Skill Based Volunteering | Dale Sutherland

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There are many great opportunities for anyone to serve as a volunteer.

However, if someone wants to use their skills to volunteer, it can be much more challenging. This causes us to consider something we call “skill-based volunteering.”

Opportunities to work with children, feed the homeless, build houses, and do manual labor all seem to be easy ways to volunteer.

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When we have paired up strong business leaders with strong nonprofit leaders, we have seen great results. This is one of the ways that volunteering can be much more fun and effective and it’s the reason we all volunteer anyway. I believe we would get a lot more participation if we believed we could actually use our skills to serve the ministry or nonprofit that we are talking to.

So, I encourage you to volunteer but also look for specific ways you can use your skills.

Take the time to talk to the nonprofit and let them know some of the skills you can offer. Ask questions to find out what they think are the ways you can best be of service to them. Often, you will find a gap or a need that is obvious but no one has ever offered to help them with it.

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