Handmade batik fabric on video completely www.batikdlidir.com /handmade-batik-fabric-video/ Handmade batik fabric on video completely. Broadly speaking, there are 3 techniques of making batik. Batikdlidir presents in many videos. Why ?, We do to convince you. So you get the original product handmade.
Batik is a native tradition of Indonesia. Simplicity and sustainability are inherent in this product. We produce and market it with much hope. In addition to economic value, teaching the entire world community about culture is also part of our expectation. Over time, for us batik has a very broad meaning. Today batik in everyday life is a work of art that manifests culture. Not stop there, but also can give benefits to the general public (dlidir). Batik can be interpreted high-level art of a solo civilization and its surroundings. Batik always accompanies every step in the life cycle of man. Philosophy in batik pattern which is hope. For that which causes batik is always there until now.
Handmade batik fabric on video, canting technique Handmade batik fabric on video, canting technique ( Tulis ). Original batik fabric solo and surrounding area. We call the surrounding because there is interference from the area around the solo to the city of jogja. For example sragen, klaten, sukoharjo, wonogiri and imogiri. The region produces quality batik tulis. This is the real batik, a long achievement of wong solo culture. Not just a cloth, but a long history of witnesses of high-level artwork recognized by the world. If some countries have a stunning relic, then solo (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property depicted in a cloth. Duration of manufacture takes 1 week to 2 months. Techniques influence the process. The simpler the faster. Vice versa. Batik has become so daily for solo and jogja citizens. Sometimes there are as additional livelihoods. Original batik has a deep meaning. Dedication affects the process. Maybe you see the meaning of the word dedication from a different angle. For us, Dedication is a sacrifice of energy. In addition to energy, thought and time at stake. To gain a work and success. 1/2
A business that has a noble purpose. Yes, noble because in addition to maintaining the culture of the nation. And also dedicated to the audience around, not personal. Original has a meaning, each piece is done with a originil handmade. Good coloring, granite, canting, motif until nglorotnya ( finishing ). So one piece with another piece must be different, although similar.