1 minute read

A career devoted to dairy Growing together

more known for logging than farming.

Turn to ALBRECHTS | Page 8 said. “We are always looking for ways to be efcient.” tems near Long Prairie. They raise 400 acres of corn and alfalfa, and Derek does custom harvesting in the summer and fall. The Zigans also have 23 beef cow-calf pairs.

First District Association names an individual or a couple once a year under the age of 45 who is active in the industry and in their community.

After receiving the award, Derek and Amanda will serve on the cooperative’s Young Cooperator board. Members of the board learn more about First District Association’s mission, how things are done and the governance. Anybody within the cooperative can nominate a farmer. The Zigans were nominated by Adam and Jenny Kalthoff, who won the same award in 2022.

“Every year, we try to improve something,” Amanda

Both Derek and Amanda have plenty of experience serving on committees as they are on the Todd County American Dairy Association board and Todd County Breakfast on the Farm committee. Amanda is on their church trust committee.

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