3 minute read
Cecena’s Jewelry has a rich history in the Metro East opening on Dec. 1, 1975 in Cahokia just down the road from Parks College. “My folks opened the store where I literally grew up,” Tony Cecena said.
Moving in the late ‘80s to West Belleville proved successful, but their location change to Green Mount Crossing in Shiloh has been “epic,” Cecena said, laughing. “Just to give you an idea: of all the Dierbergs' locations, this property is one of their most successful.”
Starting off at the ripe old age of 16, Cecena began a long-time career by learning how to repair clocks and watches. “By 18, I was taking it seriously,” he said.
Cecena's is now known throughout the area not only as a full-service shop but also as quite the creative custom jeweler. He tells customers “the sky’s the limit. I know that sounds corny, but it’s true. Often a customer walks in with a loose stone of some kind and just says, ‘make me something pretty – I trust ya!’”
Son Ryan, the third generation, is involved in the business, which really “happened by accident,” Cecena said. “He worked here part-time for gas money while he was in school, but it just fell in place. And now he’s such an important part of the company’s success as far as repairs – he carries a lot of responsibility.”
Obviously enjoying each other’s company, the family works together every day alongside staff member and friend Pamela Herbeck. “We actually do all get along. I think by turning off the family buttons while we’re at work helps a lot,” Cecena said. “A lot of people can’t grasp that concept, but it works for us and when we walk out the door it’s back to family.” Cecena’s offers all different kinds of jewelry from fine to custom to “fun stuff.” Carrying all the standards in earrings and pendants, they have contemporary designs plus the mainstream. While sterling silver is always a best seller, yellow gold is making a strong comeback especially with younger people. Even wedding rings are going back to yellow gold - good news for baby boomers whose rings are now back in style!
“For sure, our forte is definitely bridal,” Cecena said. “Working with these young couples is very exciting for us – it’s really fun to be a part of this big move they are about to make.”
The pandemic has caused changes, but only for the better. "COVID has changed the way people think when it comes to local businesses," Cecena said. "We survived just fine because people are shopping local more than ever. The store had a great holiday season.
“Our work here is so gratifying – it really is. It’s nice to make a difference to someone by repairing something special or an heirloom. Now that we have been in business for so long, we've seen kids grow up, get married and then their kids grow up and get married,” Cecena said. “I can’t imagine ever doing anything else.”

Visit Cecena's Jewelry at 3930 Green Mount Crossing Drive next to Dierbergs in Shiloh; (618) 632-7330; www.cecenasjewelry.com.


K120 love in Silver & CZ ring

K120 $89 (reg. $135) necklace
K121 $99 (reg. $150)
Valentine’s Day
MONDay, FEbRUaRy 14, 2022
Pendant Is engraved “You’ve Captured My Heart” Silver with rose Gold overlay & Diamonds Pendant
m126 $149 (reg. $210) Silver engraved “You’ve Captured My Heart”
m124 $119 (reg. $150)
Sweeties Diamond earrings
m42 $359 (reg. $540) m40 $369 (reg. $555) m42 m40 m133
message in a Bottle Pendant Silver & CZ
m133 $169 (reg. $225)
Your Hometown Jeweler
NEW HOURS! Monday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Tuesdays and Thursday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday and Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.