3/7/22, 10:26 AM
How to Find Volunteer Opportunities in the DC Area | Dale Sutherland | Philanthropy
How to Find Volunteer Opportunities in the DC Area by dalesutherland | Feb 22, 2022 | Uncategorized
Serving others is a critical part of finding joy in this life. God made the whole world system to make people depend on each other. It’s not just in a family but throughout our culture. The poor need the rich. The rich need the poor. Neither can function without the other. The child needs the parent and the parent definitely needs the child. Sometimes in our busy culture, we don’t end up having time to truly care for the poor or serve others in any way. We are too busy serving our employers and our family to even think of volunteering. Inwardly, we feel a lack of fulfillment if we live our lives without serving others. When we finally get an opening in the schedule and feel the desire to volunteer, we often can’t find a place to serve. So when you get a few hours free in your schedule here are a few options right here in the DC area: https://dalesutherland.net/how-to-find-volunteer-opportunities-in-the-dc-area/
3/7/22, 10:26 AM
How to Find Volunteer Opportunities in the DC Area | Dale Sutherland | Philanthropy
DC Dream Center – is a great organization started by National Community Church. They do a great job of helping in the city and host many events and programs that welcome volunteers. Central Union Mission – I started helping here when I was 16 years old and my church would go there once a month. They have multiple locations and programs where you can volunteer. The House DC – is a wonderful ministry started by two former NFL Players, providing a safe space for youth and bringing hope through Jesus Christ. All three of these organizations do a great job of serving those in need and would welcome your participation in multiple ways. Willliam Booth started the Salvation Army. He said the following about reaching out to those in need: “I must go, not only to those who need me but to those who need me most.” May those words motivate you to serve God by serving others. Find some time and go out and serve others!
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3/7/22, 10:26 AM
How to Find Volunteer Opportunities in the DC Area | Dale Sutherland | Philanthropy
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