Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of Texas Painting and Sculpture catalogue

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JURY OF SELECTION AND AWARDS ALINE B. SAARINEN, special art critic for the " N ew York T imes"

FOREWORD I was happy to be asked to serve as "one-man" juror for the 1954 T exas Annual, because I have long consid ered it the most int eresting of the state shows. I was particularly fortunate this year in that there seemed to be an extraordinary number of very good entri es. It is also a fascinating challenge for an our-of-starer to judge a state show, for he approaches it with none of the pr ejud ices of familiarity or of knowing esrablished reputations. What are the juror's crit eria? To seek those paintings which , in his best judgm ent , seem to make a fresh and personal statement, to be technically ab le with the least amount of "dead canvas" and in which expression and means reinforce each other. As a one-man juror , I had no one with whom to comprom ise but myself. Naturally, in a selection large enough to be fair and representative, not all the paintings do come up to one's top stand ards. But ir is the hope that those which are obviously below the top two dozen are in one way or another superior to those which were rejected. Two parenthetical notes : I felt even in the most awkward entries such a sincerity and devotion to painting that the eliminatio ns were nor made heartlessly. I balked at assigning specific prizes of so-and-so much to th is or that painting, and simply singled our those eleven objects in the exhibition which I felt most deserving of special recognition, both for cash prizes and for the consideration of comm ittees deciding on State Fair Purchas es and the Onderdonk Mem orial Purch ase. After these decisions were made the other paintings recommended received cash awards as designated in the prize list of th is catalogue. Not everyone will agree with the one-man-jury choices. I did the most conscientious and honest job I knew . I do not apologize for personal taste - for that , unadult erated, is both the virtue and vice of the one-man-jury system. But to those artists whose work I inevitably underestimated, I offer not only my apologies but my regrets at my own myopi a. On the Cotler:

Aline B. Saarinen Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

"Boy in M exico," oil pai11ting by CEClL L. CASBlER, $500 State Fair of T exas Purchase Prize

Dallas Museum of Art Library

NOTE ON THE EXHIBITION In addition to revealing an unusu ally high quality attested to "offi cially" by Ju ror Aline B. Saarinen, the 16th Texas Annual has some other points worth noting. The num ber of entries remains about the same, but many completely "new" and able artists show themselves. For this very reason, the "one-lady" juror decided to admit only a single example by an artist, thereby giving good new talent its deserved chance. As a special feature, a dozen or so Texas artists now living elsewhere were invited to send one work which would be exempt from jury action and inelig ible for priz es, only purchase consider ation . Finally, for this Texas Annual exhibition and probably for othe rs to come, the Fort Worth Art Museum joins the "charter member" art museums of Ho uston, San Antonio and Dallas as a sponsor of the exhi bit. This action adds further to the large audience for T exas artis ts and emphasizes the importance of this region al exh ibit.

Exhibition Calendar The Dallas Museum of Fine Arts Witte Memorial Museum, San Antonio The Museum of Fine Arts of Houston Fort Worth Art Center

October 9 through October 31 November 7 through November 28 December 5 through December 26 January 11 through February 9 , 1955

"Summer," oil painting by OTIS DOZ IER, $500 Julian Onderdonk Memorial Purchase

STATE FAIR OF TEXAS PURCHASE of $500 for the permanent collection of the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts


for oil pa inting, "Boy in Mexico"

JULIAN ONDERDONK MEMORIAL PURCHASE of $500 for the San Antonio Art League collection


for oil paintin g, "Summe r"

STATE FAIR OF T EXAS P URCHAS E of $400 for th e perm an ent coll ecti on of th e Dallas Mus eum of Fine Arts


for oil painting, "T he Sun Is th e Source"

STATE FAIR OF TEXAS PURCHASE of $100 for the perman ent collection of th e Dall as Museum of Fine Arts


for p ainting, "War Danc e"

'The Sun Is the Source," oil painting by DO N SNELL, $400 State Fair of T exas Purchase Prize

" 117ar D ance," painting by ]. RAYMON D FLETCHER ,

$50 San Antonio Men of Art

Guild A ward

FORT WORTH ART ASSOCIATION AWARD of $150 KEITH McINTYRE, San Antonio for oil p ainting, "T he Quarry" MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS OF HOUSTON AWARD of $100 DAN WINGREN, Austin for oil painting, "W eeds" MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS OF HOUSTON AWARD* of $ 100 KELLY FEARING, Austin for oil painting, " Landscape with Pe acock " MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS OF HOUSTON AWARD* of $100 DAVID ADICKES, Houston for oil painting, "Risque-Tout" FOLEY'S OF HOUSTON AWARD of $100 PETER VATSURES, Dallas

for oil painting, "Eclip se"

SCHLUMBERGER WELL SURVEYING CORPORATION AWARD of $100 BILL BOMAR, Fort Worth for watercolor, "Austin Strata" STRAUS FRANK COMPANY AWARD of $100 WILFRED HIGGINS, Dallas for oil painting, "Crimson Landscap e" SAN ANTONIO MEN OF ART GUILD AWARD of $50 J- RAYMOND FLETCHER, San Antonio for painting, "War Dance"

* Donated

by the Humble Oil and R efinin g Company

(T h e Dallas A rt Association's $ 100 award, to be ann ou n ced at the close of the Dallas Museum of Fin e Arts sh owin g, w ill be made t o t he work receiving the m ost public v ote s during the exhibition period. )

Catalogue of the Exhibition DAVID ADICKES, Houston 1. R isqu e-T out (oil) JIM ADKINS, Aust in 2. Ri verbank in Mar ch (watercolor )

DAVID BROWNLOW, Fort Worth 9. Music (o il) BARBARA CAMP, Pecos 10. He art of the Dragon (black Belgian m arbl e)

H ERI BERT BARTSCHT, D all as 3. Boy w ith Fis h (wood)

SCOT T CARPENTER, D all as 11. Pavane (oil)

REV EAU BASSETT, D all as 4. N ovember (oil)

FREDERICK CARTER, H ous ton 12. Ph ilosophical T abl es (tempera)

ED BEARDEN, Dall as 5. West Texas Wheat Field (oil) REID BEYER, D all as'

CECIL LANG CASEBIER, San Antonio 13. Boy in Mexico (oi l)

6. Syncopati on (casein) PA ULL CASTL EBERRY, Amar illo BILL BOMAR, Fort Worth

14. Mani acal (watercolor and ink)

7. Austin Str ata (watercolor) J AMES W. BOYNTON, Fort Worth 8. Strat a: 1954 (casein)

P AT H ALSALL COLVILLE, D all as 15. Ju an (oil)

"T he Quarry," oil pai11ting by KEIT H McINTYR E, $150 Fort Wo rth Art A ssociation Award

"Wee ds," oil painting by DA N W INGREN, $100 Mmeum of Fine A rts of Houston A ward



16. U mbrellas (egg tempera) MARIA C. CROSS, Fort Worth 17. W atermelons (goua che and wa te rcolor) BEN L. CULWELL, D all as 18. untitled (o il, duco and w ir e) BOB CUNNINGHAM, Fort Worth 19. Oil Steel ( oil) LEONARD D E LONGA, Fort Worth 20. Silver Shadows ( oil) OTIS DOZIER, Dall as 21. Summer (oi l) ROB ERT C. ELLIS, Jacksboro 22. Market ( oil)

23. Landsc ape with Peacock (oil)


RAYMOND FLETCHER, San Antonio 24. W ar D ance (m ixed m edia)

MARGARET FLOWERS, San Antoni o 25. Flo wers (du co) SEYMOUR FOGEL, Austin 26. D awn Flight (oi l) MICHAEL FRARY, San Antonio 27. StilI Life (oil) J AMES L. FRAZER, San Antonio 28. Good Friday (oi l) JOHN FR AZ ER, Longv iew 29. Union Square (oi l)

"Landscape with Peacock," oil painting by KELLY FEARING, $100 Museum of Fine Arts of H ouston A ward

HE RBERT HUGHES, Fort Worth 36. The Dark Pool ( oil) D EFORREST H. JUD D, D allas 37. Caddo Lake Still Life (oil) DAVID G . LEDOUX, Dallas 38. About Trees wi th T hree Suns (pastel and tem pera) AMY FR EEMAN LEE, San An tonio 39. Var iation N o. 1 on a Theme by Robert Frost (watercolor)

H ENRI GADBOIS, H ouston 30. West Beach - Galveston (oil) EVELYN GAY, W aco 31. Time: Dream (mah ogany) JOHN GUERIN, Austin 32. Low Tide (oil)

WALTER L. LENGEL, D allas 40. La Sortie (oil) WILLIAM LESTER, Austin 41. Animal Theme (oil) LEONARD M. LOGAN III, Fort Worth 42. Obsession (oil)

ERV HARRISON, Fort Worth 33. Armored Figure - Reclining (oil) JOAN HIERHOLZER, San Antonio 34. Shilos (oil) WILFRED HIGGINS, D allas 35. Crimson Landscape (oil)

ROBERT LOTH, D allas 43. Blueprint (oil) PHILIP MAGINOT, San Angelo 44. Market - Cuernavaca (oil) KEITH McINTYRE, San Antonio 45. The Qu arry (oil)

FRED MITCHAM, Dallas 46. Yellow Shacks (oil) MEL MOORE, Fort Worth 47. Sound Out of Silence (oil)

DOROTHY POULOS, Dallas 53. Inside a Greenhouse (oil) ROBERT PREUSSER, Houston 54. Flight (oil)

JULIA I. ORYNSKI, Dallas 48. Combat (oil)



RONNIE RABB, Greenville

49. Pensamiento (stone) LEM PALMER, Houston 50. Soliloquy (egg tempera) THELMA B. PARK, Fort Worth 51. untitled (watercolor) LEON PLEDGER, Dallas 52. Time Drawn (metal)

55. Ice (oil)

56. Repetition of Thought (oil) BILL REILY, San Antonio 57. Owl in the Moonlight (oil) JERRY ROMOTSKY, Dallas 58. Prepared Convulsions (oil) EVALINE SELLORS, Fort Worth 59. Poetess (walnut)

"Risque-Tout," oil painting by DA VID A DIe KES, $100 Museum of Fine A rts of Houston Award

.,. I


JANET SHOOK, San Antonio 60. Las Palomas (m ixed media)

CLOVER V. SHORE, Fort Worth 61. #27-A (oil)

RUTH M. TEARS, Dallas 67. Thistle (cas ein) JACK TINKLE, San Antonio 68. The H arbor (oil) CHESTER J. TONEY, San Antonio


69. Levee Basin (casein)

62. Taurine Demon (oil) DON SNELL, Austin 63. The Sun Is the Source (oil) JOAN B. STAYART, Dallas 64. The Red Hat (oil) JAMES A. STERRlTT, Fort Worth

LIRL TREUTER, Fort Worth 70. Fruit Interiors (pastel) McKIE TROTTER, Fort Worth 71. Fortress in Spring (oil) JEAN TURBEVILLE, Dallas 72. Pine Forest (oil)

65. Spring Breeze (hammered and enameled copper) JANET TURNER, Nacogdoches MARGARET STITES, San Angelo

73. Stranded Roots (watercolor)

66. Carol (terra cotta) CHARLES UMLAUF, Austin 74. Negress (t erra cotta)

'/AustiÂŤ Strata," watercolor

by BILL BOMA R, $100 Scblum berger Well Surueying Corporation Award

"Eclipse," oil painting by PETER V AT SURES, $100 Foley's of H ouston A ward

BROR UTTER, Fort Worth 75. Encounter (oil) PETER VA TSURES, Dallas 76. Eclipse (oil)

CLARA WILLIAMSON, Dallas 79. Blacksmith Shop (oil) ROWLAND WILSON, Dallas 80. Bienville St. Barbershop (watercolor and gouache)

SELMA WALDMAN, Austin 77. The Man Who Died (after Lawrence) (oil) CHARLES T. WILLIAMS, Fort Worth 78. Ancient Vestige (welded steel)

DAN WINGREN, Austin 81. Weeds (oil)

"Crimson Landscape," oil pai ntin g by WILFRED HIGGINS, $100 Straus Frank Company A ward

Because so many former Texas artists have achieved success in newly-adopted residences across the United States and in foreign countries, it seems a good time to invite them to send a work of art to be exhibited with the opening of the 16th Texas Annual Painting and Sculptu re Exhibition at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. Since the exhibit is for Texas residents, these invitatio nal works were not eligible for jury awards. ROSALIE BERKOWITZ, New York " Georg ian Spring" (oil)

XAVIER GONZALEZ, New York "Fish Pond" (oil )

KATHERINE T. BURNSIDE Parkersburg, West Virginia "Refuse" (watercolor)

MORRIS GRAVES, New York " W inter 's Leaves" (tempera)

JAMES BROOKS, New York "No. 38" (oil) GENE CHARLTON, New York "T he Sea" (oil)

ALEXANDRE HOGUE, Tulsa "T rout Stream " (oil over casein) JACK B. KELLAM, Danville, Kentucky "J ourn ey of the Magi" (oil)

JOSEPH GLASCO, Taos, New Mexico WILLIAM M. McVEY, Cleveland "Ceremony" (oil) "T hinker" (stoneware) LLOYD L. GOFF, New York "Mediterra nean Cabanas" (oil)

RUDOLF STAFFEL, Philadelphia "Cows # 2" (wate rcolor)

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