DTS Magazine - Spring 2018

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Spring 2018 | Vol. 4, No. 1









ne of the things I appreciate about DTS’s commitment to a dispensational approach to Scripture is how it allows us to see the varied ways that men and women have worshiped God through the unfolding biblical story.

During the lifetime of the patriarchs almost anyone, at any time, anywhere could offer a sacrifice, build an altar, consecrate themselves, dedicate that place, and even rename the location to reflect the way God had worked in their lives. When God gave Moses the Law, it all changed. With great instructed detail, God gave the place, the time, the priests, and the sacrifices. Worship was minutely prescribed and regulated, and it occurred only at appointed times. On this side of the Cross, in this present age, something drastically changed. The ministry of Christ through his passionate suffering and death made way for us to approach the Father. We live in a great time for worship. Believers don’t have to go to a mountain in Judea. Worship can occur anywhere, at any time. It is through Jesus, our great High Priest, that we can come into the presence of God (1 Pet 2:5–9; 1 Tim 2:5). We can boldly approach the throne of grace as believer-priests in worship and sacrifice because we have our High Priest at the right hand of God interceding for us. With Christ, the time, the place, the priesthood for worship changed along with the sacrifices. Scripture describes these as active choices, made out of the recognition that everything belongs to God. We give him ourselves (Rom 12:1). We offer the fruit of praise and the efforts of good works (Heb 13:15– 16). And our giving—what we give in missionary and church support—is also acceptable to God (Phil 4:18). Believers also have a future in worship. The Scripture describes a vision or the plan for worship unlike anything in the earthly Kingdom during—what we now know from the New Testament—a millennium or the length of the thousandyear reign of Christ. Messiah, the King-priest, will reign (Zech 6:12–13) in Jerusalem. He will have both offices and worship will be centered around a magnificent temple (Ezek 45).



Everything the sacrifices and the festivals anticipated will be finally, visibly, and physically fulfilled on earth in a millennial kingdom. Ultimately that will give way to when there’s no need for a temple because God will dwell among his people, and he will be the temple for eternity (Rev 21:22). That’s heaven. We only have glimpses of it, but it will have an unequaled opportunity for a ceaseless and unrestrained worship of praise and adoration to our God with no specified times of worship given (Rev 4 and 7). Its priests are a kingdom of priests from every tribe, tongue, nation, and people. The constant expressions of praise to God—worship—will be conducted before the throne, where all the symbols, labels, and all types are cast aside in the presence of him who is the realization of all anticipated. Worship will center forever on God and his Son Jesus Christ, by the power and strength of his Spirit. Ephesians 2:7 says that God will take eternity to explain to us how great his love is with which he loved us, and it is then and only then when we can honestly express our love for him because he first loved us.

In order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. —Ephesians 2:7

DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Our mission is to glorify God by equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of his Word and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide.


DTS Magazine® Spring 2018 Vol. 4, No. 1 ISSN 1092–7492 ©2018 Dallas Theological Seminary. All rights reserved. Published three times a year by Dallas Theological Seminary 3909 Swiss Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204

Mark L. Bailey, President John C. Dyer, Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology


HOW CORPORATE WORSHIP STRENGTHENS WEARY SAINTS Garrett Kell (THM, 2006) explains the importance of gathering together in corporate worship and how it impacts the spiritual life of the believer.



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Patrick A. Thomas (THM, 2004) presents six points leaders can incorporate to cultivate creativity and diversity in worship.









Is it difficult for students to balance their spiritual life and their seminary education? Current ThM student Mary Kate Barthel, shares her journey on growing in grace to glorify God while studying at DTS.

Dr. Richard Hon (THM, 1996; PHD, 2015) writes about his journey and how God’s grace fused his worship experience so his heart would approach it sincerely, honestly, and without any cultural boundaries.

Unless noted otherwise, Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.




It’s safe to say there is nothing more relevant to the human heart than the Word of God.



Yet week in and week out, month after month, year after year, we gather to worship. Gathering is not always easy. Swirling political and racial tension drains many of us. The constant reports of terrorism and natural disasters overwhelm us. Personal pains and tempter’s snares at one time or another have slowed each of our steps. But we still gather to worship because God has graciously commanded us to do so. He has promised that through our gathering, he strengthens us and uses us to spur one another on. And through all of this, he is glorified—in his weak, feeble, worshiping bride.

GOD’S STRENGTH ON DISPLAY Our weakness supplies the perfect opportunity for God’s strength to be put on display (2 Cor 12:9). One of the primary ways God strengthens his people is through the corporate worship gathering. “The Lord is the strength of his people; he is the saving refuge of his anointed. Oh, save your people and bless your heritage! Be their shepherd and carry them forever” (Ps 28:8–9, esv).


hen my church gathers, it appears we have little in common. Our skin colors vary. Our political tastes differ. Cultural backgrounds have ingrained us with diverse identities. We have distinct preferences and convictions.

Yet, we have two realities that bind us together. The first is our love for the Lord Jesus. Though each salvation story is unique, we bear the marks of his divine love. He died for us, rose for us, called us, converted us, and continues to hold us fast by his grace. We love him for this, and so we gather to worship him. Secondly, we all suffer. I have my own scars, as do the rest of these heavenly pilgrims. While I preach, I see their faces tell a story. Or when they sing, sometimes I hear and sense the hurts and pain of God’s people.

WHY GATHER? As a pastor, I have the privilege of walking with many through their pain. Miscarriages. Ailing parents. Straying children. Aching bodies. Haunting depression. Relentless temptations. Unemployment. Longing to be married. Tired of their marriage. Loneliness. Persecutions. Our afflictions could fill a library.

When we gather in faith around his Word, God supernaturally supplies strength to aid our weary souls. This truth is entwined throughout the New Testament, but is explicitly taught in the book of Hebrews. Consider this exhortation: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Heb 10:23–25, esv). The author directly connects our enduring confession of Jesus with the intentional gathering of his people. God uses the local church as a means of exhortation and encouragement to persevere in faith until we reach our heavenly home. Neglecting to gather with the church puts our soul in danger. Sin can overtake us by its deceitful attacks (Heb 3:12–13). We risk isolating ourselves from other believers especially when we suffer. But we must resist the temptation to withdraw and instead gather in hope of receiving God’s strengthening grace.

GOOD NEWS FOR STRUGGLING SAINTS We need to hear God’s voice especially during our greatest times of trial. We know that when we proclaim Scripture, God speaks to us. This is why every element of our worship services ought to be filled with the Word. Let’s consider this together. God strengthens us through preaching. We could fill up volumes that describe the ways God uses his preached Word to help his people. Chief among them is to assure us that he remains faithful to keep his promises.




Disorienting lies swirl in our minds when we travel through the wilderness of affliction. This is why it’s safe to say there is nothing more relevant to the human heart than the Word of God. His Word is filled with precious and very great promises which supply everything we need in our trials (2 Pet 1:4). We find assurance that our weakness is not a curse but an opportunity for God to show his power (Exod 14; 2 Cor 12:8–9). When the Word is preached in the gathering, both the one preaching and those listening receive what they need most. God’s Word teaches the good news for struggling saints like us. It reminds us that we never graduate from the gospel. Jesus is not only the Savior of lost people, he is also the shepherd of pilgrim people. Our desperation, brokenness, weariness, and needs never stop. And he never ceases being a faithful, powerful, compassionate, sympathetic Savior.

Prayers of praise set our gaze on the God who ordains and orchestrates all things for the good of his people (Rom 8:28). Prayers of confession bring our transgressions to mind and lead us to humbly bring them to his throne of grace (Ps 38, 51; Heb 4:14–16). Prayers of thanks help us remember his faithfulness while prayers of supplication teach us to bring all our needs to a heavenly Father who cares for us (Matt 6:8; 1 Pet 5:7). As we hear others pray, we are reminded of specific ways God has worked in the past which gives hope in the present to trust him in the future. Corporate prayer strengthens weary saints.

MAKING A MELODY TO THE LORD God strengthens us through our singing, as we “address one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart” (Eph 5:19, esv). One of my great joys is to sing with the saints at our church. Not only do their strong voices move me, but also the heart of faith that leads their voices. This verse teaches us that when we sing songs filled with his Word, they serve in two ways:

Yet, we have that bind OBSERVING ORDINANCES

God strengthens his people when they gather around his Word. He calls us to come near and be refreshed by the promise of fresh mercies purchased for us by the blood of Jesus (Lam 3:22–24). God also strengthens us through observing ordinances. While preaching helps us hear the gospel, the ordinances help us see it. When a sinner plunges into the waters of baptism, we are freshly reminded of God’s mercy toward us. When we take the Lord’s Supper together, we tangibly consider Jesus who entered into our broken world and suffered for us. God designed these ordinances to be taken together by the church to remind us that we have a High Priest who sympathizes with our weaknesses (Heb 4:15). They call us to Jesus’s life, death, resurrection, and his fast-approaching return (1 Cor 11:26). They are memorials of mercy God uses to strengthen our faith in him. Prayer also helps. God strengthens his people through praying. “When they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness” (Acts 4:31, esv).

SETTING OUR GAZE ON GOD Prayer is one of the most fundamental reasons believers gather. Prayerfulness marked the early church and should mark us as well. We pray for all the saints (Eph 6:18) and especially for the sick, those who suffer, and those ensnared in sin ( Jas 5:13–20). Though we often do not know what to pray, the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness (Rom 8:26). When we read the Scriptures, we find a variety of prayers. Each type of prayer highlights a different part of our relationship with God. Though public prayer looks different in every gathering, it should always aid the congregation in remembering that our help comes from the Lord (Ps 121).



First, they serve as personal testimony to the Lord. Through singing, we proclaim words about God to him. He delights when his people gather before him and declare truths about him. He is glorified in this, and we are edified.

This singing should be done “with your heart.” Heart-oriented worship is always God’s desire (Ps 51:17, esv). When we feel the weariness of sorrow, our hearts are prone to retreat from God and find refuge in idols. Yet, singing truths to God helps us to follow David’s example of forcing our soul to fix its gaze upon the God who rules and reigns over all our sorrows. “Why are you cast down, O my soul . . . hope in God; for I shall again praise him” (Ps 42:11, esv).

Word-infused songs to God serve as a balm to the soul. The lies of the deceiver can overcome anyone. Instead, lift a melody of hope to the Lord in the face of sorrow. God is greatly glorified by this logic-defying worship, and he is not the only one who is blessed by it.

Secondly, singing serves as an encouragement to each other. Suprisingly, God actually commands us to “address one another” in song (Eph 5:19). When we sing truths about God’s love or faithfulness, they fall upon the ears of other saints gathered with us. When I watch our church sing “When Trials Come,” I know their song springs from hearts that have known heavy hardship. There’s guilt over abortions, scars from sexual abuse, and wounds from harsh words. Some of their bodies grow weary from having a family or from disease. Others simply fade with age. Yet they sing to a God who never fails them.

“One day all things will be made new I’ll see the hope you called me to And in your kingdom paved with gold I’ll praise your faithfulness of old I’ll praise your faithfulness of old.” The faithfulness of God will forever be the anthem of our songs. Today we sing these songs by faith. When we approach each other sober-minded and with our sufferings in light of eternity, it strengthens us to keep trusting until the day when faith will become sight.

two realities us together.


When our gathering ends, we scatter. Yet we do not go alone. We go out as a community strengthened from what God has done among us. From our gathering we grow in unity. Relationships have formed, grown, and furthered. God uses these Spirit-empowered, Word-strengthened relationships to help each other toward heaven. We need each other because we are not strong at the same time. We bear each other’s burdens as we go about the work the Lord has given us to do (Gal 6:2).

That work includes telling sufferers about the hope we have in Jesus. We go to the lost and say that Jesus has rescued us from our sins and he can rescue them as well. We call people to repent and believe in Jesus, the Savior of sinners and sufferers. This is what we do. We gather and scatter together until that great day when we shall gather in the land where crying and pain will cease to exist. What a day that will be when we shall see how the orchestrator of eternity has worked all things, wonderful and hurtful, into a marvelous tapestry for his glory and our good (Rom 8:18, 28; 2 Cor 4:17; 1 Pet 5:10).

“He will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people’s disgrace from all the earth . . . In that day they will say, ‘Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation’” (Isa 25:8–9, see Rev 21:1–7). Let us gather together in worship, strengthening each other in all we do, making ourselves ready for the Lord Jesus to arrive.

GARRETT KELL (ThM, 2006) is the pastor of Del Ray Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia, and serves as an associate council member of The Gospel Coalition. He and his wife, Carrie, have five children. You can read more at garrettkell.com.

Come, Lord Jesus, come!





Essential Ways to Cultivate Creativity and Diversity in Leading Worship Music


eading worship through music each Sunday is a privilege and a responsibility. Guiding a group of people who come from different socioeconomic, cultural, and racial backgrounds has many dynamics to it. It begins with unity, the expertise of the leader, and the supporting cast of musicians and singers. I recognize differences exist, but I carefully consider preferences and biases. Sometimes changing the rhythm or instrumentation of a popular praise song or hymn can add a layer of diversity to the song.

Diversity in music can show our willingness to reach other brothers and sisters in Christ with what is familiar to them while celebrating the differences that God intended. We must remember, although God loves our differences, our goal of worship is not diversity. How do you choose songs that speak truth, will prove easy for the congregation to follow, yet challenge the music team toward excellence? While many ways to do this exist, I believe the following six points are essential for the worship leader.

1. KNOW YOUR CONGREGATION I can’t stress this enough. It is challenging to effectively lead people on a consistent basis if you don’t know them. Interacting with them beyond a surface level will help establish trust. I’ve found that when congregants trust their leader, they remain willing to receive or follow the direction the leadership takes. I love participating in a worshiping community, and it’s a privilege and honor to have the trust of the people to lead them each week in that which has an eternal impact on the life of the believer. While many differing opinions concerning worship through music exist, I think we can all agree that worshiping through music is biblical and extremely important to our God. While Scripture does not give definitive specifics on style, instrumentation, or arrangement, it does provide clarity on substance. Our music must exhort, admonish, and encourage us as believers while also remain pleasing and glorifying to the Lord.



Thus the content of our songs must include holy words—God’s Word. Paul writes, “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts” (Col 3:16).

2. GET YOUR LEADERS INVOLVED The worship leader should confidently trust that the leaders of the church will remain involved in worshiping with the congregation. Worship to God is both corporate and private, which needs to be modeled by all. When ministry leaders consistently fail to participate in the worship-in-song portion of the service, it can lead to the false belief that the time of praise and worship has less significance




than other parts of the worship service. Yes, sometimes ministry leaders need to stay somewhere else during singing to prepare and/or help with the next portion of the service, but available ministry leaders and staff should participate in the church’s entire worship service.

their preferences and ideas. Blending these into a cohesive whole will naturally add to the unique quality of the music presented to the congregation. This will, of course, also require more than an hour of rehearsal. Prepare teams of musicians and singers to invest time so that they can offer an excellent praise to the Lord!

Why? Because people watch their leaders and they will model their behavior. It is especially crucial for the new believers in your congregation. They need to see the different ways God’s people worship God—singing, prayer, and the hearing of the Word— modeled by those who have followed Christ for a little longer than they have. Help educate your pastoral staff in the vital role they play by merely arriving at the beginning of the service, participating throughout, and greeting the congregation following the close of the service.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” ( John 13:34–35, nasb).

3. CULTIVATE YOUR WORSHIP TEAM The relationships developed between the worship pastor and the musicians, singers, audiovisual crew, ushers, and greeters are key. Take a pastoral and family approach to this. It goes far beyond taking basic prayer requests and making casual conversations. The leader must interact with his team on a weekly basis. It means making an effort to share life together. Rehearsal times should not only include music, but should also consist of learning how each person thinks, challenging the group biblically, weeping and rejoicing together. The energy and community that comes from this has a significant impact on the congregation, especially in corporate worship. Encourage band members and vocalists to think outside of the box when learning a song. When a diverse group collaborates on a song, it takes on new character. Everyone in the room will have



4. ELIMINATE PERSONAL PREFERENCES The congregation won’t submit their preferences to God if the leader refuses to let go of them first. Many music wars in churches have started because people want leaders to cater to them in their walk with God. Diversity in music is about reaching beyond our personal preferences to unify people to express their love and commitment to God corporately. It centers on Christ. Many of the songs I choose in worship sets seldom describe my style or preference. If the message is clear and the melody is good, I can work with it. I grew up in a church that was 100% African American. There were lots of blue collar jobs and not a lot of education, but we loved God, and we loved each other well. Many of the songs we sang focused on the power, healing work, and life of Jesus Christ. The songs had words of hope in God for a better future than the present. The joy in singing with other believers, the accompanying melodies, and music arrangements gave way to emotion, struggle, and hardship. It provided hope and endurance for overcoming hardships. From a genre perspective, many label these songs as

“ Diversity in music is about

reaching beyond our personal preferences to unify people to express their love and commitment to God corporately.”

gospel music. It includes a particular sound with choirs, organs, drums, and vocal acrobatics. When I play it, sing it, or hear it, it takes me to a familiar place in my heart and spirit. In college, the experience was different. No choir at all and not many vocal acrobatics. But wow! Where did those acoustic guitars come from and how could they change how I worship? Sometimes it had a little too much pop or country for my feeling, but I have to admit that the lyrics of contemporary Christian music and praise songs often made me reflect on Scripture. They helped me contemplate whether or not I consistently applied what I said I believed. Did my behavior and interactions display my love for God? Then I attended DTS. I knew they sang hymns in chapel. I grew up singing some of these songs. Our hymnal at church, however, either had the accompaniment different or perhaps someone had embellished them as the congregation followed the melody. This was not my style of worship or was it? The theology and message proved right, so I got over my preferences and sang with the community as one voice to God. When we aim to worship God, and the content of our song is biblically accurate and gives praise to God, we can worship in spirit and truth. “Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph 5:19–20).

Try your hand at writing music. To do this with excellence, it will take time, relationships, patience, and truth. But remember, “In the beginning, God created . . . .” God loves our creativity, and it can add a layer of diversity in and of itself. For instance, planning a worship set that incorporates an original song and a traditional hymn with the same theme can illustrate two different approaches to worship in song on a specific subject or topic.

EMEMBER YOUR GOAL 6. FOCUS ON YOUR GOAL Diversity is not the destination. Worship in spirit and truth is the goal. I remind myself of this truth each week, even if the rhythms aren’t to my liking, or the songs don’t feel like what I think they should, or if it’s not my favorite topic. My job involves worship so that I can lead others in worship. I cannot take the congregation where I have not gone or where I refuse to go. Again, when it comes to music, keep in mind that diversity should not be our destination, but worshiping our Lord is priority. Although specific styles of music can bring us to an emotionally familiar place, it can supersede the intent of why God would want us to worship through music—to see him in a greater light so that we can continue to live in worship to him. “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth” ( John 4:24, esv). Employing musical diversity may allow different individuals to identify with a song in hopes they reach a place of surrender so that they can worship. A familiar genre sometimes helps a person to relax and focus on the lyrics so that they can fixate on the main idea—worshiping God. However, if diverse styles of music are used without attention to the content of the song, then it will lead to an empty, peoplepleasing effort. True worship includes songs that go across the cultural and racial divides that plague our churches. These songs stay focused on Christ, our Redeemer, our hope. Their message includes less opinions and more about God’s character, mercy, and grace. I seek the gospel theme when planning a worship set. As a leader, my responsibility includes helping usher people into the presence of the Lord, not providing personal preferences. I recognize that differences exist, but I carefully consider the one who broke all barriers. The gospel—the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ—is where the power is, and the reality that unites all believers, regardless of our need for diversity in presentation.

5. TAKE RISKS Listen to music and messages outside of your comfort zone. Being uncomfortable takes faith, but it is worth it. Start with old hymns. Get a subscription to Spotify or Napster and find a playlist of Christian or gospel music by unknown artists. Listen to Christian rap and Google the lyrics. Discover how much various styles of Christian music represent truth and Scripture. Style can vary as long as the words remain solid and scriptural.

Current DTS director of chapel music and worship, PATRICK THOMAS (ThM, 2004) serves as the associate pastor at Reunion Church in Dallas, Texas. Patrick is married to Tiffany, and they have four children—two boys and two girls: Nehemiah Andrew, Judah Elizabeth, Benjamin Daniel, and Esther Amariah.






Learning to Worship Again




y black dress folds softly across the red velvet pews. I sit quietly in the still sadness, waiting my turn. I’ve never liked funerals. As the rest of the attendees sing a hymn, I move slowly, legs trembling, to reach the podium. Leaning against the wooden frame, my fingers nervously shuffle my crinkled notes. “If my grandmother could tell you anything now, I think that she would like you to know Martha’s story,” I begin. Martha, Martha. How her story touches mine so deeply. Whether in the throes of ministry or in grief, I am like Martha. I grew up in a strong Christian family, and I dreamed of attending seminary. I watched DTS chapels online, and read books by DTS grads. I studied my Bible, attended mission conferences, and graduated from a Christian college. Although many warned that familiarity would breed numbness, I have found that, like Martha, my soul aches most in anxious toil and tragedy. Because toil and tragedy comprise my life and yours too, I wonder, what does it mean to learn to worship Christ, again, whether through the constant stress of ministry or never-ending tasks, or in the horrible grasp of grief?

A PROCESS OF FAITH I was sitting in a Chinese Bible study when, for the first time, I recognized my similarity to Martha. I still have my scribbled notes on my notecard, faded from use. Even though it was a translated lesson, the pastor’s message pierced my heart in poignancy. As I wrote frantically trying to keep up with his words, tears flowed down my cheeks. “Why is this such a struggle for me?” I asked him afterwards. “Jesus cared for Martha, and he cares for you too. That’s the beauty of seeing Jesus interact with different people in the Bible. These narratives help us to relate to him personally.” Like Martha, I have found that in my anticipation to serve Jesus, I forget to worship. The pressure and stress of societal expectations overwhelm me. Whether preparing for a church ministry event, comparing my capacity and limitations to another person’s, or trying to schedule coffee with a friend, I cannot meet the ideals of what a Christian woman should look like or do. Often, I feel like I am trying to twirl several hula hoops at the same time, but they keep bumping into each other and I drop them. In seminary, other students often ask, “How many hours do you take? How much do you work? Where’s your internship? What Bible study are you in? Are you keeping up your family relationships?” I must confess, I respond via verbal acrobatics in order to hide my shame in answering these questions because I know that my answer is never enough. Additionally, the culture—shaped through the buzz of notifications, personal branding, and picture

“Our life on earth is marked by death.” filters—constantly tells me, “I am important. I am successful. I always have my life together.” In contrast, I find myself distracted, frantic, anxious, and self-serving when my attention stays centered on trying to meet others’ expectations. When Jesus came to Martha’s house, she gladly welcomed him. Yet, instead of focusing on her guest, Martha pulled away to serve. How often does a busy schedule, full of good and necessary things, distract us from the one necessary thing? Jesus’s response is not one that shames Martha, but instead he kindly reorients her perspective away from her circumstances and to his person. If I do not take the time to do the one thing necessary, that is, sit at the feet of Jesus, then my ministry and serving no longer stay other-focused but self-focused. What could have acted as a locus of redemption by God’s grace is only harried activity conformed to a worldly culture. Silence and solitude allow moments of quiet meditation on God’s Word. They realign my priorities and perspective to Christ so that I can make difficult decisions that are kingdom-focused rather than self-focused. Worship transforms into a response to our gracious God, as we desire to love him and reflect the beauty of his glory in our lives. If I do not recognize my finitude and sit quietly in his presence, I am overwhelmed by a noisy culture, and I forget to worship God, my portion and my cup.

MYSTERY AND GRIEF Our life on earth is marked by death. Despite all that is good and joyful in the world, the temporality of life is overwhelming and the inevitability of suffering and death is ominous. I seldom feel comfortable in this tension, but when I observe the life of Jesus, I see that he calls us to so much more. I can’t imagine how Martha must have felt waiting for Jesus to come. I, too, want to declare, somewhat angrily, “If you had been here, Jesus . . . .” I feel helpless against the present darkness in the world. The tragedies are too much for my frame of dust to bear. Yet, I often set out like Martha did, on the road to meet Jesus. I boldly bring my questions to the throne of grace. Where else can I go? I believe the Lord wants me, like Martha, to know him more deeply than a proposition of truth. I believe him as truth. I value and hold fast to what I confess, but I need the Lord to soften my heart so that I can receive all that I study. In my seminary classes, I often sit in tears when we discuss difficult material. I cannot simply view doctrine from a third




person perspective. I love that Jesus met Martha in a moment of grief and that he gave her deep theological answers. That’s where I need Jesus to meet me too. Although Martha did not fully understand, she trusted Jesus. He saw her and he talked to her. He cared for her personally. I’m so thankful that Christ cares for me too. Just as the accounts of Martha detail a continual process of disorientation to reorientation, a process of doubt to faith also exists, so you and I are continually learning to hope in the promises of God. Our hope is found only in him.

HERE AND NOW I believe that Christ left all of us on earth for a purpose. As Scripture teaches, the mission of the church—the body of Christ— is to worship and glorify God and make disciples. Our context is similar to Martha’s: we serve, and we grieve. As we seek to worship, to respond to the magnificence of the gospel and offer our lives to God, we live in a world of toil and tragedy. Yet, our response to God reflects his beauty and majesty and illustrates the substance of our hope. When I encounter Jesus, I come to him with limited expectations and misunderstanding; yet, he provides for my deepest needs. When I encounter Jesus, my affections change and I make different choices, even if I feel afraid, uncertain, or confused. I realize my experience might be one of sorrow, but my suffering transforms into something beautiful when I realize that I live in the tension between the manger and the empty grave. My Christology informs my eschatological hopes and situates my present reality. Whether I feel overwhelmed by the stress of everyday life, or whether I suffer loss, it is necessary for me to sit at the feet of Jesus or find him with my questions. His beauty must overcome me so



that I move from disorientation to reorientation and worship him again. I think Martha’s story helps my generation and love that its context frames thoughts of postmodernity. My generation of believers recognizes that our posture of worship is kneeling with arms locked together. I hope that we continue to carry on the faithful witness of the church and that we do so uniquely in our era, together. Emotively, we millennials feel the desperation of our age, but as we sit in the tension, as we sit quietly in the still sadness, we search for depth and structure. Whether in the throes of ministry or life, we have big questions and we desire to serve. Yet, we need to learn to be still and silent, so that we can focus these desires and be rooted in Christ. In this way, we can have an expression of worship that is truly hopeful, interdependent, and diverse. I hope that our posture illustrates our eschatological hope of every knee on earth bowing to Christ and confessing him as Lord. And like Martha, I believe him to be the resurrection and the life. Current ThM student MARY KATE BARTHEL studied English literature with a minor in Spanish (and TESOL) at Mississippi College in Clinton, Mississippi. Currently, her favorite activities include laughing with her roommates, drinking coffee, and endeavoring in athletic adventures. After seminary, she hopes to teach.

Photography by current ThM student CAROLINE KHAMENEH. Caroline serves as associate video producer in the Media Production Department at Dallas Theological Seminary. She helps produce videos and graphic animations for the seminary. You can see more of Caroline’s work at orangeandteal.com or on Facebook @orangeandtealproductions.

Study with DTS professor Dr. Mark Yarbrough, as he takes students all the way through the Bible: from Genesis to Revelation. This new free online course will broaden your understanding of the whole story of the Bible and how it is truly a single unified story. Sign up today to gain access to this amazing new course!

Dr. Mark Yarbrough






CAMPUS NEWS DTS and Baylor Scott & White on Hurting, Helping, and Hope Delivering a terminal prognosis is devastating news for patients and their families. However, on the spectrum of life and death, healthcare and ministry providers can weave a thread of hope through such a diagnosis. Join Dallas Theological Seminary and Baylor Scott & White Health for the second annual Healthcare and Christian Thought Seminar, designed to educate, empower and encourage the partnership among professionals who walk beside those on the journey to the end of life.

DTS will host “When the Doctor Calls: A Christian Perspective on Hurting, Helping, and Hope,” in Lamb Auditorium on Saturday, June 9, 2017, from 7:30 AM until noon. This educational seminar is designed for healthcare and pastoral care providers, medical and seminary students, and church members. It is directed by Dr. Mark Yarbrough, vice president of Academic Affairs and academic dean at DTS, and Dr. Thomas Hutson, physician and codirector of the GU Oncology

program at the Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center at BS&W. The conference will feature two plenary sessions and five workshops. Dr. Al Weir, presidentelect of the National Christian Medical and Dental Association, will be the first speaker, delivering the lecture, “When the Doctor Has Bad News: A Physician’s Perspective on the End of Life.” Dr. Roger Poupart, senior tor of Wayside Chapel in Antonio, Texas, will bring closing message, “When

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Doctor Has Good News: A Pastor’s Perspective on Rejoicing and Remembering the Goodness of God.” The morning workshops will explore different topics such as the theology of suffering, death and dying, caring for children of a terminally ill parent, trauma and grief, and the role of the church coming alongside those at the end of life. For more information, please contact Pam Cole at 214-8875012 or visit dts.edu/healthcare.

Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem With the release of LifeWay’s research conducted on “American Evangelical Attitudes Towards Israel and the Peace Process,” a new organization formed with twenty-five prominent Evangelical seminary professors, Bible scholars, authors, and ministry leaders. Dedicated to facilitating a better public understanding of the complexities of the Middle East, including its roots in history and the Bible, Dr. Mark Bailey joined Dr. Darrell Bock, Dr. Mark Yarbrough, and New York Times best-selling author Joel Rosenberg along with other prominent colleagues in this initiative. The Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem will work together to educate millennials and others about Israel’s role in the biblical narrative—past, present, and future—while also affirming God’s concern for Palestinians and all peoples of the Middle East. At the press conference, Rosenberg shared the organization’s aim: “What does it



mean to obey Jesus’s command to love our neighbors and love our enemies? And as importantly, how can Christians discuss hotbutton theological and geopolitical issues in a thoughtful, respectful, biblical manner that builds the kind of unity Jesus speaks of in John 17, rather than causing more discord and division? These are some of the questions the Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem will be asking, as we believe this is precisely the conversation the church needs to be having.” According to the survey, the overall support of Evangelicals for Israel will drop significantly in the next decade if the younger generation is misinformed about its biblical importance. “If we ask why millennials are less certain about Israel, it may be because most Middle Eastern events in their lifetime have not involved Israel as much as other areas of the Middle East, so Israel is a missing puzzle piece for them,” Dr. Bock explained. “The terror attacks on 9/11 changed the Middle East equation, and young people just aren’t sure where Israel is supposed to fit.”

Photo courtesy of Abraham Vazquez of Chosen People Ministries.

Rosenberg reiterated his reason for the alliance. “I see a real need to educate the church—and particularly younger Evangelicals—about God’s love and plan for both Israel and her Arab and Persian neighbors, and to mobilize them to seek peace, pray for peace, and be peacemakers in a dark and troubled region.” For the full survey results, please visit lifewayresearch.com.

Meet the New Adjuncts DR. JAMES ESTEP JR. Adjunct Professor in Educational Ministries and Leadership Dr. Estep serves as the equipping pastor at Heritage Christian Church in Fayetteville, Georgia. He has taught for over twenty-five years and has authored several books on ministry and leadership. Dr. Estep also serves with e2: effective elders ministries which equips elders to lead congregations. He lives in Newnan, Georgia, with his wife, Karen. They have three children and three grandchildren.

DR. LYNN ETTA MANNING Adjunct Professor in Educational Ministries and Leadership and for Doctor of Ministry Dr. Manning has traveled to Russia, India, and Tanzania, Africa, training, teaching, and developing women’s ministries. She has also worked in women’s ministries for over thirty years. She currently serves as assistant dean of students and advisor to women students at DTS. Dr. Manning loves spending time with her two adult children and their families, especially her five grandsons.

Dr. Olson has taught the Bible for over 30 years in New Zealand (his home), Singapore, and the USA. He has a passion to equip students with intellectually honest answers to questions concerning the Bible and science, and to impart a global vision of the Christian church. He earned both his ThM and PhD degrees from DTS. Craig and his wife, Brigitte, live in Richardson, Texas, and have two children.

DR. MICHELLE POKORNY Adjunct Professor in Educational Ministries and Leadership and for Doctor of Ministry Dr. Pokorny currently serves as assistant director of spiritual formation at DTS. Her primary role is to help women at DTS nurture their spiritual lives and facilitate authentic community. She recently earned her DMin from DTS where her research centered on burnout-prevention and soul care for men and women in Christian leadership. She and her husband, Mark, live in Plano, Texas.

DR. CRAIG OLSON Adjunct Professor in Bible Exposition

DR. DANIEL STEFFEN Adjunct Professor in Theological Studies Dr. Steffen served as a full-time missionary with his wife, Jane, and two sons, in Bolivia (1988 to 1997) and Guatemala at SETECA (1997 to 2004). After serving in pastoral roles in the United States (2004–14), he now resides in Indiana, but travels extensively teaching module courses in Spanish-speaking countries as well as the DTS Spanish online program. He has authored two Greek textbooks in Spanish.

DR. HUI-WEN (KATHY) WU Adjunct Professor in Biblical Counseling and for Doctor of Ministry Dr. Wu served as a professional mental health counselor and supervised counseling interns. She earned her PhD in counseling from Texas A&M University-Commerce in Commerce, Texas. With the support from many including their two boys, Kathy and her husband, Sam, serve in marriage ministries at Dallas Chinese Fellowship Church in Plano, Texas. She also works with the Chinese Studies department at DTS.











Mrs. Dawn Waters-Baker, artist-inresidence at Arapaho Road Baptist Church in Garland, Texas, and Dr. Natalie Carnes, assistant professor of theology at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, were this year’s Arts Week speakers. During chapel, they spoke on beauty, its language within the context of our wounds and in our ministries, and as it relates to life, nature, and theology. Go to voice.dts.edu/chapel to view all of the Arts Week messages.

1 (From right to left) Jennie Allen (MABS, 2005), takes the time to pose with her friend and mentor, Christine Caine, featured speaker at the All About Influence, Women’s Leadership Conference.



2 Dr. Rodney Orr (ThM, 1990) took his DTS cross-cultural apologetics class to the State Fair of Texas to do evangelism during the University of Oklahoma vs. University of Texas game. The students had many opportunities to share the gospel one on one and many trusted Christ. 3 Stephanie Reyes, Sucely de León, and Margaret Tolliver (MAMC, 2012) strike a pose at the DTS annual fall festival. 4 Assistant director of DTS en Español, Williams Trigueros (STM, 2015) prays over the pastor and the leadership team of Primera Iglesia Biblica de Apatzingan in Apatzingán, Michoacán, México. The church celebrated their 61st anniversary this past fall. 5 Director of Spiritual Formation, Sten-Erik Armitage (MABS, 2012; ThM, 2012), had no prob-llama winning the coveted tacky sweater hat at the DTS Staff Christmas Party in December.


6 Eric Mason (ThM, 2000) spoke at the RightNow Conference in Dallas, Texas, where he challenged believers to engage with others on race, justice, and the church. To watch his session, please visit rightnowconferences.org. 7 Dr. Dan Wallace (ThM, 1979; PhD, 1995) fights Bruce Lee in Hong Kong where he spoke at Waterloo Hill Church. Special thanks to Josh Lam (ThM, 2006), pastor of Waterloo, for his hospitality and especially for getting him there. 8 Every year at DTS-Dallas, the staff competes in an interdepartmental Christmas decorating contest. Congratulations to the Business Office and DTS Foundation for the creative reminder of God’s indescribable gift.




HOME BEFORE DARK: PROFILE OF DR. DONALD K. CAMPBELL (THM, 1951; THD, 1953) Editor’s Note: On the afternoon of Sunday, January 14, 2018, Dr. Campbell, went to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.


he third president of Dallas Theological Seminary barely survived childhood. As a young lad in Fort Wayne, Indiana (b. 1926), Donald K. Campbell was struck by a car. God spared his life, and the experience proved providential. “I sensed for the first time that God had something for me to do,” Campbell recalled. He came to Christ at the age of twelve through the ministry of his Sunday school teacher, a burly locomotive fireman. It was fitting that Campbell’s conversion should start with a car accident and include prayer with a blue-collar worker. In his years leading Dallas Theological Seminary, Campbell navigated disaster and always considered himself an average Joe. God’s providence continued to shine on him when he was struck again at the age of thirteen. This time it was a different vehicle: love. In 1940, a visiting pastor candidated for the pulpit at his family’s church in Illinois. Campbell, however, gave his undivided attention to a more captivating subject: the eldest of the pastor’s two daughters, Bea. The couple dated in high school, and then Campbell “followed” Bea to Wheaton College. They married after graduating in 1947.

Dr. Donald K. Campbell (1926–2018) 20


“Bea was the mother of my four children and a very loving person,” Campbell said years later. The DTS Insider magazine wrote of her in 1980, “If Bea were left out of the story, you would miss a key part of [Don Campbell]. With her sparkly and expressive nature, she’s a perfect complement to her mellow husband.” The couple raised four children and had seven grandchildren, who were the joy of Campbell’s life.

Campus conditions were equally Spartan. A hundred students— all male in those days—and a dozen faculty members sweltered in suits, shirts, and ties. Pedestal fans labored in classrooms. But the discomfort was worth it. Campbell marinated under the teaching of then president Lewis Sperry Chafer, in one instance remaining spellbound with other students after a Chafer talk on Romans 6–8. Dr. Chafer got up, turned off the lights, and left. The students remained rooted in place. Finally a student coughed, a chair squeaked, and the spell was broken. Campbell described Chafer as the most spiritually influential person in his life.


Bea died of cancer in 1991 after a long illness. Campbell faithfully stayed by her side, caretaking and savoring the last months of her life—all while fulfilling presidential duties at DTS. Despite his faith in the Lord’s sufficiency, the burden of grief seemed unyielding. But God had redemptive plans. After a year of grieving, Campbell called Bea’s younger sister, LaVonne, herself a widow. Campbell recalled the conversation: “Would you come and live with me?” he asked. “I’m lonely.” She replied, “Well, yes, but you have to marry me first.” Campbell chuckled. Of course that was part of the deal. When he announced his engagement to the seminary family, he quoted Psalm 30:5: “Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.”

Dr. Campbell always believed in performing a yeoman’s work with little fanfare and no desire for personal glory. He got a job as caretaker at the seminary, cutting grass on the front lawn. He then served as youth director at Five Points Baptist Church, where Bea played piano. The pastor there was a tall man who preached sermons such as, “God Is No Respectable Person” (he meant “No Respecter of Persons”). This preacher also said there were only two types of sermons: topical and suppository (he meant “expository”). Campbell knew the pastor’s theology was solid despite his misstatements, so he had too much grace to correct the errors. In this he learned an early lesson in picking one’s battles and exercising charity in nonessentials. After two years—and while still a student—Campbell was called to serve as senior pastor of Pilgrim Chapel in south Dallas. Clusters of row houses huddled close together in awkward attempts to hide broken windows and falling bricks. Unsavory underworld characters moved in the shadows. “Bonnie and Clyde frequently visited that area,” Campbell recalled. Undeterred, he taught two Sunday sermons and a Wednesday night class, in addition to his full-time seminary load. His life verse, Ezra 7:10, provided a model for how to apply God’s Word: study it, practice it, and then teach it. “What a great molding experience that was for me in preparation for ministry,” Campbell later said.

MAYOR OF “TRAILERVILLE” In his junior year at Wheaton, Campbell surrendered to God’s call to vocational ministry and prepared for seminary. He and Bea arrived on the DTS campus in August of 1947. They brought their housing with them, a mobile trailer. When Campbell rolled onto campus property, a college friend came running out to greet them. “Howard Hendricks met us with an extension cord and plugged us in,” he recalled. “My Dallas Seminary career was underway.” Hendricks remembered an additional detail. That night, he and his wife, Jeanne, celebrated with the Campbells at the Adolphus Hotel. “As I vaguely remember,” the late prof wrote later, “our budgets permitted only a fruit salad for each of us.” Living conditions were rustic. Campbell parked his mobile home in “Trailerville,” a group of twenty-five mobile homes clustered on the lawn by Apple Street. Wooden planks served as walkways. Students and spouses shared a single hut that served as restroom and shower house. A harbinger of things to come, Campbell was elected mayor of “Trailerville.”




After earning his ThD in Bible Exposition at DTS, Campbell taught for several years at the Dallas Bible Institute and at Bryan University in Dayton, Tennessee. But the late Dr. John Walvoord— then in his first year as the second president of DTS—wanted Campbell back and asked him to return as seminary registrar. Campbell accepted on one condition: “That I also be given a teaching assignment. I don’t feel I would be fulfilling my calling by simply being an administrator.” Campbell started as registrar in July 1954, still in his twenties. He served in that position for the next thirteen years, then as academic dean from 1961 to 1985, and as executive vice president for two years.

“I HAD SOME SCARS” As academic dean, Campbell participated in two great firsts: the admission of Tony Evans as one of the first African American students at the seminary, and the admission of women. His second decision—to admit women in the 1980s—made some students and faculty irate. Campbell stood his ground. “I felt that the seminary needed to diversify gender-wise,” he said later. “I felt the student body certainly should be open to women as well as men. This was on my tenure. I had some scars. I think they’ve healed now. But the faculty was pretty divided.” As part of her PhD work at the University of Texas at Dallas, Dr. Sandra Glahn (ThM, 2001) was tasked with researching the history of DTS’s decision to admit women. She said, “Dr. Campbell emerged as the unsung hero. He was a courageous champion for women, believing their admission to theological training was the right thing to do. His belief was only strengthened by visits with alumni all over the world who insisted they needed trained women on the front lines. Although he faced intense criticism, he held to his convictions and led the way. The files include numerous and lengthy letters crafted in response to objectors in which Dr. Campbell gently made his case from the Word. He set up meetings for open discussion with students and faculty, wrote articles explaining the position, called in people for private conversations—he was a fearless advocate. Some accused him of capitulating to culture due to the demands of SecondWave Feminism. Years later in response to such an accusation, he recalled, ‘I didn’t care what feminists were or weren’t doing. It was the right thing to do.’ When someone accused, ‘We know what Dr. Chafer would have done,’ implying that Dr. Campbell was taking the school away from its roots, he responded with, ‘The first woman I heard in DTS chapel was Mrs. Tan—who came at the invitation of Dr. Chafer.’” In his quiet competence as an administrator, Campbell sometimes seemed to operate on stealth mode. Like the inside of a clock, he was unflashy, apolitical, yet steady, timely, and indispensable. In committee meetings he usually listened carefully to the opinions of his staff before speaking. Colleagues and students knew Campbell as completely unflappable. Despite a strenuous schedule, he would admit a stressed-out student into his office, give him a seat, listen to his



problem, and then head off to an administrative cabinet meeting— still on time. His longtime secretary, Sue Boettinger, said in a 1980 DTS Insider article, “He’s amazing. He always seems to have time for people, but his calendar stays packed. And in the midst of the apparent chaos, he remains calm and easygoing. I think he could handle any situation.” While Campbell wrote books, spoke at conferences, and traveled around the world, teaching an adult Sunday school class kept him grounded. “My ministry at Northwest Bible Church takes me out of the ivory tower,” Campbell once said. “Involvement in people’s struggles, families, and everyday lives carries me beyond the scholarly realm of life and helps make me a real person.” While serving as an administrator and leader, Dr. Campbell produced an impressive body of scholarly work. In the periodicals market, his numerous book reviews appeared in Bibliotheca Sacra and The Sunday School Times. Additionally, he wrote multiple articles for Bibliotheca Sacra, Kindred Spirit magazine, Good News Broadcaster, and Moody Bible Institute’s former popularmarket publication, Moody Monthly. As a contributing writer, he provided sections in The Bible Knowledge Commentary ( Joshua and Galatians); Essays in Honor of J. Dwight Pentecost, “The Church in God’s Prophetic Program”; and the Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible. Dr. Campbell’s full-length books focused primarily on leadership, both in biblical characters and in godly colleagues. These included the following: Nehemiah: Man in Charge (Victor, 1979); Joshua: Leader Under Fire (Victor, 1981); Walvoord: A Tribute (editor, Moody, 1982); Daniel: God’s Man in a Secular Society (Discovery House, 1988); Chafer’s Systematic Theology, abridged edition, volumes one and two (consulting editor), (Victor, 1988); and Judges: Leaders in Crisis Times (Victor, 1989). The latter came from raw personal experience—Campbell penned it during his most chaotic times as president of the seminary.

“SEE EVERYTHING, OVERLOOK A LOT, DEAL WITH A LITTLE” In 1986, Dallas Theological Seminary inaugurated Donald Campbell as its third president. John Hannah, in his book An Uncommon Union, notes that Campbell was the first president of DTS to grapple with a post-modern world. Hannah wrote, “Campbell attempted to maintain a time-honored school in its historic and theological traditions and, at the same time, adjust to new realities.” As president, Campbell felt a double duty: to preserve the seminary’s unique past while also pursuing necessary change. He actively sought to increase racial diversity in the student body and welcomed international students. And as mentioned, he also championed the cause of women, both as students and then as faculty members. Campbell faced two primary challenges as president from 1986 to 1994: financial and doctrinal. He met both with firm commitment and faith. Financial hardship struck in 1987 with a recession felt most sorely in the Southwest. DTS saw donations drop. Faculty salaries froze, staff were let go. Campbell had to make “belttightening a predictable practice.” More distressing was dissension among faculty. In 1988 three faculty members left because of doctrinal differences over the role of spiritual gifts. While Campbell was willing to engage in lively debate with faculty members who expressed interpretive differences (for example, the debate between Progressive and Classical Dispensationalists), he felt unable to compromise with faculty who expressed truly divisive doctrinal differences. In the end, Campbell acted decisively to preserve the seminary’s doctrinal beliefs. He later said, “I knew and loved these brothers in Christ, met with each one of them personally—but eventually asked them for their resignations. The reason I gave was that it’s the responsibility of the president to defend the doctrinal statement of the seminary.” From this, Campbell learned several important leadership lessons. First, that he couldn’t control everything that happened on campus. Second, that he couldn’t fix everything or please everyone. And third, that he needed to—as Pope John XXIII said— “See everything, overlook a lot, and deal with a little.” “I’m not running a popularity contest,” Campbell said to a fellow seminary president. “A lot can be accomplished if you do not care who gets the credit.” Ironically, Campbell deserves much credit. His influence as president was quiet, but firm. Few areas remained untouched. He decentralized the administration by setting up a vice presidential structure. He expanded degree programs to include the MABS and MACM, among others. Bricks and mortar abounded as Campbell oversaw the addition of numerous buildings, including Turpin Library, the Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership, and the academic building eventually named for him.

“A lot can be accomplished if you do not care who gets the credit.” Campbell retired from the presidency of DTS in 1994. He had shepherded DTS into wider evangelical circles while remaining faithful to its doctrinal distinctives. He described his eight years as president as “happy and satisfying” and expressed the hope “that God will always raise up mighty men and women of God to lead the school far beyond my own lifetime.”

HOME BEFORE DARK In a 2003 DTS chapel message, Dr. Campbell spoke about Gideon—the judge who began well but ended badly. Campbell had observed many leaders, both in the Bible and in the world around him, who had begun well but ended badly. The only way to end well, Campbell told students, is to trust in the God who “will keep you strong to the end” (1 Cor. 1:8, NLT). He then read from one of his favorite poems by Robertson McQuilkin, titled “Let Me Get Home Before Dark.” The first stanza reads as follows: It’s sundown, Lord. The shadows of my life stretch back into the dimness of the years long spent. I fear not death, for that grim foe betrays himself at last, thrusting me forever into life: Life with You, unsoiled and free. But I do fear. I fear the Dark Spectre may come too soon—or do I mean, too late? That I should end before I finish or finish, but not well. That I should stain Your honor, shame Your name, grieve Your loving heart. Few, they tell me, finish well . . . Lord, let me get home before dark. STEVE SMITH (ThM, 2012) is a freelance writer and a stay-at-home parent who rejoices in the value and sanctity of small things (giftofsmallthings.com). Because of his own toxic church background, he is passionate about freeing people from spiritually abusive environments through grace and truth (libertyforcaptives.com). Steve lives with his wife, Teresa (MACM, MABS, 2012), and two sons in Columbus, Ohio.




ALUMNI CONNECTION In Memory Herbert E. Anderson (1941–42) passed away on December 28, 2016. Herbert sang in gospel quartets, managed mission and youth organizations, and pastored Conservative Baptist churches in Oregon. He directed the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society (renamed World Venture) in Illinois and worked as president and professor at Judson Baptist College. After retirement, Herb served as interim pastor at a dozen churches in the northwest and traveled to speak at conferences and to promote Christian missions. Into his nineties, Herb taught biblical studies at Corban University. He also led twenty trips to Israel and the Middle East, teaching history and Bible. William “Bill” Edward Austin (ThM, 1952) died on March 16, 2017. For several years, he served as a pastor in two churches in Texas. For fortyfive years, he was a chaplain with Good News Jail & Prison Ministry, serving in Virginia, New York, and Florida. David Allen (ThM, 1966) passed away on November 3, 2017. David pastored churches in Arizona, Michigan, Colorado, and Texas before going to Calvary Church of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he served on the pastoral staff for twenty-seven

years. He also served on the corporation of Lancaster Bible College. A lifelong runner, David completed four marathons with his son Doug. David W. Clark (ThM, 1967; DMin, 1994) passed away on November 5, 2017. Prior to serving actively for thirty-five years as a missionary with Baptist Mid-Missions, David pastored Faith Fellowship Chapel, in Burleigh, New Jersey, and Eckhart Baptist Church in Eckhart, Maryland. His ministry was training national leaders all over southeast Asia until he returned to the USA to serve on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. Donald Faul (ThM, 1968) passed away on August 8, 2017. James A. Finke (ThM, 1977) died on August 21, 2017. Jim pastored Marshfield Baptist Church in Marshfield, Missouri, before serving in Greece as an instructor of ancient Greek, evangelism, and New Testament studies. He also served as an academic dean, registrar, and resident computer geek with Greater European Mission at the Greek Bible Institute. He helped develop and served as codirector of the international student program, an English language course of study. Harold “Clint” Clinton Perry (ThM, 1977) passed away on August 26, 2017. Clint served for over fifty

years as a pastor and as a counselor at Pleasant Grove Christian Church in Dallas, Texas. Prior to serving in Texas he pastored in churches in Colorado.

tinue to work on his audio Hebrew grammar from the Psalms. He also teaches Sunday school at Harvest Time International Church in Findlay, Ohio.

Deborah Jean Fusilier (1979–81) died on Sunday, April 23, 2017. Debi volunteered with the children’s ministry, teaching and training others to teach children for over forty years. She joined the Plan To Protect national training team. Kenneth Carozza (ThM, 1990) died on August 11, 2017. After graduation from DTS, Ken served as senior pastor of Colonial Chapel in Newington, Connecticut. He also taught public speaking, Christian foundations, ethics, and leadership for Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He gained the admiration and respect of many of his students for his humor, erudition, and unwavering commitment to the Scriptures and the gospel. John “Robby” Davis (MABC, 2016) passed away on November 13, 2017. Robby was pursuing his doctorate in clinical psychology at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon.

Updates: 1960s Dr. Gary Staats (ThM, 1967; ThD, 1971) retired from Winebrenner Theological Seminary. Gary will con-

Pictured above, Ross E. Marion (ThM, 1968) and his wife, Louise, celebrated thirty years of fruitful ministry at Wake Chapel Christian Church in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina. Ross was named pastor emeritus, and Louise received Wake Chapel’s prestigious Lifetime Christian Service Award. Wilbur Pickering (ThM, 1968) is translating into Portuguese, The Sovereign Creator Has Spoken, his New Testament translation with commentary complete with footnotes and an appendix. Wilbur will soon finish Matthew and will add new footnotes and articles for the appendix. After completing the translation, he will prepare a third edition of the English exemplar.


Stanley Toussaint (ThM, 1955; ThD, 1957), beloved teacher and former professor at DTS, and champion for biblical preaching, went to be with his Lord and Savior on September 5, 2017. Dr. Toussaint pastored at Irving Bible Church in Irving, Texas, Immanuel Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia, and Richland Bible Fellowship in Richardson, Texas. He also served as president of Western Bible Institute in Denver, Colorado, and taught in person and over the airwaves across the US and around the globe. He authored, edited, and contributed to books and published articles, studies, and smaller works. He also served at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas, where he taught the Marathon Adult Fellowship class. Dr. Charles Swindoll wrote, “I give thanks for this dear man, a model of ‘a life well lived,’ a cherished friend, and a beloved teacher since we first met on the DTS campus (1960), when I was a second-year student. After all these earthly years, he has now departed and stands complete, healthy, and whole, rejoicing in the presence of his Lord forever and ever. We shall all truly miss him.” Go to dts.edu/magazine to read more about Dr. Toussaint’s life and ministry.



Pictured above, Jim Lines (1971) and his wife, Fran, celebrated sixty years of marriage on December 4. They ministered for fifty-one years in Italy with BCM International and returned from the field in 2014 to continue their ministry in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, area. Craig Prather (ThM, 1973; DMin, 1999) serves with Camino Global. The team spent eight months researching and reading on how to en-

courage and guide pastors through the issues and challenges of establishing a multicultural congregation. They also presented this seminar to thirty leaders of English-speaking churches. As SIM retirees, Arden (ThM, 1976) and Helen Steele continue to teach one morning each week at the Quillacollo Bible Institute in Bolivia. Arden teaches a theology course or a book of the Bible, and Helen teaches Christian education to all the students. John Baab (ThM, 1977) retired from the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism last year and is settling in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Gordon Ainsworth (ThM, 1978; ThD, 1988) retired from Highland Park Baptist Church in Southfield, Michigan, after twenty-six years as shepherding pastor. This provides more time for him to spend with his wife who has suffered from the effects of lupus for the last fifty years. Al Nucciarone (ThM, 1978) reports Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Jerusalem, Israel, had the privilege of hosting sports evangelist Randy Shepherd of Crossfire Ministries this past year. Over 300 professions of faith were made by the young people who heard his message. Jeff Richards (ThM, 1978) has given publishing rights of Kingdom Bound: Our Journey of Joy (Wipf & Stock) to Missionary Publishing House in Ukraine to translate and publish the book. It is also available in French in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Spanish and German translations are in the works.

1980s Bill (ThM, 1980) and Bobbie Boggess are retiring after thirty-four years of missionary work in France. Arab Baptist Theological Seminary offers a fully online one-year certificate in ministry, using an Arabic curriculum developed in partnership with Overseas Council. This year marks the first graduation for the online program, and Scott Cunningham

(ThM, 1980; PhD, 1993) rejoices that many individuals who work in countries like Senegal, Syria, and Yemen have foundational training for ministry in areas where the opportunities for such quality training remain scarce or nonexistent. Carol and Steve Smith (ThM, 1981) are coaching and mentoring Modeste and Alice, who are currently planting churches among the Toura people in western Ivory Coast. These servants of Christ have a strong missionary call and had already, even before coming to IFOM (Training Institute for Harvest Workers), planted churches in villages that were resistant to the gospel. Gary (ThM, 1982) and Alice Fredricks received this year official “campus ministers” title by the Texas Christian University administration in Fort Worth, Texas. They enjoy the freedom to remain on campus to meet with international students. Alice leads a Bible discussion group with six girls from Africa, El Salvador, and Vietnam. David Hine (ThM, 1982) reports approximately 175 Bible studies have started to provide follow-up for the work of missionaries with World Ministries. More than 21,000 heard the gospel in Philippine neighborhood outreaches this year with an overwhelming response as people understood the difference between personally trusting Christ as Savior and following the rituals of their childhood religion. Every summer, a short-term missionary team from Texas and a youth group from a church in Milan, join Robby (ThM, 1982) and Rose Roberts in Italy to help reach people with the gospel. This past summer, the Texas team consisted of families with their children, and they helped stuff over 1,000 mailboxes with evangelistic tracts. God worked through those kids to personally touch many Italian families. Tom Doyle’s (MABS, 1983) new ministry called Uncharted works with the underground churches, persecuted believers, and remaining Holocaust survivors in Israel. They

also work with Muslims in America, women oppressed and degraded by Islam, and refugees from the Middle East fleeing to the four corners of the earth. Charles J. Sanferrare (MABS, 1983) recently published 50 Reasons Jesus Christ Is God (Charles). Thirty-five years ago, Keith Yates (MABS, 1983) wrote The Complete Book of Tae Kwon Do Forms. This year, he has updated the book to include videos for a new generation. Frank Benoit (MABS, 1984; DMin, 2009) published No Por Ignorancia: La Vigencia De Los Dones Espirituales (Noubooks). Charlie Bing (ThM, 1984; PhD, 1991) and Marvin Effa (ThM, 1980) returned to train a hundred pastors and leaders at GraceLife Institute in Burundi, Africa. With host, Anicet Ndikuriyo of Grace Bible Church and a group of sixty churches, they taught the message of grace from Romans and Galatians, and offered a course on salvation. Allen Ferry (MABS, 1984) recently published a book of devotions based on the biblical wisdom from Proverbs titled Wisdom for Warriors (Amazon Digital). His experiences in the war also inspired, Threads of Family, Faith, and Flag: Woven into the Fabric of American Patriotism (Amazon Digital), a collaboration with fellow soldier, Greg Masiello. Gary Gromacki (ThM 1984; DMin, 1997) was appointed professor of Bible and theology at Calvary University in Kansas City, Missouri. He will also lead the development of Calvary’s new PhD program, and will direct the launch of their new journal. Ronald Lee (ThM, 1984) recently taught a hundred pastors, leaders, and students in Cairo, Egypt, with Network Beyond. Kurt Nelson (ThM, 1984) joined East-West Ministries on a short-term mission team to Cuba. Over one week, they shared the gospel with 348 unbelievers, dispersed 417 sets of literature, and encouraged over

93 believers. Of those who heard the gospel, 252 people responded in faith to trust in Jesus Christ. Peter Wallace (ThM, 1984) recently published Getting to Know Jesus (Again): Meditations for Lent (Church Publishing). Dr. Alan Ingalls (ThM, 1986; ThD, 1991) teaches at Northeastern Baptist College in Bennington, Vermont. The Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary, founded by Dr. Imad Shehadeh (ThM, 1986; ThD, 1990), launched two programs this year. They started an online program through video-conferencing allowing potential leaders in unreached countries to take the full training at a distance. They also conducted a nonformal training program allowing leaders who do not desire formal study to seek enough training to be qualified as pastors. Dr. Rick Griffith (ThM, 1987; PhD, 1990) offers thousands of free presentations and resources in thirty-five languages. These resources are for student projects at Singapore Bible College that other students have translated. Chaplain, Lt Col Dan Zulli (ThM, 1988) retired from the Air Force after serving for thirty years. Joseph George (STM, 1989) recently published a seven-volume series on religion and law with Logos.

Pictured above, Brian Homoleski (ThM, 1989) received the Adjunct Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award from Cedar Valley College in Lancaster, Texas. Brian teaches philosophy and religion in the Liberal Arts Division with courses he developed from his training at DTS. He works full-time for Frontier Communications in Irving, Texas.




ALUMNI CONNECTION continued Four years of travel to village “H” in Myanmar from Phil (ThM, 1989) and Debbie Leach, along with diligent study and work by their students, culminated in eleven pastors receiving the diploma in Biblical Studies.


Pictured above, Ron Hoffman (MABS, 1990) and his wife, Gina, recently celebrated Ron’s retirement after serving as the senior pastor at Circle Community Church for twenty-five years in Orlando, Florida

Pictured above (right to left), DTS Alumni in Manila: Vince Burke (MABS, 1991) spoke at Grace Christian Church for their four weekend worship services, and Phil Tuttle (ThM, 1984) spoke at the school’s annual Christian education convention with more than 1,800 educators and pastors from all over the Philippines. Stephen Tan (ThM, 2005; DMin, 2016) is the pastor of Grace Christian Church. Norm Jones (ThM, 1991) retired after serving twenty-four years in the Army as a chaplain. He currently serves as interim pastor for a congregation on the Fort Sam Houston post, and volunteers as a pastoral counselor in the hospital chaplaincy section. Mike Gendron (MABS, 1992) led many evangelism seminars and conferences this year at Calvary Baptist Church in Escanaba, Michigan; Cor-



nerstone Church of Lincoln Way in New Lennox, Illinois; and Missionary Baptist Church in Greenwood, Wisconsin. His ministry, Proclaiming the Gospel, has planned a Reformation cruise next year to Scotland, England, and Ireland. Forbes.com recently featured Nick Ringger (ThM, 1996) and The Community Warehouse in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Nick’s tannery building on the Menominee River is filled with top quality donated construction materials, from lumber to dry wall, and staffed by ex-offenders who are there to find both employment and purpose. Raymond Sullins (CGS, 1996; MABS, 2003) retired from his role as a court investigator in Harris County, Texas. Raymond found his role in helping families and people in crisis. He also serves as an associate pastor of a small church and recently published his first book, The Believer’s Guide to Revelation (Christian Faith Publishing). Mark Wyatt (MABS, 1997), founder of Christ Fellowship Anna, rejoices in the many lifegroups that have launched and the development of a volunteer team to lay the groundwork and introduce the new campus. The church is part of the Chamber of Commerce in Anna, Texas, which provides promotional items in newcomers’ bags to new families moving into the small town. While working in Africa with the Jesus Film, Darren Childs (ThM, 1999) witnesses thousands coming to Christ each year. He rejoices in the privilege of giving new believers Bibles, teaching them God’s Word, and seeing the power of God in their lives. Danny Loe (ThM, 1999) received his DMin from Talbot Theological Seminary in the “Engaging Mind and Culture” program. Andrea Phillips (MABS, 1999) joined the department of Communication Arts as an assistant professor of public relations at Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee.

2000s Andy Raub (2000–02) published The Encore Curve: Retire with a Life Plan that Excites You (Brown Books Publishing Group). In his book, Andy shows readers how to plan for a retirement filled with purpose and significance. Andy worked as a financial adviser for thirty-five years. Jason (ThM, 2001) and Mandy Post celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary. Paul Shockley (ThM, 2002), serves on faculty at the College of Biblical Studies–Houston. He joined the division of multidisciplinary programs at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. He will primarily be teaching philosophy and normative ethics. In the Philippines, Craig Thompson (ThM, 2002) led a group of twenty-six students from TeachBeyond on four days of ministry to high-school students. He taught the essence of the gospel message and how to evangelize with others. He also recently presented “Remembering Luther: In Celebration of 500 Years of the Protestant Reformation” to 150 attendees at a forum hosted by IGSL. James Rider (MABS, 2004) has moved from associate director to director for Stewardship Ministries, in Littleton, Colorado, overseeing the team and leading strategy. In their finalized 2018 budget, the team will add a research and strategy manager, a new volunteer, and an intern from Denver Seminary. Neil Schultz (ThM, 2004) recently published So You Want to Build a Following?: How Jesus Made Disciples in the Gospel of Luke... and How You Can Too (Amazon Digital Services). John Allert (MACE, 2005) led a team that would mobilize Muslim-background believers in Germany this past year. John rejoices in God’s faithfulness in providing a team that is fully recruited and funded and ready to be on the field in eight months when the normal time frame for the process is twelve to eighteen months.

Jamie Lath (ThM, 2005) joined CTEN (Commission To Every Nation) as a missionary to Japan. Naima Lett (MAMC, 2005) and her Hope for the Hills church family embarked upon their #LoveGiveServe campaign this past year to serve their seniors in the Beverly Hills, California, area. They hosted eight outreaches in the month before Thanksgiving and served twenty to forty seniors each week, leading the lively groups in creating arts to give away. Three years ago, God gave Rob Peabody (MACE, 2007) a vision to mobilize the nation by leveraging technology for the good of society. This year, Rob and his team launched VOMO, a website that makes volunteering easy. Everything is automated and available on a mobile app. Visit vomo.org for more information. Jennie Bell (MACE, 2009) recently published Forgive Yourself: See Yourself as God Sees You “Forgiven” (Amazon Digital Services). In Jordan, Rob Lowe (MABS, 2009) met with the Jordan Evangelical Seminary president to discuss a proposal to use BEE courses as the extension education material to train people at local churches. The person heading up the extension program attended the JETS for his master’s degree in Biblical Studies after retiring from the military. After serving in pastoral ministry in Pennsylvania, Mike Osladil (DMin, 2009) will be serving as a chaplain in Cincinnati, OH.

2010s After spending some time as missionaries in Ukraine, Tomislav (ThM, 2012) and Marietta (ThM, 2012) Jerkovic are moving back to Germany where he will be a guest teacher at a number of theological institutions. Luke Perkins (ThM, 2013) and Wawa Jean-Baptiste (ThM, 2002) inaugurated their new academic and administrative building at STEP Seminary in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to replace the main building that was lost in the 2010 earthquake.

Armando Zuniga (MACM, 2013) from EvanTell taught evangelistic methods to pastors in China. This was the first time they heard a Spanish teacher. His teachings included using the multicolored bracelets to share the gospel story. Richard Morris (ThM, 2014) serves in a management position with Teach for America in Indianapolis, Indiana. Bethany Moss (MABC, 2014) received her LPC this year and now works with trauma clients at the counseling center at First Baptist Richardson in Richardson, Texas. She is also pursuing certification in play therapy. As president of the Jarwludo International Training Institute Inc., Charles Z. Barwon (ThM, 2015) and his team work with different churches to train pastors. In the future, Jarwludo’s target is to train 300 pastors in Liberia and Nigeria. When Buddhists in the Yazajo village of Myanmar objected to a small church project, God opened another door this year for Saung Khen Pau (STM, 2015) and his team at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Myanmar to build a church in the Kyigone village and Zolen villages. Annette Zampatti (MAMC, 2015) recently published, The Gospel and Womanhood (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform). The twelve-week Bible study reflects the heart of Christianity’s relational God in the daily life of the believer. As a strategic life and leadership coach with Loving All Peoples, Jeremy Patty (MACS, 2016) works among the poor, marginalized subgroups, refugees, and internationals in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. He loves to encourage and equip other missionaries and has led or participated in several short-term mission trips around the globe, including Africa, Cuba, and Haiti.

Pictured above, Heather Zimmerman (ThM, 2016) and thirteen alumni represented DTS at the Evangelical Homiletics Society (EHS) conference in Boston, Massachusetts, including four faculty members: Vic Anderson (ThM, 1986), Bruce Fong (ThM, 1978), Abe Kuruvilla (ThM, 2002), and Timothy Warren (ThM, 1977). Heather received the Keith Willhite Award for best paper, “No Longer Second-Class Sermons: Redeeming the Topical Sermon’s Reputation through Application” presented at the twentieth annual meeting of EHS. The award recognizes an outstanding paper reflecting the highest of standards in research, analysis, insight, critical thinking, passion, and professional standards in evangelical homiletics.

New Ministries Leland Smith (ThM, 1974), pastor, Grace Evangelical Free Church, Elkader, Iowa Lanny Tanton (ThM, 1985), senior pastor, Bible Church of the Lakes, Horseshoe Bay, Texas Michael Fen (ThM, 1989), lead pastor, ChristLife Community Church, Denver, Colorado Craig Schoenberger (ThM, 1990), senior pastor, Maranatha Bible Church, Salisbury, North Carolina David Sherwood (MACE, MABS, 1995), lead pastor, Cornerstone Christian Church, Duncannon, Pennsylvania Nick Boeke (DMin, 2001), senior pastor, First Baptist Church of Durand, Durand, Michigan Michael Goacher (MACE, 2002), senior pastor, Oak Hill Bible Church, Austin, Texas

Matthew Meister (ThM, 2004), associate pastor of youth and family, Ainsworth Evangelical Free Church, Ainsworth, Nebraska

Seth Ross (MABS, 2014), senior pastor, Park Hill Baptist Church, Parkville, Missouri

Cord Miller (MABS, 2005; ThM, 2016), senior pastor, Crossroads Bible Church, Talty, Texas

Jon Webster (ThM, 2014), worship pastor, Brentwood Bible Church, Austin, Texas

Dustin Yonkovich (ThM, 2005), children’s pastor, Lakeview Bible Church, Nampa, Idaho

Jake Wulbecker (ThM, 2014), associate pastor, Le Mars Bible Church, Le Mars, Iowa

Jason Anderson (MACE, 2006), youth pastor, Lakeview Bible Church, Nampa, Idaho

Jeremy Closs (ThM, 2015), associate pastor of youth and children, Kingston Alliance Church, Kingston, New York

Aaron Williams (ThM, 2006), discipleship pastor, University Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, New Mexico Jason Peters (DMin, 2007), executive director, The Hope Haven Charitable Trust, Sedalia, Colorado Pablo Monroy (MACE, 2008), Spanish pastor, Second Baptist Church, Houston, Texas John DeSario (ThM, 2009), youth and children’s pastor, Rosemont Baptist Church, Montrose, Colorado Michael Crosswhite (ThM, 2010), senior pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Jarod Walston (ThM, 2010), senior pastor, Chesterfield Bible Church, Chesterfield, Illinois Michael Breznau (ThM, 2011), lead pastor, Mayfair Bible Church in Flushing, Michigan Travis Hart (ThM, 2011), lead pastor, The Lakes Church, Sachse, Texas John Magnus (ThM, 2011), youth pastor, Elk Ridge Baptist Church, Stephenville, Texas Nika Spaulding (ThM, 2013), resident theologian, St Jude Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas Byron Bradshaw (ThM, 2014), senior pastor, Calvary Bible Church, Huntsville, Alabama

Elizabeth Jessen (MACE, MACM, 2015), director of children’s ministry, Trinity Bible Church, Richardson, Texas Clement Woo (ThM, 2015), Cantonese pastor, Frisco Chinese Bible Church, Frisco, Texas Blaine Hooper (ThM, 2016), associate pastor for small groups, Grace Bible Church, Houston, Texas Kyle Boone (ThM, 2017), senior pastor, Hambden Congregational Church, Chardon, Ohio Tsuan-Le Chu (MACS, 2017), Mandarin pastor, Fort Bend Community Church, Missouri City, Texas Seth Gheen (ThM, 2017), associate pastor for discipleship, Community Bible Church, Omaha, Nebraska Todd Kinzer (PhD, 2017), dean of students and assistant professor of Bible, Word of Life Bible Institute, Pottersville, New York Todd Linquist (ThM, 2017), manager of career placement, For the Nations: Refugee Outreach, Dallas, Texas Dane Miodov (ThM, 2017), student pastor, LifePoint Church, Plano, Texas Nikolas Schatz (ThM, 2017), executive pastor, Hershey Free Church, Hershey, Pennsylvania







// THM, 1995

ot too far from the downtown skyscrapers of Dallas, Texas, Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church sits in the modest Oak Cliff community known as “The Bottom.” Why the name? For many years the church has lived at the bottom of a floodplain of the Trinity River.

Vincent married Janice. He decided to study at DTS and received his master of theology in 1995. He has traveled and served abroad in Kenya, Uganda, Egypt, Israel, and Italy and has served as pastor of Golden Gate for the past sixteen years. He and Janice have three children.

All kinds of stories still exist today about Golden Gate’s commitment to its community and how the church leaders refused to move the church to higher ground even before the city built a levee. And still today, much of its ministry continues to live on in the legacy of the old church.

Close friend Kevin Hawkins (ThM, 2003; DMin, 2017) wrote, “Pastor Vincent Parker is a committed husband, father, pastor, and friend. He loves and cherishes his family, and this is demonstrated in his devotion to them.” Vincent spends time with each of his children and holds regular devotions with them. The testament to his commitment to them has yielded fruit. His adult children still actively engage in ministry.

In 2013, Dallas city officials, dignitaries, friends, and residents gathered to dedicate the renaming of the street the church sits on to honor one of its former pastors, Reverend Clarence Booker T. Smith. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson wrote, “Rev. Smith was best known for his remarkable energy, unyielding devotion to the faith, and his humility and love toward his neighbors.” This type of unwavering commitment did not change when Rev. Smith retired in 1997. With open arms, the church received Vincent Parker and his family into their community where they have continued to stay on the path toward reaching people with the gospel. Vincent, a Washington, D.C., native, accepted Christ as his personal Savior at the age of seven. He graduated from high school and went to Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina. In 1988,



THE NOMINATION Prayer partner Terrence Autry (ThM, 1994) describes Vincent as “a man of the utmost character who lives to exemplify a morally pleasing and upstanding life before God and people.” In nominating Vincent, Terrence wrote the following: “Pastor Parker is a worthy candidate for this award. He is a man of God who loves his family, church, and community. He pastors his church with compassion, grace, and truth, and walks with his people. He engages with his congregants regularly, and they love him dearly.” Stephen Brown (ThM, 2005), who met Vincent as he entered DTS twenty-two years ago, describes Vincent as a “patient, sacrificial

pastor, who leads his congregation with grace and truth. With God’s guidance, he has led Golden Gate to heights they’ve never known.” Stephen has known Vincent since 1995. “He is the best that DTS stands for [and teaches]. His story of training, mentoring, and pastoring is what I look for in a man that I can trust and follow.” As a pastor, Vincent stays available as a confidant and mentor to other pastors. He regularly engages with other ministers who solicit counsel from him, and he often opens up about himself in conversation and demonstrates his transparency. Stephen wrote, “When I met him he was kind and took time to answer questions about ministry and seminary life. Vincent and I are friends. As pastors who serve similar congregations, we share knowledge, solicit wisdom, and fellowship together with churches and with each other.”

HIS LEADERSHIP ROLE Ministry at Golden Gate has its challenges when one considers its location. The area, once a thriving community for African Americans, has changed considerably economically. Terrence wrote, “Vincent Parker has sought to do what most pastors will not do. He has gone into the heart of an impoverished community to share the gospel and build a Christ-loving ministry. Pastor Parker sees potential in The Bottom and has sought to make a difference. He is currently working on a partnership project with the City of Dallas to build brand new homes and wants to reopen and refurbish an elementary school that has long since closed in The Bottom.” Vincent also stays actively involved in racial reconciliation with churches across ethnic lines, bridging relationships between white and black churches. He also leads recovery ministries called ARM (Adult Recovery Ministry) and WARM (Women’s Adult Recovery Ministry). Housed at The Gate House, which serves as a place of refuge, these ministries exist for those who find themselves in the midst of recovery, whether from drugs or alcohol, or transitioning from prison back to society. Terrence explains, “He also [leads] The Gate House, an in-house ministry that ministers to both men and women. I have had some people from my church benefit from it. I have witnessed this ministry firsthand in how it changes the hearts and lives of men through the gospel and Scripture teaching.” When Vincent first started serving as pastor at Golden Gate, the church considered itself traditional. Under Vincent’s leadership, the church transitioned to a successful blended ministry that has done a great job in reaching the younger generation. Terrence adds, “Transitioning his church to minister to [a younger congregation] has been a blessing. He has done a great job including them in the life and ministry of the church. He also has helped deepen the church’s efforts in outreach and service.”

“He has gone into the heart of an impoverished community to share the gospel and build a Christ-loving ministry.” Vincent includes others in the life and ministry of the church. He leads them along with the entire church in fulfilling the Great Commission through other forms of evangelism and outreach. Vincent advises, “Developing personal relationships based on truth, honest sharing and listening can eventually broaden into conversations about larger issues. In these personal friendships and relationships trust is built so [people] can listen and know that [they] will still be accepted and respected. Relationship building takes time! So stay patient and speak the truth.”


All nominations for the Alumni Distinguished Service Award come solely from fellow DTS graduates. Nominees are prayerfully considered in light of 1 Timothy 3:1–13; Titus 1:6–9; Ephesians 5:1–33; Galatians 5:22–23; and Romans 12:1–21. For more information or to nominate a fellow DTS graduate, please visit the Alumni Service Award page online. Video of the ceremony is available on the DTS website.

RAQUEL P. WROTEN (MAMC, 2012) serves as editor of DTS Magazine. A proud native Texan, she and her husband, Rick (ThM, 1994), live in McKinney, Texas. Raquel is an advocate for people to love God through the faithful study of his Word. She is passionate about writing and loves to listen to others tell their stories of redemption and God’s grace. You can read more at blogs.bible.org/engage.




BOOKS & RESOURCES: FROM THE DTS FAMILY Kiss the Wave: Embracing God in Your Trials (Crossway) Dave Furman (ThM, 2007)

Accept One Another: A Practical and Expository Commentary on the Book of Romans (Createspace) James Allman (ThM, 1977; PhD, 1984)*

The words, “I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages,” often attributed to nineteenth-century British preacher Charles Spurgeon, provide a unique perspective on suffering. What if God intends to work through our suffering rather than simply take it away? After living with a debilitating nerve condition in both arms, Dave Furman wants to expand our view of suffering by demonstrating that God always designs and uses trials for our good. In the midst of the waves of trials, we can stop flailing our arms and instead embrace the God who is near to us even as we suffer.

New resources from traditional publishers by members of the seminary family: Complete list at dts.edu/books Visit the DTS Bookcenter website online at bookcenter.dts.edu *Faculty member



Nothing to Prove: Why We Can Stop Trying So Hard (Waterbrook Press) Jennie Allen (MABS, 2005) Understanding the Gospels: A Guide for Preaching and Teaching (Kregel Publications) Herbert Bateman IV (ThM, 1987; PhD, 1993) and Ben Simpson (ThM, 2003; PhD, 2011),* editors Darwin or Design? What Biology Reveals About the Secrets of Life: Intelligent Design Introductory Guide (Lecture Press) Scott Chandler (MABS, 1991)

Dr. Allman, professor of Old Testament Studies at DTS, examines Paul’s message of acceptance in Romans. We live in a world challenged by racial and cultural differences much like in Paul’s day. Through a careful exposition of Romans, Dr. Allman concludes, “Accepting one another means we recognize in each other the saving work of God. We learn to extend to one another the grace we have ourselves received from God.” Today, we need to hear this message to build a community where people actually live the gospel and to renew our witness to the world.

Five Golden Rings: The Significance of the Five Women in the Genealogy of Jesus (Dispensational Publishing House) Charles Dyer (ThM, 1979; PhD, 1986) Galatians: Discovering Freedom in Christ Through Daily Practice (Kregel Publications) Sue Edwards (MABS, 1989)* and Jodie Niznik (MACE, 2009) No More Excuses: Be the Man God Made You to Be (Crossway) Tony Evans (ThM, 1976; ThD, 1982)

Kingdom Marriage: Connecting God’s Purpose with Your Pleasure (Focus on the Family) Tony Evans (ThM, 1976; ThD, 1982) Believe 365 Day Devotional: What I Believe. Who I Am Becoming (Zondervan) Randy Frazee (MABS, 1988) and Rozanne Frazee Best Bible Books: New Testament Resources (Kregel Academic) John Glynn (1995) Michael H. Burer (ThM, 1998; PhD, 2004),* editor

Ecclesiastes: Discovering Meaning in a Meaningless World (Kregel Publications) Sue Edwards (MABS, 1989)*

The Marvelous Mud House: A Story of Finding Fullness and Joy (B&H Kids) April Graney (MABS, 1999)

If studied properly, the book of Ecclesiastes can lead women to an optimistic outlook on life and help them abandon bad habits, hang-ups, and foolish perspectives that keep them in bondage to everything that threatens to destroy the ultimate joy Jesus wants for them. In this study, Sue Edwards walks women through Ecclesiastes, revealing nuggets of wisdom about life and God, as well as dire warnings on what to avoid. Any woman who wants to know God and live according to his design, from new believers to veterans of the faith, will discover anew one of the richest sources of wisdom ever written.

The Devout Life: Plunging the Depths of Spiritual Renewal (Wipf & Stock) Roger Helland (ThM, 1983) Can We Still Believe in the Rapture? (Harvest House Publishers) Mark Hitchcock (ThM, 1991; PhD, 2005) and Ed Hindson Finding God in the Margins: The Book of Ruth (Lexham Press) Carolyn Custis James (MABS, 1977)

When Christ Appears: An Inspirational Experience Through Revelation (Worthy Publishing) David Jeremiah (ThM, 1967) Mending Broken Branches (Kregel Publications) Elizabeth Oates (MACE, 2005) Israel on High Alert: What Can We Expect Next in the Middle East? (Harvest House Publishers) Ron Rhodes (ThM, 1983; ThD, 1986) CSB Study Bible for Boys (Baker Books) Larry Richards (ThM, 1962), editor

Two families, living a world apart, show true riches come from God—not in gaining more stuff. In this illustrated children’s book, an American family journeys to Kenya. They begin their adventure having plenty, but wanting more. In their travels to Kenya, they meet another family who are rich in faith and joy, but have little else. Through their time together, the American family learns that in wanting less, they can help send an African child to school. Both families celebrate God’s goodness and the joy of participating in answered prayer.

CSB Study Bible for Girls (Baker Books) Larry Richards (ThM, 1962), editor The Most Important Women of the Bible (Bethany House Publishers) Aaron (ThM, 2008) and Elaina (ThM, 2009) Sharp Planting Reproducing Churches (Destiny Image Incorporated) Elmer Towns (ThM, 1958) The Secret of Lasting Forgiveness: How to Find Peace by Forgiving Others…and Yourself (Zeal Books) Bruce Wilkinson (ThM, 1974) and Mark Strong




EAST AND WEST: A Journey to Worship



rowing up in Hong Kong, my experience in worship mirrored a synthesis of Eastern and Western culture. Talk about getting pulled in two different directions. The Lord, however, gave me plenty of room for exploration. As I got older, it somehow consolidated. When I look back, I can see God’s grace connecting it all—making it work as I serve a Chinese congregation and in a Western theological seminary in the metropolitan area of Dallas, Texas.

IN THE BEGINNING What I consider my first worship experience occurred in a Chinese church with an American missionary in 1978. Because of my Catholic school background, I associated my first Christian worship as something like attending a “Christian mass.” The church—deeply influenced by southern Baptist music with a choir as well as a traditional hymnbook—had long pews and lengthy sermons. I often tried to fight my sleepiness by straightening my back. The blend of formality with Southern gospel music, however, cultivated a reflex of joy and reverence. Every Sunday for me meant coming before God with devotion and contemplation. Moreover, the gospel music aroused my youthful ardor to follow Jesus. As a new convert, worship taught me to know and to love the Lord my God (Deut 7:9). Stepping into college, I felt excited by a freedom of worship in the new movement of contemporary music in Christian community. Band, not choir, was now the norm. A group of musicians from Campus Crusade [now Cru], named “Cross Road,” brought new excitement with open area worship in the college amphitheater. Spontaneity, devotion, and a lively dynamic between the singers and audience moved us into an emotional apex. Worship now transpired a transforming experience of a personal God. Meanwhile, Koreans brought in the action songs with devoted affection. We sang and acted in open areas before passerby college students. “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker” (Ps 95:6).



Worship was more than music and voice. It incorporated movement and holistic participation. Kneeling down to pray with lifted voices expressed the deepest yearning of our youthful souls. Prayer within the community sounded like waves of water mingled with adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and heartfelt petitions. Friends rarely mentioned prayer meetings, but instead participated in prayer movements. Worship united us into a community of strong Christians. A great revival spread from one spiritually dying campus to almost all major universities in Hong Kong. As disciples of Christ, we loved the worship experience. And because we did, it spread like wildfire across campuses.

“I cannot overextend

myself to the point that I lose the essence of worship—that I disregard what it means to worship in spirit and truth.”

FUSING DIVERSITY For the past four decades, I’ve participated in many diverse worship experiences, which have blessed me in more ways than I can count. The experiences have given me insight to look into Chinese worship through a kaleidoscopic lens. Some churches guide their leaders and congregants with formal liturgical procedures in worship. Others lead their communities with gifted worship leaders who bring the congregation to a climactic point with artistically designed music. Some worship music is characterized by a homogenous culture while others by a mix of traditional and present-day music. Despite their differences, the trend is that more and more worship leaders practice looking inward to the leading of the Spirit. In today’s Chinese churches, the majority of them are characterized by sermon-dominant worship. In recent years, like most Chinese congregations in the US, the church I serve—New Life Gospel Church—has moved to two worship services (Chinese and English). Our leaders can tell the difference of emphasis between the OBC (overseas-born Chinese) and ABC (Americanborn Chinese) generations. Worship for the OBC congregation is characterized by contemporary Chinese hymns. The rise of gifted hymnists or hymnographers from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong adds color to worship songs which reflects diverse Chinese culture. Hymns are picked with melody and lyrics that fit the core values of the educated and Westernized middle-class Chinese. Worship may directly or indirectly reflect the spirit, struggle, and dream of the Christ-followers—all as aliens in a foreign land. The English worship (for the ABCs) is more youthful with a mix of traditional and contemporary American Christian music. The trend leans toward modern-to-postmodern American Christian culture. One major difference is that a Chinese-style worship is comparatively more structured and reserved in expression while an American-style worship is more natural and free. A preservation of Chinese ethics highly impacts the overseas-born Chinese. The echo of contemporary US culture meets the need of American spouses and their American-born Chinese offspring.

Furthermore, under the influence of two major seminaries in the Dallas area, sermons—heavy on Scripture—play a vital role to bring the congregations together for instruction, meditation, and action. The growing number of immigrants and seminarians from mainland China only contribute to the oriental element of the Chinese church. The arrangement of worship in the Chinese congregation grows complicated by the need to remain sensitive to the diverse Chinese culture around the world. We need a Sesame Street style of cross-culture adventure to expose today’s Chinese church congregants to the beauty of different worship experiences that include both the East and West (Acts 2:42–47).

REFLECTION ON WORSHIP Looking back, I realize my seminary education gave me an opportunity to reflect on my worship expression under the lens of the Bible, theology, and history. I find it difficult to evaluate worship from a purely academic perspective. However, asking questions gave me an opportunity for a reexamination of the practices or habits I had formed in worship. Some of the major questions that I continue to ask move me to ponder deeply on how I worship. Is my worship a psychological effect impacted by this worship environment or is my worship from spirit and truth? Is it driven by a charming, charismatic worship team, by an enthusiastic crowd, or by the Spirit of the Lord? Is my worship determined by the expression of contemporary culture or by an experience that can cross generational boundaries? Is my worship personal or just a corporate experience? Does the West or the East lead the trend of today’s worship experience? Is it a choice among traditions or an adaptation to the established culture of a congregation? Often, it is where I am spiritually and what is in my heart at the moment that determines my worship experience. My heart can tell whether I have come closer to my Lord, my heavenly Father. I may ask a lot of questions that I cannot answer, and sometimes I don’t receive a black-and-white answer. I have something to learn while giving it a try to experience worship from a culture different




from my own. However, I cannot overextend myself to the point that I lose the essence of worship—that I disregard what it means to worship in spirit and truth ( John 4:23).

AN IMPROMPTU WORSHIP EXPERIENCE A few years ago, my entire family went to Toronto, Canada, to attend the wedding of my brother Leonard. He was in his fifties and a Catholic. We had a great time and a meaningful family reunion. The morning before we took our flight back to Dallas, Eira, my wife, asked whether I could lead our family in worship. I had led many worship services before, but not like this one. I struggled to initiate this because of my brother’s Catholic upbringing, its tradition, and the intergenerational gap between my brothers, sisters-in-law, and my three college kids. With anxiety, I led a family worship with the simplest format: songs, Scripture reading, and an invitation to each member of my family to pray one after another. To my surprise—a huge surprise— everybody enjoyed it. My kids prayed sincerely for our family. My two brothers participated with a good heart. One of my sisters-inlaw told me that it was her first family worship experience. With sincere heart and the work of the Holy Spirit, we had crossed our boundaries to worship the same Father in heaven. Matt Redman penned: “I will bring you more than a song. For a song in itself is not what you have required. You search much deeper within through the way things appear. You’re looking into my heart.” May our hearts worship the Lord in spirit and in truth! The Lord has already revealed to us a beautiful picture of worship in Scripture. People from all nations, all tribes, and all languages will come together to honor the same creator and redeemer God. No longer will we look at our differences. Instead we will keep our eyes on him. When we look back, we will see God’s grace connecting us all. It is then worth it to overcome cultural and language hurdles in our earthly worship so that we can mirror and look forward to the coming days of heavenly worship (Rev 7:9–10; 19:1–7; 21:1–3).

KAM-CHEUNG RICHARD HON (ThM, 1996; PhD, 2015) serves as assistant professor of Bible Exposition at DTS. Dr. Hon currently serves at New Life Gospel Church in Lewisville, Texas, and has been actively involved in church planting, discipleship, leadership development, and Bible seminars. He and his wife, Eira, have three grown children— Lydia, Priscilla, and Nathan.






everal times a year, Dr. Swindoll preaches in chapel at DTS and engages in a question-and-answer time with prospective students. Here are some of the questions he answered recently.

What are some of the ways you prepare your heart for worship? I never let a passage of Scripture go to waste. By that I mean— lest it sounds wrong—I don’t approach studying the Scriptures as an academic study. Furthermore, it is not merely time spent to prepare for a sermon. It’s also a time to feed my soul. On some occasions, I do forget I’m working on a sermon. When I realize the passage is speaking to me, I allow God’s Word to take me in a different direction, knowing I need to deal with that truth in my life. Sometimes I’ll walk to Cynthia’s office, and I’ll say, “Listen to this . . . .” And I’ll read it so we can spend some time sharing together. So because my work requires time in the biblical text every day, I have to fit that which feeds my soul as well, and not just think of it in the category of preparing for a talk. Often, studying for events I speak at (such as DTS chapel, weddings, funerals, and conferences) touches my own life. I allow the Scriptures to work in me, and I’m always grateful for these moments.

How would you encourage others to keep their spiritual walk with Christ vibrant in both seminary and ministry? Keep asking that question on a regular basis and ask it rhetorically. Is my walk with Christ at a level that I benefit from it? Or is it lagging now? These questions will challenge you when the courses stack up. I have learned that many things get resolved through quiet times of prayer with God, where he calms me, makes me aware of or shows me something that I’m not handling well, or if I’m running ahead of his plans.

I fit prayer throughout my day. I also have bursts of prayers that accompany the situation. I pray on my way to my office, to the store, and I pray for the time I get to spend sharing at DTS. It proves to be a good use of my time. Sometimes I don’t know how long I pray. Maybe five to six, or eight minutes. And I will do that for other reasons at other times for whatever needs God shows me. I have to get quiet to listen. I seldom learn anything while I’m talking. And so it’s helpful to just stay still in God’s presence. And it’s amazing what one can learn by having quiet moments with him.

So because my work requires time in the biblical text every day, I have to fit that which feeds my soul as well, and not just think of it in the category of preparing for a talk.




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