The Importance of Community Involvement

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3/7/22, 10:26 AM

The Importance of Community Involvement | Dale Sutherland | Community Involvement



The Importance of Community Involvement by dalesutherland | Feb 22, 2022 | Community Involvement, Dale Sutherland

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (I Corinthians 15:58) It is difficult to determine what is most important in life. We have so many responsibilities with work, school, family, and church. However, the basic idea of “community involvement” is the idea of serving someone for their benefit. That is as important as anything we can do with our time. Of course, when you work to serve others you don’t always get a paycheck and you don’t expect one. Sometimes the people you help aren’t even grateful! So how do we keep going when it doesn’t feel important and no one seems to care if we serve them or not? The answer is found in the verse above.


3/7/22, 10:26 AM

The Importance of Community Involvement | Dale Sutherland | Community Involvement

When you do work, you never know if you will be successful. It is one of the frustrating things about the work world. We never know if our bosses will appreciate our efforts. For others, it is academic efforts. They work at school and attempt to accomplish some great achievements only to find out the professor didn’t like the final product. However, when we serve the poor or work to benefit others we have a different kind of boss. Our ultimate “client” isn’t the people we serve with or the individual we help. The One we are pleasing is God, Himself. He wants His people involved in caring for others and promises to make sure they don’t labor in vain. Your work for the community will always be important because it is seen and rewarded by God. The Lord Jesus is a great Master and He appreciates when we sacrifice anything for the blessing of other people.


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3/7/22, 10:26 AM

The Importance of Community Involvement | Dale Sutherland | Community Involvement

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