TABLE OF CONTENTS A Culture of Innovation...................................................................................2 Mission & Vision.............................................................................................4 Test Results....................................................................................................5 Class of 2012..................................................................................................6 Parent Survey Results....................................................................................7 Dalat Leadership Survey Response.............................................................12 Annual Fund.................................................................................................20 Financial Update..........................................................................................22 Staff Qualifications........................................................................................24 Enrollment.....................................................................................................24 Department Reports.....................................................................................25 Development........................................................................................25
Elementary School...............................................................................26
Middle School......................................................................................26
High School..........................................................................................27
Spiritual Life..........................................................................................27
Visual Arts............................................................................................28
Performing Arts....................................................................................29
Distance Learning................................................................................31
Online Education..................................................................................31
Technology...........................................................................................32 Cafeteria...............................................................................................33
Residence Life.....................................................................................33
Care & Share........................................................................................35
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).....................................................35
Athletic Booster Club...........................................................................36 The theme “DISconnect� encourages Dalat International School (DIS) students to disconnect from the technology around them and instead focus on the importance of connecting with each other and God.
A CULTURE OF INNOVATION Being first. It’s never been Dalat’s primary goal. In fact, Dalat has always sought to serve others instead. But a culture of innovation has been the natural outcome as we’ve wholeheartedly pursued our mission — “education for life founded on a biblical worldview.” And that’s put Dalat in a position of leadership, particularly in the area of integrating technology into school life. “We are constantly asking ourselves the question, ‘What do we need to prepare our students for life?’” says Barend Blom, Dalat’s eLearning and 21st Century Skills Coordinator. The question has led to much soul-searching about the best way to prepare students for all aspects of life after Dalat — from academics to spiritual growth. And technology has been a major part of the discussion. “We are living in an amazing point in history that is creating dramatic changes in so many aspects of our lives,” says school Director Karl Steinkamp. “It is an exciting time and yet can be quite scary too.” “It is important for a school like Dalat to understand how these changes affect not only what we teach but also how we teach and that we need to constantly pursue our goal of an education for our students that prepares them for life ahead.” A major part of that preparation involves technological literacy — not only for our students
but also for our staff. The sheer volume and speed of technological change makes it a daunting task. But it’s a necessary one, if we take our mission seriously. And Dalat has done that for more than a decade: • In 1999, Dalat was the first school in Southeast Asia to offer online classes as part of the high school curriculum through the VHS Collaborative (formerly called Virtual High School. • Dalat students must complete at least one class online before they graduate. • Dalat was one of the first schools in Asia to use an online course management system called DISCourse resulting in a more “paperless” class environment. • In 2001 Dalat became the first school in Asia to use PowerSchool, a web-based student information system that parents can access. • All elementary school classroom are now equipped with SMARTBoards, which has been of particular help in introducing the ES Singapore Math curriculum this year. • Dalat was one of the first schools in Asia to adopt the MAP testing platform for standardized testing.
A CULTURE OF INNOVATION • The Media Literacy course, a high school graduation requirement, prepares students for media consumption in a media-saturated world. • The iPad one-to-one program in the high school was introduced this past year. The goal has been to augment and enhance instruction, and the iPad is a particularly unique and exciting tool for this purpose. “Initially it was a steep learning curve for both teachers and students,” Blom says. “But it’s been a very powerful tool for making the educational experience a lot more interactive. The iPad was designed to bring Internet media to you in a convenient way.” Teachers and students are using iPads for presentations, collaboration, research, communication, and a host of other applications. Jason Hall, who teaches Spanish and Bible, has found the iPads incredibly useful for both subjects: “First, [Spanish] students have been using a free app called Quizlet to study and practice new and previously learned vocabulary. My students are telling me that this app is really helping their retention of vocabulary.” “In my Bible classroom, students have been using a wide variety of apps to conduct presentations in class, ranging from the Prezi viewer app, iBooks, and Smart Office. All the
students in class also use the SlideShark app to view various PowerPoints that have been put on DIScourse for each unit of study.” • To help students with basic skills related to iPad use, the school created the course 21st Century Computing for grade 9. In the course, students learn how to manipulate digital images, create simple videos, edit audio, polish word processing and presentation skills, and use cloud storage, to name a few. A recent survey of students taking the course revealed how it’s helped them complete tech-related tasks “more easily and simply” and nearly all said it had improved their keyboarding skills. One student wrote, “This class has been teaching me to be more efficient and to work smarter with my daily assignments on the computer” — a sentiment echoed by several other students. So what will be Dalat’s next technological venture in the coming years? Only time will tell. But Dalat has proven its ability to adapt and adjust as challenges arise. “We will always be changing to adapt to what needs to be taught so that our kids are prepared for life,” Blom says. “We can do nothing without the help of the Lord. He has been the one who has sustained us for more than 80 years, and He is the one who enables us to accomplish meaningful goals.”
Mission & Vision Mission
Education for life founded on a biblical worldview.
For the glory of God we will… never stop improving, never stop inspiring, never stop impacting our world.
Education for Life
Dalat International School seeks to teach our children in areas that go beyond books and academics. Education for Life is the pursuit of training the next generation to be people of good character and integrity and to care for others, which will prepare them to make a positive impact on the world in any area they choose to work and live in.
Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLR)
Dalat students will be: • Passionate Learners • Transformed Thinkers • Servant Leaders • God Seekers • Faithful Stewards • Effective Communicators (2012-2013 Focus ESLR)
Effectively Communicating an education for life is our educational goal this school year. We all want Dalat students to speak and listen effectively so that they can communicate their ideas and values clearly. That includes effectively communicating compassion, creativity, agreement and disagreement. Not only will our students themselves change, but they will also change the world. Our ideal is students who: • communicate confidently and fluently both personally and publicly in written and spoken English. • listen compassionately and effectively, knowing how to give and receive constructive comments. And our students will: • be active listeners who can develop and ask meaningful questions. • present research, thoughts, or concepts clearly in written and oral forms. • apply biblical ethics to understand and use various forms of media. • learn about and appreciate foreign languages. • understand and use content-specific vocabulary.
TEST RESULTS Measures of Academic Progress
Dalat uses the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), a standardized test for K–9. These assessments are unique in that they adapt to each student’s ability, accurately measuring what a child knows. In addition, MAP tests measure academic growth over time, independent of grade level or age. Most importantly, the results have practical application to teaching and learning. MAP test results provide educators with timely information that guides instructional planning and school improvement. Average scores are broken down by subject area and grade at the end of the 2011–12 school year. Percentages are students at or above grade level:
Grade Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
88% 89% 78% 71% 90% 92% 94% 98% 93% 94%
84% 100% 84% 86% 85% 90% 94% 85% 83% 94%
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) determines acceptance into U.S. colleges and universities. The U.S. national average score for 2012 is 1498 (496 reading, 514 math, and 488 writing). Dalat’s Class of 2012 scored an average of 1806 (595 reading, 616 math, and 594 writing). The highest total Dalat SAT score was 2180 and the lowest was 1320 out of a possible 2400.
U.S. Average Class of 2012
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
class of 2012 Forty-seven members of the Class of 2012 graduated in June, and they were accepted to the following colleges and universities: Abilene Christian University Auckland University, New Zealand Baylor University Biola University Bluffton University Canterbury, New Zealand Capernwray Bible College, United Kingdom Clark Community College Drexel University Eastern Kentucky University Geneva College George Washington University Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Southern Gordon College Han Dong University, Korea Hardin Simmons University Houghton College Indiana Wesleyan University James Madison University Le Tourneau University Liberty University Loyola Marymount University Loyola University Lubbock Christian University McGill University Memorial University Michigan State University Newcastle University, United Kingdom Nyack College Ohio State University Oklahoma Baptist University Penn State University Pepperdine University Point Loma Nazarene University Santa Monica College
State University, California State Swinburne, Australia Taipei Medical University, Taiwan Taylor University University of British Columbia, Canada University of California - Berkeley University of California - Davis University of California - Irvine University of California - Los Angeles University of California - Riverside University of California - San Diego University of California - Santa Barbara University of Illinois University of Kansas University of Massachusetts - Amherst University of Ottawa, Canada University of Puget Sound University of Rochester University of South Florida University of Toronto, Canada University of Washington - Seattle University of Waterloo, Canada Western Illinois University Wheaton College * Unless otherwise noted the college or university is located in the United States of America.
Parent Survey Results 2012 The survey was taken in May 2012. A total of 165 surveys were completed, including 142 in English, 8 in Chinese, and 15 in Korean.
4. How would you rate the impact on your child’s life from teaching Christian values from the Bible?
1. How would you rate the quality of education at Dalat?
您觉得教基督教徒圣经上所教导的價值对您孩子的 生活有怎么样的衝擊?
달랏에서의 교육의 질을 어떻∞‘ 평가하겠습니까?
88% Satisfaction
请您估計Dalat的教育質量? 93% Satisfaction
성경으로 기독교의 가치를 가르침이 학생들의 인생에 얼마나 영향을 미치리라 생각하십니까?
5. How would you rate technology at Dalat? 달랏에서의 기술은 어떻∞‘ 평가하십니까?
2. In your opinion, how well is Dalat preparing your student for university, college, or vocation after Dalat?
您认为Dalat 的科技设施如何?
당신 생각에 자녀의 대학 또는 직업 준비를 얼마나 잘 하고 있습니까?
6. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your child’s/children’s teacher/s?
你认为您的孩子对假期或上大学的准备做得怎么 样?
담¿”교사와 그외 교사들에 대해 종«’적인 만족도는 어느 정도로 평가하십니까?
88% Satisfaction
3. How satisfied are you with the course offerings? 개설된 강의 과목에 얼마나 만족하십니까? 您对Dalat所提供的学科滿意吗? 85% Satisfaction
87% Satisfaction
88% Satisfaction 7. How would you rate the quality of homework your child has? 자녀 숙제의 질을 어떻∞‘ 평가«’니까? 你觉得您的孩子的作业做得怎么样? 75% Satisfaction
Parent Survey Results 2012 8. How do you feel about the physical and emotional safety of your child at Dalat?
12. How would you rate the value for the price paid for the food in the cafeteria?
달랏 학교에서의 신체적 ! 그리고 감정적인 안전에 대해서 어떻∞‘ 느낍니까? 你觉得您的孩子在学校里身心上的安全感怎么样?
식당의 음식이 지∫“된 가격에 비해 어떻다고 평가«’니까? 您觉得学校餐厅的餐点价钱怎么样?
93% Satisfaction
52% Satisfaction
9. How satisfied are you with traffic flow, drop-off, and pick-up procedures?
13. How would you rate the service in the Dalat school office?
등하교시 학생들을 내려주고 데리고 가는 교통흐름에 대해서 만족하십니까?
달랏 스쿨 교무실의 서비스를 어떻∞‘ 평가하십니까? 您觉得Dalat學校辦公室人员的服务态度如何?
85% Satisfaction
86% Satisfaction
10. How would you rate the school facilities?
14. How well does Dalat meet the needs of your child academically?
여러분은 학교 시설물을 어떻∞‘ 생각하세요? 您怎麼評估學校的設施?
달랏이 여러분 자녀의 학구적인 필요를 어느 정도 충족시켜 주나요?
71% Satisfaction
11. How would you rate the extracurricular/sports programs offered at Dalat? 달랏에서 제공되는 방과후 활동 및 스포츠를 어떻 ∞‘ 평가하세요. 您怎麼評估Dalat的課外活動或各類體育項目? 80% Satisfaction
86% Satisfaction 15. How well does Dalat meet the needs of your child socially? 달랏이 여러분 자녀의 사회적 필요를 어느 정도 충족시켜 주나요? Dalat在社交應對上是否能提供您的孩子的需要? 91% Satisfaction
Parent Survey Results 2012 16. How well does Dalat help your family balance a school life schedule and personal family time?
19. How would you rate the ease of finding information you need on the school website?
어떻게 하면 달랏 학교가 여러 분들 가족 시간과 학교 생활 일정에 균형을 맞출 수 있게 도울 수 있습니까?
학교 웹사이트에서 필요한 정보를 쉽∞‘ 찾을 수 있으신가요?
Dalat(大叻)在帮助您平衡校园日程生活和个人家 庭时间上达到何种程度?
86% Satisfaction
74% Satisfaction 17. How would you rate Dalat’s communication with your child (the student)? 달랏과 학생들과의 켜뮤니케이션을 어떻∞‘ 평가하십니까? 您如何评估Dalat与学生的沟通? 86% Satisfaction 18. How would you rate Dalat’s communication with you (the parent)? 달랏과 학부모와의 커뮤니케이션을 어떻∞‘ 평가하십니까? 您如何评估Dalat与学生家长的沟通? 79% Satisfaction
20. Do you read the Dalat News weekly? 매주 달랏 뉴스를 읽으십니까? 你是否每周阅读 DALAT新闻? 92% Yes 21. How familiar are you with the goals, mission, and vision of Dalat? 달랏이 추구하는 목표, 미션, 비전에 얼마나 익숙하십니까? 您对Dalat的目標、使命和愿景有多了解? 84% Satisfaction 22. How well is Dalat achieving its mission and vision statements? 얼마나 달랏 학교가 목표와 사명을 잘 이루어 가고 있습니까? 你对Dalat实现其办学宗旨和愿景的满意度? 88% Satisfaction
Parent Survey Results 2012 23. How confident do you feel about Dalat’s future?
27. Would you recommend Dalat to your family and closest friends?
달랏의 미래에 대해 얼마나 자부심을 갖고 있습니까?
가족이나 가까운 친구들에∞‘ Dalat을 추천하실 생각이신가요?
90% Satisfaction
94% Yes
24. How would you rate the sense of community at Dalat?
28. Do you think Dalat students make a positive impact outside of our school?
달랏의 커뮤니티를 어떻∞‘ 평가하십니까?
달랏 학생들이 학교 밖에서 긍정적인 영향을 준다고 생각하세요?
您觉得Dalat 在社区的服务如何? 90% Satisfaction 25. Do you feel welcome at Dalat? 달랏이 환영받을 곳이라 느끼십니까? 您在Dalat感覺受歡迎吗? 96% Yes
您認為Dalat 學生在校外有正面的影響嗎? 96% Yes 29. How would you rate your overall satisfaction of Dalat? 달랏에서 전체적인 만족도는 어떻∞‘ 평가하고 싶으신가요? 您如何评估Dalat的整體滿意度?
26. How would you rate the mixing of nationalities at Dalat?
88% Satisfaction
달랏에서 다양한 국적자들의 혼«’을 어떻∞‘ 평가하십니까?
30. How would you rate the leadership of Dalat?
您如何评估Dalat学生不同國籍的交往方式? 83% Satisfaction
달랏의 리더쉽을 어떻∞‘ 평가하십니까? 91% Satisfaction
Parent Survey Results 2012 31. How would you rate Dalat against other international schools around the world? 전세계의 국제학교와 비교하여 달랏을 어떻∞‘ 평가하십니까? 您如何评估Dalat在世界各国國際學校的地位? 86% Satisfaction 32. How would you rate Dalat’s reputation in Penang? 페낭에서 달랏의 평판은 어떻다고 생각하세요? 您怎麼評估Dalat 在檳城州的聲譽? 93% Satisfaction
您愿意在 金钱上奉献以帮助学校达到那些需求 吗? • Yes/Maybe – 83% • No – 17% 35. How long have you been a part of the Dalat community? 달랏 커뮤니티에 얼마나 오랫동안 관여해 ø‘ 습니까? 1 년 미만, 1-2 년, 3- 5 년, 5 년 이상 您成为Dalat社區多久?少於1年, 1到2年, 3到5 年,超過5年 • Less than 1 year – 24% • 1–2 years – 26% • 3–5 years – 31% • More than 5 years – 18%
33. How would you rate the value you receive for the price you pay at Dalat?
36. Where is your home country located?
달랏에 지∫“하는 만큼의 대가를 받고 있다고 평가하십니까?
당신의 모국은 어디¿‘니까? 북아메리카, 아시아, 유럽
您如何评估您的孩子在Dalat所付出的学费与所接 受到的教育?
您的祖國在哪裡?北美洲,亞洲,歐洲 • North America – 42% • Asia – 46% • Europe – 6% • Other – 8%
78% Satisfaction 34. Would you be willing to give financially to see that improvement done? 당신은 그 필요를 위해 재정적으로 지∫“«“ 뜻이 있습니까?
Dalat Leadership Survey Response • Other increases in our satisfaction rate that were pleasing to see include: use of technology, preparation for university, facilities, service by the front office, extra-curricular & sports, mission and vision, and social needs of students.
Head of School Mr. Karl Steinkamp
In reviewing the 2012 survey results I was again pleased to see that for the majority of questions asked, our “satisfaction” rate trended up. Here are a few aspects of the data that really encouraged me: • In the area of “community,” all three questions related to the community of Dalat went up. I love the fact that 96% of families at Dalat feel “welcome,” but in my constant desire to see us improve I hope one day that we could actually score 100% on that particular question. • Dalat is always trying to improve in the area of communication, so I was pleased to see that our satisfaction rate went up in the area of communicating with students and with parents.
Let me make more detailed comments on a couple areas from the survey. In the 2011 survey, a satisfaction rate that did go down was in regards to our drop off and pick up procedures. The management team looked closely at this and made some changes throughout the year. I am pleased to see that as a result of that focus our satisfaction rate has gone up this year. We will continue to look at how to improve and therefore will be installing a covered awning for the upper field drop-off. We are also improving the water drainage in that area to help parents on those rainy days when we are reminded by the deluge that we live on a tropical island. Since the inception of the parent survey, the feedback has told us that improvement to our facilities is something the management team should focus on. We have made numerous small changes while in the process of finalizing our agreement with the landlord for the future use of the land. We are in the final stages of securing the land for another 21 years, and this will allow us to begin planning for major changes to improve our facilities. Our desire would be
Dalat Leadership Survey Response to make these changes quickly with the least amount of disruption. Later on in the year, it is the school board’s hope to have in place a campus improvement plan that will then be implemented as soon as possible. I am looking forward to a time of dramatic improvements to our facilities. One final topic to discuss from the survey results is the dichotomy in the area of tradition and change. The survey results show that a number of parents want to see the school move forward and not be stuck by tradition and an equal amount of parents express concern about too much change and are asking that we be careful not to lose our ethos and roots. As an administration, that is the balance we must prioritize in the years to come. We need to be willing to relinquish some traditions that need to change but also protect with a passion aspects of our school that make us uniquely Dalat. This takes wisdom as we do not want to make changes for change’s sake, but we do not want to be stuck in traditions that hinder progress and improvements. As a management team, we do understand the concerns of both groups, and we are regularly asking questions to help us discern when to change or when to hold to our traditions.
Elementary Principal Mrs. Heather Fischer
In response to the overwhelming requests for some type of martial arts offering, the elementary division is now offering Judo on Wednesdays through our KICs program. Also, grades three and up have the opportunity to take Karate classes on Tuesday and Thursday after school hours. In addition, parents have also requested that we offer more sports for the elementary division. This year we are offering soccer for the entire school year, swimming, and tennis (grades 3 and 4) as well as gymnastics. We have also continued to update our facilities. We have a brand new (and much larger) ES library and a new classroom to help with our growing population. Also, all classrooms from preschool 4 to grade 4 will have SMARTBoards. Many of our
Dalat Leadership Survey Response rooms have received “facelifts� including new paint, new carpet, and new whiteboards. Our ES Art room has moved to a bigger, better equipped location on campus, and our ES Computer Lab has all new laptops. We have also increased our staff to better serve our students. We have hired additional teachers for ES Music, Art, PE, and ESL. In terms of curriculum, our ES students now have the opportunity to choose from over 30 different foreign languages through our Rosetta Stone online program. We are also very excited about our new Singapore Math program and our newly hired Math Specialist! We have chosen this program as it has proven to be the number one math program for developing a profound understanding of fundamental mathematics.
Middle School Principal Ms. Shawna Wood
We are very pleased to find that the community continues to view our staff and our commitment to Christian values as strengths of Dalat. With a very stable staff in the middle school department, we expect this to continue. We have been able to reorganize some of our continuing staff to better match the needs of our students with the unique talents of our teachers. We have addressed a few facilities issues over the past few months. The middle school art classroom was moved to lower campus. This gives the art teachers more opportunity for collaboration with an art department at the school. The classroom was also renovated to meet the specific needs of an art classroom. In addition, the floors were re-done in both sixth grade classrooms and new carpet was added.
Dalat Leadership Survey Response Many parents would like to see more foreign language options offered in middle school. We are continuing with the Rosetta Stone program during X block, and it is also available for students to study at home. In our core program, however, we have chosen to focus on instrumental music at this time. Music is essentially a language of its own, and learning to play an instrument provides many of the same cognitive benefits to developing brains as does learning a foreign language. Music also allows students to express themselves in another way, which is greatly important for young adolescents. We continue with our commitment to instrumental music in the middle school, even as we recognize that this priority limits some other options. We have also noticed that some parents are concerned about the difficulty level of Bible class. Bible class is perhaps one of the most difficult transitions for some of our new students who have not formally studied the Bible before. We are considering options for offering an introductory Bible course in lieu of our regular Bible course for incoming students with little background in Bible.
High School Principal Mr. Brian Brewster
The surveys have once again given valuable insight into parent perspectives on our high school program. Thanks for all of the kind words and positive feedback. I agree with many who commented that the greatest strength Dalat has going for it is the committed teachers. We continue to work hard to upgrade our facilities in the High School. This year that included the construction of a new classroom and boys’ and girls’ bathrooms and the painting and renovation of several other rooms. One of the things most evident from the feedback is our need to walk a very fine line between providing a rich experience and not overwhelming kids with both homework and extracurricular expectations. This is particularly important as we bring iPads on campus.
Dalat Leadership Survey Response This year in response to the surveys we have added another face-to-face AP course (World History), provided an alternative math option (Algebra 3 and Statistics), and added theater arts to the courses available. We have worked hard to keep class sizes low, but with our growth in the upper grades, we will once again be looking to hire additional staff to accommodate the growth.
Mrs. Jacki Steinkamp
The counseling department helps students and their families set goals for life beyond high school in a variety of ways. Parents have opportunity to hear about high school graduation requirements and recommended courses for students during
the high school registration held in March of grade 8. In grade 11, students take the Design and Purpose course in which they take a personality survey, career inventory, and other assessment tools, which are then submitted to College Board. College Board conducts a college search based on personality and career preferences and produces a list of colleges and universities that may be a good fit for the student. In grade 12 the college counselor meets with each senior to discuss post-high school goals and to work on necessary forms and documents. The choice of college or university, or any other posthigh school plan, is a deeply personal decision and family choice. When choices have been narrowed down by the student and his/her family, the school will assist the student as he/she needs to complete required paperwork and appropriate documents. The school has been a test site for both the SAT I and II and the ACT to facilitate the process for families with the convenience of testing on campus. The guidance office sets deadlines to help ensure students complete paperwork in a timely fashion. In addition, the school publishes the Road Map to University Handbook and hosts a University Information Night for parents and students.
Dalat Leadership Survey Response where people feel welcome and part of a family. Along with that are the quality teachers and staff here at Dalat that care for the kids on a personal level. Dalat staff give their all to our community as they contribute and create opportunities for our students that go far beyond the call of duty.
Director of Development Mr. Larry Chinn
I am encouraged to see that what Dalat is “Best Known For” is being an American, biblically-based, high-academics international school. All of those are who Dalat wants to be. Bad alternatives would be rich, exclusive, over-priced, with selfish kids — all of which Dalat strives not to be. Top responses for “Strengths” were our community and our teachers. The positive, friendly, and active community is fostered by all of you with help from the PTO. Thank you for making Dalat a place
Top response for “Needs” was a permanent solution for our campus and facilities. Believe me, this is my top priority. Dalat is moving in the direction to make some tough decisions this school year to achieve Dalat’s short-term and long-term goals of providing a great education and environment for current Dalat students while planning for the future success of the school and those students who will follow. This work is taking place at the highest level with the School Board, School Leadership Team, and School Management Team. Please be praying for wisdom and clear direction. Being in charge of public relations I am excited to hear how positive everyone is about the impact that Dalat students make in the community. I hear stories all the time about the high quality of our students and their service around Penang. This is something that we can all be proud of!
Dalat Leadership Survey Response
Mr. John Fischer We will be fogging the campus for mosquitoes once per month with the ES and MS areas being done every two weeks. During the last summer break, we made some major renovations to the campus, including the following: • adding a second grade classroom • updating the ES library and making it larger • creating a new HS room (Room 3) with a larger journalism room • creating a new covered walkway to Rooms 2, 3, and 5 • updating and enlarging the ES/MS art room. Now all art and drama classes are located together. • creating a new HS Bible classroom (Room 31).
Technology Mr. Jon Horton
In response to the parent survey, we will work on the following: 1. Improving our Internet bandwidth to better support the needs of the school. 2. Improve the network bandwidth to different campus locations, i.e., elementary. 3. Continue to do what we can to improve the computers in use in the classrooms within the constraints of our budget.
Dalat Leadership Survey Response to the maximum. Another solution is recognizing our weaknesses like swimming pool and soccer field and seeking alternatives off campus for our sports teams. We are doing that with swimming, track & field, and soccer, but I think tennis will have to do the same to be successful.
Mr. Chance Edman
One theme I noticed in the comments is that parents want more and better facilities for athletics. Some said a new or bigger pool. Others said better tennis court, soccer field, gym, weight room. I want all those as well, but realistically, we aren’t able to create space like that on our campus. Truth is, aside from our soccer field, we have some of the nicest facilities on Penang. But I know they’re looking at places like ISKL, Uplands, etc. So a solution to help these folks is be efficient in my scheduling so our facilities are available and used
A second theme is more and better competition. Some people specifically mentioned more international competition. I think this confirms that the Athletic Department is headed in the right direction with the international Christian school athletic conference. It’s motivating for me to see that parents want more competition for their kids. In the short term, I will seek friendly matches locally and make a point to invite traditional powerhouses when it comes to our own tournaments. This means reaching out internationally, to KL and Singapore as well.
Residence Life
Mr. Brian Wiedemann
A large number of appreciative comments about Dalat International School relate to a “community” atmosphere. Many refer to a “family” feel. Dalat’s Residence Life team members devote specific energy and resources into creating that atmosphere in their dorm homes. This contributes to an atmosphere on campus that has the feel of an extended family. Students refer to boarding staff as “Uncle” or “Aunt.” Dalat is literally home for eight months of the year to those who live here. Dalat is influenced by countries from all over the globe, even as Dalat can influence those countries through our boarding students and their families. Dalat remains committed to partnering with sending parents and supporting their children in loving, comfortable, and safe boarding homes.
annual fund “Effectively Communicating an education for life” was the Annual Fund 2012 theme to focus attention on and help raise money for our students to become Effective Communicators, Dalat’s focus ESLR this school year. Annual Fund projects aim to provide the tools and the environment for Dalat students to reach the goals set out for them. A total of RM 138,210 was raised from parents, students, and staff and distributed among these projects: Two SMARTBoards.................................RM15,000 Musical Instruments...............................RM27,000 Middle School Lockers...........................RM30,000 Weight Room Equipment........................RM12,000 Digital Recorder..........................................RM900 Chapel Sound Equipment........................RM5,500 BBQ Grills for Dorms................................RM5,000 Sports Equipment for Dorms....................RM5,000 Library Books...........................................RM1,600 Biology Proscopes...................................RM9,000 ES Alcove.................................................RM4,000 Community Service Projects....................RM5,000 Soccer Goals............................................RM6,000 Visual Arts Computers & Equipment......RM12,000
Dalat would like to thank our Annual Fund Corporate Sponsors:
Aviation Hair Salon E&O Hotel Flamingo Hotel Golden Sands Hotel Hard Rock Hotel Hydro Majestic Hotel Morganfields Restaurant Park Royal Penang Resort Rainbow Paradise Hotel Star Cruise Switch Tao Authentic Asian Cuisine Vanessa Diamonds Yeo Japanese BBQ Restaurant
Eagle Status: RM 10,000 or More John & Amelia Lam Scott & Jean Marie Rust
High Honor Roll: RM 5,000 or More Teng Hong Datin Fung Chris & Heather Johnson Wanchai & Aree Kunawaradisai
annual fund Honor Roll: RM 1,000 or More John & Alicia Anderson Ronald & Helen Ashkin Stephen & Young-Ly Chandra Jhy Hao & Su Lee Chang Boon-Kooi & Editha Chiem Larry & Debbie Chinn Jaewhan & Jaelim Choi Siew Joo & Siew Yeng Ewe Esther Geh Eng Leong & Mei Lin Goh Shamus & Sheryn Hassan WooiHin & Kengkeng Heng Chin-Ming & Kuei-Lin Hsiao George & Chiu-Yang Huang Chris Johnson Lisa Khor
Any Amount
James & Susan Allen Lisa & Steven Balzer Brian & Brandi Brewster Valeri Brokaw Rachel & Benjamin Brooks Eileen & Garth Buhr Andrew & Lisa Casci Peter & Ailee Chan Kuang & Oon Ling Chan Chee Kok & Grace Chang Chim Kong & Seok Ching Kok Tai Kim & Ella Chin Joo Chong David & Natasha Cox Edward & Susan Danneker Adam & Sally Dewhirst John & Heather Fischer Glenn & Keiko Fraser Tetsuya & Yukiko Furumata Gary & Yvonne Goh Anthony Bishop & Jane Gray Randy & Martha Halbedl Sin Keong & Shirley Hiew See Lin Jocelyn Ho Scott & Heather Hofer Paul & Pamela Hoffmeyer Jon & Lori Horton
Young Wan & Sul-Hwa Kim Shao Sheong & Hooi Peng Koay Khuang Liang & Everlyn Liang Ewe Keat & Ying Yu Lim Jin-Chow & Got-Mee Lim Lum Eng & Beng Fung Lim Mook-San & Lee-Choo Lim Richard & Sally Loh Yong Bin & Feng Man Roy & Jenna McIntyre Neill & Margit Mims Cheng Hock & Guat Yew Ng Chuan Mun & Lee Eng Ooi Choon-Piao & Janice Ooi Jason & Amy Oppenheim Kyong-Won & Eun-Sook Park
Ewe Cheng & See Mei Phuah Ram & Andrea Pillai David & Margaret Robinson Lip Teik & Lay Hong Saw Surinder & Sharon Singh Peter & Li-Kun Sun Elaine Tan Soo Hee & Siew Khim Tan Ching Siang & Siew Kee Tang Jeff & Joyce Tang Beng Lee & Irene Teng Andrew & Michele Thomson Vance & Juni Worten Chao Tung & Pi-Mei Yang Francis & Jenny Yeng Kai Seng & Angie You
Yi-Cheng & Feng-Mei Huang Stanley & Juo-Lin Huang Rick & Melanie Hurlbut Seong - Ryeol & Mi-Hae Kang Alice Khor Marie Kiehl Douglas & Laura Ladner Kin-On & Tin-Wai Lai Roger Lai Kung-Ming & Lynda Law Annie & Chong-Chat Lee Junghoon & Yeonju Lim JinFoo & JooPheng Lim Steve Liss Naohiro & Mika Matsumoto Calvin & Tonya Mays Mdm Pretta Mehrotra Tom & Alison Miller Nick & Barb Nichols Gim Huat Ong Bob & Anne-Marie Pagee Clement & Sara Pakiam TaekSoo & SoYeon Park Jae Hong & Hyun Ji Park Sang Bae & Hyun Suk Park Penang4Families Jodi Petrie
Kishor & Leticia Rana Steve & Lydia Roberts Guy & Dominique Rodriguez Jon & Rebecca Ronning Mark & Karen Sasse Wayne & Bonnie Sawatzky Balan & Liza Shanmuganathan Chen-Mao & Hsiu-Chin Song Merrill Steiner Karl & Jacki Steinkamp Stephen Strong Sin Khoon & Tean Beng Tan Gary & Joanne Tan Pei Hwa & Kenyong Tan Dean & Jane Thompson Dennis & Gayle Tyas Stanley & Ronda Unruh Chookiad & Lai Fun Usaha Scott & Terresa Uzzle Peter & Gillian Vriend Brian & Val Weidemann Rob & Tyra Winsor Toshi & Hana Yamaguchi Byung Wook & Yun Hee Yoon Woodinville Alliance Church
Financial UpdatE The 2011–2012 academic year commenced with 492 students and ended with 506 students, i.e., 5.4% higher than the opening number of the preceding academic year. While the percentage of growth is below that of the immediately preceding year, at 506, the numbers have improved by 100% as compared to seven years ago (2004–2005). The increase in student population is accompanied by an 8% growth in revenue. Comparatively, the growth in revenue has eased by seven percentage points from a year ago.
Operating Expenses
Overall, expenses rose by 7.6% across the board largely due to inflationary pressure and an increase in operational spending. Manpower cost remains the largest contributor to total expenses, 71%, followed by other operational costs. In ensuring quality education, the school continues to invest considerable portions of its resources in its education program where its expenses rose by 20%.
Sources of Revenue
Educa onal, 6% Administra ve, 7%
Comparatively, revenue improved by 8% from a year ago. The increase in revenue is largely due to a 5% increase in student numbers. Food services division recorded the biggest increase in revenue (20.3%) followed by the academic division (8%) and the boarding division (1.2%). Boarding Division, 9% Food Services Division, 6%
Academic Division, 85%
Kitchen, 3% Boarding, 3% Others, 2% Plant Opera ng, 8%
Manpower, 71%
Financial Update Ratio Analysis
Liquidity Ratio Current ratio (CA/CL) Cash ratio (Cash/CL)
2010–2011 6.86:1 6.15:1
2011–2012 7.98:1 7.42:1
The high liquidity ratio (above 2:1) indicates that the school is solvent and has a healthy cash flow with its current assets able to cover its current liabilities seven times over. As indicated above, liquidity has further strengthened and continues to remain in a healthy region.
Profitability Ratio Profit margin analysis (P/R) Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) (P/L+C)
2010–2011 4.23% 2.91%
2011–2012 4.57% 3.16%
As compared to a year ago, profitability ratio has shown improvement by 0.34 percentage points to 4.57% from 4.23% a year ago. This is accompanied with an increase by 0.25 percentage points in its ROCE at 3.16% against 2.91% a year ago. Both ratios indicate that the financial performance of the school has improved over the past year as compared to a year ago. The moderate ratios in both areas also show that the school is maintaining itself as a provider of quality and affordable education.
Revenue-Expenses Ratio Academic Division Boarding Division Food Services Division
2010–2011 1.13:1 0.71:1 0.77:1
2011–2012 1.08:1 0.85:1 0.98:1
Revenue-expenses ratio is an indicator that shows the amount of revenue brought in for every Ringgit spent. The figures indicate that the school continues to subsidize its boarding division and food services division to ensure affordability in both areas.
Percentage of Profit/Revenue Academic Division Boarding Division Food Services Division
2010–2011 11.45% -41.01% -29.82%
2011–2012 7.39% -17.81% -1.72%
Aside from the academic division, both the boarding division and food services division show a loss in their operations. Profit from the academic division has also declined from 11.45% to 7.39%. The decline is largely due to inflationary pressure.
Percentage of Manpower Cost/Revenue Academic Division Boarding Division Food Services Division Dalat International School
2010–2011 64% 95% 56% 66%
2011–2012 70% 68% 40% 68%
By and large, the school’s manpower cost is at 68% of its revenue. Manpower cost continues to be one of the largest expenses for the school. The increase is the highest in the academic division with an increase of six percentage points followed by the food services division.
Staff qualifications & ENROLLMENT StAFF Qualifications
Master of Arts .................................................... 42
Enrollment by Nationalities, First Semester 2012-13
Bachelor of Education ....................................... 22
Australia..................................... 11 Canada...................................... 19 China............................................ 2 Denmark...................................... 4 Germany...................................... 1 Finland......................................... 2 France.......................................... 1 Hong Kong................................... 3 Indonesia..................................... 5 India............................................. 3 Japan......................................... 13 Korea........................................ 101 Malaysia................................... 114 Mexico......................................... 1 Nepal........................................... 2 Netherlands................................. 6 Philippines................................... 2 Singapore..................................... 6 Taiwan........................................ 16 Tanzania....................................... 1 Thailand....................................... 1 South Africa................................. 2 Switzerland.................................. 4 United Kingdom......................... 14 United States........................... 186
Bachelor of Arts ................................................ 13 Other................................................................... 10 Total .................................................. 87 Other - 12% Bachelor of Arts - 15% Bachelor of Education - 25% Masters of Arts - 48%
Total Number of Expat Staff 2011–2012.......................................................... 82 Administrative Staff............................................. 32 Teaching Staff..................................................... 55 Full-time Teaching/Administrative Staff.............. 67 Part-time Teaching/Administrative Staff.............. 15 Residence Life Staff........................................... 10 National Staff...................................................... 49
Total......................................... 517 (Fall semester 2012)
Fall 2012
506 517
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2011
Spring 2010
Fall 2009
Spring 2009
430 428 410 421
Fall 2008
Spring 2008
386 394 Fall 2007
469 477 492
Fall 2010
Department Reports Development
• The Dalat Development Office is staffed with great people from many different sources. Lydia Roberts has moved to the Guidance and Counseling Office as Counseling Administrator but is still working in Development part time with graphics and administration. Jonathan Steffen is coordinating photography, Kari Steffen is writing newsletters and articles, Steve Roberts manages all the school websites and newsletters, Chance Edman is spearheading the new Booster Club, and Claudia Kang supports the office. Russell Wiesner is no longer with Dalat and has moved to KL to pursue opening a Christian international school in the nation’s capital with another organization. • Dalat’s long-term success is a top priority. The Development Office is actively looking at possible long-term locations for the school around Penang. A plan for the next twenty years is being worked on and will be presented to the community in 2013. Dalat’s current lease runs through 2016 and is renewable. • Annual Fund 2012 had a goal of RM 120,000 under this year’s theme “Effectively Communicating an education for life”. The Annual Fund promotes the values and goals of the school by providing the tools and
environment Dalat students need to prepare for their future. This year’s projects included Middle School lockers, musical instruments, weight room equipment, BBQ grills and sports equipment for the dorms, library books, Biology proscopes, and community service Christmas projects through Care and Share as well as many others. • A parent group has formed the new Dalat Athletic Booster Club in September 2012. The purpose of the Booster Club is to provide sports opportunities to Dalat students through raising of funds through corporate donations and events and mobilizing parent volunteers. One of the first successes of the Booster Club was to send the Girls Varsity Volleyball Team to the Philippines for an international tournament where they came home with Second Place. • Dalat Alumni held a reunion in Winter Park, Colorado USA in July 2012 for students who attended Dalat School when it was in Vietnam in the 1960s. More than thirty alumni attended the three-day event. Alumni Events were also held in Chicago, Seattle, and Vancouver in July 2012. • The MK Education Endowment Fund received numerous gifts from Dalat Alumni that will ensure that one of Dalat’s key missions, to provide quality education for missionary families, will continue for many years to come.
Department Reports ELEMENTARY
• We added an additional section of grade 4 taught by Jodi Petrie and an additional section of grade 2 taught by Eileen Buhr. We only had to replace one teacher (grade 1). Our new grade 1 teacher is Chris Lim. We also have teacher assistants for all classes in grades P3 through grade 2. • ES has begun using a new, updated mathematics curriculum called “Math in Focus,” also known as “Singapore Math.” It is a well-respected and well-researched curriculum that produces some of the highest math scores in the world. To help us implement this new curriculum, we have hired a math specialist, Bob Davis. • We now have SMARTBoards in all of our ES classrooms from preschool 4 through grade 4. • We created a new, larger, and better-equipped Elementary School Library and put new carpeting and some new furniture in our current classrooms. • We created a new, larger, and better-equipped art room for elementary art classes. • We added additional teachers for elementary art and music to help with the increased number of classes.
• Derek Smith, from Australia, has joined the Middle School this year as our 7th and 8th grade math teacher. Bob Davis has moved into the position of math specialist, teaching 6th grade math and helping teachers in grades K–5 implement our new math curriculum. Michele Trescott has taken on the role of 6th grade homeroom teacher, and Wayne Sawatzky has transitioned into the position of ESL Coordinator and teacher. We are excited to have teachers able to focus on their areas of strength. • We also have a new principal in the Middle School. Shawna Wood is originally from California and has spent time in international schools in both Brazil and China. • Enrollment in the middle school is down just a bit this year, as the large 8th grade class moved up to high school. However, we are preparing to add a second section of 5th grade next year, which will increase the middle school enrollment again.
Department Reports High School
• Jay Reimer (science), Josh Anderson (Bible), Laura Danneker (music), Deborah Gray (English), Garth Buhr (special services), and Joel Roberts and Jon Ronning (both in ed tech) join our team this year, bringing with them lots of experience and fresh ideas. We are excited to have each of them on board. Additionally, both Susan Allen and Derek Smith (primarily MS teachers) will each teach one high school class. Kerry Mahoney has moved into a part-time role as HS counselor with Bethany Thomas continuing some of her counseling roles but adding responsibilities in the learning lab. • The addition of iPads is the most visible change to the HS and has given teachers a whole new range of options for delivering quality content to the students. It has also come with extra student responsibilities and new digital responsibilities to learn. Students in 9th grade have taken a quarter of their Global Studies class to learn these responsibilities as well as taking a 21st Century Computing class during X block to make sure they are familiar with the technology and able to use it effectively. • We have added a 3D Art class for credit during X block to give students more opportunity to take art during high school. Additionally, we have added a Theater Arts class to the curriculum.
• Our curriculum focus this year is on our specials classes (fine arts, physical education, and computers), so we are purchasing new texts and supporting materials as well as working to establish a curriculum that has meaningful scope and sequence. • An evaluating team from ACSI and WASC will visit us at the end of next year, so we are busy preparing resources for the evaluation. • We are researching the possibility of joining other Christian international schools in the area in both a fine arts as well as a sports league that will allow for more consistent competition with like-minded schools.
Spiritual Life
• Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) 2011. Tom Burton joined us for SEW from Minneapolis, Minnesota in the USA, and presented a passionate appeal to seriously consider the claims of Christ. His personal openness allowed students to see a vulnerability in the face of truth. Messages on the nature of sin and how sin must be dealt with were especially well received. The foundation laid has tied in very well with the focus of regular weekly chapels. We anticipate a growing harvest of response to God’s truth.
Department Reports • Student-led prayer continues to grow on campus. Most of last year’s prayer leaders graduated, and the new crop of leaders is slowly rising to the challenge of filling the gap. It is exciting to see their growing confidence and passion for prayer and uniting their fellow students in prayer. We will continue throughout the year to build prayer leaders for next year and beyond. • Dalat students are students who serve. Student-led service projects continue to germinate in Penang and across the region: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Burma, Indonesia, and Sarawak. Through service, students are learning leadership, communication, and how to plan and gather resources and are seeing their world through the eyes of Christ. • The transitional year between Spiritual Life Director is a crucial one. Momentum gained must not be lost. Opportunities arising must be seized. The harvest ripening must be gathered in. For the students, there are the adjustments of differing styles; the common ground of truth remains. There are relationships lost and beginning again, the One relationship continuously presented.
• John 4:35-38 “Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”
VISUAL ArtS • Art exhibitions: The MS and HS art classes had a combined art exhibition last year (2011–12) over four days at the newly built, state-of-theart Performing Arts Centre of Penang at Straits Quay. The exhibition was a large show, which formed part of the Fine Arts Festival in May. The exhibition comprised artwork from the whole academic year and included the portfolios of Advanced Placement art students. This was Dalat’s most successful attempt to bring our school’s art to the public and community. • Advanced Placement: Four students took 2D Design. Two students received the highest score of 5 and two students received a very good result of 4 on their AP art portfolios.
Department Reports Performing Arts
The 2011–2012 school year brought many performing opportunities for the students of Dalat International School. Following are highlights of the year’s performances:
Middle School/High School Music • The High School Concert Band, Concert Choir, and Jazz Ensemble performed at Dalat’s Annual Fund Concert, held at Paradise Hotel, as well as three other concerts over the course of the year. • There were also four middle school concerts, with the Junior and Advanced Bands performing at all four, and the Beginning Seventh/Eighth and Sixth Grade Bands playing at the last three. • The High School Choir traveled to Bangkok, Thailand, for an international school choir festival in October. • A Middle School Choir exploratory was offered during second quarter, and this group joined the MS bands at their Christmas Concert. • In November, several students were chosen to represent Dalat at both the Southeast Asia High School Honor Band in Bangkok, Thailand
(which was unfortunately cancelled due to flooding), and the SEA Middle School Honor Band in Jakarta, Indonesia. • The High School and Middle School Choirs were invited to perform at a Christmas tree lighting ceremony at Rainbow Paradise Hotel in December. • A first-time-ever Jazz Ensemble exploratory was offered to middle school students in the fourth quarter, and these students performed at the year-end concert. • The annual Fine Arts Concert and Exhibition was transformed into a four-day Fine Arts Festival which was held at the new Performing Arts Centre of Penang at Straits Quay. Student artwork was on display for the duration of the event, and the schedule was expanded to include two Dalat Drama performances plus a total of four concerts: two for middle school on 24 May and two for high school on 25 May.
Elementary Music • Dalat’s elementary students presented a Christmas Concert in December 2011. • Students in grades 2-4 performed in an elementary musical, Under God’s Sea in 3D.
Department Reports High School Drama
Middle School Drama
• For the first time ever, the High School Drama group put on two full dramatic productions during the first semester in 2011.
• Two middle school dramas were performed: Masquerade Mystery in October 2011 and Rowdy Kate in March 2012.
• In November 2011, the drama group performed the comedy Romans on the Couch written by Drama Director Mark Sasse. Two shows were performed at the newly opened Performing Arts Centre of Penang. The first performance was a special audience participation night called Romans on the Couch: Interactive, which was a great success! The following night, the team played in the main theatre to a packed house. • In December 2011, the newly formed drama group the RLT Players (Road Less Travelled Players) played two shows. This new group consisting of ten members focused on dramatic storytelling all themed around the 2011-2012 school year’s theme “The Road Less Travelled.” • During the second semester, the drama group came back with a full-scale production of the new play Life with Stewart – another teacherand-student-penned play subsequently published through Life with Stewart opened and closed the first-ever Dalat Fine Arts Festival at PenangPAC in May 2012.
• The grade 5 students participated in a Christmas outreach to Kawan House in Georgetown. They presented a series of carols with narration and served lunch and candy canes to the homeless people who came to the “soup kitchen” that day. • The fifth and sixth grade students put on an Easter musical, Nic at Night, in March 2012.
High School Forensics • Dalat’s Forensics Team, under the direction of Jasmane Frans and Debbie Chinn, competed very successfully at the Southeast Asia Forensics Tournament held at the International School of Kuala Lumpur in February 2012. Dalat had finalists in virtually every event, including some gold and silver medalists, best debate speaker, and a second place overall finish in a large field of competitors. • Dalat hosted its own home forensics competition in March 2012, with several local schools participating in a variety of speech and drama events.
Department Reports Other Opportunities
• The Dalat Ambassadors worship team provided a number of Praise and Worship nights for the school community throughout the year, as well as serving as ambassadors to the local community by occasionally leading worship in churches and at church-sponsored events. Other student worship teams played for the Spiritual and Missions Emphasis Weeks. • A pair of piano recitals were presented at the end of each semester, featuring individual student performers of all levels, beginning to advanced. • Talent shows provided still more opportunities for individual students to perform.
Distance Learning Resource Center
• The Distance Learning Resource Center (DLRC) directly serves 20 families locally and 20 families regionally this year. New enquiries come in regularly. • More than 20 DLRC students participate in after-school activities each quarter. This year, two DLRC students are taking classes on campus with Dalat students. • The DLRC is assisting a small expat school in Indonesia through consultation, testing, and curriculum support.
• The DLRC resource library was moved this summer. The new location will allow for more activities to be provided for the member families. • DLRC publishes a monthly resource newsletter, which is also now archived on a web page for easy reference. • Jonathan Steffen, DLRC Coordinator, is the testing coordinator for AERC in the region and the editor of the organization’s biweekly resource newsletter.
Online Education
• Barend Blom is the eLearning, also called 21st Century Skills, Coordinator, an oceanography teacher for VHS, and he is assisting teachers with the integration of educational technology into their curriculum. • Dalat has expanded its online course selection by partnering with Florida Virtual School (FLVS). Florida Virtual School is fully accredited by two major agencies: The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and The Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation. FLVS core course curriculum has been approved by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) in the US.
Department Reports • Dalat students are enrolled in online courses offered by Dalat teachers via DISCourse as well as courses offered by The VHS Collaborative, Sevenstar Academy, British Columbia Online School, University of Nebraska-Lincoln High School, and Florida Virtual School. • Dalat staff have developed two new online course offerings. 21st Century Computing is a compulsory course for grade 9 students to equip them with the technology skills they need to be successful in high school and beyond. Bahasa Melayu 3 is an elective online offering for high school students who have completed Bahasa Melayu 1 and 2, or who have an advanced knowledge of the language. • Dalat day students’ online enrollment for the first semester of the 2012–2013 school year:
VHS (Virtual High School): 31 seats
Sevenstar Academy: 11 seats
British Columbia Online School: 1 seat
University of Nebraska-Lincoln High School: 1 seat
Florida Virtual School: 1 seat
DISCourse: 159 seats
In 2011, Dalat successfully completed the first year of offering the online diploma program. Through this program, remote students were able to take classes and work towards a Dalat diploma without attending any classes on our campus. Also during the 2010–11 school year, the decision was made to implement a one-to-one iPad program for students in the 2012–13 school year. In preparation for this program, the EdTech department has been investigating and making plans for needed network improvements to make this a success.
EdTech Statistics
• Total number of computers on campus for student and staff use: 340 • Percentage of K–12 classrooms with LCD video projectors: 100% • Number of online courses taken by high school students each semester: over 60
Department Reports
Fall 2012
Spring 2012
Spring 2011
Fall 2010
Students are now required to scan their student ID cards when having lunch in the Cafeteria with both the prepaid-semester meal plan as well as the pay-per-day meal plan. This will allow billing to be done more efficiently and accurately as well as provide useful information on trends and what is popular and what is not with students.
Spring 2010
Fall 2009
Beyond nutritional needs, your children’s safety as it relates to food service is important to us. Student peanut allergies are on the rise. Because of this we have made the decision to go “Peanut Free” at the Seaside Café. We extend our thanks to you for entrusting your student’s nutritional needs to us.
Fall 2011
Spring 2009
In order to meet the nutritional needs of active, growing students in an affordable manner, the cafeteria now allows students to have a second helping of the main entrée for a reduced fee.
Fall 2008
We recognize that food choices are very personal — the product of culture, family background, religious beliefs, and individual preferences. We recognize that these factors need to fit into food that is appealing, healthy, and affordable. The cafeteria staff team is now supported by Joe Young. He will be happy to entertain questions, suggestions, recipe ideas, and compliments.
The Residence Life team has enjoyed the stability of maintaining almost all of our staff from last year. Apryl Ang still works for the school as a parttime aid in the elementary division. Stepping into the role of Dorm Assistant is Barb Nichols. Barb worked last year in the school’s academic division, so many students already know her. Barb works alongside Brian and Val Weidemann in Jaffray Dorm and Eddie and Becky Jenkins in Chandler Dorm. Heather Nichols supports Jonas and Mary Hawk in Jackson Dorm and Joe and Cheryl Young in Ziemer Dorm. Jan Hogan continues to serve as our school nurse in the clinic, servicing the medical needs of our Dalat community.
Spring 2008
At Dalat Food Service, it is our goal to provide healthy, affordable, and delicious food for school lunch.
Residence Life
Fall 2007
10 0
Dorm Students
Department Reports Athletics
2011–12 MSSPP Results Teams U18 Boys Soccer: Zone Champions U18 Girls Soccer: CUTTS Cup Champions U18 Boys Basketball: State Champions U18 Girls Basketball: State Champions U15 Girls Basketball: State Champions U18 Girls Softball: Island Champions U18 Boys Softball: Island Champions, State Runner Up Individuals U12 Girls Swimming: State and National Champion U18 Boys Heptathlon: State Champion U12 Girls 200m: State Champion U15 Girls 800m: State Champion U18 Girls High Jump: State Champion U15 Girls Cross Country: State Champion U12 Girls Cross Country: State Champion
Out of our track & field team of 19, 15 won spots on the zone State team. These athletes are: Charlotte Scherf Gold Discus Charlotte Combrink Gold 800m, 1500m High Jump Lorenz Scherf Gold 800m Ben Weidemann Gold Triple Jump Lucia Combrink Gold High Jump Danielle Combrink Gold 200m Sam Huang Gold 200m Danae Frentz Gold 200m Ben Unruh Gold Discus Tayah Lee Silver Shot Put Ben Unruh Silver Shot Put Yan Rong Tan Silver High Jump Cathy Lee Silver 100m Sam Huang Silver 100m Evelyne Kiiza Silver Discus Danae Frentz Silver Javelin Mary Claire McIntyre Silver 1500m Charlotte Scherf Bronze Shot Put With our total of 11 gold, 8 silver, and 1 bronze medal, Dalat placed first overall out of the 11 teams in our zone.
Department Reports Care & Share
During MEW, Care & Share partnered with ES students to raise money for Praise Emmanuel Children’s Home in Ipoh which needed RM5,000 for an extension of their home for a study room. Care & Share and Dalat ES provided over RM1,700. After a clothing drive from the Boys Varsity Basketball Team, we were able to distribute the clothes along with some financial support to three large groups/homes and even sent items as far as Vietnam to an orphanage! A major highlight are our visits to the old folks home in Penang. The Care & Share team planned and organized (with the help of some PTO moms) a dumpling making/distributing event. The students were so excited and energetic about making these dumplings! The following week we delivered them and helped to feed the old folks. Pastor Lucas runs a home for people in need, consisting mostly of children but also of seniors and families in distress. Many in the Dalat community have been gracious in assisting them. Elementary SEW raised RM900 for an industrial grass cutter so they can get contracts and earn income for the home. What I love is that Pastor Lucas teaches residents self-reliance and gives them a hand up, not a hand out. He is a great mentor to them, with an eternal perspective, raising Kingdom workers.
We visit the Shan Home every Monday night to read or play with the 22 children living there and have done this for the past two and a half years. At the end of our school year in June we put on a beach party at Dalat for them — it was a great way to end the year.
Parent Teacher Organization
One reason Dalat stands out as a communitybased school is that Dalat staff and families share a common passion in caring deeply for the development and growth of the school and its students. Many PTO events and activities are sponsored by our generous community, and all proceeds generated go towards the PTO fund which in turn, goes back to benefit the school, students, staff, and even Dalat families in a variety of ways. Key activities from the last year: Feb 14, 2012 – Valentine’s Day Fundraising (raised RM560) March 23, 2012 - International Food and Fun Fair (raised RM12,000) April 2012 - Jumpa Lagi T-shirts sales (raised RM1,880) Early May 2012 - Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
Department Reports (RM50 Chili’s vouchers to all teachers/Tesco vouchers to all national staff and three rotary paper cutters) May 19, 2012 - Garage Sale May 2012 - Fine Arts Festival assistance Sept 15, 2012 - Parents & Teacher BBQ Oct 18, 2012 – Annual Fund Concert greeters/bakers/ auction assistant Nov 2012 – Gift of “Clarence the Couch” in Student Center Nov 16, 2012 - International Food Fair
Athletics Booster Club
The Dalat Athletic Booster Club (DABC) was approved and organized in September 2012. The DABC is a growing group of parents brought together to help support and elevate our sport programs at Dalat. We organize and manage most volunteer activities, from fundraising events to sports events hosted by Dalat. DABC is registered with the North America Booster Club Association, and all parents, extended family, and Dalat Alumni are eligible for membership. DABC is passionate about raising the level of competition for our sports teams and providing a structure that opens the door for offseason training. We are reaching into Southeast Asia and
discovering stronger competition for our players with other like-minded schools. Our studentathletes will experience unforgettable events and memories. Current Successes: Sept.–Dec. 2012 • Raised a total of RM60,000 • Girls Varsity Volleyball team travels to Dan Landry Annual Volleyball Tournament at Faith Academy in Manila, Philippines, bringing home a Silver Medal • Hosted 4v4 Volleyball Tournament at Dalat • Hosted Spike & Strike Volleyball & Soccer Tournament at Dalat • Girls Varsity Volleyball hosted a Volleyball Camp for younger kids • Purchased 50 percent of Swim Team’s Uniforms • Donated Basketball Hoops, Equipment, and Spirit-Wear Goals 2013 • Facilities Upgrades • Resurfacing Tennis Court • New Gym Floor and Roof • New Bleachers in the Gym