Ohio Holstein News Sept/Oct 2019

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HOLSTEIN NEWS Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association

Volume 91 Number 4 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019 Published 5 times per year in February, April, June, October and December by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com

Subscription price in the U.S. is $30.00 per year ($10 per year for Junior Members). The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue. Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Email farm.writer@hotmail.com Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd., Wooster, OH 44691 OFFICE STAFF Executive Director.......................................Tom Thorbahn cell 419-366-8135 crimsonswissrus@aol.com Office Secretary...............................................Diana Miley oholstein@sssnet.com Editor.............................................................Melissa Hart cell 517-398-1957 farm.writer@hotmail.com Webmaster................................................. Laurie Menzie ph. 740-624-6367 Ad & Layout Designer.................................Erin Robinstine erin.robinstine@gmail.com OFFICERS President: William Indoe, Lodi.....................330-608-9770 Vice President: Chris Lahmers, Marysville....614-306-7194 Secretary: Ethan Steiner, Marshallville........330-466-8961 Treasurer: Kaye Janes, Wooster....................330-464-4134 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Paul Haskins, Butler - Past President...........419-618-4028 Joe Cole, Bloomville....................................740-396-0454 Scott Sprunger, Dalton................................330-465-0622 NATIONAL DIRECTOR Steve Moff, Columbiana .............................330-482-9018 BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Gary Kibler, Warren...........................330-770-8014 Dist. 2 Randall Kiko, Salem.........................330-831-0174 Dist. 3 Steve Specht, Dover..........................330-204-9831 Dist. 4 Open Dist. 5 Dallas Rynd, Ashville........................740-207-5005 Dist. 7 Scott Sprunger, Dalton.....................330-465-0622 Dist. 7 Joe Miley, West Salem......................330-263-7814 Dist. 8 Jeneva Auble, Polk............................419-908-5352 Dist. 9 Joe Cole, Bloomville..........................740-396-0454 Dist. 10 Dan Morlock, Pemberville..............419-265-5771 Dist. 11 Jay Ackley, East Liberty...................937-666-5502 Dist. 12 Kurt Topp, New Breman..................330-464-4960 Dist. 13 Open Dist. 14 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta....................419-953-3427 Dist. 15 Donald Bickel, New Vienna.............937-218-2697 Postmaster: Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 4




The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following: “The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”

Contents A Message From the Executive Director, Tom Thorbahn.............................................................. 5 Ohio Holstein Convention Save the Date........................................................................................... 5 A Message From the President, Bill Indoe.......................................................................................... 6 Inspiring Youth to Learn and Love Dairy............................................................................................. 8 BarbWire, Help Yourself, by Barb Lumley...........................................................................................11 Pokerface Wins Big at National Holstein Futurity..........................................................................12 2019 Miss Agriculture USA.....................................................................................................................15 Mid-East Summer National Holstein Show Results.......................................................................18 Mid-East Summer National Junior Holstein Show Results.........................................................19 MId-East Summer National Red & White Show Results...............................................................20 Mid-East Summer National Junior Red & White Show Results.................................................21 District 1 & 2 Show Results.....................................................................................................................22 District 3 Show Results............................................................................................................................22 District 5 Show Results............................................................................................................................23 District 7 Show Results............................................................................................................................23 District 8 Show Results............................................................................................................................24 District 10 Show Results..........................................................................................................................25 District 11 Show Results..........................................................................................................................25 District 12 Show Results..........................................................................................................................26 Ohio Holstein Association 2019 Committees.................................................................................48 Yesterday’s Cowpath, by Barb Lumley...............................................................................................49 In Memoriam..............................................................................................................................................50 On the National Front..............................................................................................................................53 Strong Holstein Marketplace Sires Offering to Maximize Genetic Goals..............................54 Holstein Grapevine...................................................................................................................................56 Ohio Holstein Women.............................................................................................................................59 National Holstein Convention Breeder List................................................................................60-61 Moff Receives Obie Snider Award at AADS......................................................................................61 National Holstein Futurity #65........................................................................................................62-63 National Holstein Convention Committees.....................................................................................64 Select Sires Restructures.........................................................................................................................67 Calendar of Events....................................................................................................................................69 Index to Advertisers.................................................................................................................................69

Just For The Juniors Junior News Update.................................................................................................................................57 The Queen’s Corner, by Kinley Topp...................................................................................................58

On The Cover

As the summer show season comes to an end, this issue contains reports from the Ohio State Fair shows and the district shows. The cover features some of our youngest members of the OHA; Paige Kemp, (top photo) daughter of Josh and Whitney Kemp, and Gage Workman (bottom photo), son of Brent and Leanne Workman both exhibiting at the District 3 show. Finley Elsass (bottom left), daughter of Jonathon and Chris Elsass made her debut in the show ring at the District 12 show. The future is in the youth of this industry, and Bill and Deanna Lund are making an investment in a group of young dairy enthususiasts. See their story on page 8.


From the Executive Director By Tom Thorbahn

Well autumn is certainly in the air, and soon fall shows will be in full swing, along with harvest and all the colors of the season. Congratulations to all the exhibitors at the state fair this summer, the Holstein and the Red and White show had superior quality all the way down the line. The exhibitors should be proud of the Registered Holsteins exhibited; I’m sure some will be at the fall shows. Good luck to everyone. Some of you attended the National Convention in Wisconsin in June. Our hats are off to the Wisconsin members for a tremendous job of hosting this year’s Convention. Convention attendees got to see some great Wisconsin Holstein herds as well as other exciting tourist attractions. The convention was a great opportunity to catch up on cows, crops, and the dairy industry with fellow members from across the U.S Ohio was well represented, with adults, and the state’s first junior quiz bowl team in a number of years. Thanks to Laurie Menzie and Jodi Crossgrove for working with our junior team. Also, congratulations to Nathan and Jenny Thomas for breeding the 2018 Cow of the Year, T-Triple-T Platinum, Ex 94 2E. They presently co-own Platinum with other syndicate members. The Distinguished Leadership Award was presented to George Miller, of Select Sires. Many of you knew George during his tenure at Select, he was instrumental in breeding and acquiring Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation, one of the greatest sires of our breed. At the National Convention, I along with Laurie Menzie and other Ohio members met with Jodi Wright from Missouri. Jodi has designed websites for other state associations and our board thought it would be a good idea to have her look at redesigning

- - - SAVE THE DATE - - -

Ohio Holstein Convention February 28-29, 2020 Kalahari Hotel in Sandusky Hosted by District 9 A celebration of a century of the Ohio Holstein Association More details in the next OHN our website. Following Pete Spike’s passing the board considered a new website manager and Laurie Menzie was approved at our June board meeting; she has been working closely with Jodi. I have seen some of their ideas and they are exciting, we hope to have it ready soon. It should be much easier to access, and we will try to have all the information of the Ohio Association available on the new site. Thinking ahead to National Convention 2021 here in Ohio. Committees are working hard to plan tours, events, and junior programs for our Convention to be held June 21 - 25, 2021 at the Columbus Convention Center. The Publicity/Promotions Committee is asking for some help; look over their questionnaire, consider contacting them if you have information. If you would be interested in working on a committee let the office know, we

would appreciate your input and help. Remember the National Convention in 2021 is Ohio’s opportunity to showcase our great herds and tourist attractions in Ohio, let’s make our Convention a memorable one for our Holstein friends from across the U.S. May your harvest this fall be productive and keep safe.

The ad deadline for the November/December issue of Ohio Holstein News is November 1





A Message from the President By Bill Indoe

As we rapidly reach fall, the Ohio Holstein Association has had a busy summer. First, thank you to the delegates and members who went to National Convention held in Wisconsin. Ohio led the way in proposing that Holstein Association USA (HAUSA) have a reduced registration fee period along with a catch up option. This idea passed! Further details on what will happen with this resolution going forward will be coming from HAUSA. On the same note of helping members, Terry Rawn has approached Ohio Holstein with a desire to help our members buy and sell cattle. He has come to numerous meetings and has already sold many animals for breeders. He is not an

employee, but we are sending him referrals. He is a long time member of our association and seems to be helping out very nicely. Call Terry at 301-788-5532 or Ohio Holstein office at 330-264-9088 if you need help selling your excess cattle. On November 16th, the Fall Tour will be at ST Genetics Heifer Center in South Charleston. Presently they have six robots up and running and have a great facility with outstanding cattle. We will also have a sale after the tour at ST. We want to thank ST Genetics for this opportunity! It should be a great time. Lastly, I want to wish good luck to all who are showing in the fall shows. Let everyone see what we have to offer in Ohio! As always if you have any questions and/or ideas for Ohio Holstein, please feel free to call me at 330-608-9770 or email at richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com. Thanks!

Bill Indoe 330-608-9770 • richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com










Bill and Deanna Lund Spend Their Retirement Teaching Youth About the Dairy Industry

By Melissa Hart

Above photo: Bill and Deanna Lund’s Kids pose for a picture with their matching shirts that say, “Just One More Cow.” From left: Kneeling Madilyn Kemper, Eli Cring, Kendall Marsh, and Lincoln Snyder. Standing left to right: Matt Lund, Zack Dumbeck, Carl Lund, Maya Phillips, Ruth Lund, Cooper Marsh, Kayla Cring, Courtney Lund, Avery Dumbeck, Mia Strong, Bethany Cring, Rachel Beat, Hannah Dumbeck, Bill Lund, Deanna Lund, Bryan Lund, and Ginny the cow. 8




Inspiring Youth to Learn and Love Dairy

“About five years ago, a girl and her sister from church were in 4-H and wanted to take a calf to the county fair for a 4-H project,” and that’s how it began for Bill and Deanna Lund of Lund View Farm in Norwalk. As they headed into retirement, the Lunds suddenly found themselves inspiring young kids who craved a connection with livestock. “The first calf that they took was a March calf we bought from Scott Knoll and we carried it in the back of my pickup to the farm and that calf ended up as Junior Champion at the District 9 show that year.” The next year, the girls threw a birthday party for the calf and invited their friends to the farm and their interest was piqued. “The second year we had eight kids who were interested, and they were having trouble finding a 4-H club, so my wife and I started a club that year and we now have about


20 kids total and they take various projects.” The heifers stay at Bill’s farm where they built a new barn after a tornado damaged their old barn. “A year ago, we built a new building putting a lot of thought into it making it convenient for the kids to go in the pens and bring their heifers out,” Bill explained. For the first couple of years they limited their projects to calves and heifers. They would breed the heifers, calve them in and the idea was to sell the cows to dairymen. But as it has turned out, Bill owns about seven cows that are in other herds plus a couple of cows that are housed at Ty Etgen’s. The search for good cattle has taken Bill around the state buying from Ohio breeders, “We bought a fall calf from Lingles and she was Junior Champion at the District 8 and District 9 shows.” In 2018, Bill went beyond the

The Lunds built a new barn after their existing barn was damaged by a tornado. They built it with their 4-H kids in mind, making it easier for them to take care of the heifers.

state and bought a Corvette daughter in the GTPI Sale in Pennsylvania. She was consigned by Austin Yoder of Georgia. Stunning Corvette Google was named Grand Champion of the 2019 Ohio State Fair 4-H Show and the District 8 show for Kayla Cring of Norwalk and she will be on the colored shavings in Madison on October 1st for the Junior Holstein Show. “Lunds let me show in kitty showmanship and then the next year I got to show a calf and today I won grand champion,” exclaimed Kayla Cring, a fifth year veteran, as she held “Google” after winning Grand Champion at the District 8 show. Like all of the youth in their 4-H club, Kayla had no farm background or experience before she began showing, “I have met a ton of new people and I never realized the hard work that farmers put in every day. I’ve learned to be grateful for the simple things like milk and eggs.” Bill explained that that these kids are void of any farm background and Cooper Marsh of Norwalk is one of those, “It’s fun taking care of the cows and I like doing the work.” His younger sister, Kendall Marsh is in her first year of showing and holding her calf she said, “I like it, it’s really hard though.” And then when asked what she liked best she replied with a grin, “I like winning.” When the kids are in school, they

work with their heifers once or twice a week, but after school lets out they head to the farm four and five times a week as their schedules allow. Fourteen year old Mia Strong of Norwalk commented, “I really like how you can connect with them. At first, they are really bad at walking and then they start learning and I like the connection and seeing their progress.” She added, “I’ve learned to wake up earlier and that washing is not always fun, but the rest of it is.” The Lunds have taught these kids every aspect of a dairy operation including milking, feeding, clipping, the trials, the errors, and they can keep track of the cows calving on the surveillance cameras that were installed in

the barn. “I’ve given them the code and they can watch the cows that are about to calve and they will notify me if there is one that is close,” Bill commented. Bill also emphasized the responsibility and initiative the youth have taken, “They made up their own schedule for fair week. They have to work a twohour shift to pick up manure, keep the cows clean and sweep the aisles.” The kids work hard on their projects, but they also enjoy fellowship as the girls had a sleep over in the barn. Bill commented, “The girls moved the bales around and set up a place spend the night in the barn.” While they are no longer working regular jobs Bill noted, “It seems like we are working harder now than ever.” He concluded, “They are pretty much like our family since we don’t have any kids.” The Lund family began milking cows in 1922. Bill and his brother Carl managed the farm after they graduated from The Ohio State University. Since the mid 90s, Bill has worked in the insurance business until five years ago when he retired. The cows were sold four years ago, and the cropping is managed by Carl’s son and grandson, Brian and Matthew.

Heifers of all ages and stages find a home at Lund View for their 4-H club. OHIO NEWS









Help Yourself to areas damaged by storms and floods, etc.? How many times have you been invited to Do you stop and think about the impression a party, buffet dinner, barbeque or other type you make on people who view your exhibit at gathering that involved food and drink and county fairs and dairy shows? There are farms heard the words “help yourself ”? You then who give out milk to the people who stop to acted accordingly, chose the equipment needed talk and ask questions. and made the choices that you knew were best While these may sound like small ways for you. During this period of low milk prices to try to solve a big problem, when you toss and over production what have you, the person a small pebble into a large pond it creates a involved in the dairy industry done to help ripple and if there are enough pebbles and yourself? enough ripples together they can create waves! We have had several holidays this summer. We constantly ask consumers to solve our Did you have a barbeque or get together with problems by drinking more milk and using family and friends? If so, what beverages did you By Barb Lumley more dairy products, however dairy people need have available for your guests? Did you have any regular milk or flavored milk chilled and available? I am no to do everything we can to help ourselves. In the past families dummy nor am I naive so I am pretty sure I know what was sat down at the table in their home for meals. Mothers put in the coolers! Think about this -- how many different type the food on the table, filled the glasses with milk and told parties are held during the year all over the United States? the children to drink it because it was good for them. Life is The answer -- many! If even just a few bottles of milk or a few much different these days! We must think differently about dairy products are available and consumed at each of those how to promote and sell dairy products. Milk is not as popular as it used to be. Milk and cereal celebrations the total would be a help to dairy producers. The last time you ate at a restaurant what did you order is no longer a breakfast habit. A typical American today to drink? What if you had announced to the waitress in a drinks forty per cent (40%) less milk than in the 1970’s. voice that could be overheard, “I’ll have a glass of cold milk”? They love soda, fancy water, iced tea, beer and are buying the Now we all know what the majority of people there were fake milks. We can’t stop the fake milks and we don’t want drinking, but at least your request would have made them the word “milk” on a fake product, however removing the think about milk. Perhaps a family with children who hadn’t word “milk” won’t stop people from trying it! More fakes will placed their order yet would think twice about what they come! Beverage companies have flooded the market with ordered for their children to drink. Did you check to see if sports drinks, energy drinks, plant based soda, fruit juices the restaurant was serving butter? If you had a piece of pie and designer coffees. It has been reported that in the last six years grocery stores have added 600 new beverages to their did you have ice cream on it? How many of our fast food restaurants have milk shelves. Half of milk’s volume went to bottled water. Bottled available to order? There are several flavored milks available water is America’s number one beverage. I find it very sad that both adults and children like. Is there a way that dairy when I sit outside a convenience store and see carton after producers could get fast food restaurants to offer those milks carton of soft drinks and beer being carried out. Seldom and have them listed on their menus and drive thru where do you see anyone with a jug of milk! We constantly ask orders are taken? There are so many mothers and fathers consumers to drink more milk and use more dairy products, who go through the drive thru to get meals for the family but do we dairy people do everything we can to make things every day. The beverages listed mention only soft drinks or better? While we all know that our cow’s real milk is the healthiest product for all ages, we must continue to work to iced tea. In most of our communities there are food banks convince the consumer of that fact. Dairy people must work or free meals available. Have you ever donated milk or together and find ways to help ourselves! dairy products to the organizations that supervise those activities? Donate milk or dairy products to your local fire department or other organizations for their breakfast or dinner fundraisers. Donate gift certificates for milk or dairy products to organizations having raffles or give them to families in need. Treat youth sport teams to chocolate milk or ice cream. We have powered milk, why can’t it be donated OHIO NEWS




Pokerface Wins the Pile at the 62nd Annual National Holstein Futurity MS T Triple T Pokerface-ET exhibited by Triple T Holsteins, North Lewisburg, OH

Lovhill Soloman Hearsay exhibited by Phillip and Carrie Topp, Botkins, OH 12





MS T Triple T Pokerface-ET took home the first place banner of the 62nd Annual National Holstein Futurity held on July 27th at the Ohio State Fair. As Yan Jacobs of Quebec, Canada, sorted through the entries, here is how they ended up: 1 MS T Triple T Pokerface-ET exhibited by Triple T Holsteins, North Lewisburg, OH. 2 Lovhill Soloman Hearsay exhibited by Phillip and Carrie Topp, Botkins, OH. 3 Miley Lightening R Gin-Red exhibited by Curtis Bickel, Wilmington, OH. 4 Quietcove Foxys Avacado exhibited by Quietcove Farms, Wapakoneta, OH. 5 Oakfield Brady Thelma-ET exhibited by Phillip and Carrie Topp, Botkins, OH. 6 (1JR) G Lane Carson Tia exhibited by Mariah Troutwine, Greenville, OH. 7 Express SMD Dillon Athena exhibited by Andrew Baumann, Blanchester, OH 8 Brookview AK Likeable-TW exhibited by White-Light Holsteins, McClure, OH 9 Express SMD Nikita-P-Red exhibited by Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Holsteins, Urbana, OH 10 Stan-Mar-Dale Dillion Vespa exhibited by Riley Doria, Urbana, OH The Saturday evening event took place in the Taft Coliseum at the Ohio State Fair as a large crowd was on hand to witness the pomp and circumstance. As Leslie Maurice emceed the show, Mora Menzie, the 12 year old daughter of Jake and Sara Menzie, opened the event with the singing of the National Anthem. The Ohio Holstein Association Queen Kinley Topp arrived in a 2001 Porche driven by Kristy Ackley and owned by Dr. Tony Good while

Judge Yan Jacobs arrived in a corvette owned and driven by Bill Schilling. Special ringside guests of the futurity included Ohio State Fair Queen Lora Current, Bridget Cummings of HAUSA, Ohio State Fair Associates Sharon Martin, Stacy French, Cathann Kress, and OSF Commissioner Steve Reinhard. While Jacobs evaluated the futurity entries, Tom Thorbahn, Steve Moff and Angi Kaverman served as ring stewards. And Aaron Berg and Logan Topp served as sanitation engineers. In addition to those already mentioned, futurity coordinator, Mary Lou Topp, would like to thank the following people for serving to make the National Holstein Futurity a special event: Bill Schilling, Erica Davis, Lindsey Bowen, Keaton Topp, Madelyn Topp, Aubree Topp, Ruth Bambauer, and Jenny Thomas.

Quietcove Foxys Avacado exhibited by Quietcove Farms, Wapakoneta, OH.

Miley Lightening R Gin-Red exhibited by Curtis Bickel, Wilmington, OH

Oakfield Brady Thelma-ET exhibited by Phillip and Carrie Topp, Botkins, OH.

The top five futurity cows from left: Steve Moff, Mary Lou Topp, Ohio State Fair Queen Lora Current, Evan Kiko with the fifth place cow, Jeremy Elsass with the fourth place cow, Johnathan Elsass with the third place cow, Chris Curtis with the second place cow, Nathan Thomas with the winning futurity entry, OHA Queen Kinley Topp, Judge Yan Jacobs.

OHA Queen Kinley Topp was delivered to the ring in a corvette driven by Kristy Ackley.










OHA member Linda Wolf is shining a big light on the dairy industry as she earned the National Mrs. Agriculture USA title. Read how that happened in her own words!

2019 Mrs. Agriculture USA

Linda, Kurt, and their two-yearold son Leo reside on a grain farm in New Bavaria.

Hello, I’m Linda Wolf from New Bavaria, and I am proud be the 2019 National Mrs. Agriculture USA. It still shocks me to say that! I am so blessed that I was chosen to wear the crown and serve as an advocate for agriculture through this new role. When I started on this journey, I never dreamed that I would have the experiences that have unfolded. However, I’m thankful that I have the ability to share my love of agriculture with others and hopefully share what we do as an industry with those who are well removed from the farm. Agriculture has always been an important part of my life; it was instilled in me at a very young age having grown up on the family farm. It did not take long to know that I wanted to be a part of this wonderful community in every facet possible. This passion led me to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture from The Ohio State University, where I met my husband, Kurt. Together with our son, Leo, we grain farm and raise and show dairy cattle. I also have the pleasure of

helping others write their agriculture stories for generations to come, by working for RaboAgrifinance, as a Relationship Manager. I still thought that I could be doing more to help spread the word about our industry and when I learned of the Miss Agriculture USA organization, I thought this could be a fun way to do just that! I applied to be a county queen in Ohio to compete at the Ohio competition. I was fortunate to win the title of Ohio Mrs. Agriculture USA and a trip to the national competition. While at the national event, I met so many wonderful women who are passionate about agriculture and being Agvocates for the industry. While, I was blessed to walk away with a national title, I also created many friends and learned about different industries that we don’t experience every day in Ohio. Through my title I now have the responsibility to spread the word of Agriculture. I do this as much as possible on social media as well as public events. I hope that by having the title of Mrs. Agriculture USA, I am able to help educate consumers and show how farmers are trying their best every day to raise, healthy, delicious, and sustainable products. If you have more questions on the Miss Agriculture USA organization or how to register to be a 2020 queen, you can email me at mrsagricultureusa@outlook.com or follow me on Instagram at @nationalmrsagricultureusa2019 or check out missagricultureusa.org. The Miss Agriculture USA is a new nonprofit queen organization that is much more than just about agriculture, it's about building confidence, promoting self-esteem, developing public speaking skills, shaping strong leaders, networking and forming lasting friendships.

Linda Wolf OHIO NEWS




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Show Results

OSF Grand Champions from left: Bridget Cummings (HAUSA), Jay Ackley, Kristy Ackley, OHA Queen Kinley Topp, Pat Conroy with Res. Grand and Res. Int. Champion Lindale Doorman Felina, Justin Burdette with Grand Champion and Int. Champion Springhill-OH Wind Jada, Lindsey Bowen, Judge Yan Jacobs.

Premier Breeder Topp-View Premier Exhibitor Triple T Holsteins Spring Heifer Calf 1. Ren Bow Corvette Penny, Ren Bow Farms, Rockford, OH 2. K-Kiko High Octane Erin, James Kiko, Paris, OH 3. MSMC William Demp Lady, Triple T Holsteins & Michael Heath, North Lewisburg, OH 4. Toppglen MCC Mooshine, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH 5. Express-SMD Carma, Stan Mar Dale/Express Holsteins, Urbana, OH Winter Heifer Calf 1. Hawver-Brook Applesauce, Ashley & Kelly Hawvermale & Noah Spreng, Shreve, OH 2. Jenneil Diamondback Gracia, Victoria Deam, Sugarcreek, OH 3. Toppglen Defiant Winter, Toppglen, West Salem, OH 4. Etgen-Way Doc Honeymoon, Taylor Klopfenstein, Wapakoneta, OH 5. Petitclerc Soloman Sublime, Alyson & Kenlee Philips, New Bavaria, OH Fall Heifer Calf 1. Ms Triple-T Pinnacle, Colton Thomas, North Lewisburg, OH 2. Tri-Ohio Doorman Amber, Charles Henry, Versailles, OH 3. Silver Mist My Lady-ET, Quietcove Farms, Wapakoneta, OH 4. Kiko Doorman Myila, Rudy Kiko, Salem, OH 5. Toppglen MCC Mooshine, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH Summer Yearling Heifer 1. Ms Triple-T Glamourous, Triple T Holsteins, North Lewisburg, OH 2. J-Kiko Diamondback Mac, James Kiko, Paris, OH 3. Ms Triple T Gorgeous, Peyton Henry, West Liberty, OH 4. Stu-Felt Doorman Debbie, Triple T Holsteins & Michael Heath, North Lewisburg, OH 5. Toppglen Jordy Wildwonder, Wakefield Farms, St. Marys, OH Spring Yearling Heifer 1. Ack-Lee Dooman Lucky Lady, Jay Ackley, East Liberty, OH 2. Rocklan Crush Crystal, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH 3. Siemers Undenied Haya, Cady Mageehee 4. Petitclerc Avalanche Slocum, Tim Cummings, Sidney, OH 5. K-Hurst Doorman Peakaboo, Dustin Schirm, Ashville, OH Winter Yearling 1. Ren Bow Corvette Lollipop, Ren Bow Farms, Rockford, OH 2. Geno Doorman Tesla, Alyson & Kenlee Philips, New Bavaria, 18




Mid-East Summer National Holstein Show • July 27-28, 2019 Columbus, OH • Judge: Yan Jacobs, Quebec 178 Head Shown

OSF Junior Champions from left: Judge Yan Jacobs, Nathan Thomas, Colton Thomas with Jr. Champion Ms Triple-T Pennacle, Noah Spreng with Res. Jr. Champion Hawver-Brook Applesauce, OHA Queen Kinley Topp.

OH 3. Tri-Ohio Crush Alivia-Et, Charlie Henry, Versailles, OH 4. Bucks-Pride Slater Maria, Bucks Pride, Bloomville, OH 5. Beardsly Hi OcTane Bijou, Lundview & Associates, Norwalk, OH Fall Yearling Heifer 1. Brook-Corner Door Wakeup, Grace Gunkelman, Burbank, OH 2. Borderview Byway Sophia, Olivia Finkie, London, OH 3. Brookview Solo Exclusive, Wakefield Farms, St. Marys, OH 4. T-Triple-T Blake Pewter, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH 5. Ray-Jo Wilson Hanky Panky, Maggie Matthews, New Vienna, OH Junior Champion Ms Triple-T Pinnacle, Colton Thomas, North Lewisburg, OH Reserve Junior Champion Hawver-Brook Applesauce, Ashley & Kelly Hawvermale & Noah Spreng, Shreve, OH Best 3 Females 1. Triple T Holsteins 2. Toppglen 3. Rudy Kiko 4. Cole Pond 5. Plainfield Farms Yearlings in Milk 1. Opportunity Gold Pheonix, Damon Bertke & Triple T Holsteins, North Lewisburg, OH 2. Miley Avalanche Genesse, Doeberiener & Bowen, West Salem, OH 3. Vale-O-Skeen Goldwyn Kayla, Kristopher Ackley, East Liberty, OH 4. Twining Integral Specks, Twining Farms, Rochester, OH Junior Two Year Old 1. Weeberlac Tickle-Me-Red, Alyson Philips, New Bavaria, OH 2. Rupp-Vue Doorman Flicker, Madicyn Rupp, Creston, OH 3. Ruann Solomon Jean-7243, Dusty Schirm, Ashville, OH 4. Topp-View Defiant Energy, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH 5. Southern Hills Defnt Legend, Southern Hills, Bethel, OH Senior Two Year Old 1. Ms Awesome Atomic Red, Schilling, Doeberiner & Bowen, West Salem, OH 2. Bertschland Dor Jump-Around, Tyler Meyer, Mount Victory, OH 3. Bulldog McCutch Jade, Evan Kiko, Paris, OH 4. Hodgons Clark Pearl, Topp-View, Wapakoneta, OH


5. Cocalico Goldwyn Morgan, Bowen & Doeberiener, West, Salem, OH Junior Three Year Old 1. J-Kiko Gold Chip Frosty, James Kiko, Paris, OH 2. Kiko Atwood diane, Rudy Kiko, Salem, OH 3. Quietcove Foxys Lollipop, Quietcove Farms, Wapakoneta, OH 4. Maple Tree Mogul Delanie, Zach Steinke, Wapakoneta, OH 5. Bucks-Pride Archrival Amy, Bucks Pride, Bloomville, OH Senior Three Year Old 1. Springhill-OH Wind Jada, Springhill, Big Prairie, OH 2. Lindale Doorman Felina, Jay Ackley, East Liberty, OH 3. T Triple T Golden Polish, Triple T Holsteins, North Lewisburg, OH 4. Toppglenn Awesome Wildflower, Toppglenn West Salem, OH 5. Toppglenn Defiant Woowee, Toppglen, West Salem, OH Intermediate Champion Springhill-OH Wind Jada, Springhill, Big Prairie, OH Reserve Intermediate Champion Lindale Doorman Felina, Ack-Lee Holsteins and Pat Conroy, East Liberty, OH Four Year Old 1. Brookview Absolute Snicker, Garrett Havens, Fremont, OH 2. Express SMD Mystique-Red exhibited Stan Mar Dale Express Holsteins, Urbana, OH 3. Vale-O-Skene Lauthority Kitty, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH 4. Stunning Corvette Google, Lundview & Associates, Norwalk, OH 5. Comestar Hope Goldwyn, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Holsteins, Urbana, OH Five Year Old 1. T-Triple-T Play it Again, Triple T Holsteins, North Lewisburg, OH 2. Topp-View Attitude-Red, Topp-View, Wapakoneta, OH 3. Quietcove Windbrook Fine, Quietcove Farms, Wapakoneta, OH 4. T-Triple-T Primrose Polish, Triple T Holsteins, North Lewisburg, OH 5. Futurama Atwood Lynell, Aubree Topp, Botkins, OH Aged Cow 1. Rupp-Vue Seaver Melissa, Rupp-Vue, Creston, OH 2. Harvue Windhammer Frankie, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH 3. Balmoral Mayfield Orchid exhibited Keith Richardson,

Mid-East Summer National Holstein Show (continued) Wapakoneta, OH 150,000 lbs 1. Ky Blue Allen Rachel, Topp-View, Wapakoneta, OH 2. Wakefield Atlantic Alana, Wakefield & Quietcove Farms, St Marys, OH Senior Champion T-Triple-T Play it Again, Triple T, North Lewisburg, OH Reserve Senior Champion Brookview Absolute Snicker, Garrett Havens, Fremont, OH

Grand Champion Springhill-OH Wind Jade, Springhill, Big Prairie, OH Reserve Grand Champion Lindale Doorman Felina, Jay Ackley, East Liberty, OH Best Bred and Owned Springhill-OH Wind Jada, Springhill, Big Prairie, OH Dam and Daughter 1. Topp-View Produce of Dam 1. Triple T Holsteins

Show Results Spring Heifer Calf 1. Ms PV AL Tattoo Cherish, Kris Ackley, West Liberty, OH 2. Ren Bow Corvette Penny, Ruth Bambauer, St Mary, OH 3. Toppglen MCC Moonshine, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH 4. NC-MTN Tattoo American, Hannah Griffith, Bethel, OH 5. Topp-View Annabell, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH Winter Heifer Calf 1. Petitclerc Soloman Sublime, Alyson Philips, New Bavaria, OH 2. Etgen-Way Doc Honeymoon, Taylor Klopfenstein, Wapakoneta, oh 3. Toppglen Defiant Winter, Marissa Topp, West Salem, OH 4. Pond-Ridge McCutchen Tiger, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH 5. Toppglen Sugarcrush, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH Fall Heifer Calf 1. Toppglen Jacoby Wooka-ET, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH 2. Richman Ca MaeMae Ty, Gage Workman, Belmont, OH 3. Ms Triple-T Pinnacle-ET, Kolton Thomas, North Lewisburg, OH 4. Borderview Gldwyn Hummer, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH 5. Beardsly Doc Graciela, Justin Landes, East Canton, OH Summer Yearling Heifer 1. Arethusa Capture Addy, Rachel Beat, Norwalk, OH 2. Ms T-Triple-T Glamourous, Kolton Thomas, North Lewisburg, OH 3. Ms T-Triple-T Gorgeous, Peyton Henry, West Liberty, OH 4. White-Light Diamondback Isold, Ava Bundy, McClure, OH 5. Kingsway Unix Ledger, Kenlee Philips, New Bavaria, OH Spring Yearling Heifer 1. Rockland Crush Crystal, Kris Ackley, Easy Liberty, OH 2. Ben-Alli Grip Crush Millay, Tim Gunkelman, Burbank, OH 3. Borderview Crush Brita, Cora Gunkelman, Medina, OH 4. Siemers Undenied Haya, Cady Mageehee Winter Yearling Heifer 1. Kolors Konfesion-ET, Ava Bundy, McClure, OH 2. Ren Bow Corvette Lollipop, Ruth Bambauer, St. Marys, OH 3. Beardsly Hi Octane Bijou, Cooper Marsh, Norwalk, OH 4. Tri-Ohio crush Alivia-ET, Cale Henry, Versailles, OH

OSF Jr. Show Junior Champions from left: Judge Ryan Krohlow, Logan Topp with Jr. Champion Toppglen Jacoby Wooka-ET, Alyson Philips with Res. Jr. Champion Peticlerc Soloman Sublime, OHA Queen Kinley Topp.

2. Topp-View 3. Topp-View Best 3 Females 1. Triple T Holsteins 2. Topp-View 3. Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Holsteins Dairy Herd 1. Topp-View 2. Stan-Mar-Dale Express

Mid-East Summer National Junior Holstein Show • July 26, 2019 Columbus, OH • Judge: Ryan Krohlow

Fall Yearling Heifer 1. Brook-Corner Door Wakeup, Grace Gunkelman, Burbank, OH 2. Brookiew Solo Exclusive, Carter Liette, St, Marys, OH 3. Ray-Jo Wilson Hanky Panky, Maggie Matthews, New Vienna, OH 4. Borderview Byway Sophia, Olivia Finkie, London, OH 5. Bottom Line Rubens Becca, Cali Bauman Junior Champion of the 4-H Show Toppglen Jacoby Wooka-E, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH Reserve Junior Champion of the 4-H Show Etgen-Way Doc Honeymoon, Taylor OSF Jr. Show Grand Champions from Left: Judge Ryan Krohlow, Kayla Cring Klopfenstein, Wapakoneta, OH with Grand Champion Stunning Corvette Google, Zachary Steinke with Res. Junior Champion of the JR Show Toppglen Jacoby Wooka-E, Logan Grand Champion Maple-Tree Mogul Delani, OHA Queen Kinley Topp. Reserve Intermediate Champion of JR National Show Topp, West Salem, OH Ms Doorman Gill-ET, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH Reserve Junior Champion of the JR Show Petitclerc Soloman Sublime, Alyson Philips, New Bavaria, OH Four Year Old Cow 1. Stunning Corvette Google, Kayla Cring, Norwalk, OH Junior Two Year Old 2. Brookview Absolute Snicker, Garrett Havens, Fremont, OH 1. Topp-View Defiant Energy, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH 3. Topp-View Lane Auro, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH 2. Rupp-Vue Doorman Freckle, Madisyn Rupp, Creston, OH 3. Etgen Winner Beemer Sophia, Drake Knoll, North Fairfield, OH 4. Oakvale Armani Catalina, Olivia Finkie, London, OH Five Year Old Cow 4. Oakvale Corvette Brie, Olivia Finkie, London, OH 1. Topp-View Attitude Racey, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH 5. Southern Hills Defiant Legend, Shelby Griffith, Bethel, OH 2. Futurama Atwood Lynell, Aubree Topp, Botkins, OH Senior Two Year Old Aged Cow 1. Stan-Mar-Dale Quervo, Riley Doria, Perrysburg, OH 2. Indian-stone Intelligent Gipsy-ET, Henry Cale, Versailles, OH Balmoral Mayfield Orchid, Alex Richardson, Wapakoneta, OH 150,00lbs Cow 3. Hodgons Clark Pearl, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH 4. Correction Kar-Je Crush Prentice, Aaron Carle, East Roches- 1. Wakefield Atlantic, Carter Liette, Saint Marys, OH 2. Ky Blue Allen Rachel, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH ter, OH 3. Brookview-E PT Diligent, Garrett Havens, Fremont, OH Junior Three Year Old 1. Maple-Tree Mogul Delani, Zachary Steinke, Wapakoneta, OH Dry Cow 1. Ms Morsan Picol Tsuhami, Cole Heger, Camden OH 2. Topp-View Atwood Ma, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH 2. Miss Revenge Tiana, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH Senior Three Year Old Senior Champion of the 4-H Show 1. Ms Doorman Gill-ET, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH Stunning Corvette Google, Kayla Cring, Norwalk, OH 2. Topp Glen Defiant Wow Wee, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH 3. Toppglen Awesome Wildflower, Marissa Topp, West Salem, OH Reserve Senior Champion of the 4-H Show Topp-View Attitude Racey, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH 4. Vevlet-View Jolly, Logan Schlauch, Big Prairie, OH Senior Champion of the JR National Show 5. Stan-Mar-Dale Dillion Vespa, Riley Doria, Perrysburg, OH Stunning Corvette Google, Kayla Cring, Norwalk, OH Intermediate Holstein Champion of the 4-H Show Maple-Tree Mogul Delani, Zachary Steinke, Wapakoneta, OH Reserve Senior Champion of the JR National Show Topp-View Attitude Racey, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH Reserve Intermediate Champion of the 4-H Show Grand Champion of the JR Show Ms Doorman Gill-ET, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH Stunning Corvette Google, Kayla Cring, Norwalk, OH Intermediate Holstein Champion of JR National Show Maple-Tree Mogul Delani, Zachary Steinke, Wapakoneta, OH Reserve Grand Champion of the JR Show Maple-Tree Mogul Delani, Zachary Steinke, Wapakoneta, OH OHIO NEWS




Show Results Spring Heifer Calf 1. TaG Awesome Joanie, Tim Gunkelman, Burbank, OH 2. Shade Line Ann Hyo Lydia, Charles Gleisner, Greenwich, OH 3. Macs BHF Disorderly Red, Yoder & Mcmahan, West Salem, OH 4. Jacher Rosedale J Lovie, Korey Oeschle, Vert Wert, OH 5. Topp-View Ow Annabell, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH Winter Heifer Calf 1. Bucks Pride Defiant Suz Red, Bucks Pride, Bloomville, OH 2. Miley Unstoppable Garden Red, Adam Neider, Carrollton, OH 3. Call-Del Boris Robin Red, Call-Del Farms, South Charleston, OH 4. Topp-View Awesome Fire Red, Llillian Finkie, London, OH 5. Lah-Dale AC Scarlet Red, Chris Lahmers, Marysville, OH Fall Heifer Calf 1. Silver Mist Miley Red, Lily Elsass, Wapakoneta, OH 2. Jacher Red hot Rose Red, Korey Oeschle, Van Wert, OH 3. HS Hotstuff Helen Red, Noah Spreng, Shreve, OH 4. Richman Ca MaeMae Ty, Gage Workman, Belmont, OH 5. Richlin J Diamondback Clue Red, Ally Cupps, Dayton, OH Summer Yearling Heifer 1. Bucks Pride Diamondback Boo, Bucks Pride, Bloomville, OH 2. Future Manor Hurricane Red, Cole Heger, Camden, OH Spring Yearling Heifer 1. Ms Macs BHF Diamond Red, Yoder & McMahan, West Salem, OH 2. Topp-View Addiction Ariel, Topp-View, Wapakoneta, OH 3. Ms Wabashway Diamondback Mae, Chris Lahmers, Marysville, OH 4. Mars-Rust AD Strawberry Red, Ally Cupps, Dayton, OH Winter Yearling Heifer 1. Richlin J Jordy Stella Red, Ally Cupps, Dayton, OH 2. Blondin Jordy Doria, CCCC Gunkelman, OH 3. Wabash Diamondback Treava, Wabash-Way, New Weston, OH 4. Beardsley DB Ginger, Jim Beardsley, Sugarcreek, OH 5. Intense Devour Pomlisa, Alyson Philips, New Bavaria, OH Fall Yearling Heifer 1. Iron-Gate Temper, Lindsey Lamoreaux, Louisville, OH Junior Champion Silver Mist Miley Red, Lily Elsass, Wapakoneta, OH Reserve Junior Champion Jacher Red hot Rose Red, Korey Oeschle, Van Wert, OH Junior Best Three Topp-View Dry Cow 1. Ms Morson Picolo Tsunami, Cole Heger, Camden, OH 2. Miss Revenge Tiana, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH 3. Stan Mar Dale Express Entry Junior Two Year Old 1. Weberlac Tickle-Me-Red, Alyson Philips, New Bavaria, OH 2. Call-Del Awesome Game Day, Lydia Kaverman, South Charleston, OH Senior Two Year Old 1. Ms Awesome Atomic Red, Schilling, Doeberiner, Bowen 2. Shoresbrook P Butter Red, B.Cates, J Zeh, S. Morrill, J Lomeo, D&N Schirm Junior Three Year Old 1. Miley Lighting R Gin, Curtis Bickel, Wilmington, OH 2. Macs BHF CT Dianna Red, Yoder & McMahan, West Salem, OH 3. G-Lane Carson Tia Red, Mariah Troutwine, Greenville, OH Senior Three Year Old 20




Mid-East Summer National Red & White Show • July 28, 2019 Columbus, OH • Judge: Chip Savage

OSF Grand Champions from left: OHA Queen Kinley Topp, Justin Burdette with Res. Grand and Res. Intermediate Champion Ms Awesome Atomic-Red, Alyson Philips with Grand and Int. Champion Weberlac Tickle-Me-Red, Linda Wolf and Judge Chip Savage.

OSF Senior Champions from left: OHA Queen Kinley Topp, Clark Morgan with Res. Senior Champion Express-SMD Mystique, Delbert Yoder with Senior Champion Mac Acres Dy 523-Red, Judge Chip Savage, Tenah McMahan.

OSF Junior Champions from left: OHA Queen Kinley Topp, Korey Oechsle with Res. Jr. Champion Jacher Red Hot RoseRed, Lilly Elsass with Jr. Champion Silver Mist Miley-Red, Judge Chip Savage.


Mid-East Summer National Red & White Show (continued) 1. Velvet View Return Red, Triple T/Gary Jones, I&I Cattle, 2. C Skidmore Abs Renegade, Chelsea Skidmore, Union City, OH Intermediate Champion Weberlac Tickle-Me-Red, by Alyson Philips, New Bavaria, OH Reserve Intermediate Champion Ms Awesome Atomic Red, Schilling, Doeberiner, Bowen Four Year Old 1. Express-SMD Mystrique, Stan Mar Dale, Urbana OH 2. Blondin Seismee A-Red, Mariah Troutwine, Greenville, OH

Five Year Old 1. Future Manor Einnamen-Red, Cole Heger, Camden, OH 125,000 Lbs Macs Acres Dy 523-Red, Yoder & McMahan, West Salem, OH Senior Champion Female Macs Acres Dy 523-Red exhibited by Yoder & McMahan, West Salem, OH Reserve Senior Champion Female Express-SMD Mystrique exhibited by Stan Mar Dale, Urbana OH Grand Champion

Show Results

OSF Junior Show Grand Champions from left: Judge Jordan Siemers, Wyatt Schlaugh with Grand Champion Velvet View Def Repeat-Red, Ava Budny with Res. Grand Champion Greenleaf ABS Sweetie-Red, OHA Queen Kinley Topp. Spring Heifer Calf 1. TaG Awesome Joanie, Tim & Grace Gunkelman, Burbank, OH 2. Jacher Rosedale J Lovie Red, Korey Oeschle, Van Wert, OH 3. Topp-View Annabee, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH 4. Macs BHF Disorderly Red, Carissa Pittman, West Salem, OH 5. Pondvue Awesome Taffy Red, Kody Pond, Bellefontaine, OH Winter Heifer Calf 1. Topp-View Awesome Fire, Lillian Finkie, London, OH 2. Call-Del Boris Robin Red, Lydia Kaverman, South Charleston, OH 3. Lah-Dale AC Scarlet Red, Elaina Lahmers, Maryville, OH 4. Do Ra Me Jackpot Raelyn, Cora Gunkelman, Medina, OH 5. White Light Diamondback Bday Girl Red, Nora Bundy, McClure, OH Summer Yearling Heifer 1. Future Manor Hurricane Red, Cole Heger, Camden OH Spring Yearling Heifer 1. Macs BHF Diamond Red, Carissa Pittman, West Salem, OH 2. Topp-View Addiction Red, Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH 3. Ms Wabashway Diamondback Mae, Elaina Lahmers, Maryville, OH 4. Mars Rust AD Strawberry Red, Ally Cupps, Dayton, OH Winter Yearling Heifer 1. Blondin Jordy Daria Red, Cora Gunkelman, Medina, OH 2. Intense Devour Pomlisa Red, Alyson & Kenlee Philips, New Bavaria, OH

Weberlac Tickle-Me-Red exhibited by Alyson Philips, New Bavaria, OH Reserve Grand Champion Ms Awesome Atomic Red exhibited by Schilling, Doeberiner, Bowen

Mid-East Summer National Junior Red & White Junior Show July 25, 2019 • Columbus, OH • Judge: Jordan Siemers

OSF Junior Show Junior Champions from left: Judge Jordan Siemers, Lilly Elsass with Jr. Champion Silver Mist My Lady-Red, Cora Gunkelman with Res. Jr. Champion Blondin Jordy Daria-Red, OHA Queen Kinley Topp.

3. BGP Awesome Bombshell Red, Jenna Griffith, Bethel, OH 4. Richlin J Jordy Stella-Red, Ally Cupps, Dayton, OH Fall Yearling Heifer 1. Iron Gate Temper Red, Lindsay Lamoreaux, Louisville, OH Junior Champion of the 4-H Show Silver Mist My Lady Red, Lilly Elsass, Wapakoneta, OH Reserve Junior Champion of the 4-H Show Blondin Jordy Daria Red, Cora Gunkelman, Medina, OH Junior Champion of the National Junior Show Silver Mist My Lady Red, Lilly Elsass, Wapakoneta, OH Reserve Junior Champion of the National Junior Show Jacher Redhot Rose Red, Korey Oeschle, Van Wert, OH Junior Two Year Old 1. Weeberlac Tickle-Me-Red, by Alyson Phillips, New Bavaria, OH 2. Call-Del Awesome Gameday, Lydia Kaverman, South Charleston, OH Senior Two Year Old 1. Velvet View Def Repeat Red exhibited by Wyatt Schlauch, Big Prairie, OH 2. Greenleaf ABS Sweetie Red exhibited by Ava Bundy, McClure, OH 3. Gar-Len Capt Brandy Red exhibited by Sarah Quallen, Wilmington, OH Senior Two Year Old 1. Velvet View Def Repeat Red, Wyatt Schlauch, Big Prairie, OH

2. Greenleaf ABS Sweetie Red, Ava Bundy, McClure, OH 3. Gar-Len Capt Brandy Red, Sarah Quallen, Wilmington, OH Junior Three Year Old 1. G-Lane Carson Tia Red, Mariah Troutwine, Greenville, OH Senior Three Year Old 1. Miss Absolute Luna Red, Ally Cupps, Dayton, OH Intermediate Champion Weeberlac Tickle-Me-Red, Alyson Phillips, New Bavaria, OH Reserve Intermediate Champion Velvet View Def Repeat Red, Wyatt Schlauch, Big Prairie, OH Four Year Old Cow 1. Blondin Seisme Red, Mariah Troutwine, Greenville, OH Five Year Old Cow 1. Future Manor D Cinnamon Red, Cole Heger, Camden, OH Dry Cow 1. Ms Morsan Previous Tsunami, Cole Heger, Camden, OH 2. Miss Revenge Tianna Red, Topp-View, Botkins, Wapakoneta, OH Senior Champion Blondin Seisme Red, Mariah Troutwine, Greenville, OH Reserve Senior Champion Future Manor D Cinnamon Red, Cole Heger, Camden, OH Grand Champion Miss Absolute Luna Red, Ally Cupps, Dayton, OH Reserve Grand Champion Blondin Seisme Red, Mariah Troutwine, Greenville, OH





Show Results

Ohio Holstein District 1 & 2 Show • June 22, 2019 Lisbon, OH • Judge: Phil Topp 88 Head Shown

Show Results

Ohio Holstein District 3 Show • June 15, 2019 Dover, OH • Judge: Keith Topp, Botkins, OH

Premier Breeder Whiteleather Farms Premier Exhibitor Jim & Evan Kiko of Kiko Farms LLP Spring Heifer Calf 1. (JR) A Logansway Kingboy Chloe, Peyton Corson, Farmdale, OH 2. E-Kiko Diamondback Jodi, Evan Kiko, Paris, OH 3. Miss Solomon Ava, Tabatha Sherbourne, Burghill, OH 4. Ms OH Riven Syn Doc Ripley, Neal Deam, Sugarcreek, OH 5. (JR) A Logansway Undenied Venus, Grant Corson, Farmdale, OH Winter Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Jenneil Diamondback Gracia, Emily & Victoria Deam, Sugarcreek, OH 2. Plainfield Friction ET, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH 3. (JR) Riceton Goldchip, Avery Rice, Farmdale, OH 4. Whin-Way Doorman Pea, Whin-Way Holsteins, Beloit, OH 5. (JR) Bulldog Solomon Sassy, Tim Gunkelman, Burbank, OH Fall Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Kiko Doorman Mylia, R&P Kiko Farms, OH 2. Uber-Haven Defiant Sexything, Vanessa Philson, Mercer, PA 3. (JR) Beardsley Doc Graciela, J Landis & C Gunkelman, East Canton, OH 4. Lou-Ida Undenied Ann, Louis Liming, Mineral Ridge, OH 5. (JR) A Logansway Beemer Bugsy, Jeff Logan, Farmdale, OH Summer Yearling Heifer 1. (JR) Kiko Diamondback Mitzi, R&P Kiko Farms, Salem, OH 2. J-Kiko Diamondback Mac, Kiko Farms, Paris, OH 3. (JR) A Logansway Beemer Silky, Zac Logan, Farmdale, OH 4. Lou-Ida Kingboy Lily, Preston Sheets, Cortland, OH 5. (JR) A Logansway Diamondback Wiskers, Matt Logan, Farmdale, OH Spring Yearling Heifer 1. Riceton Crush Iris, Riceton Farm, Farmdale, OH 2. Kiko Doorman Marlyn, R&P Kiko Farms, Salem, OH 3. Plainfield Sid Beauty Bourbon, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH 4. (JR) LindLaur Diamondback Andre, Lauren L’Amoreaux, Louisville, OH 5. Rocklan Crush Eyepod, Zac Logan, Farmdale, OH Winter Yearling Heifer 1. Beardsley Diamondback Ginger Red, Jim Beardsley, Damascus, OH 2. (JR) Breezy Knoll Solomon Blair, Grant Cope, Salem, OH 3. (JR) Rocklan Kingboy Lillypad, Zac Logan, Farmdale, OH 4. (JR) Pine-Tree King Abba, Lindsay L’Amoreaux, Louisville, OH

Premier Breeder and Exhibitor: Plainfield Farms Spring Heifer Calf 1. Toppglen Mcc Moonshine, Toppglen, West Salem, OH 2. Toppglen Awesome Woohoo, Toppglen, West Salem, OH 3. Hardingdale Unix Wren, Hardingdale Holsteins, New Philadelphia, OH 4. Hardingdale Union Acika, Hardingdale Holsteins, New Philadelphia, OH 5. Zimmerview Jordy Ollie-Red, Zimmerview Dairy, Marietta, OH Winter Heifer Calf 1. Toppglen Defiant Winter, Toppglen, West Salem, OH 22




5. Lorawae McCutchen Liz, Lorawae Holsteins, Salem, OH Fall Yearling Heifer 1. (JR) OCD Awesome Lyric Red, Zac Logan, Farmdale, OH 2. All-Alo Corvette Kardashian, Bret Keister & Shelby Proctor, Centerville, PA 3. (JR) Iron-Gate Tempe Red, Lindsay L’Amoreaux, Louisville, OH 4. (JR) Lou-Ida Leo Winnie, Louis Liming, Mineral Ridge, OH Junior Champion JR Show Kiko Diamondback Mitzi, R&P Kiko Farms, Salem, OH Reserve Junior Champion JR Show OCD Awesome Lyric Red, Zac Logan, Farmdale, OH Junior Champion Kiko Doorman Mylia, R&P Kiko Farms, Salem, OH Reserve Junior Champion Riceton Crush Iris, Riceton Farm, Farmdale, OH Junior Best Three R&P Kiko Farms Milking Yearling Uber-Haven Imablack Diamondback, Vanessa Philson, Mercer, PA Junior Two Year Old 1. Entourage GC Asia, Tabatha Sherbourne, Burghill, OH 2. (JR) Paradise R Haddy, Emma Ramsey, Louisville, OH 3. J-Kiko Loyola, Jim Kiko, Paris, OH 4. Bomeg McCutchen Cristyn, Tess Nellville, Lisbon, OH Senior Two Year Old 1. Bulldog McCutchen Jade, Evan Kiko, Paris, OH 2. (JR) EZ Witt Netflix & Chill, Lauren L’Amoreaux, Louisville, OH 3. Kiko Atwood Kelly, R&P Kiko Farms, Salem, OH 4. Quality Quest Fireline, Ben Simpson & Doug Dye, Belmont, OH 5. Lorawae Uber Corvette Petal, Lorawae Holsteins, Salem, OH Junior Three Year Old 1. (JR) Kiko Atwood Diane, Elizabeth Kiko, Salem, OH 2. J Kiko Goldchip Frosty, Evan Kiko, Paris, OH 3. Iron-Gate McCutchen, Adam Whiteleather, Salem, OH 4. Glennwood Doorman Rachael, Evan Kiko, Salem, OH 5. (JR) Quality Quest Clark Jasmine, Micah Dye, Beloit, OH Senior Threes Year Old 1. Express SMD Armani Tassle, Todd Unkefer & Damion Wallace 2. Whiteleather Armani Red, Whiteleather Holsteins, Salem, OH Intermediate Champion JR Show Kiko Atwood Diane, Elizabeth Kiko of R&P Kiko Farms, Salem, OH

2. Plainfield Crush Friction, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH 3. Lofty-Meadow Undenied Meadow, Lofty-Meadow, Belmont, OH Fall Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Toppglen Jacoby Wooka-ET, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH 2. (JR) Richman CA Maema, Gage Workman, Belmont, OH 3. Shanghigh Smist Dickie, Proud Hill Acres, Carrollton, OH 4. Lofty-Meadow Defiant Macy, Lofty-Meadow, Belmont, OH Summer Yearling 1. Plainfield Doorman Fiesta-ET, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH 2. Zimmerview Jordy Macie-Red, Zimmerview Dairy, Marietta, OH


Reserve Intermediate JR Show EZ Witt Netflix & Chill, Lauren L’Amoreaux, Louisville, OH Intermediate Champion Kiko Atwood Diane, Elizabeth Kiko of R&P Kiko Farm, Salem, OH Reserve Intermediate Champion Express SMD Armani Tassle, Todd Unkefer & Damion Wallace Four Year Old 1. Beardsley Atwood Gwynne, Jim Beardsley, Sugarcreek, OH 2. Whiteleather Corvette, Whiteleather Holsteins, Salem, OH 3. Uber-Haven Linjets Casey, Vanessa Philson, Mercer, PA 4. (JR) Ms D Angel Dezirai, Lindsay L’Amoreaux, Louisville, OH 5. Whiteleather Scarlet, Whiteleather Holsteins, Salem, OH Grand Champion Cow Kiko Atwood Diane, Elizabeth Kiko of R&P Kiko Farm, Salem, OH Reserve Grand Champion Cow Express SMD Armani Tassle, Todd Unkefer & Damion Wallace Senior Champion Beardsley Atwood Gwynne, Jim Beardsley, Sugarcreek, OH Reserve Senior Champion Whiteleather Corvette, Whiteleather Holsteins, Salem, OH Grand Champion JR Show Kiko Atwood Diane, Elizabeth Kiko of R&P Kiko Farm, Salem, OH Reserve Grand Champion JR Show EZ Witt Netflix & Chill, Lauren L’Amoreaux, Louisville, OH Senior Champion JR Show Ms D Angel Dezirai, Lindsay L’AmoreauOH Louisville, OH Reserve Senior Champion JR Show Windawn Windbrook Mercy, Cora Gunkelman, Medina, OH Dry Cow 1. Koneta SG Goldchip Dancer, Evan Kiko, Paris, OH 150,000 lb Cow 1. Whiteleather Sandy, Whiteleather Farms, Salem, OH Aged Cow 1. (JR) Windawn Windbrook Mercy, Cora Gunkelman, Medina, OH 2. (JR) Miss Hot Tamale Red, Tim Gunkelman, Burbank, OH Five Year Old 1. Ms Rose-Vue Aaron Pamela, Aaron Carle, East Rochester, OH Best Three Females Whiteleather Farms Dam & Daughter Aaron Carle Produce of Dam Whiteleather Farms

3. (JR) Redcarpet Doc Holliday, J-Car Farms, Aaron Carle, East Rochester, OH Spring Yearling 1. MS Sid Beauty PF Bourbon-ET, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH 2. Plainfield Solomon Gin, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH Fall Yearling 1. Abbigail, Hardingdale Holsteins, New Philadelphia, OH 2. Whammer Marky, Lofty-Meadow, Belmont, OH 3. OH-River-Syn DBack Bella-ET, Zimmerview Dairy, Marietta, OH Junior Champion Jr Show Toppglen Jacoby Wooka-ET, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH

Ohio Holstein District 3 Show (continued) Res. Junior Champion Richman CA Maema, Gage Workman, Belmont, OH Junior Champion Open Show Toppglen Jacoby Wooka-ET, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH Res. Junior Champion MS Sid Beauty PF Bourbon-ET, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH Junior Best Three 1. Toppglen 2. Plainfield Farm 3. Lofty-Meadow Junior Two-Year-Old 1. Lofty Meadow Chrome Plum, Lofty-Meadow, Belmont, OH 2. Plainfield RB Glitter-Red, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH Senior Two-Year-Old 1. Jacobs Sid Bubble-ET, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH 2. Quality Quest Fireline, Quality Quest and Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH 3. (JR) Toppglen Atwood Winner-ET, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH 4. Plainfield Solomon Fang-ET, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH 5. (JR) Kae-Je Crush Prentice, Aaron Carle, East Rochester, OH Junior Three-Year-Old 1. (JR) Hardingdale Maximas Mim, Ella Seibert, New Philadel-

phia, OH 2. Lofty Meadows Entry 3. Hartline Diamondback Luck-ET, Hartline Valley Farms, Marietta, OH Senior Three-Year-Old 1. (JR) Toppglen Defiant Wowee, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH 2. (JR) Toppglen Awesome Wildflower, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH 3. (JR) Hardingdale Brady Puma, Ella Seibert, New Philadelphia, OH Intermediate Champion Jr Show Toppglen Defiant Wowee, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH Res. Intermediate Champion Kae-Je Crush Prentice, Aaron Carle, East Rochester, OH Intermediate Champion Open Jacobs Sid Bubble-ET, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH Res. Intermediate Champion Toppglen Defiant Wowee, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH Four-Year-Old 1. Starmark Reality Ritzy-Red, J-Car Farm, East Rochester, OH Five-Year-Old 1. (JR) Hard-Razor ATW Westlyn-ET, Isabel Siebert, New Phila-

delphia, OH 2. JR) MS-Rose-Vue Aaron Pamela, Aaron Carle, East Rochester, OH 3. Plainfield Gold C Nadene, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH Aged Cow 1. Harvue Windhammer Franki, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH Senior Champion Jr. Show Hard-Razor ATW Westlyn-ET, Isabel Siebert, Uhrichsville, OH Res. Senior Champion MS-Rose-Vue Aaron Pamela, Aaron Carle, East Rochester, OH Grand Champion Jr Show Toppglen Defiant Wowee, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH Res. Grand Champion Hard-Razor ATW Westlyn-ET, Isabel Siebert, Uhrichsville, OH Senior Champion Open Show Harvue Windhammer Franki, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH Res. Senior Champion Hard-Razor ATW Westlyn-ET, Isabel Siebert, Uhrichsville, OH Grand Champion Open Show Harvue Windhammer Franki, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH Res. Grand Champion Jacobs Sid Bubble-ET, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH

Show Results

Ohio Holstein District 5 Show • June 16, 2019 Circleville, OH • Judge: Delbert Yoder

Show Results

Ohio Holstein District 7 Show • July 11, 2019 Wooster, OH • Judge: Brian Coyne 67 Head Shown

Premier Breeder Conrad Farms Premier Exhibitor Conrad Farms Spring Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Pondvue Awesome Taffy-Red, Kody Pond, Bellefontaine, OH 2. (JR) Conrad House Bella, Kadence Scholz, Circleville, OH Winter Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Conrad House Kadie, Kadence Scholz, Circleville, OH Fall Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Pond-Ridge Defiant Champ, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH 2. (JR) Jeffrey-Way Amplify-Red, Kaleb Pond, Bellefontaine, OH 3. (JR) Conrad Attico Spare, Maylon Conrad, New Holland, OH Summer Yearling Heifer 1. (JR) Pond-Ridge GoldChip Wow, Cole, Pond, Woodstock, OH 2. Ms Franchise Sid Act II, Franchise/Silver Mist, Ashville, OH 3. Siemers Awesome June-Red, Franchise/Silver Mist, Ashville, OH 4. Ty-Lee Entry Spring Yearling Heifer 1. K-Hurst Doorman Peekaboo ET, Franchise/Silver Mist, Ashville, OH Fall Yearling Heifer

Premier Breeder Toppglen Farm Premier Exhibitor Toppglen Farm Spring Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Tag Awesome Joanie Red, Tim Gunkelman, Burbank, OH 2. (JR) Toppglen MCC Moonshine, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH 3. Macs-BHF Disorderly-Red, Macs-BHF, West Salem, OH 4. Wil-San Solomon Dixie, Wil-San Farm, Wooster, OH 5. Rupp-Vue Awesome Flare, Rupp-Vue Farm, Sterling, OH

1. Silver-Mist Airlift Paisley, Johnnie & Jessica Johnson, Ashville, OH 2. Ty-Lee Entry Junior Champion JR. Show Pond-Ridge GoldChip Wow, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH Reserve Junior Champion JR Show Pond-Ridge Defiant Champ, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH Junior Champion K-Hurst Doorman Peekaboo-ET, Franchise & Silver Mist, Ashville, OH Reserve Junior Champion (JR) Pond-Ridge GoldChip Wow, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH Junior Best Three Females Conrad Farms Senior Three Year Old 1. (JR) Ms Doorman Gill-ET, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH 2. (JR) Conrad Dorcy Dorothy, Maylon Conrad, New Holland, OH Intermediate Champion Open & JR Show Ms Doorman Gill-ET, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH Reserve Intermediate Champion Open & JR Show Conrad Dorcy Dorothy, Maylon Conrad, New Holland, OH Aged Cow 1. (JR) Conrad Goldchip Twylight, Maylon Conrad, New Holland, OH

Winter Heifer Calf 1. (JR)Bulldog Solomon Sassy, Tim Gunkleman, Burbank, OH 2. (JR)Toppglen Defiant Winter, Marissa Topp, West Salem, OH 3. (JR)Toppglen Sugar Crush, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH 4. (JR)Miley Unstopabull Glinn Red, Kourtney Kliner, West Salem, OH 5. Toppglen WS Atwood Wow, Wil-San Farm, Wooster, OH Fall Heifer Calf 1. (JR)Toppglen Jacoby Wooka, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH

150,000 Cow 1 (JR) Conrad Buckeye Delaware, Maylon Conrad, New Holland, OH Senior Champion Open & JR Show Conrad Goldchip Twylight, Maylon Conrad, New Holland, OH Reserve Senior Champion Open & JR Show Conrad Buckeye Delaware, Maylon Conrad, New Holland, OH Grand Champion Open & Junior Show Ms Doorman Gill-ET, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH Reserve Grand Champion Open & Junior Show Conrad Goldchip Twylight, Maylon Conrad, New Holland, OH Best Udder (JR) Conrad Goldchip Twylight, Maylon Conrad, New Holland, OH Best Three Females 1. Conrad Farms Dam & Daughter 1. Conrad Farms Supreme Champion Heifer Crestbrooke Barnabas My Oh My, Franchise (Jersey Winter Calf) Supreme Champion Cow (JR) Ms Doorman Gill-ET, Cole Pond, Woodstock, OH

2. (JR)Miley Diamondback Glider Red, David Miley, West Salem, OH 3. (JR)GlenPaul BE Undenied, Logan & Marissa Topp, West Salem, OH 4. (JR)Vailwood Diamondback Harlie, Grace Gunkleman, Burbank, OH Summer Yearling Heifer 1. Toppglen Atwood Whiskey is Awesome, Marissa & Logan Topp, West Salem, OH 2. Wil-San Diamondback Doll, Wil-San Farm, Wooster, OH





Ohio Holstein District 7 Show (continued) Spring Yearling Heifer 1. Macs BHF Diamond Red, Macs-BHF, West Salem, OH 2. (JR)Budjon-Abbot CRH Arise, Madison Rupp, Sterling, OH 3. (JR)Toppglen Beemer Paid, Tanner Topp, West Salem, OH 4. (JR)Velvet-View Airlift Tory, Wyatt Schlauch, Big Prairie, OH 5. (JR)Toppglen Atwood Wazinga, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH Winter Yearling Heifer 1. (JR)Miley Doorman Gets-Me-Going, David Miley, West Salem, OH 2. (JR)TK-Plain View Dierdre, Nolan Portz, Loudonville, OH 3. (JR)KC Lund-View Sadie, Conner Portz, Loudonville, OH 4. (JR)K-Time Diamond Trinity, Kourtney Kliner, West Salem, OH Fall Yearling Heifer 1. (JR)Brook-Corner Doorman Wakeup, Grace Gunkelman, Burbank, OH 2. (JR)Toppglen Braxton Danika, Marissa Topp, West Salem, OH Junior Champion of the JR Show Toppglen Jacoby Wooka, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH Reserve Junior Champion of the JR Show Brook-Corner Doorman Wakeup, Grace Gunkelman, Burbank, OH Junior Champion of the Open Show Toppglen Jacoby Wooka, Logan Topp, West Salem, OH

Reserve Junior Champion of the Open Show Macs BHF Diamond Red, Macs-BHF, West Salem, OH Junior Two Year Old 1. (JR)Rupp-Vue Doorman Flicker, Madison Rupp, Sterling, OH 2. Rupp-Vue Doorman Freckles, Rupp-Vue Farms, Sterling, OH Senior Two Year Old 1. (JR)Toppglen Atwood Winner, Marissa Topp, Smithville, OH Junior Three Year Old 1. Velvet-View Maria Jello, Logan Sclauch, Big Prairie, OH Senior Three Year Old 1. (JR) Toppglen Defiant Wowwee, Logan & Marissa Topp, West Salem, OH 2. (JR) Toppglen Awesome Wildflower, Logan & Marissa Topp, West Salem, OH 3. (JR)Velvet-View Jolly, Logan & Wyatt Schlauch, Big Prairie, OH Intermediate Champion of the JR Show & Open Show Toppglen Defiant Wowwee, Logan & Marissa Topp, West Salem, OH Reserve Intermediate Champion of the JR Show & Open Show Toppglen Awesome Wildflower, Logan & Marissa Topp, Smithville, OH Four Year Old 1. Glen-Paul Defiant Bombay, Wayne Hartman, Wooster, OH

Show Results Premier Exhibitor: Lund-View & Associates Premier Breeder: Jaloda Farms Spring Heifer Calf 1. Shadeline An Hyp Lydia-Red, Shadeline Holsteins 2. Jenneil Diamondback Gloria, Linda Beardsley 3. (1JR) KC-Lundview DB Shiloh-ET, Kendall Marsh 4. (2JR) Toppglen March Calf, Nicholas Sword 5. Jaloda Scotch Opal, Jaloda Farms Winter Heifer Calf 1. Cornish Crush Nevada, Greg Cornish 2. (1JR) MS Revive DB Royal-ET, Cora Gunkelman 3. (2JR) OARDC Rager, Nicholas Sword 4. Twining D-Back Roulette-ET, Ray & Patrick Twining 5. Oakson Jacoby Riki Bobbi, Oakson Farms Fall Heifer Calf 1. Mors Solomon Bea, James Morlock 2. Shadeline Holsteins entry 3. Tim Gunkelman entry 4. Stox Undeniably Dilly 172, Hannah Dumbeck 5. Jaloda Crush Sable, Jaloda Farm Summer Yearling 1. (1JR) Arethusa Capture Addy Rachel Beat 2. Shadeline Holsteins Entry 3. (2JR) Summer Sooy Entry 4. K-Bec Asteroid Jings, Morgan McDonnell 5. Jaloda King Royal Firelight, Jaloda Farms Spring Yearling 1. Ben-Alli Grip Crush Millay, Tim Gunkelman 2. (1JR) Summer Sooy Entry 3. (2JR) Borderview Crush Britta-ET, Cora Gunkelman





Ohio Holstein District 8 Show • August 20, 2019 Wellington, OH • Judge: Jeremy Adams, Urbana, OH 67 Head Shown

4. Jaloda King Royal Katie-ET, Jaloda Farm Winter Yearling 1. (1JR) Blondin Jordy Daria-Red-ET, Cora Gunkelman 2. Shadeline Holsteins entry 3. Shadeline Holsteins entry 4. (2JR) Beardsley Hi Octane Bijou, Cooper Marsh 5. Brill-View Mad Max Buckeye, Karalynn Todten Fall Yearling 1. K-Bec Beamer Glam Trail-Girl, Morgan McDonnell 2. (1JR) Beardsley McCutchen Ella, Avery Dumbeck 3. Buck Webster entry 4. Twining Integral Della, Ray & Patrick Twining Jr. Champion Open Shadeline An Hyp Lydia, Shadeline Holsteins Res. Jr. Champion James Morlock entry Jr. Champion Jr Show Arethusa Capture Addy Rachel Beat Res. Jr. Champion Ben-Alli Grip Crush Millay, Tim Gunkelman Jr. Two Year Old 1. (1JR) Miss Hot Summer Lovin-Red, Cora Gunkelman 2. Jaloda Archrival Sugar, Jaloda Farms 3. (2JR) Norwescor JTL Lylas Lacy, Clayton Lamb Sr. Two Year Old 1. (1JR) Beardsley Aftershock Cassie, Rachel Beat 2. (2JR) Sooy Airlift In-A-Dash, Cannon Jackson 3. Lingle DB Rylie, Avery Dumbeck Jr. Three Year Old 1. Bo-Irish Doorman Camille-ET, Patrick Twining


Aged Cow 1. (JR)Toppglen Alexander Whoa, Marissa & Logan Topp, West, Salem, OH 2. Rupp-Vue Seaver Melissa, Rupp-Vue Farms, Sterling OH 150,000 lb Cow 1. Macs-Acres Dy523 Red, Macs-BHF, West Salem, OH Senior Champion of the JR Show Toppglen Alexander Whoa, Marissa & Logan Topp, West Salem, OH Senior Champion of the Open Show Macs-Acres Dy523 Red, Macs-BHF, West Salem, OH Reserve Senior Champion of the Open Show Rupp-Vue Seaver Melissa, Rupp-Vue Farms, Sterling OH Grand Champion of the JR Show Toppglen Defiant Wowwee, Logan & Marissa Topp, West Salem, OH Reserve Grand Champion of the JR Show Toppglen Alexander Whoa, Marissa & Logan Topp, West Salem, OH Grand Champion of the Open Show Macs-Acres Dy523 Red, Macs-BHF, West Salem, OH Reserve Grand Champion of the Open Show Toppglen Defiant Wowwee, Logan & Marissa Topp, West Salem, OH

2. (1JR) Arethusa Awesome Pearl-Red, Hannah Dumbeck Sr. Three Year Old 1. Jaloda Link-Up Sandra, Jaloda Farms Intermediate Champion Open & Jr. Miss Hot Summer Lovin-Red, Cora Gunkelman Res. Int. Champion Open & Jr. Beardsley Aftershock Cassie, Rachel Beat 4 Yr. Old 1. (1JR) Stunning Corvette Google-ET, Kayla Cring 2. Twining Armani Charlize, Patrick Twining 5 Yr. Old 1. Renwind Jaloda Firewood, Jaloda Farms Aged Cow 1. (1JR) Wendon Windbrook Mercy-ET, Cora Gunkelman Dry Cow 1. Buck Webster Entry 2. Twining Integral Specks, Patrick Twining Senior Champion Open & Jr. Stunning Corvette Google-ET, Kayla Cring Res. Senior Champion Open & Jr Wendon Windbrook Mercy-ET, Cora Gunkelman Grand Champion Open & Jr Stunning Corvette Google-ET, Kayla/Bill Lund Res. Grand Champion Open & Jr Miss Hot Summer Lovin-Red, Cora Gunkelman Best Three Females 1. Jaloda Farms Dam & Daughter 1. Jaloda Farms

Show Results

Ohio Holstein District 10 Show • July 30, 2019 Judge: Leslie Maurice • 23 Head Shown

Show Results

Ohio Holstein District 11 Show • July 11, 2019 Bellefontaine, OH • Judge: Keith Topp 23 Head Shown

Spring Heifer Calf 1. (JR) White-Light Jacoby Blush, Nora Budny, McClure, OH 2. Mawil Defiant Rylee, Cline Brothers, Fostoria, OH 3. Sunnyville Toto Ribbons, Sunnyville Holsteins, Deshler, OH 4. (JR) Sunnyville Jedi Alice, Will Seedoff, Deshler, OH 5. (JR) LJB Crush Dixie, Landon Bankey, Custar, OH Winter Heifer Calf 1. Mawil Doc Bethany, Cline Brothers, Fostoria, OH 2. (JR)White-Light Denver Go Get ‘Em, Leah Budny, McClure, OH 3. Budjon-Abbott Antique-ET, Aubrey Payne, Clyde, OH 4. (JR) White-Light Dmdbk Bday Girl-Red, Nora Budny, McClure, OH 5. Sunnyville Lambda Wiz, Sunnyville Holsteins, Deshler, OH Fall Heifer Calf 1. (JR)White-Light Wilson Loriape, Nora Budny, McClure, OH 2. Mawil Denver Rosanne, Cline Brothers, Fostoria, OH Summer Yearling Heifer 1. (JR)White-Light Diamondback Isolda, Ava Budny, McClure, OH 2. (JR) Toppglen Jordy Watch Me, Leah Budny, McClure, OH 3. (JR) Jogeroge Rockwell Silk, Landon Bankey, Custar, OH Spring Yearling Heifer 1. Pheasant Echos Wills Red-ET, Courtney Payne, Clyde, OH 2. (JR) ST GenomicPro Rosie-Red-ET, Lani, Grahm, Ryder, Broxton Rosebrook , Deshler, OH 3. (JR)Futurama Corvette Satin, Landon Bankey, Custar, OH Winter Yearling Heifer 1. (JR) Kolors Konfesion-ET, Ava Budny, McClure, OH

Premier Breeder Henry Farms Premier Exhibitor Ack-Lee Holsteins Spring Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Ren-Bow Corvette Penny, Ruth Bambauer, New Knowxville, OH 2. (JR) Ms PV-AL Tattoo Cherish, Kris Ackley, East Liberty 3. Four Henry 6318, Henry Farms, West Liberty, OH Winter Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Maiz-N-Blu Lexis, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH 2. (JR) MS Flower Brook AVL Lila-ET, Wyatt Gordon, Zanesfield, OH 3. Four Henry Slamdunk, Henry Farms, West Liberty, OH 4. Dell Delight Player Mona, Dell Delight Farms, Sidney, OH Fall Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Budjon Vail Eleanor-ET, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH Summer Yearling Heifer 1. (JR) MS Triple-T Gorgeous-ET, Peyton & Brooke Henry, West Liberty, OH 2. (JR) Deckett Diamondback Tilly, Peyton & Brook Henry, West Liberty, OH Spring Yearling Heifer 1. (JR) Rocklau Crush Crystal, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH 2. Ack-Lee Doorman Lucky Lady, Kyle & Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH

Fall Yearling Heifer 1. Mawil Premium Henny, Cline Brothers, Fostoria, OH 2. Sunnyville Bob Nelson, Sunnyville Holsteins, Deshler, OH Junior Champion JR Show Kolors Konfession ET, Ava Budny, McClure, OH Res. Junior Champion JR Show White-Light Wilson Loriape, Nora Budny, McClure, OH Junior Champion Open Show Kolors Konfesion ET, Ava Budny, McClure, OH Res. Junior Champion Open Show Pheasant-Echos Wills-Red, Coutrney Payne, Clyde, OH Junior Best Three 1. White Light Holsteins 2. Cline Brothers 3. Sunnyville Holsteins Two Year Old 1. (JR)Grenlea ABS Sweetie Red, Ava Budny, McClure, OH 2. (JR)T-Triple-T TC Let It Ride, Landon Bankey, Custar, OH 3, Mawil By Way Bethany, Cline Brothers, Fostoria, OH 4. (JR)Sunnyville Gold Chip Lucky, Will Seedorf, Deshler, OH Three Year Old 1. (JR)McGuries Tonka Macoy, Landon Bankey, Custar, OH 2. (JR)Sunnyville Atlantic Kennedy, Will Seedolf, Deshler, OH Intermediate Champion JR & Open Show Grenlea ABS Sweetie Red, Ava Budny, McClure, OH Res. Junior Champion JR & Open Show McGuries Tonka Macoy, Landon Bankey, Custar, OH Four Year Old 1. Mawil GW Atwood Sofiann, Cline Brothers, Fostoria, OH

3. McGuires Diamondback Haley, McGuires Jerseys & Holsteins, West Liberty, OH 4. (JR) MS Eatonholm Hi Octane May, Ruth Bambauer, New Knoxville, OH 5. Prestige-Gen Addiction Monica, Dell Delight Farms, Sidney, OH Winter Yearling Heifer 1. (JR) Ren Bow Corvette Lollipop, Ruth Bambauer, New Knoxville, OH 2. (JR) Oakson-S Trigger Monalisa, Luke Jackson, Degraff, OH Fall Yearling 1. (JR) Triple-T Blake Pewter, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH Junior Champion Open & JR Show Rocklau Crush Crystal, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH Reserve Junior Champion Open & JR Show Budjon Vail Eleanor-ET, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH Senior Two Year Old 1. (JR) MD-Dunloafin Excite-ET, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH 2. (JR) Ack-Lee Brady Mercy, Kris Ackley & Loran Hager, East Liberty, OH Junior Three Year Old 1. Four Henry Diamondback 5431-Red, Henry Farms, West Liberty, OH Intermediate Champion Open & JR Show MD-Dunloafin Excite-ET, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH

2. (JR)MS Daisy Mae-Red, Landon Bankey, Custar, OH 3. (JR)GBM Sun Atwood Twinkle-ET, Will Seedolf, Deshler, OH Five Year Old 1. Sunnyville Atlantic Lori, Sunnyville, Holsteins, Deshler, OH Dry Cow 1. (JR) Country Path Brady Saga, Landon Bankey, Custar, OH 2. Mawil Asteroid Beth, Cline Brother, Fostoria, OH 3. (JR)RO-JO-MA Brady Mincemeet, Madison Morlock, Pemberville, OH Senior Champion JR Show MS Daisy Mae-Red, Landon Bankey, Custar, OH Res. Senior Champion JR Show Sunnyville Atlantic Kennedy, Will Seedolf, Deshler, OH Senior Champion Open Show Mawil GW Atwood Sofiann, Cline Brothers, Fostoria, OH Res, Senior Champion Open Show MS Daisy Mae-Red, Landon Bankey, Custar, OH Grand Champion JR and Open Show Grenlea ABS Sweetie Red, Ava Budny, McClure, OH Res. Grand Champion JR and Open Show McGuries Tonka Macoy, Landon Bankey, Custar, OH Best Three Females 1. Bankey Farms 2. Cline Brothers 3. Sunnyville Holsteins Dam & Daughter 1. Cline Brothers 2. Bankey Farms

Reserve Intermediate Champion Open & JR Show Ack-Lee Brady Mercy, Kris Ackley & loran Hager, East Liberty, OH Four Year Old 1. Mt Elgin Carson Lollipop, Ack-Lee Holsteins, Conroy, Mt Elgin, East Liberty, OH Aged Cow 1. Drifty Hollow Showboat Pat, Drifty Hollow Holsteins, West Mansfield, OH Senior Champion Open Mt Elgin Carson Lollipop, Ack-Lee Holsteins, Conroy, Mt. Elgin, East Liberty, OH Res. Senior Champion Open Drifty Hollow Showboat Pat, Drifty Hollow Holsteins, West Mansfield, OH Grand Champion Open MD-Dunloafin Excite-ET, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH Res. Grand Champion Open Mt Elgin Carson Lollipop, Ack-Lee Holsteins, Conroy, Mt. Elgin, East Liberty, OH Grand Champion JR Show MD-Dunloafin Excite-ET, Kris Ackley, East Liberty, OH Reserve Grand Champion JR Show Ack-Lee Brady Mercy, Kris Ackley & Loran Hager, East Liberty, OH





Show Results Spring Heifer Calf 1. Toppglen MCC Moonshine, Toppglen Farms, New Breman, OH 2. (JR) Renbow Corvette Penny, Ruth Bambauer, New Knoxville, OH 3. Quietcove Edge Pop Up, Quietcove Holsteins, Wapakoneta, OH 4. (JR) Wakefield Dempsey Dazzle, Reid Klopfenstein, St. Marys, OH 5. (JR) Quietcove Denver Doodle, Trapper Elsass, Wapakoneta, OH Winter Heifer Calf 1. Toppglen Defiant Winter, Toppglen Farms, New Bremen, OH 2. Golden Touch Rennes Riot, Carson Lammers, New Knoxville, OH 3. (JR) Wakefield Do Honeymoon, Taylor Klopfenstein, St. Mays, OH 4. Quietcove Dempsey Adeline, Quietcove Holsteins, Wapakoneta, OH 5. (JR)Miss Lucheese Lucky, Amelia Sammetinger, Wapakoneta, OH Fall Heifer Calf 1. (JR)Miss Avalanche My Cady, Lilly Elsass, Wapakoneta, OH 2. Etgen-Way Doc Black Beauty, Devan Foster, Harrod, Oh 3. (JR) Toppglen Jacoby Wooka, Toppglen, New Bremen, OH 4. Cambell Sugar 198, Alyssa Selby, Wapakoneta, OH 5. Ms Crush Carmen, Ruth Bambauer, New Knoxville, OH Summer Yearling 1. (JR) Wakfield Jordy Wildwonder, Caitlin Liette, St. Marys, OH 2. Golden Touch Closing Time, Tyler Lammers, New Knoxville,





Ohio Holstein District 12 Show • July 29, 2019 Wapakoneta, OH • Judge: Pat Conroy

OH 3. Stein-Way Fusion 1038-Red, Stein-Way Dairy, Maria Stein, OH 4. Cambell Lemon 185, Alyssa Selby, Wapakoneta, OH 5. Homan Rennie Y524, Lauren Homan, Wapakoneta, OH Spring Yearling 1. (JR) Quietcove Dback Winter, Lilly Elsass, Wapakoneta, OH 2. Balmoral Atwood Famenco, Balmoral Holsteins, Balmoral 3. Homan Snowmobile W614, Lauren Homan, Wapakoneta, OH 4. Toppview Addiction Harper, Abigail Sniegowski, Wapakoneta, OH Winter Yearling 1. (JR) Ren Bow Corvette Lollipop, Ruth Bambauer, New Knoxville, OH 2. (JR) Maple-Tree Loveman Liberty, Zachary Steinke, Wapakoneta, OH 3. (JR) T-K-Plain-View Oliana, Carter Liette, St. Marys, OH 4. BGP Duke Hue, Ryan Paul, Wapakoneta, OH 5. Homan McNuggets G337, Lauren Homan Fall Yearling 1. (JR) Brookview Solo Exclusive, Carter Liette, St. Marys, OH 2. BGP Jedi Heroin, Ryan Paul, Wapakoneta, OH 3. (JR) Topp View Airlift Felicia, Abigail Sniegowski, Wapakoneta, OH Junior Champion Jr & Open Show Miss Avalanche My Cady-Red, Lilly Elsass, Wapakoneta, OH Reserve Junior Champion Jr & Open Show Toppglen Defiant Winter, Marissa Topp, New Bremen, OH


Junior 2-Year-Old 1. Stein-Way D Man Pickle Juice, Stein-Way Dairy, Maria Stein, OH Senior 2-Year-Old 1. Maple-Valle Kingboy Milk, Maple-Valley, PA Junior 3-Year-Old 1. Maple-Tree Mogul Delani, Zachary Steinke, Wapakoneta, OH Senior 3-Year-Old 1. Quietcove Foxys Avocado, Quietcove Holsteins, Wapakoneta, OH 2. Wakefield McCutchen Frenchy, Carter Liette, St. Marys, OH Four-Year-Old 1. Maple-Valley Gold Chip Kit Kat, Maple Tree Holsteins Five-Year-Old 1. Shadow W Marion, Quietcove Holsteins, Wapakoneta, OH 2. Quietcove Fever Whitney, Quietcove Holsteins, Wapakoneta, OH 3. Maple-Valley Aftershoick Khloe, Maple Valley, PA 125,000 Pound Cow 1. Wakefield Atlantic Alana, Carter Liette, St. Marys, OH Grand Champion JR Show Maple-Tree Mogul Delani, Zachary Steinke, Wapakoneta, OH Reserve Grand Champion JR Show Wakefield Atlantic Alana, Carter Liette, Wapakoneta, OH Grand Champion Quietcove Foxys Avacado, Quietcove Holsteins, Wapakoneta, OH Reserve Grand Champion Maple-Tree Mogul Delani, Zachary Steinke, Wapakoneta, OH















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‘Not sure

anyone who does not read Holstein International could keep up with the genetic changes worldwide. The herd features and history articles add perspective.’ - Greg Palen, Michigan, USA

Holstein International is the monthly magazine for the modern Holstein breeder. The Holstein Hub comes along with 4 of the 12 monthly issues of the Holstein International magazine in the United States and Canada.

september 2019 volume 3 • number 3

The Hidden Connections be Canada’s Master Breede hind r Award

This year Holstein Canada’ s Master Breeder award celebrated its 90th anniversary. Here we look at the history of this prestigi ous accolade and discover some interest ing links with the award’s most frequent winner.

Table-1 – is a breakdow n of the number of times herds have received a Master Breeder award, i.e. 36 herds have won a Master Breeder award 3 times.

Text: Izzy Jones Photo: Stephan Schneide




ince its inception in 1929, over 1000 Master Breeder shields have been awarded. Several herds have received a Master Breeder award multiple times (see Table-1), but only one herd is an incredible four-time recipient. That herd is High Point Holsteins in Port Perry, Ontario, and interestingly it was in Port Perry where the idea of a Master Breeder award was born. The notion was dreamt up by RM (Bob) Holtby after he attended a dairy breeder’s short course as an “Instructor in Judging” at the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph. Bob listened to a speaker from Michigan State University who was talking about profitabl e farming and made reference to profitable famers as “Master Farmers”. Bob thought – why not have “Master Breeders of Holstein cattle”? After a successful presentation to the Holstein Canada Board of Directors the award was launched and the first Master BreedIn 2015 the 4-time Master Breeder herd High Point Holsteins received a “Century of Holstein Award” for 100 years of membership with Holstein Canada.


4x winner 1 3x winner er Shields were awarded in 1929. 36 2x winner Fast forward 90 years and the Mas148 1x winner ter Breeder status is still held in the 661 Total herds highest esteem. Bob was very well 846 Total Shields presente respected within the d: industry and 1069 to 846 herds in 1941 he dispersed his herd. Three years later Bob passed away, but interestingly in points are amended to 1973 his farmstead was herd size so that large purchased by Peter Hefand small herds are on an fering and Ken Travena equal field. Since 2002 of Hanoverhill fame. the Master Breeder award has been an automatic calculation. The TODAY calculation itself is quite complex and today’s award Although the Master recipients are recBreeder calculation has ognized for having the been updated and adjusted best ratio for breeding over the years to cows that possess high reflect industry changes production and classifi(such as herd size and cations, along with proficien genetic evaluation methodo cy in reproduction, logy), various ashealth and longevity. pects of the award’s original requirements still exist today. Animals still have to excel for both HIGH POINT production and conforma tion, which is one of Once a herd has received the main philosophies a Master Breeder shield behind the award, and award, today the rules state that they have to continued on page 3

12x a year HOLSTEIN HUB 9/2019

4x a year


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• Intermediate Champion, Michigan & Kentucky State Fair • Grand Champion, Michigan Summer Show • Intermediate Champion, Grand Champion & Reserve Supreme, Indiana State Fair

Design Kristy Roose • Cybil Fisher photos

Thanks to Hills Valley Farm for making Winter available in the Convention Sale. As one of our first Swiss purchases, she has made us big Brown Swiss fans.



Hilltop Acres W Durham ET x Fairdale Supreme Wow-ETV VG 86 x Frosted Sieg Wammy-ET 2E-93 x Top Acres Peerless Wyla-ET E91/94MS x Top Acres EJ Whizzbang 3E93 x My T Fine Whisper 2E CERT








Design Kristy Roose • Frank Robinson photos


SibylRae-ET EX-93


All-Michigan Aged Cow 2nd Aged cow – Indiana State Fair Atwood x EX Linjet x Scientific Sweetie Rae EX-92

Jenny EX-90

Res. All-Michigan 4 year old 5th 4 year old – Indiana State Fair Atwood x EX Shottle x Walnut-Vu Skychief Jen EX-94


All-Michigan Summer show: AYRSHIRE





1st place Spring Calf & Reserve Junior Champion

2nd place Winter Calf

Tina T

HILLS VALLEY DURHAM 1st Sr. 2 Yr Old Int. & Grand Champion


We would like to thank the Bott family for making these high scoring, high testing individuals available to us, along with their herd mates that joined our herd this summer. These cows are a testament to solid breeding, and that “pretty” cows can live in a large freestall environment trouble free.












Ohio Holstein Association Committees 2019 ANNUAL MEETING *Julie Renner Lamar Liming Lisa Mangun Chad Griffith Bobby Hart Melissa Hart Lou Brown Gary Kibler, Jr Tom Thorbahn BREED IMPROVEMENT *Paul Haskins Scott Sprunger Tony Broshes Marvin Steinke Lamar Liming Kristy Ackley BUCKEYE BREED BUILDER *Jim Ray Duane Logan Ethan Steiner Dick Indoe Phillip topp Lawrence Whiteleather Rudy Kiko Dean Zimmer Charlie Henry Dave Klingensmith Jason Miley Steve Buschur SHOWS *Steve Moff *Patrick Twining *Jim Ray Angi Kaverman Paul Haskins Cindy Howman Linda Beardsley Becky Barker Kristy Ackley Brian Lund Mary Lou Topp Adam Whiteleather Jason Miley Kari Micholovich Heather Yoder Eric Topp Steve Specht Damon Bertke Jim Sheffield

FINANCE *Kaye Janes *Lisa Mangun Judy Wolford Dick Indoe Julie Renner Ken Janes Chris Sayers Jim Sheffield Brandon Price Tom Thorbahn Chris Phillips Paul Haskins Anne Cole

YOUTH *Paul Haskins *JR & Angi Kaverman Dave Gunkelman Allison specht Jason Whiteleather Dallas Rynd & Judy Wolford Marvin & Therese Steinke Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux Jeneva Auble Laurie Menzie Tom Thorbahn PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT *Bill Indoe Regina Berg Joe Cole Jason Whiteleather All Committee Chairs

MEMBERSHIP *Ken Janes Angi Kaverman John & Ruth Polchin Dave Gunkelman Bobby Hart All Board Members *Ryan Welch Jon Miley Lisa Mangun

*Steve Moff Angi Kaverman


OHIO HOLSTEIN NEWS *Chris Sayers *Greg Conrad Melissa Hart Bill Indoe Ray Twining Barb Lumley Jeneva Auble Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux Katey Lora Lisa Mangun Amy Miley Joe Turon Annie Specht Chris Lang Dallas Rynd & Judy Wolford JR & Angi Kaverman Marvin & Therese Steinke


RESOLUTIONS *John Hartline Barb Lumley Marvin Steinke Jim Sheffield Suzanne Lora SALES *Randall Kiko Kurt Wolf *Barb Lumley Nate Steiner *Bill Indoe Terry Rawn Ken Janes Bobby Hart Dave Gunkelman Ryan Welch Ted Renner Jennifer Fisher Paul Haskins Chad Griffith Curtis Bickel John Lora Jeneva Auble Jason Miley Ben Simpson Eric Topp Chris Lahmers Chris Lang Jared Harding Joe Miley Nathan Steele

NOMINATING *Dallas Rynd Joe Miley John Hartline Nancy Kemp Terry Stammen Randall Kiko






Yesterday’s Cowpath Leading up to the 100th Anniversary of the Ohio Holstein Association, Barb Lumley will be writing a special column featuring special points in time for the Ohio Holstein Association. Enjoy your walk down Yesterday’s Cowpath. By Barb Lumley The following is taken from the January-February 1966 Volume 32 Number 1 issue of the Ohio Holstein News. Cyril Moore was the editor. Three cows are pictured on the front cover. They are Klever Hurlwood Dinah EX 92, a Gold Medal Dam with three records over 1000 pounds of butterfat, owned and bred by James Klever, Ashland, Ohio; Inka Green Cove Darkmaster VG 88, a Gold Medal Dam with three records over 1000 pounds of butterfat and a lifetime of over 200,000 pounds of milk, bred and owned by Lawrence McCullough, Louisville, Ohio and Janet April Caliban, a consignment to the Ohio Convention Classic, consigned by Floyd Casper, Carrollton,





Ohio and Arthur Wadsworth, Malvern, Ohio. Sired by Rosafe Caliban, she was the top seller in the November Breeders Sale and had been consigned by Waldo Landis, Wooster, Ohio. The 46th annual meeting of the Ohio Holstein Association is scheduled to be held on February 9, 1966 in Columbus at the new Hospitality Motor Inn. Mr. James Pound, Director of the Holstein-Friesian Association of America is scheduled to speak. ROY HEGER IS NAMED MANAGER at WLW’s “EVERYBODY’S FARM - Roy Heger 26, his wife Bonnie and two sons, Cam 4 and Clint 18 months, moved into the white brick Lincoln-era farm home on Everybody’s Farm December 1. He takes over the operation of the 138 acre farm, plus rented land and including his own 80 acre farm. He brings to the WLW farm his own herd of 65 registered Holstein cattle. The 1965 All-Ohio winners are pictured and presented. Judges were Bryce Weiker, NOBA; John W. McKitrick, Welcome In Farms and Harold Kaeser, Ohio State University, all well known to Ohio Breeders and nationally recognized judges. A total of sixty four (64) entries were received this year which represents the cream of the crop of the 1965 show season. The Select Sires Invitational Sale was held October 25, 1965 at Columbus, Ohio. Topping the sale at $2600 is Edelma Master Helen EX with 26,998 milk 3.9% 1094 fat at 4 years. She is sired by Master Challenger Bonnie Place, consigned b Edwin H. Walberg, Garden Prairie, Illinois and purchased by John H. and Yvonne E. Morrish, Leslie, Michigan. Second high seller at $2500 is a VG 87 daughter of Carnation Cedric Inspiration consigned by Lewis and Sons, Hamilton, Ohio and purchased by Edward M. Boehm, Trenton, New Jersey. The thirty nine (39) females, 2 years and over (5 calves un-


der 3 months sold with dams) averaged $856.28. Two bred yearlings averaged $1000. Sale average was $881. The sale combined daughters of bulls at COBA, KABA, NIBCO and SIBA. The Ohio Convention Classic Sale is scheduled for February 10, 1966 at 12:00 noon at the Ohio State Fairgrounds and features fifty (50) top Ohio registered Holsteins. James Lewis selected the sale animals. Sires include Wis Burke, Cedric, Sunshine, Double Bud, Magician, Laird, Texal, Rex, Lakefield, Rex Triune, Caliban, Reflection, Ivanhoe, Wis Captain and more. The October 1965 Sale had a top of $725 with 42 head averaging $365. The November 1965 Sale had a top of $820 with the forty (40) head averaging $380. The Western Ohio Breeders Sale had a top of $735 and averaged $302 on twenty four (24) head, with several open heifers included. Herds classified in the South Eastern Ohio program totaled seventy eight (78). Classifiers working the area included John Stewart, Ronald Chapman, and Charles Howe. Ten (10) individuals were scored Excellent, nine females and one bull. The Buckeye Breed Builder Honor Roll was featured on a full page. The board of directors instituted the Buckeye Breed Builders program for those members who wanted to do a little more than just be a member. These breeders make contributions of ten dollars ($10) each and in return are designated Buckeye Breed Builders. When they carry an ad in the News, a little logo of a Buckeye, the outline of Ohio, and the words Buckeye Breed Builders is added and can be seen in each ad. There are eighty five (85) breeders listed. Ads totaled seventy five (75) with fifty nine of those ads by breeders. Richman Farms advertised for help wanted and for their two Very Good cows selling in the Convention Classic. NOBA advertised their many NOBA

sired daughters in the Ohio Convention Classic. Woodrow Nunamaker, Plain City, advertised for hoof trimming. Curtiss Breeding Service, Inc. advertised Romandale Reflection Marquis EX 95, the Reserve All-American Aged Bull in 1963, All-Canadian Aged Bull 1962-1963 and Grand Champion Bull in the U.S. National Show 1960-1962. The Central Ohio Breeding Association occupied the back cover with pictures of daughters of their bulls that were top sellers in their Select Sires Invitational Sale. Leatherbrook Farms advertised their 1965 winnings at the Northwest Ohio Black and White Show. Harborcrest Holsteins wished everyone a prosperous 1966. Lou-Ida farms introduced their Junior Herd Sire, Lou-Ida Hopealong, sired by Lakefield Fond Hope and from their 13 year old Excellent “Susie”. Iv-Ann Holstein Farm, the Osterlohs, hoped everyone had a Merry Christmas and wished all a happy and prosperous New Year. The majority of the ads were for animals selling in the Convention Classic Sale. An article was entitled “Meet Your Director Don Crocker”. A long article was entitled “Anti-Trust Regulations and Farmers Cooperatives”. “Effects of Plane of Nutrition During Rearing On Lifetime Performance of Dairy Cattle” was the title of an article contributed by the Department of Animal Husbandry at Cornell University. In his editorial Cyril Moore commented, “The annual meeting February 9th at the Hospitality Inn is important to all interested in Registered Holsteins. With the cow population and dairy herds decreasing we need to work harder than ever to keep our

business growing. Support your association with a full delegation at this meeting”. Officers were W. A. Shipley, President; Morris VanGorden, Vice-President; Dr. H. B. Thomas, Secretary; Weldon Mohr, Treasurer; Cyril Moore, Executive Secretary; Walter F. Eustice, Ass’t. Secretary-Fieldman; Lena Wells, Office Secretary; Donna Schwarzwalder, Ass’t Office Secretary. National Director was Dr. J. B. Sims.

In Memoriam Abby Menzie-Budny

March 27, 1980 to July 7, 2019 Abby passed away at the University of Toledo Medical Center after a period of illness. Abby was a 1998 graduate of Johnstown High School in Johnstown, Ohio. She attended the Ohio State University following her passion in Dairy Science. Abby was an outspoken advocate of the dairy industry and the Holstein breed in particular. She was on 4-H and FFA dairy judging teams and quiz bowl teams for both 4-H and Jr. Holstein Association. She placed second high individual at the National FFA contest her senior year in high school and received a scholarship. While at OSU she was a member of the Buckeye Dairy Club. Abby was a very gifted self-taught artist and donated some of her work to the National Holstein Women’s Auction during the National Holstein Convention in Ohio in 2000. She had a good eye for great cattle and was able to translate that to paper. She is survived by her parents, Tony and Laurie Menzie, daughters Ava, Leah and Nora, her brother Jake (Sara) and their children Mora, Bohdan, Pete, Shepard, and Juniper Menzie, and her sister Emmy Tedrick, and her children Lilly and Cooper Tedrick. She is also survived by grandmothers Nancy Sparrow and Ruth Menzie, 4 aunts, 6 uncles and many cousins. She was preceded in death by her grandfathers Ray Jacob and Larry Menzie. She was surrounded by family at the time she chose to leave this world and will be missed by everyone.














On the National Front As I am finally putting something together for a column, the mornings are getting cooler and summer seems to be coming to an end. Praying we do not have an early frost. Crops are well behind whatever normal might be. Summer shows are over and numbers were very good for the state of the dairy industry. The enjoyment of families and friends at the shows is always good to see. Young people in the ring is very encouraging for the future of the industry. The National Convention was a HUGE success. Thank you to the Wisconsin Holstein members for an event-filled

Convention. The genetics conference held in conjunction with the convention was very well attended and had a wealth of new and interesting information. The videos of the genetics conference are available online at the HAUSA website at Holsteinusa.com. It was great to see many YDLI alums and catchup on growing families. The IT upgrade (Elevation Project) at Holstein is moving along and the transfer process is working well. Enabling quicker and easier transfers at sales and shows. The online bull search is one part recently add as the Red Book Plus subscription.

The project will continue to grow and add more applications as each section becomes more functional. Looking forward to the Fall Shows and the many friends and connections made as dairymen gather together. Our Fall board meeting will be in November. Talk is the possibility of a visit to Washington to make known our concerns of the dairy industry. As we look to the future of Holstein any suggestions are welcome. Steve Moff, HAUSA Director smouric@aol.com or 614-205-7179

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Strong Holstein Marketplace Sires Offering to Maximize Genetic Goals Brattleboro, Vt. - The August 2019 genetic evaluations brought about a new and exciting release for Holstein Marketplace Sires and continued strong rankings for all sires. OUR-FAVORITE CHARISMA-ET 712HO01005 CHARISMA, a new release, hails from Our-Favorite Holsteins, Fall Creek, Wis. Our-Favorite Charisma-ET is a Woodcrest King Doc from a VG-88 Cookiecutter Hang-Time-ET with a first lactation 365-day record of 27,580 pounds of milk, with 5.0%F (1,389F) and 3.7%P (1,019P), calving in at 1-11. His granddam, Our-Favorite Unlimited EX-94 2E completed a third lactation 365-day record of 33,640 pounds of milk, with 4.3%F (1,437 F) and 3.5%P (1,182 P). Unlimited is sired by Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET, and is backed by eight generations of Very Good and Excellent dams with lifetime production records as high as 356,900 pounds of milk. CHARISMA has a +2517 GTPI® with stand-out conformation (+4.02 PTAT), high components and solid fertility. Not only is he Beta Casein A2/A2 and Kappa Casein BB, his extraordinary combination of type, production and fertility ranks him amongst the best in the breed. SPEEK-NJ OF DEWGOOD-ET 712HO01001 DEWGOOD, owned by Dean & Wanda Good, Oconto, Wis., is from 11 generations of Very Good and Excellent dams and is a unique pedigree being an OCD Rogers Franchise-ET out of a VG-85 Co-Op Day Tuffenuff-ET. DEWGOOD brings a well-rounded package as a calving ease specialist (6.0% SCE), siring longlived, fertile cattle (+5.6 PL, +2.1 LIV and +1.0 FI) with good udders (+2.82 UDC) and desirable production (+1092 Milk). DEWGOOD’s GTPI is +2529, and he is also Beta Casein A2/A2 and

Kappa Casein BB. GOLDEN-OAKS IMAX LOTTO 712HO01002 LOTTO, owned by Golden Oaks Farm, Wauconda, Ill., is from 11 generations of Very Good and Excellent dams going back to Comestar Laurie Sheik-ET. Sired by Silverridge V Imax-ET out of a VG-87 Delaberge Pepper-ET, LOTTO’s +2637 GTPI offers a terrific combination of components. At over 1,000 pounds of milk, +0.16% fat and +0.06% protein with +5.3 PL, +0.6 DPR, 6.9% SCE combined with a +2.26 UDC and +1.84 FLC, LOTTO offers the tremendous balance cattle breeders are looking for today. HURTGRNLEA SPLND MAURICE-ET 712HO01003 MAURICE *RC *PC, owned by Hurtgenlea Holsteins Ltd, Elkhorn, Wis., is from seven generations of Very Good and Excellent dams, sired by Pine-Tree Splendid-P-ET out of a VG-86 Woodcrest Mogul Yoder-ET. Coming in at +2554 GTPI, MAURICE is the fourth highest amongst red carrier, polled bulls. MAURICE is a well-rounded sire with high components (0.23%F and 0.05%P), desirable health traits (+5.4 PL and +4.4 LIV) and solid udders (+1.98 UDC), piquing the interest of many breeders. TRENT-WAY-JS RODDY-ET 712HO01004 RODDY *RC, owned by Trent Hendrickson & John Schneller, Blanchardville, Wis., is sired by S-S-I Modesty Magictouch-ET, out of an 87-point (Excellent udder) Seagull-Bay Silver-ET daughter backed by 12 generations of Excellents going back to the Queen of the Breed, C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97. Trent-Way-JS RODDY-ET has a GTPI of +2568 and ranks 26th for genomic red carrier sires. RODDY offers a balanced genetic profile combining a strong conformation profile (+2.03 PTAT and +2.56 UDC) with easy calving (7.0% SCE) and sol-

id heath traits (2.80 SCS, +5.6 PL, +2.3 LIV and +0.9 FI) with favorable components (+64 F and +46 P). RODDY is Kappa Casein BB and Beta Casein A1/ A2. Learn more about these exciting bulls and the cow families behind them at www.holsteinusa.com/marketplacesires. Place an order directly from the website or call Holstein Association USA Customer Service at 800.952.5200. Those wanting to learn more about the Holstein Marketplace Sires program can contact Carl Kent at 800.952.5200, ext. 4121, or email Carl.

Ohio Holstein Convention 2020

The Ohio Holstein Association will celebrate 100 years in 2020 and the annual convention will be held at the Kalahari Hotel in Sandusky on February 28-29. District 9 will be hosting the event and one of the farm tours will be Brookview Farms in Fremont. The convention sale will be a video sale again this year. Save the date and mark it down to join us for a special celebration in February 2020 as OHA celebrates 100 Years of Excellence!





Ad deadline for the November/December issue of Ohio Holstein News is November 1 55





District 5 had another big wedding this summer. On August 10th, Johnnie Johnson and Jessica Callahan said their vows. Dallas Rynd and Lane Schirm cleaned up and celebrated with the family! Congratulations to the Johnsons!

A fun fact from District 11, Kristy Ackley is an accomplished cupcake baker. She recently had a display of the fancy, delectable treats on her Facebook page for a women’s event. These beautiful creations are known around East Liberty as Kristy’s Cupcakes. Wedding bells will soon be ringing for recently engaged Hannah Dye (Quality Quest Holsteins D 2) and Ben Simpson (Plainfield Farms D3). Hannah is the daughter of Douglas and Marti Dye and Ben is the son of Don and Danette Simpson. An April wedding is being planned. Congratulations! Brownhaven Farm, Lou Brown (D12) was named a Dairy of Distinction by DFA! Congratulations!

A big congrats to Mikayla Conrad (D5) who married Cameron Gibbs in April! Note the change in location for the National Holstein Convention 2021. It will not be held in downtown Columbus at the convention center on June 21-25, 2021. Save the Date for the Ohio Holstein Convention on February 28-29, 2020 in Sandusky, Ohio. Hosted by District 9, it will be a special celebration of 100 years of Ohio Holstein. Mark it down and plan to come! Congratulations to Don and Danette Simpson (D3) on the birth of their first grandchild. On June 26, 2019, Robert and Arika welcomed Hallie Michele Simpson into the family.





The Ohio Holstein Juniors have had a busy summer. Once school was out for the summer, a few of our younger juniors began studying for quiz bowl competition at the 2019 National Convention in Appleton, Wisconsin. Ava, Nora, and Leah Budny and Eve Crossgrove studied and rehearsed with their coaches Laurie Menzie and Jodi Crossgrove. This was the girls first year in junior quiz bowl, while they did not come home with any awards, we are proud of them for giving all their best to the contest. Korey Oeschle also represented Ohio at the Convention as a member of the Holstein USA Junior Advisory Committee. Then it was off to the Ohio State Fair, with a tremendous Junior Holstein Show. Congratulations to all the winners and exhibitors. A big thank you to Allison McCummons and Keaton Topp for the great awards that they ordered that were presented to the Champions and Reserves of the Junior Show. Class winners received buckets of show supplies. Also,

thanks to our Ohio Holstein Queen, Kinley Topp, she represented the Ohio Holstein Association by passing out awards at the State Fair and our district shows across the state. At the conclusion of the State Fair Holstein Show, the winner of the junior raffle was drawn. Dallas Rynd held the winning ticket and is now using the brand new Wilson trailer for a year. Korey Oeschle was in charge of this year’s raffle; the tickets were sold by our junior members profiting over $2500, which will be earmarked for junior activities for Convention 2021. Thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets, and especially to Wilson’s trailers and Beck’s Hybrids, Kyle and Jay Ackley, for their sponsorship of our raffle. Juniors will be planning another raffle soon. Keep up with junior happenings and meetings on the Ohio Holstein Facebook page and we welcome all members to future junior meetings. We would love to have many more juniors join us.

November/December January/February March/April May/June September/October






November 1 January 15 March 15 May 5 September 1

December 5 February 5 April 5 June 10 September 25

Queen’s Corner

By Kinley Topp

This was a very busy summer show season but also very enjoyable. Seeing the quality of the animals at the district shows and the state fairs made me realize how blessed we are to be pushed to better our herds. I’ve always loved a good, competitive show because that is how you grow and improve. I was lucky enough to spend most of my show season with two pleasant and energetic people, Melissa and Bobby Hart. Bobby was slightly jealous of my title, crown, and sash, while Melissa was more worried about the fact that Bobby might

ruin our “perfect” figures by the numerous buckets of fries and donuts he continued to bring to us. However, I did do much more than just munch on junk food all day long. It didn’t take long for me to realize that being the queen is more than just looking pretty, passing out ribbons, and posing for multiple pictures. If any of you reading this made an appearance at any of the Holstein shows at the Ohio State Fair you may have seen me in the middle of the ring with a pitchfork and paper towels in hand, by now I’m sure you’ve already assumed what I was doing. I was delighted to have been able to travel all over the state and visit all of the Ohio Holstein members. My dad travelled with me to all of the shows and also judged a few of them. I have always had a strong passion for showmanship and judging. I was extremely grateful when he granted me my wish of judging showmanship at two of the shows. As we approach the fall show season, I look forward to seeing you at the shows or maybe even on the colored shavings in Madison or Louisville. Good luck to all and have a happy and safe harvest!

2019 Ohio State Fair Open & Junior Show Class Sponsors OPEN SHOW Spring Heifer Calf -- R&P Kiko Family Farms Winter Heifer Calf -- Triple T Holsteins Fall Heifer Calf -- Ouric Holsteins Summer Yearling Heifer -- Richman Farms Spring Yearling Heifer -- Berg Farms Ltd Winter Yearling Heifer -- Toppglen Holsteins Fall Yearling Heifer -- Call-Del Holsteins Junior Champion Female -- Homerville Holstein Farms Reserve Junior Champion Female -- Purina Animal Nutrition LLC Junior Best Three Females -- Coba/Select Sires Fall Yearling in Milk -- OPEN Junior Two Year Old Cow -- LindLaur Holsteins Senior Two Year Old Cow -- Conrad Farms Junior Three Year Old Cow -- White Light Holsteins Menzie Family Senior Three Year Old Cow -- Windemere, Jim & Nancy Kemp Intermediate Champion -- Purina Animal Nutrition LLC Reserve Intermediate Champion -- Twining Farms Four Year Old Cow -- Weikland Farms Five Year Old Cow -- Spreng's Longacre Farms Inc Aged Cow -- Baker's Acres 150,000# Cow -- OPEN Dry Cow -- OPEN Senior Champion Female -- Trealayne Holsteins Reserve Senior Champion Female -- Topp View Farm Grand Champion Female -- Holstein USA Reserve Grand Champion Female -- Express Show Cattle Best Bred and Owned -- Holstein USA Dam and Daughter -- JR & Angi Kaverman Produce of Dam -- Hardingdale Holsteins Larry Harding Best Three Females -- National Holstein Futurity Inc Dairy Herd -- Ouric Holsteins

JUNIOR SHOW Spring Heifer Calf -- Jenny Thomas/Cybil Fisher Photo Winter Heifer Calf -- Purina Animal Nutrition LLC Fall Heifer Calf -- Open Road Farm Ltd Summer Yearling Heifer -- Andrews Auctioneers LLC Spring Yearling Heifer -- Lewis Jones Winter Yearling Heifer -- Broad-Vue Holsteins Fall Yearling Heifer -- Ack-Lee Holsteins Junior Champion Female -- Mason Farms, Ltd Reserve Junior Champion Female -- DHI Cooperative, Inc Junior Two Year Old Cow -- OPEN Senior Two Year Old Cow -- Miley Holstein Farms Ltd Junior Three Year Old Cow -- Goodson's Farm Senior Three Year Old Cow -- Crimson-Lane Holsteins/ Thorbahn Brothers Intermediate Champion -- Commodity Blenders, Inc. Reserve Intermediate Champion -- Kalmbach Feeds, Inc. Four Year Old Cow -- IBA of Ohio Five Year Old Cow -- Patrick Twining Aged Cow -- Baker's Acres 150,000# Cow -- Miley Holstein Farms Ltd Dry Cow -- OPEN Senior Champion -- Purina Animal Nutrition LLC Reserve Senior Champion -- Rupp-Vue Farm Grand Champion Female -- Stan-Mar- Dale Holsteins Reserve Grand Champion -- Ack-Lee





Hello! My name is Kinley Topp and I am the reigning Ohio Holstein Queen. I’m the daughter of Keith and Kindra Topp, and we live in Botkins, where I have been raised on Topp-View farms. We milk around 35 cows and raise many heifers. I’ve always had a passion for dairy cows especially the Holstein cow. I’m so glad to have been able to travel this year and meet multiple people along with visit old friends. The best feeling in the world is when you see little girls looking up to you. I was once that little girl looking up to the young ladies in their sash and crown, which is why I am so grateful to be in this position.

SPINACH AND ARTICHOKE DIP Ingredients Parmesan Cream cheese Mozzarella Sour cream Pepper Mayonnaise Canned artichokes Garlic Frozen spinach Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a small (4-5 cup) baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. In a mixing bowl stir together cream cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, garlic, parmesan, mozzarella and pepper. Stir in artichokes and spinach. Spread mixture evenly into prepared baking dish. Bake for 15-20 minutes serve warm and with tortilla chips or baked bread. ENJOY!

- - - SAVE THE DATE - - -

Ohio Holstein Convention Feb. 28-29, 2020 Kalahari Hotel in Sandusky

Hosted by District 9

A celebration of a century of the Ohio Holstein Association More details in the next OHN 59










Moff Receives Obie Snider Award at AADS Harrisburg, Pa. – Steve Moff of Columbiana, Ohio, was awarded the Obie Snider Award on September 15th at the 56th All-American Dairy Show (AADS), held at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Expo Center in Harrisburg. The award, established in memory of Obie Snider of Bedford County, (PA) a founder of the All-American Dairy Show, recognizes an individual who places significant value in service to the industry and community, and displays high standards of conduct. Steve Moff of Columbiana, Ohio, has served as a board member for the All-American Dairy Show since 2005, assisting with youth activities and show ethics, and is chair of the Show Advisory Committee. For 39 years, Moff has been a dairy

programs specialist for COBA/Select Sires.He operated his family’s dairy farm, Ouric Holsteins, with parents Howard and Barb Moff and brother Greg, until they downsized the herd in 2010. He still owns cattle and raises heifers. Moff represents the Ohio Holstein Association as the current Region 3 director for the Holstein Association USA and is a past national Holstein Junior Advisory Committee member. He was also in the inaugural class of the association’s Young Dairy Leaders Institute. He has held offices in the state association, including serving as president when Ohio hosted the national convention in 2000 where he first met Obie Snider. “In our first conversation, Obie, being a man of faith, complimented the invocation I gave at that convention,” said Moff. “To be considered for this award

in his name is so humbling, and I was completely flabbergasted when I learned I was a recipient.” Steve is the assistant dairy show superintendent at the Ohio State Fair and serves as a board member and dairy superintendent for the Canfield Fair. Always anxious to help youth, he has served as a 4-H leader and has been recognized as an outstanding judge for youth shows, in addition to judging many other local, regional, and state shows. A graduate of the Ohio State University, Steve was recently inducted into the Ohio State Dairy Science Hall of Service. Moff and wife Jane have three children, Neil, Brian and Heidi, and six grandchildren. He serves as a deacon, elder, and Sunday School teacher, and has been on the local township zoning appeals board.




























Select Sires Restructures, Now Operating Under New Leadership Plain City, Ohio - To reflect increasing demand and facilitate future growth, Select Sires’ marketing department will experience restructuring and operate under new leadership beginning July 1. Chris Sayers, former sales and marketing operations manager, will become the manager of global order operations. Sayers’s 31-year career at Select Sires equips her with the training and experience needed to successfully manage the growth in market share. She and her team will facilitate order processing and fulfillment, as well as product eligibility for various markets. “Chris brings an expansive skillset and distinct expertise to the role and will be a valuable asset to global markets as she manages the order operations for Select Sires’ members and international partners,” says Todd Kranz, chief operating officer of Select Sires. Darryl Snyder, former assistant semen distribution manager, will step into a new role as manager of global product distribution. Snyder has dedicated nearly 27 years to Select Sires and his attention to detail and commitment to customer service has encouraged continued growth in the marketplace. “Darryl’s leadership, combined with our excellent team of shipping coordinators, will continue to provide quality service to customers and support the growth of Select Sires’ global business efforts,” says Kranz. Adam Oswalt, previously the dairy sire products specialist, will assume the role of manager of global sire products and logistics. Oswalt has nearly 11 years of experience with Select Sires and has worked in several departments. In this role, Oswalt will work with global businesses and internal departments to coordinate sire product placement, qualifications and availability. He will be responsible for managing semen inventories, leading marketing initiatives and providing guidance for the progeny team. “Adam’s unique skillset will be of great value in managing the global sire lineup and product offering,” says Kranz.





FARM TOURS CREATING AN IMPACT ON TOMORROW’S LEADERS & CONSUMERS To build trust in dairy foods, your local dairy checkoff program hosts farm tours and educa�onal sessions for those who influence consumers about healthy ea�ng. This spring, ADA Mideast took diete�c intern students from more than 10 Ohio and West Virginia universi�es to local dairy farms to learn how farmers care for their cows. Students also received nutri�on informa�on to help them inform their future clients about the benefits of dairy foods and address common misconcep�ons. As a result of ADA Mideast’s farm tours, 96% of a�endees reported that they now feel posi�ve or very posi�ve about dairy farming - an increase from 55% of students prior to the tours.

“I would recommend dairy products and support of farmers to anyone!” - Diete�c Student, West Virginia University

“I didn't think this tour was necessary at first, but it truly changed my outlook on dairy products & how farming should be done.” - Diete�c Student, University of Cincinna�

I really enjoyed the tour and it changed my a�tudes about how dairy cows are treated. - Diete�c Student, Bowling Green State University





“It was nice to see that the cows were so well taken care of.” - Diete�c Student, Miami University

“The tour showed how animals are treated in fair condi�ons, unlike what is portrayed in media.” - Diete�c Student, The Ohio State University

“I was happy to learn that the animals have so much space and that dairy doesn’t contain any an�bio�cs.” - Diete�c Student, Cleveland Clinic


Index of Advertisers Kalmbach Feeds............................................ 71

Plain-Knoll Holsteins.....................CN pg. 28

Kidron Auction.............................................. 53

Pond Ridge Dairy.......................................... 65

Kim R. Davis - Nationwide......................... 65

Prenger’s, Inc.....................................................6

Kulpdale Farm..................................CN pg. 39

Rawn, Terry..................................................... 67

Lehman Family.................................................3

Richman Farms, Inc...................................... 26

Lowe and Young........................................... 53

Rohaven Holsteins....................................... 56

Lundview & Associates.................CN pg. 31

Calendar of Events October 2019

Silent-b Registered Holsteins......................3


Monthly Individual Genomic Predictions will be available

McKarns, Bill.....................................CN pg. 34

Silent-Brook Registered Holsteins/Nor-J


World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI

Meaden & Moore.......................................... 53


Mennonite Mutual....................................... 55

Silver Maple Equipment...............CN pg. 32

Miley Holsteins.............................................. 17

Spike Rentals.................................................. 50

11 Deadline for 2020 National Convention Delegate Nominees to withdraw from ballot

New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic...........7

ST Genetics..................................................... 51

OHA Fall Sale & Tour.................................... 52

Stein-Way Equipment................................. 70

Ohio Beef Council............................................2

Trent Insurance............................................. 55

Ohio Fall Sale....................................CN pg. 42

Walnut Hill Feeds.......................................... 10

OSU ATI..............................................CN pg. 34

Wengers Sharpening Service................... 69

PBS Animal Health....................................... 17

WG Dairy Supply........................................... 50

Pine Tree Dairy.................................CN pg. 33

White Light Holsteins.................................. 10

Plainfield Farms...............................CN pg. 41

Whiteleather Grain..........................................6

November 2019 1

Ad Deadline for November/December 2019 Ohio Holstein News


2020 National Convention Delegate Ballots mailed to members


Monthly Individual Genomic Predictions will be available

8-12 North American International Livestock Exposition Dairy Shows, Louisville, KY 9

Grand National Junior Holstein Show, Louisville, KY


Mid-East Fall National Holstein Show, Louisville, KY


Ohio Fall Tour Hosted by ST Genetics, South Charleston (See ad for details)

16 Ohio Fall Sale in conjunction with the Fall Tour at ST Genetics, South Charleston (See ad for details)

December 2019 1

Approximate date Holstein Association USA 2020 Judges Lists will be released


December Genetic Evaluations Released


Monthly Individual Genomic Predictions will be available

January 2020 5

Ad Deadline for January/February 2020 Ohio Holstein News

February 2020 28-29 Ohio Holstein Association Convention, Kalahari Hotel, Sandusky, OH OHIO NEWS




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COWS like CLEAN FOOD too! • Interior bale cage holds bales off the ground, out of the mud. • Plastic feed floor catches dropped hay, prevents trampling. • Skids make it easy to move feeder to clean, dry areas. • Expect 20-30% hay savings over conventional bale rings. Stop in at our showroom located 1 mile West of Kidron, Ohio 330-857-8700 1-800-599-2040

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Call Your COBA/Select Sires Representative Today!






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