Mr s . Tom Gooch Purchase Pri ze of 8300.00 : t o be des ignat ed by the Acqui s i t i ons Committee of the Dal l as Ar t As s ociat ion ' s Board of Trustees Neiman-Marcus Company award of $100. 00 HER! BERT BARTSCHT - "Palm Sunday" (bronze) Summerfie1d'G. Robert s awar d of $100. 00 CLARA HcD . WI LLIAMSON - "Mother's Nar k Basket" (oil) Daily Times-Herald award of $100. 00 Lt. JAHES B. HmlARD - "Caddo Lake Guide" (oil) Mrs. Al ex Wei s ber g award of $100. 00, ANGELO CARAVAGLIA - "Fish Mar ket " (oil) Dallas Museum of Fine Ar t s award ~f $50. 00 JAKES A. LEDBETTER - "Victorian Set" (oil) Mr. and Mr s . Es t i l l Heyser , Jr ., award of 050. 00 NI K PUSPURICA - IlGot hic Af ter noon" (oil) Mr . and Mr s . Edward Harcus award of $50.00 WI LL!A}1 HEATON - "Jabalina en Huer ta" (copper, lead) Mr . Rober t Olmsted award of $50. 00 RHODA GRIFFIN - "June 'Teenth" (oil) Titche~oettinger Company award of $ 60. 00 , DeFORREST' H. JroD - " Evening , Tin- Cup Pass"{oil) Young Collections awar d of $25. 00 PSTER VATSURES - "Suns et" (gouach e) Young Collections awar d of $25. 00 'S. A. FLYN'L'I - ~ITranquil Taos" (oil) Kenny As e1 Ar t Mat er i al s award ~f ~ 25 . 00 in s upplies WALTER L. LENGEL - "Azt eca" (watercolor, casei n ) The Rush Company award of $25. 00 in supplies GLENN A. GALAHAY - "County Seat of rlise" (watercolor) Cokesbury Book Store award of $10 . 00 i n books RICHARD ' T. PYLE - " "Tall Hi ndow" (pencil) McMur r ay ' s Book Shop award of $15. 00 i n books ANGELO CARAVAGLIA - "Stallion" (conte crayon) J U N lO R
Dallas Ar t Education Club award 'of
-----------------------$25. 00 RUDY CLUI<E - "Saint Fr ancis" (clay)
y~ .
Fr ed Levy award of
~ 15 . 0 0
MANUEL lII'..ARTI NEZ - "For Sale" (watercolor) Practical Dr awi ng Company awar-d of $10 . 00 DAVI D DUFFY - "Rooster" (clay) Kenny Ase1 Ar t Hat er i a1s awar-d of $15. 00 in supplies JIH TOM GORDON - "Live Oak at Cant egral" (pastel ) The Rus h Company awar d of $15. 00 in suppli es VANOY TIDROll - "City Mar ket " (tempera) Cokesbury Book Store awar d of $10 . 00 in books NOLVI E RAY - "Linemen on the Job" (tempera) McMur ray ' s Book Shop awar d of $10. 00 in booxs FRANCES BRADFffiD - "Seat ed Fi gure" (clay) NOTE :
Ineligible for $100. 00 cash awards are t he following artists who have rec eived ~ 10 0 . 00 ca s h awards i n the 23r d or 24t h annual Dallas County exhi bi t i ons : J ohn Guerin , DeFor re s t J udd, Hal t er L. Lenge l , Charles HcGough and Peter Vat s ur es .
25th annual T HE
~al las
County Paint i ng, Sculpture and Dr awing Exhibi t i on - 1954
E X B I B I T IO N Se n i 0 r
A)l) nTG T or~
1. "Madonna of the Bananas "
Sec t ion
S. A. FLl'NN
GOLDA ANDREWS 2. " New Orleans Court Yard" (oil) 3. "New Orleans Hi dni ght " (oil) LEE ARONSOHN 4. "Railroad Yard" (watercolor)
35: "Tranquil Taos" (oil) 36. "Canyon Country" (oil) RICHAPJ) FOX 37. IIC a1adium" (oil) 38. "Yellow Boat " (oil) ROBE?.T FULTON" 39. "Hot Hous e" (ink)
5. "Dal l as Dowrrt own" (oil) 6. " Palm Sunday" (bronze) ED BEARJEN 7. "Beyond t he Brazos" (watercolor ) 8 . "Cotton Gi n" (oi l ) 9. "Father Ment er B. Ter r i ll" (penci l ) 10. "Rain and snoll'" (wat er-coLcr ) 11. "Strictly Funct i onal" (pencil) ANNABEL HcDCNALD BE ~li{Y 12. "The Appraisal" (wat er-coLor ) P.EID BEYER 13. "Hemories ll ( oi l ) 14. "The Quest " (oil) ETHEL }f-AY BRODNAX 15. "Caladi um" ( oi l ) JERRY BYWATERS 16. "Chic ago Memor y" (oil) HAYDON CALHOUN 17. "Faces on a St r eetcar" (wa terco'Lor ) 18. "Shanty Fence" ( wat.er-c o Lor ) AN~ELC
19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
GLENN ALLEN GALAHAY 40. "The Ni ght Tower" (watercolor) 41. "County Seat of Wi s e" (watercolor) RHODA G2IFFI N 42. "June ' Teenth" (oil) RUTH nill-IKEN HARRISON 43. "The Sky Peeped Through" (oil) 44. "Twin Tree" (casein) RICF-ARD HAZLETT 45. "Court Fool " (pastel) WI LLI AM HEA TOI~ 46. "Jabaline en Huer t a" (mixed) HALTER R. HENN 47 . "Gr os s i ng" (watercolor) 48 . "Kailroad Yar ds" (1'laterco10r) Lt. JAMES B. HONARD 49. "Pumpkin Stand" (oil) 50. "Caddo Lake Guide" (oil) RAOUL JOSSET 51. "U1a Gi r l " (plaster, bronze pat i na )
" Ar- no" (oil)
"Fish Mar ket " (oil) " I~ing Je sus " (lead) "Saint Paul " (cocabo1a and wax) "Stallion" (conta) "Venetian" ( i nk)
ERunT J OHNS CLAi."1K 25. "Traffic J am" (oil) 26. "E1 Basq ue" (oil) 27. "Busy Har bor J2" (oil) PAT COLVILLE 28. "Young Gi r 11l (oil) J ARGE 29. "20ping a Eaver i ck" (metal) 30. "The Bi g Top" (oil)
31. "Relic l ' ( oil) OTIS J OZIER 32. "sti ll Lif e ll ( oil) 33. "Swanp }Iemor y" (oil) 34. unt itled (dr awing)
H. J UDJ 52. "Autumn Gar den" (oil) 53. "Evening, Ti n Cup Pas s" (oil)
JAHES A. LEDBETTER 54. "The Al oe Plant" (oil) 55. "Vi ct orian Set" (oil) WALTER L. LEHGEL 56. "Azteca" (watercolor, casein) 57. "Fi esta" (oil) I :lVIN L . Lnfi'~ 58. "Hall Street Cafe" (oil) E. l1cGOUGH 59 , "They Look with Compassion" (i nk and was h ) 60. "The Festival Hour " (wat er-col, o:
FRED HI TCHAH 61. "Dominant Seventh" (oil) PERRY NI CHOLS 62. "The Open Door " (oil)
.. 25th annual Dallas County exhibition - JALLAS MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS E x h i bi t i o n
Sen i
Sec t io n
(continued )
l1ARY H. SLACK 7,L " Ce c i.L" (c asei n )
LEON ~ . PLEDGER 64. "Aspirations" (steel)
ARTINE SMITH 75. "Carnival at Rio" (wa'terco.Lor )
OfmBY, Jr . 63. "Compos i t i.cn #1" (oil)
POULOS 65. "Still Li f e vr i th :?i neapp1e" (oil) 66. "Bottles uith Gold F'ish" (oil)
OLIN TRAVIS 76. "Rocky Mount a i n Fork" (oil)
NIK PUSPU :~ I CA ' 67. "Gothic Af t er noon" (oil)
PETER S. VATSURES 77. "Walkup" (gouache) 78. "Sunset" (gouache)
RICHARD T. PYLE 68 . "Tall :"1indm'i''' (pencil) 69. "The City" (oil)
HI LDRED 1'TARLI CI< 79. "Day's Catch" (oil) 80. "Rest1ess Sea" (oil)
JEPJ:lY ROHOTSKY 70. "Camp Br andei s" (c arbon pencil ) 71 . "Hultip1ying Entit i es without Neces s ity" (oi l )
CLARA McD . WI LLI AMSON 81. "Dinner at May ' s Boarding House" (oil) 82. "Hother's Wor k Basket" (oil)
HARVI N L SI GEL 72. "Br ot herhood" (oil) 73. "Des er ted Boat H (oil)
RUSSELL L. HI NN 83. "Study in Ink" (ink dr-aw.ing ) 84. "Study in Ink" (ink drawing) PAUL YAKGVENKO 85. "A Ni ce Pi ne" (wat er cot.or )
J u n i
Sec t ion
FRANK AIGRS 86. "Monument t o the Pas t " (wat er-c o'lor )
-ru,Y !-'1J\CI EL
JO ALBRECHT 87. "Fi s h" (mahogany )
HAlroEL YiliRTI NEZ 96. "For Sale" (wat erco1or )
BI LL BEAVER 88. "St udyi ng" (clay)
ROSS HI LLII<EN 97. "Companions " (clay)
GO:lwON BELLAUY 89 . " Peac e, For a Hhi 1e" (case i n )
LAURA BILL PROVINE 98 ~ "Road House by t he Hi ss i s s i ppi " (oil)
FRAnCES BRi~DF ORD 90. "Seat ed Fi gur e" (clay) RUDY CLUI<E 91. "Sai r.t Franci s " (clay ) DAVI D DUFFY 92. " Rooster" (clay) JI H TOil GORJOn 93. "Li ve Oak at Cant egra1" (pastel ) 94. "J..t th e FLower- Show" (wat er-co'lor )
95. "l"{cl axed" (cl ay )
NOLVIE RAY 99. "Linemen on the Job" (temp era ) BOBBY SULLIVAN 100; "Triangles" (wire) VANOY TIDROn 101. "Industrious Bus ines s " {t emper-o' 102. "City Har ke t" (t empera) VERJ.'JELL WATSON 103. "Ducks" (clay)
STATISTICS â&#x20AC;˘ A t otal of 362 senior wor ks wer e submitted by 128 ar t i s t s , of whi ch 85 works by 49 artis t s were acc ept ed. In t he junior section, 93 works by 76 ar t is t s wer e ent ered , and 18 wor ks by 16 ar ti s t s wer e accept ed . JUROR :
Fr eder i ck A. Sweet, Curator of American Pai nt i ng and Sculpture, The Ar t I ns titute of Chicago