2019-2020 Annual Report

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t h e ye a r i n r evi ew

CU Universities CU Universities develops and connects transformative Christian leaders at some of the nation’s most influential universities: Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale. The ministry pursues revival, develops students as Christian leaders, and helps graduating seniors thrive in their transition to graduate school or the marketplace. Your support allows Christian Union ministry faculty to partner with the Holy Spirit and invest in hundreds of students each year. Christian Union’s ministry model is the same at each school and is grounded in seeking God wholeheartedly with an emphasis on prayer. Christian Union Universities has a ministry field that includes approximately 72,500 students. By God’s grace, the faithful prayer and giving of CU ministry partners enabled the ministry to accomplish the following last year:

Welcome & Connect First-Years First-year students in Bible courses: 332 First-year students (1L’s) in Bible courses at Harvard Law School: 6

New student outreach is an exciting time for returning students and ministry faculty to connect with first-years to help them get involved in Christian community. The first weeks of the fall semester are critical. Incoming students enjoy opportunities to connect with other believers on campus and to hear about Christian Union Bible courses and the Leadership Lecture Series. Because of your support, Christian Union faculty and upperclassmen welcomed new students with dozens of events in a few weeks, prayed by name for new students, and intentionally invited newcomers into community by having more than 3,400 one-on-one meetings. One freshman said, “I’ve never felt more welcomed.”

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