A Message from the President By Bill Indoe
How great is it to see so many new advertisers in this issue? Our Spring Sale has a slew of great consignments from deep pedigreed cow families and All-American winners. Add to that the genomic selections and we have a sale that truly offers something for everyone. Advertising is crucial when you are marketing your genetics and the Ohio Holstein News has always been a leader in this industry as a vehicle to get the word out about your farm and it continues to be one of the premier Holstein publications as Ohio is the hotbed for everything Holstein. The show last fall in Circleville, the Spring Dairy Expo and the Summer shows that continue to boast National Show status all happen right here in the heart of the country. It’s not by accident
folks, it’s because the Buckeye state has the facilities and the willingness to go above and beyond for events. Add to that being the epicenter for fantastic breeder herds that have been in business for decades and bull studs that offer the cutting edge in genetics and we have one of the best places in the world for Registered Holstein genetics. Sometimes we forget that Ohio is asset rich in the Holstein world and we need to be reminded. The next issue is the membership issue and I consider that a very special publication because it’s the one we keep for the membership directory. If you want to advertise in something that everyone will pick up again and again, this is your issue. Plus, we will be included in the Midwest Holsteins. I’m glad to see our Ohio secretary, Diana Miley getting a little more mobile every day after falling and injuring her ankle. Have a safe spring out there!
Bill Indoe 330-608-9770 • richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com