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The Grapevine
Miss Callie Jane Crossen was born on October 6, 2022 to Reid and Anna(Miley) Crossen. She was 7lbs 7 oz and her grandparents are Joe & Diana Miley (D-7), Chris & Cathy Crossen. Congratulations! Congratulations to Allison & Evan Hershberger on the birth of their daughter, Payton Kay. She was born on July 24, 2022 and weighed in at 9 lbs 3 oz and was 21 inches long. The proud grandparents are Ken and Kaye Janes (D-7).
Don’t forget to reserve your room for the convention by February 3rd! Wingate by Wyndham/Undo’s Restaurants, 51130 National Road E, St. Clairsville, OH 43950, 740-695-3961. See more info in this issue!
The next issue is the All-Ohio issue! Advertise your All-Ohio winners in the January-February issue!
The ST Genetics Dairy Holiday Sale is December 14th! Check out their ad in this issue! If you are interested in being the Ohio Holstein Queen, find details on page?
Ohio Holstein families, consider nominating your mom for the Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Award! Find details on the Ohio Holstein Women’s Page. Submit your nominations by February 1, 2023!
Walnut Hill Feeds will again be supporting the All-Ohio award winners! If you used their Champions Select feed in 2022 and won an All-Ohio or Junior All-Ohio award they will pay for your half-page ad or half of your full-page ad in the 2023 January-February Ohio Holstein News! Contact Melissa Hart to advertise! 517-398-1957 or farm.writer@hotmail.com
Give the gift of Ohio Cheese when you order it online! See the details on the ADA Mideast Ad