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Great Lakes State Futurity #40 Rules
• Frank Robinson photo Design Topline Marketing + Design 8-00 364 days 42,770 4.1% 1770 3.1% 1305 Lifetime: 2996 300,110 4.0 118,78 3.1 9418
DAM: CLEAVE VIEW GOLD WATERLOO 93 EX 3E 9-03 365days 44,250 4.2% 1840 3.0% 1339 LIFE 2659 241410 4.4 10563 3.4 8207
12 years old and jumped 2 points from 92 to 94 during our last classification!
36 Years PBR Award Classification 111.2%
Striving for a balance of production & type Star-Summit Farm
Embryos, service age bulls & young bulls are available