Architecture Portfolio 2020

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“ A designer is a synthesis of an Artist, Inventor, Mechanic, objective economist, and evolutionary Strategist . R.Buckminster Fuller 1895 – 1983


Danai Dafnouli An open minded, junior architect, empowered by an artistic spirit. Believer in the strong bond between social sciences and architectural designs. Challenged by projects that require creativity and imagination. Highly concerned about the future of our cities and environmental crisis. Interested in innovative, sustainable designs and materials.

da na i. da fn ou li @ gm ai l. co m ) li nk ed in .c om /i n/ da na id af no ul i d




Building With Earth

Diploma and MSc in Architectural Engineering Master Thesis: Smart Cities and the Architectural factor Master Diploma: Environmental and researching center

Three day workshop on natural contruction, organized by the student initiative “re [F] used Architects” in collaboration with the Social Cooperative Enterprise “Sustainable Development Initiative”.

Wo r k s h o p A r c h i t e c t u r r a Ve n e z i a

( W. A . Ve ) A b r o a d – K a s t e l l i

International summer workshop, focusing on renovating and preserving the historic location of Casteli in Kissamos, Crete. Promoted by Iuav, university of Venice, took place in the Technical UniWversity of Crete.

E a s t a n d We s t : t wo d i f f e r e n t c u l t u r e s , t wo d i f f e r e n t wo r l d s

An enlightening seminar by D. Petakos, Dr. in history of science, took place at the Cultural Center of Xanthi. H i s t o r y o f S t r u c t u r a l E n gi n e e r i n g Promoted Service of Modern Monuments and Technical Works of East Macedonia and Thrace, took place in the Cultural Centre of Xanthi.



Revit Arch


Sketch Up







HOBBIES Martial Arts







E n v i r o n m e n t a l C e n t r e



T h e r m a l B a t h s



A r c h i t e c t u r a l C e n t r e



D i g i t a l M u s e u m



Fa m i l y R e d i n c e



Hiking Shelter



Po r t R e fo r m a t i o n




E nvironment a l Ce n tr e Vistonida Lake

Porto Lagos

The concept of an environmental center for Research and Education, intends to raise environmental awareness and trigger the public’s interest; scientific or not.

Our Thesis project is a combination of the research function, the exhibit of laboratory’s work and the open visit of the site. All this together will have positive results in informing and educating residents of all ages. The possibility of hosting researchers and selected visitors promotes long-term research and the conduct of full organized seminars, which helps in the development of the center and the surrounding area. With this in mind, we decided to design a facility which can promote the lake and the surrounding nature. The main idea was built around a multipurpose public establishment blending in with the natural landscape. Lake Vistonida is protected by the E.U. program “Natura 2000”. The intense fishing activity and the strong relationship of the residents to the water is the key feature of this area. On the chosen site, there is a long wooden bridge we decided to keep and reconstruct in order to allow all the fishermen to keep spending their time there. This bridge unites the two pieces of land. For that reason, our facility has many public spaces in order to help everyone get close to the water. 5


Study Area



Site Analysis

Sun Path Summer Winter

Moving Axes Road Ground

Water Observation Connections

Diagram of Uses



Public Space


Key building blocks were designed as light, non-permanent metal structures. A fusion of paths and roofed elements scattered

around the environment, following smoothly the ground’s morphology, are leading visitors on a guided walk around the nature. The composition is divided into three main zones; a controlled

cultural space, private quarters and open public areas. An elevated pathway that ends with an observation tower equipped

with viewing tools (binoculars) supporting birdwatching. The coexistence of visitors, researchers and passers-by should be achieved smoothly within the site.





LEVEL +5 11

Plans real scale 1:200

East Elevation

North Elevation

Section A-A’ 12

Controlled public zones support visitors and researchers via:

A Research laboratory with its own library, a two floor exhibition space where researchers can showcase their work and share their results with the audience. A fully equipped auditorium

capable of hosting relevant to the area events (i.e. lectures, presentations, seminars etc).

Private quarters for researchers include: Ten dorms that can host a maximum of twenty guests. A common area was researchers can cook and rest together living within the ecosystem.

A Laundry facility and Storage spaces. The coexistence of visitors, researchers and passers-by should be achieved smoothly within the site.


Dorm Detail real scale 1:50

Front Elevation

Section G-G’

Floor Plan 14


Thermal Baths Hot Springs of Thermes


The settlement of Thermes is known for the natural thermal springs that had been used from the ancient times as healing and bath therapy.

The main idea was not only to make facilities related to the existing natural

hot fountains, but also the best possible

integration into the natural landscape. Although the area of Thermes is only 40km

away from the center of Xanthi, those

springs are not very popular outside this

small village nowadays. It is a fact that,

this kind of alternative and healing tourism is flouring. The case of the hot spring in Thermes was an interesting challenge with

these significant potentials of development.

The development of springs’ facilities meant to bring the settlement back to life; not only socially but also financially. 15


The complex includes bathing, accommodation and collateral facilities, developed in an autonomous way, but still perceived

as a whole. At the same time, open passages connect every unit. The spa section provides access to the flowing water used in the

swimming pools, private pools, hammams and saunas. Every guest has the chance to experience the natural, healing temperature of the fountains.

The walking routes provide a panoramic view of the landscape.

The accommodation and spa unites were designed in such way, for a future expansion.


Fa c i l i t y U s a g e Reseption / info

Breakfast Hall



Casual Rooms

Luxury Rooms



Swiming Pools




B A’


LEVEL - 4 19

Plans real scale 1:200

Section A-A’

Section B-B’

Perspective 20


Architectural Centre Central Square


The objective of the centre is the documentation and presentation of the traditional architecture in Thrace, and how this could blend with the modern developments in architecture and landscape.

The main square of Xanthi, was selected as the study area, so every passer-by could benefit from the centre. The project is required to serve complex functions and contraction requirements, to claim its characteristically position within this specific urban environment. In addition, the design promotes the liveliness of the area, by touching the interests of modern society. These parameters det ermine a public building complex, with significant cultural character. The social impact the project provides will bring the immediate response from the local area and wider region. The centre’s ambition is to be a reference point for city’s residents, maintaining the collective memory. Furthermore, it will be a source that enhances the civilians’ experience, strengthen their critical outlook by encouraging them to participate. 21


The centre is horizondionaly divided in three domains, and has two different ways to enter the facility. The ground floor is

dedicated in cultural uses such as an indoor auditorium for the local cultural events, lectures and presentations, a classroom

equipped to support creative activities for children, and also a cafĂŠ-restaurant, open to everyone.

The first floor, which is accessible from the square above, holds all of the temporary exhibits, including some of the latest, local pieces of art.

The second and last floor is

committed to the traditional architecture and its progress through times. It contains a lot of handmade models of famous Thracian buildings, for the most realistic presentation.


Plans real scale 1:500

Level -4.00

Cultural Use

Level +0.00

Temporary Exibition

Level +4.00

Permanent Exibition


Moving Axis

East Elevation

Section A-A’ 24


Digital Museum Limenaria

Thassos Island

By rehabilitating this historical building and transforming it into an interactive digital museum, would give an interesting combination of old and new, past and future. The so called Palataki (small castle), is a placemark with high historical value. It is built upon the hill of Limenaria area, in Thassos island at north Greece. Its construction dates back to 1903, when the first mining industry, opened on the island. The Palataki, the most imposing building in the industrial complex, was the lord’s main house and also the headquarters of the business. The first and foremost concern was, not to spoil the unique eclectistic architectural style and character that makes it stand out. The integrated restoration of all elevations done exactly the way they were, even with the same colour pallet, in order not to affect its historical and cultural legacy. In the inside, after the in-place measures that were taken, the restoration proposal was based on the minimum possible intervention to the original plans. The idea of making the Palataki a museum, aims to spread the history of the industrial era, theoretically and practically; every visitor has the chance, not only to see the exhibits but also interact with them in a physical way. The ambition is to make this small palace an attraction, which can help the local economy and tradition.



The museum contains seven different rooms, each of them with a unique use. At the first floor, beside the main entrance, the permanent exhibition is located. At the end of the historical section, there is a small room from continuous projections that, finally, leads in the interactive part of the museum. Furthermore, there is a small refreshment store that ends up in the front yard. At the second floor, temporary exhibits find their place, and there are specially organized rooms for creative workshops, appropriate for every age. Also, a non-permanent cabinet is built for seminars and presentations, along with the direction’s office. The old attic, was turned into a reading and relaxing area.


The Attic


Fi r s t F l o o r

Seminar Hall / Direction

Ground Floor

Fa c i l i t y U s a g e

Entrace / Caffeteria

Relaxing Corner

Workshop Classroom Temporary Exchibition

Projection Hall Permanent Exchibition


LEVEL + 4.50

LEVEL +0.00 29

Plans real scale 1:100

South Elevation

North Elevation

+ 17.00 t

+ 13.70 t

+ 8.70 t

+ 4.70 t

+ 0.70 +t 0.00 t

Section A-A’ 30


Fa m i l y R e s i d e n c e Sardeon St.


A comfortable way to combine the permanent residence of a four-membered family, along with the parents’ professions: All under the same roof, but also independent.

This region of Xanthi, is not very dense in buildings and that made this site the most compatible for this kind of concept. The construction requirements were strict about the amount of the floors and the site coverage. The residence is divided in tree sections: the living area, a law office and a fully equipped music studio, outside. At the ground floor of the house, there are the living room and the kitchen that have immediate contact with the back yard. At the first floor, there are three large bedrooms and a guestroom, along with the individual uses such as bathrooms and closets.



Music Studio As a musician, the father of this family needs a totally separate place to practice and record his music, without disturbing the whole family. The studio has its own entrance and sound proof materials.

Law Office Being a lawyer means a lot of homework and study in a quiet place. The mother of this family needs a place where she can be alone and also having some clients in her home office, without passing through the house.


Plans real scale 1:500

Level +8.00

Level +4.00

Level +0.00



Hiking Shelter Nestos River


A non-permanent, open construction was needed to welcome all the nature lovers that visit Nestos every year, practicing all kinds of activities

The well-known river of Nestos is part of the cultural and environmental legacy; it is the fifth biggest river in Greece. The river starts from the centre of Bulgaria, and after 240 km., ends in the Thracian sea. The banks of the river are covered mainly by deciduous trees that extend into halfway between Bulgaria and Greece where it forms the modern boundary of Greek Macedonia and Thrace. The river later forms a delta to the north where swamplands, wetlands and a lagoon once existed except in the east. The absolute green landscape around the river is considered home for many birds and other small animals, some of them threated with extinction. Nestos river is an ideal touristic destination. The combination of this beautiful natural environment with the tradition found in every corner of the area, constitute guarantee for amazing activities. There are many organized hiking, rafting, and canoe trips all over summer.




Po r t R e f o r m a t i o n Port of Kavala


The reformation of the old por t aims to reconnect the city and its people with the sea, in a modern and sustainable way.

The city of Kavala is one the most beautiful in north Greece. Its urban life is






sea, as well as, with the medieval ruins that are still in a very good shape and

give a unique sense in the landscape. An






Romanian stone wall, was haunting the

south domain of the port. The building was about to be demolished, leaving only plane concrete behind it, that

would ruin that very precious spot. Instead, the reuse of the building seemed to be a more attractive and ecological

solution and it was the perfect chance to reform the whole south waterfront.



Through a series of walking wooden and concrete paths, that connect the complex to the city, the visitor comes in immediate contact with

the water element as it has the right distance from the stone wall, in order to see it properly. The diversity of the available activities makes the site appealing to everyone who wants to be near the sea.

In addition, some of the park’s features help the environmental friendly maintainace, as they make it self-sustained. An almost 50

sq. m. pod, is designed to collect the rainwater and use it to fertilize the park’s green areas. Also, all the lights around the site are been powered from the solar panels on top of the street lamps.


Urban Uses

1. Binoculars

2. Rain Collector

4. Baseketball / Tennis

6. Bycicling / Running

7. Leisure Time

3. Solar Enrgy Lamps

5. Swimming

8. Open Ampitheater


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