Ohio Holstein News May-June issue

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CHECKOFF PROGRAM CONTINUES TO PROMOTE DAIRY DURING PANDEMIC We recognize that dairy farming doesn’t stop for a virus — and your dairy checkoff program doesn’t stop either. The American Dairy Associa�on Mideast has shi�ed its focus to help dairy farmers, our industry partners, our schools and our communi�es during these challenging �mes. Here’s a snapshot of some of the things we’ve been doing.

SUPPORTING DAIRY FARMERS To keep the dairy community informed, ADA Mideast has been sending �mely digital updates about how the dairy checkoff has pivoted its work, both at the na�onal and local level, to be impac�ul. These updates also include helpful resources like the Dairy Farmer Handbook on Coronavirus Prevention & Management and printable COVID-19 factsheets and posters in both English and Spanish for the workplace. If you are not receiving these updates, please visit Drink-Milk.com to sign up for our newsle�er. And as always, if you need assistance or have ques�ons, please call us at 614-890-1800.

SUPPORTING DAIRY SALES As you know, there was a purchasing surge at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic as Americans prepared to stay at home. This caused some dairy cases to be low and prompted grocery stores to set quan�ty limits on milk purchases. To help address this, ADA Mideast, along with Ohio and West Virginia dairy processors, assured retailers their increased needs could be met. We also enlisted the help of the Ohio Grocers Associa�on to issue a special alert urging retailers to li� their milk purchasing limits. In addi�on, Ohio Governor DeWine and his administra�on were informed of the situa�on and asked to reassure consumers that there is not a shortage of milk and dairy foods. To date, the majority of the top na�onal grocery chains have indicated the limits have been li�ed.

SUPPORTING SCHOOL MEALS Your dairy checkoff is helping to ensure the millions of kids who depend on the federal school meal program get the food they need. This is cri�cal not only for the health of our children, but to also maintain the 7% of fluid milk volume that flows through the K-12 school channel. These unprecedented �mes have caused school districts to get crea�ve in delivering meals to their students, and ADA Mideast is working hard to help them. For example, ADA Mideast helped schools get access to half gallons of milk to distribute with mul�ple days of meals to make sure dairy was included. We have helped other schools by providing non-electric cooler bags to keep milk and meals cold. This is in addi�on to the nearly 2,800 cooler bags ADA Mideast previously provided for school breakfast programs which have also been repurposed to help with meal deliveries. ADA Mideast will con�nue to work with dairy processors and school districts to make sure students are not missing out on cri�cal nutrients that are provided by milk and dairy foods. 2




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SUPPORTING COMMUNITIES Your dairy checkoff is helping foodbanks meet their growing needs by helping broaden access to dairy foods for the growing number of people facing food insecurity. The checkoff is bringing together coopera�ves and processors eager to find homes for excess supply and foodbanks. For example, ADA Mideast convened the Ohio Dairy Producers Associa�on, DFA Mideast Area, Na�onal Farmers Organiza�on, Ohio Dairy Foods Associa�on and others to support the Ohio Associa�on of Foodbanks’ request for $25 million in state funding to address an unprecedented need for emergency food for millions of Ohioans. Governor DeWine approved nearly $5 million to be used by June 30 for purchasing milk and dairy products, as well as other foods and essen�als, to help those served by Ohio’s 12 Feeding America foodbanks and statewide pantry network of 3,600 local organiza�ons. ADA Mideast is now working closely with the Ohio Associa�on of Foodbanks to iden�fy dairy companies as poten�al vendors. Efforts like this are happening na�onwide and diver�ng more than 100,000 gallons of milk per week in Texas, New Mexico, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, New York and New England into the hunger system with more to come.

SUPPORTING CONSUMERS Since the start of COVID-19, people are online more than ever before, resul�ng in a 40% increase in Facebook and Instagram usage in the past month. Recognizing this, ADA Mideast adjusted our social media strategy to be helpful and provide relevant resources during this �me of uncertainty. Dairy recipes, �ps for storing dairy foods, nutri�on informa�on, family-friendly ac�vi�es and dairy farm videos are resona�ng well online and reaching millions of consumers. By using third-party data, ADA Mideast is strategically targe�ng online users by geography, gender, age, household income, occupa�on, online behaviors and interests which places this �mely content across websites and social media pla�orms the target audience is browsing. ADA Mideast also created a short video “Because That’s What Families Do” to remind consumers that dairy farmers con�nue to work hard to produce safe, nutri�ous milk during these challenging �mes. The video was heavily promoted via social media and internet adver�sing for two weeks in April and delivered more than 2.8 million impressions.

Our social media drives people to our recently refreshed website, Drink-Milk.com. New features include in-depth FAQ sec�ons, op�ons to send ques�ons to a dairy farmer or registered die��an, and a searchable resource library.

Visit the new Drink-Milk.com for: Credible informa�on on topics including dairy farm prac�ces, lactose intolerance, flavored milk, cooking with dairy and more Extensive library of downloadable resources including research, videos and handouts A special For Farmers sec�on with free promo�on materials, info about dairy checkoff ini�a�ves and more





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More than 100 unique recipes created for home and school use


HOLSTEIN NEWS Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association

Volume 92 Number 2 MARCH/APRIL 2020 Published 5 times per year in February, April, June, October and December by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com

The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following: “The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”


Subscription price in the U.S. is $30.00 per year ($10 per year for Junior Members). The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue.

A Message From the Executive Director, Tom Thorbahn.............................................................. 5

Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Email farm.writer@hotmail.com

Ohio Holstein Women.............................................................................................................................12

Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd., Wooster, OH 44691 OFFICE STAFF Executive Director.......................................Tom Thorbahn cell 419-366-8135 crimsonswissrus@aol.com Office Secretary...............................................Diana Miley oholstein@sssnet.com Editor.............................................................Melissa Hart cell 517-398-1957 farm.writer@hotmail.com Webmaster................................................. Laurie Menzie ph. 740-624-6367 Ad & Layout Designer.................................Erin Robinstine erin.robinstine@gmail.com OFFICERS President: William Indoe, Lodi.....................330-608-9770 Vice President: Chris Lahmers, Marysville....614-306-7194 Secretary: Ethan Steiner, Marshallville........330-466-8916 Treasurer: Kaye Janes, Wooster....................330-464-4134 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Paul Haskins, Butler - Past President...........419-618-4028 Joe Cole, Bloomville....................................740-396-0454 Scott Sprunger, Dalton................................330-465-0622 NATIONAL DIRECTOR Steve Moff, Columbiana .............................330-482-9018 BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Gary Kibler, Warren...........................330-770-8014 Dist. 2 Randall Kiko, Salem.........................330-831-0174 Dist. 3 Steve Specht, Dover..........................330-204-9831 Dist. 4 Open Dist. 5 Dallas Rynd, Ashville........................740-207-5005 Dist. 7 Joe Miley, West Salem......................330-263-7814 Dist. 8 Jeneva Auble, Polk............................419-908-5352 Dist. 9 Joe Cole, Bloomville..........................740-396-0454 Dist. 10 Dan Morlock, Pemberville..............419-265-5771 Dist. 11 Jay Ackley, East Liberty...................937-666-5502 Dist. 12 Ty Etgen, Harrod.............................567-204-6310 Dist. 13 Chris Lahmers, Marysville...............614-306-7194 Dist. 14 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta....................419-953-3427 Dist. 15 Curtis Bickel, Wilmington...............937-728-0174 Postmaster: Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 4




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A Message From the President, Bill Indoe.......................................................................................... 6 A Sale at the Q Featuring the F-Family................................................................................................ 8 Giving Twice: Dairy Farmers Producing and Providing................................................................12

BarbWire, The Show Ring, by Barb Lumley........................................................................................16 2020 OHA Membership Directory.......................................................................................................21 2020 OJHA Membership Directory.....................................................................................................28 On the National Front..............................................................................................................................31 Suits of Springhill Sale Report..............................................................................................................32 Ohio Lot Smackdown Sale.....................................................................................................................32 In Memoriam..............................................................................................................................................33 Holstein Grapevine...................................................................................................................................37 Calendar of Events....................................................................................................................................38 Index to Advertisers.................................................................................................................................38

Just For The Juniors Just for Juniors............................................................................................................................................18 The Queen’s Corner, by Kayla Cring....................................................................................................19

On The Cover

Wapa Bookmaker Mandy EX-95 was the Grand Champion at the 1979 All-Ohio Show and graced the cover of the September-October 1979 Ohio Holstein News. Receiving the award from OHA Queen Lou Ann (Stryfeffler) Le’Fever is Betty Ferrand. Mandy was a household name then and flows off the tongue of many Holstein historians today, as one of the greats. She was owned by Frank Place and was also featured on the cover of the September 10, 1979 edition of the Holstein-Friesian World. A record 385 head were shown that year in the All-Ohio Show where Richard Keene of Gilbertsville, NY., served as the judge. Mandy won the 100,000-pound class and placed over Karlen King Joy owned by Richman Farms. Reserve Grand was D-Maples Elevation Dotti shown by David Knisley. Enjoy the Midwest Holsteins edition with a marketing roundtable featuring Ohio’s own Buschur Family. And we want to thank ADA Mideast for sponsoring the membership issue this year!

From the Executive Director By Tom Thorbahn

As I look out the window it is cool and rainy, memories of Spring 2019, but today there is a lot more happening in our world then the weather. There is so much uncertainty the last two months, that the weather takes a back seat, even for us farmers. None of us were prepared for the immediate change in our lives... the unseen, yet present force that Covid-19 has on each of us. So much of what we knew in our lives seems out of control. I empathize with each of you working long hours each day to produce nature’s most perfect food, only to perhaps dump it in the manure pit, while watching the price of milk tumble, along with the price of other farm commodities. Everywhere we see signs “We are in this together,” and as resilient dairyman and farmers, we will weather this storm. You may have read Holstein USA President, Corey Geiger’s message on cancelling the June 2020 National Holstein Convention in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The fellow breeders of Pennsylvania have worked many hours in preparation for this event, which will now be held in June 2021. There will be a National Annual Meeting this year, but the specifics have not been decided at this time. We will be informed as these details are planned. How do these changes affect the Ohio plans for hosting in 2021? The Ohio Holstein Board via a conference call in early April, along with committee chairs voted to bow out of hosting the 2021 National Convention, to allow that opportunity to the breeders of Pennsylvania. I had been in contact with John Meyer and Ken Raney in discussion of the possibility of Pennsylvania taking on the responsibility in 2021. The Pennsylvania folks were able to work with their motels and venues to

reschedule, and we wish them success. The Ohio Holstein Board will consider the possibility of hosting the National Convention in 2024 at the next two board meetings. We were very fortunate as we were able to relinquish and cancel the arrangements we had made for next year. Co-chair, Julie Renner, and I would like to thank all the committee personnel who put in many hours of plans and preparation for 2021. Hold on to those ideas. As we move into summer, many county fairs are starting to cancel, and the decision has not been made on the State Fair. Keep in touch with the office if you need information on your district show or the State Fair. At some point things will return to normal, although perhaps not the normal we each knew. And with His grace, stay positive. Stay safe. “We are all in this together.” OHIO NEWS


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A Message from the President By Bill Indoe

As stated a year ago, I hope as we head into summer, we all were finally able to get all our crops in, and that everyone and your families are safe. 2020 will always be remembered as a crazy time. As dairyman, it’s just another year that we must find a way to survive. Sadly, every year is becoming that way. On the Holstein front, Ohio has decided not to host a national convention in 2021. With the inability to raise funds and make plans during this time, the board voted and contacted HAUSA. With that, I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard at planning and organizing. We have dedicated members and it showed. This year’s national convention in Pennsylvania is also cancelled. They will be hosting next year in 2021. At the Wooster office, Diane is overseeing the new sidewalk and lighting project. The sidewalk has seen some decay and some of the lights are in disrepair. More efficient lights are being installed that should lower our electric bill. As you all know our cattle sales were cancelled this spring. If you know of anyone needing show calves or milk cows please let us know. And on the same thought of sales, congrats to Pine tree, Springhill, Quietcove, and Triple T for putting on some fantastic sales and promoting Ohio genetics. Let’s hope events continue to open up allowing fairs and





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shows to take place this summer and fall. Anything Ohio Holstein can do please let us know.

Bill Indoe 330-608-9770 • richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com

What helps show consumers that cattle are cared for by producers who care?

Your $2 does.

Your checkoff dollars show consumers that beef is more than just What’s For Dinner. Learn more at www.ohiobeef.org.

Funded by The Beef Checkoff.



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A Sale at the Q Featuring the F-Family Quietcove Holsteins Celebrate 50 Years of Breeding at their Anniversary Sale With social distancing in place, Quietcove Holsteins of Wapakoneta, Ohio, held their 50th anniversary sale on May 16, 2020. A celebratory crowd was on hand and appreciated the gathering to invest in Quietcove genetics and enjoy a taste of normal life again. Loren Elsass welcomed the crowd with a few interesting stories and in true “Norm fashion,� pedigree reader, Norm Nabholz of West Union, Iowa, chimed in with his version of the stories. He kept the crowd engaged while selling 87 lots on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Adam Fraley of Muncy, PA., served as the auctioneer, completing a dynamic team in the box. When the dust settled on the day, the high seller was Lot 11 Geno Doorman Tesla, a recently fresh VG-86 Doorman going back to the C Alanvale Inspiration Tina EX-95 family. She sold for $13,000 to Quietcove and Shadow W Holsteins of Ohio. The second-high seller was lot 30, the just fresh 2-yr-old Jersey, Drentex Velocity Sweet. A Velocity out of a VG-

88 CAN Gentry, she was consigned by Kenlee and Alyson Phillips and sold for $10,500 to Franchise and Shadow W Holsteins of Ohio. The third-high seller was Lot 3 at $10,200, Quietcove Raspberry-ET an Awesome-Red daughter from Quietcove Foxys Lollipop-ET EX-91, a Quietcove favorite that goes back to Quietcove Valiant Fawn EX-95. She was purchased by Dillon Reed of Illinois. A tie for the fourth high seller at $10,000 was Lot 1, the only heifer out of Quietcove Foxy Avocado-ET EX-92, a March King Doc purchased by White Light Holsteins and Lot 7 Quietcove Foxys Baffle Me VG-87, a fresh 2-year old, Diamondback x Gold Chip. She was consigned by Edge Genetics and purchased by Lilly Ann Elsass of Ohio. Quietcove has had a long, distinguished history of breeding and developing great cow families in Western Ohio. Roger and Ethel Elsass created the Quietcove prefix in 1940. Their three sons, Marvin, Loren, and Lynn continued growing the herd and moved

The Quietcove Sale Crew From left: Keith Topp, Tom Mauric, Chad Griffith, Michael Hurst, Jon Elsass, Kurt Wolf, Norm Nabholz, Jeff Brown, Jeremy Elsass, Adam Fraley, Linda Wolf, Mark Rueth, Ron Roskopf, Loren Elsass, Damon Bertke, Lynn Harbaugh, Kevin Phillips.





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it to the present farm in Wapakoneta in 1968. After service in Vietnam, Loren returned to the farm and placed a greater focus on the Registered Holsteins and Quietcove Matt Judy was the result. As the first cow ever exhibited at the Ohio State Fair by Quietcove, she won the National Holstein Futurity and Grand Champion in 1972. Since that day, Quietcove has been a regular contender at local, state and national shows exhibiting the Grand Champion at the Ohio State Fair four times, the National Holstein Futurity nine times and exhibiting many All-American nominees. The favorite at Quietcove is Quietcove Valiant Fawn EX-95. A 1983 model, she made her debut on the tanbark trail in 1985 at the Ohio State Fair as an August 29th born Jr. 2-Year-Old where she won her class. In 1986 she was the futurity winner and Grand Champion at the OSF and continued her winning ways as a three-time grand champion at the Ohio Spring Show. She was undefeated in 1987 winning the 4-YearOld class at the Eastern National in

Harrisburg to cap off her year. Loren had the distinct pleasure of judging Madison that year, so Fawn did not compete. She ultimately was named Reserve All-American 4-Year-Old that year. Fawn’s tanbark resume included All-Ohio honors, an unprecedented six consecutive times (1986-1992), and two All-American nominations. Fawn’s true impact on Quietcove and the Holstein breed, is reflected by her remarkable ability to transmit her show ring and genetic excellence. To date, Fawn has had 12 All-American nominated descendants, including all three members of two different groups of All-American nominated Junior Best Three Females. The Elsass family grew and saw changes in family roles and facilities through the 2000’s and they have since returned to the glory days of the 1980s and 1990s in the show ring and the development of the Fawn family. Quietcove Foxy Lady, an Alexander daughter tracing back to Fawn through Fleur and Flurry, has proven to be an extreme brood cow. The focal point of the

The old tack box was cleaned up and on display for the sale.

Lot 11 Lot 30 Lot 3 Lot 1 Lot 7 Lot 21 Lot 80 Lot 24 Lot 12 Lot 65 Lot 45 Lot 51 Lot 2

$13000 $10500 $10200 $10000 $10000 $5600 $ 5500 $5000 $4700 $4700 $4700 $4300 $4000

Loren Elsass welcomed the crowd with a few stories while his granddaughter Lilly listened. In the box Norm Nabholz was ready to read pedigrees and Adam Fraley prepared to auctioneer the sale.

herd now traces through her offspring, highlighted by her All-American nominated daughters in 2019, Avocado and Lollipop. In their welcome letter from the Quietcove catalog they write, "Over these 50 years, the Elsass family has strived to breed great cows, cows that are built to last and represent the Q prefix well. Being Reserve Premier Breeder of the heifer show at Madison in 2017 was a particular highlight. But more importantly than that, we've been proud members of the dairy community here in Ohio and throughout North

Consignor Kevin Phillips Consignor Kevin Phillips Consignor Quietcove Consignor Quietcove Consignor Edge Genetics Consignor Edge Genetics Consignor Quietcove Consignor Q-Cove, Zeigler Garrison Consignor Quietcove & Trbovich Consignor Quietcove Consignor Ben Zimmerman Consignor Quietcove Consignor Quietcove

America. In these challenging times, it's imperative that we all stick together, and tell the story of family farms efficiently producing the nutritious milk of beautiful cows." This was adapted from the Quietcove sale catalog.

Buyer Quietcove & Shadow W Holsteins, Ohio Buyer Franchise and Shadow W Holsteins, Ohio Buyer Dillon Reed, Illinois Buyer White Light Holsteins, Ohio Buyer Lilly Ann Elsass, Ohio Buyer Greyson Elsass, Ohio Buyer Braxton, Q Elsass, Ohio Buyer Austin Trbovich, Ohio Buyer Duane Gibbs and Dan Hovden, Iowa Buyer Eric Sammetinger, Ohio Buyer Adam Derr, Pennsylvania Buyer Jacob, Madison & Logan Harbaugh, Wisconsin Buyer Lisa Kerr, Ohio OHIO NEWS


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Giving Twice:

Dairy Farmers Producing and Providing

By Allison Bourne April 21, 2020, the Tuscarawas County Dairy Farmers Committee (TCDF) started a project that turned out to be something extraordinary. That Tuesday, they started a three-week journey of delivering milk to people, businesses, and schools around the county. For three weeks in a row they were able to provide 2,200 gallons of milk each week, totally over 6,000 gallons. Their goal was to help provide services in a time of need for people in the community as well as promoting the dairy industry. The committee members, all dairy producers, just completed three weeks of producing milk just to buy it back and deliver to the community for free. “And suddenly we weren’t the bad guys,” said committee member and TCDF Vice President Charlie Finton. Finton started this program one





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morning while milking cows. He noticed the help the schools were providing to families in the district by serving lunches. “Because of schools closing due to COVID-19 there are other people in the house that need it,” Charlie stated. COVID-19 ended the school year unexpectedly. College students moved home, and local school districts closed putting an unplanned burden on families. Finton began talking with his committee members making sure everyone was on the same page. Shortly after he received the “All Clear” from the members he began making phone calls and pulling it all together. After receiving a few discouraging answers, Finton went to Walmart in New Philadelphia, Ohio and they were all for it. They have been working closely with Walmart in order to buy milk in large

quantities. Their objective is to buy the milk and deliver it to places in need such as group homes, school districts, food banks in the area and Harbor House, a local domestic violence shelter for women. A few of the school districts involved in this program are Dover, New Philadelphia, Strasburg, and Tuscarawas Valley. The Tuscarawas County Dairy Farmers Committee received enough money in donations that paid for week three alone. With planting season beginning, they may not be able to continue the extraordinary journey they started in April. Finton and his fellow committee members were never in it for the money, “That’s not what this is about,” stated Charlie. It was about providing for a community in a time of need. Allison is a student at The Ohio State University studying Ag Communications.

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The Show Ring Livestock shows did not begin in America. They evolved from the market-day fairs in Great Britain. Fairs and shows have contributed to By Barb Lumley breed development and progress in many ways. Breeders worked together to come to agreement as to the objectives of the breed and the type to be desired. The shows provide opportunities to see and show the best representatives of the breed. A show provides a place for the exchange of experiences and opinions. Shows provide opportunities for competition which can stimulate interests in the breed. In the early years of the Holstein breed in America the cattle were just exhibited at various fairs including the World’s Fairs. Leading breeders recognized the advertising value of displays and there are records of Holstein exhibits as early as 1864 in New England. Competition began to be really keen at the shows, and activities in the show ring began. Over the years classes were established and rules developed as the showing of dairy cattle progressed. Many of the shows began at county fairs. As Holstein clubs were formed, shows were planned for different areas, often as a part of annual meetings and picnics. The shows became a part of state fairs and national shows were formed and designated in different areas. In the early days of Holsteins we didn’t have the Ohio Holstein News and the many ways of advertising that we have available today. Showing was a way of advertising the herd. It was especially important in the early years for breeders to be able to sell bulls to other dairymen. Winning with those bulls and their family members in the show ring led to sales. There were many small dairy farms all over the country wanting registered bulls in hopes of improving their herds with new bloodlines. There were breeders who would start the show season with several young bulls in the show string, travel from county fair to county fair and sell every one of them. As artificial insemination came about and progressed, the interest turned from bulls to outstanding females to breed from or use their sons in A.I. There are many dairymen and breeders today who have no interest in showing. Some of them ridicule those breeders who still enjoy showing. Many still quote the statement from years ago, “She is a good show cow but she doesn’t milk”. They have a right to their opinion. Personally I disagree with that idea. I bred a small herd of never more than 25 registered Holsteins, studied pedigrees and bred for udders and type. I loved to show, won many ribbons and trophies, my cows made good records and low production was never a problem. For many of us, with the coming of June our thoughts turn to Holstein shows, county fairs, state fair, the All-American, 16




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World Dairy Expo and Louisville, Kentucky. We look forward to seeing kids in the show ring, adult friends on the halters, judges trying to make up their minds and queens and princesses passing out awards. Seeing those beautiful heifers and cows in the ring soothes our troubled souls. There is the joy of seeing, spending time with and talking to old friends and meeting new ones. The last three months have been filled with fear, stress and difficult times. We all hope and pray that as time marches on things will get better and we will be given the opportunity to once again enjoy the many pleasures we look forward to and are given in our lives. The show ring filled with Holsteins is just one of them.


Sire: BKB Affirmed 10-03 365 31,360M 4.2 1308F 3.0 952P Lifetime to date: 208,607M 4.1 8,569F 3.3 6,714P Tiffany calved in November with her 9th calf, a Diamondback heifer. At nearly 13 years old she is making her best record to date and looks great! She has a VG daughter by Golden Dreams and a VG 88 Chelios granddaughter that just completed a record over 32,000M and 1,400F. She’s a 4th generation homebred Excellent! All 3 EX dams stayed in our herd past 8 years of age, st and two of them passed 200,000 lifetime production.

Thank you Ray Sloan and Matthew Taylor for purchasing Miley Redhot Giggle-Red in the Ohio Holstein Online Sale. Good luck!





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COVID-19 leaves Juniors on pause

As we continue in the COVID-19 climate, the Ohio Juniors have been on pause. With the cancellation of the Ohio State Fair, there are no activities planned at this time. Juniors will be kept up to date on any activities that come up via email from Laurie Menzie. You can also check for updates on the Ohio Holstein website at Ohioholstein.com. We hope everyone is safe and healthy and enjoying time with family. Several Ohio Holstein Juniors helped out at the recent Quietcove Sale in Wapakoneta hosted by the Elsass family. Respectfully submitted, Lilly Elsass, Reporter



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Queen’s Corner

Hello All! I hope you all are staying healthy and safe! Corona has affected many events, but I believe God has a plan and we will all get through this together. During this quarantine my school has changed to all online. This was very strange at first and took a little bit to get used to. Recently I got hired at Rural King and love getting to work hand in hand with some of

By Kayla Cring

my local farmers, on a daily basis. From not knowing much about farming, the experience of showing Holsteins has helped me to learn and grow individually. I learned many practical tasks to take care of a Holstein; everything from how to put a halter on to how to wash and groom a cow to how to set up their feet correctly. In recent years, I have even learned how to clip a cow to prepare them for show day. This entire experience has taught me many valuable life lessons as well, that I will carry with me the rest of my life. More than any other experience in my life, being a part of the dairy community has shown me how to work my hardest and be truly dedicated. Lastly, I have seen passion in the dairy farmers around me and this has taught me to be passionate in my interests and

dreams In the future, I’d love to have a small herd of my own; especially aiming for two or three excellent Holsteins to show. Through the years, I made many wonderful memories showing Holsteins, and taking care of them. One time, I had a barn slumber party with the other girls in my 4-H club. It has now turned into a yearly tradition, where we walk and groom our cows, have a bonfire and sleep on hay bales. The farm and dairy people have truly turned into family. Each of these people have made such an impact in my life and I’m so thankful for them. They have made me realize basic ingredients, like milk and eggs, are produced through hard work and passion. I am praying and hoping I see you all at future shows.



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Recent Production Highlights Lifetime Records Nor-J Atwood 1915 GP 83 • 3-02, 342d, 32,742lbs, 3.9BF, 1277lbs • Due 5/20/2020 to Pinehurst Medallion • The Elgance’s Nor-J Atwood 1839 VG 85 • 3-10, 387d, 35,923lbs, 4.0BF, 1445lbs • Due 7/6/2020 to Pinehurst Medallion (twins) Nor-J Genom 1827 VG 85 • 4-00, 370d, 37,254lbs, 3.9BF, 1482lbs Nor-J Baccort 1695 G 78 • 5-07, 429d, 41,241lbs, 4.0BF, 1644lbs • Due 5/12/2020 to Ammo-P

Nor-J Advent 1344 VG 85 • 9 lactations, 191,283lbs, 8750BF, 6223lbs • Daughters by Trump & Unix • Dam: Nor-J Outside 1112 EX 92 LTD 180,816lbs • Her sister Nor-J Buckeye Becky 1260 VG 88 LTD 272,241lbs • She’s working on her 10th lactation Nor-J Sportsman 1594 EX 90 • 7 lactations, 161,663lbs, 7422BF, 5223lbs • Daughters by Shot, Impression, Crank-IT, & Gold Chip

Ravendale Kingboy Amber VG 88 EX MS • Fresh 5/2/2020 • Milking 177lbs @ 12 days • 4th Dam KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET Quality-Quest Fancifire-ET EX 94 3E • 10-01, 308d, 37,358lbs, 3.8BF, 1445lbs • 8 Lacts. 254,777lbs, LTD • Due 5/23/2020 to High Octane

Priority IAC the Smartbacteria & Nutrition Company


Jay & Jake Hein - Western Ohio


1-888-444-2030 | forhealthycows.com

Priority IAC


the Smartbacteria & Nutrition Company



Authorized Resellers



2020 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Ohio Holstein Association Officers President: William Indoe - 330-608-9770 Vice President: Chris Lahmers - 614-306-7194

Secretary: Ethan Steiner - 330-466-8961 Treasurer: Kaye Janes - 330-464-4134 District 12 Ty Etgen 567-204-6310

District 1 Gary Kibler 330-770-8014

District 7 Joe Miley 330-263-7814

District 2 Randall Kiko 330-831-0174

District 8 Jeneva Auble 419-908-5352

District 3 Steve Specht 330-204-9831

District 9 Joe Cole 740-396-0454

District 4 Open

District 10 Dan Morlock 419-265-5771

District 5 Dallas Rynd 740-207-5005

District 11 Jay Ackley 937-666-5502

District 15 Curtis Bickel 937-728-0174

Acker, Mark, 07, Acker Dairy Farms LTD. , 13280 Blough Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-317-6655 Ackerman, Ben, 09, Ackerman Farms, 5554 Cook Rd, New Washington, OH 44854, ackerman5554@ gmail.com, 419-492-2414 Ack-Lee Holsteins, 11, Ack-Lee Holsteins, 9256 TR 141, East Liberty, OH 43319, jkackley95@gmail. com, 937-666-2122 Adams, Jeremy & Cindy Howman, 13, Express Show Cattle, 5077 S Kennard Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, expressshowcattle@yahoo.com, 937-206-9890 Alger, David W. & Richard , 01, Grac-Glen Farm, 7420 SR 44, Ravenna, OH 44266, 330-297-5375 Amstutz, Arthur, 07, Arlo-Acres, 8536 McQuaid Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-682-4131, 330-464-0221 Andreas Farms Inc, 03, Dan, Lois, Matt & Angel Andreas, 446 Ragersville Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, dandlandreas@gmail.com , 330-852-4364, 330-827-8707 Andrews, Steve, 07, Steve Andrews, Auctioneer, 5107 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, steveandrews@ sssnet.com, 330-465-8498 Baird, Mervin W., 03, Baird Farm, 63229 Salem Rd, Salesville, OH 43778 Baker, Roger, 07, Baker’s Acres, 6609 Ashland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-1317, 330-621-1609 Ballweg, Douglas R., 14, Ballweg Farms, 7500 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, doug.ballweg@yahoo.com, 419-204-7963, 419-753-2589 Bardall, Mark, 03, MNJ Holsteins, 6348 SR 342, Tippecanoe, OH 44699, mbardall15@gmail, 740229-0149 Bardall, Richard T., 03, Rich-Mar Farm, 26485 Norris Rd, Tippecanoe, OH 44699, 740-658-3479 Barkman, Mahlon, 03, 2711 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-0082 Baumann, Andrew, 15, Bottom Line, 3056 Schefsky Rd, Blanchester, OH 45107, andrewbaumann72@ yahoo.com, 513-313-6479 Beachy, Steven, 03, Ste-Mar Holsteins, 1601 CR 168, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-893-3930 Beachy,Jr, Jacob J , 07, Beach-Vale Holsteins, 1977 TR 80, Millersburg, OH 44654, jjbeachy@embarqmail. com, 330-275-4588 Beardsley, Jim , 02, Beardsley’s Holsteins, PO Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-446-0009 Beardsley, Linda L, 08, Franmar Farms Inc, 6395

Branch Rd, Medina, OH 44256, 330-618-0995 Beck, Brian, 02, Witmer’s Feed & Grain Inc, 1450 Manor Dr, Salem, OH 44460, 330-482-4321, 330692-6922 Beery, Adrian S, 07, Heritage Dairy LLC, 11154 Steiner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, abeery07@gmail.com, 330-464-0353 Bennett, Todd, 02, 24192 Georgetown Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634 Berg, Cathy, 08, Berg Farms Ltd, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, samecalf@aol.com, 419-8862871 Berg, Collin J, 08, Berg Farms Ltd, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, 419-571-9940 Berg, Peter, 08, Berg Farms Ltd, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, samecalf@aol.com, 419-886-2871 Berg, Regina, 08, Berg Farms Ltd, 3114 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, bergfarm@redbird.net, 419571-4981 Berg, Walter, 08, Berg Farms Ltd, 3114 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, bergfarm@redbird.net, 419571-4982 Bergman, Wilfred V., 12, 1008 Kremer Rd, Maria Stein, OH 45860, 419-925-4196 Bertke, Damon, 12, Stein-Way Dairy, 6332 Ft Recovery-Minster Rd, Maria Stein, OH 45860, damon. bertke07@yahoo.com, 419-953-8818 Besancon, Bill & Sandy, 07, Wil-San Farm, 5693 Back Orrville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, wilsan5693@yahoo.com, 330-317-3362 Bickel, Curtis, 15, 529 S Walnut, Wilmington, OH 45177, cjbickel7@gmail.com, 937-728-0174 Blue Spring Farm LLC, 02, Luke & Paul Kapper, 14277 Marlboro Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, skay1953@ gmail.com Blue, Tom, 05, Blue-Moon Guernseys, 6029 SR 316 W, Ashville, OH 43103, 740-207-6235 Bodey, Michael W, 13, Mi-Kar Farm, 5912 E SR 29, Urbana, OH 43078 Boes, Eugene, 09, Gene Boes Dairy, 16132 CH 53 , Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, 419-273-2247 Boss Farm LLC, 07, 13655 Gearhart Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, bossfarm@aol.com, 330-464-0373 Bouic, Frank Allen, 11, 9404 Hinton Mill Rd, Ostrander, OH 43061, fabouic@midohio.net, 740-6662161, 740-666-2516 Bouic, Rob, 11, Arlosy Inc, 8900 SR 38, Milford Cen-

ter, OH 43045, robbouic@gmail.com, 937-243-0315 Bowen, Steve, 12, Ren-Bow, 5934 VW Mercer Co Line Rd, Rockford, OH 45882, 419-203-5514 Bowman, Robert D, 02, 3999 Pigeon Run Rd SW, Massillon, OH 44647, mbowbee@sssnet.com , 330834-3522 Bowman, Terry L , 04, Bowmans Dairy Farm, 2566 Blacks Rd, Hebron, OH 43025, bowmd@earthlink. net, 740-928-4139 Brightbill-Gem Hill Farms LLC, 08, 511 TR 3050, Loudonville, OH 44842, gbills44@icloud.com, 419651-8247 Brill, Robert, 08, 48031 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-309-8440 Brill-View Farms Inc, 08, Rick & Janice Brill, 47074 Whitney Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, bvf@ncwcom. com, 440-773-4203 Broshes, Tony, 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 3516 Flatfoot Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, broshes@ctcn.net, 937-652-3840 Brown, Alan, 12, Brownhaven Farms, 08713 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, alanruth@hometowncable.net , 419-629-2146, 567-279-4670 Brown, Kenneth W., 07, 4032 E Easton Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-435-4130 Brown, Lou, 12, Brownhaven Farm, 07535 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, dbrown7@hometowncable.net, 567-644-5448 Brown, Marvin D., 03, OK Haven Farm LLC, 3386 Henderson School Rd, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, okhavenfarm@yahoo.com, 330-343-8407 Brown, Mitchell, 12, Brownhaven Farms, 08713 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, 567-279-3814 Brown, Tony, 12, Brownhaven, 07535 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, 419-953-6414 Brugler, Glenn R., 01, Ridge-Dell Holsteins, LLC, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd NE, Burghill, OH 44404, gbrugler@aol.com, 330-772-5361 , 330-306-8306 Buckeye Career Center, 03, 545 University Drive NE, New Philadelphia, OH 44663 Bucks Pride Dairy, 09, Bucks Pride Dairy LLC, 6249 Ross Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, 419-563-6100 Burkholder, Eli J, 07, 2699 TR 406, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-275-5013 Burkholder, Jason B, 08, Breezy Knoll Holsteins, 1274 Lattimer Rd, ShilOH OH 44878, 419-895-9966 Buschur, Steve, 14, Buschur Dairy Farms Inc, 14393 O H I O N E W S | M AY / J U N E 2 0 2 0 | 2 1

District 13 Chris Lahmers 614-306-7194 District 14 Eric Topp 419-953-3427



Johnson Rd, New Weston, OH 45348, buschurdairy@gmail.com, 937-423-7108 Butler, Andy, 01, Andrew Gordon Butler Dairy LLC, 6766 Stoddard Hayes Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330924-2171 Caldwell Dairy Farms, 03, Albert, Ronald & Janet Caldwell, 90208 Blue Ridge Rd, Bloomingdale, OH 43910, 740-946-1883, 740-381-9730 Call, Alfred L, 13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11154 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368 Campbell Bros., Inc., 02, 3821 Union Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, soupfarmer@aol.com Campbell, Dustin, 02, Campbell Bros, Inc., 4105 Mahoning Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-2066774 Campbell, Rodney & Cindy, 02, 3399 Union Ave NE, Minerva, OH 44657, soupfarmer2@frontier.com, 330-862-2028, 330-257-8308 Carle, Scott, 02, J-Car Farms, 9157 Rochester Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, scott.carle63@gmail.com, 330-428-3576 Carlene Farms, 03, Cliff & Connie Finton, 1436 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330340-2193 Carrollton FFA, 03, 252 3rd St NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-7606 Clark, Seth, 07, Merck Animal Health, 18161 Hackett Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, seth.clark9@merck.com, 330-465-2728 Clark, Thomas R, 01, Clark Farms, 7370 SR 534, West Farmington, OH 44491, 330-889-2713 Clarke, Robert D., 03, Clarkehills Farm, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd , Uhrichsville, OH 44683 Cline, Harold & Marie, 09, 3094 Baird Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-435-5977 Cline, Mark, 09, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-619-4559 x Cline, Phillip, 09, Mawil, 5475 McCutchenville Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-619-3561 Coblentz, Marvin, 07, 992 US 62, Wilmot, OH 44689, 330-359-5570 Coffman, Mike, 03, Coffman Farms Inc. , 960 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, hdcoffman@yahoo. com, 740-516-6769 Cole, Duane T, 01, 8105 SR 609, Burghill, OH 44404, dtccow@yahoo.com, 440-724-1587 Cole, Joe & Anne, 09, Longacre Farms Inc & Bucks Pride, LLC, PO Box 621, Bucyrus, OH 44820, aspreng@waveline.com, 419-561-0902 Anne/740396-0454 Joe Collett, Robert & Susan, 07, Sand Run Farm, 7629 CR 68 , Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-763-3002 Congleton, Mike, 03, BELHI Farm, 159 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, jcongl@aol.com, 740-423-9679, 740-336-4484 Conrad, Donald L. & Joyce, 05, Conrad Farm, 13205 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-4955124 Conrad, Gregory A., 05, Conrad Farm, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, gconrad67@ msn.com, 740-572-1058 Conrad, Macy, 05, Conrad Farm, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, conrad.m.96@outlook.com Conrad, Rick & Dave, 08, Conrad Farms, 19900 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044 Cope, Grant , 02, Breezy-Knoll Farm, 4675 Depot Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-1470, 330-423-2323 22




M AY / J U N E 2 0 2 0

Corll, Adam, 02, Witmer’s Feed & Grain Inc, 19070 Center St, North Benton, OH 44449, 330-482-4321, 330-429-7694 Cornish, Greg, 08, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-681-7472 Cornish, Megan, 08, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-681-0975 Crist, Steve, 02, Crist Dairy Farm, 5200 Rochester Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7747, 330-2571206 Crossgrove, Jodi, 10, Roma J’s Dairy, 22139 CR V, Archbold, OH 43502, jrcrossgrove@yahoo.com, 419-551-2990 Crossgrove, Roger D., 10, 5J Acres, 22139 CR V, Archbold, OH 43502, 5jacres@bright.net, 419-906-1201 Damascus Livestock Auction, 02, Barry & Rhonda Pidgeon, P O Box 198, Damascus, OH 44619, 330537-2061 Davidson, Tim, 15, Ladson View Farm, 504 S Carlisle St, Quincy, OH 43343, ladsonfarm@gmail.com, 937-585-6014, 937-974-2900 Davies, Kristen, 07, 6419 Buss Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44606, davies.312@gmail.com, 330-466-2500 Deam, Neil, 03, Deam’s Hoof Care, 5254 Stucky Valley Rd SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840, hoofneil@gmail. com, 330-763-1405 Deam, Steve, 13, Coba/Select Sires Inc, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026, steve@cobaselect. com, 937-477-6616 Deetz, Bill, 03, Four Pines Farm Ltd, 8115 Roy Andrews Rd NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, cowzrus5. deetz@aol.com, 330-852-0370, 330-432-0694 Denman, Davis, 01, Denmandale Farms LLC, 3155 Irishtown Southworth, Cortland, OH 44410 Dicke, Darby & Amy, 13, Hilltop Farms Inc, 1613 Hilltop Rd., Xenia, OH 45385, darb1611@aol.com, 937-307-8409 Diedrick Brothers, 08, 45302 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-213-5744 Doria, Lesley & Sam, 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 1351 Doncogan Ct, Perrysburg, OH 43551 Dotterer, Michael, 07, 3795 Heathery Circle, Medina, OH 44256, michaeldotterer@ymail.com, 330-4656615 Doughty, Robert, 07, 24981 SR 83, Coshocton, OH 43812 Douglass, John, 07, Catalpadale Dairy, 14981 Fox Lake Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, catdairy@yahoo. com, 330-855-2623, 330-465-5334 Downerd, Joyce, Mark , 11, Shadyview Farms, 994 Newmans Cardington Rd W, Prospect, OH 43342, 740-251-7344-Joyce Dye, Douglas S., 02, Quality Quest Holsteins, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, dsdye@icloud. com, 330-581-7603 Dye, Evan S, 02, Quality Quest Holsteins, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, evandye27@gmail. com, 330-680-2338 Eberhard, Ron & Bruce, 11, Business & Estate Planning Services Unlimited, P.O. Box 458 1531 EberLea Vista, Grove City, OH 43123, bepsu@dreamweaving.net, 614-871-0114 Eberly, Duane, 07, Eberly Farms, 8058 W Smithville Western, Wooster, OH 44691, dreberly@embarqmail.com , 330-466-6095 Elsass, Loren G, 12, Quietcove, 11230 Rupert Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, lorenelsass@hotmail.com, 419-738-4831, 419-235-9198

Emmons Farms, 10, Emmons Farms, 15584 SH 108, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-452-6764, 419-466-4471 Epperly, Kelly A, 14, Dorloy K Holsteins, 501 W Main, PO Box 131, Anna, OH 45302 Etgen, Ty, 12, Etgen-Way Holsteins, 9410 Sugar Creek Rd, Harrod, OH 45850, 567-204-6310 Evans, David J & Michael D., 03, Klami Reg Holsteins, 7163 Macaw Rd NW, Minerva, OH 44657, holsteins@ptcoh.net, 330-895-2250, 330-205-4049 Farmers National Bank, 07, Marla Pieton, 20 South Broad St, Canfield, OH 44406, mpieton@farmersbankgroup.com, 330-702-8071 Fawnacres Farm Ltd, 04, Scott & Chris Phillips, 8158 Sparta Rd, Fredericktown, OH 43019, fawnacresltd@gmail.com, 740-507-2539 (Chris) Fisher, Jennifer, 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5151 Pinto Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, jfisher09198416@gmail. com, 330-324-5135 Fisher, Philip E. , 12, Diamond-Oak Farm, 20835 SR 189, Ft Jennings, OH 45844, 419-286-2864, 419302-3148 Fisher, Seth B, 13, Brookston Genetics, 5609 W Farrington Rd, Covington, OH 45318, 937-216-7826 Fledderjohann, Mark, 12, Pleasant-Meadow Farm, 8570 CR 219A, Celina, OH 45822, 419-305-8076 Fraser, Anne Marie, 02, Buckeye-View Farm LLC, 632 S 12th St, Beloit, OH 44609, buckeyeview78@gmail. com, 330-277-6660 Gasser, Kraig, 07, Canaan Farms LLC, 2556 E Easton Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 92gass@gmail.com, 330317-7688 Gasser, Steve, 07, Gasser Farms, 5760 Fox Lake Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, sjgasser07@gmail.com, 330465-5429 Gibbs, Mikayla, 05, Conrad Farm, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-505-8911 Gilbert, Steven, 07, Broad-Vue Holsteins, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, debbiegilbert7470@gmail. com, 330-231-8039 Gill, Ralph, 07, Golden Briar Farm, 4059 Schellin Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, ragill@landolakes.com, 330466-0498 Gleisner, Bud, 08, 144 CR 681, Sullivan, OH 44880, 419-651-9389 Gleisner, Charlie, 08, Shadeline Holsteins/Golden Link Microbials, 1540 Rome Greenwich Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, cgleisner@hotmail.com, 419-6065143 Glenellen Farm LLC, 07, Gary & Jill Craemer, 12762 Fox Lake Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-3171184 Gowanlock, Heather, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 2135 Odema, Lima, OH 45806 Graves, Kenneth & Tonia, 13, KayeBrook Farm, 3645 Church Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-652-3350, 937605-5110 Griffith, Larry & Chad, 15, Southern Hills Holsteins, 12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH 45106, griffith.larry@ yahoo.com, 513-543-2315 Grove, Juli A, 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 2213 Crooked Run Rd, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-3395389 Gunkelman, Dave, 07, TaG Holsteins, 2021 W Steiner Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, drgunkelman@yahoo. com, 330-464-3259 Harding, Edna, 03, E-Fran-Dale Holsteins, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, ednaharding@hotmail.com, 330-339-5490, 330-243-



4728 Harding, Larry & Jared, 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 4447 Crooked Run Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, jharding32@yahoo.com, 330-339-5389 Harding, Louise, 03, Lou Har Holsteins, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330339-5490, 330-432-7430 Harold’s Equipment, Inc, 03, 2120 CR 168, Dundee, OH 44624 Harpster Enterprises Ltd, 08, David, Dean & Dan Harpster, 316 B US 250 E, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-651-2343 Harris, Paul, 01, 9554 Bainbridge Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Hart, Bobby & Melissa, 22, 4520 Holcomb Rd, North Adams, MI, 49262, 517-398-1957 Hartline, Robert, Gale, John, 03, Hartline Valley Farms, Inc., 735 Wagner Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-373-6820 Hartman, Wayne E., 07, Hartman Dairy Farm Inc, 3918 Ogden Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, hartmandairy@hotmail.com, 330-465-7536 Hartschuh, Allen & Diane, 09, Hartschuh Dairy Farm LLC, 1401 New Washington Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, dialdairy@gmail.com, 419-284-3721, 419561-0024 Hartschuh, DVM, Brian, 09, Hartschuh Dairy Farm LLC, 7875 Miller Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, brian. hartschuh@gmail.com, 419-834-3217 Hartschuh, Gregory S, 09, Hartschuh Dairy Farm LLC, 6348 Parks Rd, Sycamore, OH 44882, 419561-1364 Hartschuh, Jason, 09, Hartschuh Dairy Farm LLC, 7110 Marion Melmore Rd, Sycamore, OH 44882, hartschuh.11@gmail.com, 419-561-1216 Harvey Nussbaum & Sons Inc, 07, Mt Eaton Elevator, PO Box 195, Mt. Eaton, OH 44659, 330-359-5028 Haskins, Paul R, 07, Rohaven Holsteins, 16998 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, phaskins17199@hotmail. com, 740-694-0220, 419-618-4028 Haskins, Robert W., 04, Haskins Farm, 17219 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 740-694-0122 Hasseman Jr, Russell, 07, Marlu-Rusken Farm LLC, 930 Dalton Fox Lake Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330234-2929 Hastings, Duane, 08, 107 CR 1100, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-606-0996 Hastings, Lad & Brenda, 01, Hastings Dairy, 13270 Stoney Springs Dr, Chardon, OH 44021, hastings97@gmail.com, 440-635-0313, 440-313-5188 Havens, Eric, 09, Brookview Farms, 4293 Tiffin Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-307-3758 Heger, Curt, 15, Future Manor Farm, 10131 CR 227, Camden, OH 45311, 937-452-3606 Heger, Roy, 15, Future Manor Farm, 221 S Liberty, Camden, OH 45311, 513-907-0522 Hein, Jake, 12, Silent-Brook, 8109 Clover Four Rd., Celina, OH 45822, silent.brook15@gmail.com, 419852-9126 Hein, Jay, 12, Nor-J-Farms, 4103 CR 716A, Celina, OH 45822, 419-852-9125 Hempfling, Chuck, 12, Hemsteads Holsteins LLC, 22161 Lincoln Hwy, Delphos, OH 45833, 419-2366467 Henricks, Richard, 10, Henricks & Krieger, 14692 CR 16-3, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-452-7285 Henry, Anton, 14, Indian Stone Farms LLC, 10726 Shaffer Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-238-4960

Henry, Charlie, 14, Indian Stone Farms LLC, 7581 SR 242, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-423-5293 Henry, Joe, 14, Indian Stone Farms LLC, 10695 Wolf Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, indianstone@embarqmail.com, 937-238-4954 Henry, Mark & Jerrod, 11, Henry Farms, 9046 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357, henrydairy@gmail.com , 937-539-0068 Hershberger, Craig, 07, Ree-Kay Acres, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, craighersh22@gmail.com, 330-204-3317 Hershberger, Jeff, 07, Tender-Heart Holsteins, 2051 SR 557, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-0686 Hershberger, Lamar D, 07, Hersh-Dale, 3765 SR 39 , Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-600-8557 Hinds, Kevin C., 03, 6443 Everhart Rd, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, 614-205-7173 Hipalane Farms, 02, Hipalane Farms, 5250 McCann Rd, Salem, OH 44460, hipalane@gmail.com, 330222-1328 Hippely, Robert & Linda, 02, Hippely Holsteins, 23675 Buck Rd, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-2123 Hohman, Michael, 02, Strouble Farms LTD, 5466 Werner Church Rd , North Canton, OH 44721, 330575-7007 Holmes Ag Service, 07, PO Box 67, Holmesville, OH 44633, 330-279-2501 Holter, Edward, 06, Holter’s Holstein Farms, 34425 Dairy Lane, Pomeroy, OH 45769, 740-992-5158, 740-416-1478 Homerville Holstein Farms, 08, Homerville Holsteins, 8429 Spencer Rd, Homerville, OH 44235, poberho@gmail.com, 330-242-4056 Horning, Aaron Z, 08, Cedar Wood Farm, 1011 Crum Rd, ShilOH OH 44878, 419-895-1183 Horning, Elvin, 08, EK Sunrise Farm, 573 SR 511 N, Ashland, OH 44805, 419-962-1535 Hostetler, Luke, 07, Hostetler Farm, 1821 Deerfield Ave NW, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-495-0198 Hostettler, Brent, 07, OARDC Krauss Dairy, 1680 Madison Ave, Wooster, OH 44691, hostettler.9@ osu.edu, 330-465-1747 Hudson, Craig, 09, Hudson Farms, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, ckhud909@gmail.com, 419-8340207 Huff, Brent, 03, Rocky Point Farms LLC, 26714 TR 247, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, rockypointfarm@ icloud.com, 740-498-8231 Hunsberger, Mike, 07, Hunsberger Holsteins LLC, 8257 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, hunsbergerholsteins@hotmail.com, 330-317-3663 Hunsberger, Rod, 07, Gateway Holsteins Ltd, 11250 CR 1, Shreve, OH 44676, gatewayholsteins@gmail. com, 330-317-4777 Indoe, Richard K, 08, Richman Farms, 7833 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, richmanfrm@aol.com, 330948-1427, 330-608-8685 Indoe, Tom, 08, Richman Farms, 7900 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-571-4670 Indoe, Tyler, 08, 9296 Towpath Trail, Seville, OH 44273 Indoe, William, 08, Richman Farms, 8018 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-608-9770 Jackson, Justin M, 08, Oakson Farms, 23834 SR 301, Wellington, OH 44090, jmjackson333@hotmail. com , 330-421-6838 Jackson, Ray, 11, Oakson South, 8961 TR 207, Degraff, OH 43318, oaksonsouthdairy@gmail.com, 937-

597-9518 Janes, Ken, Kaye & Allison Hershberger, 07, 2519 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, kjanes@sssnet. com, 330-464-4134/330-465-9363 Jaynes, Allison, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3010 Tremont Rd, Upper Arlington, OH 43221, allison. specht@gmail.com, 330-204-1529 Jenkins, Richard B, 13, Jenkins Farms, 5209 Dialton Rd, St Paris, OH 43072, 937-964-1446 , 937-2441954 Jentes, Robert, 07, Blue Ridge Farms LLC, 1784 Jentes Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-7840, 330-2014080 Johnson, Allen, 07, Purina Animal Nutrition, 1191 S Wenger Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, AFJohnson@ landolakes.com, 330-466-0709 Johnson, John, 05, 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, jmjohnson1066@gmail.com, 614-357-3685 Jones, Lewis R, 05, 4336 Jeney Place, Grove City, OH 43123, lrj.osmha@gmail.com, 614-580-0031 Kaverman Sr, James R., 12, Jandi-K Farm, 5854 Wolfcale Rd, Convoy, OH 45832, jandikfarm@bright. net, 419-749-2503, 419-203-0555 Kaverman, JR & Angi, 13, Call-Del Farm, 11142 Huntingon Rd, South Charleston, OH 43568, jkaverman@lapham-hickey.com, 614-203-2942 - JR, 419-203-1782 - Angi Keene, Janice, 22, 717 S Riverside Dr, #708, Memphis, TN, 38108, pinetreegal57@yahoo.com, 614-5064457 Keener, Paul, 07, Rosedale Farms LLC, 2039 TR 405, Jeromesville, OH 44840, rosedalefarms@gmail.com, 330-988-0139 Kemp, James & Nancy, 07, Windemere Holsteins, 8669 Myers Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, j/nwindemere@me.com, 330-464-3680 Kemp, Josh, 03, Lofty Meadow Farm LLC, 43828 Belmont-Centerville Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, kempper04@yahoo.com, 740-359-9806 Kerr, Lisa, 08, Wil-O-Rae, 35 Burras Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, wilorae@yahoo.com, 419-6060527 Kibler Dairy Farms Inc, 01, Kibler Dairy Farms Inc, 5163 Highland Ave, Warren, OH 44481, kiblerfarm@aol.com, 330-399-5797 Kiko Jr, James R & Evan, 02, Kiko Farms PLL, 813 Fox Ave SE, Paris, OH 44669, jkikojr@frontier.com, 330862-2134, E-330-205-9354 Kiko Sr, James R, 02, Kiko Farms PLL, 811 Fox Ave SE, Paris, OH 44669, 330-862-3456 Kiko, Randall, 02, R&P Kiko Family Farms Ltd, 4729 Butler Grange Rd, Salem, OH 44460, randallkiko@ kikocompany.com, 330-222-2220, 330-831-0174 Kiko, Roger L , 03, Pleasant View Dairy, 4221 Kensington Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-604-3363 Kiko, Rudy, 02, R&P Kiko Family Farms Ltd, 2850 McCann Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-540-2416 King, Tony, 13, TK-Plain-View, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, tcking7@ gmail.com, 937-465-1550, 937-869-0672 Klingensmith, David, 01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd, Leavittsburg, OH 44430, 330898-4436, 330-979-7685 Klingensmith, John, 01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd, Leavittsburg, OH 44430, 330-2070696 Knapp, Carl L, 08, Knappway Holsteins, 570 E Herrick, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2653 OHIO NEWS


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Knapp, Steve, 08, Knappway Holsteins, 24228 West Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, knappsljg@gmail.com, 440-647-6104, 440-669-6686 Knoll, Scott, 08, Wil-O-Knoll Farm, 35 Burras Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, wilorae@yahoo.com, 419-685-3979 Knoop, Jeffery A., 14, Futurama Holsteins, 6750 Burr Oak New Hope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, jaksknoop@yahoo.com, 937-214-2321 Knoop, Josh, 14, Futurama Holsteins, 6195 N Bollinger Rd, Conover, OH 45317, jaknoop07@gmail.com, 937-214-2322 Knoop, Kathy, 14, Futurama Holsteins, 6750 Burr Oak New Hope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, jaksknoop@yahoo.com, 937-214-2320 Kranz, Todd, 11, Select Sires Inc, 11740 US 42N, Plain City, OH 43017, tkranz@selectsires.com, 614-5305089 Krieg, Marvin L., 12, Blitz-Krieg Holstein, 07389 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, mkrieg@watchtv.net, 419-629-2374 Krill, Joseph S., 10, Twin Lake Farm, 02578 Lake Rd, Edgerton, OH 43517, rkrill@bright.net, 419-2982793, 419-212-5985 Lahmers, Christopher & Elizabeth, 13, Lah-Dale, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, clahmers@cobaselect.com, 614-306-7194 Lamb, Jonathan, 12, Convoy Dairy LLC, 3242 Mentzer Church Rd, Convoy, OH 45832, jonathanllamb@yahoo.com, 585-948-5777 L’Amoreaux, Nevin & Brenda, 02, LindLaur Holstein, 7261 Paris Ave , Louisville, OH 44641, blamoreaux@neo.rr.com/nlamoreaux@neo.rr.com, 330875-4157, 330-309-6575 Landers, Michael, 09, 725 E SR 18, Tiffin, OH 44883, mlanders@crinet.com , 419-448-8357 Landis, Gary, 08, Landis Farms, 52152 New London Eastern Rd, Nova, OH 44859, 419-929-8221 Lane, Alexis, 03, Coffman Farms Inc. , 9391 Veto Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-885-8349 Lang, Chris, 07, Spring Hill Farm Inc, 7301 SR 514, Big Prairie, OH 44611, springhill.chris@gmail.com, 330-473-9660 Leid, Harold M, 08, Windy Ridge Farm, 6810 Olivesburg Fitchville Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, 419-8952324 Leininger, Lee , 10, Cottonwood-Vale Farm, 11843 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, leininger423@gmail.com, 419-237-3027 , 614-940-0121 Lewis, Richard C. & Sally, 05, Shanghigh Holsteins, 9510 Keplar Ford Rd, Orient, OH 43146, shanghigh43146@gmail.com, 614-877-4315, 614-2146365 Liming, A. L., 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3840 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, 330652-9092, 330-770-6208 Liming, Lamar L., 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, louidafarms@aol.com, 330-770-6206 Liming, Louis, 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440 Liming, Mary Y., 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3840 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, myl3840@aol.com, 330-652-9092 Lingle Farms Ltd, 07, Rick & Amy Lingle, 2278 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, lingleholsteins@aol.com, 419-651-1680 Logan, Duane D, 11, Coba/Select Sires Inc, 1224 Al24




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ton Darby Creek Rd, Columbus, OH 43228-9792, duane@cobaselect.com, 614-878-5333, 614-2057170 Logan, Steven, 01, Logan Acres Farm, 9506 SR 193, Farmdale, OH 44417, slogan68@yahoo.com , 330240-9946 Long, John, 08, Redview Farm LLC, 2619 Reimer Rd, Wadsworth, OH 44281, 330-335-6198, 330-4194212 Long, Ken, 08, Redview Farm LLC, 2619 Reimer Rd, Wadsworth, OH 42281, 330-524-0078 Long, Ronald, 11, 17981 Boerger Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, ronkarenlong@gmail.com, 937-644-5824, 937-645-5731 Lora, John S, 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, lorawae@embarqmail.com, 330-537-3797, 234-567-7414 Lora, Katey A, 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 14415 S Duck Creek Rd, Salem, OH 44460, misslora35@gmail. com, 330-692-2223 Lorawae Holsteins LLC, 02, John & Suzanne Lora, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, lorawae@embarqmail.com, 330-537-3797, 330-692-2220 Lowmiller Farms, 02, Lowmiller Farms LLC, 23980 SR 172, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-894-2657, 330205-0675 Lumley, Barbara R., 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5192 Alamo Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, blumleybarbwire@yahoo.com, 330-739-2038, 330-806-1844 Lumley, Mark A., 03, Lumley Farms, LLC, 5176 Alamo Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-476-5541, 330-205-3925 Lumley, Steven W, 03, Lumley Farms, LLC, 3059 Mahogany Run Circle, North Canton, OH 44720, 330206-4585 Lund, Bryan W, 08, Lund View, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313, 419-681-0713 Lund, Carl, 08, Lund View, 1555 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-1784 Lund, William J, 08, Lund View, 1199 Prairie Drive, Norwalk, OH 44857, wlund@neo.rr.com, 419-6686393, 419-706-6393 Mangun, Allison, 07, PO Box 106, 9702 E Foundry St, East Liberty, OH 43319, 330-749-9036 Mangun, Ben , 07, Ben-Alli Holsteins LLC, 13625 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, 330-466-6343 Mangun, Roy W & Lisa, 07, Ben-Alli Holsteins LLC, 13693 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, mangunfarm@yahoo.com, 330-435-6520, 330-466-3729 Mark, Richard & Matthew Dotterer, 07, RMD Dairy Farm Ltd, 9757 Easton Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, markdotterer@yahoo.com, 330-414-7901 Marodore Farm, 05, Lee Kohler, 5745 Burchey Rd, Baltimore, OH 43105, marodorefarm@gmail.com, 740-808-0592 Martig, Crist, 02, M&M Dairy Farms LLC, 14816 Benton Rd, Salem, OH 44460, cristmartig@yahoo.com, 330-537-2345, 330-501-7176 Marty, Corey, 07, Willow Tree Dairy LLC, 4648 Fulton Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, cmarty8440@gmail.com, 330-749-7415 Marty, James, 07, Sky-Home Farm, 9825 Steiner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-201-3114 Mason Farms Ltd., 04, Mason Farms Ltd, 1791 SR 61, Marengo, OH 43334, 419-253-6995 Mattox, Lynette & Kaitlyn, 05, Ash-Lyn Farms, 1473 Pleasantville Rd NE, Pleasantville, OH 43148, 740503-8106

McCombs, Tom, 03, United Dairy, 124 Sorghum Ridge Rd, Wheeling, WV, 26003, tmccombs@uniteddairy. com, 304-216-3017 McCoy, Dennis, 12, Macabob Farm, 3827 Tully-Harrison Rd, Convoy, OH 45832, 419-708-3972 McCumons, Allison, 14, 20739 Blank Pike, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, amccumons17@gmail.com, 419296-4119 McDonnell, Kyle, 08, K-Bec Holsteins, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, blmktm@ncwcom.net, 216347-9574 McDonnell, Morgan, 08, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, morgan.mcdonnell@ncwcom.com, 440897-4255 McGuire, Nicholas, 11, Nic-Nan Holsteins, 4149 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357, aredg6@yahoo.com, 937-465-7428 McKarns, William T., 02, 29950 Campbell Rd, Hanoverton, OH 44423, 330-223-2180 McKay, Sam, 05, 3306 Protégé Place #202, Louisville, KY, 40245 McMahan, Scott, Tenah & Michael, 11, Macs Acres, 27480 SR 31, Raymond, OH 43067, tagcow@live. com, 937-243-1515, 937-243-1514 Meller, Kevin L, 10, Meller Holsteins, V882 Rd 18, Wauseon, OH 43567, meller@bright.net, 419-2673361, 419-601-5183 Mennell, Roy, 08, Mennell Acres LLC, 10532 Smith Rd, Litchfield, OH 44253, 330-604-6504 Mercer, John, 02, 15979 Freed St, Minerva, OH 44657 Merrill, Kent, 08, 4831 Wenz Rd, Wakeman, OH 44889, 419-577-0397 Metzger, Marvin & Joel, 15, Creator’s Acres, 4691 Wayne Trace Rd, Eaton, OH 45320, 937-456-2796, 937-533-0270 Miley, Adam, 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-988-0322 Miley, Anna, 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 317 CR 2000, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 330-749-1736 Miley, Jason C, 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 6382 Bates Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jasonmiley11@ gmail.com, 330-466-8509 Miley, Jon, 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 7234 Bates Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, mileyja@aol.com, 330988-3588 Miley, Joseph, 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jdjamiley@aol. com, 330-466-7223 Miller, Caleb, 07, Lilac-Lane Holsteins, 8149 TR 551, Shreve, OH 44676, calebjuanita@emypeople.net, 330-749-3973 Miller, Edward J., 02, 25320 Bowman Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634 Miller, Eric, 02, Miller -HY Holsteins LLC, 18360 South Range Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, miller03wb@ yahoo.com, 330-257-0710 Miller, Firman, 07, 2345 TR 165, Sugarcreek, OH 44681 Miller, Jay A, 02, 19115 Courtney Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, jmiller72@sbcglobal.net, 330-581-1995 Miller, Jonathan H, 02, 25320 Bowman Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7092, 330-341-0333 Miller, Jr, Pete, 07, Pe-Ru Farm, 7940 CR 235, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-3138 Miller, Julie , 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-271-3530 Miller, Kevin L. & Toni, 10, Millacres Holsteins, 20394 CR S, Defiance, OH 43512-9673, millacres@bright.



net, 419-267-5545 Miller, Marion A, 07, 2701 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-7094 Miller, Mark, 02, 10061 Duck Creek Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-429-0061 Miller, Michael R, 02, Mill-Ka Dairy Farm, 1429 Johnson Ave, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-9429, 330-2595704 Miller, Mike E, 14, 131 E Smithfield St, Bradford, OH 45308, 937-418-3115 Miller, Richard M., 02, 11893 Stratton Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-9429 Miller, Roger L, 02, Miller-Hy Holsteins, 18856 Courtney Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-938-3276, 330-7712759 Miller, Tim, 07, Doughty Valley Holsteins, 5547 SR 557, Millersburg, OH 44654, doughtyvalley@gmail. com, 330-231-0092 Miller, Vernon, 03, Su-Win Holsteins LLC, 9021 CR 186, Dundee, OH 44624, vernmiller1992@gmail. com, 330-763-1443 Mill-Stone Acres, LLC, 07, 3878 Bates Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, millstoneacres1986@yahoo.com, 330262-4402 Mitchell Family, 01, Sayerbrook Farm, 14238 Hoover Rd, Hiram, OH 44234, 440-834-8492, 330-977-2377 Mizer, Cameron, 03, Cornerstone Registered Holsteins, 7075 Troendly Rd SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840, mizerfarms1832@gmail.com, 330-340-4543 Moff, Barbara, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, ouricmoff@aol.com, 330774-7703 Moff, Brian, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 806 Westville Lake Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-501-1351 Moff, Elizabeth, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 325 Sloan, Ashland, OH 44805 Moff, Greg, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9160 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, 330-549-2938 Moff, Howard, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, ouricmoff@aol.com, 330549-3509, 330-515-5117 Moff, Neil, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 5816 Henderson Dr, Delaware, OH 43015, 330-501-1860 Moff, Steve, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, smouric@aol.com, 330-482-9018, 614-205-7179 Mohler, Dale, 07, Mohler View Farm, Ltd, 5395 CR 314 , Millersburg, OH 44654, damoh1.dm@gmail. com, 330-231-0477 Montgomery, Susan, 01, Montgomery Dairy Farms, 3179 SR 534, Newton Falls, OH 44444, 330-7163712 Morlock, Dan, 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, shellimorlock@ yahoo.com, 419-265-5771 Morlock, John E, 07, Morlock Farms, 9946 Spencer Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-464-3732 Morlock, Madisen, 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, 419-2655771 Morlock, Shelli, 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, shellimorlock@ yahoo.com, 419-308-7990 Mullet, Marion, 07, Valley Farm Supply, 1871 CR 70, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-4750 Mussard, Jana & Martin, 10, Ro Ma J’s Dairy, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, jananed@hotmail.com, 419-438-2746

Mutti Dairy Farms LLC, 03, Kevin & Keith Mutti, 3326 Stonecreek Rd SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840 N Ramsier Dairy, 07, Nelson & David Ramsier, 9561 Krabill Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-466-9610 Neel, Larry, 05, 451 Williamsburg Lane, Apt C, Lancaster, OH 43130-8101, 740-653-4707, 740-2156354 Neider, John, Elizabeth & Adam, 03, Neider Family Farms, LLC, 2005 Montero Rd NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5157, 330-323-8484(Adam) Neill, Patricia M, 09, Neill Farms , 10614 Billings Rd, Bellevue, OH 44811, nf@onebellevue.com, 419483-2169 Neuenschwander, Gordon, 07, 2032 Mt Eaton Rd N, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-1227 Neuenschwander, Wilfred , 07, Bluecrest Dairy/Fredway Holsteins, 2220 Good Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-621-1403 Neville, Robert & Megan, 02, Neville Dairy Farm, Inc, 7191 Fairfield School Rd, Lisbon, OH 44432, meganwork10@gmail.com, 330-853-1041, 330-8531046 New Pittsburg Vet Clinic, 07, Drs. White, Zimmerly & Garrison, 1436 W Old Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH 44691, npvc@bright.net, 330-264-7787 Nolt, John, 08, Majestic Oak Dairy, 2481 US 224, Plymouth, OH 44865, 419-933-6475 Nolt, Kervin Z, 08, West Delphi Dairy, 1015 US 224 W, Willard, OH 44890, 419-935-1723 Norton, Charles , 08, 17704 Quarry Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-458-0038 Oakvale Farm, 13, Randy & Elizabeth Finke, 1285 SR 29 NE, London, OH 43140, oakvale94@gmail.com, 614-402-8364 Oberholtzer, Clair R, 08, Clai-Mar Farms, 6790 Amstutz Rd, ShilOH OH 44878, 419-896-3131 Oechsle, Jim & Cheri, 12, Jacher Holsteins, 11247 Wren Landeck, VanWert, OH 45891, cheri.oeschle@ gmail.com, 419-605-2838 Cheri, 419-605-2858 - Jim Oechsle, Matthew, 12, Jacher Holsteins, 11247 Wren Landeck, VanWert, OH 45891, m.oechsle17@gmail. com, 419-605-2810 Oneys Milkyway Farm, 08, Oneys Milkyway Farm, 3272 Rome Greenwich Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, 419-752-9411 Ostarchvic, Mark & Amy, 07, Raygor Farms LLC, 15873 Jericho Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, amyostarchvic@gmail.com, 330-857-0222 OSU Agricultural Tech Institute, 07, 1328 Dover Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, lawwill.1@osu.edu, 330-6981315 Patterson, James W., 14, 3580 Center Dr, Greenville, OH 45331, jpatterson004@outlook.com, 937-5484221 Payne, Mark, 09, Markway Holsteins, 4898 CR 223, Clyde, OH 43410, mpayne1086@gmail.com, 419355-4180 Phillis, Harold J., 02, Phillis Farms LLC, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-402-6142 Polchin, Anthony J., 01, Polchin Holsteins, 2276 Sentinel Rd, Dorset, OH 44032, 440-344-0468 Polchin, John T. & Ruth V, 01, Polchin Holsteins, 2411 Sentinel Rd, Dorset, OH 44032, 440-293-7955 Pond, James & Robin, 13, Pond Ridge Holsteins, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084, rdpond@ landolakes.com, 937-834-2431 Quietcove Holstein Farm, 12, Jeremy Elsass, 17932 Freyburg-East Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, quiet-

cove@gmail.com, 419-738-4612, 419-552-0355 R&P Kiko Family Farms Ltd, 02, Russell Kiko, 4245 McCann Rd, Salem, OH 44460, kikofarms@gmail. com, 330-853-0401 Raber, Leon R, 07, Raber-View Holsteins, 7031 CR 201, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-600-2432 Raifsnider, Esther , 07, , 1326 W Easton Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, estherraifsnider@yahoo.com, 330-4217397 Ramsey, Brian & Liz, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 7632 Columbus Rd , Louisville, OH 44641-9702, paradisevalley@live.com, 330-323-4380 Ramsey, Michael & Michelle, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 6452 Oakhill Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, mboliver86@live.com, 330-821-7563, 330-323-4378 Ramsey, Paul & Catherine, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 8151 Easton St NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330875-9962 Ramsey, William & Debra, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 7632 Columbus Rd , Louisville, OH 44641, 330875-3346 Ramsier’s Willow Spring Farm, LLC, 07, Marvin & Joe Ramsier, 2477 Eastern Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, ramsierfamily@gmail.com, 330-925-1248 Rausch, Brian, 04, R-Style Holsteins, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320, rstyle_holsteins@yahoo.com, 419946-9831 Rausch, Mark R, 11, Mark Rausch Dairy, 11731 Crottinger Rd, Plain City, OH 43064 Rausch, Nathan, 11, Mark Rausch Dairy, 11731 Crottinger Rd, Plain City, OH 43064 Rausch, Nicholas, 11, Raunic Holsteins, 12331 Industrial Pkwy, Marysville, OH 43040, nicholasrausch@ yahoo.com, 614-989-0560 Rausch, Randy, 11, Hickory Plains Farm, 8657 Axe Handle Rd, Milford Center, OH 43045, themaizeohio@gmail.com, 937-349-4781, 937-604-1609 Rausch, Stacy, 11, Mark Rausch Dairy, 11731 Crottinger Rd, Plain City, OH 43064 Rausch, William E. & Joyce, 04, R-Style Holsteins, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320, wjrausch@bright. net, 419-946-9831 Rawn, Terry & Joyce, 05, 7449 Loy Rush Court, Canal Winchester, OH 43110, terawn@gmail.com, 301788-5532 Ray, Jim, 02, Coba/ Select Sires, Inc, 32643 Coffee School Rd, Salem, OH 44460, jim@cobaselect.com, 614-205-7176 Reidman, Jeff, 11, 15433 Hagenderfer Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, agrox98@gmail.com, 714-315-9110 Rennecker, Brian W. & Heidi, 07, Four Winds Farms, 6764 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, hrennecker@gmail.com, 330-317-8324 Renner, Julie, 07, Renwind Farm LLC, 17182 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618, buckeyenutjules@ gmail.com, 330-466-0338 Renner, Ted S, 07, Renwind Farm LLC, 17286 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618, renwind@sssnet.com, 330-828-2604, 330-466-1196 Rice, David P., 01, Riceton Farm, 4473 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-876-0443 Rice, Gary, 01, Riceton Farm, 4488 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-876-1078 Rice, Jayme, 01, Riceton Farm, 4432 York St, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-876-0313 Richard, James A, 07, Coffee-Cream Dairy, 3917 Ogden Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, marybethrichard94@ gmail.com, 567-224-0413 OHIO NEWS


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Ridge-Dell Holsteins, LLC, 01, Ridge-Dell Holsteins, LLC, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd NE, Burghill, OH 44404, gbrugler@aol.com, 330-772-5361, 330-3068306 Riggenbach, Bob & Lorie, 07, Rigg-June Holsteins, 9377 Blough Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, bobbyriggenbach13@jobnet1925.org, 330-464-7111 Robb, Evan W, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 4238 Union Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, evan8300@netscape.net, 330-823-0605, 330-614-1197 Robinson, Jason & Erica Davis, 05, 360 S Main St, New Holland, OH 43145, orioncattleservices@yahoo.com, 740-463-1181, 614-216-5862 Rosebrook, Jerry, 10, Sunnyville, 5205 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-783-1394 Rosebrook, Keith, 10, Pioneer, 4668 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-722-8507 Rothlisberger, Lynn, 09, Rothlisberger Dairy, 7297 CH 124, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, rothlisbergerdairy@gmail.com, 419-294-4646 Rowe, James A & Rita, 03, Jimita Holsteins, 9877 Strasburg-Bolivar Rd NW, Strasburg, OH 44680, 330-878-7381, 330-243-5683 Roy, Rian, 09, Roy Farms, 6076 CR 97, McComb, OH 45858-9438, 419-293-3882 Royer Farms Inc, 02, Dan, Tim & Joel Royer, 11617 Ravenna Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, royerfarminc@ msn.com, 330-877-2053, 330-323-4598 Rufener, Kenneth, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 372 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, 330-877-2710, 330-353-2027 Rufener, Kenneth II, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, 330-8772710, 330-353-2028 Rufener, Michael, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 1894 Swartz Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, 330-877-2710, 330-353-2029 Rupp, Jeffrey L, 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 7274 Sterling Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-464-2309 Rupp, Matthew & Melissa, 07, 13955 Cleveland Rd, Creston, OH 44217, ihfan5488@aol.com, 330-4356233 Ruprecht Farm LLC, 04, Ken Ruprecht, 19840 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, ruprechtfarm@gmail.com, 740-501-7625 Ruprecht, Lyle, 04, Ruprecht Dairy Farm, 20009 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, lyleruprecht@gmail. com, 330-466-1382 Russell, Jackie, 07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd, 1237 Shawville Rd, Sheldon, VT, 05483-8386, j-wrussell@ myfairpoint.net, 802-933-2323, 802-393-5988 Ruthrauff, Genna, 02, Ruthrauff Dairy, 11860 Middletown Rd, Salem, OH 44460, ruthrauffdairy@gmail. com, 330-332-5641, 330-692-8358 Ruthrauff, Greg, 02, Ruthrauff Dairy, 11860 Middletown Rd, Salem, OH 44460, ruthrauffdairy@gmail. com, 330-332-5641, 330-717-3832 Rynd, Brooks, 05, Rynd-Home Farm, 3061 Rynd Rd, Cochranton, PA, 16314, 814-425-7795, 814-7204687 Rynd, Dallas R, 05, Silver Mist Holsteins, 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, silvermistholsteins@yahoo.com, 740-207-5005 Rynd, Jim, 05, 2899 Old Hwy 322, Cochranton, PA, 16314 Rzeszotarski, Ron & Ray, 01, Rzeszotarski LTD, 18378 Mumford Rd, Garrettsville, OH 44231, 440-8348341 26




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Sayers, Chris & Mark, 11, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, csayers@selectsires.com, 937-243-7477 Schaefer, Eric, 15, Schaefer Farms, 4459 Anderson Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, eschaefer1993@gmail.com, 937-581-0950 Schaeffer, E Randall, 08, 11005 Huron-Avery Rd, Milan, OH 44846, 419-499-2120 Scheibe, Rodney A, 07, Ro-La-Sue Dairy LLC, 3167 Maple Grove Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-3808 Schirm, Dustin, 05, Franchise, 11304 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, dustinschirm@yahoo.com, 815-670-2111 Schirm, Larry & Julie DeLavergne, 05, 15086 Long Run Rd, Laurelville, OH 43135, larry.schirm@ absglobal.com, 614-906-0520 Schlabach, Robert J, 07, Merry Bird Farm, 2934 Durstine Rd, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-600-8097 Schlatter, DVM, Carlton, 07, Tri-County Animal Clinic, P O Box 243, West Salem, OH 44287 Schlauch, Aaron, 07, Velvet-View Farms, 6887 TR 505, Big Prairie, OH 44611, 330-231-2111 Schlegel, Kurt, 07, Schlegel Dairy Farms Inc, 10720 TR 526, Shreve, OH 44676, kpschlegel@gmail.com, 330-465-8314 Schmucki, Michael O , 02, Schmuki Dairy, 8144 Stone Ave SW, Navarre, OH 44662, 330-767-4232, 330844-5843 Schug, Roger F, 08, Schug’s Holsteins, 3309 SR 99, Monroeville, OH 44847, schugsholsteins@yahoo. com, 419-706-5750 Seedorf, Mark, 10, Sunnyville, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-966-7480 Select Sires, Inc, 11, Select Sires Inc, 11740 US 42 N, Plain City, OH 43064, jhzieg@selectsires.com, 614873-4683 Sheffield, Daren M, 08, Jaloda Farm LLC, 6 Vickory Hollow Rd, Vernon, VT, 05354, dsheffield@holstein. com, 802-490-2188, 614-309-0132 Sheffield, James H, 08, Jaloda Farm LLC, 45555 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, jalodafarm@yahoo. com, 440-935-6378 Shipley, Adam, 04, Shipley Farms, 9309 Reynolds Rd, Newark, OH 43055 Shockey DVM, Paul E., 06, Bridgewater Farms, 714 Crooked Run Rd, Ravenswood, WV, 26164, pesdvm@gmail.com, 304-372-5709, 304-532-5955 Shoemaker, Austen, 02, Shoemaker Dairy Farm, 13702 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, ashoemaker@ heritagecooperative.com, 330-303-9038 Shoemaker, Steve, 02, Shoemaker Dairy Farm, 14308 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, shoemoo2@yahoo. com, 330-207-5607 Shoop, Dan, 09, Sugar-Ridge, 7990 SR 613, McComb, OH 45858, 419-293-2355, 419-348-7118 Showalter, Blaine, 02, Showalter Farms, 40588 Cherry Fork Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, blainedarla@showalterfarms.com, 330-831-5832 Showalter, Ward, 02, Showalter Farms, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2572, 330831-8070 Showalter, Wendell, 02, Showalter Farms, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, wendell@showalterfarms.com, 330-831-8071 Siegrist, Emily, 14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4762 Fleetfoot Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828, ersiegrist@ landolakes.com, 937-417-0183 Simpson, Ben, 03, Plainfield Farms, 65343 Plainfield

Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-312-5856 Simpson, Don , 03, Plainfield Farms, 65030 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, plainfieldholsteins@gmail. com, 740-484-1444, 740-391-3301 Skidmore DVM, Dwight, 11, Drifty Hollow Holsteins, 12243 CR 2, West Mansfield, OH 43358, 937-9353137 Sloan, Angela, 07, Hartman Dairy Farm, Inc, 3777 N Elyria Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, angelasloan71@yahoo.com, 330-466-4560 Smith, Betty Lou, 03, Fernfield Farm, 19318 Grossbeak Rd, Salesville, OH 43778 Smith, Bruce & Terri, 11, 14630 Middleburg-Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, btjasmith@gmail. com, 614-205-7182 Smith, Cory & Jill, 02, Paradise Valley Farms, 7642 Columbus Rd , Louisville, OH 44641, jillandcory@ live.com Smith, David & Steven, 03, Smith-Hills Farm LLC, 42450 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-4832107 Smith, Dow & Nick, 13, Dow-View Farm, 6452 N Kennard Rd, Cable, OH 43009, 937-652-3990, 937215-4302 Smith, Sherry, 04, 12203 Midland Oil Rd, Glenford, OH 43739, sbgs82@att.net, 330-465-2376 Sooy, Brad, 08, 12143 Greenwich, Homerville, OH 44235, 330-635-3326 Specht, Adam, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 7320 Skyline Dr E, Apt 101, Columbus, OH 43235, adam. specht@gmail.com Specht, Annie, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3010 Tremont Rd, Upper Arlington, OH 43221, annie.specht@ gmail.com, 330-204-1796 Specht, Steven L and Michele, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3727 Bair Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-204-9831 Specht, Tim & Brian, 03, Specht Farms Ltd., 1828 Ragersville Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, spechtfarms@gmail.com, 330-897-4481, 330-401-7446 Specht, Wayne E & Kay, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 119 Oakmont Dr, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-2708 Spreng, James, 09, Spreng Capital Management, Inc, Box 47, Bucyrus, OH 44820, jspreng@sprengcapital. com, 419-563-0084 Springway Farms, 03, Springway Farms, 8086 Bachelor Rd NW, Magnolia, OH 44643, bill@springwayfarms.com, 330-866-5289 Sprunger, John, 07, Kidron Auction Inc, PO Box 39, Kidron, OH 44636, ka@kidronauction.com, 330857-2641 Sprunger, Robert K, 07, Raygor Farms LLC, 15820 Jericho Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, raygorgirls@gmail. com, 330-857-7399, 330-465-1337 Sprunger, Scott, 07, Raygor Farms LLC, 15970 Jericho Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, raygorfarms@gmail.com, 330-465-0622 Stammen, Terrence L., 14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4965 SR 705, New Weston, OH 45348, wabashway@embarqmail.com, 937-621-0107 Steel, John, 03, Steam Valley Farms, 2705 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, jpcsteel@aol.com, 330-364-5243, 330-987-4590 Steel, Nathan, 03, Steel-Lane Holsteins, 2899 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, nathansteel08@gmail.com, 330-260-0626 Steiner & Sons, Matthew, 07, Pine- Tree Dairy Ltd, 8586 Benner Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, pinetreedairy@earthlink.net, 330-466-8916 Matt/330-466-



9137 Andrew Steiner, Carl, 07, Steiner Farm, 12357 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-2716 Steiner, Elmer, 07, 4548 S Wenger Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-857-5672, 330-605-1996 Steiner, Nathan, 07, Fulton Road Genetics, 11104 N Mt Eaton Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, nateandanita@embarqmail.com, 330-465-5825 Steiner, Roger, 07, Chet-Len Holsteins, PO Box 84, Kidron, OH 44636, 330-857-8181, 330-464-4446 Steinhurst Farms, 07, Kurt Steiner, 13939 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-464-1219 Steinke, Marvin L., 12, Maple Tree Holsteins, 13505 Kettlersville Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895, matmapletree@bright .net, 419-738-7174, 567-356-9039 Steinke, Richard, 12, Mapl-Valle Farms, 15431 Fox Ranch Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-233-7136 Steinke, Steven M., 14, Marste Farms LLC, 13915 Fey Rd, Anna, OH 45302, 937-394-7657 Sterling Farm Equipment Inc, 07, 13893 Kauffman Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-2561 Stewart, Robert, 03, Sunnydale Farms, 88740 Fairview Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, gwenfive@yahoo.com, 740946-4291, 740-381-4291 Stitzlein, Earl & Kathi, 07, Stitzlein Farms, 8777 TR 461, Loudonville, OH 44842 Stockert, Carolyn, 02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc, 15274 Warwick Dr NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614, carolynstockert@att.net, 330-854-2698 Stockert, James P & Mary, 02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc, 15240 Warwick Dr NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614, jimandmarystockert@att.net, 330-607-2003 Stocksdale, Tom & Connie, 07, Stocksdale Farms, LLC, 1989 Blachleyville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, tstocksdale@farmersbankgroup.com, 330-2648482, 330-464-7596 Stoltzfus, John K, 15, Golden Dell, 8846 SW Morris Rd, Sabina, OH 45169, 937-481-1135 Strasburg, Thomas, 12, Wakefield Farm, 15377 Townline Kossuth Rd, St Marys, OH 45885, 419-394-4343 Strouble Farms LTD, 02, 5466 Werner Church Rd , North Canton, OH 44721, 330-575-7007 Struna, Andrea, 01, Maplewood Farms, 7580 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-645-9195 Struna, Anthony, 01, 7095 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-645-3328 Struna, John & Beverly, 01, Maplewood Farm, 7472 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, jstruna@centurylink.net, 440-293-7530, 440-645-8630 Sugar Knoll Holsteins LLC, 11, Alan & Greg Borchers, 5975 TR 23, Lewistown, OH 43333, gregborchers@hotmail.com, 937-596-6772, 937-726-1805 Thomas, Jay, Angie & Savannah, 13, T-Triple-T, 5548 CR 168, West Liberty, OH 43357, jathomas1@embarqmail.com, 937-465-0825, 937-935-2244 Thomas, William R, 11, Bi-An Farm, 1012 TR 190 E, Bellefontaine, OH 43311, 937-592-0132 Thorbahn II, Lewis R., 09, Crimson Lane Farm, 4787 CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464, 419-603-8818 Thorbahn, Ashley, 09, Crimson Lane Farm, 186 W Park Ave, Columbus, OH 43223, ashleythorbahn@ gmail.com, 419-603-8629 Thorbahn, David C, 11, Crimson Lane Farm, 9035 Oak Ridge Ln, Plain City, OH 43064, dcthorbahn@ selectsires.com, 614-264-6332 Thorbahn, Thomas L., 09, Crimson-Lane Ltd, 4428

CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464, crimsonswissrus@aol. com, 419-547-0795, 419-366-8135 Timmons, Terrell, 08, Sterlinglen Farms, 334 TR 2422, Loudonville, OH 44842-9616, sterlinglen2@yahoo. com, 419-651-5347 Timmons, William C, 01, Timmons Farm LTD, 16429 Munn Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023, billtimmons1953@yahoo.com, 440-476-9328, 216-5365593 Topp, Brennan, 07, Toppglen Farms, 12469 Miller Rd, Sterling, OH 44276 Topp, Eric, 14, Topp-View Holsteins, 10356 Kohler Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, metopp@watchtv.net, 419-953-6448 Topp, Gregg, 12, Toppacres Farm, 05158 Kettler Rd, Minster, OH 45865, gtopp262@frontier.com, 419852-0164 Topp, Keith, 14, On-Topp, 19269 Reineke Schipper Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, kkktopp@aol.com, 937489-9587 Topp, Kurt & Rachel, 12, Toppglen Farms, 5170 Lock Two Rd, New Bremen, OH 45869, kurtandfarm@ aol.com, 330-464-4960, 330-317-5363 Topp, Phillip, 14, 9477 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, flipdog77@yahoo.com, 937-538-7423 Trammell, Jeff, 08, 27679 Royalton Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028, 440-236-8286, 440-334-4541 Trent, Paul, 07, Trent Insurance Group, 328 W High St, Orrville, OH 44667, trentp1@nationwide.com, 330-683-0855, 419-706-7451 Triple-Hil Sires, 03, Triple-Hil Sires, 22046 Old Forge Rd, Smithsburg, MD, 21783, lowell@triplehilsires. com, 301-491-3154 Triple-T Holsteins LLC, 13, Nathan & Jenny Thomas, 6948 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg, OH 43060, jennythomas614@yahoo.com, 614-395-9823 Tullis, Kevin & Kristy, 03, Shaland Holsteins LLC, 2039 Aster Rd SE, Scio, OH 43988, kristytullis@ wildblue.net, 330-312-3287 Kristy/330-312-3288 Twining, Patrick, 08, Twining Farm LLC, 109 Main St, Rochester, OH 44090, ptwining811@gmail.com, 440-429-7273, 440-429-7223 Twining, Raymond, 08, Twining Farm LLC, 47140 Griggs Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2795 Uber, Tom, 02, Witmer’s Feed & Grain Inc, 3431 Rocky Glen Rd, Adamsville, PA, 16110, 330-4824321, 330-853-9297 Union Local FFA, 03, 66859 Belmont Morristown Rd, Belmont, OH 43718 VanPelt, Michael L. , 02, Van Pelt Farms, 14600 Van Pelt Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-9364 Viney, Richard C., 01, Viney Hill Farms, 2432 Kinsman Rd NW, North Bloomfield, OH 44450, 440685-4490 W G Dairy Supply Inc, 07, 12993 Cleveland Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-435-6522 Wachtel, William, 07, Spring Walk Farm, 13079 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 44611, bwachtel@embarqmail. com, 330-763-0323 Walters DVM, John W., 03, 1050 Steubenville Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5711, 330-205-1344 Watson, Bob, 09, Weikland Farms, 11944 E TR 122, Republic, OH 44867, 419-426-8514 Weaver, Douglas, 02, 12983 Green Beaver Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-9230 Weaver, John Mark, 07, 8257 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-2069 Webb, D. Scott, 11, Vangogh Farm, 34565 Longber-

ry Rd, Richwood, OH 43344, dswebb1@columbus. rr.com, 614-721-9417 Weekley, Jamie, 07, Weekley Family Farm, 162 South Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, jweekley4440@ gmail.com, 330-347-5224 Weiker, Terry, 09, Weikland Farms, 661 Mystic Pointe Dr, Lewis Center, OH 43035, tweiker0952@gmail. com, 419-618-0834 Weitzel, Katie Struna, 01, Maplewood Farm, 5206 Slater Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-645-8801 Welch, Dean & Michael E, 08, U-Dean Farms, 456 TR 700, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-2411 Welch, Esther, Karen & Scott E, 08, U-Dean Farms, 669 SR 89, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-2250 Welch, Ryan A, 08, U-Dean Farms, 445 CR 700, Polk, OH 44866, 419-651-5281 Wenger, Clair, 07, Regnew Farms, 439 Overlook Circle, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-8253 Wenger, Dr. Melvin D, 07, Orrville Veterinary Clinic Inc, 1665 N Main St, Orrville, OH 44667, mel. wenger@orrvillevetclinic.com, 330-682-2971 Whinnery, Bryan, 02, Whin-Way Holsteins, 4595 Westville Lake Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, bryanwhinnery@yahoo.com, 330-831-3989 Whiteleather Farms, 02, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Adam & Jessica, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 29468 Tower Rd, Salem, OH 44460, jessicawhiteleather@me.com, 330-205-1738 Whiteleather, Alex, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Andre , 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657 Whiteleather, Andrew, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 10310 Stump Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-205-1350 Whiteleather, Betty , 02, Whiteleather Farms, 451 E Milton St, Alliance, OH 44460, 330-821-6916, 330704-3911 Whiteleather, Esther, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2855 S Union Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-0605, 330206-3288 Whiteleather, Glenn, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Hagan, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 451 East Milton St, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Jason & Gretl, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 22499 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, gwhiteleather@gmail.com, 330-868-5175, 330-205-1535 Whiteleather, Lauren, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 7804 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-894-2421 Whiteleather, Lawrence , 02, Whiteleather Farms, 7804 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-8942421, 330-904-1806 Whitelight Holsteins, 10, White Light Holsteins, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534, whitelightholsteins@ gmail.com, 419-278-0030, 740-624-6003 William Moore Farms Inc, 07, Will & Brad Moore, 4007 McKee Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, wmoo@sssnet.com, 330-263-0478, 330-466-4285 Winchell, Dave, 01, Winchell Farm, 7364 Hankee Rd, Garrettsville, OH 44231, daywin@frontier.com, 330-527-5296, 330-931-7647 Winkler, Jeffrey A, 07, Winkler Dairy, 13515 Kauffman Ave, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-9970 Winner, Shawn, 12, 1769 SR 716, Maria Stein, OH 45860, swinner@cobaselect.comx Wolboldt, Dean, 07, 9157 CR 245, Holmesville, OH 44633 OHIO NEWS


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Wolfe, John A. & Ann, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave , Louisville, OH 44641, awolfepak@gmail.com, 330-4925254, J-330-904-7728/A-330-904-7729 Wolford, Judy C., 05, Silver Mist Holsteins, 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, silvermistholsteins@yahoo.com, 740-207-1861 Yeazel, Mark, 15, Ja-Bob Holsteins, 1495 Wolverton Rd, Eaton, OH 45320, y2kows@gmail.com, 937533-0557 Yeazel, Robert, 15, Ja-Bob Holsteins, 6792 S Stateline Rd, Richmond, IN, 47374, 765-965-5246, 765-2591305 Yoder, Amy Mizer, 03, Mizer Farms, 5941 Saint Jacobs Ridge Rd SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840, amyyoder1030@gmail.com, 330-897-6901 Yoder, Jeremy, 02, Yoder Farms, 28601 Georgetown Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-831-7705 Yoder, Owen C, 07, Mead-Val Farm, 2079 TR 180, Bal-

tic, OH 43804, 330-897-5059 Yoder, Robert J, 07, Yoder Dairy , 4622 TR 403, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-204-3824 Yoder, Roy L.S., 07, Sharp-Line Dairy Farm, 2291 SR 557, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-0405 Yoder, William D, 07, Yoder & Sons Dairy, 53882 SR 651, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-1082 Zaebst, Cindy & Families, 01, Bossy’s Way Inc, 4586 Rt 46 S, Jefferson, OH 44047, bossysway94@centurylink.net, 440-294-3614 Ziegler, Jeff & Melanie, 11, Select Sires Inc, 10365 Long Rd, Ostrander, OH 43061, jhzieg@selectsires. com, 614-203-2813 Zimmer, Dean, 03, Zimmerview Dairy Farm LLC, 700 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, zimmerview@ gmail.com, 740-374-7299, 740-516-8329 Zimmerman, Benjamin R, 07, 5075 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-6748

Zimmerman, D. Lamar, 08, Locust-Grove Dairy, 7180 SR 61N, Shelby, OH 44875, 419-342-3032 Zimmerman, Floyd L, 08, 617 Noble Rd, ShilOH OH 44878, 419-896-3018 Zimmerman, Harlan, 08, Hickory Ridge Holsteins, 328 Eby Rd, ShilOH OH 44878, 567-241-4155 Zimmerman, Matthew, 08, 1304 TR 856, Ashland, OH 44805, 419-962-1548 Zimmerman, Mervin Ray, 08, Mer-Lu Holsteins, 1400 Taylortown Rd., Mansfield, OH 44903, 5 6 7 241-4001 Zimmerman, Ralph W., 08, Sunrise Farm, 251 Adario W Rd., Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2795 Zimmerman, Walter, 08, Harmony Echo Holstein, 2741 SR 60, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-994-3491, 330-284-3665



Ackley, Kristopher, 11, 9738 Rd 141 , East Liberty, OH 43319, jkackley95@gmail.com, 937-441-6866 Auble, Jazmine, 8, 23225 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, jazmine.auble@yahoo.com, 440-935-6517 Baker, Bethany, 7 Bambauer, Ruth, 12, 10352 CR 66A, St Marys, OH 45885 Bankey, Hayley, 9, 7411 Milton Rd, Custar, OH 43511, 419-575-4180 Bauer, Lane, 9, 126 E Mansfield St, PO Box 142, New Washington, OH 44854, 419-689-2749 Baumann, Caili, 15, 3056 Schefsky Rd, Blanchester, OH 45107, cbaumann0608@icloud.com, 513-2399297 Beach, Bryce, 3, 11640 Clark Rd, Uhrichsville, OH 44682, 330-365-0209 Beall, Landon, 8, 47074 Whitney Rd, Wellington, OH 44090 Berg, Aaron, 8, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, samecalf@aol.com, 419-886-2871 Berry, Jadeyn, 7, 3777 N Elyria Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, angelasloan71@yahoo.com, 330-466-4560 Bond, Sophia M, 8, 247 S Norwalk Rd W, Norwalk, OH 44857, drakebond28@yahoo.com, 419-5410359 Borchers, Austin, 11, 13540 CR 60, Jackson Center, OH 45334, gregborchers@hotmail.com, 937-5966772 Borchers, Jacob, 11, 13540 CR 60, Jackson Center, OH 45334, gregborchers@hotmail.com, 937-596-6772 Bouton, Audrey, 4, 12138 Green Valley Rd, Mt. Vernon, OH 43050, kokosingfarms@gmail.com, 740507-8271 Bouton, Ella, 4, 12138 Green Valley Rd, Mt. Vernon, OH 43050, kokosingfarms@gmail.com, 740-5078271 Bouton, Jillian, 4, 12138 Green Valley Rd, Mt. Vernon, OH 43050, kokosingfarms@gmail.com, 740-5078271 Budny, Ava, 10, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534, whitelightholsteins@gmail.com, 419-278-0030 Budny, Leah, 10, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534, whitelightholsteins@gmail.com, 419-278-0030 28




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Budny, Nora, 10, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534, whitelightholsteins@gmail.com, 419-278-0030 Burger, Audra, 15, 11704 Camden Dorrtown , Camden, OH 45311, dreamacres2@hotmail.com, 513330-4214 Burger, Leslie, 15, 11704 Camden Dorrtown , Camden, OH 45311, dreamacres2@hotmail.com, 513330-4214 Calfo, Jenna, 8, 22560 Hawley Rd, Wellington, OH 44090 Calfo, Natalie, 8, 22560 Hawley Rd, Wellington, OH 44090 Call, Chase, 13, 11050 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, bcall@sels.us, 937-206-1398 Call, Cooper, 13, 11050 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, bcall@sels.us, 937-206-1398 Campbell, Alex, 2, 22243 Georgetown NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-206-6308 Campbell, Bailey, 2, 22243 Georgetown NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-206-6308 Campbell, Morgan, 2, 3399 Union Ave NE, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-862-2028 Carle, Aaron, 2, 9157 Rochester Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, 330-771-4122 Cline, Nicholas, 9, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-619-4539 Coffman, Garett , 3, 960 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116 Colby, Jessica, 14, 6336 Fessler-Buxton Rd, Houston, OH 45333, jessicacolby70@gmail.com, 937-2101316 Cole, William Spreng, 9, PO Box 621, Bucyrus, OH 44820, 419-561-0902 Congleton, Levi, 3, 195 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679 Conrad, Maylon, 5, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-572-1058 Cox, Levi, 3, 7875 SR 26, Marietta, OH 45750, 740473-2789 Cox, Lucas, 3, 7875 SR 26, Marietta, OH 45750, 740473-2789 Crawford, Jessie, 15, 1506 Hodson Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159

Cring, Bethany Jane, 8, 199 Benedict Ave, Norwalk, OH 44857, scottcring@gmail.com, 419-577-5189 Cring, Elijah, 8, 199 Benedict Ave, Norwalk, OH 44857, cringk@norwalktruckers.net, 419-680-0454 Cring, Kayla, 8, 199 Benedict Ave, Norwalk, OH 44857, cringk@norwalktruckers.net, 419-577-5189 Crossgrove, Eve Ana, 10, 22139 CR V, Archbold, OH 43502, 419-551-2990 Cupps, Allyson, 15, 799 Nutt Rd, Centerville, OH 45458, betsycupps@gmail.com, 937-215-5851 Daniel, Sydney, 2, 7642 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-323-4379 Days, Emmy, 3, 2222 Channel Rd NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-738-3306 Deam, Emily, 3, 5254 Stucky Valley Rd SW, Stone Creek , OH 43840, njvdeam@yahoo.com, 330-7631405 Deam, Victoria, 3, 5254 Stucky Valley Rd SW, Stone Creek , OH 43840, njvdeam@yahoo.com, 330-7631405 Doria, Parker, 13, 370 Edgewood, Perrysburg, OH 43551, 937-652-3840 Doria, Riley, 13, 370 Edgewood, Perrysburg, OH 43551, 937-652-3840 Dudte, Laney, 7, 5801 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-466-8380 Dudte, Lucas, 7, 5801 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-466-8380 Dumbeck, Avery, 8, 1385 Snyder Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, giveitthyme@yahoo.com, 419-706-2079 Dumbeck, Hannah, 8, 1385 Snyder Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, giveitthyme@yahoo.com, 419-706-2079 Dumbeck, Zechariah, 8, 1385 Snyder Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, giveitthyme@yahoo.com, 419-706-2079 Dye, Micah, 2, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, dsdye@icloud.com, 330-581-7603 Ehrman, Mea, 8, 6395 Branch Rd, Medina, OH 44256 Elliott, Michaela, 8, 1067 CR 1175 , Ashland, OH 44805, leopardrunner@aol.com, 419-496-5715 Elsass, Lilly, 12, 17932 Freyburg East Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, quietcoveholsteins@gmail.com, 419552-0355 Elsass, Trapper, 12, 17932 Freyburg East Rd, Wapa-



koneta, OH 45895, quietcoveholsteins@gmail.com, 419-552-0355 Etgen, Cash, 12, 9410 Sugar Creek Rd, Harrod, OH 45850, etgenh@adabulldogs.org, 419-303-6964 Etgen, Henry, 12, 9410 Sugar Creek Rd, Harrod, OH 45850, etgenh@adabulldogs.org, 419-303-6964 Finke, Lillian, 13, 1285 SR 29 NE, London, OH 43140, oakvale94@gmail.com, 614-402-8364 Finke, Olivia, 13, 1285 SR 29 NE, London, OH 43140, oakvale94@gmail.com, 614-402-8364 Finton, Brittany, 3, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, mooman1442@roadrunner. com, 330-339-4981 Fledderjohann, Emma L, 12, 8570 CR 219A, Celina, OH 45822, 419-305-8076 Fledderjohann, Joshua M, 12, 8570 CR 219A, Celina, OH 45822, 419-305-8076 Gilbert, Jacoby, 7, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Gilbert, Jamison, 7, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Good, Abigail, 8, 2471 Chenango Rd S, New London, OH 44851 Good, Caleb, 8, 2471 Chenango Rd S, New London, OH 44851 Good, Clara, 8, 2471 Chenango Rd S, New London, OH 44851 Greene, Amy, 8, 19601 Vermont St, Grafton, OH 44044 Griffith, Caleb, 15, 12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH 45106, griffith.larry@yahoo.com, 513-543-2315 Griffith, Hannah, 15, 12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH 45106, xavier12146@yahoo.com, 513-543-2315 Griffith, Jenna, 15, 12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH 45106, xavier12146@yahoo.com, 513-543-2315 Grove, Aubrey, 3, 2213 Crooked Run Rd, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-407-2452 Gunkelman, Carlie, 8, 3411 Abbeyville Rd, Medina, OH 44859, 330-350-2047 Gunkelman, Clay, 8, 3411 Abbeyville Rd, Medina, OH 44256, 330-350-2047 Gunkelman, Cora, 8, 3411 Abbeyville Rd, Medina, OH 44256, 330-350-2047 Gunkelman, Curtis, 8, 3411 Abbeyville Rd, Medina, OH 44256, 330-350-2047 Gunkelman, Grace, 7, 2021 W Steiner Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, drgunkelman@yahoo.com, 330-4643259 Gunkelman, Tim, 7, 2021 W Steiner Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, drgunkelman@yahoo.com, 330-464-3259 Harding, Ryan, 3, 5159 Evanscreek Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-7979 Hartline, Caleb, 3, 303 1/2 Ingleside Ave, Marietta, OH 45750, mom23kidzz@gmail.com, 740-706-0585 Hastings, Garrett, 1, 13270 Stoney Springs Drive, Chardon, OH 44024, hastings97@gmail.com, 440635-0313 Hastings, Jack, 1, 13270 Stoney Springs Drive, Chardon, OH 44024, hastings97@gmail.com, 440-6350313 Havens, Grant, 9, 4293 Tiffin Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-992-4471 Havens, J. Garrett, 9, 4293 Tiffin Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-992-4471 Hawvermale, Ashley, 7, 703 Barnard Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, hawver4u@juno.com, 330-621-3638 Hawvermale, Kelly, 7, 703 Barnard Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, hawver4u@juno.com, 330-621-3638 Heger, Blake, 15, 43 Kameron Dr, Monroe, OH 45050

Heger, Cole, 15, 10131 CR 227, Camden, OH 45311, 937-452-3606 Hempfling, Lillian, 12, 22161 Lincoln Hwy, Delphos, OH 45833, chempfling@woh.rr.com, 419-236-6467 Henry, Cale, 14, 7581 SR 242, Versailles, OH 45380, indianstone1@embarqmail.com, 937-423-5293 Henry, Peyton, 14, 7581 SR 242, Versailles, OH 45380, indianstone1@embarqmail.com, 937-423-5293 Hershberger, Brent, 7, 2051 SR 557, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-0686 Houyouse, Alyssa, 3, 5151 Pinto Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, creedxs23@gmail.com, 330-407-6966 Houyouse, Hunter, 3, 5151 Pinto Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, creedxs23@gmail.com, 330-407-6966 Hudson, Cole, 9, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, ckhud909@embarqmail.com, 419-563-0102 Hunsberger, Laney, 7, 8257 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, hunsbergerholsteins@hotmail.com, 330317-3663 Jackson, Cannon, 8, 23834 SR 301, Wellington, OH 44090, jmjackson333@hotmail.com, 330-421-6838 Jackson, Luke, 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, oaksonsouthdairy@gmail.com, 937-597-9518 Jackson, Samuel, 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, oaksonsouthdairy@gmail.com, 937-597-9518 Kaverman, Korbin J, 13, 11142 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, jkaverman@lapham-hickey. com, 419-203-9629 Kaverman, Lydia M, 13, 11142 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, jkaverman@lapham-hickey. com, 419-203-9629 Kemp, Paige, 3, 43828 Belmont-Centerville Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, kempper04@yahoo.com, 740359-9806 Kemper, Madilyn M, 8, 4643 Whittlesey Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, trishnk@yahoo.com, 419-351-1435 Kibler, Carter F, 1, 700 Brunstetter Rd, Warren, OH 44481, janosko1@yahoo.com, 330-980-0644 Kiko, Abigail, 3, 6220 Andora Rd, Mechanicstown, OH 44651, 330-627-0321 Kiko, Elaina, 2, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, kjodilynne@aol.com, 330-853-0401 Kiko, Elizabeth, 2, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, kjodilynne@aol.com, 330-853-0401 Kiko, Isabella Tess, 3, 6220 Andora Rd, Mechanicstown, OH 44651, 330-627-0321 Kiko, Ward, 2, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, kjodilynne@aol.com, 330-853-0401 Kiko, Wayden, 2, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, kjodilynne@aol.com, 330-853-0401 Kiko, Wyatt, 2, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, kjodilynne@aol.com, 330-853-0401 King, Hayden, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, tcking7@gmail.com, 937-4651550 King, Samantha, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, tcking7@gmail.com, 937465-1550 King, Silas, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, tcking7@gmail.com, 937-465-1550 Kinsey, Haylee, 3, 21719 Star Lite Dr , West Lafayette , OH 43845 Kleintop, Keely, 3, 117 Acme St, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-336-7210 Kleintop, Quinlin, 3, 117 Acme St, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-336-7210 Klopfenstein, Taylor, 12, 15176 Townline-Kossuth Rd, St Marys, OH 45885, 419-394-4343

Knapp, Grace, 8, 24228 West Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, knappsljg@gmail.com, 440-647-6104 Knapp, Jacob, 8, 24228 West Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, knappsljg@gmail.com, 440-647-6104 Knoll, Drake, 8, 415 Old State Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, knolltroy@yahoo.com, 419-606-0527 Knoll, Dyllan, 8, 415 Old State Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, knolltroy@yahoo.com, 419-606-0527 Lahmers, Audrey, 13, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, clahmers@cobaselect.com, 614306-7194 Lahmers, Ava, 13, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, clahmers@cobaselect.com, 614-3067194 Lahmers, Elaina, 13, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, clahmers@cobaselect.com, 614306-7194 Lake, Conner, 8, 47393 Merriam Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, designerames@gmail.com, 440-328-7615 L’Amoreaux, Lauren, 2, 7261 Paris Ave , Louisville, OH 44641, blamoreaux@neo.rr.com, 330-875-4157 L’Amoreaux, Lindsay, 2, 7261 Paris Ave , Louisville, OH 44641, blamoreaux@neo.rr.com, 330-875-4157 Landes, Josh, 2, 2398 Ravenna Ave NE, East Canton, OH 44730, jlandes557@gmail.com, 330-933-0108 Landes, Justin, 2, 2398 Ravenna Ave NE, East Canton, OH 44730, jlandes557@gmail.com, 330-933-0108 Lehner, Sarah, 11, 709 Radnor Rd, Delaware, OH 43015, slehner99@gmail.com, 740-369-0262 Leiby, Reece D, 8, 223 Grand Ave, Wellington, OH 44090, rbleiby@ymail.com, 440-371-9388 Leighty, Cory, 7, 6005 W Britton Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, cory.leighty@yahoo.com, 419-215-8907 Liette, Caitlin, 12, 2141 Glynwood Rd, St Marys, OH 45885, 419-394-4343 Liette, Carter, 12, 2141 Glynwood Rd, St Marys, OH 45885, 419-394-4343 Logan, Jeffery, 1, 4339 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, jdlogan4955@yahoo.com, 330-240-4450 Logan, Matthew, 1, 9506 SR 193, Farmdale, OH 44417, slogan68@yahoo.com, 330-240-9946 Logan, Zachary, 1, 9506 SR 193, Farmdale, OH 44417, slogan68@yahoo.com, 330-240-9946 Madison, Philip, 8, 415 Old State Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 20pmadison@gmail.com, 419-606-0527 Mangun, Brody, 7, 13625 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, 330-466-6363 Marsh, Cooper, 8, 11 Corwin St, Norwalk, OH 44857, derrickmarsh@msn.com, 419-668-9672 Marsh, Kendall, 8, 11 Corwin St, Norwalk, OH 44857, derrickmarsh@msn.com, 419-668-9672 Mathews, Maggie, 15, 1506 Hodson Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159, moocows@fuse.net, 513-300-7291 Mathews, Will, 15, 4976 SR 132, Batavia, OH 45103, beefcake724@hotmail.com, 513-732-1494 Mazzaro, Mason, 1, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, mazzaradi@aol.com, 440293-5573 Mazzaro, Matthew, 1, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, mazzaradi@aol.com, 440293-5573 McCumons, Brady, 14, 20739 Blank Pike, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 937-538-9681 McDonnell, Miranda, 8, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090 McLaughlin, Dugan, 8, 8897 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691 McLaughlin, Haley, 8, 8897 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH OHIO NEWS


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44691 Meeker, Hunter, 15, 18788 Gauche Rd, Fayetteville, OH 45118, rmeeker2000@yahoo.com, 513-2602331 Meeker, Wyatt, 15, 18788 Gauche Rd, Fayetteville, OH 45118, rmeeker2000@yahoo.com, 513-260-2331 Miley, David, 7, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, mileyja@frontier.com, 330-621-8061 Miller, Danielle, 5, 6570 McCleary Rd, Baltimore, OH 43105, millersinohio@frontier.com, 614-915-6373 Morlock, Colby, 7, 10416 Jeffery Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jimmorlock@gmail.com, 330-358-0535 Morlock, Dillon, 7, 10416 Jeffery Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jimmorlock@gmail.com, 330-358-0535 Mussard, Burley, 10, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, 419-438-2746 Mussard, Clara, 10, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, 419-438-2746 Mussard, Lane, 10, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, 419-438-2746 Mussard, Phoebe, 10, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, 419-438-2746 Myers, Lance, 3, 10925 Johnson Rd, North Benton, OH 44449, nicole.kampfer@yahoo.com, 330-2574590 Oechsle, Korey, 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, kman.2000@gmail.com, 419-6057749 Payne, Aubrey, 9, 157 SR 510, Fremont, OH 43420, westwayfarms7291@gmail.com, 419-680-9786 Pitstick, Madison, 1, 14380 Prairie Pike , South Solon, OH 43153, mpitstick19@gmail.com, 740-505-0893 Pittman, Carissa, 7, 2304 Schellin Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-6769 Pond, Cole, 13, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084, rdpond@landolakes.com, 937-834-2431 Pond, Kaleb, 11, 5429 CR 31 S, Bellefontaine , OH 43311, kdpond48@gmail.com, 937-935-8339 Pond, Kody, 11, 5429 CR 31 S, Bellefontaine , OH 43311, kdpond48@gmail.com, 937-935-8339 Portz, Conner C, 8, 2573 TR 687, Loudonville, OH 44842, jmportz1231@gmail.com, 419-571-6969 Portz, Nolan, 8, 2573 TR 687, Loudonville, OH 44842, jmportz1231@gmail.com, 419-571-6969 Ramsey, Anna, 2, 6452 Oakhill Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-821-7563 Ramsey, Brice, 2, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Colleen, 2, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Emma, 2, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Haley, 2, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Meredith, 2, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, William, 2, 6452 Oakhill Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-821-7563 Rausch, Mason, 11, 12331 Industrial Pkwy, Marysville, OH 43040, nicholasrausch@yahoo.com, 614989-0560 Rausch, Noah, 11, 12331 Industrial Pkwy, Marysville, OH 43040, nicholasrausch@yahoo.com, 614-9890560 Rawn, Anne, 5, 7449 Loy Rush Court, Canal Winchester, OH 43110, terawn@gmail.com, 330-7885532 Reidman, Evangeline, 11, 15433 Hagenderfer Rd, 30




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Plain City, OH 43064, agrox98@gmail.com, 714315-9110 Reidman, Konrad, 11, 15433 Hagenderfer Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, agrox98@gmail.com, 714-315-9110 Rosebrook, Broxton, 10, 4668 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-278-1817 Rosebrook, Ella, 10, 7242 CR P, Napoleon, OH 43545, 419-966-3099 Rosebrook, Grahm, 10, 4668 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-278-1817 Rosebrook, Ian, 10, 7242 CR P, Napoleon, OH 43545, 419-966-3099 Rosebrook, Kendall, 10, P711 CR 16, Napoleon, OH 43545, 419-966-6880 Rosebrook, Lani, 10, 4668 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-278-1817 Rosebrook, Molly, 10, 4668 CR F, Deshler, OH 43156, 419-966-6880 Rosebrook, Ryder, 10, 4668 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-278-1817 Rosebrook, Zack, 10, 4668 CR F, Deshler, OH 43156, 419-966-6880 Rupp, Karlee, 7, 601 E Sterling Rd, Creston, OH 44217, rupp170@hotmail.com, 330-466-5344 Rupp, Madicyn, 7, 13955 Cleveland Rd, Creston, OH 44217, ihfan5488@aol.com, 330-435-6233 Rupp, Mason, 7, 13955 Cleveland Rd, Creston, OH 44217, ihfan5488@aol.com, 330-435-6233 Ruprecht, Galen, 4, 20009 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 330-466-1382 Ruprecht, Oliver, 4, 20009 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 330-466-1382 Sammetinger, Amelia, 12, 14372 Pusheta Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, sammetingers@yahoo.com, 937538-8313 Schaefer, Claire, 15, 4459 Anderson Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, eschaefer1993@gmail.com, 937-581-0950 Schaefer, McKenna, 15, 4459 Anderson Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, eschaefer1993@gmail.com, 937-5810950 Schlauch, Kassidy, 7, 6828 TR 505, Big Prairie, OH 44611, lschlauch8@gmail.com, 330-275-2024 Schlauch, Logan, 7, 6828 TR 505, Big Prairie, OH 44611, lschlauch8@gmail.com, 330-275-2024 Schlauch, Wyatt, 7, 12809 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 44611, vvf48@earthlink.net, 330-231-2111 Schwartz, Layla, 3, 330-204-0555 Schwartz, Quinn, 3, 330-204-0555 Seedorf, Callie, 10, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-966-7480 Seedorf, Chloe, 10, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-966-7480 Seedorf, Will, 10, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-966-7480 Seibert, Ella, 3, 497 Moravian Trail, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, rseibert@claymontschools.org, 330-3407185 Seibert, Isabel, 3, 497 Moravian Trail, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, rseibert@claymontschools.org, 330-3407185 Seibert, Liston, 3, 497 Moravian Trail, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, rseibert@claymontschools.org, 330-3407185 Sheets, Molly A, 11, 931 Christopher Circle, Ada, OH 45810, 740-363-2184 Shockey, Abigail, 3, 142 Leatherberry Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-9071 Siegrist, Grace, 14, 4762 Fleetfoot, Coldwater, OH

45828, 937-621-2606 Siegrist, Kennley, 14, 4762 Fleetfoot, Coldwater, OH 45828, 937-621-2606 Siegrist, Mya, 14, 4762 Fleetfoot, Coldwater, OH 45828, 937-621-2606 Sloan, Ray, 7, 3777 N Elyria Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, angelasloan71@yahoo.com, 330-466-4560 Smith, Tapanga, 2, 7642 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-323-4379 Smith, Wyatt, 2, 7642 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-323-4379 Sooy, Summer, 8, 12143 Greenwich Rd, Homerville, OH 44235 Spreng, Noah, 7, 6860 Snoddy Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, kspreng11@gmail.com, 419-651-5198 Steinke, Allison, 12, 13505 Kettlersville Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, matmapletree@bright.net, 419738-7174 Steinke, Zachary, 12, 13505 Kettlersville Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, matmapletree@bright.net, 419738-7174 Stetson, Molly, 15, 4986 SR 132, Batavia, OH 45103, kastetson@health-partners.org, 513-625-1819 Strong, Mia M, 8, 301 E Main St, Norwalk, OH 44857, houseofstrong@aol.com, 567-219-1673 Sugg, Brandon, 7, 5789 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, suggblastaway@aol.com, 330-317-0861 Sugg, Kaitlyn, 7, 5789 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, suggblastaway@aol.com, 330-317-0861 Sugg, Kiersten, 7, 5789 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, suggblastaway@aol.com, 330-317-0861 Sword, Nicholas, 8, PO Box 266, Wellington, OH 44090, sword.nick9@gmail.com, 614-560-7962 Taylor, Matthew, 7, 992 Heyl Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, JERZ4ME@gmail.com, 330-466-5350 Tedrick, Cooper, 10, 717 Hawthorne St, Ramsey, IL, 62080, whitelightholsteins@gmail.com, 419-2780030 Tedrick, Lilly, 10, 717 Hawthorne St, Ramsey, IL, 62080, whitelightholsteins@gmail.com, 419-2780030 Thomas, Camryn, 13, 6948 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg , OH 43060, jennythomas614@yahoo. com, 614-395-9823 Thomas, Colton, 13, 6948 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg , OH 43060, jennythomas614@yahoo. com, 614-395-9823 Thomas, Kendall, 13, 6948 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg , OH 43060, jennythomas614@yahoo. com, 614-395-9823 Tletski, Savanna, 8, 19601 Vermont St, Grafton, OH 44044 Todten, Karalynn J, 8, 414 W Herrick Ave, Wellington, OH 44090, kara.todten37@gmail.com, 440371-6701 Topp, Aiden, 14, 9477 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, flipdog77@yahoo.com, 419-753-2276 Topp, Alaina, 14, 9477 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, flipdog77@yahoo.com, 419-753-2276 Topp, Aubree, 14, 9477 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, flipdog77@yahoo.com, 419-753-2276 Topp, Keaton, 14, 19269 Reineke Schipper Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, kkktopp@aol.com, 937-489-9587 Topp, Kinley, 14, 19269 Reineke Schipper Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, kkktopp@aol.com, 937-489-9587 Topp, Logan, 12, 5170 Lock Two Rd, New Bremen, OH 45869, kurtandfam@aol.com Topp, Madelyn, 14, 10356 Kohler Rd, Wapakoneta,



OH 45895, metopp@watchtv.net, 419-753-3177 Topp, Marissa, 12, 5170 Lock Two Rd, New Bremen, OH 45869, kurtandfam@aol.com Tullis, Kolby, 3, 2039 Aster Rd, Scio, OH 43988, kolbyjohn@wildblue.net, 330-401-5765 Turon, Colby, 1, 5432 Greenville Rd, West Farmington, OH 44491, gotmilk1013@yahoo.com, 440-5485979 Turon, Lilah, 1, 5432 Greenville Rd, West Farmington, OH 44491, gotmilk1013@yahoo.com, 440-548-5979 Turon, Steve, 1, 5432 Greenville Rd, West Farmington, OH 44491, gotmilk1013@yahoo.com, 440-548-5979 Twining, Reed, 8, 440 SR 95, Loudonville, OH 44842

Twining, Riley, 8, 440 SR 95, Loudonville, OH 44842 Twining, Ryan, 8, 111 Griggs Rd, Wellington, OH 44090 Twining, Tyler, 8, 111 Griggs Rd, Wellington, OH 44090 Vales, Rebecca M, 7, 53 CR 2575, Lakeville, OH 44638, ljvales@yahoo.com, 740-504-2378 Whiteleather, Alice, 2, 22499 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, gwhiteleather@gmail.com, 330-819-2810 Whiteleather, Autumn, 2, 22499 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, gwhiteleather@gmail.com, 330-8192810 Whiteleather, Ava, 2, 22499 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH

44657, gwhiteleather@gmail.com, 330-819-2810 Whiteleather, Jack, 2, 29468 Tower Rd, Salem, OH 44460, jessicawhiteleather@me.com, 330-806-1804 Whiteleather, Stella, 2, 29468 Tower Rd, Salem, OH 44460, jessicawhiteleather@me.com, 330-806-1804 Wolf, Anderson, 7, 13040 Canaan Center Rd, Creston, OH 44217 Wolf, Keenan, 7, 5801 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-3264 Wolfe, Daniel E, 2, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, awolfepak@gmail.com

On the National Front As I write this, things are still in covid limbo. The National office in Vermont is still closed. Most employees are able to work from home although not as efficiently. Email is the best way to make contact and get questions answered (info@holstein. com). Online services are all still available, though paper registrations will be delayed. With patience all will eventually get done. The April classification was cancelled, May and on should go as scheduled. On an upbeat note the Board voted to give each herd unit 10 free registrations. Hope all sent in the coupon from the Holstein Pulse. Congratulations to all the Herds of Excellence and to Daryl and Pam Nunes (YDLI class 1 members) on the Star of the Breed Ocean View Sterling Silver. National convention in Pennsylvania is cancelled and rescheduled

for next year back in Lancaster, PA. June 19 -24 2021. Ohio worked with Pennsylvania and gave up our spot in 2021. We now have the option to have a National convention in Ohio in 2024 (with the current state of the industry I don’t foresee that happening). Great effort was made to pull off an in person abbreviated National meeting with delegates to conduct business and elections. This was deemed not possible with travel restrictions and social distancing requirements. Delegates received a straw poll to vote on postponement of the meeting and elections. These were to in by June 1. This would extend the terms of each member of the Board and candidates interested in running will need to submit application by March 1 2021. Delegates for next year’s convention will need to be nominated by August this year.

The restriction on delegates serving 3 years would be waved. A “short” (less than 90 minutes) member update meeting will be on line June 25th and will be recorded for viewing any time later. All Holstein board and committee business have move to zoom and conference calls. The Ohio State Fair has been canceled and the All-American Dairy show will decide June 4th and World Dairy Expo July 1. Hope to see everyone at the district shows this summer As always call with any questions. Steve Moff, HAUSA Director smouric@aol.com or 614-205-7179

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the MarchApril Ohio Holstein News was delayed in delivery. After several conversations with USPS officials, we discovered that postal workers were given the option of staying home if they did not feel safe going to work. As a result, the USPS was sorting and delivering mail with a skeleton crew and delays were happening across the nation. We apologize for the delay. OHIO NEWS


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Suits of Springhill Sale Report

Holsteins, Ayrshires and Brown Swiss and on 60 lots, the sale average was $3660.83 with a gross of $219,650. Lot 1 $14,000 (Guernsey) Springhill Disco Jarica, sold to Springhill, Lilly Den, Elmhurst, Big Prairie, OH Lot 62 $10,200 (Ayrshire) Mowry’s Burdette Scarlet sold to Kadyn Gibson,

Tre Wright, Lukus Schmitt, Eminence, KY Lot 33 $10,000 (Guernsey) Millborne HP Flicker-ETV sold to Springhill & Valerie & Jim Spreng, Bucyrus, OH Lot 69 $8000 (Holstein)Apple-PTS Alexy-Red-ET sold to RK Genetics, New Glarus, WI Lot 53 $7800 (Guernsey) Choice of the Springhill March Calf Pen sold to Valerie and Jim Spreng, Bucyrus, OH Lot 2 $6500 (Guernsey) Springhill Python Jantu-ETV sold to Springhill & Valerie & Jim Spreng, Bucyrus, OH Lot 23 $6500 (Guernsey) Choice of January ’20 Jaguar x Diva Calves sold to Addison Goldenberg, McGregor, TX Lot 56 $6200 (Ayrshire) Choice of Calves, Blackjack x Rayna or Glynne sold to Springhill, Big Prairie, OH Lot 41 $6000 (Guernsey) Sniders HP GG Holly-ETV sold to Gina Crubel, Lancaster, WI Cattle sold to 16 states and two Canadian Provinces including, IN, OH, WI, OK, IA, PA, MD, NY, VT, MA, FL, IL, NC, TX, NY, MN, Quebec and Ontario.

2019 this heifer had a GTPI of +2895, PTA +1659M +96F +58P 76%R +815NM +.11%F +.02%P 4/2020. Also selling at the $5000 price tag was another consignment of Pine-Tree Dairy, Lot 4, Pine-Tree 7593 LEGA 8476-ET, a September heifer with +2882 GTPI, PTA +1570M +93F +48P 76%R +834NM +.11%F +.00%P 4/2020. Selling for $4000 was Lot 5, Pine-Tree Lgcy Acclimate-ET, consigned by James A. Richards, Wooster, Ohio. Born 1027-19 with +2884 G, her sire is Pine-Tree Legacy, her dam by ABS Achiever-ET and her grand-dam was classified Very Good 87. She was also purchased by T & L Cattle Company, British Columbia. Lot 32, Miley Redhot Giggle-Red, sold for $2600 and was consigned by Anna Miley, West Salem, Ohio. Born 9-12-19,

she was sired by Charpentier RedhotRed-ET. Her dam was sired by MR D Apple Diamondback and her show winning granddam was classified Excellent 93 2E. She was purchased by Angela Hartman, Wooster, Ohio. Lot 56, K-Times Diamond Trinity sold for $2000 and was consigned by Kourtney Kliner, West Salem, Ohio. A fresh twoyear-old born 12-07-17, she was sired by MR D Apple Diamondback from a daughter of Atwood and a Very Good 87 grand-dam by Alexander. She was bred to Unstopabull-Red. She was purchased by T & L Cattle Company, British Columbia. The sale was managed by Cowbuyer. Contacts were Aaron Ray, Chad Griffith and Ken Janes.

The Springhill sale crew front from left: Megan Pszenitzki, Maci Mclean, Kylie Mclean, Robin Alden, Kayla Overholt with Miles, Cara Trotter. Standing from left: Cody Woods, Mike Bosely, Tim Gunkelman, Kyle Natzke, Grant Fremstad, Evan Creek, Jason Fremstad, Danny Pszenitzki, Tucker Withington, Chris Lang, Dennet Withington, Kevin Stoltzfus, Marshall Overholt, Chad Ryan, Phillip Topp, Blaine Crosser, Brian Schnebly, Chris Hill. PC: Cowsmopolitan

Settled into their new facilities and with cattle looking their best, the Suits of Springhill Sale was held on Saturday, May 16, 2020. With Chris Hill as the auctioneer, the sale took place on Cowbuyer.com because of the COVID-19 restrictions. The offering included Guernseys,

Ohio Lot Smackdown Sale

By Barb Lumley The Ohio Lot Smackdown Sale was held online April 18-21, 2020 with live bidding held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday evening, April 21, 2020. Sixty one consignments were presented for sale featuring high genomics, show age calves, bred heifers, fresh cows, embryos and semen. Topping the sale at $7500 was Lot 1, Pine-Tree Leg Achi Erica-ET, consigned by James A. Richard, Wooster, Ohio. She was born 12-4-19 and was +2931 G. Her sire is Pine-Tree CW Legacy-ET and her dam is by ABS Achiever-ET. She was purchased by T & L Cattle Company, British Columbia. Selling for $5000 was lot 3, Pine-tree 7593 Lega 8504-ET consigned by Pine-Tree Dairy of Marshallville, OH. Born 10-1732




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In Memoriam

Lucille Ann Steel

October 8, 1934 - April 18, 2020 Lucille Ann (Mast) Steel, 85 of Granville, OH, formerly of Dover, Ohio, entered into the presence of her Lord and Savior on April 18, 2020. She was born on Oct 8, 1934, to the late Firman and Edna (Maurer) Mast. Lucille graduated from Sugarcreek-Shanesville High School in 1952, and married her late husband, Harold Steel, on Jan 18, 1953. Together, Harold and Lucille owned and operated Steel’s Farm Dairy and supplied milk to Dover and surrounding communities. Lucille is survived by her four children Terry (Colleen) and John (Paula) Steel of Dover, Sally (Daryl) Duncan of Warsaw, and Melanie (Steve) Schmechel of Johnstown. She has 10 dearly loved grandchildren Nathan (Megan), Clinton (Kameron), Stephanie, and Jaden Steel, all of Dover, Stacie Steel of Sugarcreek, Neil (Lauren) Duncan of Akron, Drew (Elizabeth) of

Ashville, Rachel Duncan of Warsaw, and Ryan and Sarah Schmechel of Johnstown. Lucille also has 5 great-grandchildren; Kylie, Kassidy, Karley, Aubree, and Lainee Steel, all of Dover; along with four nieces and nephews. Lucille was pianist, organist, and choir director at Indian Meadows Church of God for many, many years, and later in life attended Union Hill United Methodist Church, where she was active in the choir and quilting group. Lucille was also a Winfield Homemaker, serving in many roles including President and Camp Counselor. Her beloved Homemaker friends were the nearest and dearest of friendships. She was named Homemaker of the Year for the state of Ohio, and was also honored when the Steel family was awarded family of the year in 1987. Lucille enjoyed writing and photography and entered her stories and pictures in the annual Homemaker cultural arts contests. She loved outings to explore the countryside and take pictures of old barns.

Lucille was a long-time Grange member and influenced countless young lives as Matron of the Brandywine Junior Grange. Lucille’s pride and joy was wrapped up in her family. She worked tirelessly on the farm, bottling milk in her younger years, running for parts, supporting 4-H projects, and making meals for the barn crew up into her 80’s. Everyone who knew Lucille, knew that she loved Jesus and was a woman of prayer. Her faith carried her through the ups and downs of life and left a lasting legacy on her family and friends. Lucille was a devoted Christian, loving and loyal Mom, Grandma and friend. Due to the circumstances, a private family service will be held at Union Hill Cemetery in Sugarcreek. A public memorial service will be held at a later date. To sign an online guestbook for Lucille, visit the obituary link on the funeral home’s website. Memorial contributions can be made to the Union Hill United Methodist Church, Building Fund, 7877 Union Hill Rd NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681.

David A. Lahmers

September 22, 1952 - May 14, 2020 David A. Lahmers, 67 of Bakersville passed away on Thursday May 14, 2020. David was born in New Philadelphia, Ohio on September 22, 1952 to the late Clarence and Irma (Dummeruth) Lahmers. He graduated from Ridgewood High School and was a self-employed Dairy Farmer throughout his life. David was a member of Renner’s St. Paul United Church of Christ, Farm Bureau, Progressive Valley Grange and a 4-H advisor for 30 years. He loved spending time out on his farm and watching his grandchildren’s sporting events. David is survived by his wife Nancy M. Lahmers who he married April 21, 1974; sons Christopher (Elizabeth) Lahmers of Marysville, Joshua (Jodi) Lahmers of West Lafayette and Todd (Nicole) Lahmers of Plain City; grandchildren Elaina, Ava, Audrey, Grant, Addison and Lucas Lahmers; one brother Donald (Carol) Lahmers of Adamsville; several nieces and nephews. Along with his parents, he is preceded in death by his son Rick A. Lahmers. 33




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Carol Ruth Deam

In Memoriam

January 22, 1935 - May 5, 2020 Carol Ruth (Pyles) Deam, 85, of Springfield, Ohio, went to be with the Lord on May 5, 2020 after a brief illness. She was born on January 22, 1935, in Sherritts, Ohio, to Henry Roscoe Pyles and Zelda (Payne) Pyles and was the tenth of their 11 children. Ruth graduated from Southeastern High School in South Charleston, Ohio. She was the editor of the school yearbook and class treasurer. When told by their advisor that the senior class could only afford a yearbook or a class trip to Washington and Niagara Falls, Ruth organized fundraisers and sold ads to local businesses. When all was said and done, the senior class paid for their yearbook and their trip and had 35 cents left over! On January 5, 1954, Ruth married the love of her life, Dale Allen Deam, whom she met on a blind date set up by her brother-in-law. They had five surviving children: sons Thomas A. Deam of West Liberty; Steven S. (Deidre) Deam of Hilliard; and Neil M. (Jennifer) Deam of Stone Creek and daughters Michele E. (Steve) Specht of Dover and Beth A. (Bill) Davenport of Greenville. Ruth and Dale weathered Dale’s 16-month tour of Germany shortly after their wedding and settled in Co-





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lumbus while he completed his degree at The Ohio State University. They later built a home on Dale’s family farm in Springfield where they raised their children. Ruth was an active partner in the farm, serving as secretary of the local Farm Bureau board, 4-H advisor and as a member of the Ladies Guild at Grace United Church of Christ and of the Northwestern Mothers Club. She also worked as a cook at Northwestern High School for 14 years; she enjoyed interacting with the students. Ruth loved watching her brothers, children and grandchildren play basketball, baseball, football and softball. She cheered for the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Cincinnati Reds and instilled a love of sports in her family. She also enjoyed traveling, visiting Hawaii and taking trips to Branson, Missouri, with Dale later in life. Ruth and Dale celebrated 50 years of marriage in 2004. On July 7, 2011, Ruth and Dale’s love story came to an end when Dale passed away after a long battle with colon cancer. In addition to her children, Ruth is survived by 20 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren: Kelly (Kyle) Huffman and children Will, Katie, Sarah and Spencer; Todd (Brandi) Deam and children Brodey, Bayleigh, Bentley and baby on the way; Shannon (John) Crowder and children Kipton, Kolbie and Avery; Laura (Brad) Cox and children Hayden, Graham and Elliot; Tyler (Addie) Deam and baby on the way; Kaleb (Amy) Deam and son Jonah; Allison (Matt) Jaynes; Annie Ruth Specht; Adam Specht; Rachel (Mike) Fearon and children Madelyn, Seth and Edee; Nathan (Jennifer) Davenport and daughters Adrina, Brielle, Carleigh and Gracie; Nicia (Josh) Hanes and children Harley, Caden, Cole and Hadley; Abbey (Chase) Moore and children Lillian Dale, Navie and Toby; Nicole Deam and daughter Layla; Trevor, Garrett, Madison and Bryson Deam; and Victoria and Emily Deam. Ruth is also survived by her sisters Alma Jean Pyles and Gertrude Clark and brother Robert Pyles, as well as her sisters-in-law Phoebe Pyles, Ethel Pyles and Martha Pyles. Ruth was preceded in death by her parents, Roscoe and Zelda; her father- and mother-in-law Edward and Isabel Deam; an infant daughter; daughter-in-law Kathy (Weyrich) Deam; and great-grandson Kobe Fearon. Her sisters Wilma Webster and Mary Smith and brothers Howard, Verlyn, Homer, Roland and Dale Pyles also predeceased her. Following her husband Dale’s death, Ruth wrote, “We were lost without our husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend. Now I live in the home we made together and wait until the day we will meet again in heaven where the sun always shines. Always keep God in your life, my lovely family and friends.”

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Authorized Resellers Jay Hein - Ohio and Indiana 419-852-9125 | TopPriorityNutrition@gmail.com Jim High - Eastern PA and Eastern NY 717-629-4143 | jcthigh@juno.com

Mitch Schwieterman (OH)

“Just the feed itself, not considering any cow health benefits we’ve seen, the savings is $5,000 a month…We are probably saving even more because we aren’t pushing the robot pellets through the cows like we used to.”

Jake Hein (OH)

“When we switched from a straw diet to the Priority ration, there was 23 different ingredients just in the old mineral mix. Today the Priority diet is six mineral ingredients with corn silage and hay…It’s amazing how simple it is.” “Putting blocks on, cows limping used to be a pretty regular thing before the P-One Program™.”

Bill Indoe - Ohio 330-608-9770 | indoe.p1@gmail.com

Eric Vander Kooy (WA)

Nevin L’Amoreaux - Ohio 330-309-6575 | nlamoreaux@neo.rr.com

“Our feed is getting more digestible all the time. It’s really easy to mess up the rumen with them, but we can keep them eating without those problems with P-One™.”

Health Penick - Indiana and Illinois 260-316-3665 | PenickDairyFarms@hotmail.com

Jim Seamons (UT)

Nathaniel Steiner- Western PA and Western NY 814-547-4129 | NathanielSteiner@emypeople.net

“For as many cows as we have, it’s a low vet bill...”

“With the P-One Program™, my cows just cruise through the summer heat.”

Eric Breunig (WI)

“The ration is pretty cheap and we’re getting a lot of milk… Whenever I have questions they’re available to answer them and more importantly to teach me.”

Doug Harre (IL)

“I was doing all the hoof trimming, I was wore out and tired of treating cows. What attracted me to the Priority products was the advertising about cow health. And then the more I learned about it, the more it made sense…I know that when we made the switch and added the product in, the number of DAs went down and the hoof abscesses were a lot less.”

Carrie Sachs (MN)

“The manure is a big change, everybody looks about the same now. We don’t get real watery cows”

Nevin L’Amoreaux (OH)

“Now we can use the thought process of ‘the wetter, the better.”


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Somaya Life™ is the first anthrobiotic of its kind with intelligent strains of beneficial bacteria that are individually selected to direct immune communication, block unwanted invaders, elevate the digestive system, and works on gut acid.

Daisy Brand and Dairy Farmers of America partnered to take the surplus of milk in Ohio and convert it into cottage cheese to donate to the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank. The food bank distributed the cottage cheese to its 500 hunger-relief programs. Over a course of six weeks, the partnership donated 120,000 pounds of cottage cheese to food banks. Daisy Brand’s manufacturing facility is located in Wooster, Ohio.

Office improvements are being made in Wooster. The sidewalk is being replaced and a few lights are also being updated inside. Thanks to the Building Improvement committee for making that happen.

Chad Griffith (D-15) was featured on their local news explaining the truth behind the food supply chain disruption. He did a great job representing agriculture and letting people know that farmers have plenty of supply to feed the nation‌ no food shortages out here! Jason and Amy Miley (D-7) are expecting a baby in November! Congratulations to the entire Miley Crew! The National Holstein Convention for 2020 in Lancaster, PA., has been moved to 2021, consequently, Ohio will not be hosting the convention. Ohio Holstein Association committees are being worked on and those lists will be in the September-October Issue. Take notice of the show schedule for the district shows this year. They have changed from last year and many are tentative. Call the show secretary for details on the district show you are planning to attend.



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Advertiser Index ADA Mideast......................................... pg. 2-3 Agri-King...................................................pg. 10 Andrews Auctioneers............................. pg. 5 COBA Select Sires..................................pg. 40 Commodity Specialists........................pg. 11 Computermixx.......................................pg. 10 D-8 Show..................................................pg. 18 Dairy Agenda Today.............................pg. 20 DHI Cooperative, Inc............................pg. 34 Farmers National Bank.........................pg. 13 Harold’s Equipment..............................pg. 14 Kalmbach Feeds.....................................pg. 39 Kidron Auction.......................................pg. 37 Kim Davis-Nationwide.........................pg. 14 Lowe & Young.........................................pg. 35 Meaden & Moore...................................pg. 31 Mennonite Mutual................................pg. 14 Miley Holsteins.......................................pg. 17 New Pittsburg Vet Clinic.....................pg. 11 Ohio Beef Council.................................... pg. 7 PBS Animal Health................................pg. 35 Pine Tree Dairy...............................MW pg. 28 Plain-Knoll Holsteins...................MW pg. 19 Prenger’s, Inc............................................. pg. 6





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Priority One..............................................pg. 36 Richman Farms.......................................pg. 17 Rohaven Holsteins................................pg. 15 Silent-b Reg. Holsteins.................. MW pg. 6 Spike Rentals...........................................pg. 37 Stein-Way Dairy.............................MW pg. 23

Stein-Way Equipment..........................pg. 19 Trent Insurance......................................pg. 16 U-Dean Farms........................................... pg. 5 Walnut Hill Feeds...................................pg. 15 Wenger’s Sharpening Service...........pg. 33 Whiteleather Farms................................ pg. 6

Calendar of Events June 13 19 20

July 18 23

District 1 & 2 Show, Columbiana County Fairgrounds, Lisbon, OH OHA Board Meeting, 11 am, Wooster, OH Districts 11, 13 & 14 Show, Logan County Fairgrounds, Bellefontaine, OH District 3 Show, Tuscarawas County Fairgrounds, Dover, OH (tentative) District 9 Show, Crawford County Fair


3 District 12 Show, Auglaize County Fair, Wapakoneta, OH 25 District 8 Show, Lorain County Fair, Wellington, OH


11-16 All American Dairy Show, Harrisburg, PA 16 District 7 Show, Wayne County Fair 29-Oct. 3 World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI

All show dates are tentative due to COVID-19. Contact your District Show Secretary for updates and check the Ohio Holstein website for updated information!


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September 25


November 1

December 5


January 15

February 5


March 15

April 5


May 5

June 10

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14HO7770 HELIX

Fertile-Ridge Helix 8962-Grade Fertile Ridge Dairy, LLC, Mount Horeb, WI, Photo by Jordan




West Wing Rocketfire 2122-Grade West Wing Dairy, Tulare, CA, Photo by Thomas







14HO7770 7HO13454 14HO7796 250HO13267 7HO12886 14HO7828 7HO12821 7HO12659


2997 2893 2876 2825 2801 2799 2776 2759

813 776 738 657 655 669 740 710

2,015 2,836 1,122 2,395 1,225 735 1,010 1,318

204 152 165 195 123 145 154 122

250HO13267 DUKE

Vogue Duke Suits Sweet (VG-86-VG-MS) Vogue Cattle Co., Brighton, ON, CAN, Photo by Jones

Select offering 813 Sires has a long tradition of 2015 customer-satisfaction sires! With three specialized brand lineups, the diverse selection of genetic giants meets even the most elite demands. Contact your COBA/Select Sires representative today to add these sires to your breeding program.

04/20 CDCB/HA Genomic Evaluation: All bulls qualify for semen export to Canada. REL%: HELIX NM$ 96, Yield 99; ROCKETFIRE NM$ 92, Yield 97; GRIFF NM$ 94, Yield 98; DUKE NM$ 96, Yield 99; CANNON NM$ 89, Yield 93; ODIN NM$ 87, Yield 90; ® is a registered trademark of Holstein Association USA. EVEREST 99; PASSAT O H NM$ I O95,NYield EW S |NM$ 94, MYield A Y98./ J TPI UNE 2020


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