson
Welcome -Tel Diversity Hope
Reg# 3201497343 GTPI 2875 • RZG 156 • Born 6/5/2019 Sire Denovo Medley Dam Manton Halina Pregnancies by Parfect and Supercharge
Mitch, David, & Andrew Chlus 388 Myers Rd. Little Falls, NY 13365 • (+1) 315 823-3196
Welcome- Tel Heart
Reg# 3151783891 GTPI 2906 • Born 2/11/2019 LPI + 3779 - Third highest in Canada Renegade X Frazzled X Montross Sire – SSI – Preston Renegade Dam – Welcome – Tel Frazzled Heart
Welcome Stock Farms • The William Peck Family 285 W River Road, Schuylerville, NY 12871 • Tel.: (+1) 518 424 6770 billpeckwelcomestockfarm@outlook.com
the GREAT Ones Leave a LEGACY Mountfield Marsh Maxine-ET VG-88 DOM Dam of Mogul - Nominated for NY Cow of the Century Maxine was nominated 3 years in a row for Global Cow of the Year Maxine has had 2 Top 10 TPI Bulls in the USA And 1 top 15 TPI bull in Japan She has 8 Excellent offspring and her genetics account for 75% of the current herd at Mountfield Farms MOGUL coined the “New Elevation” Was the #1 TPI bull Dec of 2014 and has been the youngest bull to sell over 1 million units of semen and is still being sold in 25 countries around the world. He currently accounts for 9.5% influence of all USA Holstein pedigrees. One of only 2 active bulls on that list, he is currently number 8 but time and the vast amount of Mogul sons is on his side.
At 14 she still looks phenomenal and her story of impact is far from over.
Mountfield Holsteins
The Marshfield Family 2758 Rt. 20 – Marcellus, NY 13108 Roger 315-247-4721 • Phil & Kathy 315-247-4731 • Jeff & Mandy 315-406-7422 NYN July-August 2020 - 13
New York Cows of the Century Announced The New York Cows of the Century Contest was created to help celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the New York Holstein Association. In the spring we took nominations from across the state and beyond, to highlight their favorite cows bred or developed here in New York. A committee of respected New York Holstein breeders narrowed the nominees down to 101 New York Cows the Century - there are just too many good cows from New York, we needed 101! The New York Cows of the Century are listed here, and one will be featured every day on the New York Holstein Association’s Facebook page. Now it’s your turn to vote! Head to https://tinyurl.com/nycentury to vote for your ten favorite New York Cows of the Century by November 1st. The Top Ten will be highlighted in the December News and at the 2021 New York Holstein Convention. NAME
Anacres Astronaut Ivanhoe Audrey Posch Beachlawn Astronaut Chief Beachlawn Dutchoe Bell Bella-Rosa Gw Sara-ET Big Rock Pride Kay Brookview Tony Charity
VG-88 EX-93 GMD EX-93 3E GMD EX-92 2E GMD DOM EX-96 3E EX-94 3E EX-97 DOM
Anderson Brothers, NY Yates Farm, NY Beachlawn Farm, NY Beachlawn Farm, NY Bella Rosa Holsteins, CA Big Rock Farm, NY Brookview Farm, OH
C Merkley Starbuck Whitney C Stewarthaven T T Fallon-RC C Taraley Astro Sherry C Woodfield Inspiration Lou Campbell-Hollow Ultimate Kate Cass-Ridge Jewel Pat Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1200-ET Co-Vale Dempsey Dina 4270-ET Co-Vista Airliner Sarah Cobleskill SW Henrietta Col-Ray Barrett Mary Collins-Crest Ivan Gypsy Collins-Crest Ivanhoe Triune J Cookiecutter Dta Habitan-ET Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET Cookiecutter MOM Halo-ET Derrwyn Miss Special-Red East-Cupcake Muddy Water Ednachester Man-O-War Mary Ellbank Admiral Ormsby Beets Ellbank Cherry Coke-Red-ET Ellbank Ivan Standout Kerk Elm-Spring Integrity Inez Gaige Highlight Tamara Goldcrest Shottle Cutie Golden-Rose ABS Ginger-ET Green Banks Admiral Mooie Green Banks Burkgov Arlene Hamaret Queen Prospector Hanover-Hill TT Sallie H Highcroft Absolute Lily-Red
EX-96 EX-94 2E GMD DOM EX-97-2E EX-96 4E DOM EX-95 GMD DOM EX-96 2E GMD GMD EX-94 3E DOM EX-96 EX-96 2E EX-92 GMD DOM EX-93 2E EX-92 3E EX-96 2E VG-89-2YR DOM VG-88 EXMS DOM VG-88 DOM EX-94 2E DOM EX-95 2E 97MS EX-92 EX-93 EX-92 EX-93 4E GMD DOM EX-94 4E EX-97 DOM EX-94 2E DOM EX-94 EX-95 EX-93 GMD EX-91 EX-96 4E DOM EX-95 98-MS
David Merkley, CAN Stewarthaven Farms, CAN J. Francis Crowley, CAN Dr. Cation & W. Woodill, CAN Van & Todd L. Cornish, PA Cass-Ridge Dairy, PA Clear Echo Farm, NY Brad Cates, NY Chris George, NY SUNY Cobleskill, NY GMD DOM Raymond & Colette, VT Don Collins, NY Don Collins, NY Cookie Cutter Holsteins, NY Cookie Cutter Holsteins, NY Cookie Cutter Holsteins, NY Derrwyn Farm, MD Stanley W. Zabriskie, NY Chester H Foote, NY R. Alton Wright, NY Lynnette Wright, NY Ellbank Farm, NY Elmspring Farm, NY David and Donna Gaige, NY Goldcrest Holsteins, WA Golden-Rose Genetics, PA Green Banks Farm, NY Green Banks Farm/Donald Crowell, NY Hamaret Farm, NY Hanover Hill, NY Highcroft Holsteins, NY
Hill-Over Ticket Bettlejuice Hillranch Fond Matt Jean-twin Howard-Home Valiant Eva Johns Lucky Barb
Hill-Over Holsteins, NY Don Reed, NY Michael Mason, WI John Bennett, NY
Robert Crowell, NY/Peter Heffring, NY R Austin, Charles & Horace Backus , NY Beachlawn Farm, NY Beachlawn Farm, NY Oakfield Corners Dairy, NY Hugh Sutherland, NY/Elmvue, NY George Morgan, NY & Peter Heffering, NY/Hanover Hill Elmvue Holsteins, NY Scott Racha, NY Pamtom Farms, NY/Jamaica Holsteins, NY Elmvue Farms, NY Mountain Crest Farms, NY Erinwood, NY/ Ronald Allen Clear Echo Farm, NY Ransom Rail and Milksource, WI Elmvue, NY SUNY Cobleskill, NY Autumn-Ridge Holsteins, NY Don Collins, NY Collins-Crest Farm, NY/ Paclamar, CO AOT Genetics (D. King & T. Kugler), NY Cookie Cutter Holsteins, NY Cookie Cutter Holsteins, NY Jonathan & Alicia Lamb, NY Ziems Farms, T. Ziemba & L. & K. Hurtgen, WI Harden Farms, NY R. Alton Wright, NY Stuart Corlew, NY / David King, NY Ellbank Farm, NY Elmspring Farm, NY David and Donna Gaige, NY Jeff True, NY Ridgedale Farm, NY & Richard Witter, PA Jim Repard, NY, Wintercrest & Paclamar Crowel, NY / Hugh Sutherland, NY Archie Meek, NY Pamtom Farm, NY Eaton Holsteins, NY & Glamourview, MD/Maple Downs, NY T. Hoskings, NY/A. Brown, NY/B&D Prine, NY/A. Crothers, NY Hill-Over Holsteins, NY Erinwood, NY / George Morgan, NY Dreamstreet Holsteins, NY Tara Hills, NY/Hanover Hill, NY / John Sullivan, NY
14 - NYN July-August 2020
Kings-Ransom Dorcy Dextra-ET Kings-Ransom MG Cleavage Kings-Ransom Mogul Cleo Ladyholm Larissa Lamport Polly Durham Langdonhurst Valiant Nicki
EX-94 EX-95, 97 MS EX-95 EX-95 3E EEEEE EX -95 4E DOM EX-95 GMD DOM
Kings-Ransom Farm, NY Kings-Ransom Farm, NY Kings-Ransom Farm, NY Gary Culbertson, NY Lamport Farm, NY Langdonhurst, NY
Lantland Aspen Hemley Lantland Matinee Amalee Lantland Warden Linda Lars-Acres Felices Fame Lemax Valiant Nada Lew-Lin Highlight Hotstuff Liddleholme Resur Lu-ET Lo-Pine Jet Bianca Locust-Peak R Maple Lulu C Manavale Ultimate Ivan Lime Mar-Bil Cleitus Grace Maroy Model Abbekerk
EX-95 EX-94 GMD DOM EX-95 GMD EX-91 EEVVE DOM EX-94 3E DOM EX -94 EX-97 EX-95 EX 3E 96 GMD DOM EX-93 5E GMD VG-88 GMD DOM EX-96
Lantland Farm, NY Walter Lant, NY Lantland Farm, NY Larson Acres, WI Lemax Farms, VT Lew-Lin Farms, NY Anthony Liddle, NY Lo-Pine Farm, NY Kinder, W. M. & Son, KY Carmen Lamana, NY Mar-Bill Farms, NY (then) Roy Ottman, NY
MD-Carrollton BC Lizzy MD-Delight Durham Atlee
Roger & Loretta Wright, MD Gary & Crystal Dell, MD
Milkworth Manfred Yadda Millerhurst Astronaut Dot-twin & Millerhurst Astronaut Dash-twin Millervale Ultimate Rosalynn Minco Arlinda Chief Cleo Miss Co-Vista Rubens Layla Miss Lantland Miss Adie Miss OCD Robst Delicious Mity-Fine Matt Misty Mountfield Marsh Maxine-ET Muranda BWM Larel-ET Muranda Oscar Lucinda Northcroft Ella Elevation Nowerland Trad Buttercup OCD Planet Danica OCD Supersire 9882 Pebble Beach Veda Secunda Pinehurst Royal Rosa-ET Pineyvale C Matt Strawberry Richardo Dundee Dawnette
Milkworth Holsteins, NY
Kings-Ransom Farm, NY Kings-Ransom Farm, NY Kings-Ransom Farm, NY Elmvue Farm, NY & Clark Woodmansee III, CT Conant Acres, ME Nicki Synd - H Beneke, K Main, R Vail, & D Younger, NY Kirt Menzi, Jr, NY Walter Lant, NY Lantland Farm, NY Oakfield Corners Dairy, NY Michael Wolfe, Ovaltop Holsteins, NY Cowtown Holsteins, VT Anthony Liddle, NY Clark Woodmanse III, CT William Underwood, NY Carmen Lamana, NY Mar-Bil Farms, VA Beacon Research Farm, Heffering & Trevena, NY Plankenhorn Farms, NY R & S Allyn, CT, M Heath, MD & Jason Llyod, NY Coyne Farm, NY
EX-94 & EX-92 GMD EX-95 DOM EX-97 DOM EX-94 DOM EX-94 VG-87 GMD DOM EX-96 2E GMD DOM VG-88 DOM EX-95 GMD DOM VG-86 GMD DOM EX-97 GMD DOM EX-92 3E GMD DOM EX-93 GMD DOM VG-86 DOM GP-82 EX-91 EX-96 4E GMD EX-94 3E
Harold C Miller, NY W. Edwin & Vera M. Miller, PA Raymond Wegener, OK Larry Hill & Russ George, NY Chuck Will, James Bush & Lantland Farm, NY Oakfield Corners Dairy, Gomez & Lufkin, NY Fred Lant & Dave Post, NY Mountfield Holsteins, NY Muranda Holsteins, NY Muranda Holsteins, NY Clifford Eccleston, NY Nowerland Farm, NY Oakfield Corners Dairy, NY Oakfield Corners Dairy, NY Chaplin, NY Pinehurst Farm, WI Dave Post, NY Richard P. Kuntz, CAN
Ridgedale Estel, Estelle & Example Ridgedale Runway-Red & Ridgedale-T Raichu-Red-ET Roedale Stardom Asia S-S-F Astro Minnie Saxton-Hill Tattoo-ET Shadowcliff RA Gina
all EX-95
Ridgedale Farm, NY
EX-95 & EX-96 EX-94 5E DOM EX-91 3E GMD DOM EX-94 3E GMD EX-97 GMD DOM
Ridgedale Farm, NY Roedale Farm, NY Stockwell Brothers, NY Denise V Saxton, NY Eric Anderson, PA
Sher-Mar Lee Mitzi Stone-Rise Durham Lizzy Tara Hills Pride Lucky Barb TC Sanchez Kristina Tiger-Lily Lawnboy Lulu-Red-PO Tora Triple Threat Lulu Tyrbach Elevation Twinkie UFM-Dubs Sam Erin Unique-Style Bolton Money Welcome Mark Lacey Welcome Goldwyn Penya Welcome Jupiter Gala Wenron Mattie Champion Whittier Farms Ivanhoe Juliet
EX-91 GMD DOM EX-95 3E GMD DOM EX-94 EX-96 2E 96-MS VG-87 @ 2 yrs Ex 96 GDM-DOM EX-97 3E GMD DOM EX-90 2E GMD DOM EX-93 GMD DOM EX-91 GMD DOM VG-89 GMD DOM VG-85 GMD DOM EX-90 2E EX-91 4E GMD
Sherman William Herrington, NY Bill Brown, NY Tara Hills, NY Jeffery Bolton, CAN Marshman Farms, NY Dale and Steve Putman, NY George Morgan, NY Steve VanTassel, NY Brian Campbell, NY Welcome Stock Farm, NY Welcome Stock Farm, NY Welcome Stock Farm, NY Wenron Farm, CAN Whittier Farms, MA
Rothrock Farms, PA Bond Farm Holsteins, Walton, NY Dreamstreet Holsteins, NY Tyler Reynolds, NY Kirt Menzi, NY Butz-Hill, IA Gary Darling, VT Mountfield Holsteins, NY Muranda Holsteins, NY Floyd & Lloyd Baumann & Fred Lang, WI Woodbine, PA / Romandale, CAN Nowerland Farm, NY J. Lamb, F. Gomez & D. Lufkin, NY Faria Bros., TX Butterfly Farm, NY John Sullivan/Dave Rama/John Emerling, NY Dave Post, NY Joleanna Holsteins, R.Kunz, Hodglynn & Todd Galton, NY Ridgedale Farm, NY Ridgedale Farm, NY Roedale Farm, NY Paul & Beverly Cook, NY Denise V Saxton, NY Catskill Dairy, NY/Bower Farms, NY/ Hilltop Hanover, NY Sherman William Herrington, NY ZBW & Bill Brown, NY Hanover Hill, NY & Canada Eaton Holsteins & Cooper Galton, NY Marshman Farms, NY Hanover Hill Holsteins, NY Pamtom Farm, NY Steve VanTassel, NY Bacon Hill Holsteins, NY Welcome Stock Farm, NY Welcome Stock Farm, NY Welcome Stock Farm, NY Mac-Swan Farm, NY/Don Collins, NY David Murch, NY NYN July-August 2020 - 15
Cherry Coke f
Congratulations to Cherry Coke on her nomination as NY Cow of the Century! With over 100 total offspring, Cherry Coke was prolific in every way. Her pedigree touches every corner of NY State. Her offspring continue to go on and do great things for their owners and breeders.
Ellbank Cherry Coke-Red-ET
3-11 2x 305d 27,240lbM 4.7% 1,283F 3.5% 944P Cherry Coke is a 5th generation Excellent and she has 7 EX daughters (12% of scored daughters), 19 VG (32%), total of 60 scored daughters. 16 - NYN July-August 2020
for the Ages! Midas-Touch Chry Pie Red-ET EX-94 A cow that everyone loved at a show and a tremendous brood cow in her own right.
INTRODUCING Midas-Touch OJS Passion-Red-ET Sire : OCD Jedi Sawyer Great Granddaughter of Cherry Coke Embryos exported and inquiries are always welcome.
Focused on Making the Right Ones! DAVID & LOUANNE KINg 69 Halfway House Rd. – Waddington, NY 13694 315-322-4162 – 315-212-0032 (cell) – www.midastouchgenetics.com Follow us on Facebook at Midas Touch genetics. NYN July-August 2020 - 17
I n e z the
Elm-Spring Integrity Inez 4E-94 Excellent in all categories 6-07 365D 36,030M 3.4 1106F 2.8 905P (best record) Lifetime 2818D 211,010M 3.5 7313F 2.9 6118P 5-YR-Old HHM Jr All-American ‘08 5-YR-Old HHM All-NY ‘08 5-YR-Old Res Jr All-NY ‘08 1st 5-YR-Old Premier National Jr Show Harrisburg ‘08 2nd 5-YR-Old NY State Fair Open Show ‘08 5-YR-Old Reserve Grand Champion NY Spring Jr Holstein Show ‘08 She has 20 milking daughters 8 EX - 2 at EX-94, and 9 VG daughters.
DAUGHTERS Elm-Spring Morty Mitzi EX-94 3E Lifetime 183,320M 3.0 5445F 3.1 5721P
Atwood Idalia EX-94 2E LTD 165,620M 3.5 5841F 3.0 5046P
BAA 111.1% 31 EX 39 VG 3 GP March 10,2020 2013 New York State Master Breeder Herd 18 - NYN July-August 2020
Goldwyn Nezzy EX-92 Lifetime 1725D 132,710M 3.6 4820F 3.0 3952P
John, Mary, & Jason Tudor 135 Meeting House Rd. Eagle Bridge, NY 12057 (518) 686-5426
Timothy Tudor (518) 686-9587 (Home) (518) 813-8101 (Cell) Emily Tudor (518) 813-8218
NYN July-August 2020 - 19
Tora Triple Threated Cow 1981
Dam of
Design Kristy Roose
Ag Res. All-Americanpion RAWF 1981 am Ch d Res. Gran
• Inspiration EX Extra • Hanover Hill Star Lulu EX-93 All-American Sr. 2-YR-Old 1988 • 5 other EX Daughters & 3 Other EX Sons
A few of the many descendants of Lulu that have left their mark include Liddleholme Resur Lu-Red -ET Ex 97-3E; Wilstar-RS TLT Limited-Red Ex 94; Highcroft Absolute Lily-Red Ex 95.
Dad was a cowman his entire life. He bought Lulu’s Dam from an untested, unscored herd. He saw her potential. He bought an unscored graduate from which he bred four EX daughters. He also made an awesome fudge!
In honor of Dale Putman by the Putman Family. Originally from Heuvelton, New York, now scattered coast to coast.
BULLS FOR SALE! HOLSTEIN Kings Ransom H Discus-ET +2800 GTPI $22/Unit Joliam Jedi High Test – Young Genomic Sire $15/Unit JERSEY Sunset Canyon Denmark *Polled JPI 134 $18/Unit for 10 units or more NEED TO BUY Sonnylodge Linjet
SALE SCHEDULE Upcoming Sales Managed by The Cattle Exchange SEPTEMBER 25 12 Noon (Eastern Time) Fun in the Sun Sale ~ Homestyle Edition II. Broadcasted live with real-time bidding from Delhi, NY via Cowbuyer.com. Featuring the highest available Genomic Females of the breed for NM$, GTPI, Type! This sale series continues to break all the record books, so don’t be left out! OCTOBER 2 New York Breeders Virtual Sale If you are looking for quality replacements, give us a call! No order is too large or too small! Call or Email for 1st Class Catalogs.
BILL FORBES 81 Union, Westfield, NY 716-397-5031 NYN July-August 2020 - 21
Outstanding Youth Recognized as Holstein Distinguished Junior Members THREE NEW YORK YOUTH MAKE THE FINAL CUT Brattleboro, Vt.--Holstein Association USA recently recognized six finalists as 2020 National Distinguished Junior Members (DJM) during a Facebook Live event on Wednesday, July 1, 2020. This award is the highest honor given to members of the National Junior Holstein Association, ages 17 to 21, in recognition of a commitment to the Holstein breed and involvement in a variety of agriculture related activities. The finalists for this year’s Distinguished Junior Member competition are Todd Allen, Jefferson, Md.; Matthew Boop, Millmont, Pa.; Kristen Burkhardt, Fowlerville, Mich.; Connor Erbsen, Lanark, Ill.; Mason Jauquet, Pulaski, Wis., and Emily Mikel, Stafford, N.Y. “The Distinguished Junior Member contest has been held since 1922 and is the longest running Holstein youth program. The award recognition is coveted by Junior members working with Registered Holsteins and participating in our programs across the country,” stated Kelli Dunklee, Holstein Association USA & Holstein Foundation Program Specialist. “These outstanding dairy youth are incredible individuals, leaders and role models for the dairy industry.” “I felt so honored to represent New York as a National DJM finalist. I feel that all the work I have completed through the Junior Holstein Association has paid off receiving this award,” commented New York’s Emily Mikel. “Being named a National DJM finalist means a lot to me. It means that I am able to be a EMILY MIKEL good role model to other Juniors in New York and around the Country. I am able to show other juniors that the hard work pays off. I feel that my Junior Holstein career is one step closer to being complete being named a National DJM Finalist.” Emily concluded, “I would like to thank everyone that has helped me through my years as a NY Junior Holstein member.” Applicants completed two judging phases. Phase one, the Junior’s entry book, is worth 60 percent of the final score. The book highlights the Junior’s Holstein work, activities and projects, breeding program and personal views. The top 12 individuals based on their book score are named DJM Semifinalists. Next, the twelve semifinalists are interviewed by a 22 - NYN July-August 2020
committee of judges, with the interview accounting for 40 percent of their final score. The six individuals with the highest combined scores are named Distinguished Junior Member Finalists and receive an annual renewed Holstein Association USA membership.
2020 Young Distinguished Junior Members (YDJM) Eight young people were selected as finalists in the 2020 Young Distinguished Junior Member (YDJM) contest and were recognized during a Facebook Live event on July 1, 2020. YDJM applicants are judged on similar criteria as the Distinguished Junior Member contest, but do not complete the interview phase. Junior members ages 9 to 16 are eligible to apply for the YDJM recognition. The Young Distinguished Junior Members for 2020 are: Colton Brandel, Lake Mills, Wis.; Rachel Craun, Mount Crawford, Vir.; Nevin Erbsen, Lanark, Ill.; Natalie Fredericks, Little Falls, N.Y.; Jacob Harbaugh, Marion, Wis.; Jacob Raber, Gridley, Ill.; Naomi Scott, Westgate, Iowa and Gabriella Taylor, Newark, N.Y. Gabriella Taylor pointed to events in her Holstein journey that contributed to her success in the contest, “Being named a 2020 National Young Distinguished Junior Member is such an incredible honor. This past year I had Kelly Reynolds review my book to see what needed some work to really exemplify who I am and what I’m passionate about. GABRIELLA TAYLOR I’m so thankful for all of her support, and of course all the leaders and opportunities I’ve had on the journey to this moment.” She continued, “New York Junior Holstein Association, 4-H, and the Dairy Princess Program have all helped me become the passionate about the Holstein cow and agriculture in general.” The process of the DJM contest opens up many opportunities for youth as Gabriella can attest to, “Being named a finalist feels like a huge door of opportunity for me. It’s one of the greatest accomplishments of my life so far! I hope to continue to grow as a New York Junior Holstein Association Member throughout these next couple
of years. So that I can give back to the farmers, leaders, and community that has given so much to me.” Natalie Fredericks of Little Falls said it wasn’t easy, but the reward was gratifying as she was also chosen as a finalist in the YDJM contest, “Being named a YDJM Finalist is extremely gratifying! The time, energy and emotions that go into preparing this book and having known it all paid off in the end NATALIE FREDERICKS is so rewarding.” She continued, “For me personally, being named a finalist is knowing I achieved the highest reward level for my age category and that something like this wasn’t easy. It takes years to build the foundation to accomplish such an honor.” For more information about Holstein Association USA’s youth programs, visit www.holsteinusa.com/juniors.
Don’t forget!
To submit your photos of your cows and farm scenes to the News’ Photo Contest! Deadline is November 1st! Get your favorite picture on a News cover Email your digital photos to farm.writer@hotmail.com
Calendar of Events SALES September 25 Fun in the Sun Sale Homestyle, The Cattle Exchange October 2 New York Breeders Virtual Sale EVENTS NY Holstein State Show September 4-5 Washington County Fairgrounds, Greenwich NY October 13-18 North American Open Dairy Cattle Show Erie County Fairgrounds, Hamburg, NY DEADLINES August 15 NYHN September Ad Deadline November 1 Voting Deadline for Cow of the Century Contest
Patsy Gifford Receives Holstein Association USA’s 2020 Distinguished Leadership Award Brattleboro, Vt. --The 2020 Distinguished Leadership Award honoree is Patricia Gifford of Groton, N.Y. Patsy’s unselfish leadership has motivated young Holstein enthusiasts to set goals, achieve them, and work to create new ones. Simply put, she inspires others to be good human beings. PATSY GIFFORD Patsy’s intrinsic love and support for the Registered Holstein® cow and the dairy industry are evident to those who know her. Patsy became the first woman to classify cattle for the Holstein Association USA. For Patsy, classifying cattle seemed to be an almost natural and deep-seated talent. She was on the road for nearly two decades scoring thousands of cattle, all the while explaining her decisions with great satisfaction from those whose cattle she was evaluating. This Holstein enthusiast is a role model to many young people who are finding their way in the dairy industry. She has a knack for putting the right people together and encourages them to stay engaged. After her career of classifying cattle for the Holstein Association USA, Patsy became the Executive Director of the New York Holstein Association. She had the vision for, secured, and executed the creation of the New York Holstein Reserve Fund. Since its inception, the fund has helped to ensure the long-term success of the New York Holstein Association. Whether working on a dairy farm classifying cattle, or working in the office, Gifford always approached her career with enthusiasm and commitment. Farm families with whom she worked over the years consider Patsy their cheerleader, confidant, and trusted advisor. “It is a great honor to be nominated and to receive this award, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude,” Patsy commented.
About the Award This award recognizes an individual who has made a career of providing outstanding and unselfish leadership for the betterment of the dairy industry.
NYN July-August 2020 - 23
Amity VG-87
Our Senior 2 YR-Old for this year She goes goes back to LANTLAND SKYBUCK EX -95 5E then LANTLAND MATINEE EX-94 GMD DOM This cow family has had many Excellent and VG daughters. Design Kristy Roose • Amity Cybil Fisher photo Adie & Hemley Mike Walker photos • Hysteria Lea Jordan photo.
Linda 24 - NYN July-August 2020
Miss Adie
607-739-2535 • anitamenzi77@gmail.com 1102 Middle Rd. • Horseheads, New York 14845 NYN July-August 2020 - 25
Holstein Association USA Honors Outstanding Junior Breeders BRATTLEBORO, Vt.— Holstein Association USA recognized several Junior members who have bred and own exceptional Holstein cattle. The awards, based on both conformation and milk production, are designed to reward, and encourage Junior members to continue their excellent Registered Holstein® breeding programs. All eligible cows are automatically screened for these awards on an annual basis.
National Junior Star Performer Award The National Star Performer Award recognizes well-rounded Holstein cows with exceptional milk and component production, as well as admirable classification scores. The cow must be bred and still currently owned by their Junior Holstein breeder; have an RHA of at least 87 percent; be enrolled in Holstein Association USA’s TriStarSM production records program; have a 305-day or less lactation completed in the last calendar year of at least 25,000 pounds milk; and be classified Very Good85 or higher. Once the eligible cows are determined, they are ranked based on a formula: (Combined ME Fat and Protein + Age Adjusted Classification Score) x (Breed Average ME CFP/Breed Average Age Adjusted Score). Annually, ten cows are recognized with this honor, with the highest-ranking cow being designated as the National Junior Star Performer. The 2019 National Junior Star Performer is MIKELHOLM ATWOOD BOUNCER owned by Emily Mikel of N.Y. Bouncer is classified Excellent-92, and calving in at 3-11, has a 305-day production record of 30,840 pounds of milk, with 1,665 pounds of fat and 934 pounds of protein.
Continuing, the top 10 winners of this esteemed award for 2019 are: 2nd place: T-SPRUCE RAGER 9384-RED, owned by Arnold, Ashley & Andrew Gruenes, Minn. 3rd place: RUMMAGE ATWOOD FAITH, owned by Ryleigh Rummage, Tenn. 4th place: SPOTLITE-J SAMMY AWNA, owned by Dyllan Klinger, Pa. 5th place: MIKELHOLM MC REAL DEAL, owned by Emily Mikel, N.Y. 6th place: T-SPRUCE BARBWIRE 9763-RED, owned by Arnold, Ashley & Andrew Gruenes, Minn. 7th place: NOR-BERT SILVER CHELSEA, owned by Dalton, Dillon & Breanne Freeman, Ind. 8th place: MIKELHOLM BEEMER MARYLOU, owned by Emily Mikel, N.Y. 9th place: SUMMERLIE DRESSER JAZEE, owned by Summer Parreira, Calif. 10th place: CONANT-ACRES DURBIN LEONA, owned by Kaicey Conant, Maine 26 - NYN July-August 2020
National Cream of the Crop Award The National Cream of the Crop Award recognizes the top 75 Junior-owned Registered Holstein cows that have produced the highest combined pounds of fat and protein during a 305-day lactation. To be eligible for this award, cows must meet the following criteria: be owned by a current Holstein Association USA Junior member; have an RHA of at least 87%; be enrolled in the TriStar production records program; and have a 305-day or less record of over 30,000 pounds of milk completed during the calendar year, with the entire lactation being completed while the animal is under youth ownership. Once the pool of eligible cows is determined, cows are ranked on total pounds of fat and protein produced during the lactation. First place in the 2019 Cream of the Crop award is SHOW-MAR GINGERSNAP 1304-ET owned by Dylan Brantner of Pennsylvania. Gingersnap is classified Excellent-94, and calving in at 6-08, had a 305-day production record of 49,320 pounds of milk, with 2,004 pounds of fat and 1,416 pounds of protein.
Rounding out the top 10 Cream of the Crop winners for 2019 are: 2nd place: SHOW-MAR DIAMOND 1357, owned by Dylan Brantner, Pa. 3rd place: SHOW-MAR WOODEN PENNY 1356, owned by Wesley Brantner, Pa. 4th place: FOXBERRY GC MINDFUL 974-ET, owned by Kyle Vanderfeltz, Pa. 5th place: U-CE-A ABILITY LIABLE, owned by Christina Buttles, Wis. 6th place: TRULEA TYLER-P 9727, owned by Tyler True, N.Y. 7th place: U-CE-A LADD LAROUX-RED, owned by Christina Buttles, Wis. 8th place: LYLEHAVEN DELTA SHASTA, owned by Braeden Johnson, N.Y. 9th place: PICKIN-RUN MIKE GIDGET, owned by Amber Pownall, Pa. 10th place: MOORCLOSE ATWOOD WREN, owned by Kyle Vanderfeltz, Pa.
National Junior 150,000 Pound Lifetime Production Award Junior members who own a cow which has produced over 150,000 pounds of milk in her lifetime are eligible to earn the National 150,000 Pound Cow award. This year’s honorees are Allison Breunig, Wis.; Tabitha Mills, Pa.; Collin Wille, Wis.; and Lydia Young, N.Y.
NYN July-August 2020 - 27
With deepest sorrow, we announce the passing of Jesse Stanton Conner, our beloved son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, and friend. Jesse was born on June 4, 1995 and left us, too soon, on June 26, 2020. Those who knew Jesse, were blessed by his sharp wit and wisdom, his loyalty, and his individuality. Jesse was a graduate of La Salle Institute and studied Animal Science at SUNY Cobleskill. Jesse grew up farming and had a strong passion for dairy cows. He lived out his passion as a herdsman at Retso Holsteins, in Schodack Landing. Jesse loved working on the farm and was devoted to his work and the animals he cared for; in addition, he was well respected for his dedication and knowledge. Jesse was an old soul and longed for the simpler times of hard work and family. He could often be seen sporting an Amish hat and chewing grass. Jesse’s sometimes curmudgeon personality and clever remarks couldn’t mask his big heart and his caring ways. Jesse was and will always be loved and appreciated for being true to himself. Jesse will be missed everyday by his mother, Michele Price (Thomas), father, Michael Conner (Jacy) , brother Ryan, grandparents Michael and Elva Conner, and Clay and Rebecca Fingar, his uncle Stephen (Diane) Fingar, his cousins Victoria Fingar and Marie Finck, and additional aunts, uncles, and cousins whom he cherished, as well as his many dear friends, and loving companions Claire and Arthur. Please remember Jesse through your prayers, kind words, smiles, and perhaps one of the many stories he’s left us with. Calling hours will be held on Friday, July 10, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Raymond E. Bond Funeral Home, Route 9, Valatie. Family and friends are invited to attend a graveside service on Saturday, July 11 at 11:00 a.m. at Woodlawn Cemetery, Route 203, Valatie. A celebration of Jesse’s life will follow at Glencadia Rod and Gun Club, County Route 46, Stuyvesant Falls.
28 - NYN July-August 2020
LEONARD WILLIAM AUSTIN Leonard William Austin, 65, beloved husband of Rebecca (Powers), died unexpectedly on May 29, 2020 at the family farm in White Creek, New York. Lenny was born in Bennington, VT on September 14, 1955 to Mary (Murphy) and Harold C. Austin. He grew up on Murphy Lane in White Creek where he chose to remain and raise his family. After graduating from Hoosick Falls Central School in 1974, Len worked as a cook and carpenter at Bennington College. In 1989, he left to pursue his dream of becoming a full-time dairy farmer. Lenny was a strong-willed, dedicated, faithful, proud farmer, husband, father, and grandfather, who excelled in bettering his life on the farm, in his home and with his close-knit family. Len married Becky, his high-school sweetheart, on October 16, 1976. Their love and devotion to each other was evident in everything they did. After Lenny’s tragic farm accident in 2016, he and Becky grew closer and depended on each other more than ever as they faced the challenges of each new day. Len’s determination to get back to work on the farm was an inspiration to countless who followed his journey. The origin of Lincoln Hill Farm dates back to when Len registered his first 4-H animal at the age of 9. Second only to family, his faithful farm companions, Baxter and Fluffy, and his cows were his pride and joy. In 1989, Len rented his Uncle Edward’s farm and began producing milk, where he grew the herd from 13 to 58 milking cows. In 1998, Len took a leap of faith to build his own facility which now boasts 450. This was one of his proudest accomplishments. Lenny was well known for cow care and won many awards for his efforts. He took great pride in teaching his sons to care for and show animals, a tradition which has also been passed along to his grandchildren. A few of his most prestigious awards were Lincoln Hill to Nibbles’ nomination as a finalist for Global Cow of the Year, Lincoln Hill Shot - Youngest Semen-Producing Millionaire at the time, and Progressive Herd Genetics Award (4 times). Len’s greatest expectations were surpassed when he was asked to host an International Select Sire Tour. In earlier years, Len volunteered with the White Creek Fire Department and served as a Tri-County Holstein board member. Besides his wife of 44 years, Leonard is survived by 2 sons: Andrew (Nikki) Austin and Adam (Meggi) Austin, all from White Creek; grandchildren Raen, Alexis, Ashton, Carter and Addison; and step-grandchildren Matthew, Zackary and Molly. Len was pre-deceased by his parents and infant twin siblings. The Austin family would like to especially thank Rody and Jane Walker for being such wonderful friends to Lenny through the years.
New York Member Directory
Sale or Dispersal in Your Future? !"#$%&'()"#*+ pedigrees & Marketing
Top Service Sires & Embryos (Genomic & Type)
Brad Cates 2685 Otisco Valley Rd. Marietta, NY 13110 (315) 729-3220
COOK FARM Home of high-type, true-transmitting cow families!
1 East Hadley Rd. – Hadley, MA 01035 Gordie & Beth Cook – Cell 413-447-1461 Hank & Debra Cook and Family Cell 413-320-1017 – www.cookfarm.com
HINZ-BOS HOLSTEINS Bruce & Kathie Hinz and Justin & Carrie Hinz 7923 Centerville Rd. – Fillmore, NY 14735 Justin: 585-689-0251 – Bruce: 585-689-0249
Gabriel & Penelope Carpenter Josiah & Alexandra 36 South St. – Dryden, NY 13053 607-543-1219 – Jonah 2:8 wideawakeholsteins@yahoo.com
Visitors and Inquiries on Cattle Always Welcome 309 Covered Bridge Rd. • Unadilla, NY 13849 Luke 607-435-2228 • Derek 607-435-1478 Joleanna@frontiernet.net
1609 Redstone Trail Green Bay, WI 54313 (H) 920.465.3880 (C) 920.737.3050
Bellvale Farms
Lea Jordan Associate Photographer 608.214.1845 leamccullough@gmail.com
The Buckbee & Noteboom Families 75 Bellvale Lakes Rd. Warwick, NY 10990 Al’s Cell: 845-742-8380
Mike Walker Photography mikewalkerphoto.net
Jordy son from Hotstuff
Cattle of all ages available! Deep pedigrees, outstanding type – the foundation kind! u
BAA: 111.0
Cell 716.397.1597
Strengthen your breeding program with Hercules! PTA +3.13 +2.14 UDC +2.76 FLC SCE 10.6% Dam: Starmark AD Hotstuff-Red-ET 2E-94 Semen is available at $10/Unit or $8/Unit for orders over 100 units plus shipping. Free delivery in New York State.
Breeding Stock of all ages available
7 Woodmancy St. Randolph, NY 14772
167 Valley Lane, Annville, PA 17003 brandtfive@comcast.net Ph: 717-821-1238 E-mail: brandtfive@comcast.net
Magazines For Sale DEAN SHARP District Sales Representative Western NY Cell: 585/721-8066 E-mail: dsharp@semex.com
Holstein World issues from 1978 – 1982 New York Holstein News issues from 1975 – Present Cost: 50 cents/issue Call: Scott Rhode 607-483-8991 or 607-731-7483
NYN July-August 2020 - 29
Share what’s happening with the rest of New York— send your local Holstein club news to Melissa Hart at
Another Look at Fantasia...
The Breed’s Newest “5E” Cow Roedale S Fantasia-ET (5E 95 @ 16-02) 8-08 2x 365 37,562 3.3 1239 2.6 970 LTD: 233,670M 7573F 6388P Fantasia calved in June and looks like a girl half her age. In addition to earning her 5E status, she had three new VG daughters during our July classification bringing her total to 3 EX and 8 VG daughters.
Have a story idea? Want to make a suggestion? NEWS
Other Classification Highlights: 7 new EX cows and 1 new EX bull 30 new VG cows, including 12 1st score 2 year olds Aspiration Lexi was raised to EX 94 Muranda Superman Hanibal raised to EX 90. Her Saloon son raised to EX 90 @ 2-03 The barns are full! Come see Fantasia and pick out a few cows to take home with you!
Don’t hesitate to contact her at 517-398-1957!
Building Something Special
Allan & Pat Pullis Jason, Holly, Max, & Owen Pullis Luke, Theresa, Adam, Lucia & Noah Pullis 626 McShane Rd., Richfield Springs, NY 13439 Phone: 315-858-0651 Luke’s Cell: 315-263-7422 Jason’s Cell: 315-794-6737
– Index of Advertisers – Art Timmel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Midas Touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
Bellvale Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Mike Walker Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Bill Forbes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Mountfield Holsteins
Clear-Echo Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
New York Holstein Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Cook Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
NY Calf Raffle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Co-Vale Holsteins, LLC., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Oakfield Corners Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Coyne Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Patsy Gifford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Cybil Fisher Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Premier Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Dairy Agenda Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Roedale Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Daniel Brandt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Roll-N-View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Dean Sharp – Semex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Scott Rhode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Elm Spring Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
The Cattle Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Field of Dreams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Tiger Lily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Hinz-Bos Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Tora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Joleanna Holsteins, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Welcome-Tel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Landis Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Wideawake Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Lantland Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25
Woodmansee Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Maple Downs Hay and Straw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
ZiemBarbWay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
30 - NYN July-August 2020
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Design Kristy Roose • Lea McCullough Danica photo Beth Herges Delicious photo
EX-93 – EEEVE – GMD – DOM 4-04 3X 365 37219 4.0% 1496 3.0% 1101
• Dam of 6 VG daughters, including Delicious • Sons in AI include: 7HO11525 Donatello 7HO12111 Dragonheart • 7HO11524 Dante • Grandsons in AI include: 203HO1468 Delta 151HO698 Draco • 7HO12570 Topgun • 7HO12440 Dude • Planet x VG Elegant x 2E-93 Durham x 4E-95 Rud Zip
VG-87 – VVVVE – GMD – DOM 2-05 2X 365 33780 3.3% 1121 3.1% 1047
• 2018 Holstein International Cow of the Year • Over 40 sons in AI including: 203HO1468 Delta 203HO1513 Dante • 551HO3416 Dynamo • 151HO690 Denver • Grandsons in AI include: 551HO3412 Noble • 551HO3413 Nitro 551HO3370 Nightsky • 551HO3369 Nightcap • Robust x EX-93 Planet Danica x VG Elegant x 2E-93 Durham x 4E-95 Rud Zip
DERRWYN Miss Special-RED LARS-ACRES FELICES Fame EX-94-2E – EEEEE – DOM Life: 1865d 165,170 4.0% 6688 3.1% 5141 • Holstein International R&W Cow of the Year 2008 • All-American R&W 125,000 Lb Cow 2008 • Res All-American R&W Aged Cow 2007 • All-American R&W 5 Yr Old 2006 • Grand Champion, Eastern Nat’l R&W Show 2006 • All-American R&W Sr 3 Yr Old 2004 • Res All-American Sr 2 Yr Old 2003 • Rubens x 2E-94 Factor x VG Triple Threat x EX Valiant Gold x 4 more VG/EX dams.
EX-91-2E – EEVVE 5-04 3X 277 25090 4.5% 1119 3.2% 807 • 30 grand-daughters on farm >2900 GTPI (as of July 2020) • 13 grand-daughters on farm >800 NM (as of July 2020) • Multiple sons and grandsons in AI including: Ronald Forky *RC & Legacy Faulk (coming soon to Select Sires) 7HO12601 Franchise 7HO14319 Forte 200HO11879 Flashlight 712HO1008 Foghat • Goldwyn x EX Durham x EX Outside x 5 more VG/EX dams from the 3E-95 Blackstar Raven cow family
EX-96-3E – EEEEE Life: 2070d 160,610 4.0% 6347 3.1% 4964 • Grand Champion, Northeast Fall Nat’l Holstein Show 2018 • Nom All-American Aged Cow 2018 • All-NY Aged Cow 2018 • Nom All-American Aged Cow 2017 • Supreme Champion, Western NY Regional Show 2017 • Supreme Champion, Western NY Spring Show 2017 • Res Grand Champion, Central NY Holstein Show 2017 • All-NY Aged Cow 2016 • Grand Champion Holstein, Western NY Regional Show 2016 • Supreme Champion, Western NY Spring Show 2016 • Res Senior Champion, NY State Fair 2013 • Res All-NY 4 Yr Old 2013 • Res Grand Champion, IA State Fair 2012 • Goldwyn x EX Linjet x EX-95 Beaumond Spendide Spirit (All-American 4 Yr Old ’03, HM All-American 5 Yr Old ’04)
VG-86 – VV++V – DOM 2-01 3X 365 31870 4.1% 1310 3.4% 1083 • ~50 sons in AI including: 29HO18812 Advisor 7HO12897 Samuri 29HO18373 Prophecy 7HO12899 SlamDunk • Grandsons in AI include: 551HO4153 Gayton 551HO3928 Stamford 200HO11753 Silverchair • Supersire x EX Robust Shimmer x VG Planet x VG Shottle x 6 more VG/EX dams from the Rudy Missy cow family
Jonathan Lamb 585-704-2501 • Alicia Lamb 585-993-8026 Jamie Black 518-353-2602 • Adam Dresser 716-474-1193
www.oakfieldcornersdairy.com oakfieldcorners@rochester.rr.com
Dina's Dynasty Co-Vale Dempsey Dina 4270-ET – EX-96
4X Nominated All-American 2X Unanimous All-American Senior Champion Mid-East Spring Show 2019 1st Aged Cow, HM SR Champion WDE 2018 1st 5 Yr-Old, Res. SR & Res. Grand Champion 2017 WDE Grand Champion 2017 RWF Intermediate Champion 2015 RWF 4-6 365 38901 4.0 1549 3.3 1252
Congratulations to Brad Cates of Co-Vale Holsteins for breeding Dina! Her accomplishments have far exceeded our highest expectations.
Thank you to Ransom Rail for purchasing ½ interest with us as a milking yearling in 2014 and being such great partners and friends. Also, the excellent care they gave her until their sale in 2017. Dina was fresh again in March and looks as good as ever! We wish her new owners, Milksource Genetics, and Ransom Rail continued success with her!
Don’t miss out on Dina’s offering at the Landis-MRK of Excellence Sale on August 28th Landis-MRK Barn Lancaster, PA - 11:00 AM
Dinas Arch Dallas-ET EX-90 EX90 – Dina’s first EX daughter 1 st choice female sells!
Bob & Janice Landis 915 Valley Road • Lancaster, PA 17601 717-413-1232 • landismarketing@aol.com
Dinas Doorman Delora-ET Fresh in June and looks amazing!