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A Message from the President Chris Lahmers

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Queen’s Corner

Queen’s Corner

A Message from the President

By Chris Lahmers

As I write this article, we have just finished up an outstanding convention put on by the District 5 Holstein Club. I would like to thank all involved but especially Dallas Rynd, Judy Wolford and Lisa Mangun. The venue worked well, and it was a beautiful place to visit.

Congratulations to all of the award winners at this year’s convention. I have looked up to several of these people throughout my time being involved with Ohio Holstein. It was nice to see so many people from the Lund family come out to support Carl. He has spent a lot of time promoting the Holstein breed, it was nice to see him recognized with the Distinguished Service Award.

We also had a successful virtual sale that averaged $3179 on 37 lots. We look forward to our spring sale in western Ohio on April 29, 2022. They have assembled a quality group of animals to add to your herd, please come out and support the sale.

Please keep the National Holstein Convention in Sioux Falls, South Dakota on your radar. Let’s encourage our juniors to participate in this event. It is a great way develop lifelong friendship and involvement with the Holstein breed. This is how I was introduced into the National convention. They are great times, that I will always cherish.

I would like to thank Dallas Rynd for agreeing to serve as the association’s executive director. Tom Thorbahn has served in this role for numerous years. I would like to thank Tom for his many years of service to the Ohio Holstein Association.


Chris Lahmers 614-306-7194 clahmers@cobaselect.com

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