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De Pere, WI Spring 2017


March 31, 2017 Gree ngsFinally, Volume 4 of the Pearmont Dairy An ques catalog rolls off the presses—we’ve had lots of requests for it and are proud to present the wealth of treasures it contains in the following pages. We hope you’ll enjoy it. As always, all items are on a 1st come/1st served basis so call early to avoid disappointment. Our mailing list is up to around 500 names in 18 countries so interest is high. Physical condi on of items is described Individually—we make every effort to represent this material as detailed as possible. All items are priced except Lot 1 (call). Some could be nego able. Payment can be by cash, check, or money order. We do not take credit cards. Shipping costs are the buyer’s responsibility. Delivery is a possibility in the Midwest for larger items. Use our LAYAWAY plan if you like. Simply order what you want with 30% down; balance is due in 90 days with no interest. Call us at 920-210-4101 or email us at with your order or ques ons. Thanks for your interest. Thomas Pearson Pearmont 2754 Spring Meadows Drive De Pere, Wisconsin 54115 920-210-4101


ORIGINAL 1923 TRUE TYPE HOLSTEIN COW & BULL This great pair are the results of an almost 30 year search. They represent probably the greatest ar fact any Holstein collector can ever obtain! Created by Japanese sculptor Gozo Kawamura of New York in 1923, they were commissioned by a 10 man commi ee in the early 1920’s to help standardize the percep on of the ideal Holstein male and female. Spearheading that commi ee was W.S. Moscrip of Minnesota and Fred Pabst of Wisconsin. This commi ee spent countless hours fine tuning the original models with finally these being the end result. Only 100 pair were cast of metal. 65 of those were given to land-grant colleges on perpetual loan. Another 5 pair went to state Holstein offices in Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, New England, and possibly Maryland. 10 more went to the commi ee members, leaving around 20 pair available for the general public @ $100 per pair in 1923. Of the remaining 20 pair, we have discovered 6—7 coun ng this one. Two of the 6 are at the Holstein offices in Bra leboro. The other 4 are in private hands that are absolutely not le ng them go for any price. The models are substan al in size and weight. They are ¼ scale. The bull is 28” long and 18” high—female at 24” long and 16” high. Best es mates are the bull weighs in at about 100 lb. and the cow @ 75 lb. Condi on is excellent with no cracks, breaks, or missing parts. They are mounted on a ½” mahogany base which was present in 1923 on all the models but is missing on all the other examples I have seen. Some me prior to 1960, both of these models have had the paint touched up; mostly on the cast base. Obviously, there are also small areas of paint loss.These represent a rare opportunity to own something that few possess or ever will possess. The chance of finding another pair are about the same as seeing classifier chief Cy Le er stop drinking Miller Beer—not likely to happen! Make no mistake—they are expensive. Call if interested.

2. KAWAMURA BRONZE MEDDALLION RARE Gozo Kawamura 1923 bronze medallion given by the Holstein-Friesian Associa on of America—awarded for Superior Merit. A Holstein bull is embossed on the front side with a cow in high relief on the reverse. 3” in diameter. There are two very ny spots of tarnish on the medallion. Spectacular piece. $325

3. ILLINOIS 500 LB. BUTTERFAT CLUB MEDALLION Beau ful medal medallion or fob with leather strap. Awarded in the late 1940’s or early 1950’s. Lovely ring of blue enamel encircling the metal. $60

4. 1923 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN TRUE TYPE COW PRINT An original 1923 print release by Edwin Megargee of his 1922 rendi on produced for the Holstein Type commi ee—the same commi ee responsible for the model cows in Lot 1. Framed 20 X 26 print in very good condi on. $175



Unused. Not sure who issued it. Excellent enameling. $10

Very nice, enameled medallion or watch fob issued by the Holstein Assoc. in June, 1920, for the 1920 Na onal Conven on held in St. Paul, Minnesota.Scarce piece. $90

7. 1930’S HOARD’S DAIRYMAN BRONZE PLAUQUE Large 18” X 10” bronze plaque iden fying a state-run facility with registered Holstein-Friesians. This is quite heavy and supposedly came from the farm office at the Wisconsin State Reformatory in Green Bay, one of the founda on herds of the breed. It appears to have never been hung. A most unusual and and scarce piece in excellent-plus condi on except for some tarnishing that will probably clean up. $525



Circa 1920’s adver sing piece for the Delaval Co. Very good condi on in a glass-covered, Rikker case. $100

Circa 1920’s adver sing piece for the Delaval Co. Very good condi on in a glass-covered, Rikker case. $100

10. COMPLETE SET OF 1925, 26, 27 & 30 HOARDS’S DAIRYMAN These are complete, bound books with all the Hoard’s Dairyman magazines from 1925,26, 27, & 1930. Lots of great ads, obviously, but there are also some neat color printed ads that would look awesome in a frame. Unlimited money-making poten al here. $80 11. 1948 CRITIC FEEDS WHEEL This is a calcula ng wheel put out by the Vernon Company of Newton, Iowa in 1948. It’s the hand calculator of it’s day. Determines feed ra ons, value of farm products from eggs to lumber, gesta on for all breeds of animals, etc. Comes with full operating instuc ons. Condi on is good with one side excellent and the other with scattered spots of both grim and surface rust. Should clean up. $125

12. PABST PRODUCER FARM SIGN Large 36” X 24” double-sided sign made for Pabst Farms to give to their patrons sending milk to their new creamery. Made from the mid 1950’s to 1962. This par cular sign was never delivered to the farmer, as he changed companies before he got it. Because of that, it has never been hung. Show very bright, vibrant paint on both sides, with minor edgeward from handling over the years on all edges. I saw one of these in less condi on sell @ auc on a year ago for $1800. Our price $1200



This porcelain, 36” X 23 ½” farm sign is double-sided and produced by the American Art Works; Coshocton, Ohio some me in the 1930-40’s. Both sides show scratches and wear, especially around the the upper holes used for hanging. $450

Single-sided, Porcelain 13 ½” X 4 ¼” sign for the Cyclone Fence Dept. of U.S. Steel. This one is from the Milwaukee, Wisconsin division. $50

16. HOLSTEIN FARM SIGN 15. CATTLE CROSSING SIGN 24” X 24” Porcelain, single-sided sign depic ng and warning motorists of a ca le crossing ahead. Has minor scratches and rubs. $75

Porcelain, double-sided 36” X 23 ½” farm sign produced by American Art Works; Coshocton, Ohio in the 1930-40’s. Both sides show wear and scratches, especially around the holes used for hanging. $450



A great clock! 16” in diameter with beau ful glass and color. No breaks, cracks, or chips. Works perfectly. Hard to find a be er one. $650

Another special clock—20” in diameter and is a spinner clock. Lights up and works perfectly. Only one we’ve ever seen. $650

19. 1936 DELAVAL CALENDAR Framed 1936 Delaval calendar with all pages present. Issued by Bond Hardware Co.; Hillsboro, Texas. Back pages contain pictures of Delaval milking equipment. Staple tear in middle of calendar-very ny. Otherwise, excellent. $75

20. 1944 PLANERT CHEESE FACTORY CALENDAR Remarkable 22” X 15” picture calendar from the Planert Cheese Factory of De Pere, Wisconsin. Bright graphics with horses and pasturing dairy ca le.Full calendar. Very, very nice. $85

21. JOHN DEERE POCKET LEDGER 64 pages of John Deere implement pictures, hit n miss engines, plows, threshers, etc in a very nice condi on 1911 farmers pocket ledger complete with it’s original pencil. Also, pages with charts, postage rates, poison an dotes, and other pages to keep track of your egg produc on, crop and milk records, receipts, and expenditures. Very nice condi on. $125

22. 1937 JOHN DEERE PAPERWEIGHT Cast iron paperweight in the shape of an anvil. 4” long. Embossed on one side; “J.Deere – 1937”. $50

23. VESPER SALESMAN SAMPLE SILO Fantas c wooden “Open Door Silo” salesman sample silo by the Vesper Wood Mfg. Co.; Vesper, Wisconsin. Patent date of 1911. 20” tall and 9” In diameter. Has 3 removeable doors in the chute; roof appears to be made of leather. By far the best salesman sample silo we’ve ever seen - PERIOD! One of the very best items in this en re catalog. $4200

24. SALESMAN SAMPLE COW STANCHION Another great piece—we’re about 95 % sure it’s by Jamesway Mfg., Ft. Atkinson, Wisconsin but can find no markings. Highly detailed, func oning closing feature. All parts are steel including the black base. Stanchion liners are real wood. Condi on is excellent, and the unit is complete with no missing parts. Tough to find a be er one. $2495

25. COMMON SENSE SALESMAN SAMPLE SILO This salesman sample is a real oddity—produced by the Common Sense Silo Plan Company of Kansas City, MO. The par al s cker a ached to it describes how this silo is simple, strong, and durable—requires no skilled labor to erect. Made en rely of wood and is 14” across and 7” high. Circa 1895-1905. $450

26. ELMWOOD FARMS SHOW SIGN Circa 1950’s-60’s. 24” X 40” wooden sign, hand-le ered and double-sided. This sign would have traveled the show circuit for Elmwood. We had another one 6 years ago that we sold; it was labeled “Lake Forest”, Il. This one is labeled “An och”, Il. A very historic item for any Holstein collector. $650

27. PABST PRODUCER FARM SIGN Another 36” X 24” double-sided sign made for Pabst Farms just like Lot 12. The only difference between the two is condi on—this one is in mint condi on. Tremendous color on both sides and the edges are near perfect. If you want the very best, this is it! $1350

28. CROCKETT BIT & SPUR COMPANY SIGN All wood construc on, single-sided from 1916. Size is 16” X 36” and is hand-painted. A serious piece for the collector and comes with a pair of original “Crocke ” marked spurs. $775

29. UNION STOCKYARDS TOOLBOX Circa 1930’s all original hand-made wooden toolbox from the Union Stockyards in Chicago. This is the first of a large number of Union Stockyards items we’ll be offering in this catalog. This tool box is 18 ½” X 9 ½” wide X 14” high to the steel rod handle going across the top. Shows great character and wear throughout. Another great item. $450

30. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN This is probably from the late 40’s or early 50’s. Pin front depicts a bull , and a steer’s chrome head is a ached with two ribbons. The Interna onal Exposi on was held at the end of Nov-1st week of December every year at the Chicago Ampitheatre at the Union Stockyards and was a huge event. This is a very nice reminder of those days. $20 31. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN Same as Lot 30 only with a saddle a ached instead of the steer’s head. $15

32. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK STOCK SHOW PIN Another nice souvenir from the great Chicago show. $10



35. STOCKYARD INN COCKTAIL GLASS Circa 1950-60. From the Union Stockyards in Chicago and their famous steak restaurant, the “Stock Yard Inn”. Many a showman celebrated a win or drown his sorrows there in one of these glasses. $20

36. INTERNATIONAL TRIP WINNER PIN These were awarded to 4-H members for outstanding work—earning them a trip to the Interna onal Livestock Exposi on in Chicago in the fall. These are tough to find and I have two in near mint condi on. 4-H emblem is @ the top of the pin. They are circa 1930’s to early 40’s. My father won one in 1936. $50 38. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN These pins were given to people showing or working in some other capacity at the great Chicago Show at the Union Stockyards. Used as iden fica on and for entry into the buildings. Date of show shown by year and workers tle designa on also displayed. This one is for someone working in Ag Extension in 1937. Beau fully enameled. $25

40. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN Same as Lot 38—1937 for “Ag Extension”. $25

42. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN Same as Lot 38—1937 for the “Press”. $25

37. INTERNATIONAL TRIP WINNER PIN Iden cal to Lot 36. $50

39. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN Same as Lot 38—1954 for “guest”. $25

41. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN Same as Lot 38— 1950 for “Exhibitor”. $25

43. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN Same as Lot 38— 1972 for “Exhibitor”. $25



Circa 1950—easily the most unusual model cow we’ve ever seen. Larger than most at 19” long and 11” high. Not sure what breed it represents, but is a wonderfully propor oned animal with an interes ng color pa ern .Definitely a one of a kind. Condi on is very good with small areas of paint loss, the usual scratches, and a small crack on the le horn. Wooden base has paint crackling as well. Neat!! $325

45. TRUE-TYPE RED & WHITE HOLSTEIN COW Looks to be a 70’s Displaymaster model cow but not marked as such. Excellent condi on with one small paint chip on the base under the udder and small cracks on both horns. Body is near perfect. $200

47. TRUE-TYPE HOLSTEIN MODEL COW 1970-80’s version in perfect condi on. Walnut base. $120

46. TRUE -TYPE HOLSTEIN MODEL COW Presenta on cow from the Autumn Franchise Sale held 11-18-84 near Hudson, New York. Only about 60 of these were produced. With ID plate on the base. Mint condi on. $175

48. TRUE-TYPE HOLSTEIN MODEL COW 1970-80’s version in near perfect condion. Small scratch on rump and crack at top of tail. Walnut base. $100

49. TRUE-TYPE HOLSTEIN MODEL BULL Early Displaymaster model with the green base from the late 1940’s to early 1950’s. Marked “True-Type Holstein-Friesian Bull” on side. Excellent overall. $275

50. TRUE-TYPE HOLSTEIN MODEL BULL Early Displaymaster model with the green base from the late 1940’s to early 1950’s. Marked “TrueType Holstein-Friesian Bull” on side. Excellent overall with minor soiling. $275

51. DAIRY FARMER OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUG Shaving mug of Herman Kleunder of O’Brien County, Iowa and Pipestone, Minnesota from the early 1900’s. He was a second-genera on German immigrant and ran a small dairy farm. This mug would have been on a shelf at the local barber shop and ready for Herman when he came to town for a shave. Perfect condi on. $225

52. COWBOY OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUG Shaving mug for a cowboy or rancher. Great color in the graphics. Marked “Germany” on the bo om. No chips or cracks. $75

53. MILK HAULER OCCUPATIONAL SHAVING MUG Very unusual and rare subject ma er—milk hauler in the name of William Bahrnscher. Beau ful condion with another outstanding image of a milk wagon and horses. Small paint loss above wagon. Marked “France” on the bo om. $125

54. MATCH-HOLDER ASHTRAY This well could be the coolest item we’ve ever offered. It’s a match-holder, an ash tray, but so, so much more. Made by the Sunbeam Co. in Chicago (same co. that made the 51 cow clippers} for the 1933 Century of Progress World’s Fair in Chicago. Has a perfect decal on the back showing that. Made en rely of cast iron. The front depicts a man on a milk stool, milking a cow. The base is marked under the cow’s head, “Chicago Fire, 1871”. When you close the lid marked “matches”, the cow’s right rear leg kicks out and knocks over the lantern (Thus, star ng the Great Chicago Fire-so this is Mrs. O’Leary’s cow!) Totally ingenious and in great condi on. Only one I’ve ever seen—an expert told me it’s a 4-figure piece. $700 55. PENNYSLVANIA GUERNSEY TROPHY Very nice trophy awarded to the “High Record Purebred Guernsey in PA” in 1951. Given out at the Farm Show in 1952. The cow on top of the trophy is porcelain and is spectacular. Piece is 9” long and 8 ½” high. $225

57. JOHN CONSTABLE PRINT 8” X 10” color print on hardboard by ar st John Constable in 1816. Depicts a Dutch landscape with Holsteins in the foreground. $30

56. 1893 INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD AD 16” X 20” framed ad for the Internaonal Stock Food Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Produced in 1893, it has great subject ma er and vivid colors. $85

58. BRETT FAVRE SIGNED POSTER 1997 or 98 signed poster by Bre Favre. 18” X 24” with great color. At the bo om are listed the 1997 United States Championship Cheeses from Wisconsin. Nice. $150

59. EARLY 1900’S BLUM’S COW BELL Circa 1900-1920. This is the #5 Holstein cow bell from the Blum Co. of Collinsville, Illinois. Retains a complete original s cker. $75

61. NEW HOLLAND POCKET KNIFE New Holland Machinery Co. pocket knife by the Barlow Co. 2-bladed with the longest being 2 ½”. No damage with only minor blade surface discolora on in a few spots. $15

63. ADVERTISING PENS Rikker display box with 5 vintage pens and mechanical pencils. 2 are Sheaffer pens from Gardners John Deere in Pon ac, Illinois. A mechanical pencil is from Pfister Hybrid Corn Co. in El Paso, Illinois. Another pencil is a really rare one from Illinois FS with a capsule of soybean oil on the top of the pen. The 5th is a mechanical pencil from Pon ac, also. All in nice condi on. $45 for all.

65. MASTER MIX PERPETUAL CALENDAR Circa 1954. All metal pocket calendar that is adjustable from 1954-1981. Put out for Master Mix Feeds by Anderson & Sons; Wes ield, Mass. 1 ¾” X 1 ¾”. $10

60. DELAVAL THIMBLE Perhaps the most difficult of all Delaval items to obtain. Circa 1910-20. This one shows minor use and has a small pinhole on top. Marked on side; “Delaval Cream Separators—Save $10 Per Cow Each Year”. The Delaval Collectors Guide lists the value in excess of $2,000. Our price; $175 62. HORSESHOE TROPHY We think this is a trophy that was given out at an equine event years ago. It’s dated on the bo om: “June 27, 1938”. Item is en rely chromed and in good condi on except for some light surface wear throughout. 7” X 8”. $40

64. BOSSIE’S BEST BUTTER BOX One pound carton for the BOSSIE’S BEST brand of bu er from Aberdeen, Mississippi. Fantas c graphics on 4 sides of the box. $10

66. AMERICAN DAIRY LUNCH BOWL 5” diameter China bowl with very nice graphics of a turn of the century lady milking a cow with horns and a bell around her neck. Made in England for the Albert Pick & Co. hotel in Chicago. $15

67. PINEHURST FARM HALF-PINT MILK BOTTLE One of the scarcest items in the en re catalog. ½ pint bo le from the original Pinehurst Farm at Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. Probably from the 1920’s or 1930’s when the farm was delivering milk by horse & wagon around town. Only the 2nd we’ve every seen-the other is on a shelf behind David Bachmann’s desk. Marked “Pinehurst Farm Dairy” on one side and “Pinehurst” on the other. RARE-RARE-RARE! $350

68. DUNLOGGIN QUART “WAR BOND” BOTTLE Front emblem surrounded by a red ribbon. Reverse has the War bond mo f in blue. Bo le shows minor use—fading on both sides. $375

70. DUNLOGGIN PINT BOTTLE With “log” design on sides and bottom. Showing normal use. Tough size to find. $145

72. SHEBOYGAN FALLS CREAM TOP BOTTLE Beau ful quart cream top bo le from the Sheboygan Fall Creamery Co.; Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin . As nice a cream top as you’ll ever see. $65

74. ROYAL DUNLOGGIN BABY FACE QUART BOTTLE Cream-top bo le with the baby face features showing li le or no use. Sharp le ering. Very nice. $125

69. DUNLOGGIN QUART BOTTLE Blue ribbon front panel with full farm scene on reverse. Showing normal use—light fading on both front & back. $250

71. DUNLOGGIN HALF-PINT BOTTLE With “log” design on sides and bottom. Excellent condi on showing li le or no use. $120

73. BIRDSEYE DAIRY MILK BOTTLE This is a 1 ½ pt. refrigerator bottle from Birdseye Dairy of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Probably from the 1950’s. Perfect condi on. $10

75. GRIDLEY COTTAGE CHEESE JAR Scarce Gridley co age cheese jar from Milwaukee, Wisconsin 8 oz. size in excellent condi on. $10

76. BUDDY L DAIRY TRUCK Circa 1930-32. Heavy duty pressed steel toy truck that was a marvel of its’ day with it’s opening cab doors. 24” long overall. This one is all original with original paint and rust throughout. These are highly valued in the an que toy world. $800

78. ARCADE CREAM SEPARATOR TOY Circa 1931. By Arcade Mfg. of Freeport, Illinois. 5” high and all cast iron construc on. Arcade decal under base. Paint loss throughout. $125

80. BESNEY HOLSTEIN MODEL COW Made in England around 1970. 11” long in Excellent condi on. $50

77. BUDDY L DAIRY TRUCK Circa 1930-32. Same truck as Lot 76 but with a $1000 Professional restora on done to it. Comes with 8 wooden milk cans. $1400

79. BUDDY L MILK FARMS TRUCK Circa 1945. Scarce wood toy put out when war shortages restricted the use of steel. Few survived. This one is 13 ½” long and complete. Overall condi on is very good. $350

81. KEYSTONE HOUSE PAINTER SET Circa 1940’s. New old stock Keystone set in a put together wooden dairy barn. Never been used. Barn is 7 ¾” X 5 ½” X 5”high put together. All parts are present. $20

82. COPPER COW WEATHERVANE This is “Molly”. She’s all copper and was perched on top of a weather-vane @ Pearmont for 25 years. 23” long and 15” high. All her seams are ght with no separa ons—there are numerous dings from hail-stone hits over the years but nothing dras c. She’s a Great Lady! $475

83. GRAND DETOUR PLOW CO. BOOKLET Circa 1890. This 16 page booklet highlights the plow lineup for sale at the Grand Detour Plow Co.; Dixon, Illinois that John Deere himself started in 1837. Contains lots of great Illustra ons. A very rare booklet in excellent condi on. $125

85. CREAM TOP SPOON Original with a 1925 patent date. Specks of surfact rust. $18

87. COUNTRY SCENE PRINT Late 1890’s or early 1900’s 6 X 8 framed print of a country scene with cows. $25

84. GRAND DETOUR PLOW CO. BOOKLET Circa 1888. Same as Lot 83 only 2 years older. $125

86. HOLSTEIN COW DISPLAY PIECE Made of heavy cardboard. Large size at 15” long and 10” high. $10

88. ABS FRAMED ADVERTISEMENT 11” X 14” framed adver sing poster for Bug’s Proved Sire Service of Pulaski, Tennessee. Probably from the early days of A.I. service. $20

89. SALESMAN SAMPLE STEEL GATE This is a circa 1930-40’s salesman sample all steel “Swing-O-Ma c” Bump-It gate by the Interna onal Steel Co. of Minneapolis, Minnesota. 27” long X 11” high and very well made with great detail. Works! $475

91. HOOD MILK CAN About a 2 gal. milk can embossed “Hood”. From the New England area. 14” tall X 8” in diameter and from the 1930’s. Hood items are always in great demand with collectors. $60

93. PURINA RATION DISPLAY BOTTLE Put out by the Purina Co. in the 1940’s, this unique piece hinges open to display two halves sealed with glass, showing the different feed ingredients that go into their product. Bo le is all steel construc on. S ll has the signature “Checker Board” design around the bo le. Sca ered paint loss. $175

90. SALESMAN SAMPLE WOOD STOCK GATE Circa 1920’s salesman sample wooden swinging stock gate. Manufacturer unknown. 27 ½” long X 14” high. Great condi on. $195

92. ENTERPRISE COFFEE GRINDER Cast iron coffee grinder by the Enterprise Mfg. Co. of Philadelphia. This was the table model, stands 11” high, and has a cast iron coffee drawer which makes it a very early rendi on. Fully func oning, probably from around 1895. Paint condi on Is average. $250 94. WISCONSIN REFORMATORY MILK CAN Used in the mid 50’s-70’s at the famous Reformatory herd (WIS prefix) in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Was one of the founda on herds of the en re breed. 5 gal. capacity. Stainless steel in excellent condi on. A piece with great historical value. $100

95. ROMANDALE BRIDGE CARDS Wonderful 5” X 8” leather case given to buyers at the June 4, 1984 Romandale Sale. Case is burgundy in color with the Romandale logo prominently displayed. Inside are 4 decks of bridge cards s ll in their original wrappers. Had one of these in the Volume 2 catalog and it was the very first thing to sell. $95

97. CURTISS CANDY KNIFE 2-bladed pocket knife from the 1950’s for the Cur ss Candy Co. of Cary, Illinois. Largest blade is 2 ½”; both show wear. Medallion on the knife says: “Cur ss Candy-Baby Ruth”. $95

99. HOLSTEIN SUPERIOR MERIT MEDALLION Metal medallion given by the Holstein-Friesian Assoc. of America for “Superior Merit”. Nice, embossed cow with horns on the front. $20

96. CURTISS BREEDING ADVERTISING 11” X 14” framed Cur ss Breeding Service logo or s cker from the 1960’s. In great shape. $50

98. CURTISS CANDY JAR Countertop glass candy jar for the Curss Candy Co. of Cary, Illinois. Like new condi on. $75

100. CURTISS HAT New, old stock Cur ss Breeding hat from the 1960’s-early 70’s. $10

101. UNION STOCKYARDS PAPERWEIGHT Glass paperweight from the Union Stockyards; Chicago adver sing the Chicago Serum Co. and featuring their an -hog cholera serum. Probably from the 1930’s. 4” X 2 ½”. $40

103. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN Enameled entry and ID pin for an “exhibitor”, dated 1969. $25

105. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN Same as Lot 103—this one for a “guest”, dated 1958. $25.

107. HOLSTEIN BOLO TIE With Holstein image and silver ps. $10

102. UNION STOCKYARDS PAPERWEIGHT Glass paperweight from the Union Stockyards; Chicago depic ng the Exchange Building. From the 1930’s. 4” X 2 ½”. $40

104. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN Same as Lot 103 – also for an “exhibitor”, dated 1956. $25

106. AMERICAN ROYAL PIN Exhibitor ID pin from the Royal in Kansas City. Dated 1952. $10

108. WISCONSIN HOLSTEIN PIN Centennial pin celebra ng the Wisconsin Holstein Associa on from 1890-1990. $10

109. STEWART CLIPPERS MODEL 51 IN THE BOX—show minimal use. With blades and paperwork. Run fine. $120

111. HOLSTEIN TIE TACK Enameled cow on a 2 ½” e tack sha . Excellent. $10

113. SILVER PLATE/STERLING MILK CAN 8” –very nice looking milk can. Heavy. $20

115. 1950’S SHOW PHOTO Framed 8 X 10 in black and white of a group Holstein class at the Interna onal Show in Chicago in the early 1950’s. Leadsmen from le to right are Gene Nelson, Sonny Bartel, and David Houck. $10

117. FS POCKET WATCH 1950’s FS pocket watch. Good overall appearance but not presently running. $20

110. UNION STOCKYARDS PIG BANK 1940’s cast iron souvenir pig bank from the Union Stockyards in Chicago. Fine condion with no damage whatsoever. Original screw. $75

112. SELECT SIRES CLOCK 10 ½” in diameter— ba ery operated clock that was made in the USA. New old stock in it’s original box. Works. $15

114. SELECT SIRES SUNGLASSES New old stock— rubber frames and UV protec on lens. $10

116. SELECT SIRES PIN In excellent condi on, with clasp. $10

118. 4-H PIN Pin awarded for Dairy project as a”Master Producer”. Excellent. $10

119. INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PIN Very early 1931 enameled Interna onal pin. Designated for an Ag Extension person. Tough to find this old. $30 121. NEHLS FARM DAIRY GALLON MILK BOTTLE Excellent, showing li le use. From Juneau, Wisconsin. $15

123. KENTUCKY MINT JULEP CUP From the 1977 Kentucky Na onal Show & Sale. Silver plate. $20

125. KENTUCKY MINT JULEP CUP From the 1981 Kentucky Na onal Show & Sale. Silver plate. $20

127. JERSEY COPPER JUG Marked “Made in England”. 4” across and 3 ½” high; from the 60’s. $15

120. JOHN DEERE BULLET PENCILS 2 unused John Deere bullet pencils. $5 each

122. 1923 HOLSTEIN POSTCARD Original, 1923 Holstein-Friesian Assoc. of America postcard displaying the newly developed true-type cow. Very nice, old piece. $25 124. KENTUCKY MINT JULEP CUP From the 1978 Kentucky Na onal Show & Sale. Silver plate. $20

126. LEADFIELD COLUMBUS BUTTON Promo onal piece adver sing the Leadfield Columbus bull at ABS. 2” in diameter. Perfect condi on. $10

128. MILK BOTTLE RACK Wooden case with 6 wood bo les. Bo les are each 2” high. $15

129. 1940 WISCONSIN STATE FAIR BANNER Presented to Montvic Bonheur Black Beauty; Grand Champion Female at the 1940 Wisconsin State Fair Holstein Show. Owned by Franlo Farm of Minnesota. Size is 18 ½” X 11 ½”. $300

132. 1946 WISCONSIN STATE FAIR BANNER Presented to Franlo Farm of Hopkins, Minnesota for being the Premier Breeder at the 1946 Wisconsin State Fair Holstein Show. 19” X 12”. $300

130. 1944 WISCONSIN STATE FAIR BANNER Presented to Franlo Farm of Minnesota for being the Premier Breeder at the 1944 Wisconsin State Fair Holstein show. 19” X 12”. $300

131. 1966 ALL WISCONSIN 4 YR. TROPHY Presented to Leader Queen of Lakehurst EX93 owned by Lakehurst Farm; Sheboygan, Wisconsin. She was the 1966 All Wisconsin 4 yr. old in milk @ the State Championship Show. Trophy is 11 ½” high and was presented by Gray View Farms; Union Grove, Wisconsin $60

133. 1949 WISCONSIN STATE FAIR BANNER Presented to Rosehill Fayne Wayne for Grand Champion Female at the 1949 Wisconsin State Fair Holstein Show. Owned by Franlo Farm of Hopkins, Minnesota. She was also Grand Champion in 1948 and 1947. 20 ½” X 12”. $300

134. ROSAFE DISPERSAL CATALOG RARE and desirable catalog from the May 27, 1958 dispersal in Canada. Purple velour cover. Handle torn on back side. Cover is loose. $575

136. ROMANDALE SALE CATALOG From the May 5, 1975 auc on at Unionville, Ontario. 209 lots celebra ng the 25th year in business. Only herd in history to win the Premier Breeder at the Royal Winter Fair 9 mes. Minor soiling to the cover. $150

138. HILLTOP-HANOVER FARM SALE CATALOG From the November 20, 1980 sale at Yorktown Heights, New York. This was the first of several very successful sales here and featured 100 head with great pedigrees. A record-se ng auc on. Cover of catalog is soiled and has several manure stains. $35

135. HANOVER HILL COMPLETE DISPERSAL CATALOG For the dispersal held on July 14 & 15, 1998 at the farm at Port Perry,Ontario. 393 lots marking the end of a great, history-making run for Hanover Hill owned by R. Peter Heffering and Ken Trevena. Great pedigrees from end to end. $60

137. BOTTEMA FARMS DISPERSAL CATALOG From the sale held September 30-October 1, 1963 at Plainfield, Indiana. Almost 300 pages represen ng 470 head at this famous auc on. Very scarce catalog in excellent condi on. $100

139. AIYUKPA GUERNSEYS DISPERSAL CATALOG This RARE catalog contains 49 high-powered Guernsey pedigrees in a 5-genera on foremat— most unusual. Dispersal was held on October 27, 1931 at the Eastern States Exposi on Grounds. Cover is par ally loose. $125

140. HICKORY CREEK DISPERSAL CATALOG Held on April 5, 6, & 7, 1954 at McHenry, Illinois. Historic sale of 353 lots owned by the Howard Foundry Co. and managed by A.C. Thomson. Catalog is in Excellent condi on and is a great piece of Holstein history. $100

142. HICKORY CREEK PREVIEW CATALOG Rare, early condensed version of the main Hickory Creek Dispersal catalog from 1954. Small sized—only 8 ½” X 5 ½”. We have never seen another like it. $40

144. DESIGNER FASHION SALE CATALOG From the November 22, 1983 sale at Madison Square Garden; New York City, New York. Sale averaged over $100,000, se ng numerous records. Excellent inside with many prices written in. Outside front cover has minor soiling. $40

141. CRESTON FARMS DISPERSAL CATALOG From the sale held on April 28, 1947 at Comstock Park, Michigan. A very rare catalog for the herd owned by Mar n Buth & Sons— most of the herd tracing to Johanna Rag Apple Pabst. One of the all- me great herds. Cover is faded, shows edge wear, and has a water stain on the lower inside back cover. $90

143. ROMANDALE DISPERSAL SALE CATALOG From the complete dispersal sale held on November 13, 1990 at Unionville, Ontario. The sale of 117 head marked the end to almost 40 years in the business and winner of 13 Premier Breeder banners at the Royal Winter Fair. Catalog is in very good condi on. $75

145. ROYAL BRENTWOOD 1944 CATALOG Held on June 5, 1944 at Columbus, Ohio just preceding the Na onal Conven on. 90 consignments in this high-powered sale from the best herds in the na on like Pabst, Carna on, Elmwood, Maytag, & Lakefield. Excellent condi on with some prices penciled in. $60

146. HILLTOP-HANOVER FARM SALE CATALOG From the November 17, 1984 sale at Yorktown Heights, New York. Excellent condi on. 140 head. $40

148. HILLTOP FARM COMPLETE DISPERSAL CATALOG From the October 18, 1977 sale at Suffield, Conn. Legendary herd owned by Charles Stroh. Catalog has prices wri en in and sale order wri en on the back cover. $25

150. LAKEHURST DISPERSION CATALOG Held on June 24, 1967 at Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Sale of one of the na on’s highest classified herds; owned by D.H. Bachmann and Henry Bartel. Many All-Wisconsin and other show winners featured in this a rac ve green velour covered catalog that is completely marked with all prices and buyers names. Excellent to near mint condi on. $75

152. HI-PATH FARMS SALE CATALOG From the sale held on May 17, 1976 at Ellsworth, Wisconsin 114 head with 24 Excellents owned by Henry “Sonny” Bartel. Catalog is in excellent condion and includes a complete price list.$25

147. BRAUN’S SUNNY LEA FARM DISPERSAL CATALOG Held on August 24, 1960 at Waukesha, Wisconsin. Owned by A.D. Braun and managed by Nels Rehder. Featured cow was “Wimpy”, soon to be the first 97 point cow of the breed. Great catalog with just a few minor spots on the front cover. $60

149. PEARMONT FARM DISPERSAL CATALOG From the November 20, 1982 sale at Greenleaf, Wisconsin. Featured the $1,025,000 “Ivy” and a $3.46 million gross. One of the industries most beau ful catalogs ever. $125

151. LAKEHURST DISPERSION CATALOG Held on May 13, 1972 at Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Sale of the na on’s Highest classified herd; owned by D.H. Bachmann and Sonny Bartel.This catalog was Henry “Sonny” Bartel’s personal copy and contains prices, notes, and a complete buyers list. $40

153. HI-PATH FARMS SALE CATALOG From the sale held on July 11, 1981 at Ellsworth, Wisconsin. 131 head of high scoring ca le owned by Henry “Sonny” Bartel. Including 27 Excellents. Very Good condi on with a one-inch fold at the top of the front cover. $20

154. 1969 WORLD DAIRY EXPO HOLSEIN SHOW PROGRAM Extremely scarce copy of the 1969 show (Ivanhoe daughters placed 1-2-3 in the Aged Cow class). VERY RARE $50

156. 1971 WORLD DAIRY EXPO HOLSTEIN SHOW PROGRAM Another quite scarce program in Excellent condi on. $20

158. HANOVER HILL HERD BROCHURE 24 page brochure adver sing the herd of Hanover Hill Holsteins at their new facility at Avon, New York. Owned by R. Peter Heffering and managed by Lewis Porter. Full of pictures including the Barbs and Lulu’s. Very nice piece. $40

160. ROMANDALE FARMS HERD BROCHURE 18 page brochure for Romandale Farms of Unionville, Ontario. 1968 prin ng emphasizing the founda on females and their families that made this herd one of the greats of all me. Mint condi on. $50

155. 1970 WORLD DAIRY EXPO HOLSTEIN SHOW PROGRAM Very scarce in Excellent condi on. $30

157. LAKESIDE FARM SALE BROCHURE 16 page brochure beau fully done adver sing the May 4, 1967 sale of one of the great herds in America at the me. Owned by Wm. A. Hayssen and managed by Ray Brubacher at Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin. Full of great photographs. $40

159. ROYBROOK HOLSTEINS HERD BROCHURE 20 page brochure adver sing the herd of Roy Ormiston of Brooklin, Ontario. Printed around 1968 and featuring the family of the famous “White Cow”, Balsam Brae Pluto Sovereign EX-6*Nice item with lots of photographs and in excellent condi on. $50

161. QUEEN OF HEARTS/LEADFIELD SPECIAL EDITION CATALOG From the sale held on June 23, 1978 at Mercer, Pa. Consignments from Leadfield and others made this a great event. Top cow families represented. 2 lots are cut out of the catalog. $10

162. SOUTHFORK SALE CATALOG From the sale held December 8, 1984 at Dallas, Texas. Unique format, catalog, and overall experience. Sponsored by Prices Dairies, the sale was held on site of the popular TV show “Dallas”. It set many sales records and was by invita on only. Excellent. $25

164. BAYCROFT SALE CATALOG From the March 27, 1976 sale at De Pere, Wisconsin featuring 89 head owned by Tom Pearson & Jim Hoskens. Star of the herd was Oakwood-Dale Pawnee Beets EX-91 2E. Sale featured lots of Eleva on, Fond Ma , and Astronaut daughters. Near mint condi on. $20

166. HVF JERSEYS DISPERSAL CATALOG Held on May 26, 1977 at Danville, Kentucky. One of the greatest Jersey herds of all me—owned by the Gamble family with Lewis Porter managing. Lot #1 was the All-American Generators Topsy EX-96. Scarce catalog. $150

168. 5TH MICHIGAN STATE SALE CATALOG 1926 Held on November 10, 1926 at East Lansing, Michigan. 54 head of consignments from the top Michigan breeders of the day. Prices are penciled in. Scarce catalog. $20

163. PEARMONT FARM SALE CATALOG From the November 22, 1986 sale at Greenleaf, Wisconsin. 193 head of deep pedigrees. Excellent condi on. $20

165. GRAY VIEW FARMS SALE CATALOG Held on July 10, 1984 at Union Grove, Wisconsin. Featured 84 head of deep pedigrees with a $100,000 top for Gray View Copper TT-Red EX. Catalog shows mild wear and has prices wri en in. $25

167. RU/ANN FIESTA CATALOG From the sale held on October 15, 1976 at Fresno, California.This was the 1st in a series of popular events held by the Doug Maddox family. Very good condi on. $15

169. ROTHROCK GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY SALE CATALOG From the November 8, 1986 sale at Kempton, Pa. 75 head of choice consignments from leading breeders from across the country. Headliner was Walkup Valiant Lou Ella EX-92. Mint condi on. $20

170. OHIO NATIONAL CONVENTION SALE CATALOG – 1977 From the June 30, 1977 sale in Columbus, Ohio. Very powerful lineup. Very good condi on. $15

171. 1ST BADGER INVITATIONAL SALE CATALOG From the March 29, 1983 sale at Arlington, Wisconsin. Tough to find catalog in Excellent condi on. $10

172. CORMDALE FARMS DISPERSAL CATALOG From the sale held on November 14, 1985 at Georgetown, Ontario. Featured 152 head with excep onal pedigrees. Excellent condi on. $10

173. 2ND BADGER INVITATIONAL SALE CATALOG From the March 11, 1985 sale at Arlington, Wisconsin. Very good condi on—prices wri en in. $10

174. 1977 WORLD PREMIERE SALE CATALOG Excellent cond on—prices wri en in. $10

175. 1981 WORLD PREMIERE SALE CATALOG Excellent condi on with cover showing minor soiling. $10

176. 1982 WORLD PREMIERE SALE CATALOG Brown Swiss edi on—48 consignments. Scarce catalog in excellent condi on. $10

177. 1983 WORLD PREMIERE SALE CATALOG Excellent condi on. $10

178. DUNLOGGIN SALE PHOTO COLLAGE 11” X 14” framed collage of sale photos from the great Dunloggin Dispersal on September 15-16, 1943 at Ellico City, Maryland. This is an impressive item. Plexiglass cover is cracked on one side. $75

180. PINEHURST AUTUMN HARVEST SALE CATALOG Held on October 2, 1991 at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 85 head of excep onal pedigreed Holsteins. Some prices wri en in. Excellent. $10

182. PINEHURST SELECT SALE CATALOG Held on September 29, 1993 at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 63 head of great pedigrees. Some prices wri en in. Excellent. $10

184. PINEHURST & FIELDSTONE COMPLETE DISPERSAL CATALOG Held on May 29, 2008 at the Bull Golf Course at Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. This was the final dispersal for the Pinehurst and Fieldstone herds—for over 50 years D.H. Bachmann had dedicated himself to improving the Holstein breed and had succeeded at the highest levels. The pedigrees in this last catalog prove that to be true. Mint condi on and definitely one to own! $50

179. PINEHURST AUTUMN HARVEST SALE CATALOG Held on October 3, 1990 at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 97 head with excep onal pedigrees. Some prices wri en in. Excellent. $10

181. PINEHURST AUTUMN HARVEST SALE CATALOG Held on September 30, 1992 at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 126 head of great pedigrees. Some prices wri en in. Excellent. $10

183. PINEHURST AUTUMN HARVEST SALE CATALOG Held on October 5, 1994 at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 84 head of excep onal pedigreed Holsteins. Mint condi on. $10

185. ELEVATION MONUMENT PHOTO Framed 8 X 10 color photo of the stone monument at Select Sires in Plain City, Ohio for the great herdsire; Round Oak Rag Apple Eleva on EX-96 GM. $10

186. WISCONSIN HOLSTEIN HISTORY 486 page hard-bound book published in 1990 on the Centennial of the founding of the Wisconsin Holstein Assn.. Book covers early imports, founding of the Assn., it’s dis nguished leaders, great herds, cows, and cow families, and much more. A must for any student of the Holstein breed. Mint condi on. $40

187. 1993-94 SELECT SIRES HOLSTEIN DIRECTORY 80 pages of proven sires and their proofs for the years 1993-94 at Select Sires. Mint condi on. $10

189. 1995 SELECT SIRES HOLSTEIN DIRECTORY 80 pages of proven sires and their proofs for the year of 1995 at Select Sires. Mint. $10 188. DAIRY CATTLE JUDGING & SELECTION BOOK 324 page hard cover book teaching the rela onship between physical quali es of the dairy cow and her func on as a milk producer. Wri en by Dr. Wm. Yapp of the University of Illinois in 1959. Book is mint—jacket cover shows wear. $20

190. SELLING PUREBREDS FOR PROFIT How-to-book copyrighted in 1958—wri en by Bartle , Presco , And Crissey. Breaks down every aspect of the business. Mint condi on in a so -covered book. $20

192. ILLINOIS HOLSTEIN HERALDS 5 issues from 1954-56. Lot of great ads. $5 for all.

191. MEHRING’S FOOT POWER MILKER BROCHURE 8 page paper brochure for the Mehring’s Foot Power Milker. 1890’s-1900 informa on on how the machine works, produc vity to be expected, and how to care for the machine. This has to be an extremely rare item. Copy is soiled and has numerous small tears. $20 193.PUFFER-HUBBARD SILO BROCHURE 48 page brochure from 1915 adver sing the panel silos from the Puffer-Hubbard Mfg. Co. of Minneapolis, Minnesota. 90% of the pages have pictures; many of them outstanding. Also included is a picture of the 1914 Minnesota State Fair exhibit. Excellent condion. $20

194. DEERING BINDER FRAMED PICTURE Just a great picture adver sing the Deering Ideal Binder from the Deering Harvestor Co. of Chicago, Illinois. Circa 1880-1895, this framed 36” X 25 ½” print is in nice condi on, with superb graphics and subject ma er. Wood frame is aged and chipped as you would expect. Spectacular item and worthy of any collec on. $450

195. DEERING IDEAL MOWER FRAMED PICTURE Circa 1880-1895. Another wonderful framed adver sement from the Deering Harvestor Co. of Chicago. This one is also 36” X 25 ½”, and retains sharp color and images. Graphics are tremendous. Both of these framed adver sements are TOP SHELF! $450

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