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One More ThingThe Michigan Dairy Cattle News, the Michigan Holstein Association or their staff assume no liability for errors, omissions, content or for

One More Thing...

The 2021 MHA Photo contest is underway! Dust off your camera and submit your photos by November 20, 2021, to Suzanne Tuttila at michiganholstein1@gmail.com. Win a $100 credit toward an ad in the Michigan Dairy Cattle News! Don’t forget to check the Michigan Holstein Facebook page for directions on how to vote for the Michigan Cow of the Century Contest. Congratulations to Tony and Nicole Vanderploeg on expecting their third son in May! The Michigan Holstein Winter Sale is at Ravenna Auction in Ravenna, Michigan on December 17th with the Michigan Jersey Cattle Club. Watch MHA and MJCC Facebook pages for details and consignment

highlights. Plans are being made for the MHA Annual Meeting and the MJCC Annual meetings. These will be communicated to the membership online, email, and/or by snail mail. Be on the lookout for details coming soon! Long time breeder and exhibitor of Registered Ayrshires, Stanley Jackman of Croswell, Michigan is featured in the current issue of The Angle magazine – the combined magazine for the Ayrshire Breeders Association and the American Milking Shorthorn Society. Congrats to the Jackman Family!

If you do a job too well, you’ll get stuck with it. Stick the MDCN with your advertising! Contact Melissa Hart for your next ad! 517398-1957.

Like us on Facebook! Like the Michigan Holstein Association and the Michigan Jersey Cattle Club Facebook pages so you can keep up to date with the activities in the state!

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