DTS Magazine - Summer 2017

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Summer 2017 | Vol. 3, No. 2




Worship in Spirit and Truth

DTS Magazine® Summer 2017 Vol. 3, No. 2 ISSN 1092–7492


©2017 Dallas Theological Seminary. All rights reserved.


ur heavenly Father has transformed his throne—from a throne of wrath to a throne of grace—on our behalf. With the finished work of the Cross, we can approach God not on our own merits but his. In fact, God has invited us to come boldly. He waits for us and seeks for us to come to him for worship in spirit and truth. Our biggest needs are not physical but spiritual, and yet, they’re intertwined. God cares deeply for all our needs. When our Lord looked out on the crowds who “were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matt 9:36), he called his disciples to pray. As Christ-followers, we need to move toward a new level in our commitment to pray for the outpouring of God’s saving and sanctifying power in our day.

We pray knowing our songs of praises, petitions, and laments only deepen our love and trust with him. Our requests rest in his hands, understanding he is the best one who is capable of answering our prayers according to his will. We can approach God about everything so that the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7).

We pray so we can give God our gratitude for the provisions he has provided. We give thanks for our Board, our leadership here at DTS, our staff, and faculty. This includes bringing men and women to DTS who could be world changers for the cause of Christ. We ask that God will continue to lead, supply the needs, and open up opportunities for those who are graduating. We are grateful for the work God continues to do through the lives of our alumni. We also give thanks for the speakers we have had over this past school year. They have challenged us to think as we grapple with biblical and theological issues that relate to ministry and life.

What would that include for you? Do you believe he is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Eph 3:20)?

We pray so we can acknowledge our Lord’s kindness and graciousness in how he brought those who have stood by us as we continue to do the work that is ahead of us. God’s generosity is evident in those who faithfully work alongside us for his glory—our supporters, ministry partners, and those who pray diligently for us here at DTS. We are thankful for the ones who work behind the scenes and for the encouragement each can be in one another’s lives.


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DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Our mission is to glorify God by equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of his Word and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide.

Published three times a year by Dallas Theological Seminary 3909 Swiss Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204 Mark L. Bailey, President John C. Dyer, Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology Raquel P. Wroten, Editor Keith D. Yates, Director of Creative Services and Publications, Layout and Design Debbie J. Stevenson, Production Manager Kathy Dyer, Matt Holland, Kelley Mathews, Margaret Tolliver, Copy Editing Matt Snyder, Ad Designer

God has invited us to come boldly. He waits for us and seeks for us to come to him for worship in spirit and truth.





Aeriel Eichenberger, Greg Hatteberg, Alumni Connection

Margaret Tolliver (MAMC, 2012) explains how a life of constant prayer broadens our perspective and deepens our view of our heavenly Father.

Kevin Stern, Books & Resources SUBSCRIBE Subscriptions are free of charge to addresses in the United States. Go to dts.edu/magazine or call 800-DTSWORD and ask for the DTS Magazine subscription office. EMAIL Contact admissions@dts.edu for information about DTS’s graduate degree programs.


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What would happen if we applied prayer to our work? In this article, Bill Hendricks (MABS, 1984) writes about a time in American history when a prayer movement in New York City sparked perhaps the greatest spiritual awakening the country had ever seen.

PATTERNS OF PRAYER: ANCIENT AND MODERN TOOLS FOR READING SCRIPTURE AND COMMUNING WITH GOD Brandon Giella (MABS, 2016) looks back to the patterns of prayer in our Christian practice and explains the variety of guided prac-




HOW THE RHYTHM OF PRAYER FINE-TUNES MINISTRY Dr. Rodney Orr (ThM, 1990) started his ministry journey with struggles, broken relationships, and weariness. What changed? In this article, Dr. Orr explains the impact of prayer and how it changed his marriage, his relationships, and his ministry.




He Will Answer By and By D

uring the summer of 2011, I worked full-time at a youth program to save for my next semester at DTS. Every day I came home exhausted. I cannot decide whether the exuberant teenagers or the sweltering heat caused my fatigue. Between bouts of “let’s hide from Ms. Margaret” and “go outside with us, Ms. Margaret,” I could not keep up with the mood swings. The only constant that summer was the Dallas heat. Everyone expected the 1980 record of the most consecutive days exceeding 100 degrees to be broken in August. Up to that point, north Texas had experienced triple digits approaching the biblical number of forty. Many believed this hot season would exceed the record. I hoped it wouldn’t.

COMFORT Why we chose to take our teens to the concrete jungle of Six Flags during the dead heat of summer, I will never know. I dread any summer outdoor activity without shade trees. So, I did like most in my situation—I complained. Sometimes it takes a while for me to remember not to grumble, but to use those urges to communicate with God. At some point in my desperation, I did turn to the Lord and pleaded for relief. Please don’t let it be too hot when we go to Six Flags . . . PULEEZE. I must confess, my prayers did not mention any spiritual disciplines. Forget self-control, loving my neighbor, patience. At that moment, I only wanted comfort. I did express some gratitude. Lord, thank you my current residence— where the heat can cause weeping and gnashing of teeth—is a temporary place and not the eternal one.


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The day of the dreaded field trip finally arrived. The weather prediction echoed the previous forty days. Agonizing temperatures would continue to contain triple digits. I needed reinforcements—I wanted more saints to pray with me. If we all begged God together, he’d have mercy on us. My prayer requests encountered the usual, “Margaret, deal with it. The weather man said. . . .” “So let’s talk to THE Weather Man,” I responded. I noticed my pleas weren’t availing much with men. So, I appealed to Scripture. “Look, Elijah prayed it wouldn’t rain. The Bible says we’re like him. Let’s pray about the weather” ( Jas 5:16–18). Another answered, “I’ll pray for God’s will.” “OK. And I’ll pray specifically that God’s will keeps the temperatures from rising too high. During the hottest part of the day, the sun is like this,” I raised my right fist. “I pray a big, fluffy cloud will spread over it like this!” I raised my left palm and covered my fist. I didn’t care that I looked like the sole participant in a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I had a point to convey. I continued, “I only want one cloud, so you’ll know the power of MY God.”




The motivation of my prayer had changed. I no longer wanted a cooler day as a selfish reprieve from the heat. Instead, I wanted a magnificent display of God’s power. I wanted my coworkers to see that Philippians 4:6 is not hyperbole. Every believer should accept the motto, “Don’t worry; be prayerful!” Discomforts provide opportunities to talk with God. We will experience his peace when he answers. As we loaded the bus, I left my reluctant “prayer partners” behind to their air-conditioned tasks. Hours later, the chatty teens filled the All American Café at Six Flags. I grabbed my tray and proceeded outside for solitude. As I sat at the table to eat, the sun kissed my face—a sloppy, wet kiss left a small drop of perspiration on my forehead. I glanced at the sky; heaven smiled and winked. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes in delight. I tilted my head further back, beaming with a lopsided grin of gratitude. On our return, as I corralled the youth to get in straight lines, I noticed Mr. “Margaret, deal with it” approaching my co-teacher. I ear-hustled their exchange: “How was Six Flags?” “We had a great time. Not bad at all—not too hot. When the temperature started to climb, this one cloud came from nowhere and covered the sun for the rest of the day.” “Margaret prayed for y’all,” he replied. Our eyes met. God had revealed himself. Moreover, he used an unsuspecting coworker to confirm his answer.

BIG PRAYERS FOR SMALL THINGS Our American culture prides itself on independence. If we’re not careful, our self-determination can impede our experiences with God. Sometimes, unaware of what we have chosen, we take control of the small things. We tackle the things we can manage and leave the big things for God. The Lord loves to commune with us in every detail of our lives (Ps 139:1–18). In My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers wrote, “We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. We pray when there’s nothing else we can do, but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all.” Proverbs 3:5 commands us not only to trust God but not to lean on our understanding. We need to challenge our independent streak. We need to cultivate the habit of praying about small things. As a result, watch God work in some amazing ways. Once, I prayed about what type of snack to buy. I’ll never forget the look in the homeless man’s eyes when I gave him a package of those graham crackers days later. With tear-filled eyes, he said, “I love graham crackers. I haven’t had any since I was a boy.” His eyes seemed to ask, how’d you know? I responded, “Jesus knew and cares.” Before one road trip, I prayed about the specifics of which gas station to visit. When I pulled up to the pump, I met a distressed


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young man who’d run out of gas as he cried: “LORD, I need help!” What an incredible opportunity to witness the Lord’s timing. After asking whether he knew Jesus, I discovered he had received him as Savior a few days prior. He had traveled to Dallas to attend an event to learn more about Christ. The timing of our encounter confirmed for him that God existed. “This has shown me I didn’t make a mistake in trusting him.” His statement continues to bless me. Answers to small prayers, like these, have taught me how God connects people. Every situation presents an opportunity to extend his love to the world. If we pray about little things, our perspective will expand to see God’s interworking hand in everything. Corrie ten Boom’s profound question in The Hiding Place provides an excellent challenge. “Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”

SMALL PRAYERS FOR BIG THINGS Sometimes life becomes too difficult to find the words to pray. I’m confident God answers even my shortest prayers. I have experienced times when trials have knocked me face down and speechless before the mighty throne of God. Often, life has handed me blow after blow in rapid succession. My tears had to suffice as prayers. The English language contained no words to convey the depths of my heartache to the Lord. Through sobs and deep sorrow, I have comfort in God and the power of intercessory prayer. I find solace in the fact that two Persons in our triune God intercede to the Father on my behalf. Jesus promised us “another advocate to help [us] and be with [us] forever” ( John 14:16). What comfort to know the Spirit of God knows all! He interprets all my sobs and moans. He knows the language of groans and prays according to the Father’s will for the things I can’t. Romans 8:26–27 states, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” What a beautiful comforter and intercessor we have who resides in us! He does not just appear when we’re in trouble; he experiences life with us daily. When I’m in deep sorrow, I can ask the Lord to use my tears as pleas for the Spirit’s intercession in my life. He will hear my cries and will pray for me when I can’t find the words. He will grant me peace and comfort when I’m at a loss for what to say. I can rest knowing if I can’t muster the right words, my God can.

CRY OUT When we’re in the midst of hard times, there’s a name we can cry out during life’s constant beatings. My experience with my sister has taught me the power of calling out a name. I know when my sister needs me by the tone in which she calls me. She doesn’t use my given name or one of my nicknames. When she desperately desires my help, I hear a soft, Southern twang-filled whisper: “Sis-

tah.” It’s a privileged name based on her relationship with me. It transforms her from an articulate, DC attorney to the baby I remember rushing to at the slightest whimper. There’s a two-syllable name every believer has the privilege to call: Jesus. If I can rush to my sister’s aid at her call, how much more will Jesus rush to ours when we call on his name. Driven by his love for us and his relationship with us, he, too, intercedes on our behalf (Heb 7:25). I find great comfort in Hebrews 4:15–16. “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” The books of Romans and Hebrews remind us the Lord handled our sins and secured our eternity. He can take care of any problem that bullies us. He binds our hurts; he has even endured wounds for our sakes. Thus, we can find comfort in the Lord and what he has done. What hope this gives—in what he can do—if we only ask and do so with right motives ( Jas 4:2–3)! For Christ’s promise remains true: “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it” ( John 14:14). During tough seasons of life, I remember an old song I grew up singing. My little cries of Jesus’s name echo the lyrics by Rev. Cleavant Derricks. They beckon us to “have a little talk with Jesus” for “he will hear our faintest cry and he will answer by and by.” Indeed, the Lord answers every one of our prayers in his name and according to his will so we will glorify our heavenly Father ( John 14:13). The Lord desires not only his will in our lives but also intimacy with us now and for all eternity. A life of constant prayer broadens our perspective and deepens our view of his person, his power, and his care. It transforms our situations and our relationship with him. Many see August 11, 2011, as the day we lost the race for the 1980 heat record; I see it as a day of answered prayer. I witnessed the power of God despite the tone of my prayer. Like that cloud covering the sun during the hottest part of the day, our prayers cover the fierceness of life’s battles. God loves us deeply. We serve a God who longs to commune with us and answer our prayers. So, let’s open our hearts to pray about all things—big and small.

If we pray about little things, our perspective will expand to see God’s interworking hand in everything.

MARGARET TOLLIVER (MAMC, 2012) serves as the administrative coordinator for board meetings in the president’s office at Dallas Theological Seminary. She also volunteers in her church, ministering in praise/ worship dance and teaching children about the gospel, God’s Word, and baptism. Her favorite thing to do is to encourage others to seek the Lord in everything that they do, especially if she can use the creative arts to do so. Photography by RYAN HOLMES (MAMC, 2009). Ryan serves as Director of Media Production at Dallas Theological Seminary. He helps oversee the audio and video communication aspects of the seminary through recording, editing, and storytelling. You can find more information on Ryan at ryanholmes.me.





RAYER WORKS. By “works” I mean when people pray, God acts. Not that prayer obligates God to do anything. God owes us nothing! Still, God has set things such that when his children pray, he responds. Not always immediately. And not always as we expect. And not always as we would like. But he does respond.

In fact, he promises in Scripture he’ll respond: The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops ( Jas 5:16–18).


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Likewise, Jesus taught: But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. . . . For your Father knows what you need before you ask him (Matt 6:6, 8).




Prayer works and I’ve seen it over and over. As a child, I remember my family praying for missionaries, many working in remote places foreign to me. Our prayer list included people whose names I couldn’t even pronounce. Missionaries often came to my home for a visit and would tell the most amazing stories about the conversion of Chief So-and-So and his tribe. They would catch us up on the witch doctor and his family. Sometimes their stories involved a high government official in a superpower abroad. Similarly, I read books of people like John Wesley. He spent no less than two hours on his knees every day, Bible open before him, praying for the world and its salvation. Or George Müller, who claimed that on a single day God answered more than 5,000 of his requests. Among his concerns was the salvation of five friends. One man turned to Christ within a few months, two within ten years, and a fourth within twenty-five. Müller prayed for the fifth man every day for sixty-three years and eight months. He died with the man still unsaved. Before they buried Müller, however, his friend turned his life over to Jesus. Today, I have a friend who prays for every single member of his church every day. His flock has more than 6,000 members. He has seen thousands of answers to his prayers. I know churches, mission agencies, and parachurch ministries that have prayed for provision. God has faithfully supplied their needed funds. What about the evidence of prayer’s effectiveness in my experience, and that of my family? For health. For material needs. For wisdom. For strength. For help. For protection. For forgiveness. For comfort. And sometimes, to be honest, for the grace to keep on praying when faith is wearing thin. God has always come through. As Paul told Timothy: “He remains faithful” (2 Tim 2:13). In short, prayer works.

WHAT WE DO AND DON’T PRAY ABOUT This brings me to a second observation: The vast majority of prayers I’ve heard focus at what might be called “spiritual” categories. You know, things like church, missions, evangelism, worship services, God’s will, and marital problems. It also involves family, parenting challenges, and relational issues. And ultimately we pray for our health concerns. And that’s as it should be. That’s all important stuff. I have no problem with praying for any of those areas. But curiously, one domain consistently and conspicuously overlooked by the discipline of prayer (along with all the other spiritual disciplines) is the huge activity that dominates most people’s lives—their work. Let me ask: if you’re an executive, when’s the last time you spent a day in prayer before making a key hiring decision? Or if you’re a salesperson, when’s the last time you spent an hour in prayer


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for every hour you spend pitching potential customers? Or maybe you’re “just one of the team,” quietly doing your job all day. When’s the last time you spent your lunch hour praying for your work, your coworkers, your boss, your company, its customers, vendors, investors, and products or services—instead of eating lunch?

The response was—well, not particularly encouraging. When the clock struck noon, no one but Lanphier was present. So he began to pray by himself. Twelve-thirty arrived. Still no one came. Soon, one man arrived. Lanphier greeted him, and they prayed together. A few moments later, another man entered and a third walked in. By the end of the hour, six had made it to the meeting.

Look, I’m not trying to make anybody feel guilty. I’m asking the logical question that follows from the fact that prayer works. It works in missions. It works in churches. It works in families. So why wouldn’t it work in our jobs? Could the answer be as simple as, “because we seldom think to pray about our work”?


WHEN BUSINESSPEOPLE PRAY One school of thought says people in the “secular” workplace are ineffective at prayer because they spend too much time preoccupied with “worldly” concerns. In other words, they don’t have what it takes to be heard by God—they’re not holy enough to pray. I disagree. Let me tell you a true story from American history about a time when businesspeople did pray. In the 1840s and ’50s, the USA experienced significant economic growth and prosperity. The West beckoned. The discovery of gold in California promised riches. Railroads were being laid like spider webs, and the money flowed. A thirty-five percent explosion in the country’s population rendered much of the growth. Immigrants flooded in from Europe. There was tremendous competition for jobs, which led to work shortages and ethnic unrest, including race riots. Add to that ugly mix the smoldering problem of slavery. Unresolved by the Founders, the issue reached a flashpoint. By the 1850s divisions in denominations, regions, and the entire country erupted. In New York City, the wealthy moved out of the center of the city, taking their churches with them. The new immigrants, the poor— mostly the unchurched—took over their places. One church refused to move. The North Dutch Reformed Church of Manhattan remained. It committed itself to ministering to the population around it. To that end, the church selected a businessman, Jeremiah Lanphier, to develop a plan of outreach. Lanphier was ineffective. He did the usual things: visitation, tracts, evangelism, Bible distribution. Lanphier received little response. So he did what a lot of businesspeople do when they get discouraged trying to make the leap into the social sector. Lanphier decided to round up some of his old business pals and see if they had any ideas. He called them together for a prayer meeting, distributing a flyer that challenged them to give their lunch hour once a week for that purpose. The first week Lanphier arrived at the church and planted a sign on the sidewalk: “Prayer Meeting from 12 to 1 o’clock. Stop 5, 10, or 20 minutes, or the whole hour, as your time admits.” He went inside and waited.

That was on September 23, 1857. By October 7, the number had grown to more than thirty. On October 14, the day when Lanphier had decided to hold the prayer time on a daily basis, the bottom fell out of the economy. Banks failed. Thousands of businesses went bankrupt. Of New York’s 800,000 citizens, 30,000 people lost their jobs. Even railroads went bust. It was the worst financial crisis in the young nation’s history. But as is often the case, what humans perceived as evil, God intended for good. Shaken by the ruin taking place around them, people came to the Fulton Street Prayer Meeting. So many arrived that by mid-November the gathering spread to two rooms. Before long, 3,000 participants filled the entire church. These were everyday folks, mind you, not clergy. Attorneys, bankers, carpenters, deliverymen, and messenger boys walked in eager to pray. Women too. People of all occupations and stations. Each had different aspirations, fears, needs, and spiritual conditions. Some were regular church-goers. But many professed no religion whatsoever. All came together with one thing in common: they were desperate for God to show up! God responds to desperation. “The lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Ps 34:28). Like all movements of the Spirit, Lanphier’s prayer meetings multiplied. And other churches opened their doors for prayer. In March 1958, a large theater announced it would serve as a prayer venue. On the first day, it filled to standing room only by 11:30 a.m. Soon other cities and towns across the continent held prayer meetings. Thousands gathered together to pray. What did the attendees pray about at the meeting? Well, of course, the “usual” things: confession of personal sins and submission to God, the salvation of family and friends, the return of wayward saints, and the strength and courage to lead godly lives. And, as one would expect, the countless unbelievers who came asked others to pray for them. And many trusted Christ as their Savior. Such prayers had an effect. The total population of the United States was only 30 million. Scholars conservatively estimate as many as one million people came to faith. All within two years, as a result of that prayer movement.

IF WE APPLY PRAYER TO OUR WORK Prayer reports from that time mention nothing about the country’s economic conditions. No one seemed to beseech God for their businesses or their banks or their railroad. True, some

God has set things such that when his children pray, he responds.

prayed for racial reconciliation. But it is as if having allowed economic prosperity to lull them away from God, Americans prayed for the healing of their souls. They didn’t pray for their legitimate economic needs and realities as well. What might have happened if they had? What might have been avoided? Within a few short years of this revival—described as perhaps the greatest spiritual awakening ever seen in the United States—the country split in half. It exploded into civil war. Millions of men lost their lives, and much of the South was devastated. True, slavery ended. But the former slaves had no real stake in the American economy, with tragic results that remain to this day. So it’s a fair question to ask, What might happen if we applied prayer to our work? Have we ever tried it? James wrote, “You do not have because you do not ask God” ( Jas 4:2). What might happen if we asked? We know that prayer works. In fact, we know that God takes prayer so seriously that Christ himself prays for us (Rom 8:34), as does the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:26–27). In 1857, one single businessman committed himself to pray and invited others to join him. At first, no one did, but he started praying anyway. The rest, as they say, is history. So how would you like to spend your next lunch hour?

BILL HENDRICKS (MABS, 1984) serves as executive director for Christian Leadership at The Hendricks Center. He is also founder and president of The Giftedness Center in Dallas, Texas. He is the author or coauthor of twenty-two books, including The Person Called YOU: Why You’re Here, Why You Matter & What You Should Do with Your Life. Illustration by MARK PATE (current THM student). Mark delivers clean, precise illustration and design ( for web and print) for the entertainment industry with a specialty in film pre-production, cartooning, and comics. You can find more about Mark on Instagram @dude_huge and at markpate.com.




Patterns of Prayer Ancient and Modern Tools for Reading Scripture and Communing with God


NY PSYCHIATRIST—and any parent, for that matter—will tell you setting

limits, structures, and disciplines benefit children. They’ll tell you

schedules and routines keep a kid’s mind healthy. When a child has free rein over his/her day, chaos soon follows. Though it hurts a little in the beginning, as time goes by, we see discipline’s good fruit. And so it is with us. We need structure and discipline, not only in our prayer life but in our daily lives as well. We grab our morning coffee, get the paper, and start the grooming routine. There’s the commute, we say hello to our coworkers, and off we go to start the day. And it happens like this. Every day. Every day we perform these little rituals. Our church lives, too, often incorporate formal structures to guide our worship. We call this liturgy.

THE TERMS Ancient words like liturgy can seem scary for modern, nondenominational evangelicals. Liturgy and words like lectionary, or guides like the Book of Common Prayer, often bring up feelings of empty ritual. Are they hollowed out forms of true Christian faith from which we broke away during the Reformation? We often believe so and we make subconscious vows to never return to dead habits. Yet, this year—the 500th since the Reformation—looking back to more traditional roots of our Christian practice can prove fruitful for our spiritual growth. In the last several years, in fact, many articles have explored why millennials are returning to mainline, traditional denominations because of their formal liturgy. As I surveyed how the DTS family and its graduates approach patterns of prayer and Scripture, I discovered a variety of methods. Some reclaim more formal liturgical ways to reading the Bible. Others work to create new patterns using apps on our cell phones. Indeed, DTS itself currently has students from over seventy denominations including those whose ministries use some of these older prayer and Bible-reading tools. It turns out this is not a recent or new change for DTS. In fact, from its founding some students and early influencers also found these practices helpful. To find out more, I talked to DTS professor Dr. Timothy Ralston (ThM, 1983; PhD, 1994) about DTS’s historical approach to educating students from all denominational backgrounds. He also gave me a primer on traditional guides to prayer such as a lectionary: Historically the lectionary was designed to support the seasons of the Christian Year (Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Advent) that celebrate


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the life of Christ from His birth (Christmas) through to His glorious return (Advent). This arrangement offers worshippers an annual Christocentric journey that engages all the themes of biblical theology. It forms the support for the congregation’s experience of worship in both song and prayer—and focuses the community’s weekly experience of obedient celebration around the table fellowship of bread and wine. Within a more structured worship environment, people hear the Scriptures as part of a more multisensory, whole-body experience. There are several different slightly varied lectionaries, but each one is essentially a three-year Bible reading plan for every Sunday of the year, plus a few other holidays. They often include a passage from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the Gospels, and an Epistle that relate thematically. The lectionary ensures every congregant hears the gospel every Sunday and from every book of the Bible over the three-year period. It seems the church in centuries past understood the importance of rhythm and structure. Many mainline denominations, including Anglican, Methodists, and some Presbyterians, use lectionaries to lead their people through the Bible. Not everyone has the blessing of a DTS education, so churches might benefit from guided reading through all sixty-six books of the Bible. So, we see structure and ritual as good, and the church throughout history has had this framework built into it, but how does this affect DTS? What do we do about these things going forward? In order to go forward, it’s often wise to look backward.

LOOKING BACK The founder of DTS didn’t dismiss anyone based on their denominational affiliation. On the contrary, Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer found value in learning from others. In his book, An Uncommon Union: Dallas Theological Seminary and American Evangelicalism, Dr. John Hannah wrote that the greatest impact on Chafer’s development was when he participated in the “famous summer conferences from the array of prominent speakers he heard from across the United States as well as Great Britain and Canada.” Chafer learned from a wide sphere of influences, such as G. Campbell Morgan, the traveling evangelist of New Court Church, Toll




different denominations. Hannah writes that “three were Presbyterian . . . two were Plymouth Brethren . . . and one is uncertain.”

Thankfully, some DTS alumni have worked to clear the way for the younger generation to grab onto these ancient truths.

Chafer’s original vision for DTS was for graduates to have sound biblical theology, and then go back into denominational churches to teach people the Bible. Hannah wrote, “It [DTS] was an institution free of denominational ties, yet it purposed to serve them all by training their clergy.”

Drew Dickens (ThM, 2013) works at Abide, where he heads the spiritual formation department. While not many people have a lectionary or a prayer book lying around, almost everyone has a smartphone in their pockets. The Abide app provides guided prayer for the next generation.

What does Chafer teach us as we consider other denominations and their practices? Ralston ended with this note. “I believe the DTS community could benefit immeasurably from a better understanding of other denominations particularly the celebration of the Christian Year and the lectionary supporting it.”

The app allows you to set reminders to pray while also offering topics, music, and narration to help with your prayer life. You might think, “If you need an app to help you with your prayer life, you don’t have a strong prayer life.” But as I wrote earlier, structure is good, and everyone needs it in their lives. The app gives us a guide to keep our prayers within historical, biblical, and Christocentric limits. It offers a way for us to prevent our prayer life from becoming hollow or empty.

How can we adopt these ancient traditions going forward? Should evangelicals worry about using the liturgical calendar or lectionary? Although there’s always a risk that anything we do can become a dead ritual, the lectionary is a well-thought-out way of immersing oneself in all sixty-six books of the Bible alongside other Christians. ington Park, London, England, and F. B. Meyer of Christ Church in London, England. No one can disagree his friend and mentor, Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, impacted him greatly. When they met, Scofield pastored the Trinitarian Congregational Church of Northfield, in Massachusetts, the church the Chafers attended in the early 1900s.

The church calendar can provide a powerful way to stay rooted in the gospel story in an increasingly secular and post-Christian world. However, a church might find other Bible reading plans or calendars helpful. Christians do not need to employ the common calendar and readings to stay in the Word. Modern Christians can adopt pieces of tradition from the past to move the church forward. The lectionary might be one of them.

Later, when Chafer began forming the seminary, he hoped to secure the services of his good friend, W. H. Griffith Thomas. Griffith Thomas was a priest ordained within the Church of England. As a priest, Griffith Thomas was required to follow the Anglican lectionary. Hannah explains, “Had it not been for his untimely death, he would have joined the nonresident faculty of the institution. Of the several men who consulted with Chafer about the founding of the school, Griffith Thomas alone was a renowned educator-scholar; his name lent credibility to the embryonic enterprise.”

I wrote earlier that millennials, like me, continue to seek older forms of Christianity. They’re looking for more stable, more rooted expressions of the faith that go beyond the current culture to a different time. It’s something larger than themselves. This might seem counterintuitive, given millennials try to be on the bleeding edge of technology and culture, but there is something noble in looking back, looking larger, away from the self-centeredness of our generation. Ad fontes, and all that.

Ralston mentioned D. M. Stearns, of Stearns Hall, who served as a Reformed Episcopalian cleric and advocated dispensational premillennialism. Hannah writes, “Stearns was widely known in the East as a pastor of the Church of the Atonement, Germantown, Pennsylvania, and for a remarkably large group of Bible classes that he regularly conducted across several states.” Appreciative members of those classes supported the building of the Stearns building. Another early founder was A. B. Winchester, a Canadian Presbyterian pastor. Winchester helped Chafer with the original doctrinal statement of the seminary and later served, between 1924 and 1936, as one of six visiting faculty who devoted a month each to teaching English Bible at the seminary. All six visiting faculty had


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LOOKING AHEAD Understanding the need to return to the Bible as the primary source of Christian faith, the DTS family makes biblical principles such as prayer a priority. Students have organized committees and regularly meet throughout the week to pray for one another. A new Prayer Partner outreach launched this past spring bringing people from all over the world to pray for the seminary. Professors ended their spring semester classes with prayer, “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer” (Ps 19:14). What does any of this have to do with helping one’s personal prayer life? Structure is good—we get that. In centuries past the church used structures to help guide our prayer and our worship—all good. Where does this leave us for the future?

Abide isn’t the only company trying to engage a younger group of Christians in the ancient forms of the church. Other alumni are moving inside their denominations to bring biblical doctrine to the people of God. Bishop Ray Sutton (ThM, 1976) serves as the head of the Reformed Episcopal Church. He, along with DTS alumni Fathers Charles Camlin (ThM, 2003) and Kasey Gage (ThM, 2002), teaches the values of a DTS education to a denominational congregation through the Church of the Holy Communion in Dallas, Texas. Reverend Tony Melton (ThM, 2013), another alum in the Anglican church, presides as the assisting priest for The Chapel of the Cross in Dallas, Texas. Throughout church communities, we see a resurgence for a more traditional faith, where others guide the next generation through the stable practices of Christianity throughout the centuries. A partnership between Tim Keller, The Gospel Coalition, and Crossway, with the help of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation, has produced a guided question-and-answer book called The New City Catechism. The goal of this catechism helps train adults and children alike through the foundational doctrines of the faith. Tim Keller explained it this way: At present, the practice of catechesis, particularly among adults, has been almost completely lost. Modern discipleship programs concentrate on practices such as Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and evangelism and can at times be superficial when it comes to doctrine. In contrast, the classic catechisms take students through the Apostles’ Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer—a perfect balance of biblical theology, practical ethics, and spiritual experience. This isn’t something new or something to fear by those unfamiliar with it. Though these ancient concepts like liturgy and lectionary

Chafer’s original vision for DTS was for graduates to have sound biblical theology and then go back into denominational churches to teach people the Bible.

might sound foreign to us, they exist to help us grow more rooted in our relationship with the Lord and the people of God around the world. Chafer’s vision that formed DTS so many years ago still thrives among our alumni. Some of them have taken the more traditional route in denominations that are hundreds of years old. Others have taken the route to plant nondenominational churches, or perhaps they’re planting the first churches among unreached people groups spread across the globe. Some, even still, work in and among nonchurched people in their office buildings or design studios, or maybe they’re building mobile apps to reach the pockets of millions of people. No matter which path our alumni have taken—some using centuries-old guided prayer and some creating their own guides—we remain rooted in the good soil of Scripture to “teach truth and love well.” But what happens when God says no to our prayers? These guided practices, rooted in historical orthodoxy, can help us move closer to our heavenly Father so we understand what God wants for us in the first place. They help us hallow his name and ask for the things he desires for us and perhaps, just perhaps, we will find our souls encouraged. We will rediscover strength amid our hurts so we can continue “to go and bear fruit” ( John 15:16). BRANDON GIELLA (MABS, 2016) serves as a content editor for Fathom ( fathommag.com), a digital platform that compels people to seek out the depths of Christian faith. Brandon worked as a copy editor before starting Fathom with his friends. His hobbies include typography and British literature.





CAMPUS NEWS Dr. Robert Garippa Retires; Dr. George Hillman Named New VP for Student Life as in things related to the heart. The dean’s job is to look after the student as a whole—not just the academic—involving the personal, spiritual, and emotional life of the person. We need to take care of our students’ hearts.” And he did—for seventeen years.

For the past seventeen years, Dr. Robert J. Garippa served the DTS student body by faithfully bringing a pastor’s heart into his role as vice president for Student Services and dean of students. He saw it as an opportunity to serve and a blessing to minister to students. “My role here is to appropriately care for the students,” Dr. Garippa explained. “My passion is to see students succeed particularly in relationships and community and in finding their unique place in God’s plan.” This past spring semester, Dr. Mark Bailey announced Dr. Garippa’s retirement effective June 30, 2017. “Dr. Garippa has

Step inside our free online class for a special course on the book of Romans taught by Dr. Ronald Allen. Deepen your knowledge of God’s righteousness through the expository teaching that illuminates Scripture like never before.

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blessed the DTS community by using a lifetime of pastoral and administrative experience in his leadership of diverse responsibilities, which include chapel, student counseling, advising, and student council. Through his oversight, these areas, and many more, have increased in their profile and importance in helping spiritually form our students.” Dr. Garippa established himself as a consummate ministry partner as he served the DTS student body. “At a place filled with world-class scholars like DTS we have a need to stay strong in things related to the mind as well

Effective July 1, 2017, Dr. George Hillman will assume the role of vice president for Student Life and dean of students. A member of the DTS faculty for fifteen years and department chair of Educational Ministries and Leadership, Dr. Hillman’s heart for DTS students aligns with Dr. Garippa’s vision. Dr. Bailey wrote, “Dr. Hillman’s passion for education, and spiritual formation, engagement with the local church, leadership, and pouring into the lives of students make him an ideal person to oversee the new phase of student life.” How does Dr. Hillman feel about stepping into the role once held by Dr. Garippa? “When I think of Dr. Garippa, I see faithfulness and consistency. He was such a steady hand on the helm of the

ship, a calming presence in the storms of our students’ lives. He also allowed his staff and student leaders to shine. He never desired the limelight but instead always allowed others to take center stage.” The staff in the Student Life department is committed to helping students cross the finish line with their degree. “Never feel like you don’t have an advocate on campus. Never hesitate to reach out to us,” Dr. Hillman commented. “What Student Life does is come alongside our time-honored curriculum to focus on the spiritual life and academic success of our students. We want to prepare the whole person. The Student Life curriculum is as vital as the exegetical papers and the homiletics classes. Its mission goes back to the heartbeat of Lewis Sperry Chafer, the founder of DTS, and his focus on the Christian spiritual life. A hallmark of DTS is that we produce godly servant leaders who can both teach truth and love well.”

Join the Prayer Partner Outreach Dallas Theological Seminary launched a new ministry outreach where friends of the seminary are invited to be part of a group that prays regularly for the needs of the seminary, the students, and the faculty and staff. Each month DTS will email a list of prayer requests that will range from visionary plans of the President to special needs. And, on the first Tuesday of every other

month, Prayer Partners will gather together online to pray in a live video session with Dr. Mark Bailey or Pastor Joe Allen. Kim Till, vice president of Advancement said, “It is such a delight to know we have prayer partners from across the country and from around the world connecting with us, and we are amazed at the number of people who have committed to pray.

God designed prayer to energize, not drain, us. When we make prayer a priority, we reap a whole host of benefits like comfort, guidance, and confidence. As believers, prayer is our most profitable activity, and we are excited to see what God will do.” Prayer undergirds all aspects of the DTS mission. The Board, faculty, and staff make prayer a priority when they convene, and

students have organized a prayer committee and regularly meet for prayer chapels. As Oswald Chambers wrote, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; Prayer is the greater work.” To join the DTS Prayer Partner outreach, please visit dts.edu/ prayerpartners.







Alistair Begg, senior pastor of Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, was this year’s Spiritual Life Conference speaker. During chapel, he spoke on 1 Peter 5:10–11, which included the theme of humility and anxiety. He also discussed the difficulties and the challenges the adversary brings to the believer. He concluded the week by reiterating the importance of understanding that our security stands firm in Christ. Go to www.dts.edu/chapel to view his messages.

4 6

1 There’s no chance of getting lost when visiting the Dallas campus. DTS finally makes its mark on the Haskell exits signs on Highway 75 Central.


2 Joseph Lee (ThM, 2017) leads worship during the international student chapel held earlier this year. 3 Wonder what they’re discussing? Dr. Lanier Burns (ThM, 1972; ThD, 1979) and current ThM students, Eric Zito and Michelle Kappas, revive the theology bench outside of Todd. 4 Adorned with the traditional Hawaiian haku, Ju Lynn Stinton (ThM, 2017), smiles as she celebrates graduation at this year’s commencement ceremony. 5 Chaplain Joe Allen (ThM, 1988), his wife, Lindsey, and several of DTS’s international students enjoy a Sunday afternoon watching the Frisco RoughRiders in Frisco, Texas.


6 Dr. Stephen Bramer (PhD, 1997) stands in front of “Cave 1” in the steep limestone cliffs near the NW shore of the Dead Sea. Seven scrolls and portions of at least seventy manuscripts were found in this cave discovered by a Bedouin shepherd in 1947. This site, identified by archeologists in 1949, is about one-half mile north of the site of Qumran.



7 Students discuss emotional intelligence and relationships in leadership (EML 355) with Dr. Aubrey Malphurs (ThM, 1978; PhD, 1981) at DTS-Atlanta. To learn more about classes offered in Atlanta visit dts.edu/atlanta. 8 Wearing their matching shirts, the WEC Wonders pose together after leading worship during the World Evangelization Conference. Front to back (left to right): Jazmine Sanchez, Alyssa Brown, Charlyn Valencia, Joy Cherian, Christian Williams, Adom Kingsley Demakpor, Joseph Lee, Daylon Rock, Samuel Baylis, Joshua Bitu Das, and Dani David. 9 Dr. Mark Yarbrough (ThM, 1996; PhD, 2008) led the celebration of Dr. Gene Pond’s (ThM, 1985; PhD, 2001) retirement reception this past April. Dr. Pond faithfully served DTS for thirty years.


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Karen Hawkins//MABS, 2003


pause before I push open the door so my mind can catch up to my feet. A disbelieving smile crosses my face as I pull my hand away from the knob and take two steps backward. The distance I have covered on this sunny Saturday morning disorients me. Thirty-five minutes ago, I sat at my desk at our church campus located in an affluent North Dallas suburb. Now, I stand a hundred miles beyond the border of my comfort zone. In front of me I see a simple structure.

CORNERSTONE KIDS Once the main sanctuary of Cornerstone Baptist Church (CBC) in South Dallas, the building now serves as a community center for CBC. The building’s brick facade and white steeple look like the face of a two-term US president with its grooves worn from years of work and worry. Decades of service in a neighborhood once called “The War Zone” can do that to a church. Even before my eyes adjust to the interior, my ears tell me I have found the right place. Karen Hawkins’s contagious laugh reverberates around the old sanctuary. She wears a neon green T-shirt and her curly red hair bounces as she chats with a volunteer. Another volunteer hands me a name tag and sweeps me inside.

lunch. The simple, effective ministry draws dozens of children from the streets each week. Around the room, Karen’s trademark style makes the children feel special. A bright tablecloth with coordinating plates and napkins color the room. With the generous number of hugs given out, Cornerstone Kids seems more like a birthday party than a Bible study. “A few years ago, there was no one to assist in leading the Cornerstone Kids program on Saturdays. Karen without hesitation volunteered to lead the effort.” Chris Simmons (ThM, 1989), the pastor of CBC, recalls the day Karen stepped forward. “She wanted these precious souls to come on Saturdays and learn about Christ. Her love for the Lord, his work, and his people is so contagious. Others see it and want to serve with her same level of passion and commitment.”

Don’t feel like you have to be like everybody else. You be who God made

you to be.

Karen serves as the pastoral leader of Community Care at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas. Every Saturday, Karen brings a multiethnic team from Stonebriar to this old sanctuary at CBC to lead a ministry called “Cornerstone Kids” where they love the children of this neighborhood. They play games, mentor, teach the Bible, and they provide a nutritious


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Her new life in Christ helped her find emotional and spiritual footing. She grew up and went to college where she pursued a career in elementary education. The cutting voices of her past, however, continued to make her shy away from the spotlight. She longed to help and care for others, but most of all she wanted to fade away at work and church.

Karen’s time at DTS helped her learn what many faithful servants of God discover. Christ’s love shines the brightest in the places where we appear most cracked. Paul explains this ministry principle to the Corinthians. “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2 Cor 4:7).

God had other plans.

The hard-earned, burden-lifting, life-giving lesson freed Karen. She could now take more risks in allowing her weaknesses to show. It sent her down a path to experience the joy of living as an imperfect vessel. “God lets flowers grow from some damaged, cracked pots,” she remarks and giggles with enthusiasm. “My scars are my pulpit!”

A FISH OUT OF WATER After seven years as an elementary teacher, Karen found herself in Temple, Texas. Her church recognized her giftedness for ministry and encouraged her to move and attend DTS. She took a leap of faith. For a person who wanted to disappear, her first days on Swiss Avenue proved unnerving. Karen, a single woman, sat in a world of men. She had taught elementary school and now sat under the top biblical scholars in the nation. Her shy and timid personality contrasted with the bright, opinionated minds. “My first week here at DTS,” Karen recalls, “I felt foolish. I was out of my league. I remember feeling so overwhelmed. Like a fish out of water. I did not blend in with the folks who sat around me.” Karen’s love for the community fits her gifts and abilities so well. It seems difficult to imagine her doing anything else. Most who train for ministry dream and pray to one day reach her level of influence. Karen, who on this Saturday morning sits surrounded by a sea of small faces, desired anonymity. Her work transpired as the result of God giving her a firm and loving, “No.”

HER GOAL, GOD’S PLANS Before her work in advocacy for the needy, lonely, and forgotten, Karen grew up feeling exactly the same way—lost, alone, and desiring someone to love her. Born in a small town in Louisiana, she grew up marked with emotional abuse from her home life. “My mother would tell me time and again, year after year, ‘You might think you have friends. But if they knew you like I know you, no one could ever love you.’” The abuse precipitated a desire to disappear. Her solution to avoid rejection generated a need to fade into the background at home and school. “My number one goal was to never draw attention to myself. I wanted to blend in.” God remained with her. Her church persisted as the lone bright spot in her childhood. Sunday after Sunday, a friendly couple in the children’s ministry greeted her with a hug and a smile. Her pastor knew her name when they passed in the halls. Year upon year of kindness laid a foundation of trust. When Karen went on a church music missions trip as a teen, something clicked. There she heard her pastor give an engaging presentation of the gospel and grace and truth met in her heart and mind. “When I realized God knows me better than anyone ever could and loves me more than anyone ever will—Wow! I jumped at the chance to make Jesus my Savior and friend,” Karen explains.


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Karen’s first days on campus challenged her deepest insecurities. They also offered her encouragement. Two moments formed the bridge: The first moment came in her first Bible Study Methods class with Dr. Howard Hendricks. Karen remembers sitting wideeyed near the front of the room. “It was one of those moments where I felt like Prof was looking right at me. He said, ‘Don’t feel like you have to be like everybody else. You be who God made you to be.’ That stuck with me. It gave me the confidence I needed to exist.” The second encouraging word came from Dr. Ramesh Richard’s course on spiritual life. “He was giving us the assignment of doing our life maps,” Karen recalls. “He had us map out our ‘scars’ and our ‘stars’—our high points and low points. He said, ‘Your stars, those are things that motivate you—keep you going. The scars, that’s going to be your pulpit—the platform for your ministry.’” In those pivotal moments, Karen realized her significance. She could now cross the deep valley of her fears to courageous and fruitful ministry. What God had allowed her to experience did not need to remain obstacles to overcome. Instead, Christ could use it as a launchpad for effective ministry. This revelation changed everything for Karen. Karen’s reflex to blend in, avoid the spotlight, and cut the risk of conflict and rejection meant she had to keep a low profile. God’s redemptive plan, to use her past to influence the eternal future of others meant she needed to stand front and center. Karen understood her depravity. But she also embraced God’s grace and mandate for her to minister and love others despite her brokenness.

A MESSAGE THAT BUILDS Karen has found joy in her role as Stonebriar’s Pastoral Leader of Community Care. Her work takes her to many far-flung corners of Dallas and its suburbs. She visits rural pockets of non-Englishspeaking immigrants. She walks into senior care centers to hang out with the lonely. She works hard—with small neighborhood churches—to keep food pantries stocked. She listens to tech industry veterans who need work and have questions. Her joyful energy carries her to the oppressed, needy, and abandoned. The message she sends and the one she craved to hear for many years remains the same: “There is hope. There is grace. God loves you. You are not alone.”

She holds on to the idea that while she may stand out in this opportunity to serve, God gets the glory. He remains in the spotlight.

Her hang-ups, fears, and misgivings make Karen present with those in need. Her role as leader of the compassion ministry of her church requires her to straddle two worlds. Pastor Chris explains, “Karen offices in Frisco [Texas], known as the ‘five-billion-dollar mile,’ yet her heart continues to remain among ‘the least of these.’”

Visible all over the old church sanctuary, the signs of Karen’s scars at Cornerstone Kids display God’s glory. The warm hugs. The planned meal. The colorful decor. The name tags. They seem like extras until you understand that all of them act as the beautiful byproduct of Karen’s redeemed scars.

Charlton Hiott (MABC, 1999), senior associate pastor of Stonebriar Community Church, agrees. “Karen has a joyful heart. It comes out through her effervescent personality to everyone she meets. She is thoughtful, wise, and intentional in all she does. Karen encourages our entire staff and congregation. She makes ministry meaningful and fun.” Pastor Hiott adds, “Karen is so authentic and gentle. She makes you at ease around her. When others serve with her, she appreciates them. It helps them understand that what they do matters.”

“God took me—a person who felt like she could never fit in—and he used my experiences. The need for recognition and the fear of slipping through the cracks come together in this package of community care,” she said. “That’s the platform. That’s the pulpit. That’s the motivation. I know what it’s like to feel forgotten, and to fear that you’re not going to fit in.”

THE RIGHT KIND OF PULPIT Karen’s passion for community outreach is contagious. Her motivations are theological and personal. She understands the power of proclaiming the gospel through acts of compassion, and she focuses activities on giving a clear teaching of Scripture. “I love what I do,” she admits. “It’s bringing all ages—children, men, women—different generations, and different ethnicities together. For me, church means family. We are the family of God. I love bringing the family together and inviting more folks in to be part of it.”

Karen, in her neon green T-shirt and curly red hair, sits surrounded by a sea of smiling faces. Even though she prefers to remain less visible, less “out there,” she finds cause for perseverance. She holds on to the idea that while she may stand out in this opportunity to serve, God gets the glory. He remains in the spotlight. It is what she hopes others and the children at CBC see.

OWEN WILDMAN (MABS, MACE, 2013) is husband to Sarah, dad to Charles and Edward, and pastor of Missional Living at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas. He works to raise up joyful followers of Jesus who embrace the adventure of loving God and neighbor in his city and the world. He is also a photographer and occasionally writes about family, life, and culture at wildthoughts.net.




ALUMNI CONNECTION In Memory George Cowan (ThM, 1941) passed away on February 11, 2017. For seventy-five years, George served as a Bible translator, speaker, mobilizer, and prayer warrior with Wycliffe Bible Translators. He was the director of SIL Mexico and president of Wycliffe Global Alliance. He held positions as SIL area director for the Europe and Africa areas, extension director for fieldwork in Mexico, and director of linguistic schools in Canada, England, Germany, and the United States. Raymond Saxe (ThM, 1947; ThD, 1954) died on January 23, 2017. Ray and Vivian served as missionaries in South Africa with the South Africa General Mission where he founded and became the first principal of Johannesburg Bible Institute. He also served in Kenya with the Africa Faith Mission founding the Mombasa Bible Institute. Ray also pastored several churches in the United States, including Fellowship Bible Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He held leadership roles in Bible colleges, and authored three books. Thomas Figart (ThM, 1950) passed away on January 25, 2017. Tom pastored the Second Congregational Church in Baltimore and led the Baltimore School of the Bible. He served as academic dean and professor of theology at Lancaster Bible College for thirty years and taught at Word of Life Bible Institute. Haydn L. Gilmore (ThM, 1954) died on October 8, 2016. Haydn served in the Air Force as chaplain before pastoring several churches. He held positions in public relations at Messiah College and taught at community

colleges, before teaching English at Marywood University for more than twenty years. David W. Haines (ThM, 1955) died on February 20, 2017. He served as a senior pastor of five churches including Grand Prairie Bible Church in Texas, Emerson Bible Church in New Jersey, and Church of the Open Door in Pennsylvania. John Hepp (ThM, 1956) passed away on December 12, 2016. John served as a missionary and writer with the Evangelical Alliance Mission for thirty-six years. Carl Bock (ThM, 1957) died on January 18, 2017. Carl served as a hospital chaplain in California for forty years. Dennis R. Bragg (attended 1960– 62) passed away on November 13, 2016. Dennis served alongside his wife, Kathleen, as an administrator, guidance counselor, coach, and music teacher for thirty-five years in private Christian schools and public schools. Harold Foos (ThM, 1962; ThD, 1965) passed away on January 5, 2017. Harold taught Bible and theology at Moody Bible Institute for thirty-four years. He was also the book review editor for Moody Magazine and taught in the Radio School of the Bible. Fred Johnston (ThM, 1962) passed away on November 12, 2016. Fred served in the US Army during WWII and pastored New Orleans Bible Church for twenty-one years. After retirement, he served as an area representative in Israel for International Ministries.

Ellis Baskette Reed Jr died peacefully in his sleep on February 27, 2017. Ellis was a Dallas native who faithfully served in the Army’s 76th Division until 1945. He later entered the hardware business and ran the store for over thirty years. Retiring in 1986, Ellis subsequently began a volunteer ministry that lasted over twenty years at DTS teaching conversational English to international students, most of whom came from South Korea.


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Lawrence O. Richards (ThM, 1962) passed away on October 16, 2016. Larry led churches to think about Christian education beyond Sunday school with his popular Bibles for kids and youth. His kid-friendly revisions of the NIV included the jungle-themed Adventure Bible, which sold more than six million copies to become the top children’s Bible in the world. Along with his wife, Sue, he wrote the Teen Study Bible, which sold more than four million copies. Jerry Moritz (ThM, 1964) died on December 7, 2016. Jerry served as a Navy chaplain for thirty years. After retirement, he continued serving as an interim in pastoral ministries in Colorado. Robert J. Williams (ThM, 1965; ThD, 1969) passed away on October 10, 2016. Bob served in the US Army during WWII. He was a professor of Greek and New Testament at Clarks Summit University for twenty-five years. He was also a pastor or interim pastor in more than forty churches. Jess Roque (ThM, 1966) passed away on February 17, 2016. Jess taught at Febias College of the Bible in the Philippines and pastored Hallelujah Filipino Baptist Church in Toronto, Ontario. Paul White (ThM, 1967) died on February 25, 2017. For twenty-five years, Paul served as a professor at Tri-State Bible College in Ohio. David J. Drummond (ThM, 1968) who took West Canoga Baptist Church from near extinction and turned it into the thriving West Hills Church in West Hills, California, passed away on March 14, 2017. Pastor Drummond loved nothing better than sharing the gospel and spending time with his family.

chancellor, and president at Tri State Bible College in Ohio for forty-three years. He also was the staff chaplain for the Huntington VA Medical Center in West Virginia. John Sailhamer (ThM, 1974) passed away on January 11, 2017. John taught for thirty-six years at many seminaries including Biola University, Western Seminary, and Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He authored more than fifteen books and served as president of the Evangelical Theological Society. Robert Wanner (attended 1975–76) passed away on November 29, 2016. Robert worked as a technical and senior technical writer for Digital Equipment Corporation, Sykes Enterprises, and Pri-Brooks Automation. He and Sherril were involved in Christian music ministry, religious studies, and teaching. Dale Gordon Darnell (ThM, 1977) passed away on December 30, 2016. Dale served as an associate pastor in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at Cedar Valley Bible Church. He was also a planned giving consultant with Dallas Seminary Foundation, vice president of advancement with the American Tract Society, and a financial solutions representative with Fidelity Investments. Roger Peterson (ThM, 1978) died on February 20, 2016. Roger was a pastor and counselor at Ontario Bible Church in Ames, Iowa. He also worked as an RN and psychiatric nurse for twenty years. Stephen H. Johnson (ThM, 1979) died on February 14, 2017. Stephen worked in human resources and pastored churches in California and Pennsylvania.

Donald Ott (ThM, 1971) passed away on January 3, 2017. Don pastored Livingston Bible Church in Montana and Valley Bible Church in California. He also taught special education in the Kern County School District for twenty-three years.

Clarence Whittenberg (MABS, 1979) passed away on November 12, 2017. After a career of teaching history and coaching football, Clarence turned his life over to Jesus. He pastored Grace Bible Church and taught at Liberty Christian Academy in Shawnee, Oklahoma.

Clifford J. Marquardt (ThM, 1973) passed away on December 21, 2016. Clifford was a teacher, librarian,

Irwin “Jack” Treend (MABS, 1984) passed away on December 1, 2016. Jack served in the US Navy in World

War II and was a Navy pilot in the Korean War. He worked in the paint business and was active with Gideons International. He founded Walden Community Church in Montgomery, Texas. Jack retired from teaching after thirty-two years of service. George Koshy (STM, 1987) passed away on October 1, 2016. He served as a pastor and evangelist in Chicago, Illinois. Gary Erwin (MABS, 1990) died on December 1, 2016. Gary served as a captain in the Marines for four years. He spent the last several years working for WellCare as a district sales manager. Rory Nunley (MABC, 1998) passed away on December 8, 2016. Rory was a counselor in the Dallas area, serving at Fellowship Bible Church Dallas, Value Options, and Kiosco Youth and Family Center. Ella Fleming (MACE, 2012) passed away on December 17, 2016. Ella worked as an RN for Maxim Health Care Services while working on her DMin at DTS. Charles Wheat (ThM, 2014) passed away on October 26, 2016. Charles pastored Saint Luke Missionary Baptist Church in Galveston, Texas.

Updates: 1960s Suthy (ThM, 1962) and Rodina MacLean rejoice in the positive responses in their Jewish Bible study in Odessa, Ukraine. A total of twenty-one Jews decided publicly that they want Yeshua as their own personal Lord and Savior, and they called on him for salvation.

Cary (ThM, 1962) and Verna Perdue (pictured above) served at Word of Life Institute just south of Berlin teaching different books of the Bible

to the students. They traveled on to Lubin Baptist Church, speaking at an evangelistic outreach senior retirement home and leading evening devotionals. Ken Hedstrom (ThM, 1964) is serving on a preaching rotation at Harbor Bible Church in Gig Harbor, Washington. The Hingham (WickedLocal.com) reported that Rev. William H. Turpie Jr (ThM, 1965) has retired from New North Church in Hingham, Massachusetts. Rev. Turpie will continue to write his columns for Hingham Journal. The city of Loma Linda, California, is a Seventh Day Adventist city, and it has not allowed evangelical churches to exist. A new Holiday Inn Express has a perfect room for Gary (ThM, 1969; DMin, 1984) and Elizabeth (MABS, 1993) Inrig’s church plant, not under the SDA jurisdiction. Gary is the lead pastor, and they are both happy teaching and shepherding this group.

1970s One context for community that Vivian and Charles Stoner (ThM, 1970) enjoy is the Examined Life Sunday school class at Temple Bible Church in Temple, Texas. He became facilitator for this group of twenty-some folks of varying ages and spiritual experience. Chuck (ThM, 1971) and Beverly Truxton are impressed with the Chasing Zero program in Nigeria, which refers to pursuing a zero morbidity and mortality rate in pregnant (HIV positive) women and their babies. It means identifying women in need and counseling them, together with their husbands, and making sure pregnant women have adequate resources. TEAM has chosen to do this in rural areas where people are usually overlooked. Paul Timblin (ThM, 1972) taught the book of Matthew at the Esra Training Center near Berlin, Germany. They have seven students this year and seven guests joined them for the week. The ministry will undergo some changes next year as they are rearranging their program to coincide with the Bible school in Schroon Lake, New York, and the one in Hungary. The Esra

Training Program plans to expand to accept students from other countries. Seek Ye First teams provide pastoral mentoring and renewal retreats in Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras with three more countries asking for the model. Craig (ThM, 1973; DMin, 1999) and Barbara Prather will facilitate the groundwork for the Cuban pastors who have expressed an interest. They will begin the process of evaluating how they can best serve these pastors and their wives. Harlan Betz (ThM, 1974) published Secrets of Samuel: A devotional study of 1 Samuel 1–7 (Falcon Publishing LTD). The three Nalja church districts in Indonesia are poised to move forward. There is new leadership in all three districts, and Roger (ThM, 1974) and Suzanne Doriot will be working this year with churches and the government, hoping to see progress in both spiritual and other aspects of community development throughout the area–now with a population of around 20,000 people. Carey Childrey (ThM, 1976) praises God for the church planting and inauguration of Tiruppathur Bible Church in India. Construction for a church in Mysore has also started. Their Kerala center was inaugurated this past summer with a medical clinic, palliative care unit, and an old-age home. They plan to add a youth retreat and counseling center at the facility as well. The hospital added a gynecology and maternity ward, and now they are praying for the right workers to share the love of Christ to the patients. Rick Rodriguez (MABS, 1976) is living and serving the Lord in Tel Hai Retirement Community and Calvary Fellowship Church, Downingtown, Pennsylvania, where he and Eileen formerly ministered. They are also enjoying their new grandson Evan Henry. Steve Rodemann (ThM, 1977) is helping three different church planting efforts in Madrid, Spain. These three church plants share a passion to learn God’s Word and live life with Jesus. New people are attracted to this kind of Christianity—something authentic they never knew growing up. Growth is slow, but God is blessing them.

Bible classes, such as “The Life of Christ,” are a sheer pleasure to teach for Ben Bakker (MABS, 1978). When he teaches new Christians, he feels the responsibility to increase their appetites for future study. He has been teaching “The Theological Basis for Marriage,” “Conflict Resolution,” “The Family in Today’s World,” and “Boundaries in Marriage” in Latin America. Tony Evans (ThM, 1978; ThD, 1982) has announced The Urban Alternative is preparing to launch the Tony Evans Training Center, which plans to offer online, app-driven training courses. For more information visit go.tonyevans.org. Bruce W. Fong (ThM, 1978) published Immediate Obedience: Living Joshua (Blessed Hope Publishing). Apichart Branjerdporn (ThM, 1979) is spending retirement volunteering and counseling ministers and other people at the Indooroopilly Uniting Church, Queensland, Australia. After serving in Africa as a missionary with SIM for thirty years, David Foster (ThM, 1979) has moved to London, Ontario, Canada, where he will continue in full-time missions.

1980s Gary’s (ThM, 1981) wife, Bev DeSalvo, published Return to Joy: Finding Healing in the Arms of Your Savior (NavPress). The Warwick Advertiser reported that Kevin McGuinness (MABS, 1981) will now serve as the new pastor of the Valley Bible Church in Warwick, New York. Archaeologists exploring a cave by the Dead Sea say they have proven that it once housed Dead Sea Scrolls from the Second Temple period. However, the ancient parchments are missing, presumably looted by Bedouins in the mid-20th century. The cave lies in the stark desert cliff west of Qumran, near the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea. The team, led by Oren Gutfeld and Ahiad Ovadia from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with Randall Price (ThM, 1981) and students from Liberty University in Virginia, say it




ALUMNI CONNECTION continued should by right be numbered as Dead Sea Scrolls Cave Number 12. Richard Spencer (ThM, 1981) joined the senior staff of the Global Training Network. He is involved in training pastors and other church leaders in Myanmar, Southeast Asia, and beyond. Gary (ThM, 1982) and Terri Camlin hosted the largest Bible conference Portugal Bible Institute has ever held on its campus. The faculty of PBI led all of the plenary sessions. All invited guests were Portuguese believers from local churches. Now, professors have begun meeting to look at passages from Romans in preparation for next year’s conference. For many international students, Halloween with costumes is very new. Forty-five students packed into Gary (ThM, 1982) and Alice Fredricks’s little home to find out more about the American holiday. The students loved being together and enjoyed decorating pumpkins. Dave Hine (ThM, 1982) rejoices in the rapid expansion of the church planting movement among the “K” people in Southeast Asia. Six of the seven regions now have regional disciple-making, church planting training centers led by second and third generation trained leaders. Ninety church planting trainees took the first steps toward being equipped as fourth generation church planters. After varied ministry opportunities in the US, Charlie Bing (ThM, 1984; PhD, 1991) will travel to Peru, a first-time visit to this country and continent. He will minister in several locations before finishing his time at a pastors’ conference in the main city of Lima. Working with host Fred Amoah Darko of Ambassadors for Christ in Ghana, Charlie, Rich Keller, and Ray Young will train pastors and church leaders in GraceLife Institute and Ambassadors Leadership Training. John Hilber (ThM,1984) is on his sabbatical year as senior research fellow at the Henry Center of TEDS working on the Creation Project. Blake McDaniel (MABS,1984) completed a graduate program in Intercultural Studies at Columbia International University.


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Kurt Nelson (ThM, 1984) was honored to be invited to Washington, DC, to attend the National Prayer Breakfast and meet several international leaders. Claude Pratte (ThM, 1984) is now semiretired after completing ten years in ministry with Square One World Media, Inc.

India Institute of Theological Studies (NIITS), until 2022. Sukhwant S. Bhatia (ThM, 1991), who serves as president and CEO, gave several commendations. ATA also ranks NIITS in the top twenty-five percent in the midsized seminaries in Asia. NIITS is still the only accredited seminary in northwest India.

As part of the opening of the sesquicentennial celebrations at the University of Illinois, Greg Behle (ThM, 1986) was invited to present his research on students at the university in the earliest years. The seminar was open to the university community and sponsored by the University of Illinois archives. After serving as the principal of Methodist Theological School (in Sibu, Malaysia) for eleven years, Ah Tai Tie (ThM, 1986; DMin, 2001) was elected as the president of Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference (the Methodist Church in Malaysia) overseeing, leading, and serving over 110,000 members with around 130 churches. Mike Wheeler (ThM, 1987) teaches NT Greek and other courses in both the Old and New Testament at the UCE Cochabamba Bible Seminary in Bolivia. He also coordinates SETECA’s master’s program at its extension site located at UCE Cochabamba. The 2017 master’s course was well attended with fifteen students, two close to graduating.

1990s Michael S. Heiser (ThM, 1990) published Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ (Defender). Peter Wiazowski (STM, 1990) preached at Grace Baptist Church in Kaunas, Lithuania. The church in the heart of Kaunas is growing and developing several forms of reaching out to the lost. In 2010, the church only had twenty people attending. Now they have over fifty attending regular Sunday services. Peter and his wife, Grace, united seven churches to launch the future outreach mission project. The Asia Theological Association reevaluated and reaccredited the bachelor of theology and master of divinity degree programs at North

In the above photo, children in Kenya hold, The ABCs of Jesus’ Resurrection. The Pope replied to Vince Burke (MABS, 1991) in a letter after seeing the book. It is selling well in the Philippines where Archbishop Socrates Villegas wrote saying he wants to share it. It also went to an orphanage in Haiti. John J. Dwyer (MABS, 1991) published The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People, Vol. 1 (Red River Press). Connersville’s NewsExaminer.com reported Pastor Mal D. Gibson (ThM, 1991) was honored at First Baptist Church in Connersville, Indiana, after serving twenty-five years. Cincinnati.com reported Jorge Perez, (MACE, 1992) was named the new president and CEO of the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati in Ohio. Jorge is the first Latino-American to lead the organization in its 164-year history, offering programs and services that nurture the potential of every adult and child, promoting health and well-being, and encouraging social responsibility. Samuel Kwak (ThM, 1995; PhD, 2003) was appointed as academic dean of BBTS (Bible Baptist Theological Seminary) in Korea. Theodore “Ted” Budd (ThM, 1998) is the newest member of the US Congress. He is representing the 13th Congressional District, which stretches from Mooresville to Greensboro and includes part of Salisbury, North Carolina. He was sworn in on January 3, 2017, in Washington, DC.

Brian Grams (ThM, 1999) serves at Ridgeline Community Church in Castle Rock, Colorado. They began ten new community groups, welcomed in fifty new members, and anticipate how God will grow their ministry. Serve the City met with residents of a local nursing home, bringing new energy to their Saturday afternoon by giving hand massages and manicures. The STC Leadership Team in Germany, led by Melinda Means (MACE, 1999) kicked off January with a two-day vision weekend as they launch into the sixth year of STC Berlin.

2000s Daniel Basile (MACE, 2000) earned his DMin from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary in December, 2014. He now works with the Federal Bureau of Prisons as a supervisory chaplain in Schuylkill, Pennsylvania. Blake Flickner (MACE, 2001) received his DEd in educational leadership from Dallas Baptist University. Blake serves as the head coach of the men’s basketball team at Dallas Baptist University and was selected to be a commencement speaker for the fall graduation. Jason Post (ThM, 2001) is looking to draw out potential leaders and church planters in the west of Ireland through the ministry of Roots–a Bible teaching program the Posts are launching with another Irish pastor and with the help of a church in Dallas, Texas. Phil Taylor (ThM, 2002) published Eldership Development: From Application to Affirmation (Floodlight Press). The Partners in Ministry (PIM) program provides training to women at IGSL (International Graduate School of Leadership), many of whom serve alongside their husbands in full-time ministry. Here, the women are taught that they are made in the image of God. They are treated with dignity and respect, and they are encouraged to use their gifts and voices. Craig (ThM, 2002) and Alyse (MABC, 2002) Thompson have the opportunity to participate in the development of these students.

Isaias Uaene (ThM, 2002; DMin, 2016) is serving as president of the Leadership Development Center in Mozambique. He was awarded by Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, a DMin in expository preaching with a focus on wisdom literature. Adam Van Wart (MABC, 2004; ThM, 2006) earned his PhD in religious studies with a concentration in systematic theology from Southern Methodist University. His dissertation is titled: “Neither Nature Nor Grace: Garrigou-Lagrange, Barth, and Aquinas on the Epistemic Use of God’s Effects.” Ali Zhankabayev (MACE, 2004) earned his Doctor of Transformational Leadership degree at Bakke Graduate University this year. Troy Dandrea (ThM, 2005) returned from a ten-month tour in Iraq serving with Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Inherent Resolve. He is a chaplain with the Army National Guard. Shreveport Times reported David P. Hamm Jr (MABS, 2005) has joined Kean Miller, LLP, attorneys at law, as special counsel in the Shreveport office. He will practice with the real estate, business and corporate, and estate planning teams. Corrado Primavera (MABS, 2005; MACE, 2005) is an ancient Rome history professor with Rome with Purpose (RomeWithPurpose.com). TheBayNet.com reported Ben Holland (ThM, 2006) will now serve as the new senior pastor of Dunkirk Baptist Church, Dunkirk, Maryland.

Pictured above on the far right of his students, Larry E. Clements (DMin, 2007) serves as an adjunct professor at the Solomon Islands Missionary Baptist Seminary School in Honiara on the island of Guadalcanal. They meet for intensive training one week every three months.

David Daniels (DMin, 2007) published Next Step Church: The Christian’s Handbook to Walking the Pathway to Missional Living and Next Step Church: A Pastor’s Handbook for Leading Their People Along the Pathway to Missional Living (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform). Lyn McWhorter (MABS, 2008) recently had a five-year anniversary with Marketplace Chaplains where he serves as chaplain, coach, and client service leader. Lyn coaches a chaplain team and oversees three-hundred employees per week across seven companies in the Memphis, Tennessee, area. Miguel Echevarria (ThM, 2009) is now serving as director of Hispanic leadership development and assistant professor of New Testament and Greek at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina.

2010s Joe Santana (ThM, 2010) recently published Experimentando la Gracia (Outskirts Press). David Showalter (ThM, 2010) taught English to twenty students in Italy. After explaining what he does for a living, one asked directly about what evangelicals believe. David shared how our sole authority is the Bible, how salvation is by grace through faith alone in Christ alone, and how we can have a direct and personal relationship with God only through one mediator—Jesus. Tyrone Morgan Sr (MABS, 2011) published Grace Dynamics: Simplify Your Life and Realize Your Destiny (Xlibris). CJOnline.com reported Michael Haberkorn’s (ThM, 2012) viral video of him reading to his son is currently being used for the Fatherhood campaign (#makeamoment) to promote involved and active parents, particularly fathers, in the lives of their kids. Byron West (MACE, 2012) is now serving as the fifth senior pastor in the forty-year history of Westminister Church in Fort Myers, Florida. At STEP (Séminaire de Théologie Evangélique de Port-au-Prince), progress

continues on the construction of the new academic building. The roof has been poured and although the building is not finished yet, Luke Perkins (ThM, 2013) plans to have classes meet inside. Construction has resumed, and STEP is pursuing the funding needed to complete the building. Tim Wallace (MACM, 2013) is in San Jose, Costa Rica, for language school but will be moving to Chia, Colombia, for full-time missions. Nathan (ThM, 2014) and Sarita (ThM, 2014) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Elza Nathaniel Fowler VI. Nathan has also accepted a position as an associate pastor at Cornerstone Community Church in Harrisonville, Missouri. He will be working alongside Mark McCune (ThM, 2011).

Dave Flood (MBTS, 2017) has completed his training and hopes to train, teach, and encourage other ministers seeking to serve Christ.

New Ministries Kent Eaton (ThM, 1984), senior vice president and academic dean, Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa Bill Ivey (MABS,1988), senior pastor, Allison Bible Church, Allison, Iowa Lee Culp (MACE, 1992), administrative manager, Young Life Rockbridge, Rockbridge, Virginia Lou Rodriguez (MABS, 1993), associate pastor, Encounter Church, Evansville, Indiana

VCStar.com announced David Hurtado (DMin, 2014) will now serve as lead pastor of Camarillo Community Church in Camarillo, California. David and his wife, Meredith, have four children: Audrey, Donovan, Sebastian, and Navaeh.

David Hinz (ThM, 2000), pastor of youth and community, First Baptist Church, West Bend, Wisconsin

Scott Tabot (MACE, 2015) and his wife Ginger, published Live SoulFULL (Ginger Tabot Music Publishing), a music-driven, gospel-centered, interactive Bible study that is all about how God fulfills your deepest needs. It is a fun, yet challenging way to help build a strong, confident faith in knowing God as the giver and filler of life.

Joseph Preston (ThM, 2002), director, WLD Ranch, Girard, Pennsylvania

Jeff Coleman (ThM, 2016) is serving as a reserve judge advocate at Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Texas, to help fund their upcoming move to New Zealand for church planting. Leon (ThM, 2016) and Lydia (MABC, 2016) Li celebrate the chance to share the gospel of Jesus in the midst of the Chinese New Year celebrations. While many heads were bowed to the Chinese ancestors, they hosted a fivehour worship service in Chinese so that heads and knees can instead be bowed to Jesus Christ. On Valentine’s Day, they celebrated with a feast for singles, and they focused on God’s Word to remind them of his love. Non-Toxic Youth Alternatives Inc., located in Edgerton, Wisconsin, is an outreach ministry directed at teens.

Paul Fink (ThM, 2001), associate pastor, First Baptist Church, Danville, Pennsylvania

Harvey Edwards (MABC, 2007), pastor, Anchor Church, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Laci Kadar (ThM, 2007), staff evangelist and Bible teacher, Word of Life, Hungary Daniel McIntosh (MACM, 2007), executive pastor, Redstone Church, Johnson City, Tennessee Scott DeSanders (ThM, 2008), student ministry pastor, Hill Country Bible Church–Brushy Creek Campus, Austin, Texas Derek Voorhees (DMin, 2008), president, Boise Bible College, Boise, Idaho Kelly Lashar (MACE, 2009), pastoral care counselor, Restore Behavioral Health, LLC, Norman, Oklahoma Peter Vik (ThM, 2009), co-pastor, Highpoint Church, San Diego, California








Ben Williamson (ThM, 2009), pastor, Fiatt Christian Church, Fiatt, Illinois

// THM 2014; current PHD student

Amy Lous (MACE, 2011), director of women’s ministry and community life, Grace Valley Fellowship, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania Zachary Cole (ThM, 2012), lecturer in biblical studies, Union Theological College, Belfast, Ireland Lida Lindley (MACE, 2012), early childhood director, Northwest Bible Church, Dallas, Texas Kit Bogan (ThM, 2013), senior pastor, Carney Evangelical Free Church, Carney, Michigan Patrick Miller (ThM, 2015), associate pastor in missional residency, The Park Community Church, San Antonio, Texas



Nathan Coleston (ThM, 2016), family pastor, Bethel Community Church, Washougal, Washington Labin Duke (ThM, 2016), director of donor relations, Baylor University, Waco, Texas Teddy Jestakom (ThM, 2016), associate pastor of student ministry, Redwood Valley Community Church, Redwood Valley, California

4 2

Greg Johnston (MACE, 2016), youth pastor, Hideaway Lake Community Church, Hideaway, Texas Jack Sacket (CBTS, 2016), president, RenewU Ministries, and chaplain, Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, Fairbanks, Alaska Tim Weide (ThM, 2016), assistant pastor, Hope Fellowship, Longview, Texas Levi Anderson (ThM, 2017), pastor of evangelism and discipleship, Faith Bible Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Jenner Francis (MACL, 2017), professor of theology and leadership and director of admissions, Shasta Bible College, Redding, California Joshua Francis (ThM, 2017), English teacher and youth services, Flying H Youth Ranch, Naches, Washington


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1 Sandra Glahn (ThM, 2001) stands proudly next to Carlos Zazueta (ThM, 2002; DMin, 2017) who received the Emilio Antonio Núñez Award during DTS’s commencement chapel. 2 Jason Roszhart (ThM, 2017) can’t contain his excitement as he walks with Brady Blair (MACB, 2017) and Patrick Boyd (ThM, 2017) into commencement chapel. 3 Bruce Hebel (ThM, 1987) celebrates with his son, Andrew (ThM, 2017) at commencement. 4 It’s a family affair! Jenner (MACL, 2017) and Fallon Frances celebrate graduation with their two boys.

Photographer: Matt Snyder (ThM, 2017), Dallas, Texas

Knowing it would keep him grounded in the midst of studying at DTS, Aaron Schubert, volunteered to be part of Irving Bible Church’s candle ministry team seven years ago. Before every service, Aaron joins the rest of the Blue Candle team to pray. After each service, there is a response time in which people come forward, light a candle, and pray. A yellow candle is an acknowledgment that God is working in the life of the person. The red candle communicates that a new believer needs prayer. Aaron kneels in front of the blue candle and waits for those who need someone to pray with them. Born and raised in Michigan, he writes, “One of the reasons why many people hesitate to pray out loud—even in small and personal gatherings—is because prayer is a very vulnerable thing to do. That vulnerability creates a lot of fear, especially for introverts like me, but it also provides an incredible opportunity to build authentic community. When we pray and confess our struggles to brothers and sisters, and when we pray for others and encourage them in their moments of despair, we incarnate the unity of the church Jesus prayed for in John 17. Most of the time we don’t see that unity, but it is very encouraging when God shows us—in the opportunities he sets before us and through prayer.”




BOOKS & RESOURCES: FROM THE DTS FAMILY Alive in Him: How Being Embraced by the Love of Christ Changes Everything

Invitation to Church History, Two Volume Set: The Story of Christianity

Discover Your Destiny: Let God Use You Like He Made You

(Crossway) Gloria Furman (MACE, 2007)

(Kregel) John D. Hannah (ThM, 1971; ThD, 1974)*

(Harvest House) Tony Evans (ThM, 1976; ThD, 1982)

God’s grand plan for the redemption of his creation has been in motion since before time began. The book of Ephesians lays out this glorious vision, revealing what Christ’s redemptive work means for the people of God and showing us how we should live in light of that reality. Gloria points out how the blessings we have received in Christ empower our obedience and love for God. She directs our gaze to the love of Jesus Christ—a love that has the power to transform how we live.

New resources from traditional publishers by members of the seminary family: Complete list at dts.edu/books Or visit the DTS Bookcenter website online bookcenter. dts.edu. *Faculty member


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When Life’s Not Fair: An Expositional Study of the Book of Habakkuk (Westbow Press) Harlan Betz (ThM, 1974) For Such a Time as This (Lampion Press) Wayne Braudrick (MABS, 1994) and Jessica Anders The Birds, Their Carols Raise (Stephen F. Austin Univ. Press) Gary Brice (ThM, 1982) CSB Reference Bible (Holman Bible Publishers) Dorian G. Coover-Cox (MABS, 1984; ThM, 1988; PhD, 2001),* translation oversight committee Standing in the Fire: Courageous Christians Living in Frightening Times (Thomas Nelson) Tom Doyle (MABS, 1983)

Dr. John Hannah surveys the church from the beginning to today. Invitation to Church History: World walks readers through the story of God’s people from Christ to the contemporary church around the world. Invitation to Church History: American chronicles American church history from the pilgrims to contemporary denominations in the US. In addition to Dr. Hannah’s unique perspectives, the photos and diagrams help readers jump into the story of the church.

Eschatological Relationships and Jesus in Ben F. Myer, N. T. Wright, and Progressive Dispensationalism (Wipf & Stock) J. Richard Fountain (ThM, 2003; PhD, 2010)

The Coming Apostasy: Exposing the Sabotage of Christianity from Within (Tyndale House Publishers) Mark Hitchcock (ThM, 1991; PhD, 2005)* and Jeff Kinley (ThM, 1986)

30 Days in the Land of the Psalms: A Holy Land Devotional (Moody) Charles Dyer (ThM, 1979; PhD, 1986)

What Happens After You Die: A Biblical Guide to Paradise, Hell, and Life After Death (Thomas Nelson) Randy Frazee (MABS, 1988)

Excellence in Planning and Promotion (Westbow Press) Trace L. Howard (ThM, 1984)

Detours: The Unpredictable Path to Your Destiny (B&H Publishing Group) Tony Evans (ThM, 1976; ThD, 1982)

Living Beyond the Grave (Westbow Press) Bruno Giamba (ThM, 2005)

30 Days to Overcoming Addictive Behavior (Harvest House Publishers) Tony Evans (ThM, 1976; ThD, 1982)

(Holman Bible Publishers) Edwin A. Blum (ThM, 1961; ThD, 1968), general ed. E. Ray Clendenen (ThM, 1975), associate ed. Study Note Contributors: Carl R. Anderson (ThM, 1982; PhD, 1987), Edwin A. Blum (ThM. 1961; ThD, 1968), Andrew C. Bowling (1957–59), E. Ray Clendenen (ThM, 1975), Dorian G. Coover-Cox (MABS, 1984; ThM, 1988; PhD, 2001),* James F. Davis (PhD, 2001), Craig S. Glickman (ThM, 1974), A. Boyd Luter, Jr. (ThM, 1976; PhD, 1985), Gregory W. Parsons (STM, 1975; ThD, 1980), Mark F. Rooker (ThM, 1978), Michael Rydelnik (ThM, 1983), F. Alan Tomlinson (ThM, 1979), Kevin R. Warstler (ThM, 1995; PhD, 2004)*

Until you know the reason you were created, you will feel empty and frustrated. But understanding and living out your personal assignment from God brings deep satisfaction, God’s highest glory, and the most benefit to those around you. Tony Evans helps you discover your individual calling. He explains what it takes to walk successfully on the path God has for you and how your life should look when you’re embracing your destiny. Help bring passion and hope back into your life as you step into the role made just for you.

Clash of Kingdoms: What the Bible Says about Russia, ISIS, Iran, and the End Times (Thomas Nelson) Charles H. Dyer (ThM, 1979; PhD, 1986) and Mark Tobey (ThM, 1998)

1, 2, 3 John: Redemption’s Certainty (Christian Focus Publications) John D. Hannah (ThM, 1971; ThD, 1974)*

CSB Study Bible

God’s Mysterious Ways: Suffering, Grace, and God’s Plan for Joseph (Discovery House Publishers) Gary Inrig (ThM, 1969; DMin, 1984) Not All Roads Lead to Heaven: Sharing an Exclusive Jesus in an Inclusive World (Baker Books) Robert Jeffress (ThM, 1981)

Under an Open Heaven: A New Way of Life Reavealed in John’s Gospel (Kregel Publications) John Johnson (PhD, 1984)

In His Chambers: A Ninety-One Day Devotional Experience for Lawyers (Westbow Press) Eric N. Mounts (ThM, 1985)

Martin Luther in His Own Words: Essential Writings of the Reformation (Baker Books) Jack D. Kilcrease and Erwin W. Lutzer (ThM, 1967)

101 Tips for Evangelism: Practical Ways to Enhance Your Witness (Hendrickson Publishers) R. Larry Moyer (ThM, 1973)

Finding Joy in the Midst of Sorrow: One Family’s Journey from Tragedy to Triumph and Purpose (Westbow Press) Mike McCrum (MABS, 1985) with Debbie McCrum Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Couples (Baker Books) Keith R. Miller (ThM, 1973; DMin, 1990)

Bible Prophecy Answer Book: Everything You Need to Know about the End Times (Harvest House Publishers) Ron Rhodes (ThM, 1983; ThD, 1986) An Exposition on Prayer: Igniting the Fuel to Flame Our Communications with God (AMG Publishers) Jim Rosscup (ThM, 1961; ThD, 1966)

The Prince Warriors and the Swords of Rhema (B&H Publishing Group) Priscilla Shirer (MABS, 1998) Practicing the Power: Welcoming the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Your Life (Zondervan) Sam Storms (ThM, 1977) Redeemed–Bible Study Book: Grace to Live Every Day Better Than Before (Lifeway Church Resources) Angela Thomas-Pharr (MACE, 1987) What the Bible Says about Your Future: Biblical Prophecies for Every Believer (David C. Cook) John F. Walvoord (ThM, 1967; ThD, 1970)*




HOW THE RHYTHM OF PRAYER FINE-TUNES MINISTRY Editor’s Note: Cortina Orr passed away in early May as we were going to press. Our deepest condolences to Dr. Orr and his family.


N 1983 OUR FIRST ASSIGNMENT AS MISSIONARIES led us to the inner city of Washington, DC. For a newly married couple, it was not an easy thing to do. Almost immediately after arriving, it seemed as if we struggled in so many ways. Strained relationships between missionaries and our new roles as newlyweds proved difficult. We worked hard in the ministry but seemed to spin our wheels, unable to see the kind of results we wanted. Grappling with relationships, unable to see any difference, we often faced discouragement and, over time, we grew weary. After three years, we moved to Dallas so I could study at DTS. While living there, my wife, Cortina, and I attended a church that focused on grace. We needed a church like this, especially since we had grown discouraged from all the struggles we faced in DC. We contemplated that perhaps our missionary career needed to come to an end. We considered starting over—looking for something else to do. In this church, however, we found rest, and this gave us hope. Studying God’s Word in seminary also brought us plenty of blessings, and it helped us to grow in our walk with the Lord.

we wondered where we would find the time to write out and send these lists every month. We took a risk. At that time about fifty percent of our supporters had email. We decided to combine our prayer letter with the list in an email. After a few months of emailing, we saw changes in our ministry. The struggles with relationships we had dealt with in the past faded away. The results we saw in our work encouraged us. We had taken a breath of fresh air—our ministry had now shifted into a new direction. By the end of the first year, our attitude toward making our monthly list had changed. We made communicating our prayer needs with our support team one of our highest priorities. The military teaches that to hinder an enemy, one must cut off its lines of communication to prevent them from resupplying. This makes them easier to defeat. We often saw this kind of spiritual battle occur when the time came to email our prayer list. The devil knew our effectiveness in ministry depended on those who prayed for us. And of course, he had to try to stop this vital flow of resources. So we prayed, and so did our church.

THE RESULTS A NEW REQUIREMENT After graduating from DTS, we wanted to go back to work. As we packed our bags for Kenya, we received an email from one of our supporting churches notifying us of a new way of ministry for all of their missionaries. The pastor wanted to bring all the small groups in the church and the missionaries in the field closer together through prayer. “Oh no, not another requirement!” We had no choice. For us to keep receiving support from the church, we needed to fulfill this new requirement. Needless to say, the church got our immediate attention. Right away we had to send out a prayer request list for every day of the month. In return, members of the church would volunteer to pray daily for those of us who served in the mission field. The “assignment” brought the church and missionaries into one dynamic unit for kingdom-building. It seemed like a good idea. Yet,


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With email, we found we could send emergency prayer requests to our prayer team so they could pray right away. We saw results sometimes before the end of the day, which thrilled both our prayer team and us. Those involved in our ministry enjoyed having a vital part in what we did in ministry. We worked as a team ministering in sync with each other, led by the Spirit. Over time, others apart from our church joined our prayer support. People got excited about starting prayer teams in their churches as well. Other missionaries heard about our ministry and answered prayers. They wanted to have a prayer team like ours as well. God moved people. We also saw him move in our ministry effectiveness. We know having people pray for us created the turning point in our missionary career. We saw a marked change in our walk with God and our family and missionary relationships grew. After thirty-four years of working in missions, the excitement of serving God and serving others has remained. Once strained relationships evolved




into the best part of working for God’s glory. We’re not afraid to trust God because we know he has our best interest at heart. And guess what? Since 1990, we have tabulated our answers to prayer. We know God answers all prayers in different ways. Sometimes he says “yes,” sometimes he says “no,” and sometimes he says “wait.” We only keep track of the “yes” answers since we prefer to hear them more than any other answer. They make us want to praise God even more than when he says “no” or “wait.” Over the past twenty-seven years, we have averaged fifteen answers to prayer each month. That comes to about 4,800 answered prayers. What does this do to us to see God’s hand in what we do? It gives us confidence that God listens. It motivates us to continue to talk to him and it causes our faith to grow. It deepens our intimacy with the one who remains a faithful friend.

TESTING We’ve seen him do miracle after miracle—almost on a daily basis—for many years. For this, we have cause for praise and worship. He takes care of everything. And we know there’s much more he wants to do to help us glorify him if we would only ask. When we face a crisis of financial shortfall, instead of looking for credit cards, we look to him in prayer. In making decisions, instead of running to our friends or relatives for advice, we look to God in prayer. When we face medical difficulties, we seek God’s healing power first and foremost. He remains our ever-present help in time of need (Ps 46:1; Heb 4:16). We faced the biggest test of our ministry existence in 2014. Cancer. Cortina had taken a routine blood test and the results showed some abnormalities. This required us to get a second test. It confirmed the first. We soon met with a hematologist/oncologist who implemented the process of chemotherapy treatment for multiple myeloma, cancer of the bone marrow. As soon as we found out, we requested prayers. We asked God to heal Cortina. Thus far, we’ve endured two years of chemo and a bone marrow transplant. Through this, we have grown in our communication with the Lord, and he has strengthened our marriage. Together we can give God the glory for taking us through this harrowing time. His ways are not our ways (Isa 55:8), and we’ve had to learn to accept answered prayers that challenge us and make us both happy and sad, sometimes at the same time.

A POWERFUL LESSON Working for God and having people pray for us increases our effectiveness. Our troubles don’t change that. Why waste your time working from dawn till dusk when God can accomplish anything? After all, he has the resources to do everything he has planned. The Lord has filled his people with the Spirit so we can experience joy and happiness in the midst of our work together. A prayer ministry is not a one-way street of prayer requests coming from the missionary—the worker—to those who pray. Instead,


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it’s a complete cycle. It’s encouragement from those involved to share their prayer requests with you and each other. It causes people to organize their prayer support team in community. If you would like God to use you, your example over time will develop into a powerful lesson, especially to those who have prayed for you. It will expand the importance of prayer in the lives of all who partner together as prayer warriors. Everyone will grow in faith together as they share in the work. Sometimes called the reflex action of missions for missionaries, this gives the sending church a whole new perspective of missions. It helps others know their role in God’s plan to send his people to the ends of the earth.

COMMUNICATION Sustaining a vibrant prayer life requires regular communication. The internet and email are ideal for this. You have to allow those partnering with you see what you do. You can let them know what you need, and how God—through their prayers—makes a difference in your life. Make spending time with God a priority when you find yourself the busiest. I often teach my students to prioritize their tasks by putting an A on the most important things, a B on the next, and a C on the least. I ask the students, “What consequences will you experience if you skip an A-rated task? What will it cost you if you don’t get this thing done?” No one wants to fail in ministry. Thus, making prayer a priority by communicating with a prayer support team should come first. Think about it. More than likely, the things I share with my prayer partners will affect my family and vice versa. My family has devotions, and they pray for those who pray for us. Our children see God answer them, and it’s thrilling to witness his hand in the life of those who walk alongside us as we work. What, then, is the next step after you get a group together to pray for you? Communicate, communicate, and communicate some more. Keep a record of answered prayers. You will grow in your trust in God and each situation of your life—even the hard times. See your prayer ministry as disciplining your team. Encourage others to develop their prayer ministry too. Think about the time wasted in a prayer-less ministry. Prayer is an efficient way to do ministry. It makes sense! It makes a difference. Encourage others to pray in your work, ministry, and church. See if your effectiveness doesn’t increase for the glory of God. RODNEY H. ORR (ThM, 1990) serves as department chair and associate professor of World Missions and Intercultural Studies at DTS. He has ministered in Ethiopia and Germany and served with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) for thirty-four years. Dr. Orr taught at the Nairobi International School of Theology in Kenya and helped build Africa Leadership and Management Academy (ALMA), a graduate school in Zimbabwe. His ministry also focused on Yale University and United Nations diplomats in New York City. Dr. Orr and his late wife, Cortina, have a son and a daughter.



everal times a year, Dr. Swindoll preaches in chapel at DTS and engages in a question-and-answer time with prospective students. Here are some of the questions he answered recently.

What advice would you give to anyone who is dealing with a ministry whose doctrine no longer centers on Christ? There is nothing like modeling the truth to communicate the value of truth. For those who lead, your model is all important. Just preaching, or criticizing, or pointing a finger, as you know, will do nothing. Here are three things you can start doing: 1. First of all, the most powerful thing you can do is pray. Pray for a breakthrough. God is full of surprises. It is amazing how he will have the right people, in the right place, at just the right time to be of influence—especially in times of trouble. 2. In your prayer, ask God to raise up a small group who know and will model the truth. 3. Be open to opportunities for this group to influence the decision-makers because when you lead the leaders, in most cultures, you will ultimately reach the followers.

God is sometimes silent. How do you respond when he seems absent? What do you do when you find yourself in the middle of God’s silence? I wish I had a quick and simple answer to this question. It’s a tough test for sure. Cynthia and I have waited on God for about two and a half years for something we would love to see the Lord handle. But he’s not chosen to answer our request yet and waiting for that requires enormous patience—a constant spirit of prayer and a willingness to leave it with him, refusing to worry! Otherwise, when panic and fear set in, the temptation to get in the middle of it and “fix it” will only make a mess of things. I’ve done that before and even though it seemed like I was making

the best of it, it wasn’t the Lord’s answer. We can learn from Job, Paul, and from others who have waited on God. How long did Abraham wait for the promise of a son? And . . . can you remember what happened when he went ahead of God’s plan? The best thing anyone can do is to wait and pray. God wants to reveal his will to us and teach us while we wait. To do that we must dig deeply into his Word. We need to hold on to the passages of Scripture that bring us comfort and insight. Some of us may not live to see the answer to our prayers. We have to reconcile ourselves to that because he is God and we are not. We often act as if we are too efficient, too capable, and we forget God. We stumble over our own talent and over the noise we make when we should quietly wait. Believers who are maturing not only respect God’s silence, they model it as well. So we must wait patiently, in the silence, for the Lord to step in . . . in his time and way.

The most powerful thing you can do is pray. Pray for a breakthrough. God is full of surprises.

Photography by JORDAN PARKER (THM, 2016). You can find more about Jordan on Facebook @bytheparkers.




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The church needs leaders with keen insight and deep compassion. The four-year Master of Theology program at DTS offers comprehensive training in biblical studies, original languages, spiritual formation, and effective communication designed to equip the next generation of pastor-scholars.

John D. Hannah, PhD, Professor of Historical Theology at DTS, Teacher at Stonebriar Community Church, Frisco, Texas


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