Michigan Junior Holstein News
From Your President
What a great summer it was to be a Junior Holstein member in Michigan! Before we dive into the fun of fall, let’s look back on everything that we accomplished this summer. We sent a group of juniors to the National Holstein Convention in Pennsylvania. Juniors were dominating the show ring at the All-Michigan Show and the Michigan Dairy Youth Show. Thanks to the different groups of individuals we were able to see youth in the state competing in judging, quiz bowl, and management contests for the first time since 2019! Michigan was represented by a strong group of juniors who attended the National Holstein Convention. While having fun they knew how to get down to business and compete, our Junior Dairy Bowl team placed in the top six overall, this team consisted of; Max Hughes, Abby Redman, Cash McCauley, and Olivia Black. Miriam Cook competed in the public speaking contest and took home third place with her speech, “Diversification Amidst Adversity.” Finally, Miriam Cook joined the National Junior Advisory Committee alongside one of our MJHA advisors, Tera Baker. The 2021 All-Michigan dairy show was dominated by junior participants across all breeds. The quality exhibited by juniors at this show was outstanding and everyone should be very proud of what was exhibited--congratulations to all who participated.
Fox, treasurer; Ian Black, Keagan Long, Abby Redman, Max Hughes, Olivia Black, and Ross Kelsey, atlarge members. Now that summer is coming to an end, the board is hard at work planning our fifth annual Holiday Cheese Sale! Keep an eye on our Facebook page for information about our options this year. The last day to order is November 26, 2021, the day after Thanksgiving! Good luck to all who will be participating at shows this fall! Thank you for your time,
Anna Moser President MJHA
The 2021 Michigan Dairy Youth Show was another big success for youth across the state. The dairy industry was represented well at the Michigan Livestock Expo Sale-abration. Anna Moser had the Supreme Champion Cow , the Supreme Champion Heifer was exhibited by Irene Nielsen, and Supreme Showman was Paige Remenar. We would like to extend a thank you to the groups and individuals who took it upon themselves to plan and host the state judging, quiz bowl, and management contests. Without your dedication to the dairy youth in Michigan we would not be able to succeed, thank you! Finally, this summer we held our annual meeting, at this meeting we voted for new board members and officer positions. New to our board of directors are Max Hughes and Ross Kelsey. Our board members are as follows: Anna Moser, president; Miriam Cook, vice president; Adalee Thelen, secretary; Emma
Fall 2021
Michigan Dairy Cattle News