Nutrition: Hay Cutting Heights Innovation at Riegel Dairy Grappling with Changes to Federal Milk Market Orders
Photo Contest:
1st Place Winner-Cade Claycomb Category: 13 & Older
the Pulsator 3 SALES STAFF Melissa Hart, Editor farm.writer@hotmail.com 517-398-1957 Kathi Brown-Meier - Wisconsin kathibrownmeier@gmail.com 608-558-8089 David Jons, Manager David.jons@att.net 913-634-3526 Chad Griffith - Ohio xavier12146@yahoo.com 513-543-2315 Mary Thomson - Missouri angelo@1791.com 417-880-5732 START THE YEAR OFF AHEAD OF EVERYONE ELSE! ADVERTISE ON q er 1 MILLION VISITS & 4 MILLION PAGEVIEWS in 2022
Missouri Holstein Association
President Scott Wilson
Vice President
John Schoen
Jodi Wright
Director at Large Shannon Kleiboeker
Junior Advisors
Katie Haverkamp
417-743-2921 • jwright@missouriholstein.com missouriholstein.com
Missouri Jersey Association
Vice President
Doug Thomas
Ryan Gettle
Secretary/ Treasurer Karla Deaver 417-316-0191 • kdeaverk@missouri.edu
Missouri Guernsey Association
Vice President
Mark Melander
Kenlee Calvin
Cindy Wilson 417-388-0185
Missouri Brown Swiss Association
Vice president
Brittany Whitehill
Stephanie Miller
Ashley Meyers 417-543-6809
Missouri Ayrshire Association
Vice President
Karen Coleman
Brent Unnasch
Chuck Scoon Treasurer
Jeff Jensen 319-230-6002 • karayrayrshires@gmail.com
Missouri Shorthorn Association
Vice President
Sam Crawford
Scott Gardner
Sally Burd 417-839-7002 • sallyburd@yahoo.com
Missouri Dairy
Vice Chairman
MO Dairy Education Director
Board Members
Alfred Brandt
Scott Maples
Sean Cornelius
Tom Oelrichs
Reagan Bluel
Norris Sloan
Mark Fellwock
John Schoen
Clay Hemple
Davin Althoff (417) 772-4231 • reagan@modairy.org modairy.org
4 the Pulsator 6 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 26 MO Dairy Missouri Holstein Junior Announcements MO State Convention Highlights Federal Milk Market Orders Missouri Cow Camp/ All-Breeds Heifer Show Hay Cutting Heights Missouri News Riegel Dairy Ellie Wantland: To the Cows that Raised Us No reproduction of material is allowed in any form without the permissions of the Pulsator Magazine. The content of this magazine has been produced with utmost integrity. However, we do not assume responsibility for errors or ommissions. Next Ad Deadline: May 20 Ad Size Color Black/White Full 275 190 Half 170 100 Quarter 110 65 Business Card 65 35 Ad Size Color Black/White Full 425 325 Half 260 185 Quarter 140 95 Business Card 80 45 BREEDER RATE COMMERCIAL RATE SUBSCRIPTION RATE $25/YEAR 4 ISSUES A YEAR Jodi Wright 417-840-3203 jwright@missouriholstein.com Shannon Kleiboeker 417-737-2876 mopulsator@gmail.com Jenna Wilson 417-459-8794 mopulsator2@gmail.com Vol. 54, No 2- 2023 10% DISCOUNT ON YEARLY ADVERTISING We Welcome Subscribers and Advertisers From All States
14 12 22 1st Place winner, Camera 13 & older: Cade Claycomb MIDWEST BREEDER RATES Ad Size Color Full 450 Half 250
I hope everyone is as ready for Spring as we are. We are looking forward to the warmer temperatures, green grass, flowers, gardens and of course the Spring cattle sales and shows! All of this will be here before we know it!
We have made a few changes again to the Pulsator, it is an ever-changing endeavor for us. We appreciate everyone’s feedback and support as we navigate and find what works best for us and for you. This issue includes the Midwest Holstein Section as the middle of the magazine. We encourage you to look through it as it includes ads from breeders across the Midwest.
Also, if you have a birth announcement, wedding, graduation, or the passing of a loved one you would like us to publish, make sure to share it with us and we will get it in our next issue.
We look forward to the upcoming year and hope everyone stays safe, happy and healthy!
the Pulsator 5
MARCH MissouriHolsteinClassification
3-8Southern National Holstein & Jersey Show& OK State Sale, Stillwater, OK 5-Youth Judging Contest 6- Junior Holstein & Jr Show 6- OK State Sale @ 2:30pm**NEW TIME** 7- Open Holstein & Jersey Heifer Shows 8- Open Holstein & Jersey Cow Shows 14 MemorialCalfEssayContestApplicationDue 15 MOHolsteinMembershipDuesLatefeeapplies MAY 1 EnrollmentDeadlineforCowCamp 15 AllBreedsHeiferShowEntriesDue 20 SummerPulsatorDeadline 24-26 4-HDairyCowCamp,Freistatt JuniorFoodBooth-HelpNeeded 26 Missouri Heifer Tag Sale 27 All-Breeds Heifer Show JUNE 1 MHAMembershipduesreceivedafterJune1 noteligibleforAssoc.SponsoredAwards 23-27 Natl.HolsteinConvention,Lexington,KY CALENDAR CATTLEMAN PACKAGE 5075E TRACTOR + CAB + 520M LOADER HAYMAKER PACKAGE 5075E TRACTOR + 520M LOADER SHOP OUR Packages Packages Scan Here for Savings Tractor
Missouri Dairy continues to serve the dairy producers of our state through 2022 and into 2023. The third annual Missouri Dairy Expo, Jan. 20th was well attended, with over 225 attendees. Throughout the day, there were 8 different education sessions on a variety of topics ranging from an udder dissection to federal milk market reform. Then, that evening, we had the opportunity to celebrate leaders in the state at the Missouri Dairy Awards Ceremony.
Statewide, Top production of energy corrected milk were named:
Large herd Top: Schoen Farms, Runner up: Riegel Dairy (pictured right)
Small herd Top: North Border Holsteins, Runner up: Derlyn & Anna Marie Martin Energy Corrected milk values the production of both fluid volume and components butterfat and protein. This ensures all herds, regardless of breed, are rewarded for outstanding production.
Four Missouri dairy entrepreneurs recently awarded the dairy business builder grants were also celebrated. This is the first year of partnership with the Dairy Business Innovation Alliance (DBIA), from Wisconsin. These federal dollars are available t o help producers grow and innovate value added projects on farm. Missouri Dairy partnered with DBIA in 2022 to unlock these funds for Missouri dairy farms. We couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome of the first round of applications!
Green Dirt Farm, LLC - Weston
Grison Creamery, LLC - Ava
Hemme Dairy, LLC - Sweet Springs
Ozark Mountain Creamery, LLC - Mountain Grove
Finally, we celebrated service completed for three of our Missouri Dairy Board members: Sally Burd, Tom Oelrichs and Bernie Van Dalsen. We appreciate their guidance and leadership during the formative first two years of Missouri Dairy.
The MO Dairy legislative team took action assembling a group to testify against Senate bill 86, seeking to legalize the retail sell of raw milk. We continue to watch the companion house bill 78. Additionally, we work to support Missouri ’s unfair milk sales act being challenged in house bill 418.
Looking forward, we are eager to continue to evolve into the organization our dairy industry desires. Missouri Dairy is going through astrategic planning process to help establish clear direction and next steps for the success of the organization. We are collecting feedback from dairy industry contacts, and we need your help! Your input will help us identify the clear direction and next steps to solidify Missouri Dairy's mission, key goals, objectives, and operational focus moving forward.
This survey is found at: https://bit.ly/MODairy or by scanning this QR code
If you have any trouble with the survey form, or would prefer your survey over the phone please contact Whitney Kinne: whitney@whitneykinne.com or 573-864-6868.
6 the Pulsator
Point 5
8 the Pulsator Prevent Flies | Eliminate Flies | That’s the Goal Our Fly Control For Dairy Farms Features Three Products • Start with a Fly Parasite plan. It is the foundation for y control. • Add cedar y traps to trap adult ies and help parasites take over. • Have an electronic zapper (or two or three!) for inside y control –they keep on zapping! Useful Farm Products P.O. Box 4350, Homosassa Springs, FL 34447 www.dairy yparasites.com or email: usefulfarm@gmail.com The Best Fly is a Dead Fly! Better Yet is No Fly! Call to Start Your Plan Now! 1-888-771-3276 PO Box 45 • 100 E Main St. Bunceton, MO 65237 Phone: (660) 427-5521 Fax: (660) 427-5821 www.buncetonmutualinsurance.com COMMERCIAL FARM HOMEOWNERS LIABILITY
contact me
to supplying your semen
anytime. I look forward
Semen Sales Home 417.859.2594 Cell 573.554.0599 470 Forest Drive, Marshfield, MO 65706 Email: rayschooley@centurytel.net
Holstein State and National BAA Lists
2022 Top 25 BAA-Region 7
Photos will be accepted through Aug 1, 2023
12 and under Junior 18 and under Senior 18 and over
* Age as of January 1, 2023
Region 7: AR, KS, MO, NM, OK & TX
RankHerd Name
1Lin-Crest Farms KS 111.9 12
2Dwight J. & Anita J. RokeyKS110.3 117
3Todd & Brad Groves MO109.1150
4Four Streams Dairy, IncKS109.021
The College of The OzarksMO109.045
6Edward K. Wittorff MO108.910
7Larry & Jodi Wright MO108.763
8David Andrew Day MO108.616 Robthom Farm LLC MO108.679
10John Koster TX108.0249
11 Johnny L. Hanna OK107.424
12Anthony L. Musser MO107.374
Robert John Seiler KS107.3128
14Toecky Farm MO107.1108
15Michelle & Loren H EilenstineMO107.023
Nathaniel & Rose GraberMO107.035
17Alfred J. Brandt MO106.9 112 Elmer Martin MO106.948
19Oklahoma State UniversityOK106.547
20Clifford M OberholtzerMO106.477
21Wilson Martin MO106.399
22Stanley J. Haedge TX106.2169
23Lamar Oberholtzer MO106.171 University of MissouriMO106.1 118
25James L. & Novalee CoatsMO105.955
MO Top BAA for College & Universities
RankHerd Name
Email images to Jenna at mopulsator2@gmail.com
Subject line: Pulsator Photo Contest
With photo please include: Name, Division, address, phone number and a portrait of yourself.
Winners will be announced and published announced in the Fall issue.
Submit up to three JPG/JPEG digital files per category no later than AUG 1, 2023
Submitting your photo(s) is an agreement of all terms and conditions set forth in the guidelines.
•Photos must show some aspect of dairy production including but not limited to; livestock, products, landscape, and individuals.
•Photos must have been produced in Missouri since January 1, 2022, by the person submitting the image.
•Limit of three entries per photographer.
•Significant digital manipulation of photos, digital signatures and watermarks are not allowed. Normal cropping, color correction, etc. are acceptable.
•Photos entered in the contest may appear in “the Pulsator,” and/or on the Missouri Holstein website and Facebook page.
•Entries will be judged on visual impact, creativity, memorable content and image quality.
Congratulations Groves View Dairy & Schoen Farms!
StateBAA# Cows
StateBAA# Cows 2The
10University of Missouri MO106.1 118
College of The OzarksMO109.045
Groves-Vu Rager Tabbey Ex 91 2E Schoen Optim e 2548 Ex 92
2022 CowoftheYear
Cong tu tions
2023 Missouri Holstein Princess Adeline Dickerson
2023 Missouri Holstein Miss Molly Melzer
2023 Junior Holstein
President:Case Melzer
Vice-President: Sophia Geppert
Secretary:Sammi Justice
SW Reporter: Monique Turner
NE Reporter: Charlie Dickerson
WC Reporter: David Melzer
SC Reporter: Amanda Brooks
Picture: Upper Left- David Melzer, Charlie Dickerson
Middle- Amanda Brooks, Case Melzer, & Sammi Justice
MAY 26-27
Juniors will be helping with dinner on the evening of Friday, May 26th at the Missouri State Heifer Sale. We will also be running a concession stand during the heifer show on Sat. May 27th. This will be our fundraiser for this year so please plan to come help. We need parent volunteers as well as youth to assist. Please sign up with Shannon or Katie if you are available to help.
Please bring a silent auction item to the MO Holstein State Sale May 26th. The silent auction will be held Friday evening.
Jr All Missouri Reminders
Show season is right around the corner! Juniors will be using the point system
Please note:
Missouri Holstein Dues must be paid by June 1st Animals must be owned and transferred by July 15 Juniors have elected NOT use the point system for 2023 Junior All-MO winners will be selected at the State Holstein Show which will be held in conjunction with the MO State Fair
Congratulations to our 2023 Junior All-Missouri Recipients!
L to R Molly Melzer, David Melzer, Monique Turner, Sammi Justice, Case Melzer, Emma Parrigon, & Jared Parrigon (Not Pictured: Lila Wantland, Colton Kleiboeker, Lily Bluel, Whitney Yerina, Brady, Maria & Michael Vedder, Daniel Day)
Spring Classic Scholarship: Kylie Scrivner
Distinguished Junior Applicant-Brantley Keltner
For the complete set of rules, please see missouriholstein.com Junior
Missouri Junior Holstein Memorial Calf Essay
Shannon Kleiboeker 417-737-2876
shannonkleiboeker@ hotmail.com
Thanks to the generous donations from Dick Little, Ed and Sue Ann Steele, Tim Ewing, and Richard Veraguth Memorials, the Missouri Junior Holstein Association would like to offer our Missouri youth a unique opportunity. We will be offering the “Dick Little Grant” which is to be used towards the purchase of a Holstein heifer in the Missouri State Heifer Sale. The grant will be in the amount of $500. Youth will be selected by a panel of judges based on their application and the essay they provide. Visit missouriholstein.com or contact Shannon or Katie for the complete set of rules application
Postmarked by April 14th
Applicants should be between the ages 8-18 years old as of January 1, 2023
Entrants do not need to have a Holstein background or be from a Holstein farm
10 the Pulsator
417-872-5543 katie635@gmail.com
Missouri Holstein Association
State ConventionHighlights
January 20-21, 2023 Oasis Hotel & Convention Center, Springfield, MO
HeldinconjunctionwithMissouriDairymeetingsinSpringfield January20-21,2023. Thejuniorsalsoheldtheirannualmeetingand awards and participated in cornhole competitions and the silent auction. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Missouri Holstein 107th Annual Meeting Highlights
•MEMBERSHIP DUES – Bylaw amendment: All Dues are $50 for 2023 (Farm or Associate-Pulsator included)
•Holstein USA Field Representative: Introduced Jason Ewing as new MO Field Representative.
• State Fair: Jr ownership deadline is now JULY 1 Altering open show schedule some to accommodate judges. Looking for someone to pick up the milk so it is not wasted. Contact AmyJo with suggestions. Tim Ewing memorialscholarshipwillbeawardedforfirsttimein2023beingfundedbycornholefunnight.
• MU Extension: Reagan Bluel is only statewide dairy specialist. Ted Probert’s position is still open andtryingtofill. Requirements are mastersandgeneralagricultureknowledgeinadditiontodairy. Universityhasjustapprovedthattheywouldwaitforsomeonetofinishtheirthesisiftherightperson.
• MU Dairy-Foremost: Reagan Bluel reported the animal science department head has approved the sale of theHolsteinFarm(whereheifersanddrycows are housed). Theincomeissupposedtobeusedtooffset thedairydebtandbere-investedinthedairyoperation. MUisalsoliquidating142heifers. MUhoping to hire a specialist in repro and genetics.
•MO Dairy: Theboardisworkingonastrategicplanningprocessonhowtheycanbeeffectiveforthestates producers. Surveys will be going out to get opinions. Newly hired legislative assistants are Tony Benz, a private lobbyist, and Casey Wasser, MO Soybean, has waived his fee to assist MO Dairy.
•Awards Committee: Renamed award – “John Cooper Distinguished Service Award”. Cow of the Year – Ties may be awarded.
• Sale Committee: 2023 All-Breeds Heifer Tag Sale will be Friday, May 26 in Freistatt with Cow Camp. Continuing with same format, plan to have a meal Friday evening with ticket purchase.
• Pulsator: Participating in Midwest Holsteins 2 issues a year (March and September). Took suggestions on ways to improve.
• USDA Traceability Public comment period. Encourage all members to voice their opinion by 3/20/23. Search USDA APHIS Animal Disease Traceability Regulations
• New Officers: President: Scott Wilson, VP: John Schoen, Secretary: Jodi Wright, Director at Large: Shannon Kleiboeker, At-Large: Janine Staiger Pirtle.
12 the Pulsator
REMINDER: Missouri Holstein state dues are payable by April 15 We welcome everyone to be a member and support the dairy industry: professionals, all breed affiliations, herd owners, industry representatives, and dairy supporters! Download form at missouriholstein.com or contact Jodi Wright at jwright@missouriholstein.com 417-743-2921
1st Choice of March ‘23 Jordy x Ivy sells! Also 12/22 Journey x
Selling a 12/22 Drone from Judith - full sister sold for $15,200 in 2022. Judith is sister to EX95 Mentor Jazzy, WDE Grand Champion.
Her summer yearling Andreas sells! Next dam is EX-94 Gianna - multiple show-winning family members!
Watch our Facebook page for more exciting consignments including a special March Ayrshire calf from Kurt Wolf, numerous show-aged Jersey& Holstein calves, and additional Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey & Milking Shorthorn consignments!
Gene McCoy 217-840-0157
Darren Ropp 815-848-3424
EX-90 Altitude x Ivy!
HARVUE ROY FROSTY EX-97 12/22 King Doc sells from EX Shamrock dtr of 2X WDE Supreme Champion Frosty!
TEAM DURHAM MORGAN EX-96 12/22 Thunderstorm granddaughter sells from HM All-American Morgan!
FEVER PEN EX-94 6/22 Delta-Lambda sells from VG-89 Tatoo then Pen!
ELRON MEGADETH WRIGLEY EXP 6/22 Ricochet sells from Wrigley, Res. All-American ‘17. Wrigley is a sister to Waveland, Res. Grand Champion, WDE ‘17
There has been a lot of attention on possible changes to current federal milk market order (FMMO) regulations. There are many reasons to expect that the focus on FMMO changes will culminate with a USDA administrative hearing sometime in 2023. It will not be easy to find solutions that will satisfy all dairy industry participants.
Before diving into some of the possible areas of FMMO changes, it is crucial to understand the Agricultural Marketing Service of USDA’s (USDA/AMS) role in administering FMMOs. USDA/AMS, through FMMOs, establishes minimum uniform milk prices, ensures proper payments to farmers, and collects market information used by many in the industry. FMMO changes are proposed by the industry and changes are discussed through a public hearing process. USDA/AMS only enforces current regulations that evolve through either legislative action or the administrative hearing process.
Many of the proposed FMMO changes that have been at the forefront of industry discussions would affect the distribution of dollars generated by the industry to the different segments of the marketing channel. It is important to understand that many of these proposed FMMO changes would not generate additional dollars but only how they are distributed. Increasing class I differentials could be one area where additional revenue could occur.
The focus in the coming months will be on the minimum prices to be paid for milk used in different dairy products, which could pit different segments against each other. A USDA/AMS FMMO hearing’s focus will be on available data that helps to determine the correct minimum milk price formulas.
The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) has provided a list of provisions they agreed on in October 2022 that need to be addressed relative to current FMMO regulations. They include:
1)Return to the “higher of” Class I mover;
2)Discontinue barrel cheese in the protein component price formula;
3)Updates to milk component factors for protein, other solids, and nonfat solids in the Class III and Class IV skim milk price formulas; and
4)Update dairy product manufacturing allowances.
NMPF also wants a more defined process developed to adjust make-allowances on a more regular basis and for USDA to conduct mandatory plant-cost studies. NMPF is working through possible changes in Class I differentials as well.
The Class mover was changed with the passage of the 2018 farm bill from the higher of the Class III or Class IV price
to the average of the Class III and IV prices plus $0.74. With Class III and IV price differences being at some of the largest in history, the old formula would have resulted in a higher Class I mover than the formula passed in the 2018 farm bill. A higher Class I mover helps those areas of the country with the highest utilization of producer milk in Class I products. Which Class I mover formula results in the highest Class I mover price in the future will depend on how close Class III and IV prices are to each other.
Eliminating the barrel cheese price from the protein price formula will generally result in a higher Class III price since the barrel cheese price tends to run below the block cheese price. Barrel cheese producers may be most concerned about this change in the protein price formula.
Those orders that don’t use component pricing will see some benefit by updating the milk component factors for protein, other solids, and nonfat solids in the Class III and IV skim milk price formulas.
Increases in dairy product manufacturing allowances will lower minimum prices for manufacturing Class prices. With cost increases in labor and other costs, dairy manufacturers face tighter processing margins today. Increasing manufacturing allowances will result in lower prices for producers.
Although NMPF has not completed its work on Class I differentials, increasing Class I differentials would have the most positive impact on producers that deliver milk in high class I utilization orders.
There are no simple answers to possible changes in FMMO regulations. Many of the proposed changes result in one industry segment losing while another segment benefits. All segments of the dairy industry need each other to ensure long-term success, and this fact can’t be lost as the industry attempts to adjust FMMO regulations in 2023.
Scott Brown Associate Extension Professor Agricultural Economics, MU Extension
14 the Pulsator
Illinois • Iowa • Michigan• Minnesota • Missouri • Wisconsin
Heifer pens have more granddaughters of Mallory in them, sired by bulls like Chrome, Big Gun, Choco Chip, & Joel to name a few.
GRAYSON MADDIE VG 87 @ 3-07 (pictured)
3-00 305 2x 17420 5.2 907 3.7 636
1-08 305 2x 13030 5.5 720 3.7 487
2-08 289 2x 13340 8.7 1163 3.5 473
Owned with Bruce Rendon
VIP MALLORY VG 88 @ 4-10
3-05 297 2x 16590 8.2 1364 3.4 559
VIP MALLORIE EX 91 @ 4-06 (pictured)
1-11 301 2x 10800 5.0 540 3.8 408
Reserve Grand Indiana State Fair 2021
Owned by Josh & Jenny Gordon
VIP MALLOREY EX 93 @ 4-06 (pictured)
2-00 305 2x 14110 5.4 757 3.6 504
2nd 4-Yr-Old Illinois State Fair 2022
Dam of Disco Maizey
Owned by Trace & Ty Johnson
VIP MAL EX 90 @ 3-11
3-10 305 2x 21047 4.8 1025 3.7 793
Owned by Derek Karn
2-10 261 2x 13840 4.9 678 3.6 504
1-8 305 2x 13630 5.2 705 3.6 493
Owned by George Bush & Lauren Siver
DISCO MAIZEY VG 89 @ 2-02 (pictured)
Reserve Junior All-American JR 2-Yr-Old
1st, Int. & Grand Champion, 2022 Great Lakes Spring Jersey Show
1st, Int. & Res. Grand Dhampion, 2022 Illinois State Fair
1st, 2022 International Junior Jersey Show
8th, 2022 International Jersey Show
Owned by Trace & Ty Johnson - Congratulations on your continued development of Mallorey & Maizey
Design ©Topline Marketing + Design Lea Jordan & Jenny Thomas photos
Dairy cattle judging is strong at the University of Minnesota, so strong that its teams have placed 1st overall in 12 of the 24 contests across the past 8 contests held at the All-American Dairy Show (Harrisburg, PA), the North American International Livestock Exposition (Louisville, KY), and World Dairy Expo (Madison, WI).
Also, the University of Minnesota has placed 1st or 2nd overall in 23 of the 36 contests across the past 12 held at these 3 locations. No other university comes close to this incredible record of success. In 2022, the University of Minnesota was 1st overall in both the All American (Harrisburg, PA) and the NAILE (Louisville, KY) collegiate contests.
If you want a career in the dairy industry, consider the University of Minnesota. In addition to participating in our highly successful dairy judging and dairy challenge programs, you can join the Gopher Dairy Club, whose student members gain experience and industry contacts through many activities such as an all-expense-paid 10-day senior trip to California in January. Both inside and outside the classroom, our dairy professors make teaching and working with students their top priority.
Learn more today at ansci.umn.edu
GOLD! GO FOR THE www.umn.edu 612.624.2277 www.ansci.umn.edu The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
Their Pedigree
The milk tester and the classifer agree! These "Kisses" are all grown up now and continue to impress everyone that gets a chance to work with them. Pounds of solids from EX udders sums up why we continue to kiss and tell.
Wargo-Acres Magnus Kari 2-01 3x 365 43,090 3.6 1559 3.1 1334 3-03 3x 365 49,270 4.0 1995 3.1 1546 2-03 3x 340 32,020 4.4 1399 3.4 1081 3-04 3x 365 49,170 4.8 2352 3.3 1643
Magnus x Honeycrest Kiss Me Kate VG-87 (Montross) x Honeycrest Fest Kissimee-ET VG-87 DOM (Kickball) x Lars-Acres Fel Festival-ET EX-91 DOM x Markwell Durham Felice EX-91 GMD DOM Wargo-Acres Magnus Gordon & Emily Carncross Craig, Jen, Gavin & Nolan Carncross W13157 Co. Hwy. J, Lodi, WI 53555 wargoacres@gmail.com | 608-592-2560 Craig cell EX-90 EX-90
Hetke 4 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
Illinois Holstein Association
Dan Moon, President • 563-880-4562
19475 155th St, Monona, IA 52159 • moondalefarm@neitel.net
Walt Wessel, Vice-President • 563-590-8162
28547 400th St, Greeley, IA 52040 • wesselcrest@msn.com
Shellie Volker, Secretary/Treasurer • 319-269-0318
20252 130th St, Sumner, IA 50674 • shelliev@ymail.com
Jenna Chapman Editor • 712-480-0741
PO Box 262 Fayette, IA 52142 • iowaholsteins@gmail.com
Doug Lyons • 563-419-0275 • 131 Military Rd, Castalia, IA 52133
Paul Stempfle • 536-920-9495
Doug Brown • 563-880-6776
Dan Bolin • 319-278-4288
• 16707 100th St, Maynard, IA 50655
• 39284 Skip Level Rd, Colesburg, IA 52035
• 30707 180th St, Clarksville, IA 50619
Jim Vierhout • 712-439-2932 • Box 563, Hull, IA 51239
Jeff Hammerand • 563-744-3611
Tom Holub • 319-213-4256
Blake Courtney
• 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045
• 4638 Linn-Jones Rd, Monticello, IA 52310
• 563-387-7879
Trent Henkes
Larry Landsgard
Heather Moore
Tom Simon
• 2564 Pole Line Rd Ridgeway, IA 52165
• 563-783-2479
• 563-419-5576
• 563-357-1611
• 563-599-9183
Sheri Danhof
• 18467 165th St, Luana, IA 52156
• 17518 Gunder Rd, Postville, IA 52162
• 22654 92nd St, Maquoketa, IA 52060
• 10644 Cemetery Rd, Farley, IA 52046
• 563-380-5945
• 1225 Parsley Dr, Waukon, IA 52172
Jason Volker • 563-920-8151• 9161 M Ave Maynard, IA 50655
6 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
Midwest Holsteins Index to Advertisers
Advantage Livestock............................................42
Blumenfield Holsteins / Shirman ........................35
Bosside Holsteins ................................................49
Buckeye Classic....................................................52
Carter’s Corner.....................................................18
Clinton County Classic...........................................8
College of the Ozarks...........................................57
D Bar J, Doug Thomas..........................................12
DBC Ag Products..................................................29
Dylan Reed..........................................................54
Elladaire Genetics................................................13
Etgen-Way Holsteins ...........................................14
Green Meadow Farm...........................................25
Groves-View Dairy...................................................5
Hilltop-RJ Holsteins .............................................22
Hobby-Hill Holsteins ...........................................53
Illinois Farm Families..........................................27
Illinois PDCA Calf Sale .........................................36
Indiana Holstein Spring Sale ...............................48
Interglobe Sire Service ........................................27
Iowa Spring Sale .............................................10-11
Jeffrey-Way Holsteins ..........................................41
Kow Castle Holsteins ...........................................17
Kurth Kine Holsteins............................................51
Larson Acres .........................................................24
Lookwell Farm.....................................................28
Luck-E-Charm Holsteins .......................................56
Ratliff Jerseys.......................................................42
Rod-er-Dic Farm...................................................46
417-743-2921 • www.missouriholstein.com jwright@missouriholstein.com
Scott Wilson, President: scwilson30@gmail.com
417-592-0646 • 4604 Lawrence 1040 Miller, MO 65707
John Schoen, Vice President: schoenfarms1@hughes.net
573-934-3548 • 447 Co. Rd. 519 Oak Ridge, MO 63769
Jodi Wright, Secretary/Treasurer: jwright@missouriholstein.com 11449 Lawrence 2220 Verona, MO 65769 • 417-743-2921
Shannon Kleiboeker, Director at Large: mopulsator@gmail.com
417-737-2876 • 17077 Lawrence 1030 Wentworth, MO 64873
Katie Haverkamp, Junior Advisor: katiew635@gmail.com • 417-872-5543
Case Melzer, Junior president: themelzerfive@gmail.com
Barry Steevens, State Dairy Ext. Specialist (Retired): steevensb@missouri.edu • 573-474-8058
Ryan Bilyeu, Past President: 417-838-1093
James Penn, Northeast District president: 660-342-0250
Alfred Brandt, Northeast District director: 573-897-2120
Dallas Cornelius, Northwest District president: 816-262-1225
Misty Langford, Northwest District director: 816-244-0423
Nelson Hostetler, Southwest District president: 417-327-7001
Larry Wright, Southwest District director: 417-743-2921
Tommy Scrivner, South Central District president: 417-543-0725
Becky Durst, South Central District director: 417-926-3301
John Schoen, Southeast District president: 573-934-3548
Corvin Schoen, Southeast District director: 573-986-8041
Mark Chamberlin, West Central District president: 660-287-1940
Jay Moreland, West Central District director: 816-258-3353
Janine Staiger Pirtle, State Director at Large: 417-838-5486
Scott Maples, State Director at Large: 417-848-2998
Wisconsin Holstein Association
902 8th Avenue, Baraboo, WI 53913
Phone (608) 356-2114 • Fax (608) 356-6312
Laura Wackershauser, Executive Director
Mara Budde, Director of Communications
EmmaRae Brown, Director of Marketing & Membership
Steve Endres, President - 608-279-5952
Ryan Weigel, Vice President - 608-434-4109
Erica Ullom, Secretary - 715-933-0477
Sara Feldmann, Exec. Committee - 920-980-9704
Kurt Loehr, Exec. Committee - 920-602-0101
Rick Adams - 262-374-0793
Joseta Halbur - 715-821-9672
Ty Hildebrandt - 920-253-7797
Craig Krohlow - 920-639-5388
Krista Luedtke - 920-779-0332
Nicole Miller-Speich - 608-289-0411
Ralph Petersheim - 608-675-3893
Tony Brey - 920-495-2555
Bob Webb - 920-377-1079
Genetics .........................................23 Marathon County............................................58-59 Miller Farm..........................................................17
Minnesota Spring Sale ........................................44 Missouri Heifer Tag Sale ......................................56 Mystic Valley Dairy...............................................45 Nise-N-Fancy Holsteins ........................................55 Oklahoma State Sale-Southern National .............17 Oklahoma State Univeristy ..................................33 Olmar Farms ........................................................39 Oneeda Farm .......................................................22 Pinnacle Genetics...................................................2 Pioneer Dairy
Selz-Pralle Dairy ...................................................16 Shirman ...............................................................35 South Dakota State University .............................15 Starlight Acres ......................................................26 Starward Farm .....................................................52 Stein-Way Dairy ...................................................32 Sugar Creek Dairy ................................................37 Thistle Dew Dairy .................................................38 Thorman Show Cattle...........................................54 TransOva ..............................................................60 Twin Spruce Farms ...............................................19 University of Minnesota .........................................3 Valley Gem Farm.................................................47 Valley View Farm..................................................56 Vitality Crew.........................................................43 Wargo Acres ............................................................4 Waupaca-Waushara Show Opportunity Sale ..30-32 Wisconsin Dairy Showcase ..................................40 Cover photo by Ryan Bilyeu, College of the Ozarks, Pt. Lookout, MO
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 7
Jacobs Control Brisk EX-94
HM AA Jr. 2 ‘19 & Res. AA Jr. 3 ‘20
Sister to ‘22 RWF Res. Grand Champion Her fresh Doorman Sr. 2 sells! Milksource
Krohlow Comerica Anna EX-95 Res. Grand AA Jersey Show ‘21 & 3x AA Selling is her super tall, ashy Spring Yrlg sired by Metallica! Milksource
Duckett Gold Chip Tokyo EX-93 Res. All-American Milking Yrlg ‘15
Dec Chief sells x Tokyo’s EX-90 sister. Next dam is EX-96. Golden Oaks
Schluter Shelby Lee EX-94 2x Res. All-American R&W Her Dec calf by Altitude sells backed by 10 generations VG-EX!
HM AA & Grand WI Spring Show ‘22
5 #1 Doral embryos sell from her VG-87 Unstoppable dtr! Reed
Siemers Awesome Great EX-93 All-American R&W Sr. 2 ‘18
5 #1 Rompen embryos sell with 2 VG89max-score sisters to embryos! Siemers
Scott Courtney, auctioneer563-380-1318
Lucas Clanton 618-322-3523
Brian Debatin 314-566-6643
Brian Woker 618-367-0263
Jason Brammeier 618-830-4855
Dylan Reed 217-254-5397
Drolie Doorman Maycy EX-90
The dam of Master & dtr of Maya EX-96
Her super-stylish Alleyoop Spring Yrlg daughter sells! Golden Oaks
Brian Olbrich 815-482-7426
Ron Roskopf 414-587-4402
Tony Whitehead 417-838-3613
Bruce Gingerich 574-536-3061
TK-Plain-View Ripley EX-96-2E
AA 5-Yr-Old ‘17 & Res. AA 4-Yr-Old ‘16
Her Warrior Summer Jr. 2 sells due in
Kate Geppert 573-808-5607 ksgeppert@gmail.com
8 -
Rosedale Lucky Rose EX-94 Res. All-American R&W Aged Cow ‘18 Altitude Sept calf x her maternal sister. Next dam is Redrose EX-96. Red Carpet
Hilrose Advent Anna EX-95 2x Res. All-American R&W Diamondback Sr. 2 gr-dtr sells! Hilrose Moovin Sept calf gr-dtr sells! Schluter
Ms Atwood Lacey EX-95
June to Summerfest. Lila Sloan SALE CONTACTS Uber-Haven D nt Chrome EX-95 AA RW 4-Yr-Old ‘20 & Res. AA 3-Yr-Old ‘19 Selling is her 6/1 Moovin grand-dtr x VG-87 Unstoppable. Carter/Richter Strans-Jen-D Tequila EX-96 2x Unanimous All-American R&W Her super long, dairy Warrior Winter Yrlg daughter sells! Siemers Ms Beautys Black Velvet EX-96 AA Aged Cow ‘22 & 2x B&O WDE Champion Her Dec Lambda grand-dtr sells x GP-84 Unix. Johnson Jas-K Diamond-B Twinkle EX-93 All-American R&W 4-Yr-Old ‘22 July ‘22 Analyst sells from her VG-87 maternal sister. Next dam EX-91. Kearns 49th Clinton County Classic March 25, 2023 · 11:00 a.m. · Highland, Ill. · 30 miles east of St. Louis View sale catalog at DairyAgendaToday, IllinoisHolsteins or COWBUYER Craigcrest Rubies Rachelle EX-94 HM All-American 2-Yr-Old Next 3 dams: 93, 91 & 90. Her stunning Dec calf by Handsome sells! Fairbanks Thorman Altitude Sadie VG-87 All-American R&W Winter Yrlg ‘21 Res. Jr. All-American Winter Calf ‘20 Her Analyst Summer Yrlg sells! Thorman
2022 Illinois Holstein Association Awards
Steve and his wife, Ann Marie, have been life-long supporters of the Illinois Holstein Association and the Holstein breed. Steve has served multiple terms on the state board and executive committee. He also served as state vice-president in 2018 and 2019, then lled the role of IHA president during 2020 and 2021. He led the association though the uncertainty present in those years holding a state show when most other shows were cancelled. Breeders were very grateful for the chance to exhibit their animals and fellowship with other dairy farmers. Steve has also chaired the show, membership and publications committees for the Illinois Holstein Association.
Breeding great Holsteins has been a life-long goal and one that has yielded great success. Few breeders have bred icons known by only one name like Roxy, Frosty, Charity and Blexy but Steve certainly did that with Macy! Although the Irwin’s sold her as a two-year old, Steve received much recognition as her breeder. Macy was a two-time class winner at the Royal and her owners, the Chalak’s from Rocky Mountain Holsteins, give much praise to Steve for breeding such an exceptional cow. Irwindale’s success breeding outstanding Holsteins goes much further than their legacy with Macy. After winning the 2 year-old futurity and topping the Illinois Golden Opportunity Sale, Irwindale Leduc Molly created her own legacy for Team Holsteins. Irwindale Holsteins has made a huge footprint in the Holstein breed for a herd of its size.
Steve’s most signi cant legacy is his family. Ann Marie is the ultimate help-mate and together they raised three outstanding young adults. They have done everything as a family and are a true team. Todd, Sarah and Dawn grew up active in the Illinois Junior Holstein Association and won many awards exhibiting their animals. With the recent addition of Todd’s wife, Chelsea, and their twins, CeCe and Logan, the Irwins continue to be a team at home, at the farm or at the show. Steve is an extremely proud grandpa and he nds time to love and tease the grandkids. Everyone knows Steve doesn’t like any drama.
The Irwin family, starting with John and Maurice, has long been a xture at Illinois Holstein events. Ann Marie and Steve have continued that tradition and rest assured future generations will be an integral part of the Holstein family. Congratulations Steve on the Illinois Holstein Assocation’s 2022 Distinguished Service Award and thank you for your unsel sh devotion to your fellow members.
Passion and dedication are an easy description of how Dan Koester approaches dairy farming and Registered Holsteins. He has spent his career on the farm that his parents, LaVerne and Clarice, originally established in 1956 with 28 cows. Dan was always involved in helping care for the animals on the farm when he was young. He developed a greater interest in dairy as he became more involved in FFA in high school. He was on the FFA dairy judging teams and won high individual as a sophomore. After high school he attended Highland Community College and then continued on to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, graduating in 1977 with a degree in dairy science. While attending Madison, he was active in dairy judging and won high individual honors at Harrisburg. Dan returned to the home farm after graduating and joined into a partnership with his brother and parents. At the same time he also worked for 14 years as a GMS evaluator for ABS. They purchased their rst registered Holstein in the early 70s, and Dan continued to build the herd to be 100% registered after returning from college.
In 1983, Dan married his wife Amber and they had ve children, Lance, Kyle, Brent, Alissa, and Bria. Dan’s love for farming has in uenced his children. Today Lance, Kyle, Brent, Bria, and daughter-in-law Cynthia, join Dan and Amber to make up the workforce at Koester Dairy. In 2010, a new freestall barn and milking parlor was built to expand the herd which now consists of 420 cows and 400 replacement heifers. The current herd average is 37,467 milk, 1615 (4.3%) fat, and 1183 (3.15%) protein. The farm also includes 900 acres, growing corn, alfalfa, and soybeans.
Continuously trying to improve the farm has always been a focus, especially with the genetics of the herd. The herd is a 6 year recipient of Holstein Association’s Herd of Excellence Award. In addition, the herd has also received Holstein Association’s Progressive Genetics Award for 31 years and with a +2575 CTPI ranks as the #1 herd in Illinois. There have been numerous bulls sent to AI over the years and embryos exported internationally. Congratulations to Dan on being named the 2022 Illinios Senior Breeder!
The farm began milking with just ve cows the year he was born. The idea was to have a place for their four kids to learn a good work ethic, while living in a more surburban area. Through good breeding choices, their herd grew in quantity and quality with a focus on pedigrees. The kids took on the full responsibility of taking the animals to the shows, all while being active members of the Illinois Holstein Association.
This breeder continued his interest in the farm after pursuing a career in agricultural engineering. When he met his wife, who was also raised on a dairy farm, they shared a passion for dairy cows and their commitment to the farm. Together, with Albert and Mary Etta they upgraded the farm by installing two robotic milkers and built a new barn for continued growth. They embraced their location and began welcoming the public to visit by hosting an ice cream social in 2019 with over a 1,000 people attending. Now, hosting up to 2 tours a week, visitors include local school groups, scouts and community members. They also partner with Midwest Dairy and have hosted Chicago Bears David Montgomery, as well as several tours for the IHSA Athletes.
With the second generation taking o at full speed and a change of ownership, they are now growing their own herd. Their focus remains on using only red and red carrier bulls that are robot ready and high type. They have bred 3 Excellents, 24 very Goods all while owning 17 excellent and 24 Very Good Cows. They continue their long-time dedication to the Illinois Holstein Association by serving on many committees over the years, currently serving Secretary for IHA. These breeders have worked hard in order to continue the legacy of the farm so it can carry on to the third generation, with their two children, just 40 short years later. Congratulations Andy and Sarah Lenkaitis!
Read more details about our award recipients on the Illinois Holstein website at www.IllinoisHolsteins.com
Year Luck-E Awesome Adventure-ET EX-94 WDE Int’l Type & Production Award 2022 Nominated Jr All-American 2022 Champion Bred & Owned IL State Show 2022 Owned by Luck-E Holsteins, Hampshire
2022 Illinois Holstein of the
Thank you to the Butler Family of Blu -Ridge Holsteins for sponsoring the Distinguished Service, Senior Breeder, and Junior Breeder Awards in memory of Bob Butler!
Distinguished Service Award Steve Irwin, Beason
Senior Breeder Award Dan Koester, Dakota
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 9
Junior Breeder Award Andy & Sarah Lenkaitis, St. Charles
12 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
Junior All-American Spring Calf Reserve All-American Spring Calf
Res. Junior Champion, International Junior Holstein Show
1st Spring Calf, International Junior Holstein Show
2nd Spring Calf, International Holstein Show
D: Budjon Abbott Alexandra EX-93
Junior Champion, International Junior Holstein Show 2018
2D: Walk-Era Dundee Annelise EX-95
Grand Champion, International Junior Holstein Show 2017
A December full sister to Athena sells on the Pioneer Dairy Classic Sale on April 1. This is your chance to own your own Athena!
Plymouth, WI | 920-980-2004 kentbindl@hotmail.com
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 13
Side pro le © Cybil Fisher; champion photo © Dairy Agenda Today
PREPARE FOR A REWARDING CAREER IN DAIRY AND FOOD SCIENCE Connect with us: SDState - Department of Dairy and Food Science sdstate_dairyandfoodscience sdstate.edu/ds (605) 688-5482 • 3 majors: •Dairy Production •Dairy Manufacturing •Food Science • $160,000 in scholarships • Nationally-recognized judging teams • 100% job placement • Starting salaries of $55,000+ • State-of-the-art Davis Dairy Plant and dairy farm •Full industry experience •Hands-on learning •Acclaimed faculty Cheyenne Edmundson, Coordinator of Recruitment and Academic Services (605) 688-5482 | cheyenne.edmundson@sdstate.edu
16 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
© Lea Jordan
18 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
2022 Wisconsin Outstanding Holstein Girl & Boy Features
e Outstanding Holstein Boy and Girl awards are the highest honor that the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association can bestow on members. e winners of these awards are chosen based on their Distinguished Junior Member applications and an interview. Our 2022 recipients were recognized at the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention at the beginning of January. Get to meet the winners, Lauren Siemers and Matthew Gunst.
January 7, 2023 will forever be the host of one of my most special Holstein memories, being named the Wisconsin Outstanding Holstein Girl. I was honored in my home county, fteen miles from my family’s farm, surrounded by so many of the people that made this dream a reality.
My name is Lauren Siemers and I’m the 20-year-old daughter of Paul and Jenny Siemers and sister to Josh and Jake. Together with my aunt, uncle, and cousins, we complete the fth and sixth generations of Holstein involvement dating back to 1890. While the honor of Outstanding Girl is given to an individual, it’s essential to give credit to my family and the numerous mentors and role models I’ve had that have shaped my path.
My story starts at Siemers Holsteins, my family’s Registered Holstein and crop operation in Newton. We focus on “Genetics for Cow People,” and though I’ve enjoyed time spent in the show ring, I also learned the value of functional, high-producing cows at a very young age. roughout the years, I’ve been able to work with high genomic animals at our on-farm TransOva satellite center, help with caring for recipient heifers, and learn to prepare our cows and heifers for all levels of show. Now, as junior at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh studying marketing, I still love coming home during the summer and whenever possible to help around the farm and work with several area youth who lease calves to show. I’ve also spent the past 10 years breeding and developing my very own herd of Holsteins, using the same Siemers pre x that my entire family has used since the foundation of the farm.
I feel very fortunate to have been born and raised in an area that values and supports dairy farming. e multitude of farms in Northeast Wisconsin has lent itself to dozens of
competitive dairy kids with whom I’ve grown up forming teams and friendships. My earliest competitive involvement outside of the county fair began at age six when I started to attend my aunt Janina’s dairy quiz bowl practices in the summer. ough I wasn’t very competitive at rst, three of my great friends and I formed a team in 2015, and this year we won the state contest for the fourth time. I can certainly appreciate the hundreds of hours my aunt and coach has spent preparing us for these contests, and I look forward to representing Wisconsin in the national dairy bowl contest one last time.
While my aunt coached dairy bowl, my dad and my lifelong mentor Angie Ulness prepared our county for dairy judging. While I’d love to say I was a natural, until I was 13, I was awful! Aging into the senior division and learning to prepare reasons was the turning point for my judging career, and it even became a personal strength of mine. Manitowoc County has an excellent judging program, and my team worked hard to win the National 4-H Dairy Judging contest at World Dairy Expo in 2021. I also became one of the only youths in Wisconsin ever to win the top individual award at the state level twice; in 2019 and 2021. Now, I have the privilege of serving as an assistant coach and helping prepare the younger kids for contests!
I was always particularly interested in quiz bowl and dairy judging, but my advisors and family pushed me to be wellrounded and compete in everything the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association had to o er. Dairy jeopardy, prepared public speaking, and essay contests enriched my junior involvement and have paid o tenfold. My favorite form of involvement was serving as the 2019 Wisconsin Holstein Princess. Having the best seat in the house at World Dairy Expo and pinning the grand champion rosette on Barbara’s halter was special, but what I enjoyed even more was traveling Wisconsin and connecting with hundreds of kids while promoting Holstein cattle.
ough I don’t attend an agricultural college, I have no doubt in my mind that upon graduation, I will return to the agriculture industry. I love sales and marketing and hope to help farmers market their products with innovative strategies to drive consumption.
I am honored to be the 2022 Outstanding Holstein Girl and can never thank the people in my life enough for all they’ve done. My parents, brothers, aunt, uncle, and cousins, along with Angie Ulness, Jennifer Meyer, Amanda Smith, and Laura and Mara at WHA, have been incredible. I doubt I would be the woman I am today without them. I also want to thank all the kids that have impacted my life: my teammates, the Manitowoc/ Calumet junior membership, and the countless friends I’ve made since my rst convention twelve years ago.
My ultimate goal is to give back to the organizations that have shaped me so that younger members and future generations
Lauren Siemers
20 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
can have the same, or even better, opportunities than I’ve had. If I could give advice to a young junior Holstein member, it would be to start early and try hard. Keep at it even when you feel defeated and take all the opportunities before you. e end of your junior involvement will come faster than you think, and you’ll be so grateful for all you have done!
Matthew Gunst
“Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.” roughout my Junior Holstein career, I often felt as if this was the mantra I was supposed to live by. Winning was the highest goal going into every competition and show, and oftentimes being the only outcome to make participation seem worthwhile. However, after re ecting on my experiences in the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association after being named the 2022 WI Outstanding Holstein Boy, I cannot help but feel this statement could not be more false.
I am Matthew Gunst, the 20-year-old son of Dennis and Nikki Gunst of Hartford, WI. My sister, Elizabeth, and I are the sixth generation to live on our family’s farm and we currently own and operate Ladinodale Holsteins & Boarding where we raise and develop dairy show heifers. I am so incredibly thankful for my family and mentors for their tremendous amount of love and support throughout the years. ere is no way I would have been able to achieve WI Outstanding Holstein Boy without such exceptional individuals by my side throughout my journey in the Junior Holstein Association.
My story began in 2010, when my parents pushed me to attend my rst dairy judging practice. I completely lacked interest in judging or showing dairy cattle, but they insisted that I at least give it a try. Little did I know, that rst practice would inevitably change the course of my childhood. At this practice, I met someone who would come to be one of my most in uential mentors, Linda Behling. at rst year of dairy judging proved to be di cult, but Linda’s kindness and encouragement made me strive to participate again next year and do even better.
Following my rst season of dairy judging, Linda also convinced me to participate in the dairy bowl and dairy jeopardy contests. I decided to give it a try, but was not sure if this would be something that I wanted to continue participating in. Over the next several months, I had the time of my life preparing for the contests every Sunday. My rst convention may not have been extremely successful, but it dipped my toes in the water of the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association and got me hooked.
My participation in the show ring and Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association activities skyrocketed after that rst year, participating in the speaking contests, dairy jeopardy and dairy bowl contests, even representing Wisconsin at several National Junior Holstein Conventions along the way. rough these events, I was able to extensively improve my speaking abilities, dairy knowledge and social skills. As a young member, I always looked up to those who were older role models in the Junior Holstein Association, and I strived to be like them.
As I progressed in my involvement, I began to crave more in my experience. Naturally, the rst year I was old enough I decided to run for the southeast Junior Activities Committee position. However, it was not until I was elected to serve as a JAC that my perspective of the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association began to shift. Suddenly, the importance to participate and win in every contest faded away and instead shifted to a desire to network with peers and adults, create engaging events, and successfully plan and execute junior activities throughout the year to increase camaraderie and knowledge among junior members in the dairy industry.
Winning suddenly was not accomplished in competitions or the show ring. rough this position I learned hard work, determination, resilience and passion are key to getting the job done. My new goals were, and continue to be, to build new friendships and networks, provide the most opportunities to Wisconsin Holstein Association youth, and most importantly, be a role model and mentor younger WHA youth, just as I was lucky enough to have such amazing mentors.
I must thank all of my exceptional coaches along the way who have always pushed me to be the best I can possibly be and not afraid to dole out the “tough love” when needed. More importantly, I am beyond blessed to have those mentors who showed me that winning is not the most important thing, but rather the importance is the impact made along the way.
I am so grateful for all of the fantastic people I have met over my Junior Holstein career and the fantastic role models I had to look up to. Additionally, I am indebted to WHA for all of the amazing opportunities a orded to me. Without them, I would not have been able to be recognized as a 2022 Distinguished Junior Member Finalist for Holstein USA. ank you to all of the Wisconsin Holstein sta for all that you do, and especially Laura for being such an amazing friend and mentor over the past several years. ere are so many others that have been supporters and guided me along the way and I am so thankful.
Winning isn’t everything. Always remember, success is not only found in the wins, but more importantly found in the friendships, mentors, and opportunities to teach and learn along the way. I am incredibly humbled and honored to be the 2023 Wisconsin Holstein Association’s Outstanding Holstein Boy! I cannot wait to see what comes next and continue my involvement in WHA.
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 21
APRIL 29, 2023
Whitley County Fairgrounds • Columbia City, IN
Redcarpet War Enola-Red-ET
1st Summer Yearling 2022 Indiana State Fair R&W Show
Due in July to Latenite-Red
Dam: JK-RG Advent Earlene-Red EX-94
2nd Dam: Greenlea Rub Marlene-Red EX-94
3X All-American R&W 2004, 2005, 2007
2X Reserve All-American R&W 2006, 2008
3rd Dam: Bar-Lee Marker Mandy-Red 3E-94
2X All-American
APRIL 7, 2023
Kentucky Fair & Expo Center • Louisville, KY
Ms Moovin T al-ET
June 2021 heifer due June 2023 to Analyst-Red
Dam: Southern Hills Oklabr Trix EX-93
2019 Reserve Junior All-American Senior 3
Jordy Bling
Fresh Senior Two-Year old
Backed by 3rd-8th generations EX
J.D. & Bec Wicker • Doug Wicker • 765-561-6232 • 765-561-4186 – Open & Springing heifers available at the farm –
MARCH 18, 2023
Wilson County Fairgrounds • Lebanon, TN
Ja-Bob Watson HeidiJo-Red
Fresh Senior Two Year old Backed by 11 generations of VG/EX back to Sky-Hi Mars Helen-ET
Liddlehome-JB I y-ET
Fresh Senior Two Year Old Dam EX 92, Granddam EX 94 Next 5 generations EX
• All-Indiana Fall Yearling Hilltop-RJ Sidekick Lindsay
• Reserve All-Indiana Fall Yearling Hilltop-DRW Handsome Finley
• Reserve All-Indiana Winter Calf Maple-Slope Lambda B bie
©Topline Marketing
Makin’ Memories TAG SALE • MARCH 23 SALE HOSTED WITH CATTLECLUB.COM Sale located at Sandy Larson’s 16911 W Finneran Rd, Evansville WI 53536 Show-age project heifers for all ages! Get ready to make new memories with a selection of show-age heifers that will sell from some of our most successful cow families! They have done well for our previous buyers and we’re excited to share these opportunities with you. Lars-Acres Dvr Leading Lady Calf Champion, Wisconsin State Fair HM Holstein Heifer Champ., Wisconsin State Fair 3rd Jr., Jr. B&O, 4th Fall Calf, WI Champ. Show Supreme Champion Heifer, Rock County Fair Lars-Acres Artist Lantana 3rd Jr., Jr. B&O, 8th Spring Calf, WI Champ. Show 2nd Jr. & Open, District 6 Holstein Show 6th Spring Calf, Wisconsin State Fair Summer&fallmaternalsistersbyMastersell! Lars-Acres Airlift Fareway EX-92 2021 Reserve Jr. All-Wisconsin 2021 Res. Grand Champ. of Jr. Show, District 6 2019 Reserve Jr. All-Wisconsin HerThunderstormwintercalfsells! Lars-Acres D Lombardi VG-88-2Y 1st B&O, 7th Jr. 3-Year-Old, Int. Jr. Holstein Show SummerandfallmaternalsistersbyMastersell Herfullsister’sShowtimefallcalfsells! Visit the CATTLECLUB.com for full information on heifers or contact Sandy Larson at 608-290-5545 or Luke Trustem 608-490-1821 to stop by and take a look. 24 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 27 Someone is always here to listen. Anytime. Anywhere. We know the struggles of farming and are here to help. WE ALL NEED SOMEONE WE CAN TALK TO CENTER FOR RURAL HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICE DEVELOPMENT CALL OR TEXT 1-833-FARMSOS (833-327-6767) EMAIL FarmFamilyResourceHelpline@mhsil.com VISIT siumed.org/farm for more resources Telehealth counseling sessions with SIU Medicine counselors are available for those in need of additional support. Farm Family Resource Initiative services are available at no cost to the farmer or farm family member with the support of grant funding.
Maternal sister to Denver Winter Calf
2022 All-Indiana Aged Cow • 2021 Reserve All-Indiana Aged Cow owned by Lookwell Farm & Pinnacle Genetics
Granddam of Denver Winter Calf
Whitley County Fairgrounds • Columbia City, Indiana
x Ms Lookwell Adorable Peanut EX-93 x K-Hurst Atwood Premise EX-91 x K-Hurst Rudolph Pam EX-94 K
PEANUT was 2021 All-Indiana 4-year-old, owned by Lookwell Farm & Brent Moyer
Pickaway County Fairgrounds • Circleville, OH AN ALLEYOOP FALL CALF x Silent-B Sidekick Sammy EX-90 x VG-88 Doorman x Craigcrest Rejoices Sidney-ET EX-94 x Craigcrest Rubies Gold Rejoice-ET EX-94 x EX-93 Dundee
A DECEMBER DENVER (sister to our Indiana State Sale consignment)
A DECEMBER JORDY x EX-94 MS Apples Andringa-Red x Apple EX-96
• All-Indiana Int Yrlg, Ms Lookwell Denver Fai , owned with Clay Cull
• All-Indiana Sr 2, Ms Shanias Defiant Sky-ET VG-88, owned with Rosay Farm
• All-Indiana Jr 3, Ms Shanias Ste a-Red-ET VG-88, owned with Bob Osborn
Jordan Eby
574-238-7971 • lookwellfarm@gmail.com 62150 County Road 3, Elkhart IN
• Res. All-Indiana Jr 3, Ms Beaus Solomon Beauty-ET EX-91
• All-Indiana Aged Cow, Ms Lookwell Portia EX-93, owned with Pinnacle Genetics
• Res All-Indiana Aged Cow, Oneeda Goldchip E a EX-92, owned with Oneeda Farm
Fall 2022 - 18
MS APPLES Andringa-RED EX-94
Design©Topline Marketing
Lea Jordan photos
Use First Arrival DBCAgProducts.com (717) 509-5724 ©2023 DBC Ag Products Support dairy calf health. with
36th Annual Waupaca-Waushara Show Opportunity Sale
Saturday, April 1, 2023 • 12:00 Noon •Weyauwega, Wis. Fairgrounds
Farnear TBR Aria Adler-ET
2-03 2x 365 32,440 5.0 1609 3.4 1107
A summer yearling Dinomi Rebell sells from Adler’s VG-86 Avalanche sister. Next dam is EX-92, then Apple.
All-American Senior 2-Year-Old 2016
A December 2022 Doorman sells from Freaky Girl. Heinsohn, Ziemba, Hammerand
921 Res. All-American Junior 3-Year-Old 2018 ALatenitefallcalfsellsfromCheers’ VG-85 Avalanche.
Booth-Haven Lady In-Red 2016 WDE R&W Junior Champion
Two heifersfromthe TLT Limited2E-94 family sell:
A red summer yearling Moovin sister to Lady In-Red. Booth And a red Analyst fall calf. Wilstar
A Blondin Alpha winter calf sells from Thunderbird. Seven more generations VG and EX from the Juror Brina family.
Redgirl is from the same family as Reeve andRonald.A red Warriorsummer yearling sells from a VG-88 Apprentice sister.
Remi completes 7 generations of EX from theBlackrosefamily.Her red Warrior winter calf sells.
Barbara 5’s Warrior fall calf sells. Second dam is EX-95 Talent Barbara then 2E-95 Outside.
HilltopLLC-A Doorman Jan-ET EX-91 EX-MS
5-01 2x 351 29,200 4.7 1384 3.3 968
Jan is from a 2E-94 Gold Chip then 2E-93 Derry. A winter yearling Mystic Crush sells from Jan’s EX Unix. Royal Vista & Jeff Winkel
Mystik-Kreek Avlc Banff-Red EX-94 EX-MS
4-11 2x 272 26,530 4.1 1083 2.8 734
Banff is a granddaughter of Cherrie-Creek
Showtime or Latenite from Banff sells. Kamphuis & Mystik-Kreek
L-Maples Dfnt Cassey-Red-ET EX-93 EX-MS
2-11 2x 260 30,190 3.0 914 3.0 897
Reserve AA Jr. 3-Year-Old 2020
Cassey’s Altitude fall calf sells. Siemers Also selling is a Redeye fall calf x Warrior 2Y x Cassey’s 2E-90 full sister. Breyer
Rock-n-Hill-II Croisant EX-94 EX-MS
3-06 2x 365 38,660 3.7 1416 3.3 1264
Croisant’sMarch2022ThunderStorm sells.Seconddamis2E-93Absolute. Third dam is 2E-94 Atwood. Rock-n-Hill II
The Waupaca-Waushara Holstein Breeders will be offering a 5% discount on any calf purchased by a Wisconsin Junior Holstein member.
Sale Staff:
Sale Chairman: Justin Hintz 715-851-0049
Kevin Jorgensen, Pedigrees 920-210-3992
Ringmen: Chad Ryan 920-960-1449
Tim Schindler, Auctioneer 715-223-4014
Jay Jauquet 920-639-6405 Brandon Ferry 608-335-8861
BID ONLINE! www.cowbuyer.com
EX-93 EX-MS 3-02 2x 356 27,820 3.6 1012 3.1 863
Lingle Gold Freaky Girl
2E-95 EX-MS 5-00 2x 291 30,200 5.6 1678 3.0
Unique Dempsey Cheers
VG-88-2Y 1-09 2x
N-Springhope Thunderbird
365 25,490
1036 3.1 1778
VG-88 3-01 2x 365 32,130 4.1 1330 3.2 1026
Flannery Trentway-Js Redgirl-Red
EX-92 EX-MS 2-11 2x 305 24,670 4.2 1039 3.0
Ms Mauk-E-Way Remi-Red-ET
3E-94 5-08 3x
32,730 4.0 1301 3.0
Mauk -E-Way River Valley Barbara 5-ET
30 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
36th Annual Waupaca-Waushara Show Opportunity Sale
•Weyauwega, Wis. Fairgrounds
Chelios Mocha 2E-94 EX-MS
L-Maples Hvezda Calli-Red
Schmidt Strans-Jen-D
& C
3E-95 EX-MS
Topped Lylehaven Dispersal at $70,000
A Hanans fall calf sells from two VG-87 dams, an EX-91 Uno then Lylly.
Blondin Redman Seisme
2E-97 EX-MS
2010 Supreme Champ., Royal Winter Fair
Selling a March 2023 Blondin Luxor from Seisme’s EX-91 Action. Second-Look UnstopabullwintercalfsellsfromGP
DJ-Purepride FireAnd Ice-ET
VG-88 3-09 305 2x 27,591 3.4 947 2.9 820
Royola Allen Merrie-ET EX-91 EX-MS
2-10 2x 365 31,140 3.3 1024 3.2 1007
Merrie is a 7th generation EX from deep Imperial breeding. Her September 2022
Delta Lambda granddaughter sells. Bricco
T-Triple-T-I Durham Poppi
2E-95 EX-MS
6-09 2x 365 48,460 4.7 2288 2.9 1418
Poppi’s dam is 2E-94 Gold Prize, then 3E-96DundeePaige.AJune2022
BarbariangranddaughterofPoppi’s EX-92 Doorman sells. EZ-Witt
Oakfield-Bro Fritz-Red-ET EX-92 EX-MS
4-07 2x 365 31,400 4.5 1406 3.4 1055 Next dams 3E-93, 2E-95, 2E-94 and 5E-94. A red March 2022 Warrior sells from Fritz’s VG Jordy.
Kerndt Denise Doctor-ET EX-90 EX-MS
3-02 2x 365 29,960 4.1 1228 3.4 1031 Denise is a Rager from a 2E-93 Destry, then 94, 93, 91 and 95 Mark Maui. Her Denver summer yearling sells.
B-Long Holsteins is selling a Pabst Dispersal Catalog with proceeds donated to the Waupaca-Waushara County Juniors.
For catalogs, contact: Dick Piechowski
e-mail: holmlandfarms@gmail.com; Ph: 715-258-2757
Watch for the catalog & sale updates on Facebook - facebook.com/wwholsteins/
3-00 2x 360 39,300 5.0 1952 3.4 1335
Saturday, April 1, 2023 • 12:00 Noon 2E-94 EX-MS 6-03 2x 365 40,160 3.6 1447 3.1 1263
Mocha’s dam was an EX-94 Sid. A summer yearling Mystic Crush sells from Mocha’s GP-84 Doc. Ryan-Vu
2E-96 EX-MS 6-04 2x 365 32,840 4.3 1428 3.2 1054
Fairbanks Peak Milly WCKM 60202-ET VG-87 EX-MS 4-04 2x 365 40,010 4.8 1917 3.4 1369
A red AnalystwintercalffromCalli’s VG-88 Doorman sells. Third and fourth dams are EX-91.
red Altitudewintercalfsellsfrom Tequila’s VG-87 Jordy. Third dam 3E-95 Devil Tiffany.
A Hanans fall calf from a GP-83 Huey sells. Second dam is a VG-87 King Royal from Milly.
Lylehaven Atwood Lylly-ET
2Y Jordy. Second dam is Seisme’s EX-91 Avalanche. Mell-View
Barnie. Samway Siemers
Sunny-Red-ET 2E-93 EX-MS 3-08 2x 305 32,900 3.7 1232 3.1
A December Master from Fireand Ice sells. Second dam is EX-94 Defiant then EX-92
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 31
6x Junior All-American R&W Nominee A red Altitude summer yearling sells from Sunny’s GP Avalanche grandddaughter. Kress-Hill
36th Annual Waupaca-Waushara Show Opportunity Sale
Betzoldvale Bolton Esa
4-04 2x 305 34,350 4.1 1421 3.1 1056
A summer yearling Hanans sells from a VG-87 Kingboy. Second dam 3E-92 Windbrook, then Bolton Esa.
Other outstanding consignments:
• Jim Sattler sends a June 2022 King Royal from a GP Fever projected at 35,000M.
• An *RC winter yearling Analyst from a VG Callen sells. Granddam is VG-87 EX-MS Defiant.
Luck-E Ladd Jubilee-Red-ET
2E-94 EX-MS
6-08 2x 365 44,350 4.5 1990 3.1 1369
A red Analyst fall calf sells from a VG Jordy. Second dam is an EX-92 full sister to Jubilee.
• B-Long sends a Unix fall calf. Dam is VG-85 Doc with 35,290 4.4 1569. Second dam is EX-90.
Other outstanding consignments:
•A fancy Tatoo fall calf sells from Royola-JK Dam is an EX Diamondback, then 10 more EX dams.
•A summer yearling Milio from a VG-87 Doorman sells. Second dam is 2E-91 Windbrook.
Breunig & Fischer
•Get a spring yearling Chief from Dorsland. Dam is an EX Encore, second dam is EX-90 EX-MS.
•A red summer yearling Analyst sells from a VG-86 Diamondback. Second dam is EX-91 Goldwyn. From the Farmdale Integrity Dixie family. Kamphuis
• Bill Karrels offers a Jagger fall calf from a 2E-91 Olympian. Then 7 generations VG and EX from Ever-Green-View Le Grant.
• Abby Fairbanks sells a red summer yearling Showtime from the Dellias. Dam is a VG-87 Addison.
•A December 2022 red Warrior from a VG-87 Absolute sells. Third dam is VG-87, fourth dam is an EX-91 Redwood. Hoesly
•A fancy Jagger fall calf sells from a VG-88 Tatoo. Second dam is a VG-87 Diamondback from the Idee Lustre family. Preder
•A Royal Rosa sells! A Showtime fall calf x VG-85 Unstopabull. Fourth dam is EX-90 with 59,210 4.1 2446. Winkel
•An *RC December Warrior calf sells from a VG-87 Hypnotic. Five generations over 30,000M. Hardscrabble
• Mead-Manor sends a spring yearling Tatoo from a VG-88 Doc. Third dam is a VG-87 Windbrook from the Adeens.
• Jenny-Lou sends a spring yearling Rompen-Red from 2 GP dams. Next dams EX-93, VG-88 and 2E-93.
•Get an Altitude fall calf from Stone-Front. Dam is a VG-87 Artist. Second dam is GP-84 with 34,770 5.1 1773.
• Buy a June 2022 RC Analyst from a GP 2Y Undenied. Second dam a 2E-91 Defiant. Bricco
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 33
blumenfeldholsteins.com Scan here to Check out our brand new website! Blumenfeld Holsteins 6189 170th St N Hawley, MN 56549 Brian cell# 701-630-2713 brian@blumenfeldholsteins.com Blumenfeld Rome 6841 GP82, VG-MS 2YR Dam of NAVIGATOR @ Holstein Marketplace Sires! Blumenfeld Declan 6970 GP82 2YR Dam of available $1174 NM donor in Donor Store!
1st Choice of March ‘23 Jordy x Ivy sells! Also 12/22 Journey x EX-90 Altitude x Ivy!
12/22 King Doc sells from EX Shamrock dtr of 2X WDE Supreme Champion Frosty!
12/22 Thunderstorm granddaughter sells from HM All-American Morgan!
6/22 Delta-Lambda sells from VG-89 Tatoo then Pen!
Her summer yearling Andreas sells! Next dam is EX-94 Gianna - multiple show-winning family members!
Selling a +2.19T 9/22 Red Latenight x VG-88 Warrior x Always!
Numerous granddaughters of the World Famous APPLE sell!
6/22 Ricochet sells from Wrigley, Res. All-American ‘17. Wrigley is a sister to Waveland, Res. Grand Champion, WDE ‘17
Selling a 12/22 Drone from Judith - full sister sold for $15,200 in 2022. Judith is sister to EX95 Mentor Jazzy, WDE Grand Champion.
Selling a 6/22 Dynamite from Melody’s family with records over 45,000M!
Watch our Facebook page for more exciting consignments including a special March Ayrshire calf from Kurt Wolf, numerous show-aged Jersey& Holstein calves, and additional Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey & Milking Shorthorn consignments!
36 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
ESSAY’S DAUGHTERS: Sugar-C Doc Special EX-90 EX-MS at 4 Years
2-00 365 31,360 4.2 1327 3.3 1078
Sugar-C Solomon Royalty-ET EX-90 EX-MS at 4 Years 2-02 365 35,030 4.3 1521 3.3 1173
SUGAR-C Mack Elite EX-92 | Daugher of ESSAY ELITE’S DAUGHTER:
Denver Escape VG-85 at 2 Years
Rick and Marleen Adams N5633 Hwy O, Elkhorn, WI 53121 | Phone: 262-728-0702 Cell: 262-374-0793 | Email: marleenkayadams@gmail.com RHA: 640 cows, 31,800 4.2 1338 3.3 1050 BAA: 107.5 2017 Herd of Excellence | 2x PBR and 9x PGH awards
Looking for a show heifer for 2023? Stop by!
We have several fancy September and December calves that could be yours. Many of these calves have Apple in their pedigree!
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 37
© Lea McCullough
Andrew Hetke
• Lots of exciting cow talk
• Stray voltage demonstration
• Judging contest
• Great food
• Prizes
Fun question for today: What famous modern show cow hails from the same cow family as Baby Dilly? There is a prize for the 1st person to message us with the answer through our website: www.olmarfarms.com
We breed every cow to meet our demanding standards for high type and production.
Toge er at Olmar! We have fancy heifers like this to check out as well. Watch our website and facebook page for our spring sale consignments. Baby Dilly is from the Baby family. She has numbers AND style, the kind we like to make. SAVE THE DATE FOR THE MINNESOTA HOLSTEIN FIELD DAY - SATURDAY JULY 29, 2023!
is a sneak
see that
Dilly PO EX 92 2E
10th generation EX from the Bella family. See
a Get
You’ve heard their names before: The
The Bunny’s, The
The Star’s and their herdmates. Here
the ladies you will
generation EX from the Bunny family. See Boo and her sisters and EX 91 Durham dam.
2023 Wisconsin Dairy Showcase Entry Information
Announcing an All-Breeds
Wisconsin Dairy Showcase for 2023!
We are excited to announce the addition of Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, Milking Shorthorn and Guernsey shows to this year’s Wisconsin Dairy Showcase.
Show Schedule:
Tuesday, April 25 – 6 a.m.Barns open for bed down and set-up only
Wednesday, April 26 – 6 a.m.Barns open for cattle move-in
Thursday, April 27 – 10 a.m.-3 p.m.Check-in for all breeds
Friday, April 28 – 8:00 a.m.Midwest National Spring Red & White Show (cows first), Judge: Ryan Weigel
Midwest Brown Swiss Spring Show, Judge: Phil Topp
12:30 p.m. Midwest Spring Jersey Show, Judge: Ryan Weigel
Midwest Ayrshire Spring Show, Judge: Phil Topp
5:30 p.m.Midwest Milking Shorthorn Spring Show, Judge: Madison Fisher
Midwest Guernsey Spring Show, Judge: Madison Fisher
Saturday, April 29 – 8:30 a.m. Midwest National Spring Holstein Show, Judge: Molly Sloan
Entry Fee Schedule
$30/entry if made online or postmarked on or before 4/1
$50/entry if made online or postmarked 4/2 to 4/8
$100/entry if made online or postmarked after 4/8 (may not be listed in the show book)
Online entry system will be available after March 1www.wisholsteins.com/dairy-show-series. Mail entries to: WI Holstein Association, 902 8th Avenue, Baraboo, WI 53913
All entries must be accompanied by full entry fees to be considered an entry - late fees will apply to those entries without proper entry fees.
When making entries, please include the breed code and class number. Breed codes: Jersey - J; Holstein - H; Red & White - R; Brown Swiss - B; Ayrshire - A; Guernsey - G; Milking Shorthorn - M. For example:J-1, H-1 or R-1. We will follow each breed association’s rules for junior ownership, Production class, group classes, etc.
1. Winter Calf - born Dec. 1, 2022 - Feb. 28, 2023
2. Fall Calf - born Sept. 1 - Nov. 30, 2022
3. Summer Yearling - born June 1 - August 31, 2022
4. Spring Yearling - born March 1 - May 31, 2022
5. Winter Yearling - born Dec. 1, 2021 - Feb. 28, 2022
6. Fall Yearling - born Sept. 1 - Nov. 30, 2021
7. Junior & Reserve Junior Champion (Junior Show)
8. Junior & Reserve Junior Champion (Open Show)
9. Junior Best Three Females (Fall Yearling & under, animals must be shown in their individual classes. All must be bred by the exhibitor & at least one owned, solely or in partnership, by exhibitor. Each exhibitor limited to one entry.)
10. Junior 2-Year-Old Cow - born March 1 - August 31, 2021 (must be fresh)
11. Senior 2-Year-Old Cow - born September 1, 2020 - February 28, 2021
12. Junior 3-Year-Old Cow - born March 1 - August 31, 2020
13. Senior 3-Year-Old Cow - born September 1, 2019 - February 29, 2020
14. Intermediate Champion & Reserve Intermediate Champion Female (Junior Show)
15. Intermediate Champion & Reserve Intermediate Champion Female (Open Show)
16. Four Year Old Cow - born Sept. 1, 2018 - Aug. 31, 2019
17. Five Year Old Cow - born Sept. 1, 2017 - Aug. 31, 2018
18. Six Year Old and Older Cow - born before Sept. 1, 2017
19. Production Cow Class (Must bring proof of production to check-in; cows may only be switched from another milking cow class to this class with additional paid entry fee. We will follow rules for this class for each individual breed.)
20. Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show
21. Senior & Reserve Senior Champion Female (Junior Show)
22. Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Female (Junior Show)
23. Best Udder of Show
24. Champion Bred & Owned of the Show
25. Senior & Reserve Senior Champion Female (Open Show)
26. Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Female (Open Show)
27. Best Three Females
28. Produce of Dam
29. Dam & Offspring
30. Premier Breeder
31. Premier Exhibitor
Visit the WHA website and Facebook pages for additional show & exhibitor information. 40 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
Attention Dairy Showcase Exhibitors
We welcome you to the Wisconsin Dairy Showcase on April 25-29 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. We are excited to be hosting this all breeds show. Please visit the Wisconsin Holstein Facebook page and website for hotel information, general show information, mail-in entry forms and the online entry system. We look forward to welcoming all new and familiar exhibitors to our show. See you in April!
at: www.wisholsteins.com /dairy-show-series
Jeffrey-Way Tyburst-Red EX-94 2E Reserve All-American R&W 125,000-lb. Cow 2020 6-06 365 49,690 3.7 1828 3.3 1655 Over 200,000 lbs. lifetime Her daughter sells Jeffrey-Way Tanawood EX-95 3E 4-04 365 44,640 3.9 1759 3.2 1436 Over 300,000 lbs. lifetime Tatoo daughter and granddaughters sell Open house: April 8 & 11 from 11 AM - 3 PM and all day April 12 Bidding opens April 11, closes April 12 at 7 PM Jeff & Kate Hendrickson and Brooks & Riley Hendrickson | Belleville, Wis. Brooks: 608-225-5530, hendricksonbrooks@gmail.com | Jeff: 608-636-3177, hendricksonjeff664@gmail.com Follow us on facebook for sale updates and posts! Jeffrey-Way Saphire-PO-RC EX-94 Her Red, Polled Latenite dtr sells Kamps Hollow Des Accent EX-94 2E Her Altitude fall calf sells Jeffrey-Way Brawler Tingler EX-94 2E First Choice Doorman December calves sell Jeffrey-Way Symer EX-94 2E Just fresh Sr. 2 granddaughter sells from Symers EX-92 max scored daughter Jeffrey-Way Mcthn Tanacut EX-94 Her Tatoo daughter sells Jeffrey-Way Dempsey Garsey EX-94 Her Luster-P fall calf sells Other Highlights Photos: Tyburst © Cybil Fisher; Tanawood © Beth Herges Other times by appointment only
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 41
March 22-25, 2023
4 BEDDING can be brought in Tuesday, March 21 between 1-5 p.m.
4 SHOW CATTLE may move in Wednesday, March 22 starting at 8 a.m.
4 SHOW CHECK-IN will be Thursday, March 23 from noon-4 p.m.
Friday, March 24, 5 p.m.: Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Milking Shorthorn
Saturday, March 25, 8 a.m.: Showmanship (age as of day of show) Division 1: 8-12 • Division 2: 13-15 • Division 3: 16 & over • PeeWee 7 & Under
Immediately following showmanship: Holstein, Red & White, & Jersey Shows-Beginning with heifers
Entries Due March 15, 2023!
4 ENTRY FEE of $30/head only accepted on- https://showman.app/ shows#/great-lakes-spring-all-breeds-dairy-cattle-show
4 DUAL ENTRY for Red and White is $15/head
4 LATE ENTRY FEE of $60/head (After March 15th)
4 CAMPING available for $20/night
4 Remember to have your RFID TAGS in place before you leave your farm
ANY QUESTIONS, CONTACT MHA SHOW CHAIRS: Nicole Vanderploeg (940) 733-8960 • Lauren Siver (810) 844-6159 • MHAShows@gmail.com
Willows-Edge Atwood FAITH EX-94-CAN
Willows-Edge Atwood FAITH EX-94-CAN
Benner Shottle BENZ-ET EX-93-2E
Pretty Red October/22 Analyst sells that goes back to Benner Shottle Benz EX-93-2E Consignor: John Schmitz | 320-420-2432
Polled, Red Garett December calf sells from a VG-87 dam then the EX Stub-RF Olivia Consignor: John Schmitz | 320-420-2432
SALE APRIL 22, 2023 | COWBUYER.COM | 1:00 P.M. Ms Revive Relentless-RED-ET Do-N-Joy Lambda Emma-ET Red Awesome Sr. 2 yr old direct from 2x All American nominated Ms-Aol Cntnder Revive-Red-ET EX-94 SELLS fresh in December Consignor: Tanner Rohner | 320-444-0667 Ultra Fancy October born fall calf by Delta-Lambda sells from a VG-87 Gold Chip x EX Terrason back to Encore Electra EX-95 and Krull Broker Elegance 96-3E! Consignor: Tony & Katherine Kohls | 612-226-4180 Fancy red summer Jr. 2 Redlight sells from 7 generations of Very Good & Excellents! Due early June to Willows-P-Red!
Tracy Schaefer | 320-360-5188 Scha-Way Redlight Febe-RED-ET ILand-Acre AG Doc Fanny A Doc Summer JR 2 sells from a deep Willows-Edge Pedigree! Dam is EX-93-2E then 8 more VG or EX! Due early may to Sexed-Aftershock!
Steve Viland | 507-220-3669 Choice of Three Remy-Red Fall Calves out of DESSAUGES UNSTOP Anna-RED From a show winning Unstopabull heifer (Fresh and looks great!) backed by an EX-91 Defiant then EX-95 Kamps-Hollow Altitude comes a choice of three red 2022 September calves! Consignor: DaBru Dairy | 605-360-3218 Grooters Ashly Doc Ava A well grown 5/21 Doc Jr 2 prospect sells due to Luster-P end of May. Dam is a GP-83 Corvette then an EX Shamrock! Consignor: Steve Viland | 507-220-3669 Mahoney-E Backflip Jasmin Big stylish Sr. 2 Year Old Prospect for 2023 out of Mahoney Impression Jada 2E EX-91! Due in June to On-Point! Consignor: Jason &Shelby Weihrouch | 608-396-1147 CHECK OUR FACEBOOK, WEBSITE AND COWBUYER FOR MORE LOTS! Oakfield-Bro FONTAIN-RED-ET EX-90 2E Budjon-JK Encore ELECTRA-ET EX-95 6x Nominated All-American Ms-AOL-Cntnder REVIVE-RED-ET EX-94 2X All-American Nominee Lookout Olympian ALSTAR-RED EX-94 4X All-American Nominee Ms Empire Jrdy Victoria A stylish square cut Red Jordy Winter Yearling ready to show for 2023! Consignor: Tanner Rohner | 320-444-0667 5 #1 IVF embryos from sexed semen. Cadillac Embryos x Willows-Edge Shottle Freon EX-93 2E. Embryos sired by exciting new bull backed by multiple generations of Very Good and Excellent dams! Consignor: Steve Viland | 507-220-3669
Minnesota Holstein Association SPRING
(320) 510-3381 | Trevor Ekkel (507) 459-0103 | Tracy Schaefer (320) 360-5188 | Eric Houdek (507) 215-7521
Avalanche x KHW Regiment Apple B-Red ETN EX-90
Res. Junior All-American Red & White Winter Yearling
Nom. All-American Red & White Winter Yearling
2nd Junior Winter Yearling, International R&W Show
Reserve Supreme Junior Champion, NAILE 2021
Nom. Open & Junior All-American R&W Winter Calf 2021
Aleah is due 5-4-23 to Rompen-Red
She has daughters by McDonald-P and Showtime Inquiries welcome!
Thank you to everyone who has played a role in her success over these last two years!
Thank you to everyone who has a role in her success over these last two years!
Lauren & Brayden Breunig | Mystic Valley Dairy, LLC 8667 County Rd V, Sauk City, WI 53583 | 608-963-6819
© Dairy Agenda Today © Cowsmopolitan
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 45
© Cybil Fisher
Nom AA R&W 4 Year Old 2022
First Choice of September ‘23 Analyst-Red calves that are maternal sisters to Tango!
Troyer-View Holsteins, IN
Chief fall calf sells from this Atwood out of the Hezbollah family!
Matthew Mitchell, TN
1st Aged cow Elkhart County Open Show ‘21 and ‘22 Her Warrior summer yearling and granddaughter sell! Nise-N-Fancy Holsteins, IN
Her Warrior Summer Jr 2 due in July to Latenite-Red that was 1st Summer Yearling at ISF R&W Show ‘22 sells! Wicker Farms, IN
Reserve AA Fall Calf 2017
Her Seaman 4 year old due at sale time from the W family and 6 gen of Nom AA!
Elmore, Gibson, Stump and Yocum, KY
Rich Nisen (Sale Chair) 574-536-1353
Doug Wicker (765)-561-4186
Greg Peters (812)-528-3221
Reserve All MI Jr 2 2022
Ferdinand fall calf maternal sister to Flair sells out of 4 gen of EX! Thistle Dew Farms, MI
Beautiful December Delta Lambda calf and embryos by a choice of Mystic Crush, Crushabull and Delta Lambda sell out of Waki!
Etgen-Way Dairy, OH
• Stylish red winter calf with an EX-94 Granddam out of a Rager son Oneeda Farms, IN
• Fancy deep-pedigreed Sidekick fall calf with multiple EX in pedigree sells!
Jeff Price, IN
Beemer Jr 2 due in July out of an EX Shottle then a VG Leduc then Lisa herself!
Bratcher-Vu Dairy, KY
Gene Settles (765)-301-0699
Micah Matlock (317)-468-5103
Catalog online at: cowbuyer.com
HOLSTEINS, Fall 2022
Abby’s Pedigree
S: Ladys-Manor Band Seasaw-ET
Abby combines a pedigree stacked with influential cows like Apple, Gold Missy EX-95 and Debutante Rae EX-92.
Abby is being flushed to Siemers Hanan Hanx-P-ET.
Her Redeye yearling Bosside RE Aryabela P-Red +2738 GTPI, +2.09T +2.17 UDC, +1.57FLC, A2A2 BB is available for IVF this summer.
Inquiries always welcome!
John & Tineke Boschma
118470 Chesak Road
Edgar, WI 54426
John Cell: 715-721-0916
Tineke Cell: 715-316-3918
BOSSIDE SEASAW ABBY VG-85 2Y 2-02 2x 305 20,330 4.6 945 3.6 732 +2696 GTPI +312M +647NM +5.2 PL +2.2 DPR +1.47 UDC
4-02 2x 313 26,750 4.5 1205 3.4 906 2D:
GP-83 2-09 2x 356 26,320 4.8 1253 3.5 920
D: Bosside Gatedancer 1190-ET VG-86
Ms Mega
3D: Ms Apples Uno Armana-ET EX-94 DOM
4D: KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET EX-96 3E DOM
Abby © Lea Jordan; Debutante Rae © Han Hopman
Minnesota Holstein Association
– 8:00 A.M: Barns Open
– All Day: Barns Open
– 8:00 p.m: All entries must be in place for the Red & White Show
– 9:00 a.m: Red & White Show
– 12:00 p.m: All entries must be in place for the Junior Show and Open Show
– 6:00 p.m: Exhibitor Meeting in the Show Arena
– 7:00 to 8:00 p.m: Exhibitor Supper
– 9:30 a.m: Junior Show (starting with Cow Classes)
Adult Showmanship to follow Junior Showmanship
– 7:00 to 8:00 p.m: Exhibitor Supper
– 8:00 a.m: Minnesota State Holstein Show – 11:00 a.m: Futurity Class XL
Chad Ryan - Wisconsin
Kaleb Kruse - Wisconsin
Roger Turner - Wisconsin
McLeod County Fairgrounds | Hutchinson, MN
Registration opens May 15, 2023 via FairEntry
Show Chairs:
Alison Rickeman 320-583-1567
Leah Kurth 320-583-4482
Accomodation information can be found on the MHA website!
e Minneosta Holstein Association would like to wish our 2023 DJM Jacob Schaefer the best of luck as he advances onto the national level. Schaefer has been heavily involved in our junior association by serving on the board, planning events and exhibiting at shows over the years!
e Minnesota Holstein Association proudly endorses Spencer Hackett of Minnesota, to re-run for the Holstein Association USA Board of Directors. Spencer has played an integral role in the success of the Minnesota Holstein Association and Holstein Association USA. He hopes to use his knowledge and experience to continue to best serve registered Holstein members throughout the nation. e Minnesota Holstein Association encourages delegates to elect Spencer Hackett onto the board for another term during the National Holstein Convention held in Lexington, Kentucky, this coming June.
Photo Credit: Holstein Association USA
Spencer Hackett of Rice, Minnesota
April 8, 2023
Noon • Ixonia, WI
Hobby-Hill Holsteins is a small but mightly herd. We are the home of 16 EX and 6 VG cows because of 14 years of homebreeding. 2022 was another incredibly successful year for us in the barn and in the showring. We keep chasing new goals year after year. Thank you to everyone who helped make 2022 a highlight to never forget!
Hobby-Hill Denver Eggo VG-86
• Nom. Junior AA Summer Jr. 2-Yr-Old
7th Summer Jr. 2-Yr-Old, Intl. Junior Holstein Show
Hobby-Hill Angler Giddy-Up VG-85
• HM Int. Champ. of the Jr. Show, Champ. B&O, Jr. Show, 1st Jr. 2, District 6 Show
• 2022 Rock Cty Fair Supreme Champion
Sherona-Hill Ruffian EX-92 MAX
Res. Int. Champ. of the Jr. Show, HM Grand Champ. of the Jr. Show, HM Int. Champ, District 6 Show
2022 District 6 Futurity Winner
Hobby-Hill Radio Electricity
9th Spring Calf, Intl. Junior Holstein Show
2022 Rock Cty Best Bred & Owned Heifer
Gracin & Chesney Speich • Orfordville, WI speich.hobbyhillholsteins@gmail.com 112.7 BAA 16EX 6VG
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 53
54 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
Fireand Ice
Samway Master Icon
A December Master out of DJ-Purepride Fireand Ice VG-88 EX-90 MS.
Next dams: EX-94 Defiant x EX-92 Rainey x EX-94 Rubens x EX-91 Redmarker x EX-92 Merrill
Whooville Samway Whooville Warrior
A Warrior winter yearling out of Ms Wendy Lou Whoo VG-88 EX-92 MS.
Next dams: VG-88 Awesome x EX-93 2E Advent
Wayne, Samantha and Justin Giese
115021 Huckleberry Rd., Edgar, WI 54426
Cell: 715-965-7147
Positive x EX-90 Samuri x VG-85 Delta 2-03 229 27,649M 1211F 1837P RIP
Two daughters we are flushing
+2975GTPI +1259M +105F +60P +1.64 Type
FUSTEAD GAMEDAY INDIANA-ET +2969GTPI +731M +113F +45P +1.67 Type
Wausau, Wis.
Brian & Wendy Fust Phone: 715-842-5868
Fax: 715-848-0465
Tyler, Shannon, Sarah, Tanner and Savannah Adam, Jennifer, Aiden, Bailey & Connor
1st Place: Registered Holstein Calf (Sept/Dec) or $1000 Cash
2nd Place: $500 Kwik Trip Gift Card
3rd Place: 1/4 Beef
4th Place: $250 Fleet Farm Gift Card
5th Place: 2 Packer Tickets or $250 cash
6th Place: 1/4 Beef
7th Place: 1 Pie a Month for a Year
8th Place: $250 Athena IGA Gift Card
9th Place: $100 Texas Roadhouse Gift Card
10th Place: $100 Mullens Cheese Gift Card
11th Place: $100 Nasonville Gift Card
12th Place: $100 Lynn Dairy Gift Card
13th Place: $100 Culvers Gift Card
14th-16th Places: $100 cash
17th - 19th Places: $75 cash
20th - 22nd: $50 cash
Drawing held August 9, 2023 at the Athen’s Fair following the Little Britches Dairy Show
$20 per ticket | $100 for 6 Need not be present to win
Call Doug Dittmar, 715-571-0843
License: #R0037296A-12236
58 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023
A December Master calf out of DJ-Purepride Fireand Ice VG-88
Gary’s Dairy
Good-Time Registered Holsteins
Gary Stankowski, Owner
Ded-Dit Holsteins
Doug Dittmar
Farm: 543 Hwy S Mosinee, WI 54455 715-693-0799 Mike,
Home: 3860 Sugar Bush Rd. Mosinee, WI 54455 715-693-3197
6006 - 3 Birch Street, Schofield, WI 54476 | 715-571-0843
Bulls for Sale!
John & Tineke Boschma 118470 Chesak Road
Edgar, WI 54426
John Cell: 715-721-0916
Tineke Cell: 715-316-3918
Drive, Edgar, WI 53325 715-352-2448
L-L-M Dairy Recent Classification L-L-M-DAIRY HESBERG SPECIAL EX-92 2E EX-95 MS L-L-M-DAIRY FIRST PLACE EX-90 EX-91MS at 3-10 L-L-M-DAIRY JEDI DUSTER EX-90 L-L-M-DAIRY KINGBOY SANGRIA VG-88 at 3-08 L-L-M-DAIRY HUMBLEKIND PIXIE VG-87 at 3-11 Leon & Lytle Matthie 231056 Hwy Q, Ringle, WI 54471 Leon: 715-297-8485 | Lyle: 715-297-8483 www.llmdairy.com Visitors welcome! Bosside Red Eye Axel-P *RC +2814 GPTI +611M +2.18 PTAT +2.16UDC +1.03FLC Bosside RE Smokey-P-Red +2741 GPTI +398M +1.46 PTAT +1.54 UDC +.83FLC Both are A2A2 BB Their dam: Bosside Seasaw Abby VG-85
Mark your calenders! Call Milkyhill Cattle Sale for rates CONTACT ED MIELKE -
Barb, Madison and Abigail
April 1,
MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2023 - 59
more info
or email
had a great day scoring! Check out some of our highlights:
Acres Barron County Sale -
call 715-721-0916
bossideholsteins@hotmail.com. We
“Profitability. This is an investment. This is future labor. This is future happiness. This is future health.” The Most Cow- and Farmer-Friendly Milking System on the Market The Lely Astronaut A5 robotic milking system is energy efficient, lowering your cost per pound of milk produced and giving the peace of mind you need with outstanding reliability and uptime. A full network of specialized Lely certified service technicians and Farm Management Support advisors are available to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. © 2020, Lely North America, Inc., All Rights Reserved. 0631_1120_US www.lely.com The way to dairy.TM Seneca Dairy Supply 6591 Maple Dr Neosho, MO 64850 417-776-3900 CONTACT YOUR LOCAL LELY CENTER TODAY!
Deadline for application is May 1
Enrollment is limited and will be first come first serve. Registration may be completed via 4-H online. Check or cash payment must be mailed to PO Box 388, MountVernon, MO 65712. No credit card payments will be accepted for this event.
Camp fee:
$100 in-state 4-H Member
$130 Out-of-state/non 4-h member
1.Increase the knowledge of youth about care and management of dairy animals.
2. Develop awareness of the ethical issues in care of dairy animals.
3.Increase the awareness of issues in the dairy industry.
4.Increase life skill development of participating youth.
5.Certify youth in Show-Me Quality Assurance. For more information, contact Karla Deaver 417-466-3102 Or deaverk@missouri.edu
Parents and family members are invited to watch the showmanship competition at 10 am on Friday, May 26. Lunch will be served following the contest. Lunch is provided for cow campers, helpers, and workshop presenters. Additonal lunch options may be available for purchase. Parents and others will need to pre-purchase a lunch ticket for $10 each
Cow camp entry and health information can be found on missouriholstein.com
Cow Camp:May 24-26, 2023
Schedule of Events
Wednesday, May 24
12:30 pm Registration at Fair Grounds
1:30 pm Orientation
8:00 p.m Depart Fairgrounds
Thursday, May 25
7:30 am Begin day workshops/Meals/Speakers
Friday, May 26
7:00 am Begin Day/prepare for showmanship contest
10:00 am Showmanship Contest-guests invited to attend LUNCH Guests invited- pre-purchase lunch ticket
1:00 pm Awards-wash/clean-up (campers may leave or continue to participate)
2:30 pm Cattle for show may arrive
7:00 pm Tri-Tip Dinner (must purchase ticket)
8:30 pm MO Holstein Tag Sale Closes
Saturday, May 27
10:00 am All Breeds Heifer Show (optional event for cow camp attendees )
Accomodations: Cow Camp and Heifer Show
Quality Inn
1125 E Daniel Dr., Mount Vernon, MO 65712
Lodging is provided in camp fee for 2023. A block of rooms has been reserved for those who need hotel accommodations. To reserve your room, contact the hotel above at 417-466-4511.Ask for dairy cow camp rate of $72. Please contact Karla Deaver if you require further assistance or have any questions.
SATURDAY, MAY 27, 2023, 10AM
7:00 PMTRI-TIP DINNER (must purchase ticket)
In-state and out-of-state exhibitors welcome EntryDeadline: May 15, 2023, entry fee $20 per head
Friday Evening Tri-Tip Dinner
Tickets may be pre-purchased, or purchased night of.
Tickets will be Adults- $10 8 and under-$5
16 the Pulsator
Dairy Farmer Resources
UNDENIABLY DAIRY GRANTS:Turn great ideas for promoting the dairy community to consumers into reality.
PROMO CENTER:Bring dairy to life at your next event with a wide variety of FREE promotional materials including poster sets, coloring books, farm tour booties, and more.
LEADERSHIP GRANTS: Interested in furthering your skills to become a leader in the dairy industry and to better share your dairy story with consumers? Apply for a leadership grant! story a
2023 Review: Antibiotic Changes
The new rules for 2023 are that all antibiotics sold will have to be prescribed by a licensed vet. So, you will have to have a valid veterinarian-clientpatient relationship (VCPR). This is due to the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine publishing Guidance for Industry Number 263 in the federal register.
GFI #263 will expand the antibiotic rules set in 2017 to include any additional over the counter antibiotics such as injectables and intramammary tubes and boluses. In 2023, these antibiotics must be labeled, “Caution: federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.” This will end over-the-counter sales of antibiotics. A prescription from a veterinarian will be required to obtain any of these products.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), will begin a three-year National Multi-Drug Residue Raw Milk Monitoring Project that will influence whether changes to the required testing for milk are needed.
AnTiBiOtIcS AfFeCtEd bY GfI #263
You may view GFI #263 at www.fda.gov/ media/130610/download
Examples of affected products: Cephapirin, cephapirin benzathine
•Intramammary tubes: ToDAY and ToMORROW
•Injectables: Garasol, Gentamicin Piglet Injection
•Injectables: Lincomix 100, Lincomix 300, LincoMed 100, LincoMed 300
•Injectables: Liquamycin LA-200, Noromycin 300 LA, Bio-Mycin 200, Agrimycin 200, etc.
•Boluses: Terramycin Scours Tablets, OXY 500 Calf Boluses
Penicillin G procaine, penicillin G benzathine
•Injectables: Penicillin Injectable, Dura-Pen, Pro-Pen-G, Combi-Pen 48, etc.
•Intramammary tubes: Masti-Clear, Go-dry, Albadry Plus
Sulfadimethoxine, sulfamethazine
•Injectables: Di-Methox 40%, SulfMed 40%
Flying Cow Genetics is a full service reproduction facility focusing on in vitro fertilization. We have several affiliate locations including Benton County Vet Services in Cole Camp, Missouri.
•Boluses: Albon, Sustain III Cattle & Calf Boluses, Supra Sulfa III Cattle & Calf Boluses
•Injectables: Tylan 50, Tylan 200
the Pulsator 17
OUR SERVICES IVF Services Embryo Transfer Semen Storage On Farm Services Bull Fertility Checks Semen Collection A.I./Preg Check School Pregnancy Checking CONTACT US 918-929-3178 flyingcowgenetics.com 429746 E 70 Road Welch, OK 74369
Scan for Details at MidwestDairy.com ThePulsator-Quarter-Ad2.indd 1 2/9/2023 5:02:07 PM
Hay Cutting Heights
by Tim Schnakenberg
Are We Destroying our Stands and Not Even Knowing It?
There is lots of hay harvested on Missouri dairies and two things are most often considered during harvest: 1) How much quantity are we getting; 2) How much quality is wrapped up in that bale. These are both very important factors when making hay. However, there should also be a third factor when we make hay on perennial forage stands, and that is making sure that the way we are harvesting the crop doesn’t lead to shorter persistence of that crop.
Harvest timing for alfalfa and certain grasses can impact persistence, but there is also a concern about how short some crops are harvested that can lead to how soon we will need to renovate or replant that crop.
Discussions on cutting heights can be very specific to the species in question. University data suggest that grasses tend to be more susceptible than some legumes since their growing points are higher in the plant structure. Alfalfa typically is cut low and some Wisconsin research found that tonnage was maintained.
The extent of top-growth removal in grasses may not only remove growing points but also reduce the amount of leaf exposure to the sun where photosynthesis is occurring that helps the plant rebound from sun energy. Without some residual leaf surface, the plant has to rely solely on root reserves to come back for another harvest. There is research and visual proof that shows that this makes a difference on how soon a stand will rebound for a second harvest or grazing.
We also have learned that if you consistently keep leaf swards on the top of the plant shortened, the more it affects the root system below by sloughing off roots. This results in a weaker, less resilient plant over time with little drought tolerance because there are fewer roots and root carbohydrate reserves to tap into.
Many producers complain that they can’t keep orchardgrass in a stand of pasture or hay. This is a common problem and perhaps our haying and grazing management could be improved to reduce these stand losses.
Some of the best work on persistence has come from Dr. Ray Smith’s research program at the University of Kentucky using orchardgrass. They took an established field of Benchmark Plus orchardgrass and over the following five harvests, compared the effect of ½-inch, 2-inch and 4-inch cutting heights. Within that harvest period, they made three applications of fertilizer
at zero fertility; 60 pounds per acre nitrogen and no potash; no nitrogen and 100 pounds of potash; and, 60 pounds of nitrogen and 100 pounds of potash.
After the fifth harvest, the ½-inch cutting only had about 16-22 percent of the stand left across fertility treatments. The 2-inch cutting only had 45-50 percent of the stand left and the 4-inch cutting had around 96-100 percent of the stand still going strong across all fertility treatments.
They also looked at weed infestations in the stand across cutting heights and fertility treatments. Just considering the well-fertilized stand (60 pounds nitrogen and 100 pounds potash), weed percentage on the ½-inch cutting height was 48 percent, 12 percent on the 2-inch cutting and only 5 percent on the 4-inch cutting.
This is a great reminder that low harvests open up the forage canopy and allows light to penetrate and bare soil gets exposed allowing great weed explosions in the field. Sunlight exposure to bare soil also heats up the soil in the summer months and weakens both the crowns and the root systems of cool-season forages that are usually already suffering in the heat. A residual cover left behind after harvest acts as an insulator in many ways for the crop against the harshness of the environment.
Based on this and similar research, it is generally recommended to attempt to harvest cool-season crops like tall fescue, bromegrass, orchardgrass and timothy at a 4-inch cutting height. Some of the introduced species of warm season grasses may tolerate closer cuttings than this but it’s
18 the Pulsator
still advised not to scalp the ground. If you are using a native warm season grass, the cutting heights are recommended to be around 8-inches or higher. This has been found to be imperative for native grass persistence.
There is also older University of Tennessee research from Dr. Henry Fribourg using sudangrass that confirms these concepts are true. It that research comparing cutting heights across all harvests of the season, they found that a 1-inch harvest on sudangrass had the lowest yield by the end of the season (5.4 tons/acre) and the leaf to stem ratio was 4.3 tons leaf to 1.2 tons stem per acre.
In a 6-inch harvest, the tonnage was better at 6.0 tons/acre. The leaf to stem ratio was 4.8 tons leaf to 1.2 tons stem per acre. Very few will even consider trying to cut sudangrass, sorghum-sudangrass or millet at 10 inches, but they did in this Tennessee trial and it resulted in the best overall yield and quality when the season was over. Overall, for the 10-inch harvest, it yielded 6.7 tons/acre. The leaf to stem ratio was 6.4 tons leaf to 0.3 tons stem.
This was an amazing find to realize that exceptionally high cutting could lead to more tonnage and higher quality. There is little question that this practice in a perennial crop could lead to greater persistence over the years.
The next question that comes out of most farmer’s mouths after hearing this is “How do we cut a crop high with modern farm hay harvesters?” There is no doubt we have much better technology than ever before in harvesting equipment and speed of harvest has been the greatest advantage compared to prior generations of equipment. However, disc mowers set to mow on top of the ground may be detrimental to your stands.
Ask your dealers about setting up skid shoes on disc mowers. These could also be fabricated if necessary. Cylinder stops are also a possibility on some equipment.
Contact your local extension agronomist if you would like to learn more about harvest cutting heights for your forages.
Our New RepresentativeHolstein
Jason Ewing of Fordland, Missouri is the new Regional Sales Representative for the Holstein Association USA. In this role, he will serve Registered Holstein breeders in Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.
“I am ready to get to work, and excited to meet Holstein breeders from across my territory,” Jason said.
Jason was raised on a farm with Registered Holstein cows and registered Hereford cattle. Passionate for Holsteins from a young age, Jason was named a Distinguished Junior Member by Holstein Association USA in 2006. He bred multiple Excellent cows under the U-WING prefix, and Best Bred and Owned at the Mid-East Fall National in Louisville, Kentucky.
Jason graduated from the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri in December of 2007 with Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, with emphasis in Animal Science and Agriculture Economics. Through the years Jason worked as a Herdsman for Robthom Holsteins Springfield, Missouri, and then later for Mason Dairy Farm of Kingfisher, Oklahoma.
Jason is married to his wife Erica, and they have two boys; James, 6, and Jayden, 4. Together, they own and operate U-wing Farm LLC. Part of the farm is from his family’s original homestead farm established in 1870. HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION USA, INC.
Jason Ewing Holstein USA Regional Sales Representative
jewing@holstein.com (417) 459-9507
the Pulsator 19
Raymond “RC” C. Crowe
November 3, 1938 - November 29, 2022
Raymond C “RC” Crowe, Jr passed from this life and entered eternal life on November 29, 2022, at the age of 84.
RC was born November 3, 1938, in Rogersville, MO the son of the late Raymond See and Nancy Genevieve (Dunn) Crowe. RC grew up on a Dairy Farm in Rogersville, MO and graduated from Rogersville High School in 1957. RC married his high school sweetheart Carol “Kaye” (Stewart) November 25, 1957. RC and Kaye were married 48 years before her passing in April 2005. RC was also proceeded in death by one infant son Russell Ray.
During school RC was a member of the high school Basketball, Track/Field, Softball teams and FFA. He dearly loved Coon Hunting with his father and late father-in-law. RC was a recruited pitcher for several AAA competitive Fast Pitch Softball teams for 18 years. A highlight of his career included winning the National Championship in Clearwater, FL with the “Scenic Shoppers.” RC was inducted into the SW Missouri Basketball Officials Hall of Fame (1998) as well as the Springfield Fast Pitch Softball Hall of Fame (2008). He dearly loved the St. Louis Cardinals Baseball team and proudly followed his kids and grandkids around to any event they were involved in. He was an opinionated man that would let the officials know his thoughts on their calls, his most famous words were “Ref, you’re missing a good game.”
RC married June Burks on February 11, 2007, in Fordland, MO and eventually moved to Springfield, MO in 2018.
RC had a passion for livestock and was a man of several talents including his love for carpentry/woodworking. He was well known for his wooden children’s “Red Barns.” RC and family took over the Dairy farm for his parents where they showed and raised several champions on the State level as well as the All-American National Champion Jersey Female at the 1982 North American International Livestock Show in Louisville, KY. RC found a love for showing Rabbits specifically “Satins” and traveled the US showing. During his 34 years of showing rabbits, he had many “Best of Breed” Champions at the National level and won “Best of Show” at both the NASS and ARBA shows. RC was a Director for many years in the ASRBA association.
RC proudly worked for the Rogersville School System as Maintenance Director looking over remodeling/building several of the schools that stand there today. He retired in 2008.
In lieu of flowers, donations are requested to be made to the Ozark Empire Fair Foundation, 3001 N Grant, Springfield, MO 65803 or St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, PO Box 50, Memphis, TN 38101-9929.
Arlen Schwinke
September 30, 1930 ~ February 4, 2023
Arlen Schwinke, 92, of rural Morrison, died February 4, 2023 at Hermann Area Hospital following a brief illness.
Arlen was born on the family farm near Fredericksburg on September 30, 1930. He was the husband of Kay (Boettcher) Schwinke. They were united in marriage on September 19, 1954, at St. James United Church of Christ, Morrison, MO.
Agriculture—in all forms--was Arlen’s passion. He grew up on the family farm and was one of the charter members of the FFA program at Hermann High School. He served in the US Army in Germany. He graduated from the College of Agriculture at the University of Missouri, where he was a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma Fraternity. He first worked as a 4-H Agent in Carroll County and then as a county agent in Wright County. In 1960 he and his wife Kay moved to the family farm near Fredericksburg where they joined the family dairy operation and raised their four children.
Arlen was an innovator in production agriculture and gave his time and leadership on behalf of cooperatives and agriculture in Missouri and nationally. He served on the boards of Square Deal Milk Producers, Mid-America Dairymen, and the Dairy Farmers of America. He served as treasurer of Mid America Dairymen 1978-1984, chairman of the Missouri State Milk board, president of the Association of Missouri Dairy Organizations and served 26 years on the state board of the Missouri Farm Bureau. His calendar may have been filled with meeting dates, but his voice mail message always told the real story – that he and Kay were “out giving tender, loving care to our cows.” He was honored with numerous awards including Citation of Merit from the Ag Alumni Association at the University of Missouri and the Distinguished Service Award from Gamma Sigma Delta.
Arlen was equally passionate about his faith and his family. Arlen is survived by his wife of 68 years, Kay; two sons, Carl (Tina) of Teutopolis, IL and Keith (Vicki) of Jefferson City, MO; two daughters, Nelda (Darrell) Godfrey of Liberty, MO, and Ann (Keith) Walters of Otterville, MO; six grandchildren, Mark Godfrey (Brooke), Overland Park, KS, Elisabeth Eisenbacher (Joe), Omaha, NE; Clay Schwinke (Beth), Lee’s Summit, MO, Alex Schwinke, Sedalia, MO, Kara Schwinke, Morton, IL and Christa Schwinke, Warsaw, IN; and four great grandchildren: David, Lydia and Daniel Eisenbacher, and Otto Schwinke. In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting memorials to St. James United Church of Christ, Morrison, MO, Gasconade County R-1 School Alumni Association, or the Fredericksburg Cemetery Association
If you have an announcement you would like to share with our dairy family contact:
Jodi: (417) 743-2921 • jwright@missouriholstein.com
20 the Pulsator
Ed Steele
Steele & King Farm, Butler
Edward “Ed” Steele, 88, Overland Park, KS, passed away January 9, 2023, at the SeniorCare Homes Vineyard House in Overland Park. Memorial contributions are suggested to the Butler First Christian Church or the Missouri Junior Holstein Association – The Edward Steele Memorial. Messages of condolence may be left for the family at www.mullinaxfuneralhome.com or mailed to Brenda Chael 13427 W. 126th Pl., Overland Park, KS 66213.
Ed was born June 17, 1934, in Butler, Missouri to Russell and Helen (Frazier) Steele. He attended the Bethel Country School and graduated from Butler High School in 1952. In 1957 he was united in marriage to Sue Ann King of Adrian and was blessed to be married for 65 years until Sue’s death in 2022. They made their life and home on the farm west of Butler and then moved in 2020 to be closer to family.
Ed milked cattle and farmed with his dad starting at a very young age. He chose to stay home after high school rather than attend college to keep his dad from selling their cattle. Ed began dairy farming with his brother-in-law Jerry King in 1957, milking up to 220 registered Holsteins daily. They formed a family corporation, Steele and King Farms, Inc., in 1972, and they continued the milking operation until they sold their dairy in 2006. In 1994 Steele and King Farms was honored with the Missouri State Fair Family Recognition Award and in 1995 received the Master Breeder Award.
Ed contributed to the field of dairy farming and agriculture throughout his life. He served as president of the MO Holstein Association and chaired their state sale committee for several years. He judged dairy competitions in multiple states and was a local 4H leader for many years. Ed was involved with the Bates County Fair Board since its beginning in 1973, served as president multiple times, and was nicknamed the “fair board senior advisor” in later years.
Ed was an active, life-long member of the First Christian Church in Butler where he served as an Elder, Deacon, and board chairman.
Ed loved spending time with his two grandchildren and was their biggest fan. He traveled thousands of miles to watch them compete in golf tournaments over the years. He loved watching all kinds of sports and enjoyed golfing.
Ed was preceded in death by his wife, his parents, sister Celia Engelhardt, brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Jerry & Jeanette King, and son-in-law Charles Bauersfeld. He is survived by his two daughters: Becky Bauersfeld and partner Phillip Thornton of Phoenix, AZ, and Brenda and Ted Chael of Overland Park, KS,GrandsonAndrew(Laura)ChaelofMissionWoods, KS, granddaughter Dr. Jordan Chael of Lexington, KY, great granddaughter Sophia Chael, brother-in-law Bill Engelhardt of Broken Arrow, OK, niece Denna Johnson of Huntsville, UT, nephew Evan Engelhardt of Prairieville, LA, nephew Rick (Lori) King and niece Julie (Steve) Lewis all of Butler, MO, and Jana (Mike) Boehler of Olathe, KS, along with many great nieces and nephews.
Ed was a loving father, a caring friend and a mentor to all. He lived his life displaying a positive attitude and strong work ethic and instilled these attributes in family and friends alike. He leaves a legacy of love and devotion to all the lives he touched.
The family would like to thank the caregivers at the Vineyard House and St. Croix Hospice for caring for Ed the past several months.
Jersey Youth Academy will be held July 9-14, 2023 in Columbus, Ohio. Twenty-eight youth have been selected to attend. At the academy they will network, learn, and meet other Jersey youth with the same interests they have.
The mission of the Jersey Youth Academy is to attract, educate and retain talented young people for careers in the Jersey dairy business. It will be achieved through cooperative efforts of the American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey Inc., Jersey owners everywhere, and allied industry.
the Pulsator 21 Springfield, MO Monett, MO 800-749-5674 800-299-6680 www.mainstreetfeeds.com
to Cade Claycomb and Treasure Clark for being selected for the 2023 Jersey Youth Academy
by Shannon Kleiboeker
Perched on various levels cut into the hills in Washington, MO, sits Riegel Dairy. Driven by technology and diversity, this operation has made a name for itself in the Missouri Dairy Industry. The Riegel family has a continued goal to establish and run the farm in a way that will allow the next generation to easily take over.
The family got their start in the dairy industry in 1947, when a cow was given as a wedding present to grandparents, Fred and Alice Riegel. Since then, the farm continued to grow and in 2018 brothers, Brian and Jon Riegel, and Cousin Jeff Riegel took over the management of the operation and became the 3rd generation for Riegel dairy. Brian oversees the dairy and the employees, Jon handles fieldwork and calves, and Jeff oversees maintenance. As one of the last dairies in their area, the family works hard to find ways to continue to be successful and ensure the future of the operation. Brian says, “I believe to be successful on dairy’s today, you need to bring feed in on a semi, and milk out on a semi.” Affirming that a larger scale operation, that is not afraid of change or diversity is working for them. Brian chooses to dairy because, “I was given an opportunity and I don’t want to squander it. I also get to feed 40,000 people.” Jon stays on the farm so that that he may continue to “carry a legacy on for his children.”
As you tour the dairy, it becomes apparent cattle comfort and cleanliness play a huge role in how the cattle are cared for. Both things, Brian Riegel accredit to important parts of having cows that produce well and continue to produce well year after year.
They boast a double 24 parallel milk barn,wheretheycurrentlymilk 692 Holsteins three times a day. Equipped with plenty of technology, the automated teat prep scrubber was one of the newest additions to the barn. These brushes have helped to alleviate one whole employee per milking, by making teat prep go smoother and faster.
Milk production is a top priority for the farm. The farm currently has a 94lb tank average, and typically run with a 94-97lb average. With their components at 7 percent, Brian hopes to have a 100lb average soon, so that they may join the “7 pound club.” Riegel Dairy recently received 2nd place Energy Corrected Milk Production for a large herd in MO, with a 30,030 lb. rolling herd average. “We hope to be in first place next year!” exclaims Brian. Energy Corrected milk values the production of both fluid volume and components butterfat and protein. This ensures all herds, regardless of breed, are rewarded for outstanding production.
1300 head of Holsteins call Riegel Dairy home. They have been a closed herd since the 80’s, growing and raising their own replacement heifers. They did have to purchase some replacements last year but, are set to return to their closed herd status this year. All the cattle are 100 percent in house. The cattle never leave the barns and all the heifers are housed by age. Having all Holsteins makes for a cohesive herd that works well together. Cohesiveness of just one breed helps everything to run smoothly, says Brian.
The milk cows are housed in free stall barns bedded with sand. The farm switched to sand vs mattresses in 2018 and noticed an immediate difference in the cattle, which soon was reflected in the milk tank. Their tank average soon went from 88lbs up to around 100lbs. The sand just offered more cattle comfort than the particular mats they were using. The cattle barns are flushed up to eight times a day, and the sand is caught, cleaned naturally and reused for
22 the Pulsator
L to Right: Brian, Jon, Jeff Riegel
bedding. The rest of the waste moves down to an altered weeping wall and two lagoons.
Cattle breeding on Riegel Dairy is precise. Cows are bred up to 105 days, and heifers are bred up to 4 times with sexed semen. After these points in time, angus semen is used. This beef on dairy strategy has worked well for them. Brian says, “I am very happy with how the black calves have been selling vs pure Holstein calves.”
Dry cows are housed in a separate free stall barn and then moved to a straw pack as they near calving. After birth, calves stay in an individual pen and are given colostrum that has been brix tested and isolated. They remain isolated for 10 days, “which seems to be the time period where problems most likely arise,” says Brian. After that, the calves are moved to pens where they are group housed. The calf barn has automated feeders that mix the milk replacer and track every move the calves make when eating. It keeps record of the time spent drinking, the amount drank, and the rate of speed each calf drank per feeding.
Calves are then weaned at 2 months. From 2-6 months heifers gradually change their diet from pellets, to dry TMR, to wet TMR. Divided by age, the young heifers are housed in a free stall barn. After much trial and error with different types of bedding, sawdust was chosen by the Riegels as the best bedding/housing for the heifers. Straw would bring a strong ammonia smell and sand bedding brought feet and leg issues. This simple change of bedding material gave them healthier and cleaner calves. They strive to calve them in at about 1400 lbs.
Cattle management with technology has played a huge role in helping things run smoothly. Every animal has RFID tags, and the older animals have cow manager tags. These manager tags “have a 5 year battery and track everything!” says Brian. They monitor a cow’s temperature, the amount of activity she partakes in and much more. The tags are a great indicator of when a cow may possibly need to be looked at, as they can alert you the signs of problems much earlier than the human eye can.
The office has computers armed with PCDART, the BECO system, and TAP feed system. These programs allow them to efficiently track and manage the milk cows. They also DHIA test, which they mostly use for watching pounds given and somatic cell counts. They have found that it helps them to identify subclinical mastitis easier and earlier.
The TAP feed system is a new system that has only been out for a few months, but helps them to really manage the cattle’s feed ingredients with their load mixers. They work
with Purina on developing cattle nutrition that works best for them. They use a self-propelled, self-loading TMR mixer which has not only made feeding easier, but has also resulted in less waste when pulling from silage piles. Another management move they accredit to lest spoilage and waste with their silage is using piles and not pits. Using rocks around the piles has helped as well. They raise some of their own crops, raising fields of wheat and then double cropping with corn. They also work with neighboring cousins to maintain some of the feed supply they need.
Like any business there are problems that arise. With all the problems they do see, Brian says, “you just have to adapt and work around them. Find solutions.” One of their most annoying obstacles is birds, especially Starlings. Nearby industry plants created desirable environments for bird habitats. Birds have flocked to the farm for years, making messes out of the cattle’s TMR and leaving their droppings everywhere. After research and trial and error, they did manage to find a solution that works for them. Their “Purple Passion” mixture, a grape soda like substance is sprayed around the barns, just as you would a pesticide. This not only makes the barns smell like grape pop, but has proved successful in keeping the flying nuisances out of the barns.
The farm has 40 employees. Brian boasts on the quality of employees he has, happy that they are driven and do such a great job with things such as feeding and calf care. But, even with that, finding employees has been a struggle for the farm. With St Louis not that far away, they have found it difficult to compete with wages the city can offer. Jon explains, “It is becoming increasingly harder, especially with higher wages offered in other places.” This in turn, has made them look more towards technology, especially as the average employee age gets younger.
continued on next page
The idea of farm expansion posesanotherissue.They describe the surrounding land prices as high and unaffordable. This makes it hard to expand, “so you have to work with what you have,” explain the brothers. “Tech is cheaper than land or labor,” says Brian. One of the things he enjoys most about the farm is the daily challenges. He likes facing these challenges and working with others to overcome them. “So, when you do overcome them, you feel rewarded.”
Brian is always on the lookout for new avenues that could tie in with the dairy. He feels this is important, especially as the next generations come into play and the family expands. When you have a family unit he believes you must treat it like a business for it to work. He says, “I think this is one of the hardest things for a lot of family farms to do. Everyone wants to be boss, but you need a boss and a board and make decisions like a business would. The business must stay profitable for it to work.”
At the end of the day, Brian, Jon and Jeff all seem to appreciate the challenges and differences each day brings. Jon says, “there is something different every day, whether it be mechanics or field work.” They look towards the future and plan to continue to use technology as a major tool to oversee the farm and help operations run smoothly. Brian gives his best advice, “no matter how much technology you have, remember to clean the water trough, just like grandpa taught you. Don’t overlook all the common things that can cause problems if they are not tended to.”
Diversity is another key point of success for the Riegel family. In 2020, they began growing hemp on their farm and then began extracting CBD and creating their own product line. Thus, South Point Hemp was born. The family holds a strong passion towards this industry and use the products they create themselves. Their involvement grew as they found it benefited many of their own ailments, and use them as an alternative to big medicine. They handle all the steps from growing to creating their own products. They offer various levels of edibles, oils and even products for pets.
South Point Hemp works out of a large, retrofitted Farm Chem building, that was a large supplier of dairy chemicals years ago. Hemp has quickly become a growing business for them. They are currently working on some major expansions that have allowed them to set some very large goals. They aim and are set up to be the largest CBD extractor in the Midwest, once their modifications and machines are up and running. They look forward to what this expansion will bring.
The number of products that can be made from hemp plants are numerous. It varies from cloth, flooring, and even fire proof insulation. Because of this, they have found partners that use the hemp bales that are created after buds are harvested. Their hemp will not only create their CBD products, but the whole plant will be used to create some of the many products possible.
Jon and Brian feel strongly about this industry, and the current legislation does not hold many regulations on use and labeling. This is why they are currently working with legislators to have labeling standards and regulations put into place. “Even though we don’t want to be told what to do, it is important to keep imposters out of the business,” explains Brian.
It is apparent that their passions lie with their farm and their ability to diversify. Whether it is the Hemp or cows, they look forward to being able to pass a legacy on to the next generation in the future. Brian, Jon, and Jeff have set some major goals and are pouring knowledge, experience, technology, and change into both of their industries. As theirwebsitestates, “the same love we put into milking our cows, goesintoproducing our exceptional hemp.”
24 the Pulsator
Bottom L to R: Breaking down hemp bales, hemp product, extractor
the Pulsator 25
MORE THAN JUST A FLY CONTROL PRODUCT. ClariFly ® Larvicide is more than just fly control. More support. More expertise. More species. More than just a bag of active ingredients. The only thing it’s not more of is work. It is perfectly blended in your mineral supplement to become a part of what you are already doing - feeding your cattle. Visit CentralFlyControl.com to learn more. ClariFly and ClariFly Larvicide with design are registered trademarks of Wellmark International. LIFE SCIENCES
when cattle ARE in their sight, you need more.
A Letter to the cows that raised us;
Raising us wasn’t an easy task, but a task that you ladies have more than completed. You heard our laughs that echoed through the farm on summer days. You listened to our quiet cries late at night after hard days. You girls are the only witnesses to our performances of everything from Disney songs to classic rock.
You taughtushardwork,patience, perseverance, and how to love with all our hearts. Qualities that only cows could teach us. You girls watched us grow into teachers, leaders,collegestudents,management positions,dreamjobs,stateandnational winners, and so much more. With every milestone that has been reached we have always looked back and given the credit to our cows for being the driving force behind our success.
As we continue to grow and reach these milestones we’ll always look back at the now empty barn and think of the substantial impact that cows have made on our lives. Your work here is done ladies, everything we have we owe to you.
Good Job. Ellie Wantland
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