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Membership Directory Issue
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Barn Favorites
Savage-Leigh Aspen Lorna-ET EX92
3-04 365 31935 4.6 1488 3.3 1049
Dam: Savage Leigh Leona EX96 GMD 4x All American Nominee 42050 4.3 1746 2nd Dam: Savage Leigh Licorice EX92 GMD 2006 All American Nominee 51220 4.3 2179 3rd Dam: Savage Leigh Bellwood Linda EX92 GMD 1999 All American Nominee 40,240 5.8 2349
We hav Absolute and e three Armanis. Atwoods com ing soon!
2015 Spring Dairy Expo Reserve Champion Top Acres Garbro Brite-ET EX91 2E 5-02 365 27853 4.9 1341 3.9 1099 Dam: Top Acres Pre Bouquet EX94 3E 3x All American
Visitors Are Always Welcome
Dick 330-948-1427 Tom 330-948-1137 Bill 330-608-9770 Tyler 330-416-8891 Jim Morlock, Jr. Fitting and Showing
Priority PriorityIAC IAC
the Smart bacteria Company the Smart bacteria Company TM
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Priority IAC Priority IAC
the Smart bacteria Company
Paradise-R Dorne Draper 7H10976
Something different with Milk, Type and CE% No Planet, Mogul, Goldwyn or Oman Just Good Customer-Appreciated Bulls: Dorne, Burt, Mtoto, Test, Rotate, Bell Sears
And more bulls that are customer favorites from the same family: Paradise-R Cleitus Mathie (7HO3707) Paradise-R Sears Saber-ET (7HO4457) Paradise-R Choice Spy-ET (7HO4992) Paradise-R Roebuck (14H1114) Paradise-R Sailor 95-ET (14H2586)
20-YEAR PROGRESSIVE GENETICS HERD AWARD Bill, Brian and Michael Ramsey Families 7632 Columbus Road NE • Louisville, OH 44641 • Phone & Fax 330-875-4539 OHIO NEWS
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(USPS 404-600) (ISSN: 0899-4862) Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association
Volume 81 Number 2 May/June 2015 Published 5 times per year in February, May, August, October and December at Sugarcreek, OH by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691
Subscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue. Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Email Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd. Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Wooster, Ohio 44691. OFFICE STAFF Executive Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Thorbahn cell 419-366-8135 Office Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diana Miley Marketing and Sales Manager. . . . . . . . . David Gunkelman cell 330-464-3259 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Bickel cell 513-300-7291 Webmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Spike OFFICERS President . . . . . Randall Kiko, Salem . . . . . . .330-831-0174 Vice President . Paul Haskins . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-618-4028 Secretary . . . . . Suzy Lora, Salem . . . . . . . . . 330-537-3797 Treasurer . . . . . Lisa Kerr, N. Fairfield . . . . . . 419-606-0527 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Dallas Rynd, Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-207-5005 Joe Miley, West Salem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-263-7814 Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-770-6206 Greg Conrad, New Holland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-495-5067 NATIONAL DIRECTOR Mike Jones 760 East 450 North, Marshall, IN 47859. . . . 765-592-0644 BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . 330-770-6206 Dist. 2 Adam Whiteleather, Salem . . . . . . . . 330-205-1738 Dist. 3 John Hartline, Whipple . . . . . . . . . . . .740-236-7240 Dist. 4 Jen Bouton, Mt. Vernon . . . . . . . . . . . 740-507-8271 Dist. 5 Greg Conrad, New Holland. . . . . . . . . 740-495-5067 Dist. 7 Lisa Mangun, Burbank . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-435-6520 Dist. 7 Paul Haskins, Butler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-618-4028 Dist. 8 Ryan Welch, Polk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .419-651-5281 Dist. 9 Matt Lawson, Bluffton . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-538-7110 Dist. 10 Laurie Menzie, McClure . . . . . . . . . . 740-624-6367 Dist. 11 Kristy Ackley, East Liberty . . . . . . . . 937-666-5502 Dist. 12 Marvin Steinke, Wapakoneta . . . . . 419-738-7174 Dist. 13 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Dist. 14 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta. . . . . . . . . . . 419-953-3427 Dist. 15 Justin Davidson, Hillsboro . . . . . . . .937-403-7132 Postmaster: Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691
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The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following: “The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”
A Message From the Executive Director, by Tom Thorbahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 From the President, by Randall Kiko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Coming Up in the August/September Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 From the Editor, by Jackie Bickel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2015 Ohio News Publication Deadlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 9
New Leadership at the Helm of Ohio Holstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 2015 District Show Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ohio Holstein Women’s Annual Meeting Update, by Kathy Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Highlights from the 95th Annual Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-19 Ohio Holstein Convention Sale Report, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 From Your Regional Representative, by Glen Sageser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ohio News Advertising Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Holstein Grapevine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 BarbWire, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Ohio Holstein Spring Sale Update by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Lahmers Promoted by COBA/Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 East Clinton FFA State Dairy Judging Team Champions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Red & White News: Results from Spring Dairy Expo . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 Ohio News August/September Cover Design Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2015 Mid-East Spring National Holstein Open Show Results . . . . . . 44-45 2015 Mid-East Spring National Junior Holstein Show Results . . . . . . . 46-47 Animal ID Update for 2015 World Dairy Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2015 Ohio Holstein Membership Directory Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-61 District 3 Annual Meeting Highlights by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 The Queen’s Corner, by Emma Mathews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Junior Jottings, by Korey Oechsle, News Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Ohio 4-H and FFA 2015 Event Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Ohio 4-H State Dairy Judging Contest, by Sherry Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 2015 Junior Membership Directory Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-71 2015 Ohio 4-H Dairy Achievement Award Winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Coming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Our Apologies! In the 2015 All-Ohio Calendar, an incorrect photo was published for the Jr. All-Ohio 125,000# Cow. To the left is the correct photo of Markers Dundee Olivia. Our apologies to Mickayla King for this error.
From The Executive Director By Tom Thorbahn
Well spring is finally here— sunshine, warmer weather, birds singing and spring flowers, what a relief after a cold and snowy winter. The weather of winter did not keep Registered Holstein breeders from attending the Convention Sale in March, with a large crowd on hand we had a great sale; you can read the full report in this issue. A big thank you to Quietcove Holsteins, the Elsass family, for hosting the sale and all that went into getting ready. The Sale Committee did a great job, with super consignments. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on making this a great sale. At our Annual Meeting in Lima, hosted by District 12, Randall Kiko took over the Presidency from outgoing President, Dallas Rynd. Congratulations to new Vice-President, Paul Haskins, and Secretary, Susan Lora; Lisa Kerr remains as Treasurer. The Nominating Committee appreciates all those who considered running for office this year, a special thank you to those who said yes to running for office. The Association also thanks District 12 for arranging and hosting this year’s events. One complaint the office has heard about is the slow delivery of the Ohio News by the post office. The News Committee, editor, Jackie Bickel, and myself have decided to try a different mailing rate; evidently other breed magazines are having similar problems.
Rosa Update On
VT-Pond-View Real Rosa-Red VG-85 VG-MS 2-04 185D 14,505M 4.2% 609F 3,0% 432P
Rosa was purchased at the 2013 National Holstein Convention Sale, Indianapolis, IN
Rosa has three December pregnancies by Armani Her Dam: Ms Greenle Kite Rizz-Red-ET EX-90 EX-MS Next Dam: RRK Red-Marker Rizz-Red EX-94 2E EEEEE All-American R&W Sr. 3-Yr Old 2000
U-Dean Farms
669 St. Rt. 89, Polk, OH 44866 Welch Family Farm since 1867 • Registered Holsteins since 1913 Esther, Karen & Scott Welch Dean & Doris Welch Randy & Mike 419-945-2250 419-945-2411 419-945-2542 cell 419-606-6945
Please let us know if your News continues to be later than normal. Those of you who attended the Annual Meeting heard that the Ohio Holstein members will be hosting the National Holstein Convention in 2021. In February I received an email from Kelli Dunklee at Holstein USA about an opening to host the convention in 2021. Your state board has discussed the possibility of moving forward our year to host the convention; we had been scheduled for 2025. We have now been given the ok to move up and host the convention in 2021. At the Ohio Holstein Board Reorganizational meeting following the Annual Meeting, the board approved Julie Renner and myself as the Co-Chairpersons of the National Convention in 2021. Julie and I will be developing a
Ryan 419-651-5281
steering committee and begin site visits. We have a lot of rules from Holstein USA we must follow as we begin on this journey and make our plans. I hope each of you will consider helping out as we move forward. Also keep in mind this year’s National Convention and Meeting will be held in St. Charles, Illinois, June 23-26. If you would like information on the convention, the website is www. Looking forward to the summer, I hope each of you will attempt to attend or exhibit at your District Show. I know how busy the summer is for dairymen, but what a better way to pass a summer day then visiting with fellow breeders about the great Holstein cow.
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A Message From The President
By Randall Kiko
Hello Holstein Breeders, I hope everybody is off to a great spring! I want to personally thank everyone at Quietcove Farms for hosting a great convention sale in March. Also, thank you to Jeff Brown and Jeremy Elsass for all of your assistance with behind the scenes preparations. I was fortunate enough make it down to watch the Red & White show and the Holstein heifers classes at the Spring Dairy Expo. I was impressed with the depth in all the classes. Congratulations to all the breeders and exhibitors for the quality displayed. I’m looking forward to the next two years as your president of this association. Please feel free to contact me at anytime for concerns you may have. We have a great board and staff on hand. I also believe that Ohio has some of the best Holstein breeders in the country. On another note, I like quotes. One of my favorite quotes I heard from an older gentleman years ago. “There are three types of people. One that makes things happen, one that watches things happen, and one that asks what just happened?” Which person do you want to be? Keep striving to meet your personal and family goals. Take care and God Bless all of you!
Randall Kiko
e u s s I Junior Issue t x e N
Results from the Ohio State Fair 2015 National Convention Report District Show Reports and Placings And More! 6
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Thanksgiving Day...
We were pleased to add ...officially comes but once a year PLATINM MARKE on theS-S-I calendar... 9050-ET ...but I have(+2425G learned that it should 4/2015) occurtoeach and it program is right to ourday breeding acknowledge often as oneSale! can! during theasConvention She is due May 26 with an ultrasound heifer We are thankful for ourby the SEAGULL-BAY health we have and SHERIFF-ET our ability to (a two-for-one purchase with a +2410 TPI built in!) enjoy our family as they move on in * * * are especially their lives...grandkids Enlight shows a joy! Ouranalysis friends(4/2015) and neighbors interesting characteristics aresome another source of joy. of our heifer pens.
75% are P9 rank My Holsteins are my pride and“Top joy!10” Weaverage are truly thankful for +2316 TPI with the Rausch family (Bill, Joyce, 4 MOGULS & 6 different sires PTAM +50 good PTAP Brian and+715 Jen) PTAF and their +26 who PL +4.08 +.86 and employees keepDPR our cows PTAT +2.10 +2.10UDC +1.88 FLC heifers doing well.
We recent are currently usingBAA Our most herd-average heavily with some is MONTROSS from 6/14 and our production SPARK and MILLINGTON also. figures are from the October DHI report.Our fresh SHAMROCKS and MOGULS are
38 cows 27,893 1,037 3.1% 861 really3.7% pleasing! BAA 105.5
IVF-Female Embryos For Sale by 7H5157 Durham & Awesome-RED
RC-LC Goldwyn ATM EX-92 DOM
Aurora-Rama Ava -RC @2-9 GTPI 2145 VG-87, 88-MS
Ava is an Alchemy RC x VG-86 Pembroke x RC-LC Goldwyn ATM EX-92 DOM Her record to date is 2-2 136 days 11,318 4.3F 488 3.3P 370 Last milk test had 91.8 lbs./day with a 4.7F and 3.4P Ava is pregnant, due 12/5/15 to sexed Gold Chip
Matt Steiner and Sons | 8586 Benner Road • Marshallville, OH 44645 | | Andrew: 330-466-9137 • Matt: 330-466-1896 • Ethan 330-466-8916
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“Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.” ~John Lennon By Jackie Bickel, Ohio News Editor
I am a planner and my husband is not. But nonetheless, I like life to happen in an orderly fashion, if I can help it. I prefer to do things myself, and I rarely ask for help. However, March 2015 reminded me that despite my neatly written to-do lists, task alerts on my phone and Excel spreadsheets posted around the house and farm, I am not in charge. And, help is not such a bad thing, after all. As many of you know, Donald and I were expecting our first child “together” in March. Carson Phillip Bickel was scheduled to arrive on Saturday, March 28th. This panicked my husband because March is one of our busiest months of the year. But I thought, “No problem! I’ll get the March Ohio News to the printer, knock out my duties at the Ohio Holstein Annual Meeting, travel to Mercer Co. with my daughter and her teammates for the State FFA Dairy Judging Contest, have a baby and then arrive at the Spring Dairy Expo with a perfectly-groomed string and a son to show off at ring-side.” While I was busy making plans, life happened. Everything went according to schedule, until Carson made his debut into the world. Upon his arrival, we had some complications, which resulted in a month-long stay at Dayton Children’s Hospital in the NICU. This was not on any of my to-do lists and that was the point where my planning on paper was wadded up and thrown out onto the burn pile. 8
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Donald and I found ourselves spending 4-plus hours a day traveling to the hospital to see Carson. We would attempt to make the trek in-between morning and evening chores. But soon, we found ourselves dragging into the hospital late at night, after all the chores were done, because we just couldn’t get away from the farm during the day. Did I mention that Don and I took over the family farming operation in March , as well? At first, we responded to offers of help with, “Thanks, but we’ve got it under control.” And that was so far from the truth. Soon, our responsibilities were piling up, and for the first time, life was overwhelming. I gravitated to my comfort zone and took the girls to Spring Expo, so I could surround myself with work and our “cow family.” It was there, not long after Carson was born, that I realized Donald and I needed help. Not just physical labor, but the emotional and moral support, as well. And it was okay to accept the help and admit that we aren’t as tough as we want everyone to think we are. I expected my family and church to reach out to us, but what I didn’t expect was the outpouring of support and help that came from our dairy friends. Offers to milk, feed, take care of the girls, cook, clean, say a prayer...they came from all parts of our Association... from individuals I had never even met. And I was humbled. It was Spring, and I knew everyone was just as busy as we were. Their willingness to share our burdens was a sacrifice for them. If it wasn’t for our neighbors and dairy friends, Donald and I would not have been able to take the time each day to see Carson. If we didn’t have the extra hands, our crops would have been even later getting into the ground, and we would still have cows that needed to be
turned out from the cow lot. With every ton of feed that was ground, every load of manure that was spread and every acre of ground that was turned, I was thankful to be a part of the dairy community. We could leave for the hospital, every day, knowing that our responsibilities were being handled by capable hands, and that gave us peace of mind. I learned to not be so controlling, and appreciate the fact that the chores may not be done at the time of day that we would have done them, but the fact that they were completed was far more important. To say thank you seems to be so inadequate, and most of you would shrug it off as no big deal. But to Don and I, our friends and family made a huge difference during a very tough time for us. In the future, when one of our “cow family” finds themselves in need of a helping hand, we will be there. Sleeves rolled up, ready to do what we can. God blessed me with a son who has already taught me such an important lesson in his two months of life. I’m not saying that I’ve completely jumped over the fence to live the life of chaos that my husband seems to thrive in, but I am learning that there are better, more important things I can spend my time on, rather than generating ways to stay organized. Now that Carson is finally home, I’m approaching life as it happens. If you stop in, my lawn probably needs mowed and my garden has noticeable weeds. You’ll have to move a load of laundry off the couch to have a seat and there will be dishes in the sink. My desk is a mess because I’m a bit behind in registering calves and we aren’t eating as many meals “from scratch.” But the important things are taken care of, such as my family and the farm. And that’s okay, because I’m learning how to keep busy living life, instead of busy planning it.
Executive committees. He presently is a trustee and the vicechairman of the National Holstein Foundation. Active as a 4-H leader for many years, he coached the dairy judging team and served on the Sandusky County and state 4-H Extension Advisory Committees. Tom was on the Marketing Panel for the Governor’s Strategic Task Force for the Dairy Industry in the early 1990’s.2015 He hasIssue been active on August/September the District 9 board, serving as state director, and on the Editorials and Articles . . . . . . . . July 30 county dairy board. Tom has also received the Sandusky Ads Farmer to beofDesigned . . .the. .Outstanding . . . . July Service 30 County the Year award .and Award from the Ohio Holstein Association, along with Finished Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 5the Ohio State University Dairy Science Hall of Service Award. Tom and his wife Linda, a retired Fremont elementary art October/November 2015 Issue teacher, married 37 years ago at Good Shepherd Lutheran Editorials and Articles . . . September 10 Church. Tom has been a church council member and officer, Ads to be Designed . . worship . . . September Sunday school teacher, usher, leader and 10 choir member. Besides cows, passion of Tom’s. Finished Ads . . .singing . . . . . is. .another . . September 15 He has sung with the Veracious Voice of Victory Choir and is presently president of the Terra Choral Society. This 120December 2015 Issue member group, now in its 13th year, performs in Northwest Editorials and Articles . . . .November 10 Ohio, and for the second time, will return to participate in Ads to be Designed . . . . .Concert November 10 the National Memorial Day Festival at the Kennedy Center in Washington presented concerts Finished Ads . .D.C. . . . The . . . choir . . . . has November 15 with guest artists including Elizabeth VonTrapp. This spring they will be working with recording artist Melissa February/March 2016 Issue Manchester and record for her new album. Editorials and Articles . . . . . . January 10 Tom and Linda have one daughter, Ashley, a graduate of Ads to be Designed . . . .in. . chemistry. . . January 10 Capital University with a degree Presently, Ashley is enrolled in professional school at The Ohio State Finished Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 15 University in the School of Pharmacy, working toward her doctorate degree.
Upcoming Deadlines for Ohio News
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New Leadership At The Helm Of Ohio Holstein DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & MEMBER SERVICES
Dave Gunkelman (D7) will be working part time as the Director of Marketing and Member Services. The Executive Committee has directed that he will be handling selection of consignments and coordinating the Ohio Holstein Association-sponsored sales; and work with the Sale Committee. He will also handle any private treaty sales for the Association. He will be doing on-farm visits to members, as well as non members, in an effort to promote the Association and gain new membership. If his schedule allows, Dave may attend district and state shows and meetings. He will work directly under the supervision of the Executive Director and or the Executive Committee. He presently is also employed as a territory manager in Ohio and eastern Indiana, for the Salford Group based in Osceola, Iowa. Dave can be reached at 330464-3259 or
Paul has crossed paths with many association members through exhibiting and judging cattle in addition to many other district, state and national activities.
Suzy Lora (D2) is the wife of John Lora and mother of Katey Lora. Married for 38 years, they milk 45 cows in a ties stall barn on John’s home farm in Mahoning County, under the name of Lorawae Holsteins, LLC. They own 160 acres and rent another 100 acres. Suzy’s jobs on the farm include taking care of the calves, from newborn to yearling heifers,bookkeeping and calf registration. She helps feed and care for the milking herd, as well. In the summer, she works ground and does the round and square baling of their hay and straw. The family shows at their District Show, Ohio State Fair and the Canfield Fair.
Paul Haskins (D7), works with his parents, Bob and For the past 15 years, Suzy has been the SecretaryJan, on their 255 acre farm in Butler, Ohio, where they Treasurer of the Columbiana-Mahoning County relocated in 2010. The Rohaven Holstein herd has Holstein Club and a past 4-H advisor. internally grown to 85 cows averaging over 25,000M and earning Progressive Breeder Registry status for several years. Paul is a graduate of The Ohio State University, majoring in dairy science with a minor in agribusiness. Prior to being elected as Vice-President, Paul represented District 7 on the OHA Board of Directors and served on the Membership, Sales and Show Committees. He is also a member of the National Futurity Board and recently elected as secretary for District 7. This summer, Paul will represent Ohio as a delegate to the National Holstein Convention and has served in this capacity multiple times. Other previous roles include secretary of the OHA Board of Directors and chairing both the Show and Breed Improvement Paul Haskins (D7) and Suzy Lora (D12) assumed their new offices with the Ohio Holstein Association during the Committees. He is also an alumnus of the Holstein elected 2015 Annual Meeting. Foundation Young Dairy Leaders Institute (YDLI)
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2015-2016 ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Annual Meeting • Julie Renner* • Jackie Bickel • Matthew Lawson • Tom Thorbahn Breed Improvement • Paul Haskins* • Jen Bouton • Tony Broshes • Lamar Liming • Lisa Mangun • Scott Sprunger Buckeye Breed Builder • Jim Ray* • Dick Indoe • Russell Kiko III • John Lora • Ted Renner • Terry & Marcia Stanmen • Ethan Steiner • Tom Thorbahn • Eric & Mary Topp • Mary Lou Topp • Adam Whiteleather Building • Ted Renner* • Jon Miley • Dan Schlabach • Steve Watts Finance • Lisa Kerr* • Dick Indoe • Ken Janes • Bruce Keener • Matthew Lawson • Lisa Mangun • Steve Moff • Brandon Price • Julie Renner • Chris Sayers • Jim Sheffield • Tom Thorbahn • Judy Wolford Membership • Ken Janes* • Angi Kaverman
• John & Ruth Polchin • Eric Topp • John Young • All Board Members News • Cheri Oechsle* • Chris Sayers* • Jackie Bickel • Greg Conrad • Bill Indoe • Mary Liming • Barb Lumley • Lisa Mangun • Leslie Maurice • Jane Miley • Pete Spike • Jenny Thomas • Ray Twining Nominating • Joe Miley* • Dallas Rynd* • John Hartline • Nancy Kemp • John Spreng • Terry Stanmen Program Development • Paul Haskins* • Regina Berg • Pete Spike • All Committee Chairs PDCA • Steve Moff* • Angi Kaverman • John Spreng Resolutions • John Hartline* • Suzanne Lora • Barb Lumley • Jim Sheffield • Marvin Steinke Sales • Steve Deam* • Ken Janes* • Barb Lumley* • Curtis Bickel • Jeff Brown • Scott Carle • Dave Gunkelman
• Jared Harding • Paul Haskins • Eric Havens • Steve Jordan • Randall Kiko • Chris Lahmers • Jason Miley • Terry Rawn • Ted Renner • Ben Simpson • Pete Spike • Ryan Welch Shows • Steve Moff* • Matt Andrews • Becky Barker • Linda Beardsley • Dave Conrad • Dave Cornish • Jeremy Elsass • Paul Haskins • Cindy Howman • Angi Kaverman • Matthew Lawson • Ryan Lingle • Tony Menzie • Jason Miley • Nathan & Jenny Thomas • Mary Lou Topp • Patrick Twining • Adam Whiteleather • Heather Yoder Youth • Matthew & Megan Lawson* • Cathy & Peter Berg • Jodie Crossgrove • Brenda L’Amoreaux • Estell & Lamar Liming • Lisa & Roy Mangun • Jana Mussard • Cheri & Jim Oechsle • Dallas Rynd & Judy Wolford • Jacquelyn Sherry • Jason Whiteleather *denotes chairperson
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DistrictShow 7 Show ReportCANFIELD FAIR District Dates
Four-Year-Old Cow 1. Brook Hollow Farm; 2. (JR) Adam Miley; 3. Lingle Holstein Farms Five-Year-Old Cow 1. Brook Hoillow Farm; 2. Brook Hollow Farm; 3. Paul Haskins Aged Cow 1. Brook Hollow Farm 125,000 Pound Cow 1. Brook Hollow Farm Senior Champion Junior Show Four-Year-Old, Adam Miley Senior Champion Open Show Four-Year-Old, Brook Hollow Farm Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Second Four-Year-Old, Adam Miley Grand Champion Junior Show Four-Year-Old, Adam Miley Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Senior Two-Year-Old, David Miley Grand Champion Open Show Four-Year-Old, Brook Hollow Farm Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Senior Three-Year-Old, Miley Holsteins Hon. Mention Grand Champion Open Show Second Four-Year-Old, Adam Miley Best Three Females 1. Miley Holsteins Produce of Dam 1. Miley Holsteins; 2. Toppglen; 3. Lingle Holstein Farms Get of Sire 1. Toppglen Premier Breeder Brook Hollow Farm Premier Exhibitor Brook Hollow Farm
Wednesday through JUNE Reserve Junior Champion Open Show District Holstein Labor Day Annually D13 &147 June 13 . .Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sidney, OH Second Winter Calf, Tanner Topp July 12, 2014 • Judge Nathan Thomas Junior Best Three Females D3 June 20 . . . . . Dover Fairgrounds, OH 70 Head Shown • Reported by Barb Lumley 1. Lingle Holstein Farms; 2. Toppglenn; 3. D5 Spring June 22Calf. . . . . . . . . . . . Circleville, OH Heifer Miley Holsteins Don’t Miss the 1. (JR) Ashley Hawvermale; 2. (JR) Logan Junior D 1&2 June 29 . . .Canfield Fairgrounds, OH Two-Year-Old Topp; 3. (JR) Shannon Akers 1. (JR) Miley Holsteins, Anna Miley; 2. Brook Winter Heifer Calf 1. Lingle Holstein Farms; 2. (JR) Tanner Topp; 3. Lingle Holstein Farms Fall Heifer Calf 1. Lingle Holstein Farms; 2. (JR) Marissa Topp; 3. Lingle Holstein Farms Summer Yearling 1. (JR) Anna, Adam, David Miley; 2. Brook Hollow Farm; 3. (JR) Sarah Phillips Spring Yearling 1. Anna, Adam, David Miley; 2. (JR) Tim Gunkleman; 3. (JR) Allison Mangun Winter Yearling 1. (JR) Logan & Wyatt Schlauch; 2. Lingle Holstein Farm; 3. Raygor Farms LLC Fall Yearling 1. (JR) Logan & Wyatt Schlauch; 2. (JR) Tanner Topp Junior Champion Junior Show Winter Calf, Tanner Topp Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Fall Calf, Marissa Topp Junior Champion Open Show Winter Calf, Lingle Holstein Farms
Hollow Farm Senior Two-Year-Old 1. (JR) David Miley; 2. Brook Hollow Farm; 3. Miley Holsteins Junior Three-Year-Old 1. Brook Hollow Farm; 2. Lingle Holstein Farms; 3. Brook Hollow Farms; 4. (JR) Miley Holsteins, Adam Miley Senior Three-Year-Old 1. Miley Holsteins; 2. Raygor Farm LLC; 3. Paul Haskins Intermediate Champion Junior Show Senior Two-Year-Old, David Miley Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Junior Two-Year-Old, Anna Miley Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion Junior Three-Year-Old, Adam Miley Intermediate Champion Open Show Senior Three-Year-Old, Miley Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Junior Three-Year-Old, Brook Hollow Farm Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion Senior Two-Year-Old, David Miley
JULY D7 July 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wooster, OH D11 July 16 . . . . . . . . . . Bellefontaine, OH D9 July 23. Crawford Co. Fairgrounds, OH AUGUST D12 August 3 . . . . . . . . . Wapakoneta, OH D10 August 18 . . . . . . . . . . Napoleon, OH D8 Aug. 25 . .Lorain Co. Fairgrounds, OH D15
SEPTEMBER September 11 . . . . . . . Hillsboro, OH
100 4 | |OHIO O HNEWS I O N E| W S | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5 9-10/2014
Big One
HOLSTEIN SHOW DAY September 4, 2015 Judge Larry Hill
Canfield Fair P.O. Box 250 - Canfield, OH 44406
Ohio Holstein Women’s Convention News By Kathy Johnson, President A special thank you to District 12 and Quietcove for hosting the 95th Ohio Holstein Convention on March 13 and March 14, 2015 in Lima, Ohio. We have a great Holstein organization and consequently, with the help of many, an outstanding convention was enjoyed by all. If you were not in attendance this year, put it on your calendar next year. Marlene Steinke was named Woman of the Year. Congratulations to Marlene and her family. Thank you to Lisa Mangun, Angi Kaverman, and Cheri Oechsle, for serving on the Committee. There were three contestants for the Queen’s contest: Emma Matthews of District 15 of New Vienna was crowned Queen. Kayla King of District 13 of West Liberty and Bailee Mazzaro of District 1 from Williamsfield were both runner-ups. Thank you to the
Queen Committee: Jacquelyn Sherry, Mikayla Conrad, and Cayla Inkrott for all their hard work. There were three applicants for the scholarship award. This year’s winner of $650.00 was Morgan McDonnell, daughter of Kyle and Becky McDonnell from Wellington in District 8. The Holstein Women thanks Julie Renner for serving so many years on this committee! Another highlight of the day was the fun auction. This money funds the scholarship award. Thank you to all who donated and those who bought items. A special thanks to Julie Renner, for always organizing the auction and to our auctioneer, Randall Kiko. Special thanks to Lisa Mangun as treasurer, Sara Twining as secretary and Betty Whiteleather for serving as Vice-President.
2015 Ohio Holstein Women’s Fun Auction DONATED BY ITEM PURCHASED BY AMOUNT __________________________________________________________________________________________________
W hiteleather Farms- District 2 Mary Kay Basket Wickfield Farms 50.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ M aple Valley-Richard & KimeStenkie Cookie Jar Basket Marvin Steinke 25.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ A__________________________________________________________________________________________________ uglaize, Mercer, & Logan Farm Bureau Farm Bureau Bag of Goodies Tony Menzie 100.00 F__________________________________________________________________________________________________ arm Credit Service-Celina Bucket, Gloves, Gift Cards Matt Oechsle 40.00 D__________________________________________________________________________________________________ istrict 10 Vanilla Cupcakes Ben-Alli Holsteins 55.00 D__________________________________________________________________________________________________ istrict 12 Candy Basket & Wine Greg Conrad 100.00 D__________________________________________________________________________________________________ istrict 5 Show Supplies Ackley Family 200.00 D__________________________________________________________________________________________________ istrict 10 Wine/Crackers Basket Cindy Howman 65.00 D__________________________________________________________________________________________________ istrict 7 Wine/Cheese Basket MaryLou Topp 100.00 D__________________________________________________________________________________________________ istrict 7 Popcorn/Movie Basket Ken Janes 55.00 D__________________________________________________________________________________________________ istrict 7 OSU Tote & Misc. Items Tom Thorbahn 60.00 W h i t e l e a t h e r F a r m -D i s t r i c t 2 B o a r d G a m e B a s k e t S t r a s b u r g F a m i l y 50.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ D__________________________________________________________________________________________________ istrict 14 OSU Table Lamp Louis Jones 80.00 A__________________________________________________________________________________________________ dam & Jessica Whiteleather Disney Frozen Basket Pete Spike Family 50.00 W hiteleather Grain-District 2 Scoop Shovel Dallas Rynd 60.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ W h i t e l e a t h e r G r a i n -D i s t r i c t 2 P i t c h f o r k A c k l e y F a m i l y 60.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ T__________________________________________________________________________________________________ wining Farm-District8 Framed Farm Print Julie Renner 100.00 B__________________________________________________________________________________________________ en-Alli Holsteins-District 7 Farm Memories Wall Hanging Steinke Family 120.00 T__________________________________________________________________________________________________ oppview Farm Cheese Basket & Mug Steinke Family 120.00 The Ohio Holstein Women’s Association would like to thank everyone for their generous support of our auction. We use these funds for Scholarships, Queen Contest & various items purchased through out the year for the Ohio Holstein Association. Last year we purchased a new Laptop Computer for Diana to use at the Sales & a table top Beverage Refrigerator to use at the Sales and the Convention Dairy Bar. Thanks again everyone! ~Lisa Mangun, Treasurer OHWA OHIO NEWS
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Highlights from the 95th Ohio Holstein Annual Meeting 2015 Ohio Holstein Distinguished Service Award
The 2015 Distinguished Service Award winner is Dallas Rynd, a very worthy recipient of this honor. Dallas is the youngest of eight children raised on a Registered Holstein farm in western Pennsylvania. He was active as a youth in 4-H and FFA, receiving the state FFA degree. Following high school he joined the family partnership with his father and two brothers on the home farm. During those years Dallas was primarily in charge of the breeding and merchandising of the herd. In 1985 he became a classifier for Holstein USA in the eastern region of the country. While working for Holstein USA , he met his future wife, Judy Wolford. Upon leaving Holstein he returned to the home farm and on July 4, 1987 Dallas and Judy were married. The newly married couple decided that they wanted their own farm,
Dallas Rynd (L) accepts his award with his wife, Judy Wolford (C) from Ohio Holstein Executive Director Tom Thorbahn (R) 16
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and on the last day of January 1992 moved themselves and their herd of Registered Holsteins to Judy’s parents farm in Ashville to start their own dairy farming operation and Silver-Mist Holsteins. Dallas especially enjoys showing cattle and their herd has been exhibited at local, state, and national shows. They have been very successful in the show ring, garnering many awards at their district show, and receiving numerous All-Ohio winners and several All-American nominations. He is especially proud of the many youth activities their farm has been able to participate in over last twenty plus years. They have hosted district FFA judging contests and numerous farm tours for youth from kindergarten to college students. Additionally many nonfarm youth in their county have had the opportunity to work at the farm, as well as participate in 4-H and FFA with project animals from the herd. Dallas has served in numerous offices for the District Five Holstein Club. He served several years on the Pickaway County Farm Bureau Board and has been a member of his township zoning board. He has served the Ohio Holstein Association as Vice-President and the past two years as President, leading the Ohio Association ably leading the association through a very difficult period. Dallas is a most deserving recipient of the 2015 Distinguished Service Award of the Ohio Holstein Association.
Richard Indoe was named the 2015 Senior Buckeye Breed Builder
Ethan Steiner, and daughter Bethany, accept the 2015 Junior Buckeye Breed Builder Award
Our Sponsors
Gerber Feed Service Cope Farm Equipment ADM Alliance Nutrition The D.C. Curry Lumber Co. Spreng Capital Management, Inc. Harold’s Equipment Lowe & Young COBA/Select Sires, Inc. IBA of Ohio Dairy Farmers of America Thank You for Your Support!
Judging Contest Results Scott Carle, placed 2nd in the Senior Division of the Judging Contest held at Quietcove. Annual Meeting Chair, Julie Renner, placed 3rd.
Scott Carle
Special thanks to COBA/Select Sires for sponsoring the contest awards. Not pictured is 1st place winner, Rachel Topp.
Julie Renner
2015 Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year, Marlene Steinke (Center), was surrounded by her family after the announcement of her award.
Whiteleather Holsteins was the recipient of several of the 2015 All-Ohio Awards during the Annual Meeting Luncheon
The Ohio Holstein Association presented Quietcove Holsteins with an award to honor their committment to being the host family for the 2015 Convention Sale. Pictured L to R: Mr. and Mrs. Loren Elsass and Ohio Holstein President, Dallas Rynd
Special Thanks
Trent’s Nationwide Insurance for Sponsoring the 2015 All-Ohio Plaques ADA Mideast, Smith Dairy, Guggisberg Cheese, Holmes Cheese, Bunker Hill Cheese, Pearl Valley Cheese for Sponsoring the Dairy Bar OHIO NEWS
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Junior Highlights from the 2015 Annual Meeting Awards Luncheon 2015 Ohio Memorial Award Recipient
Melissa and Bobby Hart of served as judges for the Ohio Memorial Award. As Melissa presented the award she commented that it was one of the hardest things she had committed herself to. “These two applicants were outstanding to talk to and it was an extremely difficult decision,” she stated before announcing Matt Oechsle as the winner of the 2015 Ohio Memorial Award. Matt is the 20-year-old son of Jim and Cheri Oechsle of Van Wert, in District 12. He is a student at Clark State University in Springfield, Ohio. He currently works part time at Stan-Mar-Dale and travels between classes and during the show and sale season fitting cattle across the country. In high school he was active in FFA, choir, drama and baseball. He began his Holstein career with the help of Jim and Jeanie Tugend of Jeromesville. Calves were chosen for projects, brought home raised and shown for two years, bred and returned either prior to calving or shortly after calving to begin with. A few of those have been kept and developed over the years and shown as Matt Oechsle cows as well. 12 years later, with the “help of my Dad and grandpa Ken Schroer with breeding decisions and raising them….we no longer lease any and now have the means to show elite black and white and red and white Holsteins.” Matt’s responsibilities grew over the years from helping with feeding chores to fitting, field work and breeding decisions. Matt states, “My breeding program and philosophy is simple…..nice legs, great mammary system and smooth with all the right curves. In this case I am referring to my Holsteins” A previous winner of the Ohio Distinguished Junior Member, Matt has served in various capacities of the Ohio Junior Holstein Association. He enjoys mentoring young dairy enthusiasts with many of the families he works with while on show circuits. Matt’s plans are to obtain a business education and continue to work in the dairy industry. 18
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2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Court L to R: Runner-up Kayla King (D13), 2015 Queen Emma Mathews (D15), Runner-up Bailee Mazzaro (D1)
Special Thanks
DHI Cooperative, Inc. Title Sponsor of the 2015 Queen Contest Ohio Holstein Association & the Women’s Association for Continued Financial Support Megan Buechner, Cindy Howman, Angi Kaverman Our Queen Contest Judges
ATTENTION JUNIORS! Please visit the Ohio Holstein website at or the Ohio Holstein Facebook Page For a complete listing of the 2015 Junior All-Ohio Rules & Eligibility Questions? Contact the OHA Office at 330-264-9088 or email
Junior Production Award Winners
2015 Ohio Holstein Junior Association Board of Directors. L to R: Emma Mathews-Secretary, Matt Oechsle, Allison Mangun-President, Louis Liming, Kinley Topp-Treasurer, Korey Oechsle-Reporter, Keaton Topp-Vice President
Junior All-Ohio Winner Kyle Ackley
Junior 2-Year Old Louis Liming Polchin Dempsey Tiff Taylor 25,024M 3.2% 813F 3.1% 764P (1st Milk, 3rd Fat, 1st Protein) Junior 2-Year Old Collin & Aaron Berg Be-Ware GW Destiny 948-ET 18,892M 4.8% 909F 3.6% 682P (3rd Milk, 1st Fat, 3rd Protein) Junior 2-Year Old Aaron Berg Be-Ware Braxton Danish 936 24,234M 3.7% 894F 3.1% 786P (2nd Milk, 2nd Fat, 2nd Protein) 3-Year Old Collin Berg Be-Ware Planet Dapple 873-ET 33,314M 3.6% 1,207F 3.2% 1,071P (1st Milk, 2nd Fat, 1st Protein) 3-Year Old Louis Liming Lou-Ida Laurin Buttercup 25,529M 4.9% 1,244F 3.0% 776P (2nd Milk, 1st Fat, 2nd Protein) 4-Year Old Louis Liming Lou-Ida Terlin Rose 29,544M 3.1% 800F 3.0% 772P (1st Milk, 1st Fat, 1st Protein)
Junior All-Ohio Winners Kayla and Hayden King
Louis Liming pictured with one of his 2015 Production Awards
Junior All-Ohio Winner Sarah Phillips
Thank You Beck’s Superior Hybrids for Sponsoring the 2015 Jr. All-Ohio Plaques
2015 Junior Judging Contest Winners. L to R: Louis Liming-3rd Place, Aaron Carle-2nd Place, Maggie Mathews-1st Place
COBA/Select Sires, Inc. for Sponsoring the 2015 All-Ohio Calendar and the awards for the 2015 Jr. Judging Contest
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Ohio Holstein Convention Sale Averages $3,273 by Barb Lumley
Travelers to the Ohio Holstein Convention Sale were grateful that the roads leading there were no longer covered with ice and snow as they has been in the weeks before. The sale was hosted by District 12 and Quietcove Holsteins and was held at their farm at Wapakoneta, Ohio on Saturday, March 13, 2015. The cattle were housed in a tent with part of it used for seating and the sale ring. By sale time it was filled with an enthusiastic crowd in spite of an accident on State Route 75 that made getting there a little more complicated. The 77 live lots averaged $3273. Six embryo lots averaged $1529. Topping the sale at $18,000 would be Pine-Tree 4233 Mogu 5488-ET, a Very Good 85 two year old with a GTPI of +2499, from the Rudy Missy family, sired by Mountfield SSI Dcy Mogul and making a nice record, she sold with contract interest. She was purchased by Jason Lehman, Jonestown, Pennsylvania, and was consigned by Matt Steiner, Marshallville, Ohio.
Selling for $8000 was Lot # 3, S-S-I Platinm Marke 9050-ET, a bred heifer due in May with an ultrasound heifer calf by Seagull Bay SheriffET. Sired by Seagull Bay Platinum-ETS from a Very Good 86 Shamrock dam, she has a GTPI of +2439. She was consigned by Select Sires Inc. Plain City, Ohio and purchased by Pete Spike, Delaware, Ohio. Ohio ladies proved that they know a good one when they see it, as Lot # 17, MS Apple MS AdraRed, a fall calf, was purchased for $6700 by Laurie Menzie, Judy Wolford, and Lisa Kerr, McClure, Ohio. A daughter of Ladys-Manor Olympian-ET and the well known Apple-Red, she was consigned by Apple Partners LLC Durango, Iowa. Lot # 44, L-Maples Armani Catrasha-ET, a winter calf, sold for $5500 to Graisson Schmidt, Mandy Brazil, and Nathan Johnson, Melrose, Wisconsin. Sired by Mr Apple Armani-ET and from an Excellent 91 2E Advent dam, she was consigned by Tom Lyon, Jr. Westfield, Wisconsin.
Lot # 2, Lindlaur Montrose Audrey-ET sold for $5200 to Lou Brown, New Bremen, Ohio and was consigned by Nevin and Brenda Lamoreaux, Lot # 1 Lindlaur Gabor Annette was the first Louisville, Ohio. She was a summer yearling animal in the ring to start the sale. This fancy four daughter of Lot # 1 and was sired by Bacon-Hill year old show winning Willow-Marsh- CC Gabor Montross. daughter from an Excellent Advent dam was Selling for $5000 each were Lot # 50, Holbric already classified Excellent 91and had recently Exotic Dream, a fall calf sired by Heavenly calved. She sold for $8200 to Brian Gunkelman Golden Dreams-ET from a Very Good Sanchez Perrysville, Ohio and was consigned by Matthew dam, consigned by William Holbric, Howard Steiner, Marshallville, Ohio. Illinois, and purchased by Starmark, Wooster, Ohio , and Lot # 9, OH-River-Syc Mrdn Billie-ET, a fresh two year old sired by Sully Hart Meridian from a Very Good Atwood Dam, consigned by the Ohio River Syndicate, Whipple, Ohio, and purchased by Jeff Woods, Madison, Wisconsin. Six more consignments sold for over $4000.
The Convention Sale Crew surrounded Pine-Tree 4233 Mogu 5488-ET, who topped the sale at $18,000. Special Thanks to Corey Oechsle (pictured on the halter) for serving as leadsman during the Convention Sale 20
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Auctioneer for the sale was Randall Kiko with Kevin Jorgensen reading the pedigrees. Ringmen were Ken Janes, Paul Haskins, Steve Deam, Chris Lahmers, Jeff Brown, Chad Griffith, Ted Renner, Jamie Black, and Jason Lamoreaux. Jeremy Elsass was in charge of the cattle preparation. OHIO NEWS
Glenn Sageser byByGlenn Sageser
Make the choice a more Fall is forgoing profitable dairy: sign up strong, you’re for Holsteinand COMPLETE. allone probably For annual fee,going COMPLETE integrates full bore with memlittle bership, registrations, clastime togenetic waste.reports, One sification, great timesaver for Internet pedigrees, TriStar™ production records, managing your and the Red Book or Red genetics easily and Book Plus/MultiMate softefficiently ware. You’ll also receive is a 5 Enlight, percent discount on all a new genomic tests you order.
If you can’t function without your smartphone or tablet, here’s good news: Holstein USA launched a mobile website in February. It’s a new way to use your mobile device to access Holstein information on the Web. Getting that information from HAUSA with your cellphone or tablet is now much more user-friendly. In the first month it was available, the mobile site had more than 450 visitors, the majority of them through their smartphones. To access the mobile site, point the Internet browser on your mobile device to You’ll get a menu with several options that include:
Honoring Esther Welch on August 16, 2014
• Animal Search: Animal Search displays the same information as the traditional HAUSA Animal Search, optimized for performance on mobile devices. Results display quickly and columns are easy to sort. • Popular Lists: The lists of High-Scoring Two-YearOlds, First Time Excellents, Holsteins scored 95 or higher in the last twelve months, and Highest Registry Activity Bulls all available. • Family Tree: Access Family Tree search results by clicking on an animal’s registration number from the Animal Search results page or Family Tree in the
web-based tool. Accessible on a computer or tablet, Enlight istellfree toconveany The producers who use COMPLETE me it’s nient and saveswho them is money. One oftesting the biggest adproducer genomic their vantages is that it helps them budget their expenses to Holstein cattle. All genomic samples Holstein USA more efficiently. submitted by Enlight users will be anaTolyzed get more information about®, the Holstein COMa DNA-marker using CLARIFIDE PLETE program or to enroll, call customer service at technology for optimizing the selection 800.952.5200. Go to our website,, andon management dairy click Products & Servicesof in the main animals. menu, then Holstein COMPLETE. Enlight allows users to log on and view complete genetic information,
including results, by menu, or searchany for an genomic animal by registration number simply logging onto the web site at or NAAB code. • Pedigree: Order pedigrees for animals from a variety of places withinistheupdated mobile app,the including Enlight day directly new from the Animal Search and Family Tree results. genomic evaluations are available, • allowing Inbreeding Calculator: View mating results for up to producers much quicker access ten different sires and pedigree inbreeding values for to information than ever eachtheir mating.latest You can also find genomic inbreeding valbefore. It’s ues, if both the femalea andpassword-protected males are genomic tested. so you won’t to asinstall • website, Bull Lists: Frequently accessedhave bull lists well as or the High Ranking Top 100 and upgrade to Sire newReport, software —TPI theBulls, latest Top Ohio 50 Sire for several traits can be easily acversion is lists always available online Holstein Summer Extravaganza Sale Lot 13 and cessed through the mobile site. works within your web browser. And it And if you’ve beena too busy of to check your videos, calendar, comes with series tutorial make a note: Holstein’s national convention is coming user guides that will help you underup fast, June 22-26 in St. Charles, Illinois. The Illinois stand Association and make theworking best use the Holstein has been hard toofplan an program. interesting and fun event that you won’t want to miss. The registration is June 1. You can find more Enlight deadline gives you immediate access information and a registration form on our website, at to a wide range of and Go reporting to Meetings & Conventions, ical official animal and findtools, the 2015along Nationalwith Holstein Convention. identification, breed benchmarks and Please call me, Glenn Sageser, at 502.321.8670 if there’s reports a youngstock, herd anything wesuch can doas to help you get more from yourand HolOhio Holstein Summer Extravaganza Sale Lot 24 the genetic conditions. Weor update stein Association USA membership your herd. website each evening with the latest 19 informationcefrom the Holstein herd3 n book, so when you identify new animals with the Association, they will automatically appear in Enlight once they are enrolled in the Holstein herdbook. Enlight puts your herd’s genetic data at your fingertips, allowing you to Your JOHN DEERE Headquarters and use it in ways that are most useful to you. The tool makes the Si
FROM REGIONAL FromYOUR Your Regional REPRESENTATIVE… Representative…
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Atte F
7762 Cleveland Rd. • Wooster, OH 44691 • 330-345-9023 2715 W. Fourth St. • Mansfield, OH 44906 • 419-529-6160 496 Harcourt Rd. • Mount Vernon, OH 43050 • 740-392-6160 13 Ft. Monroe Industrial Pky. • Monroeville, OH 44847 • 419-465-4622 3500 Copley Rd. • Copley, OH 44321 • 330-666-8400 999 Lafayette Rd. • Medina, OH 44256 • 330-722-1411 11204 Royalton Rd. • North Royalton, OH 44256 • 440-237-4806
◆ Sell Cows and Bulls Direct ◆ Sold on a Dressed Basis O H I O N E W S | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5 | 2 1
The Ohio Dairy Producers Association, a member-supported grassroots legislative, research, and producer education organization for Ohio’s dairy farmers, recently elected their 2015 officers. Officers are: Chair-Joe Miley of West Salem, Ohio (D7) Vice Chair, Producers-Matt Andreas of Sugarcreek, Ohio (D-3) Producer Representative-Bill Ramsey of Louisville, Ohio (D2). ________________________ The American Dairy Association Mideast, the dairy promotion checkoff program serving nearly 3,000 dairy farmers in Ohio and West Virginia, elected their 2015 officers during their annual reorganization meeting. Officers are: Chair-Earl Stitzlein of Loudonville, Ohio (D7),
Steve Moff, North Dairy Program Specialist for COBA/ Select Sires, was awarded the Spring Dairy Expo Distinguished Service Award at this year’s show, an award recognizing the hard work and dedication of outstanding Ohio dairy industry leaders and supporters. Pictured L to R: Neil, Jane, Brian, Steve Moff and J.R. Kaverman
Secretary-Greg Conrad of New Holland, Ohio (D5). The new leadership team, along with 11 other dairy farmer board members, set policy and approve program direction and budgets to help increase sales and demand for dairy products and protect the image of dairy foods and farmers. ________________________ Select Sires Inc.’s board of directors, customer-owners and employees took part in the Select
Ads submitted after the deadline will be assessed a fee of $25 for camera-ready ads and $50 for ads that need to be designed. Please call for discounts on advertising paid for in advance.
Call Jackie Bickel, Ohio News Editor, at 513-300-7291 or email to set up your advertising
M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
Sires Inc. Annual Meeting, March 16-19, 2015, in Columbus, Ohio. Dan Andreas, Sugar Creek, Ohio (D3) will serve as first vice chairman. Craig Fledderjohann, Saint Marys, Ohio (D12) replaced retiring board member Tom Fleming, Harrod, Ohio. ________________________ Bob and Gwen Stewart (D3) and Steve and Melissa Stewart (D3) recently vacationed at the Animal Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista, FL. ________________________ Following his success selling pies at the District 3 Annual Meeting John Hartline (D3) is considering a career as an auctioneer! ________________________ The National Guernsey Convention begins on June 16 at Walnut Creek, Ohio in Holmes County and concludes June 20 with the National Sale hosted by Springhill Farm, Chris Lang and Family, Big Prairie. For information contact Julie Renner 330-466-0338. ________________________ The National Red and White Convention will be held July 1416, 2015 at Decorah, Iowa ________________________ The Western PA Red & White Show will be held July 18 at New Castle, PA. It’s an Approved Show.
________________________ Congratulations to Nathan Thomas (D13), who will be the Lead Judge for the International Holstein Show at the 2015 World Dairy Expo. He will also participate in the selection of Supreme Champion from the Grand Champions of the seven breeds during the closing ceremony. ________________________ At the CFAES College Banquet held in April, The Ohio State University’s Buckeye Dairy Club was honored as the #1 college club. ________________________ After first serving as teammates on the Ohio State University’s Dairy Judging team together, Stephanie Neal and John Langel have announced their engagement. ________________________ Congratulations to Don Bickel, New Horizon Farm & Dairy (D15) for having Champion Heifer and Jeremy Adams, Stan Mar Del/Express (D13) for having Reserve Champion Heifer at the 2015 Kentucky National Show and Sale.
M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
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K u d o s To O u r
Ra y - J o Sid O r eo
E mma!
Wins Jr. Champion at 2015 Kentucky National
• Crowned 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen • 3rd in State FFA Dairy Entrepreneurship • Member of State Champion FFA Dairy Judging Team, 9th Overall Individual and 2nd in Oral Reasons
Thank You
To The Buyers Of Our Consignments This Year
• Ray-Jo Sid Oreo • Ray-Jo Redburst Lois Ann-ET • Karebears Hero Greta • Karebears Hero Ellen
Donald & Jackie Bickel 1506 Hodson Road New Vienna, Ohio 45159 937-218-2697
Kaylee & Katelan Goodwin, Daleville, IN Brian Gunkelman, Medina, OH Larry Baxter, Salvia, KY Madelyn Topp, Botkins, OH
Curtis Bickel Keri Bickel Emma Mathews Maggie Mathews Carson Bickel
Home of Ray-Jo & Razors-Edge Registered Holsteins
New Vienna, Ohio
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by Barb Lumley The noisy ringing of the alarm clock awakens you at five o’clock in the morning and you reach out to silence it, wishing you could stay in your warm and comfortable bed, but you know you don’t have a choice. As you hit the button to start the coffee pot, you are already thinking about the chores that must be done and the decisions that must be made during this day. There will be many and they won’t all be easy ones to make. For some it will be which fields to work in, how much seed is going to be needed, can we afford all the fertilizer that needs applied, do we repair that piece of machinery or try to pay for a new one, do we plant corn or soybeans, etc. For others it is which bull are we going to use to mate that top cow, are we going to give that two year old a second chance in spite of her record, are we going to classify the herd, which calves are we going to pick out for the shows, are we going to buy anything at the Ohio Spring Sale, and more. Every day on a farm is filled with decisions that must be made. These days I don’t have to make all those decisions. My biggest decision to start the day is what I am going to eat for breakfast. However, I find there are a multitude of “doctors” and “experts” who want to tell me how to make that decision and what I should or shouldn’t eat! I am often up late talking to someone on the phone, writing my columns, or watching late TV. Late night TV always seems to be the place to find those doctors and experts who know what is best for all of us. In the early morning hours last week it was a doctor telling me not to eat anything made from grain. According to him, “Cows eat grass and grains are the seeds of grass. Cows are different from people. They have four stomachs, their teeth keep growing, they chew a cud, and they have a spiral colon. In humans grains raise blood sugar and fan the flames of inflammation. Grains are not essential to health. If you eliminate wheat you will lose weight and jelly beans are gluten free”. (I love 26
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jelly beans!) Well, there goes my Shredded Wheat, Wheaties, and toast for breakfast! To become healthier I need to order his CDs and cookbooks. Another TV show tells me how bad meat is for me. I should become a “Vegan”, eating only vegetables. You are encouraged to make smoothies for breakfast using vegetables, nuts, juices, etc. I wonder if they have ever tried adding fresh green alfalfa? It is great for the cows---why not for people? But no ham, bacon, or sausage for breakfast! There are CDs and cookbooks available. We have been bombarded for years with articles in magazines, TV shows, and doctors telling us how bad dairy products are for us. “If we drink milk, it must be “watered down” to 1%, never drink whole milk. Butter is terrible for you and clogs up your arteries, so we should always use margarine”. I remember as a child when margarine became popular. It was this gooey white stuff that looked like lard and you mixed a packet of yellow dye into it. Yum!! Lo and behold, they have recently discovered that margarine is worse for you than butter and drinking whole milk is not bad for you! It seems there is always some “doctor” or “expert” to tell people what they should or shouldn’t eat and they always seem to attack the foods that are provided by farmers in this country. The best thing we can do as farmers is to provide top quality products from a clean, safe environment and encourage consumers to use common sense when feeding their families. The weather is holding up hauling manure, field work and planting, and the price of milk is unsteady. Farmers everywhere are stressed and trying to deal with decisions and anxiety. They need help and support as they tackle the problems. Tomorrow night I am going to watch a program where the expert is going to tell me how to escape anxiety, stop panic attacks, find my stress number, conquer control issues, and let go of my need for revenge. I will let everyone know where to order the CDs and books as soon as I find out! In the meantime, I am meeting a cousin for breakfast and I will be ordering bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast with lots of butter, and a big glass of whole milk! It isn’t a difficult decision and I am not the least bit anxious about it!!
Miss Dusk Mandelin, Lot # 26, sold for $3500 It WasOhio’s A Beautiful Day For The Ohio Statewide 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl to Mark Fledderjohnn, Celina, Ohio and was Holstein Spring Sale by Bonnie Ayars by Barb Lumley
COLUMBUS, OH — What is the major buffer for maintaining optimum It was weather, spring breezes, rumen pH? warm A clever Dairy Quiz Bowl participant presses and the outstanding registered Holsteins at the Wayne buzzer, is recognized by the moderator and provides the answer as Fairgrounds saliva. That is in justWooster, how a small portion of the County Ohio as breeders Ohio 4-H Dairy Bowl event was played this year. gathered on Quiz Saturday, April 18, 2015 for the On June 17, coaches and team members traveled from Ohio Holstein Spring Sale. Fifty three (53) all over the state to the Ohio and Nationwide 4-H Center to consignments, all ages, from both cowsa milking participate in this event. It includes Senior and135 a pounds a day to baby would parade Junior division. Some areMarch new at calves the competition, and others haveforbeen coming for many years. However, the ring an average of $2,425. Milking cows everyone is willing to share camaraderie and a competitive averaged $3,305. spirit with each other. After a light breakfast with milk, participants complete a test to determine brackets. It is Lot # elimination, 2, Ten-Penny Mogul Wizbang-ET, a two double so everyone has an opportunity to play gameclassified and be matched up Plus with their in a dual yeartheold Good 83,rivals milking 84
pounds a day, and with contract interest was the highest seller at $6300. The buyer was Brian Gunkelman, Mansfield, Ohio. This Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul daughter with a +2374 GTPI is from an Excellent Shottle dam from the Rudy Missy Family. Matthew Steiner, Marshallville, Ohio was the consignor.
Selling for $5500 was Lot # 61, an added consignment not in the catalog. Pine-Tree 4774 Hero 5583, a two year old, was recently fresh, milking 94 pounds a day, and is the #1 GTPI Siemers Toys Hero 9701-ET daughter in the breed. She is from twelve generations of Very Good and Excellent dams. The buyer was Senior Division winning team: Titus Zimmerman, Greenwich, Ohio and she was Champaign/Logan/Auglaize Counties represented by consigned by Matthew Steiner, Marshallville, Ohio. Ella Jackson, Kadey Starkey, Brennan Topp Lot # 1 Pine-Tree Mogul Shifty-ET, a summer yearling, sold for $3700 to Gene Van Rhee, Agent for Sand Creek Dairy, Hastings, Michigan and was consigned by Lyle B. Ruprecht, Butler, Ohio. A Mogul daughter, her dam has a son at Semex, her grandam is Pine-Tree Mint Sharla and she is from the Rudy Missy family. Lot # 5 sold for $3700 to Johnny Walley, Jacksonville, Texas and was consigned by Matthew Steiner, Marshallville, Ohio. Pine-Tree Anne Tang-ET is a fall calf sired by MR Welcome Hill Tango-ET and her dam was the All-Ohio winning Lindlaur Gabor Annette EX 91 and she is from nine generations Very Good and Excellent dams. Junior Division runner-up team: Wayne County, represented by Thomas Gress, David Miley, Ashley Hawvermale, Denice Wolf
consigned by Silver Creek Dairy, LLC, Forest, that includes wisdom, quick recall, strategy andasome fun. Ohio. Classified Very Good 86, she was daughter With 15 volunteers on hand to manage the event, there of Scientific SS Dusk from eight generations of are moderators, scorekeepers, timekeepers, door monitors Very Good and Excellent dams. A four year old, and bracket managers for both divisions. Each plays a she wasrole biginand withmanagement a beautifulofudder and special theblack, successful the day’s milking 114 pounds a day. activities. With more teams than in the past eight years, it
was round after round of nearly 600 toss- up and team #questions that are posed asAffie, bonuses. Lot 19, Mor-Yet Guthrie a Very Good As the day progressed and between rounds, every86 yearforold, waslunch milking 82 an pounds a day one three took time a pizza and then ice cream bar with a nice record in progress, and was due snack provided by the American Dairy Associationback and Ohio Producers. This year, the Juniors in JulyDairy to Bacon-Hill Montross-ET. Her had damtheis to observe the final Senior round that aopportunity VG daughter of Lylehaven Lightning. She sold determined the champion. Then everyone relocated and for $3500 to Tony Brown, New Bremen, and was watched the final Junior round! Spontaneous cheers came consigned by Silver Creek Dairy, LLC, Forest, Ohio. from the audience as the winning teams proclaimed their victories. Not only are high teamssold recognized, but awards are Thirteen consignments for $3000 or more. presented to individuals who earn the highest score on the Volume buyer was Matthew Miller, Fredericksburg, pre-test and most valuable players in each division. Ohio. Consignments Texas and Michigan, Following are the results ofsold this to year’s event! as Senior well asDivision Ohio. winning Auctioneer the sale was team: for Champaign/Logan/ Auglaize Counties Wooster, representedOhio by Ella Kadey Steve Andrews, withJackson, Ted Renner, Starkey and Brennan Topp Dalton, Ohio reading the pedigrees. Ringmen Runners-up: Mahoning County team of Levi Plocher, were Randall Kiko, Steve Deam, Ken Janes, Paul Christina Coler, Sara Fraser and Rod Headland Haskins, andScore Chad(3-way Griffith. StevenWalters Jordanand was in High Test tie): Nicole Kate Shermanof(Delaware County) and Ella Jackson (Logan charge cattle preparation. County) Most Valuable Player: Ella Jackson Junior Division winning team: Champaign/Logan represented by Heath Starkey, Sam Jackson, Mackenzie Hoewischer and Cole Pond Runners-up: Wayne County represented by Thomas Gress, David Miley, Denice Wolf, Ashley Hawvermale and Adam Wolf (alternate) C erScore: ti f i e Sam d P ubl i c Ac c ount ant s High Test Jackson Most Valuable Player: Marissa Topp A special recognition was also named for the most original nametags, and this was earned for the Senior team Phone 330-264-7307 from Delaware County; David Miley won the Junior 2363 Eagle Pass, Suite A Fax 330-264-2339 division. Wooster, Ohio 44691 FOR PHOTO APPOINTMENTS, CONTACT
Jenny Thomas, Associate Photographer 614-395-9823 cell
920-465-3880 • OHIO NEWS
| OHIO M A YNEWS / J U N|E9-10/2014 2 0 1 5 | | 00 27
times a year, we can meet on the pages
automatic letter folder. I believe the
Holstein Association.
Ohio State ATI
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 11
Planting Knowledge For The Future ! Ryan Haden grew up in Elkins, West Virginia and Timonium, Maryland. He credits his grandparents with his interest in agriculture and soil management. He has a M.S. and Ph.D. in Soil Science from Cornell University. Ryan said he decided to come to OSU-ATI because he is excited to develop a hands-on and innovative teaching and research program that equips the next generation of farmers and agronomists with the skill they need to maintain the productivity, profitability and sustainability of Ohio’s agricultural systems. His position is about 70 percent classroom instruction and 30 percent research. In addition to teaching Soil Management, Soil Fertility & Fertilizers, Forage Crops, Grains and Oilseed Crops, Ryan will be
advising students in the Agronomy, Crop management, Soil and Water Conservation, and Sustainable Agriculture majors, and coadvising the Agronomy Club. He will also be providing curriculum development leadership to ATI’s relative new Sustainable Agriculture Major. His research interests include developing soil fertility and nutrient management recommendations, agricultural strategies to protect water quality, cover crops, and the cycling of nitrogen, phosphorous and carbon in agricultural soils. Ryan said he is excited about what OSU-ATI has to offer the students. He said that he, along with the other new agronomy faculty at ATI, is working to improve the instructional content and lab experiences so that students will have the skills and experience to take advantage of the new technology and science based technologies that are being developed for the agricultural industry.
Ohio State ATI
1328 Dover Road Wooster, OH 44691 330-287-1331 Contact: Royce Thornton, Dairy Programs Coordinator 330-287-1373
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NINE 9 of the USA’s Top 85 GTPI Cows Reside at Plain-Knoll Holsteins
Many embryos available from these families, as well as cows and breeding age bulls. Dorcy Dream VG-87
A good-looking bull to add to your program! Plain-Knoll Davci Topgun-ET 7HO12570
• Sired by De-Su Mg Davinci 11288-ET • Available SOON from Select Sires
Look at his numbers: +2583 GTPI +800 NM$ +2002M +89F +2.79SCS +5.7 PL +2.16PTAT +1.80UDC
+0.05% - 1.8DPR +1.33FLC
+66P +0.02% +8.4%SCE
Miss OCD Dorcy Dream VG-87 91-MS DOM 03-04 365D 3x 45,095M 2.9 1268F 2.9 % 1278P Sire: Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET Dam: OCD Planet Danica-ET EX-93 DOM 2nd Dam: miss Elegant Delight-ET VG-88 DOM Dream is Plain-Knoll Davci Topgun-ET’s dam
S-S-I Shamrock Ming 7380 VG-85
S-S-I Shamrock Ming 7380 VG-85 1-09 3x 365D 26,208M 3.7% 980F 3.2% 850P Sire: Shamrock Dam: Roylane Shot Mindy 2079-ET VG-86 DOM 2nd Dam: Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror VG-86 DOM Ming 7380 is Plain-Knoll Dona Bayonet’s dam
The highest milk and GTPI Donatello son! Plain-Knoll Dona Bayonet Super Sampler - 07HO122236
• Sired by Mr OCD Robust Donatello • Available from Select Sires
He has impressive numbers: +2627 GTPI +764 NM$ +1662M +69F +0.03% +6.8 PL +2.89SCS +1.9DPR +2.02PTAT +1.70UDC +0.84FLC
+61P +0.04% +7.8%SCE
Thank you, Prenger’s, for all you do to service the Dairy Industry
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Pat, Jake, Jim, Steve and Andy Buschur Steve cell: 937-423-7108
Lahmers Promoted by COBA/Select Sires Chris Lahmers, Marysville, Ohio has accepted the promotion to Marketing Director-North for COBA/ Select Sires. “Leadership, genetics background and passion for COBA made Lahmers an ideal fit for the position,� according to General Manager, Duane Logan. The transition will be seamless as Lahmers has already been leading the genetics program in the north, this position will expand his responsibilities to include overseeing all aspects of the marketing program and staff for the northern territory served by COBA/Select Sires. He will also work closely with our sales efforts in Mexico. Previously, Lahmers had been serving as a Select Mating Service (SMS) specialist for COBA in southern
Ohio and southwestern Pennsylvania. Lahmers has been with the COBA/Select Sires organization for almost sixteen years as a dairy program specialist. One of his primary responsibilities has been to work with individual owners to help them set and meet their genetic goals through corrective matings. This experience will prove invaluable as he leads the team of three Regional Sales Managers, eight District Sales Managers and twenty-seven AI technicians. His team is responsible for getting the most highly fertile semen in the industry to our member-owner-customers in the most efficient and effective manner. COBA/Select Sires is one of the largest member cooperative within the Select Sires Federation and Lahmers will be challenged to meet the changing needs of dairy and beef producers. A graduate of The Ohio State University, Lahmers is an accomplished dairy cattle judge. He had a very successful collegiate judging career and continues to be sought after for national and international shows at the highest level. He is the owner of the very successful Brown Velvet Swiss herd and Lah-Dale Holsteins, with his dad and brother. He and his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Lahmers, DVM, reside in Marysville, Ohio with their three daughters.
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This form, registration paper and photo must be sent to the Ohio Holstein office to be considered for Junior
East Clinton FFA Wins State Judging Contest After a successful season of judging contests, the East Clinton FFA Dairy Cattle Evaluation Team was awarded the title of State Champions, winning the final FFA competition. Under the coaching of Matt Griffith (advisor) and assisted by Jackie Bickel, the team consisted of Zach Bernard, Veronica Brewer, Hanna Fosbrink and Emma Mathews. The team entered the final competition in first and maintained their lead, winning by over 100 points. They judged a total of 10 classes of cattle and completed a written hg, a pedigree, sire selection, and gave three sets of oral reasons. In addition to winning the State Contest, the group was the highest oral reason scoring team, as well. Hanna Fosbrink was 1st individual and 3rd in oral reasons, Zach Bernard placed 4th individually, Emma Mathews was 9th individual and 2nd in oral reasons, and Veronica Brewer placed 14th individually. This fall, the team will be representing Ohio at the National FFA convention held in Louisville, Kentucky.
EAST CLINTON FFA’S JUDGING RECORD ATI Contest 2nd Place Team Individual, Veronica Brewer 3rd Place Wilmington Aggies Contest 1st Place Team Individual, Emma Mathews 1st Place Individual, Hanna Fosbrink 4th Place
Front: Emma Mathews (D15), Back Row Left to Right: Hanna Fosbrink, Veronica Brewer (D15) and Zach Bernard
Zanesville Invitational Team 1st Place Individual, Emma Mathews 3rd Place Miami Trace District Competion Team 3rd Place State Preliminary Contest 1st Place Team 2nd Place Individual, Hanna Fosbrink Individual, Zach Bernard 4th Place
Thank You Ohio Holstein Members For Opening Your Farms To Us For Our Practice Sessions!
John Stoltzfus New Horizon Farm & Dairy Plain-Knoll Holsteins Southern Hills Holsteins Stan-Mar Del/Express Wabash-Way Photo Taken at Plain-Knoll Holsteins, The Buschur Family 32
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INTRODUCING: Our new e-letter is sent monthly to dairy farmers and allied industry members to provide updates on how your dairy checkoff dollars are working for you. To subscribe, simply email
Increasing sales and demand for US dairy foods and ingredients on behalf of Ohio and West Virgina dairy farmers
Partnerships Ignite Fluid Milk Innovation to Increase Sales To reinvent the milk experience for today's consumers and reverse the decades-long sales decline, your dairy checkoff program is partnering with seven companies that are leaders and innovators in the milk and beverage arena. One example of this is fairlife® milk, a result of dairy checkoff's partnership with the Coca-Cola Company and Select Milk Producers. Fairlife® is ultra-filtered for 50% more protein, 30% more calcium and half the sugar - and has the potential to change the fluid milk category forever. Fairlife® is intended to compete head-to-head in grocery stores against soy, almond and other imitation beverages. In tests last year, it took sales away from those products and in fact, grew the overall dairy milk category. This is an important step forward in revitalizing the milk category by creating new relevance among new types of consumers. If successful, fairlife® may stimulate a catalytic effect among processors and beverage companies, motivating others in the industry to provide a wider array and availability of milk and milk-based products and sell more dairy over time through industry innovation and marketing investment. And that's good news for dairy! The other partners your dairy checkoff program is working with include Dairy Farmers of America (DFA); Darigold/Northwest Dairy Association; The Kroger Company; Maryland & Virginia Milk Producers Cooperative Association, Inc.; Shamrock Farms; and Southeast Milk, Inc. The investment these seven partners are making is unprecedented - 15-to-19 times the amount that dairy farmers are investing - to unlock innovation and put milk back in the center of the rapidly growing health and wellness beverage market. The national dairy checkoff's role is to provide support, insight and technical expertise to these strategic partners who are developing and testing new and innovative milk and milk-based beverages that address consumers' changing lifestyles and needs.
Did You Know?
Dairy foods are the top sources of calcium in the American diet OHIO NEWS
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Red & White News 2015 Spring Dairy Expo Red and White Show Results
WINTER HEIFER CALF 1 JR Glad-Ray-K Armani Rave-Red Oakvale, London, OH 2 M-Signature Hot Topic-Red Signature Cattle, Williamsfield, OH 3 Pamprd-Acres Walker-Red Clay, Cora, Curtis & Carlie Gunkelman, Medina, OH 4 JR Pineybrook Reigne-Red Alexis, Aiden, Emma & Dylan Ream Markleton, PA FALL HEIFER CALF 1 JR Pineymede Arm Jazz-Red-ET Taylor Birkemeier, Sidney, OH 2 JaCher Armani Risque-Red Matthew & Corey Oechsle, Van Wert, OH 3 JR Ms Apple Ms Adra-Red-ET White-Light, Ava Budny, McClure, OH 4 JR Pineybrook Prince Dusk-Red Alexis, Aiden, Emma & Dylan Ream, Markleton, PA 5 JR Ms. WS BV Abt Deja-Vu-Red-ET Broad-Vue Holsteins & Wil-San, Wooster, OH SUMMER YEARLING HEIFER 1 JR Ms Roll-n-View Ducati Ava-Red Victoria Busey-Zinn, Loeisville, OH 2 JR Pineybrook Advent Macie-Red Alexis, Aiden, Emma & Dylan Ream, Markleton, PA 3 Wil-O-Rae Redburst Vegas-Red Scott Knoll & Lisa Kerr, N. Fairfield, OH 4 JR Ray-Jo Absolute Cinnamon-Red Mariah Troutwine, Ansonia, OH
FALL YEARLING HEIFER 1 Wabash-Way Absol Ali-Red-ET Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH 2 JR Ms Starmark Acme Raffle-Red Dudte, Wolf & Sugg, Wooster, OH 3 JR Willolea-CW Sapphire-Red-ET Topp-View, Botkins, OH 4 JR Cotton Spring Frisky-Red-ET Austin Vance, Alverton, PA JUNIOR CHAMPION, JUNIOR SHOW Pineymede Arm Jazz-Red-ET Taylor Birkemeier, Sidney, OH RES. JUNIOR CHAMPION, JUNIOR SHOW Miley Adonis Brandy-Red Miley Holstein Farms LTD, West Salem, OH JUNIOR CHAMPION, OPEN SHOW Wabash-Way Absol Ali-Red-ET Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH RES. JUNIOR CHAMPION, OPEN SHOW Glad-Ray-K Sequin-Red Oakvale, London, OH JUNIOR 2-YEAR-OLD COW 1 JR Miss Hot Tamale-ET Gunkelman & Tag Holsteins, West Salem, OH
INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION, JUNIOR SHOW Lake-Prairie Alison-Red-ET Levi Banowetz & Chase Warren, Charlotte, IA RES. INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION, JUNIOR SHOW Balmoral Lars Aurianna-Red Topp-View, Botkins, OH INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION, OPEN SHOW Lake-Prairie Alison-Red-ET Levi Banowetz & Chase Warren, Charlotte, IA RES. INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION, OPEN SHOW Balmoral Lars Aurianna-Red Topp-View, Botkins, OH 4-YEAR-OLD COW 1 JR Alcroft Dusk Jellybean-Red David Alden, Danville, OH 5-YEAR-OLD COW 1 Macs-Acres Dy 523-Red Brook Hollow & Macs Acres, West Salem, OH 2 JR Markwell-KR Advent Ritzy-ET Hannah M Rhoades, Grenville, OH AGED COW 1 JR Foltzbrook Advent Janie-Red Sunrose Holsteins, Millersburg, IN SENIOR CHAMPION, JUNIOR SHOW Foltzbrook Advent Janie-Red Sunrose Holsteins, Millersburg, IN RES. SENIOR CHAMPION, JUNIOR SHOW Alcroft Dusk Jellybean-Red David Alden, Danville, OH
SENIOR 2-YEAR-OLD COW Southern-Hills Nola-Red-TW Express/Stan-Mar-Dale, Urbana, OH Plainfield Advent Gold-Red Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH Windy Knoll View Malo-Red Richman Farms, Lodi, OH
SENIOR CHAMPION, OPEN SHOW Macs-Acres Dy 523-Red Brook Hollow & Macs Acres, West Salem, OH
SPRING YEARLING HEIFER 1 Silver-Mist Clt O’Mally-Red Dallas Rynd & Judy Wolford, Ashville OH 2 JR Oakson Absolute Darlene-Red Cannon G Jackson, Spencer, OH
JUNIOR 3-YEAR-OLD COW 1 JR Balmoral Lars Aurianna-Red Topp-View, Botkins, OH 2 JR Drifty-Hollow Cinnamint-Red Maggie Mathews, New Vienna, OH
GRAND CHAMPION, JUNIOR SHOW Lake-Prairie Alison-Red-ET Levi Banowetz & Chase Warren, Charlotte, IA
WINTER YEARLING HEIFER 1 Glad-Ray-K Sequin-Red Oakvale, London, OH 2 JR Miley Adonis Brandy-Red Miley Holstein Farms LTD, West Salem, OH 3 JR Velvet-View Ribbons-Red Logan & Wyatt Schlauch, Big Prairie, OH 4 JR Roll-N-View P Ingrid-Red-ET Allyson Cupps, St Paris, OH 5 JR Ms Aol Cntdr Roxanne-Red-ET Mariah Troutwine, Ansonia, OH
SENIOR 3-YEAR-OLD COW 1 JR Lake-Prairie Alison-Red-ET Levi Banowetz & Chase Warren, Charlotte, IA 2 Miss Hot Date-Red-ET Signature Cattle, Williamsfield, OH 3 Curt-Co Advent Misty-Red Express/Stan-Mar-Dale, Urbana, OH 4 JR Chestnut-Run-Rp-Ridr-Red-TW Larrissa Lesney, PA
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1 2 3
RES. SENIOR CHAMPION, OPEN SHOW Foltzbrook Advent Janie-Red Sunrose Holsteins, Millersburg, IN
RES. GRAND CHAMPION, JUNIOR SHOW Foltzbrook Advent Janie-Red Sunrose Holsteins, Millersburg, IN GRAND CHAMPION, OPEN SHOW Macs-Acres Dy 523-Red Brook Hollow & Macs Acres, West Salem, OH RES. GRAND CHAMPION, OPEN SHOW Lake-Prairie Alison-Red-ET Levi Banowetz & Chase Warren, Charlotte, IA
Coming Soon... 2015 Ohio State Fair Red & White Show Sunday, August 2 L to R: Show Sponsor-Nationwide Insurance, Jr. Show Reserve Jr. Champion Miley Adonis Brandy-Red exhibited by Adam Miley, Jr. Show Jr. Champion Pineymede Arm Jazz-Red-ET exhbitied by Taylor Birkemeier, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews
L to R: Open Show Reserve Senior Champion Foltzbrook Advent Janie-Red exhibited by Bryce Gingerich, Open Show Senior Champion Macs-Acres Dy 523-Red exhibited by Brook Hollow and Mac Acres, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews
8:30 AM Judge, Sean Johnson
L to R: Judge Chad Ryan, Open Reserve Jr. Champion GladRay-K Sequin-Red exhibited by Oakvale, Open Jr. Champion Wabash-Way Absol Ali-Red-ET exhibited by Chris Lahmers, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews
L to R: Junior Show Reserve Grand Champion Foltzbrook Advent Janie-Red exhibited by Bryce Gingerich, Junior Show Grand Champion Lake-Prairie Alison-Red-ET exhibited by Banowetz Dairy Farm, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews, Show Sponsor-Nationwide Insurance
L to R: Judge Chad Ryan, Jr. Show and Open Reserve Intermediate Champion Balmoral Lars Aurianna-Red-ET exhibited by Madelynn Topp, Jr. Show and Open Intermediate Champion Lake-Prairie Alison-Red-ET exhibited by Banowetz Dairy Farm, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews
L to R: Judge Chad Ryan, Honorable Mention Foltzbrook Advent Janie-Red exhibited by Bryce Gingerich, Reserve Grand Champion Lake-Prairie Alison-Red-ET exhibited by Banowetz Dairy Farm , Grand Champion Macs-Acres Dy 532-Red exhibited by Brook Hollow and Macs Acres, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews, Show Sponsor-Nationwide Insurance L to R: 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews, Jr. Show Senior Champion Foltzbrook Advent Janie-Red exhibited by Bryce Gingerich, Jr. Show REserve Senior Champion Alcroft Dusk Jellybean-Red exhibited by David Alden
PREMIER BREEDER Pineybrook Farms PREMIER EXHIBITOR Express-Stan Mar Dale
(Only the first five places are published. For complete records, please visit OHIO NEWS
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Priority PriorityIAC IAC
the Smart bacteria Company the Smart bacteria Company TM
Priority IAC
Priority IAC the Smart bacteria Company
Priority IAC
the Smart bacteria Company
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the Smart bacteria Company TM TM
Authorized Resellers
Nevin L’Amoreaux - Eastern Ohio the Smart Priority IAC bacteria Company 330-309-6575 | TM
the Smart bacteria Company
1-888-444-2030 |
Priority IAC
Bill Indoe - Central Ohio 333-608-9770 | Jay Hein - Western Ohio 419-852-9125 | 419-925-5103
TM TM TM TM TM TM the | ACalf | Chopper’s ChoiceTM Inoculants 3 4 P-One |Smart O HProgram I O bacteria N E W S || Gold FCompany E B RSpike UARY/M R C HGOLD 2 0 1 5 | StartUp Gel | Showmen’s Choice the
Rosedale Genetics & Priority Products
Mark & Nicky Rueth, Rosedale Genetics Rosedale Lexington, EX-95 2E Lavender Ruby Redrose, EX-96 4E The value Mark and Nicky Rueth, owners of Rosedale, place on genetic superiority and performance is a strong reason why they utilize Priority IAC, Inc. products. In fact, each Priority product is formulated featuring genetically superior, branded strains of Smart bacteria that outperform other strains to provide the perfect combination for a healthy rumen. “We used to use other products, but didn’t see any significant results or performance. When we switched to P-One™ you could see the results right away,” shares Nicky. “We’ve had great luck with every Priority product we’ve used.” “The cows have more consistent eating and our components are better,” notes Mark as he talks about what he sees from feeding P-One™. “We started using P-One™ and will never quit it because we see the results, which is why we stick with it. We didn’t feed P-One™ for a little while and we had some problems without it. We’ve never been off it since!”
Priority IAC the Smart bacteria Company
Authorized Resellers TM
1-888-444-2030 |
Priority IAC
Nevin L’Amoreaux - Eastern Ohio 330-309-6575 | Bill Indoe - Central Ohio 333-608-9770 | Jay Hein - Western Ohio 419-852-9125 | 419-925-5103
TM TM the P-One ProgramTM | Gold SpikeTM |TM Calf GOLDTM | StartUpTM Gel | O Showmen’s | UChopper’s H I O N E W Choice S | FEBR A R Y / M A RChoice C H 2 0 1Inoculants 5 | 35 the Smart bacteria Company
Attention Juniors! You WIN $250, if Ohio News feature YOUR Design on the cover of our NEXT issue! The August/ September Ohio News will be focusing on our Juniors, and we’re looking for a cover design. We will be having a contest, inviting all Juniors to submit their ideas for cover artwork. We will display all entries during the first week of the Ohio State Fair for voting and invite all youth to participate in the contest!
Contest Details
BER 20 14
Size: 10.75” x 8” Color: Full color. Can use photography, drawings, or other artwork in your design Due: Wednesday, July 15th Email art to Or mail to: Jackie Bickel 1506 Hodson Road New Vienna, Ohio 45159 Questions: contact Jackie at 513.300.7291 or email
Fe b r
15 ch 20
BER 20 14
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Setting the Stage for Success Reserve Grand Champion Mid-East Spring National 2015 Intermediate Champion Mid-East Spring National 2014
M-Riverview Destry Kalin (EX-92) 3-2 3x 365d 37,858M 4.0% 1524F 3.3% 1240P Destry X VG Damion X VG Lheros X EX Roy Daughters by Hero & Armani Pregnancies due in June by Goldwyn
Wabash-Way Absol Ali-ET Jr. Champ Mid-East Spring National R&W Show 2015 1st Fall Yrlg Mid-East Spring National R&W Show 2015 Absolute X Anna (EX-91) Due in September to Malone
Springhill-Oh Dest Anna-Red
M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
Terry Terryand andMarcia MarciaStammen Stammen& &Family Family 4965 4965St. St.Rt. Rt.705 705 •• New New Weston, Weston, OH OH45348 45348 937.338.3248 937.338.3248 cell cell937.621.0107 937.621.0107
at Wabash-Way
Kokosings Cairo Calico (VG-88)
Wabash-Way Atwood Fantasia
1-10 3X 254d 21,374 4.1% 879 3.4% 728
Reserve Jr. Champion Maryland Spring Show 2015
2nd Sr. Two year old Mid-East Spring National 2015 12th Milking Yearlng World Dairy Expo 2014
1st Spring Yearling Maryland Spring Show 2nd Spring Yearling Mid-East Spring National
Due in September to Doorman
Congratulations to Glamourview Holsteins for their success with Fantasia!
Wabash-Way Braxton Twinkle
Braxton X Goldwyn X Outside Tootsie X Highlight Tamara All-Ohio Winter Calf 2013
Brown Velvet Gib Charlotte
Wabash-Way McCutchen Edin
1st Place Jr. Yearling Ohio Spring Dairy Expo 2015 Junior Champion Ohio Spring Dairy Expo 2015
2nd Winter Yearling Mid-East Spring National 1st Winter Calf Ohio State Fair 2014 McCutchen X Oman Elita cow family Due in December to Gold Chip
Congratulations to Elaina Lahmers and Brown Velvet Swiss for their success with Charlotte!
Fantasia, Edin and Elite Allure were 1st place Jr. Best three females at Mideast Spring National
Thank you to Gary “Gumboots” Jones, Pat Conroy and Aaron Jordan for their help during Spring Show. OHIO NEWS
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como any their mples anaarker ction mals. view tion,
including any genomic results, by simply logging onto the web site at Enlight is updated the day new Gerald Davidson (D15) genomic evaluations are available, Gerald R. Davidson, 64,access of allowing producers much quicker Hollowtown Sunday, than Aprilever 27, to their latestdied information before.HeIt’s password-protected 2015. was aa retired teacher and website, so you won’t have to install or active with Davidson Dairy, where upgrade to new software — the latest he and his family raised registered version is always available online and Holsteins and Guernseys. He is works within your web browser. And it survived by sisters, Betty videos, (John) comes with atwo series of tutorial Wessel and Davidson; user guides that Frances will help you understand and make the Charles(Jonda), best use of the three brothers, program. Terry (Becky) and Gary (DeAnna) Enlight gives you immediate access Davidson; nieces and nephews and to a wide range of reporting and analytgreat-nieces and nephews. ical tools, along with official animal identification, breed benchmarks and1 Funeral services were Friday, May reports such as a youngstock, herd and at the Buford Community Center in genetic conditions. We update the Buford waswith at the website and eachburial evening theHamer latest Township Highland Co. informationCemetery from theinHolstein herdbook, so when you identify new Arthur (D11) they will animals M. withLoschky the Association, Arthur M. Loschky, of Milford automatically appear in95,Enlight once they are OH, enrolled the Holstein Center, diedin April 5, 2015herdjust book. Enlight puts your herd’s genetic a month short of his 96th birthday data atayour fingertips, you to after short illnessallowing at Memorial analyze and use it in ways that are most Gables of Marysville, OH. He was useful to you. The tool makes the
In Memoriam
process of getting and using your genetic data quick and efficient, and can help you make timely decisions to reach your breeding goals. still a part of Arlosy Holstein Farm Enlight is the outcome of a collabofarming with his grandson, Rob ration between Holstein Association Bouic. HeZoetis. breed Look registered USA and in theHolsteins summer 2014 issue the and Pulsehad for abeen full descripmost of hisoflife active tion of Enlight, or visit www.holsteiin District 11 as a member of the You can also ask of us for Holstein Heany served on a demonstration of Enlight, and we’d be the board and as president of NOBA, glad to come to your farm and show on Union County Landmark you the the benefits. board, Union Alsomember look for of thethe changes to County the TPI® coming in December. New compoFarm Bureau, and the Union County nents, Service fertility index Dairy Unit. and feed efficiency, will be added to the formula, along with thea genetic updateofthat He was lifetimebase member St. takes Paul place everyChurch, five years.“Chuckery”, The fertility index Lutheran OH, is derivedon from the daughter serving many differentpregnancy boards. rate (DPR), heifer conception rate He graduated from Darby Rural High (HCR) and cow conception rate (CCR). School in 1936. He enjoyed traveling The feed efficiency index takes into and spent 18income enjoyable in account extra and winters extra costs. Both will puthis more emphasis traits Florida with second wife, on Marge. important in a profitable herd. He Give was usborn the family farm a callon if there’s anything we canState do to Route help you more from youra on 38getwhich is now Holstein Association USA membership “Century Farm”. He was preceded or your herd. We can answer in death by his first wife,questions Estella and provide on-farm service; just Doellinger Loschky on August contact Glenn Sageser at 502-321-8670.
Attention Farmers ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
Sell Cows and Bulls Direct Sold on a Dressed Basis Graded and Shipped Daily Representing Six Major Packers Each Animal Distributed to the Plant that will Return a Premium Price to You Transportation Available Save – No commissions Serving the Industry Over 50 Years in This Area Licensed and Bonded $200,000 for Your Protection
Merlin L. Garver, Inc.
2203 Heyl Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 OFFICE 1-800-686-6292 330-264-5275 1-800-374-6180
Welch 42
1/2 Mile West of Holstein Association
M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
FARM Paul 330-264-2660 Paul’s Cell 330-466-1188 Jan 330-264-5275
28, 1983. They were married on April 26, 1941. He is survived by his second wife, Marjorie Schmidt George Loschky, whom he married on Jan. 4, 1985. He is also survived by a daughter, Phyllis (Don) Bouic, of Milford Center, OH; two stepsons, Fredrick George of Milford Center, OH and Tony (Sue) George of Irwin, OH; four grandchildren, Robert (Angelique) Bouic, of Milford Center, OH, Susan (Randall) Jackson, of Dublin, OH, Janice (Brian) Barrett of Newburgh, IN, and Cheryl (Timothy) Redfern of Coto de Caza, CA; four step-grandchildren, Amy Wood of Milford Center, OH, P.J. (Beth) George of Plain City, OH, and Justin George and Letitia George of Irwin, OH; 14 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-granddaughter. Funeral services were held on April 10, 2015 at St. Paul Lutheran Church and burial at St. Paul Cemetery. The Revs. Paul Schlueter and Jerry Doellinger, a nephew from Iowa, officiated. The family requests memorial contributions be made to Loving Care Hospice or St. Paul Lutheran Church, Milford Center, OH.
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Show Results 2015 Mideast Spring National Holstein Open Show
WINTER HEIFER CALF 1 Ms Opportunity Price to Sell Seven Gables Farm, Sidney, OH 2 Toppglen Black Diamond Doeberiener, Bowen, Heath, West Salem, OH 3 Wabash-Way Malone Alaina Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH 4 Stan-Mar-Dale Vatta Express / Stan-Mar-Dale, Urbana, OH 5 Bucks-Pride Sanchez Linda Bucks Pride LLC Bloomville, OH SENIOR HEIFER CALF 1 Sco-Lo-Coons Sid Aria-ET Doeberiener, Bowen, Heath, West Salem, OH 2 Southern-Hills Corv Meril Southern Hill Holsteins, Bethel, OH 3 Topp-View Lane Aurora Madelyn Topp, Botkins, OH Cameron-Ridge Gold Lane-ET 4 Richman Armani McJay Ty 12 Richman Farms, Lodi, OH 5 Banowetz GC Moneymaker Shawn & Levi Banowetz, Charlotte, IA SUMMER YEARLING HEIFER 1 Cherrycrest Miss Vermont Doeberiener, Bowen, Heath, Black, West Salem, OH 2 Ms Queens Manor Sanchez Beau Franchise, Thompson, Linehan, Halpin Louisville, OH 3 Wabash-Way Elaborate Perri Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH Stantons Elaborate 4 Sweet-Peas Reg Wildthing Olivia Finke, London, OH 5 Bucks-Pride Pumpkin Pie Bucks Pride LLC, Bloomville, OH 1 2 3 4 5
40 4
SPRING YEARLING HEIFER Trefle Chassep Doorman-ET Doeberiener, Bowen, Heath, Dyment West Salem, OH Wabash-Way Atwood Fantasia Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH Ms Oppurtunity Gsun Lasgo Franchise & Matt Linehan, Louisville, OH Plainfield BA Brkw Chrissy Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH Toppglen Windbrook Windstorm Shannon Akers, New Bremen, OH |
WINTER YEARLING HEIFER 1 Lingle Gold Freaky Girl-ET Doeberiener, Bowen, Heath, Cole West Salem, OH 2 Wabash-Way McCutchen Edin Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH 3 Toppglen Goldwyn Want-ETS Tanner, Brennan, Marissa & Logan Topp New Bremen, OH 4 KY-Blue Brady Rose Tim & Grace Gunkelman, Perrysville, OH 5 TK-Plain-View Dynamite King, Kayla, Mickayla & Hayden West Liberty, OH FALL YEARLING HEIFER 1 Sagamie Atwood Mikeala Doeberiener, Bowen, Schilling West Salem, OH 2 T-Triple-T Petunia-ET Thomas, Colton & Cummings, C & O Sidney, OH 3 Wabash-Way Elite Allure Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH Wabash-Way Elite 4 Hankansons Atwood Betty Cole, Katie, Bloomville, OH 5 Lingle Atwood Foxxy Lingle, Ryan, Wooster, OH JUNIOR CHAMPION Sco-Lo-Coons Sid Aria-ET Doeberiener, Bowen, Heath West Salem, OH RES. JUNIOR CHAMPION Trefle Chassep Doorman-E Doeberiener, Bowen, Heath, Dyment West Salem, OH JUNIOR 2-YEAR-OLD 1 Hoosier Star Lady Meyer, Tyler,Hoosier Star,Matlock,ME Liberty, OH 2 JR Bucks Pride Gold Chip Sue Dovin, John Dylan, West Salem, OH 3 1092 Engleking Durham Double D Enkleking Holsteins, Greenfield, IN 4 Lindlaur Braxton Aphrodite L’Amoreaux, Lindsay, Louisville, OH 5 Yopp-View GS Eyecandy-ET Topp-View Kids, Botkins, OH
| MF A E YB /RJUUANREY /2M 0 1A5R C H 2 0 1 5
SENIOR 2-YEAR-OLD 1 Tri-Koebel Dempsey Tricky Triple T & Pat Conroy, N. Lewisburg, OH 2 Kokosings Cairo Calico Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH 3 Stan-Mar-Dale Viviana Express/Stan-Mar-Dale, Urbana, OH 4 Sunrose Leontine-ET Gingerich, Bryce & Freeman, Sydney Millersburg, IN 5 Buck-Pride Gold Chip Winie Buck’s Pride, Botkins, OH JUNIOR 3-YEAR-OLD 1 Rupp-Vue Atwood Indy Rupp-Vue Farm, West Salem, OH 2 Balmoral Lars Aurianna-Red Topp-View Kids, Botkins, OH 3 TK-Plain-View Ripley King, Kayla, West Liberty, OH 4 Brookview Atwood Hopscotch Jones, Aubrey, Sidney, OH 5 Highlight Titan Beauty Finke, Olivia, London, OH SENIOR 3-YEAR-OLD 1 Budjon-JK Sip Elyssa-ET Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI 2 T-Triple T Posibility-ET Triple T, Entourage -LC, N. Lewisburg, OH 3 Ree-Kay Aftershock CoCo Hershberger, Renee, Sugarcreek, OH 4 Brookvilla HV Redliner Legend Dobaly, Elijah, Burghill, OH 5 Masal Mahogany 5651 Lawson, Matt, Megan, Sidney, OH INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION Budjon-JK Sip Elyssa-ET Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI RES. INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION T-Triple T Posibility-ET Triple T, Entourage -LC, N. Lewisburg, OH 4 YEAR OLD 1 M-Riverview Destry Kalin Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH 2 Duhamel Goldwyn Roselina Triple T, Health & Pat Conroy, N. Lewisburg, OH 3 Stan-Mar-Dale Vinita-ET Express/Stan-Mar-Dale, Urbana, OH 4 Majesticview Sevetlana-ET Cole, Heath, Doeberiener, Bowen Williamsfield, OH 5 Express-SMD Braxton Devin Express/Stan-Mar-Dale, Urbana, OH 5 YEAR OLD 1 Porpo Goldwyn Barby-ET Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI 2 Hardy’s Goldwyn Magenta-ET Lawson, Matt, Megan, Sidney, OH 3 Macs-Acres Dy 523-Red
Yoder, Delbert & H McMahane S & R West Salem, OH 4 Kocker Destry Sydnea Bucks Pride LLC, Bloomville, OH 5 Klingedale Sanchez Affirm L’Amoreaux, Nevin, Brenda, Louisville, OH AGED COW 1 Whiteleather Sizzle Whiteleather Holsteins, Minerva, OH 2 JR Goldenflo Goldwyn Foxie Shawn & Levi Banowetz, Charlotte, IA 3 Express-SMD Pagewire JC Express/Stan-Mar-Dale, Urbana, OH 4 JR Cam-Bing Gold Nicole-ET King, Kayla,Mickayla,Hayden, W. Liberty, OH 5 Doubletree Effort Kate Harding, Larry, Jared, New Philadelphia , OH SENIOR CHAMPION M-Riverview Destry Kalin Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH
L to R: 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews, Intermediate Champion Budjon-JK Sid Elyssa-ET exhibited by Parker Hardy, Reserve Intermediate Champion T-Triple-T Possibility-ET exhibited by Triple T, Entourage, Judge Chad Ryan
L to R: 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews, Reserve Senior Champion Porpo Goldwyn Barby-ET exhibited by Parker Hardy, Senior Champion M-Riverview Destry Kalin exhibited by Wabash-Way, Judge Chad Ryan
RES. SENIOR CHAMPION Porpo Goldwyn Barby-ET Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI GRAND CHAMPION Budjon-JK Sip Elyssa-ET Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI RES. GRAND CHAMPION M-Riverview Destry Kalin Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH BEST 3 FEMALES Stan-Mar-Dale / Express Whiteleather Holsteins Stan-Mar-Dale / Express
L to R: Reserve Grand Champion M-Riverview Destry Kalin exhibited by Wabash-Way, Grand Champion Budjon-JK Sid Elyssa-ET exhibited by Parker Hardy, Judge Chad Ryan, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews
PREMIER BREEDER Stan-Mar-Dale / Express PREMIER EXHIBITOR Stan-Mar-Dale / Express
L to R: Judge Chad Ryan, Junior Champion Sco-Lo-Coons Sid Aria-ET exhibited by Doeberiener, Bowen, Heath, Reserve Junior Champion exhibited by Doeberiener, Bowen, Heath and Dyment, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews
L to R: Award Sponsor Dick Lewis and Family, Supreme Champion Budjon-JK Sid Elyssa-ET exhibited by Parker Hardy, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews
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Jr. Show Results 2015 Mideast Spring National Holstein Junior Show
Winter Heifer Calf 1 Brook HollowSid Ellsa Sky Tim & Grace Gunkelman, West Salem, OH 2 Jenn-Stone Kilo Santa Fe Jacob Knapp, Wellington, OH 3 Starmark Armani Attractive Dudte, Wolf & Sugg, Wooster, OH 4 Ro-Jo Ma Explode Kemosabe Madisen Morlock , Pennberville, OH 5 Ray-Jo Goldwyn Lois’ Banner Emma Mathews , New Vienna, OH 1 2 3 4 5
Fall Heifer Calf Topp-View Lane Aurora Madelyn Topp, Botkins, OH Banowetz GC Moneymaker Shawn & Levi Banowetz, Charlotte, IA M-Signature Gorgeous Matthew Mazzaro, Williamsfield, OH Holbric Exotic Dream Dudte, Wolf & Sugg, Wooster, OH Vale-O Skene Kyle & Kris Ackley and Matt Oechsle East Liberty, OH
2 KY-Blue Brady Rose Gunkelman, Tim, Grace, Perrysville, OH 3 TK-Plain-View Dynamite King, Kayla, Mickayla & Hayden West Liberty, OH 4 Miley Windbrook Glee Miley, David W, West Salem, OH 5 Redien Acres Poker-Red Eliza G Days, Carrollton, OH Fall Yearling 1 Sunrose Jizelle-ET Gingerich, Bryce, Millersburg, IN 2 Rockledge-TTT Lucy Ackley, Kyle,Kris,Robert, Jay, East Liberty, OH 3 Bellemac-JR Deluxe Haley Rader, Shelby M, Conneaut Lake, PA 4 Miley Alexander Tiffany Kliner, Kaleb, West Salem, OH 5 Jenn-Stone Hvezda Ava Knapp, Jacob, Wellington, OH JUNIOR CHAMPION Toppglen Goldwyn Want-ET Tanner, Brennan, Marissa & Logan Topp New Bremen,OH
Summer Yearling 1 Toppglen Goldwyn Waunakee-ET RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION Tanner, Brennan, Marissa & Logan Topp Toppglen Windbrook Windstorm New Bremen, OH Shannon Akers, New Bremen, OH 2 Velvet-View Lana GD Rae Schlauch, Logan, Wyatt, Big Prairie, OH Junior Two-Year-Old 3 Velvet-View Lexy 1 Bucks Pride Gold Chip Sue Schlauch, Logan, Wyatt, Big Prairie, OH Dovin, John Dylan, West Salem, OH 2 Lindlaur Braxton Aphrodite Spring Yearling L’Amoreaux, Lindsay, Louisville, OH 1 Toppglen Windbrook Windstorm 3 Topp-View GS Eyecandy-ET Shannon Akers, New Bremen, OH Topp-View Kids, Botkins, OH 2 Southern-Hills WB Ashlyn Griffith, Shelby, Bethel, OH Senior Two-Year-Old 3 Toppglen Goldwyn Wilma-ET 1 Sunrose Leontine-ET Tanner, Brennan, Marissa & Logan Topp Gingerich, Bryce & Freeman, Sydney New Bremen, OH Millersburg, IN 4 Comestar Aliky Goldwyn 2 Mars-Rust Braxton Maisie 193 Franchise-ML, C Popp & B. Enquiry Lloyd, Marlee, Springfield, OH Louisville, OH 3 Cameron-Ridge Gold Chip Lea 5 Toppglen Goldwyn Waya-ET Austin Nanman, Norwalk, WI Tanner, Brennan, Marissa,Logan Topp 4 Sunrose Leontine-ET New Bremen, OH Gingerich, Bryce & Freeman, Sydney Millersburg, IN Winter Yearling 1 Toppglen Goldwyn Want-ETS Tanner, Brennan, Marissa & Logan Topp New Bremen, OH 46
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Junior Three-Year-Old 1 Balmoral Lars Aurianna-Red Topp-View Kids, Botkins, OH 2 TK-Plain-View Ripley King, Kayla, West Liberty, OH 3 Brookview Atwood Hopscotch Jones, Aubrey, Sidney, OH 4 Highlight Titan Beauty Finke, Olivia, London, OH 5 Cornish Sanchez Addie Cornish, Megan, North Fairfield, OH Senior Three-Year-Old 1 Budjon-JK Sip Elyssa-ET Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI 2 Brookvilla HV Redliner Legend Dobaly, Elijah, Burghill, OH 3 TK-Plain-View Revelation King, Kayla, Hayden, West Liberty, OH 4 Brookview Sid Candy Apple J. Garrett Havens, Fremont, OH INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION Budjon-JK Sip Elyssa-ET Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI RES. INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION Balmoral Lars Aurianna-Red Topp-View Kids, Botkins, OH Four Year-Old 1 Topp-View Brian Roxanne Topp-View Kids, Botkins, OH Five Year-Old 1 Porpo Goldwyn Barby-ET Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI 2 Klingedale Sanchez Affirm L’Amoreaux, Nevin, Brenda, Louisville, OH 3 Campbros Alexander Rosie Campbell, Dustin , Homeworth, OH 4 Whiteleather Gldwyn 1492-ET Whiteleather, Autumn, Minerva, OH 5 Fuhrmann-Vu Pagewire Rilee Fuhrmann, Brad, Hoagland, IN Aged Cow 1 Goldenflo Goldwyn Foxie Shawn & Levi Banowetz, Charlotte, IA 2 Cam-Bing Gold Nicole-ET King, Kayla,Mickayla,Hayden West Liberty, OH 3 Whiteleather Damion 1278 Tillie Emma Mathews, New Vienna, OH
SENIOR CHAMPION Porpo Goldwyn Barby-ET Parker Hardy RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION Goldenflo Goldwyn Foxie Shawn & Levi Banowetz, Charlotte, IA GRAND CHAMPION Budjon-JK Sip Elyssa-ET Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION Porpo Goldwyn Barby-ET Parker Hardy, Tipton, MI
L to R: Show Sponsor-Nationwide Insurance, Reserve Grand Champion Porpo Goldwyn Barby-ET exhbited by Parker Hardy, Grand Champion Budjon-JK Sid Elyssa-ET exhibited by Parker Hardy, Judge Chad Ryan, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews
L to R: Show Sponsor-Nationwide Insurance, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews, Junior Champion Toppglen Goldwyn Want-ET exhibited by Tanner Topp, Reserve Junior Champion Toppglen Windbrook Windstorm exhibited by Shannon Akers, Brennan Topp and Marissa Topp
L to R: 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews, Reserve Intermediate Champion Balmoral Lars Aurianna-Red exhibited by Top-View Kids, Intermediate Champion Budjon-JK Sid Elyssa-ET exhibited by Parker Hardy, Judge Chad Ryan
L to R: Show Sponsor-Nationwide Insurance, Miley Adonis Brandy-Red, Adam Miley, Pineymede Arm Jazz-Red-ET, Taylor Birkemeier, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews
L to R: Senior Champion Porpo Goldwyn Barby-ET exhibited by Parker Hardy, Reserve Senior Champion Goldenflo Goldwyn Foxie exhibited by Shawn and Levi Banowetz, 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen Emma Mathews
8 & 9 YEAR OLDS Kelly Hawvermale
13 YEAR OLDS Garret Hageman
17 and OLDER Tanner Topp
10 YEAR OLDS Olivia Finke
14 YEAR OLDS Mason Mazzaro
11 YEAR OLDS 15 YEAR OLDS Madelyn Topp Keaton Topp
12 YEAR OLDS Tim Gunkelman
16 YEAR OLDS Brennan Topp
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Aged Cow (1) as National IntermediateofShowmanship Winners management the farm and dairy. The dairy Junior herd was 2003, was elected to the at-large position Showsold Reserve in Junior Champion 1. Tru-Vision Gold Famous, Southern-Hills 1. 2009, Sarah aQuallen; 2.Lewis Emmahad Mathews; 3. stroke. Today, Karebears Dempsey Elegance, in year after a disabling Tom Director of the HFA, where he served on the JAC, GAC and Sarah Francis; 4. Kerrigan Meeker Emma Mathews Junior Showmanship Winners Open Show Junior Champion 1. Caili Baumann; 2. Maggie Mathews; 3. Gusty Knoll JB Martini-ET, Jennifer McCord Natasha Davidson; 4. McKenna Schaefer Open Show Reserve Junior Champion Junior Heifer Calf (10) Southern Hills WB Ashlyn, 1. Southern-Hills WB Ashlyn , Shelby & Jenna Shelby & Jenna Griffith Griffith; 2. Bottom-Line Atwood Bianca, Junior Two-Year-Old (4) Bottom-Line Farm; 3. (JR) Maple Rey Schapel, 1. (JR) Gar-len Bradnick Penny, Loren Kerrigan Meeker; 4. Bottom-Line Winston Quallen; 2. Ray-Jo Braxton Lady, Bickel Ally, Bottom-Line Farm Family Farm; 3. (JR) Cloverhill Farm RedwireIntermediate Heifer Calf (8) Red, Emma Mathews; 4. Southern-Hills Guth 1. SH-SW Ashock Rosalynd, Shelby & Jenna Mouse, Southern-Hills Holsteins Griffith; 2. Southern-Hills Arm Minnow, Senior Two-Year-Old (4) Southern-Hills Holsteins; 3. (JR) Ray-Jo 1. Lane-Oak Advent Daisy, Whitney Jones & Atwood Jessie, Jessie Crawford; 4. (JR) GarChad Griffith; 2. Express SMD Duece Callie, len Atwood Teal, Loren Quallen Bottom-Line Farm; 3. Ray-Jo Contender SassSenior Heifer Calf (7) Red, Bickel Family Farm 110 West Lisbon Street, 1. (JR) Karebears Redburst Sasha, Emma Junior Three-Year-Old (2) Mathews; 2. Waynesburg, Ms Southern-Edge Ohio Lainey-ET, 446881. Lane-Oak Atwood Mariah, Whitney Jones Shelby & Jenna Griffith; 3. Express SMD & Chad Griffith; 2. (JR) Gar-len Time Cass, Attitude Giggles, Bottom Line Farm; 4. (JR) Loren Quallen Ray-Jo Atwood Jasmine, Emma Mathews Senior Three-Year-Old (4) Summer Yearling (5) 1. Southern-Hills Burny Marcy, Southern-Hills 1. Lane-Oak Atwood Melody, Whitney Jones Holsteins; 2. (JR) Ray-Jo Durham Lucia, Emma & Chad Griffith; 2. (JR) Karebears Redburst Mathews; 3. (JR) Gar-len Dream Pee Wee, Saucy, Brice Walker; 3. Southern-Hills WF Sarah Quallen; 4. Express SMD Chance • Farm experienced agent Trina, Southern-Hills Holsteins; 4. (JR) Future Ballad, Bottom-Line Farm Manor•Brady Cole Heger Junior Show Intermediate Champion FarmBree, expertise On Your Side® Junior Yearling (6) Gar-len Bradnick Penny, Loren Quallen ® reviews Yearly On YourElegance, Side Emma Junior Show Intermediate Reserve Champion 1. (JR) •Karebears Dempsey Mathews; 2. (JR) Gar-len Durable Beauty, Durham Lucia, Emma Mathews • Master Farm Certification withRay-Jo Loren Quallen; 3. (JR) Future Manor Dusk Open Show Intermediate Champion a team of experts to specialize in Lane-Oak Advent Daisy, Peaches-Red, Cole Heger; 4. (JR) Maple Rey Sanchez Lulu, Hunter Meeker Whitney Jones & Chad Griffith your farm coverage needs Winter Yearling (4) Open Show Intermediate Reserve Champion 1. (JR) Remmus Brady Bree, Cole Heger; 2. is Gar-len Bradnick Penny, Loren Quallen Nationwide Agribusiness Southern-Hills Demp Lucille, Southern-Hills theShot #1 Elsie, farmBottom-Line insurer. Holsteins; 3. Rubles Farm
Kim R. Davis, Agent 330.866.3344
Our agency provides…
Holsteins Junior Show Senior Champion Whiteleather Damian 1278 Tillie, Emma Mathews Open Show Senior Champion Quiet Cove Goldwyn Franchise, Bickel Family Farm Open Show Senior Reserve Champion Rubles Hi-Metro Dee Dee, Bottom-Line Farm Junior Show Grand Champion Gar-len Bradnick Penny, Loren Quallen Junior Show Reserve Grand Champion Whiteleather Damian 1278 Tillie, Emma Mathews Open Show Grand Champion Lane-Oak Advent Daisy, Whitney Jones & Chad Griffith Open Show Reserve Grand Champion Gar-len Bradnick Penny, Loren Quallen Best Udder 1. Southern Hills Holsteins; 2. Quiet Cove Goldwyn Franchise, Bickel Family Farm; 3. Southern Hills Holsteins; 4. Rubles Hi-Metro Dee Dee, Bottom Line Farm Best Herd 1. Southern Hills Holsteins; 2. Bickel Family Farm; 3. Bottom-Line Farm; 4. Southern Hills Holsteins Premier Breeder 1. Southern Hills Holsteins; 2. Bickel Family Farms Premier Exhibitor 1. Southern Hills Holsteins; 2. Bickel Family Farm Premier Junior Exhibitor 1. Emma Mathews; 2. Loren Quallen
“As a farmer myself, I understand the risks you face every day on your farming operation.”
OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 9
“...meeting today’s challenges, pursuing tomorrow’s goals.”
STEVE VAUGHAN Nutritional Consultant
6007 Smith Kramer Hartville, OH 44632 Cell: 330-354-3407 Fax: 330-877-3830 PLEASE NOTE: NEW EMAIL ADDRESS
00 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
See you at the
OHIO MULTI-BREED FALL SALE Saturday, November 22, 2014 Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster Sponsored by your
Contact: or Jean Spike 740-363-2184 Ohio Pete Holstein Association
Change To Animal Identification Rules at 2015 World Dairy Expo A change in the animal identification rules for cattle exhibiting at World Dairy Expo will be put in effect for the 2015 show, being held September 29-October 3. To remain in compliance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) rule, all cattle entering Alliant Energy Center grounds are required to be identified with a USDA Animal Identification Number 840 RFID or visual ear tag, or a Canadian CCIA 124 RFID tag. USDA 900, 982, and 985 tags will no longer be accepted as identification for animals born after March 11, 2015. Animals born before this date will be grandfathered in under the new rule and are eligible to enter the grounds. This is an update to the ADT rule that was put in place in 2013 to improve the traceability of U.S. livestock moving interstate.
found on the 840 or 124 tags. Animals will not be allowed on grounds without completed health forms. It is also recommended to include the AIN and/or CCIA numbers on your dairy cattle entry form to further expedite the check-in process.
She’s On Fire!
Additionally, animals entering the grounds are required to have copies of their health certificates (either ICVI or CVI) that include the 15-digit identification numbers,
For more information regarding animal identification rules, visit the WDE website, or USDA website.
Quality-Quest Fancifire-ET
• Excellent 92 @ 5-08 • Sire: Ked Outside Jeeves-ET • Dam: Quality-Quest Firestrike-ET EX 90 - 2nd Dam: Quality-Quest Firepower-ET Ex 90 - 3rd Dam: Quality-Quest Spitfire EX 93 3E • Fresh 11-02-14 • Due: 10-10-15 to Atwood • 305 day projected 35,048 3.9% 1407 - Lifetime to date: 97,337 3856 3042 • Heifers by Goldsun, Aftershock & a Windbrook son
Special Thanks to Doug Dye for making this cow available to us!
8109 Clover Four Road • Celina, Ohio 45822 • phone 419-925-5103 OHIO NEWS
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| 49
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PRENGER’S OF YORKSHIRE 14 E. MAIN ST. P.O. BOX 569 YORKSHIRE, OH 45388 PH: (419) 582-2511 FAX: (419) 582-2005 52
PRENGER’S OF COLDWATER 539 JAY ST. COLDWATER, MI 49036 PH: (517) 279-2697 FAX: (517) 279-2698 | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
Great strides are being taken to advance technology in the dairy industry. But with great strides come great concerns. Have you considered transitioning to robot milkers? Are you curious about cost? Efficiency? Production? Down time? Send us your questions and our September/ October Ohio News Feature Article will address our reader-submitted inquiries by the experts at Prengers, Inc. Please email your questions to, or call 513-300-7291. And don’t worry, we won’t publish your name unless you want us to!
PRENGER’S OF LEBANON 1196 W. ST. RT. 122 LEBANON, OH 45036 PH: (513) 932-1543 FAX: (513) 932-5771 roger@prengersinc. com
PRENGER’S OF FLEMINGSBURG FLEMINGSBURG, KY 41041 PH: (513) 932-1543 FAX: (513) 932-5771 roger@prengersinc. com
PRENGER’S OF ORRVILLE 879 KIDRON RD. ORRVILLE, OH 44667 PH: (330) 857-6955 FAX: (330)-857-3014
MembershipDirectory 2015 Listing of Ohio Holstein Memberships
A Acker, Mark & Shawn 07, Acker Dairy Farms LTD,
13280 Blough Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-317-6655 Ackerman, Ben 09, Ackerman Farms, 5554 Cook Rd, New Washington, OH 44854,, 419-492-2414, 567-224-8388 cell Ackley, Robert & Jay 11, Ack-Lee Holsteins, 9256 Rd 141, East Liberty, OH 43319,, 937-666-2122 Adams Jr, Anthony W. 12, A-Way Farm, 2150 St Anthony Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828 Agland Co-Op 02, 330 S Lincoln Ave, Lisbon, OH 44432,, 330-424-7229, 330-314-6818 fax Alden, Noel & Kate 04, Alden Farms, 24499 Colopy Rd, Danville, OH 43014,, 740-501-8451 Alden, Robin 04, Alden Farms, 24499 Colopy Rd, Danville, OH 43014,, 740-501-8384 Alger, David W. & Richard 01, Grac-Glen Farm, 7420 SR 44, Ravenna, OH 44266, 330-297-5375 Amstutz, J. Louis 07, Blue Crest Dairy, 14710 Church Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-317-1222, 330-684-1459 fax Andreas Farms Inc 03, Andreas Farms Inc, 446 Ragersville Road SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, dandlandreas, 330-852-4364 Andrews, Matt 14, Dreamland Farms, 4150 Tawawa Maplewood, Sidney, OH 45365, diane.andrews@, 937-492-1533 Andrews, Steve 07, Steve Andrews, Auctioneer, 5107 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-9186, 330-465-8498 fax Apple Partners, LLC 22, 21375 Cottage Hill Rd, Durango, IA 52039 Ashton, Scott 08, 224 TR 1281, New London, OH 44851, 419-706-2564 Auble, Jeneva 08, U-Dean Farms, 445 CR 700, Polk, OH 44866,, 419-908-5352 Ayars, John D. & Bonnie 13, Ayars Dairy, 4381 Rosedale Rd, Mechanicsburg, OH 43044, 937-609-3541
Baird, Mervin W. 03, Baird-View Farms, 63229 Salem Rd, Salesville, OH 43778 Baker, Roger 07, Baker’s Acres, 6609 Ashland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-1317, 330-621-1609 Baker’s Acres Dairy Farm 02, Baker’s Acres, 4629 12th St, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-853-3293 Ballweg, Douglas R.12, Ballweg Farms, 7500 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306,, 419-753-2589 Ballweg, Quincy 12, Ballweg Farms, 209 W Spring St, New Knoxville, OH 45871, 419-302-3238 Ballweg, Robert J. 12, Ballweg Farms, 7500 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306,, 419-753-2589 Barbee,Jr, T. Richard 11, Barbee Farm, 6950 Borror Rd, Orient, OH 43146, 614-875-5472 Bardall, Mark & Sandra 03, San-Mar Holsteins, 6348 SR 342, Tippecanoe, OH 44699, sanmarholstein@, 740-658-1133, 740-229-0149 Bardall, Richard T. 03, Rich-Mar Farm, 26485 Norris Rd, Tippecanoe, OH 44699, 740-658-3479 Barker, Becky 04, Berg Farm, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320,, 419946-2469 Barkman, Mahlon 03, 2711 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-0082 Bauman, Jeremy 07, Bauman Farms, 9743 Pleasant Home Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, baumanfarms@, 330-208-3289 Baumann, Andrew 15, Bottom Line Farm, 3056 Schefsky Rd, Blanchester, OH 45107
Beachy, Dale E. 07, Martins-Creek Farm, 6234 CR 203, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-9313 Beachy, Steven R 03, Ste-Mar Holsteins, 1601 CR 168, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-893-3930 Beardsley, Jim 02, Beardsley’s Holsteins, PO Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619,, 330446-0009 Beardsley, Linda L 08, Franmar Farms Inc, 6395 Branch Rd, Medina OH 44256, 330-618-6995, 330618-0995 Beck, Brian 02, Witmer’s Feed & Grain Inc, 1450 Manor Dr, Salem OH, 44460, 330-332-0188, 330692-6922 Beery, Adrian S 07, Heritage Lane Dairy, 11154 Steiner Rd, Rittman, OH, 44270, 330-464-0353, 330-464-2448 Bennett, Todd 02, 24192 Georgetown Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634 Benson, Richard A.01, Rolling Maples Farm, 5937 Center Rd , Conneaut, OH 44030, 440-594-4775 Benson, Richard L. 01, Whitetail-Glen Farm, 6023 Center Rd, Conneaut, OH 44030, cowsrus@, 440-594-1590, 440-228-8128 Berg, Cathy 08, Berg Farms, 3056 Parsons, Belleville, OH 44813,, 419-886-2871 Berg, Peter 08, Berg Farms, 3056 Parsons, Belleville, OH 44813,, 419-886-2871 Berg, Regina 08, Berg Farms, 3114 Parsons, Belleville, OH 44813,, 419-886-4229 Berg, Walter 08, Berg Farms, 3114 Parsons, Belleville, OH 44813,, 419-886-4229 Bertke, Damon 12, Bertke Dairy, 1947 Cassella Montezuma Rd, Maria Stein, OH, 45860, damon. , 419-953-8818 Besancon, Bill, Sandy, Brett, Doug & Greg 07, Wil-San Registered Holsteins, 5693 Back Orrville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691,, 330-264-0118 Beyeler, Marion 07, Blueberry Knoll, 10257 E Lincolnway , Orrville, OH 44667, marionbeyeler@, 330-347-3988 Bickel, Curtis 15, 529 S Walnut, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-728-0174, Bickel, Donald & Jackie 15, New Horizon Farm & Dairy, 1506 Hodson Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159,, 937-218-2697 Black, Jamie 22, Opportunity Genetics, PO Box 3, Constable, NY 12926, 518-353-2602 Blair, Keith & Steven 03, Three Knoll Farm, 52272 SR 145, Beallsville, OH, 43716, 740-926-9121 Bloomfield, Richard 07, 1363 Fulton Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-621-1358, 304-280-6604 Blue Spring Farm LLC 02, Blue Spring Farm LLC, 14277 Marlboro Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, skapper@, 330-935-2829 Bodey, Michael W 13, Mi-Kar Farm, 5912 E SR 29, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8401 Boes, Eugene 09, Gene Boes Dairy, 16132 CH 53 , Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, 419-273-2247 Boes, Kevin 09, West Lincoln Holsteins, 15572 US 30 W, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, westlincholstein@, 419-458-2005 Boggs, Robin 01, Alfa-Creek Farm, 4012 Belden Rd, Andover, OH 44003, 440-293-6165, 440-645-6928 fax Bohlen, Kurt 03, Bohlen’s Dairy Farm, 353 Cow Run Rd, Marietta, OH 45750,, 740-473-9072, 740-350-4931
sponsored by
Bohlen, Ronald & Barb 03, Bohlen’s Dairy Farm, 360 Cow Run Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, kabohlen@yahoo. com, 740-473-1259, 740-350-4931 Booth, David & Tammy 03, 6090 Germano, Carrollton, OH 44615 Booth, Ethan 03, 6090 Germano Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615 Borchers, Alan and Greg 11, Sugar Knoll Holsteins, 5975 TR 23, Lewistown, OH 43333, gregborchers@, 937-596-6772 Boss Farm LLC 07, Boss Farm LLC, 13655 Gearhart Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, 330-464-0373 Bouic, Frank Allen 11, 9404 Hinton Mill, Ostrander, OH 43061,, 740-666-2161, 740-666-2516 Bouic, Rob & Art Loschky 11, Arlosy Inc, 8900 SR 38, Milford Center, OH 43045,, 937349-4619, 937-243-0315 Bouton, Aaron 04, Kokosing Farms LLC, 12138 Green Valley, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, kokosingfarms@gmail. com, 740-507-8271, 740-507-7772 Bowen, Steve 12, Ren-Bow, 5934 VW Mercer Co Line Rd, Rockford, OH 45882, 419-203-5514 Bowman, Robert D 02, Nordo Farms, 3999 Pigeon Run Rd SW, Massillon, OH 44647 Bowman, Terry L 04, Bowmans Dairy Farm, 2566 Blacks Rd, Hebron, OH 43025, 740-928-4139 Brammeier, Adrienne 22, 13001 Ferrin Rd, Carlyle, IL 62231 Bricker, Todd 02, Bricker Farms, 16122 W South Range Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-692-2877 Brightbill-Gem Hill 08, Brightbill-Gem-Hill, 511 TR 3050, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-994-4502, 419651-3528 Brill, Richard 08, Brill-View Farms, 47074 Whitney Rd, Wellington, OH 44090,, 440-6472445, 440-773-4203 fax Brill, Robert 08, 48031 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-309-8440 Broshes, Tony 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 3516 Flatfoot Rd, Urbana, OH 43078,, 937-652-3840, 937-652-3363 fax Brown, Alan 12, Brownhaven Farms, 08713 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, alanruth@hometowncable. net, 419-629-2146 Brown, Jeffrey 12, 17650 SR 65, Jackson Center, OH 45334 Brown, Kenneth W. 07, 4032 E Easton Rd, Creston, OH, 44217, 330-435-4130 Brown, Lou 12, Brownhaven Farm, 07535 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, 419-629-2570, 567-644-5448 Brown, Marvin D. 03, OK Haven Farm, 3386 Henderson School Rd, New Philadelphia, OH 44663,, 330-343-8407 Brugler, Glenn R. 01, Ridge-Dell Holsteins, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd NE, Burghill, OH 44404,, 330-772-5361, 330-306 8306 Brugler, Robert E. 01, Ridge-Dell Holsteins, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd NE Burghill, OH 44404, 330772-5361 Bryant, Bob & Jason 08, Bry Lyn Holsteins, 2069 Satinwood Dr, Mansfield, OH 44903, jbryant4@neo., 419-564-9624, 419-589-7306 fax Buckeye Career Center 03, Buckeye Career Center, 545 University Drive NE, New Philadelphia, OH 44663 Bucks Pride LLC 09, Ken Kocher & Joe Cole, 6249 Ross Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, 419-563-6100 Burch Dairy Farm LLC 02, Burch Dairy Farm, 4405 SR 9, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-1125, 330-853-3300 Burkholder, Ivan W 08, Clarity Fiew, 1769 Noble Rd W, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2061 Burkholder, Jason B 08, Breezy Knoll Holsteins, 1274 Lattimer Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-895-9966, 419-895-9966 fax
M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
Burkholder, Jonas U. 03, Old Road Farms, 2699 TR 406, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-893-3195 Burky, Gary 03, Burky Farm LLC, 7257 Sugarcreek Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH, 44663, garyburky@, 330-340-5454 Buschur Dairy Farms Inc 14, Buschur Dairy Farms Inc, 14393 Johnson Rd, New Weston, OH 45348, 937-423-7108
Caldwell Dairy Farms 03, Caldwell Dairy Farms, 90208 Blue Ridge Rd, Bloomingdale, OH 43910, 740-946-1883, 740381-9730 Call, Alfred L.13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11154 Huntington Rd, S. Charleston, OH 45368, 937-462-7285 Cameron, Charlie & Chelsi Bingamon 22, Rt 3, Box 467, Mt Vernon, KY 40456 Campbell Bros., Inc. 02, Campbell Bros, Inc., 3821 Union Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, soupfarmer@, 330-821-5696, 330-257-8308 Carle, Scott 03, J-Car Farms, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625,, 330-894-2902, 330-428-3576 Carmony, Stanley 07, Carmony Farms Ltd, 8573 Canaan Center Rd, Wooster, OH 44691,, 330-345-9105, 330-621-1354 fax Carper, Merlin F. 02, Carperdale Farms, 8324 Pilot Knob Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-8907 Carrollton FFA 03, Carrollton Vo-Ag, 252 3rd St NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-7606 Carter, Bradley 07, Neueway Holsteins, 2967 SW Lebanon Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, bradgailcarter@aol. com, 330-828-0821, 330-465-1439 fax Clark, Seth 07, Merck Animal Health, 18161 Hackett Rd, Dalton, OH 44618,, 330465-2728 Clark, Thomas R 01, Clark Farm, 7370 SR 534, West Farmington, OH 44491, 330-889-2713 Clarke, Robert D. 03, Clarkehills Farm, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, 740-922-1283 Cline, Harold & Marie 09, 3094 Baird Rd, Fostoria , OH 44830, 419-435-5977 Cline, Mark 09, 5453 McCutchenville Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830,, 419-619-4559 Cline, Phillip 09, Mawil, 5475 McCutchenville Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-619-3561 Coblentz, Luke 15, Jon-Lu Holsteins, 8466 Conley Rd, Winchester, OH 45697,, 606-748-6049, 937-377-1609 fax Coblentz, Marvin 07, Mar-Rose, 992 US 62, Wilmot, OH, 44689, 330-359-5570 Coffman, Mike 03, Coffman Farms Inc., 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750,, 740-374-3116, 740-516-6768 Cole, Anne 09, Longacre Farms Inc & Bucks Pride, LLC, 4174 Lincoln Way, Bucyrus, OH 44820, aspreng@, 419-561-0902 Cole, Duane T 01, Cole Farms, 8105 Hartford, Burghill, OH, 44404-9755,, 440-724-1587, 440-599-9170 fax Collett, Robert & Susan 07, Sand Run Farm, 7629 CR 68, Millersburg, OH, 44654, 330-763-3002 Congleton, Mike 03, BELHI Holsteins, 159 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714,, 740-423-9679 Connor, DVM, MS. Dr. Joseph 09, Silver Creek Dairy, LLC, 15681 SR 67, Forest, OH 45843, scd@psmdairy. com, 419-673-0069, 419-673-2223 fax Conrad, Donald L. & Joyce 05, Conrad Farm, 13205 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-4955124 Conrad, Gregory A. 05, Conrad Farm, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145,, 740-495-5067, 740-572-1058 Conrad, Rick & Dave 08, Conrad Farms, 19900 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton OH 44044 Cook, Kevin 02, Midway-Crest Farm, 41411 SR 558, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-429-5832 54
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Cook, Ronald R. 02, Midway-Crest Farm, 4349 Bunkerhill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2390, 330-692-8201 Coonridge Holsteins 22, 19054 Linn Jones, Monticello, IA, 52310 Cope, Grant & Tom 02, Breezy-Knoll Farm, 4675 Depot Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-1470 330-423-2323 Cornish, David Jr 08, Cornish Family , 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, dave.cornish@, 419-752-6293, 440387-1251 Crawford, Dan & Lois 03, Rydal Mount Farm, 5755 North American Rd NW, Dover, OH, 44622, 330-364-2923 Crist, Steve 02, Crist Dairy Farms, 5200 Rochester Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7747, 330-257-1206 Cross Genetics 22, Maverick & Todd Widholm, 1840 Kleven Ln, Crown Point, IN 46307 Crossgrove, Jodi10, Roma J’s Dairy, 22139 CR V, Archbold, OH 43502,, 419551-2990 Crossgrove, Roger D. 10, 5J Acres, 22-139 Rd V, Archbold OH 43502,, 419-4456121, 419-906-1201 Cummings, Tim 14, Seven Gables Farm, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Custer, Brian & Timothy Rohrer 02, FloLeen Farms, 7136 Oakhill Ave NE, Box 267, Maximo, OH 44650, 330-823-8276
Dalessandro DVM, Anthony R. 12, Nettle Creek Jerseys, 4958 US 35N, Richmond, IN 47374, 765-935-2373, 765-9934993 cell, 765-939-0037 fax Damascus Livestock Auction 02, Barry & Rhonda Pidgeon, P O Box 198, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-537-2061 Daniel, Richard 09, Wolf-Tale, 4016 TH 10, Sycamore, OH 44882, 419-957-5265, 419-957-0623 Daniels, Don 08, Town & Country Co-Op, 813 Clark Ave, Ashland, OH 44805, 419-281-2153, 440-476-6125 Davidson Dairies 15, Davidson Dairies LLC, 2784 Hollowton Rd, Hillsboro, OH, 45133, davidsondairy@, 937-288-2208 Davidson, Tim W & Lee W 11, Ladson View Farm, 504 S Carlisle St, Quincy, OH 43343, 937-585-6014, 937-441-4304 fax Davies, Kristen 07, 1443 E Moreland Rd, Wooster, OH, 44691,, 330-466-2500 Davis, Dean 07, 6630 E Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH 44691-7290, 330-435-5890 Deam, Neil 03, Deam’s Hoof Care, 9843 Golf Course Rd NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681,, 330-852-3110, 330-763-1405 Deam, Steven S. & Deidre 13, Coba/Select Sires Inc, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026, steve@, 937-477-6616, 937-964-8602 fax Deem, Chris & Nicki 07 Deem-Pointe Holsteins, 12845 Burbank Rd, Burbank, OH 44214 330-321-6374 Deetz, Bill 03, Four-Pines, 8115 Roy Andrews Rd, Sugarcreek, OH, 44681, 330-852-4275, 330-432-0694 Denham, Ray 08, Denham Farms, 19601 Vermont St, Grafton, OH 44044, 440-355-5768, 216-513-4013 Denman, Davis 01, Denmandale Farms, 3155 Irishtown Southworth , Cortland, OH 44410, 330638-6222 Dicke, Darby & Amy 13, Hilltop Farms Inc, 1613 Hilltop Rd, Xenia, OH 45385, 937-372-3872, 937307-8409 Diedrick Brothers 08, Diedrick Brothers, 45302 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-213-5744 Doria, Lesley & Sam 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 370 Edgewood, Perrysburg, OH, 43551-1835 Douglass, John 07, Catalpadale Dairy/Bristol Dairy, 14981 Fox Lake Rd, Marshallville, OH, 44645, 330855-2623 Duncan, Charles 04, Duncan Farm, 42571 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, 740-824-4275
Duncan, Daryl 04, Duncan Farm, 42527 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, dsduncan1@twcil, 740-8244592, 740-502-4549 fax Dye, Douglas S. 02, Quality Quest Holsteins, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609,, 330-525-5272, 330-581-7603 Dye, Evan S. 02, Quality Quest Holsteins, 3647 Sycamore St, Beloit, OH 44609,, 330-525-5272, 330-206-4215
Eberhard, Ron & Bruce 11, Business & Estate Planning Services Unlimited, P.O. Box 458 1531, Eber-Lea Vista, Grove City, OH 43123, 614-871-0114, 614-871-1157 fax Eberly, Brenda 07, Emerald Quest, 2234 CR 37, Jeromesville, OH 44840,, 330-317-2386 Eberly, Duane 07, Eberly Farms, 8058 W Smithville Western, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-4169, 330466-6095 Ebner, Phillip 03, Ebner Farms, 4118 Arrow Rd NW, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-7008 Elsass, Jeremy & Lori 12, Quietcove-W, 17930 Fryburg East Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895-8714,, 419-552-0355, 419-710-0054 fax Elshoff, Kirke & Jay 12, Golden Hills Farm, 13110 Elshoff Dr , St Marys, OH 45885,, 419-753-2323, 419-305-6071 cell, 419-753-2388 fax Emmons Farms 10, Emmons Farms, 15584 SH 108, Fayette, OH 43521 Epperly. Kelly A 14, Dorloy K Holsteins, 501 W Main, Anna, OH 45302,, 937-658-3896 Etgen, Ty 12, Etgen-Way Holsteins, 9410 Sugar Creek Rd, Harrod, OH, 45850 , 567-204-6310 Evans, David I & Mike 03, Klami Reg Holsteins, 7163 Macaw Rd NW, Minerva, OH, 44657, 330-895-2250 Express Show Cattle 13, Express Show Cattle, 5077 S Kennard Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, expressshowcattle@, 937-206-9890, 937-206-8402
Farm Credit Mid-America 07, 382 W Liberty St, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-2451, 330-262-9325 fax Fenning Equipment 12, 1456 St. Anthony Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828, 419-953-8500, gary@ Finton, CC 03, Carlene Farms, 1436 Stonecreek Rd, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-340-2193 Firebaugh, Jay G. 07, Firetech Holstein Farm, 7827 Zimmerman Rd, Wooster, OH 44691 First National Bank 07, First National Bank, 112 W Market St , Orrville, OH 44667, 330-682-1010 Fisher, Donald 13, Donald Fisher Farms Inc, 5435 W Farrington Rd, Covington, OH 45318, 937-473-2876, 937-418-2014, 937-473-2776 fax Fisher, Philip E. 12, Diamond-Oak Farm, 20715 SR 189, Ft Jennings, OH 45844, 419-302-3148 Fledderjohann, Craig 12, Canal View Farm, 04238 SR 219, St Marys, OH 45885,, 419-753-2134, 419-953-3487 Fledderjohann, Mark 12, Pleasant-Meadow Farm, 8570 CR 219A, Celina, OH 45822, 419-305-8076 Fox, Beth and Chad 02, Never Done Dairy, 7233 Fohl Rd SW, Navarre, OH 44662,, 330-879-0170, 330-546-5758, 330-879-2445 fax Fraser, Anne Marie 02 Buckeye-View Farm, 632 S 12th St, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-7262, 330-2276660 cell
Garrison, Jennifer 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5151 Pinto Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-324-5135 Gasser, Kraig 07, 2556 E Easton Rd, Creston, OH 44217,, 330-317-7688, 330435-4160 fax Gasser, Steve 07, Gasser Farms, 2959 Pleasant Home Rd, Creston, OH 44217,, 330465-5429
Gehrig, Dave & Harry 03, Century-Knoll Farm, 43505 Long Ridge Rd, Clarington, OH 43915, 740-483-1527 Gerber, Kenneth 07, ABS, 5610 TR 353, Millersburg, OH 44654,, 330-674-9817 Gilbert, Lisa M 08, Dovin Dairy Farms LLC, 15967 SR 58 S, Oberlin, OH, 44074 Gilbert, Steve 07, Broad-Vue Holsteins, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH, 44691, 419-869-7137, 330-231-8039 Gill, Ralph 07, Golden Briar Farm, 7588 Back Orrville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691,, 330466-0498 Gleisner, Bud 08, 144 CR 681, Sullivan, OH, 448809715, 419-651-9388 Golden Oaks Farm 22, PO Box 37, Wauconda, IL 60084 Goodman Dairy Farm 12, 4600 Ottawa Rd, Lima, OH 45801,, 419-228-5411 Gowanlock, Heather 02, Ouric Holsteins, PO Box 635, Nicollet, MN 56074 Graber, Robert E 07, Bob Graber Auctioneer, 15034 Burkhart Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, bgraberauctions@, 330-684-2123, 330-466-1662 cell, 330684-2124 fax Gresser, Irvin 07, Ir-Ma-Vale Farm, 7585 Akron Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-669-3611, 330-347-5171 Griffith, Larry & Chad 15, Southern Hills Holsteins,12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH, 45106,, 513-543-2315 Grove, Juli A 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 2213 Crooked Run Rd, New Philadelphia, OH 44663 330-339-5389 Grube, Mike 08, 8300 Shiloh-Norwalk Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2897 Guggenbiller, Daryl L 12, Glacier Hill Farm, 972 Meiring Rd, Ft Recovery, OH 45846 , 419-375-4650, 419-852-8816 Gunkelman, Brian 08, B-Gunkelman Farms, 3411 Abbeyville Rd, Medina, OH 44256, brian4320@, 330-725-2227, 330-350-2047 Gunkleman, Dave 07, TaG Holsteins , 747 SR 39, Perrysville, OH 44864,, 330-464-3259
Hall, Rondell 08, 333 TR 1080, Polk, OH 44866,, 330-465-5791 Hallelujah Holsteins LLC 07, Hallejujah Holsteins, 3024 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-2643919, 330-464-6982 Hange, Donald E. 07, Accelerated Genetics, 433 N Kurzen Rd, Dalton, OH 44618,, 330-465-1515 Harding, Edna 03, E-Fran-Dale Holsteins, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5490, 330-243-4728 Harding, Larry & Jared 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 4447 Crooked Run Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5389 Harding, Louise 03, Lou Har Holsteins, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-3395490, 330-432-7430 Harms, David & Dirk 15, Harms Farms, 2700 Clayton Rd, Brookville, OH 45309, 937-687-2955 Harms, Shari L. 15, Har Place, 2700 Clayton Rd, Brookville, OH 45309, 937-687-2955 Harold’s Equipment 03, 2120 CR 168, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-893-2348, 330-231-1634 cell, 330-8933459 fax Harpster Enterprises Ltd 08, Harpster Enterprises Ltd, 316 B US 250 E, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419869-7451, 419-651-2343 Harris, Imogene C 13, 3211 Troy Rd, Springfield, OH 45504, 937-399-1554 Harris, Paul 01, Harris Farm, 9554 Bainbridge Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023,, 440-543-7587 Hartline, Robert/Gale/John 03, Hartline Valley Farms, Inc., 735 Wagner Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-373-6820
Hartman, Wayne E. 07 , Hartman Dairy Farm Inc, 3918 Ogden Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, hartmandairy@, 330-465-7536 Hartschuh, Allen & Diane 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 1401 New Washington Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, 419284-3721 Hartschuh, Brian 09, 7875 Miller Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818,, 419-835-4170 Hartschuh, Gregory S 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 6348 Parks Rd, Sycamore, OH 44882,, 419-284-0025, 419-561-1364 Hartschuh, Jason 09, Dial Dairy Farm,1401, New Washington Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, 419-561-1216 Hartzler, Shane 07, Crossroads Dairy, LLC, 10721 Benner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-1588, 330-925-1588 fax Haskins, Paul R 07, Rohaven Holsteins, 16998 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 740-694-0220, 419-618-4028 Haskins, Robert W. 04, Haskins Farm, 17219 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 740-694-0122 Hastings, Duane 08, 107 CR 1100, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-869-7360, 419-606-0996 Hastings, Lad & Brenda 01, Hastings Dairy, 13270 Stoney Springs Drive, Chardon, OH 44024,, 440-635-0313 Havens, Eric 09, Brookview Farms, 4293 Tiffin Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-992-4471 Havens, Karl E. 09, Brookview Farms, 1758 Morrison Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-334-4706 HB Owen & Son Inc 08, HB Owen & Son Inc, PO Box 57, Homerville, OH, 44235, 330-625-5694, 330-6359411 Heger, Cam & Alex 15, 5911 Lesourdsville-W Chester Rd, Hamilton, OH, 45011, 513-646-6904 Heger, Curt 15, Future Manor Farm, 10131 CR 227, Camden, OH 45311, 937-452-3606 Heger, Roy 15, Future Manor Farm, 221 S Liberty, Camden, OH, 45311, 513-907-0522 Hein, Jake 12, 3264 Chickasaw Rd, Celina, OH 45822, 419-852-9126, 419-852-3524 Hein, Jay 12, Nor-J-Farms, 8109 Clover Four Rd., Celina, OH 45822, 419-925-5103, 419-852-9125 Heisner, Bernard M 11 , 7367 Timberwolf Trail, Fairview Heights, IL 62208,, 618-213-6989, 618-691-1924 Hempfling, Charles J 12, Hempfling Dairy Farm, 22161 Lincoln Hwy, Delphos, OH 45833,, 419-236-6467 Henricks, Richard 10, Henricks & Krieger, 14692 CR 16-3, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-452-7285 Henry, Anton 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 10695 Wolf Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, indianstone1@, 937-238-4960 Henry, Charlie 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 7581 SR 242, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-423-5293 Henry, Joe 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 10695 Wolf Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-238-4954 Henry, Mark W. 11, Henry Farms, 9046 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357, , 937747-3575, 937-539-0068 Henry, Steve P 03, Lemuel Dairy Farm, 11744 Turkey Flat Rd SE, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, 740-254-9238, 740-254-4025 fax Henschen DVM, Tye J. 11, Midwest Genetics, 3883 Klondike Rd, Delaware, OH 43015, 740-369-3931, 740-815-0076, 740-369-7814 fax Heritage Cooperative 13, Heritage Cooperative, 11177 TR 133, West Mansfield, OH 43358, 937-6522135 ext 631 or 632 Hershberger, Craig 07, Ree-Kay Acres, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681,, 330-852-4898, 330-204-3317
sponsored by
Hershberger, Lamar D 07, Hersh-Dale, 3765 SR 39, Millersburg, OH 44654 330-893-3263 Hershberger, Renee 07, Ree-Kay Acres, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681,, 330-852-4898, 330-204-6466 High, Darvin & Ashley 07, High’s Holsteins, 3917 Ogden Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-5662 Hinds, Kevin C. 03, 6443 Everhart Rd, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, 740-498-6240, 614-205-7173 Hinz, Bruce & Justin 22, 7759 Centerville Rd, Fillmore NY 14735 ,, 585-6890249, 585-689-0251 cell, 585-567-2548 fax Hippely, Fred and Susan 02, Hipalane Farms, 5250 McCann Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-1328 Hippely, Robert & Linda 02, Hippely Holsteins, 23675 Buck Rd, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-2123 Hochstetler, Tim & William 07, Goose-Valley Farm, 3025 TR 406 , Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-893-2076 Hohman, Michael 02, Strouble Farm LTD, 5466 Werner Church Rd, North Canton, OH 44721, 330-575-7007 Holmes Ag Service 07 Holmes Ag Service, PO Box 67, 301 S Market, Holmesville, OH 44633 330-279-2501 Holter, Roy/Alan/Edward/Pat 06 Holter’s Holstein Farms, 34425 Dairy Lane, Pomeroy, OH 45769, 740992-7261 Homerville Holstein Farms 08, Homerville Holsteins, 8429 Spencer Rd, Homerville, OH 44235,, 330-625-2945 Hoover, Dan & Connie 09, Hoover Dairy, 2314 E SR 18, Tiffin, OH 44883, 419-447-2177 Horning, Aaron Z 08, Cedar Wood Farm, 1011 Crum Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-895-1183 Hostetler, Luke 07, Hostetler Farm, 1821 Deerfield Ave NW, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-0671, 330-4950198 Hostetler, Robyn Baer 07, L & R Dairy Farm LLC, 12599 Fulton Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-8555515, 330-234-1653 cell, 330-855-3407 fax Hudson, Craig 09, Hudson Farms, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820,, 419-563-0102, 419-834-0207 Huff, Brent 03, Rocky Point Farms, 26714 TR 247, Newcomerstown, OH 43832,, 740-498-8231, 740-502-1036 Hughes, Julie 07, Open Road Holsteins, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637-9738, 330-377-4156 Hunsberger Holsteins LLC, 07, Hunsberger Holsteins LLC, 8257 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-4962134, 330-317-3663 cell, 330-496-4120 fax Hunsberger, Rod 07, Gate-Way Holsteins LTD, 8817 CR 318, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-567-3776 Hupp, Josh & Jen 04, Hupp Dairy, 15286 Fairgrounds Rd, Croton, OH 43013,, 740-893-2413, 740-627-1871
Indoe, Richard K 08, Richman Farms, 7833 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-948-1427 , 330-608-8685 cell, 330-948-1404 fax Indoe, Tom 08, Richman Farms, 7900 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-948-1137, 330-571-4670 Indoe, Tyler 08, 233 Blue Spruce Ct, Seville, OH 44273 Indoe, William 08, Richman Farms, 8018 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-608-9770 Inkrott, Cayla 12, 10326 Road E, Leipsic, OH 45856,, 419-969-4915 Innovative Holstein Genetics 22, Hinsdale, IL 60521
Jackson, Ray & Colleen 11, Oakson South, 8961 TR 207, Degraff, OH 43318,, 937585-5727, 937-597-9429 Janes, Ken & Kaye 07, 2519 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691,, 330-264-6445, 330464-4134
M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
Jenkins, Richard B 13, Jenkins Farms, 5209 Dialton Rd, St Paris, OH, 43072 Jentes, Robert 07, Blue Ridge Farms, 1784 Jentes Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-7840 Johnson, Allen 07, Purina Animal Nutrition, 1191 S Wenger Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, AFJohnson@, 330-466-0709 Johnson, Kathy Whiteleather 02, Johnson Family Farm, 28240 Gilson Rd, Salem, OH 44460 Jones, Lewis R 05, 4336 Jeney Place , Grove City, OH 43123,, 614-580-0031 Jones, Whitney 22, 1584 McHugh Ct, Maysville, KY 41056,, 606-584-6349 Jordan, Steven 03, 8627 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-894-2902, 330-749-7089
Kahl, Vic 08, Kimber-Lane, 741 TR 1904, Ashland, OH 44805, 419-368-7052 Kampfer, Karen Ann 02, Kampfer Farms, 14155 Benton Rd, Salem, OH 44460 Karasiewicz, Roger L 01, Karalot Holsteins, 6233 Curtis Middlefield Rd, West Farmington, OH 44491 440-636-2313 Kaverman Sr, James R.12, Jandi-K Farm, 5854 Wolfcale Rd, Convoy, OH 45832, 419-749-2503, 419203-0555 Kaverman, JR & Angi 13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11142, Huntingon Rd, South Charleston, OH 45360, kdairy@, 614-745-7524 KayeBrook Farm 13, KayeBrook Farm, 3645 Church Rd, Urbana, OH 43078 , 937-652-3350 Keene, Janice 22, 4304 Maple St W, Des Moines, IA 50265, 614-506-4457 Keener, Bruce 07, Commodity Blenders, 10077 W Easton Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-846-3566, 330-466-2929 cell, 419-846-3235 fax Keener, Paul 07, Rosedale Farms LLC, 2039 TR 405, Jeromesville, OH 44840,, 330-988-0139 Kemp, James V. 07, Windemere Holsteins, 8669 Myers Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-263-1756 Kemp, Nancy 07, Windemere Holsteins, 8669 Myers Rd, West Salem, OH 44287,, 330-263-1756 Kepner, Peter D. 01, Kepwood Dairy, Box 96, Hartford, OH 44424, 330-772-4321 Kerr, Lisa 08, Wil-O-Rae , 35 Burras Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855,, 419-606-0527 Kibler Dairy Farms Inc 01, Kibler Dairy Farms Inc, 5163 Highland Ave , Warren, OH 44481, 330-3995797, 330-770-8014 cell, 330-399-5797 fax Kidron Auction Inc 07, John Sprunger, Box 39, Kidron, OH, 44636, 330-857-2641 Kiko Sr, James R 02, 811 Fox Ave SE Paris, OH 44669, 330-862-3456 Kiko, Joseph 03, Pleasant View Dairy, 1161 Ming Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-771-7893, 330-2686698 Kiko, Randall 02, R&P Kiko Family Farms Ltd, 4729, Butler Grange Rd, Salem OH 44460, randallkiko@, 330-222-2220, 330-831-0174 Kiko, Roger L 03, Pleasant View Dairy, 4221 Kensington Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-7098 Kiko, Russell III 02, R&P Kiko Family Farms Ltd, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, kikofarms@gmail. com, 330-853-0401, 330-525-7683 fax King, David 22, Midas Touch Genetics, 69 Halfway House Rd, Waddington, NY 13694 King, Tony 13, Plain-View Farm, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357 , 937-465-1550, 937-465-1550 fax Klingensmith, David 01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd, Leavittsburg, OH 44430, 330-8984436, 330-979-7685 Klingensmith, John 01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd, Leavittsburg, OH 44430, 330207-0696 56
| M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
Knapp, Carl L 08, 570 E Herrick, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2653 Knapp, Steve 08, Knappway Holsteins, 24228 West Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-6104, 440-669-6686 Knight, Karl B. & Nathan R 01, Knighthaven Farm, 6744 SR 46 NE, Cortland, OH 44410, 330-638-4287 Knisely, Darrel E. 10, D-Maples Holsteins, 25050 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-2892 Knisely, David E. 10, 25210 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-3137 Knisely, Dennis & Susan 10, 23595 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-3209 Knoll, Scott 08, Wil-O-Rae, 35 Burras Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-685-3979 Knoll, Troy 08, 415 Old State Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855,, 419-681-0751 Knoop, Ann 14, Futurama Farm, 8877 N Newhope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-368-2430 Knoop, Hugh E. 14, Futurama Farms, 8877 N Newhope Rd, Fletcher , OH, 45326, udderman1960@, 937-368-2430 Knoop, Jeffery A. 14, Futurama Holsteins, 6750 New Hope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, jaksknoop@yahoo. com, 937-368-2320, 937-214-2321 Knoop, Josh 14, Futurama Holsteins, 6195 N Bollinger Rd, Conover, OH 45317,, 937-214-2322 Knoop, Kathy 14, Futurama Farms, 6750 New Hope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326 Koch, Bruce & Randy 07, 8696 W Pleasant Home Rd, West Salem, OH 44287,, 330749-9571 Kranz, Todd 11, Select Sires Inc, 7991 Tartan Fields Dr, Dublin, OH 43017,, 614-7333460, 614-530-5089 Krieg, Marvin L. 12, Blitz-Krieg Holsteins, 07389 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, 419-733-4268 Krieger, Shawn M 10, Henricks & Krieger, 15729 CR 16, Wauseon, OH 43567-9692,, 419-452-6758, 419-392-6614 Krill, Joseph S. 10, Twinlake Farms, 02578 Lake Rd, Edgerton, OH 43517,, 419-2982793, 419-212-5985 Kruggel Farms, Inc 08, 4720 Avon Lake Rd, Litchfield, OH 44253 Krull, Ryan 22, 1949 Jay Ave, George, IA 51237 Kruse, Randall L. 09, ABS Global Inc, 993 Monroe St, Bellevue, OH, 44811 419-681-4481
L.E. Sommer Kidron Inc. 07, PO Box 230, Kidron, OH 44636,, 330-857-2031 Lahmers, Chris & Elizabeth 13, Lah-Dale, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, clahmers@, 740-666-2027, 614-306-7194 Lahmers, Michele 08, Lahmers Farm, 3451 Shad Dr, Mansfield, OH 44903,, 419651-2081 Lamb, Jonathan & Alicia, 22, Oakfield Corners, 6880 Albion Rd, Oakfield, NY 14125 Lammers, Blair 12, Golden Touch Holsteins, 08609 Southland Rd, New Knoxville, OH 45871,blairlammers, 419-753-2836, 419-733-9097 L’Amoreaux, Nevin & Brenda 02, LindLaur Holstein, 7261 Paris Ave , Louisville, OH 44641, blamoreaux@, 330-875-4157, 330-309-0875 cell, 330-875-5484 fax Landers, Michael 09, Mi-Linda, 725 E SR 18, Tiffin OH 44883,, 419-448-8357 Landis, Gary 08, Landis Farms, 51585 New London Eastern Rd, Nova, OH 44859, 419-929-8221 Lausin Farms 01, Lausin Farms Inc, 7243 Ledge Rd, Thompson, OH 44086 Lawson, Matthew & Megan 14, Son-Rock Farms, 2099 Cisco Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, mlawson@, 937-638-2402 (Megan)
Leid, Harold M 08, Windy Ridge Farm, 6810 Olivesburg Fitchville Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, 419895-2324, 419-895-2311 fax Leininger, Alan 10, Cottonwood-Vale Farm, 11781 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-822-1776 Leininger, Lee 10, Cottonwood-Vale Farm, 11843 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521,, 419-237-3027 Lewis, Richard C. & Sally 05, Shanghigh Farms, 9510 Keplar Ford Rd, Orient, OH, 43146, 614-877-4315, 614-214-6365 cell, 614-877-9907 fax Liming, A. L. 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3840 AustintownWarren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, 330-652-9092 Liming, Lamar L. 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3726 AustintownWarren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, louidafarms@, 330-770-6206 Liming, Mary Y. 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3840 AustintownWarren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, myl3840@aol. com, 330-652-9092, 330-652-9092 fax Lingle, Kevin 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 1766 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-651-5627 Lingle, Rick & Amy 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 2625 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, lingleholsteins@, 419-869-7689, 419-651-0825 Lingle, Ryan & Chelsi 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 2278 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-651-8961 Logan, Duane D 11, Coba/Select Sires Inc, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Columbus, OH 43228-9792, duane@, 614-878-5333, 614-870-2622 fax Logan, Steven 01, Logan Acres Farm, 9690 SR 193, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-240-9946 Long, Ronald 11, 17981 Boerger Rd, Marysville, OH 43040,, 937-644-5824, 937645-5045 Lora, John S 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460,, 330-537-3797, 234-567-7414 Lora, Katey A 02, Lorawae Holsteins,13984 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH, 44460, 330-692-2223 Lorawae Holsteins LLC 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, lorawae@ 330-537-3797, 330-692-2220 Loveday, James & Jason 03, 6273 Winklepleck Rd NW, Dundee, OH 44624 Lowe, Onita J & James 07, 47220 TR 218, Millersburg, OH 44654 Lowmiller Farms LLC 02, Lowmiller Farm, 23980 SR 172, Minerva, OH 44657,, 330-894-2657, 330-205-0675 cell, 330-894-2528 fax Lukens, Heidi 02, Ouric Holsteins, 20 Cleveland St Norfolk, MA 02056 Lumley, Barbara R. 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5192 Alamo Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615,, 330-739-2038, 330806-1844 cell, 330-739-2038 fax Lumley, Mark A. 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5176 Alamo Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-739-2212, 330205-3925 Lumley, Steven W 03, Lumley Farms, LLC, 3059 Mahogany Run Circle, North Canton, OH 44720, 330-206-4585 Lund View Farms, LLC 08, Lund View, 1555 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-1784 Lund, Bryan W 08, Lund View, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313, 419-681-0713 Lyon, Jr, Tom 22, W7416 Cty E, Westfield, WI, 53964
Mangun, Ben & Jenessa, 07, Ben-Alli Holsteins, 13625 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, 330466-6343 Mangun, Roy W & Lisa 07, Ben-Alli Holsteins, 13693 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, mangunfarm@, 330-466-3728 Mantey, Joseph R. & Timothy 11, Huesta Farm, 2649 Marion-Mt Gilead Rd, Marion, OH 43302,, 740-389-4494, 740225-0097 (Joe)
Marburger Farm Dairy 22, 1506 Mars Evans City Rd, Evans City, PA 16033, JEFFERY_L_ANSELL@yahoo. com, 724-433-2447 Marlu-Rusken Farm LLC 07, Marlu-Rusken Farm, 930 Dalton Fox Lake Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-234-2929 Marodore Farm 05, Marodore Farm, 5745 Burchey Rd, Baltimore, OH 43105,, 740-756-4533 Martig, Crist 02, M&M Dairy Farms LLC, 14816 Benton Rd, Salem, OH 44460 Martin, Andrew 08, Coniferous Crest Holsteins, 2695 Barnes Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-3868 cell, 419-896-3868 fax Martin, Jeffrey 10, Martinline LLC, 13330 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-583-7117 Marty, James 07, Sky-Home Farm, 9825 Steiner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-5701, 330-201-3114 Mason Farms Ltd. 04, Mason Farms Ltd, 1791 SR 61, Marengo, OH 43334, 419-253-6995 Mast, James C. 07, Maspring Farm, 7062 SR 241, Millersburg, OH, 44654,, 330231-1109 Mast, Mose N. 07, Stream-Valley Farm, 2973 TR 182, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-1394 Mattox, James 05, Ash-Lyn Farms, 1473 Pleasantville Rd, Pleasantville, OH 43148, 740-503-8106 Maurer, Richard A 14, Maurena Farms, 16047 McCartyville Rd, Anna OH, 45302, 937-693-3182, 937-581-0376 McCombs, Tom 03, United Dairy, 124 Sorghum Ridge Rd, Wheeling, WV 26003, tommccombs@, 304-233-7743, 304-216-3017 McCord, Jennifer & Rod 15, Gusty-Knoll Holsteins, 1981 Woodville Pike, Goshen, OH 45122-9441, 937-218-4671 McCort, Kenny 03, Jenny-Bell, 1227 Dyewood Rd SW, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5478 McCoy, Dennis12, Macabob Farm, 3827 Tully-Harrison Rd, Convoy, OH 45832, 419-708-3972 McDonnell, Jodi & Tom 07, R-Crest Holsteins, 10787 Snoddy Rd, Lakeville, OH 44638, tnjmcd@yahoo. com, 330-464-0777, 330-464-7917 McDonnell, Kyle 08, K-Bec Holsteins, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090,, 216347-9574 McKarns, William T. 02, 29950 Campbell Rd, Hanoverton, OH 44423, 330-223-2180 McKay, Sam 05, 5901 NW 63rd St, Apt 6201, Kansas City, MO 64151-3434 McMahan, Michael 11, McMahan Farms, 27480 SR 31, Raymond, OH 43067, mikee_mcm@hotmail. com, 937-243-1515 McMahan, Scott & Robert 11, McMahan Farms, 27480 SR 31, Raymond, OH 43067,, 937-243-1515 McWilliams, James 04, McWilliams Farm, 6730 Perry Twp Rd 85, Mt Gilead, OH 43338, 419-362-4828 Meier, Richard A. 14, Pat-Rich Holsteins, 1583 McFeely Petry Rd, Ft Recovery, OH 45846, 937-9686390 Meller, Gene H 10, V882 Rd 18, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-267-3361 Meller, Kevin L 10, Meller Holsteins, V-882-Rd-18, Wauseon, OH 43567,, 419-2673361, 419-601-5183 Mennell, Roy 08, Mennell Acres, 10532 Smith Rd, Litchfield, OH 44253, 330-648-2711, 330-604-6504 Menzie, Laurie 10, Tony & Laurie Menzie, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534,, 419-278-0030, 740-624-6367 cell, 419-278-0030 fax Menzie, Tony 10, Tony & Laurie Menzie, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534, 419-278-0030 , 740-624-6003 cell, 419-278-0030 fax Mercer, John 02, 15979 Freed St, Minerva, OH 44657 Merrick, Matthew 02, Nostaw Farms, 22386 Bowman Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-248-3121
Merrill, Kent 08, 4831 Wenz Rd, Wakeman, OH 44889, 419-929-8737 Metzger, Marvin L & Joel 15, Creator’s Acres, 4691 Wayne Trace Rd, Eaton, OH 45320 937-456-2796, 937-533-0270 cell, 937-456-4309 fax Michalovich, Kari 07, Lake-Point Dairy, 6136 SR 514, Lakeville, OH 44638,, 608-444-2441 Miklosovic, Tina 08, Twining Farm LLC, 11375 Sutton Place, Chardon, OH 44024 Miley, Anna 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287,, 330-749-1736 Miley, Jane 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 7234 Bates Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-264-2453, 330-4648826 cell, 330-263-7883 fax Miley, Jason C 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jasonmiley11@, 330-466-8509, 330-263-7883 fax Miley, Jon 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287,, 419-846-3234, 330-988-3588 cell, 330-263-7883 fax Miley, Joseph 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jdjamiley@aol. com, 330-263-7814, 330-466-7223 cell, 330-2637883 fax Miller, Clyde E. & Kathy A. 07, Mill-Far Holsteins, 5697 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677,, 330-669-2740 Miller, David J. 07, Round View Farm, 8149 TR 551, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-567-3294, 330-749-6440 cell, 330-567-0084 fax Miller, Edward J. 02, Mil-Mar, 25320 Bowman Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7092 Miller, Edwin 03, Su-Win Holsteins, 9021 CR 186, Dundee, OH 44624,, 330359-0901, 330-231-0278 Miller, Elvin S 07, E-Mil Dairy, 8361 CR 201, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-0554 Miller, Eric 02, Miller-Hy Farm, 18360 South Range Rd, Beloit, OH 44609,, 330257-0710 Miller, Firman R 07, Narrow-Valley Farm, 2345 TR 165, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-2358 Miller, Ivan 07 ,Shady Bottom Farm, 1345 TR 661, Dundee, OH 44624 Miller, Jason J 07, Alpine Jay Farm, 1536 TR 660, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-275-5188 Miller, John J. 10, Millacres Holsteins, 20362 CR S, Defiance, OH 43512 Miller, Jr, Pete 07, Pe-Ru Farm, 7940 CR 235, Millersburg, OH, 44654, 330-674-3138 Miller, Julie 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-271-3530 Miller, Kevin L. & Toni 10, Millacres Holsteins, 20394 CR S, Defiance, OH 43512-9506,, 419-267-5545 Miller, Marion A 07, 2701 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-7094, ext 2 Miller, Mark 02, Mark Miller, 10061 Duck Creek Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-429-0061 Miller, Melvin J 07, Miller Farm, 7385 TR 569, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-2226 Miller, Michael R 02, Mill-Ka Dairy Farm, 1429 Johnson Ave, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-2533, 330-259-5704 Miller, Mike E 14, 131 E Smithfield St, Bradford, OH 45308,, 937-418-3115 Miller, Richard M. 02, Richard M Miller, 11893 Stratton Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-9429 Miller, Roger L 02, Miller-Hy Holsteins, 18856 Courtney Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-938-3276, 330771-2759 Miller, Tim 07, Doughty Valley Farm, 5547 SR 557, Millersburg, OH 44654 330-674-2386
sponsored by
Moff, Barbara 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, 330-549-3509, 330-774-7703 Moff, Brian 02, Ouric Holsteins, 806 Westville Lake Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-501-1351 Moff, Elizabeth 02, Ouric Holsteins, 5333 Fossil Creek Blvd, Apt 722, Haltom City, TX 76137 Moff, Greg 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9160 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH, 44406-9113, 330-549-2938 Moff, Howard 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, 330-549-3509, 330-5155117 cell, 330-549-3509 fax Moff, Neil 02, Ouric Holsteins, 5816 Henderson Dr, Delaware, OH 43015, 330-501-1860 Moff, Steve 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408,, 330482-9018, 734-939-0627 fax Mohler, Harold & Dale 07, Mohler View Farm, Ltd, 5395 CR 314, Millersburg, OH 44654, damoh1@, 330-674-3126 Montgomery, Richard & Susan 1, 3179 SR 534, Newton Falls, OH 44444, 330-716-3712, Moore Farms Inc, William 07, William Moore Farms Inc, 4007 McKee Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, wmoo@, 330-263-0478, 330-466-4285 Morlock, Dan 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, 419-265-5771 Morlock, James 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450 Morlock, JoAnn 10, 6700 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450,, 419-287-4445, 419-265-1555 Morlock, John E 07, Morlock Farm, 9946 Spencer Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-853-4406, 330-4643732 Mt. Eaton Elevator 07, Mt Eaton Elevator, PO Box 195, 15911 Berry St, Mt. Eaton, OH 44659, mteatonelev@, 330-359-5028 Mullet, Marion 07, Mull Acres, 1871 CR 70, Sugarcreek, OH, 44681, 330-852-4750 Mussard, Jana 10, Roma J’s Dairy, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050,, 419-438-2746 Mutti Dairy Farms 03, Mutti Dairy Farm, 3326 Stone creek Rd SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840, 330-339-5522
Neel, Larry 11, 1130 Royal Court , Lancaster, OH 43130, 740-653-4707, 740-215-6354 Neider, John 03, Neider Family Farms, LLC, 2005 Montero Rd NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-6275157, 330-323-8484 Neill, Patricia M 09, Neill Farms, 10614 Billings Rd, Bellevue, OH 44811,, 419-2173020, 419-483-2169 fax Nelson, Chris & Joyce 13, Nelson Dairy, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078 , 937-653-8041, 937-5086740 Neuenschwander, Trent D 07, Neueway Holsteins, 2887 W Lebanon Rd S Dalton, OH 44618, 330-4657503 Neuenschwander, Wilfred 07, Bluecrest Dairy/ Fredway Holsteins, 2220 Good Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-621-1403, 330-682-0404 fax Nic-Nan Holsteins 11, Nic-Nan Holsteins, 4149 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357,, 937-465-7428 Nolt, John 08, Majestic Oak Dairy, 2481 US 224, Plymouth, OH 44865, 419-933-6475 Nolt, Kervin Z 08, West Delphi, 1015 US 224 W, Willard, OH 44890, 419-935-1723 Norton, Chuck 08, 18891 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090
M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
O Oakvale Farm 13, Oakvale Farm, 1285 SR 29 NE,
London, OH 43140,, 614402-8364 OARDC Krauss Dairy 07, OARDC Krauss Dairy, 1680 Madison Ave, Wooster, OH 44691, miller.2320@osu. edu, 330-263-3924, 330-201-1629 Oberholtzer, Clair R 08 , Clai-Mar Farms, 6790 Amstutz Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878 Oberholtzer, Clair, Brandon, Sheldon & Landon 08, Clair-Lyn Holsteins, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH, 44842,, 419-938-3156 Oechsle, Harrison 12, JaCher Holsteins, 17543 VanWert Mercer Cty Line, Venedocia, OH 45894,, 419-605-2546 Oechsle, Jim & Cheri 12, JaCher Holsteins, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891,, 419-605-2858-Jim, 419-605-2838 - Cheri Olbrich, William 22, 1213 SR 23, Harvard, IL 60033 Oneys Milkyway Farm 08, Oneys Milkyway Farm, 3272 Rome Greenwich Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, 419-752-9411, 419-681-0642 Ostarchvic, Mark & Amy 07, Raygor Farms LLC, 15873 Jericho Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, amyostarchvic@gmail. com, 330-857-0222 Osterloh, Ivo H. & Barbara 12, Iv-Ann Holstein Farm, 140 Osterloh Rd, Minster, OH 45865, 419-628-2507 OSU Agricultural Tech Institute 07, C/O Royce Thornton, 1328 Dover Rd, Wooster, OH 44691,, 330-287-1373
Packard, Thomas L 08, L&T Farm, 740 Wooster St, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-948-1507, 330-416-3973 Parker, Jon 07, AI Tech/COBA, 2917 Tannerville Rd, Orrville, OH 44667,, 330-6839939, 330-464-7370 Patterson, James W. 14, 3580 Center Dr, Greenville, OH, 45331,, 937-548-4221 Payne, Mark 09, Margail Farms, 4898 CR 223, Clyde, OH, 43410, 419-547-7013 Phillips, Scott & Chris 04, Fawnacres Farm, 8158 Sparta Rd, Fredericktown, OH 43019, fawnacresfarm@, 740-507-2539 (Chris) Phillis, Anada R 02, Phillisway Farms, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH, 44609, 330-337-8603 Phillis, Harold J. 02, Phillisway Farms, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-337-8603, 330-402-6142 Phillis, Rosemary 02, Phillisway Farms, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-337-8603 Piar, Larry, Mineral Ridge Farms, 4963 CR 314, Millersburg OH 44654, 330-231-0277 cell, lp314@ Pine Grove Farm, Gaskill Family, 3, 11158 Stone Creek Rd, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, 740-4985656, 330-987-0533, Polchin, Anthony J. 01, Polchin Holsteins, 2276 Sentinel Rd, Dorset, OH 44032, 440-293-2955, 440344-0468 Polchin, John T. & Ruth V 01, Polchin Holsteins, 2411 Sentinel Rd, Dorset, OH 44032, 440-293-7955 Pollock, Miriam 03, 2546 Yorkview Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663 Pond, James & Robin 13, Pond Ridge Holsteins, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084 rpond@, 937-834-2431 Preston Bros. 08, Preston Bros Farms, 18411 Hawley Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2094 Price, Brandon 02, Farm Credit Mid-America, 312 Adelaide Ave SW, Hartville, OH 44632, brandon., 330-614-6812 Prueter, Mark 12, Country-Corner Holsteins, 5885 Wierwille Rd, New Knoxville, OH 45871, 419-7532443, 567-644-6053 Putt, Dale E./Todd/Scott 03, Sunset Valley Dairy Farms, 8288 Ore Hill Rd, Stonecreek, OH, 43840, 330-897-3665 58
| M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
Q Quallen, Gary J. 15, Gar-Len-View Holsteins, 792
Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-382-4693, 937-725-5740 cell, 937-383-1925 fax Quallen, Donald 15, Gar-Len-View Holsteins, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-725-0201, 937-383-1925
Raber, Dwight 02, Raber Dairy Farms, 10310 State St, Louisville, OH, 44641, 330-428-2776 Raber, Leon R 07, Raber-View Holsteins, 7031 CR 201, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1504 Raber, Michael 07, Raberland Dairy, 8399 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-0494 Racha, Scott 22, O-C-E-C Embryos, 8566 Thompson Rd, Holland Point, NY 13354, scott.racha@yahoo. com, 315-865-5826 Raifsnider, Esther 07, 1326 W Easton Rd, Burbank, OH 44214,, 330-421-7397 Ramsey, Brian & Liz 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641-9702,, 330-323-4380, 330-8754539 fax Ramsey, Micheal & Michelle 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc , 6452 Oakhill Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-821-7563, 330-323-4378 cell, 330-875-4539 fax Ramsey, Paul & Catherine 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 8151 Easton St NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330875-9962 Ramsey, William & Debra 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 7632 Columbus Rd , Louisville, OH 44641, 330875-3346 Ramsier Farms 07, Ramsier Farms, 9561 Krabill Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-925-2723 Ramsier’s Willow Spring Farm LLC 07, Ramsier’s Willow Spring Farm, LLC, 2477 Eastern Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-1248 Rankin, Sharyn 08, Indohio Farms, 1745 165th St, Hammond, IN 46320, 219-937-8950 Rausch, Brian 04, R-Style Holsteins, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320,, 419-946-9831 Rausch, Mark R 11, Mark Rausch Dairy, 11731 Crottinger Rd, Plain City, OH 43064 , 614-873-4521, 614-981-3372 Rausch, Nathan 11, Mark Rausch Dairy, 11731 Crottinger Rd, Plain City, OH 43064 Rausch, Nicholas 11, Raunic Holsteins, 12331 Industrial Pkwy, Marysville, OH 43040, 614-989-0560 Rausch, Randy 11, Hickory Plains Farm, 8657 Axe Handle Rd, Milford Center, OH 43045, hplains@, 937-349-4781 Rausch, Stacy 11, Mark Rausch Dairy, 11731 Crottinger Rd, Plain City, OH 43064 Rausch, William E. & Joyce 04, R-Style Holsteins, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320,, 419-946-9831 Rawn, Terry & Joyce 11, Rawn Farms, 1202 W Main St, Sargent, NE 68874,, 304-7258855, 301-788-5532 Ray, Jim 02, Coba Select Sires, Inc, 32643 Coffee School Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 614-205-7176 Raygor Farms LLC 07, Raygor Farms LLC, 15860 Jericho Rd, Dalton, OH 44618,, 330857-7399, 330-465-1337, B/330-465-0622, S/330277-9400, M/330-465-0513, A/330-857-0399 Redview Farm, LLC 08, Redview Farm LLC, 2619 Reimer Rd, Wadsworth, OH 44281, 330-335-6198 Rennecker, Brian W. & Heidi, 07, Four Winds Farms, 6764 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, 330-669-3673 Renner, Julie 07, Renwind Farm, 17182 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618,, 330-466-0338 Renner, Ted S 07, Renwind Farm, 17286 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618,, 330828-2604, 330-466-1196
Rhodes, Nathan 09, Dairy One, 422 Wallace Ave, Bucyrus, OH 44820,, 567-224-9557 Rice, David P. 01, Riceton Farm, 4473 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417,, 330-876-0443 Rice, Gary 01, Riceton Farm, 4488 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-876-1078 Rice, Jayme 01, Riceton Farm, 4432 York St, Farmdale OH 44417,, 330-876-0313, 330-876-7810 fax Richard, David 07, Mill-Stone Acres, 3878 Bates Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-4402, 330-201-0055 Richardson, Keith & John 12, Balmoral Farms, 12028 Buckland Holden Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-657-6647 Ridge-Dell Holsteins, LLC 01, Ridge-Dell Holsteins, LLC, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd NE, Burghill, OH 44404, 330-772-5361 Riggenbach, Bob 07, Rigg-June Holsteins, 9377 Blough Rd, Sterling, OH, 44276, 330-464-7111 RMD Dairy Farm Ltd 07, RMD Dairy Farm Ltd, 9757 Easton Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, markdotterer@, 330-414-7901 Robb, Evan W 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2855 S Union Ave, Alliance, OH 44601,, 330-823-0605, 330-614-1197 Rohrer Farms Inc 07, Rohrer Farms Inc, 9305 Rohrer Rd, Orrville, OH 44667,, 330-669-2119 Rosebrook, Jerry 10, Sunnyville Farms LLC, 5203 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-783-1394 Rosebrook, Keith 10, 4668 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-722-8507 Rothlisberger, Lynn 09, Rothlisberger Dairy, 7297 CH 124, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, 419-294-4646 Rowe, James A & Rita 03, Jimita Holsteins, 9877 Strasburg-Bolivar Rd NW, Strasburg, OH 44680, 330878-7381, 330-243-5683 Rowland, Frank 08, 26100 SR 511, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-3939, 440-225-4641 Roy, Rian 09, Roy Farms , 6076 CR 97 , McComb, OH 45858-9438, 419-293-3882 Royer Farms Inc 02, Royer Farms Inc, 11617 Ravenna Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-877-2053, 330-3234598 cell, 330-877-0435 fax Rufener, Kenneth 02, Congress Lake Farms, 372 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, 330-8772710, 330-353-2027 cell, 330-877-1486 fax Rufener, Kenneth II 02, Congress Lake Farms, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, 330-5947202, 330-353-2028 Rufener, Michael 02, Congress Lake Farms, 1894 Swartz Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, 330-625-9105, 330-353-2029 Rupp, Jeffrey L. 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 7274 Sterling Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-5404 Rupp, Sharon 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 15128 Seville Rd, Seville, OH 44273, 330-769-3798 Rupp, Thomas 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 14636 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-769-2758 Rupp-Vue Dairy Farms LLC 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 14636 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-769-2759 Ruprecht, Kenneth 04, Ruprecht Farm, 19840 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 740-397-2469, 740-501-7625 Ruprecht, Lyle 04, Ruprecht Dairy Farm, 20009 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822,, 740397-2687, 330-466-1382 cell, 740-397-5157 fax Russell, Jackie 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, PO Box 461, Sheldon Springs, VT 05485, j-wrussell@, 802-933-2323, 802-370-0281 Ruthrauff, Genna 02, Ruthrauff Farms, 11860 Middletown Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-5641 Ruthrauff, Greg 02, Ruthrauff Farms, 11860 Middletown Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-5641
Rynd, Brooks 05, Rynd-Home Farm, 3061 Rynd Rd, Cochranton, PA 16314 , 814-425-7795, 814-720-4687 Rynd, Dallas R 05, Silver Mist Holsteins, 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103,, 740-207-5005, 740-477-7475 fax Rynd, Jim 05, 2899 Old Hwy 322, Cochranton, PA 16314 Rzeszotarski, Ronald & Raymond 01, Rzesz Farms, 18378 Mumford Rd, Garrettsville, OH 44231, 440834-8341
Sandland Cattle, LLC 10, Sandland Farms Inc, 4397 CR EF, Swanton, OH 43558, 419-822-4474, 419-8224474 fax Sanor, Bryce 02, Maple Valley Farm, PO Box 1106, North Georgetown, OH 44665, 330-257-4171 Sayers, Chris & Mark 11, Cavanaugh Farms, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, csayers@, 937-644-1589, 937-243-7477 Schaeffer, E Randall 08, 11005 Huron-Avery Rd, Milan, OH 44846, 419-499-2120 Schaub, Toby 02, 3471 Killian Rd, Uniontown, OH 44685,, 330-715-0256 Scheibe, Rodney A 07, Ro-La-Sue Dairy Farm, 3167 Maple Grove Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264 5866 Schirm, Larry & Julie DeLavergne 05, 15086 Long Run Rd, Laurelville, OH 43135, larry.schirm@, 614-906-0520 Schlabach, Daniel A. 07, Sharo-Dan Farms, 1649 Deerfield Ave, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-465-2082 Schlabach, Jacob 07, J-L Schlabach 2015 Graber Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-2411 Schlabach, Lester O. 07, Hope-View Farm, 4687 TR 628 , Millersburg, OH 44654 Schlabach, Myron 07, Hope-View Farm, 4691 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1148, 330-2317306 Schlabach, Robert Dean 03, Smokey Lane Farm, 279 Smokey Lane Rd NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330852-0646 Schlabach, Robert J 07, 2934 Durstine Rd, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-600-8097 Schlatter, DVM, Carlton 07, Tri-County Animal Clinic, P O Box 243, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-853-4835, 419-853-3049 fax Schlatter, Hannah 07, Emerald Dairy, 13251 RD 139, Paulding OH, 45879,, 330-641-2501 Schlegel, Kurt 07, Schlegel Dairy Farms Inc, 10720 TR 526, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-465-8314 Schmitmeyer, Doug 14, Line-View Farm, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles OH, 45380, lineviewfarms@, 937-526-4226, 937-621-2525 cell, 937-526-4828 fax Schmitmeyer, Fred 12, Schmitmeyer Farms, 4760 Philothea Rd, St. Henry, OH 45883, 419-678-8184 cell Schoultheis, Arthur & Connie 15, Windy Acres Dairy 5366 Seamer Rd, Winchester, OH 45697 Schoultheis, Carl 15, Corner View Farm, 5366 Seamer Rd, Winchester, OH 45697 Schrader, Roger 03, ADM Alliance Nutrition, 120, Cherry Lane, Wooster, OH 44691, roger.schrader@, 330-263-6432, 217-653-1373 Schramm, Rick A 03, Schramm Farm, 5570 Sandhill Rd, Marietta, OH 45750 Schroeder, William C 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH, 43567, 419-583-6270 Schug, Roger F 08, Schug’s Registered Holsteins, 3309 SR 99, Monroeville, OH 44847, schugsholsteins@, 419-706-5750, 401-451-4711 Schulte, Debbie 07, 201 W Center St, #9, Smithville, OH 44677, Scott, Chris 03, Cottonwood Farm, 8334 Bailey Rd NE, Mineral City, OH 44656, 330-260-0709, 330-859-2302 fax Seedorf, Mark 10, Sunnyville Farms LLC, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516,, 419-966-7480 Select Sires, Inc 11, Select Sires Inc, 11740 US 42, Plain City, OH 43064, 614-203-2813
Semler, James & Roberta 13, Semler Dairy, 4270 Snypp Rd Yellow Springs, OH 45387, semdairy3@ 937-767-1491 Shaland Holsteins LLC 03, Shaland Holsteins, 7069 Pomona Rd SE, Scio, OH 43988, kshawver@wildblue. net, 330-739-2067 Kevin, 330-627-4671 Dan, 330312-3287 Kristy Sharp, Kayanne Leininger 10, Cottonwood-Vale Farm, 501 Helmbright Dr, Gahanna, OH 43230, 614940-9933 Sheffield, Daren M 08, 44460 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-774-4107, 614-309-0132 Sheffield, James H 08, Jaloda Farm LLC, 45555 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090,, 440-775-7147, 440-935-6378 cell, 440-775-7147 fax Sherry, Jacquelyn 14, 2383 Antigua Dr, Apt 1C, Columbus, OH 43235-6141, or, 937-459-8980 Shipley, Adam 04, Shipley Farms, 9309 Reynolds Rd, Newark, OH, 43055,, 740-892-3770 Shockey DVM, Paul E. 06, Bridgewater Farms, 714 Crooked Run Rd, Ravenswood, WV 26164,, 304-372-5704, 304-532-5955 cell, 304-372-5385 fax Shoemaker, Steve 02, Shoemaker Dairy Farm, 14308 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-537-3325, 330207-5607 Shoop, Dan 09, Sugar Ridge, 7990 SR 613, McComb, OH 45858, 419-293-2355 Showalter, Daniel 02, Showalter Farms, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-853-8073 Showalter, Ward 02, Showalter Farms, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2572, 330831-8070 cell, 330-482-2572 fax Showalter, Wendell 02, Showalter Farms, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2572, 330-831-8071 cell, 330-482-2572 fax Siegrist, Emily 14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4983 Buschor Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828, ersiegrist@, 419-763-1103, 937-417-0183 Simpson, Ben 03, Plainfield Farms, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH, 43718, 740-312-5856 Simpson, Don 03, Plainfield Farms, 65030 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, plainfieldholsteins@gmail. com, 740-484-1444, 740-391-3301 Sirrine, Carol A 01, Weaver Farms/Trucking, 6225 N Ridge Rd West, Ashtabula, OH 44004, sir765@, 440-969-2349, 440-969-0746 cell, 440-969-2349 fax Skidmore DVM, Dwight, 11 Drifty Hollow Holsteins, 12243 CR 2, West Mansfield, OH 43358, 937-3550362, 937-935-3137 Sloan, Angela 07, Hartman Dairy Farm, Inc, 3777 N Elyria Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-466-4560 Smith Vale Farms 02, Smith Vale Farms, 25850 Center Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7347 Smith, Bruce & Terri 11, 14630 Middleburg-Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064,, 614-205-7182 Smith, Charles W. 03, Smith Hills Holsteins, 42450 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-1597 Smith, Cory & Jill 02, Paradise Valley Farms, 7642 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, Smith, David C 03, Smith-Hills Holsteins, 42743 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946 740-483-2107 Smith, Dow & Nick 13, Dow-View Farm, 6452 N Kennard Rd, Cable, OH 43009, 937-652-3990, 937215-4302 Smith, James G. 03, Fernfield Farm, 19318 Grossbeak Rd, Salesville, OH 43778, 740-489-5801 Smith, John M. 12, 306 Willipie St, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-9091 Smith, Sherry 04, 12203 Midland Oil Rd, Glenford OH 43739, 740-659-1126, 330-465-2376 cell, 740-6591126 fax
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Smith, Steven D. 03, Smith-Hills Holsteins, 42450 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-1088 Snyder, Rachel & Jeffrey 07, Circle J Farms, 1444 W Pleasant Home Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-635-8228 Soldner, DVM, Richard 13, 3100 Countryside Ct, Springfield, OH 45503,, 937-399-1446 Specht, Adam 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 7320 Skyline Dr E, Apt 101, Columbus, OH 43235, adam.specht@ Specht, Allison 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 1600 W Lane Ave, Unit 301, Upper Arlington, OH, 43221-3966,, 330-204-1529 Specht, Annie 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 1600 W Lane Ave, Unit 301, Columbus, OH, 43221-3966, annie., 330-204-1796 Specht, Steven L and Michele 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3727 Bair Rd NW, Dover, OH, 44622, 330343-1158, 330-343-1158 fax Specht, Tim & Brian 03, Specht Farms Ltd., 1828 Ragersville Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, spechtfarms@, 330-897-5753, 330-401-7446 Specht, Wayne E 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 119 Oakmont Dr, Dover, OH, 44622-3200, 330-343-2708 Spike, Peter W. 11, Ten-Penny Holsteins, 4380 Byers Rd, Delaware, OH 43015,, 740363-2184, 740-360-1505 cell, 740-363-2184 fax Spreng, James 09, Spreng Capital Management, Inc, Box 47, Bucyrus, OH 44820, jspreng@sprengcapital. com, 419-563-0084 Spreng, John 09, Longacre Farms Inc, 3245 Bruce Ct, Bucyrus, OH 44820,, 419562-7602, 419-563-6633 Spreng, Kevin M 07, Willow Brook Dairy LLC, 6860 Snoddy Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 419-651-5198 Spring Hill Farm, Inc 07, Spring Hill Farm Inc, 7109 SR 514, Big Prairie, OH 44611, springhill@, 330-378-4515, 330-473-9660 cell, 330-378-4390 fax Springway Farms 03, Springway Farms, 8086 Bachelor Rd NW, Magnolia, OH 44643, bill@springwayfarms. com, 330-866-5289, 330-866-5289 fax Stalder, Dave, Sherri & Matthew 03, Swiss Heritage Farm, 48812 SR 536, Sardis, OH 43946,, 740-483-1579, 740213-0063 Stammen, Terrence L. 14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4965 SR 705, New Weston, OH 45348,, 937-338-3248, 937621-0107 cell, 937-338-0052 fax Steel, John 03, Steam Valley Farms, 2705 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622,, 330-364-5243, 330-987-4590 Steel, Nathan 03, Steel-Lane Holsteins, 2899 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622,, 330-260-0626 Steiner & Sons, Matthew 07, Pine Tree Dairy Ltd, 8586 Benner Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-9258354, 330-466-1896 Matt, 330-466-9137 Andrew, 330-925-2948 fax Steiner, Carl 07, Steiner Farm, 12357 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276,, 330-939-2716 Steiner, Elmer 07, 4548 S Wenger Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-857-5672, 330-605-1996 cell, 330-8575672 fax Steiner, Kurt D 07, Steinhurst Farms, 14043 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217,, 330-4641219, 330-769-4256 fax Steiner, Nathan 07, Fulton Road Genetics, 11104 Mt Eaton Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, nateandanita@, 330-465-5825 Steiner, Roger 07, Chet-Len Holsteins, P.O. Box 84,, 3265 Kidron Rd, Kidron, OH 44636, 330-857-8181, 330-464-4446
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Steinke, Marvin L. 12, Maple Tree Holsteins, 13505 Kettlersville Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895, matmapletree@bright .net, 419-738-7175, 567-356-9039 Steinke, Richard L 12, Mapl-Valle, 15431 Fox Ranch Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7136, 419233-7136 Steinke, Steven M. 14, Marste Holstein Farms, 13915 Fey Rd, Anna, OH 45302,, 937-394-7657, 937-726-5512 cell , 937-394-7657 fax Sterling Farm Equipment Inc 07, Sterling Farm Equipment Inc, 13893 Kauffman Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-2561, 330-939-5841 Sterlinglen Farms 08, Sterlinglen Farms, 334 TR 2422, Loudonville, OH 44842-9616, sterlinglen2@, 419-651-5347 (Terry) Stewart, Robert 03, Sunnydale Farms, 88740 Fairview Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-4291 Stitzlein, Earl & Kathi 07, Stitzlein Farms, 8777 TR 461, Loudonville, OH 44842, ekstitz@yourskyrunner. net, 419-994-5284, 419-651-6062 Stockert, Carolyn 02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc, 15274 Warwick Dr NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614,, 330-854-2698, 330-418-3351 Stockert, James P & Mary 02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc, 15240 Warwick Dr NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614,, 330-854-6455 (MILK), 330-607-2003 Stocksdale, Thomas R. & Constance M. 07, Stocksdale Family Farms, 1989 Blachleyville Rd, Wooster, OH, 44691, 330-264-8482 Stoller, Arthur L. 07, 2782 N Elyria Rd, Wooster, OH 44691,, 330-264-5750, 330-347-7046 Stoller, Trent 10, Van Erk Dairy LLC, 8789 SR 114, Haviland, OH 45851,, 419-576-7176 Stoltzfus, John K 15, Golden Dell, 8846 SW Morris Rd, Sabina, OH, 45169, 937-584-5569 Strasburg, Tom & Bev 12, Wakefield Farms, 15377, Townline-Kossuth Rd, Saint Marys, OH 45885, 419394-4343 Strouble Farm LTD 02, Strouble Farm LTD, 5466 Werner Church Rd , North Canton, OH 44721, 330877-2532 Struna, Andrea 01, Maplewood Farms, 7580 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-645-9195 Struna, Anthony 01, Struna Holsteins, 7045 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-7647 Struna, John & Beverly 01, Maplewood Farm, 7472 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093,, 440-293-7530, 440-645-8630 Stuckey, Kara 03, 3097 Paris Ave, Louisville, OH44641,, 330-428-4377 Stull, Brad & Molly 07, Stull Hamp Farm, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH, 44691 Such Jr, W Windell 01, Suchdale Farm, 6223 Creek Rd, Andover, OH, 44003, 440-293-7630 Such, W. Windell 01, Suchdale Farm, 6223 Creek Rd, Andover, OH 44003, 440-293-7630
Thomas, Jay, Angie & Savannah 13, Brand Jam/ Triple T, 5548 CR 168, West Liberty, OH 43357,, 937-465-0825, 937935-2244 Thomas, John & Mary 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 6948 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg, OH, 43060, 937747-2344 60
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Thomas, Nathan & Jenny 13, Triple-T Holsteins , 6140 SR 296, Cable, OH 43009, jennythomas614@, 937-747-2110, 614-395-9823 Thomas, William R 11, Bi-An Farm, 1012 TR 190 E, Bellefontaine, OH 43311, 937-592-0132 Thomas, William R Jr 11, Bi-An Farm, 410 Pickrelltown Rd., West Liberty, OH 43357, rkthomas@embarqmail. com, 937-465-0536, 937-441-0864 Thompson, Alan 03, Thompson Family Farm, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805 Thorbahn II, Lewis R. 09, Crimson Lane Farm, 4787 CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464, 419-603-8818 Thorbahn, Ashley 09, 2263 Waters Edge Blvd, Columbus, OH 43209,, 419-603-8629 Thorbahn, Thomas L. 09, Crimson-Lane Ltd, 4428 CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464,, 419-547-0795, 419-366-8135 cell, 419-547-0795 fax Topp, Gregg 12, Toppacres Farm, 05158 Kettler Rd, Minster, OH 45865,, 419629-3749, 419-852-0164 Topp, Kurt & Rachel 12, Toppglen Holsteins, 5170 Lock Two Rd, New Bremen, OH 45869, 330-4644960(Kurt), 330-317-5363(Rachel) Topp, Marvin 12, Toppation, 127 Dicke Dr, New Bremen, OH 45869,, 419-6292875, 419-733-5994 Topp, Mary Lou & Sons 14, Topp-View Holsteins, 10344 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 937-6933113, 419-733-5602 cell, 937-693-2887 fax Topp, Tyler 07, 8470 Five Pts Rd, Smithville, OH 44677 Town & Country Co-Op 08, 813 Clark Ave, Ashland, OH 44805, 419-281-2153 Trammell, Jeff 08, 27679 Royalton Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028, 440-236-8286 Trent, Paul 07, Trent Insurance Group, 328 W High St, Orrville, OH, 44667,, 330683-0855, 419-706-7451 cell, 330-683-0955 fax Trio Farms Inc 14, Trio Farms, Inc, 11511 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 937-693-6562 Troyer, Gregg A 07, 13752 Bair Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-466-6615 Troyer, Merlin E 03, Hickory Spring, 909 Hickory Dr, Sugarcreek, OH 44681 , 330-852-3227 Troyer, Robert A. 07, 3557 CR 141, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-3462 Turon, Joseph 01, Creepin Creek Farm, 5432 Greenville Rd, West Farmington, OH 44491, gotmilk1013@, 440-548-5979, 440-487-2330 Twining, Patrick 08, Twining Farm LLC, 47140 Griggs Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-429-7273 Twining, Raymond 08, Twining Farm LLC, 47140 Griggs Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2795
Uber, Tom 02, 3431 Rocky Glen Rd, Adamsville, OH 16110, 1-800-878-0888 Union Local FFA 03, 66859 Belmont Morristown Rd, Belmont, OH 43718
Van Gorden, Morris M. 15, Van G Farms, 5550 Princeton Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011, 513-779-4550 Vance, Chad M 07, East Union Acres, 990 Wadsworth Rd, Orrville, OH, 44667,, 330-465-5142 VanPelt, Michael L. X 02, Van Pelt Farms, 14600 Van Pelt Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-9364, 330-853-8004 cell, 330-482-9364 fax Velvet-View Farms 07, Velvet-View Farms, 6887 TR 505, Big Prairie, OH 44611,, 330-231-2111
Viney, Richard C. 01, Viney Hill Farms, 2432 Kinsman Rd NW, North Bloomfield, OH 44450, 440-685-4490
W G Dairy Supply Inc 07, 12993 Cleveland Rd, PO Box 2224, Creston, OH 44217, 330-435-6522, 330435-6102 fax Wachtel, William 07, Spring Walk Farm, 13079 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 44611, 330-378-2273, 330-7630323 cell, 330-378-2913 fax Walters DVM, John W. 03, 1050 Steubenville Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5711, 330-205-1344 cell, 330-627-5631 fax Watson, Bob 09, Weikland Farms, 11944 E TR 122, Republic, OH 44867, 419-426-8514, 419-618-1136 Watts, Steven D, Carol, Kevin & Kyle 07, Open Road Farm, 14363 CR 75, Brinkhaven, OH 43006, 330-3774987 Weaver, Douglas 02, Jaylen Holsteins, 12983 Green Beaver Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408-9741, 330-4829230 Weaver, John Mark 07 , 8257 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-2069 Weaver, Kenneth & Rachel 07, We-Mar Holsteins 5138 N Firestone Rd, Wooster, OH 44691,, 330-264-6893, 330-2016893 cell, 330-264-6893 fax Weaver, Wayne 07, 9183 CR 77, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-275-4132, 330-473-2416 Webb, D. Scott 11, 210 Bridgewater Dr, Marysville, OH 43040,, 937-738-7574 Webster, Troyce 08, Jennstone Farm, 43505 Parsons Rd, Oberlin, OH 44074, 330-416-2815, 330-416-6913 Weiker, Terry 09, Genex Co-op Inc, 9900 E SR 162, Republic, OH, 44867,, 419618-0834 Weisgarber Sr., Robert 02, Weisgarber Farm, 13771 Millersburg Rd SW, Massillon, OH 44647, roberted75@, 330-837-8575, 330-704-4102 Weitzel, Katie Struna 01, Maplewood Farm, 1538 E Windsor Rd, Orwell, OH 44076, 440-422-3058, 440-645-8801 Welch, Dean, Randy D & Michael E 08, U-Dean Farms, 456 TR 700, Polk, OH 44866 , 419-945-2411 Welch, Esther & Scott E 08, U-Dean Farms, 669 SR 89, Polk, OH 44866,, 419-945-2250 Welch, Karen 08, U-Dean Farms, 448 CR 620, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-1414 Welch, Ryan A 08, U-Dean Farms, 445 CR 700, Polk, OH 44866, 419-651-3546 Wenger, Clair 07, Regnew Farms, 439 Overlook Circle, Dalton, OH, 44618, 330-828-8253 Wenger, Dr. Melvin D 07, Orrville Veterinary Clinic Inc, 1665 N Main St, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-682-2971 Wenger, Kenneth & Lester, 07, Wenger Farms LLC, 13332 Church Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-683-7383 Whinnery, Bryan 02, Whin-Way Holsteins, 4595 Westville Lake Rd, Beloit, OH 44609,, 330-831-3989 Whiteleather Farms 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Adam 02, Iron Gate Farms, 29468 Tower Rd, Salem, OH 44460-9523, ajw116@frontier. com, 330-205-1738, 330-222-1642 fax Whiteleather, Alex 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Andrew 02, Whiteleather Farms, 10310 Stump Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-205-1350 Whiteleather, Betty & Thomas Hagan 02, Whiteleather Farms, 451 E Milton St, Alliance, OH 44460, 330-821-6916, 330-704-3911
Whiteleather, Esther 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2855 S Union Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-0605, 330-206-3288 ABS Global, Inc.cell,. 330-823-0605 . . . . . . . . . fax . . . . . . . . 58 Whiteleather, Glenn, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Ag Credit/Country Mortgages . . . . . . . . 47 Whiteleather, Hagan 02, Whiteleather Farms, 451 Agri Oxy330-868-5250 Blast . . . 50 EastSales Milton&St,Consulting Alliance, OH — 44601, Agri-King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farms, . . 11 Whiteleather, Jason & Gretl 02, Whiteleather Andrews, Steve & Seth OH — 44657, Auctioneers . . . 26 22499 Bates Rd, Minerva, gwhiteleather@ Ashland Implement, Inc. .330-205-1535 . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 330-868-5175, Bickel Family Farms . .Iron . . .Gate . . .Farms, . . . .29468 . . . 16 Whiteleather, Jessica.02, Cargill Nutrition ., . . . . . . . . . . . 51 TowerAnimal Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-806-1804,Sires 330-222-1642 COBA/Select . . . . . . fax . . . . . . . . . . 64 Whiteleather, Jill A 02 Whiteleather Commodity Blenders, Inc. . . . . . Farms, . . . . .8008 . . 41 Essick Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, jwhiteleather@gmail. Commodity Specialists Company. . . . . . . 28 com, 330-894-2138, ComputerMixx. . . . 330-206-2075 . . . . . . . . . cell, . . .330-894. . . . 27 2512 faxLane Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Crimson Whiteleather, Whiteleather Curry Lumber Lauren & Pole 02, Building Co.‘sFarms, . . . . .7804 27 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-894-2421 Davis, Kim R. — Nationwide Insurance . . . 8 Whiteleather, Lawrence 02, Whiteleather Farms, Embryo Transfer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 7804 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH, 44657-9426, 330First National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 894-2421, 330-904-1806 Garver, Merlin. . . . . .02, . . Whiteleather . . . . . . . . Farms, . . . . 46 Marjorie Whiteleather, Golden Link Supplements, Inc.. . . . . . . . . 25 28240 Gilson Rd, Salem, OH 44460 Habrun’s Service, Inc.West . . Salem, . . . . .OH 35 Wilcox, CalInsurance 07, 10407 W Easton Rd, Harold’s Equipment, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 44287, 419-846-3612 HarvestDr.Hills SaleE.. 07, . . New . . . Pittsburg . . . . . . Veterinary . . . 32-33 Richard Wiley, Clinic, 1436 W OldLtd. Lincoln K& M Builders, . . . Way, . . . .Wooster, . . . . . OH . . 44691, . . 61, 330-264-7787 Kidron Auction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Will, CharlesWellness A 11, Select. Sires L-G Animal . . . Inc, . . .17837 . . . .Brown . . . . 17 School Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, 614-579-4268 Lehman, Eileen — Livestock Hauling . . . . 41 Winchell, Dave 01, Winchell Lowe & Young, Inc. . . . . Farm, . . . .7507 . . . Hankee . . . . .Rd, 21 Garrettsville, OH 44231, 330-527-5296 Meaden & Moore — CPA’s . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Winkler, Jeffrey A 07, Winkler Dairy, 13597 Kauffman Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company . . 20 Ave, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-9970
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Midwest Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Wolboldt, Dean FFarms, 07, 9157Ltd.. CR 245, Miley Holstein . . .Holmesville, . . . . . . . .OH15 44633,, National Holstein Futurity. . 330-279-3813 . . . . . . . . 38-39 Wolf, Chad & Amy 07, Starmark Farm, 5801 Cleveland New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic . . . . . 34 Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-466-8380 Ohio Beef Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Wolf, Richard & Judy 07, Wolf Family Farm, 13040 Ohio State University/ Canaan Center Rd, Creston, OH 44217 330-435-4279 Agricultural Institute . . Ave, . . . . . . 24 Wolfe, John A. &Technical Ann 02, 6508 Bentler Paradise Valley Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .330..3 Louisville, OH, 44641,, Pine Tree Dairy ....................7 492-5254, 330-904-7729 Plain-Knoll . . . . 6294 . . . .Wolff . . . Rd, . . . . 49 Wolff, JustinHolsteins L 08, Wolff. Farms, Raygor LLC .330-635-4981 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Medina,Farms, OH, 44256, Wolford, C. 05,Inc.. Silver. .Mist RichmanJudy Farms, . . .Holsteins, ...........2 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, Rohaven Holsteins . . . . . .OH . .43103, . . . . . . . . . 50, Shearer Equipment. . . . . . . .740-207-1861, . . . . . . . . . 31 740-477-7475 fax Silver-Mist Holsteins/White Light Holsteins 62
Spike, Pete & Jean — Vacation Rental . . . 56
Stan-Mar-Dale/Express . . . . . . .Rd, . .Wellington, . . . . 13 Yarosh, Marie B 08, 20651 .Whitehead OH 44090,Equipment 440-647-3572 Stein-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Yeazel, 15, Ja-Bob TaurusMark Services, Inc. .Holsteins, . . . . . .1495 . . .Wolverton . . . . . . Rd, 55 Eaton, OH 45320,, Ten-Penny Holsteins . . . . . . . . . .937-533-0557 . . . . . . 12 Yeazel, Robert Holsteins, 6792 Thomas, Jenny15,—Ja-Bob Photographer . . .S.Stateline . . . 57 Rd, Richmond, IN 47374, 765-965-5246 Town & Country Co-op Feed . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Yoder, Caleb 02, Yoder Dairy Farm LLC, 23604 Center Trent Insurance Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634 U-Dean Farms02,. .Yoder . . . Farms, . . . . 4750 . . . .W. Garfield, .......5 Yoder, Jeremy Vaughan, Steve — Nutritional Consultant . 45 Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-2074 Yoder, 07, Mead-Val W. G.Owen DairyCSupply, Inc. .Farm, . . . 2079 . . . .TR. .180, . . . 48 Baltic, OH Sharpening 43804, 330-897-5059 Wenger’s Service . . . . . . . . . . 6 Yoder, Reuben D 07, RN-Acres, Wil-O-Rae Holsteins . . . . . 2519 . . . .CR. 114, . . . Baltic, . . . 36 OH 43804, 330-897-0346 ThisRobert index isJ provided an additional service. Yoder, 07, Yoder as Dairy, 4622 TR 403, Publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions. Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-204-3824
Yoder, Roy L.S. 07, Sharp-Line Dairy Farm, 2291 SR March 13-14, 2015330-897-0405 – Ohio Holstein Annual 557, Baltic, OH 43804, Meeting, Johnson’s, Lima, OH Young, JohnHoward J. & Ruth 03, Sharon Valley Farms, 3120 June 23-26, – OH National Holstein Ragersville Rd SW,2015 Sugarcreek, 44681, 330-897-1036 Convention, St. Charles, IL June 28–July 1, 2016 – National Holstein Convention, Saratoga Springs, NY
Zaebst, Chris & Cindy 01, Bossy’s Way Inc, 4586 Rt 46 S, Jefferson, OH 44047,SHOWS 440-294-3614 Zerkle, Keith 13,8,White Crown– Farm 1362 Dugan, November 2014 Grand NNational Urbana, OH 43078,Show, 937-653-8520 Holstein Junior Louisville, KY, Judge Ziegler, Jeff &OH Melanie 11, 10365 Long Rd, Eric Topp, Ostrander, OH8,43061, November 2014740-666-9414 – Mid-East Fall Red & Zimmerman, Benjamin R 07, 5075 Cleveland Rd, White Junior Show, Louisville, KY Wooster, OH 44691 November 10, 2014 – Mid-East Fall Zimmerman, Cleason 08, Rosie-Knoll, 1261 TR 1106, National Holstein Show, Louisville, KY, Judge Ashland, OH 44805, 419-207-0865 Lynn Harbaugh, WI Zimmerman, Floyd L 08, 617 Noble Rd, Shiloh, OH November 10, 2014 – Mid-East Fall 44878, 419-896-3018 National Red & White Show,Farm, Louisville, KY, Zimmerman, Ralph W 08, Sunrise 251 Adario Judge Lynn Harbaugh, WI W Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2795 Zimmerman, Titus 08,SALES Golden Rule Dairy, 7429 Olivesburg Fitchville Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, 419October 23, 2014 – 7:00 p.m., Harvest Hills 895-2349 Sale, Dover Fairgrounds Zimmerman, Vernon, 08 Mossy Creek Holsteins, 106 November 22, 2014 – Ohio Multi-Breed Fall Lattimer Rd W, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-895-0020 Sale, Wayne Co. Fairgrounds, Wooster Zimmerman, Walter, 08, Harmony Echo Holstein, 2741 SR 60, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-994-3491 CONTENT/COPY: The Ohio News has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content be construed as defamaZimmerview Dairy Farm, may LLC 03, Zimmerview Dairy tory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene or Farm LLC,unlawful. 700 Zimmer Rd, Marietta OH, 45750,repreotherwise In submitting copy, the advertiser sents and warrants that its content is truthful, is not, 740-374-7299, 740-516tory, is not invasive of the privacy of others and is in compliance federal, state and 8329with cell,all740-374-6288 fax local laws and regulations. However, the Ohio News reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time.
| OHIO M A YNEWS / J U N |E 9-10/2014 2 0 1 5 | | 661 1
District 3 Holstein Club 42nd Annual Meeting Held By Barb Lumley
The District 3 Holstein Club held their 42nd annual meeting Saturday, April 11, 2015 at the First United Methodist Church in New Philadelphia. There were 70 people present including members, their families, and friends. A buffet luncheon prepared by Louise Harding was enjoyed by all. The business meeting was called to order by club president, Jared Harding. Minutes of the last annual meeting were read, treasurer’s report given, and various other reports presented. It was announced that the District had received a rebate from the Ohio Holstein Association for making their quota of members for 2015. New members were recognized. Officers elected were President- Jared Harding, New Philadelphia; Vice-President – Don Simpson, Belmont; Secretary – Louise Harding, New Philadelphia; Treasurer – Steve Specht, Dover; News Reporter – Barb Lumley, Carrollton. New directors-at-large are Tyler Gaskill, Newcomerstown; and Ben Simpson, Belmont. John Hartline, Marietta, represents the district on the board of directors of the Ohio Holstein Association. He reported that the National Holstein Convention is scheduled to be held in Ohio in 2021. Springway Farms, Bill Burkhart and Family, received a plaque for consigning the top selling animal in the Harvest Hills Holstein Sale held October 23, 2014. The District 3 Holstein Show will be held June 20, 2015 at the Tuscarawas County Fairgrounds, Dover, Ohio. Judge will be Jason Miley.
2015 Senior and Junior Essay Award Winners: (L-R): Caitlyin Toohey, Sr. Division, Victoria Deam, Jr. Division 62
2014 Ohio State Fair Participants: Back Row (L-R): Ben Simpson, Eliza Days; Front Row: Victoria Deam
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The winners of the Horace Stewart Memorial Awards were presented. Each youth was the Supreme Dairy Showman at their county fair dairy show. They are: Caitlyin Toohey, Belmont County; Eliza Days, Carroll County; Jamie Secrest, Guernsey County; Alexia Dowdle, Harrison County; Duayne Wetherll, Jefferson County; Nerissa Smith, Monroe County; Victoria Deam, Tuscarawas County; and Martha Fagan, Washington County. Junior members in attendance competed for the Junior Award by writing an essay type answer to a specific question. Winners were Victoria Deam and Caitlyin Toohey. A pie baking contest was held. The winning pie was a Lemon Meringue baked by Sue Zimmer, Marietta. The pies were auctioned off and proceeds will go to the junior members who competed at the Ohio State Fair in 2014. They are Victoria Deam, Ben Simpson, Austin Trbovich, Logan Trbovich, Emily Deam, Eliza Days, and Clay Hershberger. John and Ruth Young were recognized for their many years of support of the District 3 Holstein Club, their attendance at the annual meetings and for their 68 years of marriage. District 3 Holstein Club is comprised of the counties of Belmont, Carroll, Harrison, Jefferson, Noble, Tuscarawas, Guernsey, Monroe and Washington.
Horace Stewart Memorial Award Winners: Back row (L-R): Eliza Days, Carroll Co., Alexia Dowdle, Harrison Co., Caitlyin Toohey, Belmont Co., Nerissa Smith, Monroe Co.; Front Row (L-R): Martha Fagan, Washington Co., Jamie Secrest, Guernsey Co., Duayne Wetherll, Jefferson Co., Victoria Deam, Tuscarawas Co.
00 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
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MGD: Clear-Echo M-O-M 2150-ET VG-87
image © Beth Herges
©2015 USDA-CDCB gPTA/PTA 04/15 GTPI® is a registered trademark of Holstein Association USA, Inc.
2559 TAILOR +7.1 2.60
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LA-BRON x Shamrock x Man-O-Man x Ramos
TAILOR is an early LA-BRON from one of most exciting cow families today! TAILOR hails from a young Shamrock already scored VG-86 with the influential Ramo 1200 EX-94 cow anchoring this impactful pedigree as the 3rd dam. While TAILOR has an exceptional ancestry, his offering in female sorted semen will create a dramatic influence in your future herd. Not only will TAILOR bring profitable production, TAILOR stitches on great udders at +1.98 UDC, and is a superstar for fitness traits. Expect his daughters to remain in your herd +7.1 months longer and have a +4.6% higher conception rate in your lactating herd! Get the right fit in your herd...ask your ABS representative for TAILOR! ABS Global, Inc. • 1525 River Road, DeForest, WI, USA
| M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
1 . 8 0 0 . A B S . S T U D • w w w. a b s g l o b a l . c o m
1HO08778 Charlesdale SUPERstition-ET
Super star Package
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Co-op Dryhouse CS Yamina-ET, VG-87
Rohaven Super Bonita, EX-90
Over 1 million units produced!
More than 27,000 milking daughters • Proven profitability package
SUPER daughters at Harmony-Ho Holsteins, Stratford, Wis., a GENESIS Cooperator Herd.
©2015 CRI
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The Queen’s Corner By Emma Mathews
Hello, Everyone! My name is Emma Mathews and I am very proud to represent Ohio and our dairy industry as the 2015 Ohio Holstein Queen. I would like to thank everyone for the support, words of encouragement and kind thoughts. As I am beginning my first article, I realize that I only have one year to serve as queen, and I can only imagine how time will fly. I am looking forward to attending all of the shows, sales, meetings and other events that I am invited to. For those who I have not met, my parents are Don and Jackie Bickel, and we raise registered Holsteins and Ayrshires on our family farm in New Vienna (D15). I am finishing my Junior year at East Clinton High School and am very active
in 4-H and FFA. I enjoy showing cattle, as well as participating in soil judging, parliamentary procedure, job interview, public speaking, ag sales and of course, dairy cattle evaluation. This year, I am proud to say that our FFA Dairy judging team won the State Contest and we will be representing Ohio at the National Contest this fall. Through my involvement, I have learned that much can be accomplished through hard work and dedication. My first experience with OHA began in the Spring of 2013, when Don bought me my first Holstein cow for the Junior shows. Whiteleather Damion 1278 (I nicknamed her Tillie) inspired my passion to become more involved in the Ohio Holstein industry. Soon after, I became a member of the Junior Association. A lot has changed over the past two years! Tillie (who is now a EX93) will be retiring from the show string this year, and I’m beginning to show my own B&O heifers. But I am excited that I just flushed Tillie to Mogul and am anxious to see what hits the ground next Spring.
My sister, Maggie, and I at the 2015 Spring Dairy Expo Red & White Show. My first official duty as Queen. Ohio delegation to the National Convention. I look forward to visiting old friends, as well as making new, and seeing my fellow showmen at the Ohio State Fair. If there is an event or activity that you would like for me to attend, feel free to contact me via email at or call/text me at 513-535-8001.
Before I visit your District Shows, Tillie and I at the 2014 Ohio State Fair I will be traveling with the waiting to enter the ring at the Junior Show
2014 Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun and I at the Ohio Holstein Annual Meeting 66
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| 55
Ohio 4-H and FFA Dairy Dates
Judging Contests & Clinics By Korey Oechsle, News Reporter It’s been a few years since I last wrote one of these. Friday during State Convention, we had a successful night as the juniors spent the time together over some bowling and pizza. Saturday morning we met for our annual meeting as we discussed our food stand at the sales, National Convention, raffle tickets and this year’s Board of Directors. The Juniors will have a food stand at all the Ohio Holstein sales held in Wooster. Due to everyones schedule we know there are not a lot of juniors in attendance. However, if you are of attendance it would be greatly appreciated if you would lend a helping hand throughout the day. Your 2015 Board of Directors are Louie Liming, Allison Mangun, Emma Mathews, Mathew and Korey Oechsle, and Keaton and Kinley Topp. Allison Mangun is this years president, Keaton Topp will serve as our Vice-President, Kinley Topp is the Treasure, with Emma Mathews as the Secretary, and me as the Reporter. Jumping ahead a month we land at the annual Spring Dairy Expo. We would like to congratulate everyone on their success in the ring. Friday after the heifer show we had a brief junior meeting. During the meeting we discussed this years National Convention, as well as a few other things. National Convention will be held in St. Charles, Illinois, June 23-26, and we have a good group of
July 16, 2015 East Clinton FFA Invite @ Clinton Co. Fair July 31 and August 7th Ohio State Fair Judging Clinics
Other Events and Activities
July 15 Deadline for Youth Ohio News Cover Contest July 30 and August 5 Ohio State Fair Skillathons July 31 and August 5 Ohio State Fair Junior Holstein Show *Dates are subject to change
Juniors attending. Good luck to Emma Mathews, who will be participating in the public speaking contest. Ohio is hosting National Convention in 2021, and we have already started fundraising. As we start fundraising for national convention, we are glad to tell you that our They Poop We Scoop shirts will again be for sale, they are also now available for larger order. Contact an advisor for more information. This year we also decided to bring back the raffle sale, and we set the bar high on this one. This year we have a few larger items to raffle off, the details of these items will be released to you shortly. With these larger prizes we have decided to change things up a bit, Ticket prices will be raised to 1 for $20, 3 for $50 and 6 for $100, and there will only be 1,000 tickets sold. Be sure to stay tuned for more information on a meeting at state fair, as well as other activities. Want an easier and faster way to stay updated? Look us up on Facebook, Ohio Holstein Junior Association! Show a Director you liked our page and receive a dollar off your They Poop We Scoop shirt!
Matt Lawson (937) 459-8980 Megan Lawson (937)638-2402 Jacquelyn Sherry (937) 538-7110
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OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 23
Junior MembershipDirectory A-B
Ackley, Kristopher 11, 9738 Rd 141 , East Liberty, OH 43319, 937-666-5502 Ackley, Kyle 11, 9738 Rd 141, East Liberty, OH 43319,, 937-666-5502 Alden, Daniel 4, 24499 Colopy Rd, Danville, OH 43014,, 740-501-8457 Alden, David 4, 24499 Colopy Rd, Danville, OH 43014, 740-501-8451 Alden, Russell 4, 24499 Colopy Rd, Danville, OH 43014, 740-501-8451 Anderson, Grayson 2, PO Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619,, 330-277-7181 Auble, Jazmine 8 Baker, Bethany 7 Baker, Jacob 2, 4629 12th St, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-853-3293 Baker, Juliana 2, 4629 12th St, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-853-3293 Baker, Madelynn 2, 4629 12th St, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-853-3293 Barker, Derek 4, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320,, 419-946-2469 Barker, Kayla 4, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320, 419-946-2469 Barth, Wyatt 3, 570 Handschumaker Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-376-9225 Baumann, Caili 15, 3056 Schefsky Rd, Blanchester, OH 45107,, 513-313-6979 Berg, Aaron 8, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813,, 419-886-2871 Berg, Colin 8, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, 419-886-2871 Birkemeir, Taylor 14, 4150 Tawawa Maplewood Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-538-6811 Bogan, Brock William 1, 525 Fairway Dr NE, Warren, OH 44483,, 330-306-5082 Borchers, Austin 11, 13540 CR 60, Jackson Center, OH 45334,, 937-596-6772 Borchers, Jacob 11, 13540 CR 60, Jackson Center, OH 45334, 937-596-6772 Bouic, Matt 11, 8900 SR 38, Milford Center, OH 43045, 937-707-4579 Bouton, Audrey 4, 12138 Green Valley Rd, Mt. Vernon, OH 43050,, 740-507-8271 Budny, Ava 10, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534,, 419-278-0030 Budny, Leah, 10, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534,, 419-278-0030 Budny, Nora, 10, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534,, 419-278-0030
Campbell, Alex 2, 22243 Georgetown St NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-206-6508 Campbell, Bailey 2, 22243 Georgetown St NE, Homeworth, OH 44634,, 330-206-6308 Campbell, Dustin 2, 4150 Mahoning Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7093 Campbell, Jacob 2, 3399 Union Ave NE, Minerva, OH 44657,, 330-862-2028 Campbell, Lindsey 2, 3399 Union Ave NE, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-862-2028 Campbell, Morgan 2, 3399 Union Ave NE, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-862-2028
Campbell, Taylor 2, 4150 Mahoning Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7093 Chaffee, Ben 8 Clarke, Caitlin 3, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd, Uhrichville, OH 44683, 740-922-1283 Cline, Jessica 9, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-619-4539 Cline, Matthew 9, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-619-4539 Cline, Nicholas 9, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-619-4539 Coffman, Alexis 3, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116 Coffman, Garett 3, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116 Coffman, Katlyn 3, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116 Colby, Jessica 14, 6336 Fessler-Buxton Rd, Houston, OH, 45333-9773, 937-210-1316 Colby, Nick 14, 6336 Fessler-Buxton Rd, Houston , OH 45333-9773,, 937-210-1316 Congleton, Levi 3, 195 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679 Congleton, Trace 3, 195 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679 Conrad, Bradley 8, 19850 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, 216-924-0657 Conrad, Jeffrey 8, 19850 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, 216-924-0657 Conrad, Macrae 5, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland , OH 43145,, 740495-5067 Conrad, Macy 5, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Maylon5, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Mikayla5, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Cooper, Cody 2 Cornish, Greg 8, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-752-6293 Cornish, Megan 8, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-752-6293 Cox, Levi 3, 7875 SR 26, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-4732789 Cox, Lucas 3, 7875 SR 26, Marietta, OH 45750, 740473-2789 Crawford, Jessie 15, 1506 Hodson Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159,, 937-987-2887 Crawford, Michael 3, 5755 N American Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-364-2923 Cring, Bethany Jane 8, 199 Benedict Ave, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-577-5189 Cummings, Cole 14, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Cummings, Olivia 14, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Daniel, Cora 2, 7642 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-323-4379 Daniel, Sydney 2, 7642 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-323-4379 Davis, Lily 7, 474 Leatha Lane, Cleveland, TN 37312, 423-599-3327
sponsored by
Days, Eliza 3, 2222 Channel Rd NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-738-3306 Days, Emmy 3, 2222 Channel Rd NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-738-3306 Deam, Bryson M 13, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026 , 937-477-6616 Deam, Emily 3, 9843 Golf Course Rd , Sugarcreek , OH, 44681, 330-852-3110 Deam, Madison L13, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Deam, Nicole E13, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026,, 937-477-6616 Deam, Trevor S 13, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026 , 937-477-6616 Deam, Victoria 3, 9843 Golf Course Rd, Sugarcreek, OH 44681,, 330-852-3110 Dobay, Elijah 1, 7267 Kingsville Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-717-7366 Doria, Parker 13, 370 Edgewood, Perrysburg, OH 43551, 937-652-3840 Doria, Riley13, 370 Edgewood, Perrysburg, OH 43551, 937-652-3840 Dovin, Demi 8, 48090 SR 303 W, Wellington, OH 44090,, 440-775-2386 Dovin, John 8, 48090 SR 303 W, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-775-2386 Duncan, Rachel 4, 42527 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844,, 740-824-4592 Dvorak, Ava 8, 52055 New London Eastern Rd, Nova, OH 43844, 419-929-2011 Dvorak, Oren 8, 52055 New London Eastern Rd, Nova, OH 43844, 419-929-2011 Dvorak, Zane 8, 52055 New London Eastern Rd, Nova, OH 43844, 419-929-2011 Dye, Hannah M 2, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272 Dye, Michah James 2, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609,, 330-525-5272
Egolf, Clayton 14, 8506 Arcola Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46818, 937-538-6811 Elliott, Michaela 8, 1067 CR 1175, Ashland, OH 44805,, 419-496-6133 Finke, Lillian 13, 1285 SR 29 NE, London, OH 43140, 614-402-8364 Finke, Olivia 13, 1285 SR 29 NE, London, OH 43140,, 614-402-8364 Finton, Brittany 3, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, mooman1442@, 330-339-4981 Finton, Kurt 3, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, mooman1442@, 330-339-4981 Flores, Lydia 11, 8900 SR 38, Milford Center, OH 43045, 937-707-5846 Fraser, Sara Marie 2, 632 S 12th St Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-7262 Fridenstine, Mike 8
Gaskill, Shane 3, 11158 Stonecreek Rd SW, Newcomerstown, OH 43832 740-498-5656 Gilbert, Jacoby 7, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039
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Gilbert, Jamison 7, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Glover, Aaliyah 10, 2685 CR 13, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-388-1649 Glover, Ethan 10, 2685 CR 13, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-388-1649 Griffith, Jenna 15, 5706 Camp Run Rd, Georgetown, OH 45121, 606-407-7111 Griffith, Shelby 15, 5706 Camp Run Rd, Georgetown, OH 45121, 606-407-7111 Gunkelman, Clay 8, 3411 Abbeyville Rd, Medina, OH 44256, 330-350-2047 Gunkelman, Cora 8, 3411 Abbeyville Rd, Medina, OH 44256, 330-350-2047 Gunkelman, Curtis 8, 3411 Abbeyville Rd, Medina, OH 44256, 330-350-2047 Gunkelman, Grace 7, 747 SR 39, Perrysville, OH 44864,, 330-464-3259 Gunkelman, Tim 7, 747 SR 39, Perrysville, OH 44864,, 330-464-3259 Hahn, Amy 14, 6750 New Hope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-214-2320 Harding, Kari 3, 5159 Evanscreek Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-7979 Harding, Ryan 3, 5159 Evanscreek Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-7979 Hartline, Caleb 3, 303 1/2 Indleside Ave, Marietta, OH 45750,, 740-706-0585 Havens, J. Garrett 9, 4293 Tiffin Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-992-4471 Hawvermale, Ashley 7, 703 Barnard Rd, Wooster, OH 44691,, 330-621-3638 Hawvermale, Kelly 7, 703 Barnard Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-9817 Heger, Cole 15, 10131 CR 227, Camden, OH 45311, 937-452-3606 Heger, Lauren 15, 5911 Lesourdsville-W Chester Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011,, 513-777-1666 Heiby, Bethany J 8, 2188A TR 757, Perrysville, OH, 44864,, 419-368-4238 Henricks, Logan 10, 14834 CR 163, Fayette, OH 43521,, 419-572-6165 Henricks, Mason 10, 15771 CR T, Lyons, OH 43533, 419-572-6165 Hornack, Katelyn 2, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260 Hornack, Nathan 2, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260 Hudson, Kendra 9, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, 419-563-0102 Hudson, Kyle 9, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820,, 419-563-0102 Hughes, Amy 7, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637, 330-377-4156 Hughes, John 7, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637, 330-377-4156 Hughes, William 7, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637,, 330-377-4156 Hunsberger, Aaron 7, 8257 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-2134 Hunsberger, Laney 7, 8257 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-2134
Jackson, Ella 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318,, 937-585-5727 Jackson, Luke 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, 937-585-5727 Jackson, Samuel 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, 937-585-5727
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Johnson, Johnnie 5, 11681 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103,, 740-237-8998 Jones, Aubrey 14, 2099 Cisco Rd, Sidney, OH 45365,, 419-957-2254 Kaverman, Korbin J 13, 11142 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, 419-203-9629 Kaverman, Lydia M 13, 11142 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368,, 419-203-9629 Kelly, Sarah 8 Kiko, Abigail 3, 6220 Andora Rd, Mechanicstown, OH 44651, 330-627-0321 Kiko, Elizabeth S 2, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-525-0302 Kiko, Isabella Tess 3, 6220 Andora Rd, Mechanicstown, OH 44651, 330-627-0321 Kiko, Ward W 2, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-831-8302 Kiko, Wayden 2, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460,, 330-831-8302 Kiko, Wyatt R 2, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-831-0302 King, Hayden 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Mickayla 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Samantha 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Silas 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 Kleintop, Keely 3, 117 Acme St, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-336-7210 Kleintop, Quinlin 3, 117 Acme St, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-336-7210 Klier, Ben 8, 18456 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-4402 Klier, Emily 8, 18456 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090,, 440-647-4402 Kliner, Kaleb 7, 33 Parr , West Salem, OH 44287, 419651-2650 Kliner, Kolton 7, 33 Parr, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-651-2650 Kliner, Kourtney 7, 33 Parr, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-651-2650 Knapp, Jacob 8, 24228 West Rd, Wellington, OH 44090,, 440-647-6104 Knoll, Drake 8, 415 Old State Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855,, 419-681-0751 Krieger, Austin 10, 15729 CR 16, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-452-6758 Krieger, Courtney 10, 15729 CR 16, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-452-6758
Lamb, Ian 8, 198 TR 581, Sullivan, OH 44880,, 440-935-4609 L’Amoreaux, Lauren 2, 7261 Paris Ave , Louisville, OH 44641,, 330-875-4157 L’Amoreaux, Lindsay 2, 7261 Paris Ave , Louisville, OH 44641,, 330-875-4157 Lehner, Sarah 11, 709 Radnor Rd, Delaware, OH 43015,, 740-369-0262 Leighty, Cory 7, 6005 W. Britton Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-215-8907, Liette, Carter 12, 2141 Glynwood Rd, St Marys, OH 45885 Liming, Louis 1, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, 330-770-6206 Liming, Marlena1, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440,, 330-770-6206
Lloyd, Marlee 13, 5363 Dialton Rd, Springfield, OH 45502, 937-206-1942 Logan, Matthew 1, 9506 SR 193, Farmdale, OH 44417,, 330-240-9946 Logan, Zachary 1, 9506 SR 193, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-240-9946 Lund, Courtney 8, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313 Lund, Matthew 8, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313 Mangun, Allison 7, 13693 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH, 44214,, 330-435-6520 Mathews, Emma 15, 1506 Hodson Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159,, 513-535-8001 Mathews, Maggie 15, 1506 Hodson Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159, 513-300-7291 Maurer, Alexandra 2, 5140 N Nickelplate, Louisville, OH 44641,, 330-581-0070 Mazzaro, Bailee 1, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093,, 440-293-5573 Mazzaro, Calla 1, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-5573 Mazzaro, Mason 1, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-5573 Mazzaro, Matthew 1, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-5573 McCoy, Megan 9, 6033 E TR 58, Bloomville, OH 44818,, 419-349-4340 McDonald, Michael 8 46690 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090,, 440-315-4854 McDonnell, Miranda 8, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-897-2680 McDonnell, Morgan 8, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-897-2680 McGovern, Emily 8, 1567 TR 355, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-368-3485 McGovern, Kate 8, 1567 TR 355, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-368-3485 McGuire, Deven 11, 1741 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357,, 937-465-8150 McGuire, Kyle, 11, 1741 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357,, 937-465-8150 McKay, Josh 5, 6240 Miami Trace Rd , Washington Court House, OH 43160 Meeker, Hunter 15, 18788 Gauche Rd, Fayetteville, OH 45118, 513-260-2331 Meeker, Kerrign 15, 18788 Gauche Rd, Fayetteville, OH 45118,, 513-260-2331 Meeker, Wyatt 15, 18788 Gauche Rd, Fayetteville, OH 45118, 513-260-2331 Miley, Adam 7, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287,, 419-846-3234 Miley, David 7, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287,, 419-846-3234 Miller, Hallie 7, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-271-3530 Miller, Leah 7, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-271-3530 Montgomery, Daniel 1, 3179 SR 534, Newton Falls, OH 44444, 330-716-3712, Morlock, Allison 7, 10808 Williams Rd, West Salem, OH 44287,, 419651-3261 Morlock, Brandt 7, 10808 Williams Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-651-3261 Morlock, Madisen 10 6661 Housekeeper Rd Pemberville, OH 43450, 419-308-7990 Mudgett, Garrett 13, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616
Mussard, Burley 10, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, 419-738-2746 Mussard, Clara 10, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, 419-738-2746 Mussard, Lane 10, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, 419-738-2746 Mussard, Phoebe 10, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, 419-738-2746
Neill, Thomas J 9, 1935 CR 106, Lindsey, OH 43442, 419-665-2160 Nelson, Jonathon 13, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8041 Oberholtzer, Brittany R 8, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Gordon N 8, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Jaedon 8, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Waldon K 8, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842,, 419-938-3156 Oechsle, Korey 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891,, 419-605-7749 Oechsle, Matthew 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH, 45891, 419-605-2447
Plocher, Levi 2, 11784 West Calla Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-337-1849 Pond, Cole 13, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084, 937-834-2431 Pond, P. Shem 13, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084,, 937-834-2431 Quallen, Emily 15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-383-0693 Quallen, Loren15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-383-0693 Quallen, Sarah15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-383-0693
Ramsey, Anna 2, 6452 Oakhill Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-821-7563 Ramsey, Brice 2, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Colleen 2, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Emma 2, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Haley 2, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Meredith 2, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, William 2, 6452 Oakhill Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-821-7563 Rausch, Noah 11, 12331 Industrial Pkwy, Marysville, OH 43040, 614-989-0560 Rennecker, Benjamin 7, 6764 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, 330-669-3673 Rennecker, Hannah 7, 6764 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, 330-669-3673 Riggenbach, Micah 7, 10331 Frick Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-3021 Riggenbach, Noah 7, 10331 Frick Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-3021 Riggenbach, Owen 7, 10331 Frick Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-3021 Rufener, Cole 2, 1894 Swartz Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260 Rufener, Grace 2, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260 Rufener, Sarah 2, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260
Sammetinger, Amelia 12, 14372 Pusheta Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, sammetingers@yahoo. com, 937-538-8313 Sayers, Max 11, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, 937-644-1589 Schlauch, Logan 7, 12809 TR 503, Big Priarie, OH 44611,, 330-378-2024 Schlauch, Wyatt 7, 12809 TR 503, Big Priarie, OH 44611, 330-378-2024 Schmitmeyer, Clair 14 , 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-526-4226 Schmitmeyer, Katerri 14, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380,, 937-526-4226 Schmitmeyer, Ted 14, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-526-4226 Schroeder, Trent 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-0293 Schroeder, Trey 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-0293 Scott, Clay 3, 8334 Bailey Rd, Mineral City, OH, 44656,, 330-260-0709 Scott, Kayla 3, 8334 Bailey Rd, Mineral City, OH 44656, 330-260-0709 Seedorf, Callie 10, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-966-7480 Seedorf, Chloe 10, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-966-7480 Seedorf, Claire 10, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516,, 419-966-7480 Seedorf, Will 10, 4512 CR F, Deshler , OH 43516, 419966-7480 Seibert, Isabel 3, 497 Moravian Trail, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, 330-340-7185 Sharp, Hannah 1, 8105 SR 609, Burghill, OH 44404,, 440-724-1587 Sheets, Molly A 11, 931 Christopher Circle, Ada, OH 45810,, 740-363-2184 Sheets, Preston 1, 4034 Lakeshore Dr, Cortland, OH 44410, 330-720-3180 Sheffield, Isabella 8, 46690 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090,, 440-315-4854 Shockey, Abigail 3, 142 Leatherberry Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-9071 Smith, Alexia 11, 14630 Middleburg Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064 , 614-733-0182 Smith, Emily 3, 42743 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-2107 Smith, Nerissa 3, 42743 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946,, 740-483-2107 Smith, Tapanga 2, 7642 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-323-4379 Smith, Wyatt 2, 7642 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-323-4379 Steel, Clinton 3, 2705 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622,, 330-364-5243 Steel, Jaden 3, 2843 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-1307 Steel, Stephanie 3, 2843 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622,, 330-343-1307 Steiner, Christian 7, 13939 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217,, 330-464-1219 Steiner, Zach 7, 13939 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-464-1219 Steinke, Zachary 12, 13505 Kettlersville Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, matmapletree@bright. net, 419-738-7175 Stull, Katie 7, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-0037
sponsored by
Stull, Riley 7, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691,, 330-263-0037 Sugg, Brandon 7, 5789 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691,, 330-317-0861 Sugg, Kaitlyn 7, 5789 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-317-0861 Sugg, Kiersten 7, 5789 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-317-0861
Tedrick, Lilly 10, 409 E Main St, Ramsey, IL 62080,, 618-423-2234 Thomas, Colton 13, 6140 SR 296, Cable, OH 43009, 614-395-9823 Thomas, Kendall 13, 6140 SR 296, Cable, OH 43009, 614-395-9823 Thompson, James 3, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805 Thorbahn, Jenna 11, 9035 Oak Ridge Lane, Plain City, OH 43064,, 614-873-6946 Topp, Aubree 14, 9477 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 419-753-2276 Topp, Brennan 12, 5170 Lock Two Rd, New Bremen, OH 45869, 330-464-4960 Topp, Keaton 14, 19269 Reineke Schipper Rd, Botkins, OH 45306,, 937-693-4400 Topp, Kinley 14, 19269 Reineke Schipper Rd, Botkins, OH 45306 Topp, Logan 12, 5170 Lock Two Rd, New Bremen, OH 45869, 330-464-4960 Topp, Madelyn 14, 10356 Kohler Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, Topp, Marissa 12, 5170 Lock Two Rd, New Bremen, OH 45869, 330-464-4960 Topp, Tanner 12, 5170 Lock Two Rd, New Bremen, OH 45869, 330-464-4960 Tullis, Kelsie 3, 2039 Aster Rd, Scio, OH 43988, tullis@, 330-739-2067 Tullis, Kolby 3, 2039 Aster Rd, Scio, OH 43988, 330739-2067 Vales, Rebecca M 7, 414 Highland Hills Cir, Howard, OH 43028,, 740-504-2378 Vance, Rachel L 7, 990 Wadsworth Rd, Orrville, OH 44467,, 330-465-5142
Westfall, Levi 3, 839 1/2 Fairview Ave, Parkersburg, WV, 26101 Weyant, Faith 3, 1071 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH, 45750,, 740-373-3744 Whiteleather, Alice 2, 22499 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-819-2810 Whiteleather, Andre 2, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Autumn 2, 22499 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-819-2810 Whiteleather, Ava 2, 22499 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-819-2810 Wolf, Keenan 7, 5801 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-3264 Wood, Austen 7, 8575 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691,, 330-201-0356 Wood, Kierstyn 7, 8575 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-201-0356 Wyatt, Carson 12, 143 Bear Dr, New Bremen, OH 45869,, 419-575-6151 Wyatt, Xavier 12, 143 Bear Dr, New Bremen, OH 45869, 419-575-6151
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Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging State Contest Results From INDIANA
By Sherry MikeSmith
The State 4-H contest tookDirector place National Saturday, April 4th, during the Spring Dairy Expo in Columbus. Three divisions, Junior (ages 9-11), Intermediate (ages 12-14) and Senior Hello, every(ages 15-19), one; what plus a an Open division, had a total of 150 thathad placed winter! As I write this,kids we have 14 days belowofzero 40 inches and of six classes cattle.and Intermediate snow. I hope everyone has had a good Senior divisions gave 2 sets of oral winter, because I know all the reasons in addition to the placings problems that go along with cold and and questions. Overall toteam and snow. I will be heading the type Individual winners were next spread out conference in Wisconsin week, and then our counties board meeting is March among Ohio this year. 20 and 21, and then to the judges conference and the Ohio Spring Show Ethan Starkey from Champaign the last week of March. County, won theHolstein Senior Division On other news, for at the second year in row and was High yearend there were 278,703 animals in 1,831 herds enrolled Individual in reasons andinaHolstein member Complete as compared 2012. along This of the first place SeniortoTeam, is one percent decrease in animals and with Kadey Starkey, Morgan Eades a one percent increase in herds. There and Heath Starkey. were 360,180 animals registered, which is a decrease of one percent. Seventy-five percent of the animals In the Intermediate competition registered were less than three top overall honors went to months Carson old. Transfers were up 84% with a Walker from Licking County while total of 120,698 animals being Sam Jackson from the Champaign/ transferred due to the fact that we had LoganherdCounty High one doing ateam familywas transfer, which amounted to 46,583 animals. Individual in oral reasons. Stark
County took top team with Lindsay L’Amoreaux, Aaron Carle, Lexi Maurer and Sydney Daniels.
❄ ❅ ❄ ❅ ❄ ❅ ❄
Hauling Anywhere
Union County won the Junior Team competition led by Elaina Lahmers and Noah Rausch, along with Joey Ziegler and Thomas Boerger. The High Junior Individual , Glenn Eileen (Hostetler) Lehman Lamb, is from Lorain County.
• LivestocktoHauling • Congratulations all the winners and many thanks to over 30 Specializing in volunteers that help make this event Cattle Horsesresults run Show smoothly! For & complete go to the Spring Dairy Expo website: 12850 Fox Lake Road and look Marshallville, 44645 under 4-H Judging Ohio contest. Phone: 330-855-7004 Cell: 330-465-5398
7 2 | OHIO | O HNEWS I O N |E 3-4/2014 W S | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5 22
Without this herd, we still transferred 74,115 animals, which is an increase of 13%. In the Basic ID program, 219,505 animals were identified. This is a seven percent increase over last year. There were 701 new adult members and 936 new junior members, an increase of 11% for adults and a three percent decrease in junior members. In the classification program, we evaluated 224,908 animals in 4,705 herds. This is a two percent decrease of animals and a three percent
decrease in herds. In the SET program, 81,558 animals in 5,222 herds were evaluated, which makes a decrease of eight percent in animals I hope to see many of you in Columbus; not only is this your Spring Show, but Ohio will be hosting the HAUSA judges conference that coincides with the show. On a personal note, if I don’t see you in Columbus, I want to invite you to our dispersal on April 5. Stay warm!
Indiana Jones — Mike Jones
Congratulations to the Union County Judging Team that won the Junior Competition at the 2015 Judging ❄ ❅ ❄ ❅ Spring ❄ Dairy ❅ Expo ❄ 4-H❅Dairy❄ ❅Contest ❄ ❅ ❄
| OHIO M A YNEWS / J U N|E 9-10/2014 2015 || 7 3 00
1. (JR) Ray-Jo Mockingbird Judy, Emma Mathews; 2. Greenlea BW Mar-Red-ET, Silver-Mist
Conrad Advent Gloria-Red, Macy Conrad Beginner Showmanship Winner Maggie Mathews
Senior Showmanship Winner Mikayla Conrad, Queen Allison Mangun
A Special “Thank You” to 2014 Ohio State Fair Open & Junior Holstein Show Class Sponsors CLASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DONOR JUNIOR SHOW Spring Heifer Calf . . . . . . . . . . . Jenny Thomas/Cybil Fisher Photography Winter Heifer Calf . . . . . . . . . . . Land O’Lakes Animal Milk Fall Heifer Calf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open-Road Holsteins Summer Yearling Heifer. . . . . . . . Steve Andrews, Auctioneer Spring Yearling Heifer. . . . . . . . . Lund View Farm Winter Yearling Heifer . . . . . . . . Broad-Vue Holsteins Fall Yearling Heifer . . . . . . . . . . . H.B. Owen & Son, Inc. Junior Champion Female . . . . . . . Mason Farms, Ltd. Res. Junior Champion Female . . . DHI Cooperatives, Inc. Junior Two-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . Lorawae Holsteins Senior Two-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd. Junior Three-Year-Old Cow . . . . . Goodsons Holsteins/Buckeye ET Senior Three-Year-Old Cow . . . . . Crimson-Lane Holsteins/ Thorbahn Brothers Intermediate Champion Cow . . . . Commodity Blenders, Inc. Res. Intermediate Champion Cow . Alden Farms Four-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . . . . . . IBA of Ohio, Inc. Five-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . . . . . . Glenn Sageser Aged Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker’s Acres 125,000 Pound Cow . . . . . . . . . Rupp-Vue Farm Senior Champion Cow . . . . . . . . Land O’Lakes Purina Feed Res. Senior Champion Cow. . . . . Raygor Farms, LLC Grand Champion Female . . . . . . Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins Res. Grand Champion Female . . . Ack-Lee Holsteins District Group of Five . . . . . . . . . Ohio Holstein Association 28 |OPEN OHIO NEWS SHOW| 9-10/2014
Spring Heifer Calf . . . . . . . . . . . Quality Quest Holsteins Winter Heifer Calf . . . . . . . . . . . Triple-T Holsteins Fall Heifer Calf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shreve Printing Summer Yearling Heifer. . . . . . . . Richman Farms Spring Yearling Heifer. . . . . . . . . Berg Farms Ltd. Winter Yearling Heifer . . . . . . . . Toppglen Holsteins Fall Yearling Heifer . . . . . . . . . . . Call-Del Farm, Alfred L. Call & Family Junior Champion Female . . . . . . . Homerville Holstein Farms, Ltd. Res. Junior Champion Female . . . Land O’Lakes Animal Milk Junior Best Three Females . . . . . . COBA/Select Sires, Inc. Junior Two-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . Lindlaur Holsteins Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux Senior Two-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . Conrad Farms Junior Three-Year-Old Cow . . . . . White Light Holsteins, Menzie Family Senior Three-Year-Old Cow . . . . . Windemere, Jim & Nancy Kemp Intermediate Champion . . . . . . . . Land O’Lakes Purina Feed Res. Intermediate Champion . . . . Twining Farms Four-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . . . . . . Weikland Farms Five-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . . . . . . Spreng Longacre Farms, Inc. Aged Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker’s Acres 125,000 Pound Cow . . . . . . . . . Rawn Farms Senior Champion Cow . . . . . . . . Trealayne Holsteins Res. Senior Champion Cow. . . . . Topp-View Farm Grand Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . National Holstein Futurity, Inc. Res. Grand Champion . . . . . . . . Express Show Cattle Best Bred and Owned. . . . . . . . . Genex Cooperative, Inc. Dam and Daughter . . . . . . . . . . . JR & Angie Kaverman Produce of Dam . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hardingdale Holsteins/ Larry Harding Family Best Three Females . . . . . . . . . . . Midwest Genetics Dairy Herd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ouric Holsteins
700 4 || OHIO O H NEWS I O N E|W S | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5 9-10/2014
Case skid steers and compact track loaders have been known for power and productivity. Now, we’ve outdone ourselves. Twelve all-new models deliver increased performance and power for every task, from lifting bales to mucking stalls. Not to mention industry-leading hinge-pin height to help with feedlot work. No matter what’s on your list of chores, the new Case Alpha Series delivers. And they do it with a larger, roomier cab—the most comfortable on the market.
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Barn Kooler Fan Schaefer Barn Kooler Fans • Greater air movement • Superior air cooling • Low noise levels • Made in the USA
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M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
the Holstein
2014 Dairy Youth Achievement Winners Grapevine
Gold TheRating All-Breeds Showmanship at Lauren Almasy Spring Dairy Expo attracted 118 Cole Pond divided into six age individuals groups. Again this year, the American Lindsey Barto DairyJackson Association Mideast sponsored Ella the contest. All participants received a Luke Jackson rosetteJackson or ribbon and 20 dollars from Sam Mideast. The winners were: Emma Mathews 9-Year-Olds — Fulton Kennedy, Kate McGovern Winchester, 9 contestants JD 10-Year-Olds Nelson — Marissa Topp, Billy Smith II Wooster, 15 contestants Keith 11- Barto and 12-Year-Olds — Grace Lauren L’A moreaux Hageman, Sidney, 24 contestants
13- and 14-Year-Olds — Brennan Topp, Wooster, 25 contestants 15- and 16-Year-Olds — Tanner Topp, Wooster, 26 contestants Lindsay L’Amoreaux 17-Year-Olds and up — Tyler Sarah Lehner Topp, Wooster, 19 contestants Tanner Topp • Carson WalkerHolstein Association The National program for the 2012 National Convention in Springfield, Missouri, Silver Rating in JuneAyers lists the following as Ohio 40Brent Year Members: Alex Coppersmith Richard T. Bardall, Tippecanoe; Justin Coppersmith Howard R. Bickel, New Vienna; Parker Owen Conklin Dairy Farms, Inc., Plain City; Kate Sherman Kruggel Farms, Inc., Litchfield; Rachel William Sherman J. Lund, Norwalk; John T. Brennan Polchin, Topp Dorset; Bill Ramsey,
Oxygen Barrier System This easy to use patented “impermeable” plastic reduces loss of silage in bunker silos to less than 5% and virtually eliminates surface mold. In combination with protective tarps, the film is protected from bird, rodent, and UV damage. To complete the system, Silostop sandbags are used on the overlaps. It is not necessary to provide weight over the entire surface so tires are effectively eliminated.
Silostop film being laid at US Dairy Forage Research Center
Sterling, Ohio at 1-800-331-2625 Ohio’s only authorized Silostop dealer
Louisville; Raymond Twining, Wellington; Keith Zerkel, Urbana; Dan M. Zimmer, Vincent. • Marissa Topp of Dick Indoe into The induction Colby TuronState University Dairy The Ohio Zane Wilkins Science Hall of Service in 2012 marks Morgan Eades the second Holstein Association father Liming and son pair to be so honored, Louis withLokai Dick’s father Kenneth Indoe the Ian 1974 inductee. Rachel Lokai The other father and son pairMathews are Lewis Jones in 2011 and Maggie his father Reuben Jones in 1989. Lexi Maurer Preston Sheets • Former Ohio Holstein Junior Logan Topp Member Annie Specht designed the Jonah VanGundy attractive Trealayne and Cl Hersh ads Lauren for this VanGundy issue. A graduate of Ohio Nicole Walters State, she is working as a graduate Elaina Lahmers assistant at Texas A & M, and one of the classes she teaches is graphic Emily McGovern design. Montgomery Annie says she designs ads for Daniel the farmWyatt as a way of practicing what Carson she preaches. She will be finishing her Jeremy Ziegler doctorate in May and hopes to move Joey Ziegler closer to home. Jacob Baker • Madilyn Baker NEW ARRIVALS: Kenzie Bishop Nathan and Megan Steel’s Luke Bishop daughter Kylie Lynn arrived on March Christine Broehl8 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 6, 2012, weighing Jacob inchesBroehl long. Paula and John Steel of Steam Cottrell Valley Farms, D-3, are the Khilan grandparents. Trey Good Kurt Powelson and Amanda Bohlen, D-3, Dakota welcomed Kelly See their first child, son Kase GregorySmith weighing 7 lbs. on March 27, Alexia 2012. Grandparents are Ronnie and Xavier Wyatt Barb Bohlen. Lucas and Julie Harding Grove Bronze Rating announce the arrival of their first Chase Cottrell child, daughter Aubrey Valera, on Sydney April 5, Good 2012, at 7 lb. 13 oz. and 20Emily Hahnlong. Grandparents are 3/4 inches LindaLehmann and Larry Harding, Hardingdale Zane Farms,Rudy D-3, and Louise and Edna Zach Harding are doting great-aunts. By the Isaac Thompson way, Grandpa Larry is recovering Rachel Thompson satisfactorily from hip surgery. Joelle Ziegler Amber and Cory Morlock are the Jordan Ziegler parents of a son, Case Edward, born Matt Kehlbeck May 7, weighing 9 lbs. 7 oz. He was Shelby Kornbau welcomed by big sister Allison, 7, and Julianna Lundy big brother Brandt, 5. Grandparents Noah Rausch are Rick and Amy Lingle, D-7, and Jim Jenna Thorbahn and Joni Morlock of West Salem. Ava Walters Rose Haines, the daughter of Jordan Kim and Jeff Haines, was born April 9, Stacy Walters 2012, in Liming an ambulance at the Mt. Marlena Sterling exit of I-71. Kim is the Max Sayers Industry Communications Manager Eli VanGundy of ADA Mideast who prepares the ads for the News, and Jeff is a firefighter Grapevine – continued on page 92
710 6 | |OHIO O H NEWS I O N E|W S | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5 3-4/2012
Index Of Advertisers
ABS Global, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Agri-King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 American Dairy Association . . . . . . . .33 Andrews, Steve & Seth — Auctioneers . . . 42 Ashland Implement, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Canfield Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Cargill Animal Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Carlisle Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 COBA/Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Commodity Blenders, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Commodity Specialists Company. . . . . . . 74 ComputerMixx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co.‘s . . . . . 48 Davis, Kim R. — Nationwide Insurance . . . 48 Embryo Transfer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Farm Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 79 First National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Garver, Merlin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Genex Cooperative, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Harold’s Equipment, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 K & M Builders, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Kidron Auction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Lehman, Eileen — Livestock Hauling . . . . 23 Lowe & Young, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Meaden & Moore — CPA’s . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company . . 74 Midwest Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
New Horizon Farm & Dairy . . . . . . . 25 New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic . . . . . 14 Nor-J Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Ohio Beef Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Ohio State University/ATI . . . . . . . . 28 Paradise Valley Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pine Tree Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Plain-Knoll Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Prenger’s Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Priority IAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37 Purina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Ratta Applied Construction . . . . . . . . 68 Renaissance Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . 50 Richman Farms, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Shearer Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Spike, Pete & Jean — Vacation Rental . . . 48 Stan-Mar-Dale/Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Stein-way Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Taurus Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Ten-Penny Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Thomas, Jenny - Photographer . . . . . . . 27 Town & Country Co-op Feed . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Trent Insurance Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 24 U-Dean Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vaughan, Steve- Nutritional Consultant . 48 W. G. Dairy Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Wabash-Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41 Wenger’s Sharpening Service . . . . . . . . . . 23
June 23 Districts 13 & 14 Show in Sidney, OH June 20 District 3 Show at the Dover Fairgrounds, OH June 22 District 5 Show in Circleville, OH June 23-26 National Holstein Convention in St Charles, IL June 29 Districts 1 & 2 Show in Canfield, OH July 11 District 7 Show in Wooster, OH July 15 Deadline for Youth Ohio News Cover Contest July 16 District 11 Show in Bellefontaine, OH July 23 District 9 Show at the Crawford Co. Fair, OH July 31 Ohio State Fair Junior Holstein Show August 1 Ohio State Fair Open Holstein Show-Heifers National Holstein Futurity August 2 Ohio State Fair Red and White Show Ohio State Fair Open Holstein Cow Show August 3 District 12 Show in Wapakoneta, OH August 5 Deadline for August/September Ohio News August 18 District 10 Show in Napoleon, OH August 25 District 8 Show at the Lorain Co. Fairgrounds, OH September 11 District 15 Show in Hillsboro, OH Check page 55 for a list of dates for Youth events
M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5
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