1 minute read
March 4, 2023
Treasurer Lisa Mangun asked for the OHW books to be gone over. She said it hasn’t been done for a while. We’ll ask Diana Miley and/or Kaye Janes and either Louise Harding or Sara Twining to help. Louise will call plan that meeting in April.
Old Business Murry Schlabach Painting and another company gave quotes for painting the Holstein office rooms and repairing any stains in the corner of two rooms’ ceilings. Discussion brought a concensus for Murry Schlabach Painting as quoted at $950.We voted to go with Schlabach.
Louise also had a quote from Cardani Drapery for blinds for the conference room, the main office and Dianna Miley’s office windows and for repair of the other small office drapes for around $6000.We voted to accept that quote and tell them to order the blinds.
We had a discussion about the Women’s Scholarship details. We amended the scholarship application to read:” Membership in Ohio Junior Holstein Association or Ohio Holstein Association is required. Please call the Holstein office to confirm your membership status 330 264 9088.”
We had two scholarship applicants this year. We voted to give two scholarships this year.
We had much discussion about the Queen application and responsibilties and recommendations. Louise Harding said she would talk with the queen committee with about this and they had a document for us to consider. This will be reviewed and sent out to OHW and to Dianna Miley at the office by google docs for consideration.
Farm Tips From The Trenches
We will keep the same officers for 2023: Louise Harding president; Becky McDonnel vice president; Lisa Mangun treasurer; Sara Twining secretary.
We discussed the recommendation last year that the Ohio Holstein Women group disband this year. We’ll try to use this year to explore how to do this well and still have the Queen, Woman of the Year, and Scholarships continue.
Thank you so much to those women who over the years have kept the committees effective.
Queen committee for 2023: Chair Hannah Simpson: second year Courtney Lund and one new to be added. We asked the former queen to help.
Woman of the Year committee for 2023: chair Becky McDonnel; second year Kristy Ackley; new member Gretl Whiteleather. There were no applicants this year.
Melissa Hart gave some good suggestions for the Women’s page. Send in life tips on the farm similar to what Hoard’s Dairyman does. Add some profiles of women in our industry in Ohio. Please send these to Melissa Hart, editor of Ohio Holstein News at farm.writer@hotmail.com . Come up with some good ideas.
Thanks to all donated for the Ohio Women Fun Auction. Sara Twining, Secretary