Dale%20news%20 %20july%202015

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Sports Day was a lot of fun and a great success. Thank you to all who attended.


JULY 2015

Term Dates for 15/16

Well, another year is over. This time is always tinged with sadness as we say goodbye to children, parents and 
 staff members.

Break up for Summer
 Thursday 23 July 2015 Back to School!
 Wednesday 09 September Break up for Half Term
 Friday 23 October
 Back to School

Monday 02 November

We wish everyone the very best as they move onto new challenges and take their first steps on a new road away from Dale.

Break up for Christmas
 Friday 18 December

Back to School 
 Monday 04 January 2016

Enjoy the holiday.

See you in September.

Mrs Linda Sullivan - Head Teacher

Term dates are continued on the next page.

Foundation Stage News

Wow! We can’t believe a year has gone by so fast. The children have come so far and grown up so much. We are very proud of them all. We have had a wonderful last term. The children have thoroughly enjoyed being pirates, yo ho! We made maps, hats, eye patches and all kinds of creative ideas. We had a great trip to the park and set our butterflies free, the children loved that. Thank you for coming to Sports Day, we had a great time! We wish all our children a fantastic summer holiday and wish them all our luck for Year 1!

to all the children who went on the trip. Their behaviour was outstanding and we received many compliments from our fellow travellers. What a great end to a 
 lovely year.

Term Dates continued…

Year Two News

Back to School Tuesday 23 February

Have you heard of the plague and how it affected Derbyshire? The children in Year 2 have become experts. This half term, the children were fascinated by a story based on how the plague impacted on the life of a young boy in London. We then went on to learn about Eyam and how the Year One News
 plague tragically spread in the small village hundreds of This year seems to have years ago. The children flown by! Year 1 have had a have all worked very hard on very busy half term; we a play together and made learned all about the seaside us feel very proud of them. and followed it up with visits We have had a wonderful to Skegness. We travelled by year with the children and train which was really we will miss them very much. exciting! We saw so much Thank you to all the parents from the train windows; rivers, for all your support this year.
 fields, windmills, farms and 
 animals. Some of us even 
 spotted a rare Red Kite flying 
 alongside. In Skegness, we 
 were very lucky with the 
 weather and spent hours playing in the sea and building magnificent sand castles. For many of the children, it was the first time Here’s Mohammed that they had seen the sea Ali and Jalal Halimy on and the experience was the way to Skegness. fantastic. The Year 1 staff would like to say thank you

Break up for Half Term
 Friday 12 February 2016
 Monday 22 February

Break up for Easter
 Thursday 24 March
 Back to School Monday 11 April

Bank Holiday Monday 02 May

Break up for Half Term
 Friday 27 May
 Back to School Monday 06 June

Children’s Last Day 
 Friday 22 July INSET Day Monday 25 July INSET Day 
 Tuesday 26 July

All term dates are also on our website at:

Leavers and New Starters 
 Other leavers from School this term are: Nazia Anwar, Ben Johnson, Zain Raja, Nabilah Shah and Jo Swinburn.

We are joined in Year 6 by Amy Bruce.

Year Three News

learning skills to write amazing adventure Well… and another busy stories. In topic we’ve learned about inventors half term draws to a and the company close. We have been Bombardier and why busy learning about the Derby is an important Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages and the changes in centre for the Railway. We have been painting the way people lived. minibeasts and Our highlight has been designing and making a remembering our trip to Bronze Age settlement – Beaumanor when we did pond dipping. Like please ask us about everyone else, we have wattle and daub, reed roofs and no chimneys to started Singapore Maths – we are really enjoying it. let out the smoke. We learned about the origins Many of us have represented the school at of the tongue twister, ‘She Sells Sea Shells’ and tennis, cricket and athletics and we all some of us have been enjoyed learning to play learning new ones.
 the violin. We are looking Sports Day was a great forward to our summer success, a huge big break and hoping the thank you to all the weather stays fine! parents and carers who come to support us and 
 cheer us across the

Sports News

finishing line. We had a fabulous time and really tried our best. 
 All the adults in Year 3 would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you for all your support this year. We have all enjoyed it and look forward to seeing all the children refreshed and ready for future successes in Year 4.

Year Five News

Inclusion Officers

Year 5 cannot believe this year is nearly over! However, I think our Year 5s are ready to be Year 6s- the oldest children in school. This half term we have enjoyed an excellent and sunny Sports Day. Thanks to all the parents that joined us. Also, we had a fascinating trip to the Space Centre to complete our learning about the Solar System.

What a fantastic year. My favourite moments have been the playground friends and their contribution to changes in the playground and both the Whitby and Skegness trips which I was lucky enough to have been invited on. We are still working on giving way to people on pavements, but in general members of the public often comment on our behaviour on coaches and trains etc. Well done. If you can manage a trip to the Seaside during the holidays… do it! Our door in the Community Room is always open if you need us. Mrs Hazell

Year Four News
 What a busy half term! We’ve been using all our

We have had another sport filled year! We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents who came and supported us at events and at Sports Days.
 •Cricket – Boys Team are County Champions (no National Finals this year) •Netball – joint winners in 
 School League •Tri-Golf – Year 5/6 are 
 City Champions! •Year 1 and 2 Football v Pear Tree - Team ‘A’ won 6-5, Team ‘B’ won 3-0 •Year 1 and 2 Football Tournament at St Joseph’s – Team ‘A’ won, Team ‘B’ 
 runners up •Year 4 and Year 5 represented Dale in the Derbyshire School Games in Tennis and Tri-Golf. •Year 5 and 6 won a Tennis tournament at Derbyshire 
 Tennis Centre

Another school year comes to an end, and as we look forward to a new one, we enter a new OR’S N R E era. From September, Dale GOVSPOT Community Primary School will be in a Federation with Stonehill Nursery School. This means that the schools are run under one Leadership and one Governing Body. We have worked closely with Stonehill for many years, and so this will be a good step forward in working even more closely. We will be able to work alongside children and their families from nursery age, and bring them on through into Dale more easily, as they will get used to a common way of doing things, and overlap with members of staff. We think this will be a good step forward for Dale and Stonehill, and will help our children. Thanks to all for their hard this year, including a number of members of staff who are moving on, some retiring after many years’ service; Mrs Mason, Mr McMahon, Mr Pettitt and Mrs Windscheffel. Special thanks for those who are returning. See you in September. Mr Anthony Adams - Chair of Governors

This half term has been packed with exciting s w e projects; we have made r6N a e Y Victorian fairground rides and have designed our own lunar theme parks. As well as this, many of us took part in a singing performance that we all thoroughly enjoyed. We are looking forward to expressing how wonderful out time at Dale Primary School has been, by creating a Leavers’ Assembly. This year, our teachers have been A-MAZ-ING!! They have encouraged our talents and skills, and are always ready for a laugh and a joke. Overall we will really miss Dale and all the fun it holds. However, we look forward to our new 
 secondary schools.
 Written by: Ali, Eve and Gurvir

School Information Please be aware that only FS and Year 1 parents can bring children inside the school building. Parents of all other year groups must leave their children on the playground. If you need to speak to a member of staff and do not see them on the playground please call at the School Office to make an appointment.
 Please look at the school website: http://dale.derby.sch.uk for more information and pictures of school life.
 Lost Property is kept outside Mrs Sullivan and Mrs Foster’s office.
 Please do not ride bikes in the playground at busy times – before and after school.

Parents are responsible for their children once the teacher has handed them over. Please leave the site ASAP.
 How to contact us: Telephone 01332 760070 Email admin@dale.derby.sch.uk Address Dale Community Primary School Porter Road, Derby. DE23 6NL Head Teacher Mrs L. Sullivan

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