Eighteenth Annual Texas Painting and Sculpture Exhibition catalogue

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the eighteenth a nual

texas painting and sculpture ex ibition



Director, Worcest er A r t Muse u m . E m er it us Dir ector, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Report of the Jury Th e 18th Annual Exhi biti on const itu tes a stimula ting asse mblage of wor k by T exas a rtists. Th e ori gin ality and va riety of the wor k submitte d made the task of selec tio n both cha lleng ing and difficult. Six ty pai nt in gs and ten pi eces of sculpture were ad mitte d. No mor e tha n one item by each ar tist was accepted, althou gh eac h a rti st was entitled to submit two entr ies. Th e strength of th e Exhi bitio n li es in th e paintings. Th e sculp ture was not of the same hi gh ord er and for thi s re ason no sculpture was considere d worthy of consideration for a cash award. Th e recomm endation of th e jury for th e Purcha ses and Awards are listed on the fa cin g pa ge. Gene ra lly spea king, exce pt for the sculpture, th e Exhibition is on e wh ich r ank s highl y with th e major regional and national exhibition of th e Uni ted States. Vit ality, an intense curiosity to expe riment with th e violent sunlig ht and color of Texa s, the n ostalgia for land scap e, and th e clarity and simplicity of vision , as well as utter an ce whi ch are so gene rally r eflect ed in th ese pa intin gs, not only promise well for the future but will a lready b ring to th e country at large a new and vigorous note in the annal s of Am eri can paintin g. An y exhibition juried by a single ind ividu al mu st necessaril y be colo red by that per son 's taste and pr ed il ecti ons. It is my hope that witho ut compro mising my own poin t of view, I have given as fair and objective a re port as possib le on the entr ies to thi s exhibition. FRANC IS H E NRY T A YLOH

On the cover : KELLY FEARING, "Yellow after the Rain"

the eighteenth texas annual 1956 Organized

by the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts fo r the State Fair of Texas

Exhibition Calendar Dallas Muscum of Fine Arts

October 6 th rou gh November 18

Witte Memorial Mu seum, San Antonio . December 2 through Decemb er 30 Houston Museum of Fine Arts. T exa s Fine Arts Association, Au stin. The Mu seum, T exa s T echnological Colle ge, Lubbock.

January 9 through January 30 F ebruary 9 through March 7 March 15 through April 7

Exh ibition in San Antonio made possible through the cooperation of the Sa n Antonio Art Lea gu e. Exh ib it ion in Lubbock made po ssibl e through th e combined effor t of The Mu seum, The T exa s T echnological Art Institute and South Plains Ar t Guild.

Purchases State Fair o f T exas Purch ase, . /' 000 fo r the permun cnt collec tion of the Dallas Mu seulll of Fin e Arts


. for oil paintin g. " Yellow After The Bain "

l ulian Onderdonk M em orial Purchase, $650* DICKSON HEEDEB. Fort Worth .

. for oil paintin g " Walter Martin"

Dallas Museum of Fin e Arts Purcha se, $500

. for oil paintin g, "Three Peaks'

WILLIAM LESTEH. Austin . Mus eum of Fin e A rts of II oUStOIl Purchase, $300

ST EPHEN T. HASCOE, Corpu s Christi .

. for oil paintin g " Oil Fields at Night"

Dallas Mus eum of Fin e A rts Purchase, $250


. for oil paintin g " Monument"

Auto Conv oy Co. o f Dalla s f or D .M.F.A. Collection Purcha se, $250


WILLIAM LESTER, " Three Peaks"

. for oil painting, " Fa llen Feathers"


DICKSON REEDER , "Walter Martin"


Fort Jrlorth Art Association Award of $150

. for oil painting, "Monument"

DAVID BROWNLOW, Fort Worth. Mus eum of Fin e Arts of Houston Awa rd of $100* *

KEITH McINTYHE, San Antonio .

. for oil painting, "Natural Dissection"

Mus eum of Fin e Arts of Houston Award of $100**


. for oil painting, "Place Rememb ered "

S chlumberger JrI ell Sur veying Corporation Award of $100

BROR UTTER , Fort Worth.

for oil paintin g, "Wedges"

Foley's of Houston Award of $100


. for oil painting, " Flowers Near a Window"

' F unds contributed by citizens of Sun Antonio for th e Collection of th e San Antonio Art League. • , Donat ed by Humhle Oil & Refinin g Co. of Hou ston.

Catalog of the Exhibition

WAYMA N ADAMS, Austin 1. Old Country Fiddler (oil) HEHI BEHT BARTSCHT, Dallas 2. St. John the Baptist (mosaic with metal ) GEORGE BAYLOUS, San Antonio 3. Th e Chisos (oil) BILL GUS BERRY, Joinerville 4. Nocturnal Wind (oil) HElD BEYER, Dallas 5. Vi ew of the City (oil)

BUD BIGGS, Dallas 6. Frog Haven (watercolor) BILL BOMAR, Fort Worth 7. Tr ee Cliff (watercolor )

JAMES W. BOYNTON, Houston 8. Py re: 1956 (oil) CY ITHIA BRANTS, Fort Worth 9. Flow ers Near a Window (oil) ETHEL BRODNAX, Dallas 10. Fallen Feath ers (oil) DAVID BROWNLOW, Fort Worth II. Monum ent (oil) DAVID CARGILL, Beaumont 12. IVoman (terra cotta) CECIL L. CASEBIER, San Antonio 1:1. Picad or (oil) PAT COLVILLE, Dallas 14. Th e Road to Tarragona (oil)

llILL CONDON, Houston 15. Interchange (oil) LAHHY CULP, Arlington 16. N ightm are (steel) BEN L. CULWELL, Dallas 17. Gro win g Older (oil, Duco and wire) AN I CUSHING, Dallas 18. Paulo (oil) BAH lEY DELABANO, Dallas ]9. Bird in Hand (oil ) OTIS DOZIEH, Dallas 20. Passage to the Se a (oil)

MARY LEE DYESS, Fort Worth 21. Mr. Cardwell (oil) LUIS EADES, Austin 22. Fossils (oil) JANET RASER FAUCE, Dallas 23. Young Girl (oil) KELLY FEARI IG, Austin 24. Y ellow alter th e Rain (oil) KENNETH B. FISKE , Austin 25. Plants (oil) RICHARD E. FOX, Dallas 26. Boats --Corpus (oil) MICHAEL FHARY, Austin 27. Sea Wall (oil ) JAMES FRAZER, San Antonio 28. Ruins (oiI) HENRI GADBOIS, Houston 29. Bridg e Reflections (oil)

HOIH:HT L. GAGE, Austin :-30. untilled I oil ) JOHi\ GUERIN, Austin 31. Fishing Pier (oil )

WILFHED HIGGINS, Dallas 32. Alarums and Excursions (oil)

J. FEHHELL HOBBS, Fort Worth :13. Callan Picker (oiI) JAN HOLMES, Fort Worth 34. Still Waters (casein and latex) DeFOHHEST H. JUDD, Dallas 35. Penit ente Cross (oil) CHAPMA


KELLEY, San Antonio

36. Beach at Eventide (oiI )

WALTEH L. LENGEL, Dallas 37. Variation on a Th em e (oil) WILLIAM LESTEH, Austin 38. Thr ee Peaks (oil) JULIA OHYNSKI LIGHT, Dal1as 39. Heat (oil ) JEAN W. LOWE, Fort Worth 40. Trinity Brid ge (oil) EHNIE LUDWICK. Dal1as 41. Cold Gray D~)' (oil) TEHHY MacSPAHHAN, Austin 42. Paintin g -1956 (oil) KEITH McINTYHE, San Antonio 4;1 . Natural Dissection (oil)

JESSE M. MEDELLIN, Sail Antonio 44 . Bon go Player (oiI ) OCTAVIO MEDELLI



45. Joan 01 Arc (wood )

FRED MITCHAM, Dall as 46. Edge 01 Town (oil) LOBEN MOZLEY, Austin 47. A ug ust Lands cape to il) MABIE van OBDEN, Edinbur g 48. Pigeon (ceramic) FELISA A. OWENS, Fort Worth 49. Th e Creators (oil) G. W. OWENS, Fort Worth 50. Dog Barking at Moon (bronze) LEM PALMEB, Houston 51. Green Bowl (egg tempera )

CYNTH IA BR A N TS , "Flowers Nea r a Wi ndow"

MONETTE PI CHT, Wichita Falls 52. Th e Prefa ce (oil) DOHOTHY POULOS, Dallas 53. Tr opical Landscape (oil) BEN D. PRESTON, Dallas 54 . Old Barra ck s (oil)

MAHGARET PUTNAM, San Antonio 55. Crucible (casein) STEPHE N T. HASCOE, Corpus Christi 56. Oil Field at N ight (oil)

DICKSON HEEDER, Fort Worth 57. Walt er Martin (oil) FHANCES TAYLOR HOYSTO Houston 58. Cyclers (enamel)


FRANCOIS H. RUBITSCHU TG, Austin 59. Prairie Dog Eatin g Carrot

(French shell stone) IJROR UT TER, " Wedges"

EVALINE C. SELLOHS, Fort Worth 60. Saltamontes (wood) MARY ELLE

SHIPNES, Houston Dut ch (oil)

61. Penn sylvania -


M. SIGEL, Dalla s

62. Masquerade (oil)

DAVID 1. SMITH, Mesquite 63. The Vulture (wood)



! DON ALD L. W EI SJ'rlA N N . " Place R em emb ered"

RUTH TEARS, DalIa s 64. Ribbons of Concrete (oil)

JEA N A TDHEWS WASSai\', DalIas 71. Maiden Lady (oil)

LOUIS TODD, Denton 65. Last Supper (mixed )

DONALD L. WEISMA TN, Austin 72. Place Rememb ered (oil)

CHESTER TONEY, San Antonio 66. Angry Sea (oil )

HALPH WHITE, Austin 73. Southern City (oil )

McKIE TROTTER, Fort Worth 67. Arcadian (casein)

CHAHLES T . WILLIAMS, Fort Worth 74. Vertical Figur es (steel)

CHARLES UMLAUF, Austin 68. Horse (terra cotta )

HIRAM D. WILLIAMS, Austin 75. C runes (oil )

BHOR UTTER, Fort Worth 69. Wedges (watercolor)

CLARA McD. WILLIAMSO 1, DalI as 76. Papp y Crone's Cabin (oil)

PETER VATSURES, Dallas 70. Sand Storm (oil)

BETTY WI TN, Dallas 77. Still Life by Moonli ght (oil)

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