DTS Magazine - Fall 2016

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Fall 2016 | Vol. 2, No.3

Alumni Distinguished Service Award Jim Congdon





A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Our mission is to glorify God by equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of his Word and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide.

Follow Christ’s Lead

DTS Magazine® Fall 2016 Vol. 2, No. 3 ISSN 1092–7492



©2016 Dallas Theological Seminary. All rights reserved.

y grandfather raised sheep on a small 210-acre ranch in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. When I was a child, my family and I lived across the mountains from him and would often make the five-hour drive, climbing and descending through three mountain passes just to get to his place.

As we got closer to his ranch, I’d start to look for Granddad and his little Caterpillar Twenty-Two tractor. That’s how he farmed all those acres—he would sit on his small tractor working the fields of the land. Once I spotted him, my parents would stop the car on the roadside so I could run out to him. Waving and calling, I’d chase after him until he stopped the tractor. Then, I’d climb up into his lap, grab hold of those controls, and think, “I’m driving this tractor!”

• In Romans 14:19 we’re instructed to “pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another” (nasb). • 1 Thessalonians 5:15 tells us we’re to “always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all” (nkjv). • 2 Timothy 2:22 says we are to “pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace” (esv). • Hebrews 12:14 tells us to “pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord” (nkjv).

Granddad only let me think I controlled that tractor. He could operate it using only his knees. As we plowed, my grandfather would stare straight ahead, chin up, with his eyes squinted under his hat. More than once I asked him, “Granddad, what are you looking at?” He would say, “You see that fence post down there at the end? I just put my eye there and drive straight for it, and when I get to the edge of my field, I look back…and the row is straight.”

These passages specifically mention “pursue.” In reality, however, all the other passages in the Scriptures in which character qualities are mentioned could likewise be marshaled as the signposts of Christ’s direction for our lives.

The way Granddad plowed his field is the way disciples are instructed to follow Christ’s lead. We’re to focus on him, moving forward toward the mark, eyes on the goal of eternal life with him. But we get distracted. News about the latest shooting, our presidential elections, marriage and family issues, economic and job challenges, and much more conspire to take our focus off Christ. We can get weighed down by the problems of life and become negative, cynical, and critical. We lose our joy and chase after substitutes that promise happiness. One of the ways we, as a contemporary audience of Jesus’s teaching, can follow Christ’s lead is by pursuing Christian principles. If you check a concordance to study the word “follow,” you will find that the Bible also contains the verb “follow after” and then lists a set of godly principles, or virtues, that we’re to aspire to as Jesus’s disciples.

God has given us principles to follow and wants us to pursue them and make them our goals. Instead of chasing a dream, we’re to chase after these. Godly servant-leaders pursue their own character transformation first. Then, as spiritual leaders, we can model for those whom God has chosen us to teach what it really means to follow Jesus.

Then Jesus said to his disciples,‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’

—Matthew 16:24 2

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Published three times a year by Dallas Theological Seminary 3909 Swiss Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204

Mark L. Bailey, President John C. Dyer, Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology


Raquel P. Wroten, Editor Keith D. Yates, Director of Creative Services and Publications, Layout and Design Debbie J. Stevenson, Production Manager Kathy Dyer, Matt Holland, Kelley Mathews, Margaret Tolliver, Copy Editing





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Unless noted otherwise, Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


Steve Elkins (ThM, 1984) writes about the beginnings of Young Life and Jim Rayburn’s passion for reaching the youth for Christ. He explains how Jim’s leadership legacy began with a challenge and has continued throughout the generations.

God gave Joshua instructions as he prepared to lead a nation into the Promised Land. Amanda DeWitt (MAMC, 2009) explains how God’s presence enabled Joshua to obey and lead despite his circumstances.

FOUR WAYS TO SHARPEN YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS Dr. Scott Barfoot (ThM, 1999) explains four essentials that can serve as God’s refining instruments to keep us sharp and effective for ministry leadership today and into the future.


RAISED BY GAY PARENTS: WOULD ANYONE FOLLOW A LEADER LIKE ME? Caleb Kaltenbach (DMin student) shares his personal journey and the fear and tension he experienced once he felt called by God to become a gospel preacher.







// THM, 1940


r. Lewis Sperry Chafer, Dallas Theological Seminary’s founder and first president, dreamed of the day “the seminary would send all its grads to the mission field.” Certainly concerned with producing preachers as well—after all, DTS’s motto at that time was, “Preach the Word” (2 Tim 4:2)—Chafer also wanted to produce leaders. He wanted spiritual leaders coming out of DTS.

LEGACY OF GRACE In 1935, Jim Rayburn (ThM, 1940) served as a Presbyterian area missionary out of Chama, New Mexico, where he stumbled onto a copy of Chafer’s He That Is Spiritual. He had never read anything like it! So he called the seminary and enrolled immediately. He and his wife, Maxine, moved to Dallas in 1936 to start the fouryear seminary program. Chafer’s impact and influence—specifically Chafer’s clear teaching on grace—changed Rayburn’s life. In The Diaries of Jim Rayburn, Kit Sublett emphasized that Jim thrived under the tutelage of Dr. Chafer. Jim said, “This wonderful man of God would just jump down our young necks every day about the fact that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ was what Christ had done for man plus nothing else in the world. There wasn’t anything you could add to it; there wasn’t anything else you could do about it. It was all completely done and wrapped up and ready to deliver to anybody who would take it.” Jim and his friends—Addison Sewell (ThM, 1941), George Sheffer (ThM, 1945), and Gordon Whitelock—were so inspired by Dr. Chafer’s teaching of God’s grace that they were determined to take action. “I used to sit in those classrooms and think ‘If I don’t do something about this, I’m going to burst!’” Jim explained.

LEGACY OF MINISTRY At that time, Jim got involved with a ministry, The Miracle Book Club, in Gainesville, Texas, but they only met after school. “We didn’t have a red-corpuscled kid in the group.” Jim would later demure, “They were all at practices.” Burning with his Chafer-inspired attitude that every young person “had a right to get a clear look at Jesus Christ and make an intelligent decision for himself,” Jim walked the streets of downtown Dallas one Sunday afternoon in 1939. Observing the many kids the church wasn’t reaching, or was not able to reach, he conceived the idea of taking the gospel to them. Four things enabled him to do this. He had a club meeting that would meet at a neutral site. He provided leaders who would hang out with kids on their turf (contact work)­. He implemented a great camping program, and a means of providing training for the kids to take the message “behind the enemy lines” at school. Those meetings (and the kids) would be called campaigners. These are Young Life’s distinctives—the four “C’s.”



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The first Young Life (YL) club—“Club #37” he cleverly called it, knowing no one would come to a “Club #1”!—was down the street from the seminary, in the Scout Cabin, in Orv Mitchell’s backyard not far from White Rock Lake. Rayburn created this club as a relational ministry, where leaders “win the right to be heard”—a phrase coined by Rayburn. He urged for a ministry sourced and bathed in prayer (Chafer’s book, True Evangelism: Winning Souls by Prayer, was a primer in all of the early Young Life training). He prayed for a non-boring ministry based on high adventure—especially the adventure of finding what it means to know and walk with Christ “It’s a sin to bore a kid with the gospel,” Rayburn famously said, which became the title of a 1978 book on the history of Young Life. Young Life’s basic approach in reaching kids is to win a favorable hearing, like the woman at the well ( John 4:1–42), and encourage them to check out YL for themselves. Kind of a subtle, respectful, “come see, could this be?” approach. Rayburn strongly felt that if kids—or anyone—could just get a clear glimpse of what Christ is like—not what people say he’s like, not what we might think he’s like—but what he’s really like—they would be irresistibly attracted to him.

LEGACY OF PRAYER Chafer’s emphasis on prayer caused his young charges to keep prayer journals. As a student, Jim was no exception, and prayer dominated the YL ministry. Rayburn had all the leaders keep ‘prayer lists’ of kids in their Bible. One time, Bob Mitchell—a member of the original Club #37, and later much-loved president of Young Life—stayed in the car a minute after Jim and his high school buddies had already left to get a hamburger. Mitch rifled through Jim’s little Phillips New Testament and his prayer list fell out. “I can’t tell you what it meant to me as a high schooler to see my name on that list!” Mitch said with tears in his eyes. Rayburn was notorious for calling in staff from all over the country, on the spur of the moment, for a weekend of prayer. That’s all, just prayer. They’d eat, play a little volleyball, then Jim would holler, “We didn’t come to play, we came to pray!” and they got back to it. In the 1950s, Mal McSwaim, a college summer-staffer at Frontier Ranch (who’d later become a YL vice president), was given the assignment to pick Jim up at the Colorado Springs airport. “Great!” thought Mal, “All this time, one-on-one with Jim!”


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Mal couldn’t wait. “I have to admit, I was a little disappointed when the first thing Jim did when he got in the car was say, ‘Let’s pray!’ So, Jim starts praying. He prayed for staff all over the country by name, for their needs and needs of the ministry…after fifteen to twenty minutes he stopped, it was my turn. I prayed three minutes or so—thought I’d done pretty good. Then Jim started praying again…then it was my turn. My praying tuckered out in about two minutes. Then Jim prayed some more. It went on like this, back and forth, the whole two and a half hours to camp. At first, I was disappointed; then I realized what an unbelievable experience I’d been given!”

LEGACY OF TOMORROW’S LEADERS Billy Graham felt Jim Rayburn was the best speaker of his day. Howard Hendricks said, “Jim was the best I ever saw at leading people to faith.” In his beautifully s l o w, resonant, Texas-John Wayne-baritone, he’d say, “J e s u s C h r i s t is the most a t t r a c t i v e Person to ever walk the face of this e a r t h….” Then he’d paint a compelling portrait of the Savior that would have you on the edge of your seat, wanting to know him like Jim knew him. Jim felt it was one of Jesus’s many double entendres when he said, “And I, if I be lifted up…will draw all men unto me” ( John 12:32, kjv). Through deep prayer and study and walking with Christ—like his mentor, Dr. Chafer—Rayburn lifted Christ before people so they could get a “clear glimpse” of the one who saves and redeems.

needed to “get going” with this new ministry to college kids, soon to be known as Campus Crusade for Christ (now CRU). Jim Rayburn once said, “Without Dr. Chafer, there’d have been no Young Life.” And according to Bill Bright, without Rayburn, there wouldn’t have been a Campus Crusade! Today, Young Life continues to reach out “to adolescents through volunteers, staff, club meetings, and camps by building meaningful relationships with the intent to share Christ with kids.” Young Life maintains the same principles and vision it had when it first started in 1941: “To introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith.” STEVE ELKINS (ThM, 1984) served as a longtime Young Life leader in Dallas, Texas, and is the author of several books including his latest, Keys to Kingdom Greatness: An Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount. Steve’s mentor was the great scholar and exegete, Zane Hodges, who taught him the intricacies of the free-grace message. For more information on YL visit younglife.org.

All photographs used with permission of the Rayburn family and Young Life Legacy Program, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Copyright Young Life. All rights reserved.

In 1990, at Young Life’s 50th-anniversary conference in San Diego, Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, was one of the speakers wishing YL a happy birthday. He paid tribute to his friend, Jim Rayburn. He said it was during a horseback ride together at Frontier Ranch in 1955 that Rayburn gave him the confirmation and encouragement he




Courageous Leadership D


still remember the first time I slipped out of my chair and stood at the head of a boardroom table. The women before me were leaders, mentors, and trailblazers in my profession. “They don’t teach you how to do this in seminary,” I thought to myself. I swallowed hard, hobbled through our hour-long agenda, and concluded the meeting.

Since that day, I’ve experienced the same what-am-I-doing-here feeling a hundred times. You too? As leaders we seldom feel adequate—let alone courageous—as we survey our task. How, then, do we practice courageous leadership when we feel anything but courageous? Some of our best instruction can be found in the book of Joshua. He spent the first forty-plus years of his career shadowing one of Israel’s most famous leaders. As a seasoned warrior, he learned leadership on the battlefield. Nothing, however, could fully prepare him to lead a nation. Amidst his uncertainty and unknowns, God showed up and gave him some simple—yet profound—instruction that still speaks to us as leaders today. PURPOSE God reminded Joshua of his calling—namely, to lead Israel into the land he had sworn to their forefathers ( Josh 1:6). Forty years earlier God had made this promise to the generation leaving Egypt. And four hundred years before that, he had made a covenant with Abraham to give him GOD REMINDED and his descendants the land of Canaan (Gen 15). God hadn’t forgotten his promise. He wasn’t slow to fulfill his word. Instead, at the right time and with the right generation, God was making good on all that he had said.

Do you sense God’s purpose for this season of your life? Do you see something that he may want to do through you for this generation? Stand on it—certain that he will fulfill his purpose in you as you walk in obedience to him.

Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still upon Gibeon, by John Martin, 1816


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PATTERN All great leaders follow a plan. Study the greats throughout history, and you’ll often find a systematic ritual to their lives. They intentionally did—or avoided—certain things in order to maximize their potential. God gave Joshua a simple pattern for success: obey. Joshua was to know and follow the Law of Moses—no variations or deviations allowed ( Josh 1:7–8). By becoming a careful student, he would be ready when the pressures of leadership tested his commitment to God and his Word.


Do you discipline yourself to think and study deeply? Do you consider how God’s principles impact all the little choices and tests that litter your days? Whether we lead in the marketplace, church, community, or home, we desperately need the wisdom of God’s Word. While it may not make leadership easier, it will clarify our vision—giving us greater conviction and direction as we navigate difficult decisions and tasks. PROMISE Three times in four verses God commanded Joshua to “be strong and courageous” ( Josh 1:6–9). Was this meant to act as a mirror for Joshua’s insecurities? Maybe. Or perhaps it was meant to act as more of a magnifying lens. Joshua knew he couldn’t fulfill the task before him alone. So by reiterating the call to be strong and courageous, God was pushing him to look beyond himself. The strength and courage Joshua needed couldn’t be found within. Instead, it had to be rooted in the promises of God. God began and ended his instruction to Joshua by promising his presence ( Josh 1:1–5, 9). It was the greatest gift he could give—the personal presence of God would enable Joshua to lead over two million people into the Promised Land. Have you sensed God’s presence as you stood weak-kneed before your task? Have you seen him fulfill his promises, even when they seemed impossible at best? Then be strong and courageous—not because you’re educated, intelligent, or savvy—but be bold because God has called you to the task, has given you wisdom to carry it out, and ultimately offers you his very presence as he fulfills what he said he would do. AMANDA DEWITT (MAMC, 2009) serves as a writer and digital strategist for the development team at Josh McDowell Ministry. She also enjoys freelance writing, public speaking, and serving with her husband who’s a Texas high school football coach. Her article first appeared in Bible.org’s Engage blog. Reprinted with permission.


MODELING THE WAY The disciples were gathered around the table to eat the Passover meal, but there was a problem. Nobody had washed their feet. Now that may sound funny to us today. Probably no one in your house scrubs your feet with a sponge before you eat dinner. But foot washing was a necessary custom in those days. The roads weren’t paved, and humans had to share the roads with animals. You can probably imagine the gross things that covered the roads. Sandals could hardly protect against the dirt and bacteria, and by the end of the day your feet would end up being quite repulsive. And since there were no private showers or baths, you’d go to the village bathhouse to get cleaned up before you went to dinner. Each of the disciples had already been to the bathhouse that night in preparation for the meal. The problem was that they still had to walk from the bathhouse to the banqueting room, and now their feet were dirty again. How is this problem normally solved? In most homes the job of foot washing was reserved for a lowly servant who was stationed at the door with a bucket of water and a towel. But the disciples were borrowing a room so there wasn’t a host or servant to wash their feet. Why didn’t one of the disciples jump in and do it? They probably felt like the job was below their pay grade. To be honest, the last thing a guy wants to do is to wash another guy’s feet. It’s not the type of ministry that would rally an overwhelming surge of volunteers. The disciples were aware that someone needed to wash the others’ feet. They just didn’t want to do it for each other, and apparently they didn’t even want to wash their own feet. The disciples’ minds were far from the place of servanthood. They weren’t busy dreaming up ways to serve one another. Instead of volunteering to serve and wash feet, they had the audacity to argue with one another about which of them was the greatest. It seems obvious that if there’s a disagreement at dinner with Jesus present, and you’re wondering who has the greatest résumé of the group, you’d give Jesus the award. However, they were arguing about their own greatness in front of the one who left his place of glory in heaven to be with them. It’s hard to imagine a greater contradiction. It was in that context this Jesus redefined humble service. “[Jesus] rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash


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the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him” (John 13:4–5, esv). By laying aside his outer garment, Jesus was taking the role of a servant. And like a servant, Jesus got down low to the ground to reach their feet. Awkwardness and embarrassment surely would have filled the room as he slowly washed their feet . . . one by one. It was such a lowly act that it was actually illegal to have a Jewish servant do it, and so it was absolutely shocking that Jesus did it. He laid aside his glory and took on the form of a servant to clean the feet of men he created. This is the God who says in Isaiah that he can turn rivers into islands. He’s the one who can turn darkness into light. He is the one who merely spoke and things came into existence. And this same God kneels down to wash John’s feet. And James’s feet. And Andrew’s feet. And even Judas’s feet, his enemy who was ready to turn him over to the authorities that very night. The act of foot washing pointed to the greatest act of humility and service in the history of the world. There in the upper room we have a glimpse of what Jesus did on the cross. The disciples were expecting a military messiah, and instead they had a suffering servant who would humbly lay down his life in weakness and shame to cleanse his people’s sin. But the incredibly shocking incident didn’t stop there. After the incident Jesus said, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you” (John 13:12–15, esv). Jesus washing the disciples’ feet is a picture of his ultimate service on the cross, but it is also a model for how we serve as Christians. Jesus is telling us that our service should be characterized by the humility found in foot washing. As we help those who are hurting, we need to take time to reflect on how astounding this act of service really was and recalibrate our hearts to be ready to serve our friends like Jesus served. Content taken from Being There by Dave Furman, ©2016. Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187, www.crossway.org.




Ways to Sharpen Your Leadership Skills IN THE EARLY NINETIES, I WAS SHEPHERDING A SMALL Baptist church in rural New Brunswick, Canada. As a single man in those days, I lived with various families in the community. One family, who owned a meat production business, graciously allowed me to stay with them for a couple of months. I helped prepare various cuts of meat as part of my room and board. I will never forget the importance of having a sharp knife. In fact, even if the knife appeared only a little dull, it just wouldn’t cut it! I can still picture this husband and wife team pulling out the sharpening rods every few minutes. I watched sparks fly as their knife and rod collided in an almost rhythmic fashion. I have never witnessed such incredible sharpening skills! The ancient wisdom of Proverbs 27:17—“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”—sparks a vital truth for us today. If you and I are going to be all that God wants us to be, we have to experience regular, personal, and spiritual sharpening through close interaction with iron-men and iron-women. In other words, we best grow when we most glow. There are four essentials for casting a network of iron-friends that include building an inner circle of support, expecting critics and receiving criticism well, engaging with a like-minded community of learners, and connecting in prayer with our Lord every day. Each of these essentials can serve as God’s refining instrument to keep us sharp and effective for ministry leadership today and into the future.


BUILD A SUPPORT SYSTEM First, build an inner circle of support. It is vital to have a small group of trusted confidants—spiritually mature family and associates who walk with the Lord, pray for you regularly, and have your best interests at heart. These iron-friends know your story and see God’s fingerprints in your life. Lean on them. Seek their counsel. Give them permission to ask the hard questions and to journey by your side. I’m not sure where I would be without my wife, Debbie. Time and time again I lean on her for wisdom, feedback, and perspective. Several years ago we were involved in a major church transition. With all the relational heat and friction mixed with my touch of a messiah complex, I felt completely worn down. She approached me with both graciousness and boldness, “Honey, you are not God. The world and all of its problems do not revolve around you. You are not that powerful!” Although hard to hear, she hit the nail on the head. God was in control, and I needed to move forward and trust him to help us ford the seemingly uncrossable river. Debbie’s support as an iron-friend and confidant honed my perspective and spurred me forward.


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CRITICISM IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO GROW Second, expect critics and receive their criticism well. Clashes with faultfinders can certainly cause all kinds of pain. However, it can also provide a powerful tool and even an iron-friend to make us better. In Leading Your Church through Conflict and Reconciliation: 30 Strategies to Transform Your Ministry, Fred Smith rightly noted that “criticism properly given and properly received accounts for much of the progress in a person or an organization” without which can lead to either dullness or lack of productivity. Nonetheless, we also know that unbridled criticism can cause destruction if not contained. Charles H. Spurgeon winsomely advised his students in Lectures to My Students: Addresses Delivered to the Students of the Pastors’ College to limit criticism by having “one blind eye” and “one deaf ear” to disparagement. “To go about the congregation ferreting out disaffection, like a gamekeeper after rabbits, is mean employment and is generally rewarded most sorrowfully.” I especially cherish the advice passed on through family from a seasoned pastor who experienced his share of disapproval over several decades of pastoring the same church. “When someone criticizes you, stop and look in the mirror. If it is true, make the changes that are needed. If it is not true, then they must be talking about someone else.”


KEEP LEARNING FROM OTHERS Third, engage with a community of learners. Foster an insatiable thirst to keep learning from those around you. Attend a seminar, take a seminary course, join a Bible study group, mentor a young person, listen to a sermon podcast, ask questions, be curious. Learn and grow. Excel as a student of God’s Word and his world to keep refreshed and razor-edged for the work of the gospel ministry.

One of the many things I love about the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program is participating in the various general course and cohort-based learning communities. It is transformational to watch sparks fly as faculty mentors and small groups of students engage in robust dialogue around Scripture. Real-life ministry challenges the goal of spiritual and organizational enhancement. And all of this is at the heart of forging godly servant-leaders worldwide.


CULTIVATE A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD Fourth, connect in prayer with the Lord every day. Jesus cultivated a close and abiding relationship with the Father through prayer. When Jesus was about to experience his greatest agony, he demonstrated his greatest act of love. Through prayer and communion with the Father, he found clarity, strength, and determination to say, “Yet not what I will, but what you will” (Mark 14:36). In humility, Jesus loved his disciples to the end ( John 13:1)—even to death on a cross (Phil 2:8). Jesus’s garden prayer was answered as he, in obedience to the Father, chose the path of loving self-sacrifice over fearful self-protection. Christ—the ultimate ironfriend—calls us to imitate his way of life. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” ( John 13:34). Never underestimate the importance of having a network of ironfriends. The influence of your inner circle, your raging critics, like-minded fellow learners, and Jesus himself can be used by God to serve as a refining instrument keeping us sharp and productive for his glory, our good, and the work of the gospel. DR. SCOTT BARFOOT (ThM, 1999) serves as director of DTS’s Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program. Scott aspires to equip and empower global executive, pastoral, and educational ministry leaders who impact the next generation for the cause of Christ. His most recent research surveyed pastors who graduated from DTS to assess views of the leadership structure in their churches ( for information visit www.stage.teleiosresearch.com). You can find more on leadership at www.xpastor.org.

Never underestimate the importance of having a network of iron-friends.



Raised by Gay Parents:

Would Anyone Follow a Leader Like Me?


LATE ONE NIGHT, AS MY HEART THUMPED and my attention stayed focused on the speaker, I made a crucial, life-changing decision. At my first youth conference, as a newly saved teen, I stood up to take my first steps into ministry. The speaker had given an invitation to come forward to those wanting to go into ministry. Earlier that morning, I felt the call of God to dedicate my life to full-time ministry, but I had a problem. Most of my other peers who wanted to work in church leadership didn’t have my past. My fear took over, and I wondered, “Would anyone follow someone like me? Can I lead?”

MY HISTORY My parents divorced when I was two, and both of them went into same-sex relationships. Raised by three gay parents, I grew up in the LGBT community. My mother and her partner were activists. And over the course of my childhood, I learned to hate Christians. Later, God took hold of me, and I embraced the gospel of grace. I accepted Christ as my Savior in high school. And now, as I contemplated the speaker’s invitation, my desire to go into full-time ministry grew. I wanted to be a pastor. But how? Would anyone relate to a pastor who had my kind of past? Could God use me (as a spiritual leader) despite my past—what I had experienced in my life or what I had done? These questions raced through my mind as I debated walking down the aisle to commit my life to full-time ministry. Have you ever tried to talk yourself out of where God is leading you? If my congregation finds out what I did a few years ago, they will ask me for my resignation. If the people in my sending agency knew all of the beliefs I used to hold, I don’t think they will trust me as much. If others on staff discover the details of my addiction and what I used to do, they will disown me. THE WORST OF SINNERS One of my favorite people in the Bible is Paul. You probably don’t need a long introduction to him. He’s the last person anyone (from his day) would want to follow as a leader, right? He persecuted the


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first Christians, oversaw the execution of Stephen, despised the followers of Jesus, and so on. But, then he had a “come to Jesus” moment and literally saw the light. From that day forward, the former persecutor would now face suffering and persecution. When Paul became a Christian, he wanted to pastor and lead people. He almost immediately started preaching. However, Paul seemed to have no credibility to lead. In Acts 9:13–14, 21, and 26, Luke records what happened after Paul’s conversion. Christians felt unsure of him because of his past. He claimed to love the Lord, but he looked like the same guy who intensely hated and persecuted Christians. Would anyone follow a leader like him? GOD’S GRACE Later in his ministry, Paul writes strong words about himself, “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service. Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus” (1 Tim 1:12–14).

Could God use me despite my past—what I had experienced in life or what I had done?

In other words, Paul mentions and doesn’t hide his sordid and wrecked past. Paul says that because of God’s grace, everything was forgiven. He continues his thoughts in 1 Timothy 1:15. “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.” I think if Paul wrote this today, some Christians would accuse him of beating himself up too much about his sordid past. Here’s what those who read this passage for the first time don’t know—Paul, reflecting on his past and God’s grace, wants to draw in the reader. He wants others to lean in so he can make his point: “But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life” (1 Tim 1:16, italics mine). continued on next page



REDEEMED Paul teaches a tremendous truth we need to remember about our pasts: What is redeemable is relatable. Paul says that God’s mercy in his life is an example to those who will come to faith in the coming years. Even though he had a horrid past, would he be successful in ministry? Could he lead others to Christ? Would they accept him and follow his lead? As you know, many did listen to what Paul had to say about living a life worthy of God’s glory. I think Paul’s belief that “what is redeemable is relatable” drew people in. People couldn’t relate to a “perfect” Pharisee, but anyone could relate to a broken, messy person with a redeemed past. Paul tells his readers, if God has redeemed your past, he will use it to help others who have a questionable history. When God redeems your story, he relates your story to others. Your past, however difficult it might be, allows you to connect with others. Leaning into the redemption aspect of your past gives credibility to relate to the stories of those who will find redemption in Christ. God’s grace will shine through, not your past. People will see the work of God’s mercy, and they will “lean in” so they can see an example of someone who believed in Christ, found forgiveness, and received eternal life. GOD’S GLORY Would God use an addict or someone with a history of using? Would God use someone with a difficult upbringing? Would God use a lawyer with a very graphic past? Would God use someone who has served a prison term? Would God use someone who struggles with depression? The answer to all the above is “yes” because what God redeems, he uses. God calls us to follow him and trust him with every aspect of our lives. He wants us to believe “that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Rom 8:28). I stood there among other youth in that conference many years ago asking myself, “Would God use a pastor with gay parents—raised in the LGBT community—for his glory?” As I stepped forward that night to commit my life to full-time


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pastoral ministry, I continued thinking about my past. Would anyone follow a leader like me? That night I chose to believe God would use my past for his glory. I walked slowly toward the front to dedicate my life to ministry, believing God would use all of me. And I know God continues to use my past even today. Trust God with your past. You have no idea who needs to hear your redemption story. If you choose to relate your history to another person, you will see how much God can use your past. Why? Because what is redeemable is relatable, and God can use a leader like you. CALEB KALTENBACH is a DMin student and author of Messy Grace: How a Pastor with Gay Parents Learned to Love Others without Sacrificing Conviction. Caleb serves as lead pastor of Discovery Church in Simi Valley, California, and speaks widely on the subjects of reconciliation, faith, diversity, and grace.

How Leaders Can Minister to Students in an LGBT Home: n Don’t try to “fix” the student or family. You can’t, but God can. n Listen. n Train your leaders to be gracious. n Be fully engaged in the student’s life. Pray, check in, get involved, listen to them. n Don’t speak negatively about their parents. n Invite the parents to church and other events. n Student small groups shouldn’t be “therapy” groups. If the student (or other students) brings the situation up, redirect and tell the student that you’d love to talk after. n Teach Christ’s love and grace for anyone without the approval of every life choice.

Photograph used with permission of Hai-En Peng, Peng Photography, Simi Valley, California. Copyright Peng Photography. All rights reserved.



D T S AT H O M E A1N D A B R O A D 1



4 6

Dr. Mark Bailey, president of DTS, led the celebration of Dr. Donald Campbell’s 90th birthday this past July. Dr. Campbell served as the third president of the seminary from 1986 to 1994. Dr. Bailey said in chapel, “I don’t think anyone has held as many positions on this campus as Dr. Campbell. I think he still holds the record, so he knows what academic administration leadership is all about from stem to stern. It’s been a privilege to work alongside him and it has meant so much to me, personally.” Go to www.dts.edu/chapel to view the ceremony.

1 Rebecca Carrell (current student) from 90.9 KCBI speaks at the Serving Ewe luncheon about God’s relentless love.



2 Dr. Tony Evans (ThM, 1976; ThD, 1982), Chip Ingram (ThM, 1984), and Dr. J. Paul Nyquist (ThM, 1981; PhD, 1984) enjoy the Moody Bible Institute Pastors’ Conference.


3 Age didn’t stop Dr. Michael Pocock from participating in the 24 Hours in the Canyon challenge in Palo Duro Canyon in Amarillo, Texas, in June.


4 Dr. Will Johnston (ThM, 1994; PhD, 2002) visited the Asian Christian Academy-Evangelical Theological Seminary to teach a PhD seminar on biblical backgrounds. Abraham Joseph (ThM, 1998; PhD, 2012) directs the PhD program at ACA-ETS. 5 Jenny Allen (MABS, 2005) during her shoot for the new teen series, “Dream Big” with RightNow Media.



6 Dr. Darrell Bock (ThM, 1979) taught at the Student Life/ Power to Change National MidYear Conference in Australia. 7 Dr. Glenn Kreider (ThM, 1990; PhD, 2001) and Blaine Larson (current DTS student) share how our stories become good news when redeemed by the gospel story. Go to www.dts.edu/chapel to view their message.



8 DTS students spent three weeks in Israel and Jordan for the annual Study Program. 9 Elizabeth Woodson (current student), Jo Lena Fullwood (MACE, 2011), and Terrie Pittman (MACE, 2014) take a selfie after Elizabeth and Terrie were commissioned at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas. 10 Dr. Bruce Fong (ThM, 1978) is on the air in Houston’s KHCB 105.7 for prayer time every Monday. 11 Howard G. Hendricks’s Bible with hundreds of his personal notes and annotations was donated by his family for DTS’s alumni historical project. The Bible, along with many others, will be displayed in the new Horner Administration building. If you know of an alumnus who would like to donate his or her Bible, contact magazine@dts.edu.


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Meet the New Faculty and Adjuncts


DR. RICHARD HON Assistant Professor of Bible Exposition–Chinese

Spirituality at End of Life with Baylor Scott and White

What do healthcare professionals and pastoral care providers know about the medical and spiritual aspects of end of life (EOL) care? The spiritual issues surrounding EOL care are numerous, complex, and, far too often, unrecognized and ignored. This stark reality provided the incentive for a new collaborative effort between Baylor Scott and

White Health (BSWH) and Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS), two institutions that have concern for such issues. Oncologist Dr. Tom Hutson and vice president of academic affairs Dr. Mark Yarbrough developed a plan to equip and strengthen healthcare providers, pastoral care providers, and

medical and seminary students in providing spiritually conscious EOL care from a distinctly Christian perspective.

spirituality at End of Life that aims to strengthen both pastoral care and healthcare providers on this vital topic.”

Dr. Hutson wrote, “Despite an increasing body of evidence that religion impacts healthcare choices and that patients’ health behaviors and experiences of illness are often mediated by faith, the relationship between religion and medicine is rarely studied. I am excited to witness two great institutions—Dallas Theological Seminary and Baylor Scott and White Health—begin an educational partnership and dialogue around Christian

Please plan on joining BSWH and DTS on Saturday, October 29, in Lamb Auditorium at the inaugural seminar tasked to educate, empower, and encourage partnership and understanding between healthcare professionals and pastoral care providers on topics related to Christian spirituality at EOL. For more information, please visit dts.edu/ endoflife.

Record Enrollment for Fall 2016 With the new academic year starting, Mr. Billy Todd, registrar for DTS, announced encouraging news that the projected enrollment for fall will likely exceed 2,300 students. According to Mr. Todd, this represents an increase of almost six percent over the school’s 2015 fall semester enrollment. “It is an encouragement to me to see the projected enrollment for the fall 2016 semester,” Dr. Mark Bailey, president, said. “We can point to nothing other than God’s undeserved grace as he continues to bless our mission to train ministry leaders, missionaries, counselors, artists, and pastors for his glory.” For the past several years, DTS’s overall enrollment has grown, but this growth was derived from extension sites and online education, with a decline in the Dallas campus enrollment. This year, however, all campuses and delivery methods are growing, including the historic Dallas campus.


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DTS is also making adjustments and additions to its extension sites in order to better serve the needs of students in each location. The Knoxville extension, opened in 2009, is moving to Nashville, and the Tampa extension will no longer be in operation. DTS continues to offer classes at its extensions in Atlanta, Georgia; Austin, Texas; Houston, Texas; San Antonio, Texas; and Washington, DC, and plans to offer courses in two new locations this fall: Northwest Arkansas (dts. edu/nwa) and New York City (dts.edu/nyc). Further growth for the school is expected, especially in light of its partnership with the Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Classes are now underway in “beta” format and the program will officially launch at

Passion 2017 in January where it will be announced to over 50,000 potential students. President Mark Bailey reaffirms DTS’s dedication to serving its students, partners, and alumni, saying, “We thank the Lord for his provision and many blessings and we take this as an opportunity with a deep sense of stewardship and responsibility. We are privileged to serve alongside those who continue to stay committed to working together to develop and equip the next generation of ministry leaders.” To apply or enroll at Dallas Theological Seminary, visit dts.edu/apply, and for more information about our programs, visit dts.edu/ degrees.

Dr. Hon worked for over nineteen years in multiple positions with CRU. He received his ThM and PhD in Bible Exposition at DTS. He has served as lead pastor in Hong Kong for eight years and serves at New Life Gospel Church in Lewisville, Texas. In his spare time, Dr. Hon loves to read, hike, and travel. He and his wife, Eira, have three grown children: Lydia, Priscilla, and Nathan. DR. BERNIE CUETO Adjunct Professor in New Testament Studies Dr. Cueto earned his BA in literature from Florida International University in 1998 before coming to DTS, graduating with the ThM in Bible Exposition and Pastoral Ministries in 2003. He began his doctoral studies at DTS three years later and graduated with his PhD in New Testament Studies in 2012. He and his wife, Ana, live in Palm Beach, Florida, and have three children.

DR. CARMEN TSUI Adjunct Professor for Online Chinese Studies Dr. Tsui received her BA in journalism from the University of Houston in 1988, her MABS from DTS (1992), her MACE from DTS (1995), and her DMin in Effective Ministry to Women from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 2007. Carmen was born in Hong Kong, but has lived in the US most of her adult life. She and her husband, James, have two grown sons, Josiah and Jeremy.

DR. BRIAN BAIN Adjunct Professor of World Missions and Intercultural Studies Dr. Bain serves as the Regional Strategy Coordinator for Empower One, a ministry dedicated to developing ministry leaders in South Sudan, Africa. Brian earned his BBA in accounting and his MS in finance from Texas A&M University. He received his ThM in cross-cultural ministries and Old Testament studies at DTS and earned his doctorate in intercultural studies from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2015. DR. MICHAEL MAKIDON Adjunct Professor for Doctor of Ministry Studies Dr. Makidon is fluent in Spanish which serves him well as a member of the new DTS en Español program. He earned his BS in business administration from the University of New Orleans, his ThM in New Testament from DTS, and his PhD in theology from the South African Theological Seminary in South Africa. Michael and his wife, Gina, live in Dallas, Texas, with their children, Emma and Josiah. DR. EKPEDEME WADE Adjunct Professor in Biblical Counseling Dr. Wade earned her MD degree in 2005 and has been in family practice since then. Actively involved in medical research and medical missions, she became interested in counseling and earned her MABC from DTS. Ekpedeme and her husband, Kweku Reginald, live near Houston, Texas, with their children.





// THM, 1976

When Jim Congdon arrived in Topeka, Kansas, in 1976, he was fresh out of Dallas Theological Seminary. At that time, Topeka Bible Church (TBC) had about 300 people attending its services. In those days, the congregation was considered large, especially for a church with no denominational ties. Jim, a Portland, Oregon, native, was the second oldest of twelve children. He graduated from high school early and went to college at age sixteen. In 1971, Jim received a bachelor of science degree in mathematics from Wheaton College in Illinois. After graduating, he studied at Multnomah Bible College, then received a master of theology degree in Old Testament from DTS, where he received the Old Testament Award in 1976. He earned his DMin from Trinity Evangelical Divinity Seminary (now Trinity International University) in Illinois in 1996. TOPEKA BIBLE CHURCH Jim, who was just twenty-five years old when he started at TBC, said he would stay in Topeka just long enough to get some experience as a youth pastor. However, he became the church’s sixth senior pastor in 1977, replacing Thom Burbridge (MABS, 1980) who served for three years from 1974 to 1977.

James R. Congdon (ThM, 1976) is the 2016 Alumni Distinguished Service Award recipient. He has served as the senior pastor of Topeka Bible Church in Kansas for forty years.

The church’s attendance grew and, instead of moving to another church in a larger city, Jim stayed put. His close friend Jerry Brosius offers an explanation: “I asked him, ‘You had a lot of chances to go to a larger church—Dallas, Houston, and Atlanta are at least three I know of— what made you stay here?’ I remember his response, ‘I always wondered what it would be like if a man committed himself to a ministry for a lifetime.’ I think that’s what you see here.” In 1978, he married his sweetheart, Melody. “Their marriage is exemplary in that they readily share how the Lord has been the foundation of their relationship, allowing them to navigate the ups and downs of marriage. Through the process, they have built a marriage that is strong and based on complete devotion to each other, allowing the differences in their personalities to give a beautiful picture of how two individuals with very different abilities and styles can create a balanced team, amazingly effective in ministry,” wrote Doug Will, executive pastor at TBC.

The couple today have four children: Adriel (Daniel), Mark (Katy), Doug (Leigh), and Craig (Emily), and eight grandchildren; Liviya, Judah, Cora, Asher, Darcy, Reuben, Beatrice, and Harvey. The Congdon home, known as a place of hospitality, continues to be a haven of fellowship for the Topeka community. “Each time an invitation came, after prayer and discussion with Melody, we decided to stay, for various reasons, primarily an indifference to personal achievement. I am far from a super saint, as those who know me best will attest,” Jim once said. “But I do believe that heaven’s rewards are the only ones worth striving for in the end.” THE NOMINATION While visiting DTS to interview candidates for a youth pastor position, Jim met Hank Nelson (ThM, 1980). At the time, Jim served alongside one other full-time associate pastor, and he hired Hank as part of TBC’s full-time staff. They have worked together for the last thirty-five years. Hank said, “Over the years our relationship has morphed from extremely close—now because of all kinds of ‘life’ issues—to partners in ministry at TBC.”

Dr. Paul Pettit (ThM, 1996; DMin, 2007) presented Jim the 2016 Alumni Distinguished Service Award at TBC’s 40th Anniversary Celebration held on July 31, 2016.

In nominating Jim, Hank shared the following: “There is NO doubt that Jim Congdon is worthy of this award. He has been a humble, godly example at TBC for over forty years. In his percontinued on next page


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Jim led the church to help build a camp that one of their missionaries had started in the Philippines. Teams have traveled there for about ten years. In addition to being involved in projects in the Dominican Republic and Honduras, the church most recently made a deep investment in Haiti. Not only did they make humanitarian efforts, but they also invested in an orphanage and church building ministry. Jim also participates and serves with Jews for Jesus (longtime chairman of the board) and Bibles for the World (board member)—both have taken him around the world with other members of TBC. HIS LEADERSHIP ROLE Described as a pastor who possesses a bold and often humorous preaching style, Jim’s teaching resonates with all kinds of people. “He makes the Bible applicable to people’s lives. He believes the Bible speaks to the heart and heads of people,” Jerry Brosius said. Some say the reason his preaching has continued to attract people to his congregation over the years is that it doesn’t matter what Bible passage he selects for his text to preach on, “he makes it relevant to your life. His preaching is practical, useful, and immediately applicable to your life situation.”

has been open “He and honest about the challenges that the Christian life brings, and how he has processed his vulnerable humanity in that journey.


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sonal and professional life, he has been open and honest about the challenges that the Christian life brings, and how he has processed his vulnerable humanity in that journey. He doesn’t shy away in the pulpit from illustrations or stories that reveal that. His commitment to Scripture has been relentless.” “Scripture,” Hank wrote, “is part of Jim’s DNA from his childhood.” His father, Roger (ThM, 1945; ThD, 1949), brother, Phillip (ThM, 1983), and his two sons, Doug (ThM, 2009) and Craig (ThM, 2014) all studied God’s Word here at DTS. “He is/has been/always will be a man of God’s Word,” Hank wrote. “He continues today to be a student of the Word, sprinkling his messages with the original languages, and using multiple translations to communicate God’s Word.” Hank describes Jim as a “world Christian.” During his early years at TBC, Jim took small teams and traveled overseas to visit their church missionaries. TBC is a missions-minded church. Even in the eighties, they had at least a dozen international missionaries. Doug Will explained, “Jim’s degree of ministry success is evident, not only in Topeka but throughout the world. Jim has been an avid supporter of mission endeavors, helping to galvanize and coordinate missionary efforts in several places, including the Philippines, the Dominican Republic, and Morocco.”

Jim is not afraid to dive into controversial social issues, especially when he tackles it from a biblical standpoint. In so doing, he shows a willingness to go to places some pastors may fear to tread. “The reason I’m fearless is I believe in the old mantra that all truth is God’s truth,” Jim said. “If all truth is God’s truth, we need not be afraid. Our goal is not just to teach biblical text. It’s to teach a Christian worldview so young people grow up and go out knowing how to be in the world with a Bible in their back pocket, rather than being at home with a Bible in their back pocket.” Terry Kimes, elder at TBC and longtime friend of the Congdons, explained, “Our family decided to leave a mainline church and find one that was focused on teaching the truths of the Bible. We heard of this fast-growing Bible church with a young dynamic pastor who was an excellent teacher, so we visited Topeka Bible Church and have never left. People come to TBC for various reasons.” The seekers come to find out if they think Christ is real— Jim shares the gospel in nearly every message. The growing believer comes to cultivate their relationship with Christ—they get excellent expository, biblical teaching from Jim. For those who want both the teaching and the opportunity to serve others as the hands and feet of Christ, TBC offers opportunities to get involved. “The elders did a survey of the congregation of what they thought was the most important thing they received from TBC, and the overwhelming answer was Jim’s teaching.”

Jim and Melody with their four children: Adriel (Daniel), Mark (Katy), Doug (Leigh), and Craig (Emily); and eight grandchildren, Liviya, Judah, Cora, Asher, Darcy, Reuben, Beatrice, and Harvey (not pictured).

Jim’s favorite hobbies include playing volleyball, basketball, studying the Bible, leading tours to the lands of the Bible, doing archaeological digs, strategizing about outreach to Jews and the nation of India, and teaching Wisdom Literature at a local high school. He is an avid reader, enjoys playing the piano, and loves to travel with Melody. He collects ancient pottery, loves to spend time with his children and grandchildren, and passionately pursues people so they too can know Christ.


All nominations for the Alumni Distinguished Service Award come solely from fellow DTS graduates. Nominees are prayerfully considered in light of 1 Timothy 3:1–13; Titus 1:6–9; Ephesians 5:1–33; Galatians 5:22–23; and Romans 12:1–21. For more information or to nominate a fellow DTS graduate, please visit the Alumni Service Award page online. Photos of the ceremony and a slideshow of Jim’s years of ministry are available on the DTS website.

RAQUEL P. WROTEN (MAMC, 2012) serves as editor of DTS Magazine. A proud native Texan, she and her husband, Rick (ThM, 1994), live in McKinney, Texas. Raquel is an advocate for people to love God through the faithful study of His Word. She is passionate about writing and loves to listen to others tell their stories of redemption and God's grace. You can read more at www.blogs.bible.org/ engage.

All photographs used with permission of Barry Benteman, Topeka, Kansas. Copyright Barry Benteman Photography. All rights reserved.



A LU M N I C O N N E C T I O N In Memory Wayne Beaver (attended 1940–41) died on April 6, 2016. After Wayne and his wife, Dorothy, began their missionary ministry in 1944, Wayne established a Bible institute, which focused on training local African pastors. He also got involved in translating the English Bible into the Sango language and directed the National G.R.O.W. Evangelistic Campaign. Upon retiring, Wayne and Dorothy settled in Winona Lake, Indiana, where Wayne served as faculty and head of the mission’s department at Grace Theological Seminary. John M. Barter (ThM, 1954) died on March 24, 2016. During WWII, John worked at the Office of War Information, Overseas Broadcasting, and NBC. After earning his degree from DTS, he was involved in church music programs, wilderness camping programs for Big Brothers and Salesmanship Club Boys Camp. John also worked with the Dallas County Juvenile Probation office and sang with the Dallas Civic Opera and the Dallas Civic Chorus. In Salina, Kansas, he served as a director of the Passport for Adventure program for fifteen years. Robert J. Hilgenberg (ThM, 1966; ThD, 1972) died on May 6, 2016. Bob dearly loved his Lord and Savior and felt Bible teaching was his calling. Bob served on the faculties of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Calvary Bible College in Kansas City, and William Tyndale College in

Detroit. He also served as president of Crichton College in Memphis. He pastored churches in Texas, Missouri, and Tennessee. After moving to Grand Rapids, he loved serving at Thornapple Evangelical Covenant Church. For many years, Bob was the announcer and chief joke teller for the Grand Rapids Accordion Ensemble. Nicholas Britton (ThM, 1967) passed away on April 22, 2016. Following his time as a missionary in the French West Indies, Nick took on multiple senior pastor positions in churches in Texas and Mississippi before spending the past twenty-five years as the pastor of Grace Bible Church in Indian Springs, Maryland. Nick loved and collected books and walked two miles a day. He quickly became known as people would honk and wave at the guy who walked and read at the same time. He considered his walking route his “parish“ because of the love he had for each person he’d meet and pray over on his daily walk. Raymond Edward Feeck (ThM, 1968) died on June 1, 2016. Raymond served as a minister for fifty-two years. He accepted a pastorate at St. Matthew’s Church in Havertown, Pennsylvania, and later moved to Arvada, Colorado, serving at First German Congregational Church for twelve years. He also served as senior pastor at Calvary Evangelical Church in Van Wert, Ohio. After retiring, Raymond worked as an interim pastor and as a mentor to Chi-

nese international students (in Bible and teaching ministries) in the People’s Republic of China. Raymond taught at the Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philly and traveled widely in China distributing Bibles through Grace for Asia and Go with God Global. Lee Alan Anderson (ThM, 1976) died on April 20, 2016. He served the Lord by pastoring churches in New Jersey and Texas for thirty years. W. Ronald Johnson (attended 1977) died on May 12, 2016. He served as a pastor in numerous churches throughout Minnesota and the Midwest. Throughout the years, he also worked as chaplain for hospitals in Kansas. He served as chairman of Christmas luminaries at several churches in Kansas and Nebraska. Michael Kane (ThM, 1983) passed away on June 1, 2016, after a battle with liver cancer. Mike worked at Dallas Theological Seminary as the assistant registrar from 1981 to 1985. He later went on to serve at Moody Bible Institute as vice president and dean of Educational Resources and Distance Learning from 1993 to 2006. Five years later, he took up the assistant vice president of Educational Resources position at Cedarville University. Mike is survived by his wife, Alisa; his three children; two grandchildren; his mother, Nancy; and five siblings. Dale Travis (ThM, 1983) passed away on May 2, 2016. In 1994, God

DTS Alumni from all over the world and more than 3,000 trainers of pastors representing 120 countries, participated at the GLOBAL PROCLAMATION CONGRESS for PASTORAL TRAINERS held at Impact Center in Bangkok. The Congress’ theme was “accelerating church health worldwide,” and it focused on the health of pastors, churches, and societies.

led Dale to start Family Life Church in Amarillo, Texas. For the past twenty-two years, he was committed to the people and ministry of Family Life. He pioneered a contemporary style church, loved performing skits and singing modern worship songs, preached relevant sermons, yet never once compromising the absolute truth of the Bible and salvation. His ministry expanded beyond the church to serving in the local Golden Spread Emmaus and Cornerstone Outreach ministries. Dale’s family loved and admired him as a husband, father, and grandfather. Marsh “Reg” White (MABS, 1990), a running back from Texas and one who ranks among the racial pioneers in the University of Arkansas football history, died of cancer on July 13, 2016. His Razorback teammates mourned his death and said he “transcended race well nigh to godliness. Not football godliness but as a truly humble believer in God.” White played in two NFL seasons in 1975 and 1976 for the New York Giants. He taught at DTS before starting his ministry through radio, Facebook, and the Internet reaching people for God. David Roger Brown (MABS, 1991) died on May 14, 2014. He worked for Procter & Gamble as a packaging engineer and later as a manager. He also worked for Sanofi Pasteur as a project manager. Enoch Yuttasak Sirikul (ThM, 1995) passed away on April 29, 2016.

First row (sitting) from left to right: Dr. Ron Man (ThM, 1982; DMin, 2009), Jonathan Dove (ThM, 2003), Dr. William J. Subash (STM, 2001; PhD, 2009), Dr. Mark Yarbrough (ThM, 1996; PhD, 2008), Dr. Ramesh Richard (ThM, 1979; ThD, 1982), Dr. Abel Ndjerareou (PhD, 1995), Aaron Samuel (ThM, 2005), Dr. Milad Dagher (ThM, 2000; PhD, 2013), Samuel Rajkumar (ThM, 2009), Dr. Samuel Chia (ThM, 1994; PhD, 2003). Middle row: Sem Beasnael (ThM, 1994; MACE, 1994), Lynna Lawrence, Dr. Bill Lawrence (ThM, 1964; ThD, 1968), Ariel Orr (MABS, 2016), Kelli Sallman (MABS, 2001), Dr. Scott Cunningham Sr. (ThM, 1980; PhD, 1994), Dr. Darrell Bock (ThM, 1979), Dr. Bruce Fong (ThM, 1978), Dr. Rick Calenberg (ThM, 1972), unknown, Dr. Paul Nyquist (ThM, 1981; PhD, 1984). Back row: Afrim Karoshi (MABS, 2009; MACM, 2014), Mike Redeker (MABS, 2000), John M. Balmer Jr. (ThM, 1982), Dr. Imad Shehadeh (ThM, 1986; ThD, 1990), Dr. Rodney Orr (ThM, 1990), Dwain Camp (ThM, 1977), Dr. Rick Reed (ThM, 1985), Neil Curran (MABS, 1994), Chuck Gianotti (ThM, 1983).


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Enoch served as chairman of Thailand Campus Crusade for Christ and the Thailand Evangelism and Church Growth Committee and was considered a key leader of the evangelical movement in his country. He served as part of the Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand and WEA’s National Member Today. Enoch also served as the local organizer for this year’s Global Proclamation Congress (GProC) in Bangkok. Donnie Patten (attended 1995–96) died on April 27, 2016. He worked as the assistant professor of theology at St. Louis University where he completed his PhD. While still a student, he became an adjunct professor at Missouri Baptist College and a lecturer at FontBonne University. Donnie served as the director of distance learning for Emmaus Bible College. Keith Hood (MABS, 1999) died on January 16, 2016. Robert “Scott” Tompkins (ThM, 1999) passed away on April 6, 2016. Scott served as a full-time minister at First Christian Church of Hobart in Oklahoma and was a captain in the US Army Reserve. He also served as a chaplain and volunteered at Hobart Elementary school where he became the announcer at the football games. He was a kindhearted, gentle spirit who never met a stranger. He loved the Lord and people and loved to witness to everyone. He liked to watch movies and spend time with his family and friends.

Updates: 1950s Malcolm J. Borden (ThM, 1959) recently published his book Godly Living with Contentment for Every Christian: We Are Now Becoming What We Are Going to Be (WestBow Press). The book covers all three areas of stewardship by showing the Holy Spirit’s role in providing the essentials man needs to understand and manage what belongs to God.

1960s For two weeks in March, Dave K. Johnson (ThM, 1962; ThD, 1973) enjoyed his tenth study tour of Israel. Dave also teaches Bible classes in local churches, among them Biblical Insights Visualized from the Land of the Bible.

Since the early 1990s Pete C. Eyster (attended 1963) has served the Lord in mentoring men and teaching in Sunday school and small groups. He is the current chairman of Frontier Missions Team (FMT) with a vision to seek the least reached and focusing on an adopted Muslim people group. John A. Wood (attended 1961–63) recently published Beyond the Ballpark: The Honorable, Immoral, and Eccentric Lives of Baseball Legends (Rowman & Littlefield). William D. Lawrence (ThM, 1964; ThD, 1968) works at Leader Formation International. He recently published his book, Wilderness Wanderings: Learning to Live the Zigzag Life (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform). Rather than retiring from ministry, Bob M. Koivisto (ThM, 1966) retired to it. He and his wife, Sandra, reach out to the lost in the marketplace, especially to those trapped in Romanism and Mormonism, and to students on the college campus. Jesus’s last command is their priority: to win, train, build, and send men. Sandra has an effective and long-term Bible teaching ministry. Erwin Lutzer (ThM, 1967) has transitioned to be pastor emeritus at Moody Church in Chicago. He will continue to serve in different capacities: with the church’s media, various speaking engagements, Bible conferences, teaching seminars to pastors, and leading various tours.

1970s Physical illness has not stopped Johnny V. Miller (ThM, 1970; ThD, 1980) from serving the Lord. Although he can no longer teach in the seminary, he is now serving as a mentor to prisoners enrolled in the CIU two-year program. Dave Randall (ThM, 1971) retired this past year and now serves as a volunteer chaplain at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. He loves volunteering in his community and church home.

Students from all over the United States, Canada, Vietnam, Switzerland, Germany, Bahamas, and many other countries have had Frank R. Beaty (ThM, 1972) as an adjunct professor for Moody Bible Institute’s distance learning. The Lord blessed the ministry of the Camino Global Team in Cuba, where Jack O’Brien (ThM, 1973) and colleagues held a week of teacher training in Havana and a week in Colón while another Camino team taught in Las Tunas and Sancti Spiritus. The students are excited to use what they received to train others and are looking forward to the next round of courses in October. Bernie Schock (ThM, 1974) recently published Raising Champions: How to Help Your Child Grow through Sports (Dunham Books). A free copy is available to all DTS grads upon request. Founded by Tony A. Cothren (ThM, 1976), John 9 Ministries assists the local church to evangelize and enfold persons with disabilities and their caregivers into the body of Christ. Anthony T. Evans (ThM, 1976; ThD, 1982) book on diversity, Oneness Embraced: Through the Eyes of Tony Evans was named as one of the top five books on the black experience in America by Christianity Today. After thirty-seven years pastoring, Dan W. Hill (MABS, 1976) and his wife, Pat, formed Grace Gospel Missions. They are back in the US going on mission trips to train pastors and church leaders in developing nations worldwide, most recently Nigeria, Cuba, Uganda, Zambia, and Kenya. Dave Slottje (ThM, 1976) and his wife, Maureen, now serve with the 10/40 Window, working with missionaries in India. They joined East-West Ministries International in 1996 and developed rapid church planting multiplication movements all over India, Bhutan, and Nepal. Currently, they are the West Coast mobilizers for East-West but are heavily involved in Muslim min-

istries both in Southern California and Greece. The church continues to grow under the leadership of James Burgess (ThM, 1977) as ministry opportunities in the UAE abound. Fellowship of the Emirates added another DTS graduate to their pastoral staff. David L. Puckett (ThM, 1978) retired from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary after serving since 2002 as professor of church history and associate vice president for doctoral studies. He authored John Calvin’s Exegesis of the Old Testament and a chapter on the Reformer in the Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters. On a mission trip to Vyshneve, Ukraine, Jeffrey J. Richards (ThM, 1978) taught five-day, four-hour daily hermeneutics courses with ten students varying in ages. He also preached at Wednesday evening services. Walter B. Russell (ThM, 1978) recently published Sustainable Church: Growing Ministry around the Sheep, Not Just Shepherds (Quoir).

1980s Scott Cunningham (ThM, 1980; PhD, 1994) will be part of a vital sustainability team. They will be assisting four seminaries to gain clarity in vision, strategic planning, and finances to sustain their mission. These are Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Asian Theological Seminary, Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary, and South Asian Institute for Advanced Christian Studies (India). As a consultant for DDB Organizational Consulting, Don R. DeBoer (ThM, 1980) specializes in strengthening nonprofit and faithbased nonprofit boards and organizations. Inforum.com recently featured a column on Gary Siefers (MABC, 1980). Siefers continues to serve as associate pastor of Bethel Evangelical Free Church in Fargo, North Dakota, and enjoys exploring and learncontinued on next page



A LU M N I C O N N E C T I O N ing about the geography of where he lives and places he visits. The reTurn team of CRM (Church Resource Ministries), where Tom A. Wilkens (ThM, 1980) serves, creates church diagnostics and intentional interim pastorates (leadership system interventions) with churches in transition. The movie, Woodlawn, has been a big hit in the Christian community, and Hank E. Erwin (MABS, 1981) has the privilege of traveling and speaking on behalf of the movie with Premiere Venture Travel Agency. Focusing on the arts as they intersect with theology, Reg Grant (ThM, 1981; ThD, 1988) enjoys writing novels and textbooks as well as dramas, and acting. One of the things he most enjoys is the public reading of Scripture. His blog site is www. WordShaper.net. Ed B. Hardesty (ThM, 1981) earned his PhD in Jewish Studies from Towson University with minors in archaeology and Bible. Steven Walker (ThM, 1981) recently published, The Way: Twelve Essential Questions for the Path of Life (Dog Ear Publishing). Dr. Jeffery H. Wells (ThM, 1981; DMin, 1992) recently published, Breaking Free of OCD: My Battle with Mental Pain and How God Rescued Me (Lucid Books). Gary Fredricks (ThM, 1982) and his wife, Alice, will be on the Bridges team in the DFW area working at colleges and providing staff care for forty-five other members in the area. New Fire for Christ, which Bob Boyd Jr. (ThM, 1983) and his wife, Mallory, founded in 2008, now has ministries in eight nations. They minister to 80,000 students in Kenya, who find discipleship on a regular basis through the systematic teaching of the Bible and teaching high points from Genesis through Revelation. This opportunity to teach the Bible to thousands in the public schools in East Africa is phenomenal, and they are looking for others to join them in expanding this work.


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In July, Dr. John M. Check (MABS, 1983) joined North Carolina Wesleyan College as senior advisor to the president of the school. In his new role, which is new to the college, he will oversee church relations, teach religion classes, and serve as a spiritual advisor for the Wesleyan Youth Theology Institute, which is designed to encourage high school students to explore theological traditions and examine how their faith calls them to lives of service. This past June, Dr. Neil Damgaard (ThM, 1983; DMin, 2008) spoke on “Forgiveness and Healing as Trauma Recovery” at the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) in Dallas, Texas. He serves as protestant chaplain at UMass Dartmouth and as senior pastor of Dartmouth Bible Church. As a chaplain for Marketplace Ministries, Bill McClure (ThM, 1983) is at a wonderful stage of life and ministry, co-laboring with his Kathleen for thirty years. The couple traveled to Thailand for the Global Proclamation Congress for Pastoral Trainers. After thirty-two years in active Christian school leadership, Leslie J. Neff (ThM, 1983) began Rooted Schools, a ministry that helps Christians schools know “how to make a vision a reality in practical steps and support.” She helps workers in Christian schools flourish, especially helping them look at God’s Word for “how we do what we do” in school operations, practices, and pedagogy. As a director and instructor atMount Olive Bible College, Doug D. Ferry (MABS, 1984) has seen MOBC grow each year with new students who will impact their culture for Christ. Gary Sinclair (attended 1984) now works as a part-time chaplain in the marketplace near Indianapolis. He has a speaking, writing, coaching, and consulting ministry, for individuals, churches, and other groups. Judi Chow (MABS, 1985) is part of a stationing team in Hong Kong doing counseling, training, and mentoring to missionaries from Asia.

missionary resilience and fruitfulness.” Shirley organizes and leads interpersonal skills workshops, and the couple presents marriage enrichment retreats.

Dr. Peter Hays (ThM, 1986; ThD, 1996) and Thomas J. Marinello (ThM, 1988), professors in the department of systematic and historical theology at Tyndale Theological Seminary, celebrate with Apollo Makara, an MDiv honors graduate. Apollo, who is from Rwanda, was just accepted to DTS. Dr. Imad Shehadeh (ThM, 1986; ThD, 1990) stands in awe at the faithfulness of God in them, through them, and for them to make the original vision of JETS ( Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary) a reality. JETS celebrated its 25th anniversary and 20th graduating class. The graduates now serve in twenty-one countries. The school is finishing portions of the campus to fulfill certain laws of Jordan as well as to prepare for the celebration event. They have seen the Lord do amazing things this year, not only in the lives of the students but also in the impact of the seminary.

Even though they accepted the Voluntary Retirement Initiative offered by the IMB, Mark A. Ellis (ThM, 1988; PhD, 2002) and his wife, Diane, strongly believed in their call to missions. Able to raise support, they returned to Brazil and continue to provide seminaries with modular courses in New Testament, historical theology, and systematic theology. Mark A. Swirsky (ThM, 1988) recently published Book 1: Shadow Lord Rising and Book 2: A New Destiny in a fantasy series entitled, The Chronicles of Altaran (Createspace). Fred Lybrand (MABS, 1989) traveled to Uganda to teach from his work Preaching on Your Feet to a group of pastors from eight nations. He is developing a curriculum supplement for BEE World and Harvesters International, with ten courses available online. Fred, and his wife, Jody, plan to lead a group to Israel in the spring of 2017. Fred also leads a Sunday school group at Oakwood Baptist Church in New Braunfels, Texas, and stays active as an ex officio board member of the Free Grace Alliance. His consulting efforts (at UTSA CRU) led to their receiving the Fruitfulness Award for leadership development.



Richard Van Dillen (ThM, 1986) celebrates the graduation of his daughter, Patrice, from Moody Bible Institute. Shirley M. Brown (MABS, 1988) and her husband, Roger, serve with Africa Inland Mission at Tumaini (Swahili for ‘hope’) Counseling Center, which provides mental care for missionaries serving in more than twenty-five countries of Africa. Roger works as part of a team of psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors devoted to “enhance

The West Coast Chinese Christian Conference (WCCCC) announced Walter Lau (ThM, 1990) will be speaking at this year’s winter conference in Mount Hermon, California, in December. Larry Rogers (ThM, 1990) earned his PhD in linguistics from UTA in 2012. He works for Sorenson Communication as a video relay interpreter (ASL) while teaching at UNT. As a guest speaker in A Father’s Heart Conference, Dr. B. Gerard Davis (MACE, 1992; MABS, 1992; ThM, 1995; DMin, 2004) spoke on Fear, Faith and Fatherhood in West Palm Beach, Florida, in June.

Proving that it is never too late to go back to school and learn how to do it better, Michael A. Karpf (ThM, 1993) is in the DMin program at DTS with an emphasis on advanced expository preaching at the age of sixty-six. He will take his training and apply it to the six churches he preaches at in Bangkok, where there is very little expository preaching. Rick K. Kronk (ThM, 1993) serves as professor of intercultural studies at Toccoa Falls College. His book, Dreams and Visions: Muslims’ Miraculous Journey to Jesus has just been translated into Spanish, joining the French and English editions. JB Baldridge (MABS, 1994; MACE, 1994), president and CEO of Crossover Restoration Foundation, brought his thirty-three years of ministry experience and knowledge of automotive restoration to the foundation, and they have seen God’s work in the lives of atrisk teenagers and their families. Crossover celebrated the provision of a building that they can call home after almost two years of praying and searching. Dr. Will Johnston (ThM, 1994; PhD, 2002) from DTS-Houston was at the Asian Christian Academy-Evangelical Theological Seminary near Bangalore, India, in March 2016, to teach a PhD seminar on biblical backgrounds. After twelve years of traveling to manage and implement healthcare software projects for hospital systems across the country, Rick Wroten (ThM, 1994) now keeps his feet on the ground. He is managing the implementation of a new lab information system software at Children’s Health in Dallas. Governor John Deal of Georgia appointed Leon R. Grant III (MACE, 1995; MABS, 1995) to the state board of professional standards commission. Leon was named the 2016 Employee of the Year by Marietta City schools and received the 2015 educator award from DiscoverE Education. He and his wife, Vickie, have three children and one grandchild and they live in Acworth, Georgia.

Dr. Rob Harrell (DMin, 1996), spoke to MyStatesman.com about the ministry as well as the history behind Austin Oaks Church in Austin, Texas. He serves as pastor emeritus and as an ambassador on the local, national, and international scene pastoring pastors.

Bob Kay (MABS, 1997), his wife, Judy White Kay (MABS, 1984), and Wayne Lunch (MABS, 1984) recently had a DTS “reunion” at La Campagna Restaurant in Santiago, Dominican Republic, where God had given Bob the opportunity in the past to share the gospel with Rafael. When they returned to the Dominican Republic, Bob asked about Rafael. “Rafael has received Christ as his Savior, and he is attending church faithfully!” John R. Matthews Jr. (MABS, 1998; MACE, 2004) was recently named assistant superintendent for administrative services at Celina ISD (Texas). He continues to volunteer with the Texas State Guard as a chaplain for the 4th Air Wing.

2000s Dr. Sandra Glahn (ThM, 2001) published The City of Ephesus: A Short History (Amazon digital services). This work focuses on the city’s ancient history, specifically the era from 100 BCE through 100 CE. Over 100,000 copies of the Gospel of John were distributed to crowds eager to receive them at the Colosseum, St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City, in the streets, and on the piazzas of Rome through an evangelistic outreach led by Dan M. Starcevich (ThM, 2001) during Easter week. While serving in discipleship, mentoring, and leader development in southern Ecuador, J. Murray Greenwood (MACE, 2004) also serves part-time in pediatrics and teaching medical students.

Miracle Hill Ministries provides shelter, food, and hope in Jesus. Bryce A. Norton (ThM, 2004) reports they currently have nine shelters, including two addiction recovery centers, eight thrift stores, and a large foster care ministry to over six hundred children in upstate South Carolina.

tinued teaching trips to West Africa in Bible colleges.

Jon Easterhaus (ThM, 2005) continues to be employed by Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) on staff with Athletes in Action, the athletic ministry of Cru. Jon and his wife now work in the San Francisco Bay Area, specifically on the campus of Stanford University.

Amazon.com placed 3-Minute Devotions for Teen Girls: 180 Encouraging Readings written by April Frazier (ThM, 2009) on its bestseller’s list (since May).

Crickett Keeth’s (MACE, 2005) published Bible study, The Gift of Rest (Crosslink Publishing) was a finalist in the 2016 Selah Awards.

Naima Lett (MAMC, 2005), the author of Confessions of a Hollywood Christian, earned her DMin at Talbot’s School of Theology. John C. Newton (MABS, 2005) and his new wife, Shannon, reside in Monroe, Louisiana, where John works on launching a hospitality, rest, and reconciliation ministry called Restless Heart Ministries while Shannon works as a licensed family and marriage therapist. Dr. Justin Bass (ThM, 2006; PhD, 2011) participated in an interactive webinar (through Apologetics Academy), where he spoke about Jesus’s divine self-identity, the book of Daniel, and early church Christology. To access his talk, visit apologetics-academy.org. After moving to Memphis, Wayne Denny (ThM, 2006) and his wife, Hilary, will begin a teacher training program while working with WorldVenture. They will help the home office with strategic planning of diaspora ministry, outreach to West Africans in Memphis, and con-

Behemoth via Christianity Today recently published, An Object Can Be Worth 10,000 Photos: Why I pursued 3D printing for Dallas Theological Seminary written by John Dyer (ThM, 2008).

2010s Kim Freeman (MAMC, 2010) and her family returned to the United States to promote AshaBelle, a company that empowers women living in poverty in Delhi through employment. Her company creates handmade jewelry and accessories and sells them in Western markets. They are committed to showing the love of Christ to their employees, their families, and their entire community by being a part of a larger ministry in Delhi that provides medical, educational, and literacy classes to the community in which their artisans live. Ordained minister and Christian comedian, Robert Duckworth (MABC, 2011) continues to bring his standup performance comedy act to churches. In June, he was part of Charlotte’s First Baptist ChurchWest men’s weekend celebration. The following Sunday, he delivered the morning message. After eight years in pastoral roles, Tim Goodyear (ThM, 2011) was recently appointed chief operating officer of HomePointe Inc., a nonprofit ministry designed to help local church leaders create a culture of intentional families by restoring the home as the primary place of spiritual formation. HomePointe has partnered with over 450 churches across the US and around the world. Rebecca R. Jowers (MACE, 2012) founder of Poiema, an anti-human trafficking ministry, shares that they have a safe house (donated to the ministry), and their doors will be opening this fall. continued on next page






Philip S. Davis (MABC, 2013) became a commissioned officer in the US Navy as a Navy psychologist, beginning active duty service upon finishing doctoral coursework in 2017. Long Beach Press Telegram reported about a network of church planters and pastors who meet and pray regularly to support one another in Long Beach, California. Terrence Brooks (ThM, 2014), pastor of New Wine Community Church, said he wants the fellowship to reflect the diversity of the city and become a place where people can feel welcome. Jonathon A. Hallett (ThM, 2014) began pastoring Grace Evangelical Free Church in Beulah, North Dakota, in November of 2014. For Jonathon, the best part of pastoring a local church is teaching the Bible and seeing people gain a hunger and passion for God’s truth. He published his first book this past year entitled Rhyme & Reason: Poetic Reflections of an Aspiring Theologian (Xulon Press). Through conversation, fellowship, and expository Bible study, Running on Faith Ministry helps runners know and develop a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Rick E. Meyer (MACL, 2014) once shocked Gilbert T., an African he just met, when he offered to pray for him at the starting line of a marathon. Gilbert had never experienced a white person praying for a black person. Rick also helps runners create greater visions for their running, recognizing the need for increasing dependence on God in their running, which leads to greater dependence on Christ in all areas of life. Wilfred Johnson (DMin, 2015) and his wife, Shirley, have served in Costa Rica and Guatemala for almost forty-five years. He is currently president emeritus of the Guatemala Bible Seminary, full-time professor, and head of the Bible and theology department. They have had a part in preparing over 1,200 men and women who are serving the Lord in twelve countries around the world. Wilfred is also on the board of Drive-In Ministries, an evangelistic outreach that works in Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, the Gambia,


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Jorge A. Perez (MACE, 1992), senior vice president of Programs and the Y Experience, YMCA of the USA, Chicago, Illinois Frank Liesen (STM, 1996), director of Antiochia Teams, Berlin, Germany Brian J. Matz (ThM, 2001), professor, Fontbonne University, Clayton, Missouri Alumni from Dallas Theological Seminary met at the Moody Pastors’ Conference this past May, including Ken Rogers (ThM, 1969) and Dr. Paul Pettit (ThM, 1996; DMin, 2007) Nigeria, Romania, India, and Indonesia. Jonathan Smith (ThM, 2015) is the new pastor of Columbia Bible Church in Kennewick, Washington, taking the place of the pastor emeritus, Bruce Einspahr (ThM, 1975).

Gregory Greer (MACL, 2016) is vice president of Knox Area Rescue Ministries. This ministry is to the broken, hurting, and homeless in their community with the mission to rescue and restore them through Christ and his gospel. Blaine Hooper (ThM, 2016) will train and equip local pastors and church leaders in disciple-making and sound Bible teaching in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo with Hope Builders Ministries.

New Ministries (right to left) Bruce, Jonathan, and his father, Dr. Ed Smith (MABS, 1991), who is currently the pastor of Rockwall Bible Church in Rockwall, Texas.

Bill Arvan (ThM, 1976), ministry coordinator, READ Ministries, Cambridge, Minnesota Dr. Jim Congdon (ThM, 1976), board member, John Brown University, Siloam Springs, Arkansas

As lay directors of the marriage ministry at Grace Bible Church, in Houston, Texas, Cindy A. Walker (MACE, 2015) and her husband, Jerry, have been doing premarital counseling for almost twenty years, particularly for those involved in ministry. They are now doing more marriage-boosting and marriage counseling while pursuing certification as biblical counselors through ACBC.

Kevin L. Block (ThM, 1980), pastor of adult ministries, Rockpoint Church, Lake Elmo, Minnesota

When working as a government contractor for the Department of Defense, the Army mandates moving every six to eight months to new locations to conduct pilot training for concurrent fielding of new aircraft H-60M Blackhawk. This job has Kevin Callaway (MACE, 2016) reaching an unreached people group—US Army pilots, some of whom will never hear the gospel elsewhere.

Timothy D. Hall (ThM, 1984), dean of Howard College of Arts and Sciences, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama

Marco R. Helles (ThM, 1980), chairperson, Immanuel Church, Stockholm, Sweden Kent Eaton (ThM, 1984), interim senior vice president and academic dean, Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa

John Holmes (ThM, 1992), interim president, Grace University, Omaha, Nebraska

James A. Spoonts (MACM, 2002), president and executive director, BroomTree International, Bartonville, Texas Roy A. Kosin (ThM, 2003), professor, Emmaus Bible College, Dubuque, Iowa Ken Bolin (ThM, 2006), ethics instructor, US Army Maneuver Support Center of Excellence, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri Jeff Barbieri (ThM, 2008), lead pastor, Grace Point Evangelical Free Church, Adrian, Michigan Bill Koogler (ThM, 2008), pastor of discipleship and training, Fellowship of the Emirates, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Charles C. Huang (ThM, 2009), pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Taipei, Taiwan Joey T. Cochran (ThM, 2010), pastor of middle school and discipleship and communication, Calvary Memorial Church, Oak Park, Illinois Raquel P. Wroten (MAMC, 2012), editor, DTS Magazine, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas Julie Smestad (MABS, 2014), leader, Precept Ministries at Autumn Ridge Church, Rochester, Minnesota Eddie K. Taubensee (CBTS, 2015) director of baseball programs, Pro Athletes Outreach, Winter Garden, Florida Mark Vera (MACL, 2016), executive director, Destino, San Antonio, Texas

12 BRAVE NEW WORLD WITH RUSSELL MOORE (Hendricks Center) A one-day conference exploring how the church can effectively communicate the unchanging Word in a relentlessly changing world. dts.edu/bravenewworld 17 SEMINARY PREVIEW DAY (Houston) Come join us at our preview event hosted at Impact Church of The Woodlands. dts.edu/houston 17 SEMINARY SNAPSHOT (Washington, DC) Events streamlined from a typical Seminary Preview, yet you still get the student experience at DTS-DC. dts.edu/washingtondc

OCTOBER 3 ALL ABOUT INFLUENCE FEATURING MARY JO SHARP (Hendricks Center) A leadership conference designed to equip women to impact those in their sphere of influence. womensconference.dts.edu

8 SEMINARY PREVIEW DAY (Houston) Find out more about the degree programs and student services offered at DTS-Houston. dts.edu/houston 14 SEMINARY PREVIEW DAY (Dallas) Interested in attending DTS? Come visit the campus, sit in on a class, worship in chapel, and chat with the DTS faculty over lunch. dts.edu/visit 22 SEMINARY PREVIEW DAY (Washington, DC) Come join us at our preview event hosted at McLean Bible Church in Manassas, Virginia. dts.edu/washingtondc 26 BUSINESS LEADERS BREAKFAST FEATURING TODD WAGNER (Hendricks Center) An annual breakfast for Christian business leaders challenging them in their unique ministries. dts.edu/leaderboard 26 DTS EN ESPAÑOL LUNCH (Houston) Dialogue and prayer to see about theological education for Hispanics. dts.edu/houston

29 SPIRITUALITY AT END OF LIFE: A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE (Dallas) Join BSWH and DTS at our inaugural seminar to encourage partnership between healthcare and pastoral care providers. dts.edu/endoflife

NOVEMBER 5 SEMINARY SNAPSHOT (Washington, DC) Events streamlined from a typical Seminary Preview, yet you still get the student experience at DTS-DC. dts.edu/washingtondc 9 THE LEADER BOARD FEATURING BOB PRITCHETT (Hendricks Center) Five half-day leadership development sessions designed to equip marketplace leaders to impact others for the kingdom of God. dts.edu/leaderboard


NEW ON VIDEO Alumni spotlight: Nika Spaulding (ThM, 2014), serves as the women’s director at Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas, where she helps equip women to love the Lord with their hearts, souls, and minds.

October 18–21 Mr. John Dyer Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology


November 1–4 Dr. Timothy C. Tennent President of Asbury Seminary Wilmore, Kentucky


September 27 Pastor Chip Ingram CEO/Pastor of Living on the Edge Suwanee, Georgia

November 8 Dr. Tony Evans Founder and Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Dallas, Texas


October 14 Dr. Charles Swindoll Chancellor, Senior Pastor of Stonebriar Community Church Frisco, Texas November 11 Pastor Ben Stuart Resident in Church Planting and Leadership at Passion City Church Atlanta, Georgia dts.edu/chapel

19 SEMINARY SNAPSHOT (Washington, DC) Events streamlined from a typical Seminary Preview, yet you still get the student experience at DTS-DC. dts.edu/washingtondc 19 DTS ALUMNI RECEPTION AT SBL CONFERENCE (Alumni) Marriott Rivercenter, Room 1 San Antonio, Texas dts.edu/alumni


11 SEMINARY PREVIEW DAY (Dallas) Interested in attending DTS? Come visit the campus, sit in on a class, worship in chapel, and chat with the DTS faculty over lunch. dts.edu/visit

DTS invites speakers from across the world to minister to students, faculty, staff, and friends. Throughout the fall semester, chapel is held every Tuesday through Friday from 10:40 AM to 11:15 AM in Lamb Auditorium. Starting this fall, DTS plans to add two Tuesday evening chapels each semester. Recordings are available online unless restrictions apply to the speaker(s) or content. ARTS WEEK

17 DTS ALUMNI BREAKFAST AT ETS CONFERENCE (Alumni) Marriott Rivercenter Salons C & D, San Antonio, Texas dts.edu/alumni

Alumni spotlight: Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church, Erwin Lutzer (ThM, 1967) is an award-winning author of more than twenty books and a celebrated conference speaker and radio broadcaster. dts.edu/media


WITH DR. MARK L. BAILEY AND DR. STEPHEN J. BRAMER March 3–15, 2017 dts.edu/travel

THE TABLE PODCASTS RECENT TOPICS Human Dignity and the Image of God Dr. Darrell L. Bock and Dr. Mel Lawrenz Caring for Refugees from the Middle East

Mr. Jeff Palmer

UPCOMING TOPICS Urban Ministry Mr. Chris Brooks Ministry to Muslims Reverend Fikret Bocek Christian Ethics and Assisted Suicide Dr. Scott Rae www.dts.edu/thetable



B O O K S & R E S O U R C E S : F R O M T H E D T S FA M I LY Searching the Scriptures: Find the Nourishment Your Soul Needs

When Suffering Is Redemptive: Stories of How Anguish and Pain Accomplish God’s Mission

Praying Together: A Simple Path to Spiritual Intimacy for Couples

James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude

(Tyndale House) Dr. Charles R. Swindoll, chancellor*

(Weave Book Company) Dr. Larry J. Waters, editor (PhD, 1998)*

(New Hope Publishers) Sam (ThM, 1999) and Vicki Ingrassia

(Baker Academic) Dr. Jim Samra (ThM, 2001)

Too often, irritation, anxiety, impatience, and anger arise as a result of our spiritual malnutrition—a condition Dr. Swindoll shows us how to correct in his new book. In Searching the Scriptures, he reminds us that we were made for communion with God, and that our relationship requires a steady diet of time in his Word. He shows us how to dig deep into Scripture and uncover its profound truths for our lives. He also outlines the principles of Bible study that will help us understand God’s Word, apply it, and communicate it clearly to others. Too many people try to go it alone without a guide. Dr. Swindoll explains how we can fix our own spiritual meals, then invites us to feast on nourishing truths we can discover in God’s Word.

In this new collection of eight stories, When Suffering Is Redemptive, Dr. Larry Waters (PhD, 1998) shows us how God can transform and redeem suffering. The stories challenge readers to develop a richer sense of God’s sustaining grace in the midst of suffering and disability, hopefully resulting in the compassionate involvement of church ministries with those who are in the trenches of their own personal pain or struggles. This book includes discussion questions and suggested resources at the end of each chapter. Contributing authors include Dr. Waters, Mark Talbot, Mark McGinnis (MABS, 1992), Mary Klentzman, Steve Calvert, Richard D. Rood (ThM, 1976; PhD, 1996), Wayne Walker (MACM, 2007), and Bill Bryan (ThM, 1962).

Married for more than forty years, Sam and Vicki know firsthand how prayer changes a marriage. Both involved in full-time ministry early in their marriage, Vicki confronted Sam about the spiritual void in their relationship. Sam, facing his past failure as a spiritual leader, took steps toward building a spritual legacy in their home. In their book, Praying Together, Sam and Vicki share a biblical and simple path of how to pray the Scriptures as a guide over marriages, families, churches, and communities. This book will equip couples to embrace a new pattern of prayer with one another while building intimacy in the home.

In this new addition to Baker’s Teach the Text Commentary series, pastor and theologian Jim Samra lays out the principles of these important epistles in a format specifically designed for pastoral teaching. Exegetically sound yet accessible, each volume in the Teach the Text series is designed with a focus on the big ideas and key concepts of each passage to help maximize a pastor’s time on sermon preparation. Samra’s lucid, accessible commentary is a sound follow-up to Dr. Robert Chisholm’s recently published Teach the Text commentary on 1 & 2 Samuel, full of useful information, helpful instructions, and judicious insight.

Kingdom Marriage: Connecting God’s Purpose with Your Pleasure (Focus on the Family) Dr. Tony Evans (ThM, 1976; ThD, 1982)

(Thomas Nelson) Dr. David Jeremiah (ThM, 1967)

New resources from traditional publishers by members of the seminary family: Complete list at dts.edu/books Or visit our new and improved DTS Bookcenter website online bookcenter. dts.edu. *Faculty member


// DT S MAG A Z INE FA LL 2016

Godly Living with Contentment for Every Christian: We Are Now Becoming What We Are Going to Be (WestBow Press) Malcolm J. Borden (ThM, 1959) Lethal Harvest (Kregel) Dr. William Cutrer and Dr. Sandra Glahn* (ThM, 2001) Visits from Heaven: One Man’s Eye-Opening Encounter with Death, Grief, and Comfort from the Other Side (Thomas Nelson) Pete Deison (ThM, 1978)

Kingdom Prayer: Touching Heaven to Change Earth (Moody) Dr. Tony Evans (ThM, 1976; ThD, 1982) Watch Your Mouth: Understanding the Power of the Tongue; Watch Your Mouth Interactive Workbook: Understanding the Power of the Tongue (Harvest House) Dr. Tony Evans (ThM, 1976; ThD, 1982)

Few Call It War: Religious Terrorism: Then and Now (Morgan James) Robert M. Hicks (ThM, 1976; DMin, 1988) The Real God: How He Longs for You to See Him (Baker Books) Chip Ingram (ThM, 1984) God’s Mysterious Ways: Suffering, Grace, and God’s Plan for Joseph (Discovery House) Dr. Gary Inrig (ThM, 1969; DMin, 1984) Is This the End?: Signs of God’s Providence in a Disturbing New World

Your Daily Journey with God: 365 Daily Devotions (Tyndale House) Dr. David Jeremiah (ThM, 1967) Rescuing the Gospel: The Story and Significance of the Reformation (Baker Books) Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer (ThM, 1967) Positively Powerless, How a Forgotten Movement Undermined Christianity (WestBow Press) Laura L. Martin (MABS, 2013)

The Resurgent Church: 7 Critical Ways to Thrive in the New Post-Christendom World (Thomas Nelson) Dr. Michael L. McDaniel (DMin, 2010) Ephesians: A 12-Week Study (Knowing the Bible) (Crossway) Eric C. Redmond (ThM, 1997) The Key Ideas Bible Handbook: Understanding and Applying All the Main Concepts Book by Book (Harvest House) Dr. Ron Rhodes (ThM, 1983; ThD, 1986) The Essential Guidance to Deliverance: Finding True Freedom in Christ

(Chosen Books) Larry Richards (ThM, 1962) The Prince Warriors and the Unseen Invasion (B&H) Priscilla Shirer (MABS, 1998) Intended for Evil: A Survivors’s Story of Love, Faith, and Courage in the Cambodian Killing Fields (Baker Books) Les Sillars (ThM, 1993)

The Essence of the New Testament: A Survey (B&H) Elmer L. Towns (ThM, 1958) Miracles All around Us: TrueLife Stories of Heaven Touching Earth (Harvest House) John Van Diest (ThM, 1966) Hope (Etteloc Publishers) Peter Vik (ThM, 2009)

Swindoll’s Living Insight New Testament Commentary: Insights on Mark Insights on 1 & 2 Thessalonians (Tyndale House) Dr. Charles R. Swindoll, chancellor*






everal times a year, Dr. Swindoll preaches in chapel at DTS and engages in a question-and-answer time with prospective students. Here is one of the questions he answered recently.


Benefits of Bequest Giving: • Extending your giving legacy through a bequest communicates to others what is important to you. • A charitable bequest from your estate could be the largest gift you’ve ever given. • A bequest can have a significant impact in equipping future ministry leaders. • A charitable bequest can produce estate tax savings. • Your bequest decision today can be changed in the future. • You can still benefit your heirs with specific gifts.


My seven-year-old wants to know this: If Jesus died on the cross why is there still sin? Your child needs to understand everyone is flawed deep inside. You might even teach him/her the meaning of “depravity,” so he/she can understand where sin comes from. Someone once said, “If depravity were blue, we would be blue all over.” Your child needs to know what that means and, even though Jesus died for our sins, we stay blue deep within. But the good news is that when we trust in Jesus, he declares us righteous—in his eyes, he doesn’t see any of the blue within us. But because we remain depraved, even after believing in Jesus, we still sin. How do you break that down for a sevenyear-old? You’re the parent; you can do it. Hats off to every parent who has the ability to put theology in clear, everyday language, so even a child can get it. I’m reminded of a little plaque my mother hung on our kitchen wall. It framed the words of Proverbs 18:16, which says: “A man’s gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men” (kjv). One afternoon before I left to play sandlot football she called me over. “Charles, come here.” I wasn’t in the mood for a theology lesson, but I knew she was about to preach to me. “I want you to know that I’m claiming that for you,” she said, then she read me that verse. “That’s great mom, good. Sounds okay to me . . . can I go now?” I quickly left, but somehow those words stuck. Even though that happened many years ago, I still remember her words. I’ve lived to see that what she claimed has become true. No one is more surprised than I am! She prayed that the Lord


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would bring me before people and use me in ways that not even we could have predicted back when I was just a kid. My mother had a way of saying it so that it stuck, even though I acted as if I weren’t listening. You can’t go by the way kids look. They will roll their eyes and yawn—but you just need to press on. Your words matter, Mom and Dad. So tell your kids the truth. Down deep inside if we could scrub up all the blue, we would—sin is such an ongoing pain! But now is not forever. When we die, we’re changed. We get all cleaned up. But until then, God sees us as righteous in his eyes—he stays ready to forgive us whenever the blue leaks out. Be sure you help your child understand how forgiving his heavenly Father is. Be sure to remind your little one, “Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more!”

Hats off to every parent who has the ability to put theology in clear, everyday language, so even a child can get it.



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