Ohio Holstein News - September/October 2021

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CHECKOFF LAUNCHES MONTHLY PODCAST The Your Dairy Checkoff podcast is a collaboration between national and local checkoff organizations to showcase examples of how dairy promotion programs are working together to build dairy sales and consumption as well as consumer trust in today’s changing marketplace to maximize dairy farmers checkoff investment. Each episode will be hosted by dairy farmers or industry experts. Listeners will hear dairy farmer conversations on local, national, and global dairy promotion including consumer research, dairy nutrition, science, and issues updates. Farmers will help guide the selection of topics through listener feedback.

HOW TO LISTEN You can listen by visiting our episode page and clicking on a specific episode’s play icon. This option works best if you are sitting at your computer. If you prefer to listen “on the go” with your phone, you can search for Your Dairy Checkoff podcast on your favorite podcast platform or subscribe , on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.






What creates collaborations with world-class chefs to teach them how beef is raised before it gets to the plate?

Your $2 does.

Your checkoff dollars show consumers that beef is more than just What’s For Dinner. Learn more at www.ohiobeef.org. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 |



HOLSTEIN NEWS Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association

Volume 93 • Number 4 September/October 2021 Published 5 times per year in February, April, June, October and December by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com Subscription price in the U.S. is $30.00 per year ($10 per year for Junior Members). The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue. Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Email farm.writer@hotmail.com Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd., Wooster, OH 44691 OFFICE STAFF Executive Director.......................................Tom Thorbahn cell 419-366-8135 • crimsonswissrus@aol.com Office Secretary...............................................Diana Miley oholstein@sssnet.com Editor.............................................................Melissa Hart cell 517-398-1957 • farm.writer@hotmail.com Webmaster................................................. Laurie Menzie ph. 740-624-6367 Ad & Layout Designer.................................Erin Robinstine cell 517.398.7722 • erin.robinstine@gmail.com OFFICERS President: William Indoe, Lodi.....................330-608-9770 Vice President: Chris Lahmers, Marysville....614-306-7194 Secretary: Ethan Steiner, Marshallville........330-466-8916 Treasurer: Kaye Janes, Wooster....................330-464-4134 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Paul Haskins, Butler - Past President...........419-618-4028 Joe Cole, Bloomville....................................740-396-0454 Scott Sprunger, Dalton................................330-465-0622 NATIONAL DIRECTOR Steve Moff, Columbiana .............................330-482-9018 BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Gary Kibler, Warren...........................330-770-8014 Dist. 2 Evan Kiko..........................................330-205-9354 Dist. 3 Steve Specht, Dover..........................330-204-9831 Dist. 4 Open Dist. 5 Dallas Rynd, Ashville........................740-207-5005 Dist. 7 Joe Miley, West Salem......................330-263-7814 Dist. 7 Scott Sprunger, Dalton .....................330-465-0622 Dist. 8 Jeneva Auble, Polk............................419-908-5352 Dist. 9 Joe Cole, Bloomville..........................740-396-0454 Dist. 10 Dan Morlock, Pemberville..............419-265-5771 Dist. 11 Jay Ackley, East Liberty...................937-935-8272 Dist. 12 Ty Etgen, Harrod.............................567-204-6310 Dist. 13 Chris Lahmers, Marysville...............614-306-7194 Dist. 14 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta....................419-953-3427 Dist. 15 Curtis Bickel, Wilmington...............937-728-0174 Postmaster: Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 4




The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following: “The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”

Contents From the Executive Director Tom Thorbahn............................................................................. 5 A Message from the President Bill Indoe.......................................................................................6 Bonnie Ayars Earns National Dairy Shrine’s Pioneer Award.....................................................7 MVP Dairy to Host Ohio Fall Tour & Sale...................................................................................8 Fun Auction Raises Scholarship Funds at COBA Celebration.................................................10 Ohio Holstein Women...................................................................................................................12 2021 All-Ohio Show Rules............................................................................................................13 On the National Front...................................................................................................................13 2021 Junior All-Ohio Show Rules................................................................................................14 Yesterday’s Cowpath by Barb Lumley...........................................................................................15 I Had No Idea! with Jeneva Auble, District 8 Board Rep............................................................20 In Memoriam..................................................................................................................................21 Bullseye............................................................................................................................................23 Barbwire: Dairy Needs a Hero.......................................................................................................24 National Holstein Futurity #67 Rules..........................................................................................27 National Holstein Futurity Form..................................................................................................28 Ohio District 1 & 2 Holstein Show Results.................................................................................29 Ohio District 3 Holstein Show Results........................................................................................30 Ohio District 9 Holstein Show Results........................................................................................30 Ohio District 12 Holstein Show Results......................................................................................31 Ohio District 15 Holstein Show Results......................................................................................31 Mid-East Summer National Holstein Show Results..................................................................32 Mid-East Summer National Holstein Junior Show Results......................................................34 Mid-East Summer National Red & White Show Results..........................................................35 Mid-East Summer National Red & White Junior Show Results..............................................36 Mid-East National Holstein Show Sponsors...............................................................................38 Mid-East National Red & White Show Sponsors.......................................................................38 National Holstein Futurity Results......................................................................................MW 38 The Grapevine.................................................................................................................................39 Calendar of Events.........................................................................................................................41 Advertiser Index.............................................................................................................................42

Just For The Juniors Just for Juniors................................................................................................................................19

On The Cover

The National Holstein Futurity was back with all its glory at the Taft Coliseum at the Ohio State Fair. Dressed in his white coat and black tie, judge Roger Turner was tasked with lining up some of the best three-year-olds in Ohio. See the results on page 38 of Midwest Holsteins. The Fall Tour and Sale at MVP Dairy is set for October 23rd! Who’s MVP Dairy? Find out on page 8! If you missed any Ohio Holstein shows this summer, you can catch up on all the results in this issue! Make sure to reserve your ad space in the final issue of 2021 of the Ohio Holstein News by November 10th!


From the Executive Director By Tom Thorbahn

Have you noticed the feel and look of fall in the air, the cooler nights, green corn and soybean fields turning color, and our neighbors are beginning to harvest pumpkins and gourds. Many county fairs are finishing their runs and soon combines will be rolling across Ohio fields as harvest begins, along with the leaves turning to shades of yellow, orange, red and brown. These all tell us that another year is slowly coming to an end, we can be thankful for all we have been given. Congratulations to all who exhibited at the Ohio State Fair, it was a great show with quality deep in every class. Considering how competitive our black and white and red and white shows were this summer, I’m sure that Ohio will be well represented in the fall shows. Good luck to each of you. The Ohio Holstein office had some major improvements this past summer. The board of directors approved a new roof for the office building, as well as repairing the parking lot. Money spent for these was taken from the Ohio Holstein Schwab investment funds. These improvements should keep our building in great shape for years to come. A thank you again to the Ohio Holstein women for their redecorating at the office as well.

for all the cards, texts, visits, and thoughts and prayers following the passing of my brother, Luke. The Holstein breeders of Ohio are a family to me, and my family apThe Ohio Fall Breeder Tour will be held preciates all the expressions of sympathy. at MVP Dairy in Celina on October 23rd. Thank you to the association membership MVP has state of the art dairy facilities along for the Psalm 23 wind chimes in his memwith their registered Holstein herd, it will ory, they sound beautiful. be a great day to view new facilities, regisPlease have a safe and productive hartered Holsteins, and visit with other breeders vest. across the state. Also, they are hosting our Ohio Holstein Sale that will sell cattle in abstentia and be broadcast on Cowbuyer.com. This sale will feature several high genomic cattle in addition to a few type lots. Hope you can plan to attend. The Ohio Holstein Fall Sale will be November 20th in Wooster at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. Approximately fifty head of springers, fresh cows, and a few younger animals will be offered. This sale will be in conjunction with the Ayrshire Breeders Sale. If you have possible consignments let the office know. My final thought is to thank each of you

Ad deadline for the November/December issue of Ohio Holstein News is November 10 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 |


A Message from the President By Bill Indoe

The barn had new life on Richman Road as young 4-Hers needed some calves to show at the fair. I gave them a tour of the calf barn and told them they could choose whatever calf they wanted. They made their picks and spent the next few weeks leading and washing and washing and leading until each heifer was broke to lead and ready for the Wayne County Fair. As those kids came day after day, I admired their determination to make their experience a success. I hate to admit it, but I get tired. Life on the dairy farm can wear us out and I know I’m not the only one in this boat. There are a lot of other men and women on the farm who spend 18 hours a day working and some days you wonder why you’re in this business. None of it makes sense, until you go to the county fair and

watch those kids lead those heifers around the ring and smile when they get a blue ribbon. Then you realize it’s the youth of our industry that spur us along to keep getting up at 3 am when a heifer is calving or burning the midnight oil when there are crops to get in. It’s the youth who show up to bid on a heifer at the spring sale that continues to encourage Ohio Holstein to host live sales, even when the possibility exists that we might lose a few bucks. We may get tired, but the youth of our industry is tireless. And as the old saying goes, they are the future of this industry and deserve our full support and sound leadership. Contact me, if you’re thinking about consigning to the Fall Sale on November 20th in Wooster. I hope everyone has a safe and bountiful harvest.

Bill Indoe 330-608-9770 • richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com






Bonnie Ayars Earns National Dairy Shrine’s

Pioneer Award group of industry leaders whose portraits and stories are displayed in National Dairy Shrine’s Dairy Hall of Fame and Museum in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.

Bonnie Ayars, the respected dairy cattle breeder, teacher, coach, and agriculture advocate from Mechanicsburg, Ohio, is the recipient of the National Dairy Shrine’s Pioneer Award. She will join a distinguished

In 1951, Bonnie Ayars was born into a dairy farm family. 4-H impacted her youth and a special Jersey cow project helped to finance her college education as a music major. However, the dream changed, and she eventually graduated from The Ohio State University (OSU) with a degree in Home Economics Education and a minor in music. Then back to a different farm and new dreams in 1972 when she and husband John were married. With persistence, the couple bred and developed one of the nation’s finest Guernsey herds with the Land of Living prefix and then added the partnership of New View Swiss with more prize-winning cows at the farm in Mechanicsburg, Ohio. A passionate and engaging educator,

Ayars has been a teacher for 48 years. She initially taught high school and middle school Family and Consumer Science but also worked in guidance and was a teacher consultant for the Ohio Department of Education. In 2006, Ayars accepted a position at Ohio State University as a Dairy Program Specialist and working with all 4-H dairy programming, coaching the collegiate and 4-H judging teams, and teaching in the Animal Sciences Department. She eventually transitioned to only the collegiate portion of her appointment but continues to work with 4-H dairy programs. Her judging teams have won many contests, but the real accolade came in 2019 when the Ohio State team won the National Intercollegiate Contest at World Dairy Expo. Former OSU judging team member, Hannah Thompson-Weeman of Virginia, says, “Ohio State’s dairy judging program, the dairy community as a whole, and that of the continued on page 37




By Bev Berens

MVP Dairy will host the 2021 Ohio Holstein Sale and Fall Tour at its Celina, Ohio, location on Oct. 23. Tour Chairman Paul Haskins of Butler, Ohio, said, “We are always trying to find a different mix of farms and areas of the state to make it easy for people to attend. One exciting aspect of this year’s tour is the outstanding facilities to handle the crowd, because they do it every day.” MVP is a partnership between the McCarty and VanTilburg families, who were both looking for expansion opportunities to fit each family’s operational and marketing needs. The unique relationship allows both operations to be more efficient and sustainable, benefitting the cows, the humans who care for the herd and the environment. The McCartys were looking for a way to level the highs and lows of cash-cropping

by marketing commodities through livestock. The farm had been honing no-till, cover crop, nutrient management, grid soil sampling and water conservation practices for many years. The VanTilburg dairy, with farms also located in Kansas, was planning to start another farm in Ohio to be closer to the Danone plant in Minster and expand an existing relationship with the manufacturer. The two families met by chance and quickly realized their shared set of core business values: best management practices when it comes to protecting soil, groundwater and surface water; excellence in cow care and comfort; employees who are valued; and partners who are treated equitably. Both operations align with Danone’s quest toward a reduced environmental footprint.

According to Ken McCarty, the partnership is an even split between the two families and is governed by a five-person

board including two brothers from each family and Herd Manager Brock Peters. The McCartys bring the dairy knowledge, relationship with Danone and experience within their model. The VanTilburgs bring the local knowledge and experience to provide the farm with feed. All feed raised in and for the partnership are Non-GMO Project verified; the VanTilburgs use technology that has traceability to the acre and a knowledge of all practices and processes of growing feed. Ninety-five percent of their fields receive a cover crop planting. Precision farming technology adjusts inputs as needed and monitors crop removal and nutrient replacement needs. Six funnel-vented barns can house up to 4,500 cows in a state-of-the-art facility that took more than a year to build. Four hundred 72-inch high-efficiency fans move air inside the barns, and sensor-conAnother day, another relaxing ride on the rotary during milking. (MVP Photo)






There were two major hurdles in starting the farm: the permitting process and the court of public opinion. “During the permitting process we learned pretty quickly that there was a lot of misinformation about dairy farming being shared,” VanTilburg said. “That’s when we committed to the dairy learning center on-site, so we could welcome the community into our facility.” From the process, the partners realized their responsibility was not only in milking cows and growing crops, but also in educating the public, which led to the implementation of a learning center on the farm.

The learning center at MVP Dairy is open to visitors who want to see a dairy operation up close and personal. Producers are also frequent visitors while checking out MVP's practices. (MVP Dairy photo) trolled bunk line soakers over the feed rails add another level of cooling for maximum cow comfort. They continue tweaking the system to optimize cow comfort and maximize energy efficiency. Airflow leaving the barns is directed away from neighbors as much as possible. Feed commodities are stored and mixed inside the barn to reduce shrink and travel distance to feed alleys. Measurable environmental stewardship outcomes show the partnership is serious about walking lightly on the land. No-till practices along with eight species of cover crops add nutrients and hold soil in place. The farm maintains wildlife boxes, forests, 11 acres of buffer strips and 131 acres of filter strips. These practices result in a reduction of 6,755 tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gases - the equivalent of 1,312 average passenger cars removed from the road, 1,842 tons of sequestered carbon and 5,499 tons of soil saved, the equivalent of 344 dump loads, according to MVP Dairy. “I think the sustainability efforts that MVP tracks will be interesting to our members,” Haskins said. “They even take sustainability efforts to the genetic level by breeding cows that are more efficient. I had

never really thought of that angle before.” Validus Certified is a third-party auditor used to monitor animal welfare and Ecopractices audits crop practices. Both families support third-party audits to retain accountability across the board, and to comply with local, state and federal regulations.

“Large-scale ag has its challenges in terms of acceptance,” said McCarty. “Our goal and hope are that we can show what we do to other dairymen, to the public and to anyone that wants to come. We want to show that we try our best every day to operate our farm at the highest level possible, whether that is animal care, environmental stewardship or policies and procedures we put into place to care for our team members, and that we try to engage with our communities who support us as well.” “It is interesting to see what the farm is doing with their learning center,” Haskins said. “Not everyone has the resources to do something like this, so it will be a fun part of the tour and showcase a farm operating at a different scale than some of the farms we toured in the recent past.”




10:30 am-Noon: Early Arrival Tours of MVP Dairy Noon: Catered Lunch 12:45-1:15 pm: Presentation from MVP Dairy

1:30 pm: Ohio Holstein MVP Dairy Sale – Cattle sold in absentia 1:15-3:30 pm: Tours of MVP Dairy Event will end at the conclusion of the sale SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 |


Fun Auction Raises $10,100 for College Scholarships at COBA’s 75th Celebration Columbus, Ohio - 75 years in business – a milestone that few businesses have reached. Yet, COBA/Select Sires celebrates that exact achievement in 2021. To memorialize the 75th anniversary, a series of events was hosted in the greater Columbus area June 16-18, 2021. To begin the events, COBA’s board of directors met on Wednesday. An open house and annual meeting were held for member-owner-customers on Thursday, a special dinner celebration was hosted for the board and delegates Thursday evening, and the week was closed out with delegate meetings on Friday morning. The open house was kicked off with guests visiting the newly renovated COBA/ Select Sires office in Columbus, Ohio. At Select Sires Inc., in Plain City, Ohio, the event continued with a bull parade, which lead into lunch by Heflin’s Caterers, and COBA’s annual meeting. General manager, Duane Logan, and board president, Chad Steinberger, lead the meeting to update attendees about the state of the cooperative, events over the last two years, and the projected future. (Livestreams of the bull parade and annual meeting are available on COBA’s Facebook page.) Upon

conclusion of the meeting, guests enjoyed touring Select Sires’ facilities and learning more about their processes and procedures. Member-owner-customers representing all eight states of COBA’s service territory and Mexico were present to enjoy the festivities. The special dinner celebration on Thursday evening, was held at the Hilton Columbus at Easton. Special guests and distinguished service award recipients were recognized. Steinberger and Logan addressed the crowd, and ag comedian, Drew Hastings, engaged the audience with his entertaining humor. Topping the night was a fun auction to raise money for college scholarships to students whose families are COBA member-owner-customers. A total of $10,100 was raised by selling COBA memorabilia, far surpassing the $2,720 raised at the 50th celebration’s fun auction. Auctioneer for the evening was Randall Kiko, of Kiko Auctioneers in northeast Ohio, who also sits on the COBA board of directors. Kiko’s entertaining ringmen for the auction were Bob Griggs, Kirby Pair, Steve Deam, Tyler Chupp, Chad Steinberger and Kevin Jorgensen. High-dollar items for the auction included a vintage COBA

The day of celebration included a bull parade which lead into lunch by Heflin’s Caterers, and COBA’s annual meeting.






thermometer that sold for $2,000, a 1986 gold-plated commemorative plate auctioned for $1,000 and a 50th COBA anniversary sperm cup that sold for $800. Logan affirms, “The $10,100 total is truly remarkable! It once again demonstrates what COBA is all about. These dollars will all go to support many member-owner-customer families through scholarships in the name of COBA’s 75th anniversary. The board of directors and I are very proud of the manner in which COBA operates as a TRUE COOPERATIVE.” COBA/ Select Sires wants to say thank you to our generous buyers who participated in the highly entertaining auction to increase the COBA scholarship funds. COBA continues the tradition of making dreams reality. COBA/Select Sires, Inc., one of the founding members of Select Sires Inc., has become widely respected for its clearly demonstrated ability to provide the finest service and bovine genetics available in the world. COBA/Select Sires, Inc., operates as a true cooperative by encouraging member input and allowing members to share in profits through patronage refunds.

Dairy Agenda Today and Dairy Agenda Today Associates are Proud and Honored to have been awarded the following placings in the


1st PLACE 4 COLOR, LESS THAN FULL PAGE AD Dairy Agenda Today Designer - Kristy Schoof

HONORABLE MENTION 2 PAGE AD Dairy Agenda Today Designer - Maria Bise Brown Swiss Bulletin


Mikes-Dar Farm ad, Angle magazine - Kristy Schoof designer

2ND PLACE COMMENTARY/ESSAY On Cows and Markets by Eric Lang



Ohio Holstein Women Secretary Sara

Who Am I? As the current secretary of the Ohio Holstein Women, let me introduce myself.

I am Sara Twining, daughter of Merle Weiler and Emily (Vines) Weiler. Both parents were from farm families. One of my earliest memories was of walking with my grandfather Vines out to bring in a fresh cow and her calf. He gave me a stick to carry to make me brave. Jesse Benton Vines was a Registered Holstein man and gave each of his grandsons a registered calf. I had to wait and marry a dairy farmer to get in the Registered Holstein crowd. The only boy who stayed with dairy farming was my cousin Jim Vines of Paradise Hill, Ashland County. I always wanted to marry a farmer and in August 1968, Raymond Twining and I got married. It wasn’t until years later in one of my busiest years helping Ray milk that I realized I didn’t want to be a farmer, just marry one. Maybe that’s why Husband Ray always called me his help of last resort! The year we married, the local Black River Schools superintendent called to ask if I’d be willing to teach fourth grade at Huntington Township where we lived. So the first two years of marriage were my first two years of teaching. The next year our first son Doug was born, followed a year later by our oldest daughter Jacquie. After a few years of fulltime wife and mom, I was asked to substitute teach and second son Scott came along, quickly followed by daughters Kathy and Tina. We wondered if teaching caused the frequent pregnancies. No more teaching for me, but I was recruited to be on the school board for five years during which time our youngest son Patrick was born. One wife, one husband, six children in about twenty years and more than thirty years with them in Black River schools. The only babies now are six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. In our earlier married years Ray and I became involved in Farm Bureau, Ohio Holstein Association, Grange, and our local church. We both have held leadership positions in each organization over the years. 12





In her later years Ray’s mother Muriel had Registered Romney sheep and she thought we ought to use all that beautiful wool. So she and I joined the Lorain County Spinners and Weavers Guild. We were in awe at the wonderful products the members made. Soon we were making our own wonderful spun yarn from her sheep and learning to felt, weave, and dye it too.

and keeping busy with many things, I didn’t take time to ‘do art.’ But now is my season to enjoy that creative side of me. Your season will come again, too.” His dad proudly said that artist streak runs in the family. So that’s who I am, Sara Twining, Ohio Holstein Women Secretary.

The year 2000 was eye opening for me. That summer we helped host the National Holstein Convention in Columbus where we met wonderful cow people from all over this nation. A month later in Cincinnati I attended Convergence, an International Gathering of fiber artists and vendors. I found what I call my “new song;” color became a new language for me to praise the Lord. Since then I’ve designed and woven the pulpit cloths for our new church sanctuary, discovered the beauty of dyeing my own threads for spinning and weaving, and learned how to design and construct clothing from those fibers. What fun! Now I enter my fiber art, as well as paintings and drawings in the Medina and Lorain County Fairs.

1 1-lb. can peach halves or three fresh peaches peeled and cut in half 1 1/2 cups flour 3/4 teaspoon of salt 1/2 cup shortening 1/2 cup shredded cheese(American or cheddar) 3 to4 tablespoons cold water butter and ground cinnamon Lemon Sauce Drain peaches, reserving 1 cup syrup. Sift flour with salt; cut in shortening till size of small peas. Add cheese and mix lightly. Blend in water as for pastry. Roll dough on lightly floured surface to 18X12 inch rectangle. Cut in six 6-inch squares. Place peach half, cut side down, in center of each square. Dot with butter; dash with cinnamon. Moisten edges of pastry and fold over peach, pinching to seal.Place dumplings on ungreased baking sheet; you may want to put parchment paper on the sheet first. Bake at 425 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. 6 servings

I have always enjoyed drawing and painting. With the help of friend Margaret Dreher I opened that skill of my “new song.” Each year I paint a milk can to be sold at the Lorain County Dairy Youth Auction: sometimes a farm scene, or a series of wildflowers, once a carousel of the dairy breeds, the OSU Dairy Barn, and this year a parade of local old barns from the area. A few years ago I was asked to paint the cover for The Ohio Holstein News. I did and here’s what it came out like. (Melissa, if you don’t have a copy available, I can take a photo and email to you.)So there’s an artist in this old farm wife. Recently I met a young artist at a Weiler Family Reunion. He admitted to using many mediums as an artist, but now that he’s out of high school, he said he only has time for work. I told him I understood. I said, “ As a wife and mother of six, helping on the farm, teaching piano and prayer, playing for church and choir every Sunday,


Peach-Cheese Dumplings

Lemon Sauce: In saucepan, blend 1/4 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, and dash of salt; gradually add 1 cup reserved peach syrup or juice. Cood and stir till clear and thichened. Add 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel, 1 tablespoon emon juice , and 1 tablespoon butter. Serve over peach dumplings. This recipe comes from Better Homes and Gardens So Good with Fruit 1967 edition

2021 All-Ohio Show Rules

1) A point system will be used to determine All-Ohio winners for the current year show season. Red & White and Black & White Holsteins registered with the Holstein Association USA, Inc. 87% RHA or greater are eligible for recognition. 2) Points are awarded for the following shows: A) Spring Dairy Expo; B) Ohio State Fair; C) A District Show; D) All National Shows. In order to substitute points, the animal must have been shown at either the Ohio State Fair Open Show or the Spring Dairy Expo. 3) Point system is as follows: a) Spring Dairy Expo, Ohio State Fair and National Shows except the International Holstein Show (Madison, WI): Top ten (10) placing’s- 1st-20, 2nd-18, 3rd-16, 4th-14, 5th-12, 6th-10, 7th-8; Sth-6, 9th-4, 10th-2.

b) District Shows: All animals shown at any district show will get a one-time 10-point score toward All-Ohio. c) International Holstein Show (Madison, WI or Royal Winter Fair): Top fifteen (15) placing- 1st-30, 2nd-28, 3rd-26, 4th-24, 5th-22, 6th-20, 7th-18, Sth-16, 9th-14, 10th-12, llth-10, 12th-8, 13th- 6, 14th-4, 15th-2. For the three-yearold classes, the Junior Three-Year-Olds and Senior ThreeYear-Olds that show in the Futurity will be separated for All Ohio calculation. Example: If 1st is Sr 3 and 2nd is a Jr 3, they both will get 20 points. d) For Red & White Holsteins, the Grand International Red & White Show at Madison: Top twelve (12) placing’s- 1st25, 2nd-23, 3rd-21, 4th-19, 5th-17, 6th-15, 7th-13, Sth-11, 9th-9, 10th-7, 11 th-5, 12th-3.

the same as Red & White shows.

5) An exhibitor must show one or more animals at a District Show to have any animals eligible for All-Ohio. Animals can be shown in only one class in any show. 6) To be eligible for All-Ohio honors, exhibitor must be a member of the Ohio Holstein Association as of April 1, of the current year. An animal whose ownership is transferred outside of the state during the course of the show season can still compete for All-Ohio under previous ownership but must meet this condition and all other rules listed. Eligible points follow the animal for calculation. 7) In the case of multiple partners, at least one owner must be an Ohio Holstein member and show at a District show. 8) No All-Ohio points will be given at the Spring Dairy Expo for Spring Heifer calves. 9) A professional 5 x 7 photograph must be on file with the Ohio Holstein Association for an animal to be considered for AllOhio honors. All photos of heifers must be current year photos. If you have taken a photo of a two-year-old cow, this photo can be used for the Junior Two-Year-Old, Senior Two-YearOld, and Junior Three-Year-Old, and Senior Three-Year-Old cows. If you have the photo taken as a three-year-old, then this photo can be used for the Junior Three-Year-Old, Senior Three-Year-Old and Four-Year-Old photo. If taken as a fiveyear-old, this photo can be used for the Five-Year-Old, Aged and 150,000 Pound Cow. For group classes, pictures are accepted, but not required.

Example: If you exhibited "Bessie" at Spring Dairy Expo and she was first place and received 20 points and then received 10 points at a district show, but was not shown at the Ohio State Fair, and if Bessie's owner exhibited at the Ohio State Fair and then took Bessie to Harrisburg where she stood fifth, those 12 points could be substituted for the Ohio State Fair. But if "Bessie" did not go to the Spring Dairy Expo or the Ohio State Fair, she is not eligible for All-Ohio.

Bred and Owned - An award will be given to the top-placing animal bred and owned by exhibitor in each class. These animals will then be considered for Champion bred and owned by exhibitor.

e) For Red & White Holsteins, all other National Red & White Shows: Top ten (10) placing’s- 1st-10, 2nd-9, 3rd-8, 4th-7, 5th-6, 6th-5, 7th-4, Sth- 3, 9th-2, 10th-l. 4) Points can be counted from a District Show and two other shows. See Rule 2 for a listing of shows that may be used.

Points at a National Show can be substituted for the Spring Dairy Expo or State Fair points, but the exhibitor must have exhibited at the show in order to substitute for that particular show. No points from any shows can be substituted for your district points. Dry cows will be shown but only District show points will be counted towards All-Ohio. Dry cow points from shows can be substituted for milking cow classes at ½ points,

Revised – 9-1-21

On the National Front Ohio has had an excellent crop year and a beautiful fall season. Looking back on the summer a HUGE thank you goes out to the Pennsylvania Holstein members for planning and executing a great National Holstein Convention. Congratulations to Dean Jackson of PA., and Tony Brey of WI., as newly elected members of the National Holstein Board. At the end of July, Ohio had very nice show with solid numbers (175) at the Mid-

East Summer National in Columbus. The atmosphere was different than a normal State Fair with no public and no parking problems. The National Show Committee will meet late in October. If anyone has suggestions on National shows, please let me know. Plans are to look at the number of shows, locations, and what might be expected from the National. The full board will meet in early December for the fall

board meeting. Nominations are in for delegates to the National Convention and all are looking forward to an excellent National Convention in South Dakota. Any questions or problem please call, text or email. 614-205-7179 smouric@aol. com. Steve Moff, HAUSA Director smouric@aol.com or 614-205-7179 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 |


2021 Junior All-Ohio Show Rules

The Junior All-Ohio winners are featured in the All-Ohio Calendar and owners receive a special award at the Annual Meeting. To be eligible for Junior All-Ohio Awards, youth should be members of the Ohio Junior Holstein Association by July 15 of the current year. The awards are selected by a point system under the following rules:

D. In case of ties, two awards will be given.

E. An exhibitor must show one or more animals at a District Show to have any animals eligible for Junior All-Ohio.



A. Animals must be owned and registered in the name(s) of one or more Ohio Junior Holstein Association members. For animals owned in partnership, all owners must be members of the Ohio Junior Holstein Association. All animals must stand on the Association records in the individual name of the exhibitor. Adult-Junior partnerships are not acceptable. Multiple junior exhibitors may own an animal in partnership. If ownership of a partnership animal is changed at any time during the show season, Junior All-Ohio points end/begin with the change in ownership.

A. A 5X7 professional photograph of the animal must be on file with Ohio Holstein.

B. Registrations or transfers to the Ohio Junior member(s) must be made by July 15 of the current year.

All photos of heifers must be current year photos. If you have taken a photo of a 2 year old cow, this photo can be used for Junior Two-year-old, Senior Two-Year-Old, Junior Three-YearOld and Senior Three-Year-Old cows. If you have the photo taken as a Three-Year-Old, then this photo can be used for the Three-Year-Old and the Four-Year-Old photo. If taken at four years, the photo can be used for the Four- and Five-YearOld photo. If taken as Five-Year-Old, this photo can be used for the Five-Year-Old, Aged and 150,000 Pound Cow. (These photo changes are also used in the All-Ohio rules)


A. Animals must meet the ownership requirements listed above.

B. To be eligible for points from placings at the District, State and National shows, the animal must have been shown by one of the Ohio Junior member-owners.

C. Junior exhibitors must show their own animals to be considered for junior awards. Exceptions will be made for exhibitors who may be physically impaired, have two animals showing in the same class or must be absent on show day due to other commitments. In case of these exceptions, another boy or girl who meets the age requirements of the respective breed may show the animal with the authorization of the breed superintendent. Such authorization must be sought in writing, prior to the show and verified by a signed notice by the person in charge of the conflicting activity.


A. Spring Expo Show and Ohio State Fair Junior Show – 20 points for first place through 2 points for tenth place.

B. Points from placings from any National Junior Show, designated by the National Junior Advisory Committee, can be substituted in place of a lower point total received from placing at either the Ohio State Fair or the Spring Dairy Expo. The animal must be exhibited by one of the junior owners to be eligible for points. If the animal is not shown by one of the junior owners at a show, it cannot earn Junior All-Ohio points, and points from placings at the National Junior Show cannot be substituted.


C. District Shows – 10 points for any animal shown. An exhibitor must show their animal at any district show to be eligible for Junior All-Ohio points. Note: It is recommended that districts report placings of all District Juniors showing. Dry Cow points from shows can be substituted for milking cow classes at ½ points, the same as Red & White shows. |





EXAMPLES: Joe Junior owns Bessie. He exhibits other animals at the Spring Expo but does not show Bessie at the Spring Expo. He shows her in her class at his district show and places first. He shows her at the state fair and places fourth. He now has 10 points from the district show and 14 points from the state fair. That is a total of 24 points. He then shows her at the National Junior Show and places second. The points earned at the National Junior Show may be substituted for the state fair points. He cannot substitute the placing at the National Junior Show for the Spring Expo points he missed by not showing Bessie there. After the substitution, Joe and Bessie have 10 points from the district and 18 points from the National Junior Show for a total of 28 points. Jane Junior owns Bossie. She has to attend a school function during the Spring Expo Show. She contacts the show management ahead of time and asks permission to have her heifer shown by another junior member. Jane’s junior friend and Bossie place fifth at the Spring Expo Show. Jane does show her heifer at the State Fair and at the National Junior Show and places second at each. She also showed Bossie at her District show and placed first. Jane’s points from the Spring Expo Show (she is eligible because she asked permission and had another junior show Bossie), from the State Fair and from the District are: 12+18+10=40. However, Jane CAN substitute her National Junior Show placing for the Spring Expo Show. Her new total is: 18+18+10=46. Dick Junior owns Flo. He enters her in the Spring Expo, but Dick’s dad shows Flo in her class. Dick shows Flo at the State Fair and at his District Show. He places third at each. He then takes her to the National Junior Show and Dick shows her there for third place. After the State Fair and the District Show, Dick and Flo have 16+10=26. Dick cannot substitute the National Junior Show placing for the placing Flow and his dad earned at the Spring Expo. Because Dick did not show his own animal or ask permission to have another Junior show his animal at the Spring Expo Show, he cannot receive any points for the Spring Expo Show and placings from another show cannot be used in place of the Spring Expo Show. Revised 9-1-21

Yesterday’s Cowpath By Barb Lumley

Forest Hills Farm, Inc., Harold Lusk, Mt. Victory, Ohio.

From the October 25, 1969 Holstein-Friesian World Vol. 66 No. 20 — Maurice Prescott, Editor; Wm. A. Prescott, Associate Editor Emeritus; Robert Hastings, Executive Editor

A half page ad featured “A Top Pair To The Curtiss Classic” November 15, 1969. Pictured were Owen Marquis Wanda a daughter of Romandale Reflection Marquis due before the sale from a VG 86 dam with 294 days 18,750m and 649f inc. and a Black Eagle daughter of Owens Raven Zeus Lyons EX 90 who was also pictured. Selling Owen B E Raven Lyons born 6-5-68. Consignor was H. B. Owen & Son, Inc. Homerville, Ohio. Rus-La-Mar Farms, Russell Gortner & Sons had a half page ad featuring a picture of their consignment to the Curtiss Classic, Rus-La-Mar Reflection Maude born 10/25/66 with at 2 years 309 d 2x 13,600m 416f inc. and bred to Paclamar Ivanhoe Black Eagle.

A total of 438 Holsteins from 21 states and Ontario were shown on October 7th and 8th, 1969 at the Central National Holstein Show at Madison, Wisconsin. The Grand Champion Female was Miss Ivanhoe Scranton, 1st Aged Cow, owned by Raymond A. Seidel, Richland, PA. Reserve Grand Champion was won by the 2nd Aged Cow, Marilyn Ivanhoe Ema owned by George Knight, Airville, PA. The Grand Champion Bull was Crescent Beauty Talent, Ist Aged Bull owned by Allen Hetts and Willard Dickman of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin and Herscher, Illinois. Reserve Grand Champion Male was Maur-Mar Admiral Crusader, 2nd Aged Bull owned by Maurice Peterson, Walworthy, Wis. Junior Champion Female was Kaindale Duke Regal, 1st Junior. Yearling Heifer owned by Richard Kain, Jr., Amenia, New York. Reserve Junior Champion Female was Easthaven Quintillion Fury, 1st Senior Yearling Heifer owned by B. G. & G. Holsteins, Canton, Ohio and Ashville, Ohio. Junior Champion Male was Le-Maples Melody Marquis, 1st Senior Yearling owned by Weston Payne and Sons, Clyde, Ohio. Reserve Junior Champion Male was C Houckhall Reflection Leader, 2nd Senior Yearling Bull owned by Marion and Marjorie Hooley and G. W. Snider, Goshen, Indiana. The World Premiere Sale held the evening after the first day of showing averaged $4,059 on 32 head. High selling animal at $26,000 was Allendairy Eula Marquis, a 2 year old heifer, consigned by Allen Dairy Farms, Inc., Mechanicsburg, PA and purchased by Agro Acres, Hamilton, Ontario. The Buckeye Breeders Sale was advertised for November 12, 1969 at 11:00 a.m. at the fairgrounds coliseum, Wooster, Ohio. It featured 70 registered Holsteins from 30 Ohio Breeders. J. O. Fenstermaker, Homerville, Ohio and Andrew Miller, Wooster, Ohio were the auctioneers. The Advanced Registry Report featured recently classified herds. Those listed from Ohio were: T. Lawrence McCullough, Louisville; William T. McKarns, Kensington; Carl K. Miller, Columbiana; Melvin E. Miller & John Smallwood, Burton; Robert Minor, Cortland; Gerald R. Mitchell, Chagrin Falls; L. L. Moff & Son, Canfield; James F. Monter, Louisville; H. B. Owen & Son, Homerville; Paul Otis Pickworth, Wellington; Richman Farms & Richard K. Indoe, Lodi; Harry B. Rowland, Wellington; William Ruegg, North Lawrence; James H. Sheffield, Wellington; James L. Tait, Lodi; Sterling G. Timmons, Chagrin Falls; Mike Yarosh, Wellington; William Yarosh, Spencer. A few of the Ohio State Fair winners were pictured on one page. 1st Produce of Dam from Ornum Segis D Sovereign A , J. H. Ayars & Family, Mechanicsburg, Ohio; Besview Reflection Queen M, 1st in Futurity Class, 2nd 3 year Old & Best Udder in Class, William Yarosh, Spencer, Ohio; Le-Maples Melody Marquis, 1st Sr. Yearling Bull & Junior Champion, Weston Payne & Sons, Clyde, Ohio; Holwyn Fury Ideal Mahomet, 1st Junior Heifer Calf, Robert & Sandra Snyder, Urbana, Ohio; Lu-Cen Fury Chip, 1st Bull Calf,

The First Gordon A. Riley Invitational Sale held September 22, 1969 at Ashland, Ohio was topped at $2,225 by U-Dean Wendi Triune consigned by Eugene and Dean Welch, U-Dean Farms, Polk, Ohio. Buyer was John Mayne, Knollwood Farms, Fairport, New York. The Invitational averaged $976.56 on 16 females 2 years & over. One yearling sold for $600. Three calves under 3 months averaged $136.67. The Kenneth Koegler Dispersal was also a part of the sale. Topping the dispersal at $2,000 was Shady Pine Princess, a four year old, selling to Locklea Farms, Alden, New York. The Shady Pine dispersal averaged $606.50 on 20 females 2 years & over. One calf under 3 months sold with dam for $685. Five (5) open yearlings averaged $484. Four (4) heifer calves over 3 months averaged $345. One (1) bull over 3 months $485. From the June 10, 1970 Holstein-Friesian World Vol. 67 No. 11 In June 1970 Ohio had 44 Holstein clubs and 1583 members. Cal Wilcox was the State Secretary. Ohio had 11 delegates to the 85th annual convention of Holstein-Friesian Association of America to be held June 28-July 2 at Boston, Massachusetts. They were Reuben Jones, L. O. Gilmore, Richard K. Indoe, Art Crocker, William A. Shipley, Harold E. Owen, Horace Stewart, Karl Havens, Eugene E. Welch, Don Crocker, Myron W. Stryffeler. The Ohio 50th Anniversary Classic Sale was scheduled for Monday July 13, 1970 at 7:00 p.m. at the state fairgrounds in Columbus, Ohio. A two page ad from the Ohio Holstein Association featured pictures of consignments selling and animals in the pedigrees. Fifty head will sell. Effective August 1, 1970 the subscription price for the Holstein-Friesian World will be advanced to $5 a year for U. S. subscriptions. The rate outside the U. S. will be $6 a year.

Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the Ohio Holstein Facebook page! See updated info, breeder ads & show happenings!



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MILEY SOLOMON GOSPEL EX 91 Solomon x VG 86 McCutchen x VG 87 Atlantic X EX Best 1-11 365 28,008 M 4.2 1175 F 3.3 931 P Due back in March to Doc as a four-year-old for 2022 Has a Gold Chip daughter due in December 14 Generations Homebred VG or EX






We are moving forward with plans for the 2022 convention. It will be held

March 4 & 5, 2022 at Deer Creek Lodge & Convention Center, Mt. Sterling, Ohio

More information will be available on our website and in the next issue of Ohio Holstein News. Mark your calendars now and we hope to see each of you there!






Good Luck! Ohio youth were highlighted at the Sale of Champions at the end of the Ohio State Fair. While they enjoyed a great time showing in the coliseum and excelled in their respective breeds, many of these youth will go on to the fall shows in Madison and Louisville. The Ohio Holstein Juniors wish all the youth good luck as they continue down the tanbark trail in 2021! Lilly Elsass, OJHA Secretary

From left: Madelyn Topp, Aubree Topp, Madison Rupp, Tim Gunkelman, Logan Topp, Blake Griewe, Lilly Elsass, Kayla Cring, Scott Higgins.




! a e d I o N

Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Jeneva Auble, District 8 Board Representative

1. My favorite place to eat in Ohio is... South Street Grill in Ashland, OH 2. If you could do anything and know that you could NOT fail, what would you do? Be a dairy farmer 3. What is the one food you could never give up? Ice cream 4. Pumpkin Latte or Soda? Pumpkin Latte 5. On a Sunday afternoon in October you’ll find me… Deer hunting, taking a walk and enjoying the fall leaves, or inside watching Hocus Pocus 6. Favorite flavor of milk? Chocolate 7. Queso or Salsa? Queso 8. Bungee jumping or zipline? Zipline 9. What is the title of the last book you read? Still Alice 10. The name of your first 4-H calf? A Jersey heifer named Melissa

Jeneva Auble



In Memoriam

Myron H. Fledderjohann

Myron H. Fledderjohann, 87, of New Knoxville, died suddenly on Saturday, Aug. 21, 2021, at his home. He died in the very room where he was born on Dec. 15, 1933. He was the son of August and Matilda (Lammers) Fledderjohann. He married Beverly A. Kesler on March 11, 1956, in Lima, Ohio, and she survives at the residence. He is also survived by his children: Keith (Pam) Fledderjohann of St. Marys; Gregg (Chris) Fledderjohann of Celina; Wayne (Kim) Fledderjohann of New Knoxville; Clark (Kathy) Fledderjohann of Botkins; Sally Burden. He is survived by his 16 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren and by a sister, Helen Wellman of New Knoxville. He was preceded in death by his parents; by three brothers: Vernon, Kermit and Ralph Fledderjohann; by two sisters: Mildred Fledderjohann and Elmeda Wierwille. He was also preceded in death by his grandson, Jordan Fledderjohann.

Brad R. Wuebker

Brad R. Wuebker, age 35, of Carthagena, died on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, at Ft. Wayne Lutheran Hospital in Ft. Wayne, IN. He was born June 20, 1986, in Coldwater to John & Nancy (Wilker) Wuebker. He is survived by a sister-in-law Angela Wuebker of Carthagena, niece and nephew Ava, Levi, and Baby Wuebker, his grandmother Jane Wilker of Coldwater, godmother Ginny Zumberge, and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. He is preceded in death by his brothers Gary and Todd, grandparents, Ludwig & Dolores Wuebker, and Elmer Wilker, and godfather Roger Wuebker. He was a member of St. Aloysius Catholic Church, Carthagena. Brad was a member of the Coldwater Young Farmers and was a 2005 graduate of St. Henry High School. He worked at Mercer Landmark in Celina and was a full-time farmer working side by side with his dad and brothers as they owned and operated GBT Wuebker Farms L.L.C.

He was a 1951 graduate of New Knoxville High School. He was a dairy farmer, fieldman and Program Coordinator for the National Brown Swiss Cattle Association. He traveled many times in Europe and South America judging Brown Swiss cows and conducting judging schools. Myron was a veteran of the U.S. Army and was the past president of the New Knoxville Historical Society. He was well known for his vast knowledge of New Knoxville history and for his love of speaking in Platt Deutsch. He was baptized at the First United Church of Christ in New Knoxville, where he was past president of the congregation. He served on the Pilger Ruhe Cemetery Board and was a life member of the Ohio Purebred Dairy Cattle Association and the National Dairy Shrine Club. He was a member of the New Knoxville United Methodist Church. Funeral rites will be held at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2021, at the Miller Funeral Home, 1605 Celina Road, St. Marys, the Rev. Dennis Gaertner, officiant. Private family burial rites will be held at Pilger Ruhe Cemetery. Friends may call one hour prior to services on Wednesday at the funeral home, where the family encourages everyone to please dress casually. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be given to the New Knoxville Historical Society, 107 E. German St., New Knoxville. Condolences may be sent to Myron’s family via MillerFuneralHomes.net.

Deadline for the

November/December issue of Ohio Holstein News is Nov. 10 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 |


In Memoriam

Todd M. Wuebker

Luke Rollin Thorbahn

Todd M. Wuebker, age 31, of Carthagena, died on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, at Mercer Health Hospital in Coldwater. He was born February 8, 1990, in Coldwater to John & Nancy (Wilker) Wuebker. On August 30, 2014, he married Angela (Will) Wuebker and she survives in Carthagena. Todd is also survived by children Ava, Levi, and Baby Wuebker, his grandmother Jane Wilker of Coldwater, his father and mother-in-law Andy & Shirley Will, and in-laws John & Natalie Will of Coldwater, and Amy & Tyler Bruns of Chickasaw, nieces and nephew Lucy, Charlotte, and Samantha Will and Nicholas Bruns, grandparents-in-law Jerome & Dorisann Will, godparents, Rose Moeder and Mark Wilker, and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Lewis “Luke” Rollin Thorbahn II, 69, of Vickery, more recently, The Willows of Bellevue, died in Bellevue on Monday, August 30, 2021. Luke was born in Fremont on February 2, 1952 to the now deceased Janet (Brockman) and Lewis R. Thorbahn, Sr. He was a 1970 graduate of Fremont Ross High School where he received his State Farmer Degree that same year.

He is preceded in death by his brothers, Gary and Brad, and grandparents, Ludwig & Dolores Wuebker, Elmer Wilker, and Bernard & Irene Meyer. He was a member of St. Aloysius Catholic Church, Carthagena. Todd was a member of the Coldwater Young Farmers and was a 2008 graduate of St. Henry High School. He worked at Rindler Truss in St. Henry and was a full-time farmer working side by side with his dad and brothers as they owned and operated GBT Wuebker Farms L.L.C.

Gary D. Wuebker

Gary D. Wuebker, age 37, of Carthagena, died on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, at Mercer Health Hospital in Coldwater. He was born June 27, 1984, in Coldwater to John & Nancy (Wilker) Wuebker. His parents survive in St. Henry. He is also survived by a sister-in-law Angela Wuebker of Carthagena, niece and nephew, Ava, Levi, and Baby Wuebker, his grandmother Jane Wilker of Coldwater, godparents Linda Schulze and David Wuebker, and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. He is preceded in death by his brothers Brad and Todd, and grandparents, Ludwig & Dolores Wuebker, and Elmer Wilker. He was a member of St. Aloysius Catholic Church, Carthagena. Gary was a member of the Coldwater Young Farmers and was a 2003 graduate of St. Henry High School. He worked at Mercer Landmark in St. Henry and was a full-time farmer working side by side with his dad and brothers as they owned and operated GBT Wuebker Farms L.L.C.






Luke was a lifelong farmer in Riley and Townsend Township with his father and brother, Tom. He was a member of the Townsend Township Volunteer Fireman Association serving as a captain. Also a member of the Sandusky County Agriculture Society, serving as President 1991-2002 and then again 2007-2017; Ohio Holstein Association and the Holstein Association USA; member of the Coon Creek Club and Fremont Country Club along with Riley Country Club. In 1994, Luke was the Sandusky County Farmer of the Year. His survivors include his three brothers: Tom (Linda) Thorbahn; Fred (Sandy) Thorbahn all of Vickery and Dave (Nancy) Thorbahn of Plain City, Ohio. Six nieces, Stacey (Chaun Trapp); Sarah (Tler) McKinnon; Kayleah Thorbahn; Ashley Thorbahn; Jenna Thorbahn, and Kelsey Thorbahn, along with three great nephews and one great niece and one aunt, Donna Fizer survive as well. Numerous cousins and friends are surviving. Visitation will be on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 from 9:00 am until the service at 11:00 am at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Vickery. Burial will be in Parkhurst Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Townsend Fire Department or Good Shepherd Lutheran Church or Sandusky County Agriculture Society.

Roger Schug

Roger Schug of Monroeville passed away in September. His obituary was not available at press time. It will appear in the November-December issue.


T R A D I T I O NA L H O L S T E I N F U T U R I T Y returns to

Taft Coliseum

The 2021 National Holstein Futurity returned to its traditional glory with attention directed to the class of cows entered and developed for the promising class. The futurity was held on July 30, 2021, in Columbus, Ohio at the Ohio State Fair. Roger Turner of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin served as the judge. 1. MS T Triple T SW WB Payton, Triple T, Cummings and Bertke, North Lewisburg, OH 2 E-Kiko Beemer Suzanne, Evan Kiko, Paris, OH 3. MS Sid Beauty PF Bourbon, Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH 4. Plainfield Solomon Gin, Plainfield Farms, LLC, Belmont, OH 5. Milk & Honey Avi Twila, Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp, Botkins, OH 6. (1st JR) Iron Gate Tempe 3372-Red. Lindsay L’Amoreaux, Louisville, OH 7. Stein-Way Belle of the Ball, Damon Bertke, Maria Stein, OH 8. Express-SMD Bexleigh, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Holsteins. Urbana, OH 9. (2nd JR) White-Light Diamondback Kuch, White Light Holsteins, McClure, OH

The winner, MS T Triple T SW WB Payton

2nd place E-Kiko Beemer Suzanne

Roger Turner’s Top 5

3rd place MS Sid Beauty PF Bourbon

200H11850 ESPN -Udders, good feet & legs, good fat test. 200H12025 Royal Flush- GTPI, good test, read good udders.


Jim Sheffield of Jaloda Farm in Wellington provided the following insight on the bulls they are using. 250H012961 Doc -Both Conventional and Sexed-Great udders, overall type, using him more than any bull. 14HO7770 Helix--Great production, great for using on posty legs. 7HO15523 Parsley -GTPI, udder improver, great productive life (P.L.). 7HO15457 Talon – GTPI, udder improver, fat test, good SSC. 507HO15325 Hanans- GTPI udder improver, good type. -

200H12026 Prologue -GTPI, exceptional test, good P. L. 200HO9230 Hoosick -GTPI, P. L., good udders.

are still using him. 224HO2881 Supershot- We have two great producing daughters. 7HO12165 Montross- Overall satisfied with his daughters. 29HO17944 Bourbon Several nice individuals in our herd.

7HO12787 King Royal- Type & udders. Favorite sires of daughters we are currently milking: 7HO10506 Atwood- 5 Atwood full sisters from the F family of Doug Dye. 7HO9264 Dempsy- 2 EX Demspeys and other young ones. 29HO17573 Silver- A bull we really liked, he died young, we would have used him a lot more. 7HO11314 Mogul- Overall one of the best bulls we’ve used, had about 15 daughters 7HO12787 King Royal- We love them and

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Dairy needs a hero

By Barb Lumley

While Melissa patiently waits for my column for the Ohio Holstein News (her deadline is past) I sit here watching SpongeBob SquarePants on television. I am babysitting my four year old great-grandson and when babysitting young children, the children’s shows are a necessity. If you are lucky, they will keep the children quiet for a few minutes, however it is usually ONLY a few minutes in between their other activities. I have a little trouble understanding SpongeBob as he is involved in some strange happenings. Maybe that is due to my age! There are numerous other children’s shows on TV. There are Monster Machines, Peppa Pig, the Chicken Squad, My Little Pony, Paw Patrol, Baby Sharks, Spidey and many more types of characters and shows. Why don’t they have a children’s show featuring a dairy cow as the hero or a show with dairy calves? We have all heard about “the cow that jumped over the moon”, although I am not sure that our youth of today know much about her. A cow could be an astronaut and come up with all kinds of stories and ideas about space, the stars and the moon. There could be a “Mother Cow” teaching life lessons. The calves could escape the pasture fence or barn and become involved in all sorts of adventures! Ask any farmer, don’t they often do that? A calf might dream of growing up to be a “kicker”---on a football or soccer team… and they could teach the kids about the importance of drinking milk and eating dairy foods for strength and muscles. Many of the shows involve teaching, so the stars could be used for math, the moon to educate kids about cheese and more! There could be so many ideas with a cow or calf as the hero or heroine and using the show to advertise milk and dairy products. Seems to me the advertising money taken from your milk checks would be well spent. Remember that while those children’s show are often running all day on TV, the adults would be forced to listen to them and repeatedly hear about the importance of milk and dairy products in everyone’s diet!

however the other breeds could all be friends or neighbors, participate in the adventures and work together to solve problems. We would need a “catchy” name for our hero and one that is easy for the children to remember. “Holly Holstein” might be a good choice. A recent show had the characters seeking a “Golden Chest” filled with something special. With dairy cow or calf characters the chest could be filled with ice cream treats, yogurt, bottles of flavored milk, cheese or even a new baby calf. SpongeBob has a friend named Patrick Star so a good friend for a dairy character might be “Cookie”. Cookies and milk definitely go together! Big City Greens does have a cow, however she never seems to do very much. Cogburn the Rooster rules the roost and is the leader in that show but his decisions always seem to get her and his followers into trouble! (Reminds me of another leader!) I kept wondering how having to watch SpongeBob SquarePants was going to benefit me. Lo and behold, it has helped me to come up with an idea that could benefit dairy farmers! Now we just need someone to take the idea and make it happen! Hey, COBA/ Select Sires or any of the other AI organizations, could you help promote this idea and get the show rolling? Your bulls could be characters in the shows. Remember Ferdinand? He preferred flowers to fighting. “Doorman” could open and close barn doors and gates for “Holly Holstein” and teach children how to be helpful, polite and mind their manners. Some of those kids watching might be managing dairy farms someday and buying semen. The shows could be made available for distribution in many ways. It definitely needs to be on television! Copies could be given as awards at dairy shows and numerous other events. Dairy youth groups could sell them. They could be distributed to school children. They could be available at World Dairy Expo, the All-American, the North American International Livestock Exposition, state fairs, county fairs and so many other places! The show could produce toys, games and many more things featuring the dairy hero. The show could have someone write a catchy theme song. Remember the Baby Shark theme song? Parents and adults couldn’t avoid it and even old people knew it!! Who knew that SpongeBob SquarePants could give me the inspiration for a column and an idea for advertising milk and dairy products that could benefit dairy farmers! I just never know where my ideas are going to come from!

It would be great if the dairy cow character was a Holstein,

Plan ahead to advertise your

All-Ohio winner

in the January-February issue! Deadline is January 10! 24



















Show Results OPEN SHOW RESULTS Premier Breeder - Jim & Evan Kiko LLC Premier Exhibitor - R&P Kiko Family Farms Best Bred & Owned - Riceton Crush Iris, Riceton Farms Grand Champion - Riceton Crush Iris, Riceton Farms Reserve Grand Champion - Toppglen Defiant Wowwee, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle Senior Champion - Toppglen Defiant Wowwee, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle Reserve Senior Champion - Entourage-LC GC Asia-ET, Dobay, Cole, & Sherbourne Intermediate Champion - Riceton Crush Iris, Riceton Farms Reserve Intermediate Champion - Springhill-OH U Juliet, R&P Kiko Family Farm Junior Champion - App-Sham Addison Ally-ET, Bret & Shelby Keister Reserve Junior Champion - Glen-Paul Warrior Bacardi, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle JUNIOR SHOW RESULTS Grand Champion - Toppglen Defiant Wowwee, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle Reserve Grand Champion - Kiko Atwood Jazzy, Elizabeth Kiko Senior Champion - Toppglen Defiant Wowwee, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle Reserve Senior Champion - Kiko Atwood Jazzy, Elizabeth Kiko Intermediate Champion - Toppglen Def Wildrose-Red, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle Reserve Intermediate Champion - Toppglen Defiant Winter, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle Junior Champion - Glen-Paul Warrior Bacardi, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle Reserve Junior Champion - Oakfield Jo Lumineer, Tim & Grace Gunkleman Spring Heifer Calf 1. Shade Line Jasmine, Neider & Gleisner 2. Breezy-Knoll Warrior CJ-Red, Breezy Knoll 3. Miss Warrior Atlas, Dobay, Cole, & Sherbourne 4. Liddleholme Ava Moment-ET, Plainfield Farms 5. Plainfield Backflip Gigi, Plainfield Farms Winter Heifer Calf 1. Glen-Paul Warrior Bacardi, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle 2. Kiko Solo Jawdropping-ET, R&P Kiko Family Farm 3. Breezy Knoll AW Karmin-Red, Breezy Knoll 4. Breezy-Knoll Redlight, Maci McLean 5. Wil-San Warrior Arson-Red, Audrey Sidle Fall Heifer Calf 1. McWilliams Hypnotic Lacee, Tim & Grace Gunkleman 2. Miss Warrior Firecracker-Red, Duane Cole 3. Kiko Answered Mawe-Red, Elizabeth Kiko 4. E-Kiko Cheers To Trine, Jim & Evan Kiko LLC 5. Lindlaur Warrior Starship, Lauren L’Amoreaux Summer Yearling 1. App-Sham Addison Ally-ET, Bret & Shelby Keister 2. Plainfield Denver Shimmer, Tim & Grace Gunkleman 3. J-Kiko Awesome Magnolia-Red, Jim & Evan Kiko LLc 4. Redcarpet Movin To Fame-ET, Dobay, Cole & Sherbourne 5. Toppglen Sidekick Wohala, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle

Ohio District 1 & 2 Holstein Show

June 12, 2021 • Head Shown: 118 • Judge: Joe Nash

Spring Yearling 1. Oakfield Jo Lumineer-Red, Tim & Grace Gunkleman 2. Lindlaur Warrior Chill-Red, Lauren L’Amoreaux 3. Ms Eatonholme Balla, Zachary Logan 4. Ms Fionas-AVL Frizzy-Red-ET, Preston Sheets 5. Toppglen Avalanche Keana-ET, Aaron Carle Winter Yearling 1. E-Kiko Diamondback Jolly-ET, Jim & Evan Kiko LLC 2. Brookview Whiplash-ET, Zachary Logan 3. K-Ace Undenied Khloe, Bret & Shelby Keister 4. Kiko Goldchip Keg, Elizabeth Kiko 5. Beardsley War Ginsing-Red, Aaron Carle Fall Yearling 1. App-Sham Denver Dixie, Bret & Shelby Keister 2. Lindlaur Jordy Amaretto-Red, Lauren L’Amoreaux 3. Iron-Gate Temp 3944 Red-ET, Whiteleather & Whinnery 4. Ms Lorawae Uber Crush Piper, Lorawae Holsteins 5. Montage Diamondback Ashlyn, Montgomery Dairy Junior Best Three Females 1. Breezy Knoll Farm 2. Kiko Farm 3. Lindlaur Holsteins 4. Plainfield Farm 5. Topp/Sidle Summer-Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Toppglen Def Wildrose-Red, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle 2. J Kiko Sidekick 684, Jim & Evan Kiko LLC Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Kiko Unix Jockey, R&P Kiko Family Farm 2. Campbros DBack Liza, Rod & Cindy Campbell 3. Miss Solomon Ave, Dobay, Cole & Sherbourne 4. Jenniel Diamondback Gloria, Russell Boyce & Neil Dearn 5. Toppglen Awesome Woohoo, Marissa & LoganTopp & Audrey Sidle Senior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Springhill-OH Juliet, R&P Kiko Family Farm 2. Toppglen Defiant Winter, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey Sidle 3. Whin-Way Doorman Pea, Bryan Whinnery 4. Brookview Solomon M Tambra, Terri Essick 5. Breezy Knoll Chos-Red-ET, Breezy Knoll Farm Junior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Riceton Crush Iris, Riceton Farm 2. Plainfield Solomon Gin, Plainfield Farms 3. H-C-Rider Armani Sophia, Breezy Knoll Farm 4. J-Kiko Diamondback Mae, Jim & Evan Kiko LLC 5. Kiko Doorman Magnolia, R&P Kiko Family Farm Senior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. E Kiko Beemer Suzane, Jim & Evan Kiko LLC 2. Beardsley DB Ginger-Red, Aaron Carle 3. Raygor Crush Tequila, Elizabeth Kiko 4. Lorawae McCutchen Liz, Lorawae Holsteins 5. Whiteleather GChip 3386, Whiteleather Holsteins Four-Year-Old-Cow 1. Entourage-LCGC Asia-ET, Dobay, Cole & Sherbourne 2. Kiko Atwood Jazzy, Elizabeth Kiko 3. Bulldog McCutch Jade, Jim & Evan Kiko LLC 4. Plainfield Solomon Finesse, Plainfield Farm 5. Lorawae Uber Corvet Petal, Lorawae Holsteins Five-Year-Old-Cow 1. Toppglen Defiant Wowwee, Marissa & Logan Topp & Audrey

Sidle 2. Whiteleather Goder 2919, Whiteleather Holsteins 3. Stanning Awesome Ali-Red-ET, Zachary Logan 4. Breezy Knoll Broday Ballet, Breezy-Knoll Farm 5. Breezy-Knoll Goldchip Viola, Breezy Knoll Farm Aged-Cow 1. Kiko Aftershock Jackie, R&P Kiko Family Farm 2. Top-Choice Defiant Defeat, Breezy Knoll Farm Dry Cow 1. J-Kiko Delta-Lambodo, 653, Jim & Evan Kiko LLC Best Three Females 1. Toppglen 2. Kiko 3. Breezy-Knoll Dam & Daughter 1. Toppglenn 2. Dobay, Cole & Sherbourne Produce of Dam 1. R&P Kiko Family 2. Breezy-Knoll 3. Whiteleather

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Show Results OPEN SHOW RESULTS Premier Breeder & Exhibitor - Plainfield Holsteins Best Bred & Owned - Plainfield Solmn Finesse-ET, Plainfield Holsteins Junior Best Bred & Owned - Plainfield Jordy Fiery-ET, Plainfield Holsteins Grand Champion - Heart & Soul Solo Glee, Plainfield Holsteins Reserve Grand Champion - Beardsley DB Ginger-ET, Aaron Carle Senior Champion - Jacobs Sid-Bubble-ET, Plainfield Holsteins Reserve Senior Champion - Plainfield Solmn Finesse-ET, Plainfield Holsteins Intermediate Champion - Heart & Soul Solo Glee, Plainfield Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion - Beardsley DB Ginger-ET, Aaron Carle Junior Champion - Glen Paul Backflip Breeze, Jacoby Gilbert & Katrina Emerch Reserve Junior Champion - Quietcove Fruit Punch-ET, Drake & Dylan Knoll JUNIOR SHOW RESULTS Grand Champion - Beardsley DB Ginger-ET, Aaron Carle Reserve Grand Champion - Hardingdale ABS Shy-Red, Isabel Seibert Senior Champion - Hardingdale ABS Shy-Red, Isabel Seibert Intermediate Champion - Beardsley DB Ginger-ET, Aaron Carle Reserve Intermediate Champion - Hard-Razor Defiant Farrah, Ella Seibert Junior Champion - Glen Paul Backflip Breeze, Jacoby Gilbert & Katatrina Emerch Reserve Junior Champion - Quietcove Fruit Punch-ET, Drake & Dylan Knoll Spring Heifer Calf 1. Milksource Gold Tribute, Jacoby Gilbert 2. Hardingdale Knoska Emily, Layla Schwartz 3. Elrac Unstop Phantom, Justin Landis 4. Hard-Razor Unix Faith, Aubrey Grove Winter Heifer Calf 1. Glen Paul Backflip Breeze, Jacob Gilbert & Katarina Emerich 2. Ms TTT-Opportunity Paparazzi, Price Knoll 3. Hardingdale Drk Hrse Spanky, Layla Schwartz 4. Lofty Meadows Unsptabull Ma, Paige Kemp Fall Heifer Calf 1. Hardingdale Impression Lady, Quinn Schwartz 2. Lofty Meadows Skyhugh Charli, Paige Kemp 3. Steel-Lane Glitter-Red, Proud Hill Acres Summer Yearling 1. Quality Quest Flaming Hot, Gage Wickman 2. Wil-O-Rae Mlone Rosebud-Red, Price Knoll 3. Hardingdale Sidekick Koelm, Liston Seibert 4. M-Coffman Diamondback Girl, Coffman Farms Spring Yearling 1. Plainfield Dlynes Domino, Breanne Wickman 2. Quality-Quest Denver Boom, Aubrey Grove 3. Toppglen Avalanche Keana, Aaron Carle 4. M-Coffman SDrue Daisy, Coffman Farms 5. Lofty-Meadow Warrior T-Red, Paige Kemp Winter Yearling 1. Plainfield Jordy Fury-ET, Plainfield Holsteins 2. Lofty-Meadows Denver Iabetha, Paige Kemp 30




Ohio District 3 Holstein Show

June 19, 2021 • Head Shown: 39 • Judge: Rudy Kiko

Fall Yearling 1. Quietcove Fruit Punch-ET, Drake & Dylan Knoll 2. Hardingdale By Way Sammy, Quinn Schwartz 3. Dareco Crushabull Corie, Coffman Farms Junior Best Three Females 1. Hardingdale Holsteins 2. Lofty-Meadow Farm LLC Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Heart & Soul Solo Glee, Plainfield Holsteins Senior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Plainfield Crsh Friction-ET, Plainfield Holsteins 2. Hardingdale Kelo Waverly, Ella Seibert 3. M-Coffman By-Way Fallon, Coffman Farms Junior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Plainfield Solomon Gin, Plainfield Holstein 2. Miss Sid Beauty PF Bourbon, Plainfield Holsteins Senior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Beardsley DB Ginger-Red-ET, Aaron Carle

2. Hard-Razor Defiant Farrah, Ella Seibert 3. Lofty-Meadow Hammer Markey, Lofty-Meadow Farm LLC Four-Year-Old-Cow 1. Jacobs-Sid-Bubble, Plainfield Holsteins 2. Plainfield Solmn Finesse-ET, Plainfield Holsteins 3. Hardingdale ABS Shy-Red, Isabel Seibert Five-Year-Old-Cow 1. Plainfield Chrome Jenga, Lofty-Meadow Farm LLC Aged-Cow 1. Jolada Dempsey Dalish, Lofty-Meadow Farm LLC Best Three Females 1. Hardingdale Holsteins Dam & Daughter 1. Hardingdale Holsteins 2. Lofty Meadow Farm LLC Produce of Dam 1. Plainfield Holsteins

Ohio District 9 Holstein Show

July 22, 2021 • Head Shown: 43 • Judge: Charlie Gleisner OPEN SHOW RESULTS Premier Breeder & Exhibitor - Bucks Pride Best Bred & Owned - KK Hudson Bob Poppy, Cole Hudson Grand Champion - Bucks Pride Slater Maria, Lane Bauer Reserve Grand Champion - KK Hudson Bob Poppy, Cole Hudson Senior Champion - Ms Daisy Mae-Red, Hayley Bankey Intermediate Champion - Bucks Pride Slater Maria, Lane Bauer Reserve Intermediate Champion - KK Hudson Bob Poppy, Cole Hudson Junior Champion - Bucks Pride Warrior Meg-Red, Brady Cole Reserve Junior Champion - Bucks Pride Hancock Country, Brady Cole JUNIOR SHOW RESULTS Grand Champion - Bucks Pride Slater Maria, Lane Bauer Reserve Grand Champion - KK Hudson Bob Poppy, Cole Hudson Senior Champion - Ms Daisy Mae-Red, Hayley Bankey Intermediate Champion - Bucks Pride Slater Maria, Lane Bauer Reserve Intermediate Champion - KK Hudson Bob Poppy, Cole Hudson Junior Champion - Bucks Pride Warrior Meg-Red, Brady Cole Reserve Junior Champion - Bucks Pride Hancock Country, Brady Cole Spring Heifer Calf 1. Bucks Pride Hancock Country, Brady Cole 2. Bucks Pride Jacoby Daffodil, Will Cole 3. Kokosing Warrior Wynx, Jillian Bouton 4. Wil-San Doc Dash, Madison Rhodes 5. Crnln Markway Helix Dynamic, Mark Payne Winter Heifer Calf 1. Bucks Pride Warrior Meg-Red, Brady Cole 2. Silvervue DB Amber, Megan McCoy 3. Bucks PRide Warrior Whoopie, Will Cole 4. Markway Pileys Gina, Mark Payne 5. Silvervue Jordy Sunset, Megan McCoy


Fall Heifer Calf 1. Bucks Pride Unstopabull Ada, Brady Cole 2. Kokosings Warrior Ella, Ella Bouton 3. Million Heir W Dream-Red, Cole Hudson 4. Markway Addison Energetic, Cole Hudson 5. KK Hudson Fields Hope, Connor Corwin Summer Yearling 1. Bucks Pride Goldchip Peach Pie, Brady Cole 2. Trelayne Undenied Gin-TW, Mark Payne 3. Kokings War Hocus Pocus, Audrey Bouton 4. Ms LJB Doc Mercy, Hayley Bankey 5. KK Hudson Bob Alice, Syndee Corwin Spring Yearling 1. Bucks Pride Goldchip Rosie, Brady Cole 2. Markway Crush Lillian, Mark Payne 3. MS Quietcove Doc Rightway, Landon Bankey 4. LJB Doc Brail, Hayley Bankey Winter Yearling 1. Bucks Pride Warrior Wanda, Brooke Slagle 2. Silvervue Briley Fantasy, Mark Payne Fall Yearling 1. Million Heir KD Riatta-ET, Lane Bauer. Junior Best Three Females 1. Bucks Pride Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Rohaven Renegade Rosie, Jordyn Rhodes Senior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. KK Hudson Bob Poppy, Cole Hudson 2. Broadview Solomon Darla, Landon Bankey 3. Silvervue Dempsey Apple Pie, Megan McCoy 4. Bucks Pride Stulane Firework, Brooke Slagle Senior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Bucks Pride Slater Maria, Lane Bauer 2. Broad View Solomon Dannix, Landon Bankey Dry Cow 1. Ms Daisy Mae-Red, Hayley Bankey Dam & Daughter 1. Megan McCoy 2. Cole Hudson

Show Results

OPEN SHOW RESULTS Premier Breeder & Exhibitor - Etgen-Way Grand Champion - Etgen-Way Corvette Subliminal, Kayla Cring Reserve Grand Champion - Quietcove Foxys Baffle Me, Lilly Elsass Senior Champion - Etgen-Way Corvette Subliminal, Kayla Cring Reserve Senior Champion - Quietcove Foxys Baffle Me, Lilly Elsass Intermediate Champion - Quietcove Foxys Baffle Me, Lilly Elsass Reserve Intermediate Champion - Etgen-Way Beemer Reminisce, Lilly Zeller Junior Champion - Silver Mist Malena, Lilly Elsass Reserve Junior Champion - Ms Quietcove Denver Daisy, Grace Sitgrist JUNIOR SHOW RESULTS Premier Breeder & Exhibitor - Etgen-Way Grand Champion - Etgen-Way Corvette Subliminal, Kayla Cring Reserve Grand Champion - Quietcove Foxys Baffle Me, Lilly Elsass Senior Champion - Etgen-Way Corvette Subliminal, Kayla Cring Reserve Senior Champion - Quietcove Foxys Baffle Me, Lilly Elsass Intermediate Champion - Quietcove Foxys Baffle Me, Lilly Elsass Reserve Intermediate Champion - Etgen-Way Beemer Reminisce, Lilly Zeller Junior Champion - Silver Mist Malena, Lilly Elsass Reserve Junior Champion - Ms Quietcove Denver Daisy, Grace Sitgrist Spring Heifer Calf 1. Renbow Doc Promise, Ruth Bambauer

JUNIOR SHOW RESULTS Grand Champion - Future Manor Defi Lockett, Caili Baumann Reserve Grand Champion - SH-Edge-NCM Avlnch Skye-ET, Hannah Griffith Senior Champion - Maple-Rey Corvette Symphony, Pierce Derflinger Reserve Senior Champion - Ray-Jo Diamondback Tipsy, Will Matthews Intermediate Champion - Future Manor Defi Lockett, Caili Baumann Reserve Intermediate Champion - SH-Edge-NCM Avlnch Skye-ET, Hannah Griffith

August 2, 2021 • Head Shown: 51 • Judge: Phil Topp

2. Wakefield Warrier Hershey, Reid Klopfenstein 3. Etgen-Way Unstopabull Wing, Cash Etgen 4. Etgen-Way Unstopabull Wink, Henry Etgen 5. Sugar-Knoll Fireball-Red-TW, Alyssa Selby Winter Heifer Calf 1. Glen-Paul Warrior Bacardi, Logan Topp 2. Silver Mist Minnicle, Lilly Elsass 3. Qcove First Things First, Trapper Elsass 4. Wil-San Warrior Winnie-Red, Caitlyn Liette 5. Ms Quietcove Wat Pop, Braxton Elsass Fall Heifer Calf 1. Quietcove Durham Dashing, Amelia Sammetinger 2. Toppglen Diamondback Merlot, Marissa Topp 3. THO Acres Ledyard Tracy, Abigail Sheigowski 4. Homan Franchise May W 790, Lauren Homan Summer Yearling 1. Quietcove Warrior Design, Lilly Elsass 2. Toppglen Sidekick Wahala, Marissa Topp 3. Wakefield Kingdoc Opal, Caitlyn Liette Spring Yearling 1. Ms Quietcove Denver Daisy, Grace Siegrist 2. Dorny-K Arist Glitz-Red, Taylor Klophenstein 3. Wakefield S-Chief Demi, Carter Liette 4. Renbow D-Back Licorice, Ruth Bambauer 5. Ms Nasholm Goldchip Ferrari, Lilly Elsass Winter Yearling 1. Maple-Tree Unix Lydia, Allison Steinke 2. Wakefield Diamondback Dream, Carter Liette

Show Results

Best Bred & Owned - Southern Hills Premier Breeder & Exhibitor - Southern Hills OPEN SHOW RESULTS Grand Champion - Future Manor Defi Lockett, Caili Baumann Reserve Grand Champion - SH-Edge-NCM Avlnch Skye-ET, Hannah Griffith Senior Champion - Southern-Hills DB Monet, Southern-Hills Reserve Senior Champion - Gar-Len Carter Candice, Sarah Quallen Intermediate Champion - Future Manor Defi Lockett, Caili Baumann Reserve Intermediate Champion - SH-Edge-NCM Avlnch Skye-ET, Hannah Griffith Junior Champion - Heart&Soul Warior Farah-Red, Danielle Miller Reserve Junior Champion - Southern-Hills Undn Scarlet, Hannah Griffith

Ohio District 12 Holstein Show • Wapakoneta, OH Fall Yearling 1. Silver Mist Malena, Lilly Elsass Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Stein-Way Tatoo 1104, Stein-Way Dairy 2. Etgen-Way Chief Danica, Etgen-Way 3. Etgen-Way Undeniable, Lilly Zeller Senior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Silver Mist My Lady, Lilly Elsass 2. Etgen-Way Doc Honeymoon, Carter Liette 3. Stein-Way Doorman Daytona, Stein-Way Dairy Junior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Stein-Way Doc Jasper, Stein-Way Dairy 2. Mapl-Valle Meridian Jem, Mapl-Valle 3. Balmoral Atwood Majestic, Alex Richardson Senior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Quietcove Foxys Baffle Me, Lilly Elsass 2. Etgen-Way Beemer Reminisce, Lilly Zeller 3. Brockview Solo Exclusive, Taylor Klopfenstein Four-Year-Old-Cow 1. Mapl-Valle Atwood Kate, Mapl-Valle 2. Mapl-Valle Kingboy Milk, Mapl-Valle Aged-Cow 1. Etgen-Way Corvette Subliminal, Kayla Cring 2. Mapl-Valle Aftershock Khloe, Mapl-Valle Best Three Females 1. Etgen-Way Produce of Dam 1. Etgen-Way

Ohio District 15 Holstein Show • Wilmington, OH July 18, 2021 • Judge: Mike Lortie, Indiana

Junior Champion - Heart&Soul Warior Farah-Red, Danielle Miller Reserve Junior Champion - Southern-Hills Undn Scarlet, Hannah Griffith

Spring Calves 1. Southern-Hills Allyp Skyler, Ryan Griffin 2. Southern-Hills Lamb Merrygo, Buckley Farms 3. Ray-Jo King Dock Daisy, New Horizon Winter Calves 1. Southern-Hills Alngsd Marci, Caleb Griffin 2. Dorloy-K Artst Glaxy-Red-ET, Danielle Miller 3. Ray-Jo Defiant Hocus Pocus, Maggie Matthews 4. Southern-Hills Unix Kinzley, Hannah Buckley 5. Richin-J Jordy Emerald Red, Eric Shaefer Fall Calves 1. Southern-Hills J Fidgie-Red, Shelby Griffith 2. Ray-Jo Warrior Sassafrass, Maggie Matthews 3. Future-Manor D-Back Hetty, Caili Bauman Summer Yearling 1. Heart&Soul Warior Farah-Red, Danielle Miller 2. Lane-Oak Jacoby Mando, Jenna Griffith 3. Future-Manor Nefertiti-Red, Cole Heger 4. Ray-Jo Rager Corona, Maggie Matthews 5. Toppglen Warrior Wrazzle, Hannah Buckley Spring Yearling 1. Heart&Soul RV Fiesta-Red, Danielle, Miller 2. Golden-Oaks AV Tyrah-ET, Caleb Griffith 3. Call-Def Jordy Janet, Maggie Matthews 4. Ray-Jo Jaguar Millie, New Horizon

5. Ray-Jo Beener Beauty, New Horizon Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Southern-Hills JD Asia, Shelby Griffith 2. Morgan Hall 3. Express-SMD Kaluha-Red-TW, Caili Baumann 4. SH-SW Jordy Reba-Red, Claire Schaefer Senior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Bottom-Line Airlift Mildred, Caili Baumann Senior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Future Manor Defi Lockett, Caili Baumann 2. SH-Edge-NCM Avlnch Skye-ET, Hannah Griffith Four-Year-Old-Cow 1. Ray-Jo Diamondback Tipsy, Will Matthews Five-Year-Old-Cow 1. Southern-Hills DB Monet, Southern-Hills Aged Cow 1. Gar-Len Carter Candice, Sarah Quallen 2. Maple-Rey Corvette Symphony, Pierce Derflinger Dry Cow 1. Ray-Jo Defiant Cayenne, Will Matthews 2. Oakfield Akito Sassy, New Horizon 3. Ray-Jo Defiant Cajun, Maggie Matthews Best Udder Overall Future-Manor Defi Lockett, Caili Baumann



Show Results

Mid-East Summer National Holstein Show

July 30-31, 2021 • Ohio State Fair • Judge: Roger Turner, Sun Prairie, WI

Grand Champions from left: Bridget Cummings, OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Judge Roger Turner, Nathan Thomas with Grand Champion, Phil Topp with Reserve Grand Champion, Alaina Topp, Jay Ackley, Aubree Topp, Chris Ackley.

Grand Champions from left: Roger Turner, Grand Champion, Reserve and Honorable Mention, Kayla Cring.

Grand Champion T-Triple-T Perfect Storm-ET

Reserve Grand Champion Silver Mist Sanchez Cate.

Premier Breeder - Etgen-Way Premier Exhibitor - Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Holsteins Senior & Grand Champion - T Triple T Perfect Storm ET, Entourage-LC, Triple-T & Heath Reserve Senior & Grand Champion - Silver Mist Sanchez Cate, Phil Topp & Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins Intermediate Champion – Camp Bros DBack Sheryl, Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion - DucketHarvue Drmn Gypsy, Bowen Family Junior Champion - Redcarpet Goldwyn Monda, Doeberiener, Bowen & Black Reserve Junior Champion - Liberty-Gen Knockin Boots, Quietcove Holsteins & Kurt Wolf Spring Heifer Calf 1. Shadeline AN Jasmine, Charles Gleisner 2. Bucks Pride Hancock Coun, Brady Cole 3. Hodglynn Mirand Halo, Elizabeth Laney 4. Liddleholm Ave Moment, Plainfield Farms LLC 5. Keystone Warrior Arrow, Mitchell Reynolds Winter Heifer Calf 1. Quietcove First Things First, Trapper Elsass 2. MS Jumping Jiggy, Jeff Price 32




3. Glen-Paul Warrior Bacardi, Glenn Craemer 4. Kiko Solo Jawdroping, Kiko Holsteins 5. Schnapsberg Denver, Kayla Cring Fall Heifer Calf 1. T-Triple-T Power Play, Colton Thomas & Blake Thomas 2. Toppglen WS Warrior What, Glenn Craemer 3. STGen Neon Sunrise, Jeff Price 4. Shadeline DRM Millie, Charles Gleisner 5. Tri-Ohio CEO Avelyn, Cale Henry Summer Yearling 1. Toppglen Goldchip Wakiki, Colton Thomas and Caroline Egolf 2. McGuires Sidekick Marsh, Kyle Mcguire 3. Plainfield Denver Shimmer, Tim Gunkleman 4. Kingsway Denver Gamma, Kenlee Philips 5. Toppglen Sidekick Wahala, Glenn Craemer Spring Yearling 1. Redcarpet Goldwyn Monday, Doeberiener, Bowen & Black 2. MS Quietcove Denver Daisy, Grace Siegrist 3. Ms Triple-T-SW Panama, Colton Thomas 4. Quietcove Avalanche Funny, Quietcove Holsteins 5. MS Nasholm Gold Chip Fer, Lilly Elsass Winter Yearling 1. Liberty-Gen Knockin Boots, Quietcove Holsteins & Kurt Wolf 2. Brookview Crinkle Cut, Brookview Farms


3. Express-SMD Warrior Harley, Express, SMD, & Ack-Lee 4. Rupp Vue 3473, Delbert & Heather Yoder 5. Shadeline AN Pocahontas, Charles Gleisner Fall Yearling 1. Stan-Mar-Dale Bflip Arica, Riley Doria 2. Quietcove Fruit Punch, Drake Knoll 3. Oakridge K Corvette Tidbit, Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp 4. Tri-Ohio Tatto Avery, Cale Henry 5. Topp-View Doorman Feckle, Madelyn Topp Milking Yearling 1. Borderview Raptro P, Kayla Cring 2. White-Light Tatoo Lasandra, White Light Holsteins 3. Stan-Mar-Dale Crisp Nancy, Express & Stan-MAR-Dale Dry-Cow 1. Allyndale Shocking Lilac, Scott Webb Summer-Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Redcarpet DM Dream Girl, Express, SMD, & Ash-Go 2. Stein-Way Tatoo 1104, Damon Bertke 3. Toppglen DEF Wildrose-Red, Glenn Craemer 4. Topp View Byway Mary Elis, Madelyn Topp 5. Express-SMD Undenied Vo, Express & Stan-Mar-Dale Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. T-Triple-T Piece of Cake, Triple-T Holsteins & Renee Pierick 2. Etgen-Way Chief Danica, Etgen Way

3. Campbros D-Back Liza, Rodney Campbell 4. Brookview Acrobat Lemonade, Brookview Farms 5. Luck-E Artist Artistic, Lane Francis Senior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Camp Bros DBack Sheryl, Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins 2. DucketHarvue Drmn Gypsy, Bowen Family 3. K-Hurst Jordy Denali-Red, Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins 4. Ms Triple-T Grateful-ET, Nathan Thomas 5. Buckeyeleaf KB Easy A, Cale Henry Junior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Stein-Way Doc Jasper, Damon Bertke 2. Jon-Lu Soloman Princess-ET, Clayton & Caroline Egolf 3. Lizette Avalanche Leona ET, Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp and Bill Bergman 4. Priceview Gamer, Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins 5. Ms Rocklan Crush Crystal, Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins

Senior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Quietcove Foxys Baffle Me, Quietcove Holsteins 2. Brookview Control Freak-ET, Brookview Farms 3. Etgen-Way Beemer Reminisce, Etgen Way 4. Locket, Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins 5. Ms Koneta Saturn Diva, Koneta Farms Four-Year-Old-Cow 1. Ms Awesome Atomic-Red-ET, Bowen Family 2. MD-Dun-Loafin DBK Excite, Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins 3. Jacobs Sid Bubble-ET, Plainfield Farms LLC 4. Futurama Awesome Honest, Madelyn Topp 5. K-Hurst Diamondback Para, Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins Five-Year-Old Cow 1. K-Hurst Armani Dazed-ET, Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins 2. Futurama Byway Shanel, Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp 3. Kiko Atwood Diane, Kiko Holsteins 4. BHHD Goldchip Minnie TW, Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins

5. Toppglen Defiant Wowwee, Glenn Craemer Aged-Cow 1. T Triple T Perfect Storm ET, Entourage-LC, Triple-T & Heath 2. Silver Mist Sanchez Cate, Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp & Ackley Registered Holsteins 3. Kiko Gold Chip Maddie, Kiko Holsteins 4. Express SMD Dback Vivica, Express & Stan-MAR-Dale 5. Jo-Ge Precious Gchip Paddy, Brian Klein Production-Cow 1. Etgen-Way Acme Blackrose, Etgen Way Best Three Females 1. Ack-Lee Produce of Dam 1. Cole Pond Dam & Daughter 1. Ack-Lee 2. Etgen-Way

Honorable Mention Grand & Intermediate Champion Camp Bros DBack Sheryl.

Reserve Intermediate Champion- DucketHarvue Drmn Gypsy

Intermediate Champions from left: Kelsay Meyer with Lily Meyer, Jay Ackley, Durham Meyer, Matt Oechsle with Intermediate Champion, Lindsay Bowen with Reserve Intermediate Champion, OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Judge Roger Turner.

Junior Champions from left: OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Judge Roger Turner, Lindsay Bowen with Junior Champion, Jeremy Elsass with Reserve Junior Champion, Lilly Elsass, Linda Wolf.

Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the Ohio Holstein Facebook page! See updated info, breeder ads & show happenings! SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 |


Show Results Senior & Grand Champion - Ohio National Show - Etgen-Way Crvtte Subliminal, Kayla Cring Reserve Senior Champion - Ohio National Show - Silver-Mist Sanchez Cate, Aubree Topp Senior & Grand Champion - Ohio 4-H Show - Etgen-Way Crvtte Subliminal, Kayla Cring Reserve Senior Champion - Ohio 4-H Show - Silver-Mist Sanchez Cate, Aubree Topp Intermediate Champion - Ohio National Show - K-Hurst Jordy, Denali Red, Briar Kuhnert Reserve Champion - Ohio National Show - Jon-lu Soloman Princess-ET, Clayton and Caroline Egolf Intermediate Champion - Ohio 4-H Show - Silver Mist My Lady Red, Lilly Elsass Reserve Intermediate Champion - Ohio 4-H Show - Luck-E Artist Artistic, Lane Francis Junior Holstein Champion - Ohio National show - Kingsway Denver Gamma, Kenlee Philips Reserve Junior Holstein Champion - Ohio National Show Silver Mist Malana-Red, Lilly Elsass Junior Champion - Ohio 4-H Show - Silver Mist Malana-Red, Lilly Elsass Reserve Junior Champion - Ohio 4-H Show - T-Triple-T Peach Crown-ET, Colton Thomas Spring Heifer Calf 1. Bucks Pride D Lambda Kim, Brady Cole, 2. Ms Jeans Coal Jewel, Kayla Cring

Mid-East Summer National Holstein Junior Show July 29, 2021 • Ohio State Fair • Judge: Tyler Chupp, Oklahoma

3. Ren-Bow Doc Promise, Lincoln Maurice Winter Heifer Calf 1. Breezy-Knoll Redlight Umi, Maci McLean 2. Kiko Solo Jawdroping, Elizabeth Kiko 3. Glen-Paul Warrior Bacardi, Logan Topp Fall Heifer Calf 1. T-Triple-T Power Play, Colton Thomas 2. Toppglen WS Warrior What, Audrey Sidle 3. W--Brook Warrior Lexy-Red, Callihan Spreng Summer Yearling 1. Toppglen Gold Chip Wakiki, Colton Thomas 2. Toppglen Sidekick Wahala, Audrey Sidle 3. Plainfield Denver Shimmer, Tim Gunkleman Spring Yearling 1. T-Triple-T Peach Crown-ET, Colton Thomas 2. Oakfield Lumineer-Red-ET, Tim Gunkelman 3. MS Quietcove Denver Dais, Grace Siegrist Winter Yearling 1. E-Kiko Diamondback Jolly, Lindsay Lamoreaux 2. Brookview Crinkle Cut, Garrett J Havens 3. Topp-View Dooman Eyeca, Madelyn Topp Fall Yearling 1. Silver Mist Malana-Red, Lilly Elsass 2. Quietcove Fruit Punch, Drake Knoll 3. Topp-View Doorman Feckle, Madelyn Topp Milking Yearling 1. White-Light Tattoo Lasandra, Ava Budny 2. Borderview Raptor p, Kayla Cring

Summer-Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Topp-view Byway MaryElis, Madelyn Topp Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Luck-E Artist Artistic, Lane Francis 2. Bc-Lund-View Db Gidgit, Mia Strong 3. Toppglen Awesome Woohoo, Logan Topp 4. Kiko Unix Jacky, Elizabeth Kiko 5. Brookview Acrobat Lemona, Grant Havens Senior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Silver Mist My Lady Red, Lilly Elsass 2. Buckeyeleaf KB Easy A, Cale Henry 3. Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red, Francis Junior Three-Year-Old Cow 1. Topp-View Addiction Ariel, Madelyn Topp Senior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Beardsley DB Ginger-Red, Aaron Carle 2. Brookview Control Freak-ET, Garrett J Havens 3. Iron-Gate Tempe 3372-Red, Lindsay Lamoreaux Four-Year-Old-Cow 1. Futurama Awesome Honest, Madelyn Topp 2. Brookview Dempsey Cocktail, Garrett J Havens 3. Mcguires Soloman Danae, Madelyn Topp Five-Year-Old-Cow 1. Futurama Byway Shanel, Aubree Topp Aged-Cow 1. Etgen-Way Crvtte Subliminal, Kayla Cring 2. Silver-Mist Sanchez Cate, Aubree Topp 3. Kiko Gold Chip Maddie, Elizabeth Kiko continued on page 41

Junior Champion Ohio 4-H from left: OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Caroline Egolf with Honorable Mention, Colton Thomas with Reserve Junior Champion and Lilly Elsass with Junior Champion and Judge Tyler Chupp.

Junior Champion National Jr Show from left: OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Colton Thomas with Honorable Mention, Lilly Elsass with Reserve Junior Champion, Kenlee Phillips with Junior Champion, Judge Tyler Chupp.

Grand Champion Ohio 4-H from left: Alaina Topp with Honorable Mention, Aubree Topp with Reserve Grand, Kayla Cring with Grand Champion, Cash and Henry Etgen, Judge Tyler Chupp.

Grand Champion National Jr Show from left: Steve Moff, Alli Kuehnert with Honorable Mention, Aubree Topp with Reserve Grand, Kayla Cring with Grand Champion, Cash and Henry Etgen, Judge Tyler Chupp.






Show Results Grand Champion - Ms Awesome Atomic -Red, Bowen Family, West Salem, OH Reserve Grand Champion - Micheret Tallfy Barbican-Red, T&L Cattle & Triple-T, North Lewisburg, OH Senior Champion - Ms Awesome Atomic -Red, Bowen Family, West Salem, OH Reserve Senior Champion - W-Brook DB Milly-Red, Express & Stan-Mar-Dale, Urbana, OH Intermediate Champion - Micheret Tallfy Barbican-Red, T&L Cattle & Triple-T, North Lewisburg, OH Reserve Intermediate Champion - K-Hurst Jordy Denali, Briar & Alli Kuehnert & Kinly Ackley Junior Champion - Silver Mist Malena-red, Lilly Elsass, Wapakoneta, OH Reserve Junior Champion – Ridgedale Riva-Red Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp, Botkins, OH Spring Heifer Calf 1. Brook Hollow Dutton Red-ET, Delbert & Heather Yoder 2. Breezy-Knoll Warrior CJ- Red, Grant Cope 3. Ella Whitmer 4. Sanorvalley Warr Fierce-Red, Bryce Sanor 5. Pondvue Analyst Tootsie-Red, Kody Pond Winter Heifer Calf 1. Dorloy-K Guinness-Red, Kenlee Philips 2. Bucks-Pride Warrior Meg-Red, Brady Cole 3. Dorloy-K Artst Glaxy-Red, Danielle, Miller 4. Breezy- Knoll AW Carmen-Red, Grant Cope 5. Wil-San Warrior Arson-Red, Audrey Sidle

Mid-East Summer National Red & White Show July 31, 2021 • Ohio State Fair • Judge: Chad Ryan, Wisconsin

Fall Heifer Calf 1. Oakfield-Red, Oakvale Farm 2. Ms Sco-Lo Altitude-Red, Bowen Family 3. Richlin-J Jordy Finally-Red, Kase Bohlen 4. Kiko Awesred Marve, Kiko Holsteins 5. W-Brook Warrior Lexy Red, Callihan Spreng Summer Yearling 1. Quietcove Warrior Design-Red, Lilly Elsass 2. Lah-Dale JAX Spark-Red, Elaina Lahmers 3. Will-O-Rae Mlone Rosebud-Red, Price Knoll 4. Heart&Soul Warrior F Red, Danielle Miller 5. Wil-San Warrior R Rosie-Red, Brady Sidle Spring Yearling 1. Sagerbrae RS Cha Cho-Red, Bowen Family 2. Dorloy-K Artst Glitz - Red-ET, Wakefield Holstein Farms 3. Holland, Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp 4. Oakfield Lumineer-Red-ET, Tim Gunkleman 5. Ms Fionas AVL Frizzy-Red, Preston Sheets Winter Yearling 1. Ridgedale Riva-Red Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp 2. Heritage Licorice-Red, Makayla Osinga & Kenlee Philips 3. Velvet-View Evangeline-Red, Velvet View Farms 4. Beardsly Warr Ginseng-Red, Aaron Carle 5. Heart & Soul RV Fiesta, Danielle Miller Fall Yearling 1. Silver Mist Malena-Red, Lilly Elsass 2. LindLaur Jordy Amaretto, Lindsay Lamoreaux Summer-Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Macs-BHF Bedazzled Red, Scott & Ten Yoder

2. Toppglen DEF Wildrose-Red, Glenn Craemer 3. Richlin-J Jordy Lucy, Kaleb Pond 4. Futurama Dback Sapp, Jeff Knoop 5. Express-SMD Kaluha, Caili Baumann Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Rosedale J Lovie-Red-ET, Korey Oechsle 2. Macs-BHF Disorderly Red, Scott & Ten Yoder Senior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. K-Hurst Jordy Denali-Red, Briar & Alli Kuehnert & Kinly Ackley 2. Silver Mist My Lady Red, Lilly Elsass 3. Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red, Allison Francis 4. Jacher Redhot Rose-Red, Korey Oechsle Junior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Topp-View Addictn Ariel-Red, Madelyn Topp 2. Future Manor Hurricane-Red, Cole Heger Senior-Three-Year-Old-Cow 1. Micheret Tallfy Barbican-Red, T&I Cattle & Triple-T 2. Beardsley DB Ginger-Red, Aaron Carle 3. Velvet-View Electric-Red, Velvet View Farms 4. Ms Lundcrest Ali-1949-Red, Velvet View Farms Four-Year-Old-Cow 1. Ms Awesome Atomic -Red, Bowen Family 2. W-Brook DB Milly-Red, Express & Stan-Mar-Dale 3. Futurama Awesome Honest, Madelyn Topp 4. Velvet-View Def Repeat-Red, Wyatt Schlauch 5. OCD Defiant Lucky-Red-ET, Ava Budney Aged-Cow 1. Fairmont Acme Chazy-Red-ET, Express & Stan-Mar-Dale continued on page 41

Grand Champion from left: OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Jeff Brown with Reserve Grand, Delbert Yoder with Grand Champion, Judge Chad Ryan.

Senior & Grand Champion Ms Awesome Atomic -Red.

Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion Micheret Tallfy Barbican-Red

Senior Champions – OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Honorable Mention, Reserve Senior Champion, Senior Champion, Judge Chad Ryan. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 |


Show Results Grand Champion National Jr Show: K-Hurst Jordy Denali-Red, Briar & Alli Kuehnert & Kinnly Ackley Reserve Grand Champion National Jr Show - Silver Mist My Lady-Red, Lilly Elsass Grand Champion Ohio-4-H- Silver Mist My Lady-Red, Lilly Elsass Reserve Grand Champion Ohio 4-H - Futurama Awesome Honest-Red, Madelyn Topp Senior Champion - Futurama Awesome Honest-Red, Madelyn Topp Reserve Senior Champion - MS Lundcrest Ali-1949-Red-ET, Wyatt Schlauch Intermediate Champion Ohio-4-H - Silver Mist My Lady-Red, Lilly Elsass, Reserve Intermediate Champion Ohio-4-H - Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red, Allison Francis, Intermediate Champion National Jr. Show - K-Hurst Jordy Denali-Red, Briar & Alli Kuehnert & Kinnly Ackley Reserve Intermediate Champion National Jr. Show - Silver Mist My Lady Red, Lilly Elsass Junior Champion National Jr Show - Silver Mist Malena-Red, Lilly Elsass Reserve Junior Champion National Jr Show- Dorloy-K Artst

Spring Heifer Calf 1. Pondvue Analyst Tootsie-Red, Kody Pond Winter Heifer Calf 1. Dorloy-K Artst Glaxy-Red, Kinlee Phillips 2. Wabash-Way Swman Tinsel, Grace Siegrist 3. Silver Mist Minnie-Red, Lilly Elsass Fall Heifer Calf 1. Kiko Awesred Marve-Red, Lizzie Kiko 2. W-Brook Warrior Lexy Red, Callihan Spreng 3. Hemsteads Warrior 2317-Red, Lillian Hempfling Summer Yearling 1. Quietcove Warrior Design-Red, Lilly Elsass 2. Lah-Dale JAX Spark-Red, Elaina Lahmers 3. Heart&Soul Warrior Farah-Red, Danielle Miller Spring Yearling 1. Oakfield Lumineer-Red-ET-Red, Tim Gunkleman 2. Pondvue Altitude Twizzler-Red, Kody Pond

Junior Champions Ohio 4-H from left: OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Grace Siegrist with Reserve Junior Champion, Lilly Elsass with Junior Champion, Judge Chad Ryan. |



July 31, 2021 • Ohio State Fair • Judge: Chad Ryan, Wisconsin

Glaxy-Red, Kenlee Phillips Junior Champion Ohio 4-H - Silver Mist Malena-Red, Lilly Elsass Reserve Junior Champion Ohio 4-H -Quietcove Warrior Design-Red, Lilly Elsass

Grand Champions from left: Madelyn Topp with Reserve Grand, Lilly Elsass with Grand Champion, Judge Chad Ryan.


Mid-East Summer National Red & White Junior Show


Winter Yearling 1. Heart & Soul RV Fiesta-Red, Danielle Miller 2. Call-Dell Jordy Janet-Red, Maggie Mathews Fall Yearling 1. Silver Mist Malena-Red, Lilly Elsass Summer-Junior-Two-Year-Old-Cow 1. Richlin-J Jordy Lucy-Red, Kaleb Pond 2. Express-SMD Kaluha-Red, Caili Baumann Senior Two-Year-Old Cow 1. K-Hurst Jordy Denali-Red Allie & Bryar Kuehnert & Kinnley Ac ley 2. Silver Mist My Lady-Red, Lilly Elsass 3. Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red, Allison Francis Junior Three-Year-Old Cow 1. Topp-View Addictn Ariel-Red, Madelyn Topp Senior Three-Year-Old Cow 1. Beardsley DB Ginger-Red, Aaron Carle 2. Velvet-View Electric-Red, Wyatt Schlauch Four-Year-Old Cow 1. Futurama Awesome Honest-Red, Madelyn Topp 2. Velvet-View Def Repeat-Red, Wyatt Schlauch

Junior Champions National Jr Show from left: OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Kenlee Phillips with Reserve Junior Champion, Lilly Elsass with Junior Champion, Judge Chad Ryan.

Senior Champions from left: OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Wyatt Schlauch with Reserve Senior Champion, Madelyn Topp with Senior Champion, Judge Chad Ryan

Mid-East Summer National Holstein Junior Show

Intermediate Champions National Jr. Show from left: OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Lilly Elsass with Honorable Mention, Caroline Egolf with Reserve Intermediate Champion, Briar Kuehnert with Intermediate Champion, Judge Tyler Chupp.

Best Bred and Owned from left: Bridget Cummings, OHA Queen Kayla Cring, Garrett Havens with BBO, Judge Tyler Chupp.

Mid-East Summer National Red & White Show

Intermediate Champions: Judge Chad Ryan, Intermediate Champion, Reserve, Honorable Mention.

Grand Champions from left: Judge Chad Ryan, Grand Champion, Reserve, Honorable Mention, OHA Kayla Cring.

Bonnie Ayars Earns National Dairy Shrine’s

Pioneer Award

continued from page 7 many students she has taught and coached, are unquestionably brighter due to Bonnie’s influence.” Dave Fischer, retired Extension and 4-H Dairy Educator from the University of Illinois, says of Bonnie, “I know of no one in the dairy industry and educational system who is more dedicated to teaching young people for the advancement and improvement of the dairy industry.” Possessed with an entrepreneurial spirit, Ayars and her family have created and co-managed several ag-related small businesses. In 2010, they began using their

own milk to make ice cream on the farm. Today, the family continues to operate an ice cream and cheese business, along with an on-farm activity center, under the name Ayars Family Farm. Within these ventures, Bonnie has been able to communicate and educate the public about agriculture, life, and the grit it takes to sustain a family farm. Ayars was World Dairy Expo’s 1994 Dairy Woman of the Year, Ohio’s 1993 Agriculture Woman of the Year, and received Hoard’s Dairyman’s Youth Service Award in 2015. In 2011, Bonnie and John were presented with both the Ohio and Amer-

ican Guernsey Associations’ Outstanding Service Awards. Together they earned the OSU Dairy Science Hall of Service award in 1999 and were inducted into the Ohio State Fair Hall of Fame in 2012. Bonnie has been a 4-H leader, member of the National Holstein Foundation Board, Ohio 4-H Foundation Board, and previously served on the Dairy Shrine Board. She has been very active in several breed associations at the state and national level.



Mid-East National


R&P Kiko Family Farms

COBA/Select Sires

Ben-Alli Holsteins

Triple-T Holsteins

Ohio Holstein Association

Ouric Holsteins

LindLaur Holsteins

Trealayne Holsteins - Wayne & Steve Specht Family

Richman Farms

Conrad Farms, LLC, Grafton, Ohio

Berg Farms, Ltd.

White Light Holsteins - Menzie Family

Toppglen Farm

Windemere Farm - Jim & Nancy Kemp

Call-Del Holsteins - Alfred L. Call & Family

Twining Farms

Homerville Holstein Farms

Spreng Longacre Farms, Inc.

Purina Animal Nutrition

Weikland Farms Baker’s Acres

Topp-View Farm Holstein USA Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Show Cattle JR & Angi Kaverman Hardingdale Holsteins - Larry Harding Family National Holstein Futurity, Inc.

JUNIOR SHOW Jenny Thomas/Cybil Fisher Photography

Mason Farms, Ltd.

Kalmbach Feeds, Inc.

Purina Animal Nutrition LLC

DHI Cooperative, Inc.

IBA of Ohio, Inc.

Lewis Jones

Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd.

Baker’s Acres

Andrews Auctioneers, LLC

Goodson’s Farm

Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd.

Broad-Vue Holsteins

Crimson-Lane Holsteins/Thorbahn Bros.

Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins

Ack-Lee Holsteins

Commodity Blenders, Inc.

Mid-East National


Crimson Lane Farm

Velvet-View Farm

Richlin-J Farm

Golden Link Microbials, C/O Charlie Glisner

Jandi-K Farm

Brook-Hollow Farm

Ja-Cher Holsteins

Macabob Farm

Sprengs Long Acres

Triple-T Farm

Richman Farms

Hudson Farm

ST Genetics

Wil-O-Rae Farm

Call-Del Farm


ST Genetics

Wabash Way Farm

Barb-B Hills Farm

Ja-Bob Farm

PBS Livestock, CO Julie Renner

COBA Oakvale Farm Topp-View Farm Miley Holsteins Davenport Family

JUNIOR SHOW Prenger’s Inc. C/O John Hawevermale Sprengs Long Acres Oueitcove Farm Southern-Hills Holsteins Brookview Holsteins

Wil-O-Rae Farm

Call-Del Farm Neider Family Farms

Stan-Mar-Del Express Holsteins

Triple-T Farm OHIO NEWS

TAG Holsteins

Miley Holsteins

Jandi-K Farm |

Bryan Lund & Family

Silvermist Holsteins

TAG Holsteins


Golden Link Microbials, C/O Charlie Glisner



Velvet-View Farm Lah-Dale Farm COBA ST Genetics PBS Livestock, C/O Julie Renner

Barb Lumley’s grandson, Zach Lumley, works as the Operations Manager for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and he received his Super Bowl ring, complete with the name on the side of the ring. This is a very exciting time for this young man who grew up in the hill country of eastern Ohio. Sarah Lehner of Delaware, Ohio, who is double majoring in Animal Sciences and Agribusiness and Applied Economics at The Ohio State University won the Merton Sowerby Junior Merit Scholarship. Congrats Sarah! The Ohio Fall Tour will be held at MVP Dairy in Celina on October 23rd. After the tour, the sale will begin at 1:30 pm. The roof has been repaired and some redecorating has been done at the OHA Office in Wooster. Thanks to the Ohio Holstein Women for funding the updates on the interior of the office!

Lauren L’Amoreaux of Louisville, Ohio was this year’s recipient of the Rebecca Boltmann Memorial Scholarship presented at the Ohio State Fair by Cindy Howman. Congratulations Lauren!








Calendar of Events

October 1-2 23 23

International Holstein Show, Judge: Mike Berry, OR; Madison, Wisconsin Ohio Holstein Sale at MVP Dairy, 10:30 am Ohio Holstein Fall Tour at MVP Dairy, 1:30 pm


4-9 NAILE, Louisville, Kentucky 6 Grand National Junior Holstein Show, Louisville, Kentucky 9 Mid-East Fall National Holstein Show, Louisville, Kentucky 9 NAILE Red & White Show, Louisville, Kentucky 10 Deadline to reserve ad space for November/ December Ohio Holstein News 20 Ohio Fall Sale, Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, 10:30 am

March 2022 4-5

Ohio Holstein Convention, Mt. Sterling, Ohio

June 2022

27-July 1 National Holstein Convention, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

DHI Records Services that fit your schedule and meet your needs • Service for herds of all sizes and milking styles, including automatic milking systems • Test day records sent to your choice of official processing centers • Support for PCDART, DairyComp 305, and other herd management software • Local Dairy Records Service Specialists and laboratory – results within a week of test day For more information contact: Randy Koontz randy.koontz@dairyone.com 330-590-0487

Stephanie Schwab stephanie.schwab@dairyone.com 330-691-6175

800-344-2697 | www.dairyone.com SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 |


Advertiser Index Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins................................................ MW pg. 10

Mennonite Mutual............................................................................. pg. 19

ADA Mideast...........................................................................................pg. 2

Miley Holstein Farms......................................................................... pg. 17

Andrews Auctioneers...........................................................................pg. 5

Million-Heir Registered Holsteins........................................ MW pg. 28

Be-Ware Holsteins...................................................................... MW pg.45

New Pittsburg Vet Clinic.................................................................. pg. 18

Brookview Farms....................................................................... MW pg. 14

Nor-J/Silent-Brook Holsteins................................................. MW pg. 30

COBA/Select Sires............................................................................... pg. 44

Ohio Beef Council..................................................................................pg. 3

Commodity Specialists..................................................................... pg. 26

Ohio Fall Sale........................................................................................ pg. 40

Computermixx.................................................................................... pg. 16

Ohio Holstein MVP Sale........................................................... MW pg. 37

Dairy Agenda Today.......................................................................... pg. 11

PBS Animal Health............................................................................. pg. 23

Dairy One.............................................................................................. pg. 41

Pine-Tree Dairy........................................................................... MW pg. 40

DHI Cooperative, Inc............................................................................pg. 7

Plain-Knoll Holsteins................................................................ MW pg. 35

Etgen-Way.................................................................................... MW pg. 31

Prenger’s, Inc...........................................................................................pg. 6

Farmers National Bank...................................................................... pg. 25

Richman Farms.................................................................................... pg. 17

Field of Dreams Genetics................................................................. pg. 22

Rohaven Holsteins............................................................................. pg. 41

Harold’s Equipment........................................................................... pg. 18

Stein-Way Dairy.......................................................................... MW pg. 19

Jaloda Farms......................................................................................... pg. 39

Stein-Way Equipment....................................................................... pg. 26

Kalmbach Feeds.................................................................................. pg. 43

Topp-View PC.............................................................................. MW pg. 34

Kidron Auction.................................................................................... pg. 22

Trent Insurance-Nationwide........................................................... pg. 21

Kim R. Davis-Nationwide................................................................. pg. 20

U-Dean Farms.........................................................................................pg. 5

Lowe & Young...................................................................................... pg. 16

Walnut Hill Feeds................................................................................ pg. 19

Meaden & Moore................................................................................ pg. 24

Whiteleather Grain, LLC......................................................................pg. 6

Issue November/December January/February March/April May/June September/October






Deadline November 10 January 15 March 8 May 5 September 1

Sent to You December 5 February 5 April 5 June 10 September 25

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Extensive Research

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