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lol alright. So I work at an un­named hair cut place out in Lake Stevens every Sunday for my friends parents as "no not a hair­cutter/stylist" thanks to all of you who will ask but as a receptionist. So anyway yesterday (Sunday) the shop was about dead for most the time and I'm chillin at the front desk standing up and reading Othello by Shakespeare for English because I WAS BORED OUT OF MY FLIPPING MIND! Anyway these three chicks walk in, a younger one, and two others who I would guess are 19­27 years of age, and the one who is getting her haircut has a baby. So anyway she's getting her haircut and I'm like a monkey man would up at the counter reading away and I hear the other two girls talking so I kinda look over and the girl was looking at me so I smile and turned back to my book and kept reading. I didn't think anything of it and was just being the cool receptionist guy. Anyway I look over another time and the same thing happens, I didn't think anything like "Why was she already looking at me when I looked over" or anything like that and just kept reading my book. So anyway the stylist gets done cutting her hair and she comes over and start picking up their stuff and the one girl who I smiled at, hands the younger girl the money. So she walks over to me and I say, "your total is $13" etc. and she hands me a twenty and a little piece of notebook paper. My first thought was "wtf?", and I said "What's this for?" as I half unfolded the paper and glanced at it and saw a phone number at the bottom. I thought "" anyway I freeze for a split second, put the note down, get her the correct change and they walk out. Luckily I was able to NOT make eye contact with them, as she was way older than I was and I realized then how creepy she had been the whole time. And I know your all like "whatever Dan your story is whack, haven't you ever had a girl give you a note before?" but the best part was when I opened up the note and read it. Another note was that I was wearing my lightish pink polo shirt. But anyway it said... "Hi how are you doing? I'm good just chillin here, I just wanted to let you know that I diggin you the pink" Call me Carrie .............. Now those errors there were put there by none other than Ms. Carrie LMAO. So now tell me, if you saw some extremely attractive guy/girl and you wanted to give them a note, wouldn't you take a little extra time to check your grammar? Damn that was funny. It's like a little engrish phrase that's just hella funny, "I diggin you.....THE PINK" lmao. P2 a­ tizzle everyone.

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