21st Annual Exhibition of Dallas Painting, Sculpture, Photography [Dallas Museum of Art]

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"The H uman Cycle" (Sculpture) by OCT AVlO AfEDE LLlN A warded AIr. and M rs. Leslie U7aggener Prize

Jury of Selection and Awards E D W AR D M. SCHIWETZ Well known southwestern painter from the firm of Wilkinson, Schiwetz and Tipps, Advertising Agency, Houston, Tex as. CHARLES UMLAUF N ation ally known sculptor and member of the Faculty of the Art Department, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. JERRY HARWELL Texas art critic , painter, and graduate art historian from Fort Worth, Tex as.

Purchase Recommendations To be ac t e d on if d esired by the A cquisitions Committee of the Bo ard of Trustees of the D alla s Art As sociation.

MR. AND MRS. TOM GOOCH PU RCHASE FUND . Recommended: Otis Dozier "Cock and Fruit ( N o. 2)" ( Oil) Alternate: Clara Williamson "Building the Railroad" ( Oil)


TED DEALEY PU RCHASE FUND . . . . . . . . . $250 Recommended : DeForrest Judd . . . "Blue Boat, Iceland " ( Oil) Alternate: Dan W ingren . . . "W atery Landscape with People" ( Oil ) ARTHUR L. KRAME R MEMORIAL PURCHASE FUND $250 Recommended: Clara Williamson "Radio City Christmas Tree " ( Oil) Alternate: Russell Vernon H unter "T rading Post Window Dallas" ( Encaustic)

Awards MR. AND MRS. E. DEGOLYER . . . . Otis Dozier .. . "Cock and Fruit ( N o 2 ) " ( Oil)


NE IMAN-MARCUS COMPANY . . . DeForrest Judd . .. "Blue Boat, Iceland " ( Oil)


MR. AND MRS. LESLIE WAGGENER . . . . Ocravio Medellin ... "Human Cycle" ( Sculpture) ANONYMOUS . Clara Williamson .. . "Buildin g the Railroad" ( Oil)

100 100

MR. AND MRS. RAIBER TO COlvUNI . Barney Delabano .. . "Shadowed Light " ( Oil ) A. HARRI S AND COMPANY. . . . Fred Darge . . . "T he Rernuda" ( Oil ) MR. AND MRS. ALEX F. WE ISBERG . Ann e Truitt . . . "Head" ( Sculpture) VOLK BROTHERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard D. Riblet . . . "Filip ino Wedding Dance" ( Oil) TITCHE -GOETTINGER AND COMPANY. Ed Bearden . . . "Cold Siding " ( W atercolor ) LILLIAN E. RUSH ARTISTS ' MATE RIALS Maurine Cantey . . . "The Sisters" ( Oil ) THE RUSH COMPANY . . . . Richard Fox . . . "Plants" ( Oil) McMURRA Y'S BOOK SHOP . . Frieda Kay Fall . . . "Manhattan" ( Oil) COKESBURY BOOK STOR E . . B. Brunkow . .. "Eternal Rock" ( Oil) ART HUR A. EVERTS COMPANY . . Harry Lee Gibson .. . "Cloudburst" ( Watercolor )

50 $ 50 $ 25

25 25 $25 in Supplies 25 in Supplies 15 in Books 10 in Books . ..

$ 10

Junior Section FRED LEVY . Edmond Bisland "Symbolic Figure" ( Sculpture ) LILLIAN E. RUSH ARTISTS' MATE RIALS . . Wiliam McGee . .. "Bowl of Fruit " (Tempera) PRACTICAL DRAWING COMPANY . . . . Joe Glenn Bray . . . "House Top" ( W atercolor) THE RUSH COMPANY . H arriett Vatsures .. . "Play Practice" (Tempera ) Mc MURRA Y'S BOOK SHOP Leonard Rayson . .. "Hope" ( Oil ) COKESBURY BOOK STORE . . Wanda Brown . . . "Two Figures" ( Sculpture)

15 $25 in Supplies 10 10 in Supplies 10 in Books 5 in Books

Photography Section VILLAGE CAMERA SHOP Margaret Bundren . . . "N octurne" MARLOW'S . . . . . . . . U. Stephen Johnson . . . "Evening Showers" DALLAS CAMERA CLUB . . . . . . . Jean Rodgers Oliver . . "A String of Pearls" D ALLAS MUSEUM OF FIN E ARTS . Margaret Bundren . . . "Alice"

$25 in Supp lies 25 in Supplies 20 .. 20

Catalogue: Oils CLYDE ABBOTT 1. Houses Rise and Fall, Crumble, are Extended PEARL M. ALLDREDGE 2. Shades of Venus S. T. BAER 3. When Da y Begins GUS BAKER 4. Study of a Head 5. Still Life with Blue Fish MAZYE BECKER 6. St. Francis of Assisi ROBERT BENTON 7. Rooming House in Austin

MAURINE CANTEY 17. The Sisters 18. Carrousel 19. Birds and Fruit EDWIN J. CARPENTER 20. The Ole' Swirnrnin' Hole SCOTT CARPENTER 21. Seated Monkey 22. Composite View of Park F. MICHAEL CHENEY 23. Portrait of Bill ERW IN JOHNS CLARK 24. Eischen REX CLAW SON 25. Levi Boy JACK CLEMENT 26. Trinity Overflow


CHARLES T. BOWLING 9. \Xi'et Road FID ELIA BRANNIN 10. Great Expectations FRANK S. BROWN 11. Portrait of Bud B. BRUNKOW 12. Eternal Rock WILL BRYANT 13. Cabin 14. Lawther Mill 15. Mary W.

J. BYRD 16. A Mountain W aterf all

JOSEPHINE CRAMER 27. Young Girl JEAN CULLUM 28. Excursion Boat FRANCES GYMER CURTIS 29. Old Cabbie ADA MAE CUTLER 30. Fruit ETHEL S. DANE 31. Evening FRED DARGE 32. The Pack Tr ain 33. Th e Remud a BARNEY DELABANO 34. Shadowed Light

ALICE H. DE WEES E 35. Tourist in Paris


OT IS DOZIER 36. Live Bait 37. Cock and Fruit ( N o.2 )

M. G.GLOVER 43. My Mother 44. Lodge in Colorado

JO HN B. ELLIS 38. Phantasy in the Desert

CLINTON HAMILTON 45. Baptiste 46. Little Girl

FRIEDA KAY FAll 39. Manhattan

DELBERT HERRON 47. Making Varnish - Ni ght

RICHARD FOX 40. Plants

RUSSELL VERNON HUNTER 48. Tradin g Post Window - Dallas

VIRG IN IA GANDY 4 1. Sprin g Trees

JA MES JACKSON 49. Bouquet

"Building tb e Railroad" (Oil) by CLA RA W ILLIA MS ON A warded Anonymous Prize

DODY JAM ES 50. One and Two and Point Your Toes and . .. TOB E JONES 51. Mother DEFORREST H. JUDD 52. Bald Mount ain 53. Blue Boat, Iceland 54. Evenin g, Manitou Park MAR Y M. KUCERA 55. Green Pastures and Still W aters OBERA M. LANGFORD 56. The Castilian BENNIE F. LEWIS 57. Louisiana Syrup Mill Z. OLLIE MATHEWS 58. Texas Sprin g RENE MAZZA 59. Gypsy Eyes ROBERT MELTZER 60. H og Hunt - Florid a MARTIS MICHA ELSON 6 1. Miss Brown - Geography

c. J. MILAM 62. The Mission

RICHARD T. PYLE 67. She Had a Vision Saturday Ni ght PAUL H . RAMSEY, JR. 68. Approaching Storm - Taos RICHARD DAVIES RIBLET 69. Filip ino Wed ding Dance 70. Casita ( Little House ) JOHN ROSENFIELD, III 71. Tavern ( duco) PAUL SCARBOROUGH 72. Sunday Afternoon at White Rock H ENRY H. SCHOENFELDT 73. Ranch H and JERRY SCHOFIELD 74. Light Bottle Lights MAURI CE SELVIN 75. Street Scene MeDONALD SMITH 76. Still Life ROSALIE SPEED 77. The Pioneer RUSSELL W . SPRAGUE 78. The Goops Ball

MRS. CHARLES A. MOHRLE 63. From My Cabin Window

MAR Y TAYLOR 79. The Old House


REZOLIA C. THRASH 80. Big T hompson Canal - Colorado

ANNE ESTELLE OR R 65. Alabama Coast

OLIN TRAVIS 81. N egro W oman



(Left) "Bltte Boat, Iceland" (Oil) by D eFORR EST JUDD Awarded N eiman-Marcu s Company Prize ( Right) "Cock and Fm it (N o. 2)" (Oil) by OTIS DOZIER A warded M r. and M rs. E. D eG olyer Prize

DONALD S. VOG EL 83. Madonna of the Shadows CLARA McD. W ILLIAMSON 84. Buildin g the Railroad (Texas Central, 1879 ) 85. Radio City Christmas Tr ee DAN WINGR EN 86. Chemical W aste 87. W ater y Landscape with People GRACE WYCH E 88. W hite Birch Tree

Watercolors and Pastels MERLE BASSETT 89. Charlotte ( tempera ) 90. Seated Girl ( tempera) ED BEARD EN 91. Cold Siding 92. Deserted ( pastel ) FRANK S. BROWN 9 3. Roof Tops ( tempera) 94. Back Alley ( tempera)

DOROTHY BROW NI N G 95. D iane ( pastel) B. BRUNKOW 96. Creation of the W orld KEl N ETH BYLER 97. Compos ition in Red, Yellow, and Blue ( casein) J ERRY BYWATERS 98. Old H ouse MRS. QUENTEN D. CORLEY, JR. 99. N o tide ( watercolor, gouache, and pastel ) MARIE 1. DI CKIN SON 100. Thirty Miles from Dallas IN EZ STAUB ELDER 101. W heat ( pastel) LOIS POTTHOFF ELDER 102. Backstreet - T ijuana DANIEL B. EN GLAN D 103. Marsalis Park (crayon)

H ARR Y LEE GIBSON 104. Cloudburst

ELIZABETH RUCKER 120. Texas Gulf Coast ( pastel)


GEORGE M. SCH W ARK 121. Sketch II

JANE GRIMES 106. Pin k Birdcage ( tempera)


D. HAM ILTON 107. Still Life ( pastel)

MARY H. SLACK 123. Reflection ( tempera)

W ALTER R. H EN N 108. Sunny Day

ARTI N E SMITH 124. H illside - Mineral Wells

D ELL ISAAC 109. Mountain Fog, Taxco

PAULIN E STOK ES 125. Hi ghway (Gouache )

GOU RI IVAN OV-RlNOV 110. Negro Town ( tempera)

RUTH TATUM 126. Autumn Bouquet

SYLVIA MOORE Ill. Green Gable


DOROT HY H. MOUNT 112. Stephen


PAT MUELLER 113. Three in a Row JIMMY MYERS 114. Gate to the Past MAR GAR ET]. NE AL 115. Charlotte (gouache) EVELYN PETERSON 116. Th e Clown ( pastel ) ROBERT PIERCE 117. House at Tom Bean MONROE REISMAN 118. Th e Sun Is W arm - Lids W ill Droop 119. So - Listen

Sculpture SCOTT CARPEN TER Dancer RAOUL JO SSET 129. Shot Putter 130. D iscus Thrower STAN LEY LEGOV 131. Moses Meditating BERNI CE W EST 132. W ar's Aftermath PAUL H. RAMSEY, JR . 133. The Snobs

OCT AVIO MEDELLIN 134. Human Cycle 135. Primitive Woman 136. Father and Son HENRY H. SCHOENFELDT 137. Young Girl AN NE TRU ITT 138. Mask 139. Head

GEORGE BUSHFIELD 147. Tractor ( watercolor) CH RISTENE CAMERON 148. Peaceful Lake ( watercolor) PATTY LOU COWELL 149. Broken Bowl ( tempera ) CLARA JO DO BBS 150. Mountain Side ( tempera) GRETA ESPIN OSA 151. T he Good Earth (watercolor )

Junior Section PAINTINGS

BENI T A ABLIN 140. Roof Tops (watercolor) ARANELL BENNETT 141. The H ouse ( watercolor) MARILYN BLATT 142. Irises (watercolor ) JEAN BAUMAN 143. Fishing Boat ( watercolor) 144. Buildings and Boxcars ( watercolor ) JO E GLENN BRAY 145. House Top ( watercolor) SHE RI BREWER 146. Twili ght in the Summer ( watercolor )

BOB GALLOP 152. The Bridge ( watercolor) RUTH HI CKMAN 153. Figure ( watercolor) 154. See? ( oil) BOBBY IMH OOF 155. D ucks on the Pond ( tempera) LUCY LISOTT A 156. T he Tower (tempera ) JOHN LUNSFORD 157. The Open Gate (watercolor ) W ILLIAM McGEE 158. Custard Last Stand ( watercolor ) 159. Bowl of Fru it ( tempera ) LEONA RD RAYSON 160. H ope ( oil)

liT he R em uda" ( Oil) by FRED DARGE Awarded A . Harris and Com pany Prize

"Sbadouied Light " (Oil) by BARNEY DELABANO A warded Raiberto Comini Prize JOSEPH BERT RODRI GUEZ 161. Disagreement ( watercolor ) JERRY ROMOTSKY 162. Down the Tr acks ( watercolor) 163. N ice Day W asn't It ? ( watercolor ) ETHEL SILVERG OLD 164. Irises ( watercolor) JOE SMALL 165. Drifting ( pastel)


P. SMITH 166. The Lake ( tempera )

H ARRI ETT VATSURES 170. Dirty D ishes ( watercolor) 171. Play Practice ( tempera) COLEEN WAGNER 172. Still Life ( tempera) ROBERT W ELLBORN 173. After the Shower ( watercolor) 174. The Church ( watercolor) DORIS JO WI LSON 175. Art W astebasket ( watercolor) JUAN IT A W ILSON 176. Mardi Gras ( watercolor)

GWENDOLYN TERRY 167. Drowsy Lagoon ( watercolor )

MARTHA WI THEROW 177. Count ry Lane ( watercolor)

SHERMAN A. THOMPSON 168. Unfinished Dreams ( tempera)

ANITA W OFFORD 178. Water Du cks ( watercolor)

JOE TOMLINSON 169. W ater Lily ( watercolor)

FRIEDA W OOD 179. Sunrise on the Lake ( watercolor)


FRED CONGER 6. Delicate Lady 7. W ooden Th ~ngs

WAN DA BROWN 181. Two Figures ( terra

A. L. DEGROODT 8. Marry

Cot ta )

MARY ESCOBAR 182. Symbolic Figure ( wood) ROBERT HILL 183. Head of the H orse (limestone) DA VID Mc BRIDE 184. Horse ( clay) CLARA JANE MI LLER 185. Symbolic Figure ( terra corra) JEA NE TTE PRI TCH ETT 186. Mother and Child ( clay) PATSY REEB 187. Head ( terra corra) JOE RODRIGUEZ 188. Dancers ( terra

Cotta )

ONA SALMON 189. Dancers ( wood ) BOB TH OMAS 190. Bullfigh t ( clay)

Photography Section Jury of Photography PAUL LINWOOD GITTINGS , Houston, Tex as HENCE GRIFFITH, Dallas, Texas KURT W . BORRIS 1. Portrait of Mr. Perry N ichols 2. Betrayal MARGA RET BUNDREN 3. Alice 4. Evening Storm 5. Nocturne

NELSON GILBERT 9. N octurn e 10. Logs in W inter FRANCES G REGORY 11. Gin T ime in T exas LLOYD L. GREGORY 12. Pelicans 13. Sponge Boat 14. Lightho use J IMMY HY LES 15. Gay Plumage U. STEP HEN JOHNS ON 16. Village in Winter 17. Eveni ng Showers 18. Old Joe Hobo 19. Enchanted Pool - Whi te Rock

W ILLIAM LANGLEY 20. Th e W heel

"Nocturne" ( Photograph) by M A R G A R ET BUNDR EN Awarded Village Camera Shop Prize

EDWIN B. MILEY 2 1. Oh, No! Not Horse Meat .. . 22. The Best Years JEAN RODGERS OLIVER 23. A Strin g of Pearls 24. Dr agon Alley 25. Daffodils WALLACE RALSTON 26. The Indi vidualist 27. Storm in Paso Del Muerto W . F. REEVES 28. \'{finter Plum age 29. Angles Away 30. Ni ght Lights

HOLLAND J. SHIELDS 31. Sleep ing Sailors EDWARD J. SIMMONS 32. Dr iftwood Castle 33. Cold Front BILL J. STREHORN 34. Ni ght Study JERRY WHITE 35. N o Pictur es, Please BEN H . WILSON 36. At Rest

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