9 minute read
6.2.3. Drainage water system
Drainage is the method of removing surface or subsurface water from a given area. Drainage systems include all of the piping within a private or public property that conveys sewage, rainwater, and other liquid waste to a point of disposal. Residential drainage systems remove excess water from residential areas. This system helps whisk water away from walkways, driveways, and roofs to avoid flooding. Residential drainage systems are very important as they prevent rotting, mold, mildew, and structural damage in buildings from a buildup of water.
In this project , we adopted drainage water adopted on contour lines and street pattern and construction , rainwater will meet at the lowest point in the area , having a green structure contributes in absorbing the water especially in the buffer zone Which trees depend on absorbing wastewater in the site. In each rooftop there will be a pipe for rainwater fall, which is connected to the
surface water system. Palestinian Water Authority. (2020)
Figure (5): Material that used for the streets Source: Pinterest

Map (6): Drainage water Source: Researchers using AutoCAD
6.3. Energy & electricity
While planning for energy we need to take into consideration the environmental aspects, so that we design a neighborhood environmentally friendly, as a result of sustainable communities which combine energy efficiency and renewable energy generation. Taking into consideration the energy ministry by law.
Electricity is the backbone of life, industry and development, and it has become one of the requirements of production and what the current scientific revolution has reached, except thanks to the existence of electricity, its technologies, preservation and rationalization, a societal responsibility Therefore, attention and focus must be placed on the optimal use of electrical energy resources, as the optimal use of electrical energy resources is a set of procedures or techniques that lead to reducing energy consumption without compromising the comfort or productivity of individuals and the use of energy when it is truly needed, as improving energy efficiency and rationalization Its consumption does not mean preventing energy consumption as much as it means using this energy in a more efficient manner, thus reducing its waste.
Rationalizing the use of electric energy offers many benefits, including:
Reducing the subscriber's electricity bill. Avoid shedding loads at peak times and in the period when energy demand increases. Supporting the energy-saving equipment industry, especially from local production, in a way that helps in developing the national economy as a whole. Reducing the investments needed to establish new projects and directing them towards improving service quality.
In this project, a solar panel system was adopted based on standards and calculations, as this type of system helps to save energy and increase sustainable energy efficiency, and the LED system was adopted in street lighting in order to improve energy efficiency in the neighborhood, and the calculations were made to know the neighborhood's need of cells The housing capacity of this system, and the calculations were as follows:
Monthly consumption = daily consumption *30 days = 300/30 = 10 kW /day Should be produced in an average of 5 hour then: 10/5= 2kw per hour.
Monocrystalline cells which are made of silicon production by meter square is around 150W/hours which is around 1.5 kW per meter square and the cell area is 1.25 meter. Then: The area of cells needed = average consumption per hour / production of a meter square = 10kw / 1.5kw = 7 cell boards In case of storage or rise of consumption to 400kw we will need 9 cells then The area equal = 1.25m2 * 9 = 11.25 m2
And to calculate roughly, the board cost around 200 dollar each which equal to 200*9 = 1800 dollar.
And we also need cables and wires which are roughly around 1500 USD. 700 dollars for an inverter. And we need around 10 batteries 200A which are 350 dollar per battery. Then sum = 1500+1500+1800+350 = 7550 Dollar. (JDECO, 2019)
How do solar panels work to generate electricity?
In order to allow current to flow from the silicon cells, a typical solar panel (also known as a solar module) consists of a sheet of silicon cells, a metal frame, a glass casing, and separate wiring. In the following simpler stages, the photovoltaic process works: As the sun's rays interact with the silicon cell, the silicon photovoltaic solar cell receives solar radiation, electrons continue to travel, causing a flow of electric current Wires trap and feed this direct current (DC) electricity to a solar inverter to transform it to alternating current (AC) electricity. We’ve put together an infographic below to explain how solar panels work as shown in figure

Figure (5): Solar energy Source: https://news.energysage.com/solar-panels-work/

Map (7): Street lighting & solar panels location Source: Researchers using AutoCAD
6.4. Greenery
They are the most beautiful elements of the green fabric, and they are responsible for making any void of urban spaces beautiful and vibrant, and this element is employed in residential neighborhoods in the movement corridors for vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles, and also in public gardens, green spaces and open spaces, where it works to enhance these The areas in the residential neighborhood, and also this element is present at the neighborhood level in the home gardens, as the space surrounding the building greatly affects the thermal behavior and the air movement inside the space itself, so the phenomenon of temperature difference around the building affects greatly. So when planting trees around the building, you must take into consideration the height of the tree and its distance from the building, so that the distance of the tree from the building increases in the event of its increase in height, and trees are planted close to the walls, especially in the buffer zone, which is the area confined between the trees and the walls of the building, so this area is like a natural insulation and prevents the transmission of high heat to the inside of the building. In this project, the distance between each tree and the other is 6 meters was used in order to maintain clarity visibility and provision of shaded areas and attractions along pedestrian paths or bicycle paths. In this project, we used multiple types of trees and shrubs, as the Jacaranda and Washingtonia trees were chosen for the sidewalks of the streets, where the trees are used to block the vision, as the windbreaks, and as visual attractions, while we used the japonica plant in the central islands and between residential buildings, as the shrubs are used to block the low vision and as a fence to confirm the sound, as well as a fence and a fence. The path of the road, as for the ground vegetation, it softens the air temperature, stabilizes the soil and prevents it from eroding, and increases the permeability of the soil to water and air.

Figure (6): Roof garden and Buffer zone Source: Pinterest
6.5. Street Circulation
We created cycling paths in the road and that’s due to the contour lines which allows us to create such path. On the pedestrian side, another path were designed with appropriate greenery.

Figure (7): Street section in the site Source: Researchers
6.6. FTTH
FTTH's distinguishing attribute is that it explicitly binds optical fibers to homes. For most or all last-mile telecommunications, it incorporates visual fiber.
The key advantage of FTTH is:
Increased network efficiency, especially higher long distance speeds that cannot be achieved by the older approach of using coaxial cables, twisted pair conductors and DSL. FTTH is regarded by analysts as the right technology to handle user network demands in the coming decades owing to its substantially higher band width. Allows multiple upgrades without having to replace the fiber, causing some to call FTTH "future proof." Without having to update the fiber itself, the infrastructure around the fiber can be updated. Better speeds over longer distances than previous technologies.

Map (8): FTTH Network Source: Researchers using AutoCAD
7. Results
In conclusion, Infrastructure is one of the most important interrelated structural elements that must be taken into account in every country to improve it, as it works to provide a framework that supports the overall structure of development, and the development of the country or region. Therefore, in this project, we have planned an infrastructure with all its elements for a residential neighborhood, and its planning relied on forming a sustainable green infrastructure. To facilitate the turnover of the social process and daily life in general; this is to achieve the primary goal of creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly residential neighborhood. The main objective was achieved by relying on various infrastructure elements represented in (waste collection and management, electricity and sustainable energy, water in general and its distribution, sewage treatment and rainwater drainage mainly, mobility, communications), where the principles of low development were relied upon Impact (LID), and for buildings to be (Zero-net energy building ), and a focus on environmentally friendly methods for the health of the natural ecosystem, especially rainwater management and reliance on the principle of green spaces in the street such as trees and on the implemented materials from which the streets are designed to implement rainwater through them and protect from floods And taking into account the drainage and treatment of wastewater, the most important methods that have been followed to create a sustainable green infrastructure for the neighborhood is to rely on an increase in the green component of the neighborhood. In order to preserve the environment and the beauty of the neighborhood, by planting appropriate trees on the sidewalks, and designing green roofs on the buildings that also help to increase social cohesion between individuals.
In short, through our planning of the infrastructure elements in the neighborhood, we have concluded good quality, healthy, sustainable and safe life.
8. References
Drinking water distribution systems: assessing and reducing risks. National Academies
Press. (2006)
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) For Roads Rehabilitation Sub-
https://news.energysage.com/solar-panels-work/ https://www.britannica.com/technology/wastewatertreatment/Sewerage-systems https://www.schoolofpe.com/blog/2017/08/basic-types-of-residential-drainage-
JDECO. (2019) Mishra, Mishra, Tiwari. )2014( International Journal of Research in Advent Technology N, Mahmoud. )2020( Infrastructure planning considerations Natural Resources Conservation Service- Water Management Palestinian Water Authority. (2020) Water Distribution. Britannica Encyclopedia. (2019)