The Bear Essentials Volume 8, Edition 5
January 2012
In this issue:
Green Tip
Make it a Day ON, Not a Day Off On January 16, 2012, Glenside will participate in the MLK Day of Service. Like last year, we will create Valentine kits for children in area hospitals and have a bake sale to raise funds for a local homeless shelter. In addition, this year we will have a table set up with information about diversity-related and service-related ideas/activities for families to enjoy throughout the year. In order to make the service activity successful, we will need donations of the following items: crayons; construction paper; stickers; pencils;Valentine trinkets (e.g. very small toys, stamps); snack-size re-closable baggies; kidsized scissors; and glue sticks. In addition, we will need baked goods (with a list of ingredients, if possible) to be donated for the bake sale. We welcome volunteers to assist during the event, as well as help with set-up before and clean-up after the activities. Please contact Tasha Holland (, Shira Neuberger ( or Kelly Durand (
Special points of interest: x
(GLWRUV路 Announcements
Thank You Notes
The Bear Essentials
The Diversity Festival! March 28th Please look for updates and volunteer requests from the Diversity Festival Coordinators in the coming weeks. The festival is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all members of our community. In addition to attending the event,
please consider participating in the planning and hosting of the event. Start thinking now! Talk with students, family members, and friends about how you can share part of who you are (your culture, history, family) with the Glenside community.
Though it may be hard to believe (or, a great relief to you!), at the end of June, our two-year tenure as corresponding secretaries ends. We already have one enthusiastic volunteer, but the job is so much more fun when there is a team of two editors! Please, please, please take this opportunity to contribute to the Glenside Ele-
Green Tip
mentary School community. This is a perfect gig for the parent/s that FDQ¡W JHW WR WKH VFKRRO
Effective January 3, 2012, Cheltenham Township will launch single-stream recycling, so residents in the program will be allowed to commingle all recyclables in a single recycling container. Paper and cardboard will no longer have to be separated from glass, cans and plastic. All of the WRZQVKLS¡V RWKHU UHF\FOLQJ JXLGHOLQHV ZLOO UHPDLQ WKH VDPH (DFK ZHHN WZR public works crews will collect materials from homes ² one for refuse and one for recycling ² but both may use the same type of truck. The township plans to phase out its side-load recycling vehicles. The change will make recycling easier for residents, which officials hope will increase participation. 3OHDVH QRWH 7KLV FKDQJH LV LQGHSHQGHQW RI WKH WRZQVKLS¡V UHFHQW consideration of a change to automated trash and recycling pickup using large receptacles and new loading trucks.
during the day to volunteer. Please contact Kelly Durand or Shira Neuberger for further details at
The Bear Essentials
M a r k Yo u r C a l e n d a r
Upcoming Events January
16th -
MLK Day of Service (10am-1pm)
3rd -
Winter Family Fun (7 pm)
18th -
Early Dismissal (2:45 pm)
8th -
UPG Film Event (7 pm)
23rd -
PTO Mtg. (7:30 pm)
15th -
Early Dismissal (2:45 pm)
30th -
UPG Mtg. (7 pm³Admin. Bldg)
Winter Family Fun Night Mark your calendars now! It is sure to be a fun night for the entire family!
Kindergarten Open House (6 pm)
17th -
No School (Teacher Inservice)
20th -
No School 3UHVLGHQW·V 'D\
23rd -
Barnes & Noble Night (5 pm)
27th -
UPG Mtg. (7 pm³Admin. Bldg)
February 3rd, at 7pm
Thank yo u! Merci !
This newsletter made possible by
Our sincere thanks go to i Kathleen Brown and Elizabeth Hagopian, for their dedicated work in creating a wonderful holiday store where Glenside students could do all of their holiday shopping! Glenside Elementary School 400 Harrison Avenue
i All the amazing volunteers who helped Kathleen and Elizabeth run the holiday store, and Glenside, PA 19038 assisted the students in selecting items to purchase for their loved ones.
215-881-6440 (p) | 215-886-6797 (f)
i Cindy Graul and Patrick Snook, for volunteering so much of their time and exceptional talent for the Photo Fundraiser. You do beautiful work!
Contact the Editors: Shira Neuberger | 267--735-0233 Kelly Durand | 215--901-6370 Contact the PTO Co-Presidents: Nancy Bower | Tom Durso |