‘TITLE’ ASIAN MARTIAL ARTS The definition of a So-Ke is simply the head (founder or the inheritor) of a
martial arts style/system which is based on a Japanese or Okinawan Martial Arts, so is “DO-JU” for Korean and “SI-JO” for Chinese based in Asian Martial Arts. In English one common title also is “Head of Family.”
Sokeship: is a very old Asian certifying system designed to certify ‘HEAD FOUNDERS’ and ‘INHERITORS’ of Asian Martial Arts styles/systems.
Soke: To be named as a “Soke” is the greatest honor one can receive in the Martial Arts. The standards are extremely high, as are the requirements to maintain your rank and affiliation. Head Founder: are individuals who meet certain minimum requirement and are then formally sponsored / recognized as a first generation founder of
their own Martial Arts Style/System. These individuals are expected to devote the remainder of their live building, developing and refining their new arts under the guidance of their sponsoring Head family.
Head Families: Those unique individuals who legitimately inherited as Asian Martial Arts System with traceable lineage, Head families are the only ones, according to traditional Asian protocol, who have the authority to be their sponsor or recognize a person who established a new Martial Arts Style/System.
Inheritor: Those appointed individuals who are selected by the Head Family of the Head Founders to inherit the system once the head passes-away. Since this position can be revoked at the discretion of the head of the System, these individuals have No-Vote in the screening process for
candidates seeking sponsorship. Their role is merely a learning one, where they observe the actions of the Head families, preparing them for that day when they assume the position of the Head family.
Advisor: Made up of high ranking Masters who fail to meet sponsorship
requirements. Their role is to help screening potential candidate seeking sponsorship for their national review boards. Each member country has its own screening board which is overseen by at least one sponsored or Head Founder.
Many people are confused and even insulted by the terms Soke, Grandmaster, Hanshi, Doctor, Professor and Shih an. These are simply the terms of address and respect used for and among system heads. Some of the great founding fathers of the Martial Arts were referred to by similar titles, for example: Dr.Jigoro Kano and Prof. Morihei Uyeshiba.
Recognizes Your Rank and System: The International Budo Do Federation, the International Council of Headmasters & Sokeship Renmei, the
International Head Families, Alliance, and some other Organizations Dai Sensei: Sensei is a Japanese word that basically means “person born before another” in general usage it means “Master” or “Teacher” and the word is used as a Title to refer to or address teachers, professors,
professionals of authority. “Dai” which means “Great” or “Large” is often
translated “Grand master”. This term “Dai Sensei” is sometimes used to refer to the top Sensei in particular School or Tradition. Meijin (shogi): literally translated, means “Brilliant Man.” It is one of the
seven titles in Japanese professional shogi and is the most prestigious title, along with Ryu-oh. The word “Meijin” means “an excellent person” in a
certain field. “Mei” means excellent, artful, “jin” means person, The Meijin institution started in the 17th century (Edo period) but the person who
assumed the Meijin position was selected by succession. It is also refers to a traditional Japanese title, during the Edo period. By: World Grand Master
Soke (Guru) Prof/Dr.Jagdish Singh Khatri