My MUSIC VIDEO research is successful if: Progress in Media Studies
Name ______________________________________ Target Grade______________________________________ Relevant, C
Grade (What?) BASIC INTRODUCTION to yourself and the course. Add a photo and the name of your production company.
Macro Elements / Symbolic C&C’s
Introduce the key elements (Make up / setting / costumes / narrative) what must they be like for your genre choice.
Micro Elements / Technical C&C’s
Introduce the key elements (Sound / Camera Work / Editing / Mise en Scene) what must they be like for your genre choice. Your own choices – consider varying the genres of music. Explain how these music videos are DEFINITELY of the genre of your choice. Link to all C&C’s
Link these to actual Music Vids – include Artists, directors names and dates they were released (include screen shots or embed video clips). Link these to actual Music Vids – include Artists, directors names and dates they were released (include screen shots or embed video clips). Analyse how EACH of the conventions / elements have been used to gain audience attention / representations. Comment on the Artists, directors names and release dates.
Prezi Voice Overs
Textual Analysis X3
Illustrative Disjunction Amplification
Refer to the difference between the three and why artists choose each – can they be linked to specific genres?
Theme / Moodboards / Genre choice
Use google images to represent the theme / genre that you wish to work within on your own Music Vid. Research into target audience – ask closed questions about what C&C’s / elements audiences want to see within a Music Vid of your Genre choice Key Artists / directors from your genre choice.
Market research / questionnaire Inspiration
Album Cover / Digi Pak C&C’s
What are the conventions of a Digi pak – use images to display your research.
Magazine Ad C&C’s
What are the conventions of a double page spread – use images to display your research.
Market research / questionnaire
Research into target audience – ask closed questions about what C&C’s / elements audiences want to see within a double page and digi pak.
B Grade (How?) PROFICIENT Explore each section of the course by adding pages for RESEARCH, PLANNING, PRODUCTION (making of the film).
Extend your dialogue by using clips from Music Videos to add a voice over to showing your understanding of the three concepts. Explain why you have chosen this theme and who you think your target audience will be. Print Screen your questionnaire on a live social media website (ASK AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE TO ANSWER).
Perceptive, A Grade (Why?) EXCELLENT Design make sure the work is attractive and looks professional. Create a production company logo and introduce your whole group and their roles. Explore WHY these C&Cs are used to create different representations and gain audience attention – what are their effects on the audience? Analyse HOW these C&Cs are used to create different representations and gain audience attention – what are their effects on the audience? Include links into your analysis to other music videos– how are they using the C&C’s similarly / differently/ more effectively than others. Why? Comment on who is the target audience? Express how you may apply these Concepts / elements to your final production and why.
Analyse the results and create another post comparing your new research to what you previously considered to be the most important C&C’s / elements.
What is going to inspire your final idea (consider micro elements as well – camera work & editing) Create mood boards of inspirational Digi Paks – explain why. Examples from your genre choice = KEY. Create mood boards of inspirational double page spreads – explain why. Examples from your genre choice = KEY.
Textual Analysis of Digi Paks Explain how they are DEFINITELY of the genre of your choice. Link to all C&C’s Textual Analysis of double page spreads - Explain how they are DEFINITELY of the genre of your choice. Link to all C&C’s
Print Screen your questionnaire on a live social media website (ASK AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE TO ANSWER).
Analyse the results and create another post comparing your new research to what you previously considered to be the most important C&C’s / elements.
My MUSIC VIDEO research is successful if: Progress in Media Studies Name ______________________________________ Target Grade______________________________________ Marked?
Dead line – Easter Half term 27/03/15
All work must be uploaded to your blog by this point!