2 minute read
Index to Advertisers
After a summer we’d all like to forget, a decent harvest and an active cow market, “time to enjoy milkin’ cows,” the only real reason we do all those other jobs. Evaluate your own cows and steal a few minutes to visit other breeds, to see what’s working for them, it’ll be energy well spent for both. Make a special effort to attend your club’s annual meeting and elections; two years apart is far too long. Looking forward to seeing everyone at state convention at Utica in January. Stay safe and healthy.
Buon Natale a tutti!
Carmen J. Lamanna
NYS 169N • Little Falls, NY 13365 315-823-2649 COMMENTS WELCOME!
Ad Deadline for January 2022 NY News is December 10th
Contact Melissa Hart to reserve your ad space today!
Farm.writer@hotmail.com Living The Dream
3-00 2x 365 23,350 4.8 1111 3.4 793 4-04 2x 331 25,510 4.0 1027 3.1 802 5-05 2x 365 27,140 4.9 1338 3.2 857 6-07 2x 365 29,890 5.0 1495 3.1 937 7-09 2x 365 34,640 5.0 1740 3.2 1102 9-01 2x 365 34,130 4.2 1429 3.1 1066 10-05 2x 365 36,830 4.5 1675 3.1 1137 11-11 2x 365 32,920 3.9 1283 2.8 932 13-05 2x 365 23,030 4.8 1101 3.0 697 Lifetime: 3900D 301,448 4.6 13,871 3.2 9,576 By Samuelo, 27 Dreams has been special from the very beginning. She has a 2E 92 Atwood daughter with over 42,000 of milk and a King Doc yearling due to calve in the spring.
HerDam: RoedaleAmericanDream-ET (EX 90)
3-00 2x 365 25,520 4.6 1186 3.2 821 By Outside, she had three sons in AI and left us with 3 EX (2 @ 94) and 7 VG daughters.
2ndDam: RoedaleStardomAsia (5E 94-DOM)
8-02 3x 365 55,740 4.6 2579 2.9 1625 LT: 3466D 323,990 4.3 14,007 3.3 10,610 The cow that all cows at Roedale are measured against, she had 5 EX and 14 VG daughters. Over 1/3 of today’s herd traces back to her.
Happy Holidays to all in the Holstein business. Thank you to all of our customers that bought breeding stock, feed or supported our new farm store in 2021. We look forward to seeing you again in 2022!
Building Something Special
Allan & Pat Pullis Jason, Holly, Max, & Owen Pullis Luke, Theresa, Adam, Lucia & Noah Pullis 626 McShane Rd., Richfield Springs, NY 13439 Luke’s Cell: 315-263-7422 Jason’s Cell: 315-794-6737
– Index of Advertisers –
B & L Holsteins ................................................. .21 Convention ET Sale 2022 ......................................... .10 Cook Farm, LLC ................................................ .29 Co-Vale Holsteins, LLC .......................................... .29 Coyne Farms, Inc. ............................................... .29 Cybil Fisher Photography ......................................... .29 Dairy Agenda Today .............................................. .6 Daniel Brandt Pedigrees & Marketing ................................ .29 Field of Dreams ................................................ 2-3 Folts Farm ..................................................... .15 Granny Anne Holsteins ........................................... .24 Hampel’s Calf-Tel/ Kelly Driver ..................................... .29 Joleanna Holsteins, LLC ......................................... .29 Manavale Holsteins ............................................. .30 Maple Down Hay & Straw ......................................... .29 Merrillea Holsteins .............................................. .25 Michael J. McCaffrey/aAa Weeks ................................... .29 Midas Touch ................................................... .32 Mike Walker Photography ......................................... .29 Monanfran Holsteins ............................................. .17 New York Holstein Association ...................................... .5 New York Life, Denise M. Lloyd Agent ............................... .29 Oakfield Corners Dairy ........................................... .31 Ovaltop Holsteins ................................................ .8 Premier Select Sires .............................................. .7 Roedale Farm .................................................. .30 The Cattle Exchange ............................................ .27 Tiger Lily Holsteins ............................................... .6 Timmel, Art ..................................................... .9 Useful Farm Products ........................................... .29 Watch Hill Holsteins ............................................. .16 Wideawake Holsteins ............................................ .29