DTS Magazine Spring 2017

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Spring 2017 | Vol. 3, No.1




A Pivotal Moment in History FROM THE PRESIDENT: DR. MARK L. BAILEY


recently spoke at a weekend retreat in east Texas to a group of young adults from a local church near Dallas. At the end of our time together, we had a Q&A session that lasted for about three hours. In the hearts of these young people burned the question, “What does our future hold?”

It’s easy to sense the uncertainty many people feel in our churches. The culture also reflects it by the despair that keeps growing in the political arena of our world. As believers, we need to take a step back, look at human history from the Lord’s perspective, and examine the history God chose to include in the Scriptures. From Egyptian slavery to the Assyrian invasion, from the domination of Babylonia, to the rise of Medo-Persia, the sovereign acts of God to save and to discipline his people has never stopped. Not even the Greek world during the reign of Alexander or the Roman hand of oppression during the New Testament times could thwart God’s plan for his people. As God revealed to Nebuchadnezzar through Daniel, it is he who raises up kingdoms. It is he who puts them down. Daniel 2 reminds us he’s in charge of the times and the seasons. Isaiah 55:8–9 tells us his ways and thoughts are not like ours. Even at the one pivotal moment in human history, when the world was at its worst, God still was at his best. The worst of evil occurred on the cross when an innocent Christ bore the guilt of the world. God executed his justice—and don’t forget, he did it to his Son—so grace could be offered and the forgiveness of sin could be granted. That alone is enough to make you think God was in charge and knew what he was doing. The cross of Jesus has not changed. It still answers the question: If God is loving, powerful and gracious, then why does evil seem to prevail in this world? This question remains the number one issue that keeps people from coming to Christ, and it’s probably the number one question that takes people



from Christianity. Yet, the power of sin over creation was broken on that cross. And the sting of death was conquered though the resurrection. The gospel remains the core answer to all our doubt. Only God could take the rejection of the promised one and turn it into the selection of the one who would build his church so not even the gates of Hades—the authority structures of hell—could triumph over it. Jesus makes all the difference in our future and our lives. Outside the cross, there is no hope in this world. It can only be found in him. If Christianity can flourish in the first century under Roman authority, we can trust God will continue to birth it in the hearts and lives of people. We don’t know what the future holds but we know God has a plan and is in control. He’s not dead and has not slipped off his throne. He is still worthy of worship, praise, adoration, and especially our trust.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

—Rom 15:13

DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Our mission is to glorify God by equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of his Word and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide. DTS Magazine® Spring 2017 Vol. 3, No. 1 ISSN 1092–7492





©2017 Dallas Theological Seminary. All rights reserved. Published three times a year by Dallas Theological Seminary 3909 Swiss Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204

What exactly is it that instills passion in a person’s soul to make a difference and to live a life that matters? Louie Giglio highlights his journey of leaning toward the centrality of Jesus that brings purpose to the life of a believer and glory to God.

Mark L. Bailey, President John C. Dyer, Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology Raquel P. Wroten, Editor Keith D. Yates, Director of Creative Services and Publications, Layout and Design Debbie J. Stevenson, Production Manager Kathy Dyer, Matt Holland, Kelley Mathews, Margaret Tolliver, Copy Editing Matt Snyder, Ad Designer







Aeriel Eichenberger, Greg Hatteberg, Alumni Connection Kevin Stern, Books & Resources

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Meet Kevin Perry. Husband, father, worship arts pastor, member of Beth Moore’s Living Proof worship team, and current student at DTS-Nashville.

Michael Justice (MABS, 1988; ThM, 1992) writes about the healing of the blind man in John 9 and the distinct responses of the people around the Light of the world.

Eschatology has become fearful and oftentimes approached with mixed emotions. Dr. Glenn Kreider (ThM, 1990; PhD, 2001) explains the primary focus of eschatology and the hope believers have in the person of Christ.

Contact rwroten@dts.edu to submit articles, request reprints, or make comments. DONATIONS For information on how you can support the ministry of DTS, call 214-887-5060. ONLINE/SUBMISSIONS Visit dts.edu/magazine to download editorial policies or to view DTS Magazine online. Send email address changes to jbeck@dts.edu, or mail to DTS Magazine 3909 Swiss Ave. Dallas, Texas 75204 Unless noted otherwise, Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

ON THE COVER Something Beautiful by Froyle

The painting’s interpretation: “God spoke light from the darkness by releasing his word and watching over it to perform his purpose. The word of God is sent out and will not return void (Isaiah 55:11). God shines light on our dark places and draws us into his beauty with his love, and he calls us into light to make us beautiful and whole. It is the hope we have that we are not on our own, that God has a plan and he can turn all our heartache into joy through his redemption plan. ‘What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out’ ( John 1:4–5, msg).’”



passion global institute Have you ever been in one of those conversations where something was said, and suddenly you knew God was in the equation? That’s what happened when I ended up across the table from an amazing rising sophomore at Baylor, a Jesus-loving Tri Delta (a sorority) named Kay Dossey. Kay had recently had her personal awakening to a real and personal relationship with Jesus. She was a leader on campus and had tremendous faith in God and a vision of what he could do in the lives of those around her. “You know God is bringing you to Baylor for a reason,” she said calmly.

What became so clear to us in those years, as we were pouring into lives and leading the students of Baylor, and as I spoke to other campus groups across the nation, was that the university window of time is one of the most, if not the most, critical seasons in life. For most college students, the first semester of

The Bright Ligh

THE UNIVERSITY MOMENT For me, I had finished seminary in Fort Worth that spring and was entering another grad program at Baylor in a few days’ time. During the past few summers, I had been leading as an intern to college students at two different churches in Houston. Kay had been a part of what had been happening in the summers as a growing band of collegians would return home each year for a few short months. We were seeking God with everything we had, packing out any available living room to dig into Scripture and worship together. Kay wanted to see what we were experiencing in Houston happen back at Baylor. And somehow she was convinced I was a part of God’s plan. Without telling the whole story, Kay’s statement to me across the table that day in 1985 sparked a movement among the students of Baylor. On any given Monday night, it wasn’t unusual to see a thousand to fifteen hundred students who were on a new journey of worship and walking in the truth of God’s Word. What I thought would be a two-year grad stint turned into a ten-year season of sharing life daily with college students, years that my wife, Shelley, and I consider some of the most special of our lives. Maybe something similar has happened to you. You weren’t sure what path you were going to be on, but while looking at several options, God landed you in a place you didn’t even see coming. That’s what happened to Shelley and me. While we were wondering what was next in life after graduate school, God was planting us at a critical intersection in the lives of college students—a place we have come to call the “university moment.”



school is the first time they’ve been away from home—distant from the influences and people that have shaped their lives, with less accountability than ever and a wide array of choices regarding morality, beliefs, and values. Statistics show that for a vast number of Christians this terrain is difficult to navigate,

ht of Glory

something I can attest to from years of firsthand experience. Why is it so difficult for young Christians to make the jump from the youth group back home to the campus environment? Why is it that a faith, which seemed so sure in its adolescent years, can quickly erode and sometimes even vanish? For one, in the campus climate, students face temptations that, at times, well-meaning people have attempted to shield them from in the past. Their worldview and beliefs are assaulted by intellectual challenges that they may not be thoroughly prepared to understand. In the end, the question that starts to crack the foundation is this: Is what I am carrying, my faith or my parents’ faith? Another way of asking it might be: Is this what I trust, or just what everybody at the church back home believed? Is Jesus real to me, or do I have a mild dose of religion because that’s what everyone else is doing? Having been there year in and year out, we saw a lot of kids that were all fired up in the youth group implode within six weeks of moving into the dorm. Fortunately, we also watched as a lot of students who had walked away from what they had thought was faith, truly find Jesus in a meaningful personal way before they graduated. But the reality is most do not. And this is critical because the relationships and experiences forged while on campus shape so much of the trajectory of our lives. Like never before, a desire was stirring in us to stand at the crossroads of the “university moment” and do whatever we could to introduce people to the real and living Jesus. FROM A CAMPUS TO A NATION You should never count God out. What he has planned and dreamed for your life far exceeds the circumstances of your day. He is always at work, painting on a canvas bigger than we can see or imagine. Not only is this true today, but it’s been true of our entire story to this point. While Shelley and I thought we were going to be leading students at Baylor for a very short season, God had another plan. At the end of each school year, we would sit with our board and ask God if he was going to renew our assignment for another




Was all the heartache for this? Were we uprooted from what we had poured so much into at Baylor so God could more easily pluck us for a new assignment? Have you ever felt like that, or are you are in a place like that right now? While I don’t know your circumstances, I do know God always has something in mind. Most often, the trials we are walking through today are preparing us for a greater role in God’s unfolding story.

Dr. Mark Yarbrough, Academic Dean, Associate Professor of Bible Exposition year. Nine times he said yes. We never set out to stay at Baylor for a decade; we just found ourselves being available to him again—nine times in a row.

WHY PASSION? Over the course of the next few months, we talked with a few friends and campus leaders and eventually set out on a course to pursue the picture from the vision—because, at this point, the image didn’t come with a detailed how-to plan. Along with Cheryl Bell and Jeff Lewis, we rallied around a name we felt best embodied this emerging gathering. We called it Passion.

But all that changed in 1994. That fall we sensed God saying it was time to go to Atlanta and help my mom take care of my dad who had been disabled by a brain disease seven years before. We felt happy to go—not happy about leaving what we loved, but relieved because we so desperately wanted to help my family in an intensely difficult time.

All these years later, the name fits so well. But on day one it was a risk. Passion wasn’t anywhere on the landscape of branding or cultural currency in 1995, except in an area of web domains we didn’t want anyone to explore. But our team quickly rallied around a definition of Passion that spoke to the heart of what we wanted to be about:

We did what we thought best. We put in place a transition for our staff and stayed through the end of the spring semester. But then something happened we could not have seen coming. On April 28, my father died suddenly of heart failure, unrelated to all the battles he had faced as part of the brain disease. On the day our ministry at Baylor hosted our ten-year going-away celebration, Shelley and I were in Atlanta burying my dad.

Passion—the degree of difficulty we are willing to endure to accomplish the goal.

Talk about being confused. Our hearts—shattered by the loss of my dad—were crushed in a way I could never have fathomed before. Though we could have and should have lost him several times along the way, I was in no way prepared for the excruciating pain. And more, we thought somehow we had completely missed God’s timing and plan by staying in Texas when we should have come straight away to be with my family in the fall. Shelley and I were unsure, unemployed, uprooted, and now plopped down in a new city without a clear mission or purpose. But God had a plan all along. Within a few months, a vision flashed in my heart that took our breath away. It wasn’t a picture of one campus seeking God—it was the vision of a sea of young people on their faces before God, crying out for revival in the land. I told Shelley what happened, but the experience was so unusual that I waited a few weeks to share it with anyone else. After a while, we convened with our board and a few others who had offered counsel in our lives. Everyone was nodding along, somehow all sensing the same urging and timing of God.



That’s it! For us, passion does not simply denote enthusiasm, zeal, or emotion. Passion conveys the gritty determination to finish the task at hand. That’s why the final days of Jesus’s life on earth are known as Passion Week. Passion is about doing whatever it takes to get what’s most important to you. And what we wanted most was for Jesus’s name to be echoed throughout the land. Our name was set, yet the framework of our vision was still coming together. How would we get there? How would our message be refined? And then it happened. God literally dropped his Word in our laps. After speaking to a group of college students at a statewide event in Arkansas, I returned to my seat as the responsive worship was happening. I had given everything I had in that talk, calling us to live for the glory of God. I sat down next to the director of the event, and as I did, he plopped his Bible in my lap, a rather large, worn edition, opened to a passage in Isaiah. I felt slightly annoyed because I wanted to lean into the song we were singing fully, but he insisted I see what he was showing me, firmly landing his finger on a highlighted verse. Slowly my eyes crossed the words . . .“ Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.”

His finger was resting on Isaiah 26:8, but it might as well have been the finger of God. In those words, we found our banner. We now knew what God was calling us to be about—he was inviting us to inspire a generation to live for his renown. Those words leapt off the page—his renown. At the time I wasn’t sure what renown was all about, but a quick glance at the dictionary explains: renown is fame or memory that will never fade away. We later morphed two translations into the phrase: Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your truth we wait eagerly for you, for your name and renown are the desire of our souls. To this day, this confession is our core, an unchanging beacon we seek to live out and proclaim to the world. BACK TO MEMPHIS So on the day students started arriving at Shelby Farms for OneDay2000, we could sense God was going to meet us on that field in a powerful way. The main area was cordoned off from everyone, empty except for a tower built in the middle from which students read the Word of God nonstop for over twenty-four hours before the main gathering began. Then, on Saturday, we asked students to come prayerfully, reverently, soberly onto the field. And they did. The clouds hung low that morning as forty thousand students and leaders settled on the hillside. Waiting. Believing. Expecting. The day was unusual in so many ways. For one, according to one of the local TV weather reporters, an approaching thundercloud arriving on the edge of Shelby Farms suddenly split in two, traveling on each side of the field without dumping its fury on us all. On another occasion, a huge, wooden cross was brought out before the people, as Scriptures of mercy and grace were read over the people. At one point a young girl started running—sprinting—toward the stage and for the cross. I’d seen people “come forward” in all my years of church life, but I had never seen anyone sprint forward to reach out for the symbol of the cleansing flow of Jesus. After a while, students took hold of the cross and began to pass it overhead across the field, not as a way of worshiping an icon, but as a way of exalting what Christ had done for us. But possibly the most stunning moment of all came after a pregathering prayer involving many of the speakers and leaders. Kneeling and standing in a tent beside the massive stage, after the final amen, no one wanted to move, and no one was eager to walk on the stage. The moment felt holy, and though a huge crowd was waiting, we were all reluctant to walk on stage. I recall someone saying, “Why don’t you go up and lead first.” And the reply, “No, you go.” I know when humans act like that, we really are on holy ground.

Dr. Barry Jones, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministries Something happened that day that changed us all. I believe that this movement got much of its start on that day, on those grounds, in the brightest light of his glory that we’d ever seen. Almost twenty years later, many of the venues and faces have changed since our first gathering in Austin and the assembly at Shelby Farms. We’ve gathered students in fields, arenas, churches, conference centers, and campus auditoriums on six continents. But while the places where we have gathered have varied over the years, the heartbeat of Passion has always been to see a generation leveraging their lives for the glory and renown of Christ. PASSION GLOBAL INSTITUTE Now, I’m watching one of the next chapters in this God-story unfold: To see Passion’s heartbeat lived out. It’s vital to shepherd the rising generation, with a firm theological foundation and understanding of Scripture under them. I believe seminary education is invaluable to do just that. It provides the equipping in our lives that is necessary to stand up and lead God’s people. My seminary training is not something that I did in life; it is a vital part of what I did in life and an undergirding to all that God has called me to do. I believe Passion Global Institute—an invaluable partnership between DTS and Passion—is a beautiful answer to our desire to see people raised up, equipped, established, and released to do all God has called them to do. LOUIE GIGLIO is pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia, and the founder of Passion Conferences, a movement gathering collegiate-aged young people in events across the US and around the globe. Louie and his wife, Shelley, led the team that planted Passion City Church, a local community of faith with the DNA of the Passion movement. Their desire is to inspire this generation to live for what matters most. Article taken from Passion: The Bright Light of Glory by Louie Giglio. Copyright © 2014 by Louie Giglio. Used by permission of Thomas Nelson. www.thomasnelson.com. Photographs used with permission of Passion Global Institute, Atlanta, Georgia. Copyright Passion Global Institute. All rights reserved.



How I Study Y

ou probably think many DTS students come to study God’s Word to go into ministry. But what about those who God has already placed in leadership and who are looking to expand their knowledge so they can effectively do what God has called them to do? For some of the students who study at DTS’s mobile sites, learning God’s Word looks different. Some have a family to take care of, many work full-time jobs, and they do all of it while they study at DTS. Kevin Perry is the worship arts pastor at Fellowship Bible Church of Rutherford County in Tennessee. He is also part of the worship team for Beth Moore’s Living Proof Live events that travels all over the country. Ten years ago, Kevin began transitioning out of a vocation in the music business to full-time ministry. He desired more equipping and training for the new direction in his life, and it so happened that the DTS-Nashville mobile site was starting up just thirty minutes from where he lives. “I have so many friends in ministry who had a positive experience attending DTS—it made it an easy decision.” One of the things he has learned about studying at DTS-Nashville is that it’s more than just watching a video class on a computer. From the Superweeks to the hybrid classes to the impromptu dinners with staff, “DTS has done

Photographer: Bradford Carrington, Jackson, Tennessee



a great job of connecting relationally with me as a mobile student. I have grown to feel like I’m part of the DTS community.” For Kevin, the hardest part about being in seminary involves balancing his studies with home and family life. Two years ago his four-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. “That was an incredibly difficult season learning to live and cope with the disease. Then one year ago our third daughter was born, which was a wonderful surprise. I never thought I would be changing diapers and doing homework at forty-three years old! When I graduate, I will most likely sit in the audience and let my wife and daughters walk across the stage. It is truly a family effort—going back to school. Through the years, they have worked together to allow me to take the extra time to study during the week.”

quiet and peaceful study space. They are incredible for getting work done on an airplane. WHAT CLASS HAVE YOU ENJOYED THE MOST? WHY? I have enjoyed them all, but my first theology class with Dr. Kreider and first Bible exposition class with Dr. Allman were so impactful. After being out of school for seventeen years, I was beyond grateful to have the opportunity to be in seminary. Those first classes “blew my mind” and left me excited for what was to come.

Photographer: Jenny Rone (current student at DTS-Nashville). She is the women’s pastor and director of creative communications at Fellowship Bible Church of Rutherford County in Tennessee.

We spoke with Kevin to learn a little about how he manages his home, his musical career, and his spiritual walk. Here’s how Kevin studies at DTS. ONE WORD THAT BEST DESCRIBES HOW YOU REGULARLY STUDY: Frantically CURRENT MOBILE DEVICE: iPhone CURRENT COMPUTER: MacBook Pro WHAT APPS, SOFTWARE, TOOLS CAN’T YOU STUDY WITHOUT? I love the Logos Bible Software. I had been building a library for many years and was ecstatic when DTS announced they would be giving students the Logos resources. I take class notes right in Logos, and I will have those notes forever attached to my commentaries and Bible references. WHAT’S YOUR STUDY SPACE SETUP LIKE? I like to write papers in my church office at my desk. But oddly enough, I like watching class videos in public places, like coffee shops or libraries. WHAT’S YOUR BEST TIME-SAVING SHORTCUT OR STUDY HACK? I have often stood on the shoulders of those who have gone before me with some of the online study apps like Studyblue or Quizlet. For most classes at DTS, you can find study guides already inputted and formatted by former students. I have contributed and tweaked a few myself, but it is always helpful to get a head start on some of the lengthier exam guides. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE COMMENTARY THAT YOU CONSTANTLY USE FOR YOUR PAPERS AT DTS? The Bible Knowledge Commentary usually shows up somewhere in my papers.

WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? The Church by Edmund Clowney, Mixed Ministry by Sue Edwards, Possessed by God by David Peterson, Extreme Leadership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and The Myth of Uncertainty by Daniel Taylor.

WHAT’S A BOOK YOU MIGHT RECOMMEND FOR THOSE WHO ARE BEGINNING THEIR STUDIES AT DTS? I think a helpful book would be one that helps think through and refine your productivity, such as Getting Things Done by David Allen. WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU DO TO STRENGTHEN YOUR CHRISTIAN FAITH? For me, it is constantly examining my boundaries between work and rest. I can tend to be a workaholic, so I need to be aware of how the healthy rhythms of life are doing and how that is affecting both my family and me. If I am overdoing it, that usually says something about the state of my heart and my relationship with God. WHAT’S THE BEST ADVICE YOU’VE EVER RECEIVED ABOUT STUDYING AT DTS? When I began reading my very first theology textbook, I was outlining like crazy thinking I was ahead of the game on what would be “on the test.” Two hours later, I was still in chapter one and ready to put my head down on my desk and weep. One of my professors advised me not to try and read all the books assigned the same way. There is so much reading in seminary, it is helpful to discern what books you need to “skim” and what books you need to take your time and drink deeply. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD THAT MIGHT BE INTERESTING TO THOSE THINKING ABOUT STUDYING AT DTS (NASHVILLE)? One of my biggest fears entering any seminary was that it would try and cram me into a narrow and claustrophobic “box of belief.” That fear has been completely unfounded during my time at DTS. Come to find out, I was the narrow and dogmatic one. I so much appreciate the knowledge and humility exhibited by so many DTS professors.

BESIDES YOUR PHONE AND COMPUTER, WHAT GADGET OR TOOL CAN’T YOU LIVE WITHOUT AND WHY? I love my Bose noise canceling headphones! No matter where I am, I can have a



Something Beautiful by Froyle, acrylic paint, mixed with metallic pigmented inks

Blazed Out of Darkness


ver wonder why a physically blind person longs to see light while a spiritually blind person does not? The man born blind in John 9 saw darkness: no colors, no shapes, no depth perception, no visual perspective whatsoever. He “saw” by his other senses, such as hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Smell and taste don’t often figure into the interpretive mix of the text. Most likely the blind man used hearing and touch— the two most effective senses at his disposition. DARKNESS Perhaps on occasion he heard a human voice greet him by name along with the clink of coins falling into his beggar’s cup. Another time he heard the sound of whispering and footsteps and then silence as people walked by but never spoke directly to him. Maybe someone reminded him that he or his parents must have committed a heinous sin to show him that his plight of darkness came from God. Nonetheless, he sat in the depth of obscurity alone and begged.



, finished with a high gloss varnish on stretched canvas, 36" x 48"

Did he feel useless, without purpose and meaning? After all, he had to sit and plead each day for his daily survival. No agencies existed to train him for the workplace, the invention of Braille had not happened, and no evidence suggests that he might get a Seeing Eye dog, donkey, or camel to aid him in his mobility. Maybe he used a whittled tree limb for a white cane? He would live his life as best he could, while society categorized him as a man under the judgment of God. One day, however, Jesus and his disciples passed by him. Like rubberneckers, the Twelve saw him with curiosity. Sadly, none of the Twelve extended a warm greeting to the man, put a coin in his cup, or introduced him to the Master. They immediately gave Jesus a multiple-choice quiz, offering two possible answers to the blind’s man condition. In their eyes, two options stood out to them, either the parents had committed a terrible sin, or the man’s soul had sinned in his prenatal existence. Jesus gave a third choice. His answer was none of the above. A TOUCH OF HOPE For the first time, the man heard words of hope, purpose, and meaning. His disability, as Christ would explain, “happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” His blindness brought glory to God! The Lord would somehow use him in his blindness as a vessel through which to do a mighty work. The insignificant beggar’s life suddenly became meaningful and full of purpose. He had experienced years of suffering, the humiliation of begging for money from others, some generous and some not, and the heartache that came from wondering why he existed. The Twelve gave him no hope by the question they asked. Yet Christ spoke the words that now lifted the man’s soul from despair to jubilant antici-

pation. He so desperately needed light to physically open his eyes to see what he had never seen before. The blind man then heard someone spitting into dirt in front of him. Perhaps he also heard the making of clay as it formed from the spittle. Without warning, the man felt something touching his eyes, wet clay, and the touch of the one who would tell him to go to the Pool of Siloam and wash. He understood a man had spoken to him, had touched him, had connected with him, and had given him expectation that he had never known before. COLOR FOR THE FIRST TIME Either there at the pool or somewhere along the path, he began to see the world around him with vivid detail. He washed and “came home seeing” ( John 9:7). Shapes, shadows, colors, perspective, and depth painted hundreds of pictures which filled his gallery of visual memories. He saw an array of faces, smiles, frowns, perhaps expressions he did not quite understand, with noises accompanying them. He began to comprehend his features—his clothes, his feet, sandals, arms, and hands. Maybe he stared at his beggar’s cup and the coins within, a reminder of what he did until he met the man who healed him. Jesus had revealed the beautiful scenery around him. The mighty work of God that Jesus had promised had surely occurred. What more could he ask for? Did he jump for joy, scream with delight, or maybe stare at his surroundings with mouth agape? The apostle writer doesn’t offer any details, so nobody knows. The townspeople saw him walking and stood in amazement. They questioned one another about his identity and even asked him how he had received his sight. Unsure what to think, they marveled. The healed man, however, confirmed he had begged as the formerly blind man. They had seen him, talked with him, thrown a coin or two in his cup, perhaps knew his parents well, yet somehow they felt confused. After all, how many blind people had they seen healed? The miracle seemed too much to believe. Oddly, people asked the restored man about the one who had performed the healing. Jesus may have stood nearby, but the healed man had no visual reference to recognize him. God had revealed light through the healing of the blind man, but would people accept it? Would they recognize that this healing brought proof of the Messianic authority prophesied clearly in Isaiah 29:18; 35:5; 42:7? Whether or not they did, they acted according to the Old Testament requirement and led him to the religious rulers, for it is unlikely that this man would have known how to find the Pharisees on his own. HIDING FROM BLINDING LIGHT In front of the religious rulers light shown again. The result evolved into an emotional trial of sorts. Three times they questioned the man about how he had received his sight. He shared his simple testimony clearly, yet, according to the religious rulers, the one who had healed him had done it wrong. He evidently should not have healed on the Sabbath day. What’s more, he should not have made clay. To a Pharisee, it meant he worked on the Sabbath! This man’s testimony and the miracle itself now revealed the Light of the world. Instead of coming to spiritual sight, the Pharisees hid themselves from the blinding




In today’s world of political correctness, most find it difficult to accept biblical truth because the world’s values pressure people to do otherwise.

Light that revealed their sinful hearts. Like excessively dilated eyes facing into the sun, the Pharisees did everything possible to reject the light of the man’s testimony and the truth of Jesus’s Messianic authority. They thought the man had lied about his blindness, but his parents confirmed his identity and his disability. Jesus had healed him, but what would these Pharisees do with the truth? It became a dilemma that made them feel uncomfortable in their present darkness. They denied his testimony; they denied his ascriptions of Jesus. They tried to deny the miracle itself but could not find a way to do it. When finally faced with the irrefutable evidence that Jesus the Christ could have performed such a miracle, they verbally attacked the healed man and threw him into the streets. The formerly blind man now threatened the Pharisees, their system of Judaism, their understanding of the law, and their status as religious rulers. So they chose to get rid of him whose miraculous healing now painfully blinded their eyes. In front of the Pharisees, the man asserted his decision to follow Jesus as his disciple and jokingly asked if they would like to do the same. The Pharisees reviled him, claiming they only followed Moses. They must have forgotten God’s statement to Moses in Exodus 4:11 when he told Moses that he created his speech impairment. God still used Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God also used this formerly blind man to prove God’s power and Jesus’s Messianic authority over blindness. And he also used the man as a testimony to the Pharisees’ spiritual blindness. RECEIVING OR REJECTING In the street, the man heard the voice of someone, asking him if he believed in the Son of Man. Since this formerly blind man had not seen Jesus before, he had no idea who asked him this question. Earlier in the story, Jesus used the senses of hearing and touch to connect with the blind man. This time he uses sight and hearing. The man could now see; he no longer needed a tactile clue, so the Lord spoke to him and identified himself. As a result, the man fell and worshiped him. Whether the man had received his spiritual sight before this moment is unclear. He did make his faith known, however, as he worshiped the Son of Man, the Light



of the world. His vision, now restored both physically and spiritually, did not appease the Pharisees, and they wouldn’t let the matter end there. The Pharisees would not admit their own blindness or go down on their knees to worship the Lord. They should have accepted Jesus as the Christ because the true Messiah could have performed such a miracle. But they chose to reject him believing him to be a sinner—a man who broke their Sabbath laws and worked on the Sabbath day. The Pharisees dismissed the Light and retreated further into their world of darkness. They thought they could see all things clearly, for they studied the Scriptures, but their stubborn lack of faith showed their blindness. A MEASURE OF LIGHT In John chapter nine, Jesus gives light, either directly or through the formerly blind man’s testimony. The Twelve held the wrong theology about the cause of the man’s blindness, and their response doesn’t get mentioned. The people of the town show mixed feelings as some believe him, while others do not. The Pharisees are initially divided over the man’s testimony and eventually try to prove him an imposter, calling Jesus a sinner. The man’s parents at least confirm the truthfulness of their son’s status and disability but would not commit themselves to saying that Jesus is the Christ who could heal the blind. One would think the man’s parents alone would shout for joy that their son could now see, but John never mentions that anyone rejoices. The man born blind now receives his sight in full. In today’s world of political correctness, most find it difficult to accept biblical truth because the world’s values pressure people to do otherwise. Still, some realize that they are blind and long to see clearly. Others are curious but suspicious of the truth because it differs from the system they know. Others vehemently reject the only way of salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord simply because he has not met their errant standards of God. Still others may believe in Jesus the Christ, the Light of the world, but keep it a secret because they fear the consequences. And some, when they hear the truth, recognize their sinfulness, see their need for forgiveness, and realize that they are blind. They place their trust in the Lord Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, the Light of the world. Why does a physically blind person long to see light while a spiritually blind person doesn’t? The healing of the blind man demonstrates how light causes some eyes to see, yet blinds other eyes. Every person fits in this story at some level and each will react differently to the light given. The deceitfulness of sin will often make people think they have enlightenment. Only the Spirit of God, using the Word of God, can break through such dense darkness to bring conviction of spiritual blindness and create an openness to the truth (1 Cor 2:6–16). His own journey with diabetes, blindness, and kidney transplant has led MICHAEL A. JUSTICE (ThM, 1992) to speak and write about the disability issues that Christians face today. He also writes short stories on blindness, and has a chapter contribution in Why, O God? a book on educational ministry leadership.













Dallas Theological Seminary believes its four-year integrated ThM program is the best way to prepare the next generation of pastor– scholars for the changing needs of today’s church. DTS is so committed to this model that it’s making the final twenty-four credit hours free for all ThM students through spring 2018.




Others might think of the return of Christ to the earth as a warrior king who will destroy all life on the earth and even the earth itself. And they are afraid. Some Christians have been obsessed with eschatology, and have treated it as the most important set of doctrines taught in the Bible. For many of these people, eschatology could be summarized: “Things are bad on the earth today. They will get worse and worse until Jesus returns and destroys the earth.” Is it any wonder that fear is the overwhelming response? Some even picture the return of Christ as a terrifying judge, warrior, and king. The hope of resurrection and new creation is often overshadowed by the fear of suffering and persecution during the Tribulation.


schatology. Often simply defined as “the study of last things,” the mere mention of the word conjures up a variety of responses. Some think of weeklong prophecy conferences, led by biblical scholars who have spent a lifetime developing charts, maps, and graphs of end time scenarios. Having attended many such conferences, I recall speakers confidently predicting the time of the rapture, the (possible) identity of the Antichrist, and an overview of the events surrounding his rise and demise. They emphasized the suffering and persecution he would bring and the wrath of God to be poured out on earth during the seven years of tribulation. And I was afraid. I also recall graphic pictures of terrifying dragons, cruel and evil people, and images of devastation, destruction, and death. And I was afraid. For others, the word “eschatology” brings back memories of claims, backed by charts of statistics, that the rates of earthquakes, famines, and wars have been increasing exponentially in recent years. And they are afraid.



On the other hand, when some Christians hear the word “eschatology” they want to flee, as fast as they can and as far as they are able. They consider eschatology too esoteric, irrelevant, and confusing to be worth the time. They see little value in charts and discussions of the rapture, tribulation, and millennium, and assume these topics the sole subject matter in eschatology. They would rather remain ignorant than obsess over such issues. Their response is often “eschatology schmeschatology, I am a panmillennialist; it will all pan out in the end.” IS FEAR THE FOCUS? I am not dismissing these concerns, even though I think ignoring eschatology is not the best response to those who obsess about it. I am also not dismissing the value of prophecy conferences. After all, the Bible says a great deal about the future, and conferences devoted to helping people understand these parts of Scripture are valuable. Surely Christians, who understand the Scriptures to be the revelation of God himself and authoritative for life and godliness, should be zealous about comprehending what God has said. Finally, I am not dismissing fear as an appropriate emphasis on preaching or a legitimate response to certain end times prophecies. Fear has a time and a place. A great deal of evil in the world exists, and fear is sometimes warranted. The description of the Tribulation period in the book of Revelation is terrifying. But is fear the focus of the book? Is fear the focal point of eschatology?

The book of Revelation begins with the declaration that it is the “revelation from Jesus Christ” (Rev 1:1) and it ends with the promise that he is coming soon (Rev 22:20). When Jesus returns, he will make the earth his home for 1,000 years (Rev 19–20). Then, the Trinity will dwell on the earth forever; all will be made new (Rev 21:1–5). This promise that Jesus rescues and restores is good news, it is the heart of the gospel, and it should give us hope. This hope of redemption and new creation should be the ultimate focal point of eschatology. In short, the focus and the content of eschatology is hope, the hope God will complete the work he started, not just for us individually, but for all creation. Eschatology is not just the answer to the question, “what does the future hold?” It answers the question, “how does the future shape the present?” Eschatology is the culmination of God’s plan for his creation, the completion of his work of redemption. The Creator will make all things new. HOPE Hope. This word also conjures up a variety of responses. For some it is merely wishful thinking, “I hope some stranger will buy me a new Ford F150 truck.” Or it could be based in some level of confidence, like “I hope it rains this week” (and I have checked the meteorological charts which indicate a reasonable hope of rain) or “I hope my favorite team wins this Saturday” (and there is some basis in that hope since my team is undefeated, and the opponent has been winless for two years). But when the Bible uses the term “hope,” or when the concept appears in the biblical story of redemption, hope refers to a settled confidence or assurance that what is longed for will be realized, and this hope grounds our waiting patiently for it to come (Rom 8:22–25). Our hope is rooted in the promises of God. Such a hope is not merely reasonable, and it is not wishful thinking; it is grounded in the character of a faithful God. We can, thus, have confidence that God will complete what he started, that his promises are true, and that our hope will be fulfilled. What is this hope? It is the hope promised in the gospel. Jesus died and was raised, and his resurrection provides the assurance we too shall live (1 Cor 15:1–8, 50–56). His resurrection was not a spiritual one, but the body that went into the grave is the body that came out (1 Cor 15:4–6). We too will be raised, or, if we are still alive at the coming of the Lord, we will be changed (1 Cor 15:50–54; 1 Thess 4:13–19). We are embodied humans and, like our Savior, we will be embodied forever (1 Thess 4:17). This gospel hope extends beyond the resurrection of the redeemed. The work of redemption will not be completed until all the effects of sin are eliminated, when all creation will be made new (Rom 8:18–21; Rev 21:1–5; 22:1–5). Jesus rescues and restores human beings and their environment; all the effects of sin will be removed. According to the Scriptures, God continues to reveal himself in creation. Not merely the existence of the universe, but God’s providential care of his creation reveals his eternal power and divine nature (Rom 1:20). Deeply revealed in creation is the hope that one day there will be no more death, that the Creator will redeem his creation. Paul

The work of redemption will not be completed until all the effects of sin are eliminated, when all creation will be made new. Jesus rescues and restores human beings and their environment; all the effects will be removed.

expresses it this way, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time” (Rom 8:22). Thus, we see and hear in creation not only the pain that sin has caused but also the hope that the pains will culminate in new birth, in a new creation. Hope is so deeply imbedded in the world that God has created that it bubbles to the surface regularly, sometimes in unusual, unexpected, and unexplainable ways. Even though fallen, even though it appears out of control, even though death and decay are the major plotline of the stories of our lives, creation groans, and in groaning it looks forward to redemption. ACTS OF RESCUE AND REDEMPTION Since God is revealed in his creation, including not merely the earth but all its inhabitants, then God is also revealed in the creatures he created in his image, humans (Gen 1:26–28). Since God is revealed in these creatures, then he is also revealed in what his creatures create. And since all humans are created in the image of God, God is revealed in the presence and the work of both believers and unbelievers. Throughout human history, artists, writers, poets, musicians, inventors, entrepreneurs, and others have revealed their Creator by what they have produced. Divine imagers are perhaps most like the Creator when they make things of beauty in a fallen and broken world, taking what is damaged and making it useful, taking what is corrupted by sin and making it good. These acts of rescue and redemption point forward to the world to come. Poets describe what is and point their hearers back to what was in the Garden and what will be in the




new creation. Storytellers unfold the great story of creation, fall, and redemption, and the hope of new creation. This is the story of the Scriptures, from a good creation cursed by human sin, God will bring a new beginning, a new world. Eschatology is the final chapter in that story. To understand last things, it is essential we understand why things are as they are, how God is at work, and how the end fits into this grand narrative, because the story of hope has present as well as future implications. Believers in Jesus, people indwelt by the Spirit, have the privilege and responsibility of orienting our lives by this hope. Our hope of resurrection and an eternity spent caring for the new earth must impact our lives today. Hope is not merely found in the future, but it energizes, empowers, and enables our faithful service today. Along with all creation, we too groan, we too reveal our hope, we too look forward to the new creation (Rom 8:23–25). OUR HOPE IN CHRIST ALONE Our hope is not found in charts, graphs, or theological positions. Our hope is found in a person. That some Christians believe in the millennium and others do not should give us pause before we make a millennial position the priority in eschatology. That some Christians believe in a seven-year tribulation period, and even those disagree about the timing of the rapture, should also give us pause before we make that the primary focus in our eschatology. On the other hand, belief in the resurrected Jesus makes everything we do matter. We share this gospel hope with all Christians. The hope of our resurrection and the new creation gives us a proper focus in life. We do not merely exist until the end of life, we are storing up treasures in heaven, we are preparing for the life to come, and we are making a positive contribution to the world while we are here (Matt 5:13–16; 6:19–21). That this earth will be redeemed, that it will be re-created into an eternal home for the Creator, means that we should care for it, protect it, and be good stewards of the environment. That we were given care of the earth, including the animals who inhabit it, means we should be diligent in caring for their environment, providing clean water, clean air, and food for those animals.



Our hope is not located in a place, a position, or a set of practices, but in the person of Christ. Jesus is our hope. He is our reason for living, our reason for serving, our life itself. He is our inheritance, waiting in heaven for the day of redemption, when he will return to the world he created, make all things new, and make this earth his home forever (1 Pet 1:3–9; Rev 21:1–4). He has promised he will return to the earth (Matt 24:30–31; John 14:3). He promised we are not orphaned, but will one day be united with him forever ( John 14:3; 17:24). Jesus is coming again. While we wait we should remain faithfully involved in the work of making disciples (Matt 28:18–20). To us God has given the responsibility and privilege of helping others come to know him. We proclaim boldly the gospel of the resurrected Jesus in the hope others will come to him by grace through faith and share in the hope of resurrection and new creation. We believe the words of our Savior, “Yes, I am coming soon” (Rev 22:20). And we pray, as John did on the island of Patmos, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus” (Rev 22:20).

Our hope is not located in a place, a position, or a set of practices, but in the person of Christ. Jesus is our hope. He is our reason for living, our reason for serving, our life itself.

DR. GLENN R. KREIDER (ThM, 1990; PhD, 2001) identifies his motivations as his passion for the triune God and his desire to help others respond to divine revelation in spirit and truth. Dr. Kreider’s research interests include Jonathan Edwards, theological method, and eschatological hope. He is married to Janice, and they have two children.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2017 The phrase “end times” brings a multitude of images and charts to mind. Often, believers are encouraged to prepare for the “latter days” in a way that invokes fear. However, we need to bring into sharper focus the Bible’s most powerful theme involving the end times: Hope. Shaped by the Future: Reclaiming the Hope of Eschatology is a one-day conference that will reshape the way you integrate the biblical message of the end times into your life and ministry. Hosted by the Hendricks Center and Dallas Theological Seminary’s theology department, Shaped by the Future will focus on the interaction between eschatology and contemporary culture, the public square, and even the arts. If you want to be better equipped to integrate the hope of eschatology into your ministry and personal life, this conference is for you!

Register Today!

Keynote Speakers

Michael Svigel

Glenn Kreider

Nathan Holsteen

Workshop Speakers

Maurice Pugh

John Adair

J. Scott Horrell

John Hannah

J. Lanier Burns

Panel Speakers

Early registration: $70/person (until 01/06/17) Regular admission: $85/person (until 02/17/17) Late registration: $95/person (after 02/17/17) Group rate: $60/person for groups of 5 or more (until 2/13/17) Special volunteer and student rates available. Contact Heather Joy Zimmerman at hzimmerman@dts.edu to apply.

For more information and to register, visit shapedbythefuture.dts.edu or call 214-887-5250.

Sandra Glahn

Andi Thacker

Todd Agnew


Workshop options available online


D T S AT H O M E A1N D A B R O A D 11

3 6







Mr. John Dyer, executive director of communications and educational technology was this year’s Arts Week speaker. During chapel, he reiterated this year’s theme, “Dance with Light,” while reflecting on the tension that lies between the values of technology and the gospel. He also discussed how technology brings beauty and fullness to life, and emphasized the need to be present, using the Eucharist as the penultimate embodiment of place. Go to www.dts.edu/chapel to view his messages.

1 Chaplain Joe Allen (ThM, 1988), his wife, Lindsey, and DTS’s international students enjoy an evening full of adventure at the Mesquite Championship Rodeo.



2 Who wore it better? German folk dancers, Dr. Michael Svigel (ThM, 2001; PhD, 2008) and Craig Schill (ThM, 2006) strike a pose and are ready to perform at this year’s state fair in Texas. 3 With a simple design of a Mexican sugar skull, DTS en Español staff member Jazmine Sanchez (current ThM student ) is ready to have fun at this year’s fall festival with face paint, bright colors, and a beautiful smile. 4 Dr. Rodney Orr (ThM, 1990) doesn’t miss a step as he walks to chapel for fellowship, prayer, and worship. 5 Current students Juanita Williams, Jurrita Williams, Ashley Irons, and Lindsay Lee attend Arise’s #trendingtopics seminar. 6 Dr. Daniel Steffen (ThM, 1986; PhD, 2001), Michael Wheeler (ThM, 1987), Gary Williams (ThM, 1972), Dr. Richard Oliveira (DMin, 2016), Kevin Bult (ThM, 2010), Paul Lambert (MACM, 2003), Dr. Michael Ortiz (ThM, 2008), Dr. Paul Sywulka (ThM, 1967; PhD, 2001), Jim Adams (ThM, 1988) gather for a quick DTS alumni photo at AETAL Conference in Ecuador.



7 Filipino DTS students, alumni, and faculty gather for their annual “family get-together” at Dr. Larry Waters’s (PhD, 1998) home. 8 DTS-Houston’s preaching class took a break from studying for some fun and fellowship at Dr. Bruce Fong’s (ThM, 1978) home. 9 Who said politics can’t be fun? Dr. Michael Svigel (ThM, 2001; PhD, 2008), Dr. Darrell Bock (ThM, 1979), and Dr. Glenn Kreider (ThM, 1990; PhD, 2001) during a Chapterhouse discussion on how Christians should approach politics. To listen to their dialogue about the election, visit bookcenter.dts.edu.






Logos Master Trainer Joins DTS Family packages specifically designed for DTS’s Chinese and Spanishspeaking students. Since the outset of the partnership, Logos representatives have been visiting DTS’s campuses to provide live training. This past fall, Chris McMaster, a Logos Master Trainer and Logos employee, relocated to Dallas in order to serve DTS more directly. Chris is now permanently working on the Dallas campus and is excited to assist the faculty and serve students by providing more training opportunities throughout the semester. With an office on campus, Chris will be available to equip students inside and outside of the classroom and help faculty develop new assignments to help students learn Logos within the DTS curriculum.

Bible Institute in Jackson, Michigan, from 2006 to 2013. “Our mission at Faithlife (Logos) is to use technology to equip the church to grow in the light of the Bible,” Chris remarked. “One of the most important ways we do this is by preparing the church’s future leaders to use technology that enables them to handle the Scriptures and carry out various ministry tasks more effectively. As a result, my role at DTS is an essential part of fulfilling the overall mission of the seminary to ‘equip godly servant-leaders,’ and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to serve such an amazing school and student body.”

For all DTS Students

*DTS underwrites the cost through donor support and a small portion of the techn

In 2013, Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) and Logos Bible Software (Logos) entered into a firstof-its-kind partnership that equips DTS students with digital theological resources. Rather than requiring students to purchase Logos on their own, this new partnership enabled students in every degree program to have access to the best tools and resources on their computers and mobile devices the first day of classes. When students

graduate, they have a core library that stays with them throughout their life and ministry.

Approximately 3,200 students have now received Logos as part of the partnership. In cooperation with Logos, DTS was able to create a custom library designed for graduate-level theological study including technical linguistic works and resources by DTS faculty and alumni. This includes

Chris earned his BBA degree from Texas Tech University and his MTS degree in Old Testament from Moody Theological Seminary in Plymouth, Michigan. He served as a trainer for New Tribes Mission while teaching at New Tribes

DTS students can use Logos Bible Software on their desktops, laptop computers, or mobile devices. To set up a meeting with Chris and for information about his office hours and upcoming training dates, visit dts.edu/logos. To learn more about Logos Bible Software visit logos. com/7.

MABC Adapts to Meet New Cultural Needs and State Requirements The state of Texas recently revised its standards for counseling licensure, and this has given DTS’s Biblical Counseling Department an opportunity to modify the curriculum in a way that both complies with the new state requirements and prepares students to meet changing cultural needs while remaining gospel-centered. Beginning fall 2017, the Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling (MABC) will remain a ninety-hour



program, but will add four new courses: Addictions and Compulsive Behaviors, Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience, Family Systems, and a fourth Counseling practicum. “Our churches need counselors and therapists who understand the depravity of humanity and the damaging effects of sin as well as the grace and hope we have in Christ,” said Dr. Gary Barnes, interim chair of the Department of

Biblical Counseling. “These new courses will help our graduates address some of the key issues of our day, including addictions, family issues, and medication use.”

biblical principles with modern psychology while also preparing men and women to engage in church, institutional, or licensed private counseling practices.

To offset the hours of the new courses added, MABC students will take the traditional Bible and theology courses with other MA and ThM students, but with a reduced workload outside of the classroom. This will enable the program to retain its distinctive integration of

The new MABC curriculum will be available in Dallas, Houston, and Washington, DC. Students can also start the program online and finish at one of the three campuses.

Meet the New Faculty and Adjuncts DR. LINDA MONTGOMERY BUELL Adjunct Professor in Educational Ministries and Leadership and Doctor of Educational Ministry Studies Dr. Buell has served in Christian school administration, teaching, and in higher education for many years. She earned her BA in history from the University of Washington in Seattle, her MA in English and literature and her EdD in educational leadership from Seattle University, where she also earned her Principal Credential in Educational Administration. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas.

DR. HANS FINZEL Adjunct Professor for Doctor of Ministry Studies

DR. KENT FREEDMAN Adjunct Professor in Bible Exposition

DR. SCOTT HARRIS Adjunct Professor in Educational Ministries and Leadership

Dr. Freedman earned his MDiv and ThM in Old Testament from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He also earned his PhD from DTS in Bible Exposition this past summer. Kent and his wife, Dianna, live in Rowlett, Texas, and have four children, Aaron (who passed away in 2009), Trish, Josh, and Ben, and they have five grandchildren. Dr. Freedman teaches at the Houston campus. DR. WALTER HEIDENREICH Adjunct Professor for Doctor of Ministry Studies Dr. Heidenreich serves as senior pastor of Iglesia Nazaret Central in Guatemala City, Guatemala. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Bible studies from Rio Grande Bible Institute, his Magister Artium in ministry from SETECA in Guatemala, and his DMin from DTS. Walter and his wife, Alfonsina, have three children. He will teach for DTS in its Spanish-language DMin program at SETECA.

Dr. Finzel serves as president of HD Leaders. He is a well-known conference speaker, specifically in the area of world missions and leadership. In addition to his ThM from DTS, Dr. Finzel earned his DMiss from Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Donna, have four children (three of whom are married), and six grandchildren. They currently reside in the Denver area.

Dr. Harris serves as the director of facilities at Quail Springs Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He earned his BBA in marketing from the University of Oklahoma, his ThM in Christian education from DTS, and his PhD in higher education at the University of North Texas. He also served with Cru and as a minister of adult education. Dr. Harris and his wife, Kathryn, and their four boys live in Oklahoma City. DR. FRANCIS SCHMIDT Adjunct Professor for Doctor of Ministry Studies Dr. Schmidt currently serves on the faculty of SETECA . He earned his ThM in pastoral ministries and DMin in Hispanic ministries from DTS and has been involved in ministry in Latin America for more than twenty-two years. Dr. Schmidt will assist the seminary in the Spanish-language DMin program hosted by SETECA in Guatemala City, Guatemala, where he and his wife, Judith, currently reside.






// THM, 1955

Considered among the top English-speaking preachers of the twentieth century, Haddon W. Robinson (ThM, 1955) would be the first to brush away accolades. “There are no great preachers,” he said, “only a great Christ.” Robinson has proven influential in ways that have left his thumbprint on thousands. He “thinks his way clear to every word” and also possesses a fragrance of grace that lingers in the lives of nearly everyone who has ever known him. LEARNING A LESSON

Haddon Robinson’s voice may sound like velvet, but his faith is leather, tested on the streets of Harlem and bound to the ground through a life of hard-won application and a realistic sense of human depravity. Born in New York City in 1931, he grew up in a tenement section of Harlem called Mouse Town. At the time, Reader’s Digest called it the toughest neighborhood in the country. “If it wasn’t,” Robinson added, “it was trying hard.” His mother died when he was ten. His father, a “righteous man,” worked second shift on the Railway Express. The neighborhood



was unsafe—in later years Robinson’s father was beaten up twice by thugs. With little supervision and the need for protection, young Haddon joined a gang. One night, police intercepted the group before a fight. When an officer searched Haddon, he found an ice pick hidden in his clothes. “What do you plan to do with this?” the officer snarled. Haddon replied, “Chop ice.” The police officer sent him sprawling. Robinson’s Christian conversion occurred unexpectedly during the most practical of quests. “I became a Christian,” he said, “because my cousin Bob and I were on a ‘spiritual’ search: we were looking for a church with a basketball team. We found it at Broadway Presbyterian. Then I discovered that every silver lining has a cloud, because, in order to play on a team, you had to go to Sunday school at least three Sundays a month.”

There are no great preachers, only a great Christ.

Faced with the dismal prospect of DBSS—death by Sunday school—Robinson entered the classroom unprepared for what he encountered: teacher John Mygatt and an amazing lesson. Mygatt used a quiz show format and religious pictures cut from funeral home calendars to rivet every boy’s attention. “I learned more in John Mygatt’s Sunday school class than I did at seminary or at a Christian college,” Robinson remarked. “I’ve come closer to being bored out of the faith than reasoned out of it. John Mygatt cared enough about us boys to teach an interesting lesson.” Mygatt also cherished his boys enough to take an interest in them. He was the only person from church who ever visited Robinson in his rough neighborhood. “My glasses had broken, and I was too lazy to fix them,” recalls Robinson. “John comes to my door and Said, ‘I’ve been saving this money for a new suit, but I don’t need a new suit, and you need new glasses. So take my money and go buy yourself a pair of glasses.” Robinson didn’t take the money—he didn’t need it—but he was profoundly impressed. “John was that kind of person,” he said. “He had a great influence on me.” The bifocal lesson—care enough about people to teach them an

interesting lesson and also to take a personal interest in them— stayed with Haddon Robinson for the rest of his life. ONE BIG QUESTION

As a lad, Robinson preached to his cat in the living room. “I had the most Christian cat in the community,” he said. If the cat ran under the couch, Robinson would turn on his stained-glass voice and condemn him. At sixteen he went with a group of men from Broadway Presbyterian Church to a local prison. The men preached first and then young Haddon took a turn. At the end of his message, twenty prisoners came forward to receive Christ. Robinson felt encouraged with what he assumed was a typical response. Then one of the church members told him, “Son, we’ve been preaching here for twenty-five years, and no one has ever come to Christ.” He once went to hear Harry Ironside—the renowned pastor of Moody Memorial Church in Chicago—preach. It was the closest thing to a calling he would ever receive. “Why I would ever go to listen to a preacher on a Thursday night is a mystery to me,”




I had come to the place [at DTS] that there was not much of a challenge left here. I hadn’t had to walk on water in a long time.

He also taught his classmates how to preach, since preaching courses at the seminary did not exist at that time. “I have no idea what they got out of those sessions,” he later told Moody Monthly, “but it was a learning experience for me!”

Robinson said, “but I did.” Afterward he wrote in his journal, “I heard Dr. Ironside tonight. Some people preach for an hour, and it seems like twenty minutes. Others preach for twenty minutes and it seems like an hour. I wonder what the difference is?”

In the eerie classics library—where “they come and spray cobwebs every so often”—sat Dr. Dieter, a chain smoker wreathed in smoke. Robinson recalls: “I went in, and he said to me, ‘Well, what do you want?’ I said, ‘I want to preach.’ ‘Preach, huh? You believe you need the Holy Spirit to preach?’ ‘Yes, I do.’ ‘You’re out of luck,’ said Dr. Dieter. ‘He hasn’t been on campus for fifty years.’” But on the long library table between them lay a pulpit Bible, covered in dust. Dr. Dieter pointed at it and said, “You know how that book differs from Aristotle, Quintilian, and Plato? I’ll tell you: that book’s alive. I don’t know anybody whose life changed by studying those books, but I do know some people whose lives have been changed by studying that book.”

He has spent the rest of his life trying to answer that question. SORRY FOR BEAVER

Haddon married his college sweetheart, Bonnie Vick, two weeks before moving to DTS. “Not a good way to start a relationship,” he later quipped. The two met at Bob Jones University where Bonnie had almost gotten herself kicked out of school for making “coweyes” at Haddon in the lunch room. “My mother is the most genuinely gracious and kind person I’ve ever met,” said Robinson’s daughter, Vicki Hitzges, now a motivational speaker in Dallas. “I watched Leave It to Beaver and felt sorry for him because he didn’t have a mother who told him she loved him as much as mine did.” Whereas Bonnie grew up in a legalistic family, Haddon clung hard to grace. “Dad was wonderful for Mother,” said Vicki. “He kicked the world wide open to her. And she, in turn, was the most loving wife. She was like Nancy Reagan when he preached—she had that look; she’d lean forward in her chair and just hang on every word.” Robinson arrived at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) in the fall of 1951 after turning down a scholarship to Princeton. He and Bonnie lived on the third floor of a seminary apartment building where they shared one bathroom with Stan and Maxine Toussaint and two other couples. There was no air conditioning, and the temperature that summer soared well past a hundred degrees. “It was horrid,” said Vicki. “I often think that with his two masters’ and his honors doctorate in radio he could have made millions. Instead, we lived in working-class neighborhoods, and Dad taught preachers how to preach. I think his reward will be amazing.” While still a student, Robinson headed the seminary’s Heritage radio program and served as director of Dallas Youth for Christ.




Robinson graduated with his ThM from DTS in 1955. After a short stint as an associate pastor in Oregon, he accepted President John Walvoord’s invitation to return to his alma mater to teach preaching. While in Dallas, he earned a master’s degree at Southern Methodist University. He then pursued a doctorate in communications at the University of Illinois. They didn’t have a preaching adviser, so they sent him to Dr. Otto Dieter, a classics scholar.

“That was a word of grace to me,” said Robinson. “Here I was alone, facing this hard-bitten German professor. And that was like God saying to me, ‘Robinson, you need the Holy Spirit, and you need the Bible, don’t forget it.’” LIGHT IN A BLIND SPOT

Every institution outside of heaven—no matter how holy or helpful—has its peculiar blind spots. DTS is no different. During the Civil Rights movement, the seminary was slow to invite African American students to campus. Robinson looked at the student body and saw nothing but white faces staring back. The sight troubled him enough that he asked an administrator about it. The man said that there were Jim Crow laws in Dallas which prevented DTS from integrating black students with white students, so they couldn’t do it. “Sure we can,” said Robinson. “We just invite them in.” The administrator replied, “No, the law would be against that.” Robinson couldn’t help himself. “That’s an immoral law,” he said. “Let’s break it.” Later, when the first African American students came to campus, most found themselves in the pastoral ministries department with Robinson. “I think they came because I grew up in Harlem,” he said. “One of the first to come was Tony Evans. I’ve often thought if we had not accepted Tony because he was black, what a loss to the school and the cause of Christ.”

Evans later wrote of Haddon: “Dr. Robinson was more than just a great professor. He also became a personal mentor spending countless hours with me discussing life, family, and ministry. He both encouraged and challenged me to maximize my gifts and calling for the advancement of the gospel and promotion of racial reconciliation. I am but a small part of the great cloud of witnesses that can testify to the eternal impact Dr. Haddon Robinson has made in keeping preachers like me from the sinful extremes of either boring people with the Word of God or exciting them with the words of men.” The pastoral ministries department grew under Robinson’s leadership. Besides his seminary duties, Robinson also served as general director of the four-thousand-member Christian Medical and Dental Society and edited their journal. For personal rejuvenation, Haddon enjoyed lunches with fellow DTS faculty members, Bruce Waltke, Harold Hoehner, Stanley Toussaint, and Zane Hodges. “It was probably the richest, deepest fellowship that I’ve ever known,” he said. “You can go to college and come away with little more than a memory. You go to seminary, and you come away with an association with some grand-souled men and women of God. Some of them have already entered the kingdom. The rest of us are packing our bags!” ALL PREACHING IS NOT FROM THE PULPIT

After serving at DTS for nineteen years, Robinson received an invitation to become president of Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary (now Denver Theological Seminary). Included in his résumé were testimonials by colleagues and supervisors. One read, “You could not find a people-oriented person who was a better administrator.” Another said simply, “Any organization that takes him out of a teaching situation would be in trouble with the Lord.” What swayed Robinson to accept was the encouragement of his Dallas colleagues and a desire to risk. “Generally speaking,” he said, “you are wise to consider a change in whatever ministry you’re doing after a twenty-year period. I had come to the place [at DTS] that there was not much of a challenge left here. I hadn’t had to walk on water in a long time.” Robinson became president of Denver Seminary in 1979. During his twelve-year tenure, he reshaped the seminary in significant ways and served as president of the Evangelical Theological Society in 1984. But like everywhere else he served, it was Robinson’s gracious daily interactions and wise advice that left the most memorable impression on people around him. In 1991, Robinson left Denver to join Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary as the Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor of Preaching. While there he published numerous books and articles, edited journals and magazines, wrote for Our Daily Bread, served briefly as interim president, became chair of the DMin program,

and maintained a busy speaking and conference schedule. Together with Dr. Alice Matthews, he also hosted Discover the Word (formerly Radio Bible Class). Never far from Robinson’s mind, no matter the heights he attained, were Harry Ironside and old John Mygatt—the men so influential in his youth. For this reason, Robinson made every effort to encourage students and younger faculty members. Dr. John Hannah (ThM, 1971; ThD, 1974), now research professor of theology and distinguished professor of Historical Theology at DTS, recalls that Robinson once called to ask his opinion about a particular faculty member whom Gordon-Conwell wanted to hire. “That was revolutionary in my mind,” said Hannah. “Here was a man who sought out the opinion of a younger, far-less-experienced teacher. Haddon gave me the gift of respect.” INCARNATING THE MESSAGE

The ice-pick-toting gang member from Harlem who dedicated his life to teaching preachers has incarnated his message in the most compelling of manners. “Preaching,” said Phillips Brooks, “is truth poured through personality.” Haddon Robinson understood that. “We affect our message,” he wrote in Biblical Preaching, his best-selling manual now taught in over 140 seminaries and colleges. “The audience does not hear a sermon, they hear a person—they hear you.” And they have. “I see Christ in you,” a Chinese student named Abraham wrote to Robinson on his eightieth birthday. “I see the love of Christ in you. Without you, I have no idea how to communicate an idea well. You have taught me how to preach. Moreover, you have taught me life.”

STEVE SMITH (ThM, 2012) is a freelance writer and stay-at-home parent who rejoices in the value and sanctity of small things (giftofsmallthings.com). Because of his own toxic church background, he is passionate about freeing people from spiritually abusive environments through grace and truth (libertyforcaptives.com). Steve lives with his wife and two sons in Columbus, Ohio.



A LU M N I C O N N E C T I O N In Memory Peter Guerrant Cosby III (attended in 1938) died on September 17, 2016. After pastoring churches in North Carolina and Virginia, PG became the executive director of Lynchburg Covenant Fellowship, where he saw the development of housing for low-income families. PG also served as interim pastor in churches affected by Hurricane Camille. He received the 1975 humanitarian award from the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Loren Cecil Christian (ThM, 1953) passed away August 29, 2016. After graduating from DTS, Cec pastored churches in Washington, Maryland, and Canada. He worked as the principal of Christian schools in Alaska. After retiring in 1998, Cec continued to serve the Lord by volunteering at his church in Oregon and serving those in the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home as a visiting pastor. Martin G. Stuck (ThM, 1953) passed away on October 7, 2016. Dr. Stuck pastored churches in Washington, California, Iowa, and Illinois. His career as a pastor spanned sixty-three years and eight congregations with his last years spent as an associate pastor at Oak Lawn Bible Church in Oak Lawn, Illinois. Dr. Stuck was known for his spiritual wisdom, warmth, approachability, and encouraging words. Trueman “Ted” Martin (ThM, 1956; ThD, 1958) passed away on Sunday, June 26, 2016. Ted graduated from Princeton University with a degree in general engineering followed by his degrees at DTS. During his fifty-six years on the staff of Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), he began the Institute of Biblical Studies for the staff. Additionally, he taught at Cru’s International School of Theology in Southern California for twenty-three years. Theodore “Ted” Smith (ThM, 1956) died on August 27, 2016. After serving in World War II and attending seminary, Ted and his wife, JoAnne, moved to Tacoma, Washington, to serve at First Presbyterian Church. He lived out his faith in Christ as a youth pastor, elder, men’s Bible



study teacher, and wherever else he was needed. Richard “Dick” Williams (ThM, 1957) passed away on August 23, 2016. Dick knew his passion and calling was in ministry. He served over sixty years in North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Texas. He also taught chaplaincy courses in Abilene, Cisco, and Brownwood, Texas. Dick was an area missionary with Cisco Baptist Association and served as a chaplain for thirty-five years in Brownwood, and surrounding counties, including home health and hospice. Donald E. Anderson (ThM, 1959) died on July 27, 2016. After receiving his degree from DTS, Dr. Anderson earned his DMin from Talbot Seminary. He was the founding executive director of Pine Cove Camps, formulating the innovation of counselor-centered Christian camping by creating a curriculum for camp counselors. Before starting Pine Cove, he served as the program director for The First Christian Camp and Conference Center and as a Young Life Facilitator in Dallas. Dr. Anderson also pastored churches in Texas and served as a youth minister in Washington. Hoyle E. Bowman (ThM, 1960) died on August 23, 2016. He served in the Merchant Marines and the US Marine Corps. During WWII, he had the distinct honor of serving as a personal bodyguard to two admirals in the South Pacific. Upon returning home, Hoyle followed the call of the Lord to full-time ministry and attended Piedmont International University and DTS. After several years as a pastor, he returned as professor of theology at Piedmont International University for fifty-one years and earned his doctor of theology from Grace Theological Seminary. V. Deane Keller (ThM, 1960) died on February 26, 2016. Deane graduated from Multnomah University in 1955. He was married to his wife, Doris, for sixty years before her death in 2013. Deane served as pastor of Grace Church in San Luis Obispo, California, for fourteen years. Kaleel Ellison (1964) died on September 23, 2016. Rev. Ellison served

in the United States Navy during the Korean War, graduated from Tennessee Temple University, and received an honorary doctor of theology from Salt Lake Baptist College. He pastored Corinth Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, and served as executive director of the City Rescue Mission and Reno-Sparks Gospel Mission. Kaleel also served as the southeastern district treasurer, secretary, vice president, and eventually president of International Union of Gospel Missions. He was a faithful servant of God, a longtime minister to the lost, and an honorable veteran. Harold B. Janzen (ThM, 1967) passed away on September 23, 2016. He was drafted into the US Army and served in Germany with the occupational forces and was honorably discharged as a sergeant. Harold pastored a Mennonite Brethren Church in Oklahoma and Kansas. Later he went to work for Sun Oil Company until his retirement. Harold was a faithful member of Alva First Baptist Church in Oklahoma, serving as a deacon and Sunday school teacher and was an active member of the Kiwanis Club for many years.

Keith Howard Stone (STM, 1976) passed away on September 11, 2016. Keith received an honorary doctor of divinity degree for his many years of effective and faithful Christian ministry from Shasta Bible College where he also taught for sixteen years. He served the Lord as a pastor for churches in California and Montana, most recently at Shasta Community Church in California. Keith loved spending time with students and friends and family, reading, traveling, hunting, and fishing. Paige Cothren (MABS, 1977) passed away on September 1, 2016. Paige attended Ole Miss where he was a gifted and hardworking football player, aiding the team’s success in the mid1950s, which included back-to-back SEC championships. After college, he played for the Los Angeles Rams, Philadelphia Eagles, and New Orleans Saints. After coming to faith in Christ, he pursued a degree at DTS. Paige worked both privately and on church staff as a Christian and biblical counselor. Along the way, he wrote numerous books and frequently spoke in churches as far away as Australia.

Louie C. Suter Jr. (ThM, 1970) passed away on July 22, 2016. Lou served as associate pastor at First Baptist Church in Hazel Park, Michigan, and then pastor of Calvary Memorial Church in South Dakota and Rapids Baptist Church in Minnesota. Lou retired in 2012 but continued to serve the Lord as an interim pastor in Whitehall, Wisconsin. His greatest joy was preaching about Jesus, making friends, visiting parishioners and shut-ins to share his faith.

Marvin Harold Lippincott (ThM, 1981) passed away on June 18, 2016. After serving in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War, Marvin went on to serve as a Navy chaplain for over fourteen years. He was a member of Independent Fundamental Churches of America. Marvin enjoyed remodeling houses and watching and playing all kinds of sports. He was also inducted into Phillipsburg High School’s Football Hall of Fame in Phillipsburg, New Jersey.

Donald Louis Gregory (ThM, 1976) passed away on June 21, 2016. Don served in Korea with the US Marines where he sought to win soldiers to Christ on the front line. In 1961, he answered the call to missionary service among remote Asmat tribespeople in West Papua, Indonesia. After receiving his degree from DTS, Don went on to teach cross-cultural missions and Bible at Grace University. Since that time, Don proclaimed the gospel of Christ through working with Pioneers for missions and pastoring small Bible churches.

Gregory “Garry” Eadon (MABS, 1988) passed away on April 29, 2016. Garry had two passions in life; people and, more specifically, young people. He brought his encouraging nature to many churches and schools over his lifetime including Manning United Methodist Church and Clarendon Christian Learning Center in South Carolina as well as Cleveland Baptist Church and Macedon Grammar School in Australia, profoundly impacting and changing the lives of countless youth and children through his ministries.

Jeffery Lee Kunze (attended 1991– 95) passed away on September 11, 2016. He attended Grand Rapids Baptist College in Michigan, DTS, and Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Illinois where he earned his master of divinity. He enjoyed camping, studying history, and reading. He was a member of Crosspoint Church in Clinton Township, Michigan. Shirley A. Johnson (CGS, 1995) passed away on July 3, 2016. Shirley studied at Portland State College, Oregon State University, University of Oregon, and DTS. She volunteered at Travelers Aid and the USO while serving her church faithfully. Along with raising her children, she enjoyed jigsaw puzzles, games, baking and cooking, knitting, sewing, reading, and playing the organ and piano. Over their sixty years of marriage, Ron and Shirley vacationed on over fifteen cruises, traveling all over the world. Lewis Norton Hindley III (attended 1997–2004) died on July 13, 2016. For years, Norton competed in triathlons throughout Texas as a member of Tri4Him. He was a consultant to the dental industry as an accredited senior appraiser. He and his wife, Debb, directed Homeward Bound, a parachurch organization that engaged his God-given love of youth and the outdoors to minister to junior and senior high students. In his church in Durango, Colorado, Norton served college students, led small groups, and started Lighting for Literacy through which he led teams to assemble and install solar lights on the Navajo Reservation. Jennifer L. Clouse (MABS, 2008) passed away on August 9, 2016, after a long battle with cancer. Jen received a bachelor of science degree from Texas A&M University and went on to pursue a career in business consulting. Her love for God’s Word eventually led her to DTS, where she earned her master’s degree to teach God’s truth more effectively. Jen embraced life in all its fullness, from running marathons, to loving kids in Africa, to teaching women’s Bible studies, to serving in inner city ministries.

Updates: 1960s Completing twenty years on the administration team of Biblical Ministries Worldwide (BMW), Jim Brown (ThM, 1961) now serves as BMW’s coordinator for the emergency management team. He takes part in fellowship and community with over thirty young men in one-on-one discipleship sessions.

1970s After forty years of pastoring churches in Dallas, Fred Campbell (ThM, 1970) is devoting his retirement to leading Living Grace Ministries. This worldwide ministry is committed to helping churches develop servant-leaders and provides a oneday workshop on the five essential principles of servant-leadership for anyone serving in a leadership role. Wes Spradley (ThM, 1972) recently made his sixth trip to Union Bible Institute in South Africa where he taught the book of Hebrews and the General Epistles during the third term. Wes works with TEAM missionaries Eric (ThM, 1987) and Susan Binion. Ed Murray (ThM, 1973) and his wife, Coralee, trained their Bulgarian staff to teach others to develop ministry partners and raise support. While the process was challenging, the response was beyond what they expected. Their vision is to use the process of establishing a strong support base as a platform for making disciples and creating strong relationships to allow God’s work to be done with integrity. As part of Spanish Health Ministry’s VBS for Hispanic immigrant families in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, Jack O’Brien (ThM, 1973) and Patricio Paredes will teach a Bible study for the Hispanic men. Some are unbelievers, and some have made professions of faith but need to understand how to live as disciples of Jesus. Roger Doriot (ThM, 1974) and his wife, Suzanne, are pleased to see that the current leadership of the GIDI National Church (Nalja District) has a burden for developing effective ministries. These include estab-

lishing personal evangelism, evangelism in neighboring areas and throughout Indonesia, discipleship, theological and secular education, areas of family life, and biblical giving. Encouraged that economic and community development continues to move forward, the leaders remain focused on Matthew 6:33—putting God first in everything. Christiantoday.com published a story on Dr. Tony Evans (ThM, 1976; ThD, 1982) and his experience with racial discrimination. Dr. Evans explains why believers should see each other as Christians first before being black or white. Arden Steele (ThM, 1976) and his wife, Helen, returned to Bolivia and each taught courses during the cross-cultural missions training at the Coachaca training center where their son Jonathan is the UCE (Union Cristiana Evangelica) missions training director. While serving as a chaplain in the Texas juvenile justice system and working in the Therapon Counseling Ministry, Roy C. Frink (MABS, 1978) is spending his retirement running a real estate office, tending cows and horses on a ranch, and doing repair work on rent properties including

painting, carpentry, and plumbing. Life remains exciting with two ministries, the business office, and the farm. Operation Dawn Drug Rehab (ODDR) in Hong Kong ministers to drug addicts through rehab primarily based on the Word of God and prayers, instead of medicine. Alongside his self-supported missionary travels to teach and train students who plan to go into full-time ministry, Willie Liu (ThM, 1978) continues to serve with ODDR during his retirement. About two years ago, a family who worked for the American consulate started attending Al Nucciarone’s (ThM, 1978) church in Israel. They are native Spanish speakers who desire to see a Spanish group in the church. Today, they have a small Spanish-speaking group worshiping with them each Sunday with headphones for translation. One of Dr. Jeff Richards’s (ThM, 1978) books, Kingdom Bound (Wipf and Stock), is now in both Russian and French with publishing houses in the Ukraine and Kinshasa, of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. continued on next page

DTS ALUMNI AT THE DTS ISRAEL TOUR 2016 These alumni were able to join the annual DTS Israel Tour this past year, visiting close to a hundred sites in Israel with several participants’ Fitbits tracking over a hundred miles of hiking. Back Row: Dan Pfeifer (ThM, 2012), Rod Chaney (ThM, 1989), Ramon Uribe (ThM, 2011), Nathan Coleston (ThM, 2016), Dr. Jay Smith (ThM, 1989) Front Row: Dr. Mike Grisanti (ThD, 1993), Jessica Taylor (ThM, 2012), Helena Ford (ThM, 2014), Joseph McNeil (ThM, 2016)





Timothy Hoke (ThM, 1979) is in his ninth year serving in Kampala, Uganda, at African Bible University. He teaches theology and Bible in addition to serving as deputy vice chancellor and country director of Uganda.

radio program where he also serves as executive producer and host.

After nineteen years with Grace Brethren International Missions (now Encompass World Partners), Tom Stallter (ThM, 1979) is in his eighteenth year at Grace Theological Seminary. Back in 2007, they inaugurated the GTS Center for Korean Studies after years of offering Korean classes. Now offering a bilingual doctorate of intercultural studies program, the school serves over a hundred students and holds classes in seven other countries.

On a recent trip to Sisak, Croatia, with HiS PRINT Ministries, Bill Himmel (ThM, 1985) led a prayer summit for area church leaders, missionaries, and other leaders to build unity, celebrate diversity, and facilitate teamwork. There, he met Victor Titarchuk (MACE, 2001) from the Ukraine, who attended the HiS PRINT Ministries baseball coach clinic.

1980s The bachelor’s program of Hanoi Bible College in Vietnam has two classes, the first serves twenty-five students and the second class has thirty. Scott Cunningham (ThM, 1980; PhD, 1994) has seen another useful program bring around fifty-five pastors from the rural areas to the Bible college for two-week intensive classes four or five times a year. The school has also started extension classes with six locations approved by the government. Jim Roche (ThM, 1980) develops discipleship and leadership training programs to encourage ministry multiplication as an orality project leader for Entrust. Concordia University in Irvine, California, announced its partnership with best-selling author and DTS adjunct professor in biblical counseling, Dr. John Townsend (ThM, 1980). He will lead the Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling at Concordia Irvine. Although he recently ended his role as part-time pastor of Orlando Chinese Baptist Church, Pastor James C. Yang (STM, 1980) serves at different Chinese churches as the guest speaker in the Orlando, Florida, area. He and his wife, Lily, continue to visit mainland China to help house churches in the Shanghai and Xian areas. This past year, James



Dr. Alan Godwin (MABS, 1985) speaks nationally for Cross Country Education, conducting seminars for mental health professionals.

led a marriage enrichment retreat in Xian (photo above) to emphasize the biblical principles of marriage to many young couples. Dr. Frank Benoit (MABS, 1984; DMin, 2009) returned to Spain for a new five-year term of service under Tentmakers Bible Mission and in cooperation with the Federation of Independent Evangelical Churches of Spain. As chairman of the Northeast Evangelical Theological Society, Dr. Gary Gromacki (ThM, 1984; DMin, 1997) recently presented his research paper on The Descent and Ascent of Christ in Ephesians 4:7–10 at the Northeast Evangelical Theological Society meeting. Gary McKnight (ThM, 1984) and his family returned to the USA after a decade teaching at Nairobi International School of Theology (NIST) in Kenya. While overseas, Gary taught Christian spirituality to master’s level students at Jos ECWA Theological Seminary in Jos, Nigeria. Gary currently serves on the executive board of the Society of Professors in Christian Education and continues to work on his applied research project focusing on spiritual formation to fulfill his DMin requirement at DTS. As chief executive officer of East-West Ministries International, Dr. Kurt Nelson (ThM, 1984), is thrilled to return to the mission field. He will lead a team of fourteen from Texas, Arkansas, and Florida on a short-term mission trip to Cuba where they will carry the gospel door-to-door throughout the cities of Colon, Varadero, Cardenas, and surrounding areas. Peter Wallace (ThM, 1984) launched a daily one-minute version of his Day 1 weekly ecumenical

Dr. Randy Rheaume (ThM, 1985) recently published a revised edition of his PhD dissertation entitled, Equal Yet Subordinate: An Exegetical and Theological Analysis of the Son’s Relationship to the Father in John’s Gospel (University of Wales). Tim Beard (ThM, 1986) recently retired from UIM International after serving twenty-five years with them and thirty years in Indian missions. He continues to pastor Calvary Bible Church in Toppenish, Washington, doing chapel services in the local nursing home, and working with CEF Good News Clubs. Jcfloridian.com featured an article on Rev. Dr. Robert McElroy (MABS, 1986) who brought the Union Grove Whole-School Reunion to a close with a message of hope and salvation. David P. Ley (ThM, 1987) published Why God? His Purposes in Our Pain (Outskirts Press), a book about God’s purposes in His people’s suffering. David has also started PhD studies in educational leadership at Talbot Seminary. After twenty-six years serving in the Philippines with OMF International, Doris Nichols (MABS, 1987) now equips, trains and serves in a missionary care role. Her daughter Katy recently enrolled in online courses at DTS-Houston. Angela Thomas-Pharr (MACE, 1987) published REDEEMED: Grace

to Live Every Day Better Than Before Bible Study and DVD (Lifeway Christian Resources) which explores the practical side of redemption, inviting women to lean upon Jesus for real help and hope. In addition to pastoring Community Bible Church in Highland, Maryland, Steve Sorensen (ThM, 1987) broadcasts a short weeknight radio commentary—on Shine FM 95.1 and Voice of Truth Radio on the Internet—to the Baltimore and Washington, DC, area called Inside the Word. Priest Richard Armstrong (ThM, 1988) occasionally teaches at Denver Seminary on various topics related to the Orthodox Christian faith and enjoys hosting groups of students at the church for prayer services and instruction with a discussion. Fr. Armstrong serves at St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Christian Church in Littleton, Colorado. While serving as an adjunct professor at Tyndale Seminary in the Netherlands, Ed Scearce (ThM, 1988) leads extensive international teaching and preaching ministries in India, Romania, Nigeria, and Cameroon. Mike Miller (ThM, 1989) had considered his time in public education as a waiting period before God placed him in a ministry position in a church. While interviewing for a minister of education position at his church, he received news that a rebellious teenager was now a stellar student and involved in church. Mike currently serves as the principal at Georgetown ISD’s DAEP campus, where kids attend when they commit serious offenses.

1990s Living Stone Church held their first services this year under the leadership of Chris Comfort (ThM, 1990). They currently meet at the R. B. Hunt Elementary School in St. Augustine, Florida. Dr. Sukhwant S. Bhatia (ThM, 1991) spent the last few months correcting and editing the text of the new Hindi Study Bible for the publication of the second edition of the Study New

Testament with over five hundred improvements. Biblica is working with a new printer in New Delhi for the first run of ten thousand copies. The publication of the full Bible is still being worked out, and they hope to see it soon. Ahwatukee.com featured Agritopia’s lead designer, Steven W. Barduson (ThM, 1992), whose architectural design won the competition to design the Ahwatukee Farms community in Phoenix, Arizona. Alan Foster (ThM, 1992) and his wife, Kim (MABS, 1988), moved to Clarkesville, Georgia. After planting and pastoring East Lanier Community Church (PCA) for twelve years, Alan now works for the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) as director of church planter recruitment. Kim teaches special education at a local elementary school. Proclaiming the Gospel, the Roman Catholic ministry of Mike Gendron (MABS, 1992), celebrates over twenty-five years of God’s faithfulness with over twenty thousand subscribers worldwide and over three million gospel tracts and books in circulation. Rodney Howard (ThM, 1992) is “building businesses while building lives” with his wife, Laura, and his daughter, Kathryn. They are a brokerage that provides services internationally in the industries of energy, telecommunications, and merchant services. Michael Martin (MABS, 1992) serves the Second Infantry Division Soldiers for Cadence International in South Korea. He asks that God would bring need and supply together through this ministry to soldiers at Camp Casey. Dr. Andrew Spurgeon (ThM, 1993; PhD, 2003) and his wife, Lori (MABS, 2000), recently joined the staff of East Asia School of Theology in Singapore. Although retired, Bruce Postma (MACE, 1994; MABS, 1994) continues to serve as the associate endorser of military chaplains for the Plymouth Brethren.

Karsten Schmidtke (STM, 1996) started her doctoral dissertation on Jonathan Edwards’s Understanding of Conviction of Sin at the University of South Africa. She will continue to serve as a teacher after completing her degree. She is a Bible teacher in the Theological Teaching Service in Haiger, Germany. Dallasnews.com reported Priscilla Shirer (MABS, 1998) was honored as one of four prominent women of faith during the 10th anniversary of God’s Leading Ladies Life Enrichment Program.

Thanks to faithful supporters, school supplies were available with sturdy bags. Lloyd Chinn (ThM, 2002) and his wife, Jan, pray for a good school year full of provision and grace. Dr. Richard Klein (DMin, 2002) pastors in two different locations, teaching four times a week, and tutors three graduate-level students. He and his wife have made fifteen trips to Belize and have snorkeled in almost fifty different locations.

Kraig Kelly (MABS, 1999) plants churches for the Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians in the Dallas area. His newest project is called Ethnic Hope—a multiethnic church in the far northeast Dallas suburban area. The Pais Movement prepares missionaries specifically in missions, discipleship, and study. National Director Robert L. Johnson (MACM, 1999) leads the ministry in offering free apprenticeships all over the world seeking to equip the saints for works of service. Dr. Beverly Dureus (ThM, 1999) completed her DMin and published her dissertation entitled, Yahweh’s Feasts and Harvests, and Hebraic Customs: A Module for Missional Evangelism and Discipleship. Beverly also published, Holiday Island (Salem Publishing Solutions), a children’s book that teaches Christ’s role in the holidays. She also founded Katallasso Ministries International, an expository teaching and proclamation ministry.

2000s With over twenty-five years of prolife ministry experience, Daryl Rodriguez (ThM, 2000) works with groups like Justice for All, Center for Bioethical Reform, Created Equal, and Love of Truth Ministries, which began with the vision of training churches and individuals in abortion and theological apologetics. The Girls Christian Vocational School in South Africa opened its doors with twenty-five students.

Pictured above is Dr. Abe Kuruvilla (ThM, 2002) who visited Greece this past year. While he was there, he connected with Jerry (ThM, 2011) and Suzanne Varghese (MACM, 2010), missionaries with Cru in Ioannina, Greece, and their son, Petros. As part of International GraduateSchool of Leadership’s (IGSL) emphasis on providing practical training, Craig Thompson (ThM, 2002) took his small student group to minister to other high school students at Jubilee Christian Academy in the Philippines. They led the senior class through four days of training aimed at strengthening their faith and evangelism skills. After serving for eight years as senior pastor at Poplar Springs Baptist Church in Ringgold, Georgia, Christopher Petty (MABS, 2004) moved his family to La Paz, Bolivia, as fulltime missionaries with SIM. He will train pastors and mobilize missionaries from Bolivia to other parts of the world, including to least-reached people groups. His wife, Joy, will be ministering in the home and in the community. Restless Heart Ministries serves the brokenhearted, hurting, and anxious believer through the reassurance of the love and grace of God. It helps them develop a more

biblical worldview. Director John Newton (MABS, 2005) hopes for a small retreat center where individuals, couples, and families can come to rest and receive biblical counsel. Shorelinemedia.net featured a story on Leighton Seys (ThM, 2005) and his new role at Ferry Memorial Reformed Church in Montague, Michigan. Dr. Vasily Dmitrievsky (ThM, 2006; DMin, 2010) is involved in mobilizing North American churches to go to Russia for short-term expeditions to evangelize and make disciples with a goal of planting new multiplying churches. Jeremy Caudill (ThM, 2008) serves as an active duty chaplain in the US Air Force. He and his wife Laura just adopted their fourth child and moved to Korea. After serving as the executive pastor in one of their four congregations, Tim Kimberley (ThM, 2008) moved to be the pastor of leadership development of Frontline Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. PK Kumar (MABS, 2008) serves with People Available for Lord’s Service (PALS). PALS is a small ministry based in Garland, Texas, that stands for the love and the Word of God and supports the churches in the Indian and Pakistani communities around the Dallas-Fort Worth area. PK is also a gospel songwriter, composer, teacher, and singer in Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu languages. Jenny McGill (MACM, 2008) published Religious Identity and Cultural Negotiation (Pickwick). Shirley Ralston (MACE, 2008) and her husband, Jeff, returned to the US after living in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, for almost four years on an expat assignment. They look forward to what the Lord has next for them in Houston, Texas. Shirley will continue to serve on the research team at Houston’s First Baptist Church. continued on next page



A LU M N I C O N N E C T I O N Jeff Wright (ThM, 2008) the new supervisory chaplain at the Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) in El Reno, Oklahoma, joins three other DTS alumni serving as chaplains in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. David Holston (ThM, 1997) serves as supervisory chaplain at the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Brian Wright (ThM, 2010) serves as supervisory chaplain at the Federal Prison Camp in Pensacola, Florida. Jeremy Myers (ThM, 2008) serves as staff chaplain at the FCI in Sheridan, Oregon. Gospelink seeks to advance the gospel through national preachers. As part of their team, Kenneth Gibbs (MACE, 2009) teaches at the International Bible College of Zambia. He also heads curriculum development and represents the organization. Dr. Luis Gomez (DMin, 2009) celebrates pastoring twenty-nine years in El Salvador, Guatemala, and around the US. He has written two books with three more in the publishing process. Michael Lacey (ThM, 2009) now serves as pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Saco, Maine. He and his wife, Jennifer (MACL, 2016), look forward to what God has in store for them in this new adventure. Thrive: Life-giving Disciplines for a Chaotic World (Authenticity Book House), a new book by Dr. Markene Meyer (MACE, 2009; DMin, 2016), introduces twenty-first century Christ followers to the monastic rule of St. Benedict. The book is also a great small group resource. The Spiritual Life Conference of Bible Believing Churches and Missions (BBCM) this year focused on “Being Covenantal” with God. Samuel Rajkumar (ThM, 2009) reports good outcomes. The staff sought the Lord for the ministry’s future, and everybody left with great determination, having understood the impact they are making for God’s glory in South Asia.


2010s Cheryl Salter (CGS, 2010; MABS, 2014) uses her DTS education each day as she studies God’s Word to teach and minister to senior adults at her church, accessing the online classes to refresh her study each week. As business development director for Blessings International, Laura Berry (MACM, 2011) aids the team in their vision to heal the hurting globally and locally by demonstrating the love and compassion of Jesus Christ by providing life-saving medical supplies and building healthy communities by treating outbreaks of disease or by helping in overwhelming disasters. After three years at Focus on the Family, Jeremiah Bakk (ThM, 2013) moved to David C. Cook to help advance their global initiatives such as getting The Action Bible distributed to Cuba and India. First Church Heights in Houston, Texas, has gone from a hundred percent Anglo congregation to being totally diverse. Pastor David C. Harrison (MACE, 2013) of two years is grateful for the training he received at DTS during his time of transition. Dennis Trate (ThM, 2013) celebrates the growth of small group connections at Faith Community Church in Brookhaven, Pennsylvania, where he serves as the associate pastor. Over eighty percent of their average adult attendance is involved in a small group. While pursuing his PhD in systematic theology at Piedmont International University, Brandon W. Hebert (MABS, 2014) also started working at Baptist Hospital Beaumont as an RN for cardio diagnostics. Newlywed Alice Reed (MABL, 2015) and her husband, Martin, work for Wycliffe Bible Translators and will be moving to northern Canada to serve the Western Cree cluster of language communities through linguistics and literacy.

Tony Shetter (ThM, 2005), assistant professor, Lancaster Bible College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Pr.com reported a healthy, life-giving community is at the heart of a new evangelical church plant in Southeast Boise, Idaho. Keith Twigg (MACL, 2015) in the photo above, is the current lead pastor. As the new executive director of Destino, the Hispanic ministry of Cru, Mark Vera (MACL, 2016) will minister to Latino college students. These students are an “unsent people” and only a few are involved in campus ministries. They have tremendous potential to reach cities, communities, and families and make strong cultural connections to the Latin world.

New Ministries John Lowman (MABS, 1983), children’s ministry director, Frisco Bible Church, Frisco, Texas Scott Cooper (MABS, 1985), pastor, Mohrsville Brethren Church, Mohrsville, Pennsylvania Dr. Scott Harris (ThM, 1998), adjunct professor in Educational Ministries and Leadership, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas Douglas MacLeod (ThM, 2000), senior pastor, Mayflower Congregational Church, Kingston, Massachusetts Jeffrey Lark (ThM, 2003), theological director for the Red River Region, Cru, Cedar Park, Texas Jay Trull (MABS, 2004), director, Leader Formation International, Dallas, Texas Scotty Neasbitt (ThM, 2005), senior pastor, Barrington Baptist Church, Barrington, Rhode Island Leighton Seys (ThM, 2005), senior pastor, Ferry Memorial Reformed Church, Montague, Michigan



David Hionides (ThM, 2010), director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas Jonathan Norman (ThM, 2010), lead pastor, Trinity Chapel Bible Church, Benbrook, Texas Benjamin Brummett (MACE, 2011), church planter, Wayside Communities Church, Austin, Texas John Nuxoll (ThM, 2011), pastor, Christ’s Church of Amherst, Amherst, New Hampshire Kevin Gandy (MACM, 2012; ThM, 2014), pastor of students and discipleship, Real Life Church, Glendora, California Dr. Greg Rhodea (ThM, 2012; PhD, 2016), senior pastor, Grace Bible Chapel, Grand Rapids, Minnesota Ken Fisher (MACL, 2015), executive pastor, Anderson Mill Road Baptist Church, Moore, South Carolina Brooks Kimmey (ThM, 2015), senior pastor, First Baptist Church of Robinson, Waco, Texas Richard Blackburn (MACL, 2016), executive pastor, Fellowship Bible Church, Searcy, Arizona Jim Grosso (MABS, 2016; MACE, 2016), youth director, Clarence United Methodist Church, Clarence, New York Jill Lamar (MABC, 2016), house coordinator, Project Restore, Greenville, Pennsylvania Jordan Parker (ThM, 2016), multimedia specialist, Baptist General Convention of Dallas, Texas Christopher Scott (MACL, 2016), small groups pastor, Rocky Hill Community Church, Exeter, California




ALUMNI May 12–13

dts.edu/alumni REUNIONS for the 50th, 40th, 30th, 25th, and 20th year classes. Classes from 1966, 1976, 1986, 1991, and 1996 are invited to celebrate their reunions.

Jan 19 Feb 1 Feb 27 March 1–5 March 19–21 March 31 April 5 May 2


THE TABLE PODCASTS dts.edu/thetable


dts.edu/chapel DTS invites speakers from across the world to minister to students, faculty, staff, and friends. Throughout the semester, chapel is held every Tuesday through Friday from 10:40 AM to 11:20 AM in Lamb Auditorium. DTS will also have two Tuesday evening chapels this spring. Recordings are available online unless restrictions apply to the speaker(s) or content. Jan 24–27

SPIRITUAL LIFE CONFERENCE with Pastor Alistair Begg Jan 31 EVENING CHAPEL with Mrs. Kay Arthur Feb 7–10 GRIFFITH THOMAS MEMORIAL LECTURESHIP with Dr. Gerald R. McDermott March 6–10 WORLD EVANGELIZATION CONFERENCE with Dr. Célestin Musekura April 4 EVENING CHAPEL with Dr. Dennis Rainey April 25–28 SENIOR PREACHING WEEK



ON VIDEO dts.edu/media Student spotlight: Current student Rebecca Carrell is the wife of Mike, mother of Caitlyn and Nick, and morning cohost on Christian station 90.9 KCBI in Dallas/ Fort Worth. Her life mission is to love others the way Christ loves us, to serve others as Christ did, and to shine his light for the world to see. Alumni spotlight: Director of DTS en Español, Dr. Michael Ortiz (ThM, 2008; PhD, Seminario Teologico Centroamerican [SETECA], 2015) was born in New York City to Cuban immigrants. He came to submit his life to Christ and developed a hunger for biblical and theological studies. Most of his ministry has involved theological education and teaching in Spanish-speaking countries. Alumni spotlight: Dr. Ramesh Richard (ThM, 1979; ThD, 1982) is founder and president of Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health (RREACH), a global proclamation ministry that seeks to evangelize leaders and strengthen pastors primarily of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Dr. Richard is also the founder of Trainers of Pastors International Coalition (TOPIC) and the general convener of the Global Proclamation Congress for Pastoral Trainers.


Interested in attending DTS? We would love to have you as our guest! Whether you are just curious or have already been accepted as a new student, visiting campus adds a dimension of experience that makes all the difference. Come and see what makes DTS unique! Seminary Preview Days are held periodically at each of our campuses. You can sit in on classes, worship with us in chapel, and chat with our faculty over lunch. If you can’t make it on one of the dates below, we would love to have you come for a personal tour. DALLAS March 3 April 7

AUSTIN April 29


HOUSTON March 4 in The Woodlands April 1

WASHINGTON DC February 11 March 18 April 8


NORTHWEST AR February 25



B O O K S & R E S O U R C E S : F R O M T H E D T S FA M I LY Nothing to Prove: Why We Can Stop Trying So Hard (Waterbook Press) Jennie Allen (MABS, 2005) Christians love to talk about the freedom we have in Christ, yet too often we wrestle under the burden of working to prove our worth—in our relationships, at our workplaces, and even in the church. Why are we so easily enslaved by this idea that we are what we do, rather than who we are in Christ? In her compelling and truly helpful new book, Nothing to Prove, bestselling author Jennie Allen tells us straight up: we are definitely not enough, but God is! The key is learning how to find our purpose, our strength, and our rest in him.

New resources from traditional publishers by members of the seminary family: Complete list at dts.edu/books Or visit our new and improved DTS Bookcenter website online bookcenter. dts.edu. *Faculty member



Pastor Unique: Becoming a Turnaround Leader (Westbow Press) Lavern Brown (ThM, 1986), Gordon Penfold (ThM, 1981), and Gary Westra Choose and Choose Again: The Brave Act of Returning to God’s Love (NavPress) J. Kevin Butcher (ThM, 1983) Holiday Island (Xulon Press) Gwendolyn V. Campbell and Dr. Beverly C. Dureus (ThM, 1999)

Moments with the Savior: Experience Jesus, the kindness in his face, the forgiveness in his eyes, and the power in his hand (Zondervan) Ken Gire (ThM, 1978) Discover a deeper intimacy with Jesus as you take a step-by-step journey through his life. In sixtysix meditations, Ken Gire captures the moments people shared with him that give us a picture of our Savior. Each of the short chapters opens with Scripture, fills in some details to understand the emotion of the event, and then ends with a prayer. In these portraits of Jesus’s humanity and divinity, we move closer to him by seeing him through the eyes of the biblical characters he encountered.

Retelling the Story of God (Westbow Press) Scott Davis (ThM, 2004) The Bible Expositor’s Handbook—Old Testament (BHAcademic) Dr. Greg Harris (ThD, 1998) Answers to the Most Important Questions About the End Times: Will I have to go through the Tribulation? Who is the Antichrist? What is Armageddon? And many more... (Bethany House Publishers) Dr. John Hart (ThM, 1976)

Heaven and the Afterlife: The Truth about Tomorrow and What It Means for Today (Moody Publishers) Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer (ThM, 1967) Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel (Crossway) Raymond C. Ortlund Jr (ThM, 1975), Dane Ortlund, and Miles V. Van Pelt Malachi Then and Now: An Expository Commentary Based on Detailed Exegetical Analysis (Weaver Book Company) Dr. Allen P. Ross (ThM, 1969; ThD, 1977)

Finding God When the World’s on Fire: Strength & Faith for Dangerous Times

The Power of a Clear Conscience: Let God Free You from Your Past

(Worthy Publishing) Charles R. Swindoll (chancellor)*

(Harvest House Publishers) Erwin W. Lutzer (ThM, 1967)

When the World Trade Center fell in 2001, it was only the beginning of a season of evil and unrest that continues to evolve every day. In this newly revised and updated edition of his post 9/11 book, Why, God?, Chuck Swindoll points us to the great Scriptures and eternal truths that calm our fear. These words of faith and hope give us strength and insight into difficult and dangerous days. No matter what tomorrow brings, the Word of God will never waver.

Resurrecting the Trinity: Restoring the Vitality and Wonder of the Triune God (Weaver Book Company) Dr. M. James Sawyer (ThM, 1978; PhD, 1987) Unseen: The Prince Warriors 365 Devotional (B&H Kids) Priscilla Shirer (MABS, 1998) The Center and the Source: Second Century Incarnational Christology and Early Catholic Christianity (Gorgias Press) Dr. Michael J. Svigel* (ThM, 2001; PhD, 2008)

Swindoll’s Living Insight New Testament Commentary: Insights on 1 & 2 Corinthians Insights on Hebrews (Tyndale) Dr. Charles R. Swindoll, chancellor* Interpreting Apocalyptic Literature: An Exegetical Handbook (Kregel Publications) Dr. Richard Taylor* Into the Void: The Coming Transhuman Transformation (Christian Publishing House) Dr. Lawrence J. Terlizzese (ThM, 1994; PhD, 2003)

Do you struggle with feelings of guilt about your past? Or are you bogged down by a conscience that haunts or imprisons you? This isn’t how God intends for you to live. Your conscience was created to guide you and point you to freedom from guilt and bad habits. A clear conscience helps you to live in the present without being distracted by your past. Dr. Lutzer, pastor emeritus of Moody Church, helps us to discover that the truth that hurts us can also help to heal us.

Meet Fathom Drew Fitzgerald (ThM, 2013), Brandon Giella (MABS, 2016), Kelsey Hency (MACE, 2016), and Jon Minnema (ThM, 2016) started a digital platform with the aim of compelling people to seek out the depths of Christian faith. Fathom is a digital magazine, a podcast, and a thing they call currents—basically a running list of curated articles on topics worth investigating. What is Fathom all about? “All of our content seeks to stir our reader’s curiosity. We believe indulging our curiosity acts like a weight to pull us beyond the surface of our faith. More than just knowledge waits for us when we forsake the shallows. In fact, we will find out how little we know as we plunge deeper. In the depths we are shaped into Christians who embrace empathy, honor humility, desire intellectual integrity, laugh a lot, and believe in beauty. At least that’s the kind of Christian we hope to help cultivate with Fathom.” Go to fathommag.com for more information.




alse pastors and false prophets have infiltrated numerous churches in South Korea, spreading their dangerous poisons of heresy. Masquerading as saints, these tricksters slither into the pews Sunday after Sunday, slowly gaining the trust of the people. Then, after months—or even years—have passed, they strike, turning the people against their senior pastors, appealing to emotional arguments, and offering new and enticing versions of truth. Sanghwan “Andy” Lee (current STM student) envisions an alternative life for the saints in his homeland, a ballast that will bring stability as the storms of heresy thunder. Lee works for Genius Factory (GPAC), a start-up company that presents a classroom-alternative education through the development of mobile device applications. Lee translates deep theology into common language, which is then converted into an interactive visual mind-map form on GPAC’s mobile apps (which can be found on the Android and iOS app stores). Korean false prophets don’t neglect the original languages of the Bible—they twist and manipulate them to garner support for a whole list of heresies, Lee explains. For example, they suggest that since the Hebrew word ‫( ֱאל ִֹהים‬elohim, “God”) is plural, that means there are multiple gods. Even as a youth, Lee sensed something was amiss, but he couldn’t quite pinpoint it. After attending five different seminaries, he has landed at DTS, where he has been thrilled by the depth and precision of study both in the original languages and in systematics.



But how can a mobile app fight heresy? Lee explains that formally studying the Scriptures is difficult for Korean people, yet they all carry mobile phones, playing games and watching movies before they fall asleep at night. But now Koreans can peruse the original languages of the Bible or dip into the various branches of systematic theology. As they grow in their understanding, they will be equipped to combat the heresies that threaten their churches. “Create an alternative,” says Lee. That’s the only way to bring change.




everal times a year, Dr. Swindoll preaches in chapel at DTS and engages in a question-and-answer time with prospective students. Here are some of the questions he answered recently.

How does your wife, Cynthia, enhance your ministry? Cynthia has loved Christ more intensely and more consistently than I ever have. It’s what drew me to her. She really loves Christ, and she wants excellence for me. When I haven’t done my best, she knows it. She’ll approach me all alone— never to embarrass me—and will say, “We probably need to talk.” I think, “Oh, no.” She gently encourages me to do my best and offers to help me. “If there’s anything I need to do to protect your time, let me know.” That’s my Cynthia—the most unselfish person I’ve ever known in my life.

You’ve taken all sorts of ministry avenues in your life. What gets you excited and what makes you say to yourself, “This is what I was created to do”? Jim Elliot once said, “Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.” Honestly, I feel energized in every phase of what I do. In the past, I tried to fake it, but it never worked so I decided to let the cracks show. What you see is what you get on a Sunday morning. During staff meetings, I feel energized about what we’re doing. Obviously, you’re not going to see me go after it like I do when I’m preaching. I do get excited about our church, the ministry, and the direction we are going.

tunity, and represents the greatest privilege, any person called into ministry will ever have. I made the most of it and felt excited. I knew I was called to study at DTS and each year my enthusiasm grew. As I became more aware of God’s Word and how valuable and relevant it is, my excitement surged. I don’t make his Word relevant—it is relevant. When I see lives being affected by it, I am contagiously excited about it. I can hardly sleep on Saturday nights—I cannot wait for Sunday morning knowing it is my privilege to do what I’m called to do.

When I study God's Word, I can't imagine doing anything else.

When I study God’s Word, I can’t imagine doing anything else. That has been true since I first sat down in my classes here at DTS. I believe this place offers the greatest oppor-



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