Portfolio of Quan Zhen [A¡Beloved¡Place]
Bachelor of Architecture, Chongqing University Apply for MSAUD Program Columbia University
A Beloved Place
During 5-year study of architecture and city, I was always in a point of
Hutong Lighthouse
doubting the urban status of architecture. Architecture strains itself in
mixed dwelling
presentation morphologically, but the perception of architects can be aggrandized to infinity. It's the ambission of architecture.
Urbanscape Renovator Iconic and Democratic
and change the city in a latent way. The purpose of architecture is not
arena design
Centralization and decentralization, iconic and demotic, I fancy all the contradictory , dual and changing objects. The diversity and the complexity of
1. Hutong Lighthouse
Mixed Dwelling
highrise design
But I still believe design does have the power to optimize our living pattern
architecture itself but the urban status and human behavior that it's going to
the Renaissance
urban design
Mundane Paradise
Personal Work Site Location: Beijing, Dongcheng District Oct. 2015
Chinese garden design
cities cannot be demolished by single and voilent techniques of architects, just
like all the human beings cannot be reigned in one single value.
Internship at OPEN Architecture
Cities are molded by people who love them.
Night with/without Light
Around the Corner
Scenario & Characters
The Story Goes: Something Would Change if the Corner Lit up By changing the composition of traditional Beijing courtyard, the figure of it transforms from enclosure to open, serving as a scene where stories happen.
A Dark Way home I was living in hutong during my internship in Beijing. Architects could be a hard job when getting back home late frequently. It was totally dim in hutong when at night, no boisterousness left. Every closed door just sealed the light up, leaving me endless mystery.
Micro Complex Community
A Moment of Sensibility When Strangers Engaged There were two kinds of character in the scene. One are residents and the others are the passerbys. No specific plots in the stories, I wa s j u s t i nte nde d to c at c h an ephemeral sensation in a particular moment. No lasting scenario developing, the movement disappears when they go by the lighthouse. What I want to present is the subtle connection of strangers with a single medium.
Sharing Roof Farming On the roof of the dwelling is a micro farmland shared by its residents.
Characters out of the Courtyard The passerbys out of the courtyard are witnesses of the night. They come from different direction but all stopped and enjoy the warm light emitting from the lighthouse.
The lighthouse as the catalyst of the stories, results in a multi-functional complex. As same as the typical Beijing court yard, the physical entity of the scene is essentially a mixed dwelling. From the first floor to top floor, the space gradually change from public to pravacy. The sharing floating courtyard is the centre of the dwelling, providing public activities for its residents and communicating with the passerbys.
Characters in the Courtyard
Enclosed Courtyard Traditional Beijing courtyard is a mix dwelling with a closed figure. At night they lay in grids just like personal stories. What I can experienced was just dark and narrow pathway leading to nowhere.
Light up the Corner This work is an improvision induced by personal experiences. It is composed by some subtle sensation in a certain moment and a series of virtual characters.
LIGHT! Light became so important to me. At the corner two blocks away from my home laid a vacant lot waiting to be constructed. I fabricated the story that there was a cozy building serving as a lighthouse directing the way of its passingbys
A Building of Everyday Life V-VINTAGE SHOP
Daily life contains everything. The endlessness of the term 'ordinary' implies poetry and revolution.
2. Urbanscape Renovator
Highrise Design
Studio Work: Chongqing University Site Location: Jiefangbei CBD, Chongqing City from Oct. 2014 to Nov. 2014 Collaborator: Guo Ziyu, Wu Shenghan
Site Overview
Prototype Generation
Urban Expansion: Find a Solution to Ambitious CBD Outreach Urbanism Revitalization
Texture of Chongqing City
Urban Diversity: A Decline behind the Seeming Thriving Jie Fang Bei is the earliest business center and shopping area in Chongqing city for the famous monument stand in the area.
Densified Jiefangbei CBD
It's favored because it's a place welcomed everybodythe rich, the poor and the middle class. After 2005, luxuries flooded in and started expelling small bussiness and civilian consumption. Skyscapers rose straightly thus resulting in the highest land price in the city.
To meet the need of highrise program, the volume is generally devide into two major parts-static office and fluxional commercial. We seperate the total volume into two, thus organizing them more flexibly. Mutiple programs constitute the prototype, in which they connect with each other instead of detaching.
Now the area is fully stuffed with stereotypes of highrise building. The common choice of sandwich structure in highrise leave nothing innovative but endless tricks of glass facade.
Analysis on Site
Tricks of Facade
Landscape Revitalization NEW RELATION
The vagueness between indoor and outdoor space is another characteristic of old Chongqing city. However, today we use solid boxes to confine ourself inside. We want to bring this tradition back, blurring the boundary between architecture and environment, and offering a green space for all citizens in Jiefangbei, where currently green is hardly found.
Vernacular Climate Strategy
The building itself becomes a certain kind of landscape while keeping its urban attributes. This urban-scape harmonious relationship reminds people of the ancient Chinese philosophy.
The City with Landscape
Discarding all the cliche of the layout, we arrange the position of two parts into a brand new status. The loop-shape office enveloping the vertical commercial spaces connects with other functional area intimately. The podium as a public space is an outreach of the adjacent department store.
The City with Landscape
The City and Landscape
The public program is layered and subtly dislocated to comply with the rainy climate in Chongqing, The voids between layers become shaded outdoor public spaces perfect for landscape. The facade generated by the program and climate is free of any confine of architectural preference.
Program Details
Components Outline
M-shaped Office Tower
Four components constitute the highrise. Primarily functional spaces conjunct
Stacking Pubilic Tower
with eah other precisely, supporting the operation of the building. The voids
Annex with Library and Exhibition Pavilion
between the spaces provide public space and opportunities for activities
Podium with Theater and Expo Space
s t i mu late d by la nd s c ap e arrangement.
Site Plan
Landscape Landscape without functions is invalid. The voids between two volumes contains some low rounded hills. Those hills is basically functional as public recreation. There is a farming land and vegetation museum on the top of the building, connnecting the citizens detached from nature with it again.
Program: auditorim, shops, landscape, entrance
Program: library, exhibition, theater, cafe
Program: garden, bridge to the department store.
Program: sports club, swimming pool, cafe, office
Program: office
There's no obstacle passing through the ground floor. Multiple ways: escalators, elevators and the ramp in the center lead to upper floors.
The annex possesses a spiral-like floor, people can visit all the exhibition and books while walking up. The theater is clustered together with the library.
Hills and grassland covers the roof, offering place and views for people taking a rest. Top of the podium also leads to department store.
Middle in the office is the recreation level. Swimming pool and sports clubs are accessible from the cafe serving the office, via overhanging aisles.
Different plans of office in each floor in order to meet the demands of various sizes of companies. The overhanging office brings special experience.
OVERALL AXNOMETRICS Unlike the skyscrapers in Jiefangbei, this complex generously offers public space to the city, it is the guest hall of Jiefangbei. Also, it brings precious landscape back to the CBD. It is not the accomplice of oligarchy – it reclaims the right of citizens in this symbolic place, for Jie fangbei means the monument of liberation in Chinese.
A City Developed under the Implement of Chongqing Housing Project. Longxing Town is a growing town located in the suburban of Chongqing City. Serving as one of the most important industry area of its mother city, Longxing provides tens thousands of jobs during the developing process. Thus, more and more people rush into Longxing and its population structure is changing rapidly.
A Civic Monument with Multi-program Endowing Cohesion.
3. Iconic and Democratic
Arena Design
Typical as the other towns arising around the metropolis, the centre of Longxing Town is forming by a Housing Project, aiming to provide dwelling houses for those workers who work in the industry area. Those citizens come to and fro between the dwelling house with incredible density whose average area is around 35 square meter and the manufacturing works. The absence of public spaces of the town makes itself a lifeless place.
monuments are always tragic if they are symbles of polical achievements and governmental wealth in disregard of the urban context and will of people. However, a monument can be positive if it is accessable and delicately organized, serving as a civic icon under the respect of its citizen.
Monumental Studio Work: Chongqing University Site Location: Longxing Town, Chongqing City from Mar. 2015 to Apr. 2015 Collaborator: Chen Siyu
The monument is positive to an a monotonous area. By eracting an icon within the dwelling houses, we can create the first true public spaces to gather people together.
Accessable To play a bigger role in its urban context, the monument is not static. Serving as the centre of the town, it connect the surrounding area, thus making itself a unimpeded place for all the citizens.
Landscape Complying with the topography, a landscape free from gated management is necessary. It is a park full of vitality, combining the nature with funtional layout, and providing shadow during the day.
Site Overview
Axonmetric Explosion
Landscape Arrangement
Connective: A Future Junction Scatteredly located around the site there are some projects still under construction. The arena serves like a juction station which units the community, playing a leading part in urban context.
Outdoor Landscape The arena is constituted in a series of complex programs. Conforming to the essence of an arena, besides the competition field, we designed a lot of playground in different forms. We also placed some
Free as the circulation, citizen coming from any directions finds his routine here.
commercial programs into the arena. Different programs work with each other in harmony, providing an
Occupied only a corner of the site, the arena spares enough space for nature.
ideal public space.
Interior Landscape
The landscape is a significant component of the arena. The gated-free natural area induces activities
Within the iconic mega-form of main programmatic spaces, we created a gallery of flux–this
and flux any time. The carefully organized layout complying with the topograpgy provides cool shaded
connective circulation is aimed to not only inject the surprise and poetry to spatial experience,
semi-outdoor spaces. It is a opportunity for people who has been detached from nature and social life
and also encourage the public to explore new ways to inhabit this unique public building.
to bring themself to urban life.
Overall Structure
Structure Details
Structure of Spectacle The primary functional spaces are all sheltered under the mage roof. The precisely designed structure of reinforeced beam string structure supporting the transclucent envelope facade allows natural light into nearly all areas of the arena. The pervading spectale of the structure creates a particular sensation.
Culture Fact in Capital World
Defense and Survival
A Destination: New Trasnsformation Breaking the Paradox of Capital and Culture No matter how much we are eager for public cultural spaces, the world is still run in the control of capital. It is rather an opportunity than a contradiction. By carefully organize the planning and process, captical can drive culture to an more influential position.
It is a city with no refrian in urban organization. The mountainous topograph determines that there is no strictly geometry grids in its texture. Chongqing is a city deserving discovery of every cornor, whose chaos are vageries.
4. the Rainassance
Regional Overview: Culture Fact in Educational District
Urban Design
Studio Work: Chongqing University Site Location: Majiayan, Chongqing City from May 2015 to Jun. 2015 Collaborator: Zhang guangning, Zhou Yuqing
Scheme: An Rational Constrction Process Which is Tolerant of All
Serving as the educational center, Shapingba District possesses the a large quantity of schools, including the best high schools and the top universities in Chongqing City. Despite the district owns the youngest population in the city, Shapingba is deficient in real culture environment. In the context that the lots are occupied by capital developers, education is still an industry here and never brings culture to urban life.
Quantity of Schools
Quantity of Museums
SIte Overview: Capital Fact among Furnishing Markets M a j i aya n i s t h e e a r l i s t fu r n i s h i n g m a rke t c o n c e n t rat i o n a re a . T h i r t y - ye a r c a p i t a l development has laid a firm foundation to its identity. But its conservation business pattern has put itself into a dilemma. With the relocation of its construction material markets to suburban area, which is complying with the new policy that no wagon can be shown in centre city, Majiayan is no longer competent in competitions with other markets. It is waiting for an renovation.
Prospect By a series of multidimensional planning, the area will be revatilized as a park constituted in diverse p r o g r a m . C a t a l y z e d by landscape and accessble circulation connecting with the surroundings, the site will bring people to urban life. DETTACHED FROM CONTEXT
Supplementary Background Isolated by Expressway The site is located in the cornor of Shapingba District, isolated by two main expressway connecting the adjacent two districts. It is a awfully pedestrain-unfriendly area which is barely accessable to anyone out of the site.
Analysis on Site Level Differences
Site Plan
Overall System
Level Ⅰ Ⅱ
Above the Metro Overhaul Shop
Level Ⅱ
The construction will be processed above the metro overhaul workshop, which already exists in the site. It is a usual way to profit the metro company since 90% of them are defective. The construction will be faced of a series of restriction brought about by the metro security.
the Loop Metro Line 5 Running in 2017
Long-term Scheme:
Level Ⅲ
Current System
As a juction of the loop metro line 5 which will run in 2017, Majiayan is lucky enough to benefit from the mode of TOD (Transit-Oriented Developement). Any construction here will be influential enough as soon as the process is initiated.
System Strategy: A Walkable Loop in Mega-form Stimulating Multi-Dimentional Art System
Zoning Restriction Densified Develope Area. Near the entry of the metro station, land A is the mainly developling area.
Non-Building Area. Land B prohibits any construction above for metro security.
Surrounded by Full-grown Highrise Residence Around the site is a large area of mature residence, in forms of compound. As the most stable population, they are potential participants of the land and the witness of the transformation. It is necessary to take them into consideration from the first step.
Land C posessed enormous level difference about 50 meters. Construction is not feasible here. Above the largest workshop, land D is practicable for buildings in any function.
Taking structural load into consideration, any buiding above the work shop must be under 24 meters. Highrise buildings are only allowed in the periphery of the site.
01. Walkable Loop Connect the Context Efficiently
02. An Connector Link All the Landscape Bands
03. Park Under the Loop Creat A Multidimensional Urban System
Middle-term Scheme:
Short-term Scheme: the Actual Construction Process: from reconnection to revitalization
Lasting Thriving in Cultural Activities
The process includes three phases. Each of them is a preparation for next stage and reaches a climax in its own period. The process is a benign evolution progressively reache the ultimate physical complition of the construction. By the way, we diminish the damage to context and environment of the execution with humanity.
Phase â… Transit-Oriented Development
Phase â…Ą Captal-Oriented Development
[ Open Theater ]
We provide a number of architectural prototypes to meet the needs of diverse functions. Despite of different role play, the cultural spaces congregate as unity to further influence the city. The transformation is still lasting with prosperity of cultural events.
O p e n t h e ate r fo r u n s c h e du le d pu b l i c performaces. Satisfying the demand of squre dancing.
Phase â…˘ Culture-Oriented Development
[ Flea Market ]
A semi-outdoor space provide shaded area for craftsman selling their artifacts under management.
[ Library ] Multi-functional spaces. Located in the entry of the site, the tower serves as vertical circulation and art spaces.
Mou nta i n - l i ke l i bra r y possesses a space full of books. The stepped layout is accessable for diverse reading behaviors.
[ Art Tower ]
[ Atelier ] Open atelier provide a r t c u r r i c u l u m s fo r a m ate u r s , i n c l ud i n g studios and workshops of different sizes.
[ Art Store ] Combanation of a cinema and a movie gallary. Provided with chambers and cafe, as well as T-stage for cultural conferences. L
[ Broadway Cinema ] [ Sculpture Square ] In the initial stage of the construction, we conncect the site splitted by the enormous level difference and isolated by super-wide urban expressway with the surroundings by establishing linear pedestrain circulation, thus balancing the dormant period resulting from the densified construction. It is the rudiment of gathering population.
The primary functional buildings are elected in second phase, facilitating the maturity of the area. Commercial spaces and creative furnishing industry are laid out, playing a significant part of integrated operation. The well-running site takes advantage of its capital identity, preparing for the cultural transformation in the reservative site.
A series of cultural space are emerging on the reservation site in multi-level, including library, gallery and open theater. Those builidings are fast built and even temporary. The cultural spaces stimulated metabolic activities and flux, dynamically run the site with endless innovations. The cultural transformation promote another round climax of the population.
Large area for temporary sculpture exhibitions. Picnic and e x c e r s i c e i s do a b le here when vacant in shows.
Combanation of a cinema and a movie gallary. Provided with chambers and cafe, as well as T-stage for cultural conferences. Located on the zenith of the site, serving with the perfect view.
The design is endowed with the vagueness between indoor and outdoor, architecture and landscape. The Art Gallery is organized in a diffused configuration to intensify the experience of viewing art by imbuing discoveries.
Our proposal respects the pattern of the city and is planned as a series of of built form, open space, cultural facilities, landscape and transportation nodes, it reveals the potential of the site. A key intervention, the civil park renovated from the deserted land in the middle of the site, is a public platform that punctuates the proposal, linking the entrance, cultural facilities, public spaces and commercial buildings. It acts as a catalyst of circulation and possibility of the site. It enables identity, utility, connection in social aspects, and also provides value in landscape and ecology.
Section A
Section B
Section C Multi-Dimensional Operation The project can never be a 2-dimensional design. People, Metros and cars find their own spaces, running with no disturbance.
Aerial View The ambition of this Proposal has to exceed its site boundary, and set a timeframe longer than ordinary urban plans which focus merely on space and volume. The proposal is a milestone of a longer term plan – the Renaissance of Majiayan . It intentionally avoids monotone architectural gestures and adopts a specific master planning strategy that is flexible and adaptable to provide an approach which will grow in time, facing the possibilities in the future.
Despite of vehicles in and out of the site, it is walkable like oasis in desert.
Chinese garden is a special form of landscape arrangement in history of China. The features evolve and differ with the time changing, but the spirit of it endures. Garden-the artifact of Shanshui, is a mircro representation of real nature, in which people can thoroughly enjoy the vagaries of it. It is like a fiction that every chapter has its exclusive plots, then composed in integrity to offer a unique experience.
5. Mundane Paradise
Chinese Garden Design
This garden is a figure of the abstract dipiction of the tales collection-Liao Zhai Zhi Yi. We don't reproduce the scenes in the tales but make effort to fuse the elements in it. By this way we are trying to understand the connection of nature and mudanity.
Studio Work: Chongqing University Site Location: Virtual Site from Sep. 2014 to Oct. 2014 Collaborator: Tang Wenqi
Landscape Distribution
the Most Influential Collection of Tales in China: A book about Folks and Ghosts
the Script
The classic four steps in the composition of a tale is applied to the space arrangement of the garden. The narrow entry space is a transition of outer chaos, whose dimensions are similar to urban context. Following the circulation, the vision becomes broader and wildness in landscape emerges gradually. The position of architecture is delicately laid to present a random layout. The climax comes when the circulation reaches the highland of the site, from which all the scenes of the garden can be obtained. The script ends with a tranquil path, leaving lasting impression for readers (visitors).
Liao Zhai Zhi Yi is a collection book of ghost tales in Qing dynasty. It is a book of vagary because the ghosts and folks always interact with each other. The most fascinating part of it comes from the ingenious depiction of the mundaneness and deep wildness.
The architecture in the garden is devided into three clusters conforming to the terrain: the cluster down hill lies besides the street, while the other two on the hill are irregularly embracing each other.
Different to typical Chinese garden which is commonly constructed in flat ground, Mundane Paradise is designed in a mountainous region. The water from the highland which takes full advantages of the topography, flows down, forming lakes, streams, water falls.
Section A
Landscape in the garden is devided into four parts according to the architectural clusters. These four parts are ring-connected in a series, complying with the mountain.
Section B
Siteplan Arrangement of plants
Concept Mundanity & Wildness: Two leitmotifs in the Collection Images
Elements Characters
Permeation Plots
Spatial structure of the garden: three nodes connected by linear routes, with the entrance leading downhills.
Waters arranged according to the three spatial nodes, and flowing downwards transforming into different forms.
Scenarios The scenarios respond to the scripts. With characters involved in the plots, the scenes can be subdivided by two kinds of spatial features. The male scenes are wilder and tough, the female scenes are more tender and continuous.
CitiesImage of Mundanity
NatureImage of Wildness
Assembly of Human Activities
Stories happen individually and converge in open spaces
Vagaries in remote valley
Invisible laws connect all elements, with which the boundry of nature is ethereal.
Courtesy of Yang Yongliang
Based on the level difference and water distribution in the site, moutain-like rockery is arranged along the coastline of the pool , while the free-form rocks are piled on the slope.
Mountain plants and potted plants are put in different zones based on the general arrangement of the garden, in order to contrast their wild and delicacy.
6. CHONGQING AUTOMOBILE-CITY Internship at OPEN Architecture Project Type: Automobile Complex Project Location: Chongqing Date: September, 2015 Status: In Construction
OVERALL The proposal has turned a dull stack of piled garage and vehicle shops into a joyful park for citizens and a micro city of abundant potential.
7. LONGHUA ART MUSEUM AND LIBRARY, SHENZHEN Intership at OPEN Architecture Project Type: Art Museum / Library Project Location: Shenzhen Date: October, 2015 Status: Competition LIbrary Entry
AUTOMOBILE MUSEUM Pebble-like museums form a linear s e r i e s i m p ly i n g t h e e vo l u t i on o f automobile industry.
Book cube
Exhibition Space
Floating Plaza
Museum Service
LIbrary Service
Art Tribe
SKYWALK PARK The essence part of this proposal. It offers a platform for activities and other potentials at a level above. It is a plaza which connects all the public programs like a necklace.
TERRACE Terraces lead people going upward to the skywalk. They’re filled with green, resembling the vernacular landscape in Chongqing.
HOTEL & OFFICE Curvilinear building form encircles the riverside landscape within the center yard, providing serenity for and offering good view to the airport at the same time.
Education Chongqing University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning
Bachelor of Architecture
Experience Installation Competition, Tongji University 7th Construction Festival 2nd Prize 2012 UDG 'Chinese Contest of Architecture Design for
Quan Zhen
Architectural Students'
UA 'Architecture for Everyday Life'
UIA-HYP Cup 'Unexpected City'
2015 eVolo Skyscraper Competition
Scholarships&Honors E-mail: qqquan0802@163.com
Tel&Wechat: 13637701621
Current Adress:
'Excellent Freshman', CQU
2nd Comprehensive Scholarship, CQU
3nd Comprehensive Scholarship, CQU
'Advanced Individual' CQU
'Excellent Student Leader', CQU
Association Post Code: 400030
Volunteer of Chongqing Volunteers Assosiation