On the cover: STEPHEN T. R ASCO E, "Canyon Wall s"
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, October 5 through November 17 Witte Memorial Museum, San Antonio, December 2 through D ecem ber 29 Houston Museum of Fine Arts, January 20 through February 6, 1958 Beaumont Museum of Fine Arts, February 16 through February 28, 1958
Exhibition in San Antonio made possible through the cooperation of the San Antonio Art League.
Charles Nagel, director of St. Louis' City Art Museum, and Ward Lockwood, former staff member at the University of California Art Department and presen tly art ist in residence and visiting pro fessor at the U niversity of Kansas, view Keith Mcintyre's "R iver Form ."
The Members of the jury considered it their duty to select what in their opinion were the best examples of submitted work without regard to
stylistic considerations. They also regarded it as their duty
select, within the time necessarily alloted, the best examples of
submitted work to constitute the exhibition as a whole. They also considered it their duty in the awarding of many prizes
the fresh, venturesome, invigorating efforts of some of the younger artists. In following the latter course, the members of the jury desire to make it clear that their action in no way derogates the accomplishments of more experienced artists who have already received substantial recognition for their notable contributions, past and present. CHARLES NAGEL
Stat e Fair of T exas Purchase, $ 1,000 for th e permanent coll ection of the Dallas MlISetlm of Fine Arts
STEPHEN T. RASCOE, Corpus Christ i, "Canyon W alls," oil Julian Onderdonk M emorial Purchase, $750 路
CECIL L. CASEBIER , San Antonio.
"Cathedral," .oil
IVftlsetlm of Fine Arts of H ouston Purchase, $300
. "Visitor to the Aquarium," oil
Chance Von gbt Aircraft Incorporated Purchase, $300 for the permanent coll ection of the D allas Mtlseum of Fine Arts
VIRGINIA OECHSNER, Dallas, "Abstract Forms," alabaster H elix A ir Trans po rts of Dallas Purchase for DMFA Coll ection, $250
WILLIAM M. ALLEN, JR., Fort Worth, "Lofty Image," oil
LUIS EA DES, "V isitor to the A quarium"
CECIL CA SEBIER , "Cathedral"
Fort lV orth Art Association Award of $ 150
. "Marching Figure," oil
Foley's of H ouston Award of $ 100
GUY JOHNSON, Baytown .
. "T he White Table, oil
Mus eum of Fine Arts of H ouston Award of $100路路
"Composition in Blue," oil
M m eum of Fine Arts of H ouston Award of $ 100 路 路
. "Egg Box," oil
T exas Men of Art Guild Award of $ 100
BRUCE McKAY, San Antonio, "City from the Slums," casein Pollock Paper Corporation Award of $ 100
"Translations," oil
Straus-Frank Company Award of $ 100
"Ollas," oil
CHESTER TONEY, San Antonio Schlumberger lV ell Surv eying Corporation Award of $ 100
ALVI RHODE, San Antonio
. "Picture Window," oil
*F unds con t r ib uted b y cit izen s of San Antoni o for the collec t ion of the San A n to n io Art League. ''' D on ated by Humble Oil & Refinin g Co. of H ou st o n.
VIRGINIA OECHSNER, "A bstract Forms"
DAVID ADICKES, Houston 1. T w o Figures and Still Life in Orange (oil) WILLIAM M. ALLEN, JR ., Fort Worth 2. Loft y Im age (oil) GEORGE BAYLOUS, San Antonio 3. God Bless Maggie Smith (oil) ROBERT BLACK, Fort W orth 4. MttSicia1lS (casein and oil) JEANNE BOARDMAN, San Marcos 5. Continuum (oil) JAMES W. BOYNTON, Houston 6. Sn ow Grill (oil) ETH EL BRODNAX, Dallas 7. R eflections (oil) DAVID BROWNLOW, Fort W orth 8. Englisb Cathedral (oil) DAVID CARGILL, Beaumont 9. Woman (mahogany) FREDERICK CARTER, San Antonio 10. Tornado (oil) CECIL 1. CASEBIER, San Antonio 11. Cath edral (oil)
LOWELL D. COLLINS, Houston 12. H eat Thicket (encaustic) PAT COLVILLE, Dallas 13. Still Life (oil) BILL CONDON, Houston 14. Signals (oil) CAROL CROW, Houston 15. T he Guard (stoneware) LARRY CULP, Arlington 16. Manik in (steel and bronze) BEN 1. CULWELL, Dallas 17. Flirtation (oil and Du co) DON DEARDORFF, Fort Worth 18. Evening Reverence (casein) OTIS DOZIER, Dallas 19. Big Ro cks (oil) JOHN R. DUNCAN, Lubbock 20. Alabaster Dance (oil)
WILLIAM ALLEN, "Lofty Ima ge"
RUTH DUNN, San Antonio 21. Life Everlasting (watercolor) EVA DURHAM, Dallas 22. U7estern Sentin el (oil) LUIS EADES, Austin 23. V isitor to the Aquarinm (oil) KELLY FEARING, Austin 24. T he Place of T obias and the Angel (oil) CONSTANCE FORSYTH, Austin 25. GIIlf Clouds (w atercolor) MICHAEL FRARY, Austin 26. Still Lif e with Fish (oil) HENRI GADBOIS, Houston 27. Espaliered Burlap (oil) ROBERT L. GAGE, Austin 28. A Large Urn (oil ) HELEN GILDEN, San Antonio 29. Adolescent (oil)
HIRAM WILLIAMS, "Marching Figure"
PEGGY GOLDSTEIN, Austin 30. H en (marble) LEOPOLDa GONZALEZ, JR ., San Antonio 31. Stresses (mixed) JOHN GUERIN, Austin 32. Sea Shore (oil) JENNIE HADDAD, Tyler 33. Comp osition in Blue (oil) ROBERT HARTMAN, Lubbock 34. White Plain (enamel) WILFRED HIGGINS; Dallas 35. T exas Gothic, II (oil) JOE FERRELL HOBBS, Fort W orth 36. Sum mer Color (oil) CELIA JAMISON , Demon 37. Egg Box (oil) GUY JOHNSON, Baytown 38. T he White T able (oil)
GUY JO HNSO N , ''T he White T able"
DEFORREST H. JUDD, Dallas 39. Lecbuguilla (oil) L. LARSSON, San Antonio 40 . M other and Child (oil and plastic)
AMY FREEMAN LEE, San Anto nio 41. Chalices (w atercolor) WALTER 1. LENGEL, Dallas 42. Electro (oil) WILLIAM LESTER, Austin 43. Bird R oost (oil) KEN N ETH B. LOOMIS, Denton 44. Landscape (oil) ERNI E LUD WI CK, Dallas 45. Automation- I.B.M. (oil) STEPH EN MAGAD A, Austin 46. Port Aran sas (oil) KEITH McIN TYRE, San Antonio 47. River Form (oil) BRUCE McKAY , San Antonio 48. City from the Slum s (casein) EVA McMUR REY, Baytown 49. Still Life with Ears of Com (oil) JENNIE HADDAD, "Composition in Blue"
FRED MITCH AM, Dallas 50. Rioer Landing (oil) LOREN MOZLEY, Austin 51. Vi gnett e - Prickly Pears (gouache ) ALICE NAYLOR , San Anton io 52. Crystal Fragm ents (watercolor) VIRGINIA OECHSNER, Dallas 53. Abstract Forms (alabaster) MONETTE PICH T, W ichita Falls 54. End of an Era (oil) MONA PIERCE, Lubbock 55. Untitled (o il) MARGARET PUTNAM, San Anto nio 56. T he Dam (oil) STEPH EN T. RASCOE, Corpus Christi 57. Canyon Wall (oil)
DICKSON REEDER , Fore Wo reh 58. T w o Perform ers (T heater Piece) (oil) BERT REES, Austin 59. H orologist R eflection (oil) BILL REILY, San Antonio 60. Song of th e A rabian N ightingale ( mixed) HERBERT A. ROGALLA, Dallas 61. Landscape (wa tercolor) ALVI RHODE , San Antonio 62 . Picture W ind ow (oil) MARJORIE VON ROSENBERG, Houston 63. Fam ily with Cat (oil) FRANCOIS H . RUBITSCHUNG, Austin 64. Arresting M otion (redwood) EDWIN RUDA, Austin 65. R ed Stndio (oil) EVALINE C. SELLORS, Fore W oreh 66. Cock (w ood) MARVIN M. SIGEL, Dallas 67 . Translations (oil) MARY SLOAN, Corpus Christi 68. Cbolula, Cit y of Churches (oil) EMILY GUTHRIE SMITH , Fore W orth 69. Wash Day (oil) MARTIA REED SMITH , Dallas 70. Main e Coast (oil) DON SNELL, Austin 7 1. T he Swam p (oil) CHESTER SNOWDEN, Houston 72. Celebrated Engin e (oil) EVERETT SPRUCE, Austin 73. Sur] Fisherman (oil) HILLIARD M. STONE, Grand Prairie 74. Centaur (w ood) RUTH TEARS, Dallas 75. Stttdio Interior (oil) GERALD THARP, Fore W orth 76 . Polar Waters (oil)
BR UCE M cKAY, "City from the Slums"
FRANCES THORNTON, La Porte 77. jungle #1 H ouse (casein)
JEAN CULLUM TURNER, Dallas 81. Bridge (oil)
LOUIS TODD, Demon 78. Ki ng and Queen (mixed)
CHARLES UMLAUF , Austin 82. T orso (ma rble)
CHESTER J. TONEY, San Antonio 79 . a lias (oil )
BROR UTTER, Fort W orth 83. Campo S. Via (watercolor)
McKIE TROTTER, Fort W orth 80. Sky Lift (oil)
STUART VAN ORDEN , Edinburg 84. Shadows (watercolo r)
MARVIN SIGEL , "Translati ons'
DONALD S. VOGEL, Dallas 85. Still Life (oi l)
CLARA McDONALD WILLIAMSON, Dallas 89. A rbor M eeting (oil)
DONALD L. WEISMANN, Austin DAN WINGREN, Austin 90. W'eeds #4 (oil) 86. Electronic Ican (oil, with gold and silver) RALPH WHITE, Austin 87. Lakeside Landscape (oil)
JO WOOD, San Antonio 91. Crick et (oil)
HIRAM D. WILLIAMS, Austin 88. Marching Figure (oil) ALVI RHODE, "Picture Window "
In 1940 the directors of the museums in Houston, San Antonio and Dallas organized a painting and sculpture competition open to all artis ts of the state . Then the large cities had local exhibition for their resident artis ts but the" small towns offered no opportunity and the artist living on ranch or farm had no chance to exhibit. First called the T exas Ge neral, in its second year it was re-named the T exas-Oklahoma Ge neral because one museum in that state participated. The first two exhi bitions were held in January, February and March of 1940 and 1941. But the year 1941 was to see anot her Texas General in October because State Fair of Texas Associatio n requeste d an exhibition of Texas art duri ng the Fair. Th e original plan of the th ree mother museums was that in alterna ting order one of them wou ld collect the entr ies, hold the judgi ng, exhibit the show and then circulate it to the othe r two. All three would contri bute prizes and share cost. Other agencies in Fort Worth, Austin, Beaumont and Lubbock have exhibited the show at different times. Fort Worth,though not a sponsor, has contributed a pri ze yearly. T exas General was chosen for a name because pr ints, drawings and cera-
mics were included. By time of the eleventh consecutive competition in the season of 1949-50, these categories were withdrawn since special compe titions for each had come into existence . T hat year the exhibition was called the Texas Painting and Sculpture Annual. That name has stuck ever since. T he State Fair re-entered the scene in 1952 by promising a top priz e of $1,000 yearly if the exhibit ion could be featur ed at DM FA duri ng the fair. Since then DMFA has organized the exhibitio n and shown it first with continued help from San Antonio and H ouston in the form of prizes, shared circulation cost and exhi bition. The first of the annuals in 1940 had seven prizes totaling $350, not inconsiderable reward then. T his year prizes for the 19th com petition amou nted to $3,450 of which $2 ,600 is money for five pu rchases for permanent collections of the spon-
soring museums. T his year ther e were 598 entries from 383 artists in 57 Texas towns. Of these ent ries, 91 works by 91 arti sts were accepted by the judges.