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MHA 2020 A nnual Meeting Minutes

Michigan Holstein Association 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes

February 8, 2020

President, Tim Baker, called the meeting to order at 10:36 AM and referred members to the Proof of Due Notice in the 2019 Winter Michigan Dairy Cattle News. Tim introduced a distinguished guest; Mark Adam who the association presented with the 2020 Distinguished Service Award. Tim noted all of Mark’s accomplishments at NorthStar/CentralStar and as a dedicated and active member of the Michigan Holstein Association. Tim presented Mark with a plaque. Mark thanked everyone for the honor.

President Baker asked members to review 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes. Elizabeth Rupprecht moved and was supported by Gene VanRhee to accept minutes as printed. Members approved; motion carried.

Vice President, Brent Moyer, presented the financial report in the brochure. Members ask that we add line items for grant monies in proposed budget and have previous year’s review in hand. Following review, Christina Lehman moved to accept the reports as presented. Malissa Reed supported motion. Members approved; motion carried.

Max Dunseth, Holstein USA Regional Sales Representative, shared his report, mentioning that Tim Baker was on RFID-TV. Max mentioned the launching of Holstein Marketplace Sires that started in January 2019. This service assists Holstein breeders in marketing semen from their bulls to other dairy cattle breeders. Under the program, the bull owners retain ownership, and Holstein Marketplace Sires provides the vehicle for the semen to be sold. RFD-TV returned in 2019 for the “Holstein America” episodes. There were two of them. In September two dairies from Indiana were featured and the last one on February 7th had our own Tim Baker and Darita Holsteins form Indiana. In March, Holstein announced the new award The All-Michigan winners were recognized. From left, sitting: Malissa Reed, Kelly Raterink, Beth Rupprecht, Nicole Vander Ploeg. Standing: Brent Moyer, Randy Lettinga, Tim Baker, Ike Hunt, Darwin Sneller, Stan Moser, Drew Rupprecht.

10 Michigan Dairy Cattle News Spring 2020 recognizing U.S. Registered Holstein cows and their owners for exceptional performance at National Holstein Shows. The All-National Showcase Program is designed to add value to Registered Holstein cattle and reward their participation in National Shows. Judges Conference will be at Maddox Dairy in California March 13th. The deadline for early entry is 2.28.2020. The next YDLI class deadline for class 12 is August 1st, 2020. Red Book Plus Online: This web-based bull search and information program was launched in August. Max stated that users can quickly and easily find information on Holstein bulls, build and save tailored lists based on criteria that is important to you, and create customized selection indexes to rank bulls. Max spoke about the past convention in Wisconsin, and mentioned the winners of the Elite Breeder, Distinguished Leadership, and the Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder, and gave notice to the Junior and Senior Dairy Bowl teams and their respected winners. Member activity: Max noted the difficult year we had for farmers and the loss of 818 farms in Wisconsin. Correspondingly, while member activity was healthy in the Association’s programs, we didn’t break records like we had in the previous years, and the Association’s financials reflect that. Animals identified: 2019 we officially 693,266 Holsteins! This is the third highest number of animals the Holstein Association has identified in its history. Members: We welcomed 686 new Junior members and 284 new adult members to the Association in 2019. Per John Meyer: “We’re proud of the innovation that came out of 1 Holstein Place last year. I don’t know of any other organizations serving dairies that have come out with more new programs, products, or services that could be beneficial to their members or customers base than the Holstein Association did in 2019. Many thanks to all of you who played a part in the success of your Association.”

Max noted the Progressive Breeders’ Registry and Progressive Genetics Herd Award winners and reminded all that these are high honors that recipients should be proud to receive.

Melissa Hart, Michigan Dairy Cattle News, reported that the spring 2020 issue will be a Midwest Holsteins issue as will the summer issue which gives advertisers more exposure. Melissa thanked all contract advertisers whom she is very thankful to for their support. Melissa reminds everyone that they ALWAYS have something to advertise which keeps their names out in front of people. Melissa talked about the All-Michigan pages of the past that she wants to revamp and make a special section of the fall issue. She wants to have professional pictures of all the winners in the All-Michigan pages. Melissa said she will need sponsors for this section of the magazine and possibly support for the professional pictures that Frank Robinson will take. Sponsor for pages $2-2.5K, Pictures: Instead of trinkets, money discounted off professional photos. Ike Hunt suggested and members in attendance agreed that the MHA sponsor the pages and that this is a good use of funds in the investment account. Melissa reminded members that she hears great compliments outside of the state for the things the association does.

Kristen Burkhardt, Michigan Junior Holstein Association 2019 was a year full of great opportunity and growth for the Michigan Junior Holstein Association (MJHA). As we look back on the past year, we can’t help but thank everyone who helped make it a successful one. This past summer we sponsored another group of juniors to attend the Michigan Holstein Association 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes The 2019 Progressive Breeders Registry Award winners were recognized by HAUSA Rep. Max Dunseth (left). Recipients were Tim Baker (center) of Star Summit and Darwin Sneller of Starward Farms along with Holger-LRS Farm, LLC. And Carson Acres, LLC.

The Michigan Holstein Association President Tim Baker (right) presented Mark Adam (left) with the MHA Distinguished Service Award at the recent MHA annual meeting.

National Holstein Convention hosted in Wisconsin and came back with a first place in the banner contest. The youth who attended the convention were Lila Howell, Miriam Cook, Anna Moser, Abby Redman, Cash McCauley, Connor and Keegan Nugent. This is always a great opportunity for the juniors in our state to network with youth around the nation who are passionate about the Holstein breed, we look forward to sponsoring more juniors this upcoming year for a trip to Pennsylvania. At our annual meeting on July 17th we elected new members onto the board and the current board members are Kristen Burkhardt (president), Miriah Dershem (vice president), Anna Moser (secretary), Lila Howell (treasurer), Beka McDonald, Ian Black, Keagan Long, Miriam Cook, Irene Nielson, and Kyle Schafer (at-large members). Our current advisors our Renee McCauley, Tera Baker, Lauren Siver, and Sarah Dillon, our newest advisor. We have completed our third annual cheese sale where all proceeds go towards the activities that we host throughout the year, show awards, and the juniors that we send to the National Holstein Convention. We had a very successful sale this past November and would like to give a special thank you to everyone that supported us! The MJHA is hosting another educational workshop for the juniors on Saturday, February 8. This is a hands-on workshop for juniors to prepare for the Holstein Convention and also a chance to meet other youth from around the state and get involved in dairy-related activities, MJHA is looking forward to the spring show where we will be hosting Katie Coyne with Mill Wheel Dairy Show Clinics to host both a professional showmanship and fitting clinic on Friday, March 20 before the cow show. Katie has been doing these clinics around the nation and has had many successful juniors in all levels of shows including at The World Dairy Expo. We will also be hosting our basket sale and will be doing this in a silent auction format this year. In this next year our goal is to involve as many juniors as we can and work on building our presence here in the state. If you haven’t already, follow our Facebook page to stay up to date with our current events. We look forward to another successful year and can’t wait to see what opportunities 2020 will bring. Tim Baker honored Kristen Burkhardt on her Distinguished Junior Member of MJHA award and she will be continuing on at the national level. Kristen was gracefully honored and thanked all who had a part in her successes.

Tim Baker asked members to refer to page 16 for the membership report. He shared that we currently have 111 paid adult members.

Brent Moyer gave the 2019 spring sale update and reported on the reinstituted fall/winter sale which made the

12 Michigan Dairy Cattle News Spring 2020 association $1681.00. Randy Letting will be managing the spring sale again. The sale committee suggested and was approved by the board for Randy to manage a sale similar to the 2019 spring sale at the MSU Pavilion. Randy will also host a more commercial sale at Ravenna on Thursday March 19, 2020. The Spring Foundation Sale on March 20, 2020 at the MSU Pavilion will be the fancier type. The Foundation Sale is a guaranteed $2500 and for the sale at Ravenna the association will earn 2% of the profit. Randy said the sale for Thursday has several consignors lined up already. There are several consignments with great pedigrees lined up for the Foundation Sale as well. Randy urged members to get their consignments in early so they can be in the ads. There will also be Jersey heifers for sale. Melissa Hart and Nicole Vanderploeg shared their show committee report. Nicole advised that there are spring show entries available online, in the magazine and on the tables at the meeting. Brandon Ferry will be the judge. No confirmed judge for summer show at this time. Melissa and Nicole shared a power point of the 2019 summer show All-MI winners and passed out those certificates. Joe Domecq shared that the summer show schedule is not yet set. Joe suggests that one judge seems more reasonable with the numbers we have now. Stan Moser asked about the show schedule. Joe Domecq plans to work with show committee representatives to tweak the schedule to make it better. As soon as there is a definitive schedule it will be shared via Facebook and email.

Brent Moyer, 2019 Outstanding Young Breeder Award winner, honored the 2020 Wayne Webster Memorial Outstanding Young Breeder Award winners: Elizabeth and Malissa Reed. The ladies thanked everyone.

Darwin Sneller, 2019 Master Breeder Award winner, honored the 2020 Master Breeder; Steve Reed. Steve thanked everyone. Steve thanked Jess Jakubik for getting the Reed family started with showing at the state level. Ike Hunt handled elections. Tom Atherton moved to cast a unanimous ballot for President: Brent Moyer. Max Dunseth supported motion. Members approved. Max Dunseth moved to cast a unanimous ballot for Vice President: Steve Reed. Malissa Reed supported motion. Members approved. Director at large nominations candidates: Sherry Meyer, Drew Rupprecht, Allison Schafer, Eric Seller, Evan Stieg. Kelly Raterink nominated Malissa Reed for Director at large from floor. Elizabeth Rupprecht moved to close nominations. Dana Sue Kirk supported motion. Members approved. Max Dunseth and Ike Hunt collected ballots. Sherry Meyer, Malissa Reed, Drew Rupprecht, Allison Schafer, Eric Sneller are the new Michigan Holstein Association Board of Directors Representatives.

Brent Moyer presented out-going board members with honors: Jennie Koebel, Sarah Dillon (neither in attendance) and Jessica Jakubik. Thank you for your time spent supporting the association! Brent also presented Tim Baker with the plaque and gavel honoring him for serving as President of the Michigan Holstein Association for the past two years.

Melissa Hart mentioned that there may be an opportunity to move future annual meetings back to Friday afternoons/evening (per the GLRDC planners). Stan Moser brought up that it would be difficult to have junior on Friday evenings as there are many conflicts. Board will discuss at next meeting. Joe Domecq and Brian Troyer will need to know by July meeting.

Tom Atherton moved and was supported by Tim Baker to adjourn meeting at 12:29 Members approved.

Respectfully Submitted, Suzanne Tuttila The MHA held board elections and those board members present: From left sitting: Nicole Vander Ploeg, Kelly Raterink, Malissa Reed. Standing: Brent Moyer, Drew Rupprecht, Steve Reed. Kristen Burkhardt was awarded a scholarship from the MHA as the Distinguished Junior Member. She will compete in the national DJM contest at the National Holstein Convention in Lancaster, PA, in June.

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