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Christian Union Day & Night Year in Review

christian union day and night: the year in review

sweeping revivals and reformations of society come on the heels of dark times, when men and women, filled with the Holy Spirit, repent, pray, fast, and prophetically speak the Word of God. Christian Union Day and Night mobilizes Christians to seek the Lord wholeheartedly for such national spiritual renewal. By God’s power, Christian Union ministry seeks revival in the church and nation that is rooted in Scripture and, by God’s grace, seen around the world both historically and today. We praise the Lord that Day & Night constituents increased from 20,000 in the previous year to 39,000.

social media

Christian Union Day & Night’s Facebook page grew ministry awareness through more than 100,000 “likes.” The Lord used social media to reach men and women with Biblical truths. Some of the materials posted went viral, including one simple statement about obedience to God, which reached 5.2 million.

daily revival prayer

Throughout the year, Christian Union Day & Night continues to send stirring email messages and devotionals to those who committed to pray 15 minutes each day specifically for national revival.

the great experiment

In October, along with daily devotional emails, weekly thirty-minute prayer meetings led by Christian Union by video invited widespread participation to view, pray, and comment at DayAndNight.org as they were streamed. In June, each morning and evening included a video devotional, a suggested Bible reading, prayer points, and a reminder of the Great Experiment commitment.

21-day fast for cultural transformation

Day and Night sponsored a nationwide fast August 13 - September 2 for God’s power to transform seven influential sectors of American society for His glory: Arts & Entertainment, Business, Education, Family, Government, Media, and the Church. Participants received a special emailed devotion each morning of the fast. Thirty-minute weekly prayer meetings, led by Christian Union via video, were available by streaming and YouTube, as well.

groups and individuals committed to

read + pray. Spend 30 minutes every morning and evening seeking God by reading the Bible and praying (Luke 18:1-8).

repent. Consciously repent every day of all known sin and put away everything that may hinder our devotion to Christ (Hebrews 12:1-2).

respond to the holy spirit. Seek God in the morning for the thing the Holy Spirit most desires for you to do that day, write it down and follow up that day. Also, seek God at the beginning of the month for the Joshua Faith Challenge He has for you (Psalm 143:10).

represent christ. Look to share Christ every day and speak about Christ publicly (Acts 1:8).

raise your faith. Be bold and courageous in living out your faith (Joshua 1:8-9). Choose from one of these options for a “Joshua Faith Challenge”: (1) Host an all-night prayer meeting; (2) Set a date during June 1-10 and invite friends to come and pray with you for revival in America; (3) Every day, pray for ten friends and family members to come to faith in Christ and look for opportunities to share the gospel with them; (4) Share an evangelistic post on social media every day from June 1-10; and (5) Anything else the Lord burdens you to take on that will require courageous faith.

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