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All-NY Entry Entry Form
ALL-NEW YORK & JUNIOR ALL-NEW YORK CONTEST ENTRY FORM **All Entries & Photos Must Be Received by November 15, 2020** **This deadline will be strictly enforced**
All-New York Entry _______________ Junior All-New York Entry_______________ Bred & Owned Entry_______________ (check all that apply)
Class in which Competing ________________________________________________________________ Birth Date of Entry _______________ Name of Entry __________________________________________________________________________ Registration No. _________________ Name/Address of Breeder ________________________________________________________________ Date Purchased _________________
Sire ___________________________________________________________________________________ Registration No. _________________ Dam __________________________________________________________________________________ Registration No. _________________ Name of Exhibitor________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address_____________________________________________________________________ Town________________________ Zip ___________
Email Address _______________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________
Included with this entry form must be:
________________ A complete 2020 show record in the format attached to this entry form ________________ Photos - (Juniors & Seniors must submit one photo per entry - digital or hard copy.)
Photo Rules for All Entries
I. Only professional photos will be accepted. A professional photo is defined as: a) side view of the animal b) standard professional pose and set-up c) photographer’s identification/insignia must appear on the front of photo d) digital photos must be high resolution/clear and of quality to be published II. All photos must be a current year photo of the animal III. Digital photos may be sent via email or reproduced on high-quality photo paper.
___________________________________ Photo submitted ID number
_________ Photo being sent by ___________________________________________________________________ Date Taken ______________
Classes Recognized
Spring Heifer Calf-born on or after 3/1/20 Fall Yearling Heifer-born 9/1/18 to 11/30/18 5-Yr.-Old-Cow-born 9/1/14 to 8/31/15 Winter Heifer Calf-born 12/1/19 to 2/29/20 Fall Yearling Heifer In Milk-born 9/1/18 to 11/30/18 Aged Cow-born before 9/1/14 Fall Heifer Calf-born 9/1/19 to 11/30/19 Jr. 2-Yr.-Old Heifer-born 3/1/18 to 8/31/18 150,000-lb. Cow Summer Yrlg. Heifer-born 6/1/19 to 8/31/19 Sr. 2-Yr.-Old Heifer-born 9/1/17 to 2/28/18 **Junior Best Three Females Spring Yrlg. Heifer-born 3/1/19 to 5/31/19 Jr. 3-Yr.-Old Cow-born 3/1/17 to 8/31/17 **Produce of Dam Winter Yrlg. Heifer-born 12/1/18 to 2/28/19 Sr. 3-Yr.-Old Cow-born 9/1/16 to 2/28/17 **Daughter-Dam 4-Yr.-Old Cow-born 9/1/15 to 8/31/16 **Best Three Females
**Denotes classes not offered in the Junior All-New York Contest
2020 All-New York Contest Rules
1. Only Holsteins of 87% or greater RHA (Registered Holstein Ancestry) are eligible. 2. Animal must have been owned by a NY Holstein resident member at the time of a show in which the animal qualified. Partnership animals will be accepted providing one partner was a NY Holstein resident member at the time of the show in which the animal qualified. 3. To qualify, animal (or group) must show in a county Holstein show, district show, or be among the top five at the New York Holstein State
Show. 4. One switch will be allowed in group classes. 5. Junior exhibitors who meet the qualifications of this contest are eligible to enter. Animals shown by a junior with a non-ownership certificate are also eligible. 6. Recognition will be given for the Best Bred & Owned animal in all individual classes. 7. The All-New York committee reserves the right to reject entries/photographs that do not meet these rules or photo specifications above. 8. All entries and appropriate photographs must be received by November 15, 2020 to be eligible for the contest.
2020 Junior All-New York Contest Rules 1. Only Holstein females of 87% RHA (Registered Holstein Ancestry) are eligible. Owner must be a resident Junior member of the NY Holstein
Association at the time of the show in which the animal qualified. 2. Ownership date must be recorded on the animal’s registry certificate as July 15, 2020 or earlier. Animals must have been owned/leased by member at a show in which she qualified. An animal owned by a partnership of Junior members is eligible provided each member meets all qualifications. Junior-Senior partnership animals are not eligible for this contest. 3. To qualify animal must have placed first or second at any local or district, Junior Show, Holstein Show, Open show OR have placed in the top five at the New York Holstein State Show. 4. Recognition will be given for the Best Bred & Owned in each class. 5. The All-New York committee reserves the right to reject entries/photographs that do not meet these rules or photo specifications above. 6. All entries and appropriate photographs must be received by November 15, 2020 to be eligible for the contest.
Signed____________________________________________________________________ (Exhibitor) Date
Any questions should be directed to Chelsea Hanselman - 607.437.5866 Mail completed entry, photos and show record to: New York Holstein Association - 840 Hanshaw Rd., Suite #5, Ithaca, NY 14850
Please list all placings for every 2020 show in which entry competed, regardless of placing. Omission or misrepresentation of any placing will result in disqualification. Please type or print legibly. Include only class placings, Best Udder of Class, Best Udder of Show, and Champion designations. DO NOT include production awards, placings in any Red & White shows, Best Bred & Owned, futurity placings, showmanship placings or any notes or comments about the condition of the animal on show day. Sample entry: “2nd & Reserve Junior Champion at New York State Holstein Show.” Please separate shows by level of competition as indicated below on this form.
Name of Animal ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Class ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_________ New York Holstein State Show
_________ Mid-East Spring National Holstein Show _________ Northeast Spring National Holstein Show _________ Southern Spring National Holstein Show _________ Midwest Spring National Holstein Show _________ Western Spring National Holstein Show _________ Mid-East Summer National Holstein Show _________ Midwest Fall National Holstein Show _________ Eastern Fall National Holstein Show _________ Northeast Fall National Holstein Show _________ Southern Fall National Holstein Show _________ International Holstein Show _________ Mid-East Fall National Holstein Show _________ Southern Fall National Holstein Show _________ Mid-East Fall National Holstein Show _________ NAILE, Louisville
_________ New York Holstein State Show
_________ Mid-East Spring National Holstein Show _________ Northeast Spring National Holstein Show _________ Southern Spring National Holstein Show _________ Midwest Spring National Holstein Show _________ Western Spring National Holstein Show _________ Mid-East Summer National Holstein Show _________ Midwest Fall National Holstein Show _________ Eastern Fall National Holstein Show _________ Northeast Fall National Holstein Show _________ Southern Fall National Holstein Show _________ International Holstein Show _________ Mid-East Fall National Holstein Show _________ Southern Fall National Holstein Show _________ Mid-East Fall National Holstein Show _________ NAILE, Louisville Open Show (Jr. Division)
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Melissa Hart, Editor Ph. 517-398-1957 Farm.writer@hotmail.com