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Fish Whisperer

Fish Whisperer by Beth Underwood





Some say if you like what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. By that measure, Dave Clark hasn’t worked a day in years.

Dale Hollow Dave, as he’s known around the lake, has loved to fi sh as long as he can remember. It makes sense that at some point he’d end up at Dale Hollow Lake, where rainbow trout fi rst caught his attention in the late 80s.

From that point on, he was hooked on Dale Hollow Lake.

In 1992, he put his fi rst houseboat on the lake. Eight years ago, he sold the landscaping business he owned and established himself as a full-time fi shing guide, never looking back.

These days, he’s on the water about 300 days a year, where he shares his love and expertise with folks who live just down the road and across the country. While some may think hiring a fi shing guide is only for the less experienced fi sherman, Dale Hollow Dave begs to differ. His clientele run the gamut, from novice to pro.

“I get everybody—from tournament fi shermen to families to people who like to fi sh but don’t want to go out on their own—a little of everything,” Dave said. “I also get a lot of businessmen who bring clients down for a day on the lake.”

Fishing trips with Dale Hollow Dave come aboard his 24-foot Sea Ark, “Big Easy”.

“It’s a nice comfortable boat with plenty of room,” he said.

He isn’t partial to the kinds of fi sh he’s catching—smallmouth bass, muskies, trout, for example—but walleye are his favorite to catch. And if you want to go during the day, he’s your man.

“Dale Hollow Lake has some of the biggest walleyes on the planet,” Dave said. “And I’m the only guide who’ll take you out during the daytime to catch them.” For those who’ve hired Dale Hollow Dave to guide them, it’s an experience like no other. Just ask Bill Dailey. Bill and his son Will recently spent the day on the lake with Dave.

“Dave told us some great stories—and you know they were true!” Bill said “All the while, he was explaining the fi shing technique, what baits we were using, water temperatures, moon phases—he covered it all, while producing nice fi sh.”

The outing with his son Will culminated in Will’s fi rst walleye, a few largemouth bass, and the biggest smallmouth bass Bill had ever seen.

“I’ve fi shed all my life, and even done a few charters in my time,” said Bill, who lives just outside of Indianapolis. “Fishing with Dave was truly a unique experience.”

Although there are certain times of the year that Dave will cast for fi sh, most of his trips are all about trolling. The differ-

Photo by Plas Darren Oliver I www.plasdarrenoliver.com

“We can go catching or we can go fi shing,” he said, “and you do more catching than fi shing when you troll.”

And speaking of catching, Dale Hollow Dave has amassed an impressive track record.

An average outing nets 20 to 25 fi sh, sometimes 50, some times fi ve, but there’s always success.

“I haven’t been skunked in 20 years.”

While Dale Hollow Dave makes catching look easy, he doesn’t recommend going it alone. If you want to catch fi sh, he said, the best course of action is to hire a fi shing guide—especially for those who aren’t familiar with the lake.

“Dale Hollow Lake is known as the single most humbling body of water,” he said. “The lake is so deep and clear, and the fi sh follow different patterns here.”

When you’re ready to plan your trip, though, don’t delay. In addition to all of his new clients, 65 percent of Dave’s bookings are repeat business.

“I hate turning people down.” Dave said. “But you better start planning for next year.”

Even when there is a break in the schedule, it will typically fi ll up in about fi ve minutes. And if you’re trying to keep up with him, you’ll need to head on over to his Facebook page, where he posts videos and photos daily. That’s also where you can fi nd out about any openings on More than that, though, visitors to his page can develop a true appreciation for the expertise and enthusiasm he brings to his vocation as photo after photo tell the tale of happy people holding huge fi sh and grinning from ear to ear.

Ultimately it’s about more than fi shing, though. Being a part of the special moments in his clients’ lives elevates life as a fi shing guide to a new level.

From 18th birthday celebrations or adult sons who come fi shing with their dads to Texans who’ve come to view the solar “People say, ’you get to fi sh all day,’ and that’s great—I love it” Dave said. “But at the end of the day, it’s the people I get to meet and being a part of their day. That’s what means the most.”

For photos, stories and opportunities to book a charter, catch Dale Hollow Dave on his Facebook page: facebook.com/dalehollowfi shingcharters/

His website is trolldhl.com Contact Dave at 615-477-7888 or email dalehollowdave@yahoo.com

“But at the end of the day, it’s the people I get to meet and being a part of their day. That’s what means the most.”


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History The of Dale Hollow Lake

by Darren Shell and Sheryl Shell

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