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Introducing: CU Rise
CU Rise was a large-scale, multi-campus campaign designed to expose every student, at universities where Christian Union works, to the gospel three to five times. The goal was to bless and draw students at influential universities to Christ, while also engaging students at other universities and challenging American Christians to share the gospel with urgency and expectation.
A cohort of student leaders from each of CU’s universities developed social media content that challenged and invited their peers to respond to the gospel in faith. Because social media platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and YouTube are so woven into the life of students, sharing the gospel and inviting students to apologetic events, to receive prayer, or to ask questions of faith provided what might have been the largest scale initiative to share the gospel on these campuses in history. Students created video testimonies that garnered views and shares and even inspired other members of the CU ministries to share their own powerful testimonies.
Each CU Universities ministry also organized local events to target their student demographics with events ranging from intellectual engagement lectures to book distribution to small group question and answer sessions.
snapchat gospel exposures:
1,174,032 instagram gospel exposures:
1,665,420 youtube gospel exposures:
c HRISTIA n U n IO n LI b ERTAS at brown students in bible courses: 56 || cu ministry faculty: 2