The Chronicle - November 2018

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Lexington Christian Academy (859) 422-5700

A Message From Mr. Cliff Iler Chair, Board of Directors


Kindergarten 8th Grade

Dear LCA Families and Friends, Over the holiday weekend, I shared that our Head of School, Mark Sisk, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I will ask, once again, that you and your family join the school in praying for Mark and his family. Mark has challenged each of us to continue to move forward and pursue the good works of the school in a manner that will glorify our God. We know there may be challenging days ahead of us, but we can take comfort in knowing that our God will be with Mark and his family as well as our school family. "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, yes, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 This edition of “The Chronicle” will provide you with an update on many of the good works of the school, which have been accomplished since the end of October. Included in this edition, you will find a board report, introduction to some special people around our school system, and highlight some of the many events hosted over the last month.


Brooke Johnson Brianna Arnold BOARD MEMBER PROFILE - 9

Danielle Eckman SENIOR STAFF PROFILE - 10

Denny McCardle LCA HAPPENINGS - 11 #LCAin5 - 16

The next couple of weeks will be filled with Christmas parties and preparations for fall finals. I hope you and your family can attend one of the school’s Christmas productions. The LCA choral program will present “The Joy of Christmas” on December 6 and 7. Our preschool-1st grade Christmas program will be held on December 10. Our 2nd-5th grade Christmas program will be held on December 11. The band and orchestra will host a concert on December 13. Come out and celebrate this special time of the year! PICTURED ON THE COVER Fall leaves with the cross tower in the background at our Rose Campus.

Clifton Iler

One of our preschoolers holding the American flag during a special chapel ceremony for Veterans Day.


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Updates from the November board meeting held on Monday, November 26, 2018.

Advancement Terri Morrical, our advancement committee chairperson, provided an update on this year’s Peppermints & Pearls holiday market. As of Monday, the event produced a net revenue of $25K. All proceeds of this event benefit LCA’s Celebrate Teachers’ Christmas Fund. The school will continue to accept donations for the Celebrate Teachers Christmas Fund through December 3. Terri also provided an update on the school’s upcoming annual celebration, “Faith Service and Excellence, Celebrating 30 Years of Christ-Centered Education with Special Guest, Tim Tebow.” The event will be held on January 19 at Immanuel Baptist Church. Tickets went on sale to the LCA community on Monday and were open to the public on Tuesday. For more information on VIP packages and sponsorship information, please contact Terry Johnson at

Education Lori Graham, our education committee chairperson, shared a recommendation to adopt AP Psychology for the 2019-2020 school year. The course would replace the school’s dual-college credit course offered by Georgetown College. The board approved the recommendation to adopt this new course. Lori also presented a proposal for a new leadership trip. The committee received a request for 11 students and 2 chaperones to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and tour Washington D.C. on February 25-March 2, 2019. Attending the CPAC would allow the students to observe the democratic process, learn political discourse, evaluate argument development, and better understand modern day civics. The board approved the proposed trip.

Finance During the finance report, our Director of Finance, John Morgan, presented an update on the school’s current financial statements. In addition, he provided a review of the school’s financial covenants and a list of key dates for 2019-2020 tuition setting and budget approvals.

Nominating Jeff Gehring, chair of the nominating committee, discussed the importance of seeking nominees possessing skills and expertise, which could benefit the school. For example, the school should seek nominees skilled in the areas of business, counseling, education, engineering, faith/spiritual, finance, health/medicine, law, marketing, and safety. For more information on the board nomination process, please contact


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Personnel Lee Tompkins, chair of the personnel committee, shared that the high school is currently seeking an English teacher for the spring semester. Earlier this school year, it was shared that a search committee would be formed to interview and recommend a permanent candidate for the 6th Grade Academy/Junior High Principal. The position will be posted and interviews will take place after the holidays. In regards to our openings for a Director of Curriculum & Instruction and a 6th Grade Academy-Junior High Spiritual Life Director, the search committees continue to evaluate applicants for further consideration. For more information about the school’s openings, please contact Julia Leopold at


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Get to know our terrific kindergarten teachers. Kathy Bentley, Kindergarten Teacher "One of my favorite LCA memories is when the Rose Campus opened. My oldest son, Ben, and his class were the first ones to spend all four years of high school there!" Education: Bachelor's from Eastern Kentucky University and a Master's Degree from Georgetown Teaching Experience: 30 years at LCA

Marci Hucaby, Kindergarten Teacher "I love teaching kindergarten because this age is filled with wonder for learning about Jesus! I absolutely love teaching children that God has an amazing plan for them. I also love teaching this age to read." Education: Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Education Teaching Experience: 29 years at LCA

Kristin Kincer, Kindergarten Teacher "Something that not everyone knows about me, is that I did part of my student teaching in Australia, and I've been to six continents. God has AMAZING people following Him and spreading His love all over this world!" Education: Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Elementary Education Teaching Experience: 19 years at LCA

Jennifer Long, Kindergarten Teacher "My advice to families would be that there are many years that your child will be in school. Academics are important, but spend quality time with your children because they grow fast. When our children get to the pearly gates, God will not say, "Wow! You made all As" but will say, "You have ME in your heart. Welcome." Education: Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Elementary Education Teaching Experience: 27 years (19 years at LCA)

Sandra Redish, Kindergarten Teacher "Something fun that most people don't know about me is that I drove a '56 Chevy truck in college. I also drove a school bus for a job." Education: Bachelor's Degree in Special Education and Elementary Education Teaching Experience: 24 years (20 years at LCA)


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Get to know our wonderful 8th grade teachers. Courtnie Bentley, Math Teacher "Something fun that not everyone knows about me is that I can twirl fire and was a majorette in high school." Education: Bachelor's Degree in Middle School Education and History and a Master's Degree in Special Education Gifted and Talented Teaching Experience: 10 years (7 years at LCA)

Lea Clark, Science Teacher "I love teaching at LCA because I love being able to lead the students in exploring new content in fun and exciting ways within a Christian context." Education: Bachelor's Degree in Elementary and Middle School Education and a Master's Degree in Education Teaching Experience: 12 years at LCA

Wynn Harris, History Teacher "I love teaching 8th grade because I'm able to see the growth of students in so many ways. They are at an interesting phase of life. It's wonderful to see how God is growing them and what he is doing in their lives." Education: Bachelor's Degree in History/Secondary Education and a Master's in Instructional Leadership/ Principalship Teaching Experience: 14 years (2 years at LCA)

Tonya Ingram, Math Teacher "Something fun that no one knows about me is that I was shy and awkward in high school. I was terrified that a teacher would call on me or ask me to speak in class. I liked blending into the background. Now I speak in front of teenagers all the time!" Education: Bachelor's Degree in Math Education and a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction Teaching Experience: 16 years (5 years at LCA)

Chris Ray, Bible Teacher "What I love about teaching is when we are talking about the Word of God and can see the truth and meaning start to click for a student in a real way that it never has before. There's nothing better than watching scriptures come alive for young people in new ways." Education: Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Master's of Divinity, and a Master's Degree in Teaching Teaching Experience: 8 years (3 years at LCA)

Joy Sparks, English Teacher "The advice that I would give to families is to never stop reading with your children. Every summer, my family chooses a book, and we read it and discuss the Biblical principles we can find in the text. Two summers ago we read "This Present Darkness" by Frank Peretti. My kids are still talking about spiritual warfare in the book and its application to modern day events." Education: Bachelor's Degree in Music Education and a Master's Degree in Education Teaching Experience: 9 years (4 years at LCA) THE CHRONICLE

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Brooke Johnson (Class of 2012)

Tell us a little about yourself. What have you done since graduating from LCA? Since graduating in 2012, I have finished my undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering with minors in Mathematics and French, and participated in several internships and summer jobs with prolific engineering companies such as Bechtel and Denso. I am a second lieutenant stationed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Currently, I am finishing up my first active duty assignment by getting my Master's Degree in Software Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology.

What is one of your favorite LCA memories? Participating in the LCA marching band and indoor percussion ensemble every year provided me with an incredible collection of experiences and invaluable friendships. I cherish every memory made during my too-short time participating in musical performance at LCA.

Why did you choose to pursue a career in the military? Having grown up with a parent in the Air Force, I already knew the lifestyle that the military had to offer. I wanted to continue the military family legacy along with my brothers. The Air Force was also able to provide me with unparalleled educational opportunities, which made it an easy decision to commit to.

What advice would you give to current LCA students? Pursuing what you are passionate about is more important than upholding expectations. Don't ever think that you're in too deep to change your life in the direction you feel is right.


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Brianna Arnold (Class of 2013)

Tell us a little about yourself. What have you done since graduating from LCA? After graduating from LCA in 2013, I attended the University of Kentucky, where I had a full scholarship from the Air Force. During my freshman year, I joined Air Force ROTC, a sorority (Pi Beta Phi), and a military fraternity (Pershing Rifles). As a junior, I decided to join the UK Women’s Club Soccer Team. After a few years of competing against my peers in ROTC, I earned a pilot slot in the Air Force. After graduating from UK with a degree in math and commissioning as a 2nd Lieutenant, I attended Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training at Vance Air Force Base in Enid, Oklahoma. I recently graduated from pilot training and will soon move to Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico to train in the HC-130J. After close to a year of training in New Mexico, I will travel to Washington state for Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) Training. Then, I will move to Moody Air Force Base in Georgia to fly the HC-130J Combat King II, which is the only dedicated fixed-wing Personnel Recovery platform in the Air Force (search and rescue). What is one of your favorite LCA memories? I can’t think of just one specific memory, but some of my favorite memories are from the soccer team. I played high school soccer all four years, and loved every minute of it! Why did you choose to pursue a career in the military? I am a very active person, and I wanted something exciting, challenging, and one that would take me on an adventure every day. My dad flew the F-4 in the Air National Guard, and now flies for FedEx. We are both very similar to each other, and I knew that he loves to fly, so I thought that maybe I would, too. I started researching careers in the Air Force and stumbled upon the Air Force ROTC website. Now, fast-forward a few years, and I can definitely say that flying has made its way to the top of my list of passions. Plus, in just a year of active duty, the Air Force has taken me all across the country. Soon, it will take me across the world! What advice would you give to current LCA students? First of all, there is no dream too big, because the infinite God of the universe lives inside of you! Second, when you are pursuing that big dream, let God FIGHT for you! You will encounter obstacles on the road to that dream. You’ll have hard classes, jobs, internships, choices, etc. This world will try to convince you that it’s all up to you and that you have to do it all on your own. But that’s not true! God is just waiting patiently beside you, ready to help the second you ask him to. The hardest year of my life was Air Force Pilot Training. I have never been physically, mentally or emotionally stretched so thin. As soon as I asked God for help and began the daily routine of talking to him on my way to the squadron each morning, I noticed a real difference in my attitude and my stress levels. Allow God to help you, and have patience after you ask him. You might not ever know exactly how he helped or intervened, but just keep in mind that he knows far more than you do. THE CHRONICLE

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Danielle Eckman is beginning her first year on the LCA Board of Directors, where she serves as Secretary. What are some things you would like others to know about you and your family? My husband, Shane, and I have been married for 13 years and have two boys, Coleman (age 9) and Jack (age 6). I am blessed in so many ways, but my greatest blessing is my family. Shane and the boys bring so much joy and love to my life. I am very family oriented and have a supportive and loving extended family as well. As a speech-language pathologist, I have always had a passion for education, especially for children with learning differences and learning disabilities. We are all uniquely designed by God and have different gifts to celebrate and share. I love discovering each person’s gifts and am always amazed at how God reveals them. Why did you accept an offer to serve on LCA's Board of Directors? When I was a child, I recall having a conversation with my grandmother about having a servant heart. She helped me understand that to serve and share the love of Jesus may be anything from a mission trip to serving in your community or family. LCA is not only my community, but it is part of our family. I chose to serve on the board as my way of showing gratitude to a community that has not only blessed my family, but in the hope of being able to bless others through this position. What have you been most proud of since joining the board? As a new board member, I am just beginning to see all of the hard work, servant hearts, and prayers that go on behind the scenes of our school. I am most proud to work alongside men and women who truly love LCA. They are willing to serve in so many different ways to make LCA the very best school, all while keeping God at the center. What professional expertise and skills are you most excited to share with the LCA Board? As a speech pathologist who has worked with children of all ages and in many settings including public schools, private schools, private practice, hospitals, home health, and a university, I feel I bring an understanding and knowledge of learning differences and accommodations. I have also served in leadership roles in these settings, so I have the knowledge of working with not only children, but also the adults in educational and administrative roles. What advice would you give to current LCA families? To pray for the school without ceasing, to remember all the good that exists in our school, and to get involved. Just as serving looks different for each family, involvement is different for each as well. For some it may mean volunteering at lunch, working in your child’s classroom, participating in PTF, attending LCA events, participating in athletics or fine arts, serving on a committee, financial giving or simply praying. However, you are led to serve, it is forever appreciated and will add to your connection and love for LCA. THE CHRONICLE

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Denny McCardle, Elementary Principal

Tell us about yourself and your family. What are some things you would like others to know about you? I grew up in Central Pennsylvania and began raising chickens when I was 10 years old. I had a profitable business, which allowed me to save money for school. Another interesting tidbit to share is that when I was a senior in high school, I lived with an Amish family. It was a wonderful experience that I cherish to this day. I received my undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University and my Master’s Degree in Christian Education and Church Music from Asbury Theological Seminary. I have also completed graduate studies at both the University of Kentucky and University of Cincinnati’s Conservatory of Music. I am a certified teacher in the state of Kentucky and am a credentialed administrator by AdvanceEd. Prior to joining LCA, I served as an assistant professor at Asbury Theological Seminary for 11 years. My wife, Pam, and I have one son, Denny, and two grandchildren.

Tell us about your role at LCA. I have worked at LCA for 20 years and started my career as a fourth grade teacher. I taught fourth grade for four years, and then through a series of events became principal. I first served as the principal of our East Campus and then moved to our Immanuel Baptist Church Campus. Currently, I oversee preschool through 5th grade programs. What should families look forward to in 2018-19 from your area? The 2018-2019 school year is special to me because we pulled our two elementary campuses together and become one family. It has been seamless. We truly are like one. As the school year continues, I believe our students will reap the on-going benefits, which come from our talented team collaborating and sharing on a daily basis. Currently, our team is working on a new math curriculum, which we hope to adopt in the upcoming year. Why are you proud to work at LCA? I think the number one thing that I would herald is LCA is a Christ-centered school. Christ is involved in everything we do – our relationships with students, parents and with one another. If asked, why would you encourage families to send their children to LCA? As I consider the world in which we live and the current state of our culture, I know of no better place where parents can form a partnership between home and school than what we offer here. THE CHRONICLE

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Since the end of October, we've had a lot going on including partnering with Immanuel Baptist Church for ROC-n-TREAT.Â

We had a great turnout for the first Donuts with Dads of the year for our PS-5th grade students. Guest speakers for the event included three LCA alumni, Zach West, Jerry Asberry, and Sam Weir, who are now with the Lexington Police Department. They spoke about their time at LCA and the impact it has had on their lives and careers.Â

LCA held its 4th annual Peppermints & Pearls on Nov. 8 & 9 with all of the proceeds going to the Celebrate Teachers Fund. Thanks to everyone who made this such a successful event!Â

It's always so special to honor and pray for our military during our Veterans Day Chapels.Â

Sixth graders enjoyed their Taste of India!

Junior High students packed Christmas shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. They raised more than $1,800 for the charity, which covered the cost of shipping the boxes and also allowed them to purchase additional gifts to include in the boxes.

The LCA Treble Choir led worship at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Nicholasville, Kentucky.

One of our sixth grade ambassadors leads a tour of the Sixth Grade Academy during a preview night.

Left: Elise Shewmaker with her family after signing her letter of intent to play softball at Lipscomb University. Right: Kyle Rode with his mother after signing his letter of intent to play basketball at Liberty University.

Left: Kendall Hayes signed her letter of intent to run cross country and track at Morehead State University.

Right: Grffin Sahli's parents watch as he signs his letter of intent to play baseball at Kentucky Wesleyan.

Terry Johnson, Athletic Director, recognized Anna Rupp for winning the 1A Girls State Cross Country Championship and the LCA Boys and Girls Cross Country teams, who were both 1A State Runners-Up.

LCA Cheerleaders won the region for Competitive Cheer Girls Small Section and will now compete at state.

#LCAin5 Follow LCA on Instagram @lca_ky_eagles Each week, we share five photos that capture the week at LCA. Check out some of these recent #LCAin5 photos.

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Shows are at 7:00 p.m. each night. Purchase tickets online at

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